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2023-06-09 08:20:05

from the above mentioned




This paper is drafted from the above mentioned background.



Apart from the above mentioned profitability analysis and solvency analysis, investors should make further analysis Using the following ratios.







2023-06-08 15:18:112

language often seems so skillfully drafted 这句子为什么有两个动词?

2023-06-08 15:18:373


Independence Day (Independence Day) is one of the main statutory holiday, the date of July 4th each year to commemorate the July 4, 1776 Continental Congress formally adopted in Philadelphia, "the Declaration of Independence." "Declaration of Independence" drafted by Thomas Jefferson, July 4, 1776 by the Continental Congress adopted the revised special committees by the Continental Congress John Hancock signed. "Declaration of Independence" explicitly states that all men are created equal, with the pursuit of happiness and freedom of the natural rights; most to enumerate the British colonialists in the crimes committed by the American continent; final solemn declaration
2023-06-08 15:19:313


2023-06-08 15:19:503

什么是kick-off meeting

2023-06-08 15:20:233


  特点是指人或事物所具有的特别或特殊之处。那么你知道特点用英语怎么说吗?接下来和我一起来学习一下吧。   特点的英语说法1:   characteristic   特点的英语说法2:   feature   特点的英语说法3:   peculiarity   特点相关英语表达:   特点空间 features space;   特点向量 features vector;   特点选择 features selection   主要特点 Main features   结构特点 structure characteristic   特点的英语例句:   1. The most arresting feature is the painted wall decoration.   最醒目的特点是绘有图画的墙面装饰。   2. The main characteristic of the strike has been its longevity.   这次罢工的主要特点是持续时间长。   3. The adaptability of wool is one of its great attractions.   用途广泛是羊毛最具吸引力的特点之一。   4. Individuality is a valued and inherent part of the British character.   个性鲜明是英国人固有的、也是他们看重的特点。   5. The saddles feature a reflective trim for night time visibility.   这些车座的特点是带有在夜间可视的反光镶边。   6. Chronic fatigue is also one of the salient features of depression.   慢性疲劳也是抑郁症的显著特点之一。   7. The style is marked by simplicity, clarity, and candor.   这种风格的特点是简洁、清楚、直截了当。   8. This election campaign has been characterized by violence.   暴力行为已成为这次竞选活动的一大特点。   9. Peacekeeping, by its nature, makes pre-planning difficult.   维和行动本身的特点决定了预先制订计划很困难。   10. He has a distinctively sinuous way of walking.   他走路扭来扭去,很有特点。   11. Each case is judged on its merits.   每个案件都是按照案件本身的特点判定的。   12. The report was redrafted to remove gender-specific language.   重新起草这个 报告 ,删除带有性别特点的语言。   13. The room still has many of its original features.   房间还保留着当初的许多特点。   14. the cultural peculiarities of the English   英国人的 文化 特点   15. Exquisite workmanship is the outstanding characteristic of these artistic handwork"s.   工艺精美是这些工艺品的突出特点.
2023-06-08 15:20:291


  often有经常;时常;屡次等意思,那么你知道often的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    often的用法大全:   often的用法1:often的基本意思是“常常,经常”,主要修饰动词,也可修饰其他副词或形容词,指某件事情在不同场合下屡次发生,具体的时间意味不强。有时often还表示“在许多场合下”。可用于一般时态,也可用于完成体。   often的用法2:often一般位于实义动词之前,而位于to be、情态动词或(第一个)助动词之后。有时为了加强语气, often也可以放在系动词之前,此时作谓语的系动词要重读。   often的用法3:often有时也可放在句末。如果句子相当短,可将often放在句末,为了加强语气或对比,有时可以移至句首,这时常常引起主谓倒装(非正式语体中也可不倒装)。   often的用法4:用于疑问句或否定句中, often可以用作表语。   often的用法5:often在用于询问“隔多长时间一次”或“多少次”时,常用于how often短语。    often的用法例句:   1. Early American weathervanes were most often cut from flat wooden boards.   美国早期的风向标大多截自平直的木板。   2. Students often travel hundreds of miles to get here.   学生常常赶数百英里的路来到这里。   3. If a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often.   婴儿要是渴了,就会吃得更频繁。   4. All too often they become enmeshed in deadening routines.   他们时常陷入枯燥的日常事务之中。   5. The manifesto is long-winded, repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted.   这份声明冗长繁复,多处存在歧义或行文拙劣。   6. He was often caustic and mocking, or flew into rages.   他常常讽刺或挖苦人,有时又会大发雷霆。   7. These expressions are often used interchangeably, but they do have different meanings.   这些表达方式经常相互替代使用,但它们的含义却有所不同。   8. The family was often in flight, hiding out in friends" houses.   这一家人常常东躲西藏,在朋友家里避风头。   9. Like their children, parents are often defensive about their private lives.   就像子女一样,父母也常常很注重保护他们的私生活。   10. Eczema is a common skin complaint which often runs in families.   湿疹是一种常见的皮肤病,通常具遗传性。   11. Lucilla often asks her sisters to retell the story.   露西拉经常要姐姐们把这个故事反复讲给她听。   12. Teachers often view youth workers as undisciplined and ineffectual.   老师们常认为青少年工作者纪律性差且能力低下。   13. Books are often stacked in higgledy-piggledy piles on the floor.   书本经常乱七八糟地堆在地板上。   14. In the past this process of transition has often proven difficult.   过去这一过渡过程常常很艰难。   15. He didn"t always win the arguments, but he often was right.   他并非在争辩中总是能赢,但他经常是对的。
2023-06-08 15:20:361


  我认为北海道的秋天在十月份全部将尽的时候,将展现其独特的一面.下面我为大家带来秋天的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   秋天的英语意思   autumn   秋天的相关英语例句   1. Two thousand grey seal pups are born there every autumn.   那里每年秋天有2,000头灰色小海豹出生。   2. We plan to release a prototype this autumn for trial in hospitals.   我们计划今年秋天在各医院推出一个模型进行试验。   3. As autumn approached, the plants and colours in the garden changed.   秋天临近,花园中的草木和颜色也发生了变化。   4. The court case got under way last autumn.   这个案子从去年秋天起开始审理。   5. We are always plagued by wasps in autumn.   每年秋天,我们这里总是黄蜂成灾。   6. It was autumn, and leaves were fluttering down in the light wind.   现在是秋天, 树叶在微风中飘落下来.   7. Autumn starts in August, and goes on to October.   秋天从八月开始, 一直持续到十月.   8. The bushes may have died back in this cold autumn.   在这寒冷的秋天,灌木可能会枯死.   9. He was drafted last autumn by the Detroit Lions.   他去年秋天被底特律雄狮队选作队员了.   10. These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall.   这些鸟春天向北迁徙,秋天向南迁徙.   11. The bracken was turning to the dusky gold of a fine autumn.   欧洲蕨在晴朗的秋天正变为暗金色.   12. Her contract is coming up for renewal in the autumn.   她的合同秋天就应该续签了.   13. What I like best is the autumn in Beijing.   我最喜欢的是北京的秋天.   14. In the autumn I rake up the dead leaves.   秋天我把死叶耙拢.   15. A fur coat has more utility in winter than in autumn.   毛皮外衣在冬天比在秋天更有用.   秋天的英文例句   我喜欢收集秋天赤褐色的叶子。   I like to collect russet autumn leaves.   九月的天气确秋像实天了。   The weather in September was positively autumnal.   今天的天气已露出了一丝秋天的气息。   There is a breath of autumn in the air today.   在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。   I feel a little cool in the autumnal night.   秋天的寒意到处感觉得到。   The chill of autumn is in the air.   秋天即将来临,伴随冷冷秋风迎来了斗狗的“赛季”。对你这种比赛你是什么态度?   A coming autumn will bring a season of dog fighting together with cold weather.   当秋天来到的时候叶子都变黄了。   When autumn comes leaves turn yellow.   秋天,这座看上去很美。   In autumn the mountain looks beautiful.   秋天是人们压榨成熟的葡萄的时候。   Autumn is for stamping on ripe grapes.   秋天的双语例句   树叶在秋天变黄。   Leaves turn in autumn.   到了秋天,白天开始渐渐短起来。   In autumn the days begin to draw in.   他们每年秋天都做蜜饯水果。   They candy fruit in autumn every year.   秋天,树叶纷纷从树上掉下来。   Leaves fall off the trees in the autumn.   第二窝小猪到了秋天就可以当肥小猪卖掉。   Second litters can be put off in autumn as porkers.   秋天她将回到家里。   She"ll be home by autumn.   为什么我喜欢在秋天跑步?   Why do I love running in the autumn?   在秋天,我收集起我的一切烦恼,把它们埋在我的花园里。   In the autumn I gathered all my sorrows and buried them in my garden.   我们开始于21个月前深冬,不会结束在今年的这个秋天的夜晚结束。   What began 21 months ago in the depths of winter cannot end on this autumn night.   欧林:最后,你愿意和我的读者分享你在今年秋天将要发行的小说都有那些令人兴奋的东西吗,或者有他们有什么渠道可以看到?   Ollin: Finally, would you like to share with my readers all the exciting stuff going on with yourfiction this fall, and how they can check it out?
2023-06-08 15:20:431


