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像lots of,a lot of,plenty of,a bit of....等有多少个?怎么用喔?

2023-06-09 08:55:41
TAG: nt

a lot of是口语中极常用的表示“许多、大量”的词组,它可以修饰任何复数名词,相当于many和much(多用于书面语)。lots of=a lot of


plenty of丰富;充足;大量(可修饰任何复数名词)

He has plenty of humorous stories to tell.他有许多幽默故事可讲。

Make sure there"s plenty of food for everyone.要确保每个人都有充足的食物。

a great/good deal of大量的(只可修饰不可数名词)

A great deal of work awaits me.许多工作等着我去做。

a great/good many很多(只可修饰复数可数名词)

There are a good many people in the hall.大厅里有很多人。(注意:people是集合名词,单数复数同形,它所表示的数量要根据实际情况推测。)

a number of的意思是“一些”,相当于some,如果要表示许多的意思,就要加上一个“强语势形容词”large(只可修饰复数可数名词)

A large number of people have left.很多人都走了。

heaps of口语中表达许多、大量的又一种方法(只可修饰不可数名词)

I have heaps of work to do.我有一大堆工作要做。

由于a lot of表达“许多”的意思,而后面的evidence却用单数,可以推知evidence是不可数名词。

There is a lot of evidence that jealousy is linked to long-term love.许多证据表明嫉妒和感情持久有关系。这句话的语态是被动语态,that引导的名词从句that jealousy is linked to long-term love对前面的evidence做进一步的补充和说明。

下面这个句子比较长,我们先看动词look at,原意是“看”,这里要理解为“调查”。宾语是jealousy scores(嫉妒指数),后面的of couples in university做jealousy scores的定语,连起来意思就是:大学里情侣们的嫉妒指数。人们把这种指数和几年以后他们的marriage status(婚姻状况)联系在一起,就得出了以下的结论。(注:人们的婚姻状况分为三种:单身single,已婚married和离婚divorced.)

It was found that couples that scored higher on the jealousy test were more likely to marry eventually.这是我们以前讲过的it做形式主语的情况,还记得它的作用吗?当真正的主语较长时,为了避免头重脚轻就用it做形式主语,它的形式是这样的:it+不及物动词+从句。这个句子的真正主语就是that引导的名词从句that couples that scored higher on the jealousy test were more likely to marry eventually,这个从句里有两个that,第一个引导整个名词从句,第二个that引导的是定语从句that scored higher on the jealousy test,修饰that前面的先行词couples,翻译是要翻译成couples的定语,意思是:那些在测试中得分较高的情侣,这些情侣会怎么样呢?回头再看名词从句that couples were more likely to marry eventually,情侣们最终很有可能会结婚。在把情侣的定语加上去,连起来翻译一下,就是:在嫉妒测验中得分较高的情侣结婚的可能性较大。

People who flirt outside of their existing relationship often use jealousy in two main ways.这个句子里也包含一个定语从句,who flirt outside of their existing relationship修饰people,那些和自己现在情侣以外的人调情的人,这些人常会在两个方面利用嫉妒。他们是怎么做的呢?First,他们test对方,the strength of their partner"s feelings for them“对方感受的强度”,靠什么方法呢?这里用介词by来引导,后面接动名词measuring their reactions“观测他们的反映”。连起来就是:第一,他们借此观察伴侣的反应来考查对方对自己感情的深浅。Second, they indicate their potential他们暗示他们的可能性,什么样的可能性呢?动词不定式to replace partners修饰potential,即“换伴侣的可能性”。对谁是这种可能性呢?当然是对那些who do not live up to their expectations的人了。live up to是“实践,不辜负”的意思,每个人都应该做到:You must live up to your promise.你必须实践自己的诺言。整句话的意思就是:第二,他们对伴侣暗示如果达不到他们的期望,他们就有可能被取代。

最后这句话This is because the person who feels unloved will often feel better with the flattery of a husband or wife who shows a bit of jealous interest.我们也可以用刚才的方法来分析。主语the person谓语will feel better,由who引导的定语从句who feels unloved做the person的定语,意思是“感到不被爱的人”,是什么使他们feel better呢?with这里的意思是“由于,因此”,后面解释了原因:the flattery,赞美,恭维。谁的恭维呢?with the flattery of a husband or wife丈夫或妻子的恭维,又一个定语从句:who shows a bit of jealous interest做a husband or wife的定语,意思是:那些表现出一点醋意的丈夫或妻子的恭维。整个句子的意思整理如下:因为如果丈夫或妻子能够表现出一点嫉妒,感觉不到爱的另一方会因此认为得到了对方的赞美。


表达同种意思的有很多,例如 a great deal of .

a good many of 等,只是用many的一般只能修饰可数名词,而其他好像都修饰不可数名词。





couple 英[u02c8ku028cpl] 美[u02c8ku028cpu0259l] 过去式:coupled 过去分词:coupled 现在分词:coupling 复数:couples n. 1.一对, 一双, 两人, 两件事物 2.一些, 几个 3.夫妻, 情侣 vt. 1.连接, 联结, 联系 2.性交;交配 名词 n.1.一对, 一双, 两人, 两件事物 He presented us with a couple of jade lions.他送给我们一对玉狮子。2.一些, 几个3.夫妻, 情侣 The old couple is never fed up with going to the same park every day.这对老夫妻每天都去同一个公园, 从不厌烦。The young couple are quarreling with each other.这对年轻夫妇总是相互争吵。及物动词 vt.1.连接, 联结, 联系 They coupled two railway coaches.他们把两节火车车厢连接起来。2.性交;交配
2023-06-08 21:34:402


