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2023-06-09 08:20:35

Olympic Games" origin Ancient Greece is a myth kingdom, the exquisite moving mythstory and the winding strange folklore, origin in Mongolia for theancient Olympic Games a mystical color. Fable: Ancient times theOlympics games were for sacrificial offering zeus but the regular holdsports athletics activity. Another kind of fable and zeus son Herculesconcern. Hercules because the strength greatly incomparably attains" Titan missile " Laudatory name. He has completed the taskin 伊利斯 the city-state which the average man is unable tocomplete, then did not sweep clean king to quite a while the time topile up with the cow dung the cowshed, but king did not want tofulfill bestows 300 cows" promises, hertz Larke forced as soon asunder was mad has expelled king. In order to celebrate the victory, hehas held the games at Olympics. Origins about the ancient Olympic Games broadly spreads the storywhich is 佩洛 Pu Si gets married. Ancient Greek 伊利斯 king inorder to chooses a civil and military complete in both emperor"sson-in-law for own daughter, proposed the election must compete thecombat tank with own. In the competition, successively some 13 youthsgot killed under King Yu"s lance, but the 14th youth is precisely zeusgrandson and on princess"s heart person 佩洛 Pu Si. Under the loveinspiration, he bravely has accepted king"s challenge, finallyoutwits. In order to congratulate this victory, 佩洛 Pu Si YuPrincess held the grand wedding ceremony in front of Olympia"s zeustemple, at the meeting arranges the combat tank, the angle to fightand so on a competition, this was the initial ancient Olympic Games,佩洛 Pu Si has become in the ancient Olympic Games fable founder. Olympic Games" origin, has close relationship in fact with the ancientGreece"s social situation. B.C.E. 9-8 century, the Greece clan societygradually disintegrates, the city-state system slave society graduallyformed, has established more than 200 city-states. The city-state doesthings their own way, non- unification 君主, between the city-statethe war is unceasing. In order to deal with the war, variouscity-states all positively train the soldier. The Sparta city-statechild from 7 years old on by the national foster, and is engaged inthe sports, the military training, military life. The war needs thesoldier, the soldier needs the strong body, but the sports is theraise can draft the clever in fighting soldier"s powerful method. Thewar promoted the Greece sports development, the ancient Olympic Games"event also has the obvious military brand mark. Continuously theunceasing war makes the people to feel the loathing, the universalhope can have the peaceful environment which depends on rests andbuilds up strength. Afterwards the Sparta king and 伊利斯 the kinghas signed " Sacred armistice month " Treaty. Thereupon, forprepares the manpower resources military training and sportsathletics, gradually becomes peace and the friendship games.



cowshed牛舍这个品牌,是英国天然护肤品牌,它们家的洗护系列非常不错,纯草本成分,孕妇可用,这个牌子虽然小众,但是很受各路达人追捧,下面就一起走进cowshed牛舍这个品牌 cowshed是什么化妆品 英国香薰产品专家Cowshed于1998年成立。当时,创办人Nick为了给顾客一个像家一样舒服温馨的地方,所以购入了英国Soho House旗下的一间屋子,为顾客提供精致的美食和豪华的住宿。屋子内除了基础设施之外,还独创了一个建于细小牛舍里的水疗室,Cowshed。起初,制造Cowshed产品的灵感主要来自于水疗屋搜寻纯天然的产品,因为当时在市面上没有完全适合Soho House独特的个性,所以造就了一系列量身订造的产品的诞生。产品的原料均从有名的花园Walled Garden采摘,然后再注入来自世界各地的香薰精华油,制造出高质量的纯天然香薰产品。 时至今日,Cowshed所有产品依旧是100%英国制造,能让人感受到品牌的原创性,以及对原产地的执着。Cowshed这个品牌发展至今,每一个系列都被命名的十分有趣,让顾客感受到品牌的诚意,充分爱上了它家的护肤品。cowshed明星产品 明星产品 Cowshed的当家明星产品当属所有的沐浴和身体乳产品(Bath & Body),里面充满了昂贵的精油和天然香氛。当然它家的护肤品(Skincare),还有家居品(Homecare)也十分出名。下面委媛就给大家详细介绍一下。 沐浴乳Grumpy Cow Uplifting Bath & Shower Gel平日里你是否感到压力倍增,做事无精打采、提不起劲?那这一款沐浴乳可是相当适合你。Grumpy cow系列里主要精油就是柑橘类,这款沐浴乳就包含了金桔和葡萄柚天然精油,甜甜的桔子味,和柑橘果类独有的味道,可以充分刺激你的嗅觉和感知,让你重新活力四射,充满能量。 沐浴乳Lazy Cow Soothing Bath & Shower Gel有些同学可能觉得柑橘味的精油有些刺激,那不妨试试Cowshed家另一明星沐浴乳,以洋甘菊、茉莉和檀香为主要精油的Lazy cow系列吧!这款沐浴乳可以让你在享受沐浴的同时,放松你的身心,沐浴过后余留的精油香味,还可以让你有个舒适的睡眠。 身体乳Horny Cow Seductive Body Lotion不少在英国生活的妹子反映,由于英国冬天比较冷,开暖气后皮肤会变得干干的,尤其小腿和后背最为明显。那么,Cowshed家这款身体乳就能派上用场了呢!丰富的玫瑰精油可以滋润你的肌肤,广藿香精油可以缓解因为皮肤缺水导致的干燥、起皮、发痒的症状。当然了,精油会滋进皮肤,让你的肌肤散发出自然的香味,还能省出购买香水的钱呢。玫瑰味也是一种女生热爱的花香味,这款身体乳千万不要错过哦! 洗发套装Moody Cow Balancing Haircare Duo这款平衡头发水油的洗护水值得十分推荐!不少妹子都有个烦恼,洗发水究竟应该怎样选择呢?如果选择去油的,头皮的确是不出油了,可是发尾会很干,如果选择水润一点的,头顶可能还是油油的。有了这款平衡水油的洗发套装,妹子们就不必再担心啦!它可以保证减少头皮油腻的同时,不会让你感到一丝干涩。它所包含蜂蜜精油十分营养,并且有保湿的功效,橙叶精油可以舒缓头部,并且可以减少头皮的出油量。同款护发素点击这里购买。 洁面膏Lavender Gentle Cleanser这款洁面产品不管是日用,或是夜用都十分适合,一直可以当成两只使用呢,可以为不少妹子节省出额外一只洗面奶的钱。它包含的薰衣草和柠檬草精油,可以提亮肤色,平滑肌肤,并且深度清洁,让肌底的垃圾通通排出来。而且一罐有250ml,非常耐用哦! 润唇膏Lippy Cow Natural Lip Balm这款润唇膏里面包含了丰富的玫瑰天竺葵、菩提花还有依兰花精油,能够给你双唇增加养份的同时,变得柔软、滋润,也不会有那种油腻的感觉。而且依兰花的香味可以提高浪漫度(看过甄嬛传的同学不陌生吧),有男朋友的妹子是一定不要错过这款润唇膏啦! cowshed是哪国的 牛舍是英国的小众品牌Cowshed(牛舍)是英国一家以精油为主的身体护理品牌。很难想象,Cowshed的第一家店于1998年开在Somerset里BabingtonHouse的一个旧牛棚里,显而易见,看人家这品牌名,必然每个系列的命名都或多或少与“牛”有关。Knackered Cow筋疲力尽的牛、Horny Cow发情的牛、Lazy Cow懒牛、Wild Cow疯牛、Grumpy Cow狂躁的牛什么的,脑洞也是很大很有趣,基本上你有啥情绪问题,自己对症下药,也挺方便 这次入手的cow slip主要添加甜橙精油、薄荷精油、乳木果及可可脂。所以如果是初次使用精油产品,对于这样的味道可能不是很习惯,毕竟不是甜腻腻的少女感,但喜欢的人依旧喜欢的不得了。 整体使用感,黑白主色简约的深得我心,清爽不油拉拉的质地也很讨喜,气味清淡不街香,总之值得一用,这支用完会换接着换另一个系列,比如Lazy Cow,不知道能不能治好我的重度懒癌 cowshed牛舍使用心得 去年手上突然长了一个小瘊子,在英国的朋友安利让我试试这款,一开始,慢慢觉得瘊子总是发痒,也没有像以前总是慢慢变大,坚持了半个月左右,瘊子真正消失了,才相信真的是有抗菌的作用,感觉很神奇,凝胶质地,用量非常省,清洁力度强而双手不会干,洗后会很保湿柔软,泡沫丰富,伴随着很清新的淡淡橙香味,而且在净手的同时有效杀菌,是一款我挑不出缺点的洗手液~
2023-06-08 15:15:571


问题一:在农场用英语怎么说 有 in the farm 和on the farm 之说。一般情况用On或者at的居多。 我想楼主的意思可能是on the farm . I"m working on the farm. 我在农场上班,用法较in the farm 抽象。 There are a lot of animals in the farm.侧重在农场里面,在……之内的意思。仔细体会吧。 问题二:我是一个农场主翻译成英语 我是一个农场主:I am a farmer 重点词汇释义 农场主farmer 1、他对我说他是一个农场主。 He told me that he was a farmer. 2/有时当工作让我沮丧时,我喜欢幻想自己是一个农场主。 At times when my work gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a farmer. 问题三:在农场的英语怎么说 On the Farm 在农场; [例句]You lived on the farm until you came back to America? 你回美国之前一直生活在农场吗? 问题四:关于农场有哪些职业用英文怎么说 farmer 农场主 worker 雇工 shearer 剪羊毛的工人 cook 厨子 housemaid 女佣 dairymaid 挤牛奶的女工 gardener 花匠 问题五:海淀的房子是不是超级贵啊 有的超级贵,有的还可以订看跟谁比了,和朝阳比差不多,和其他区比是很贵了 好点的住宅基本在8500-16000之间,好点的写字楼在1w-1.8w之间 租的话,住宅1居都在1300-2500,2局都在1800-4000,3居都在2500-6000 问题六:在农场用英语怎么说?可以说in the farm么,它和on the farm 有什么区别 其区别见下面例子: There are many milk cows in the farm. 农场有很多奶牛。 The cowshed is built on the farm. 农场里建的有牛棚. 问题七:我是一个农场主翻译成英语 我是一个农场主:I am a farmer 重点词汇释义 农场主farmer 1、他对我说他是一个农场主。 He told me that he was a farmer. 2/有时当工作让我沮丧时,我喜欢幻想自己是一个农场主。 At times when my work gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a farmer. 问题八:在农场的英语怎么说 On the Farm 在农场; [例句]You lived on the farm until you came back to America? 你回美国之前一直生活在农场吗? 问题九:在农场用英语怎么说 on a farm 英[?n ? f:m] 美[n e frm] [词典] 在农场; [例句]He lives on a farm. 他在农场里住。 问题十:关于农场有哪些职业用英文怎么说 farmer 农场主 worker 雇工 shearer 剪羊毛的工人 cook 厨子 housemaid 女佣 dairymaid 挤牛奶的女工 gardener 花匠
2023-06-08 15:16:031


牛棚的解释[cowshed] 原为饲养牛的棚子。 中国 文革时常指羁押受害者的地方,因这些人被诬称牛鬼蛇神,故名 详细解释 牛栏。“ 文化 大革命 ”中被引申为关押所谓“牛鬼蛇神”的地方。 蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记》 :“自从十多年前在‘牛棚"里一咬牙戒了烟,从未开过戒。” 巴金 《迎接 社会 主义文艺的春天》 :“我 虽然 被 诬蔑 为‘牛鬼蛇神"、‘反动 权威 "待在‘牛棚",经常给揪出去批斗,但我却没有被逮捕。” 词语分解 牛的解释 牛 ú 哺乳 动物 ,趾端有蹄,头上长一对角,是反刍类动物,力量很大,能耕田拉车,肉和奶可食,角、皮、骨可作器物:牛刀小试(喻有很大的 本领 ,先在小事情上施展一下)。牛黄。牛角。 星名,二十八宿之:牛斗(指 棚的解释 棚 é 用竹木搭成架子,上面覆盖席、布等做成的 遮蔽 风雨日光的 东西 或 简陋 的小屋:天棚。帐棚。窝棚。棚车。 部首 :木。
2023-06-08 15:16:101


cowshed stable tie-up牛棚lairbyre
2023-06-08 15:16:184


ツルベタ 飞机场
2023-06-08 15:16:333


牛舍,羊舍,鸡舍各一个用英语怎么说英语是a Cattle, a sheep house,a chicken house Cattle是牛舍
2023-06-08 15:16:402


2023-06-08 15:16:514


问题一:在农场用英语怎么说 有 in the farm 和on the farm 之说。一般情况用On或者at的居多。 我想楼主的意思可能是on the farm . I"m working on the farm. 我在农场上班,用法较in the farm 抽象。 There are a lot of animals in the farm.侧重在农场里面,在……之内的意思。仔细体会吧。 问题二:农场的英文怎么写? 10分 Farm 意思是农场 问题三:在农场用英语怎么写? On the farm. 如果是in the farm强调在农场(某个建筑)里面 一般抽象表达在农场 不特指农场某处的话用on the farm 问题四:农场英语怎么写 farm 问题五:参观农场用英语怎么说 visti farm 问题六:在农场用英语怎么说?可以说in the farm么,它和on the farm 有什么区别 其区别见下面例子: There are many milk cows in the farm. 农场有很多奶牛。 The cowshed is built on the farm. 农场里建的有牛棚. 问题七:英语农场怎么写 Farm 词典结果: 农场 [nóng chǎng] farm 以上结果来自金山词霸
2023-06-08 15:17:071


