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2023-06-09 08:42:18
TAG: courtesy

(by) courtesy of是经。。。允许/批准的意思。









2023-06-08 19:19:241


courtesy D.J.[u02c8ku0259:tisi] K.K.[u02c8ku025atu026asi] n. 谦恭有礼 They didn"t even have the courtesy to apologize. 他们也不道个歉, 真没有礼貌。 有礼貌的举止[言词] Do me the courtesy of listening to what I have to say. 请听我说几句话。 如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-06-08 19:19:313


polite,/pu0259"lau026at/ 读音,例句可以看:|zh-TW&q=polite&hl=encivilized, /"su026avu0259u02c8lau026azd/读音,例句可以看:|zh-TW&q=civilized&hl=en同义词有:courteous, urbane, mannerly, civil, courtly, genteel, suave, affable, well-mannered, refined, well-bred, complaisant, gentle
2023-06-08 19:20:063


就是说这个视频是经视频拥有者授权使用的。类似中文里的“授权使用,转载请注明出处”。It generally means the rightsholder of the video has given permission for that specific usage. It doesn"t mean the video is no longer protected by copyright; it simply means that particular use has been licensed. Any future uses would require additional licenses.
2023-06-08 19:20:281


意思不同: 1.polite意思:adj. 有礼貌的; 客气的; 儒雅的; 应酬的; 礼节性的; 客套的; 上流社会的; 2、courtesy意思:adj.免费乘坐(或使用)的 扩展资料   例句:   The manager of the hotel was courtesy itself.   旅馆经理彬彬有礼。   It"s only common courtesy to tell the neighbours that we"ll be having a party.   告诉邻居我们要举行聚会,这是起码的.礼貌。   例句:   It is not polite of you to cut the speaker short.   你打断发言者的话,真不礼貌。
2023-06-08 19:20:413


2023-06-08 19:20:505


2023-06-08 19:21:127


区别如下。politeness 有礼貌、客气、优雅的意思。courtesy是礼貌的意思。etiquette是交际应对的应酬礼节。manners是礼规、礼仪的意思。四个词看起来差不到,但是语法的用法不一样。1和3后面得加动词,2和4前面得加介词。
2023-06-08 19:21:262


2023-06-08 19:21:347

courtesy 的形容词是什么?

原形 还是courtesy
2023-06-08 19:22:333


有礼貌的英文:courtesy/manners/politeness。例句:Courtesy is the inseparable panion of virtue. 礼貌和美德是分不开的伴侣。,参考例句:,courtesy是什么意思: n. 礼貌;有礼貌的言行;承蒙 adj. 免费乘坐或使用的,manners是什么意思: n. 方式,方法;态度;规矩;习惯;风俗;风格
2023-06-08 19:22:391


A country of courtesy 或 a state of ceremonies a comity nation comit应该比ceremonies etiquette 更符合a state of ceremonies - 来源,雅虎字典a nation of etiquette - 来源, 个人
2023-06-08 19:22:483


courtesy n. 礼貌,客气,好意,亲切,周到 恩惠,允许 adj. 礼貌上的
2023-06-08 19:23:151


2023-06-08 19:23:292


得分有效 计入总比分
2023-06-08 19:23:483


没错,但巧的是英文正好有love seat一说,但不表示“爱心专座”,而是双人沙发,说得好听些,就是“情侣座”。哈哈,本来是让给老弱病残孕的座位,现在变成专供谈情说爱用的了! 所以,我十分苟同的译法是courtesy seat,恰如其分地翻译出了“礼让”这一层意思。Courtesy在美国英文里还有“优待”的意思,例如旅馆、商店或银行的优待卡就叫courtesy card。我们乘车就是应该给与老弱病残孕以优待,这也是我们的一种爱心。如果你对courtesy seat还不满意的话,那只能直接照搬西方的常见用语,即reserved seat(为需要帮助的人保留的专座)。 顺便说一说“老弱病残孕”的英文表达。“老”不要说the old,最好是the elderly,上了年纪的人。“弱”不要说the weak,因为可能会被误解为“弱者”,所以最好用the infirm,突出了“体弱”或“虚弱”的意思。“病”the sick,“残”the disabled,“孕” the pregnant。
2023-06-08 19:23:551


he is a courtesy man.(打开语音,读给你听)
2023-06-08 19:24:021

This story comes courtesy of Reuters.怎么翻译?主要是解释下courtesy?