2023-06-08 15:20:502


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 1. _______ energy under the earth must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake. A. Accumulated B. Gathered C. Assembled D. Collected 2. She was plaining that the doctor was _____ too much for the treatment he was giving her. A. expending B. offering C. costing D. charging3. Many birds ______ warning calls at the approach of danger. A. utter B. shout C. alter D. endure 4. Once environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the system to ________. A. recall B. recover C. reward D. remind 5. The president promised to keep all the board members ____ of how the negotiations were going on. A. inform B. informing C. be informed D. informed 6. Eating too much fat can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A. attribute to B. attend to C. contribute to D. devote to 7. He ______ to pay the money back in six months. A. overtook B. undertook C. mistook D. assumed 8. You can"t ____ the weather being fine tomorrow. A. count in B. count out C. count up D. count on 9. The soldier was ____ of running away when the enemy attacked. A. scolded B. charged C. accused D. punished 10. On seeing the damage he had done, the child felt _________. A. shameful B. ashamed C. shameless D. shame 11. She devoted to her life to the ____ of pleasure. A. pursuit B. purchase C. proposal D. promotion 12. Without proper lessons, you could ______ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano. A. keep up B. catch up C. pick up D. draw up 13. The mittee ______ that the new legislation should be drafted. A. propelled B. proposed C. profited D. protested 14. The experts were employed to ______ the flooded paintings. A. maintain B. mend C. patch D. restore 15. It has been revealed that some government leaders ______ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves. A. employ B. take C. abuse D. overlook 16. The floor cannot ______ the weight of a piano. A. retain B. sustain C. maintain D. remain 17. Nobody should ________ a chance like that! A. pass on B. pass away C. pass by D. pass up 18. David _____ his pany"s success to the unity of all the staff and their hard work. A. attributed B. contributed C. distributed D. substituted 19. India ______ tea and cotton to many different countries. A. manufactures B. purchases C. exchanges D. exports 解析: 1。a 积聚的 2。d 收费 3。a 发出 4。b 恢复 5。c 知情,了解 6。c 导致 7。b 承诺,保证 8。d 指望,依靠 9。c 指控 10。b 惭愧的,羞耻的 11。a 追求 12。c 获得,养成 13。b 提议 14。d 恢复,复原 15。c 滥用 16。b 支撑,承受 17。d 拒绝 18。a 归因于 19。d 出口
2023-06-08 15:21:121

washington英文 人物介绍

George Washington (February 22, 1732u2013December 14, 1799) commanded the American colonies" Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War (1775u20131783), and was the first President of the United States, from 1789 to 1797. Because of his central role in the founding of the United States, Washington is often called the "Father of his Country". His devotion to republicanism and civic virtue made him an exemplary figure among early American politicians.Washington had command experience during the French and Indian War (1754u20131763). Due to this experience, his military bearing, his dramatic charisma, and his political base in Virginia, the Second Continental Congress chose him as commander-in-chief of the American forces. He scored a victory by forcing the British out of Boston in 1776, but later that year was badly defeated and nearly captured as he lost New York City. By crossing the Delaware and defeating enemy units in New Jersey in the dead of winter he revived the Patriot cause. As a result of his strategic oversight, Revolutionary forces captured the two main British combat armies, first at Saratoga in 1777 and then at Yorktown in 1781. He handled relations with the states and their militias, worked with Congress to supply and recruit the Continental army, dealt with disputing generals and colonels, and came to personally represent the military prowess of the new nation. Negotiating with Congress, the states, and French allies, he held together a fragile army and a fragile nation.He retired to his plantation on Mount Vernon, an exemplar of the republican ideal of citizen leadership rejecting any sort of strong-man rule. Alarmed at the weaknesses of the new nation, he presided over the Constitutional Convention that drafted the stronger United States Constitution in 1787.In 1789 Washington became President and created a system of cabinet government that marked a sharp departure from parliament. He established many of the customs and usages of the new government, all of whose leaders he selected. He sought to create a great nation capable of surviving in a world torn by war between Britain and France. He supported Alexander Hamilton"s plans to build a strong central government through funding of all the state and national debts, an effective tax system, and creation of a national bank. When rebels in Pennsylvania defied Federal authority, he rode at the head of the army to quiet the Whiskey rebellion. He avoided war and started a decade of peace with Britain with the Jay Treaty in 1795 and used his popularity to get it ratified over intense opposition from the Jeffersonians. Although he never officially joined the Federalist Party, he supported its programs and was their hero. He set the norm that no president should serve more than two terms, retiring to his Virginia plantation in 1797. His Farewell address was a primer regarding republican virtue and a warning against involvement in European wars. As the symbol of republicanism he embodied American values and across the world was seen as the symbol of the new nation. Scholars rank him among the three greatest presidents.
2023-06-08 15:21:222


英文广告词,附带翻译的,谢谢………… 不明白你的意思。 一个大家熟悉的钻石广告:A diamond is forever.钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。 NBA新广告everybody up的英文广告词 的全文翻译 "Alright, ya"ll. This is a roll call. Let me see you, Big City, Live City, Rip City, Mexico City, China. London. "Where you at, dude with all the hats? Dude with the hair cut. Dude with the beard (James Harden). All you baby sizes. Shag sizes. No, really — Shaq sizes (as we see a shot of Shaquille O"Neal dancing with Jabbawockeez during his introduction at the 2009 All-Star Game)." NBA fans then get their turn. "Let me see you fantasy owners, eeters, blog readers. Gamers. Game-timers. Let me see you floor seats (we get a shot of Griffen diving into the crowd), family seats, your momma"s seats (as Durant kisses him mom), best seats in the house. "Let"s see you legends (Larry Bird and Magic Johnosn), coaches, trainers. You too, rookie (Derek Fisher). Both of you (Steve Kerr). Pick No. 1 (Andrew Wiggins). Pick No. 2 (Jabari Parker). Pick No. 28 (Tony Parker, who was drafted by the Spurs in 2001). Pick of the Year." Then we see James being introduced with his new Cavaliers teammates. "Ha, that"s gonna be fun. Let"s see you dancers, ring leaders, real leaders (a shot of military personnel). Guy ing off the bench. Guy leaving the bench behind. Passers. Dunkers. Blockers Buzzer-beaters. Contenders. Championship defenders. It"s tip-off time, ya"ll. Everybody up!" 求:罗斯英文广告词和它的翻译。(This is true)这个 I admit, I"m not the best, but alsonot so great. I will not boast, do not want to give orders. I is not a savior, at least not yet .butstep by step ... 李宁那个广告埃文特纳的那个,广告词是什么。 英文带翻译的来 My dear enemies, the stronger you"re, the better I bee, don"t let me down. 中文翻译:我亲爱的敌人们,你们是我变得更强,别让我失望 广告词,for that mysterious look , 和 for silky skin,的翻译,谢谢 为了那神秘的形象,为了丝滑的肌肤 把鸡做成一句英文广告词翻译成中文 eat 吃 我要把“在哪儿都有战斗”翻译成一句英文广告词,请各位大虾谁能帮我翻译得响亮点,是广告词哦,谢谢! go everywhere,fight everywhere 有谁能提供俄文广告带中文翻译的呀 谢谢啦 中文这里有10来条,其他待翻译: 求幻灯花歌词 附带中文翻译的 谢谢 《无名之花》 隐藏在心中的思念谁能告知。 天空的颜色泛紫 我如此伤心难过 眼泪流个不停 好想好想见你啊 眺望着晚霞 被花所感染,恋人快乐的声音再也不见 想你想了一千年,却连一夜的梦都做不到 在黄昏中暗自绽放 无名的花啊 凋零的日子再也不会到来 这样的爱 只是你的气息香让我明白 水中月的痕迹不停摇晃,那是爱的身影 如此伤心难过 眼泪流个不停 好想好想见你啊 在晚霞映照下惊呆了 在黄昏中暗自绽放 无名的花啊 凋零的日子再也不会到来 这样的爱。 正确率不能保证…… 出售雨伞的英文广告词 塑料伞头plastic / 透明塑胶伞头clarity plastic / clarity plastic seeper case / plastic in silver / animal figure plastic / plastic flashlight 闪光灯/ wooden / animal figure wooden /橡胶伞头 latex / 条纹橡胶伞头rubber with white stripe / EVA soft /直头straight /弯头 curved handle /铝弯头aluminium curved handle /clamp handle / rattan curved handle 藤条弯把/ plastic oblate handle flat push-in ferrule in silver 扁圆手把带有金属环/ 伞架: hexagon chromeplated metal shaft & zincification ribs + self tips hexagon chromeplated metal shft & aluminium fluted ribs +white FRP + metal tips hexagon chromeplated metal shaft & nickel-plate ribs +metal tips hexagon chromeplated metal shaft & black ribs chromeplated metal shaft & zincification fluted / round ribs + self tips chromeplated metal shaft & nickel-plate ribs + self tips chromeplated metal shaft & reverse nickel-plate frame & self tips chromeplated metal shaft & zinc fluted ribs +safety runner 安全式 chrometplated steel shaft & steel ribs in white /alloy metal cap chrometplated metal shaft & white FRP ribs chrometplated metal shaft & aluminium fluted ribs & white FRP + metal tips aluminium shaft a& aluminium fluted / round ribs +white FRP aluminium shaft & black metal fluted ribs aluminium shaft & metal fluted ribs titanium-aluminium shaft & fluted ribs +white FRP FRP shaft & ribs Black metal shaft & fluted ribs Black metal shaft & ribs Wooden shaft & black fluted ribs Wooden shaft & black plastic point / zincification fluted ribs White powder coated metal shaft & ribs Metal shaft + red plastic point & fluted ribs Gilt aluminium shaft with scrimshaw arork & nickel-plated fluted ribs 镀金铝中棒 Gilt aluminium shaft & gilt metal fluted ribs 伞布: 190T nylon printed / solid / solid nylon fabric in silver / lattice / full printed chromatic stripe fabric 190T nylon fabric canopy with piping 烫花on the dege of the panels & tie strap 190T white nylon fabric pouch+purfle pearls on the edge of the cover & tie strap & pouch 190T white nylon fabric cover with blue piping + imprinted blue reseau 网格+ self fabric pouch 190T / 170T polyester printd / solid / lattice 190T polyester fabric canopy + overhand the edge of the panels & tie strap PG fabric with self fabric pouch PG fabric +self fabric pouch+ purfle pearls on the edge of the cover & tie strap & pouch T/C fabric canopy+ purfle 花边on the edge of the panels
2023-06-08 15:21:411