图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/3 1) 牛棚 / 牛栏 = a cub ;a cowshed 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/9 2) 狐狸洞穴 = a ground burrow 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/26 3) 马厩 = a stable 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/9 4) 猪栏 / 猪圈 = a swinery;a hogcote;a pigsty 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/25 5) 鸟巢 = a bird"s nest 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/41 6) 狗舍 / 养狗场 = a kennel 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/58 7) 老虎穴 =a tiger"s den; a tiger"s cave 参考: Habitat 栖息地 参考: me animals"s house you can go to yahoo
2023-06-08 15:17:261


2023-06-08 15:17:334

在农场用英语怎么说?可以说in the farm么,它和on the farm 有什么区别

2023-06-08 15:17:432


【成语释义】六畜:牛、马、羊、猪、鸡、狗。指各种牲畜、家禽繁衍兴旺 【感情色彩】中性 【成语结构】主谓式成语 【成语用法】作谓语、分句;指社会繁荣 【产生年代】古代成语 【近义词】五谷丰登 成语例句 五谷丰登,六畜兴旺。 相关成语 五脏六腑 六出冰花 六耳不同谋 恨五骂六 六尘不染 三亲六眷 三不拗六 六艺经传 人五人六 英语释义 The domestic animals are all thriving. 双语例句 1. Home out of these stones into pig sties, cowshed, protect domestic animals thrive. 回到家,便把这些石头放进猪圈 、 牛栏, 保佑六畜兴旺.
2023-06-08 15:18:131


whacked 精疲力尽的wheelde 有轮的
2023-06-08 15:18:222


猫叫声“喵喵 meow狗叫声“汪汪 woof, bark, bow-wow, arf, ruff青蛙叫声“呱呱 ribbit, croak牛叫声“哞 moo羊叫声“咩 b-a-a-a-h母鸡“咯咯 cluck还有鸟儿们“叽叽喳喳”叫 chirp
2023-06-08 15:18:292


2023-06-08 15:20:165


教育部里面的人翻译的 金色花 (泰戈尔) 假如我变成了一朵金色花,只是为了好玩,长在那棵树的高枝上,笑哈哈地在风中摇摆,又在新生的树叶上跳舞?妈妈,你会认识我么? 你要是叫道:“孩子,你在哪里呀?”我暗暗地在那里匿笑,却一声不响。 我要悄悄地开放花瓣儿,看着你工作。 当你沐浴后,湿发披在两肩,穿过金色花的林荫,走到你做祷告的小庭院时,你会嗅到这花的香气,却不知道这香气是从我身上来的。 当你吃过中饭,坐到窗前读《罗摩衍那》,那棵树的阴影落在你头发与膝上时,我便要投我的小小的影子在你的书页上,正投在你所读的地方。 但是你会猜得出这就是你的小孩子的小影子么? 当你黄昏时拿了灯到牛棚里去,我便要突然地再落到地上来,又成了你的孩子,求你讲个故事给我听。 “你到哪里去了,你这坏孩子?” “我不告诉你,妈妈。”这就是你同我那时所要说的话了。The Champa Flower R.Rabindranath Tagore Suppousing I became a champa flower,just for fun,and grew on a branch high up that tree,and shook in the wind with laughter and danced upon the newly budded leaves,would you know me,mother? You would call,“Baby,where are you?”and I should laugh to myself and keep quite quite. I should slyly open my petals and watch you at your work. When after your bath,with wet hair spread on your shoulders,you walked through the shadow of the champa tree to the little court where you say your prayers,you would notice the scent of the flower,but not know that it came from me. When after the midday meal you sat at the window reading Ramayana,and the tree"s shadow fell over your hair and your lap, I should fling my wee little shadow on to the page of your book,just where you were reading, But would you guess that it was the tiny shadow of your little child? When in the evening you went to the cowshed with the lighted lamp in your hand,I should suddenly drop on to the earth again and be your own baby once more,and beg you to tell me a story. “Where have you been,you naughty child?” “I won"t tell you ,mother.”that"s what you and I would say then.
2023-06-08 15:20:311


2023-06-08 15:20:394


   一般判断句    句型[主语+系词be+表语]   1. Knowledge is power. 2. What"s mine is yours, and what is yours is mine.   3. "Who are you?"-"It is I." 4. "Who is "I"?"-"Pinocchio."   5. He is a good eater and a good sleeper. 6. She is quite the best dancer, I know.   7. Ben"s a good runner; few seamen run better than Ben.   8. "What kind of sailor are you?" - "I"m not much of a sailor.   9. I knew I don"t express myself properly: I"m a bad hand at sentimentality.   10. Our conference has been highly successful.   11. The successful convocation of the national science conference is a matter of great joy for us.   [注1] 除了报刊标题和一些谚语格言省略系词外,一般情况下系词是不可随便省略的。汉语说"东方红",英语一定要用系词,说成 "The east is red." "他很和气。" 英语要说, "He is very kind.","你的表不对。"英语不能说 "Your watch is not correct.", 只能说 "It"s not right time by your watch."/ "Your watch does not keep good time. "他是人民的死敌。"英语说 "He is the deadly enemy of the people."   [注2] 英语中有些形容词只作表语用。常见的有:alive, alike, asleep, aware, fond, glad, faint, ill, well unwell, afraid等等。另一方面要注意,有些形容词不能作表语,只能作定语用。主要有以下几种情况:   1) 固定性词组中的.形容词。可说 "He is my old friend." ,不可说 "My friend is old (或new)." 可说 "He is a complete fool." ,不可说,"The fool is complete."   2) 作强调语的形容词。可说 "It is the very man." ,不可说 "The man is very." 可说 "This is the only occasion." ,不可说 "The occasion is the only."   3) 起命名作用的关系形容词。可说 "He is an atomic specialist." ,不可说 "The specialist is atomic." 可说 "This is a woolen dress." ,不可说 "The dress is woolen."    句型[主语+mean+宾语或状语]   1. Science means honest, solid knowledge. 2. Difficulties and hardships meant nothing to them.   3. Environment means much to a child. 4. Your friendship means a great deal to me.   [注] 除be, mean系词外还有become, make, grow, remain, feel, sound, smell, taste, prove, look, get, go, come, keep等。He has become a communist. She will make a very good athlete. Nurtured by the Party, he has grown into a good cadre    句型[主语+call/name+宾语+宾语补足语] [主语+be +called/named+主语补足语]   1. An Englishman calls himself young at fifty. 2. He called his mother "old girl", too.   3. We all call him Iron Ox. 4. We named him John. 5. He is called by the name of Paul.   6. This place is rightly called an earthly paradise. 7. He was named after his uncle.    句型[主语+regard等+宾语+as+宾语补足语]   1. I regard him as a noble man. 2. We regarded it as an honor.   3. Don"t treat comrades as enemies. 4. We look on our job as an honor.   5. We look upon our youth as the future of our motherland.   6. He is honored as a model worker. 7. People respected him as a great poet.   8. This room serves as the office. 9. They disguised themselves as Marxists.    强调判断    句型[主语+be+no other than/none but+表语(强调内容)]   1. This is no other than my old friend, John.   2. The tall figure that I saw no/none other than our commander.   3. The man standing before him was none other than the Party branch secretary.   4. Our Party"s Policy of cadres is to appoint none but people on their merit.   [注] 类似的说法还有 nobody else, "Is that you, Bumble?" -"Nobody else." Answered Mr. Bumble.    句型[主语+be+nothing+ (else) but/ else than/ less than+表语]   1. Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 2. Hitler was nothing but a paper tiger.   3. The situation is nothing else but (than) fine. 4. That"s nothing less than a miracle.   5. What he told you was nothing else than nonsense.   6. His failure was due to nothing else than his own carelessness.   7. What we expected is nothing less than a technical revolution.   [注] 相当于本句型的否定说法是 "…be anything but…", 译作"决不是",如:   He is anything but a coward. (=He is not a coward at all.)    句型[It is/was+强调部分+that/who+从句]   1. It is political consciousness that gives vigor to his writings.   2. It was owing to the victory of the revolutionary war of 1776 led by Washington that the American people won independence. 3. It was after liberation that we led a happy life.   4. It was in Beijing that I met him for the first time.   [注] 除了以上句型表示强调外,还可以用以下方式来表达:   1)用very, only, certainly, of course,to be sure等词语加强语气,如:   That"s the very thing I need. The report is certainly false. He is, no doubt, a good pupil.   2) 用 "from first to last", "out and out" (多用于反面), "through and through" (多用于正面)等成语加强语气,如:It is a delusion from first to last… He is a traitor out and out. He is a revolutionary through and through.   3) 用准系词remain, continue等,如:Gold remains gold in the furnace of history and dross remains dross.   4) 有时用 "…be neither more nor less than…", (不多不少,十足) 如:It is neither more nor less than a lie.    弱势判断句    句型[主语+seem等感觉动词+表语]   1. My companion looked ashamed. "Well," he said, "you were right…"   2. The situation seemed quite encouraging. 3. Your sentence doesn"t sound right.   4. She appeared quite touched at the words. 5. It tastes sweet.   6. The country seemed to be going to the dogs. War with the South or secession was vaguely looking in the distance.    句型[主句+as if/as though+从句(主语+虚拟式谓语)]   1. You spoke as if you had been here before. 2. I feel as if I were ten years younger.   3. It almost seemed as if the good man were trying to teach us all he knew at this last lesson.   4. …his exposed throat looked as if a halter would have done it good.   [注] 在as if 后面可以直接跟不定式,这是一种间缩的用法,如:He opened his lips as if to say something.   其次,在as if后面的谓语动词也有人用现在时的,如:It looks as if our side is (或were) going to win.    句型[主语+may (+not)+be+表语+虚拟式谓语)][Perhaps等副词+主语+谓语+其他]   1. It may (not) be true. 2. "This fellow" he thought, "may not be a scamp…"   3. What month is this?-Maybe it"s July. 4. Perhaps you are right.   5. Perhaps she is ill. 6. It will probably be fine tomorrow. 7. Possibly it is true.    句型[主语+ be+it is said,/as it were,等+表语]   1. she is, it is said (或they say), the best pupil in the class.   2. People in that village, it is said (或they say), are all kind-hearted.   3. He is not equal to the task, as it were. 4. He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.   5. With the illiterate audience, he felt himself as it were casting pearls before swine.   6. It isn"t a very good suggestion, to say the least of it.   [注] 有两个词组容易与as it were混淆,就是as it is, as it was。这两个词组必须用在和它们的时态一致的句中。意思是"照现在的样子","照当时的样子",但都引申译为"事实上",如:It is impossible to carry out the plan as it is.    句型[主语+ be+ said to be/so-called/, what is called,+表语]   1. He is said to be an excellent Chinese scholar. 2. This is said to be the finest park in shanghai.   3. That is so-called civilized world. That is so-called naturalism.   4. He is what is called, a poet. He is, what is called, a living dictionary.    注释判断句    句型[被说明的部分,+that is (i.e.),/that is to say,/namely (viz),/in other words+说明部分]   1. Mr. Green came to see me not long ago, that is, only last week.   2. We-that is to say, John and I-intend to resign.   3. Rules of grammar cannot be profitably studied in the abstract-that is to say, without examples.   4. He is an outstanding specialist, that is to say, he is both red and expert.   5. We have five senses, namely, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.   6. A man should never be shamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.   7. I do not know Mr. Flynn, i.e., do not know him well enough to say if he is absolutely reliable.    句型[被说明的部分,+to be more exact,/or more correctly,/or rather+说明部分]   1. Three weeks tomorrow, to be more exact (or more correctly), the 10th of May is my birthday.   2. This is a pillar, or more correctly, a column. 3. It is a hut or, to be more exact, a cowshed.   4. His theory, or rather, hypothesis, was not unobjectionable.   5. We got home late last night, or rather, early this morning.    正反判断句    句型[主语+be+not+表语A,+ but+表语B]/[主语+be+表语B+and (或but) not+表语A]   1. I am very ill, not bodily, but mentally.   2. What I admire in Columbus is not his having discovered a world, but his having gone to search for it on the faith of an opinion.   3. The tragedy is not in not knowing, but in not knowing that you don"t know.   4. The Marxist-Leninist theory is not a dogma, but a guide to action.   5. He is an ordinary worker, and not a cadre.   6. It is yours, and not mine. (=it is not mine, but yours.)    句型[(It is) not…that (who)…, but…that (who)…]   1. (It is) Not that I dislike the work, but that I have no time.   2. Not that we are afraid of difficulties, but that they are afraid of us.   3. It is not heroes that make history, but history that makes heroes, and that, consequently, it is not heroes who create people, but the people who create heroes and move history onward.    句型[So far from being+表语,主语+谓语+其他]   1. So far from being a help, he was hindrance. 2. So far from being true, the news is false.   3. So far from being ashamed of it, he glories in it.   [注] 在一般陈述句中仅用far from也可以表示一正一反的意义, 如: Far from praising him, I must positively blame him.    句型[主语+seem等感觉动词+表语,+ but+in reality/ in fact/ in essence+…]   1. That sounds all right, but in reality it is not.   2. This may seem a bad thing, but in reality it is a good thing   3. He looks ignorant, but in fact he is very clever.   4. The two things though similar in form are different in essence.   5. He appears to be well, but really he is rather ill.   6. He thinks himself as wise as Solomon, but in reality he is a complete fool.   [注] instead of可以用来表示正反判断,如:We must work hard instead of spending our time idly.    比较判断句    句型[主语+be+less表语A+than+表语B]/ [主语+be+more表语B+than+表语A]   1. Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul.   2. It is even more a picture than a poem. 3. He is more shy than (he is) unsocial.   4. A river that carries so much silt per cubic meter (590 kilograms-over half a ton) is more like liquid land than water   [注1] more后面如果跟形容词,形容词要用原级,如:(正)He was more angry than frightened.   (误) He was more angrier than frightened. (误) He was angrier than frightened.   [注2] 成语 "more dead than alive" (劳累已极、累得要死) 是一种夸张的说法,原意是"与其说还活着,不如说是死了。"如:"Oliver, more dead than alive, could answer "Yes".    句型[主语+be+表语B+rather than+表语A]   1. He is an ordinary worker rather than a cadre. 2. He is rather diligent than clever.   3. The patient was worse rather than better. 4. He is an artist rather than a philosopher.    句型[主语+be+not so much+表语A+as+表语B]   1. He is not so much a scholar as a writer. (not so much…as =less…than)   2. It is not so much the being exempt from faults, as having overcome them, that is an advantage to us.   3. It is not so much advice as approval that he seeks.   [注] 该句型也常用于行为动词作谓语的句子中。如:A man"s worth lies not so much in what he has as in what he is.   The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.    互斥判断句    句型主语+be+(either)表语A+or+表语B]/[(Either)主语A+or+主语B +be+表语]   1. He or you are mistaken. You or he is mistaken.   2. He is at the office or at the workshop. 3. Either your brakes or your eyesight is at fault.   4. It is wrong to regard our work either as totally good or as completely bad.   5. Either he is right or I am. (=Either he or I am right.)   [注] 该句型可以采用简易方式:"If it is not…it is…" 如:if it is not taking the socialist road, it is taking the capitalist road.    返回: 初中英语句型分类知识点详解
2023-06-08 15:20:551


