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crash and burn野人花园歌词翻译

2023-06-09 09:18:30
TAG: cra

  crash and burn 翻译

  When you feel all alone

  And the world has turned its back on you


  Give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart


  I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you

  It"s hard to find relief and people can be so cold


  When darkness is upon your door and you feel like you cant talk anymore


  Let me be the one you call

  If you jump

  I"ll break your fall

  Lift you up and fly with you into the night




  If you need to fall apart

  I can mend a brocken heart

  If you need to crash ,crash and burn

  You"re not alone




  When you feel all alone

  And a loyal friend is hard to find


  You"re caught in a one way street

  With the monsters in your head


  When hopes and dreams are far away and

  You feel like you can"t face the day


  Let me be the one you call

  If you jump

  I"ll break your fall

  Lift you up and fly with you into the night




  If you need to fall apart

  I can mend a brocken heart

  If you need to crash ,crash and burn

  You"re not alone




  Because there has always been heartache and pain

  and when its over you"ll breather again You"ll breathe again



  When you feel all alone

  And the world has turned its back on you


  Give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart


  Let me be the one you call

  If you jump

  I"ll break your fall

  Lift you up and fly with you into the night




  If you need to fall apart

  I can mend a brocken heart

  If you need to crash ,crash and burn

  You"re not alone






2023-06-09 00:59:005


2023-06-09 00:59:187


2023-06-09 01:00:222


中文名称:呼吸阀 英文名称:breather valve 由压力阀和真空阀组成,安装于货油舱透气管上,能随货油舱内油气正负压变化而自动启闭,使货油舱内外气压差保持在允许值范围内的阀。 它充分利用油罐本身的承压能力来减少油蒸气排放,其原理是利用阀盘的重量来控制油罐的呼气正压和吸气负压。当罐内气体的压力在机械呼吸阀的控制压力范围之内时,呼吸阀不动作,保持油罐的密闭性;当罐内气体空间的压力升高,达到呼吸阀的控制正压时,压力阀被顶开,气体从罐内逸出,使罐内压力不在继续增高;当罐内气体空间的压力下降,达到呼吸阀的控制负压时,罐外的大气将顶开真空阀而进入罐内,使罐内的压力不再继续下降。
2023-06-09 01:00:324

I need yOu like i need the air to breather.是什么意思?

2023-06-09 01:01:045

When you call me, When I hear you breather是什么歌的歌词?

  Take my breath away Berlin  Watching every motion in my foolish lover"s game  On this endless ocean finally lovers know no shame  Turning and returning to some secret place inside  Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say  Take my breath away  Take my breath away  Watching I keep waiting still anticipating love  Never hesitating to become the fated ones  Turning and returning to some secret place to hide  Watching in slow motion as you turn to me and say  Take my breath away  Through the hourglass I saw you  in time you slipped away  When the mirror crashed I called you  and turned to hear you say  If only for today I am unafraid  Take my breath away  Take my breath away  Watching every motion in this foolish lover"s game  Haunted by the notion  somewhere there"s a love in flames  Turning and returning to some secret place inside  Watching in slow motion as you turn to me and say  Take my breath away  My love, take my breath away  让我无法呼吸 柏林合唱团  注视著我在愚蠢的恋人游戏中的一举一动  在无尽的海洋中,恋人们终於不再羞怯  转身回到内心的秘密之地  看著你以慢动作转过来说  让我无法呼吸  让我无法呼吸  看著我仍在等待,期盼著爱情  从不犹豫成为牺牲者  转身回到秘密之地躲藏  看著你以慢动作转过来对我说  让我无法呼吸  透过沙漏,我看见你  及时的溜走了  当镜子碎裂时,我呼唤著你  转身听你说  但愿只为今日,我亦无惧  让我无法呼吸  让我无法呼吸  注视著我在愚蠢的恋人游戏中的一举一动  被某个意念纠缠著:  "远方火焰中的爱"  转身回到内心的秘密之地  看著你以慢动作转过来对我说  让我无法呼吸  吾爱,让我无法呼吸  有个人在收音机里听到了"Take my breath away"这首歌,觉得很喜欢,便到唱片行去,跟老板说要买这首歌的卡带,但一时又说不出歌名,老板凭著他的专业猜了半天,还是没有结果。  这首歌是一九八六年的空战电影「捍卫战士」( Top Gun )的主题曲之一,当时随著电影的卖座而红透半边天,演唱的柏林合唱团后来很快就不见蛋了,主演这部电影的汤姆克鲁斯却从此平步青云,成为国际大明星。
2023-06-09 01:01:182

喘息的单词 喘息的单词是什么

喘息的单词有:puff,gasp。 喘息的单词有:puff,gasp。 注音是:ㄔㄨㄢˇㄒ一。 结构是:喘(左右结构)息(上下结构)。 词性是:动词。 拼音是:chuǎn xī。喘息的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】喘息chuǎnxī。(1)呼吸深而快。(2)暂停活动、舒缓一段时间。二、引证解释⒈呼吸。引《素问·阴阳应象大论》:“视喘息,听音声,而知所苦。”《后汉书·张纲传》:“若鱼游釜中,喘息须臾之间耳。”宋吴曾《能改斋漫录·神仙鬼怪》:“惟贯所卧室户正开,犹奄奄然喘息。”⒉急促的呼吸;急促呼吸。引《淮南子·精神训》:“今夫繇者,揭__,负笼土,盐汗交流,喘息薄喉。”《儒林外史》第二十回:“挨到晚上,痰响了一阵,喘息一回,呜呼哀哉。”⒊指紧张活动中的短暂休息。引《醒世恒言·灌园叟晚逢仙女》:“家人喘息定了,方唤几个生力庄客,打起火把,覆身去抓寻。”杨沫《青春之歌》第二部第二章:“他轻轻坐在椅子上,喘息了一阵又说:‘请把灯捻小点。"”三、国语词典呼吸困难或呼吸急促的样子。如:「连加三天的班,让我们稍作喘息,再继续努力。」词语翻译英语togaspforbreath,totakeabreather法语halètement四、网络解释喘息(词语概念)【词目】喘息【拼音】chuǎnxī【释义】1、气息急促:喘息了好一会,才断断续续地把话讲完。2、比喻紧张活动间隙的短暂休息:连干了三个月,终于得到一个喘息的机会。③呼吸;气息:视喘息,听音声,而知所苦。【词意探源】1、比喻紧张活动中的短时休息。《说文·心部》:“息,喘也。”;段玉裁注:“人之气息曰喘,舒曰息。”2、因喘喘不安而呼吸急促。《世说新语·言语》:“昔每闻元公道协赞中宗,保全江表。体小不安,令人喘息。”3、指呼吸。《素问·阴阳应象大论》:“视喘息,听音声,而知所苦。”1、[gasp;pant]∶呼吸深而快喘息不止2、[breathingspell]∶暂停活动、舒缓一段时间趁敌人喘息之机,我们调来了增援部队。1、呼吸。《素问·阴阳应象大论》:“视喘息,听音声,而知所苦。”《后汉书·张纲传》:“若鱼游釜中,喘息须臾之间耳。”宋吴曾《能改斋漫录·神仙鬼怪》:“惟贯所卧室户正开,犹奄奄然喘息。”2、急促的呼吸;急促呼吸。《淮南子·精神训》:“今夫繇者,揭__,负笼土,盐汗交流,喘息薄喉。”《儒林外史》第二十回:“挨到晚上,痰响了一阵,喘息一回,呜呼哀哉。”3、指紧张活动中的短暂休息。《东周列国志》第七回:“孔父嘉居中,蔡、卫左、右营,离隔不过三里。立寨甫毕,喘息未定,忽闻寨后一声炮响,火光接天,车声震耳。”《醒世恒言·灌园叟晚逢仙女》:“家人喘息定了,方唤几个生力庄客,打起火把,覆身去抓寻。”杨沫《青春之歌》第二部第二章:“他轻轻坐在椅子上,喘息了一阵又说:‘请把灯捻小点。"”旱关于喘息的近义词喘气关于喘息的诗句触目或疑犹喘息夜后不闻龟喘息但冀喘息延关于喘息的成语凶喘肤汗息息相通喘息之间苟延残喘喘息未定蝉喘雷乾喘月吴牛关于喘息的词语延口残喘胸喘肤汗苟留残喘吴牛喘月喘息之机气喘如牛凶喘肤汗喘息之间喘息未定蝉喘雷乾关于喘息的造句1、前线战斗异常激烈,后援部队刚刚赶到,喘息未定,立即投入了战斗。2、人们兴奋地不敢喘息,生怕喘息的一瞬间,这些胜利的果实会化为乌有。3、随着一声突如其来的响声,打破了久违的不能喘息般的的寂静。一团彩色的光芒快速上升着,留下一线灰色的烟雾。4、在记忆里疯狂喘息,缭绕着情怀,诱惑了情感,爱让人深深陷入了柔情的漩涡里。5、乘胜追击,兵贵神速,不给敌人喘息之机。点此查看更多关于喘息的详细信息
2023-06-09 01:01:361

mouth breather 是什么意思?