问题一:夫妇用英语怎么说?? couple = 一对,一双 couples = 两对或以上 夫妇有几个不同翻译, couple(s) 是其中之一 比较精确的翻译是 married couple 例: Tomorrow"s dance is for couples only. You and Mary can go together as a couple. 其他翻译有 hu *** and (丈夫) and wife (妻子) spouses better halves mates significant others partners in life 等等 满意请及时采纳,谢 问题二:他们是夫妻,用英语怎么说? 应该是couples。 问题三:他们是夫妻用英语怎么翻译 他们是夫妻。 They are hu *** and and wife. They are a couple. 问题四:XX和XX是夫妻 用英语怎么说 XX and XX is hu *** and and wife 问题五:我们是夫妻 英语怎么说? couple: 指一对(夫妻)所以 we are a couple couples: 几对(夫妻) 比如,“ther常 are many couples in the streets. 街上有好多对夫妻。 问题六:“夫妻关系”填表用语英文怎么说 “夫妻关系”填表用 : hu *** and and wife 或 hu *** and & wife 问题七:一对夫妻用英语怎么说 a couple 希望对你有锭助,祝快乐。欢迎顺手点击采纳,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 问题八:夫妻用英语怎么说 年轻的夫妻为couple 问题九:他们是夫妻用英语怎么翻译 他们是夫妻。 They are hu *** and and wife. They are a couple. 问题十:我们是夫妻。英文怎么讲 您好!We are hu *** and and wife . 是对的。 夫妻fūqī 名词 hu *** and and wife 夫妻恩爱conjugal affection 模范夫妻model couple 结为夫妻join in marriage→ 结发夫妻 望采纳 !谢谢!
2023-06-08 21:34:461


couple 英["ku028cpl] 美[u02c8ku028cpu0259l] n. 对,双;配偶,夫妻;<口>几个,两三个 vt.&vi. 连在一起,连接;成双,结婚;性交,交配 第三人称单数:couples;过去分词:coupled;名词复数:couples;现在分... [例句]Look at the royal couple.看看这对皇家新人。
2023-06-08 21:34:542


情侣之夜the night for couples
2023-06-08 21:35:022


a couple希望对你有帮助,祝快乐。欢迎顺手点击采纳,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
2023-06-08 21:35:107

我们是夫妻 英语怎么说? 是we are a couple?还是we are couples?

couple:指一对(夫妻)所以 "we are a couple" couples:几对(夫妻) 比如,“there are many couples in the streets". 街上有好多对夫妻.
2023-06-08 21:35:311


2023-06-08 21:35:382


They are couples.
2023-06-08 21:35:486


2023-06-08 21:36:189


2023-06-08 21:36:355


2023-06-08 21:36:572

live couples是什么意思

夫妻生活词典结果:couples[英]["ku028cplz][美]["ku028cplz]n.一对( couple的名词复数 ); 一双; 一些; 夫妻; 易混淆单词:Couples以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Some young couples get married on that day too. 一些年轻的夫妇在这一天结婚。
2023-06-08 21:37:042


a couple of 三两个…;一对…young couple 青年夫妇a couple of days 一两天married couple 新婚夫妻couple with 与…相结合,伴随a couple of times 好几次;若干次in couples 成对地odd couple 出人意料互不相配的一对thermal couple [电]热电偶engaged couple 已订婚的情侣galvanic couple 电偶
2023-06-08 21:37:112


您好,couple 这个单词的用法很多,而且涉及的谓语动词也会因为不同的用法而有所改变:1)couple 作为名词,用来表示(夫妻;情侣;跳舞舞伴)时,此时指的是【异性的一对】,与性别挂钩,看做是集体名词,既可以是(单数谓语用词),也可以是(复数谓语动词)。比如:A couple are walking along the beach.(指的是一对情侣,两个人都在走路,个体概念)They make a beautiful couple.(指的是很般配的一对,整体概念)The hotel was full of honeymoon couples.(指的是整体概念的复数,多对夫妻。)2)couple 作为名词时,除了可以指代【异性的一对】,还可以指两个雷同的个体,即可以是人,也可以是物,与性别不挂钩。比如:We got some eggs, would you like a couple?(指的是2颗鸡蛋)I have just a couple more questions?(指的是2个提问)此时的 couple 和 pair 的用法雷同,但区别在于 pair 通常指对称的,比如左右,男女,套装等等,但 couple 此时没有这一层含义,仅仅是2个对等的雷同个体。3)couple 还可以用来作为两次使用,可以译为【两个】,也可以译为【两到三个】,或是不确定的小数目。比如:A couple of girls were playing marbles.(两【三】个女孩子在玩弹子游戏。)I will be gone for a couple of days.(我会离开几天时间。)此时的 couple 通常遵循(a + 名词 + of)的量词规律。4)couple 还可以作为动词使用,译为【连接;结合】,可以是(及物动词)也可以是(不及物动词)看用法。比如:A calbe is coupled up to one of the wheels.(不及物动词;或是介宾结构作宾语)Coupled with high unemployment, there is fierce competition for jobs.(不及物动词;或是介宾结构作宾语)You can use cable ties to couple two things together.(及物动词)couple 作为动词,还可以用于(交配),比如动物的交配。希望这样的解析可以帮到您。
2023-06-08 21:37:292


couple: [ k05pl ] n. 对,夫妇,数个 v. 加倍,成双,连结 [ 过去式coupled 过去分词coupled 现在分词coupling 第三人称单数couples ] 例句与用法1. I"ll be back in a couple of days. 我过几天就回来。 2. They coupled the carriages of the train together. 他们把火车的车厢连接好。 3. They are a nice couple. 他们是很美满的一对。 4. I saw a couple of men get out. 我看见有几个人出去了。
2023-06-08 21:37:501

