barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-09 08:58:28

第一 first 第二second 第三third 第四forth 第五fifth

月份从一到十二:january february march april may june july august september october november december(注意首字母大写)

季节春夏秋冬:spring summer autumn winter (注意首字母大写)

星期从一到七:monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday(注意首字母大写)

东南西北中:east south west north middle

左右:left right

前后:in front of,behind

早中晚:morning noon(下午afternoon) night



数学 math

东南西北中 east south western north middle


left right front back

早中晚 morning mid -day nightevening


1--10 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth

12 twelfth 20twentieth

年in +年份

月 january february march april may june july august september october november december(注意首字母大写)

季节春夏秋冬:spring summer autumn winter (注意首字母大写)

星期从一到七:monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday(注意首字母大写)

东南西北中:east south west north middle

左右:left right

前后:in front of,behind


Monday ,left,right,morning,evening......



















































































































































































































2023-06-08 22:09:161


2023-06-08 22:09:401

Breezy 是什么牌子,是服装还是别的什么?

Breezy 这个牌子的全英文是 Breezy note ,做服装业的。
2023-06-08 22:09:471


刮风就是说明天气情况的,英语是:It is windy outside.
2023-06-08 22:09:5515


2023-06-08 22:10:205


2023-06-08 22:10:474


2023-06-08 22:10:552

大家谁知道 苹果自带天气预报里 这个符号是什么意思

2023-06-08 22:11:148


2023-06-08 22:11:456


  现在社会生活节奏加快,人们受到一些挫折以后,基本上没有什么修养缓和的时间,只能睡一觉然后投入到明天的工作中。编为你整理了放松心情缓解压力的音乐,希望对你有所参考帮助。   放松心情缓解压力的音乐1   1、 情境音乐 –《仙境Wonderland》   2、 优美名曲 –《寂静山林The Sounds Of Silence》   3、 自然音乐 –《春野One Day in Spring》   4、 冥想音乐 –《蓝色天际Heaven Blue》   5、 放松音乐 –《迷雾森林Forest Mist》   6、 心灵音乐 –《日光海岸Sunny Bay》   里面的 Moonlight Of Capri 卡布里的月光 非常好……   7、 灵感音乐 –《梦花园Garden of Dreams》翻奏的比较多……   Dream Catcher by Secret Garden 追梦人 是翻奏Secret Garden的,但比原版好。   Beyond the Invisible by Enigma 隐喻 也很有特点。   8、 清晰音乐 –《琉璃湖畔Crystal Lake》   White Moon Over Tibet 西藏的月 特别不错……   9、 舒柔音乐 –《微风山谷Breezy Valley》   Lonely Whistler 寂寞口笛手 尤其不错……   10、沉思音乐 –《月光水岸Moonlight Bay》   11、山林音乐 –《雾色山脉Misty Land》   12、环境音乐 –《翡翠谷Emerald Valley》   放松心情缓解压力的音乐2   1、宁静的山谷   2、仙境皇后   3、深蓝的海   4、夏天的感觉   5、宇宙主题   6、美的世界   放松心情缓解压力的"音乐3   1、秋天的爱   2、天上的星   3、摩尔多河   4、爱的旋律   放松心情缓解压力的音乐4   1、非洲记忆卡坦卡的寂静   2、意大利记忆孤独   3、南美记忆马雅人的足迹   4、希腊记忆爱神厄洛斯的漫游   5、俄罗斯记忆伏尔加船夫曲   6、西班牙记忆永恒的梦   7、亚洲记忆走向桑巴拉   8、凯尔特记忆1尼默的精神王国   9、凯尔特记忆2神秘的土地   10、爱尔兰记忆邦尼在海的那边   放松心情缓解压力的音乐5   1、神秘园之歌(Songs from a Secret Garden)   2、白石(White Stones)   3、Dawn Of A New Century (新世纪的曙光)   4、Once In A Red Moon (忆游红月)   5、Earthsongs (大地之歌) 里面的〈Lotus 莲花〉非常优美。   6、inside i m singing(倾情歌唱)   7、Dreamcatcher (追梦人)   放松心情缓解压力的音乐6   1、班得瑞 - ★★水之轮回   2、古版神雕侠侣 - ★★三国的黎明   3、感人之声 - ★★故乡的原风景   4、弦乐版 - ★★你的香气   5、感人之声 - 泪花   6、Yanni - ★★First touch   7、Yanni - ★The Rain Must Fall   8、Yanni - ★★If i could tell you with an orchid   9、纯音乐 - ★★明镜菩提   10、纯音乐 - ★情书   11、纯音乐 - ★伤心的爱   12、久仰之乐 - ★和兰花在一起   13、恩雅&雅尼 - 白金经典音乐23   14、书房音乐 - 写给海洋   15、神秘园 - you raise me up   16、轻音乐 - ★★追风的女儿   17、天空之城   18、书房音乐 - 写给海洋   19、stay - 神秘园 - 月亮的秘密插曲   放松心情缓解压力的音乐7   1、感人之声 - 泪花(TEARS)海浪版本   2、钢琴曲 - ★★my soul   3、贝多芬 - 月光奏鸣曲   4、钢琴演奏版 - 幸福的地图   5、李斯特 - ★★爱之梦   6、钢琴恋曲 - 明天会更好   7、钢琴物语 - 爱情白皮书   8、钢琴物语 - 温馨   9、钢琴曲 - 童话   10、克莱德曼 - ★★水边的阿狄丽娜   11、克莱德曼 - ★★星空   12、Danny Wright - 守护你的天使   13、皇家音乐盒 - 死性不改   14、钢琴物语 - 听不到的情话   15、钢琴物语 - 恋爱世纪   放松心情缓解压力的音乐8   1、Kenny G - ★Theme From Dying Young、   2、Kenny G - ★Forever In Love   3、Kenny G - ★Going Home   4、Kenny G -★ Morning   放松心情缓解压力的音乐9   francisco tarrega - NOKIA★★gran vals   2、背景音乐 - 原野 瑜珈   3、Yanni - ★★雪花的快乐   4、轩辕剑伍 - ★亘古的思念   5、笛子 - 天路 笛子 伍国中 箫 二胡 黄   6、古筝 - 雪花神剑、心如梅雪   放松心情缓解压力的音乐10   1、轩辕剑3天之痕 - ★★三人时光   2、轩辕剑3天之痕 - ★天净沙   3、轩辕剑3天之痕 - ★月河雪   4、天之痕 - ★★Scar51我很喜欢这个但不知道叫什么   放松心情缓解压力的音乐11   1、请在酷狗输入小提琴点击搜索   2、感人之声 - 神秘园之歌(Song From A Secret Garden)   3、遥古神韵,古装电视剧或大型游戏中醉精美的背景音乐   4、新绝代双骄前传 - ★豪情剑心   放松心情缓解压力的音乐12   1、轩辕剑伍 - ★亘古的思念   2、古版神雕侠侣 - ★★三国的黎明   3、新绝代双骄前传 - ★生死幻境   4、新绝代双骄前传 - ★恬静小村   5、新绝代双骄前传 - 誓言   6、新绝代双骄前传 - 喜悦   7、轩辕剑伍 - ★★海涛 非常豪爽的纯音乐   8、轩辕剑伍 - ★★迷惘的少年 低鼓纯音   9、轩辕剑伍 - ★祈祷   10、轩辕剑伍 - ★山海列国纪、厌火国   11、轩辕剑伍 -★ 悠游山海界   12、轩辕剑伍 - ★钟之声   13、仙3 - 青玉案   14、轩辕剑3天之痕 - ★★三人时光   15、轩辕剑3天之痕 - ★天净沙   16、轩辕剑3天之痕 - ★月河雪   17、天之痕 - ★★Scar51   18、班得瑞 - ★★Endless horizon   19、班得瑞 - ★★一生爱恋   20、班得瑞 - ★★beyond the sundial   21、班得瑞 - 摇篮曲   22、班得瑞 - ★★童年   23、班得瑞 - 安妮的仙境   24、班得瑞 - ★★初雪   25、班得瑞 - along in the nigh   26、班得瑞 - the miracle of your eyes   27、班得瑞 - ★★the daylight   28、班得瑞 - 水晶球   29、班得瑞 - star of baghdad   30、班得瑞 - if you leave me now   31、班得瑞 - 龙心   32、班得瑞 - ★水晶球   33、浪漫轻音乐 - 寂静之声   34、浪漫轻音乐 - 一瞬间   放松心情缓解压力的音乐13   舒曼—《狂欢节之肖邦》《梦幻曲》   李斯特—《钟》《奉献》《爱之梦第三首》《叹息》   肖邦—《雨滴》《第五号夜曲》《第二号夜曲》《第一钢琴协奏曲第二乐章》   中国作品—《春江花月夜》《平湖秋月》   《仙境Wonderland》   《微风山谷Breezy Valley》   《雾色山脉Misty Land》   《月光水岸Moonlight Bay》   《寂静山林The Sounds Of Silence》   《春野One Day in Spring》   《蓝色天际Heaven Blue》   《迷雾森林Forest Mist》   《日光海岸Sunny Bay》   《梦花园Garden of Dreams》   放松心情缓解压力的音乐14   祈祷,Reason,爱的罗曼史,(蓝色生死恋)   天空之城   少女的祈祷   雨的印记(kiss the rain)   梦中的婚礼   她的情人节,请不要爱我(小说音乐)   被遗忘的天使(古典音乐)   玫瑰人生(小野丽莎)   tears 眼泪   卡农   小夜曲   致爱丽丝   人间四月天 -钢琴曲   红河谷   莫失莫忘-女声,风铃。   写给海洋 (钢琴曲)。   再见,警察   classicriver   远去的电车   还有天下足球里放过的   “carry on till tomorrow   琵琶语   乱红   《水果篮子》里的全部曲子   肖邦的《夜曲》   放松心情缓解压力的音乐15   1 忧伤还是快乐 纯音乐   2 the truth that you leave pianoboy   3 琵琶语 林海 琵琶相   4 假如爱有天意 卡洛儿 一尘不染   5 天空之城宫崎骏 宫崎骏动漫原声音乐   6 安妮的仙境 班得瑞 仙境   7 梦中的婚礼 理查德·克莱德曼 水边的阿狄丽娜   8 忧伤还是快乐 纯音乐   9 童年 班得瑞 日光海岸   10 雨的印记 yiruma   11 dance to the death 纯音乐   12 秋日私语 理查德·克莱德曼 现代钢琴曲   13 千与千寻 宫崎骏 宫崎骏动漫原声音乐   14 kiss the rain   15 天空之城 久石让   16 风居住的街道 矶村由纪子   17 风居住的街道 矶村由纪子   18 菊次郎的夏天 久石让
2023-06-08 22:12:151


