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appiy coupon什么意思

2023-06-09 08:48:06
TAG: coup pon coupon

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Only use coupons if they apply to your normal and needed purchase items. Otherwise, skip the coupon and skip the purchase altogether.




2023-06-08 20:20:383

Trading stamps和coupons的区别

trading stamp(附在商品上的)赠券,交易券(积累到若干张之后,即可向发行该券的商店换取物品)coupons 优惠券,不能直接换取商品。
2023-06-08 20:20:461


亚马逊优惠券怎么设置?技巧有哪些?今天专门来聊一聊优惠券(Coupons)的设置与技巧。在谈Coupons的设置之前,我们先到前台看看Coupons是如何被展示出来的。下图中,是设置了Coupons和没有设置Coupons的Listing的对比:而下面的图片中,则是设置了金额优惠券和百分比优惠券的Listing的对比在亚马逊站内的主动运营获取更多流量方面,亚马逊提供的工具包括站内广告、优惠券、和促销等,关于亚马逊站内广告的设置和技巧,我在之前的文章中已经讲过很多次,暂且跳过,今天来聊聊亚马逊优惠券(Coupons)和促销(Promotion)的作用及对比。相对于站内广告的主动引流功能,优惠券和促销都弱了很多,甚至在一定程度上是处于被动状态的,但如果就优惠券和促销二者对比,优惠券的效果显然又比促销要好一些。原因在于:当你对一条Listing设置了优惠券,在搜索结果展示页,这条Listing会比其他Listing多了一个标识,而这个标识无疑可以让设有优惠券的Listing更加显眼,可以提升消费者的点击率。正是因为优惠券的标识更显眼,所以,在Listing的点击率方面,会较没有设置的Listing有较大的提升。而如果你正好又对该Listing投放了站内广告,站内广告可以让Listing 展示在更靠前的页面,而优惠券标识又可以提高点击率,这就增加了客户下单的可能性。当然,从站内广告数据解读的角度,一条Listing设置优惠券,亚马逊优惠券(Coupons)的设置详解与应用技巧,可以提升广告的CTR(Click Through Rate)。站内的促销(Promotion)是不具备上述功能的,一条Listing设置促销与否,在搜索结果页是完全看不出来的,只有当消费者打开一条Listing的产品详情页,才能够看到一条Listing是否设置了促销以及与谁一起的促销。虽然设置促销的Listing会有上面这样的特别提醒,但不得不承认的是,基于亚马逊平台的规则和消费者习惯,很少有消费者会留意促销的设置进而进入一个卖家店铺里面选择多个产品并同时购买,所以,设置了促销并不能对销量起到明显的拉升。那为什么还有不少大卖家做这种“无用功”,在几乎所有产品页面上都设置了促销呢?原因在于,当一个卖家对自己店铺里的两条Listing彼此设置为促销的对象,也就为两条Listing搭建了一个关联的桥梁,即自己店铺里的A产品和B产品产生了一种天然的关联,这种关联虽然在消费者端所发生的作用微乎其微,但却可以起到明确告诉亚马逊系统(或者说A9算法)这两款产品的天然关联性,而亚马逊系统算法的核心就是通过识别相似产品并将其彼此关联起来,从而让平台上的产品从彼此独立到彼此交叉,从而牢牢的锁住客户,减少客户流失率。所以,从这个意义上来说,促销设置可以帮助店铺更好的获取关联流量,但未必能够直接转化为订单。通过上述对比,我们不难发现,无论是优惠券还是促销,都可以在一定程度上提升Listing的表现,只是侧重点不同而已,相对来说,优惠券的设置可以让订单转化率更高,而促销的设置有可能为店铺里的相关产品导入更多的曝光和流量。
2023-06-08 20:20:551

Coupon 是什么释义呢??