我们是夫妻 英语怎么说?

we are a couple
2023-06-08 21:37:585


couple 都可以
2023-06-08 21:38:134


2023-06-08 21:38:213


couple的基本含义 n. 一对,一双 夫妻,一对(已婚或未婚)夫妇;情侣 两(个);几(个);一些 一对雌雄动物 连接物 【木工】对椽[亦称作 couple-close] 【电工学】电偶;热偶 【物理学】力偶 【化学】偶,偶联 【数学】偶,耦合 【天文学】双星 vt. 连接,联结;联系: 例句: The train will be ready to leave when all the carriages have been coupled.在所有车厢都连接好时列车即可开出。[古语]使婚配;使交配 【电工学】联结,使耦合 vi. 结成对;联合 交配,交尾;性交近义词:pair 短语: a couple of[口语]少数的,几个 in couples成双成对地变形: coupled, couplingcouple的用法例句 The train will be ready to leave when all the carriages have been coupled. 在所有车厢都连接好时列车即可开出。《21世纪大英汉词典》They are a modelcouple. 他们是一对“模范”夫妻。www.elanso.comWe were a happycouple. 我们是好快乐的一对。的用法相关 所谓复杂的定语从句,是指一个句子带有两个或两个以上定语从句的结构。 望采纳~~~
2023-06-08 21:38:301


2023-06-08 21:38:383


情侣之间表达爱意是十分重要性的,原因是:1. 可以增进感情和情感联系。表达爱意可以让另一半感受到自己在对方心目中的重要性,增强两人的亲密度和默契。2. 可以减少误会和疑虑。适度的表达爱意可以让对方清楚自己的感情,避免产生不必要的猜疑或疑虑。3. 可以满足 parties 的需求。适当的表达爱意也可以满足Couples 中一方或双方在情感上的需求,使生活更加美满。4. 长期缺乏表达可能导致感情衰退。如果长期很少表达爱意,容易在潜移默化中疏远感情,造成感情不满或破裂。我个人在表达爱意方面也比较主动,具体做法如下:1. 经常表达思念之情,如发短信问候,说一声想念等。2. 贴心的小惊喜,如准备对方喜欢吃的食物,或一个小礼物。3. 真诚的夸奖与鼓励,让对方感到自己的重要性。4. 细微的身体联系,如经常的拥抱、亲吻、手牵手等。5. 坦率地说一句“我爱你”,表达心底真实的情感。6. 定期热恋一下,如约会、旅行等重温当初的甜蜜。 7. 倾听对方的需要和期望,努力予以满足和回应。我相信,表达爱意需要真诚和主动,向来不必刻意,只要真心实意,自然流露出恋人之间最丝滑的情意。恋人间的爱,真正需要的就是两颗会表达的心。所以,我认为表达爱意对于维持一段感情至关重要。不仅自己主动,也鼓励对方勇于表达,让爱的气息绵绵不断环绕在两人之间,这才是情侣获得幸福的要诀。
2023-06-08 21:38:441

英语 翻译

in a bid:为了,常用短语呗
2023-06-08 21:39:066


原句有误, 应当是A couple of xxx...couple表示[一些]的时候没有复数形式。而复数 couples表示复数的夫妻。a stack of 表示一堆或大量的, 而a couple of = some 一些两者有区别。
2023-06-08 21:39:392

couple 可数吗

2023-06-08 21:39:494

英语阅读理解the research shows that 60 million couples

请补充您的问题哦。首先根据这句话的前半句不完整部分判断,这是一个宾语从句。引导词是that。The research有了定冠词the,特制了一个研究(前文提及的);show 动词 翻译为"显示了",可以替换的词有:indicate(表明了) illustrate(阐述了) prove(证明了)million:百万 其余数字也可记忆→ hundred 百 thousand 千 billion 十亿couples:夫妻,一对儿,小两口。经常网络使用语言"CP感"就是有couple衍生。更多精彩的英语学习内容,欢迎登陆智课网进行学习。希望能够帮助到您。
2023-06-08 21:39:581