2023-06-09 01:01:444


1.rail lines 2.inlet connector 进油管接头 3.connection elements after filter 4.fuel filter housing 住房燃料过滤器 5.EP line EP-line只是交换机生产商给这个交换机起的编号,还有D-LINK,TP-LINK,等,EP只是避免与其他厂商重复而起的产品编号6.claw 7.lines in front of filter 8.pressure control housing 压力控制室9.oil channels in the crankcase and connecting rods 10.oil bearing area 含油面积 11.air intake and gas-bearing parts 进气墨盒12.channels in the cylinder head 13.intake manfolds 进Manfolds14.exhaust manifolds for AGR 15.AGR radiator 16.crankcase breather
2023-06-09 01:01:523


2023-06-09 01:02:001


音乐是Laurel - Fire BreatherCome live with me and be my love Christopher Marlowe Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove That valleys, groves, hills, and fields, Woods or steepy mountain yields. And we will sit upon the rocks, Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks, By shallow rivers to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals. And I will make thee beds of roses And a thousand fragrant posies, A cap of flowers, and a kirtle Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle; A gown made of the finest wool Which from our pretty lambs we pull; Fair lined slippers for the cold, With buckles of th purest gold; A belt of straw and ivy buds, With coral clasps and amber studs: And if these pleasures may thee move, Come live with me and be my love. The shepherds" swains shall dance and sing For thy delight each May morning: If these delights thy mind may move, Then live with me and be my love.诗是:Come live with me and be my loveChristopher MarloweCome live with me and be my love,And we will all the pleasures proveThat valleys, groves, hills, and fields,Woods or steepy mountain yields.And we will sit upon the rocks,Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,By shallow rivers to whose fallsMelodious birds sing madrigals.And I will make thee beds of rosesAnd a thousand fragrant posies,A cap of flowers, and a kirtleEmbroidered all with leaves of myrtle;A gown made of the finest woolWhich from our pretty lambs we pull;Fair lined slippers for the cold,With buckles of th purest gold;A belt of straw and ivy buds,With coral clasps and amber studs:And if these pleasures may thee move,Come live with me and be my love.The shepherds" swains shall dance and singFor thy delight each May morning:If these delights thy mind may move,Then live with me and be my love.
2023-06-09 01:02:091


场边指挥的作用在比赛中针对不同的对手战术阵型,天气,场地和裁判风格,第一时间对初始战术进行微调,它比使用战术面板更加简单和直观。作为一个最近两代才出现的新鲜事物,即使是很多fm老鸟也不是很熟悉它,选项中很多语焉不详的短语让很多在英语国家生活的筒子们都摸不着头脑,所以在汉化出来之前,很多人会选择不用。。。在开始之前先罗嗦两句,因为以下两点很多人可能并不了解:1.场边指挥只会作用于战术面板上设置为“默认”的球队或者个人战术设置,对勾选状态下的设置无效。2.场边指挥使用过于频繁有可能让一些球员感觉无所适从,所以还是悠着点用。Play out of defence效果是让你的中后场在防守时少开大脚,把球稳稳的往前递,效果相当于大幅降低防守球员的“传球方式”。时机:当你的“传球成功率(防守)”太低,或者发现你的防守球员草率长传浪费了太多球权时。pump ball into box效果是让中后场球员多多往对方禁区里长传。边后卫会更多的传中。两翼球员减少拉边和控球。射手更多的前插。时机:比赛后半段急需进球,前锋有身体(快或高)优势,Clear Ball to Flanks这个好理解,防守球员把球往两翼出。所有边路球员会更多的在边路活动。时机:比赛后半段急需进球,而你有有很强的边路时。或者对手压上进攻,你试图快速反击时。或者当对手集火你的中路时。Push higher up防线压上。这个指令让你的防线压到中圈附近时机:对手龟缩,速度不快时。当然你也要掂量一下自己防线的速度和耐力Drop deeper防线收缩,防守球员退守本方半场。同时让他们在本方半场内紧逼时机:当你换用更多球员参与防守的阵型,需要给他们空间时。更典型的是当对手大举进攻而他们的攻击手速度很快时。get stuck in让所有球员铲球更狠时机:需要快速夺回控球权时。或者裁判比较松。或者对手风格偏软弱。当对手有很多盘带好,灵活的球员时慎用。stay on feet与上面相反,让所有球员(除了你设置的抢球中场外)铲球更小心时机:当裁判很严时。对手有很好的任意球手时。当对手有很多盘带好,灵活的球员时。pass into space传空档,多打身后球时机:当球场很长,而你的绝佳机会不多时。或者你发现对手后防看上去很慢。pass to feet与上面相反,少打身后(注意不要误会成传地面球的意思,并不会减少头球)时机:当控球很传球成功率太低。或者当你注意到对手能很好的拦截直塞球,尤其是当对手比你的球队更快,预判更好的时候。play wider更多利用球场宽度时机:对方在中路囤积防守球员时。或者对手的边后卫很弱。play narrower减少使用球场宽度时机:对手处于攻势且采用中路渗透进攻。或者对手处于守势但拉的较开run at defence进攻策略:让中前场更多的带球突破。(这里的defence是指对手的防线)时机:当你采用“慢”节奏,短传,同时你有好的突破手。play through defence进攻策略:通过传球撕开防线时机:个人突破效果不佳时shoot on sight拿球就射。时机:对方死守,很难创造出绝佳机会,常常在禁区里传死的时候。work ball into box减少远射,耐心等待机会时机:当你发现太多的远射打了飞机的时候hit early crosses让边后卫和边前卫尽早传中,相应的会减少带球突破,从相对更靠后的位置开始试图传中时机:对手的边卫状态很好,在底线附近没有起脚传中的空间。同时你的边路球员要有一定传中能力look for overlap这个比较复杂。让你的球员在两翼控制住球等待另一个球员(常常是边后卫)套边。这个指令会使你的边后卫心态更趋于进攻--更多插上,更多传中,更多底线传中,同时让你的边前卫心态更趋于防守--减少插上和拉边,更多的控制球,同时让你的其他中场球员减少突破。时机:当对方死守,中路打不开,你需要更多办法来撕开防线,同时对手边路防守球员不多或比较弱。用这个你得掂量一下边后卫的能力。retain possession让你的球员更多的控制住球。实际效果是放低“传球”和“节奏”时机:长传效果不好,球场比较短,你的前锋相对比较慢。get ball forward把球传到前场。实际效果是拉高“传球”和“节奏”时机:球场比较长,你的前锋/边锋速度快,无球跑佳。你的中场传球好。stand-off opponents给对手空间。效果是放低“节奏”,减少紧逼,区域防守,不盯人时机:对方死守,而你需要空间。或者当你想抑制一个进攻强大,快速的对手,你的防线阵型被打乱的时候。hassle opponents缠住对手。效果是拉高“节奏”,加强紧逼,人盯人。时机:希望快速夺回控球权。在面对阿森纳/巴萨这个类型的对手时要谨慎使用exploit the flands边路进攻。效果是向边路传球,更多的利用宽度,让边后卫更多的投入进攻,同时让中场中路球员控制住球。时机:对手收缩在中路,或者边后卫比较弱,后腰比较强悍。exploit the middle中路进攻。效果是传球集中在中路,让中卫和中场中路球员更多投入进攻,让他们更多的传身后球,同时让两翼球员向中路收缩,而让中路中前场球员包括前锋更多的前插。时机:你的两翼球员太弱或发挥不佳时,或者对手两边拉的较开,中路防守能力不足,或者球场比较窄。take a breather让你的球员保持控球,同时喘口气。效果是放低节奏,减少前插。时机:大比分领先,希望节省体能。还有一个用法是先用这个指令然后再突然加快节奏让对手措手不及play even safer采取更安全的策略,效果是让所有的球员(除了前锋)减少前插,减少传身后球,同时让所有球员(除了边锋)减少带球突破。时机:面对对手凶狠的反扑时,希望以保守的策略保持领先take more risks冒险,效果是让所有的球员更多的带球突破,更多的传身后球,除了后卫以外的所有人更多的前插时机:不用说了,这是用来垂死一搏的。
2023-06-09 01:02:171


2023-06-09 01:02:261


air brea the rfilter布莱德rfilter空气的词典结果:air[英][eu0259(r)][美][er]n.天空; 气氛; 空运; (简单易记的)曲调; vt.& vi.晾晒; 烘干; 播送; 广播; vt.使房间通风, 透气; 以上结果来自金山词霸
2023-06-09 01:02:531


