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The End Of The Century 歌词

2023-06-09 09:06:02
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歌曲名:The End Of The Century
歌手:Dorian Gray
专辑:The Sound Of Dorian Gray

The End Of The Century
I take a deep dive
Plunge into downward spiral
I am after virtue
Once again, after virtue still alive
Shades of existence
Can"t quench my thirst, my burning thirst
The worst pain will never,
Ever vanish from this insane world
Will, power and pride
Kill my frailty inside
Silence futile words
Darken fearful eyes
I choose my side, yield myself to the beast
Or to immortality, nihil, vancancy
The world is declining, crumbling down to the ground
Wormwood delusions torment me in the end of the century
The world is declining, sinking low below the edge
Breeding offspring of lunacy in the end of the century
I tear apart the canvas
The final triumph of my creation
The ecstasy of decay
I am wriggling on the filthy floor
Trance of addiction
I must obey my muse, my frantic muse
They abuse my weakness
The make me shed my soul once more
I choose my side, yield myself to the beast
Or to immortality, nihil, vancancy
The world is declining, crumbling down to the ground
Wormwood delusions torment me in the end of the century
The world is declining, sinking low below the edge
Breeding offspring of lunacy in the end of the century
Everything is losing away it"s meaning here
Everything is fading away like you and me
Just burn out, just die down, slip off yourself
Fall of the west, fall of this unearned dignity
Will, power and pride
Kill my frailty inside
Silence futile words
Darken fearful eyes
The world is declining, crumbling down to the ground
Wormwood delusions torment me in the end of the century
The world is declining, sinking low below the edge
Breeding offspring of lunacy in the end of the century




breeding是繁殖、育种、繁育的意思。n.交配;生育;生殖;繁殖;育种;繁育;教养。网络释义:繁殖;育种;选育;滋生;增殖;生育。短语搭配:breeding ground;繁殖地;产卵地;发源地;滋生地;中心;line breeding;品系繁育;系统育种;breeding program;育种计划;繁殖计划;饲养计划;breeding stock;种畜;培育牲畜;良种畜;breeding practices;育种实践;繁育实践。双语例句:The flooding of the rivers is a trigger for breeding to start.河流泛滥会引发动物生育繁殖。Individuals pair later in the season for breeding in the following year.单居动物会在季节的晚些时候寻偶以便在来年繁殖下一代。The mini-cow is the result of generations of selective breeding.微型奶牛是几代选择繁育的结果。He carries the patina of old money and good breeding.他带着一副有祖传家产和颇有教养的神态。The situation is a breeding ground for political unrest.这种局势是政治动荡的温床。
2023-06-08 23:05:021


breeding[英][u02c8bri:du026au014b][美][u02c8bridu026au014b]n.生育; (动物的)饲养; 教养(尤指行为或礼貌方面); <核>增殖;v.生育( breed的现在分词 ); 繁殖; 孕育; 导致;
2023-06-08 23:05:494


2023-06-08 23:06:043


breeding[英][u02c8bri:du026au014b][美][u02c8bridu026au014b]n.生育; (动物的)饲养; 教养(尤指行为或礼貌方面); <核>增殖; v.生育( breed的现在分词 ); 繁殖; 孕育; 导致; 例句:1.Tears as a captive breeding tool? 眼泪是强迫繁殖的工具吗?2.It was reintroduced to scotland from scandinavia in 1975 and there are now 42 breedingterritories there. 1975年它们从斯堪的纳维亚被重新引入到苏格兰,现在那里有42处育种区
2023-06-08 23:06:111