2023-06-08 19:24:102

courtesy name是什么意思?

2023-06-08 19:24:184


Asian Games ceremony Etiquette is a human in order to maintain normal social life requires people to abide by the minimum of ethics, it is the people in the long term Live together and interact in gradually, and with customs, habits and traditions, etc. fixed. A people , Etiquette is a person"s ideological and moral standards, cultural training, communicative competence in the external appearance of a society, etiquette Is a civilized country and society, morality and lifestyle reflected. Much attention etiquette education has become a moral reality An important part of practice. Etiquette education covers all aspects of social life. From the content point of view there is appearance, behavior, facial expressions, clothes, conversation , Interpersonal skills, etc.; from the object point of view personal etiquette, manners in public places, hospitality and guest etiquette, table manners, gift Etiquette, communication and other civilizations. Interpersonal process in the code of conduct known as a courtesy, etiquette in the performance of speech as action on Courtesy. Strengthen the ethical practice should pay attention to etiquette, to make people "respect people, self-discipline, moderation, good faith" on the principles of interpersonal Exchanges, bid farewell to uncivilized behavior. Etiquette, manners, courtesy rich and varied, but it has its own laws, its basic principles of etiquette: First King"s original Then; second principle of self-discipline, communication process is to swallow hard and carefully, actively, willingly, and courteous, Qulity, self-control, self-reflection, self-demands, self-discreet, self-discipline, not arrogant, I was heart No; third is the principle of moderation, moderate manner and that, everybody; Fourth, the principle of good faith, sincerity and Sincerity, not every Field for the play, words and deeds.
2023-06-08 19:24:293


2023-06-08 19:26:141

courtesy title是什么汉语

courtesy title 可数名词礼貌上的尊称 [爵号](在英国附加于贵族子女名字前的 Lord,Lady,The Hon. 等)
2023-06-08 19:26:232


2023-06-08 19:26:301


“爱心专座”大概有以下四种说法:1. This is a special seat for: ...这种说法在表达上无误,图示也很清楚,不会引发误会。但这是一种“迂回策略”,也就是“绕着弯”让人们明白这是什么,而没有直接描述“爱心专座”这个概念。2. priority seatpriority表示“优先权”,priority seats就是“优先座”,就是这些座位优先给特殊人群使用。怎么说呢,这个翻译似乎把“专座”翻出来了,但“爱心”体现不足。3. courtesy seatingcourtesy(/u02c8ku025cu02d0rtu0259si/)作名词,有“礼貌、好意、恩惠”的意思。我比较喜欢这种表达方式,恰如其分地翻译出了“礼让”。在美国,courtesy还有“优待”的意思,比如酒店、商店或银行有种卡叫courtesy card,持卡人有特殊待遇。“爱心专座”里“爱心”的目的就是给“老弱病残孕”以优待,所以courtesy seating还是比较精准的。再补充一点,这里的seating是一个名词,等同于seats。4. reserved seatingreserved表示“预留的”,如果在公共交通工具上出现“reserved seating”字样,就表明这些座位是为“老弱病残孕”等特殊人群预留的,这个短语也能表达出“爱心专座”的含义。
2023-06-08 19:26:361


你是问的courtesy么?courtesy英 [u02c8ku025c:tu0259si]美 [u02c8ku025c:rtu0259si]n.谦恭有礼,礼貌,请安; 有礼貌的举止[言词]; 承蒙adj.殷勤的; 出于礼节的Hugh and John were exchanging faintly barbed courtesies. 休和约翰正说着带有相互挤兑意味的客气话。By extending the courtesy of a phone call to my clients, I was building a personal relationship with them.通过礼貌性地给客户打电话,我开始和他们建立起私交。
2023-06-08 19:27:081

courtesy of 什么意思

courtesy of 礼貌The costumes of the play were supplied by courtesy of Black Brothers.该剧演出的服装是布莱克兄弟公司免费提供的。Bill did me the courtesy of answering the question.比尔很有礼貌地回答我的问题。This program comes by courtesy of a local company.本节目承蒙当地一家公司的赞助才得以安排。Win a weekend in Rome, courtesy of Fiat.赢了就可以获得菲亚特公司提供的到罗马度周末的机会。Binary code.( Image courtesy of MIT OCW.二进位编码。(片由麻省理工学院开放式课程计画授权。
2023-06-08 19:27:151