  问外国笔友回来的时间,要怎么用英语表达?下面是我给大家整理的你什么时候回来的英文,供大家参阅!   你什么时候回来的英文   when are you going back?   When will you come back?   什么时候的英语例句   1. He knew when to leave well alone and when to interfere.   他知道什么时候该适可而止,什么时候该插手干预。   2. Stop asking questions! You should know when enough is enough.   别问问题了!你应该知道什么时候该适可而止。   3. I can"t remember the last time we went to the cinema.   我记不得上次我们去看电影是什么时候了。   4. Relax and take a breather whenever you feel that you need one.   要放松,什么时候觉得需要休息就休息一下。   5. When ever am I going to see you again?   我到底什么时候再见到你?   6. It"s so easy to lose track of who"s playing who and when.   很容易就忘记谁要和谁比赛,什么时候比。   7. He married Miss Vancouver in 1963, or whenever it was.   他好像在1963年还是什么时候娶了当时的温哥华小姐。   8. "What time were you planning lunch?"—"Half past twelve, if that"s convenient."   “你打算什么时候吃午饭?”“如果方便的话,12点半。”   9. You may have free passage across our territory whenever you require it.   无论你什么时候需要,都可以自由穿过我们的领地。   10. When did you last flirt with him or tease him?   你上次和他调情或挑逗他是什么时候?   11. When are you going to quit acting like a martyr?   你什么时候才能不再摆出一副可怜样?   12. He admits he doesn"t even know when his brother is in town.   他承认自己甚至不知道弟弟什么时候来了本市。   13. When would be the best time to start weaning my baby?   什么时候开始给我的孩子断奶最好?   14. Tom was utterly indiscreet, and could never keep a secret.   汤姆言语很不谨慎,什么时候也别想他守住秘密。   15. I asked him when he"d be back to pick me up.   我问他什么时候回来接我。   回来的双语例句   1. We"ll go to a meeting in Birmingham and come straight back.   我们将去伯明翰参加会议,然后马上回来。   2. They"re freshly baked. I fetched them from the baker"s this morning.   它们是刚出炉的。我早上去面包房买回来的。   3. He returned from a lunchtime drinking session with his business cronies.   中午跟那帮生意上的朋友喝完酒后,他回来了。   4. "Welcome back" was all they said. I could have kissed them!   他们只是说,“欢迎回来。”我真想亲他们一下!   5. He will soon be back in training for next year"s National.   他将很快回来为明年的全国联赛进行特训。   6. When Eleanor returned, I was still sitting glumly on the settee.   埃莉诺回来的时候,我还闷闷不乐地坐在长沙发上。   7. Soldiers took away four people one of whom was later released.   士兵们抓走4个人,其中1个随后被放了回来。   8. He was still twitchy and we awaited Ann"s return anxiously.   他仍然焦虑不安,我们担心地等着安回来。   9. Would Bethany return of her own free will, as she had promised?   贝萨妮会像她承诺的那样自愿回来吗?   10. He got his coffee, came back and settled down to listen.   他喝了杯咖啡,回来后开始认真听讲。   11. I"vebeen dragged back from Australia for no sufficient reason.   没有充分的理由,我就从澳大利亚被硬叫了回来。   12. Ma was still at work when I got back.   我回来的时候,妈妈还没下班。   13. We need to get it back as quickly as possible.   我们得尽快把它拿回来。   14. It"s great to have you back. Congratulations are surely in order!   你回来真是太好了,就等着向你道贺呢!   15. He predicted that my hair would grow back "in no time"   他预言我的头发“一眨眼”就会长回来。   
2023-06-09 01:03:001


4S店,是一种以“四位一体”为核心的汽车特许经营模式。包括整车销售(Sale)、零配件(Sparepart)、售后服务(Service)、信息反馈等(Survey)。 一 1.Cylinder block 气缸体  2.Cylinder liner 气缸套  3.Cylinder head 气缸盖  4.Cylinder head gasket 气缸盖垫  5.Cylinder haad fasteners 气缸盖螺栓  6.Cylinder head cover gasket 气缸盖罩衬垫   7.Cylinder head cover 气缸盖罩  8.Pistons 活塞  9.Piston pin 活塞销  10.Piston ring set 活塞环组  11.Crankshaft 曲轴  12.Crankshaft bearing 曲轴轴瓦  13.Camshaft 凸轮轴  14.Camshaft sprocket 凸轮轴齿形皮带轮  15.Camshaft bearings 凸轮轴轴承  16.Tappet 挺杆   17.Push rod 推杆  18.Rocker arm shaft 摇臂轴  19.Hydraulic bucket tappet 液压挺杆  20.Flywheel 飞轮  21.Core plug 堵塞  22.Seal 密封环(活塞)  23.Engline carrier 发动机架  24.Bonded rubber mounting 橡胶支座  25.Crandcase breather 曲轴箱通风管  26.Heate pipe for crankcase breather housing曲轴箱进气加热管  27.Wiring barress for heater pipe 加热管线束  28.Intermediate plate 中间板  29.Power unit protection 动力总成护板  30.Noise damping pan 隔音板   常用汽车英文缩写    A/C Air Conditioning 空调  A/T Automatic Transaxle (Transmission) 自动变速器  ABS Anti-lock Brake System 防抱死刹车系统目前,最新的ABS已发展到第5代,现今的ABS还有多方面的功能,比如:   1、电子牵引系统(ETS) ,。   2、驱动防滑调整装置(ASR)   3、电子稳定程序(ESP)   4、辅助制动器二 1.Cover 发动机盖罩  2.Dreve plate for converter变扭器驱动盘  3.Engine speed sender wheel发动机转速传感器齿轮  4.Driveng shaft bearing驱动轴轴承  5.Sprocket for camshaft凸轮轴齿形皮带轮  6.Ribbed belt多楔皮带  7.Belt tension damper皮带张紧减震器  8.Crankshaft vibration damper曲轴减震器  9.V-belt pulleyV型皮带轮  10.Ldler roller惰轮  11.Ribbged belt cover多楔皮带罩  12.Balance shaft 平衡轴  13.Chain for balance shaft平衡轴链  14.Chain tensioner链张紧器   15.Sprocket链齿轮  16.Mub for sender wheel凸轮轴位置传感器轮  17.Toothed belt sprocket injection pump喷油泵齿形皮带轮  18.Camshaft oil seal foothed elt side凸轮轴油封,齿形皮带端  19 Camshaft seal凸轮轴油封  20.Toothd belt cover inj.pump喷油泵齿形皮带罩  21.Toothd belt relay roller齿形皮带导向轮  22.Intermediate shaft中间轴  23.Intermediate shaft seal中间轴油封  24.Toothed belt齿形皮带  25.Damper减振器  26.Toothd belt tensioner齿形皮带张紧器  27.Toothed belt tor 2nd camshaft第二曲轴正时皮带  28.Timing chain housing cover正时链条  29.Chain sprocket 链轮  30.Timing chain 正时链条  SUV Sports Utility Vehicle运动型多功能车    MPV Multi-Purpose Vehicle,也叫多功能汽车,俗称“子弹头”  GT Grand Touring Cars高级旅行车三 1 Valve spring气门杆油封  2. Valve stem seal气门弹簧  3.Pressure limiting valve限压阀  4.Swirl chamber涡流燃烧室  5.Intake valve guide进气门导管  6.Exhaust valve guide排气门导管  7.Camshaft adjuster凸轮轴调节器  8.Control housing控制壳体  9.Toothed belt cover 齿形皮带罩  10.Oil pressure switch 机油压力开关  11.Oil temperature sender 机油温度传感器  12.Oil pressure warning control unit机油压力报警控制单元  13.Oil level sensor 机油标高开装置  14..Oil filler cap 机油加油口盖  15.Oil filler neck 机油加油管  16.Dipstick 机油标尺  17.Oil pump 机油泵  18.Mounting bracket 安装支架  19.Oil pump drive 机油泵驱动链条  20.Pressure regulating valve 压力调节阀  21.Oil filter 机油滤清器  22.Oil cooler 机油冷却器  23.Sump upper part 油底壳上部件  24.Sump 油底壳  25.Oil sump gasket 油底壳密封垫  26.Oil reservoir 机油贮藏  27.Oil cooler pipe 机油冷却油管  28.Fanbelt 风扇皮带  29.Fan wheel 风扇叶轮  30.Electric fan 电动风扇    AB air bag安全气囊  ABRS Air Bag Restraint System 安全气囊  AWD all-wheel drive全轮驱动  AWS all-wheel steering全轮转向  2WD Two-Wheel Drive 两轮驱动   4WD Four-Wheel Drive 四轮驱动   4WS Four-Wheel Steering 四轮转向   ATS anti-thief system防盗系统  GPS global positioning system 全球卫星定位系统  MT manual transmission手动变速器  AT automatic transmission 自动变速器  A/M automatic/manual自动/手动  AMT automatic machincal transmission机械式自动变速器 四:  1.Fan series resistor风扇串联电阻  2.ELectric fan relay风扇继电器  3.Coolant level sender冷却液液面高度传感器  4.Fan thermoswitch风扇热敏开关  5.Cooling fan housing冷却风扇罩  6.Positioning unit定位装置  7.Locking ring锁圈  8.Air duct导风装置  9.Expansion tank膨胀罐  10.Aux coolant pump辅助冷却液泵继电器  11.Aux coolant pump control unit辅助冷却液泵继电器  12.Viscous fan coupling粘性风扇耦合器  13.Coolant pump水泵  14.Coolant pump seals水泵密封垫  15.Coolant pump pulley水泵皮带轮  16.Thermostat housing节温器壳体  17.Bearing housing with impeller带水泵叶轮的水泵壳体  18.Thermostat节温器  19.Coolant hose flange冷却液软软管法兰  20.Coolant pipe冷却液管  21.Water hose冷却液软管  22.Hose clip冷却液软这  23.Radiator散热器  24.Cap 膨胀罐盖  25.Fan run-on thermoswitch风扇起动热敏开关  26.Coolant temperature sender冷却液温度传感器  27.Fan run-on relay风扇起动继电器  28.Hydraulic motor液压马达  29.Cap油箱盖  30.Filler neck燃油箱    ESP electronic stability program电子稳定程序  ETS exhaust-gas-turbo-supercharger 废气涡轮增压器  EFI electronic fuel injection 电子控制燃油喷射  
2023-06-09 01:03:091