couponn.优惠券; 息票,通票; 试样,试件; 配给券; 复数:coupons
2023-06-08 20:21:182

discount 和 coupons 的区别

I like delicous food. Once I have spare time, I search popular food online and the discount coupons online,then I will go dutch with some friends.It"s economic and affordable,right?
2023-06-08 20:21:241


consume coupon
2023-06-08 20:21:335


亚马逊优惠券是一款能帮助你增加站内曝光量的自助服务工具。你可以用优惠券给顾客一定比例或者一定数额的优惠,从而增加你产品的转化。1、 在卖家后台,点击广告-优惠券。2、 搜索SKU或ASIN,然后添加商品到你的优惠券。3、选择你需要的折扣进行设置。4、创建优惠券名称。特别注意为了避免优惠券被亚马逊取消,请不要在优惠券名称中使用亚马逊禁止使用的敏感词语,折扣或Prime Day。《亚马逊优惠券(Coupons)的设置详解与应用技巧》设置优惠券使用对象仅限Prime会员。设置优惠券领取时间为2019年7月1日—2019年7月31日。请预留足够的预算。优惠券“折扣”会与同时进行的其他促销(包括秒杀、促销、优惠价格,企业商品价格和赠品)叠加。
2023-06-08 20:21:491

关于优惠券利弊的英文作文 200字左右

很高兴帮助你我是英语专业的学生,今天刚刚考完了,心情很愉快。看到这个问题就点进来了,信手写了一篇可能有错,看看能不能帮到你大概190个词 As is known to us all,when it comes to shopping,we can"t help thinking of some coupons provided by varieties of shops. However, lots of people put it differently .Opinions are mainly divided into two groups. Some people think it fantastic to hava coupons while shopping. The primary reason is that It makes a large crowd of people get down to shops ,thus bringing the development of economy. What"s more , it can"t be denied that it saves some customers" money,especially those who belong to medium class. While others think it quite hurt by using coupons. It is generally considered as a trick when some shops begin to give their coupons. Actually we may spend more money the occasion coupons are given than not, due to the mind we bear that when coupons are given, there are all the bargains. As far as I am concerned, although there are considerable parts in giving coupons to consumers, it"s usually not a good idea for us to buy many things we don"t need. Only when we have a thoughtful brain can we avoid being trapped by such "coupons traps".
2023-06-08 20:21:561

优惠券 用英文怎么说

2023-06-08 20:22:066


2023-06-08 20:22:331


2023-06-08 20:22:403


2023-06-08 20:22:486


优惠券赠送oupon gift
2023-06-08 20:23:112


呵呵 你这个不容易啊
2023-06-08 20:23:183


Food stamp
2023-06-08 20:23:264


Rooms coupon to use until December 31, 2009, another at the 13th session of the Ningbo Fashion Festival (10.21-10.25) can not be used; rest of the time can be used, the room with two Chinese and Western buffet breakfast, 98 Yuan / copy; in on the third floor Karaka Dorsey restaurants; time 07:00 --- 10: 00. 1.2 m half-price for children under 1.2 meters above the full price for children. Any Sunday Monday with two nights stay pay room FIT, the hotel will be the appropriate gift or a gift voucher room 200 yuan plus 100 yuan leisure voucher consumption coupon (limited to Table Tennis / Billiards / Squash). In addition to Friday Saturday Housing vouchers do not apply, the rest of the time can be used; the use of complimentary room voucher must stay two days in advance booking, dining coupons, and recreational tickets can be when the time to use (does not meet the standards of a continuous Zhuliang Tian, the hotel will be coupon face value fee); housing voucher does not apply to team, 2180 Li Bao guests. Complimentary room voucher at the check-out when you receive directly in the foreground. Room with double-back, 98 Yuan / copy; half price for children below 1.2 m, 1.2 m above the full price; the third floor of karaka Tulsi Restaurant ,07:00-10: 00. Any Sunday Monday Tuesday paid three-night stay with room FIT, the hotel will be free one day room rate; This offer does not apply to the activities of the team, 2180 Li Bao guests. Room with double-back, 98 Yuan / copy; half price for children below 1.2 m, 1.2 m above the full price; the third floor of karaka Tulsi Restaurant ,07:00-10: 00.
2023-06-08 20:23:3710