中国牛业科学2011,37(2):86-89高档肉牛的饲养管理技术 张继才,杨世平,付美芬,王安奎,黄必志 (云南省草地动物科学研究院,昆明小哨650212) 摘 要:本文从高档肉牛的品种要求、育肥时间要求、屠宰体重要求出发,详细介绍了育肥公牛去势技术,育肥牛去角技术,防病技术,驱虫技术及采血技术,牛舍环境控制技术以及增重速度调控和饲料调制技术,以供同行参考。关键词:高档肉牛;饲养管理技术 中图分类号:S815 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-9111(2011)02-0086-04 高档肉牛即生产高档牛肉的牛,高档牛肉在嫩度、风味、多汁性等主要指标上,有极其严格的等级 标准。高档肉牛经过高标准的育肥后其屠宰率可达65%~75%,其中高档牛肉量可占到胴体重的8%~12%,或是活体重的5%左右。85%的牛肉可作为优质牛肉,少量为普通牛肉。随着消费水平的提高,人们对高当牛肉和优质牛肉的需求不断急剧增加,育肥高档肉牛,生产高档牛肉,具有十分显著的经济效益和广阔的发展前景。为到达高的高档牛肉量、高屠宰率,在肉牛的育肥饲养管理技术上有着严格的要求。 月,如果育肥时间过短,脂肪很难均匀地沉积于优质肉块的肌肉间隙内,如果育肥时间超过30月,肌间脂肪的沉积要求虽到达了高档牛肉的要求,但其牛肉嫩度很难到达高档牛肉的要求。 3 屠宰体重要求 高档肉牛经过18~30月的育肥后,屠宰前的体重到达600~800kg,没有这样的宰前活重,牛肉的品质达不到 高档 级标准。 4 高档牛肉育肥牛的饲养管理技术 4.1 育肥公犊去势技术 用于生产高档牛肉的公犊,在育肥前需要进行去势处理,通常犊牛的年龄越小对牛的影响也越小,目前较常用的公犊去势方法有手术去势和无血去势两种。 4.1.1 手术去势 睾丸摘除术 方法:如保定确实也可以不进行麻醉,麻醉可采用全身麻醉或局部麻醉,全身麻醉用静松灵按2~3mL/200kg体重剂量快速静脉注射;局部麻醉采用脊膜外腔麻醉,用12﹟长针头从荐尾结合部剌入脊膜外腔,注射3%的利多卡因3~4mL即可,取横卧保定公牛,按常规外科手术的要求,做好器械和术部的消毒。术者左手握紧牛阴囊,右手持刀切开阴囊挤出睾丸,徒手分离固有鞘膜,轻轻牵引睾丸暴露精索。从精索上分离开鞘膜韧带至附睾尾部,剪断,再将鞘膜韧带沿精索继续分离到精索较细部,左手握掐住此处,并配合右手将鞘膜韧带绕精索打猪蹄结,向睾丸方向连 1 品种要求 高档牛肉的生产对肉牛品种有一定的要求,不是所有的肉牛品种,都能生产出高档牛肉。经试验证明某些肉牛品种如西门塔尔、婆罗门等品种不能生产出高档牛肉。目前国际上常用安格斯、日本和牛、墨累灰等及以这些品种改良的肉牛作为高档牛肉生产的材料。国内的许多地方品种如秦川牛、晋南牛、鲁西牛、南阳牛、延边牛、郏县红牛、复州牛、渤海黑牛、草原红牛、新疆褐牛、三河牛、科尔沁牛等品种适合用于高档牛肉的生产。或用地方优良品种导入能生产高档牛肉的肉牛品种生产的杂交改良牛可用于高档牛肉的生产,如由云南省草地动物科学研究院用婆罗门、墨累灰和云南本地黄牛培育的BMY牛,也是生产高档牛肉很好的材料之一。 2 育肥时间要求 高档牛肉的生产育肥时间通常要求在18~24 *收稿日期:2010-10-25 修回日期:2010-11-08 基金项目:云南省科研院所技术开发研究专项2007CF008;nycytx-38:现代农业(肉牛)产业技术体系。作者简介:张继才(1972-),男,白族,云南丽江人,硕士,副研究员,主要从事肉牛疾病防治工作。 续打猪蹄结2~3个,确认结扎牢靠,在最后一结外剪断精索,摘除睾丸,并在断端涂抹碘酊。或切开阴囊后,把固有鞘膜与皮肤分离开,轻拉睾丸在近腹股沟处用丝线对血管、精索连同固有鞘膜进行结扎,在结扎远端1~2cm处剪断,连同固有鞘膜一起摘除睾丸。 4.1.2 无血去势术 去势钳去势术:公犊保定后用无血去势钳隔着阴囊皮肤夹住精索部用力合拢钳柄,钳压15min以上,再缓慢张开钳嘴,在钳夹下方2cm处再钳夹1次。用同样方法钳夹另一侧。术部皮肤涂碘酒消毒; 结扎去势术:牛只保定后术者两手将精索握住上下捋搓,进行消毒后,将睾丸挤压到阴囊底部,助手将消毒好的双股缝合线牢牢紧扎在精索下1/3处数圈,切禁用力过猛,以免勒破外皮,结扎完后用碘酒进行消毒即可; 捶骟法:将牛倒卧保定,用细绳将阴囊根部扎紧,使阴囊和睾丸充分显露,然后用双手紧握两侧睾丸稍向外牵拉,使其精索紧张并呈前后错位,放于圆形木墩上,用左手固定住,右手持木锤或木棒捶击精索3~5次,直至精索砸断(或砸碎)为止。稍等片刻,解除阴囊根部的扎绳,用5%碘酊擦涂阴囊颈的捶击部分,解除保定。 4.2 育肥牛的去角技术 在育肥过程中,为避免因牛角给人、畜带来的伤害和危险,应对部分有角的牛特别是性情暴燥的牛进行去角处理。 4.2.1 电烙铁或去角器去角技术 去角时间生后7~30d内,保定好牛头后,用水把角基部周围的毛打湿,并将通电加热后的电烙铁或去角器放在犊牛角顶部进行烧烙到犊牛角四周的组织变为古铜色为止,约需15~25s。 4.2.2 化学去角技术 保定好牛头,将牛角周围3cm处进行剪毛,并用5%碘酊消毒,周围涂以凡士林油剂,防止药品外溢流入眼中或烧伤周围皮肤,将氢氧化钠与淀粉按1.5 1的比例混匀后加入少许水调成糊状,将其涂在角上约2cm厚。注意在去角期间去角牛应于其它犊牛隔离,防治其他犊牛因舔舐药物烧伤口腔及食道,同时避免雨淋,以防苛性钾流入眼内或造成面部皮肤损伤。还可以使用氢氧化钠棒给犊牛去角,经过上述常规处理以后,用棒状的氢氧化钠在犊牛角的基部磨擦,直到出血以破坏角的生长点。一般涂抹后一星期左右,涂抹部位的结痂会自行脱落。还可选择市场上的去角灵膏剂进行涂抹去角。 4.2.3 手术去角技术 适用于年龄稍大的牛只。 为减少术后出血可将肌肉注射或静脉注射止血敏30mL。牛头保定确实后,用利多卡因5~10mL在角神经旁作传导麻醉,牛角基部进行消毒,用消毒的骨锯或线锯从牛角基部快速锯断牛角,用蘸有肾上腺素的绷带进行压迫性止血,止血后在断面撒布量的消炎粉或涂抹油剂普鲁卡因青霉素,外敷灭菌脱脂棉,用绷带进行 8 字形包扎。4.3 育肥牛的疾病防制技术 育肥牛的疾病防治应坚持 预防为主,防重于治 的方针。实行科学的饲养管理,坚持防疫卫生制度,采取综合防治措施,是控制和消灭牛病的关键。4.3.1 科学的饲养管理 饲养管理不良是许多疾病发生的主要因素或诱因,科学的饲养管理是减少疾病发生的一个重要途径。 1) 分群饲养,科学配方。按牛的品种、年龄、体况、体重进行分群饲养,并制定科学饲料配方,注意饲料的营养平衡,以保证牛的正常发育和生产的营养需要,防止营养代谢障碍和中毒疾病的发生。 2) 改善环境、注意卫生:牛舍要采光充足,通风良好。冬天防寒,夏天防暑,排水通畅,牛床清洁,粪便及时清理,运动场干燥无积水。要经常刷拭或冲洗牛体,保持牛体、牛床、用具等的清洁卫生,使牛群始终生活在干净卫生的环境条件下,防止呼吸道、消化道、皮肤及肢蹄疾病的发生。 3) 充足给水、适当运动:牛每天需要大量的饮水,保证其洁净的饮用水,有条件的牛场应设置自动饮水装置。如由人工喂水,饲养人员必须每天按时供给充足的清洁饮水。特别在炎热的夏季,供给充足的清洁饮水是非常重要的。同时,应适当给予运动,运动可增进食欲,增强体质,有效降低前胃疾病的发生。沐浴阳光,有利育肥牛的生长发育,有效减少佝偻病发生。 4) 搽拭、按摩:在育肥的中后期,每天对育肥牛用毛刷、手对其全身进行刷拭或按摩2次,来促进体表毛细血管血液的流通量,有利于脂肪在体表肌肉内均匀分布,在一定程度上能提高高档牛肉的产量,这在高档牛肉生产中尤为重要,也是最容易被忽视的细节。 4.3.2 严格消毒制度 消毒是消灭病原、切断传播途径、控制疫病传播的重要手段。是防治和消灭疫病的有效措施。 设立消毒池和消毒间。场门、生产区和牛舍人口处都应设立消毒池,内置1%~10%漂白粉液或3%~5%来苏儿、3%~5%烧碱液。并经常更换,保持应有的浓度。有条件的牛场,还应设立消毒间(室),进行紫外线消毒; 牛舍、牛床、运动 百虫、敌敌畏、蝇毒磷等。其中以敌百虫应用较多,对多种牛消化道线虫,如牛蛔虫、毛首线虫、食道口线虫均有驱除作用,外用还可杀灭体外寄生虫,如螨、虱、蚤、蜱等。敌百虫每次按80~100mg/kg体重混料投服,外用可按1%浓度涂擦或喷雾; 脒类化合物:为合成的接触性外用广谱杀虫药,主要使用的是双甲脒,它对各种螨、虱、蜱、蝇等均有杀灭作用,且能影响虫卵活力,对人、畜无害,外用时,可做喷洒、手洒、药浴等。使用时配成0.05%溶液,常用于牛体及畜舍地面和墙壁等处; 咪唑丙噻唑类:它属广谱、高效、低毒的驱线虫药,对牛蛔虫、食道口线虫有良好的驱除效果。在兽医临床上应用的主要是左旋咪唑,内服或注射的剂量均为7.5mg/kg体重,注射于皮下或肌肉; 苯丙咪唑类:属于广谱、高效、低毒的驱虫药,对许多线虫、吸虫和绦虫均有驱除效果,并对某些线虫的幼虫有驱杀作用,对虫卵的孵化也有抑制作用。在临床使用最广的是阿苯达唑(又名丙硫苯咪唑、抗蠕敏)、芬苯达唑、甲苯达唑等,有的制成复合制剂使用。阿苯达唑给牛内服量为10~30mg/kg体重。阿苯达唑适口性较差,混饲投药时应每次少添,分多次投服,该药有致畸的可能性,应避免大量连续应用。 大环内酯类:属于新型、广谱、低毒、高效的驱虫药,其突出优点在于它对畜禽体内、外寄生虫同时具有很高的驱杀作用,它不仅对成虫,还对一些线虫某阶段的发育期幼虫也有杀灭作用。这类药物在畜禽驱虫药中以阿维菌素类为代表,主要包括有阿维菌素、伊维菌素及多拉菌素等。 需要注意的是牛寄生虫病是全年发生的疾病,且多为混合感染,在驱虫时应采用联合用药,才能起到好的防治效果。对于驱虫后的粪便应进行无害化处理,最经济的方法就是生物发酵法,防止病源的扩散。另外,根据牛粪中的虫卵数进行定期或不定期的驱虫。 4.5 育肥牛的采血技术 在高档牛肉生产的过程中,为了解牛群的营养、健康状况和同时为满足科研的需要,常常要对育肥牛的血液理化指标进行监测和分析,故对育肥牛进行血液采集是不可避免的。如果采血过程中对牛只的保定和采血方法不当,就会引起牛只产生强烈的应激反应,从而对育肥产生不利的影响或对牛只造成不必要的损伤。在高档牛肉生产中常用尾静脉采血法,对进行栓系育肥的牛只,只要饲养员牵住笼头即可进行采血。对于不拴系育肥的牛只需六柱栏保定即可。采血部位:常用第2~5尾椎腹侧的正中的尾静脉沟内。牛只保定后,术者用一手将牛尾向前、 场应定期消毒,(每月1~2次),消毒药一般用10%~20%,石灰乳、1%~10%漂白粉、0.5%~1%菌毒敌,或百毒杀、84消毒液均可。如遇烈性传染病。最好用2%,5%热烧碱溶液消毒。牛粪要堆积发酵,也可喷洒渗入消毒液。用2%~3%敌百虫溶液杀灭蚊、蝇等吸血昆虫,能有效降低虫媒传染病的发生。 生产用具应坚持定期(每10d一次)用1%~10%的漂白粉、84消毒液等; 工作人员进入牛舍时,应穿戴工作服、鞋、帽,饲养员不得串舍;谢绝无关人员进人牛舍,必须进入者需要穿工作服、鞋。一切人员和车辆进出时,必须从消毒池通过或踩踏消毒。有条件的可用紫外线消毒5~10min后方可人内; 禁止猫、狗、鸡等动物窜人牛舍,不准将生肉等带入生产区和牛舍或煮食肉类食物,不能在生产区内宰杀病牛或其他动物,并定期灭鼠。4.3.3 按时免疫接种 为了提高牛机体的免疫功能,抵抗相应传染病的侵害,需定期对健康牛群进行疫苗或菌苗的预防注射。为使预防接种取得预期的效果,应在掌握本地区传染病种类和流行特点的基础上,结合牛群生产、饲养管理和流动情况。制定出比较合理、切实可行的防疫计划,特别是对某些重要的传染病如炭疽、口蹄疫、牛流行热、牛出败等应适时地进行预防接种。 4.3.4 疫情控制 发生疫情时,应立即采取有效措施,制止传染病的蔓延和扩散,使损失减少到最低程度。 隔离病牛。这是为了防止病牛向健康牛传播所采取的一项措施。在隔离前。应组织人员逐头认真检查,根据结果把牛分为病牛、可疑病牛和假定健康牛三群,然后分别进行隔离; 严格消毒。对污染场地、牛舍、工具、用具及饲养员、兽医人员的衣物都应彻底消毒。牛粪应堆积发酵15~30d,并喷洒消毒液。无害化处理后方可运出做肥料; 病牛尸体焚烧或深埋。如果是烈性传染病引起的病牛和可疑病牛均应捕杀,并做焚烧、深埋处理。 4.3.5 做好普通病的防治工作 每天至少应对牛群巡视一次,重点观察牛只采食、饮水是否正常、牛只的粪、尿是否正常,以便及时发现病牛,为治疗争取时间,对病牛采取及时、正常的治疗。4.4 育肥牛的体、内外寄生虫的驱除技术 驱虫对增强牛群体质,预防和减少寄生虫病和某些传染病的发生具有十分重要的意义。驱虫前最好做一次粪便虫卵检查,以查清牛群体内寄生虫的种类和危害程度,根据粪便中虫卵种类或根据当地寄生虫发生情况有的放矢地选择驱虫药物。 牛驱虫药的种类及选择: 有机磷酸酯类:如敌 向上提举(牛尾的提举也是对牛的一种保定)即可露出采血部位,用酒精棉球进行消毒后用无菌注射器针头或采血针头以45~60度刺入尾静脉进行抽取血液,采血完后对进针处进行短暂的压迫止血即可。尾部皮肤薄、神经分布少,采血过程对牛只的刺激小,而且保定也相对简单,从而能有效减轻或避免牛只应激的发生。 4.6 牛舍环境条件的控制技术 牛舍的环境是影响育肥牛生长快慢的重要条件,大量研究表明育肥牛最适宜育肥温度是15~22 ,在此温度条件下育肥牛的饲料报酬最高,舍温低于15 或高于22 时对育肥牛的生长发育都有不同程度的影响。在气温较低的季节可采取降低牛舍内通风量的方法来维持牛舍温度,在气温高的季节应做好防暑措施,确保牛舍的适宜温度。注意育肥牛舍内的湿度,通常育肥牛舍内的湿度不能超过65%。育肥牛舍要求有适当的通风,以利于氨气和湿气的排出。育肥牛舍氨气量的控制,以人在牛舍各个区域内均闻不到牛粪、牛尿味或任何异味为宜。另外,在育肥后期,牛只的活动小、体重大,要注意保持地板的防滑性、清洁、干燥、软硬宜中,否则易引起育肥牛的肢蹄病发生,严重影响育肥牛的增重效果。总之,要尽量采取各种措施给育肥牛创造或提供舒 适、清静、卫生的环境。 4.7 育肥牛增重速度的调控及饲料调制技术 在高档牛肉生产中,育肥牛的增重速度的调控和饲料的调制,主要根据育肥牛的日增重情况来进行调整。通常每个月对不同育肥时期育肥牛进行体重测定一次,根据两次的体重计算出牛群的日增重情况后,根据日增重的情况来调整日粮配方,或通过限制精料的方法来控制育肥牛的日增重。 另外,在高档牛肉生产中,对饲料也有一定的要求。通常在育肥前期,对饲料的要求不是很严,只要让牛只保持达一定的增重即可。但在中后期,特别是在脂肪的沉积期,为使脂肪的颜色不受育肥牛所采食饲料中所含色素(黄色素)的影响,粗饲料应以青干草或干稻草为主,禁饲喂含有颜色的青绿饲料、青贮等。在精饲料的调制中,能量饲料以白玉米为主,尽量少用或不用黄玉米,或用小麦代替大部分黄玉米,为保证育肥牛的采食量,可在精料中适当添加食盐、白糖、或糖蜜等来提高精料的适口性。 高档牛肉的市场前景虽广阔,但对肉牛品种有严格的要求。另因高档肉牛的饲养期较长,且对饲草饲料、疾病控制、环境卫生、饲养管理等诸多条件有严格的要求,所需要的资金投入也很大,广大肉牛养殖者应谨慎投资。 FeedingManagementTechnologyofHigh-gradeBeefCattle ZHANGJ-icai,YANGSh-iping,FUMe-ifen,WANGAn-kui,HUANGB-izhi (AcademyofGrasslandandAnimalScienceinYunnanProvince,Xiaoshao,Kunming650212) Abstract:Accordingtotherequirementsofhigh-gradebeefcattlevarieties,fatteningtime,slaughte-ringweight,thisarticleintroducedsometechnologiesindetail:castrationoffatteningbull,anglecuttingoffatteningcattle,preventingdisease,expellingparasite,andbloodtakingtechnology,cowshedenviron-mentalcontrollingandregulatingweightincreasedspeedandfeedmodulationtechnology,soitcouldpro-videareferenceforcolleagues. Keywords:High-gradebeefcattle;Feedingmanagementtechnology 参考文献是科技论文的有机组成部分 一篇好的科技论文,参考文献是不可缺少的组成部分,要是参考文献项的缺失或不规范,至少给人感觉上形成缺乏科学依据的印象,也对作者的严谨作风产生怀疑,也给编辑审稿和文献检索带来很大的不确定因素,也可能因此而失去对论文价值的真实判定。参考文献引用得当,使人对论文科研背景和起点、研究进展和水平、研究材料和方法、研究结果和结论一目了然,从而对论文的学术价值给予准确的评价。目前种种现象表明,把参考文献孤立于论文正文部分看待产生一系列问题:首先从思想上没有引起重视,其次从行为上不可能认真对待,往往为了参考而参考,无论从真实性、公开性、正当性、时效性、权威性等方面都不能很好反映参考文献的作用。最好的办法就是把它看成和正文为一体的有机组成部分。 (编者)
2023-06-08 15:21:021