  休息rest是指在一定时间内相对地减少活动,使人从生理上和心理上得到松弛,消除或减轻疲劳,恢复精力的过程。下面就由我为大家带来关于休息的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于休息的相关短语   休息 have a rest   休息 lay off   休息 take a rest   休息一下 take a break   休息疗法 rest cure ;   工间休息 coffee break ; coffee beaker   休息站 Rest Area ; Rest Stop ; service station   会间休息 Meeting Break   暂时休息 time out   休息权 Right to Rest and Leisure   休息处 roost;   休息牛圈 loafing barn; loating shed;   休息平台 half space;   休息权 right to rest;   休息日 day off; holiday; day of rest;   休息室 lounge; lobby; anteroom; vestibule; foyer; greenroom;   休息厅 lounge hall;   关于休息的相关短句   rest for a while; have a rest;   休息一会儿   have a day off; take a day off;   休息一天   break between classes;   课间休息   intermission; interval;   幕间休息   The post office is open on Sunday.   邮局星期天不休息。   Let"s call it a day.   今天到此休息吧。   关于休息的词语辨析   pause, stop, break, interval, cease, recess, rest这组词都有“中止,停止,休息”的意思,其区别是:   pause 指短暂的中断或停止,含再进行下去的意味。   stop 普通用词,指迅速或突然中止某行为、活动或状态。   break 非正式用词,指突然的或短时间的中止,如工作或活动期间接短暂休息。   interval 指一出戏在幕与幕之间,音乐会上下串场之间或演出中预先安排的休息;也可泛指事件之间的一段时间。   cease 正式用词,侧重逐渐结呸某活动或状态,含永远结束的意味。   recess 正式用词,指业务活动或工作中短暂的或长时间的休息。   rest 指统称的休息。   关于休息的相关例句   1. Bunbury flopped down upon the bed and rested his tired feet.   邦伯里重重地倒在了床上,让他疲惫的双脚休息一下。   2. The goalkeeper was stretchered off just before half-time with a rib injury.   就在中场休息前,该守门员由于肋骨受伤被用担架抬下场。   3. Relax and take a breather whenever you feel that you need one.   要放松,什么时候觉得需要休息就休息一下。   4. Take a well-earned rest and go out and enjoy yourself.   你理应休息一下,出去好好玩玩。   5. "You"re worn out, Laura," he said. "Go home and get some rest."   “你太累了,劳拉,”他说,“回家休息一下吧。”   6. Mr Annan took a short break before resuming his schedule.   安南先生在继续自己的工作前先短暂休息了一下。   7. The goal that decided the match came just before the interval.   决定本场比赛结果的进球是在中场休息前一刻打入的。   8. The band continued with their set after a short break.   短暂的休息后,乐队继续演奏他们的曲目。   9. What I wanted, more than anything, was a few days" rest.   我最想要的就是能休息几天。   10. Weddings are so much hassle that you need a good break afterwards.   婚礼真是件折腾人的事,办完后得好好休息才行。   11. They had stopped by a spring to refresh themselves.   他们曾在一处泉边停歇休息。   12. I suggested that he rest, and sent him for an X-ray.   我建议他休息,并让他去拍个X光片。   13. We took time to relax in the cosily decorated drawing room.   我们在布置得温暖而又舒适的客厅里休息了一会儿。   14. He scored again, leaving Dartford trailing 3-0 at the break.   他又进球了,使得中场休息时达特福德队以3:0落后.   15. We"ll make allowances in the schedule for time off.   日程安排时我们会把休息时间考虑在内。   关于休息的双语例句   星期日是我休息的日子。   Sunday is my rest day.   他停止扫地,倚著扫帚休息。   He stopped sweeping and rested on the broom.   不休息我们就走不动了。   We can"t go any farther without a rest.   药物治疗和休息会使你的伤口很快愈合。   The medicine and rest will soon heal your wound.   治疗背痛的唯一办法是休息。   The only way to cure backache is to rest.   晚饭后,我总要休息一小时。   I always rest for an hour after dinner.   学生们休息休息再干活。介绍介绍它的特点。   I want you to give a presentation of its characteristics.   罪犯有在法定节日和休息日休息的权利。   Prisoners shall have the right to rest on statutory festivals and holidays.   我将回家,然后好好休息休息。   I am going to go home and rest up.
2023-06-09 01:03:171


HPV 高压排气阀门 High pressure vent 一般出现在REG 调压阀之前的高压段HPI 高压进气阀门 High pressure in 一般出现在高压leaktest进气段 或者高压至低压的管路中.具体缩写具体说明.楼主有兴趣可以都写出来.LPT 低压压力传感器HPT 高压压力传感器PGI 一般为吹扫气体进入阀门HPG 高压压力表LPG 低压压力表REG 调压阀HPI 高压气体进入阀门(可以用于高压端-低压端,或者高压保压的气体进入的位置)LPI 低压气体进入阀门(有些GC上也有用到吹扫气体进入的位置)HPV 高压排放阀门LPV 低压排放阀门TAB 这个还真不知道,我请教一下高人再说(从字面上看是一种bleeding阀门,就是关闭状态下也会有设置的流量通过,流量根据设置不同而不同)VPT 排放传感器(一般放在VENT管路来检查压力,例如做残排时查看VG是否开启,是否正常工作,是否把VENT管路拉成真空)PMV 好像是吹扫气体或者实气的手动阀,具体看这个阀门出现在什么位置VPG 排放压力表.道理同VPT.只不过这个是一个压力表GNBV 应该是GN2的bleeding阀门PNBV 应该是PN2的bleeding阀门VG 真空发生器注:GN2一般用于气动阀门的驱动和某处框体的Z-purge PN2一般用于purge或者leaktest 因为纯度较高以上缩写是通过字面意思理解来的.很多阀门尽管缩写一样,但是安置的位置不同而说法和功能不同.你可以对照自己GC的panel看看理解一下.GC都大同小异.无非是四个部分,高压段 低压段 VENT purge(leaktest)只不过不同厂家的GC或者BSGS盘面不同阀门缩写不同,看起来不一样罢了.工作原理都是一样的.以上解释有错误的地方欢迎大家指正
2023-06-09 01:03:273


  relax有休息;放松;使 ... 放松;放宽等意思,那么你知道relax的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    relax的用法:   relax的用法1:relax的基本意思是指“放松限制,紧张,牢固性或严格性”,既可指人,也可指物。   relax的用法2:relax作“使轻松”解时,强调使人平静或解除疑虑,不紧张,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。   relax的用法3:relax不是反身动词,不能说relax oneself。   relax的常用 短语 :   用作动词 (v.)   relax in〔into〕 (v.+prep.)   relax grip〔hold〕 on (v.+n.+prep.)    relax的用法例句:   1. Massage is used to relax muscles, relieve stress and improve the circulation.   按摩可以使肌肉放松,缓解压力和促进血液循环。   2. How much can the President relax his grip over the nation?   总统可以对国家的控制放松到什么样的程度?   3. Relax as much as possible and keep breathing steadily.   尽量放松,保持平稳呼吸。   4. There"ll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.   将会有充足的机会去放松、 游泳 和晒太阳。   5. Relax, smile; loosen up in mind and body and behaviour.   放松,微笑。精神、身体和行为上都要放轻松。   6. Relax and take a breather whenever you feel that you need one.   要放松,什么时候觉得需要休息就休息一下。   7. He was grateful for a chance to relax and collect his thoughts.   他很庆幸有机会放松放松,整理一下自己的思绪。   8. We took time to relax in the cosily decorated drawing room.   我们在布置得温暖而又舒适的客厅里休息了一会儿。   9. If you feel a tenseness around the eyes, relax your muscles.   你要是觉得两眼周围紧绷,就放松一下肌肉。   10. I could not relax and still felt wide awake.   我无法放松,还是很清醒。   11. Close your eyes. Relax. Let your body loosen up.   闭上眼睛。放松。让身体尽量松弛。   12. Make a conscious effort to relax your muscles.   有意识地放松肌肉。   13. Muscles stretch, slacken and relax during child-birth.   生孩子的时候,肌肉会拉抻、放松,然后松弛下来。   14. When I get home from work I like to relax with the newspaper.   我下班回到家里,喜欢看看报纸,放松一下。   15. Relax! You"re getting too uptight about it.   轻松点儿!你对这事太紧张了。
2023-06-09 01:03:351