关于优惠券利弊的英文作文 200字左右

As is known to us all,when it comes to shopping,we can"t help thinking of some coupons provided by varieties of shops. However, lots of people put it differently .Opinions are mainly divided into two groups.Some people think it fantastic to hava coupons while shopping. The primary reason is that It makes a large crowd of people get down to shops ,thus bringing the development of economy. What"s more , it can"t be denied that it saves some customers" money,especially those who belong to medium class.While others think it quite hurt by using coupons. It is generally considered as a trick when some shops begin to give their coupons. Actually we may spend more money the occasion coupons are given than not, due to the mind we bear that when coupons are given, there are all the bargains.As far as I am concerned, although there are considerable parts in giving coupons to consumers
2023-06-08 20:24:011


Breakfast vouchers Deputy coupons Coupons are Valid Official Date
2023-06-08 20:24:083


生产环境中,用户首先访问网站的域名,然后由Nginx监听 80 端口对请求进行转发。 例如用户发起以下请求查询汇率数据: http://[WEB_DOMAIN]/api/v1/runtime/exchange 经过Nginx处理后到达服务端的请求则是这样的: http://[host:port]/v1/runtime/exchange 这个请求再经过微服务的网关,找到 runtime 服务,就会访问路由为 /exchange 的接口。 了解了这个后,我们来处理需求。 跟coupons服务接口侧商定,所有关于coupons服务的接口均采用 applcationCode 和 coupons 参数进行路由映射. 举个例子:该服务部署在192.168.31.2下的8085端口,提供了一个查询接口,那么应该是这种规则: 此时,前端依然保持系统原有风格进行api调用: 那么如何实现访问 跳转到 呢? 这样,就可以使用nginx对coupons服务接口进行转发了
2023-06-08 20:24:281

商务英语中,SPA超值优惠 怎么翻译

SPA super promotion: you get an extra 20-yuan coupons for 100 yuan you spend, and a 50-yuan coupons for 2001 all the other promotion and combined treatment are not included.2 membership discount can not added up to the promotion.3 coupons can only be used for next time.
2023-06-08 20:24:355


2023-06-08 20:24:513


  促销就是营销者向消费者传递有关本企业及产品的各种信息,说服或吸引消费者购买其产品,以达到扩大销售量的目的。企业可根据实际情况及市场、产品等因素选择一种或多种促销手段的组合。那么你知道促销用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    促销英语说法1:   sales promotion    促销英语说法2:   merchandising    促销的英语例句:   你认为公司进行促销活动是出于什么原因?   What do you think companies use sales promotion?   毕竟您不会期望我们为产品促销提供经费。   After all, you can hardly expect us to finance your sale promotion.   促销工具的结合,叫做促销组合。   The combination of the promotional tools is called the promotion mix.   你的工作是促销这一新产品。   Your job is to promote the new product.   这家百货公司每个月都出版一本促销小册子。   The department store publishes a promotion brochure every month.   赠券也罢,抽奖也罢,都是为了促销。   Both gift coupons and a raffle will be used for the promotion.   从下拉框中选择您希望加入捆绑组合促销的产品。   Select the products that you want in your bundle from the drop down boxes.   要想拿到特别分红,这种方式必须能够促销我们的玩具。   As a special bonus it also has to be able to merchandise our toy.   按照各大商场名字维护各种促销活动文件。   Maintain a different file for promotion activity as per each shopping mall name.   促销手段的运用不仅仅限于消费品,它也可以用于工业销售。   The use of sales promotion is not limited to consumer products. It can be used with industrial selling too.   除了四月十日的报价函之外,我们另外寄上本公司之技术资料及促销资料。   Further to our quotation of April10, we have sent our technical information and sales promotional materials.   沃尔玛常规的促销活动都能吸引成千上万的消费者给出“喜欢”的反馈,而最近的复活节填空题更是带来了11,000多条评论。   Promotions routinely receive thousands of “ likes, ” while a recent Easter fill-in-the-blank question inspired over 11,000 comments.   当时,一个买家对于一款促销产品的下单,少则几台,多则几十台。   At that time, a buyer for a sales promotion product orders and is just a few less, many decades.   如果这种购物方式能在美国以外的其他地方盛行开来,那么,将证明促销活动同样是必不可少的。   If the same decision-making pattern is prent outside the United States, sales promotion should prove to be just as indispensable.   无论是中间商还是消费者,只要有了心理障碍,便会使促销活动的效果打折扣。   The effectiveness of sales promotion can be tempered by psychological barriers, and this fact is applicable to middlemen as well as consumers.   加拿大首屈一指的广告杂志Stimulus对公司经理们的一项调查表明,他们已从媒体广告转向促销活动。   A survey of executives conducted by Stimulus, Canada"s leading advertising journal, revealed a shift from media advertising to sales promotion.   利用国际、国内合作进行市场促销。可以给我们一些津贴作为促销费用吗?   Effective marketing shall be achieved in part through cooperation with both international and domestic partners. Could we have some subsidy for sales promotion?   我在促销、电脑安装和为顾客提供培训方面都有经验。   I"ve not only gained experience in sales promotions but also have been involved in general installation and training programs provided to our clients.   关于推广组合中(告,促销,公共关系,举办活动和赞助)部分应占多大比例的决策过程。   Process of making decisions about the parts of the promotion mix ( advertising, sales promotion, public relations, event marketing, and sponsorship).
2023-06-08 20:25:331