  breed做动词有繁殖;养育;引起,产生等意思,那么你知道breed的过去式是什么吗?接下来跟着我来学习一下吧。   breed的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: bred   过去分词: bred   现在分词: breeding   breed的用法:   breed的用法1:breed的基本意思是指动物通过妊娠或卵化而产生后代,也指生命诞生之后的养育与培养。引申可指缓慢的、持续的成长过程,尤指爆发前的潜伏期。   breed的用法2:breed作“繁殖”解时可用作不及物动词,主语多为动物,泛指繁殖后代。breed作“繁殖”解时也可用作不及物动词,主语为动物时,宾语为其交 配对 象或所繁殖的后代; 主语为人时,意思是某人决定动物交配的时间、对象等,宾语为该动物。   breed的用法3:breed作“培养, 教育 ”解时是及物动词,宾语为动植物,也可为人,还可以是所培养的品质等; 也可接名词或形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。   breed的用法4:breed作“引起,招致”解时,用作及物动词,宾语多为战争、疾病、动乱等不良事物。   breed的用法5:breed可用于被动结构。   breed的过去式例句:   1. He"s American-bred, with a sort of Irish background somewhere along the line.   他出生在美国,家族的血统里有一部分爱尔兰血统。   2. I was born and bred in the highlands.   我在高地地区出生和长大。   3. These dogs are bred to fight.   这些狗被培育作斗犬。   4. They seemed to her rather vulgar and ill-bred.   在她看来他们非常粗俗无礼。   5. a well-bred young lady   一位有教养的少女   6. Both the twin brothers were born and bred in London.   这对双胞胎兄弟是在伦敦长大的.   7. Various kinds of fish are being bred in the reservoir.   水库里放养了许多种鱼.   8. She bred her daughter to become a statesman.   她把她的女儿培养为一名政治家.   9. The bear bred two cubs.   这只熊生了两只小熊.   10. I"m a countryman born and bred.   我是个土生土长的乡下人.   11. Well fed, well bred.   [谚]吃得饱, 懂礼貌.   12. The animals are very sensitive to disturbance and have never bred in captivity.   这些动物对外界的干扰很敏感,且从未被圈养过。   13. She was too well bred to want to hurt the little boy"s feelings.   她很有涵养,不想去伤害小男孩的感情。   14. A Londoner born and bred, she suspected that a month in the country would bore her to distraction.   作为一个土生土长的伦敦人,她不相信在乡下呆一个月就会令她心烦意乱。   15. Born and bred in this country, he and his wife emigrated to Los Angeles after the war.   尽管生于斯长于斯,他和妻子在战后还是移民去了洛杉矶。
2023-06-08 23:06:181


breeding和reproduction的区别两个单词的区别在于词义, 词义如下:breeding n. 生育; (动物的) 饲养; 教养(尤指行为或礼貌方面); <核>增殖;v. 繁殖; 生育( breed的现在分词 ); 孕育; 导致;reproductionn. 繁殖,生殖; 再生产,再现,[心]再生作用; 复制品;
2023-06-08 23:06:251

Birth is much, but breeding is more. 对应的汉语翻译是什么?

2023-06-08 23:06:333

For breeding and research,为什么这个research不用加ing?

2023-06-08 23:06:401

breeding animals是什么意思

breeding animals养殖动物例句:1.Live swine, weighing 50kg or more, other than pure-bred breeding animals. 猪,重量50公斤及以上者,纯种繁殖用除外。2.Not listed breeding animals flesh"s dirty and food scraps hoof. 未列出的饲养奇蹄动物肉脏及杂碎。3.Live swine, weighing less than 50kg, other than pure-bred breeding animals. 猪,重量少于50公斤者,纯种繁殖用除外。4.Live swine, weighting less than 50 kg, other than pure-bred breeding animals. 猪,重量少於50公斤者,纯种繁殖用除外。5.Live ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowls, other than pure-bred breeding animals, weighing more than 185g. 鸭、鹅、火鸡、珍珠鸡,纯种繁殖用除外,重量185公克以上者。
2023-06-08 23:06:472

breeding season是什么意思

2023-06-08 23:07:042


创业可用establish单种养殖monocultuteestablish monocultute professional co-operative society
2023-06-08 23:07:132

breeding stock什么意思

种畜;[畜牧] 良种畜breeding 繁殖的意思 stock血统
2023-06-08 23:07:222

hybrid cross breeding区别

不太清楚你要的是哪个方面的区别,看这三个词应该是生物学的区别吧。Hybrid n.杂种,杂交种;混血儿。Cross n.杂种,杂交;混合物,中间物。Breeding n.1. 孵化;饲养;繁育。2. 选种;育种。3. 繁殖,生育。如有其它需要请追问。希望我的回答对你有帮助。
2023-06-08 23:07:291