我重新看了下Ross: Look, I"m sorry, I thought it looked pretty.Rachel: Ross, that was a Halloween[万圣节] costume, unless you would like me to go to this thing as Little Bo Peep[牧羊女].Ross: Look, I didn"t recognize it without that inflatable[可充气的] sheep.Rachel: Yeah, which, by the way Chandler, I would like back one of these days.RACHEL找CHANDLER要借给他的充气羊然后CHANDLER: We used them as pillows when we went camping. ROSS: What? CHANDLER: (shyly) The sheep. 就是说CHANDLER把RACHEL借给他的充气羊当枕头。。。。。。。。。
2023-06-08 22:12:352


rain-rainy有雨 sun-sunny出太阳 snow-snowy下雪 fog-foggy大雾 cloud-cloudy多云 ice-icy结冰的 chill-chilly寒冷的 breez-breezy微风 haze-hazy有薄雾 storm-stormy暴风雨 sleet-sleety冰雹雨 drizzle-drizzly毛毛雨 mist-misty雾蔼
2023-06-08 22:12:421

求Jason Mraz的 Living in the moment 的中文歌词?谁能合理的翻译一下

2023-06-08 22:12:504


  bright有明亮的;聪明的;阳光的;生动的;有前途的等意思,那么你知道bright的用法吗?下面是我为大家整理的bright的用法和相关 短语 例句,欢迎大家学习!    bright的用法:   bright的用法1:bright的基本意思是“发光的,明亮的”,主要用于发光,形容火或燃料时表示火焰旺。形容白天时则指无云无雾。用于颜色时意思是“鲜明的,鲜艳的,醒目的”。形容人时意思是“聪明的”“欢快的,生气勃勃的”,主要用于小孩或年轻人。bright也可指前景、前途“充满希望”。   bright的用法2:bright在句中可用作定语或表语,也可用作宾语补足语。   bright的用法3:bright可用very修饰。   bright的用法4:bright可和shine连用,用作副词,表示“明亮地”,相当于brightly,不过有的语法学家认为此处的bright是形容词。    bright的常用短语:   用作形容词 (adj.)   as bright as a button   bright and breezy   bright and early   bright idea   bright lights   bright spark   look on the bright side    bright的用法例句:   1. A bright shooting star, or meteor, is an unforgettable sight.   明亮的流星,或者说陨石,是番难忘的景象。   2. Fluorescent lights flickered, and then the room was brilliantly, blindingly bright.   荧光灯闪了几下,接着屋子里豁然大亮,刺得人睁不开眼。   3. Ford had the bright idea of paying workers enough to buy cars.   福特公司想出了一绝妙的主意:付给工人足够的薪水去购买汽车。   4. Both had successful careers and the future looked bright.   两个人都事业有成,前程似锦。   5. He was diagnosed as severely dyslexic but extraordinarily bright.   他被诊断患有严重的阅读困难症,但是却绝顶聪明。   6. He was a nice lad — bright and with a sunny disposition.   他是个不错的小伙子——聪明伶俐而且性格开朗。   7. She gave him a bright, determined smile which seemed unnatural.   她对他开朗、坚定地一笑,但笑得有点不自然。   8. Each room is distinctively decorated with light, bright colors and floral prints.   每个房间都以淡雅或鲜艳的颜色和印花图案装饰成独特的风格。   9. I came into contact with very bright Harvard and Yale students.   我接触到一些非常聪明的哈佛和耶鲁的学生。   10. Susan"sa very bright and intelligent woman who knows her own mind.   苏珊是个非常聪明、有主见的女子。   11. You"re a bright enough kid, I"ll give you that.   我得承认,你是个挺聪明的孩子。   12. He had fuzzy black hair and bright black eyes.   他一头柔软卷曲的黑发,眼睛又黑又亮。   13. The flowers are bronzy in bud and bright yellow when open.   这些花的花蕾是青铜色,开放后呈明黄色。   14. "May I help you?" said a bright American voice over the telephone.   “请问您需要什么帮助?”电话里传出一个充满活力的美国人的声音。   15. He wore a T-shirt that had been tie-dyed in bright colours.   他身穿一件颜色鲜艳的扎染的T恤。
2023-06-08 22:12:571


The cloudy extension is cloudy
2023-06-08 22:13:0510


bernard baby
2023-06-08 22:13:436


班得瑞专辑列表及盗版考证(2007-05-19) 正版12张: 1、《仙境Wonderland》 2、《寂静山林The Sounds Of Silence》 3、《春野One Day in Spring》 4、《蓝色天际Heaven Blue》 5、《迷雾森林Mist》 6、《日光海岸Sunny Bay》 7、《梦花园Garden of Dreams》 8、《琉璃湖畔Crystal Lake》 9、《微风山谷Breezy Valley》 10、《月光水岸Moonlight Bay》 11、《雾色山脉Misty Land》 12、《翡翠谷Emerald Valley》 金革制作精选集3张(合称大自然情诗): 1、《莱茵河波影》 2、《阿尔卑斯巡礼》 3、《维也纳森林》 盗版43张其中,为其他newage音乐家所做,有国内盗版商冠名班得瑞的20张: 1、《绿色多摩川》为Nikkos所作 2、《片片枫叶情》杂集,World Music系列 3、《风之羽翼》为大卫61扬所作 4、《白色礼赞》杂集,是一张圣诞音乐集 5、《恋爱SPA》 杂集,系jingo出的精选 6、《绿野仙踪》(《挪威的森林》) 为Phil Coulter的精选 7、《纯粹》为查克勃朗所做 8、《深呼吸》为查克勃朗所做 9、《天使的婚礼》为汤姆61帕瑞斯所做 10、《世外桃源》 杂集 11、《加州的阳光》杂集,World Music系列 12、《花都夜倾情》杂集,World Music系列 13、《你与我》 系Day Dream的Dreaming专辑 14、《情谜地中海》杂集,World Music系列 15、《莱茵河之恋》杂集,World Music系列 16、《发烧专卖店》jingo的精选 17、《四季春》系George Winston的《Winter Into Spring》专辑 18、《四季夏》系George Winston的《SUMMER》专辑 19、《四季秋》系George Winston的《Ballads&Blues》专辑 20、《四季冬》系George Winston的《December》专辑 为国内盗版商制造的精选集2张: 1、《大自然情诗》 2、《春夏秋冬》 为国内盗版商产的其他Newage杂辑冠以班得瑞名的16张: 1、《飞浪》Newage音乐系列 2、《海韵》Newage音乐系列 3、《观涛》Newage音乐系列 4、《恋境》Newage音乐系列 5、《幽谷深处》杂辑,其中有汤姆帕瑞斯的作品 6、《森林之月》杂辑,多为Karunesh数作 7、《鸟语》Newage音乐系列 8、《听雨》Newage音乐系列 9、《田园》Newage音乐系列 10、《秋景》Newage音乐系列 11、《冬雪》Newage音乐系列 12、《春意》Newage音乐系列 13、《夏日》Newage音乐系列 14、《山野》Newage音乐系列 15、《梦田》杂辑 16、《家园之旅》杂辑 将Z版班得瑞专辑换名伪装新专辑4张: 1、《心情变好了》 2、《头脑清醒了》 3、《映象》 4、《幻想》
2023-06-08 22:14:121