求个大神翻译下wilfred owen的诗disabled

2023-06-08 15:21:492


问题一:演讲稿的英文怎么说? I rerwote my speech draft just yesterday. speech script 通常指演讲提纲,因为演讲者为了效果生动,经常会脱稿发挥,因此 speech script 提供了大概段落,论据等,但又有一定的自由发挥空间。 完整的演讲稿则用 speech draft,通常在演讲完成后传发给媒体的稿件就是用 speech draft。 不过要提醒一下,演讲顾名思意要有“演”有“讲”,因为要面对攻下的观/听众,所以最忌照稿宣读。 问题二:“演讲稿” 英文翻译 演讲稿撰写人:speechwriter Don"t strain after effects! Read the speech naturally. 别做作!读讲稿时自然点! Draft a speech. 拟一份演讲稿 a writer who poses speeches for others to deliver. 为别人写演讲稿的人。 Bat out a speech; bat out dance music. 草草撰写演讲稿;赶写一首舞曲 He 亥amped up some lectures out of old notes. 他用一些旧笔记拼凑成几篇演讲稿。 She made three different drafts of her speech before she had it in final form. 她起草了3篇不同的演讲稿,最后才定稿。 The speaker has to ad- lib his speech when his papers suddenly blow off the podium. 当演讲稿突然掉下台时,演讲者不得不现编词。 问题三:"发言稿" 用英文怎么说? 那个讲演的人不时地看发言稿。 The speaker often referred to his notes. 我不准备发言稿,我将即兴发言。 I won"t prepare a speech:I"ll talk off the cuff. 要求打字员迅速地打出一份清楚的发言稿来。 The typist was asked to bang out a fair copy of the speech. 校长坐在桌旁反复推敲明天的发言稿,直到午夜。 The president sat at his desk till midnight hammering out his speech for the next day. 因时间有限,我10分钟内便草拟了一份发言稿。 Since time is limited,I drafted out my speech in10minutes. 约翰把发言稿写好了。但是他想在演讲之前把它再润色一下。 John has the speech written but he wants to polish it up a bit before he delivers. 拟一份演讲稿 draft a speech. 拟一份演讲稿 Draft a speech. 写演讲稿[诗] indite a speech [ poem ] 草草撰写演讲稿;赶写一首舞曲 bat out a speech; bat out dance music. 草草撰写演讲稿;赶写一首舞曲 Bat out a speech;bat out dance music. 他用一些旧笔记拼凑成几篇演讲稿。 He vamped up some lectures out of old notes. 她起草了3篇不同的演讲稿,最后才定稿。 She made three different drafts of her speech before she had it in final form. 他反复练习背诵他的演讲稿,背得滚瓜烂熟,一字不漏。 He practiced saying his speech over until he was letter - perfect. 总统向他的一些朋友读了那份演讲稿,他们说这是个蹩脚的报告(约翰P.罗奇) The President had read the speech to some of his friends and they told him it was a dog(John P. Roche) 他坐在书桌前干到深夜,撰写第二天要用的演说稿。 He sat at his desk till midnight hammering out his speech for the next day. 问题四:发言稿用英语怎么说 发言稿 基本翻译 the text of a statement or speech 一个单词,就用speech 问题五:演讲用英语怎么说 演讲: 名词:speech give a speech 做演讲 动词:speak speak English 讲英语 问题六:英语演讲稿开头和结尾 开头:Good morning everybody!It"s my honor to speak here,and I am very glad to share my topic with you. Then today I"d like to talk something about......(大家早上好!能在这里做此次演讲我十分荣幸,也很高兴能跟大家一起分享我的主题,今天我想演讲的是......) 结尾:OK,t抚ank you for listening,that"s all.(好了,谢谢各位的聆听,我的演讲结束了。)我参加过很多英语比赛,而这个是比较常用的,也能体现出你的修养,可以试试看哦~e on! 问题七:怎样写出一篇好的英语演讲稿,有什么要求吗? 5分 无论在学习还是工作中,我们都会接触或用到各类英语演讲,小到课堂作业和工作汇报,大到会议发言和职位竞选。那么如何才能打造一篇精彩的英语演讲稿呢?下面笔者就以乔布斯2005年斯坦福大学毕业演讲稿为范本来具体剖析一下英语演讲稿的写作要点,帮助大家了解其基本写作要领。 结构清楚,逻辑清晰 由于公共演讲的听众一般有数十人甚至数百、数千人,再加上演讲环境的不确定性(比如观众的欢呼或者抱怨),演讲者最好在进入主题之后马上给出所讲内容的框架结构,使听众能跟随演讲者的思路,更好地预判整个演讲内容,以达到良好的演讲效果。比如,乔布斯在2005年斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的演讲中,开篇稍微寒暄之后就进入正题:“Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That"s it. No big deal. Just three stories.”听众马上能对演讲内容做出预判――今天会听到乔布斯谈三点,然后他们会关注具体是哪三点。这种演讲就具备了“以观众为中心”的特质。乔布斯在随后的演讲中分别提到,The first story is about connecting the dots.My second story is about love and loss.My third story is about death.由于演讲思路非常明晰,听众在听完之后也会记忆犹新。 当然,演讲稿在结构方面的逻辑顺序有许多种,乔布斯的这篇演讲是按照话题顺序和时间顺序来安排的。除此之外,还有空间顺序,“提出问题――分析问题――解决问题”的顺序等。大家可以根据不同演讲内容的需要来安排自己演讲稿的逻辑顺序和整体结构。 开篇出彩,吸引听众 演讲稿的开篇往往需要花费大量的功夫去设计。在写作开篇时,演讲者需要结合听众特点、演讲场合和演讲主题等因素,争取在一开始就紧紧抓住听众的注意力和兴趣。下面笔者就介绍一下基本的演讲开篇模式,供大家以后写作演讲稿参考。 演讲稿开篇的目的是吸引听众。乔布斯在他的演讲稿开篇使用的是“关联话题与听众”的方式。这是一种比较有效的方法,因为人们一般对自己的事情都很关注,和自己相关的事情也会格外留意。乔布斯在演讲开篇说道:I am honored to be with you today for your mencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college. And this is the closest I"ve ever gotten to a college graduation.高度赞美斯坦福大学――这就是在与听众发生关联。乔布斯就是通过这种方式让听众一开始就对自己产生好感或对自己的演讲内容产生兴趣。当然,乔布斯还用了适当的幽默,更好地融洽了与听众的关系。 除了乔布斯的这种开篇方式外,我们还需要了解和掌握其他一些开篇方式:①指出演讲话题的重要性。比如要做一场关于“英语演讲的艺术”的演讲,演讲者在一开始就可以指出该演讲对于听众今后的学习、工作将会有很大帮助,甚至可以给出一些数据和实例,让听众明白不听这个演讲将会是一个损失,这样听众就会乐于认真听演讲了。②使听众感到震惊。例如要做一场关于“生活方式与疾病”的演讲,开篇就可以......>> 问题八:“演讲稿”用英文怎么说? (speech) 叮cript ______________________ 本人国外生活5年精通英语。请楼住分清中国英语与欧洲英语。 问题九:“演讲比赛”用英语怎么说? Speech Contest 如英语演讲比赛:English Speech Contest 如今也常用:English-speaking川Contest/petition
2023-06-08 15:22:101


waste time
2023-06-08 15:22:194


Stranger than Fiction is a 2006 American comedy-drama-fantasy film directed by Marc Forster, written by Zach Helm, and starring Will Ferrell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman, Queen Latifah, and Emma Thompson. The main plot follows Harold Crick (portrayed by Ferrell), an uptight tax official who lives an almost parodist life by his watch until he hears a disembodied voice narrating events as they happen. He consults a literature professor who begins analysing the text, checking off genres and archetypes, and having him look for clues as to whether his story might be comedic or tragic. The film was shot on location in Chicago, and has been praised for its innovative, intelligent story and fine performances.PlotHarold Crick (Will Ferrell) is an auditor for the Internal Revenue Service, living his entire life based on the timing of his wristwatch. He is given the job to audit an intentionally tax-delinquent baker, Ana Pascal (Maggie Gyllenhaal) to whom he is awkwardly attracted. On the same day, he begins hearing the voice of a woman that is omnisciently narrating the events in his life, but he is unable to communicate with the voice. On his way home, Harold"s watch stops working and he resets it using the time given by a bystander; the voice narrates "little did he know that this simple, seemingly innocuous act would result in his imminent death". Worried over this prediction, Harold turns to a psychiatrist (Linda Hunt) who attributes the voice to schizophrenia; though they also consider that if it is not schizophrenia and there really is a narrator, he should then visit an expert in literature. Crick visits Jules Hilbert (Dustin Hoffman), a university literature professor, and relates his story. Jules first comes to the same conclusion as the psychiatrist, as Harold"s dull life is not something commonly seen in novels. However, Jules then recognizes aspects of a literary work in Harold"s story ("little did he know"), and encourages him to help identify the author, first by determining if the work is a comedy or a tragedy.As Harold proceeds to audit Ana, the two begin to fall for each other, but when Harold refuses to accept cookies that Ana made for him on the grounds that they could be viewed as a bribe, Ana angrily tells him to leave, making Harold believe the story is a tragedy. On the advice of Jules, Harold spends the next day at home to try to control his own destiny and stop the plot of the book by doing absolutely nothing, but his apartment is partially demolished by a wrecking crew mistaking the building for an abandoned one. Jules then believes that since Harold cannot control the plot that has been set for him, he should accept that he will die and enjoy whatever time he has left to the fullest. Harold takes this to heart: he takes an extended vacation from work, develops his friendship with his co-worker Dave (Tony Hale), fulfills his dream of learning to play the guitar and starts to see Ana on a regular basis. Harold believes he may have mistaken his story and now reassesses it as a comedy. When he returns to Jules with this revelation, Harold inadvertently identifies the voice in his head from a television interview as noted author Karen (Kay) Eiffel (Emma Thompson). Jules, an admirer of Eiffel"s work, reveals that every book she has written is about the main character"s tragic death.Karen has been struggling from writer"s block for years and is currently researching numerous ways to have Crick die. Her publisher has sent an assistant, Penny (Queen Latifah), to make sure the book gets completed. Harold finds Eiffel through her tax records. When Karen learns that Harold is a real person and has experienced everything she"s written, she is horrified by the thought that all of her previous books may have also resulted in the deaths of real people. She tells Harold she has finally written a draft of the ending and his death, but has not typed it up yet, since all the events in the book become true when she strikes the full stop key. Penny suggests Harold read the book and the drafted ending to get his opinion. Harold is unable to bring himself to read it and gives the manuscript to Jules to review. Jules confirms its excellence, labeling it one of the most impressive works in English literature, and makes clear that Harold"s death is integral to its genius. Though Harold is deeply distressed over his fate, Jules comforts him by stating the inevitability of death: this one death, at least, will have a deeper meaning by completing the book. Harold reads the manuscript himself over the course of a day; he returns the manuscript to Karen, telling her the death she has written for him is "beautiful" and that she should keep it as it is. Accepting his fate, he spends one last night with Ana.The next day Harold prepares to return to work after his vacation, despite Karen"s voice narrating the fateful day as she types up her planned ending. Because Harold"s watch is three minutes fast (owing to the imprecise time given to him when he reset his watch) he arrives at the bus stop early, and watches as a young boy on a bicycle rides in front of the arriving bus but falls. Karen continues to write, narrating as Harold leaps from the curb and pushes the child out of the way, saving the boy at the cost of being struck by the bus, however Karen is unable to complete the sentence confirming Harold"s death. Harold wakes up to find himself in a hospital, severely injured but alive, Ana by his side. He learns that fragments of his wristwatch helped to block the right ulnar artery in his body after the collision, preventing him from bleeding to death. When Jules reads Karen"s final manuscript, he notes that the story is weaker without Harold"s death. Karen admits the flaw, although she points out that the story was meant to be about a man that dies unexpectedly; with Harold knowingly and willingly sacrificing himself, the story would have lost its tragic impact. In place of Harold, his wristwatch—anthropomorphized throughout most of the film—is now the character who died tragically.
2023-06-08 15:22:381