《养鱼游戏 Blackbass Breeding》是一款养成游戏,通过购买各种小虾和小鱼来喂养你的爱鱼,看他们慢慢长大。
2023-06-08 23:07:381


2023-06-08 23:07:536

breeding cycle是什么意思啊??

  breeding cycle  [英][ˈbri:dɪŋ ˈsaikl][美][ˈbridɪŋ ˈsaɪkəl]  繁殖周期;  双语例句:  1,Their breeding cycle with this opportunity to exploit the capuchin?  而改变繁殖周期并充分利用这一机会?
2023-06-08 23:08:071

___ enough patience,successful breeding of this rare species can be achieved.

2023-06-08 23:08:143


您好:人工繁殖双语对照例句:1.Significantly, he exploited the cites captive-breeding exception, claiming that wild animalshe exported were captive bred. 重要的是,他利用cites中“人工饲养是例外”这一点,声称他所出口的野生动物是人工繁殖的。----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-08 23:08:222


生物中有几种育种方法  1、诱变育种:(mutation breeding; selection by mutation)在人为的条件下,利用物理、化学等因素,诱发生物体产生突变,从中选择,培育成动植物和微生物的新品种。诱变育种是指用物理、化学因素诱导动植物的遗传特性发生变异,再从变异群体中选择符合人们某种要求的单株/个体,进而培育成新的品种或种质的育种方法。它是继选择育种和杂交育种之后发展起来的一项现代育种技术。  2、杂种优势育种:作物和家畜生产能力和强健性等一些对人类有利的性状,通过利用提高杂种优势,来对栽培作物和饲养动物的杂种进行育种称为杂种优势育种。由于杂种优势并不是牢固的,所以一般必须通过杂交来制备杂种。因此在杂种优势育种中,具备优良组合能力的亲本品种的培育,选定它们的组合,以及有效的杂种生产方法等就成为主要的课题。在杂交中,除人工杂交外,可以有效地利用雄性不育、自交不亲和性及雌性系等方法。根据亲本的组合方法,可以分成品种间杂交、自交系间杂交(单杂交、三系杂交、双杂交、多系杂交)品种和自交系之间的杂交(顶交)几种。美国的玉米,日本的蚕等都是利用杂种优势育种取得成果的代表性例子。  3、基因工程育种:随着 DNA的内部结构和遗传机制的秘密一点一点呈现在人们眼前,特别是当人们了解到遗传密码是由 RNA转录表达的以后,生物学家不再仅仅满足于探索、提示生物遗传的秘密,而是开始跃跃欲试,设想在分子的水平上去干预生物的遗传特性。如果将一种生物的 DNA中的某个遗传密码片断连接到另外一种生物的DNA链上去,将DNA重新组织一下,就可以按照人类的愿望,设计出新的遗传物质并创造出新的生物类型,这与过去培育生物繁殖后代的传统做法完全不同。这种做法就像技术科学的工程设计,按照人类的需要把这种生物的这个“基因”与那种生物的那个“基因”重新“施工”,“组装”成新的基因组合,创造出新的生物。这种完全按照人的意愿,由重新组装基因到新生物产生的生物科学技术,就称为“基因工程”,或者说是“遗传工程”。  4、单倍体育种:单倍体育种(haploid breeding)是植物育种手段之一。即利用植物组织培养技术(如花药离体培养等)诱导产生单倍体植株,再通过某种手段使染色体组加倍(如用秋水仙素处理),从而使植物恢复正常染色体数。单倍体是具有体细胞染色体数为本物种配子染色体数的生物个体。  5、多倍体育种:多倍体(polyploid)是指由受精卵发育而来并且体细胞中含有三个或三个以上染色体组的个体。多倍体育种(polyploid breeding)利用人工诱变或自然变异等,通过细胞染色体组加倍获得多倍体育种材料,用以选育符合人们需要的优良品种。  6、细胞融合:细胞融合(cell fusion),细胞遗传学名词,是在自发或人工诱导下,两个不同基型的细胞或原生质体融合形成一个杂种细胞。基本过程包括细胞融合形成异核体(heterokaryon)、异核体通过细胞有丝分裂进行核融合、最终形成单核的杂种细胞。细胞融合可作为一种实验方法被广泛适用于单克隆抗体的制备,膜蛋白的研究。  7、核移植:核移植是将供体细胞核移入去核的卵母细胞中,使后者不经精子穿透等有性过程即可被激活、分裂并发育,让核供体的基因得到完全复制。培养一段时间后,在把发育中的卵母细胞移植到人或动物体内的方法。核移植的细胞来源主要分为:供体细胞来源和受体细胞的来源两种。核移植主要用于细胞移植和异种器官移植,细胞移植可以治疗由于细胞功能缺陷所引起的各种疾病。
2023-06-08 23:08:421


