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Are You Crying 歌词

2023-06-09 09:08:53
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
歌曲名:Are You Crying
歌手:The Get Down Kids
专辑:All There Is And All There Ever Will Be

Are You Happy Now
Don"t just walk away
Pretending everythings okay and you don"t care about me
And I know it"s just no use
When all your lies become your truths and I don"t care yeah~
Could you look me in the eye
And tell me that you"re happy now
Would you tell it to my face
Or have I been erased
Are you happy now
Are you happy now
You took all there was to take
And left me with an empty plate
And you don"t care about it
And I am giving up this game
And leaving you with all the blame
Cause I don"t care yeah~
Could you look me in the eye
And tell me that you"re happy now
Would you tell it to my face
Or have I been erased
Are you happy now
Are you happy now
Are you happy now Yeah~~~
Do you really have everything you want
You could never give something you ain"t got
You can"t run away from yourself
Could you look me in the eye
And tell me that you"re happy now Yeah~~~
Come on tell it to my face
Or have I been erased
Are you happy now
Would you look me in the eye
Could you look me in the eye
I"ve had all that I can take
I"m not about to break
Cause I"m happy now Ohh~~~




erase及物动词 vt.1.擦掉, 抹去, 清除 He erased the wrong answer and wrote in the right one.他擦去了错误答案, 写上了正确答案。Nothing can erase the incident from his memory.没有什么东西可以使他忘记那件事。His name was erased from the list.他已被除名。2. 抹去,清洗(磁带上的录音或存贮器中的信息)3. 擦掉,抹掉(笔迹等)4. 清除;消除;消灭eraser名词 n.1.<主美>橡皮擦;板擦;擦除器 I like to use pencils with erasers on top.我喜欢用带橡皮的铅笔。Rub out chalk marks with an eraser.用黑板擦擦掉粉笔字迹。
2023-06-08 23:31:182


ERASE擦除Who can erase the mental images of those planes smashing into the twin towers?谁能抹去飞机撞进双子塔楼时留在人们心灵上阴影?Even you hate someone you can"t erase that guy as it is crime!即便你很讨厌某人,你也不能杀了他,这太疯狂了!You can erase or block this information from your computer if you want to.如果您想要从计算机中删除或阻断这种信息,您可以这样做。
2023-06-08 23:31:562