有礼貌 的英文怎么说

be polite
2023-06-08 19:27:222

courtesy of 什么意思

2023-06-08 19:27:292


这不是茶叶品种,是茶馆名字:新中式茶馆茶礼仪[Tea courtesy]:敬茶的礼节仪式。可分为宫廷茶仪、宗教茶仪、家庭茶仪、敬宾茶仪、婚礼茶仪等多种类型。(推荐阅读:云南滇红茶叶;)宫廷茶仪常用于迎送使臣宾客、表彰庆典等,又称赐茶。所用茶具华贵,以金银制作;品茶讲究“精茶”,采用“真水”;茶仪注重身份贵贱,仪式森严。清代各级官府和官吏,或向属下索取,或向上层致送,奉献茶叶亦称茶仪。茶与道、佛等宗教活动结合形成宗教茶仪,两晋、南北朝时已很普遍。中国的饮茶与民间风习融合形成茶礼,常见于婚丧祭祀和社交应酬活动。中国是多民族国家,各民族风俗习惯不同,礼仪内容也有所差异。
2023-06-08 19:27:361


2023-06-08 19:27:551


2023-06-08 19:28:021


2023-06-08 19:28:091


2023-06-08 19:28:151


2023-06-08 19:28:451


polite形容词politely 副词politeness 名词
2023-06-08 19:29:381


courtesy ["ku025cu02d0tu026asu026a] n.礼貌;好意;恩惠 adj.殷勤的;被承认的;出于礼节的 [ 复数courtesies ]
2023-06-08 19:30:051

新概念英语口语第一册 Lesson 1 Courtesy 礼貌

经典对话 对话 1 A: Excuse me,but have you got the same design of the handbag in yellow? A:对不起,你们有同一款式颜色是黄色的这种手提包吗? B: Yes, we do. Just a moment, please. What about this one? B:是的,有的。请您稍候,这件怎么样? A: Oh, it is very nice,but the colour is a little darker. Do you have any white ones in the same design? A:哦,这个挺好的,可是颜色有点深。有没有同款白颜色的? B: Yes,here you are. B:有的,给您。 A: This colour fits me well. OK,I"ll take it. Thank you. A:这个颜色很适合我。好了,我就买这件了。谢谢。 对话 2 A: Hurry up, or you"ll be late again. A:快点儿,不然你又要迟到了。 B: I"m coming. B:我来了。 A: You can"t keep them cooling their heels each time. A:你不能每次都让人久等。 B: Don"t worry,I won"t this time. B:放心,这次不会了。 王牌句型 1.Excuse me. 对不起。 2.Sorry for the inconvenience. 抱歉给您带来了不便。 3.You"re welcome. 别客气。 4.My pleasure. 不用谢。 5.Hi, …! ……,你好!(较随便) 6.Hello, … 你好!……(较随便) 7.Long time no see! 好久不见啦!(较随便) 8.It was good to see you. 见到你很高兴。(通用) 9.How do you do? (初次见面)你好!(较正式) 10.Be my guest. 客人先请。
2023-06-08 19:30:391