仔细看,这可是全英文的------------------------------------------------Forrest Gump(Comedy/Drama) (1994)"Life is like a box of chocolates: You never know what you"re going to get."Major Characters:Forrest Gump...................Tom Hanks A somewhat slow (not smart) person, who happens to be incredibly kind, decent, and over the course of his life, quite lucky.Jenny..........................Robin Wright Forrest"s most important friend from early childhood, who remains his friend for over 35 years despite the very different lives that they will lead. Mama Gump......................Sally Field Forrest"s loving mother who will do all she can to give Forrest a good life despite his lack of intelligence.Lieutenant Dan..................Gary Siniese An army officer that Forrest meets while serving in the Vietnam war, who eventually becomes a loyal friend of Forrest (A "Lieutenant" is a mid-level rank in the army). Bubba...........................Mykelti Williamson A poor black solider, and another friend that Forrest makes in Vietnam.Plot SummaryForrest Gump is the story of an incredibly kind and gentle person who is also what some people might call "mildly retarded." It"s true that he is not too smart, but he is very fortunate, because he has a mother and friend who love him dearly. Forrest is born and raised in rural Alabama, in the Southern United States. He grows up with his mother, who rents out rooms in the family house to people traveling through the area.Despite his lack of sophistication, and the fact that he was raised far from any major cities, Forrest manages to become personally involved in most of the critical events that take place in American History from the late 1950s until the early 1980s. This includes the Vietnam War, the Watergate Scandal, the Civil Rights and Anti-Vietnam War protest movements, and the Computer Revolution. Forrest even meets three American Presidents as well as Elvis Presley and John Lennon. In a way, this movie is a look at a period of American history through the eyes of a gentle soul who lacks cynicism, but simply accepts things for what they are. Ultimately, it is about the relationships that Forrest develops through his life. With his mother, who will do anything for him, with his two best friends from his days in the army, Bubba and Lieutenant Dan, and most of all, with Jenny, his true childhood sweetheart. Jenny experiences the changes in American culture from a totally different perspective than Forrest, eventually joining the various protest movements and subcultures of the 1960s and 70s. But in the end, she is faithful to her childhood friend, whose sincerity, kindness and loyalty she would find in no other person. A special note on language usage: Since much of the movie is narrated by Forrest, you should be careful to not internalize the ungrammatical aspects of his personal way of speaking. Aside from the obvious use of "double-negatives," Forrest also tends to conjugate the past tense of "to be" incorrectly, saying "we was" instead of "we were."Words and Expressions that You may not KnowForrest Arrives in town to see Jenny, and soon tells he story of his early life to anyone who happens to be on the bus stop bench...I"ll bet you can walk all day in shoes like that and never feel anything. A common way to say "I"m sure that..."His back is as crooked as a politician. A good play on words: "Crooked" can mean marked by bends or curves, but it also means corrupt and dishonest.They were in the Ku Klux Klan. They dressed up like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. The "KKK" is an infamous group of violent racists that has existed in the United States since the 1860s. A "Spook" is a ghost. What are you all staring at? In the Southern United States, "you all" operates as a form of "you," but note that it is always pronounced "ya"all."He has braces on his legs. A clamp or brace that hold two or more pieces together.Green Bough, Alabama The County and State where Forrest grew up. States are divided into counties, though most people aren"t particularly aware of them. Alabama is in the "deep South" of the United States.Mama decided to let those rooms out. A rather British way to say "rent out."Your boy is different: His IQ is 75. "Intelligence Quotient," which is the standard test to measure a person"s intelligence. An IQ of 100 is considered normal, which means that Forrest has an IQ which may be close to "retarded," or as some people say in the 1990"s, "mentally challenged."He might be a bit on the slow side. "He might be a little dumb."He"s not going to a special school to retread tires! A "tread" is the outer covering of a tire, and thus to "retread a tire" is to put a new covering on the tire.Your mama sure does care about your schooling. "Mama" is often used for mom, or mother, but outside of the South, it is usually used only by children. "Schooling" can be an alternative word for education.Me and mama was on our own. "We had to be responsible for ourselves, since no one else would take care of us."There were always folks coming and going. "Folks" is a very Southern way to say people. It can also mean parents.Suitcases, hot cases, sample cases. Different types of cases that Forrest discovers exist. A "sample case" may be a small box for jewelry or some other product for sale, but I"m not sure if there really is such a thing as a "hot case."He had him a guitar case. Ungrammatical Southern English: Note the use of the object pronoun "him" after the verb "had." Avoid this grammatical construction, which is used quite a bit throughout the movie.That"s not for children"s eyes. Mama"s poetic way of saying "children are too young to see this."It must be hard being a king. Elvis Presley became famous as "The King of Rock"n"Roll."On the way to school, Forrest meets the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, or ever would.Mama said to not to be taking rides from strangers. An important noun, and the one you use when you want a friend to drive you somewhere: "Can I get a ride?" (You"re fluent now, so stop saying "Can I go in the car with you?"!) It"s funny what a young man recollects. A somewhat fancy word for "remember."My first outdoor picnic. A meal prepared to eat outside, often in a park.My legs are just fine and dandy. A curious and somewhat old-fashioned expression meaning good, or well."Stupid is as stupid does." An expression that became famous because of this movie. I think this is mama"s way of saying "Just because you look stupid, you"re not stupid unless you do stupid things." A great thing to say the next time your boyfriend calls you an idiot. Or maybe not.We was like peas and carrots. Forrest"s way of saying "we went together well, and became best friends."I showed her how to dangle. An interesting little verb meaning to hang loosely, or swing gently back and forth. Children will dangle from a swing on a tree branch, but also note that a plan may dangle, until somebody takes action.Forrest runs from the local bullies, and soon learns he can run like the wind...Hey dummy! An insult word meaning dumb or stupid.I could run like the wind blows. A poetic expression, usually said without the verb to blow.That boy sure is a running fool. A "fool" can be somebody who is considered dumb, or it can be someone who was made to look ridiculous in a particular situation.Her mama had gone to heaven when I was five. Forrest"s only way to say that somebody has died.You better get back here, girl. I put this here simply to tell you that "better" is the only word in English that functions as both an adverb ("I play better than you") and an auxiliary verb (as in the sentence above). Shocking, but true!Jenny would sneak out and come to my house. "To sneak out" is a useful phrasal verb meaning to leave secretly. Note that the past tense is "snuck out."Let"s move it! A common alternative to "Let"s go!" Often said by a person with power or authority, such as a teacher or coach.It used to be I ran to get where I was going; I never thought it would take me anywhere. ---Forrest"s philosophy of lifeWho in the hell is that? A common addition to "Wh questions" to show added emotion such as surprise or anger, but the "in" is usually not used.Just a local idiot. A funny way to say "a moron who lives around here."He must be the stupidest son of a bitch alive! Usually used as a crude insult to describe a mean or unpleasant person, but here it"s almost used as a term of pity.While in collage, Forrest finds himself involved in a world going through great social changes, as Jenny prepares to follow her dreams.Federal troops [are] enforcing a court order. Reference to the incident in 1962, when President Kennedy ordered the US army to force the authorities of Alabama to allow two black students into the University of Alabama. A judge had ordered the admission of black students, and because of resistance in the South to such orders, the President had to use army soldiers to make sure that the order was obeyed.Coons, Niggers. Very crude racist insults referring to blacks. (I think "coon" was short for the animal "raccoon.")The Commander of the National Guard and Governor Wallace. Wallace was the racist Governor of Alabama in 1962 who refused to obey the courts because he insisted the blacks must not be allowed to go to a State University with whites. The "National Guard" are soldiers under the command of individual Governors of the 50 states who are used in times of civil unrest (riots). However, in 1962, President Kennedy "nationalized" the guard so that the troops would follow his orders, and thus enforce the court order to allow blacks into the University.The University of Alabama had been desegregated. "To desegregate" is to end the legal separation that exists, in this case concerning schools.Wasn"t that Gump? :::: Sure as hell was! Another "hell" expression, used to add emotion to a sentence.It was coed. Short for co-educational: An important word meaning that both males and females are present. It usually refers to a school.He didn"t know any better A good way to excuse a stupid action!Forest, look at you! Come on! The most wonderful and versatile phrasal verb in the English language, signifying everything from "Be serious" to "Please." Here, meaning "let"s go!"I want to be a singer like Joan Baez. A famous American folk singer who sung songs about injustice, war and other social issues.I want to reach people on a personal level. Jenny"s way of saying that she wants her songs to touch people emotionally.Girls? I sit next to them in home economics class all the time. A class in high school where students learn such practical things as cooking and managing personal finances.I"m dizzy. The sensation a person gets after spinning around too fast; A confused feeling combined with a fear you may fall down.I bet that never happened in home ec. A short way to refer to home economics class.Forrest meets his first US. President, and then soon after, finds himself in the US. Army with his new friend, Bubba.The Collegiate All-American football team. The team created at the end of each year that has the best football players from every college. They often get to visit the White House.I must have drunk me about 15 Dr. Peppers. Dr. Pepper is a famous brand of soft drink (soda pop) (Note again the ungrammatical addition of "me" that Forrest uses).I got to pee. Note how "have got to"--->"gotta" in rapid speech. "To pee" is to urinate. It"s safer to say "go to the bathroom."Somebody shot his little brother. Often used as a substitute for "younger."You"re not even a scum-sucking maggot! A very strong insult: "Scum" is waste material such as that found in sewer systems. A "maggot" is a type of worm-like insect, or colloquially, a despicable or horrible person. It was my induction day and I was already getting yelled at. The first day upon entering an organization. In this case, the US. army.Have you eve
2023-06-08 15:22:471