2023-06-08 22:14:215


Miku Glcy 。。
2023-06-08 22:15:0111


2023-06-08 22:15:342


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 电影 问题描述: 他的作品有哪些? 解析: 作 品 年 表 1 Blood Work (2002) 血型拼图 【美国】 2 Space Cowboys (2000) 太空大哥大 【美国】 征空救星/太空牛仔/ 3 True Crime (1999) 迫切的任务 【美国】 真实罪行/真相追击/ 4 AFI"s 100 Years... 100 Movies (1998) (TV) 一百年一百部 【美国】 5 Absolute Power (1997) 绝对权力 【美国】 一触即发/一级灭口/一触一发/ 6 Bridges of Madison County, The (1995) 廊桥遗梦 【美国】 麦迪逊之桥/麦迪逊之桥/ 7 Cent et une nuits de Simon Cinéma, Les (1995) 101夜 【英国/法国】 8 Casper (1995) 鬼马小灵精 【美国】 卡斯珀/ 9 Century of Cinema, A (1994) 【美国】 10 In the Line of Fire (1993) 火线 【美国】 火线大行动/火线狙击/火线追击/ 11 Perfect World, A (1993) 完美的世界 【美国】 强盗保镳/ 12 Unfiven (1992) 不可饶恕 【美国】 杀无赦/豪情盖天/不被饶恕的人/ 13 Rookie, The (1990) 菜鸟霹雳胆 【美国】 暴风干探/傻兵正传/ 14 White Hunter, Black Heart (1990) 白色猎人黑色心 【美国】 黑心猎人/独仔战劫/黑色猎人/ 15 Pink Cadillac (1989) 追杀黑名单 【美国】 凯迪拉克神探/摩登捕快勾心拳/ 16 Dead Pool, The (1988) 虎探追魂 【美国】 赌彩黑名单/ 17 Heartbreak Ridge (1986) 战火云霄 【美国】 魔鬼士官长/ 18 Pale Rider (1985) 苍白骑士 【美国】 单枪匹马闯龙潭/ 19 Tightrope (1984) 黑色手铐 【美国】 劲摆狂斧/ 20 City Heat (1984) 义薄云天 【美国】 辣手神探指天椒/ 21 Sudden Impact (1983) 拨云见日 【美国】 辣手神探勇劲冲天/ 22 Firefox (1982) 火狐 【美国】 火狐狸/ 23 Honkytonk Man (1982) 天涯父子情 【美国】 天涯赤子心/ 24 Bronco Billy (1980) 不屈不挠 【美国】 硬汉比利/ 25 Any Which Way You Can (1980) 金拳大对决 【美国】 鬼马金刚独臂拳/ 26 Escape from Alcatraz (1979) 逃出亚卡拉 【美国】 地狱岛/逃离阿尔卡塔兹/ 27 Every Which Way But Loose (1978) 永不低头 【美国】 辣手硬汉勾心拳/ 28 Gauntlet, The (1977) 铁手套 【美国】 魔鬼捕头/辣手神探勇闯天罗地网/天罗地网/ 29 Outlaw Josey Wales, The (1976) 不法之徒迈·韦尔斯 【美国】 西部执法者/ 30 Enforcer, The (1976) 辣手神探冲天炮 【美国】 全面追捕令/全面搜捕令/ 31 Eiger Sanction, The (1975) 勇闯雷霆峰 【美国】 埃格惩罚/ 32 Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974) 霹雳炮与飞毛腿 【美国】 冲天炮与飞毛腿/ 33 High Plains Drifter (1973) 荒野浪子 【美国】 独行侠红屋歼霸/高原流浪汉/ 34 Magnum Force (1973) 紧急搜捕令 【美国】 辣手神探追魂枪/ 35 Joe Kidd (1972) 乔·基德 【美国】 猛龙煞星/独行神枪侠/ 36 Dirty Harry (1971) 警探哈里 【美国】 紧急追捕令/辣手神探夺命枪/ 37 Beguiled, The (1971) 受骗 【美国】 牡丹花下/独行侠勇闯美人关/ 38 Play Misty for Me (1971) 迷雾追魂 【美国】 飞来艳福阎王贴/ 39 Kelly"s Heroes (1970) 战略大作战 【美国/南斯拉夫】 铁甲雄师扫荡战/克林特 伊斯特伍德:凯利的英雄们/ 40 Two Mules for Sister Sara (1970) 烈女镖客 【美国/墨西哥】 独行侠千里送贞娘/烈女与镖客/ 41 Paint Your Wagon (1969) 长征万宝山 【美国】 金刚岭双龙会/ 42 Where Eagles Dare (1968) 血染雪山堡 【英国】 壮士雄风/ 43 Hang "Em High (1968) 独行侠歼虎屠龙 【美国】 44 Coogan"s Bluff (1968) 独行铁金刚 【美国】 独行侠勇闯三关/ 45 Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il (1966) 独行侠决战地狱门 【意大利/西班牙】 黄金三镖客/ 46 Per qualche dollaro in più (1965) 独行侠江湖伏霸 【意大利/西班牙/西德/摩纳哥】 黄昏双镖客/为钱卖命/ 47 Per un pugno di dollari (1964) 独行侠边环夺命枪 【西德/西班牙/意大利】 荒野大镖客/ 48 Away All Boats (1956) 船已启航 【美国】 全速返航/ [/color] 导 演 1 Mystic River (2003) 悬河杀机 【美国】 神秘之河/神秘河/ 2 Blood Work (2002) 血型拼图 【美国】 3 Space Cowboys (2000) 太空大哥大 【美国】 征空救星/太空牛仔/ 4 True Crime (1999) 迫切的任务 【美国】 真实罪行/真相追击/ 5 Absolute Power (1997) 绝对权力 【美国】 一触即发/一级灭口/一触一发/ 6 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997) 善恶园的午夜 【美国】 热天午夜之欲望地带/情迷后花园/迷离后花园/情迷杀人夜/热天午后之欲望花园/ 7 Bridges of Madison County, The (1995) 廊桥遗梦 【美国】 麦迪逊之桥/麦迪逊之桥/ 8 Perfect World, A (1993) 完美的世界 【美国】 强盗保镳/ 9 Unfiven (1992) 不可饶恕 【美国】 杀无赦/豪情盖天/不被饶恕的人/ 10 Rookie, The (1990) 菜鸟霹雳胆 【美国】 暴风干探/傻兵正传/ 11 White Hunter, Black Heart (1990) 白色猎人黑色心 【美国】 黑心猎人/独仔战劫/黑色猎人/ 12 Bird (1988) 爵士乐手 【美国】 天枭/菜鸟帕克/鸟/爵士春秋/火鸟重生/ 13 Heartbreak Ridge (1986) 战火云霄 【美国】 魔鬼士官长/ 14 Pale Rider (1985) 苍白骑士 【美国】 单枪匹马闯龙潭/ 15 Sudden Impact (1983) 拨云见日 【美国】 辣手神探勇劲冲天/ 16 Firefox (1982) 火狐 【美国】 火狐狸/ 17 Honkytonk Man (1982) 天涯父子情 【美国】 天涯赤子心/ 18 Bronco Billy (1980) 不屈不挠 【美国】 硬汉比利/ 19 Gauntlet, The (1977) 铁手套 【美国】 魔鬼捕头/辣手神探勇闯天罗地网/天罗地网/ 20 Outlaw Josey Wales, The (1976) 不法之徒迈·韦尔斯 【美国】 西部执法者/ 21 Eiger Sanction, The (1975) 勇闯雷霆峰 【美国】 埃格惩罚/ 22 High Plains Drifter (1973) 荒野浪子 【美国】 独行侠红屋歼霸/高原流浪汉/ 23 Breezy (1973) 春花秋月未了情 【美国】 24 Play Misty for Me (1971) 迷雾追魂 【美国】 飞来艳福阎王贴/ 制 片 1 Mystic River (2003) 悬河杀机 【美国】 神秘之河/神秘河/ 2 Blood Work (2002) 血型拼图 【美国】 3 Space Cowboys (2000) 太空大哥大 【美国】 征空救星/太空牛仔/ 4 True Crime (1999) 迫切的任务 【美国】 真实罪行/真相追击/ 5 Absolute Power (1997) 绝对权力 【美国】 一触即发/一级灭口/一触一发/ 6 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997) 善恶园的午夜 【美国】 热天午夜之欲望地带/情迷后花园/迷离后花园/情迷杀人夜/热天午后之欲望花园/ 7 Bridges of Madison County, The (1995) 廊桥遗梦 【美国】 麦迪逊之桥/麦迪逊之桥/ 8 Perfect World, A (1993) 完美的世界 【美国】 强盗保镳/ 9 Unfiven (1992) 不可饶恕 【美国】 杀无赦/豪情盖天/不被饶恕的人/ 10 White Hunter, Black Heart (1990) 白色猎人黑色心 【美国】 黑心猎人/独仔战劫/黑色猎人/ 11 Bird (1988) 爵士乐手 【美国】 天枭/菜鸟帕克/鸟/爵士春秋/火鸟重生/ 12 Heartbreak Ridge (1986) 战火云霄 【美国】 魔鬼士官长/ 13 Pale Rider (1985) 苍白骑士 【美国】 单枪匹马闯龙潭/ 14 Tightrope (1984) 黑色手铐 【美国】 劲摆狂斧/ 15 Sudden Impact (1983) 拨云见日 【美国】 辣手神探勇劲冲天/ 16 Firefox (1982) 火狐 【美国】 火狐狸/ 17 Honkytonk Man (1982) 天涯父子情 【美国】 天涯赤子心/ 音 乐 1 Mystic River (2003) 悬河杀机 【美国】 神秘之河/神秘河/ 2 Space Cowboys (2000) 太空大哥大 【美国】 征空救星/太空牛仔/ 3 True Crime (1999) 迫切的任务 【美国】 真实罪行/真相追击/ 4 Absolute Power (1997) 绝对权力 【美国】 一触即发/一级灭口/一触一发/ 5 Bridges of Madison County, The (1995) 廊桥遗梦 【美国】 麦迪逊之桥/麦迪逊之桥/ 6 Unfiven (1992) 不可饶恕 【美国】 杀无赦/豪情盖天/不被饶恕的人/ 7 Heartbreak Ridge (1986) 战火云霄 【美国】 魔鬼士官长/ 8 City Heat (1984) 义薄云天 【美国】 辣手神探指天椒/ 9 Bronco Billy (1980) 不屈不挠 【美国】 硬汉比利/ 编 剧 1 Per un pugno di dollari (1964) 独行侠边环夺命枪 【西德/西班牙/意大利】 荒野大镖客/ 获 奖 资 料 奥斯卡奖 Oscar 2004 提名 最佳电影 (Best Motion Picture of the Year) Mystic River (2003) 悬河杀机 1993 获奖 最佳电影 (Best Picture) Unfiven (1992) 不可饶恕 ============================== 金球奖 GG 2004 提名 最佳导演 (Best Director - Motion Picture) Mystic River (2003) 悬河杀机 1993 获奖 最佳导演 (Best Director - Motion Picture) Unfiven (1992) 不可饶恕 1989 获奖 最佳导演 (Best Director - Motion Picture) Bird (1988) 爵士乐手 1988 获奖 最佳导演 (Best Director - Motion Picture) ============================== 英国学院奖 BAFTA 1993 提名 最佳电影 (Best Film) Unfiven (1992) 不可饶恕 ============================== 欧洲电影奖 EFA 2003 提名 最佳导演 (Best Direction) Mystic River (2003) 悬河杀机 ============================== 戛纳电影节 Cannes 2003 获奖 最佳导演 (Best Direction) Mystic River (2003) 悬河杀机 1990 提名 最佳导演 (Best Direction) White Hunter, Black Heart (1990) 白色猎人黑色心 1988 提名 最佳导演 (Best Direction) Bird (1988) 爵士乐手 1985 提名 最佳导演 (Best Direction) Pale Rider (1985) 苍白骑士 ============================== 威尼斯电影节 Venice 2002 获奖 最佳导演 (Best Direction) Blood Work (2002) 血型拼图 2000 获奖 最佳导演 (Best Direction) ============================== 美国影评人协会奖 NSFC 1993 获奖 最佳导演 (Best Director) Unfiven (1992) 不可饶恕 ============================== 洛杉矶影评人协会奖 LAFCA 1992 获奖 最佳男演员 (Best Actor) Unfiven (1992) 不可饶恕 ============================== 国家评论协会奖(美) NBR 1999 获奖 最佳导演 (Best Director) ============================== 法国恺撒奖 CAF 1998 获奖 荣誉奖 (Honorary Award (Honneur)) 1996 提名 最佳外语片 (Best Foreign Film (Meilleur film ranger)) Bridges of Madison County, The (1995) 廊桥遗梦 1989 提名 最佳外语片 (Best Foreign Film (Meilleur film ranger)) Bird (1988) 爵士乐手
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breezy[英] [u02c8bri:zi][美] [u02c8brizi]adj.有微风的,微风吹过的; 通风好的; 活泼的,轻松愉快的;[例句]Mona tried to sound breezy.莫娜竭力使自己的声音听上去轻松随意。
2023-06-08 22:18:132