2023-06-08 23:08:491


captive-breeding人工繁殖双语对照例句:1.Significantly, he exploited the cites captive-breeding exception, claiming that wild animalshe exported were captive bred. 重要的是,他利用cites中“人工饲养是例外”这一点,声称他所出口的野生动物是人工繁殖的。.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-06-08 23:08:561

breeding herd中文翻译

The breeding herds annually produce and sell a crop of calves . 繁殖牛场每年生产和售出大批犊牛。 The initial focus of this project was on the development of nucleus breeding herds at the three locations ; hangzhou , shanghai and xian 最初的项目活动侧重于杭州上海和西安三个项目点加拿大核心牛群的开发。 At the end of 2001 , nucleus breeding herds had grown to 448 milking age holsteins of pure canada breeding with average milk production per 305 - day lactation of 8 , 366 kgs 到2001年年底,纯加系的核心牛群达到了448头成母牛,其305天产奶量平均达到了8336公斤。 The initial focus of the project was to set up three nucleus swine breeding herds , which included the jinhua pig breeding farm zhejiang , the neijiang pig breeding farm sichuan and the yutian pig breeding farm hebei 项目最初的重点是建立三个核心种猪场,包括金华种猪场浙江内江种猪场四川和玉田种猪场河北。 Swine influenza ( si ) is a contagious respiratory disease or syndrome , characterized by severe respiratory disease in young pigs with almost 100 % morbidity , abortions in breeding herds and a few deaths of *** pigs 猪流感( si )是由a型流感病毒引起的猪的呼吸道疾病或疾病综合征,临床以仔猪的严重呼吸道疾病、妊娠母猪的流产和部分成年猪的死亡为主要特征。 Feeding in this manner allows animals with superior growth rates to be identified and selected for use in the breeding herd and also ensures that these animals not in a deficit position in terms of meeting their geically defined target body position as they approach maturity 按照这种模式饲喂猪,生长速度的优越性已经得到了确定,可以选择优秀个体作为种猪群,同样也确保在它们达到成熟时,不缺乏按照基因型定义的目标体组成。
2023-06-08 23:09:021

《breeding season》怎么让怪物和主人交*配

在地图中间交配的棚子里点同一个怪2下 原本是上下显示2只不同的可以xx出动画 你让上下两只显示是同一只怪就行了人兽x的后代有一定几率得到两个非常强力的trait【人类学习能力】和【人类遗传】前者可以在ox的时候学到配偶的trait,后者可以使后代继承更多的trait
2023-06-08 23:09:101

selective breeding是什么意思

selective breeding 英[su026au02c8lektu026av u02c8bri:du026au014b] 美[su026au02c8lu025bktu026av u02c8bridu026au014b] [词典] 选择育种; 选配; [网络] 选育; 选择性育种; 选择繁育; [例句]One team has accelerated selective breeding of the wormwood plant.一个研究组加快了黄花蒿选择性培育的速度。
2023-06-08 23:09:171


2023-06-08 23:09:332

英语breeeing lilacs out of the dead land怎么翻译?