帮忙翻译一下,非常感谢!!急,在线等!!Tooling agreement

2023-06-08 15:22:531


国家质量技术监督局 质技监局标函[2000]39号 关于印发《国家标准英文版翻译指南》的通知   国务院务有关部门,全国各专业标准化技术委员会:   为适应我国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)和标准化活动对外交流的需要,及时准确地把我国国家标准翻译成英文版本,我局组织制定了《国家标准英文版翻译指南》,现予以公布。自公布之日起实行。   二○○○年二月十三日   主题词:国家标准 规定 通知   抄送:中国标准出版社、中国标准研究中心   国家质量技术监督局办公室 2000年2月12日印发 国家标准英文版翻译指南 国家质量技术监督局标准化司 二○○○年二月   目 次   1 前言   2 格式   3 用词和用语   4 引用标准化中心   附录A:封面格式   附录B:首页格式   一、前言   为适应我国加入世界贸易组织和我国对外开放的需要,我局从1997年起开始将一部分国家标准翻译成英文。在翻译过程中,不少有关单位建议对翻译的格式和通用用语进行规范。为此,我司于1999年初成立了《国家标准英文版翻译指南》编制工作组,开始指南的起草工作。编制《国家标准英文英文版翻译指南》的目的是:   1. 对国家标准英文版标准中需要统一的格式进行规范   2. 对国家标准英文版标准中需要统一的语句和用词进行规范   3. 对与现行GB1.1及ISO/IEC导则要求有出入的老格式标准文本中有必要进行调整的内容进行规范。   本指南适用于将我国国家标准翻译成英文文本的标准化中心   二、格式   2.1 等同/修改(等效)采用国际标准的国家标准应使用原英文版本,并符合ISO/IEC指南21(1999版)的要求。   2.2 对于非等效采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能与原英文版本格式保持一致。   2.3 对于非采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能以相应国际标准作为格式参考。   2.4 封面和首页格式见附录A和附录B。   三、用词和用语   3.1 封面 封面用语的英文表述   3.1.1 中华人民共和国国家标准   National Standard of the People"s Republic of China   3.1.2 国家质量技术监督局发布   Issued by China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision   3.1.3 国家技术监督局发布   Issued by China State Bureau of Technical Supervision   3.1.4 国家标准局发布   Issued by China State Bureau of Standards   3.1.5 发布日期   Issue date   3.1.6 实施日期   Implementation date   3.1.7 等同采用   IDT   3.1.8 修改(等效)采用   MOD   3.1.9 非等效采用   NEQ   3.2 目次 目次用语的英文表述   3.2.1 目次   contents   3.2.2 附录   annex   3.2.3 参考文献   bibliography   3.2.4 索引   index(es)   3.2.5 图   figure(s)   3.2.6 表   table(s)   3.3 前言 前言部分用语的英文表述   3.3.1 前言   Foreword   3.3.2 本国家标准等同采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:   This national standard is identical to IEC(ISO) ××××   3.3.3 本国家标准修改(等效)采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:   This national standard is modified in relation to IEC(ISO) ××××   3.3.4 本国家标准非等效采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:   This national standard is not equivalent to IEC(ISO) ××××   3.3.5 本国家标准附录××××是标准的附录(补充件)   Annex ××××/Annexes ×××× of this national standard is/are normative   3.3.6 本国家标准附录××××是提示的附录(参考件)   Annex ××××/annexes ×××× of this national standard is/are informative   3.3.7 本国家标准对先前版本技术内容作了下述重要修改   There have been some significant changes in this nationals standard over its previous edition in the following technical aspects   3.3.8 本国家标准与所采用国际标准的主要技术差异   The main technical differences between the national standard and the international standard adopted   3.3.9 本国家标准从实施日期起代替××××   This national standard will replace ×××× from theimplementation date of this standard   3.3.10 本国家标准由××××提出   This national standard was proposed by ××××   3.3.11 本国家标准由××××归口   This national standard is under the jurisdiction of ××××   3.3.12 本国家标准由××××起草 This national standard was drafted by ××××   3.4 引言   3.4.1 引言 introduction   3.5 范围 范围部分用语的英文表述:   3.5.1 主题和范围 subject and the aspect(s) covered   3.5.2 本国家标准规定……的尺寸   This national standard specifies the dimensions of ……   3.5.3 本国家标准规定……的方法   This national standard specifies a method of ……   3.5.4 本国家标准规定……的性能   This national standard specifies the characteristics of ……   3.5.5 本国家标准规定……的系统   This national standard establishes a system for ……   3.5.6 本国家标准规定……的基本原理   This national standard establishes general principles for   3.5.7 本国家标准适用于……   This national standard is applicable to ……   3.6 引用标准 引语的英文表述(根据中文文本从a, b中选取):   a. 下列标准中所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。本标准出版时,所示版本均为有效。所有标准都会被修订,使用本标准的各方应探讨使用下列标准最新版本的可能性。   The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.   b. 下述标准文件包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成本标准的条文。若引用的标准文件标有日期,则在此日期以后对此引用标准文件的增补和修订均不适用于本标准。若引用的文件不标日期,则本标准应采用该引用标准文件的最新版本。   The following normative documents contain provision which, through reference in this text, consitute provisions of this national standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the lastest edition of the normative document referred to applies.   3.7 术语和定义 这部份内容应用下列规范用语引出: 以下及××××给出的术语和定义适用于本标准   For the purposes of this national standard, the terms and definitions given in ×××× and the following apply.   3.8 常用术语   3.8.1 标准化及标准文件   (1) 标准化   standardization   (2) 标准文件   normative document   (3) 国际标准   international standard   (4) 区域标准   regional standard   (5) 国家标准   national standard   (6) 行业标准   professional standard   (7) 地方标准   provincial standard   (8) 企业标准   company standard   (9) 导则   directive/guide   (10) 规范   specification   (11) 总规范   generic specification   (12) 通用规范   general specification   (13) 技术规范   technical specification   (14) 详细规范   detail specification   (15) 分规范   sectional specification   (16) 空白详细规范   blank detail specification   (17) 规程   code   (18) 规则(规定)   rule   (19) 指南   guide   (20) 手册   handbook   (21) 技术报告   technical report   (22) 强制性标准   mandatory standard   (23) 推荐性标准   voluntary standard   (24) 指导性技术文件   technical guide   (25) 法规   regulation   (26) 技术法规   technical regulation   3.8.2 标准的类别   (1) 基础标准   basic standard   (2) 术语标准   terminology standard   (3) 试验标准   testing standard   (4) 方法标准   method standard   (5) 产品标准   product standard   (6) 过程标准   process standard   (7) 服务标准   service standard   (8) 接口标准   interface standard   (9) 数值标准   standard on data to be provided   3.8.3 标准化组织及标准机构   (1) 国际标准化组织   International Organization for standardization (ISO)   (2) 国际电工委员会   International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)   (3) 国家质量技术监督局   China State Bureau of Quality & Technical Supervision (CSBTS)   (4) 国际电信联盟   International Telecommunication Union (ITU)   (5) 全国××××标准化技术委员会   National technical committee of standardization for ××××   3.8.4 标准文件的结构   (1) 封面   front cover   (2) 目次   content   (3) 前言   foreword   (4) 引言   introduction   (5) IEC/ISO前言   IEC/ISO foreward   (6) 标准名称   title   (7) 范围   scope   (8) 引用标准   normative reference   (9) 术语和定义   terms and definitions   (10) 定义   definition   (11) 符号   symbol   (12) 图型符号   graphical symbol   (13) 文字符号   letter symbol   (14) 缩略语   abbreviated term / abbreviation  (15) 抽样   sampling   (16) 计数抽样   attributed sampling   (17) 测试   testing   (18) 试验 test   (19) 试验方法   test method   (20) 试验报告   test report   (21) 检测实验室   testing laboratory   (22) 校准实验室   calibration laboratory   (23) 实验室能力验证   laboratory proficiency testing   (24) 实验室间比对试验   interlaboratory test comparisons   (25) 分类   classification   (26) 标志   marking   (27) 标签   labelling   (28) 包装   packaging   (29) 运输   transport   (30) 贮存   storage   (31) 附录   annex   (32) 标准的附录   normative annex   (33) 提示的附录   informative annex   (34) 注   note   (35) 脚注   footnote   (36) 表   table   (37) 图   figure   (38) 技术制图   technical drawing   (39) 电路图   circuit diagram   (40) 参考文献   bibliography   (41) 索引   index(es)   3.8.5 标准文件的层次划分   (1) 部分   part   (2) 篇   section   (3) 章   clause, chapter   (4) 条   sub-chause   (5) 段   paragraph   3.8.6 标准文件的内容   (1) 正文   text   (2) 条文   provision   (3) 方法性条文   deemed-to-satisfy provision   (4) 说明性条文   descriptive provision   (5) 性能条文   performance provision   (6) 陈述   statement   (7) 指示   instruction   (8) 推荐   recommendation   (9) 要求   requirement   (10) 必达要求   exclusive requirement   (11) 任选要求   optional requirement   (12) 通用要求(或一般要求)   general requirement   (13) 特殊要求   particular / special requirement   (14) 安全要求(物理性安全)   safety requirement   (15) 数字安全   security   3.8.7 标准文件的制定   (1) 标准计划   program of standards development   (2) 标准项目   project of standard development   (3) 标准草案   draft standard   (4) 标准征求意见稿   draft standard for comment   (5) 标准送审稿   draft standard for examination   (6) 标准报批稿   draft standard for approval   (7) 标准出版稿   final draft standard   (8) 有效期限   period of validity   (9) 发布日期   issue date   (10) 实施日期   implementation date   (11) 审查   examination   (12) 函审   the standard examination by correspondence   (13) 会审   joint examination   (14) 审核   examination & verification   (15) 审批   examination & approval   (16) 复审   review   (17) 勘误   corrigeda   (18) 增补   supplement   (19) 修改   amendment   (20) 修订   revision   (21) 重印   reprint   (22)新版   new edition   3.8.8 与质量有关的术语   (1) 合格/符合   conformity   (2) 检验   inspection   (3) 自检   self-inspection   (4) 认证   certification   (5) 认可   accreditation   (6) 客观证据   objective evidence   (7) 极限值   limit(s)   (8) 不确定度   uncertainty   (9) 鉴定   qualification   (10) 鉴定合格   qualified   (11) 质量管理   quality management   (12) 质量控制   quality control   (13) 质量保证 quality assurance   (14) 质量改进   quality improvement   (15) 质量评价   quality evaluation   (16) 质量监督   quality surveillance   (17) 质量审核   equality audit   四、引用标准   1.IEC/ISO导则   2. IEC/ISO指南21(1999)   3.1997GB/T1.1-1993 标准化工作导则   第1单元:标准的起草与表述规则   第1部分:标准编写的基本规定(idt;eqv IEC/ISO导则3:1989)   4.GB/T3935.4-1996体制 标准化和有关领域的通用术语第1部分:基本术语(idt ISO/IEC指南2:1991)   5.GB/T6583-1994 质量管理和质量保证 术语(idt ISO8402:1994)   6.GB/T16733-1997 国家标准制定程序阶段划分及代码   7.GB/T16785-1997 术语工作 概念与术语的协调(eqv ISO860:1996)   附录A   封面格式   XXXXXXXXXX(ICS号)   XXXXXXXXXX(中国国家标准文献分类号)   GB   National Standard of the People"s Republic China   (国家标准代号)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   (采标程度表示)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   ××××××××××××××××××××   (国家标准名称)   lssue date      Implementation date   Issued by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   附录b   首页格式   National Standard of t
2023-06-08 15:23:001