奥运会的由来 中英文结合

2016-12-02 TA获得超过642个赞关注The first Games were held at a place called Olympia in Greece over 3000 years ago. The Games were ceremonies for the Greek god Zeus. Young men ran a race of about 184 meters-the length of a stadium-to see who would be crowned champion.3000多年前,最早的奥林匹克运动会在希腊一个名为奥林匹亚的地方举行。那是一个祭拜希腊主神宙斯的典礼。青年男子会进行约184米的赛跑,看谁是冠军,这个比赛距离其后成为运动场标准跑道的长度。The first recorded Olympic Games were held in 766 B. C. Although there was only one event-a running race-other events were added in later years. Men competed in chariot racing, wrestling, boxing, horse- riding, and many kinds of running races. In one race men had to run wearing a full suit of armor!第一个有记录的奥林匹克运动会在公元前766年举行。当时只有一个比赛项目——赛跑,后来才加入了其它的项目,有赛战车、摔跤、拳击、赛马以及各种形式的赛跑。有种赛跑选手们还得穿着一整套盔甲上场!The ancient Olympic Games were held in Greece for over 1000 years. But when the Romans conquered Greece the Games were banned, and battles between slaves and animals became a more popular competition. Fifteen hundred years were to pass before the Olympics would be born again.古代奥林匹克运动会在希腊举行了1000多年。但罗马征服希腊后,运动会被禁止了,奴隶和动物之间的搏斗则成为更流行的比赛。过了1500年,奥林匹克运动会才得以重新举行。The Modern Olympic Games 现代奥林匹克运动会The modern Olympic Games were started by a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin. During his travels around the world, he noticed that many people from many different countries liked sports. So in 1894 he arranged a meeting of people from nine countries to discuss holding a sports competition for athletes from all around the world.现代奥林匹克运动会的创始人是法国男爵皮埃尔.德.顾拜旦。他在环游世界的时候发现许多国家的人都喜欢运动。于是,他于1894年召集了九国会议,商议举办一场由全世界运动员参与的运动比赛。Two years later the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, with 311 men competing. At the next Olympic Games in 1900, 19 women joined the competition.两年后,首届现代奥林匹克运动会在雅典举行,当时有311名男子运动员参加。在1900年举行的第二届奥运会有19名女运动员参加。In the century to follow, the Olympics traveled to many countries around the world, meeting many different cultures and people, facing new challenges, growing and evolving. And now they have returned to Athens, the country of their birth.在接下来的一个世纪里,奥运会在世界多个国家举行,与许多不同的文化和民族擦出火花,面对各种新的挑战、成长和发展。现在,奥运会又回到了它的发源地-——雅典。
2023-06-08 15:21:103


The Champa Flower R.Rabindranath Tagore Suppousing I became a champa flower,just for fun,and grew on a branch high up that tree,and shook in the wind with laughter and danced upon the newly budded leaves,would you know me,mother? You would call,“Baby,where are you?”and I should laugh to myself and keep quite quite. I should slyly open my petals and watch you at your work. When after your bath,with wet hair spread on your shoulders,you walked through the shadow of the champa tree to the little court where you say your prayers,you would notice the scent of the flower,but not know that it came from me. When after the midday meal you sat at the window reading Ramayana,and the tree"s shadow fell over your hair and your lap, I should fling my wee little shadow on to the page of your book,just where you were reading, But would you guess that it was the tiny shadow of your little child? When in the evening you went to the cowshed with the lighted lamp in your hand,I should suddenly drop on to the earth again and be your own baby once more,and beg you to tell me a story. “Where have you been,you naughty child?” “I won"t tell you ,mother.”that"s what you and I would say then.
2023-06-08 15:21:202


金色花 (泰戈尔)假如我变成了一朵金色花,只是为了好玩,长在那棵树的高枝上,笑哈哈地在风中摇摆,又在新生的树叶上跳舞?妈妈,你会认识我么?你要是叫道:“孩子,你在哪里呀?”我暗暗地在那里匿笑,却一声不响。我要悄悄地开放花瓣儿,看着你工作。当你沐浴后,湿发披在两肩,穿过金色花的林荫,走到你做祷告的小庭院时,你会嗅到这花的香气,却不知道这香气是从我身上来的。当你吃过中饭,坐到窗前读《罗摩衍那》,那棵树的阴影落在你头发与膝上时,我便要投我的小小的影子在你的书页上,正投在你所读的地方。但是你会猜得出这就是你的小孩子的小影子么?当你黄昏时拿了灯到牛棚里去,我便要突然地再落到地上来,又成了你的孩子,求你讲个故事给我听。“你到哪里去了,你这坏孩子?”“我不告诉你,妈妈。”这就是你同我那时所要说的话了。The Champa Flower R.Rabindranath Tagore Suppousing I became a champa flower,just for fun,and grew on a branch high up that tree,and shook in the wind with laughter and danced upon the newly budded leaves,would you know me,mother? You would call,“Baby,where are you?”and I should laugh to myself and keep quite quite. I should slyly open my petals and watch you at your work. When after your bath,with wet hair spread on your shoulders,you walked through the shadow of the champa tree to the little court where you say your prayers,you would notice the scent of the flower,but not know that it came from me. When after the midday meal you sat at the window reading Ramayana,and the tree"s shadow fell over your hair and your lap, I should fling my wee little shadow on to the page of your book,just where you were reading, But would you guess that it was the tiny shadow of your little child? When in the evening you went to the cowshed with the lighted lamp in your hand,I should suddenly drop on to the earth again and be your own baby once more,and beg you to tell me a story. “Where have you been,you naughty child?” “I won"t tell you ,mother.”that"s what you and I would say then.
2023-06-08 15:21:372