breezy 和 windy 的区别是什么?

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easy breezy是什么意思

“easy breezy”的意思是“微风习习”“微风习习”的另外一种表达是“A gentle breeze is blowing gently”The day was easy breezy and warm.这一天微风习习,暖洋洋的。easy微风习习/u02c8iu02d0zu026a/a. 容易的;不费力的;舒适的,安逸的,安心的;令人舒适的,给人方便的;随和的;喜欢安逸的,懒散的;不严厉的,宽容的;易忍受的;温和的;易说服的;易受骗上当的;易受影响的;(女子)水性杨花的ad. 容易地,轻松地;顺利地;悠闲地;缓慢地;小心地vi. 停止划桨vt. 向(划手或水手)发出停划命令n. (旧时无线电联络时用的)字母e的代称She has stopped working and leads a very easy life.她现在不工作了,过着很舒适的日子。breezyadj.微风的;轻松愉快的;通风良好的It was a bright, breezy day.那天和风丽日。the breezy east coast微风吹拂的东海岸新加坡东海岸
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这是微风(breezy)的标志 微风是指风级为3级的风
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宇多田光-Easy breezy歌词

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宇多田光Easy Breezy的中文歌词

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(1)breezy[bri:zi] adj. 有微风的, 轻松活泼的adj. We went for an outing on a breezy day. adj. 我们在一个微风轻拂的日子去远足了(2)Brizy还是一个软件的名字。(3)Brizy on myspace 一首很好听的歌曲。
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Easy BreezyI still remember the ways that you touched meNow I know I don"t mean anything to youYou"re easy breezy and I"m JapanezySoon you"ll mean exactly nothing to meAnd that meansYou look stupidTelling all your friends how you got the best of meI intended, to share the pleasure onlyNow I look stupidWe"re living in a world with a lot of pressureIts quite unneeded, to put more pressure on meYou came and went and left my house my garbage just passing byDadadadadadada dadadadadadadaHello, Goodbye, you left a note saying it was nice stopping byI should have never ever let you insideI still remember the ways that you touched meNow I know I don"t mean anything to youYou"re easy breezy and I"m JapanezySoon you"ll mean exactly nothing to meDoes that mean anything to youEasy breezyDo you whistle to hide that you"re feeling lonely?How do I breathe, with all this pressure on me?Easy breezyWhen you wrestle you know that you hurt somebodyHow do I breath, with all this pressure on meYou came and went and left my house my garbage just passing byDadadadadadada dadadadadadadaKonnichiwa, Sayonara, it was nice of you to stop byWould it amuse you if I told you that II still remember the ways that you touched meNow I know I don"t mean anything to youYou"re easy breezy and I"m JapanezySoon you"ll mean exactly nothing to meDoes that mean anything to youI still remember the ways that you touched meNow I know I don"t mean anything to youYou"re easy breezy and I"m JapanezySoon you"ll mean exactly nothing to meDoes that mean anything to youYou"re easy breezy and I"m JapanezyYou"re easy breezy and I"m JapanezyShe"s got a new microphoneShe doesn"t need you anymoreEasy Breezy(中译)我还记得你轻触我的方式如今我知道 我对你根本没有意义你是一阵微风 而我是日本女孩马上你对我也没有任何意义 (别逼我)你真傻 爱跟朋友吹嘘 说你得到了我我竟然还想分享这份喜悦天啊 当时我真傻我们活在一个充满压力的世界实在是没必要 给我更多压力你说来就来 说走就走 晃若闯进无人之境哈罗 再见 你留下纸条写著 「去你家玩很开心」早知道就不该让你进来*我还记得你轻触我的方式如今我知道 我对你根本没有意义你是一阵微风 而我是日本女孩马上你对我也没有任何意义这对你还有意义吗?#一阵微风 你会吹口哨来掩饰寂寞吗?压力这麼大 我要如何呼吸?一阵微风 事情不可收拾的时候 也是别人受伤的时候压力这麼大 我要如何呼吸?你说来就来 说走就走 晃若闯进无人之境早安 再见 谢谢你来我家坐如果我告诉你我...你会开心吗?(重复* ×2)你是一阵微风 而我是日本女孩你是一阵微风 而我是日本女孩(她手拿一支新的麦克风)(她手拿一支新的麦克风)(她手拿一支新的麦克风)你是一阵微风 而我是日本女孩(她手拿一支新的麦克风)(她手拿一支新的麦克风)(再也不需要你了)(没错 她再也不需要你了)(她有一支新的麦克风)(她得到一支新的麦克风)(她得到一支新的麦克风)(她得到一支新的麦克风)(她再也不需要你了)(她再也不需要你了)(她有一支新的麦克风)你是一阵微风 而我是日本女孩
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2023-06-08 22:19:563

Living in the Moment 歌词

歌曲名:Living in the Moment歌手:Jason Mraz专辑:Love Is a Four Letter WordLiving in the MomentJason MrazIf this life is one actWhy do we lay all these trapsWe put them right in our pathWhen we just wanna be freeI will not waste my daysMaking up all kinds of waysTo worry about some thingsThat will not happen to meSo I just let go of what I know I don"t knowAnd I know I"ll only do this byLiving in the momentLiving our lifeEasy and breezyWith peace in my mindWith peace in my heartPeace in my soulWherever I"m going, I"m already homeLiving in the momentI"m letting myself off the hook for things I"ve doneI let my past go pastAnd now I"m having more funI"m letting go of the thoughtsThat do not make me strongAnd I believe this way can be the same for everyoneAnd if I fall asleepI know you"ll be the one who"ll always remind meTo live in the momentTo live my lifeEasy and breezyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartGot peace in my soulWherever I"m going, I"m already homeI can"t walk through life facing backwardsI have triedI tried more than once to just make sureAnd I was denied the future I"d been searching forBut I spun around and searched no moreBy living in the momentLiving my lifeEasy and breezyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartGot peace in my soulWherever I"m going, I"m already homeI"m living in the momentI"m living my lifeJust taking it easyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartI got peace in my soul wherever I"m going, I"m already homeI"m living in the momentI"m living my life easy and breezyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartI got peace in my soul wherever I"m going, I"m already homeI"m living in the moment
2023-06-08 22:20:321

Getting To Know You [The King And I] 歌词

歌曲名:Getting To Know You [The King And I]歌手:Julie Andrews专辑:Composers On BroadwayGetting To Know YouThe King And I Musical Soundtrack{Anna}It"s a very ancient saying,But a true and honest thought,That if you become a teacher,By your pupils you"ll be taught.As a teacher I"ve been learning(You"ll forgive me if I boast)And I"ve now become an expert,On the subject I like most...{Spoken}Getting to know you!{Children Giggle}Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me.Getting to know you, putting it my way,But nicely,You are precisely,My cup of tea.{Children Giggle}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{All ... Except Children}Getting to know you,Getting to know all about you.Getting to like you,Getting to hope you like me.Getting to know you,Putting it my way, but nicely,You are precisely,{Anna}My cup of tea.{All including children}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{Children}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{Anna}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezy{Anna and Children}Because of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.
2023-06-08 22:20:401