humble和courtesy 区别

2023-06-08 19:30:471


2023-06-08 19:30:541


问题一:“礼仪之邦”用英文该怎么说 A country of courtesy 或 a state of ceremonies 注: courtesy 英 [?k?:t?si] 美 [?k?:rt?si] n. 承蒙; 谦恭有礼,礼貌,请安; 有礼貌的举止[言词]; adj. 殷勤的; 出于礼节的; [例句]He did not even have the courtesy to reply to my fax.. 他连回复我传真的这点儿礼貌都没有。 [其他] 复数:courtesies 问题二:礼仪之邦,用英语怎么说 a state/nation of etiquette/ceremonies /propriety/rites 礼仪之邦 China has always been a state of ceremonies, a variety of manners is not overlooked. 中国自古就是一个礼仪之邦,各种礼节都是不容忽视的。 China is known as the nation of tites, and being friendly to someone is one ofChinese traditional virtues. 中国素有“礼仪之邦”之称,礼貌待人是中华民族的传统美德。 The Chinese nation is well known as a nation of etiquette, and propriety educationplays a significant role in improving self-cultivation and maintaining social stability.中华民族素来就有礼仪之邦的美称,礼仪教育对于提高个人修养和稳定社会秩序都有重要作用。 We are a nation of propriety. 我们是一个礼仪之邦。 问题三:礼仪之邦,用英语怎么说 A country of courtesy 或 a state of ceremonies 问题四:"礼仪之邦泱泱华夏"用英语怎么说 礼仪之邦泱泱华夏用英语怎么说 礼仪之邦泱泱华夏 英语是: A state of ceremonies of China state的意思是国家 ceremonies的意思是礼仪,礼节 问题五:我国自古以来就是礼仪之邦,用英语怎么说 楼主,你好。 礼仪之邦 state of ceremonies 问题六:孔孟之乡、礼仪之邦 - 济宁 以上这句话,用英文翻译怎么说?要标准的、标准的怎么说? Hometown of Confucius and Mencius Country of manners and appearance
2023-06-08 19:31:011


礼貌的英语:courtesy/manners/politeness。例句:1、The small courtesies sweeten life; the greater ennoble it.有点礼貌使生活愉快,多点礼貌使生活高尚。2、The small courtesies sweeten life; the greater ennoble it.有点礼貌使生活愉快,多点礼貌使生活高尚。3、Courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue.礼貌和美德是分不开的伴侣。反义词:inurbanity粗野的。例句:Do they always play this rough?他们比赛总是这么粗野吗?
2023-06-08 19:31:081


有礼貌的英语句子1、对你微笑,只是我的礼貌。  smile at you, just my manners.  2、有礼貌的人,能走遍天下。  a polite person, can travel the world.  3、礼貌使人类共处的金钥匙。  manners make human co-existence of golden key.  4、挤出来的微笑,最不礼貌。  to smile, the most impolite.  5、礼节礼貌是琐事中的善行。  the good etiquette courtesy is trivial things.  6、礼貌是人类共处的金钥匙。  politeness is the key of human coexistence.  7、礼貌是这个世界生存的规则。  the rules of courtesy is to survive in this world.  8、礼貌,就是不让坏脾气发出来。  polite, just don"t let bad temper.  9、良好的礼貌由微小的牺牲组成。  good manners is made up of tiny sacrifice.  10、礼貌无须花钱,却能赢得一切。  the polite do not need to spend money, but it can win everything.  11、强者对待弱者,越礼貌越残忍。  the strong to the weak, the more polite.  12、微笑只是一种礼貌,与对谁无关。  a smile is a kind of courtesy, and to whom.  13、礼貌经常可以替代最高贵的感情。  good manners often can replace the most noble feelings.  14、对人礼貌是修养,但不代表没脾气。  is culture polite to people, but do not represent no temper.  15、礼貌对于人性,犹如热力之对于蜡烛。  politeness for humanity, just like the heat for the candles.  16、带来安定的.是两种力量:法律和礼貌。  bring stability are two forces: law and politeness.  17、微笑并不代表快乐,那只是一种礼貌。  smile doesn"t mean happiness, that is a polite.  18、讲礼貌不会失去什么,却能得到一切。  polite won"t lose anything, but it can have it all.  19、微笑不一定是礼貌,有时也会是警告。  is not necessarily polite smile, sometimes is a warning.  20、被动,是一种礼貌,还是游走规则边缘?  passive, it is a kind of polite, or travel rules edge?
2023-06-08 19:31:232