1. 关于大学生结婚为主题的英语两人对话翻译 A: The marriage of college students has been an increasing number of B: I found A: You get married so early on college students about his views on this B: I always feel that the University has been to learn knowledge, not specifically to Shall We said Love, so early on in a marriage for themselves and other people"s irresponsible. A: I think this is not the case, I think two people feeling a certain stage is certainly want to get married, and this is not age with special ties Ah, college students can Moreover, good or bad points clear of the B: I think it"s the thinking of college students is not very mature, the feelings of things rather than a more plete understanding of them now have no economic basis for marriage is built on the economic and emotional two-way thing, not as long as there are feelings on the To maintain a marriage of the A: What you said makes sense, of course, but wealth can be created by two people, but not on the feelings of money can buy, so I think as long as it should have feelings of the marriage, and not affected by these The impact of the secular to give up their well-being. B: The reality is cruel, there is no economic basis for marriage is fragile, only based on economic marriage is a long time, the feelings are not always able to eat, the two are not even miss a meal of rice were also What is the time to talk about feelings, ah, what you think is too naive and Latin America, feelings of the people can not live alone. A: I see, you say, I found that college students that marriage is immature, not thinking, can not be advocated. Thank you, this is an urgent need, so please allow me to do the automatic Gone with the Wind Go. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Much-needed gap 2. 求写一篇怎么看待大学生在校结婚问题英文话题议论文 Some believe it is reasonable for college students to select marriage in campus. Because, firstly, the college students have reached the national legal ages, 22 for men and 20 for women, for marriage. Secondly, suppose two students are fall in love with each other. Is it necessary for them to struggle to avoid marriage until graduation? The couples are supposed to help each other, love each other and conduct the harmonious little family on their own. All the matters they are faced with will not only help them taste sweet produced by family but also get to know the hardness to sustain a family. Furthermore, college students are usually to be found living together. Such behavior has no difference from those done after marriage. We should rather legalize such behavior than put aside them to happen secretly. However, some think it more negative then positive for college students to get married on campus. In their opinion, the college students, especially male students, are too young and semi-matured to be likely to shoulder the burdens brought by family and take the relative responsibility. On the other hand, it is showed by study that the devoice rate of those who get married early is much higher than that of those who get married late or at right time. Such high devoice rate is mainly due to the less consideration taken before marriage, even being a totally prompt impulse to some extent. Some stubborn problem appears gradually after marriage, which leads to the mutual discontents between couples and end up in devoice as a solution. It that case, I think, with more supports from parents and society, we can cope with study and love more intellectually if we ideally balance the positive and the negative caused by marriage on campus 赞同0|评论 3. 求一篇英语作文"在校大学生是否应该结婚" There is a newly dissension putting forward these days: Is it legally allowed for Chinese on-campus students to get married before they plete their courses? Some people prefer "yes" while some others prefer "no". Certainly a large number of people just cannot decide which side they should be stand. In fact, the governments allow on-campus students to get married before they plete their course. There isn" t a regulation proclaimed in writing to forbid marriage of on-campus students. But it must affect those triers.In my opinion, it is unnecessary to forbid on-campus students to get married before they finished their college, however, it shouldn" t be advocated or encouraged. Because, for on-campus students, they play the role as learners. Their main task is to learn. If they married, their school work must be affected and they may not graduate favorably or may not be capable for future works. So, I believe: almost all on-campus students would deal with the question reasoningly . 4. 对于在校大学生结婚的现象,求一篇英语作文 We ever talk about them since participate in society activities,different people have different feeling,vision,experience of them,even now,I really don"t know what "s the exact mean of a love,but I have some ineffable feelings in my inner heart,maybe that is love. There would have some different meanings in different period during a man and a woman met,falls in love with each other and got married.A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; and the emotion of sex and romance makes them met and falls in love with each other and got married.Marriage changed it to a deep,tender,ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude. 5. 大学生应不应该在学校结婚的英文作文 Since September this year, the college students are now allowed to get married in campus, which is declared officially by the National Education Bureau. The results of this issue take a broad influence on the colleges, even on the whole society. Some are in favor of it while some are against it. Whether college students should be allowed to set up a family has bee a hot topic to be fiercely argued from then on.Some believe it is reasonable for college students to select marriage in campus. Because, firstly, the college students have reached the national legal ages, 22 for men and 20 for women, for marriage. Secondly, suppose two students are fall in love with each other. Is it necessary for them to struggle to avoid marriage until graduation? The couples are supposed to help each other, love each other and conduct the harmonious little family on their own. All the matters they are faced with will not only help them taste sweet produced by family but also get to know the hardness to sustain a family. Furthermore, college students are usually to be found living together. Such behavior has no difference from those done after marriage. We should rather legalize such behavior than put aside them to happen secretly.However, some think it more negative then positive for college students to get married on campus. In their opinion, the college students, especially male students, are too young and semi-matured to be likely to shoulder the burdens brought by family and take the relative responsibility. On the other hand, it is showed by study that the devoice rate of those who get married early is much higher than that of those who get married late or at right time. Such high devoice rate is mainly due to the less consideration taken before marriage, even being a totally prompt impulse to some extent. Some stubborn problem appears gradually after marriage, which leads to the mutual discontents between couples and end up in devoice as a solution.It that case, I think, with more supports from parents and society, we can cope with study and love more intellectually if we ideally balance the positive and the negative caused by marriage on campus.