2023-06-08 23:32:041


  橡皮擦,现今的橡皮擦种类繁多,以切合不同需要。那么,你知道橡皮的英文怎么读吗?现在跟我一起学习关于橡皮擦的英语知识吧。   橡皮擦的英文释义   eraser   橡皮擦的英文例句   我使用橡皮擦。   I use an eraser.   橡皮擦则让路给了松球。   Erasers give way to pine cones.   生命是绘一幅画,手中却无橡皮擦。   Life is to paint without an eraser.   橡皮擦是一块用于擦去错字的橡胶。   An eraser is a piece of rubber used for erasing something wrong in your writing.   书桌上有两个橡皮擦。   There are two erasers on the desk.   我用橡皮擦把它们完全擦掉了。   I scrubbed them out with the eraser.   我不会再用那个橡皮擦了。   I will no longer use that eraser.   他们把橡皮擦从一个学生手里传到另一个学生手里了吗?   Do they pass the eraser from one to another?   地上有块橡皮擦。   There is an eraser on the floor.   生活是一门没有橡皮擦的绘画艺术。   Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.   Pencil marks can be erased with a rubber 铅笔的痕迹可被橡皮 擦 掉   You can erase pencil marks with a rubber 你可以用橡皮 擦 掉铅笔记号   You use a rubber to rub out pencil marks which are wrong 你用橡皮 擦 掉写错的铅笔字迹   He puts his pen, ruler and eraser into his backpack 他把他的钢笔 、 尺子和橡皮 擦 装进书包里   Life is the art of drawing without an eraser 生活是一门没有橡皮 擦 的绘画艺术   What"s the matter with you? I can"t find my pencil and eraser 怎麽啦? 我找不到我的铅笔和橡皮 擦   Professional and business eraser eraser manufacturing lines, stationery andprofessional Formula Die! 专业经营橡皮 擦 及橡皮 擦 制造流水线, 文化 用品模具及专业配方!   Now the other students open their eyes, and guess who has eraser 现在其他学生睁开眼睛, 猜橡皮 擦 在谁手中   A: How much are these pencils and an eraser? 两枝铅笔和一个橡皮 擦 要多少钱 呢 ?   Mechanical Pencil, Refill Leads , Ballpen Wooden Pencil, Eraser, StationeryPlasticPlastic Products 采购产品笔, 充值线索,圆珠笔木制铅笔, 橡皮 擦 , 文具   Use the Eraser tool to take out any unwanted lines 使用橡皮 擦 工具采取任何不想要的线路   Especially the JUPITER was favoured by Offices and Companies 大概在二战时候,人们在削铅笔机上添加橡皮 擦   Occasionally use the eraser to erase bits that are looking weird 用橡皮 擦 工具擦 去看上去不太好的地方   Did you take my eraser? This is my piano teacher, Ms Lee 你拿了我的橡皮 擦 吗 ?这是我的钢琴老师, 李小姐   My boy, wipe these wrong words out with a pencil eraser 我的孩子, 把这些错字用橡皮 擦 掉   I lost my eraser Can you lend me yours? 我弄丢了我的橡皮 擦 你可以把你的借我 吗 ?   In fact, some artists still use bread as an eraser today! 事实上, 现在有些艺术家仍然把面包当成橡皮 擦 来用   Rach, why does my cinnamon stick have an eraser? 瑞秋, 为何我的肉桂棒上有橡皮 擦 ?   Remerber: Everybody makes mistakes, that"s why they put erasers onpencils 记住: 每个人都会犯错; 所以他们才会把橡皮 擦 放在铅笔上   The propelling pencil has a replaceable top - quality eraser under itsremovable cap 该活动铅笔有一个可替换的前根据其可拆卸的保护帽质量橡皮 擦   关于橡皮擦的英文阅读:记忆橡皮擦   Whether it"s from an awful breakup or a traumatic life event,some memories can haunt us for our entire lives.But,what if there was a way that you could completely forget these all together? Can science erase your bad memories? Memory is an incredibly complex process.While scientists used to believe it was like a filing cabinet and particular memories were stored in different sections of the brain,we now know this is incorrect.   无论是被发卡还是其他伤心往事,某些记忆总是忘不掉。不过,如果有能让你彻底忘记这一切的 方法 呢?“记忆橡皮擦”能否成真?记忆是一项极为复杂的过程。先前,科学家把它视作为档案柜特定记忆储存在大脑的特定部位,我们知道这并不正确。   In fact,each memory is a brain wide process.If you end up remembering this video,it"s because the cells in your brain are being triggered and fired,building new connections and links and literally rewiring the circuitry of your mind.And this change is partially facilitated by proteins in the brain.So what if the proteins aren"t available?   实际上,每一项记忆都和整个大脑相关,而你记住这视频,则是因为脑内细胞被触发并激活,建立新的连接并重构脑内神经回路,脑内的蛋白质也对此赶到一定促进作用。那么,如果没有这些蛋白质呢?   Simply put,memories can"t be made.Seriously,scientists have tested this by giving animals drugs that prevent these proteins from forming.As a result the animals have no recollection of the things that took place shortly after the drug was taken.From this research,scientists actually found a way to target long term memories for deletion.You see,every single time you remember a memory,your brain is once again firing and rewiring.   简单说,你就记不了东西了。科学家做过实验,他们给动物服用药物来抑制这类蛋白质的合成,结果,动物们在刚服药之后什么都记不起来。通过这项研究,科学家找到了可以删除长期记忆的方式。你看,每次想起某些事时,大脑就会重新激活细胞,构建回路。   In fact,each time you reflect on a memory,you are literally physically changing that memory in your mind.And each time that memory is altered a little,reflecting your current thoughts.Remembering is an act of creation and imagining.meaning the more you reflect on old memories,the less accurate they become.And scientists have actually quantified this change.   其实,你每次回忆起某件事时,都在改变着大脑内的记忆。这段,记忆每次也会因你当前想法而产生细微变化。记忆是创造和想象的一种行为,也就是说,回忆得越多,记忆就越不准确。科学家也曾将此量化。   After 9/11,hundreds of people were asked about their memories of the dreadful day.A year later,37%of the details had changed.By 2004,nearly 50% of the details had changed or gone missing.And because memories are formed and rebuilt every time,if you administer the protein inhibiting drug while recalling a memory,the memory can be effectively removed.To test this,scientists took lab rats and played a sound for them,shortly followed by an electric shock.After doing this multiple times,the rats quickly learned that if they heard the sound,a shock was soon to follow.   911事件后,数百人被问起这段惨痛事件的记忆,一年后,其37%的细节出现变化,到了2004年,近乎一半的细节已被遗忘或改变。由于记忆每次都会被重塑,如果你在回忆时吃下抵制蛋白质的药物,这段记忆就能被消除。科学家曾让小白鼠听一种声音,此后对其电击,几次之后,小白鼠很快明白听到声音后很快会有电击。   As a result,they would stress up and freeze every time they heard it.Months later,these rats would still respond to the noise;however,if they administered the drug first,the rats would lose the memory of the sound,and simply continue on.They had lost their memory of that specific noise.To be sure the drug wasn"t just causing large scale brain damage,scientists repeated these experiments with multiple tones this time.   结果,每次听到声音后,他们都会紧张麻木。几个月后,老鼠仍会对此声音做出反应;不过,如果让老鼠先吃药,它们就会忘记那段声音,继续活动。它们对特定声音的记忆已经消失了。为了确定这种药物没在脑内开地图炮,这次,科学家用多种声音重复了这项实验。   Both sounds would warn for a shock,and eventually the mice would fear both.But if they administered the drug and played only one of the sounds,the mice would only forget that one tone,while still remaining fearful of the other.Over time scientists have discovered specific drugs to target particular proteins ccross different parts of the brain.   两种声音都意味着电击,老鼠会对二者都产生畏惧。如果在为老鼠给药后播放一种声音,老鼠就会忘记这种声音,但仍害怕另一种,目前,科学家已对大脑内不同区域内特定蛋白质研发出特制药物。   So,if you experience a terrible emotion with a memory,then targeting a protein in the emotional regions of the brain can help to remove that connection alone.Which could be an amazing tool,especially for patients suffering from something like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.But while these drugs are in the very early stages,the question remains:if you were given a "forgetting pill"would you be willing to take it?   那么,如果你经历了某些不堪回首的事,搞定大脑情感区域内的一个蛋白质就能让你把记忆抛之脑后。这可是相当不错的哇,尤其对创作后精神紧张性精神障碍(PTSD)等疾病患者,尽管药物尚在早期研发阶段,有个问题还没解决:给你一瓶“忘忧水”你真的会喝吗? 猜你喜欢: 1. 烦恼用英语怎么说 2. 报告厅用英语怎么说 3. 迷彩用英语怎么说 4. 个性用英语怎么说 5. 乐队用英语怎么说
2023-06-08 23:32:121


swipe swiped swiped
2023-06-08 23:32:204


  unfortunate[u028cnu02c8fu0254:tu0283u0259nu0259t],中文读音近似:昂 佛切尔 内特 正确读音请参照音标  满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-06-08 23:32:331

erase wipe的区别和用法

2023-06-08 23:32:413

记忆无法抹去 英文翻译

memory can"t be forgottenscar can"t be cured
2023-06-08 23:33:004

还原下面英语句子成主动语态。 1. The document must have been

They must have erased the document A famous interior desinger is decorating their apartment
2023-06-08 23:33:083


2023-06-08 23:33:151

句子成分分析 US factories shed workers so fast that erased almost all the gains of thepre

US factories shed workers so fast是句子的主干,主谓宾结构, that erased almost all the gains of theprevious 70 years是句子的结果状语。翻译为美国工厂裁员很快,以至于几乎抵消了过去70年所有新增的工作机会。
2023-06-08 23:33:222