问题一:"车震"英文怎么说 英国俗语中 车震是:dogging 美语里就是 car sex 通俗翻译就是 having sex in a car 问题二:车震的英文? vehicle 似乎更加学术一点儿 vehicle engineering 我们学院的专业 车辆工程 问题三:gta5把车门撞掉后车震用英语怎么说 gta5把车门撞掉后车震 The car shock after gta5 knocked out the door 问题四:我的英语老师深夜丈夫不在与男子车震 My English teacher is not in the car with men late hu *** and 问题五:车震诱男里面的dj英文原版歌曲叫什么? Living in the Moment If this life is one act Why do we lay all these traps We put them right in our path When we just wanna be free I will not waste my days Making up all kinds of ways To worry about some things That will not happen to me So I just let go of what I know I don"t know And I know I"ll only do this by Living in the moment Living our life Easy and breezy With peace in my mind With peace in my heart Peace in my soul Wherever I"m going I"m already home Living in the moment I"m letting myself off the hook for things I"ve done I let my past go past And now I"m having more fun I"m letting go of the thoughts That do not make me strong And I believe this way can be the same for everyone And if I fall asleep I know you"ll be the one who"ll always remind me To live in the moment To live my life Easy and breezy With peace in my mind I got peace in my heart Got peace in my soul Wherever I"m going I"m already home I can"t walk through life facing backwards I have tried I tried more than once to just make sure And I was denied the future I"d been searching for But I spun around and searched no more By living in the moment Living my life Easy and breezy With peace in my mind I got peace in my heart Got peace in my soul Wherever I"m going I"m already home I"m living in the moment I"m living my life Just taking it easy With peace in my mind I got peace in my heart I got peace in my soul Oh wherever I"......>> 问题六:女学生为买苹果7脱衣服 被逼车震 最后的英文片尾曲叫什么 , 问题七:丈夫和姐姐玩车震掉进了河里尔他却被叫来了 问题都问不清楚??看来你的情感状况也是一塌糊涂!想好你的问题在问?
2023-06-08 22:20:471

Getting To Know You [The King And I] 歌词

歌曲名:Getting To Know You [The King And I]歌手:Julie Andrews专辑:Classic Julie - Classic BroadwayGetting To Know YouThe King And I Musical Soundtrack{Anna}It"s a very ancient saying,But a true and honest thought,That if you become a teacher,By your pupils you"ll be taught.As a teacher I"ve been learning(You"ll forgive me if I boast)And I"ve now become an expert,On the subject I like most...{Spoken}Getting to know you!{Children Giggle}Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me.Getting to know you, putting it my way,But nicely,You are precisely,My cup of tea.{Children Giggle}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{All ... Except Children}Getting to know you,Getting to know all about you.Getting to like you,Getting to hope you like me.Getting to know you,Putting it my way, but nicely,You are precisely,{Anna}My cup of tea.{All including children}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{Children}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{Anna}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezy{Anna and Children}Because of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.
2023-06-08 22:20:551

谁有宇多田光英文歌Easy Breezy 的中文歌词

如果往前走 就能再见到你吗 未来无论到何处都绵延不断 在巨型的看板之下 我真想看见时代的迁移 给无法再次见面的人及地方 打开那扇窗 每当回想起 遥远地遥远地 未来无论是在何处都闪烁不已 在绚丽的青空下 我们长久的沉睡著 好久以前我所喜欢的那个人 听说小孩即将在冬天要诞生了 就算是昔日已经决定好的事 偶而也会感到怀疑 一直无法忘怀啊 寄出去的贺年卡还是附上照片好了 我们无法做到的那些事 总是令人深深怀念 宇多田光 - First love中文版 专辑: 初恋 宇多田光 歌词由 歌词吾爱 制作 最后的吻 带着淡淡的香烟味道 苦涩而令人心碎的香味 明天的 这个时候 你会在哪里呢 又会想着谁呢 你总是我的爱人 就算在以后的生命中和谁恋爱也好 我记住去爱 你教我怎样 你总是我的唯一 现在仍唱着悲伤的情歌 直至新的歌曲再次推出 一度呆滞的时间 将会继续运转 剩下的尽是难以忘怀的事情 明天的这个时间 我一定会哭着 想起深爱过的你 你总是在我的心中 在我心中永远给你留下一片空间 我也希望在你心中也有那片空间 现在和永远你都是唯一的 现在仍唱着悲伤的情歌 直至新的歌曲再次推出 你总是我的爱人 就算在以后的生命中和谁恋爱也好 我记住去爱 你教我怎样 你总是我的唯一 现在仍唱着悲伤的情歌 直到永远
2023-06-08 22:21:061

Beautiful People 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful People歌手:Nina Sky专辑:The Other SideNina Sky - Beautiful PeopleFor you, I made sure I clear my scheduleThis weekend was fully devoted to youYou said you were coming through real soonThat was now a couple hours agoI"m thinking in my head you really got nerveCause this won"t be the first time that you stood me upWell baby I got news for youIt"s time to get a taste of your own medicineI"m throwing my vest onI"m letting my hair downI"m not bout to spend the night alone, loneYou just made my ish listBaby you can kiss itTonight, tonight, tonight, tonight!I"ma dance till the morningI"m not waiting up for youBoy, I"m turning off my phone tonight (night, night, night)By the time that you callI"ll be walkin in without you on the floor (floor, floor)I"ma party with my beautiful people (people, people)You beautiful people, peopleI"ma party with my beautiful people (people, people)You beautiful people, peopleI"ma party with my beautiful peopleI"ma make it known the second I arriveFor your sake, you better hope nobody catch my eyeCause since your living like you"re singleI"ma do the same, I"ma do my thing, yeahWhen I hear my song, make the DJ turn it upIn the middle of the floor, I-I-I"ma burn it upNo longer will I be worried bout youYou could find me in the night lifeHere I come!I"m throwing my vest onI"m letting my hair downI"m not bout to spend the night alone, loneYou just made my ish listBaby you can kiss itTonight, tonight, tonight, tonight!I"ma dance till the morningI"m not waiting up for youBoy, I"m turning off my phone tonight (night, night, night)By the time that you callI"ll be walkin in without you on the floor (floor, floor)I"ma party with my beautiful people (people, people)You beautiful people, peopleI"ma party with my beautiful people (people, people)You beautiful people, peopleI"ma party with my beautiful peopleThis is for my easy, breezy, beautiful cover girlsIf your man don"t treat you right pay em back tonightEasy, breezy, beautiful cover girlsG-g-get revenge tonight (night x9)Get lost in the night(night, night, night, night, night, night)Get lost in the night(night, night, night, night, night, night)Get lost in the night(night, night, night, night, night, night)This is for my easy, breezy, beautiful cover girlsEasy, breezy, beautiful cover girlsI"ma dance till the morningI"m not waiting up for youBoy, I"m turning off my phone tonight(I"m turning of my phone tonight)By the time that you call (tonight)I"ll be walkin in without you on the floor (floor floor)(Oh, oh, oh, oh)I"ma party with my beautiful people (people, people)(My beautiful people)You beautiful people, people(You beautiful people)I"ma party with my beautiful people (people, people)(My beautiful people)You beautiful people, people(You beautiful people)I"ma party with my beautiful peopleMy beautiful people
2023-06-08 22:21:151

chris brown的粉丝为什么叫 teambreezy?

2023-06-08 22:21:221

The Blow Monkeys Featuring Kym Mazelle的《Wait》 歌词

歌曲名:Wait歌手:The Blow Monkeys Featuring Kym Mazelle专辑:4 HitsChris Brown Ft. Trey Songz & Game - WaitZone 4YeahLets goI"ll be swimming in womenAnd i"d be diggin and livingAnd ill be whippin the whips that cha havent seen nowWell the quip is just whip itAnd make it pur like a kittenAnd imma have you withh the mean nowAnd all the fast girls wanna get moneyBaby girl you aint getting none from meAll you get is thisMake it bounce like a bunnyCome onTake take take ssome for kidsBut feel it in your ribsLikeWait wait wait(breezy)Girl i wanna make ya sing like operaGotta cold headed dose im your doctorPink house like a copperMan i got the chopperLion king in that thing mufasa(oops)Ill break you out just a bigger bit of meYou may wanna take a bite right outta meGirl i think your readyOh damnYou want me to do somethingYes maamI just wanna get a little give a little take a little make a little loveAll over my placeBaby girl you got a bottomI can spot it from a mile & i be wildin out then i put you off the traceGirl i"m right in front of youWanna be right up under youKissin under your belly button for about a month or twoYou gonna love it when i look in your eyesIm hitting highh nowI be swimming in womenAnd i be digging and livingAnd i be whippin up things that you havent seen knowWell the quip is just whip itAnd make it pur like a kittenAnd imma have you in the mean nowAnd all the fast girls wanna get moneyBaby girl you aint getting none from meAll you get is thisMake it bounce like a bunnyTake take take this to your kidsYou feel it in your ribs likeWait wait waitGirl i like your face down with your ass upDo the most get close like casperBeat it like a boxerEat it like a lobsterTell me your desiresGet you higher than a rosterI got something special for you when i get you homeYou should let me drive girl the rides really longIf you wanna ride ride ride you canYou just gotta lie lie to your manI just wanna get a little give a little take a litte make a little loveAll over my cribGirl if you can take a lot of make a lot of soundsIm gonna take your body down and ill bash you on the chrisOopsGirl im right in front of youTell me what you wanna doI just want your body with my body right up under youYou turning me on like a keri hilson songAnd i wanna get you goin right nowLet me knock you downWait wait wait waitWait wait wait waitWait wait wait waitWait wait wait waitI"m in that mocialacoRiding through chicagoAnd its 12:00, 12:00 in my mofatoYeah i know, b&cb its like back in back diablos drop the topPut on the gatosSwim in the mike phelpsUnder my gucci beltI said swimNot unstrap my gucci beltMore shoppers than johnny depp in that mossoSo many game impassoRiding ram in the boxstersI"m in the devilleSippin on bell with damn vodkaSo many tricksHit em in a little bit cant grab banana splitI aint no chickenNever been no chicken ishIf i pop a bottleShe a model hen she lickin itIf im going down im eating it like ?Knocking on my dressing roomJust to get freaking chrisShe spillin my chrisFreakin on my fresh fitCurveThats when get on to the next twoI"ll be swimming in womenAnd i"d be diggin and livingAnd ill be whippin the whips that cha havent seen nowWell the quip is just whip itAnd make it pur like a kittenAnd imma have you withh the mean nowAnd all the fast girls wanna get moneyBaby girl you aint getting none from meAll you get is thisMake it bounce like a bunnyCome onTake take take ssome for kidsBut feel it in your ribsLikeWait wait wait
2023-06-08 22:21:551