国家教育局正式通过从今年9月份开始,在校大学生可以在校结婚了.这个事件在学校乃至社会上引起了很大的反响,有赞成的,也有反对的,大学生能不能结婚已经成为一个热门的话题被大家激烈的讨论。 有些人认为大学生结婚是理所当然的。因为,首先,大学生已经达到了国家法定的结婚年龄,国家法定的结婚年龄是男生22,女生20;其次,既然大家彼此相爱,何必非要等到大学毕业以后呢?结婚以后大家互相扶持,相亲相爱,共同经营这个温馨的小家,可以让两个人早点体验到家庭的温暖与一份持家的艰辛,也未尝不是一件好事啊;再者,现在大学生同居并不鲜见,其实很已与结婚生活无异。 与其背地里偷偷摸摸,倒不如为这种生活正名,使其合法化。 当然,也有一些人认为大学生结婚弊大于利。 他们认为,虽然大学生可能到了法定的结婚年龄,但是毕竟还年轻,心智还不健全,这么早结婚可能不能够背负成立家庭以后带来的负担和承担自己应服的责任,尤其是男方。另外,根据研究表明,早婚人群的离婚率远远高于晚婚和适龄结婚的人群。 这主要是因为他们在结婚之前有欠考虑,完全是一时冲动,结婚以后问题渐渐暴露出来了,变现为对对方的不满,到最后到了难以容忍的地步就只有离婚能解决问题了。 我认为,只要权衡好这之间的利与弊,。 6. 大学生应不应该在学校结婚的英文作文 Since September this year, the college students are now allowed to get married in campus, which is declared officially by the National Education Bureau. The results of this issue take a broad influence on the colleges, even on the whole society. Some are in favor of it while some are against it. Whether college students should be allowed to set up a family has bee a hot topic to be fiercely argued from then on.Some believe it is reasonable for college students to select marriage in campus. Because, firstly, the college students have reached the national legal ages, 22 for men and 20 for women, for marriage. Secondly, suppose two students are fall in love with each other. Is it necessary for them to struggle to avoid marriage until graduation? The couples are supposed to help each other, love each other and conduct the harmonious little family on their own. All the matters they are faced with will not only help them taste sweet produced by family but also get to know the hardness to sustain a family. Furthermore, college students are usually to be found living together. Such behavior has no difference from those done after marriage. We should rather legalize such behavior than put aside them to happen secretly.However, some think it more negative then positive for college students to get married on campus. In their opinion, the college students, especially male students, are too young and semi-matured to be likely to shoulder the burdens brought by family and take the relative responsibility. On the other hand, it is showed by study that the devoice rate of those who get married early is much higher than that of those who get married late or at right time. Such high devoice rate is mainly due to the less consideration taken before marriage, even being a totally prompt impulse to some extent. Some stubborn problem appears gradually after marriage, which leads to the mutual discontents between couples and end up in devoice as a solution.It that case, I think, with more supports from parents and society, we can cope with study and love more intellectually if we ideally balance the positive and the negative caused by marriage on campus.国家教育局正式通过从今年9月份开始,在校大学生可以在校结婚了.这个事件在学校乃至社会上引起了很大的反响,有赞成的,也有反对的,大学生能不能结婚已经成为一个热门的话题被大家激烈的讨论。 有些人认为大学生结婚是理所当然的。因为,首先,大学生已经达到了国家法定的结婚年龄,国家法定的结婚年龄是男生22,女生20;其次,既然大家彼此相爱,何必非要等到大学毕业以后呢?结婚以后大家互相扶持,相亲相爱,共同经营这个温馨的小家,可以让两个人早点体验到家庭的温暖与一份持家的艰辛,也未尝不是一件好事啊;再者,现在大学生同居并不鲜见,其实很已与结婚生活无异。 与其背地里偷偷摸摸,倒不如为这种生活正名,使其合法化。 当然,也有一些人认为大学生结婚弊大于利。 他们认为,虽然大学生可能到了法定的结婚年龄,但是毕竟还年轻,心智还不健全,这么早结婚可能不能够背负成立家庭以后带来的负担和承担自己应服的责任,尤其是男方。另外,根据研究表明,早婚人群的离婚率远远高于晚婚和适龄结婚的人群。 这主要是因为他们在结婚之前有欠考虑,完全是一时冲动,结婚以后问题渐渐暴露出来了,变现为对对方的不满,到最后到了难以容忍的地步就只有离婚能解决问题了。 我认为,只要权衡好这之间的利与弊,。 7. 大学生在校期间能结婚吗 A: I support the idea.There are three reasons: 1.our merrage law agree that :male 22. female 20. Normally,we entry the college around 19. You should 20 or 21 if you have taken part in the entry text several times. when you graduated,You should be exceed 22years old. 2.When you meet a girl or sweat heart,You must grasp it. If you missed it,You would never got it back. 3.After graduation,You have to face los of pressure,Working pressure,salary,something like . that,usually,You don"t have the oppertunity to deal with merrage well. N: 1.What the first aim for college?Knowllege.We should try our best to improve ourself. 2.We have enough chance to meet the another half. 3.all of us not only live for a girl or a man. 8. 英语作文 Should College Students Be Allowed to Get Married? (学生应当允许结婚吗?) There is no denying the fact that it is a hotly debated topic today whether (话题作文的经典固定句式)college students should be allowed to get married. Some time ago, the ban was lifted by some universities on students getting married. To this people"s attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view. They say that most college students are *** s and that it is a basic right for those who have reached the appropriate ages to get married. Besides, they argue that with their biological and emotional needs met, these students will study better. The ban on this means a severe violation of human rights. Many others, however, hold the negative opposite view. They claim that the university or college is a place to study instead of a munity to lead family life. Allowing college students to get married would adversely affect their study. For instance, they would spend too much time attending their family and love, unable to concentrate on their school work. As far as I am concerned, Weighing the arguments of both sides, I believe that college students should not be allowed to get married. Though mostly *** s, they are actually immature psychologically. Their wishes to get married are, more often than not, impulses. Besides, as students, they are not ready to support a family financially 9. 大学生该不该结婚,英文文章 国家教育局正式通过从今年9月份开始,在校大学生可以在校结婚了.这个事件在学校乃至社会上引起了很大的反响,有赞成的,也有反对的,大学生能不能结婚已经成为一个热门的话题被大家激烈的讨论。 有些人认为大学生结婚是理所当然的。因为,首先,大学生已经达到了国家法定的结婚年龄,国家法定的结婚年龄是男生22,女生20;其次,既然大家彼此相爱,何必非要等到大学毕业以后呢?结婚以后大家互相扶持,相亲相爱,共同经营这个温馨的小家,可以让两个人早点体验到家庭的温暖与一份持家的艰辛,也未尝不是一件好事啊;再者,现在大学生同居并不鲜见,其实很已与结婚生活无异。 与其背地里偷偷摸摸,倒不如为这种生活正名,使其合法化。 当然,也有一些人认为大学生结婚弊大于利。 他们认为,虽然大学生可能到了法定的结婚年龄,但是毕竟还年轻,心智还不健全,这么早结婚可能不能够背负成立家庭以后带来的负担和承担自己应服的责任,尤其是男方。另外,根据研究表明,早婚人群的离婚率远远高于晚婚和适龄结婚的人群。 这主要是因为他们在结婚之前有欠考虑,完全是一时冲动,结婚以后问题渐渐暴露出来了,变现为对对方的不满,到最后到了难以容忍的地步就只有离婚能解决问题了。 我认为,只要权衡好这之间的利与弊,。 . Since September this year, the college students
2023-06-08 21:40:181