初中英语搞笑小品对话 少一点

2023-06-08 15:21:555


2023-06-08 15:22:232

求一片essay的英语文章。 ps,任何主题都可以,字数220左右。

A few years ago,my hmetown was very poor,people in my hometown livedvery hard,they couldn"t even eat enough.The houses was very old ,and the environment was serious destory,the rubbish was all over the traffic wasverypoor;so there were visitors.But now,the houses are very big and bright,many peopld have their own cars,the pollution is less and less,the environment inthe sky. water.hill is cleaner,the view is more beautiful,and thousands of visitors comehere to visit everyday.that is the changes of my hometomn. Great Changes in My Hometown I used to live in a small town with trees all around. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. Just outside the town, there was a river. You can see different kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People here lived a simple life. Great changes have taken place here. You can see tall buildings, big department stores and factories everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets. But with the development of the industry, we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious. We must do something to stop pollution and make our town even more beautiful.
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葚(shèn),裒(póu),瞽(gǔ)叟(sǒu),闵(mǐn),郯(tán),褥(rù),悯(mǐn),崔(cuī),盥(guàn),怠(dài),琅(láng)琊(yá),恣(zì),濮(pú),扼(è),庾(yǔ),涤(dí),溺(nì) 准而快的典型啊!
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2023-06-08 15:23:212


 英文的泰戈尔的《金色花》:  The Champa Flower  R.Rabindranath Tagore  Suppousing I became a champa flower,just for fun,and grew on a branch high up that tree,and shook in the wind with laughter and danced upon the newly budded leaves,would you know me,mother?  You would call,“Baby,where are you?”and I should laugh to myself and keep quite quite.  I should slyly open my petals and watch you at your work.  When after your bath,with wet hair spread on your shoulders,you walked through the shadow of the champa tree to the little court where you say your prayers,you would notice the scent of the flower,but not know that it came from me.  When after the midday meal you sat at the window reading Ramayana,and the tree"s shadow fell over your hair and your lap,I should fling my wee little shadow on to the page of your book,just where you were reading,  But would you guess that it was the tiny shadow of your little child?  When in the evening you went to the cowshed with the lighted lamp in your hand,I should suddenly drop on to the earth again and be your own baby once more,and beg you to tell me a story.  “Where have you been,you naughty child?”  “I won"t tell you ,mother.”that"s what you and I would say then.  这是全文,是一首优美的赞美母爱的诗(人教版七年级上册24课中有此诗)  中文是:  假如我变成了一朵金色花,为了好玩,  长在树的高枝上,笑嘻嘻地在空中摇摆,  又在新叶上跳舞,妈妈,你会认识我么?  你要是叫道:"孩子,你在哪里呀?"  我暗暗地在那里匿笑,却一声儿不响.  我要悄悄地开放花瓣儿,看着你工作.  当你沐浴后,湿发披在两肩,穿过金色花的林荫,  走到做祷(dǎo)告的小庭院时,你会嗅到这花香,  却不知道这香气是从我身上来的.  当你吃过午饭,坐在窗前读《罗摩衍那》,  那棵树的阴影落在你的头发与膝上时,  我便要将我小小的影子投在你的书页上,  正投在你所读的地方.  但是你会猜得出这就是你孩子的小小影子吗?  当你黄昏时拿了灯到牛棚里去,  我便要突然地再落到地上来,  又成了你的孩子,求你讲故事给我听.  "你到哪里去了,你这坏孩子?"  "我不告诉你,妈妈."  这就是你同我那时所要说的话了.
2023-06-08 15:23:291


The Champa Flower R.Rabindranath Tagore Suppousing I became a champa flower,just for fun,and grew on a branch high up that tree,and shook in the wind with laughter and danced upon the newly budded leaves,would you know me,mother? You would call,“Baby,where are you?”and I should laugh to myself and keep quite quite. I should slyly open my petals and watch you at your work. When after your bath,with wet hair spread on your shoulders,you walked through the shadow of the champa tree to the little court where you say your prayers,you would notice the scent of the flower,but not know that it came from me. When after the midday meal you sat at the window reading Ramayana,and the treeu2019s shadow fell over your hair and your lap, I should fling my wee little shadow on to the page of your book,just where you were reading, But would you guess that it was the tiny shadow of your little child? When in the evening you went to the cowshed with the lighted lamp in your hand,I should suddenly drop on to the earth again and be your own baby once more,and beg you to tell me a story. “Where have you been,you naughty child?” “I wonu2019t tell you ,mother.”thatu2019s what you and I would say then.
2023-06-08 15:23:373


2023-06-08 15:24:265

在农场用英语怎么说?可以说in the farm么,它和on the farm 有什么区别

2023-06-08 15:24:433

drive into是什么意思

2023-06-08 15:24:511

drive into是什么意思

赶进 灌入 敲入 迫使处于某种状态
2023-06-08 15:25:003


【 #英语资源# 导语】童年,是一个五彩斑斓的梦,里面都是难忘的回忆。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.童年的回忆英语作文   Childhood is a string of wind chimes, each wind chime reverberates with beautiful music; Childhood is a picture album, and there are warm memories in the funny pictures... Whenever I recall the childhood years, I always remember that.   In the winter vacation of the third grade, my father and mother went skiing in Anji County, Fuzhou City, Zhejiang Province. I was so happy that I got on the bus quickly... After a day and a night, I finally arrived. We got out of the car and bought a pair of "anti bully gloves".   After entering the site, we went up to the peak and down the mountain. "Hmm - it"s too exciting." I shouted. Who knows, when I was halfway up the mountain, my foot slipped, I fell down and ate a tasteless "ice cream". "Bah!" I coughed and slipped again. Wow! Dad is so awesome, and he has come to "drift". It"s amazing!   I was not convinced, so I got to the top again. "Go!" I shouted as I slid. Ah! I was about to bump into a little sister in front of me. In order not to hurt anyone, I tried to turn aside and fell on all fours. The skis were still stuck, which made me howl. At this time, the little sister took me up. I said "thank you" and slipped away.      This is the third time. I don"t believe it. Go! When I was near the foot of the mountain, I didn"t know what I met at the foot. Before I knew it, people flew out with the board. I felt the pain and couldn"t laugh or cry. My parents also laughed   Childhood memories, really make people feel ridiculous. 2.童年的回忆英语作文   Childhood is a sweet chocolate; Childhood is a cup of fragrant coffee; Childhood is a wonderful story. My childhood is different.   When I was four years old, I often went to the river with my grandpa to catch small fish. Each small fish swam happily in the clear water. My grandpa and I took off our shoes, pulled up our trouser legs, and stood in the water. The water was cool. Several small fish and shrimp swam past my feet and ate my feet from time to time! I giggled and almost fell into the water several times. At this time, Grandpa said, "Well, Hanhan, start catching fish!" "All right!" I answered cheerfully. There are already several fish in Grandpa"s basket. The little fish jump around like saying, "Let me out!" And my basket is empty. I cried and told my grandpa. My grandpa laughed and said, "Han Han, let me teach you!" With that, Grandpa taught me hand in hand. When I was looking at a small fish about fifteen centimeters long, Grandpa secretly put the fish he caught into my basket. I found it when the fish jumped in my basket. I looked at grandpa, and grandpa also looked at me. Grandpa"s gentle smiling face made me feel warm. When I was 6 years old, I grew vegetables in the vegetable field with my grandfather. When my grandfather watered the flowers, I caught a small snail nearby. Once I caught it, I would proudly show it to him in front of my grandfather. My grandfather would say, "Great, great!" I"ll be happy.   Now, Grandpa has left me, but I will always love him. 3.童年的回忆英语作文   Childhood is like a book, brilliant; Childhood is like a kaleidoscope, colorful; Childhood is like a painting, which has been treasured all the time.   When I was five or six years old, I still lived in my hometown. One day, my grandparents were watching a TV program. The host was introducing ginseng, saying that it had high nutritional value and high value. Although I am still young, I know what a lot of money means to my family. So I stared at the TV and found that ginseng and tree roots are very similar. I thought that ginseng is tree roots? An idea arose spontaneously. I went to dig some "ginseng" and let my grandparents sell it. They will certainly praise me.   I asked my grandfather excitedly, "Grandpa, where is the hoe?" Grandpa was excited and said, "Why do you want a hoe?" I said, "Explain later. Now tell me where the hoe is. Time is money!" Grandfather Zhang Er Monk was puzzled and said, "It"s in the attic." I flew to the attic, picked up a hoe and flew to the woods, picked up a hoe to dig.   After digging up a "ginseng" tree, I came home humming a tune. Grandpa was puzzled: "What are you doing with a tree root?" I said proudly, "What tree root? Grandpa, look! I"ve dug up the ginseng mentioned on TV!" Grandpa laughed and said, "Silly boy, this is not ginseng, it"s a tree root!" Grandma smiled too.   Childhood, is so innocent, let me feel very happy, very happy. 4.童年的回忆英语作文   The good times of childhood passed in the twinkling of an eye, and the memories of those happy times left behind are thought-provoking. At night, I stood in front of the window, staring at the quiet night sky, the starry night sky, I can only sigh!   How carefree I was in my childhood! When I was young, my friends and I played in the garden of Babao Street. When we played together, I often put a brilliant smile on my face. At that time, we had no worries and were always happy! At that time, I was most looking forward to the "June 1" Children"s Day every year.   From morning to afternoon, adults and we were busy, without stopping for a moment. We are busy rehearsing, because on the evening of Children"s Day, we will hold a small party, no matter it is windy or rainy, we will follow suit.      The night came quietly with light steps, accompanied by our songs and laughter, and our party has begun. Two humorous young hosts often made us laugh. When a program ended, we would thank him with thunderous applause. The laughter and applause of children in the whole hospital also attracted many adults to watch. When I recall my childhood, I feel happy. When I recall my childhood, I no longer feel pressure. Because childhood is a happy, happy, beautiful time, I feel very happy. How I want to recall every bit of my childhood and bring people an eternal happiness and instant thinking. 5.童年的回忆英语作文   Childhood memories are always beautiful. My childhood was spent at my grandma"s house, where the mountain is close to the river, the sky is blue as if washed by water, and the air is very fresh, so I especially like to go to grandma"s house.   I remember when I was eight years old, my grandfather and I got up at five o"clock one day. As soon as we went out, the cold wind blew towards me, making me shiver with cold. Grandfather and I went into the backyard. Grandfather led a cow out of the cowshed, tied it outside, and then rubbed the cow dung. Seeing Grandpa"s hard work, I wanted to help him, so I rubbed cow dung with him.   After rubbing the cow dung, Grandpa is doing other work. I"m a bit bored. At this time, I saw a calf eating grass with relish. I had an idea. Let"s set the calf up! I took a long rope, tied it into a sheath, and then threw it away while the calf was not paying attention. Unexpectedly, my kung fu is pretty good, and I caught the head of the calf in one fell swoop. The calf quit and went mad and dragged me into the cow dung pile. Fortunately, the cow dung was dry, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. I struggled up in the pile of cow dung with a ashen face. When I saw that I was in a mess, Grandpa laughed. He looked at the calf again and ate grass leisurely. He looked up at me from time to time as if he was laughing at me.   There were many interesting things in my childhood, like stars in the sky, but this event left the deepest impression on me. Because of my naughty, the calf gave me a "stinky" lesson, which also made me miss that carefree childhood more in the future. 6.童年的回忆英语作文   My childhood is like a beautiful landscape painting. The air is fresh and elegant like spring; As hot as summer; Like autumn, red leaves fill the sky, and the forest is full of color; It is also as white as snow in winter.   I remember one time, my grandma and I bought a big bag of black hairy crabs at RT Mart. My grandma and I got on the bus to go home. On the bus, these small things kept fighting in the bag. The black bag kept rolling on the ground, as if we were going to break the prison cage and "escape collectively". At home, Grandma poured the crab into the iron basin and covered it with an eye-catching cover. At this time, many "hook sickle guns" came out of the basin. They hooked the cover as if they were going to remove it to make a "second escape". I"ve never taken a crab before. I really want to take one.   I begged my grandmother to help me get one, and she let me take it myself, but it was not easy to pick up a crab by hand. After several attempts, I failed. Its sharp big pliers kept waving to me as if they were demonstrating to me, and its claws kept struggling. I managed to catch one, and carefully observed the big crab. Its body was not very standard round, with four long curved legs on both sides, His mouth still spits bubbles from time to time, just like a child eating bubble gum. Put it on the ground, and walk with eight legs from left to right, or from right to left. It is really a king.   Crabs are so interesting. I like small animals. I like my childhood because it brings me many beautiful memories. 7.童年的回忆英语作文   Childhood, it is like a gorgeous painting, colorful; It"s like all kinds of shells on the beach. Childhood is our best memory.   One afternoon in the third grade, I played with some friends. I don"t know who got the sweet potato from where, and put forward the suggestion of baking sweet potato. After that, everyone went to look for materials everywhere. Some people found branches, some people found rocks, and some people brought matches. I saw that everything was complete and said, "Let"s assign tasks first!" Everyone agreed. Two people were assigned to keep watch, and the rest came to bake sweet potatoes. If anyone came, we would put out the fire.   We found a shelter and built a wall with stones, put some leaves in it, inserted a long iron chisel into the sweet potato, put it in the middle of the wall, and then lit it with a match. After a while, the skin of the sweet potato was roasted black, so we took the sweet potato away and stamped out the fire with our feet. We began to enjoy a big meal. One sweet potato, peeled and ate. "How delicious!" Everyone spoke with one voice. "Well, it"s delicious. I want to bake something more." Someone suggested. "I want baked potatoes." "I want kebabs!" "I want to roast fish!" Everyone laughed. Before I knew it, it was evening. We are still immersed in joy.   Later, I learned that the baked sweet potato was still very dangerous, and we should not play with fire casually, which would lead to serious consequences. However, I will be very happy when I think about it, which will become a precious memory of my childhood. 8.童年的回忆英语作文   The mention of childhood reminds me of a happy childhood. There are many happy things in my childhood. I can"t tell which one is. It"s really countless!   When I was in kindergarten, it was a good time, fun to play, and innocent every move was free, because there was no homework, no burden, and only one happy day was the day of victory.   But there is one thing that I will never forget, which is deep in my mind. This is how it happened. On a sunny afternoon, some of our children were playing with the bouncing bed, and some of them had to play with the slide. When the children were playing happily, the aunts asked the children to go to the teacher"s room to give them apples to eat. While the children were piling up at the door, I ran to the door. When I first got to the door, a child hit the ground. He said I pushed it, but I didn"t dare to speak. I stood by and watched. The teacher surrounded him and said this, that and that. When I contacted the parents, I was so scared that I kept crying, Later things were handled by parents. 9.童年的回忆英语作文   I am eighteen years old now, but the recollection of the fun and amusement is like a sweet dream.One Sunday, our family went to climb the beautiful Shushan Hill .My father told my elder sister and me that the first one to get to the top would be given a toy. We jumped with joy. We started to run up. At first I took the lead. A few minutes later I was breathleand my sister was ahead of me. The soft masses of the waving grass, and the drowsy, balmy air all sent their warm invitation for me to rest. But I followed my thirst for the toy and continued climbing. At last I reached the top first.   There we enjoyed the fascinating view and had a piic. At about two oclock we danced our way down the hill with joy in our hearts, and I felt happier than the others because I got a toytrain. 10.童年的回忆英语作文   Childhood is like a magic bag, filled with strange things; Childhood is like a notepad, which is full of life; Childhood is like a big tree, with happy birds perched on it   When I was more than four years old, my parents let me take a bath by myself. I remember the first time that my father asked me to take a bath myself. I didn"t agree, but no matter how much I begged my parents to take a bath for me, they just didn"t agree.   I had no choice but to take off my clothes and enter the bathroom. Dad also came in, put the children"s bathtub on the ground, turned on the tap to fill it with water, and let me sit in the basin. Then he c
2023-06-08 15:25:071