《huckleberry finn》的英文简介

The great American writer Ernest Hemingway, had this to say about Mark Twain"s Huckleberry Finn: "All modern, literature, stems from this one book." In this quintessential American novel, Tom Sawyer"s best friend, Huckleberry Finn, travels down the Mississippi River on a raft with a slave named Jim, getting himself in and out of danger along the way.
2023-06-08 22:22:042


breezy 英[ˈbri:zi] 美[ˈbrizi] adj. 有微风的,微风吹过的; 通风好的; 活泼的,轻松愉快的; [例句]Mona tried to sound breezy.莫娜竭力使自己的声音听上去轻松随意。[其他] 比较级:breezier 最高级:breeziest
2023-06-08 22:22:121

living in the moment这首歌整个原文和翻译 。 谢谢, 必采纳。

歌曲名:Living In The Moment歌手:Jason Mraz专辑:Love Is A Four Letter WordLiving in the MomentJason Mraz If this life is one actWhy do we lay all these trapsWe put them right in our pathWhen we just wanna be freeI will not waste my daysMaking up all kinds of waysTo worry about some thingsThat will not happen to meSo I just let go of what I know I don"t knowAnd I know I"ll only do this byLiving in the momentLiving our lifeEasy and breezyWith peace in my mindWith peace in my heartPeace in my soulWherever I"m going, I"m already homeLiving in the momentI"m letting myself off the hook for things I"ve doneI let my past go pastAnd now I"m having more funI"m letting go of the thoughtsThat do not make me strongAnd I believe this way can be the same for everyoneAnd if I fall asleepI know you"ll be the one who"ll always remind meTo live in the momentTo live my lifeEasy and breezyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartGot peace in my soulWherever I"m going, I"m already homeI can"t walk through life facing backwardsI have triedI tried more than once to just make sureAnd I was denied the future I"d been searching forBut I spun around and searched no moreBy living in the momentLiving my lifeEasy and breezyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartGot peace in my soulWherever I"m going, I"m already homeI"m living in the momentI"m living my lifeJust taking it easyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartI got peace in my soul wherever I"m going, I"m already homeI"m living in the momentI"m living my life easy and breezyWith peace in my mindI got peace in my heartI got peace in my soul wherever I"m going, I"m already homeI"m living in the moment中文:If this life is one act 如果生活就是一出独幕剧 Why do we lay all these traps 那我们为何设下重重陷阱We put them right in our path我们把它们放在我们的路上When we just wanna be free 正当我们想要自由之时I will not waste my days 我不会再虚度我的光阴Making up all kinds of ways 想方设法To worry about some things 忧心忡忡That will not happen to me 那不会在我身上发生So I just let go of what I know I don"t know所以我会让自己不知道的事顺其自然And I know I"ll only do this by 我知道我这样只是Living in the moment 活在当下Living our life 过我的生活Easy and breezy 容易而快乐With peace in my mind 内心平和With peace in my heart内心平和Peace in my soul平和深入我的灵魂Wherever I"m going, I"m already home 随遇而安,四海为家Living in the moment 活在当下I"m letting myself off the hook for things I"ve done 我不再对我所做过的事挂心I let my past go past 我让我的过去随风逝去And now I"m having more fun 我现在尽情享乐I"m letting go of the thoughts 我的想法是顺其自然That do not make me strong 那不会让我强大And I believe this way can be the same for everyone 我想这对每个人都一样And if I fall asleep 如果我睡着了I know you"ll be the one who"ll always remind me 我知道你总会是提醒我的那个人To live in the moment 活在当下To live my life 过我的生活Easy and breezy 容易而快乐With peace in my mind With peace in my heart Peace in my soul Wherever I"m going, I"m already home I can"t walk through life facing backwards我无法在生活中回头 I have tried 我尝试过I tried more than once to just make sure 我试过不止一种方法只为确认And I was denied the future I"d been searching for 我被我所追寻的未来否定But I spun around and searched no more但我很快的转身 一无所获 By living in the moment Living my life Easy and breezy With peace in my mind With peace in my heart With peace in my soul Wherever I"m going, I"m already home I"m living in the moment 我活在当下I"m living my life 过我的生活Just taking it easy 放轻松With peace in my mind I got peace in my heart I got peace in my soul Wherever I"m going, I"m already home I"m living in the moment I"m living my life Easy and breezy With peace in my mind With peace in my heart Peace in my soul Wherever I"m going, I"m already home Living in the moment
2023-06-08 22:22:191

一首英文歌 的大大 大大大 一直重复 纯音乐 男低音

2023-06-08 22:22:262


[Dr. Dre] Marshall, sounds like an S.O.S. [Dr Dre]: Marshall, 听着像是个求救信号。 [Eminem] Holy wack, unlyrical lyrics Andre, you"re fuckin"right [Eminem]: 神圣的打击不抒情的,Andre,你说的对! [Dr. Dre] To the rapmobile, let"s go! [Dr Dre]: 上说唱车,我们走! [Lady] Marshall! Marshall! [Eminem] Bitches and Gentleman, it"s showtime! 婊子们先生们!表演时间! Hurry, hurry step right up! 快,快,马上过来! Introducing the star of our show, his name is... 下面是今天表演的主角,他的名字是。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] You wouldn"t wanna be anywhere else in the world rightnow 你现在再也不想去这世上的别处 So without further or do, I bring to you... 所以干脆,跟我来。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] You"re "bout to witness hip hop in its most purest 你可能目击了hiphop的真相 most rawest form flow, almost flawless 都是最刺人又无暇的FLOW most hardest, most honest, known artist 都是最强硬又真实的艺术大师 Chip off the old block but old Doc" is back 切下老的阻滞但是老的DOC又回来 Looks like Batman brought his own Robin 看着就像蝙蝠侠带来了他的罗宾 Oh God, Saddam"s got his own Laden 哦天,亚当带了他的Laden with his on private plane, his own pilot 还有他的私人飞机,他的飞行员 Set to blow college dorm room doors off the hinges 努力吹开大学宿舍大门 Oranges, peach, pears, plums,oranges {*Vrrm vrrm*} 橘子,桃,梨,杏,李子{电锯声} Yeah here I come 好我来了 I"m inches away from you, dear fear none 我离你很近了,没人在害怕了 Hip hop is in a state of 911 so... HIPHOP就是真正的报警电话所以。。。 CHORUS 2x Let"s get down to business 让我们言归正传 I don"t got no time to play around what is this 我没时间理会周围这些东西是什么 Must be a circus in town, let"s shut the shit down 那些肯定是村里的马戏团,把这些垃圾结束掉 On these clowns,can I get a witness? 在这些小丑里有我的目击者吗? [Dr. Dre] Hell yeah! [Eminem] Quick gotta move fast, gotta perform miracles 必须快速行动,必须创造奇迹 Gee willikers, Dre, holy bat syllables (这句严重不懂。。。) Look at all the bullshit that goes on in Gotham 看这些在纽约的胡说 When I"m gone time to get rid of these rap criminals 当我有时间处理说唱的犯罪的时候 So skip to your lou while I do what I do best 所以在我全力以赴的时候就忽略过你的LOU(不懂) You ain"t even impressed no more, you"re used to it 你甚至没有留下印象,你从来都是这样 Flows too wet, nobody close to it 川流不息,没人靠近 nobody says it but still everybody knows the shit 没人论及直到大家发现他是垃圾 the most hated on out of all those who say it hated it 最可恨的来自说他们恨这些的 On an eighty songs and 这八十多首歌 exaggerate it all so much 太夸张了 they make it all up, 这全是装的 there"s no such thing 没有这样的 like a female with good looks, who cooks and cleans 就像是个女的又好看,又会做饭,又打扫卫生 It just means so much more to so much more 这也代表了太多太多了 People when you"re rappin" and you know what for, the show must go on 当人们唱说唱又知道为了什么唱的时候,表演必须继续 So I"d like to welcome y"all to Marshall and Andre"s carnival,come on! Now... Chorus [Eminem] It"s just like old times, the dynamic duo 就像上次一样的动力二人唱 Two old friends, why panic? 两个老朋友,为何慌张? You already know who"s fully capable, the two capped heroes 你已经知道谁行了,两个戴帽子的英雄 Dial straight down the center 8-0-0 拨盘指向中心8-0-0 You can even call collect, the most feared duet 你甚至可以打免费电话,这种最可怕的二重奏 Since me and Elton, played career Russian Roulette 自从我和Elton上次玩快速俄罗斯轮盘 And never even see me blink or get to bustin" a sweat 从来没有看我精神或者认真过一点点 People stepping over people just to rush to the set 人山人海只是想要挤过去 Just to get to see an MC who breathes so freely, 只是想要看看能自由说唱呼吸的MC ease over these beats and be so breezy 灵活移动的节奏,又轻松加愉快 Jesus how can shit be so easy? 上帝啊怎么说唱也能这样轻松? How can one Chandra be so Levy? 怎么一个Chandra也能这样Levy Turn on these beats MC"s don"t see me 开启这些节奏MC不会看到我 Believe me, BET and MTV 相信我,赌博和MTV are gonna grieve when we leave, dawg fo" sheezy 都会在我们离开始悲伤起来,狗fo" sheezyCan"t leave rap alone the game needs me 不能让说唱孤单,这玩意儿需要我 Till we grow beards, get weird, and disappear into the mountains 直到我们长了胡子,变得神秘,消失在山脉 Nothing but clowns down here 这里没有人,除了小丑 But we, ain"t fucking around "round here 但是我们不管这里怎么样 Yo Dre! [Dr. Dre] What up? 咋的了? [Eminem] Can I get a hell? 我能挨顿骂吗? [Dr. Dre] Hell yeah! Chorus [Eminem] So now you have it folks 所以现在我们都是一家人 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] ... Has come to save the day 来扭转败局 Back with his friend Andre 跟他的朋友Andre一起回来了 And to remind you that bullshit does not pay because... 来提醒你胡说不会有好的结果,因为。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] And Andre are here to stay and never go away Andre将留在这里决不离开 Until our dying day, until we"re old and grey 直到我们死的那一天,直到我们老了化成灰 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] So until next time friends 所以到下一次朋友们 Same blonde hair, same rap channel 那些金发碧眼的,那些说唱频道 Goodnight everyone, thank you for coming 大家晚安,谢谢光临 Your host for the evening... 你们都是今晚的主人。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] Oh, hah
2023-06-08 22:22:341