two couples

我觉得是一对 两口子的意思
2023-06-08 21:40:251

求a couple和a couple of的区别,有时候他们是2个的意思,有时候又是几个的意思,混乱呀

A couple夫妻;情人A couple is two people who are married, living together, or having a sexual relationship.(A couple是指两个已结婚的人、住在一起或有性关系的两个人)A couple 一对人,两个人A couple is two people that you see together on a particular occasion or that have some association.(在某种场合在一起或有某种关系的)一对人,两个人1、The couple have no children. 这对夫妻没有孩子。2、After burglars ransacked an elderly couple"s home. 窃贼洗劫了一对老夫妇的家之后。3、An isolated spot popular with courting couples. 很受热恋情侣欢迎的僻静之所。(这里指很多对夫妻或情侣所以用couples)4、They were an odd couple. 他们是奇怪的一对。5、For a couple with four phones, there are multiple annoyances. 这对拥有四部手机的夫妇有许多烦心事。a couple of1. 两三个,几个2. 两个,几个3. 几天4. 一对5. 几个,两个1、I think it will take a couple of quarters. 我想这需要几个季度的时间。2、They stayed for a couple of weeks. 他们在那儿待了两周。3、There are a couple of benefits to fusing the two roles. 可持续发展负责人与首席财务官这两个职务合二为一有几大好处。例外: A couple days还是a couple of days?一般来说,中国人知道使用短语‘a couple of",不会故意省略‘of"。但问题是美国人会这么做。所以如果你想像美国人那样在非正式场合使用地道的口语,你可以放心大胆地省略‘of",使用诸如‘a couple days"、‘a couple weeks"、‘a couple tomatoes"等表达方式。但请注意这通常仅仅限于非常随意的场合。不过有些报纸也会偶尔使用这样的说法。例如New York Times。在正规的行文中,建议还是使用带‘of"的短语。顺便说一下,‘couple"这个词严格地讲是‘两个"的含义,而不是超过两个的‘若干个(a handful或a few)"。但是美国人经常使用后者的意思,不过也是在非正式场合。
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a few 和 a couple of 的区别是什么

2023-06-08 21:40:414


couple英 [u02c8ku028cpl] 美 [u02c8ku028cpu0259l] n.对,双;配偶,夫妻;<口>几个,两三个vt.&vi.连在一起,连接;成双,结婚;性交,交配第三人称单数: couples 复数: couples 现在分词: coupling 过去式: coupled 过去分词: coupled
2023-06-08 21:41:001


问题一:夫妻英文怎么写。 丈夫:hu *** and 妻子:wife 夫妻(配偶):couple ~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力!你诚心问,我一定认真答! ~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步! 问题二:“夫妻关系”填表用语英文怎么说 “夫妻关系”填表用 : hu *** and and wife 或 hu *** and & wife 问题三:夫妇用英语怎么说?? couple = 一对,一双 couples = 两对或以上 夫妇有几个不同翻译, couple(s) 是其中之一 比较精确的翻译是 married couple 例: Tomorrow"s dance is for couples only. You and Mary can go together as a couple. 其他翻译有 hu *** and (丈夫) and wife (妻子) spouses better halves mates significant others partners in life 等等 满意请及时采纳,谢 问题四:我们是夫妻 英语怎么说? couple: 指一对(夫妻)所以 we are a couple couples: 几对(夫妻) 比如,“ther常 are many couples in the streets. 街上有好多对夫妻。 问题五:XX和XX是夫妻 用英语怎么说 XX and XX is hu *** and and wife 问题六:他们是夫妻,用英语怎么说? 应该是couples。 问题七:夫妻的英语怎么写 hu *** and and wife 或者man and wife,没有单个单词是这个意思的 问题八:他们是夫妻用英语怎么翻译 他们是夫妻。 They are hu *** and and wife. They are a couple. 问题九:夫妻英文怎么写。 丈夫:hu *** and 妻子:wife 夫妻(配偶):couple ~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力!你诚心问,我一定认真答! ~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步! 问题十:“夫妻关系”填表用语英文怎么说 “夫妻关系”填表用 : hu *** and and wife 或 hu *** and & wife
2023-06-08 21:41:071


问题一:我们是夫妻 英语怎么说? couple: 指一对(夫妻)所以 we are a couple couples: 几对(夫妻) 比如,“ther常 are many couples in the streets. 街上有好多对夫妻。 问题二:夫妻的英语怎么写 hu *** and and wife 或者man and wife,没有单个单词是这个意思的 问题三:夫妇用英语怎么说?? couple = 一对,一双 couples = 两对或以上 夫妇有几个不同翻译, couple(s) 是其中之一 比较精确的翻译是 married couple 例: Tomorrow"s dance is for couples only. You and Mary can go together as a couple. 其他翻译有 hu *** and (丈夫) and wife (妻子) spouses better halves mates significant others partners in life 等等 满意请及时采纳,谢 问题四:他们是夫妻用英语怎么翻译 他们是夫妻。 They are hu *** and and wife. They are a couple. 问题五:“夫妻关系”填表用语英文怎么说 “夫妻关系”填表用 : hu *** and and wife 或 hu *** and & wife 问题六:他们是夫妻,用英语怎么说? 应该是couples。 问题七:XX和XX是夫妻 用英语怎么说 XX and XX is hu *** and and wife 问题八:我们是夫妻。英文怎么讲 您好!We are hu *** and and wife . 是对的。 夫妻fūqī 名词 hu *** and and wife 夫妻恩爱conjugal affection 模范夫妻model couple 结为夫妻join in marriage→ 结发夫妻 望采纳 !谢谢! 问题九:夫妻的英文是什么.? couple
2023-06-08 21:41:131


couple 名词, 一对/配偶, 比如: They are a couple. (他/她们俩是一对夫妻). 除此以外, 还可表达"几个"的意思, 比如: I were in Beijing in the last couple of days. (前几天我在北京).另外, couple 加 d, 即, coupled, 还可作副词引导状语从句, 表达"更有甚者"的意思. 比如: During the last couple of days, I were in Beijing on a business trip, coupled with the fact that I had been sick, I could not go to New York to attend the board meeting.希望对你有帮助.
2023-06-08 21:41:233