求no good time歌词,

2023-06-08 23:33:293

Great Companion 歌词

小左*编辑歌曲:Great Companion歌手:Landon PiggIt"s not that you lost a friendI just need some time to lick my woundsI"ll be out of service for a little whileI"m sure I"ll be up and running soonHe"s just amateur these daysNot used to dealing with this painHe"s just amateur these daysNever thought that he would see a girl awayAnd our history will never be erasedYou were a great companionAnd some memories will never ever fadeSo I love and so I hateWhat we were I never knew nor did youThat"s exactly what you hatedFor three years you were confusedAnd for three years, my intentions left unstatedAnd our history can never be erasedYou were a great companionAnd some memories will never ever fadeSo I love and so I hate...So this is the end..Of an innocent era, an innocent era?.....I didn"t want you but I did it"s never wrong but it isAnd our history can never be erasedYou were a great companionAnd some memories will never fade awayYou were a great companionAnd our history can never be erasedYou were a great companionAnd some memories will never ever ever fade
2023-06-08 23:33:361


一、如何查看Linux中各个用户的历史操作命令 查看命令历史用history命令,历史命令只有在注销的时候,才会被更新到~/.bash_history这个系统历史命令记录文件中;当你下次以bash登录Linux的时候,系统会主动由当前用户的~/.bash_history文件读取历史命令的记录。 history命令用法: history 数字 列出最近的n条命令; history -w 将目前的历史记忆的内容强制立即写入~/.bash_history文件中; history -c 将目前所有的历史命令记录全部清除。 二、如何将Linux系统的历史操作命令删除 你好, 1、修改/etc/profile将HISTSIZE=1000改成0或1 清除用户home路径下。bash_history 2、立即清空里的history当前历史命令的记录 history -c 3、bash执行命令时不是马上把命令名称写入history文件的,而是存放在内部的buffer中,等bash退出时会一并写入。 不过,可以调用"history -w"命令要求bash立即更新history文件。 history -w 后续操作的删除命令只会删除当前用户的操作命令,并不会影响其他用户。 在提示符后输入命令history,就可以查看到当前用户的历史操作命令。图中所示的是目前系统保存到root用户输入的377条命令。 在提示符下输入命令history -c就可以删除历史操作命令。再用history命令查看,发现历史操作命令已删除。 如果希望系统不再保存历史操作命令,就必须更改配置文件目录下的配置文件profile。首先使用vi编辑器打开该文件。 找到HISTSIZE这个值,默认情况下历史命令将保存1000条,可以将该值改为0,然后保存并退出,最后重启系统使得配置文件生效。 6重启完成后,再次使用命令history查看,发现系统已不再记录命令。 三、linux怎么样显示命令历史后又显示命令的输入时间 linux的bash内部命令history就可以显示命令行的命令历史,默认环境执行 history 命令后,通常只会显示已执行命令的序号和命令本身。 如果想要查看命令历史的时间戳,那么可以执行: # export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %T " # history | more 1 2008-08-05 19:02:39 service work restart 2 2008-08-05 19:02:39 exit 3 2008-08-05 19:02:39 id 这样显示的格式就变成,序号 - 时间 - 命令行。 history的其他的一些基本功能: 1、使用 HISTSIZE 控制历史命令记录的总行数 将下面两行内容追加到 .bash_profile 文件并重新登录 bash shell,命令历史的记录数将变成 450 条: # vi ~/.bash_profile HISTSIZE=450 HISTFILESIZE=450 2、使用 HISTFILE 更改历史文件名称 默认情况下,命令历史存储在 ~/.bash_history 文件中。添加下列内容到 .bash_profile 文件并重新登录 bash shell,将使用 mandline_warrior 来存储命令历史: # vi ~/.bash_profile HISTFILE=/root/mandline_warrior 3、使用 HISTCONTROL 从命令历史中剔除连续重复的条目 在下面的例子中,pwd 命令被连续执行了三次。执行 history 后会看到三条重复的条目。要剔除这些重复的条目,可以将 HISTCONTROL 设置为 ignoredups: # export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups 4、使用 HISTCONTROL 清除整个命令历史中的重复条目 上例中的 ignoredups 只能剔除连续的重复条目。要清除整个命令历史中的重复条目,可以将 HISTCONTROL 设置成 erasedups: # export HISTCONTROL=erasedups 5、使用 -c 选项清除所有的命令历史 如果你想清除所有的命令历史,可以执行: # history -c 6、使用 HISTIGNORE 忽略历史中的特定命令 下面的例子,将忽略 pwd、ls、ls -ltr 等命令: # export HISTIGNORE=”pwd:ls:ls -ltr:” 四、请问linux的history指令如何显示全部的历史记录 history命令可以用来显示曾执行过的命令。 执行过的命令默认存储在HOME目录的.bash_history文件中,可以通过查看该文件来获取执行命令的历史记录。需要注意的是.bash_history不包含当前会话所执行的命令,执行过的命令在关机时才会写入文件,除非执行命令history -w。 了解linux基础命令,另外你是感兴趣的话可以看下刘遄老师写的《Linux就该这么学》作为入门的书籍,觉得不错的话采纳下哦~。 五、linux 查看当前系统默认可以记住用户多少个历史命令用什么命令 可以使用History命令,主要用于显示历史指令记录内容, 下达历史纪录中的指令 。 1、History命令语法: [test@linux]# history [n] [test@linux]# history [-c] [test@linux]# history [-raw] histfiles 参数: n:数字,要列出最近的 n 笔命令列表 -c:将目前的shell中的所有 history 内容全部消除 -a:将目前新增的history 指令新增入 histfiles 中,若没有加 histfiles , 则预设写入 ~/.bash_history -r:将 histfiles 的内容读到目前这个 shell 的 history 记忆中 -w:将目前的 history 记忆内容写入 histfiles Linux系统在shell(控制台)中输入并执行命令时,shell会自动把命令记录到历史列表中,一般保存在用户目录下的.bash_history文件中。默认保存1000条,也可以更改这个值。 如果键入history, history会显示所使用的前1000个历史命令,并且编了号,会看到一个用数字编号的列表快速从屏幕上卷过。可能不需要查看1000个命令中的所有项目, 当然也可以加入数字来列出最近的 n 笔命令列表。 linux中history命令不仅仅可以查询历史命令而已. 还可以利用相关的功能来帮执行命令。 2、运行特定的历史命令 history会列出bash保存的所有历史命令,并且编了号,可以使用“叹号接编号”的方式运行特定的历史命令. 语法说明: [test@linux]# [!number] [!mand] [!!] 参数说明: number :第几个指令的意思; mand:指令的开头几个字母 ! :上一个指令的意思! 3、History命令实战 列出所有的历史记录: [test@linux] # history 只列出最近10条记录: [test@linux] # history 10 (注,history和10中间有空格) 使用命令记录号码执行命令,执行历史清单中的第99条命令 [test@linux] #!99 (!和99中间没有空格) 重复执行上一个命令 [test@linux] #!! 执行最后一次以rpm开头的命令(!? ?代表的是字符串,这个String可以随便输,Shell会从最后一条历史命令向前搜索,最先匹配的一条命令将会得到执行。) [test@linux] #!rpm 逐屏列出所有的历史记录: [test@linux]# history | more 立即清空history当前所有历史命令的记录 [test@linux] #history -c 除了使用history命令,在 shell 或 GUI 终端提示下,也可以使用上下方向键来翻阅命令历史(向下箭头会向前翻阅),直到找到所需命令为止。这可以很方便地编辑前面的某一条命令,而不用重复输入类似的命令。
2023-06-08 23:33:431