比尔·史密斯(Bill.Smith):六西格码之父(Father Of Six Sigma)比尔·史密斯简介 史密斯被尊称为“六西格码之父”以纪念他给质量的漫长之旅带来伟大贡献。Bill Smith spent years convincing higher-ups that he really had invented a better mousetrap. Then he spent the rest of his life spreading the word to business professionals, government leaders and educators.It was Six Sigma, the TQM spin off that has generated billions of dollars for Motorola, the company where Smith introduced his statistical approach aimed at increasing profitability by reducing defects. Smith, who earned the appellation, Father of Six Sigma, would probably be tickled to know Six Sigma has become so mainstream that it even appears periodically in the widely syndicated comic strip, Dilbert.As a Motorola employee, Smith did not share directly in the profits generated by the company"s Six Sigma applications. However, over the years, he and Motorola garnered numerous awards and recognition for his vital work to improve profitability in America"s manufacturing sector. He was especially proud of his role in Motorola"s winning the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. The Baldrige Award came in 1988, two years after Motorola implemented Smith"s Six Sigma principles.Smith"s death, only five years later, caught everyone by surprise. He died of a heart attack at work.Daughter Marjorie Hook, now 37 and president of Clarksville Consulting Group in Austin, Texas, developed an affinity for Six Sigma and occasionally collaborated with her father for a few years after college. Hook said winning the Baldrige Award stands out as a career high point in her father"s life.He was thrilled that a good thing was happening to Motorola and that Six Sigma had made such a difference, she said. He drafted Six Sigma long before [Motorola Executive Committee Chairman] Bob Galvin ever took it on board. So, for him, it was the culmination of so many years of work and trying to change the way people think about things. He finally had some phenomenal success at Motorola and he was getting great recognition for it.Baldrige Award winners agree to share their quality programs with anyone who is interested. Hook said that since Motorola was the first company to win, others were eager to learn more about Six Sigma. That"s one of the primary reasons Six Sigma became so widely known, she said.He got to spend the last few years of his life traveling around, teaching and introducing Six Sigma to people, Hook said. He was so appreciated wherever he went and people were really interested in it. When others started using Six Sigma and seeing results just like Motorola had, he was thrilled.Not surprisingly, the man behind the methodology was a passionate visionary and a great communicator. Bill Smith was also a perfectionist. Even at home.But not in an annoying way, Hook said. He just did everything the right way because that was the way to do it.I think that was just a natural part of his character, she said. It came through when he was repairing a watch or helping us with a science project or fixing a car or learning to play a musical instrument - he was incredibly talented. He knew how to do absolutely everything.Hook said he always approached projects methodically and drafted a plan, either on paper or in his mind. He planned things out, making sure we had the skills and the tools, doing it, and then following through with the cleaning up, Hook said. Everything had to be done in a complete way. Nothing was ever done sort of off-hand. The standard was always so high.Bill Smith also made the most of leisure time. He and his wife, Betty, shared a love of music, especially when they were the musicians, she on the piano and he on the organ at their Barrington, Illinois home. However, she suspects he bought her a new baby grand piano to keep her occupied while he devoted spare time to working out statistical programs on his computer.One time when he was home in the evening, he had an idea of trading stock options, Betty Smith recalled. So he would do it on paper and then on the computer for awhile to see how it would work. And it worked very well. Imagine that!Bill Smith also used his computer to develop a program that would help him predict winning racehorses. Betty Smith said he programmed a calculator with data about the horses racing at Arlington International Racecourse in Arlington Heights, Illinois. By golly, I think we won eight of the first nine, and people were following us around, she said.The Smiths soon joined a half-dozen others in a horse-owning partnership, embarking on a lifelong hobby. We had six horses when he died, Betty Smith said. They were ours, not part of a partnership. In the beginning, it was lucrative. I think one horse won most of the money. After Bill died, I got rid of all the horses except one. Her grandfather was Seattle Slew, the famous 1977 Triple Crown winner.Born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1929, Bill Smith graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1952 and studied at the University of Minnesota School of Business. In 1987, after working for nearly 35 years in engineering and quality assurance, he joined Motorola, serving as vice president and senior quality assurance manager for the Land Mobile Products Sector.In honor of Smith"s talents and dedication, Northwestern University"s Kellogg Graduate School of Management established an endowed scholarship in Smith"s name. Dean Donald P. Jacobs of the Kellogg School notified Motorola"s Robert Galvin of the school"s intention less than a month after Smith died. Bill was an extremely effective and inspiring communicator, Jacobs wrote in his July 27, 1993, letter. He never failed to impress his audience by the depth of his knowledge, the extent of his personal commitment, and the level of his intellectual powers. The school created the scholarship fund in recognition of Smith"s contributions to Kellogg and his dedication to the teaching and practice of quality.It was a fitting tribute to a man who influenced business students and corporate leaders worldwide with his innovative Six Sigma strategy.As the one who followed most closely in his footsteps, Marjorie Hook is well-positioned to speculate about Bill Smith"s take on the 2003 version of Six Sigma. Today I think people sometimes try to make Six Sigma seem complicated and overly technical, she said. His approach was, "If you want to improve something, involve the people who are doing the job." He always wanted to make it simple so people would use it.And would he approve of Six Sigma"s evolution? He"d be thrilled, Hook said
2023-06-08 15:23:071


2023-06-08 15:23:332

size of government是什么意思

2023-06-08 15:23:423


经常重温这场比赛,赛后科比的发言简短也很用心,感谢球迷和家人,很棒!PS,既然说是JR为何不去hupu发帖求助呢。Man,Man,guysYou know,it"s a…I can"t believe how fast 20 years went by,I mean this is crazy,this is absolutely crazy. And you know to be stand here,at the center court with you guys,my teammates behind me and appreciate all of this,you know the journey we"ve been on,and we"ve been through our ups and we"ve been through our downs. I think the most important part is that we all stayed together嘿,伙计们,真不敢相信20年过的这么快,这种感觉真的很疯狂,我今天站在这个赛场中央,和你们一起,背后还有我的队友。我非常感恩所有的这一切,感恩我们一起经历的过去,感恩我们经历的胜利和失败,我觉得最重要的是我们一直一直都在一起。I grew up a die-hard,I mean a die-hard laker fan. Die-hard!I mean I knew everything about every play that"s ever played here. So to be drafted and then trained to this organization,and to spent 20 years here,I mean,you can"t write some better than this.我一直以来都是一个铁杆,我的意思是一直都是湖人队的铁杆粉丝,我熟悉在这里打过的每一场比赛,每一件在这里发生的事情。被甄选然后来到这里训练,我这这里度过了20年,我想不到还有比这更好的事情了。And I more proud of the fact the not about the championships,but about the down years. Because we never run,we never run,we played through all that stuff,we got our championships and we did the right way.让我更骄傲的并不是关于夺冠,而是那些艰难的岁月,因为我们没有逃跑,我们从来也没有准备逃跑,我们一起经历了那些艰难的岁月,然后我们做对了,并且重新夺冠。And all I can do here is thank you guys, thank you guys for all the years" support! Thank you guys for the motivation,!thank you for all the inspiration!我所能做的真的就是感谢,感谢你们这么多年的支持,感谢你们的不离不弃,感谢你们的鼓励!And you know,that was funny,the thing that had me cracking upall night long with the fact that I go through 20 years of everybody is screaming to pass the ball. On last night,they"d like:Don"t pass it,(Ahahah)It"s been absolutely beautiful you guys,I can"t believe it"s comes to an end. You guys will always be in my heart. And I sincerely,sincerely appreciate it,no words can describe how I feel about you guys,and thank you,thank you from the bottom of my heart!guys,I love you guys!I love you guys!你知道,特别好玩儿的是,过去的20年,所有人都在为我的传球呐喊,但是最后一场球的时候他们都和我说:不要传球!不要传球!(投球投球),我觉得这很疯狂,哈哈。这真的是最最美好的东西,伙计们,我真的不敢相信我退役的时刻真的就这么来了,你们将永远在我心中,我非常非常珍惜这份情感,没有语言可以形容你们在我心中的分量,谢谢你们,这是从我内心深处最真诚的感谢!我爱你们!My family,it"s my family,my wife Vanessa,my daughter Natalie and Agina. Thank you guys for all your sacrifice. You know for all the hours I spent in gym working and training. Vanessa,you hold down the family the way that you have. I can"t, there is no way I can thank you enough for that. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!关于我的家庭,我想说的是,我的太太瓦妮莎,我的女儿娜塔丽,亚吉娜。感谢你们为支持我所付出的所有牺牲,在我必须要工作和训练的时候,是我的太太瓦妮莎承担起了照顾家庭的责任,我实在找不到别的方式表达我对你的感谢,(再次哽咽)所以,只能从我心底,深深的说一句,谢谢你!And what can I say? Mamba out.我还能说什么呢?曼巴谢幕了。(转自搜狐)
2023-06-08 15:23:491