   一般判断句    句型[主语+系词be+表语]   1.Knowledge is power. 2. What"s mine is yours, and what is yours is mine.   3. "Who are you?"-"It is I." 4. "Who is "I"?"-"Pinocchio."   5. He is a good eater and a good sleeper. 6. She is quite the best dancer, I know.   7. Ben"s a good runner; few seamen run better than Ben.   8. "What kind of sailor are you?" - "I"m not much of a sailor.   9. I knew I don"t express myself properly: I"m a bad hand at sentimentality.   10. Our conference has been highly successful.   11. The successful convocation of the national science conference is a matter of great joy for us.   [注1] 除了报刊标题和一些谚语格言省略系词外,一般情况下系词是不可随便省略的。汉语说"东方红",英语一定要用系词,说成 "The east is red." "他很和气。" 英语要说, "He is very kind.","你的表不对。"英语不能说 "Your watch is not correct.", 只能说 "It"s not right time by your watch."/ "Your watch does not keep good time. "他是人民的死敌。"英语说 "He is the deadly enemy of the people."   [注2] 英语中有些形容词只作表语用。常见的有:alive, alike, asleep, aware, fond, glad, faint, ill, well unwell, afraid等等。另一方面要注意,有些形容词不能作表语,只能作定语用。主要有以下几种情况:   1)固定性词组中的形容词。可说 "He is my old friend." ,不可说 "My friend is old (或new)." 可说 "He is a complete fool." ,不可说,"The fool is complete."   2)作强调语的.形容词。可说 "It is the very man." ,不可说 "The man is very." 可说 "This is the only occasion." ,不可说 "The occasion is the only."   3)起命名作用的关系形容词。可说 "He is an atomic specialist." ,不可说 "The specialist is atomic." 可说 "This is a woolen dress." ,不可说 "The dress is woolen."    句型[主语+mean+宾语或状语]   1.Science means honest, solid knowledge. 2. Difficulties and hardships meant nothing to them.   3. Environment means much to a child. 4. Your friendship means a great deal to me.   [注] 除be, mean系词外还有become, make, grow, remain, feel, sound, smell, taste, prove, look, get, go, come, keep等。He has become a communist. She will make a very good athlete. Nurtured by the Party, he has grown into a good cadre    句型[主语+call/name+宾语+宾语补足语] [主语+be +called/named+主语补足语]   1.An Englishman calls himself young at fifty. 2. He called his mother "old girl", too.   3. We all call him Iron Ox. 4. We named him John. 5. He is called by the name of Paul.   6. This place is rightly called an earthly paradise. 7. He was named after his uncle.    句型[主语+regard等+宾语+as+宾语补足语]   1.I regard him as a noble man. 2. We regarded it as an honor.   3. Don"t treat comrades as enemies. 4. We look on our job as an honor.   5. We look upon our youth as the future of our motherland.   6. He is honored as a model worker. 7. People respected him as a great poet.   8. This room serves as the office. 9. They disguised themselves as Marxists.    强调判断    句型[主语+be+no other than/none but+表语(强调内容)]   1.This is no other than my old friend, John.   2.The tall figure that I saw no/none other than our commander.   3.The man standing before him was none other than the Party branch secretary.   4.Our Party"s Policy of cadres is to appoint none but people on their merit.   [注] 类似的说法还有 nobody else, "Is that you, Bumble?" -"Nobody else." Answered Mr. Bumble.    句型[主语+be+nothing+ (else) but/ else than/ less than+表语]   1.Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 2. Hitler was nothing but a paper tiger.   3. The situation is nothing else but (than) fine. 4. That"s nothing less than a miracle.   5. What he told you was nothing else than nonsense.   6. His failure was due to nothing else than his own carelessness.   7. What we expected is nothing less than a technical revolution.   [注] 相当于本句型的否定说法是 "…be anything but…", 译作"决不是",如:   He is anything but a coward. (=He is not a coward at all.)    句型[It is/was+强调部分+that/who+从句]   1.It is political consciousness that gives vigor to his writings.   2.It was owing to the victory of the revolutionary war of 1776 led by Washington that the American people won independence. 3. It was after liberation that we led a happy life.   4. It was in Beijing that I met him for the first time.   [注] 除了以上句型表示强调外,还可以用以下方式来表达:   1)用very, only, certainly, of course,to be sure等词语加强语气,如:   That"s the very thing I need. The report is certainly false. He is, no doubt, a good pupil.   2) 用 "from first to last", "out and out" (多用于反面), "through and through" (多用于正面)等成语加强语气,如:It is a delusion from first to last… He is a traitor out and out. He is a revolutionary through and through.   3) 用准系词remain, continue等,如:Gold remains gold in the furnace of history and dross remains dross.   4) 有时用 "…be neither more nor less than…", (不多不少,十足) 如:It is neither more nor less than a lie.    弱势判断句    句型[主语+seem等感觉动词+表语]   1.My companion looked ashamed. "Well," he said, "you were right…"   2.The situation seemed quite encouraging. 3. Your sentence doesn"t sound right.   4. She appeared quite touched at the words. 5. It tastes sweet.   6. The country seemed to be going to the dogs. War with the South or secession was vaguely looking in the distance.    句型[主句+as if/as though+从句(主语+虚拟式谓语)]   1.You spoke as if you had been here before. 2. I feel as if I were ten years younger.   3. It almost seemed as if the good man were trying to teach us all he knew at this last lesson.   4. …his exposed throat looked as if a halter would have done it good.   [注] 在as if 后面可以直接跟不定式,这是一种间缩的用法,如:He opened his lips as if to say something.   其次,在as if后面的谓语动词也有人用现在时的,如:It looks as if our side is (或were) going to win.    句型[主语+may (+not)+be+表语+虚拟式谓语)][Perhaps等副词+主语+谓语+其他]   1.It may (not) be true. 2. "This fellow" he thought, "may not be a scamp…"   3.What month is this?-Maybe it"s July. 4. Perhaps you are right.   5. Perhaps she is ill. 6. It will probably be fine tomorrow. 7. Possibly it is true.    句型[主语+ be+it is said,/as it were,等+表语]   1.she is, it is said (或they say), the best pupil in the class.   2.People in that village, it is said (或they say), are all kind-hearted.   3.He is not equal to the task, as it were. 4. He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.   5. With the illiterate audience, he felt himself as it were casting pearls before swine.   6. It isn"t a very good suggestion, to say the least of it.   [注] 有两个词组容易与as it were混淆,就是as it is, as it was。这两个词组必须用在和它们的时态一致的句中。意思是"照现在的样子","照当时的样子",但都引申译为"事实上",如:It is impossible to carry out the plan as it is.    句型[主语+ be+ said to be/so-called/, what is called,+表语]   1.He is said to be an excellent Chinese scholar. 2. This is said to be the finest park in shanghai.   3.That is so-called civilized world. That is so-called naturalism.   4.He is what is called, a poet. He is, what is called, a living dictionary.    注释判断句    句型[被说明的部分,+that is (i.e.),/that is to say,/namely (viz),/in other words+说明部分 ]   1.Mr. Green came to see me not long ago, that is, only last week.   2.We-that is to say, John and I-intend to resign.   3.Rules of grammar cannot be profitably studied in the abstract-that is to say, without examples.   4.He is an outstanding specialist, that is to say, he is both red and expert.   5.We have five senses, namely, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.   6.A man should never be shamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.   7.I do not know Mr. Flynn, i.e., do not know him well enough to say if he is absolutely reliable.    句型[被说明的部分,+to be more exact,/or more correctly,/or rather+说明部分]   1.Three weeks tomorrow, to be more exact (or more correctly), the 10th of May is my birthday.   2.This is a pillar, or more correctly, a column. 3. It is a hut or, to be more exact, a cowshed.   4. His theory, or rather, hypothesis, was not unobjectionable.   5. We got home late last night, or rather, early this morning.    正反判断句    句型[主语+be+not+表语A,+ but+表语B]/[主语+be+表语B+and (或but) not+表语A]   1.I am very ill, not bodily, but mentally.   2.What I admire in Columbus is not his having discovered a world, but his having gone to search for it on the faith of an opinion.   3.The tragedy is not in not knowing, but in not knowing that you don"t know.   4.The Marxist-Leninist theory is not a dogma, but a guide to action.   5.He is an ordinary worker, and not a cadre.   6.It is yours, and not mine. (=it is not mine, but yours.)    句型[(It is) not…that (who)…, but…that (who)…]   1.(It is) Not that I dislike the work, but that I have no time.   2.Not that we are afraid of difficulties, but that they are afraid of us.   3.It is not heroes that make history, but history that makes heroes, and that, consequently, it is not heroes who create people, but the people who create heroes and move history onward.    句型[So far from being+表语,主语+谓语+其他]   1.So far from being a help, he was hindrance. 2. So far from being true, the news is false.   3. So far from being ashamed of it, he glories in it.   [注] 在一般陈述句中仅用far from也可以表示一正一反的意义, 如: Far from praising him, I must positively blame him.    句型[主语+seem等感觉动词+表语,+ but+in reality/ in fact/ in essence+…]   1.That sounds all right, but in reality it is not.   2.This may seem a bad thing, but in reality it is a good thing   3.He looks ignorant, but in fact he is very clever.   4.The two things though similar in form are different in essence.   5.He appears to be well, but really he is rather ill.   6.He thinks himself as wise as Solomon, but in reality he is a complete fool.   [注] instead of可以用来表示正反判断,如:We must work hard instead of spending our time idly.    比较判断句    句型[主语+be+less表语A+than+表语B]/ [主语+be+more表语B+than+表语A]   1.Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul.   2.It is even more a picture than a poem. 3. He is more shy than (he is) unsocial.   4. A river that carries so much silt per cubic meter (590 kilograms-over half a ton) is more like liquid land than water   [注1] more后面如果跟形容词,形容词要用原级,如:(正)He was more angry than frightened.   (误) He was more angrier than frightened. (误) He was angrier than frightened.   [注2] 成语 "more dead than alive" (劳累已极、累得要死) 是一种夸张的说法,原意是"与其说还活着,不如说是死了。"如:"Oliver, more dead than alive, could answer "Yes".    句型[主语+be+表语B+rather than+表语A]   1.He is an ordinary worker rather than a cadre. 2. He is rather diligent than clever.   3. The patient was worse rather than better. 4. He is an artist rather than a philosopher.    句型[主语+be+not so much+表语A+as+表语B]   1.He is not so much a scholar as a writer. (not so much…as =less…than)   2.It is not so much the being exempt from faults, as having overcome them, that is an advantage to us.   3.It is not so much advice as approval that he seeks.   [注] 该句型也常用于行为动词作谓语的句子中。如:A man"s worth lies not so much in what he has as in what he is.   The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.    互斥判断句    句型主语+be+(either)表语A+or+表语B]/[(Either)主语A+or+主语B +be+表语]   1.He or you are mistaken. You or he is mistaken.   2.He is at the office or at the workshop. 3. Either your brakes or your eyesight is at fault.   4. It is wrong to regard our work either as totally good or as completely bad.   5. Either he is right or I am. (=Either he or I am right.)   [注] 该句型可以采用简易方式:"If it is not…it is…" 如:if it is not taking the socialist road, it is taking the capitalist road.
2023-06-08 15:25:141