tracy 特瑞西(男子名,来源:英国.涵意:市场小径,收获) 翠西(女子名,来源:法国.涵意:市场小径)TRACY (爱尔兰)作战者
2023-06-08 22:22:4512

this is living中文歌词

If this life is one act 如果生活就是一出独幕剧 Why do we lay all these traps 那我们为何设下重重陷阱We put them right in our path我们把它们放在我们的路上When we just wanna be free 正当我们想要自由之时I will not waste my days 我不会再虚度我的光阴Making up all kinds of ways想方设法To worry about some things 忧心忡忡That will not happen to me 那不会在我身上发生So I just let go of what I know I don"t know所以我会让自己不知道的事顺其自然And I know I"ll only do this by 我知道我这样只是Living in the moment 活在当下Living our life 过我的生活Easy and breezy 容易而快乐With peace in my mind 内心平和With peace in my heart内心平和Peace in my soul平和深入我的灵魂Wherever I"m going,I"m already home 随遇而安,四海为家Living in the moment 活在当下I"m letting myself off the hook for things I"ve done 我不再对我所做过的事挂心I let my past go past 我让我的过去随风逝去And now I"m having more fun 我现在尽情享乐I"m letting go of the thoughts 我的想法是顺其自然That do not make me strong 那不会让我强大And I believe this way can be the same for everyone 我想这对每个人都一样And if I fall asleep 如果我睡着了I know you"ll be the one who"ll always remind me 我知道你总会是提醒我的那个人To live in the moment 活在当下To live my life 过我的生活Easy and breezy 容易而快乐With peace in my mind With peace in my heart Peace in my soul Wherever I"m going,I"m already home I can"t walk through life facing backwards我无法在生活中回头 I have tried 我尝试过I tried more than once to just make sure 我试过不止一种方法只为确认And I was denied the future I"d been searching for 我被我所追寻的未来否定But I spun around and searched no more但我很快的转身 一无所获 By living in the moment Living my life Easy and breezy With peace in my mind With peace in my heart With peace in my soul Wherever I"m going,I"m already home I"m living in the moment 我活在当下I"m living my life 过我的生活Just taking it easy 放轻松With peace in my mind I got peace in my heart I got peace in my soul Wherever I"m going,I"m already home I"m living in the moment I"m living my life Easy and breezy With peace in my mind With peace in my heart Peace in my soul Wherever I"m going,I"m already home Living in the moment
2023-06-08 22:23:111


《仙境(Wonder land)》:《变幻之风(The Wind Change)》《安妮的仙境(Annie"s Song)》《巴格达的星星(Star Of Baghdad)》《黎明(The Daylight)》《安妮之歌(Annie"s Song)》《魔法术(Laterna Magic)》《安迪姆斯(Adiemus)》《你的微笑(Your Smile)》《普罗旺斯(La Prouence)》《小美人鱼(Little Mermaid)》《三部曲(Trilogy)》《三时期女人(Three Times A Lady)》《男人的歌(Mandy"s Song)》《挚友(The Best Friend)》《梦花园(Garden Of Dreams)》:《TURNING (流转起舞)》《DREAMCATCHER (追梦人)》《BEYOND THE SUNDIAL (跨越日光)》《ADAGIO IN C MINOR (抒情小调)》《ZARABANDA (萨拉邦德舞)》《Kagayaku Toki no Nakade(闪亮的季节)》《LAUREN (罗兰)》《GIVE ME YOUR HAND (执子之手) 》《THE SOONG SISTER (宋家王朝) 》《ORTAFFA (欧塔妃)》《BEYOND THE INVISIBLE (隐喻)》《HYMN (赞美诗)》《THE GOLDEN LAND (黄金大地)》《BREAKOUT (突围) 》《月光水岸(Moonlight Bay)》:Caribbean Blue 加勒比海蓝 Rainbow River 彩虹河Hijo De La Luna 月光之子 The Book of Life 生命之书 Moonglow 月光 Mystic Zone 奇幻领域 Lonely Hearts 寂寞心事 Celtic Waltz 克尔特华尔滋 The Glory Way 光明之路 Watermark 浮水印 Morning Mood 晨歌 Winter Dreams 冬梦 La Valse D"Amelie 艾蜜莉圆舞曲 Law of the Lord 神律 《雾色山脉(Mistyland)》:01. 奥里诺科之梦 Orinoco Dreams 02. 曼岛的遥远记忆 Beyond the memory of Man 03. 但愿如此 May it Be 04. 寂寞口笛手 Lonely Whistler 05. 绿意小夜曲 Serenade in Green 06. 高地慢板 Adagio of the Highland 07. 奇幻银河 Incredlble Stars 08. 水晶球 Crystal Ball 09. 异世界 World of Difference 10. 梦河 River of Dreams 11. 圣洁花园 The Holy Garden 12. 漫不经心的眼神 Careless Eyes 13. 魔戒三部曲:王者再临 主题曲 Into the West 14. 淑女与伯爵 The Lady and the Earl 15. 龙心 Dragen Heart 《微风山谷(Breezy Valley)》:01. Snow 静静的雪02. Love Me Tonight 今夜爱来临03. Dreaming In The Moonlight 梦于月光中04. Song Of The Angles 天使群聚之歌05. Mars And Venus 火星金星06. Indian Summer 狂热夏日07. Love Of My Life 一生爱恋08. Sunset Valley 落日幽谷09. If I Love Again 再一次爱10. Heaven On Earth 人间天上11. Good Morning Sunshine 日出晨安12. For Your Heart Only 唯心所识13. Green Leaves Of Spring 春枝绿叶14. The Way Of The Wind 微风吹拂的方式 唉,你还是上网找吧,到www.verycd.com或www.bandari.net上找找。
2023-06-08 22:23:413