C++编程题 Problem B: 平面上的点——Point类 (II)

Append Code:class Point{ int x, y;public: Point(int px=0,int py=0){ x=px; y=py; cout <<"Point : (" <<x <<"," <<y <<") is erased. "; } Point(const Point& pt){ x=pt.x; y=pt.y; cout <<"Point : (" <<x <<"," <<y <<") is copied. "; } ~Point(){ cout <<"Point : (" <<x <<"," <<y <<") is erased. "; } void show(){ cout <<"Point : (" <<x <<"," <<y <<") "; }};
2023-06-08 23:33:511

Clayton Lee的《Happy Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Happy Now歌手:Clayton Lee专辑:Clayton LeeAre You Happy NowNowDon"t just walk awayPretending everythings okay and you don"t care about meAnd I know it"s just no useWhen all your lies become your truths and I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowYou took all there was to takeAnd left me with an empty plateAnd you don"t care about itYeahAnd I am giving up this gameAnd leaving you with all the blameCause I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowAre you happy now Yeah~~~Do you really have everything you wantYou could never give something you ain"t gotYou can"t run away from yourselfCould you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy now Yeah~~~Come on tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowWould you look me in the eyeCould you look me in the eyeI"ve had all that I can takeI"m not about to breakCause I"m happy now Ohh~~~
2023-06-08 23:33:581

求一首歌词为dont you remember, dont you rememmber的英文歌 一个女生唱的 声音很沙哑的 谢谢!

2023-06-08 23:34:062


用英语表示:Hope never ends,搜一下也可以
2023-06-08 23:34:275

blocks erased with erasewaits:12的翻译是:

blocks erased with erase waits:12的翻译是: 答案是: blocks erased with erase waits:12 块擦除和擦除等:12
2023-06-08 23:34:421

Matt Monro的《Memory》 歌词

歌曲名:Memory歌手:Matt Monro专辑:Matt At The MoviesReturn To Arms - MemoryLate at night at my apartmentShe"s in love and I"m dyingShe says she"s afraid to be aloneIt"s not that she knew me back whenAs I recall we weren"t best friendsAs time goes on her face becomes a memoryAnd all the thoughts she keeps insideAnd all the wrongs you"ve made them rightAnd all the thoughts they"re gone, they"ve all faded awayI want you and no one elseAnd after all this time I feel the sameLate at night at my apartmentI"m going through all of these pictures of youI can"t find the face to fit this memoryIt"s not that I really have changedIt"s just that I"ve been erasedIf all it takes is time then I"ll never be the sameAnd all the thoughts she keeps insideAnd all the wrongs you"ve made them rightAnd all the thoughts they"re gone, they"ve all faded awayI want you and no one elseAnd after all this time I feel the same
2023-06-08 23:34:481


磨灭 : 消失 。永远消失不了。指 事迹 言论等将 始终 保留在人们的记忆中。 成语出处: 宋· 欧阳 修《记旧本韩文后》:“韩氏之文,没而不见者二百年,而后大施于今,此又非特好恶之所上下,盖其久而愈明, 不可磨灭 ,虽蔽于暂而终耀于无穷者,其道 当然 也。” 成语例句: 但是 我又 不知 道这是 不可磨灭 的事实。 繁体写法: 不可磨灭 注音: ㄅㄨˋ ㄎㄜˇ ㄇㄛˊ ㄇㄧㄝ ˋ 不可磨灭的近义词: 永垂不朽 指伟大精神和光辉业绩流传长久,永不磨灭虽不足纲范万度,永垂不朽,且可释滞目前,厘整时务。《魏书&m 流芳百世 谓美名永远流传后世。《资治通鉴·晋简文帝咸安元年》:“男子不能流芳百世,亦当遗臭万年!”《三国演义》 不可磨灭的反义词: 过眼烟云 同“ 过眼云烟 ”。 宋 王十朋 《县学别同舍》诗:“伴人灯火情犹在,过眼烟云事已非。” 清 朱 昙花一现 印度的一种优昙钵花开放之后很快就谢萎。比喻世事没有生命力或人物经不起历史考验,偶现即逝 在今天这种 成语语法: 偏正式;作谓语、定语;含褒义,形容业绩等永远流传 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 偏正式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: can never be erased 其他翻译: <法>indélébile <ineffa cable> 成语谜语: 救火岂可拖拉 读音注意: 磨,不能读作“mò”。 写法注意: 灭,不能写作“火”。
2023-06-08 23:34:551

找一首英文歌 歌词的高潮部分的第一个单词是JUST.......