Courtesy Call 歌词

歌曲名:Courtesy Call歌手:Thousand Foot Krutch专辑:The End Is Where We BeginHey-yoHere comes a danger up in this clubWhen we get started and we ain"t gonna stopWe gonna turn it out till it gets too hotEverybody saying Hey-yoTell "em turn it up till they can"t no moreLet"s get this thing shaking like a disco ballThis is much more than a courtesy callHEY-YO! (hey-yo)Here comes a danger up in this clubWhen we get started and we ain"t gonna stopWe gonna turn it up till it gets too hotEverybody saying HEY-YO! (hey-yo)Tell "em turn it up till they can"t no moreLet"s get this thing shaking like a disco ballThis is much more than a courtesy callI am not afraid of the storm that comes my wayLet me hear "em say it shakes me till I crawlAnd makes me stronger than beforeIt"s not a question about trustThe way you stand with usCan you feel it? make it really!!!Ohhh, I think if I wash away tonightAwaken from this never-endingFall it takes more than meets the eye.This world we"re fighting is not just rottingHEY-YO! (hey-yo)Here comes a danger up in this clubWhen we get started and we ain"t gonna stopWe gonna turn it out till it gets too hotEverybody saying HEY-YO! (hey-yo)Tell "em turn it up till they can"t no moreLet"s get this thing shaking like a disco ballThis is much more than a courtesy callThere"s a rumble in the floor,So get prepared for war.When I hear it settle I"ll knock you to the groundand shakes up everything around.But survival is a mustSo will you stand with us?Can you feel it? Make it really!!Make me feel itOhhh, I think if I wash away tonightAwaken from this never-endingFall it takes more than meets the eyeThis world we"re fighting is not just rottingHeyoooHere comes a danger up in this clubWhen we get started and we ain"t gonna stopWe gonna turn it up till it gets too hotEverybody sayin" Hey-yoTell "em turn it up till they can"t no moreLet"s get this thing shaking like a disco ballThis is much more than a courtesy callHEY-YO! (hey-yo)Here comes danger up in this clubWhen we get started and we ain"t gonna stopWe gonna turn it up till it gets too hotEverybody saying He-yo (hey-yo)Tell em turn it up till they can"t no moreLet"s get this thing shaking like a disco ballThis is much more than a courtesy call
2023-06-08 19:31:371

srrv courtesy中文什么意思

courtesy_百度翻译courtesy 英[u02c8ku025c:tu0259si]美[u02c8ku025c:rtu0259si]n. 承蒙; 谦恭有礼,礼貌,请安; 有礼貌的举止[言词];adj. 殷勤的; 出于礼节的;[例句]He did not even have the courtesy to reply to my fax.他连回复我传真的这点儿礼貌都没有。
2023-06-08 19:31:451

文明礼貌 名言英文

2023-06-08 19:31:522


2023-06-08 19:32:145

one time courtesy 那句什么意思?

2023-06-08 19:32:284

国民素质 的英文怎么翻译?

National quality
2023-06-08 19:32:367


2023-06-08 19:32:533

请问 courtesy amounts 怎么翻译

我原来也不知道这个,但既然看到你这个问题,我刚才就搜索了一下,找出了如下释义:In spite of the rapid advances in computers and communication technologies, a number of large-scale applications continue to rely heavily on the use of paper as the dominant medium, either in an intra-organizational or an inter-organizational environment. One major example of this category of paper intensive applications is the check processing application. In a number of countries, the value of each check is read by human eyes before the check is physically transported, in stages, from the point it was presented to the location of the branch of the bank which issued the blank check to the concerned account holder. This process of manual reading of each check involves significant time and cost. In this paper, a new approach is proposed to read the numerical amount field on the check; this field is also called the courtesy amount field. In the case of check processing, the segmentation of unconstrained strings into individual digits is a challenging task because one needs to accommodate special cases involving: connected or overlapping digits, broken digits, and digits physically connected to a piece of stroke that belongs to a neighboring digit. The system described in this paper involves three stages: the segmentation of the string into a series of individual characters; the normalization of each isolated character; and the recognition of each character based on a neural network classifier. 看了以后,我觉得是这样的意思:就是说现在计算机应用普遍,但因为支票每张都是手写的,计算机并不能识别。所以在处理支票的时候总是需要人去肉眼识别,这样就浪费了大量的时间。然后courtesy amounts作为一种新技术,将金额划分成电脑可以识别的数字,这样就节省了大量的人力。希望对你有帮助!
2023-06-08 19:33:001