  抽奖以抽签法给买主奖品。商人招徕顾客的一种手段。那么你知道抽奖用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    抽奖英语说法1:   draw    抽奖英语说法2:   lucky draw    抽奖的英语例句:   他们试图以抽奖的方式刺激销售。   They tried to hype up their goods by the lottery.   她在一次抽奖中赢了一笔大钱。   She won a fortune in a lottery.   感谢各界长官人士及商家赞助抽奖礼品!   Thank you to our supporters for the raffle gift donations.   再次是对抽奖信封。   Again this raffle is for envelopes.   赠券也罢,抽奖也罢,都是为了促销。   Both gift coupons and a raffle will be used for the promotion.   妈妈从抽奖箱里得到了什么?   What does mum get from the lucky dip?   我们只是想知道谁是这次抽奖的最大赢家。   We just found out who the lucky winners of the big lottery were.   这些资金提出了通过一种无声的拍卖和亲笔签名的吉他抽奖。   The funds were raised through a silent auction and autographed guitar raffle.   极有可能成为最后赢家的买家到台上去抽奖。   The potential winners were called to the stage for the final drawing.   如果你赢了抽奖,你会做什么?   What would you do if you won the lottery?   中间休息时,林顿组织了一次抽奖。   During the interval, Linton superintended a prize draw.   他抽奖得了一台电视。   He won a TV in the lottery.   她在抽奖中赢得了一大笔钱。   She won a fortune in a lottery.   我抽奖得了一瓶香槟酒。   I won a bottle of champagne in the raffle.   第三个组共有400人,则被分成成了五个人一组,参与每个礼拜的抽奖。   A third group, of400 employees, is divided into five-member teams that are enrolled in a weekly lottery.   数码相机和 笔记本 电脑的中奖者都将通过电脑抽奖程序产生。   All the lucky customers who get digital cameras and laptops will be drawn out through computer lucky draw program.   欧洲最大的抽奖活动使数百万投注者失望,无人赢得六位数字组合的头奖。   Europe"s biggest lottery draw has disappointed millions of ticket holders after no one picked the winning six-number combination.   成千上万的美国人等待在彩票发售点,期待着能够赶上世界有史以来金额最大的一次抽奖。   Millions of people in the United States are scrambling for tickets to enter one of the world"s biggest-ever lottery draws.   比如,如果用银行卡买东西就可以参加抽奖活动,中奖的人有时可以得到一辆汽车。   For instance, people who used bank cards to pay for their purchases could participate in a lottery draw activity held by some bank, and lucky one won a new car.
2023-06-08 20:25:481