FlowerPluck this little flower and take it, delay not! I fear lest it droop and drop into the dust. I may not find a place in thy garland, but honour it with a touch of pain from thy hand and pluck it. I fear lest the day end before I am aware, and the time of offering go by. Though its colour be not deep and its smell be faint, use this flower in thy service and pluck it while there is time. Rabindranath Tagore
2023-06-08 15:25:222


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undiminished undistinguished unearthed unembellished unenriched unestablished unfinished unfished unfurnished ungarnished unhatched unhitched unlashed unlatched unleashed unmatched unmeshed unpolished unpublished unpunished unravished unreached unretouched unrushed unscathed unsheathed unshed unsmoothed unstitched unswathed untarnished untouched unvanquished unvarnished unwashed unwished unwreathed upreached uprushed vanished vanquished varnished verandahed vouched wampished washed watched watershed weighed welched welshed wenched whipstitched whished whitewashed whooshed widemouthed winched wished witched withed woodshed woolshed wooshed worthed wrathed wreathed wrenched wretched writhed zorched
2023-06-08 15:25:302

2023-06-08 15:25:372

cow barn什么意思及同义词

cow barn 牛棚n. a barn for cows; cowbarn, cowshed, cowhouse, byre
2023-06-08 15:25:551


牛 拼音: niú , 笔划: 4部首: 牛 五笔输入法: rhk | 有关牛的谜语 | 有关牛的歇后语 | 有关牛的汉字演变基本解释:牛 niú 哺乳动物,趾端有蹄,头上长一对角,是反刍类动物,力量很大,能耕田拉车,肉和奶可食,角、皮、骨可作器物:牛刀小试(喻有很大的本领,先在小事情上施展一下)。牛黄。牛角。 星名,二十八宿之:牛斗(指牛宿和斗宿二星)。 喻固执或骄傲:牛气。 姓。 笔画数:4; 部首:牛; 笔顺编号:3112 详细解释:牛 niú 【名】 (象形。甲骨文字形作“牜”。中间一竖表示牛面,上面两竖加弯表牛角,下面两小撇表示牛耳) 牛属或近缘属的成员。哺乳动物,体型粗壮,角中空,由头骨向两侧呈大弧度伸出。力大,能耕田、拉车。中国产的以黄牛、水牛为主〖ox;cattle〗 牛,大牲也。——《说文》 坤为子母牛。——《易·说卦》 纯离为牛。——《左传·昭公五年》 东邻杀牛。——《礼记·坊记》 牛曰太牢。——《大戴礼记·曾子天圆》 牛田牧田。——《周礼·载师》。司农注:“牛田以养公家之牛。” 风吹草低见牛羊。——《乐府诗集·敕勒歌》 系向牛头充炭直。——唐·白居易《卖炭翁》 不数岁,田百顷,楼阁万椽,牛羊蹄躈各千计。——《聊斋志异·促织》 又如:耕牛(耕地用的牛);牛酒(牛和酒);牛旄(即旄牛尾);牛性(牛的本性);牛埭(用牛力拉船过堰);牛领(牛的脖子);牛具(耕牛和农具);牛刀(宰牛的刀。常比喻大材器);牛蓑(牛衣。泛指蓑衣);牛骥同皂(牛与千里马同槽而食。喻愚贤不明;牛骥共牢);牛后(牛的肛门。比喻从属地位);牛眠地(合适的坟地) 星名。牛宿的省称〖Sagitturius〗 吴之未灭也,斗、牛之间常有紫气。——《晋书·张华传》 姓 牛 niú 【形】 比喻性格执拗或倔犟〖stubbornness;obstinacy〗。如:牛心左性(头脑顽固,性情偏执);牛劲。也喻其温顺、迟钝、笨拙、力气大。如:笨牛;大牛 牛蒡 niúbàng 〖greatburdock〗草本植物,二年生。叶有长柄,心形互生,背面有毛,开淡紫色管状花,根多肉。根与种子可入药,具清热解毒的作用,根与嫩叶可做为蔬菜食用 牛鼻子 niúbízi 〖noseofanox〗 牛的鼻子, 比喻事物的主要矛盾或影响全局的关键 〖(formerly)oldTaoist〗∶旧时称道士,含讥讽的意味(因道士所梳高髻状若牛鼻) 牛鞭 niúbiān 〖pizzle〗公牛阴茎 牛车 niúchē 〖oxwagon〗∶由牛拉的重车 〖rut;ruth;bullock(ox)cart〗∶用牛拉的车辆 牛刀小试 niúdāo-xiǎoshì 〖amasterhand"sfirstsmalldisplay;needlesswasteofenergy〗比喻有大本事的人先在小事情上略显身手。也说“小试牛刀” 牛痘 niúdòu 〖cowpox〗牛的一种良性疹性传染病,人类感染此病(通过接种牛痘或自然感染)可以预防天花牛犊,牛犊儿,牛犊子 niúdú,niúdúr,niúdúzi 〖bobbycalf;bobby〗小牛,乳牛 牛顿 Niúdùn 〖Newton,SirIsaac〗(1642.12.25—1727.3.20)英国物理学家和数学家 〖Newton〗米-千克-秒制中力的单位,1牛顿等于对1千克质量产生1米/秒2加速度的力 牛轭 niú"è 〖yoke〗给(牲畜)在脖子上配大小适当的颈箍以防走脱 牛粪 niúfèn 〖cowdung〗牛的排泄物 我妈天天一大早就去收牛粪 牛倌,牛倌儿 niúguān,niúguānr 〖herdsman〗专管养牛的人 牛鬼蛇神 niúguǐ-shéshén 〖badelements〗牛头的鬼,蛇身的神。原指虚幻怪诞,后比喻形形色色的丑恶东西或坏人 牛黄 niúhuáng 〖bezoar〗在消化器官(牛及某些反刍类的消化器官)中发现的各种结石,可用作药物或颜料 牛角 niújiǎo 〖oxhorn〗牛的角,也指用其做成的号角 牛角尖,牛角尖儿 niújiǎojiān,niújiǎojiānr 〖aninsignificantorinsolubleproblem〗比喻不值得研究的或无法解决的问题 钻牛角尖 牛劲 niújìn 〖greatstrength〗∶很大的力气 办成这事可不易,费牛劲了 〖stubbornness〗∶牛脾气 犯牛劲 牛栏 niúlán 〖cowpen〗∶指牛棚旁边或四周的围栏 〖oxer〗∶防止牛通过的牛栏,一边用护栏挡住,其他几边是二、三英尺宽的隔离沟 〖cattlepen〗∶关牛的圈 爷爷王先之天天扫牛栏 牛郎织女 niúláng-zhīnǚ 〖thecowherdinthelegend“theCowherdandtheGirlWeaver”〗比喻夫妇分居两地 牛马 niúmǎ 〖oxenandhorses-beastsofburden〗比喻做苦工的人 牛毛 niúmáo 〖oxhair〗牛身上的毛。形容细而稠密 牛毛细雨 牛毛雨 niúmáoyǔ 〖drizzle〗细而密的小雨 牛虻 niúmáng 〖gadfly〗咬或骚扰牲畜的任何一种虻。身体长椭圆形,有灰黑黄褐等色,胸部和腹部有花纹 牛奶 niúnǎi 〖milk〗母牛的乳腺分泌出的白色或略带黄色的流汁,用来哺育它们的幼畜,其中含有成为悬浮状的各种不同比例的脂肪、蛋白质、糖和无机盐 牛腩 niúnǎn 〖sirloin〗[方言]∶牛肚子上和近肋骨处的松软肌肉,也指用它做成的菜肴 牛排 niúpái 〖steak〗大而厚的牛肉片,也指用它做成的菜肴 牛棚 niúpéng 〖cowshed〗原为饲养牛的棚子。中国“文革”时常指羁押受害者的地方,因这些人被诬称“牛鬼蛇神”,故名 牛皮 niúpí 〖cowhide〗∶牛的皮。比喻物品柔软而有韧性 〖brag〗∶指虚套的话 牛皮大王 牛皮匠 niúpíjiàng 〖phrasemonger〗比喻靠吹牛说大话起家的人 我这里不要“左撇子”和“牛皮匠” 牛皮癣 niúpíxuǎn 〖psoriasis〗一种慢性皮肤病,其特点为盖有白色鳞屑的局限性红斑、奇痒 牛皮纸 niúpízhǐ 〖kraft〗由硫酸盐纸浆制成的一种强韧纸张(大部分是褐色包装纸和纸袋纸)或纸板 牛脾气 niúpíqi 〖obstinacy〗固执倔强的脾气;犟脾气 牛气 niúqì 〖arrogance〗[方言]∶形容骄傲自大的神气 牛肉 niúròu 〖beef〗阉牛、奶牛或其它成年牛宰杀后供食用的肉 牛溲马勃 niúsōu-mǎbó 〖sth.cheapbutuseful〗牛溲是牛尿,马勃是一种菌类,都可做药用。比喻虽然微贱但是有用的东西 牛头刨床 niútóubàochuáng 〖shapingmachine〗一种刨床,利用往复运动的刀具切割已固定在机床工作平台上的工件(一般用来加工较小工件)。机床的刀架状似牛头,故名 牛头不对马嘴 niútóubùduìmǎzuǐ 〖incongruous〗比喻答非所问或事物两下不符 牛头马面 niútóu-mǎmiàn 〖ox-headedandhorse-faceddemonsinHades〗指在迷信传说中,阎王手下的两个鬼卒,一个长着牛头,一个长着马头,比喻不好看 牛膝 niúxī 〖achyranthesroot〗多年生草本植物,茎方形,节大,叶子对生,椭圆形,穗状花序,花绿色,果实椭圆形。根可入药,有利尿和通经作用 牛性 niúxìng 〖obstinacy〗固热倔强的性情 牛鞅,牛鞅子 niúyàng,niúyàngzi 〖yoke〗牛拉东西时用的器具,架在牛脖子上 牛衣 niúyī 〖cattleclothing〗用麻或草织的给牛保暖的护被 牛衣古柳卖黄瓜。——宋·苏轼《浣溪沙》 牛脂 niúzhī 〖tallow〗炼过的牛油,纯时色白几乎无味,在40°C以上的脂酸冻点测定比一般油脂为硬,由各种脂肪酸的甘油酯组成,这些脂肪酸中有很大比例的棕榈酸和硬脂酸,主要用于制造肥皂、甘油、人造黄油、蜡烛和润滑剂 牛仔 niúzǎi 〖cowboy〗∶通常指骑马放牧的牛场牧人 牛仔裤;牛仔帽;牛仔服 〖calf〗∶家牛的仔 牛仔裤 niúzǎikù 〖jeans〗通常由斜纹布或斜纹粗棉布做的工作或运动时穿用的裤子;任何质地的瘦腿紧身裤 牛仔裤 niúzǎikù 〖levis〗蓝色粗斜纹布厚裤子,在张力点上用铜铆钉加固,裤腿紧裹在腿上
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牛棚的解释[cowshed] 原为饲养牛的棚子。 中国 文革时常指羁押受害者的地方,因这些人被诬称牛鬼蛇神,故名 详细解释 牛栏。“ 文化 大革命 ”中被引申为关押所谓“牛鬼蛇神”的地方。 蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记》 :“自从十多年前在‘牛棚"里一咬牙戒了烟,从未开过戒。” 巴金 《迎接 社会 主义文艺的春天》 :“我 虽然 被 诬蔑 为‘牛鬼蛇神"、‘反动 权威 "待在‘牛棚",经常给揪出去批斗,但我却没有被逮捕。” 词语分解 牛的解释 牛 ú 哺乳 动物 ,趾端有蹄,头上长一对角,是反刍类动物,力量很大,能耕田拉车,肉和奶可食,角、皮、骨可作器物:牛刀小试(喻有很大的 本领 ,先在小事情上施展一下)。牛黄。牛角。 星名,二十八宿之:牛斗(指 棚的解释 棚 é 用竹木搭成架子,上面覆盖席、布等做成的 遮蔽 风雨日光的 东西 或 简陋 的小屋:天棚。帐棚。窝棚。棚车。 部首 :木。
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涤dí 涤的中文解释 以下结果由汉典提供词典解释 部首笔画部首:氵 部外笔画:7 总笔画:10五笔86:ITSY 五笔98:ITSY 仓颉:EHED笔顺编号:4413541234 四角号码:37194 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+6DA4基本字义1. 洗:洗~。~濯。~除。~荡。~瑕荡秽。 2. 古代指养祭牲的房子。 3. 古代指音乐节奏急速。详细字义〈动〉1. (形声。从水,条声。本义:洗) 2. 同本义 [wash;clense]涤,洒也。——《说文》射人宿视涤。——《仪礼·大射仪》水曰清涤。——《礼记·曲礼》及执事,视涤濯。——《周礼·太宰》 3. 又如:涤篆(洗印。用以检查印是否有缺陷);涤濯(洗涤);涤耳(洗耳) 4. 除,清除 [clear away]进明德而崇业,涤饕餮之贪欲。——张衡《东京赋》 5. 又如:涤瑕(洗除瑕疵。有改过迁善之意);涤地无类(荡涤无遗。形容清除得彻底) 6. 打扫 [wipe]十月涤场。——《诗·豳风·七月》 7. 又如:涤场(打扫场地)〈名〉1. 涤宫,古代宫中饲养祭祀牲畜的房子 [cowshed]古者帝牛必在涤三月,以致严洁。——《续资治通鉴》常用词组1. 涤荡 dídàng(1) [wash away]∶冲洗;清除涤荡污泥浊水 (2) [clean up]∶扫清,扫尽(如政治上的腐败或组织上的弊病)涤荡剥削阶级遗留下来的污泥浊水 2. 涤涤 dídí[dry-up],形容草枯水干,山川荡然无存的样子 3. 涤纶 dílún[dacron;polyester fibre] 被制成长丝状和纤维状的聚酯纤维,弹性大为其特征,常与其他种类的纤维(如羊毛)混纺,可制的确良、或制造绝缘材料、渔网、绳索等 4. 涤棉布 dímiánbù[cotten-dacron textile] 棉的确良的俗称,是绦纶与棉的混纺织物的统称 5. 涤除 díchú[wash away] 为除去某种外部物质(如灰垢、肥皂沫、化学药物等)而冲洗涤除污垢 6. 涤瑕荡秽 díxiá-dànghuì[mend one"s way] 瑕:玉上的斑点。洗涤荡除污秽。于是百姓涤瑕荡秽,而镜至清。——汉· 班固《东都赋》
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2023-06-08 15:26:342