Breeding lilacs out of the dead land.在荒芜的土地上种出紫丁香。
2023-06-08 23:09:414

selective breeding是什么意思

selective breeding[英][su026au02c8lektu026av u02c8bri:du026au014b][美][su026au02c8lu025bktu026av u02c8bridu026au014b]选择育种; 选配; According to consumer"s need but selective breeding PLC intelligent control, touch screen operation, set up development display together.根据用户的需要可选配PLC智能控制,触摸屏操作,并设动态显示。
2023-06-08 23:09:481

帮忙翻译一下 生物类名词 英语牛人也来(汗--英)

Elementary knowledge on virus1.To get knowledge on virus, comprehensive its composition and acquire relationship between virus and origin of life.2.To realize frontline advancements on virology.Viruses in daily life1.To see pathogens, circumstance of the harms besides epidemical dissemination as for viral diseases.2.To master primary prevention knowledge on humanity viral diseases.Virus & biotechnology 1.Operations of transgenosis as well as effect of virus on transgenosis research are introduced in brief.2.Other information such as safety of transgenic organisms.Interesting virus1.To inform of advantages and disadvantages of virus, prevention & treatment for smallpox, producing colors and patterns for flowers with virus and, key cases of spraying for weak plants to prevent/treat diseases.2.Impact of virus on breedingVirus and life 1.To state structures of simple life style as virus and viroid and the dissemination, movement as well as infecting of virus.
2023-06-08 23:10:312

求翻译:A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding...Jonathan Swift

良好的礼貌是使这些人很容易与我们交谈的艺术。 谁的最少的人不安的是在公司饲养最好的。 作为最好的法律是建立在理性,所以是最好的方式。而一些律师已引入普通法不合理的事情,所以也有不少教师引入普通的礼貌的荒唐事。 这种艺术的一个主要问题是适合我们的行为的三个男人几度,我们的上级,我们等于,低于我们这些。 例如,按前两任一吃或喝是一种礼貌的行为;但农民还是商人必须粉碎处理,否则将很难说服他们,他们欢迎。 傲慢,虐待性质和见识,是三个无礼伟大的来源,没有其中的某些缺陷之一,没有人会想表现自己生病的经验,或者什么的,在愚人的语言,被称为知世界。 我敢说任何一个指定的事件,其中的原因我们不会直接说什么,我们还是在公司,如果我们不以自豪或虐待nature.Therefore误导我坚持认为,好的感觉是礼貌的主要基础,但因为前者是其中极少数是人类之间,因此具有礼品世界上所有的文明国家都在固定一些共同的行为规则,最适合自己的海关,或幻想同意作为一种人为的好感, ,提供理性的缺陷。没有它们,dunces绅士风度的一部分将永远在袖口,因为他们很少失败时,他们正好是喝醉了,或对从事妇女或播放争吵。而且,感谢上帝,有几乎发生在一年的决斗,这可能不是归咎于这三个动机之一。一旦哪个帐户,我应该非常遗憾地发现立法机关作出反对任何新的法律实践决斗,因为方法很简单,而对于一个聪明人,以避免争吵与荣誉,或在它参与许多天真。我还可以发现在苦难中没有政治邪恶的恶霸,sharpers,及耙,彻底摆脱由他们自己的方式对彼此的世界;其中他所没有能够找到一个有利的法律。 作为礼貌的常见形式旨在规管那些谁薄弱谅解的行为,所以他们已被其使用的人士,他们人为损坏。对于这些人陷入了乘以仪式,并已非常麻烦,那些谁实践,向其他人无法承受不必要的和无休止的方式:以致众人更聪明的人往往在对这些炼油厂不安文明,比他们可能可以在农民或机械的对话。
2023-06-08 23:10:414