2023-06-08 20:25:574

coupon 是什么意思

优惠卷,配给票,息票...等等例句与用法: 1. This coupon can be redeemed at any of our branches. 这种息票可在我们的任何分行兑现. 2. I have a coupon for ten pence off a packet of soap. 我有一张优惠券,买一盒肥皂可以便宜十便士。
2023-06-08 20:26:191


coupon读音: 英[u02c8kuu02d0pu0252n];美[u02c8kuu02d0pɑu02d0n]coupon,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“优惠券;息票;赠券;联票;配给券;订货单;参赛表格”。柯林斯英汉双解大词典coupon /u02c8kuu02d0pu0252n, u02c8kjuu02d0-/ CET6 TEM4 ( coupons )1.N-COUNT A coupon is a piece of printed paper which allows you to pay less money than usual for a product, or to get it free. 优惠券2.N-COUNT A coupon is a small form, for example, in a newspaper or magazine, which you send off to ask for information, to order something, or to enter a competition. (报纸、杂志附的) 传单
2023-06-08 20:26:261


coupon 或者 discount i can supply tb hidden coupon. +v kuaile38014
2023-06-08 20:26:514


2023-06-08 20:27:062

coupon是什么意思 (有关电路板的)

coupon = 优惠券.
2023-06-08 20:27:162

Coupon 优惠券可数吗?

2023-06-08 20:27:251

receive coupons 和 get coupons 的区别

receive 收到,客观收到。就是不管接受不接受,乐意不乐意。get,得到收到。主观收到。愿意的
2023-06-08 20:27:341


pd折扣熟亚马逊促销推广的一种方式,当然他们的方式和站内的秒杀不同。亚马逊PD广告是亚马逊AMS账号中的一种投放广告的方式,它一般有两种形式,一种是针对某种特定产品的广告,另一种是针对不同兴趣爱好人群的广告。亚马逊pd怎么设置:1、登录卖家后台,在advertising下找到coupon,点击创建新的折扣(create a new coupon)。2、输入要使用的coupon产品的asin或sku进行搜索添加,最多可以添加50个asin,如果添加后想要移除,可以点击旁边的remove进行移除,设置完成后点击下一步。3、设置折扣,设置折扣时可以选择是percent off 或者money off,注意,折扣必须是30天内产品最低价格的5%-80%,选择是否限制每个用户是否只能使用一次,设定预算。4、计划,交易设置,描写coupons标题,选择发放对象(全部买家/prime会员/学生会员/妈妈员/看过某些asins的买家/买够某些asins的买家);设置开始和结束的时间,注意开始时间可以选择在一个月之后 ,结束日期可以设置为开始日的90天之后。5、预览、提交。完成设置。
2023-06-08 20:27:401


打折有蛮多种表达方式。1. discount. “折扣”的意思。 例: Can you give me some discount? 或 Any discount?2. coupon. "(购物)优惠券" 的意思。 如:Can i use the coupons?3. ...percent off, “打...折”的意思。 如: The coat is 20 percent off. 这外套打八折注意: 英语里的打几折和汉语的说法刚好相反,切记!其实很好记。英语里的打折和汉语的打折相加为100%,即1. 如 例题3, 英语是20% off,翻译成中文则译成 打八折。4. on sale. “打折、降价”的意思。 如: what"s on sale?
2023-06-08 20:27:576