2023-06-08 22:23:497


  班得瑞专辑列表及盗版考证(2007-05-19)  正版12张:  1、《仙境Wonderland》  2、《寂静山林The Sounds Of Silence》  3、《春野One Day in Spring》  4、《蓝色天际Heaven Blue》  5、《迷雾森林Mist》  6、《日光海岸Sunny Bay》  7、《梦花园Garden of Dreams》  8、《琉璃湖畔Crystal Lake》  9、《微风山谷Breezy Valley》  10、《月光水岸Moonlight Bay》  11、《雾色山脉Misty Land》  12、《翡翠谷Emerald Valley》  金革制作精选集3张(合称大自然情诗):  1、《莱茵河波影》  2、《阿尔卑斯巡礼》  3、《维也纳森林》  盗版43张:(最爱班得瑞网收集和鄙人平日调查)  其中,为其他newage音乐家所做,有国内D版商冠名班得瑞的20张:  1、《绿色多摩川》为Nikkos所作  2、《片片枫叶情》杂集,World Music系列  3、《风之羽翼》为大卫•扬所作  4、《白色礼赞》杂集,是一张圣诞音乐集  5、《恋爱SPA》 杂集,系jingo出的精选  6、《绿野仙踪》(《挪威的森林》) 为Phil Coulter的精选  7、《纯粹》为查克勃朗所做  8、《深呼吸》为查克勃朗所做  9、《天使的婚礼》为汤姆•帕瑞斯所做  10、《世外桃源》 杂集  11、《加州的阳光》杂集,World Music系列  12、《花都夜倾情》杂集,World Music系列  13、《你与我》 系Day Dream的Dreaming专辑  14、《情谜地中海》杂集,World Music系列  15、《莱茵河之恋》杂集,World Music系列  16、《发烧专卖店》jingo的精选  17、《四季春》系George Winston的《Winter Into Spring》专辑  18、《四季夏》系George Winston的《SUMMER》专辑  19、《四季秋》系George Winston的《Ballads&Blues》专辑  20、《四季冬》系George Winston的《December》专辑  为国内D版商制造的精选集2张:  1、《大自然情诗》  2、《春夏秋冬》  为国内D版商产的其他Newage杂辑冠以班得瑞名的16张:  1、《飞浪》Newage音乐系列  2、《海韵》Newage音乐系列  3、《观涛》Newage音乐系列  4、《恋境》Newage音乐系列  5、《幽谷深处》杂辑,其中有汤姆帕瑞斯的作品  6、《森林之月》杂辑,多为Karunesh数作  7、《鸟语》Newage音乐系列  8、《听雨》Newage音乐系列  9、《田园》Newage音乐系列  10、《秋景》Newage音乐系列  11、《冬雪》Newage音乐系列  12、《春意》Newage音乐系列  13、《夏日》Newage音乐系列  14、《山野》Newage音乐系列  15、《梦田》杂辑  16、《家园之旅》杂辑  将Z版班得瑞专辑换名伪装新专辑4张:  1、《心情变好了》  2、《头脑清醒了》  3、《映象》  4、《幻想》  Wonderland 仙境  01 The Wind Of Change 变幻之风  02 Annie"s Wonderland 安妮的仙境  03 Star Of Baghdad 巴格达之星  04 The Daylight 曙光  05 Annie"s Song 安妮之歌  06 Laterna Magica 魔幻时刻  07 Adiemus 阿迪玛斯  08 Your Smile 你的笑靥  09 La Provence 普罗文斯  10 Little Mermaid 小美人鱼  11 Trilogy 三部曲  12 Three Times A Lady 钟爱一生  13 Mandy"s Song 曼蒂  14 The Best Friends 挚友  The Sounds Of Silence 寂静山林  01 El Condor Pasa 老鹰之歌  02 The Sounds Of Silence 寂静之音  03 I Swear 誓言  04 Imagine 想像  05 Chariots Of Fire 火战车  06 Sacrifice 奉献  07 One Moment In Time 真爱时光  08 Song For The Lord 赞美主  09 Into Red Velvet 红丝绒  10 If You Leave Me Now 若你离去  11 I Want To Know What Love Is 爱的真谛  12 Tim"s Lullaby 摇篮曲  13 Moment Of Fantasy 白日梦  14 Airy Voices 空灵之声  One Day in Spring 春野  01 One day in spring 春野  02 The miracle of your eyes 你眼中的奇迹  03 Morning air 晨雾  04 Breath of the wind 风的气息  05 Fairyland 梦境  06 Beatrix 碧翠丝  07 Mountain stream 山林小溪  08 Snowdream 雪的梦幻  09 Windmills 风车  10 Heaven"s gate 天堂之门  11 Earth melody 大地之歌  12 My song for you 为你写的歌  13 Melody of hope 希望的旋律  14 Nebula 星云  Heaven Blue 蓝色天际  01 Indian Dreams 印第安梦幻  02 Magic Winds 魔法风  03 Endless Horizon 无垠地平线  04 Visions 幻觉  05 After the Rain 雨后  06 Birds over the Rainbow 飞跃彩虹  07 Fly Away 远走高飞  08 Along in the Night 走过长夜  09 Nights of Barcelona 巴塞隆纳之夜  10 Indian Summerrain 夏雨  11 Song of the Mayas 玛雅  12 Jupiter 木星  13 Machu Picchu 沙漠旷野  14 Solar Winds 太阳风  Mist 迷雾森林  01 Gold Wings 希望之翼  02 Neptune 海王星  03 Diamonds 钻石  04 New Morning 清晨  05 Starry Sky 满天星  06 Mother Nature 反璞归真  07 The First Snowflakes 初雪  08 Sunset Glow 落日  09 Tenderness 款款柔情  10 The Purple Butterfly 紫蝴蝶  11 Melody Of Love 真爱  12 Spring-Water 春水  13 Blue Lagoon 蓝色珊瑚  14 Morning Sun 朝阳  附加唱片  01 Time To Say Goodbye 告别的时刻  02 Conquest Of Paradise 征服天堂  Sunny Bay 日光海岸  01 A Woodland Night 森林中的一夜  02 Childhood Memory 童年  03 Irish Lullaby 爱尔兰摇篮曲  04 Whistle Of The Wind 风的呢喃  05 Tara 翩翩起舞  06 Luna 月光  07 Children"s Eyes 童真  08 Ancient Poem 古诗  09 Just A Little Smile 浅笑  10 Flying High 高飞  11 White Sand Of Barbados 巴贝多的白沙  12 Moonlight Of Capri 卡布里的月光  13 African Sunset 非洲日落  14 Goodbye Little Susy 告别小苏西  特别音轨  15 Peaceful life 平安一生  附加唱片  01 A Woodland Night 森林中的一夜  02 Peaceful life 平安一生  Garden of Dreams 梦花园  01 Turning 流转起舞  02 Dreamcatcher 追梦人  03 Beyond the Sundial 跨越日光  04 Adagio in Minor 抒情小调  05 Zarabanda 萨拉邦德舞  作者: 唐吉诃德 封 2007-5-23 17:01 回复此发言 删除  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  8 回复:[入吧必读]班得瑞吧吧主申明和班得瑞相关资料(07-05-19更新  06 辉く季节の中で 闪亮的季节  07 Lauren 罗兰  08 Give Me Your Hand 执子之手  09 The Soong Sister 宋家王朝  10 Ortaffa 欧塔妃  11 Beyond the Invisible 隐喻  12 Hymn 赞美诗  13 The Golden Land 黄金地带  14 Breakout 突围  Crystal Lake 琉璃湖畔  01 Mystica 秘密  02 Marco Polo 马可波罗  03 Raindrops on Your Face 雨  04 Summerwaltz 夏日华尔兹  05 Black Windmill 黑风车  06 Japanese Girl 东方女孩  07 The Wings of Ikarus 依卡路斯的羽翼  08 Theme From Missing 思念  09 Sparkling Raindrops 涟漪  10 Blue Love Theme 忧郁的爱  11 A Day Without Rain 晴天  12 Aqua Blue 水蓝  13 White Moon Over Tibet 西藏的月  14 Loverletter to You 情书  Breezy Valley 微风山谷  1. Love me tonight 今夜爱来临  2. Dreaming in the moonlight 梦于月光中  3. Song of the angles 天使群聚之歌  4. Mars and Venus 火星金星  5. Indian Summer 狂热夏日  6. Love of my life 一生爱恋  7. Sunset Valley 落日幽谷  8. If I love again 再一次爱  9. Heaven on earth 人间天上  10. Good morning sunshine 日出晨安  11. For your heart only 唯心所识  12. Green leaves of spring 春枝绿叶  13. The way of the wind 微风吹拂的方式  14. Snow 静静的雪  附加唱片  15 Wish From Far-Away Places 远方的祝福  Moonlight Bay 月光水岸  01 加勒比海蓝 Caribbean Blue  02 彩虹河 Rainbow River  03 月亮之子 Hijo De La Luna  04 生命之书 The Book of Life  05 月光 Moonglow  06 奇幻领域 Mystic Zone  07 寂寞心事 Lonely Hearts  08 克尔特华尔滋 Celtic Waltz  09 光明之路 The Glory Way  10 浮水印 Watermark  11 晨歌 Morning Mood  12 冬梦 Winter Dreams  13 艾蜜莉圆舞曲 La Valse D"Amelie  14 神律 Law of the Lord  Misty Land 雾色山脉  01. Orinoco Dreams 奥里诺科之梦  02. Beyond The Memory Of Man 曼岛的遥远记忆  03. May It Be 但愿如此《魔戒首部曲》主题曲  04. Lonely Whistler 寂寞口笛手  05. Serenade In Green 绿意小夜曲  06. Adagio Of The Highland 高地慢板  07. Incredible Stars 奇幻银河  08. Crystal Ball 水晶球  09. World Of Difference 异世界  10. River Of Dreams 梦河  11. The Holy Garden 圣洁花园  12. Careless Eyes 漫不经心的眼神  13. Into The West 《魔戒三部曲-王者再临》主题曲  14. The Lady And The Earl 淑女与伯爵  特别音轨  15. Dragon Heart 龙心  Emerald Valley 翡翠谷  01 The Way to Heaven天堂之路  02 Athair Ar Neamh天上之父  03 Kiss of A Fairy 精灵之吻  04 Amarantine 永恒之约  05 Night Waltz 夜之华尔滋  06 White Sand Shore 白沙湾  07 The Golden Harp 黄金竖琴  08 The Colours of Love 爱的颜色  09 The Day of Truth 真实的一天  10 Sea of Clarity 清澈海洋  11 Clear Sky Over the Mountain 翻越山岭的晴朗天空  12 Ballerina 芭蕾女伶  13 Garden of Peace 平和花园  14 Rose of Tralee 爱尔兰玫瑰  15 The Holy Flame 圣火
2023-06-08 22:24:031

Getting To Know You 歌词

歌曲名:Getting To Know You歌手:Vince Hill专辑:Back To BackGetting To Know YouThe King And I Musical Soundtrack{Anna}It"s a very ancient saying,But a true and honest thought,That if you become a teacher,By your pupils you"ll be taught.As a teacher I"ve been learning(You"ll forgive me if I boast)And I"ve now become an expert,On the subject I like most...{Spoken}Getting to know you!{Children Giggle}Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me.Getting to know you, putting it my way,But nicely,You are precisely,My cup of tea.{Children Giggle}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{All ... Except Children}Getting to know you,Getting to know all about you.Getting to like you,Getting to hope you like me.Getting to know you,Putting it my way, but nicely,You are precisely,{Anna}My cup of tea.{All including children}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{Children}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{Anna}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezy{Anna and Children}Because of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.
2023-06-08 22:24:111