2023-06-08 23:10:491


big family
2023-06-08 23:10:577


2023-06-08 23:11:253


2023-06-08 23:11:492


n.生育;(动物的)饲养;教养(尤指行为或礼貌方面);增殖v.生育( breed的现在分词 );繁殖;孕育;导致词组短语plant breeding植物育种mutation breeding诱变育种breeding ground滋生地,繁殖地livestock breeding畜牧业,畜牧饲养;家畜繁育animal breeding动物育种;家畜育种breeding season繁殖期;繁殖季节;生殖季cattle breeding牛饲养;畜牧双语例句用作名词(n.)The priest is a person of fine breeding.这位牧师是个很有教养的人。He likes his wilderness to be peopled by men of breeding.他宁愿荒野上住着有教养的人。Earthworms stop breeding some time before they die.蚯蚓有时在它死亡前才停止繁殖。Female seals are needed for the breeding programme.这项繁殖计划需要一些雌海豹。The modern-day dressage horse is definitely of the lighter type, with more thoroughbred breeding within its pedigree.现代的盛装舞步马匹大多属于轻巧型,具备其自身家族谱系的纯种血统。
2023-06-08 23:12:141


双亲的英文:parents。parents的意思是:父母亲。读音:英['peu0259ru0259nts],美['peru0259nt]。释义:n.父母;双亲(parent的复数)。v.教养;引起(parent的三单形式)。例句:Parents divorce for many reasons .父母离婚有多种原因。单数:parent。短语:single parent单亲;单身母亲;单身父亲。male parent父本;父亲。parents的近义词breeding读音:英[u02c8briu02d0du026au014b],美[u02c8briu02d0du026au014b]。释义:n.生养;教养;抚养;繁殖;血统;育种。例句:He lived alone, breeding horses and dogs.他独自一人生活,饲养马匹和狗。原型:breed。短语:directive breeding定向培育。breeding ground滋生地。line breeding品系繁育。
2023-06-08 23:12:501

breeding season是什么意思

2023-06-08 23:13:572

took the emphasis off breeding含义?

翻译成为中文就是:把重点从breeding这个单词上 移走。也就是 重点不是breeding。勤学好问,天天进步!加油!你是最棒的!
2023-06-08 23:14:042

翻译such perfect breeding

2023-06-08 23:14:123


Politeness is a polite expression, so we should use polite language.
2023-06-08 23:14:263

英语谚语:Birth is much, but breeding is more 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Birth is much but breeding is more 中文意思: 出身固然重要,教养更且重要。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name 光辉生活中忙迫的一个小时抵得上无为的一世。 One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine 一滴之毒,毒染整桶之酒。 One enemy can do more hurt than ten friends can do good 十个朋友做的好事抵不上一个敌人造成的危害。 One enemy is too much 一个敌人也太多。 One false move may lose the game 一著不慎,满盘皆输。 One false step will make a great difference 失之毫厘,谬以千里。 One father can support ten children ten children cannot support one father 一个父亲能扶养十个孩子,十个孩子却不能赡养一个父亲。 One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters 一个父亲胜于一百个教师。 One flower makes no garland 一木不能成林。 One foe is too many; and a hundred friends too few 朋友成百犹觉少,仇敌一人已嫌多。 英语谚语: Birth is much but breeding is more 中文意思: 出身固然重要,教养更且重要。
2023-06-08 23:14:331

Birth is much,but breeding is more.对应的汉语翻译是什么?

出身诚有力,教养功更高.意思指教养、比门第出身更重要(出生好固然重要,配合好的家庭教养栽培就更出色了.)中国传统的教养体现在儒家的“仁、义、礼、智、信”中,古人也以琴棋书画来陶冶情操.活学活用:1、birth 名...
2023-06-08 23:14:531

“养殖的”用英语怎么说? (形容海参,分为养殖的和野生的,为了区别与“野生的”.)