问题一:夫妻的英语怎么写 hu *** and and wife 或者man and wife,没有单个单词是这个意思的 问题二:夫妻的英文怎么写? 夫妻 consort hu *** and and wife 户 spouse 问题三:夫妻英语怎么写 丈夫、hu *** and 妻子、wife 夫妻、couple 望采纳~~~嘻嘻 问题四:“夫妻关系”填表用语英文怎么说 “夫妻关系”填表用 : hu *** and and wife 或 hu *** and & wife 问题五:他们是夫妻用英语怎么翻译 他们是夫妻。 They are hu *** and and wife. They are a couple. 问题六:我们是夫妻 英语怎么说? couple: 指一对(夫妻)所以 we are a couple couples: 几对(夫妻) 比如,“ther常 are many couples in the streets. 街上有好多对夫妻。 问题七:夫妇用英语怎么说?? couple = 一对,一双 couples = 两对或以上 夫妇有几个不同翻译, couple(s) 是其中之一 比较精确的翻译是 married couple 例: Tomorrow"s dance is for couples only. You and Mary can go together as a couple. 其他翻译有 hu *** and (丈夫) and wife (妻子) spouses better halves mates significant others partners in life 等等 满意请及时采纳,谢 问题八:夫妻的英文是什么.? couple 问题九:他们是夫妻,用英语怎么说? 应该是couples。
2023-06-08 21:41:301


couple[英][u02c8ku028cpl][美][u02c8ku028cpu0259l]n.对,双; 配偶,夫妻; <口>几个,两三个; vt.&vi.连在一起,连接; 成双,结婚; 性交,交配; 第三人称单数:couples过去分词:coupled复数:couples现在进行时:coupling过去式:coupled例句1.The couple married in the Caribbean to avoid a media circus.为了摆脱媒体的关注,这对新人在加勒比喜结连理。2.Dave, the pianist, played it over a couple of times.演奏钢琴的戴夫将这支曲子反复弹了两三遍。3.She had hoped the couple would put on a show of unity.她曾经希望那对夫妇会表现出和睦相处的样子。
2023-06-08 21:41:391

英语a couple of days怎么翻译?

a couple of days可以翻译为“几天;两天;一两天”。举例:1.I think the trouble will clear up in a couple of days.我想问题几天内就会解决。2.They dashed off to Paris for a couple of days.他们奔去巴黎呆几天。3.I almost lasted the two weeks. I only had a couple of days to do.我几乎撑过了这两个星期。我只有几天时间去做。4."It"ll take me a couple of days." — "That"s fine with me."“这得花上我两三天的时间。”——“我这儿没问题。”5.They paid in that cheque a couple of days ago, and drew out around two thousand in cash.他们几天前将那张支票存入了银行,然后支取了近2,000元现金。6.She wanted a couple of days" grace to get the maisonette cleaned before she moved in她想延缓几天,等到把这套复式公寓清理干净后再搬进去。7.Let"s put it off for a couple of days.这事缓几天再说。8.I"ll come again in a couple of days.我过两天再来。
2023-06-08 21:41:536

我们是夫妻 英语怎么说? 是we are a couple?还是we are couples?

couple:指一对(夫妻)所以 "we are a couple" couples:几对(夫妻) 比如,“there are many couples in the streets". 街上有好多对夫妻.
2023-06-08 21:42:211


“异地恋”英语怎么说 A long distance relationship love at distance long-distance 用英语表达对异地恋的看法。不少于120词,谢谢。 Can Distance Love Last Long?Distance love has been a hot topic among young people; most of them have such experience. Some people believe that if the couple loves each other, the distance is not a big deal, while some others believe that it is hard to keep the distance love relationship, because distance frustrates munication. As for me, we should think twice before making decision. One the one hand, distance love means loneliness and torment. When the couple is in different places, they need to keep munication through puter or cell phone; they can"t be face-to-face in a long time. While when two people are falling in love, they want to see each other every day and share happiness and sorrow. The long distance distresses the couples, when they need each other, their partners are always absent, and then they will feel lonely and sad. On the other hand, distant love enhances trust issues. When couples are deciding to start to begin distance love, the first problem they worry about is temptation. As they can"t see the other everyday, they will think about what will happen to their boyfriends and girlfriends, maybe others are chasing them or we will break up soon. If the couples can hold on these, it means them they trust each other deeply, their love is strong. Distance love is so suffering, but it also brings happiness. If you can defeat loneliness, then you can start distance love 熬过异地恋,我们就结婚。用英文怎么说?? If we survive from this long distance romance, we get married.熬过异地恋,我们就结婚 OMG美语 异地恋 小别胜新欢英语怎么说 异地恋 小别胜新欢_有道翻译 翻译结果: Long distance relationships don"t win new sweetheart relationships 美 [ru026a"leu0283u0259n"u0283u026ap] n. 人际关系;生物间的关系;情侣关系(relationship的复数) Relationships 关系,人际关系,职场·情感 Working Relationships 工作关系 Spatial relationships 空间关系,空间关系 “异地恋”用英语怎么说 [名]long-distance relationship 异地恋 师生恋和异地恋用英语怎么说? 师生恋:Teacher-student romance 异地恋:Love in different places 你怎么总是一会儿上线又马上下线的呢:How do you always 罚mmediately on-line while the line does 你怎样看待异地恋问题翻译为英语 How do you like the long-distance relationship.或者是What do you think of the long-distance relationship.
2023-06-08 21:42:391