是 just last one 吗
2023-06-08 23:35:047

H3C S3100 配置清除问题

Unit1 file does not exist!是什么意思 权限不够吗 怎么进入管理员权限 你这个就是最高权限。提示你的是unit1交换机没有配置可清空。也就是你这个交换机本身就是空配置的。无法清空!unit 是堆叠时标识交换机用的,没有堆叠就是1。
2023-06-08 23:35:251

歌词里含有we are you nine

Are You Mine歌手:Peter WhiteAre You Happy NowDon"t just walk awayPretending everythings okay and you don"t care about meAnd I know it"s just no useWhen all your lies become your truths and I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowYou took all there was to takeAnd left me with an empty plateAnd you don"t care about itYeahAnd I am giving up this gameAnd leaving you with all the blameCause I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowAre you happy now Yeah~~~Do you really have everything you wantYou could never give something you ain"t gotYou can"t run away from yourselfCould you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy now Yeah~~~Come on tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowWould you look me in the eyeCould you look me in the eyeI"ve had all that I can takeI"m not about to breakCause I"m happy now Ohh~~~
2023-06-08 23:35:321


2023-06-08 23:35:411

一首歌却不知道歌名!歌词有一句:baby i love you i will never let you go

《talk play love》似乎不是。。。。囧
2023-06-08 23:35:483


《被抹去的男孩 Boy Erased》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: x1tr 《被抹去的男孩 Boy Erased》导演: 乔尔·埃哲顿编剧: 加拉德·康利、乔尔·埃哲顿主演: 卢卡斯·赫奇斯、妮可·基德曼、罗素·克劳、玛德琳·克莱因、维克托·麦凯、大卫·约瑟夫·克雷格、特洛耶·希文、艾米丽·辛克勒、德文·迈克尔、马特·伯克、林赛·莫泽、杰西·拉图雷特、布里顿·瑟尔、大卫·迪特莫尔、威廉·吴、乔尔·埃哲顿、泽维尔·多兰、蒂姆·韦尔、弗利、兰德尔·P·海文斯、乔·阿尔文类型: 剧情、同性、传记制片国家/地区: 澳大利亚、美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2018-09-01(特柳赖德电影节)、2018-11-02(美国)片长: 115分钟又名: 抹去的男孩、被抹掉的男孩乔尔·埃哲顿将自编自导新片[被清除的男孩](Boy Erased,暂译),主演卢卡斯·赫奇斯,妮可·基德曼、罗素·克劳有望加盟。影片改编自杰拉德·康利同名自传,故事讲述阿肯色一个保守小镇的牧师之子(赫奇斯饰)因同性恋性取向而遭到家庭的排斥,基德曼、克劳饰其父母。影片将于今秋开拍。故事简介:在阿肯色州一座封建保守的小城,浸信会牧师19岁的儿子向父母出柜。男孩却被迫参加教会支持的同性恋矫正项目来“治愈”同性恋,否则将会付出失去亲人、朋友和宗教信仰的代价。他起初参与了含有12个步骤的残酷治疗,但最终鼓起勇气逃跑,选择拥抱真正自我。
2023-06-08 23:35:561


思科路由器密码重置   在Cisco路由器忘记或丢失enable密码的情况时,一共有两种方法恢复,取决于你使用的路由器是哪一系列产品。下面我带来了这两种方法操作,希望对你有帮助!   思科路由器密码恢复方法一   使用这种方法可使下列思科路由器密码恢复:Cisco2000系列、2500系列、3000系列、使用680x0MotorolaCPU的Cisco4000系列、运行10.0版本以上CiscoIOS系统的7000系列路由器。   1.在路由器的console口接上一个终端或用安装仿真终端软件的PC机。   2.输入showversion命令,然后记下寄存器值,通常是0x2102or0x102。这个值显示在最后一行,注意寄存器的配置是否把Break设为enable或disable。   缺省配置寄存器值是0x2102。这个值从左数第三个数字如果是1,则是disableBreak;如果为零,则Break为enabled。   3.切断电源后再重启。   4.在路由器启动的60秒内在终端机上按Break键。将显示rommon>提示符。如果提示符不是这样,则终端没有发出正确的`中断信号,检查Break键是否正确或是否被设为disable。   5.在提示符下输入o/r0x42或o/r0x41,o/r0x42意思是从Flashmemory引导,o/r0x41意思是从ROMs引导(注意,第一个字符是字母o,不是数字0)。最好用0x42,在Flashmemory没有装或erase的情况下,才用0x41,如果有0x41则只能view或erase配置,不能直接更改密码。   6.在rommon>提示符下输入初始化命令。   7.输入系统配置对话提示符敲no,一直等提示信息显示:PressRETURNtogetstarted!   8.敲回车,出现Router>提示符。   9.输入enable命令,出现Router#提示符。   10.选择下面选项中的一项:   如果password没有加密,直接用morenvram:startup-config命令可以看密码;在password加密的情况下,无法看,只能修改,输入命令如下:   Router#configurememory   Router#configureterminal   Router(config)#enablesecret1234abcd   Router(config)#ctrl-z   Router#writememory   11.在EXEC提示符输入configureterminal进入配置模式。输入config-register命令,把在第二步中记录的寄存器值复原。   12.敲Ctrl-Z,退出配置状态。   13.在特权模式下用writememory命令保存配置,然后reboot重启。   思科路由器密码恢复方法二   使用这种方法可使下列思科路由器密码恢复:Cisco1003、1600系列、3600系列、4500系列、7200系列、7500系列和IDTOrion-Based路由器,前四步和第一种方法一样。   5.在rommon>提示符下输入confreg命令。   Doyouwishtochangeconfiguration[y/n]?   输入yes,然后回车。在回答后面的问题时一直选择no,直到出现“ignoresystemconfiginfo[y/n]?”时输入yes。接着继续敲no回答,一直到看到“changebootcharacteristics[y/n]?”时输入yes。   entertoboot:在这个提示符下可以有2和1两种选择。如果Flashmemoryiserased选择1,这样只能vieworerase配置,不能直接修改password。最好选择2。出现如下提示:Doyouwishtochangeconfiguration[y/n]?回答no,然后回车,显示“rommon>”。   6.在特权EXEC下输入reload命令。   思科路由器密码恢复操作到这后,后面操作同第一种方法。 ;
2023-06-08 23:36:261

best of me 中文歌词..