作为名词性质的: Artificial Breeding 或 Artificial Propagation 或 Artificial Cultivation 都可以 作为形容词性质的: artificial 或 artificially breeded / cultivated
2023-06-08 23:14:591

breeding grounds是什么意思

breeding groundsn.滋生地( breeding ground的名词复数 );
2023-06-08 23:15:061


问题一:牲畜的英文单词怎样写? beast/animal/domestic 根据不同情况选择。 禽兽,野兽,畜牲/动物,牲畜/家畜 记得采纳啊 问题二:畜牧业用英语怎么写 animal hu *** andry; the livestock industry; livestock breeding 问题三:动物的“它”用英文怎么说 itIts name is it"s =it is 表示“它是”its是所有格表示“它的” 问题四:养动物用英语怎么说 Raising animals 问题五:动物的它用英语怎么说 单数it/复数they/他们them 问题六:动物用英语怎么说 animal 英 [??n?ml] 美 [??n?m?l] n. 动物,兽,牲畜; 家畜,牲口; 畜生(一般的人); *** ; adj. 动物的; 肉体的; *** 的; [例句]He was attacked by wild animals. 他遭到野兽的袭击。 问题七:“畜牧兽医”用英语怎样翻译? poultry / livestock veterinarian,希望能帮到你。
2023-06-08 23:15:131

养殖基地 英语怎么说

breeding base或者cultivated base。前者最常用
2023-06-08 23:15:191

求一首英文歌 歌词大概是 SO哈 我就记得这么一句

OwlsOne two three fourI"m her favourite gameBut I don"t know the rulesI"m a piece on chessAnd I always loseShe"s a queen she"s a queenAnd her anger growlsShe"s a queen she"s a queenAnd I"m breeding owlsShe lost a treasure there treasure thereIn the forest"s heart forest"s heartShe lost a treasure there treasure thereShe can"t remember whatShe"s a queen she"s a queenAnd her anger growlsShe"s a queen she"s a queenAnd I"m breeding owlsI"ve been hunting bears hunting bearsIn the forest"s heart In the forest"s heartI found a long black hair a long black hairShe just took it back She"s a queen she"s a queenAnd her anger growlsShe"s a queen she"s a queenAnd I"m breeding owls
2023-06-08 23:15:261

Where Is Everybody? 歌词

歌曲名:Where Is Everybody?歌手:Nine Inch Nails专辑:Things Falling ApartNine Inch Nails - Where Is Everybody?By kenDid you happen to catchOr did you happen so fastWhat you thought would always lastHas passed you byIs everything speeding upOr am I slowing downJust spinning aroundAnd I don"t know whyAll the pieces don"t fitThough I really don"t give a shitI never wanted to be like youBut for all I aspireI am really a liarAnd I"m running out of things I can doI"d like to stayBut every dayEverything pushes me further awayIf you could showHelp me to knowHow it"s supposed to beWhere did it go?Pleading andNeeding andBleeding andBreeding andFeedingExceedingWhere is everybody?Trying andLyingDefyingDenyingCrying anddyingWhere is everybody?Well, okay, enough,You"ve had your funBut come on there has got to be someoneThat hasn"t yet becomeSo numbAnd succumbAndGod damn I am so tired of pretendingOf wishing I was endingWhen all I"m really doing is trying to hideAnd keep it insideAnd fill it with liesOpen my eyes?Maybe I wish I could tryPleading andNeeding andBleeding andBreeding andFeedingExceedingWhere is everybody?Trying andLyingDefyingDenyingCrying andDyingWhere is everybody?Pleading andNeeding andBleeding andBreeding andFeedingExceedingWhere is everybody?Trying andLyingDefyingDenyingCrying andDyingWhere is everybody?
2023-06-08 23:15:331

tube breeding试管繁殖

2023-06-08 23:15:541


2023-06-08 23:16:036


1.breed多指动物的品种,尤其用于人工培育的狗、猫或。Labrador()就是一种breed。后来breed引申为“一类人”: a new breed of politician(新一类政治家)。category指人或事物的类别,比如The results (The students)falls into three categories.两词比较,breed偏向指动物血统之类的概念,而category则用于抽象的类别和客观的事物。mate多指动物之间交配。
2023-06-08 23:16:302