求:汽车专业英语词汇大全 ,越全越好

2023-06-09 01:03:463


take a break
2023-06-09 01:04:263


2023-06-09 01:04:362


《缺氧》是一款以行星建设为核心的模拟经营游戏,玩家将在小行星上建设基地,挖掘可用资源以维持子民的生存。而目前缺氧alpha版全界面语言都为英文,所以下面给大家分享一篇怜悯译的缺氧人物属性特质及附加详细介绍,希望对大家有所帮助。我自己收集的一些关于《Oxygen Not Included》(中文暂译:《缺氧》)游戏开始前,人物角色选择的一些说明。自己翻译了一下,可能不太准确,也不太完善,大家将就看吧。这里的角色都被称之为“Duplicant”,我把他们译作“复制人”。ATTRIBUTES 属性游戏中从上到下、从左到右的顺序。Athletics 健壮- The athletics attribute determines a Duplicant"s movement speed.- 健壮值决定了复制人的移动速度。Cooking 烹饪- The cooking attribute determines a Duplicant"s Food production speed.- 烹饪能力决定了复制人制作食物的速度。Digging 挖掘- The digging attribute determines a Duplicant"s mining speed.- 挖掘能力决定了复制人挖矿的速度。Medicine 治疗- The Medicine attribute determines a Duplicant"s Disease resistance and ability to heal after injury.- 治疗能力决定了复制人的抗病能力和受伤后的回复能力。Tinkering 工匠- The Tinkering attribute determines a Duplicant"s efficiency when operating machines.- 工匠能力决定了复制人在操作机械时的效率。Construction 建造- The Construction attribute determines a Duplicant"s building speed. Translated by LianMin.- 建造能力决定了复制人的建筑速度。Creativity 创造- Creativity affects the speed and quality of a Duplicant"s artistic creations.- 创造力影响了复制人艺术创作的速度和质量。Learning 学习- The Learning attribute determines a Duplicant"s skill training and Research effectiveness.- 学习能力决定了复制人的技能训练、科研的效率。Strength 韧性- The Strength attribute determines a Duplicant"s carrying capacity and combat effectiveness.- 韧性值决定了复制人携带物品的数量以及战斗的效率。TRAITS 特质字母表顺序。可能不完整,有待补充。特质中的数值影响,在属性中已经显示出来了,并不会叠加。Amphibious 两栖生物- This Duplicant moves as quickly underwater as they do on land- 这个复制人在水里的行动速度就像在岸上一样快!Anemic 贫血- This Duplicant is the exact opposite of athletic.- 这个复制人相当不擅长运动。Biohazard 生物危险- All the Vitamin C in space can"t stop this Duplicant from getting sick. Translated by LianMin.- 再多的维生素C也不能阻止这个复制人生病Bottomless Stomach 四次元大胃- This Duplicant might actually be several blackholes in a trenchcoat. Calories Burn Rate: -.8 kcal/s- 这个复制人的风衣下面实际上藏着一个黑洞。卡路里燃烧率-0.8千卡/秒Diver"s Lungs 潜水员的肺- This Duplicant may have been a talented opera singer in another life. Air Consumption Rate: -25.0 g/s- 这个复制人可能有着唱歌剧的天赋。空气消耗率-25.0克/秒Early Bird 早起的鸟儿- This Duplicant wakes up felling fresh and efficient! In the first part of the day, adds +2 to all skills.- 这个复制人醒来后感到自己充满了决心!在每日伊始,所有技能+2。Flatulence 自视甚高- Some Duplicants are just full of it- 一些复制人总是爱惹麻烦Gastrophobia 幽闭恐惧症- This Duplicant has an unshakable fear of kitchens and the culinary arts. Can not perform job: Cook- 这个复制人非常恐惧厨房和烹饪作品。不能胜任烹饪相关工作。Grease Monkey 油滑的猴子- This Duplicant likes to throw a wrench into the colony"s plans... in a good way- 这个复制人喜欢阻挠殖民地的计划说干就干!Interior Decorator 室内装饰达人- Just a little more to the left... Creativity: +5.00 , Decor Expectation: +5.00- 总感觉左边还需要点什么东西 创造+5.00,装修期望值+5.00Iron Gut 钢铁消化- This Duplicant can eat just about anything without getting sick!- 这个复制人能够吃掉所有东西还不生病!Irritable Bowel 泌尿过敏- This Duplicant takes a little longer than usual to "do their business". Bladder Efficiency: -0.50- 这个复制人比其他人更频繁的“解决个人问题”。膀胱效率-0.50Loud Sleeper 呼噜大王- In space, everyone can hear you snore.- 这个空间站里所有人都能听见你打鼾。Mole Hands 鼹鼠之爪- These hands are great for tunneling, but finding gloves is a nightmare.- 这双手很擅长打洞,但是对手套而言是个噩梦。Mouth Breather 靠嘴呼吸- This Duplicant sucks up way more than their fair share of Oxygen. Air Consumption Rate: +100.0 g/s- 这个复制人呼吸着过多的氧气,超出了本应公平的份额。空气消耗率+100 克/秒Narcoleptic 昏睡症- This Duplicant can and will fall asleep anytime, anyplace.- 这个复制人能够也将会在任何时间、任何地点睡着。Naturally Robust 天生强壮- This Duplicant"s hardy immune system repels most common illnesses.- 这个复制人强大的免疫力能够帮助他抵抗大多数疾病。Night Owl 夜猫子- This Duplicant does their best work when they ought to be sleeping- 在他们应该睡觉时,这个复制人会尽他的最大努力工作。Quick Learner 学霸- This Duplicant"s sharp as a tack and picks up new skills with amazing speed.- 这个复制人有着使用惊人速度来学习新技能的有效方法。Scaredy-Cat 胆小如鼠- This Duplicant is afraid of violence. Can not perform job: Combat- 这个复制人惧怕暴力。不能胜任战斗相关的工作。Slow Learner 学渣- This Duplicant is a little slow on the uptake, but gosh do they try.- 这个复制人虽然学得慢,但是你知道他有多努力吗Small Bladder 超小膀胱- This Duplicant has a tiny, pea-sized bladder. Adorable! Bladder Change: +0.2 %/s- 这个复制人有着和豌豆一样小的膀胱,超级可爱!膀胱每秒变化:+0.2%Twinkletoes 凌波微步- This Duplicant is light as a feather on their feet.- 这个复制人的身体轻盈如羽Uncultured 无知者无畏- This Duplicant has no appreciation for the finer things. Decor Expectation: -20.00 , Refuses to do job: Art- 这个复制人没有鉴赏艺术的能力。装修期望值-20.00,不能胜任艺术相关的工作。Yokel 乡巴佬- This Duplicant isn"t the brightest star in the sky. Can not perform job: Research- 这个复制人并不是天空中最闪亮的明星。不能胜任科研相关的工作。ADDITIONAL 附加Decor Expectation 装修期望值- Areas with Decor values lower than a Duplicant"s Decor Expectations will cause their Stress to rise, while high decor values will cause their stress to fall.- 区域装修水平低于复制人的装修期望值时,他们将压力将会增加;反之当装修水平高时压力则会下降。- A Duplicant"s expectations will increase as they level up and become better at their jobs.- 复制人的装修期望值会随着他们等级提升而增加,并且将会更擅长于他们自己的工作。Stress Response 压力反馈- Vomiter: This Duplicant is liable to puke everywhere when stressed- 呕吐:这个复制人在高压力下容易呕吐- Destructive: This Duplicant will take out their frustrations on defenseless machines when stressed- 发泄:这个复制人在高压力下将会对着毫无防御的机器发泄自己挫折
2023-06-09 01:04:421


breath的动词: breathing 呼吸(breathe的现在分词); breathed 呼吸; breath的名词: breathing 呼吸;瞬间;微风; breather 呼吸者; breath n. 呼吸,气息;一口气,(呼吸的)一次;瞬间,瞬息;微风;迹象;无声音,气音; 复数 breaths 扩展资料   His breath came in snuffles.   他呼哧呼哧地呼吸着。   Shona struggled for breath.   肖娜艰难地喘着气。   He heard a sharp intake of breath.   他听到猛地倒吸一口气的声音。   Her breath came in convulsive gasps.   她的呼吸变得突然喘不过气来。   I could smell alcohol on his breath.   我闻得到他呼吸中有酒气。
2023-06-09 01:05:151


n.adj.breathing 呼吸的;逼真的breathless 喘不过气来的;停止呼吸的breathed 无声的;有气的adv.breathlessly 气喘地;屏息地n.breathing 呼吸;瞬间;微风breather 呼吸者;呼吸的东西;剧烈的运动;短时间的休息breathlessness 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁v.breathing 呼吸(breathe的现在分词)breathed 呼吸(breath的过去式和过去分词)vi.breathe 呼吸;低语;松口气;(风)轻拂breathalyse 作呼气测醉检测vt.breathe 呼吸;使喘息;流露;低声说breathalyse 做呼吸测醉试验(等于breathalyze)
2023-06-09 01:05:231


名词breath动词breathe形容词breathing 答案补充 breathless adj.(breathing的反义词)1.气喘吁吁的; 令人气喘的; 屏住呼吸的2.已死的; 无呼吸的3.无风的; (空气等)静止的a breathless summer day 没有一丝风的夏日The climb left him breathless. 向上爬使他气喘吁吁。
2023-06-09 01:05:592

thousand foot krutch的《Breather》 歌词

歌曲名:Breather歌手:thousand foot krutch专辑:Set It OffDierks Bentley - Breathe You InI"ve never been the kind to bare my heart and soulYeah I"ve always taken pride, in stayin" in controlI told myself, I"d never fall too deepBut girl you came along, and made a liar out of meI"m as gone as I can be.I wanna breathe you in,I wanna be so close.You can wear my skin,Like a new set of clothes,So you can"t even tell,Where you end and I begin.I wanna breathe you in.I wanna breathe you in.Your silhouette, in moonlight on the wallAs she crawls across the bed, beats all I ever saw.The smell of your hair, fallin" on my face,Those red wine kisses, give her powers with just one test.Girl you blow me away.I wanna breathe you in,I wanna be so close.You can wear my skin,Like a new set of clothes,So you can"t even tell,Where you end and I begin.I wanna breathe you in.I wanna breathe you in...Again and again and againUntil the sun comes upAgain and again and againI can"t get enoughI can"t get enoughI wanna breathe you in,I wanna be so close.You can wear my skin,Like a new set of clothes,So we can"t even tell,Where you end and I begin.I wanna breathe you in.I wanna breathe you in.I wanna breathe you in.
2023-06-09 01:06:051


n.adj.breathing 呼吸的;逼真的breathless 喘不过气来的;停止呼吸的breathed 无声的;有气的adv.breathlessly 气喘地;屏息地n.breathing 呼吸;瞬间;微风breather 呼吸者;呼吸的东西;剧烈的运动;短时间的休息breathlessness 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁v.breathing 呼吸(breathe的现在分词)breathed 呼吸(breath的过去式和过去分词)vi.breathe 呼吸;低语;松口气;(风)轻拂breathalyse 作呼气测醉检测vt.breathe 呼吸;使喘息;流露;低声说breathalyse 做呼吸测醉试验(等于breathalyze)
2023-06-09 01:06:121