翻译成英文是:Gourmet coupons,见下图百度翻译
2023-06-08 20:28:131

log in to paypal to use coupons 显示为红色 是什么意思

显示红色是提醒你登录PayPal 使用礼券或代用券;
2023-06-08 20:28:391


  英语口语已经成为英语学习和测试中最重要的标准之一。我整理了收银部分的购物英语口语对话,欢迎阅读!   收银部分的购物英语口语对话一   AExcuse me, sir, this is the express check-out lane for people that have fifteen items or fewer. It looks like you have more than fifteen items there.   先生,很抱歉。这是为购物15件或少于15件而设的绿色通道。你买的东西看起来多于15件.   BOh, come on! I have sixteen items! Cut me some slack, will ya?   拜托。我只有16件。通融下,行吗?   AFine! Please place your items on the belt and push your shopping cart through. Do you prefer paper or plastic?   好吧,把东西放到传动带上,将你的购物车推过去。纸袋和塑料袋,你选哪个?   BPlastic. I also have a couple of coupons.   塑料袋。我还有2张礼券。   ANo problem, Iu2019ll take those. Sir, these coupons expired yesterday.   没问题。我将收下礼券。先生,这些礼券到昨天就过期了。   BDarn! Oh, well. I guess itu2019s just not my day. Thanks anyway.   好吧,我想今天是我的倒霉日。谢谢你。   ADo you have a club card or will it be cash?   你是刷卡还是用现金支付?   BYeah I got a club card. Here you go.   我有会员卡,给你。   AWill this be debit or credit?   是直接支付还是借记?   BDebit please. Also, could I get cash back? Fifty dollars would be great.   直接支付。我能把剩余的现金取回来吗?五十美元是笔不小的数目。   AYeah, sure. Your total is seventy-eight dollars and thirty-three cents. Here is your receipt. Have a nice day.   可以的。你的总额是78美元33美分。这是你的收据。过得愉快。   收银部分的购物英语口语对话二   C:   I will take the coat. Do you receive checks?   我就要这件衣服了,你们收支票吗?   S:   Yes, of course.   当然收。   C:   Here you are. Please give me a receipt.   给你,请开张发票。   S:   Sorry, sir, you have to pay in the check-out counter. It"s there.   抱歉,先生,您得去收银台结账,在那里。   C:   OK, please wrap it for me first.   好的,请先给我包起来。   收银部分的购物英语口语对话三   顾客:We need to buy some beer too. Where is the beer?   我们想要购买一些啤酒,哪里有啤酒?   顾客:Excuse me. Do you sell vegetables here?   请问你们卖蔬菜吗?   店员:Yes, we do. They"re right in front of you.   有的,就在你前面。   顾客:We need to buy some soy sauce. Which aisle is the soy sauce in?   我们想买一些酱油,酱油在哪一个走道?   店员:That would be in aisle 7(或者直接说That would be there.然后用手指出位置), with the condiments. It is right next to the ketchup.   在第七走道,和调味品一起,就在蕃茄酱的旁边。   店员:Good evening, can I help you?   晚上好,您需要点儿什么?   顾客:Yes, I"d like to buy some skin care lotion.   嗯,我想给我妈买点儿护肤品。   How much is it?   多少钱?   店员:Final priceu2026660 yuan.   一共u2026u202666元。   There is a promotion going on for 10% off.   这个商品现在打9折。
2023-06-08 20:29:471


你好!领奖券Collar coupons
2023-06-08 20:30:071


2023-06-08 20:30:142


没有这个单词啊,你是听记的吗?难道是拼写错误?给你两个发音类似的词 参考:mycopus--粘液性脓或my coupons 我的优惠劵(折价券)
2023-06-08 20:30:331

what are coupons used for是神么意思

what are coupons used for 【翻译】优惠券怎么使用
2023-06-08 20:30:401


1. 登录Seller Central登录Seller Central后台,选择“Advertising>Coupons>Create a new coupon”;2. 选择产品选择为哪个或哪些产品创建优惠券,先在页面左侧搜索框搜索产品SKU或ASIN,然后选择“Add to Coupon”,被选择的产品移动到屏幕页面右侧,所有意向产品选完以后,点击“continue to next step”;3. 设置优惠券折扣、预算先选择折扣类型,是固定金额折扣还是百分比折扣?然后相应输入折扣,比如5美元,或者10%。在这里,也可以设置是否允许同一用户领取多张优惠券,还是只能领取一张优惠券。接着,设置折扣预算,就是最多愿意花多少钱在这个优惠券上,完成以后点击“continue to next step”。4. 给优惠券命名这是消费者可以看到的,为使优惠券名字(Coupon title)有效,建议卖家体现哪些产品可使用这一优惠券,是只有一款产品可用,还是某一个品类的产品都可用?比如“某产品折扣15%”、“8盎司某产品省15%”。
2023-06-08 20:30:581


你有 金融计算器吗? 有的话 直接 按下去就行了。。 而且有个问题,就是难道没有现金流出吗? 你这CF1 2 3 都是 现金流入啊。 那算出的NPV一定是正数,也就是说 project 一定是可以接受的。anyway, 计算方法也简单啊。由于cash flow 是unconditional的 也就是 每个cash flow是不同的。 所以分别把每个CF用WACC discount 回T0的时候 就行了。也就是NPV= CF1/(1.12)+CF2/(1.12)^2+CF3/(1.12)^3注意:这种算法的话你们每个CF应该都是每个period末收到的。不过我觉得 题目应该还有一个initial investment 一类的东西,这个数字应该是负的而且是在T0的时候发生的。那么就应该在以上算出的那个NPV中减掉这个值。那才是真正的NPV。 其实你看看net present value (NPV),它的本意就是把未来的Cash flow 折算到现在(present)的一个value呀。而你这道题目给的用于折现的利率是WACC。别的题目也肯能是什么cost of equity一类的。这个要见机行事。
2023-06-08 20:31:082