couple 英[u02c8ku028cpl] 美[u02c8ku028cpu0259l] n. 对,双; 配偶,夫妻; <口>几个,两三个; vt. 连在一起,连接; 成双,结婚; 性交,交配; [例句]Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard我对面的街上有几名警官在站岗。[其他] 第三人称单数:couples 复数:couples 现在分词:coupling过去式:coupled 过去分词:coupled
2023-06-08 21:42:461


2023-06-08 21:42:543

couples of 和 a couple of 的区别

一般没有couples of的用法: a couple of 少数几个 be coupled with 与结合 go in couples 成双成对 hunt in couples 协力 run in couples 协力 coupled with 外加 in a couple of shakes 刹那间 It is not every couple that is a pair 成双未必配对。
2023-06-08 21:43:011


Here"s one problem with
2023-06-08 21:43:082


问题一:“异地恋”英语怎么说 A long distance relationship love at distance long-distance 问题二:用英语表达对异地恋的看法。不少于120词,谢谢。 Can Distance Love Last Long? Distance love has been a hot topic among young people; most of them have such experience. Some people believe that if the couple loves each other, the distance is not a big deal, while some others believe that it is hard to keep the distance love relationship, because distance frustrates munication. As for me, we should think twice before making decision. One the one hand, distance love means loneliness and torment. When the couple is in different places, they need to keep munication through puter or cell phone; they can"t be face-to-face in a long time. While when two people are falling in love, they want to see each other every day and share happiness and sorrow. The long distance distresses the couples, when they need each other, their partners are always absent, and then they will feel lonely and sad. On the other hand, distant love enhances trust issues. When couples are deciding to start to begin distance love, the first problem they worry about is temptation. As they can"t see the other everyday, they will think about what will happen to their boyfriends and girlfriends, maybe others are chasing them or we will break up soon. If the couples can hold on these, it means them they trust each other deeply, their love is strong. Distance love is so suffering, but it also brings happiness. If you can defeat loneliness, then you can start distance love 问题三:熬过异地恋,我们就结婚。用英文怎么说?? If we survive from this long distance romance, we get married.熬过异地恋,我们就结婚 问题四:OMG美语 异地恋 小别胜新欢英语怎么说 异地恋 小别胜新欢_有道翻译 翻译结果: Long distance relationships don"t win new sweetheart relationships 美 [r?"le??n"??p] n. 人际关系;生物间的关系;情侣关系(relationship的复数) Relationships 关系,人际关系,职场u30fb情感 Working Relationships 工作关系 Spatial relationships 空间关系,空间关系 问题五:“异地恋”用英语怎么说 [名]long-distance relationship 异地恋 问题六:师生恋和异地恋用英语怎么说? 师生恋:Teacher-student romance 异地恋:Love in different places 你怎么总是一会儿上线又马上下线的呢:How do you always 罚mmediately on-line while the line does 问题七:你怎样看待异地恋问题翻译为英语 How do you like the long-distance relationship.或者是What do you think of the long-distance relationship.
2023-06-08 21:43:151


情侣之间表达爱意是十分重要性的,原因是:1. 可以增进感情和情感联系。表达爱意可以让另一半感受到自己在对方心目中的重要性,增强两人的亲密度和默契。2. 可以减少误会和疑虑。适度的表达爱意可以让对方清楚自己的感情,避免产生不必要的猜疑或疑虑。3. 可以满足 parties 的需求。适当的表达爱意也可以满足Couples 中一方或双方在情感上的需求,使生活更加美满。4. 长期缺乏表达可能导致感情衰退。如果长期很少表达爱意,容易在潜移默化中疏远感情,造成感情不满或破裂。我个人在表达爱意方面也比较主动,具体做法如下:1. 经常表达思念之情,如发短信问候,说一声想念等。2. 贴心的小惊喜,如准备对方喜欢吃的食物,或一个小礼物。3. 真诚的夸奖与鼓励,让对方感到自己的重要性。4. 细微的身体联系,如经常的拥抱、亲吻、手牵手等。5. 坦率地说一句“我爱你”,表达心底真实的情感。6. 定期热恋一下,如约会、旅行等重温当初的甜蜜。 7. 倾听对方的需要和期望,努力予以满足和回应。我相信,表达爱意需要真诚和主动,向来不必刻意,只要真心实意,自然流露出恋人之间最丝滑的情意。恋人间的爱,真正需要的就是两颗会表达的心。所以,我认为表达爱意对于维持一段感情至关重要。不仅自己主动,也鼓励对方勇于表达,让爱的气息绵绵不断环绕在两人之间,这才是情侣获得幸福的要诀。
2023-06-08 21:43:211


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2023-06-08 21:43:572

couples of 和 a couple of 的区别 要具体说明,最好有举例

一般没有couples of的用法: a couple of 少数几个 be coupled with 与结合 go in couples 成双成对 hunt in couples 协力 run in couples 协力 coupled with 外加 in a couple of shakes 刹那间 It is not every couple that is a pair 成双未必配对.
2023-06-08 21:44:041

couple a couple of a couple的区别和用法

2023-06-08 21:44:111

英语 情侣怎么翻译

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2023-06-08 21:44:424