儿童朗诵诗歌 长一点的四分钟左右

儿童朗诵诗歌 长一点的四分钟左右 芬芳的校园 家乡是山水的家乡 流传着太白吻月 仙人牧羊 我们的学校 就在长江边上 执着的浪涛 催我们奋进 伴我们成长 一年级的时候 爸爸送我进了校门 一再叮嘱 要好好学习 天天向上 啊 这就是我上学的地方 两幢楼房 像亲热的兄弟俩 树荫成行 教室宽敞、漂亮 爸爸走了 不时地回头张望 是担心我吗—— 可爸爸的目光中 充满寻觅 还带着一丝惆怅 原来 这里也是爸爸 儿时的学堂 那时的学堂咋样 我爸爸说 土打地基黑砖墙 伸手一摸到房梁 我爸爸说 不通电线不通水 打铃用锤敲铁轨 我爸爸说 冬天窗蒙塑料布 闭着眼睛做算术 我爸爸说 雨后操场成泥浆 十个太阳晒不干 不说了 不说了 那时的苦难和辛酸 已被改革的春潮卷走 三十年风雨 因为整整一代人的付出 我们迎来了 生活的富足 伴着欢快的乐曲 我们走进校园 充实而愉快的一天开始了 美术课上 教育局刚分来的专业老师 教我们水彩、素描 还带我们到校外写生 用画笔记下生活的变化 用心灵感悟生活的美好 我喜欢上体育课 去年分来的体育老师 他跳得好高 我喜欢上音乐课 刚分来的女老师 她的歌声真美妙 上课了 上课了 这节是信息课 计算机教育从娃娃抓起 农村孩子也爱上了电脑 语文、数学不再枯燥 多媒体走进了乡间课堂 老师们都说 新的教育理念 才是制胜的法宝 变化每天都在发生 仿佛神七的速度 让世人瞩目 “又好又快新跨越 率先全面达小康” 春潮漫过的江东热土 已成就文明之都 春潮漫过的江东热土啊 您的儿女 为您骄傲 为您欢呼 初中英语朗诵诗歌(1分钟左右) 英文的泰戈尔的《金色花》怎样? The Champa Flower R.Rabindranath Tagore Suppousing I became a champa flower,just for fun,and grew on a branch high up that tree,and shook in the wind with laughter and danced upon the newly budded leaves,would you know me,mother? You would call,“Baby,where are you?”and I should laugh to myself and keep quite quite. I should slyly open my petals and watch you at your work. When after your bath,with wet hair spread on your shoulders,you walked through the shadow of the champa tree to the little court where you say your prayers,you would notice the scent of the flower,but not know that it came from me. When after the midday meal you sat at the window reading Ramayana,and the tree"s shadow fell over your hair and your lap, I should fling my wee little shadow on to the page of your book,just where you were reading, But would you guess that it was the tiny shadow of your little child? When in the evening you went to the cowshed with the lighted lamp in your hand,I should suddenly drop on to the earth again and be your own baby once more,and beg you to tell me a story. “Where have you been,you naughty child?” “I won"t tell you ,mother.”that"s what you and I would say then. 这是全文,是一首优美的赞美母爱的诗(人教版七年级上册24课中有此诗) 中文是: 假如我变成了一朵金色花,为了好玩, 长在树的高枝上,笑嘻嘻地在空中摇摆, 又在新叶上跳舞,妈妈,你会认识我么? 你要是叫道:"孩子,你在哪里呀?" 我暗暗地在那里匿笑,却一声儿不响。 我要悄悄地开放花瓣儿,看着你工作。 当你沐浴后,湿发披在两肩,穿过金色花的林荫, 走到做祷(dǎo)告的小庭院时,你会嗅到这花香, 却不知道这香气是从我身上来的。 当你吃过午饭,坐在窗前读《罗摩衍那》, 那棵树的阴影落在你的头发与膝上时, 我便要将我小小的影子投在你的书页上, 正投在你所读的地方。 但是你会猜得出这就是你孩子的小小影子吗? 当你黄昏时拿了灯到牛棚里去, 我便要突然地再落到地上来, 又成了你的孩子,求你讲故事给我听。 "你到哪里去了,你这坏孩子?" "我不告诉你,妈妈。" 这就是你同我那时所要说的话了。 儿童朗诵诗歌5一7岁 1.春鸟 春鸟是金嗓子的好伙伴 每天一大早 就把我从梦中唤醒 妈妈说春鸟是在召唤我 她要我和她一道到大森林里去 倾听大自然动人的合唱 3.石榴 石榴花开了 是夏姑姑扎上了 鲜艳的蝴蝶结 石榴果熟了 是秋妈妈在摇着 收获的红铃 4.草帽 草帽上的小洞洞 是我给阳光 开的一扇扇门 你看 阳光钻下来了 他们调皮地踩着我的影子 我的影子上留下了他们的脚印 6.渔火 夜静悄悄的 河水 是一个乖孩子 听月亮妈妈的话 睡觉了 渔夫点亮了渔火 河水 就像睁开了眼睛 在说着梦话 7.小童话 邵燕祥 在云彩的南面, 那遥远的地方, 有一群树叶说: 我们想像花一样开放。 有一群花朵说: 我们想像鸟一样飞翔。 有一群孔雀说: 我么想像树一样成长。 10. 天和海 天在头上顶, 海在脚下踩, 我把它两个, 拉着连起来。 不信远处看, 你能分出: 哪是天, 哪是海? 英语朗诵诗歌带有哲学的 时间四分钟 <I am Afraid> "You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows. This is why I am afraid,because you say that you love me too." —William Shakespeare <I am Afraid> 4 分钟太长了 慢慢抻悠吧 适合女生朗诵诗歌的纯音乐四分钟以内,急求! 白昼之夜 一人静 相约卡农 儿童朗诵诗歌大全草稿,要两分钟内 星星小夜曲理查德.克莱德曼小猫白天不睡觉理查德.克莱德曼圣诞老人到镇来理查德.克莱得曼妙音鸟神思者小燕子张毅 四分钟关于母爱的儿童心心诗歌朗诵 《母亲的赞歌》 在漆黑的夜空中 挂着一轮圆月 银光洒满了大地 在月下 一间屋子里还亮着灯火 在灯光下 有一个娇小的身影 还在忙碌着 她就是我的母亲 现在已经很晚了 在她旁边的我 早已甜甜的进入梦乡 我的母亲 这日日夜夜没完没了的操劳 让原本瘦小的您 饱受煎熬。 13年了 您抱怨过吗? 没有 您在一天天的衰老 而我却在您温暖的臂弯下 一天天的成长 一年年的操劳 一年年的风雨 掩盖了您那青春的容貌 在您那原本白皙的脸上 显露的不是那青春的微笑 而是那一条条叫人看了心碎的皱纹 在这世界里 只有您一个人深深的爱着我 假如我向全世界高呼一声 “妈妈” 在密集的人群中 只有一个细小而坚强的声音回答 在过去的日子里 我后悔 后悔我没有醒悟母爱的崇高与神圣 记得好几次 我深深的伤害了妈妈的心 在这个特殊的日子 我对母亲献上一句轻声的问候 “妈妈,您还好吗?祝您生日快乐” 同样 在这个特殊的日子里 儿女们牵手 一起唱歌 奏响那催人泪下的旋律 唱响那母亲的赞歌 找朗诵诗歌,慷慨激昂的现代诗,5分钟左右 推荐二首比较适合朗诵的诗歌,读起来朗朗上口,意境优美: 《青春好喜欢》 黄昏落燕,江南正炊烟向晚 风牵扯晚霞挤进了人家,在你之前 三月里你来的唐突,令我寝食难安 阳春与白雪,灵气的偶合源于天然 气质是磁铁,你亦牵引所有流转的醉眼 俗世凡尘,特立独行散在你身上是新鲜 出水芙蓉,以如天使光临人间 天然去雕,你的洒脱无人阻拦 情意难舍,日后哪里再克隆你的善缘 喜欢绝非一时兴起,你怪我敷衍 你说爱要花光所有的力量,马首是瞻 输于信赖,你将我的海誓山盟统统谪贬 亲爱的,我笃定我和你不相关 各安天涯之前,请多赠我些时间 红豆几颗如你红颜,教我相思如何消减 你挑衅说,我亦真亦假惯于疯癫 傻丫头,你窃取了我旧时的风范 这样的青春,好喜欢 《爱的繁华》 你说你是飘摇在世界的一朵花 我疲惫的流浪者疯狂到欲将你摘下 你用转嫁文字和韵脚诗的谎话阻挡我的步伐 窗外的绿树红花努力开放了一整夏 曾飞舞的翅膀何时来采撷一场繁华 寂寞到红装欲要都卸下 完成二十岁的最后一个夏 停在你始终称赞我天才的一句神话 鼓励我许多年做自己观众的虚假 用辗转到他城的方法忽略掉对你的牵挂 探路时也会和陌生人搭一句话 却根本戒不掉因你而起的惩罚 原来爱要苦痛挣扎才参悟到你有多伟大 而那时我早已流落至云外天涯 回想当初的一句气话悔到无法自拔 在某个雨后的茫茫海天里有彩虹落下 我许愿哪怕一辈子沉默也还爱她 你是开在我灵魂世界里永不凋零的花 关于祖国的朗诵诗歌三分钟。少一点的字 习习的秋风啊!吹着,吹着! 我要赞美我祖国的花 我要赞美我如花的祖国! 请将我的字吹成一簇鲜花, 金底黄,玉底白,春酿底绿,秋山底紫, ……然后又统统吹散, 吹得落英缤纷,弥漫了高天,铺遍了大地! 朗诵诗歌,一分钟的题材! 舒婷的《神女峰》 用“故乡的原风景”配乐不错 原文:神女峰 舒婷 在向你挥舞的各色花帕中 是谁的手突然收回 紧紧捂住了自己的眼睛 当人们四散而去,谁 还站在船尾 衣群漫飞,如翻涌不息的云 江涛 高一声 低一声 美丽的梦流下美丽的忧伤 人间天上,代代相传 但是,心 真能变成石头吗 为眺望远天的杳鹤 错过无数次春江月明 沿着江岸 金光菊和女贞子的洪流 正煽动新的背叛 与其在悬崖上展览千年 不如在爱人肩头痛哭一晚 笑纳……
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题库内容:牛棚的解释[cowshed] 原为饲养牛的棚子。 中国 文革时常指羁押受害者的地方,因这些人被诬称牛鬼蛇神,故名 详细解释 牛栏。“ 文化 大革命 ”中被引申为关押所谓“牛鬼蛇神”的地方。 蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记》 :“自从十多年前在‘牛棚"里一咬牙戒了烟,从未开过戒。” 巴金 《迎接 社会 主义文艺的春天》 :“我 虽然 被 诬蔑 为‘牛鬼蛇神"、‘反动 权威 "待在‘牛棚",经常给揪出去批斗,但我却没有被逮捕。” 词语分解 牛的解释 牛 ú 哺乳 动物 ,趾端有蹄,头上长一对角,是反刍类动物,力量很大,能耕田拉车,肉和奶可食,角、皮、骨可作器物:牛刀小试(喻有很大的 本领 ,先在小事情上施展一下)。牛黄。牛角。 星名,二十八宿之:牛斗(指 棚的解释 棚 é 用竹木搭成架子,上面覆盖席、布等做成的 遮蔽 风雨日光的 东西 或 简陋 的小屋:天棚。帐棚。窝棚。棚车。 部首 :木。
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