Alex Reid-Best Of Me I Oooh oh ohhhh Oooh ohOooh oh Best of meOhhh噢...噢,噢~~~噢,噢...最好的我,噢~~Wake up all alone now never felt so free现在的我一觉醒来孤身一人却感觉如此自在got caught up in the dramawhen i thought that you weregood for me而当我把你当成我的Mr.Right的时候,我完全脱离了现实i was what i lived for under your control从前的我一直活在你的控制之中you"d left me so empty but i never felt so whole.你离开了我,把空虚留给我,我却第一次拥有了如此完整的自我Looking in the mirror i recognize his face看着镜子我认清了他的真面目my mind so much clearer我的脑海变得清晰许多and all the done has been erased所有的过错都已变成过去Im the brand new same oh me我是全新的我not the girl that i used to be不再是曾经的那个女孩i let you go and get the best of me我离开你却成全了最好的我now im holdin everything i need现在我正把握住我需要的一切taken back all my broken dream重拾我所有破灭过的梦想i let you go and get the best of me我离开了你却成全了最好的我Oooh oh best of meOooh oh噢...噢,最好的我噢~~~噢So done coming in last cause i put you first去年我曾对你那么好went through it getting to it经历过,煎熬过but it helped to show me what im worth但这也让我明白了我值得被更好的对待No longer scared im without my fears不再害怕,我抛开恐惧found myself when i left behind the tears (yeah)甩掉眼泪,我就能找到自我(耶~)Looking in the mirror i recognize his face看着镜子我认清了他的真面目my mind so much clearer我的脑海变得清晰许多and all the done has been erased所有的过错都已变成过去Im the brand new same oh me我是全新的我not the girl that i used to be不再是曾经的那个女孩i let you go and get the best of me我离开你却成全了最好的我now im holdin everything i need现在我正把握住我需要的一切taken back all my broken dream重拾我所有破灭过的梦想i let you go and get the best of me我离开了你却成全了最好的我You can get out the door if you want如果你想走,你现在就可以出门i don"t need the regrets to be strong我不需要强烈的遗憾cause i tried and i tried and i tried and i tired to shake it因为我试过,我试过,我试过,我试过动摇now its gone现在不会了take all the pain if you want i don"t need your consent to be strong带走所有的痛苦,如果你愿意,我不需要你坚定的承诺Your testing me the best of me moves on Oooh oh ohh ohh ohhhh经过你的考验,最好的我已在路上 支持原创就给点分呗。
2023-06-08 23:36:341

blocks erased with erasewaits:12的翻译是:什么意思

2023-06-08 23:36:413

best of me 歌词准确的翻译,英语专业的进谢谢!

2023-06-08 23:36:565


  不幸,没有得到自己的需求,就会认为是不幸。有时会把困难与不幸混淆,把困难当成了不幸。如果我们把困难当成了不幸,我们就没有了解决困难的动力。那么你知道不幸用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    不幸英语说法1:   unfortunate    不幸英语说法2:   misfortune    不幸英语说法3:   adversity    不幸的英语例句:   她对不幸的人总是很友好。   She was always good with the unfortunate.   我真诚地同情这些不幸的人。   I sincerely pity these unfortunate beings.   那的确是不幸啊!   It is indeed unfortunate!   我不幸错过了末班火车。   Unfortunately, I missed the last train.   真不幸,我在冰上摔倒时摔伤了膝盖。   Unfortunately, I hurt my knee when I fell down on the ice.   那个乞丐编造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的 故事 。   The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes.   他向每一个愿意听的人抱怨他的不幸。   He moaned about his misfortunes to anyone who would listen.   求你不幸不幸我的不幸遭受。   I pray that you will have pity on my distress.   未遭不幸的人是真正的不幸。   He who can not bear misfortune is truly unfortunate.   他去年不幸逝世。   He unfortunately passed away last year.   她在这一切不幸中表现得很坚强。   She bore up well against all these misfortunes.   一连串不幸的事发生了。   A series of mischance happened.   1对于过去不幸的记忆,构成了新不幸。   The memory of past adversity is the new misforture.   不幸的是她已经删除了那条短信。   It was unfortunate that she had erased the message.   最烦人的就是那些模棱两可的家伙(不幸的是,大多数风投恰好就是这种做派)。   But it is the ambiguous people who are the killer ( and unfortunately, often the majority of VCS).   那可能是我不幸看到的最光秃、最荒凉的岛屿。   That"s probably the most bare and bleak island I"ve ever had the misfortune to clap eyes on.   吉透和沃特兰在开始时想看看这些小生物是否能改变这不幸的遗传病。   Jirtle and Waterland set about to see if they could change the unfortunate genetic legacy of these little creatures.   那学童是在那天早晨到教室里来的最后一个。他见到老师和同学们的表情都严肃,马上感到不幸的事情已发生。   The schoolboy was the last to come to class that morning.he saw that his teacher and the other classmates all looked very grave.on this, he felt that something unfortunate had taken place.   如果在我们已往的生活上,有了叛逆、不信、罪恶、不幸,只要我们肯完全降服、信靠,神决不会说「太迟」的,因为神有办法对付这些悲剧。   If in our own life there have been rebellion, unbelief, sin, and disaster, it is never too late for God to deal triumphantly with these tragic facts if brought to him in full surrender and trust.
2023-06-08 23:37:101

找这首歌的歌手 歌曲 歌词 谢谢

baby girl 的Inner voicesThere are times when i look in your eyes i see the love that we shared i see the joy inside but i didn"t see the feelings you hide and now you"re saying goodbye because your love has died And all i can think about is you the way you say you love me too and everytime i close my eyes i see your face my love can never be erased and you can never be baby girl why don"t you come back to me why don"t you love me anymore baby girl you know i still care for you you know i will love you forevermore...(2x) There are times when i kiss you goodnight I feel the love that we shared I feel the joy inside but I didn"t feel what you tried to hide and now you"re saying goodbye because your feeling has died And all i can think about is you the way you say you love me too and everytime i close my eyes i see your face my love can never be erased and you can never be baby girl why don"t you come back to me why don"t you love me anymore baby girl you know i still care for you you know i will love you forevermore...(2x) And all i can think about is you the way you say you love me too and everytime i close my eyes i see your face my love can never be erased and you can never be
2023-06-08 23:37:174

best of me 歌词中文版

这是新版了,老版本好听点,之前的歌词是Even if it"s not your favorite song。这里改城了though。it"s not your favorite song。不好听。整体还可以
2023-06-08 23:37:254