副券 英语怎么说

Vice coupons
2023-06-08 20:31:152

请及时兑换你们手上的优惠券,过期就兑换不了了。 翻译成英语怎么说?

please exchange your coupons in time。The expired is denied.
2023-06-08 20:31:222

MySQL in NodeJS 是否能够等待全部 query 回传结果才继续执行

MySQL in NodeJS 是否能够等待全部 query 回传结果才继续执行var SQLQueryCheck = {createArrayInit: function (size) {var arr = new Array();for (var i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)arr[i] = false;return arr;},checkedAllQueried: function(arr) {for (var i = 0 ; i < arr.length ; i++)if (arr[i] === false)return false;return true;}}var getAllCouponsInfoByManagerUidAndRange = function (uid, range, callback) {// Select the special range in coupons, the range object have "start" and "amount".var sql_1 = "SELECT * FROM coupon WHERE coupon_id BETWEEN " + range.start + " AND " + (range.start + range.amount - 1);dbclient.query(sql_1, function (err, coupons) {// Fixed the = TaskDateConvertToJson(coupons, new Array("create_time", "used_time"));var queryChecked = SQLQueryCheck.createArrayInit(coupons.length);for (var i = 0 ; i < coupons.length ; i++) {(function (j) {// Get the employees" user info of having received coupons.findUserByUid(coupons[j].uid, function (employee) {// Get the managers of creating coupons.findUserByUid(coupons[j].manager, function (manager) {// Get the employees" task info of having received coupons.findTaskByTid(coupons[j].tid, function (task) {coupons[j]["employee"] = employee;coupons[j]["manager"] = manager;coupons[j]["task"] = task;delete coupons[j]["uid"];delete coupons[j]["tid"];queryChecked[j] = true;if (SQLQueryCheck.checkedAllQueried(queryChecked))callback(coupons);});});});})(i);}});}
2023-06-08 20:31:291


SPA super promotion:you get an extra 20-yuan coupons for 100 yuan you spend,and a 50-yuan coupons for 200 1 all the other promotion and combined treatment are not included. 2 membership discount can not added up to the promotion. 3 coupons can only be used for next time.
2023-06-08 20:31:361


If you can tell your order amount to us,we will give you a discount coupons according to the proportion of the amount。When you complete the order of payment,you can use coupons to resist amount。So it is equivalent to small batch wholesale.I wish you happy shopping and have good mood.
2023-06-08 20:31:431


a food coupona grain coupon
2023-06-08 20:31:513

微信红包里top up什么意思。Withdraw及View in Wallet是什么意思?

微信红包里面top up 的意思是充值。withdraw 的意思提现。View in Wallet的意思是查看钱包的余额。top up 作为动词意思是加满,给手机,公交卡充值。withdraw ,作为动词的意思是撤回,撤离,退出,退却的意思,在微信里面意思是提现。扩展资料:微信中,New Chat(意思是新的聊天)、Add Contacts(意思是添加朋友)、Scan(意思是扫一扫)、Money(意思是收付款)延伸一下,扫码是scan,而付钱是pay,所以“扫码付款”可以表达成“scan to pay”。我们还会看到“Scan QR Code”的表达,QR Code是二维码,Q即Quick(快速的)的首字母,R是Response(反应)的首字母。聊天对话框里,对应的中文是:Album(相册)、Camera(拍摄)、Video Call(视频)、Location(位置)、Red Packet(红包)、Transfer(转账)、Voice Input(语音输入)、Favorites(收藏)、Contact Card(名片)、File(文件)、Coupons(优惠券)。
2023-06-08 20:32:121


2023-06-08 20:32:252