n.adj.breathing 呼吸的;逼真的breathless 喘不过气来的;停止呼吸的breathed 无声的;有气的adv.breathlessly 气喘地;屏息地n.breathing 呼吸;瞬间;微风breather 呼吸者;呼吸的东西;剧烈的运动;短时间的休息breathlessness 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁v.breathing 呼吸(breathe的现在分词)breathed 呼吸(breath的过去式和过去分词)vi.breathe 呼吸;低语;松口气;(风)轻拂breathalyse 作呼气测醉检测vt.breathe 呼吸;使喘息;流露;低声说breathalyse 做呼吸测醉试验(等于breathalyze)
2023-06-09 01:06:191


n.adj.breathing 呼吸的;逼真的breathless 喘不过气来的;停止呼吸的breathed 无声的;有气的adv.breathlessly 气喘地;屏息地n.breathing 呼吸;瞬间;微风breather 呼吸者;呼吸的东西;剧烈的运动;短时间的休息breathlessness 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁v.breathing 呼吸(breathe的现在分词)breathed 呼吸(breath的过去式和过去分词)vi.breathe 呼吸;低语;松口气;(风)轻拂breathalyse 作呼气测醉检测vt.breathe 呼吸;使喘息;流露;低声说breathalyse 做呼吸测醉试验(等于breathalyze)
2023-06-09 01:06:361


n.adj.breathing 呼吸的;逼真的breathless 喘不过气来的;停止呼吸的breathed 无声的;有气的adv.breathlessly 气喘地;屏息地n.breathing 呼吸;瞬间;微风breather 呼吸者;呼吸的东西;剧烈的运动;短时间的休息breathlessness 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁v.breathing 呼吸(breathe的现在分词)breathed 呼吸(breath的过去式和过去分词)vi.breathe 呼吸;低语;松口气;(风)轻拂breathalyse 作呼气测醉检测vt.breathe 呼吸;使喘息;流露;低声说breathalyse 做呼吸测醉试验(等于breathalyze)
2023-06-09 01:06:441


2023-06-09 01:06:501


2023-06-09 01:06:571


2023-06-09 01:07:053


Girlfriend 歌手:Avril Lavigne 专辑:Girlfriend Maxi Avril Lavigne-GirlfriendHey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend No way No way I think you need a new one Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend Hey Hey You You I know that you like me No way No way No, it"s not a secret Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend You"re so fine I want you mine You"re so delicious I think about you all the timeYou"re so addictive Don"t you know What I can do To make you feel alright Don"t pretend I think you know I"m damn precious And hell yeah I"m the mother fucking princess I can tell you like me too And you know I"m right She"s like so whatever You can do so much better I think we should get together nowAnd that"s what everyone"s talking about Hey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend No way No way I think you need a new one Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend Hey Hey You You I know that you like me No way No way No, it"s not a secret Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend I can see the way I see the way You look at me And even when you look away I know you think of me I know you talk about me all the timeagain and again So come over here and tell me what I wanna hear Better, yet, make your girlfriend disappear I don"t wanna hear you say her name ever again Because...She"s like so whatever You can do so much better I think we should get together now And that"s what everyone"s talking about Hey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend No way No way I think you need a new one Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend Hey Hey You You I know that you like me No way No way No, it"s not a secret Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend In a second you"ll be wrapped around my finger "Cause I can, "cause I can do it better There"s no other, so when"s it gonna sink in She"s so stupid, what the hell were you thinking? In a second you"ll be wrapped around my finger "Cause I can, "cause I can do it better There"s no other, so when"s it gonna sink in She"s so stupid, what the hell were you thinking? Hey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend No way No way I think you need a new one Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend (No Way) Hey Hey You You I know that you like me No way No way No, it"s not a secret Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend (No Way) Hey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend ( No Way!) No way No way I think you need a new one (Hey!) Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend (No Way!) Hey Hey You You I know that you like me (Now Way!) No way No way No, it"s not a secret (Hey!) Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend (No Way!) Hey Hey! i could do better 打印此页 歌手:avril lavigne 专辑:the best damn thing i couldnt give a damn what you say to mei dont really care what you think of mecause either way youre gonna think what you believetheres nothing you could say that would hurt better off without you anywayi thought it would be hard but im oki dont need you if youre gonna be that waycause with me its all or sick of your shitdont denyyoure a waste of timeim sick of your shitdont ask why.[chorus]i hate you nowso go away from meyoure goneso longAvril Lavignei can do betteri can do betterheyhey youi found myself againthats whygoodbyei can do betteri can do better[/chorus]youre so full of shiti cant stand the way you act - you just cant comprehendi dont think that she can handle itim way overover it.i will drink as much limoncello as i canand ill do it again and againi dont really care what you have to saycause you know - you know youre so sickdont denyyoure a waste of timeim sick of your shitdont ask why.[chorus]whatd you say?i told you soyou know thatcause i always knowget outta my facehey heyyoure not my tastehey heyi am sosick of youyoure on my nervesi wanted youget outta my facehey heyyoure not my tastehey heyhey heyhey hey[chorus x2]keep holding on 打印此页 歌手:avril lavigne 专辑:the best damn thing you"re not alonetogether we standI"ll be by your sideyou know I"ll take your handWhen it gets coldand it feels like the endthere"s no place to goYou know I wont give inNo I wont give in[Chorus1:]Keep holding oncoz you know I make it throughI make it throughJust stay strongcoz you know I"m here for youI"m here for you[Chorus1][Chorus2:]There"s nothing you can say(nothing you can say)nothing you can do(nothing you can do)There"s no other way when it comes to the truthSo Keep holding oncoz you know I make it throughI make it through[Chorus2]So far awayI wish you were hereBefore it"s too late this could have disappearedBefore the door"s closedAnd it comes to an endwith you by my sideI will fight and death endI will fight and death endYeah x2[Chorus1][Chorus2]Hear me what I say,what I sayI can leaveNothing"s gonna changeNothing"s gonna change estimatewhatever"s meant to bewell without pythonicYeah x4La......[Chorus1][Chorus2]Keep holding on x2[Chorus2]我只知道这三首.我也很喜欢avril
2023-06-09 01:07:462

Goldfrapp的《Believer》 歌词

歌曲名:Believer歌手:Goldfrapp专辑:The SinglesBeliever - Chris Brown只听欧美滴!see the days are gone and I"ve been loosing my mindI"m crashing I"m running out of timenow the way that i perceive thingshopin you wont deceive mebut its just the feeling inside that I(pause) had to find a way to find outthis relationship is aboutseems like you want to count me out(count me out)but you were the one who changedthought it would stay the same but it still remainsbaby I"m a believer;pain and the love ;baby girl i wont eithereven though you might say both of ;us need a breather ;gotta hate it all ; had to take that fall ;baby to let you know that;I"m a believer the reason that you should stay ; is to be that i need ya;the way i look at you as if I"m an achiever ;we could; love again ;wanna be ya friend; we can winI"m a believer; baby girl sit it down come around and take it straight;don"t need to end my life girl; i want you around theirs no need to frown;girl give your love to me ;i want ya; i need you;every night and day; hopin that we stay together;but can i hold u in my arms ;thought i was playing;I"m saying ;baby girlbaby I"m a believer;pain and the love ;baby girl i wont eithereven though you might say both of ;us need a breather ;gotta hate it all ; had to take that fall ;baby to let you know that;I"m a believer the reason that you should stay ; is to be that i need ya;the way i look at you as if I"m an achiever ;we could; love again ;wanna be ya friend; we can wincan you stop blaming me for it just this oncecan you commit to my love; my hearts breaking downgirl you know that i will never leave your sidebaby I"m a believer;pain and the love baby girl i wont eithereven though you might say need a breathergotta hate it all; had to take that fall;baby to let you knowI"m a believer the reason that you should stay ;is to be that i need yathe way i look at you as if I"m an achieverwe could love again; wanna be ya friend; we can winI"m a believer I"m a believer I"m a believer I"m a believeruhhhh oooh ooooh uhhhhhI"m a believer in you girl
2023-06-09 01:07:521

Jan Leyers的《Believers》 歌词

歌曲名:Believers歌手:Jan Leyers专辑:In The Virgin DarkBeliever - Chris Brown只听欧美滴!see the days are gone and I"ve been loosing my mindI"m crashing I"m running out of timenow the way that i perceive thingshopin you wont deceive mebut its just the feeling inside that I(pause) had to find a way to find outthis relationship is aboutseems like you want to count me out(count me out)but you were the one who changedthought it would stay the same but it still remainsbaby I"m a believer;pain and the love ;baby girl i wont eithereven though you might say both of ;us need a breather ;gotta hate it all ; had to take that fall ;baby to let you know that;I"m a believer the reason that you should stay ; is to be that i need ya;the way i look at you as if I"m an achiever ;we could; love again ;wanna be ya friend; we can winI"m a believer; baby girl sit it down come around and take it straight;don"t need to end my life girl; i want you around theirs no need to frown;girl give your love to me ;i want ya; i need you;every night and day; hopin that we stay together;but can i hold u in my arms ;thought i was playing;I"m saying ;baby girlbaby I"m a believer;pain and the love ;baby girl i wont eithereven though you might say both of ;us need a breather ;gotta hate it all ; had to take that fall ;baby to let you know that;I"m a believer the reason that you should stay ; is to be that i need ya;the way i look at you as if I"m an achiever ;we could; love again ;wanna be ya friend; we can wincan you stop blaming me for it just this oncecan you commit to my love; my hearts breaking downgirl you know that i will never leave your sidebaby I"m a believer;pain and the love baby girl i wont eithereven though you might say need a breathergotta hate it all; had to take that fall;baby to let you knowI"m a believer the reason that you should stay ;is to be that i need yathe way i look at you as if I"m an achieverwe could love again; wanna be ya friend; we can winI"m a believer I"m a believer I"m a believer I"m a believeruhhhh oooh ooooh uhhhhhI"m a believer in you girl
2023-06-09 01:08:001