Price:“There"s simplicity to war.Attakeing is the only secret.Dare,and the world yields.” 普莱斯:“战争其实很简单,进攻是唯一的秘绝,只要有勇气,世界就会屈服在你脚下.” Price:"How quickly they forget that all it takes to change the course of history-is the will of a single man." 普莱斯:“他们忘得真快,谁还记得改变世界历史这件事是谁干的.” Makarov:"Who is this." 马卡洛夫:“他是谁.” Price:"Prisoner6-2-7,I"m coming for you,Makarov." 普莱斯:“囚犯6-2-7,我来找你了,马卡洛夫.” Makarov:"Have"t you heard,Price.They say the wor is over." 马卡洛夫:“你没听到吗,普莱斯,他们说战争结束了.” Price:"My war ends with you." 普莱斯:“我的战争以你结束.” Makarov:"Like it ended for Captain in MacTavishi?Tell me ,Price,how long did it take him to die?" 马卡洛夫:“好像麦克塔维什么队长的也这么说,告诉我,普莱斯,他死多久了.” Makarov:"i"ve destroyed yourworld piese by piese.It"s only a matter of time until I find you." 马卡洛夫:“我会把你的世界慢慢摧毁,我想干掉你只是时间问题.” Price:“You won"t have to lcok far...” 普莱斯:“你不用想的太远.” 使命召唤6 Price: this is a recording. History is written by the victors. History is full of lies. If he is alive and we are dead words, his truth will be recorded. And we will be erased. Shepherd will be a hero. Because you want to change the world did was a good lies and rivers of blood. He will soon complete history of the great lies. He"s the truth will be the truth. But only when he live down, and we die.(普莱斯:这是一段录音.历史是由胜利者书写的.历史是充满谎言的.如果他活着而我们死了的话,他的真相会被记录下来.而我们的会被抹去.谢普德将会成为英雄.因为你要改变世界所做的只是一个好的谎言和河流般的鲜血.他马上就要完成历史上最厉害的谎言了.他的真相将会成为真理.但是只有当他活下来,而我们死去的时候.) Price:Ordinary people don"t wake up in the morning thought this is the last day of life. But I think this is a luxury, rather than curse. Know yourself numbered is a relief. The liquidation over. No weapon. With a pair of hundreds. By hot heads to carry out a suicide mission. But here"s the sandstorm and rock has been the thousands of years of war defiled. We will therefore be remembered. For in our endless nightmare, it is our own choose to enter. We will be like the mind jumps out of lava general forward. We had our hearts, the clear goal: we, and killed him. (普莱斯:普通人们不会在早上醒来时想到这是生命的最后一天.但我觉得这是一种奢侈,而非诅咒.知道自己时日无多是一种解脱.该清算一下了.没有武器.以一对百.头脑发热去执行一次自杀任务.但这里的风沙和岩石已被数千年的战乱玷污.我们会因此被铭记.因为在我们无尽的噩梦中,这是我们自己选择要进入的.我们会像地心喷薄而出的熔岩一般前进.我们我们内心决然,目标明确:我们,要,杀了他.) 最后祝LZ游戏愉快!
2023-06-08 23:37:541


士兵的说的太快,提示音发音清晰些疯狂译文:Happy birthday!生日快乐(送你一个生日礼物)尤里xThere is only one TRUE Yuri!只有一个真正的尤里自保卡车My truck is loaded卡车装载好了提示音Our 。。。is under attack。很多啊
2023-06-08 23:38:032


2023-06-08 23:41:031


2023-06-08 23:41:324


要用an。eraser的前面用an,an eraser,一块橡皮擦。因为eraser的发音为[u026a"reu026azu0259],第一个音发元音[u026a],因此只能用an。名词,橡皮擦。复数形式erasers,动词形式erase,意为抹去,擦除。过去式erased。现在分词erasing。名词形式erasion。例句:1、Life is the art of drawing without an eraser。生活是一门没有橡皮擦的绘画艺术。2、If you need to change what you wrote, just use this eraser。如果你需要更改所写的内容,就用这块橡皮擦。3、Study on the control system of intelligent blackboard eraser。智能黑板擦控制系统研究。
2023-06-08 23:41:471

Citizen Erased 歌词

歌曲名:Citizen Erased歌手:MUSE专辑:Origin Of Symmetry能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollBreak me inTeach us to cheatAnd to lieCover up what shouldn"t be sharedAnd the truth"s unwindingScraping away at my mindPlease stop asking me to describe himFor one momentI wish you"d hold your stageWith no feelings at allOpen-mindedI"m sure I used to be so freeSelf-expressedExhausting for allTo see and to be what you wantAnd what you needAnd the truth"s unwindingScraping away at my mindPlease stop asking me to describeFor one momentI wish you"d hold your stageWith no feelings at allOpen-mindedI"m sure I used to be so freeFor one momentI wish you"d hold your stageWith no feelings at allOpen-mindedI"m sure I used to be so freeWash me awayClean your body of meErase all the memoriesThey"ll only bring us painAnd I"ve seen all I"ll ever need
2023-06-08 23:42:051

Ocean Floor 歌词

歌曲名:Ocean Floor歌手:Audio Adrenaline专辑:Greatest HitsAudio Adrenaline - Ocean FloorThe mistakes i"ve madeThat caused painI could have done withoutAll my selfish thoughtsAll my prideThe things i hideYou have forgot aboutThey"re all behind youThey"ll never find youThey"re on the ocean floorYour sins are forgottenThey"re on the bottomOf the ocean floorMy misdeedsAll my greedAll the things that haunt me nowThey"re not a pretty sight to seeBut they"re wiped awayBya mighty mighty waveThey"re all behind youThey"ll never find youThey"re on the ocean floorYour sins are forgottenThey"re on the bottomOf the ocean floorYour sins are erasedAnd they are no moreThey"re out on the ocean floorTake then awayTo return no moreTake them awayTo the ocean floorThey"re all behind youThey"ll never find youThey"re on the ocean floorYour sins are forgottenThey"re on the bottomOf the ocean floorYour sins are erasedAnd they are no moreThey"re out on the ocean floorYour sins are forgottenThey"re on the bottomOf the ocean floorYour sins are erasedAnd they are no moreThey"re out on the ocean floor
2023-06-08 23:42:111