Paraphrase句子 请英语水平高的朋友帮忙

1. It is dignified to pursue an accomplishable end but not one that is intrinsically unachieveable. 2. I consider liberation is the core of enlightenment, to the greatest extent, from the autocracy of where and when. 3. One can only be highly trustworthy if one is able to accommodate . 4. They replace apathy with delication ; contempt with admiration . 5. One approach of being certain to have a bit of fun is to increase the risk level of drug or alcohol. 6. All those years of lost party- fun, are being compensated for by the god of mirth. 7. Self-satisfaction,bumptious, or arm-twisting are some of the drawbacks for being "avant-garde". 8 I drafted the lyric out in my excellent prime initially. 9. My father concluded that it was reversibly substituted. 10. I attempt to manoeuvre my small boat so that it wouldn"t sink.
2023-06-08 15:23:562


2023-06-08 15:24:073


I服了U I输了UI崇拜U
2023-06-08 15:24:152


当仔细品读一部作品后,想必你有不少可以分享的东西,何不静下心来写写读后感呢?那么我们该怎么去写读后感呢?下面是我为大家整理的《富兰克林自传》英文读后感,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 《富兰克林自传》英文读后感 篇1 Franklin"s autobiography is a film influenced several generations of Americans after hundreds of years enduring inspirational"s wonderful, it contains insights of struggle and success in life, and the true meaning of beauty in all kinds of good moral, was recognized as changing the fate of countless people United States essential reading. There is no doubt he was one of the most distinguished in the history of the most successful people. This book has warned people to stay away from bad habits, away from mediocrity. Improving the quality of life, personality, and achieve the goal of self-improvement. Throughout his life, Franklin is not terribly favorable environment for the growth, it should be said is a relatively bland appearance, was born in 1706 in Boston in North America, has 17 children rank 15 at home. Father was a small businessman engaged in wax and SOAP, into the school in just two years, family distress after dropping out. At the age of 2 brother"s printing shop apprentices, apprenticeship days is hard, but he was an apprentice of spare time to work hard, read lots of books. In terms of politics, science, history, literature, has laid a solid foundation. He also through the skillful use of self-study French: Italy language, Spain language, Latin. In 1726 proprietary Franklin printing factory, thriving from this cause. Has created a United States dreams tale, he printed and issued a huge impact of the Pennsylvania. He invented the lightning rod, dual-use glasses, new furnaces and modern street lights. He pioneered the North American colonies death without joint slogan and drafted the Declaration of independence was published in 1771 had changed the destiny of the millions of others, of the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin the book vividly describes his process of growth. Has warned people to be positive. This book much better motto in life is felt in the life of Franklin, read this book not only to realize that life motto, but also in light of its own culture and other aspects of human nature self improvement, each chapter of this book tells are true picture of his life, chapter tells the person the feeling of doing things, and provide me with a lot of inspiration. In his view, reading is the key to success for his happiness. books are priceless, is he the greatest joy. Give us wisdom, strengthen our resolve, enables us to walk with wisdom, lofty intellect fills our souls. Franklin attaches great importance to their virtues. Therefore, he himself put forward 13 requirements, are: moderation, live quiet, orderly, determination, and frugal, diligence, honesty, justice, moderation, clean, quiet, chaste and modest man. He has been trying to get to do that, even though he is difficult to fully meet the requirements, but he was persistent. I want to be able to do it that 13 people, has been called saints, and in fact such perfect really rare, but to pursue such a perfect person can make great achievements in virtue. My goal is to develop these virtues in their possession, so I think it is best not to all at once try to, I think it is very difficult to do, or in a period of focus on one point, for good. Such virtue into habit I, followed by training in another. So I schedule an abstinence first the cultivation of virtue, because it requires calm, clarity of thought. Such a cool head and clear thinking is necessary, the only way to keep vigilant against the inertia of old habits and temptations to contain never exhausted. Having obtained this virtue in much easier to cultivate virtue. Early in the debate also see Franklin is not modest, I have often made similar mistakes, debates, when there is no need to very b overwhelm people, although at the time might give them a certain amount of pleasure, but be sure to experience the feelings of others. Was impressed by their Franklin was honored as a United States-Sen level character, can last a lifetime to keep thrifty style of work, has made monumental contributions to social welfare undertakings, comparing their own impetuous and most people now shows how. I wish people would later need in: taciturn, modest, frugal, and mindful that removing these bad habits, perhaps to his growing up will have a lot of help. There is one thing, I think it is necessary, is that everyone should use this book and understand educational public utilities such as impact on humans as well as a city, State. Franklin said the saying: it seems to me, to bring happiness to mankind, is not so much the chance of a huge fortune, that was going on at all times around them much trivial for it. I think, this is very instructive to remind people: not just those lucky once in a blue moon, ignoring little things around; the phrase is also very good explanation of Franklin"s invention of the benefit of mankind and why he became an inventor. Franklin in so many areas to make have an impact on the world, should rely to a large extent his habits much to my regret, cannot see the biography of his life, perhaps I was more interested in part of his life, often in this way, love to see a brilliant side. After watching the rotation of the Franklin, deep perception of people can not be conquered by the inert and cannot be bound by the original self. To move forward is to log on the move. 《富兰克林自传》英文读后感 篇2 In this term, I read the book The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, in the book, he showed us what his childhood was like and what he came to value as meaningful and worthwhile techniques of communication, conduct, and self-improvement. Franklin was not in favorable growth environment, and it should be a relatively plain appearance. In 1706 he was born in North America, the home Top 15 of 17 children. His Father is involved in wax and soap as a small businessman, Franklin entered the school for about two years before dropping out of school because of family distress. Then he went to work as an apprentice in his brother"s printing shop, the apprentice days was very difficult, but he did a good use of the apprenticeship leisure time to study hard, and read a lot of books in politics, science, history and literature. He was also proficient in the use of French, Italian, Spanish and Latin by himself. In 1726 Franklin manages a printing factory, it was a great success which created a legend of the American dream, and he printed a huge impact Pennsylvania. He invented the lightning rod, dual-purpose glasses, new stove and new lights. He pioneered the North American colonies the slogan that is not join are the death and drafted out the drafting of Declaration of Independence published in 1771 which changed the fate of countless people, and this book gave a description of its process of growth and exhorted the people to be positive. there are a lot of Proverbs in this book that Franklin felt in his life, reading this book is not only to feel the sentiment, but also to combine their training and humanity and then to improve ourselves, the book describes each chapter are a true portrayal of his life and tell us how to get all the perception which inspired me very much In his view, reading is the key to success. Book is invaluable he greatest joy. Books give us wisdom, strengthen our determination and let us have the wisdom of the trip of our life. Franklin attaches great importance to his own virtue. Therefore, he proposed to 13 requirements for himself namely: control, quiet, orderly life, determination, frugality, diligence, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity and humility. He has been trying to do that, though he cannot completely meet the requirements, but he was persistent. The people who can meet the 13 requirements can be called saints of the fact that people are rarely perfect, but it can pursue such a perfect people in the United States and Germany who have achieved great success. My goal is to cultivate these virtues in himself, so I think it is best not to try all at once, I think it is very difficult, or in a period of time focused on one thing for the good. I will cultivate this virtue into habit, and then in another culture. So I arranged for the virtues of moderation training at first, because it needs to stay calm and think clearly. This cool-headed and clear thinking is necessary; the only way to always be vigilant is to resist the inertia of old habits and curb the temptation. If we have the excellence we can get other excellence much easier in exchange. Also seen in the debate, Franklin was not humble when he was young, I often make that mistake, when there is no need to overwhelm people with very b tone, although at the time it could have brought their own pleasure, but we need to understand other people"s feelings. Franklin was revered as the father of America for his impressive image that can maintain a frugal life style of work for the public welfare and make immortal contributions, compared to my own and the majority of people we can knew how impetuous we are. I hope people will need: reticent, modest, frugal, more importance in the future to remove these bad habits, those things may be of great help to our growth. What"s more, I think it is necessary for everyone to by this book, which can have a better understanding of education, public utilities, as well as a human city, country effects. Benjamin Franklin once said this sentence: In my view, the things can bring happiness to mankind is not so much the great golden lucky, might as well say is the convenience all the time around. I think these words were very inspiring words, not only those rare good fortune, while ignoring the little things around; but also this sentence is also very good explain for Franklin"s invention of those who benefit mankind and the reason for he became a inventor . Franklin can make great success in so many areas which have a huge impact on the world affairs, should be largely dependent on his habits, very sorry I could not see his biography later life, perhaps he"s more interested in some of my later life, in fact, people often like to see a brilliant side. After reading Franklin"s autobiography, a deep sense I received is that people cannot be conquered by inertia, cannot be the original self-restraint. To move forward to what we should aim at. 《富兰克林自传》英文读后感 篇3 In this clear, crisply written story of his life, Benjamin Franklin shows the reader what his childhood was like and what he came to value as meaningful and worthwhile techniques of communication, conduct, and self-improvement. A conscientious and serious youth, Franklin nevertheless left his boyhood town because he had impregnated a young lady. This early act of responsibility led him to pursue work that led him, in the coming years of the American Revolution, to be a b advocate of political independence, even at the cost of war. Franklin became as fine a statesman as ever the United States was to produce. One of the country"s founding fathers and a tireless champion of individual liberty, he also served as the American ambassador to France. He tells of how he learned the printing trade and how he established Poor Richard"s Almanac. He also shares with his readers his hopes for the free country that he helped to bring into being. The reader cannot help but admire this brilliant and brave founding father, as much for his humility as for his services to his country and its future citizens.
2023-06-08 15:24:411