2023-06-09 01:08:082


  relax表轻松; (使)松弛;的意思,那么你知道relax的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了relax的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   relax的短语:   relax in〔into〕(v.+prep.)   1.舒服地或放松地坐在〔躺在〕u2026 sit comfortably in; let the weight of the body sink into (furniture such as a chair)   When I"m tired,I like to relax in〔into〕 a deep armchair.我劳累时,喜欢舒舒服服地靠在一把高扶手椅子上休息一下。   2.因松弛或轻松下来而转入u2026 show less stiffness and anxiety by having or changing into (sth such as an expression of feeling)   〔说明〕 relax in〔into〕常不用于被动结构。   His worried face relaxed into a smile of greeting when he recognized us.他认出我们后,焦虑的面容缓和下来,露出欢迎的笑容。   relax grip〔hold〕 on(v.+n.+prep.)   1.松开,放开u2026 stop holding (sth or sb) tightly   Pain forced her to relax her grip on the oars.她痛得松开了握着的双桨。   Please relax your grip on my arm, you"re hurting me.你把我的胳膊抓得好痛,请松开手。   2.放松对u2026的控制 cease having or using power over (sb or sth)   The climber dared not to relax his hold on his nerves until he was safely at the top.   那个登山者在安全地登上山顶之前,一直全神贯注,不敢稍有放松。   relax的短语例句:   1. Massage is used to relax muscles, relieve stress and improve the circulation.   按摩可以使肌肉放松,缓解压力和促进血液循环。   2. How much can the President relax his grip over the nation?   总统可以对国家的控制放松到什么样的程度?   3. Relax as much as possible and keep breathing steadily.   尽量放松,保持平稳呼吸。   4. There"ll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.   将会有充足的机会去放松、游泳和晒太阳。   5. Relax, smile; loosen up in mind and body and behaviour.   放松,微笑。精神、身体和行为上都要放轻松。   6. Relax and take a breather whenever you feel that you need one.   要放松,什么时候觉得需要休息就休息一下。   7. He was grateful for a chance to relax and collect his thoughts.   他很庆幸有机会放松放松,整理一下自己的思绪。   8. We took time to relax in the cosily decorated drawing room.   我们在布置得温暖而又舒适的客厅里休息了一会儿。   9. If you feel a tenseness around the eyes, relax your muscles.   你要是觉得两眼周围紧绷,就放松一下肌肉。   10. I could not relax and still felt wide awake.   我无法放松,还是很清醒。   11. Close your eyes. Relax. Let your body loosen up.   闭上眼睛。放松。让身体尽量松弛。   12. Make a conscious effort to relax your muscles.   有意识地放松肌肉。   13. Muscles stretch, slacken and relax during child-birth.   生孩子的时候,肌肉会拉抻、放松,然后松弛下来。   14. When I get home from work I like to relax with the newspaper.   我下班回到家里,喜欢看看报纸,放松一下。   15. Relax! You"re getting too uptight about it.   轻松点儿!你对这事太紧张了。
2023-06-09 01:08:261


2023-06-09 01:08:422

阀门专业英语!BALL VALVE A216 Gr.WCB/304+PTFE ANSI 150# RF FULL BORE,请问整句意思??

2023-06-09 01:08:524

T-Pain Featuring Akon的《Bartender》 歌词

歌曲名:Bartender歌手:T-Pain Featuring Akon专辑:EpiphanyUnladylike - BartenderTell The Dj Play My CutCause You Know I Like It SlowFellas Light The Dro And Pop A BottleWant Some MoreIf You Here Her Hatin"That"s The Exit You Can GoI"m Gettin Scummy DummyYou Already KnowI"m Like Ba Ba Ba Ba Bartender Can You Please Pour It UpHenny On The Rocks Just Got My Spot I"m Finna Throw It UpFellas Steady Lookin" For That Fruit So Role That Dodey UpMe I"m In The Back And They Like Hold Up Baby Slow It UpAnd Now I"m BackI"m On That YakI Keep A SackTo Hold My GinAnd If You InThen Tell Yo FriendsTo Bring His FriendTo Meet New FriendsOh No Not HimNaw I Think I"m Lookin For That Other OneVodka Got Me Boppin"Mr. Can I Get Another OneJust A Lil Bit Just A Lil TasteGrab The Grey Goose Grab The Cups And The Rosay OkayTell Me Want You Want And What You Don"tBabe We Can Get It PoppinDo Our Own ThingWhat You ThinkLet Me Be The One To Buy Yo DrinkRidin In A Chevy Candy PaintWit The Windows UpBoy You Know What"s UpTell "Em Fill My Cup And Play My CutI"m LikeBa Ba BartenderLet Me Get Another OneLet Me Get Another OneI"m Gettin Scummy Dummy DogBa Ba BartenderLet Me Get Another OneLet Me Get Another OneI"m Getting Scummy Dummy DogBa Ba Bartender Hit Me With Another OneHit Me With Another OneI"m Gettin Scummy Dummy DogBa Ba Bartender Hit Me With Another OneHit Me With Another OneI"m Getting Scummy Dummy DogThis Is Something That I Love To DoAnd If You Got Money You Can Come Along TooIt"s "T" And I"m Takin Shots So You Kno I"m ThroughI"m Stumblin" In The Club And I"m Scuffin" Up My ShoesAnd I"m Like Uh Uh Oh Man And I"m Feelin" Real LooseI Drunk A Lot Of Drinks But I Think It Was That GooseOr Maybe Was A Contact From Puffin On That FruitNaw I Forgot It Was That Gin And That JuiceBut I"m Like Hold Up Let Ya Girl Catch A BreatherMy Back Against The Speakers My Legs Was Gettin WeakerI"m Posted Like A Meter My Stomach"s Gettin DeeperI Need Another Drink I"m Gettin Hot Like A FeverBack In The Club Mr. Bartender Is Fillin Up My DrinkTakin Shots To The Head Drinkin Jose Man I"m Feelin Like I"m About To FaintI Need You You Need Me So Baby Tell Me What You ThinkWe Can Meet In The Bathroom Gettin It Crackin But I Need Another Drink SoBa Ba BartenderLet Me Get Another OneLet Me Get Another OneI"m Gettin Scummy Dummy DogBa Ba BartenderLet Me Get Another OneLet Me Get Another OneI"m Getting Scummy Dummy DogBa Ba Bartender Hit Me With Another OneHit Me With Another OneI"m Gettin Scummy Dummy DogBa Ba Bartender Hit Me With Another OneHit Me With Another OneI"m Getting Scummy Dummy DogUnladylike - Bartender
2023-06-09 01:08:591


2023-06-09 01:09:061


2023-06-09 01:09:145


平时多放松,工作才会收到很好的效果。下面就由我为大家带来关于放松的 英语 短语 集锦,希望大家能有所收获。  关于放松的相关短语  放松臂 release arm;  放松功 psychosomatic relaxation;  放松合成 relaxed synthesis;  放松活动 {体} relaxation exercise  关于放松的相关短句  relax one"s vigilance;  放松警惕  slacken one"s efforts to remould one"s world outlook;  放松世界观的改造  I must take some exercise and loosen up my muscles.  我必须运动一下,放松放松肌肉。  关于放松的相关例句  1. Massage is used to relax muscles, relieve stress and improve the circulation.  按摩可以使肌肉放松,缓解压力和促进血液循环。  2. How much can the President relax his grip over the nation?  总统可以对国家的控制放松到什么样的程度?  3. Breathe out and ease your knees in toward your chest.  呼气,膝部放松向胸部靠拢。  4. Relax as much as possible and keep breathing steadily.  尽量放松,保持平稳呼吸。  5. Dart, who had at first been very tense, at last relaxed.  起初,达特非常紧张,最后终于放松了下来。  6. It helps them to unwind after a busy day at work.  这有助于他们忙碌一天后放松自己。  7. Diet and relaxation are two important keys to good health.  限制饮食和放松身心是保持健康的两个要诀。  8. We come here once a year expecting a quiet, relaxing holiday.  我们每年来这里一次,期待度过一个安静而放松的假期。  9. There"ll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.  将会有充足的机会去放松、 游泳 和晒太阳。  10. Relax, smile; loosen up in mind and body and behaviour.  放松,微笑。精神、身体和行为上都要放轻松。  11. Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy.  国内的情况并不足以成为放松货币政策的正当理由。  12. Relax and take a breather whenever you feel that you need one.  要放松,什么时候觉得需要休息就休息一下。  13. It is essential to feel at ease with your therapist.  在治疗师面前放松下来是很重要的。  14. He must have been hoping for a relaxed time. No such luck.  他一定是一直想放松一段时间,可就是没这个命。  15. Thatched pavilions provide shady retreats for relaxing and reading in privacy.  茅草亭是独自放松和读书的阴凉清幽之所。  关于放松的双语例句  警惕性是万万不可放松的。  You cannot afford to relax your vigilance for a moment.  放松运动可以松缓身体的紧张。  Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension.   消除紧张 的 方法 在於学会放松。  The cure for stress lies in learning to relax.  下雨前,请将帐篷的绳索放松。  Please slacken the tent rope before it rains.  近年来政府已放松了对报纸的控制。  The government"s control over the newspapers has loosened in recent years.  游完泳后你愿意放松一下吗?  Would you like to have some relaxation after swimming?  我想请几天假放松放松。  I want to take a few days off just for relaxation.  渐进式肌肉放松是一种帮助你放松的方法。  Progressive muscle relaxation is a method to help you relax.  你为什么不做作室外运动来放松放松以缓解办公室工作呢?  Why not take up some outdoor sports as relaxation from office work?
2023-06-09 01:09:281