erase wipe的区别和用法

erase 和 wipe 是同义词erase 擦掉 是一般事物与“不坏”的东西。you erased the answer.wipe 擦掉 是 “坏”的事与东西 ,用得比较脏与粗野 :you wipe out my ass
2023-06-08 23:42:324

lost or stolen or erased

2023-06-08 23:42:391

求elize的 no good to me歌词

Graham Coxon - No Kick ass little girl going to a partyEating blue Smarties cos she"s rock"n"rollGonna do some coke and maybe do some pokingGonna spin some records for a Jack and cokeWasted little dj filling up the floorAnd your records are boring cos you"re cool as hellEverybody"s flying and everybody"s slidingSlowly suiciding in a tiled cellIts no good time to see your faceNo good time to get erasedNo good time to sink into the crowdGraphic designer you could look no finerIn your eyeliner and your silas Living in the EastEnd with your teenage Everyday"s a weekend in a real cool sceneCos everybody"s flying slipping and slidingSlowly suiciding in a tiled cellAnd we"ll go out together holding hands foreverShiny boots of leather looking like Lou ReedJust like Lou ReedIts no good time to see your faceNo good time to feel erasedNo good time to sink into the crowdIts no good time to see your faceNo good time to get erasedNo good time to suck up your liesIts no good time to see your faceNo good time to get erasedNo good time to sink into the crowd
2023-06-08 23:42:461

Are You Mine 歌词

歌曲名:Are You Mine歌手:Peter White专辑:ConfidentialAre You Happy NowNowDon"t just walk awayPretending everythings okay and you don"t care about meAnd I know it"s just no useWhen all your lies become your truths and I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowYou took all there was to takeAnd left me with an empty plateAnd you don"t care about itYeahAnd I am giving up this gameAnd leaving you with all the blameCause I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowAre you happy now Yeah~~~Do you really have everything you wantYou could never give something you ain"t gotYou can"t run away from yourselfCould you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy now Yeah~~~Come on tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowWould you look me in the eyeCould you look me in the eyeI"ve had all that I can takeI"m not about to breakCause I"m happy now Ohh~~~
2023-06-08 23:42:531

Are You Hurting? 歌词

歌曲名:Are You Hurting?歌手:Goodnight Star专辑:Goodnight StarAre You Happy NowNowDon"t just walk awayPretending everythings okay and you don"t care about meAnd I know it"s just no useWhen all your lies become your truths and I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowYou took all there was to takeAnd left me with an empty plateAnd you don"t care about itYeahAnd I am giving up this gameAnd leaving you with all the blameCause I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowAre you happy now Yeah~~~Do you really have everything you wantYou could never give something you ain"t gotYou can"t run away from yourselfCould you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy now Yeah~~~Come on tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowWould you look me in the eyeCould you look me in the eyeI"ve had all that I can takeI"m not about to breakCause I"m happy now Ohh~~~
2023-06-08 23:42:591

Are You Real 歌词

歌曲名:Are You Real歌手:Dennis Wilson专辑:Pacific Ocean Blue & Bambu - 2 CD Deluxe Legacy EditionAre You Happy NowNowDon"t just walk awayPretending everythings okay and you don"t care about meAnd I know it"s just no useWhen all your lies become your truths and I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowYou took all there was to takeAnd left me with an empty plateAnd you don"t care about itYeahAnd I am giving up this gameAnd leaving you with all the blameCause I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowAre you happy now Yeah~~~Do you really have everything you wantYou could never give something you ain"t gotYou can"t run away from yourselfCould you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy now Yeah~~~Come on tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowWould you look me in the eyeCould you look me in the eyeI"ve had all that I can takeI"m not about to breakCause I"m happy now Ohh~~~
2023-06-08 23:43:071

are you ready now? 歌词

歌曲名:are you ready now?歌手:日本ACG专辑:レ ミィ×コトナ Full Roasted Trax COMPLETE BESTAre You Happy NowNowDon"t just walk awayPretending everythings okay and you don"t care about meAnd I know it"s just no useWhen all your lies become your truths and I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowYou took all there was to takeAnd left me with an empty plateAnd you don"t care about itYeahAnd I am giving up this gameAnd leaving you with all the blameCause I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowAre you happy now Yeah~~~Do you really have everything you wantYou could never give something you ain"t gotYou can"t run away from yourselfCould you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy now Yeah~~~Come on tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowWould you look me in the eyeCould you look me in the eyeI"ve had all that I can takeI"m not about to breakCause I"m happy now Ohh~~~
2023-06-08 23:43:141

Are You Happy Now? 歌词

歌曲名:Are You Happy Now?歌手:Megan & Liz专辑:This Time iTunes ExclusiveAre You Happy NowNowDon"t just walk awayPretending everythings okay and you don"t care about meAnd I know it"s just no useWhen all your lies become your truths and I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowYou took all there was to takeAnd left me with an empty plateAnd you don"t care about itYeahAnd I am giving up this gameAnd leaving you with all the blameCause I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowAre you happy now Yeah~~~Do you really have everything you wantYou could never give something you ain"t gotYou can"t run away from yourselfCould you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy now Yeah~~~Come on tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowWould you look me in the eyeCould you look me in the eyeI"ve had all that I can takeI"m not about to breakCause I"m happy now Ohh~~~
2023-06-08 23:43:281

Are You Real? 歌词

歌曲名:Are You Real?歌手:KJ-52专辑:X2005Are You Happy NowNowDon"t just walk awayPretending everythings okay and you don"t care about meAnd I know it"s just no useWhen all your lies become your truths and I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowYou took all there was to takeAnd left me with an empty plateAnd you don"t care about itYeahAnd I am giving up this gameAnd leaving you with all the blameCause I don"t care yeah~Could you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy nowWould you tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowAre you happy nowAre you happy now Yeah~~~Do you really have everything you wantYou could never give something you ain"t gotYou can"t run away from yourselfCould you look me in the eyeAnd tell me that you"re happy now Yeah~~~Come on tell it to my faceOr have I been erasedAre you happy nowWould you look me in the eyeCould you look me in the eyeI"ve had all that I can takeI"m not about to breakCause I"m happy now Ohh~~~
2023-06-08 23:43:341