Kem的《Each Other》 歌词

歌曲名:Each Other歌手:Kem专辑:Kem Album IiKatharine McPhee - Each otherNo more lonely nights to hurt me.No more tears left to spare.No more reasons to be unhappy.You threw them all up in there air.And I don"t know how you did it,But you made me a believer.I never thought that loveCould turn someone into a dreamer.For the first time in my lifeI don"t feel like a need a breather.Cause everywhere I"m gonna goI wanna know you"re gonna be there.I"d give it all up for you...I"d give it all up for you.Do anything you asked me to...Anything you asked me to.And like a pillow we can hold on to.Cause we got each other.We got each other.Now that this has gone away.You left me here without a trace.And now I"m in a brand new place.Cause we got each other.Baby, we got each other.And some times in the past almost pulled us underBut we got through all that and it made us strongerThrough the good, through the badYou just aint anotheryoure the best thing i have and we got each other.When the hard times confront meyou always show me that you careand i believe you are my rescuewhen i see you right thereAnd I don"t know how you did it,But you made me a believer.I never thought that loveCould turn someone into a dreamer.For the first time in my lifeI don"t feel like a need a breather.Cause everywhere I"m gonna goI wanna know you"re gonna be there.I"d give it all up for you...Do anything you asked me to...Anything you asked me to.And like a pillow we can hold on to.Cause we got each other.We got each other.Now that this has gone away.You left me here without a trace.And now I"m in a brand new place.Cause we got each other.Baby, we got each otherYou are the hand that I reach forwhen I don"t want to be aloneyou are the voice i hear at nightlets me know ill be alrightWhen i need a real good frienddont have to look faryoure the bestIm safe here in your armsand i know this is where i belongI"d give it all up for you...Do anything you asked me to...Anything you asked me to.And like a pillow we can hold on to.Cause we got each other.We got each other.Now that this has gone away.You left me here without a trace.And now I"m in a brand new place.Cause we got each other.Baby, we got each otherNo matter what happens we got each otherhad some times in the past but we got each otherthrough the good through the bad we still got each otherreally happy or sad but we got eachotherI"d give it all up for you...Do anything you asked me to...And like a pillow we can hold on to.Cause we got each other.We got each other.Now that this has gone away.You left me here without a trace.And now I"m in a brand new place.Cause we got each other.Baby, we got each otherAnd some times in the past almost pulled us underBut we got through all that and it made us strongerThrough the good, through the badYou just aint anotheryoure the best thing i have and we got each other.Katharine McPhee - Each other
2023-06-09 01:09:431


relax in〔into〕(v.+prep.)1.舒服地或放松地坐在〔躺在〕… sit comfortably in; let the weight of the body sink into (furniture such as a chair)When I"m tired,I like to relax in〔into〕 a deep armchair.我劳累时,喜欢舒舒服服地靠在一把高扶手椅子上休息一下。2.因松弛或轻松下来而转入… show less stiffness and anxiety by having or changing into (sth such as an expression of feeling)〔说明〕 relax in〔into〕常不用于被动结构。His worried face relaxed into a smile of greeting when he recognized us.他认出我们后,焦虑的面容缓和下来,露出欢迎的笑容。relax grip〔hold〕 on(v.+n.+prep.)1.松开,放开… stop holding (sth or sb) tightlyPain forced her to relax her grip on the oars.她痛得松开了握着的双桨。Please relax your grip on my arm, you"re hurting me.你把我的胳膊抓得好痛,请松开手。2.放松对…的控制 cease having or using power over (sb or sth)The climber dared not to relax his hold on his nerves until he was safely at the top.那个登山者在安全地登上山顶之前,一直全神贯注,不敢稍有放松。relax的短语例句:1. Massage is used to relax muscles, relieve stress and improve the circulation.按摩可以使肌肉放松,缓解压力和促进血液循环。2. How much can the President relax his grip over the nation?总统可以对国家的控制放松到什么样的程度?3. Relax as much as possible and keep breathing steadily.尽量放松,保持平稳呼吸。4. There"ll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.将会有充足的机会去放松、游泳和晒太阳。5. Relax, smile; loosen up in mind and body and behaviour.放松,微笑。精神、身体和行为上都要放轻松。6. Relax and take a breather whenever you feel that you need one.要放松,什么时候觉得需要休息就休息一下。7. He was grateful for a chance to relax and collect his thoughts.他很庆幸有机会放松放松,整理一下自己的思绪。8. We took time to relax in the cosily decorated drawing room.我们在布置得温暖而又舒适的客厅里休息了一会儿。9. If you feel a tenseness around the eyes, relax your muscles.你要是觉得两眼周围紧绷,就放松一下肌肉。10. I could not relax and still felt wide awake.我无法放松,还是很清醒。11. Close your eyes. Relax. Let your body loosen up.闭上眼睛。放松。让身体尽量松弛。12. Make a conscious effort to relax your muscles.有意识地放松肌肉。13. Muscles stretch, slacken and relax during child-birth.生孩子的时候,肌肉会拉抻、放松,然后松弛下来。14. When I get home from work I like to relax with the newspaper.我下班回到家里,喜欢看看报纸,放松一下。15. Relax! You"re getting too uptight about it.轻松点儿!你对这事太紧张了。
2023-06-09 01:09:511

Eminem的《Role Model》 歌词

歌曲名:Role Model歌手:Eminem专辑:EOK, I"m going to attempt to drown myselfYou can try this at homeYou can be just like me!Mic check one two.. we recordin?I"m cancerous, so when I diss you wouldn"t wanna answer thisIf you responded back with a battle rap you wrote for CanibusI strangled you to death then I choked you againThen break your fuckin legs till your bones poke through your skinYou beef wit me, I"ma even the score equallyTake you on Jerry Springer, and beat yer ass legallyI get you blunted off of funny home grownCause when I smoke out I hit the trees harder than Sonny Bono(Ohh no!!) So if I said I never did drugsThat would mean I lie AND get fucked more than the President doesHillary Clinton tried to slap me and call me a pervertI ripped her fuckin tonsils out and fed her sherbet (Bitch!)My nerves hurt, and lately I"m on edgeGrabbed Vanilla Ice and ripped out his blonde dreads (Fuck you!)Every girl I ever went out wit is goin lezFollow me and do exactly what the song says:smoke weed, take pills, drop outta school, kill people and drinkAnd jump behind the wheel like it was still legalI"m dumb enough to walk in a store and stealSo I"m dumb enough to ask for a date with Lauryn HillSome people only see that I"m white, ignorin skillCause I stand out like a green hat with a orange billBut I don"t get pissed, y"all don"t even see through the mistHow the fuck can I be white, I don"t even existI get a clean shave, bathe, go to a raveDie from an overdose and dig myself up out of my graveMy middle finger won"t go down, how do I wave?And this is how I"m supposed to teach kids how to behave?Now follow me and do exactly what you seeDon"t you wanna grow up to be just like me!I slap women and eat shrooms then O.D.Now don"t you wanna grow up to be just like me!Me and Marcus Allen went over to see NicoleWhen we heard a knock at the door, must have been Ron Gold"Jumped behind the door, put the orgy on holdKilled em both and smeared blood in a white Bronco (we did it!)My mind won"t work if my spine don"t jerkI slapped Garth Brooks out of his Rhinestone shirtI"m not a player just a ill rhyme sayerThat"ll spray an Aerosol can up at the ozone layer (psssssssh)My rap style"s warped, I"m runnin out the morguewitcha dead grandmother"s corpse to throw it on your porchJumped in a Chickenhawk cartoon wit a cape onAnd beat up Foghorn Leghorn with an acornI"m bout as normal as Norman Bates, with deformative traitsA premature birth that was four minutes lateMother.. are you there? I love youI never meant to hit you over the head with that shovelWill someone explain to my brain that I just severeda main vein with a chainsaw and I"m in pain?I take a breather and sighed; either I"m high, or I"m nutsCause if you ain"t tiltin this room, neither am ISo when you see your mom with a thermometer shoved in her assThen it probably is obvious I got it on with herCause when I drop this solo shit it"s over withI bought Cage"s tape, opened it, and dubbed over itI came to the club drunk with a fake IDDon"t you wanna grow up to be just like me!I"ve been with 10 women who got HIVNow don"t you wanna grow up to be just like me!I got genital warts and it burns when I peeDon"t you wanna grow up to be just like me!I tie a rope around my penis and jump from a treeYou probably wanna grow up to be just like me!!!?by Stane?& Mla餫
2023-06-09 01:14:471


she is my sin
2023-06-09 01:15:074


2023-06-09 01:15:223