  现在许多单位都希望应聘者有比较扎实的英文基础,所以一份英文简历很重要。下面是由我分享的应届生英文简历范文,希望对你有用。   应届生英文简历范文一   Marc R. RHODES   401 Bright wood Dr.   Glen Ellyn, IL 60312    ***-8975   Email:   Career Objective:To take up the responsibilities of a Logistic Management Specialist and contribute my best towards the exponential growth of the organization.   Core petencies:   Extensive knowledge of integrated logistic management   In-depth knowledge of testing and functions of system and equipment   Ability to read puterized reports and have extensive knowledge of puter applications processing   Good knowledge of budgeting and finance systems   Ability to adhere with the standard and practices of the organization   Effective mand over written and spoken English language   Good time management and organizational skills   Professional Experience:   Organization: Beattle Logistics Co Inc, IL   Designation: Logistic Management Specialist   Duration: February 2001 till date   Responsible for developing functional guidance for system modifications and new systems   Handled responsibility like *** yzing and solving plex logistic issues   Reviewed logistics management operations to identify requirements and resources like manpower, funding, facilities, materials and services   Responsible for making necessary remendations for special projects, logistic project studies and staff studies   Coordinated with Logistic Management Supervisor in planning, *** yzing, and evaluating the process and procedures of logistic management   Actively participates as a team member to acplish projects when required   Organization: ACF international Logistic Co, IL   Designation: Logistic Manager   Duration: January 1996 to December 2000   Handled tasks of strategic and operational planning of related to Customer logistics operations   Liaise with customers in developing systems solutions like testing, requirements, and user to support logistics programs   Coordinated with Logistic Supervisor and Logistic Management Specialist in bringing in raw materials and supplies   Responsible for delivering the finished products made by the organization to the concerned wholesalers and distributors   Responsible for hiring, training and evaluating employees performance to enhance the growth and development of the organization   Handled all logistics operations as well as support across all distribution channels   Monitored, prepared and remended operating and personnel budgets for approval   Educational Summary:   Master"s degree in Logistic Management   Management College, IL in the year 1995   Bachelor"s degree in Logistic Management   University of IL in the year 1992   应届生英文简历范文二   University of Texas at Austin   1 University Station - C2369   Austin, TX 78712   512 555-3454      EDUCATION   BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN MARKETING   University of Texas, Austin, TX, May 2002   College and Graduate School of Business   Major: Marketing; Minor: Spanish   Cumulative GPA: 3.8   PROFESSIONAL SKILLS   Entrepreneurial: Designed, published and promoted 35-page marketing Web site.   Established, managed, and sold lawn service consisting of 20 clients.   Founded and maintained car detailing service responsible for 25 clients.   Professional Sales: Telemarketed as an order-taker for Longhorn Tire Supply, which involved learning and   implementing sales presentation and conflict-resolution skills.   Performed cold, door-to-door sales calls to obtain clientele for a deli delivery route and landscape service pany.   Solicited Austin business professionals for donations and sponsorships of UT Crew, Club Hispanic, and George   Bush Hall events.   munications: posed business news articles as an intern and authored editorial articles as a freelance columnist for the Texas Business Weekly.   Drafted professional letters for the Texas Bureau for pliance Monitoring and a financial assistance proposal for the Austin Rotary Club in an academic internship with the Migrant Farm Workers Association.   Performed reading, writing, and speaking activities in Spanish while participating in a language immersion program in Costa Rica, a Latin American Studies trip in Guatemala, and a business internship program in Ecuador.   Multicultural: Developed integrated marketing plan for sale of services to Latin American municipalities through internship program in Ecuador.   Participated in Spanish immersion program in San José, Costa Rica, while living with a local family and attending a language school for one month.   Interacted with Mayan Indians to observe their cultural norms and study their language for two weeks through a Latin American Studies trip to Guatemala.   HONORS   Whos Who Among Students in American Universities   National Honor Society: 4 Semesters   Deans List: 4 Semesters   Honor Roll: 2 Semesters   ACTIVITIES   Resident Assistant, UT Department of Residential Life   General Member, UT Alumni Association   Rower, UT Crew Team   Notes   The Cumulative GPA Grade Point Average is the calculation of all grades received while an undergraduate or a graduate student at the university.   应届生英文简历范文三   Name: Nationality: China   Current residence: Guangzhou, China: Han   Domicile: Zhanjiang stature: 162 cm 50 kg   Marital status: Single Age: 23   Job search intention and work experience   Personnel types: ordinary job   Position: Foreign Trade / Specialist / Assistant, vocational technical teachers, senior secretary / assistant manager / secretary:   Work Experience: 1 Job Title: Junior   Job type: Full-time Date Available: Anytime   Salary requirements :3500 - 5000 hope Working Area: Guangzhou   Work Experience   pany Name: Guangzhou Social Work Service Center   Beginning and ending date :2012-04 ~ 2013-05   pany nature: social organizations Industry: institution / social groups   Positions: Assistant Director-General   Job Description: 1. Participation in the planning and strategic direction of institutional development, the implementation of the management system development and implementation, follow up on the progress of each project and make the project phased plan and summary.   2 Coaching staff undertake relevant work and doing paper Office will work in a timely manner coordination and emergency treatment.   Educational Background   Graduated: Zhanjiang Normal College   Highest Level of Education: Bachelor   Graduation date :2012 -06-01   By Major: English   Self-Identification   1 I am easy-going personality, optimistic and humorous, honest and trustworthy, physical and mental health.   2 serious and responsible work, the courage to meet the challenges, there is a good team spirit, able to efficiently implement the work.   3 love to learn all kinds of knowledge, with strong learning ability and overall quality, there is some writing skills. 应届生英文简历范文
2023-06-08 15:24:481


1.第一句是虚拟的倒装形式,等同于 if the Times Co. were to purchase another major media company,...... 翻译: 如果时代公司收购另一家主流媒体公司,它毫无疑问会整改这家90%的收入来自发行报纸的家族企业。2.可以的,这儿主要是一个后置定语,只要是被动形式就可以。作为一个钢琴家,他几乎不能容忍钢琴被演奏的如此糟糕。3.应该是语法错误,应该是called。人体骨架是由200多根骨头构成的,它们被一些坚硬,无弹性的相互关联的组织构成,这些组织又称作韧带。4.这个事被动啦。相比较与这个国家过去的战争,这次只有少部分的大学青年被征召入伍去越南打仗。很辛苦的,希望帮我加分,谢谢!
2023-06-08 15:24:571


1. 用英语写一篇短文,续写:Laseekend,Amy"sfamilwereverybusy.要在 同学,很高兴回答你的问题正确答案如下:Last weekend,Amy"s family were very busy.On Saturday,they went to a farm.They helped Amy"s uncle do farm work.They were a little tired,but they were very happy.They saw many things that couldn"t be seen in the city.There were many beautiful flowers and trees on the farm.They had a big dinner in the evening.On Sunday,they cleaned their room at home.Amy"s father cleaned windows.Her mother mopped the floor.Amy helped her parents carry water with a basin.After a day"s work,Amy was very tired,but when she saw her family take a new look,she was very happy and proud.She thought a proverb "No pains,no gains."^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^不明白请继续追问,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^。 2. 英语作文续写 with the development of customer consumption concept, more and more customer choose to purchase high price luxury mooncake for gift. it is popular that the mooncake be transferred beeen different panies, anization, and individuals. at this time, people always tend to choose mooncake with luxury package. as for mooncake itself, there is little difference, the most differences are demonstrated in package, for high price mooncake, there is always a plex package. but why not the simple one. it is the manufacturers" market strategy to determine it. by this way, the gift market of mooncake may be prompted , and producer may achieve more benefits from the market, furthermore, this market may contribute to internal consumption and GDP growth, to provide more positon for employees. the disadvantage is that it waste too much recources not for value-added subject. the producer share more risk to enter such market. if the mooncake is stagnant in market, it means high inventory level, the investment may not be refunded in time. 3. 【英语续写作文,急.Annelivesina *** alltown It"s a cloudy afternoon.There are few people on the road.Anne arrived first,she is feeling nervous because of the first meeting with “FUTURE”.But it"s passed 15 minutes,nobody e.Suddenly it begins to rain,but she don"t want to give up.But it"s raining so heavy,she saw a man e to her with an umbrella,she is excited again.But he is her father,her father worried about her and want to pick her up.Finally she go back with her father.It"s passed one month later,Anne saw “FUTURE” online again,she really want to know the reason why he break his promise.But he said:I didn"t break promise,remember when it"s raining who take umbrella to you… …。 4. 续写英语作文 long time ago , There was a king , Name laison . He had three sons , But one day , he lost them..,He was very worried and sad so he went everywhere to look for them. One day he was passing a mountain,he saw some tigers playing in it .He came up to ask if they had seen his sons but got no answer. He went on to a field where some ducks were resting on it .He came up to ask about his lost sons but they also hadn"t seen them. Finally he asked his friends in the woods to help him look for his sons .All the animals were very glad to help him because he was always to help others in the usual days .With the help of the animals in the forest his sons were found at the foot of a mountain.Laison thanked them again and again.。 5. 人教版必修三英语unit1 续写A SAD LOVE STORY 2 years passed。 When the couple met again.Now they was calm.When they talled about why they broke up,they could face it.The missunderstanding fanilly obvious.LiFang looked nervous.He was send to USA last 2 years and lost his mobilephone.So he could not connected with HuJin. There was an idea.LiFang was alone now.He wanted to get her back.He pened his mouth,at this moment,a young man walked here.HuJin stood up and introduced that he was her hu *** and. LiFang turned back and moved away sadly. 6. 人教版八下英语第六单元47页2b作文续写 As a student, I can learn a lot of knowledge from the books, books tell me all kinds of things, I am so happy to read books, but I know emerging in the books is not the right way to learn things. As the saying that theory should bine with practice, social practice is very necessary for students to learn things. First, what we learn from the book is to teach us recognize the world, it only provides us the theory, we need to make it practical. Second, the purpose of learning is to survive and create the world, we need to work and make money, if we don"t cooperate well, we will be kicked out. Social practical is very necessary.作为一名学生,我能从书本上学到很多知识,书本告诉了我各种各样的东西,读书让我很高兴,但是我知道沉浸在书中不是学习东西的正确方法。 有句方言,理论要和实际相结合,社会实践对于学生学习东西是很必要的。第一,我们从书本上学到的是教我们认识这个世界,书本提供给我们理论,我们需要把理论变得可行。 第二,学习的目的是为了生存和改造世界,我们需要工作,挣钱,如果我们操作不好,就会被淘汰。社会实践是必须的。 7. 人教版八下英语第六单元47页2b续写作文 Recently, the Ministry of Education has drafted a reform about English, it is said that English will be not the subject that take into account of the College Entrance Exam, a lot of students feel excited, because they think English will not be their burden. The reform may relieve some students who are week in English, they think they don"7a64e4b893e5b19e31333361313330t need to spend so much time in learning English, because English is not important any more. The fact is that they get the wrong idea, English still important even though it will be no more considered to be the College Entrance Exam. The trend is people learning English since they are young, parents pay special attention to the children"s second language, so most students now are good at English. What"s more, English is the most widely used language, it can enhance a student"s petition. So English is still important to learn。 8. 英语短文续写 Today is sunday.Tom is at home.Now he is very hungry,he wants to eat some food,so he opens the fridge."Oh,my god."he says,"where is my mother?"He says again. "She is working in her office. She gets very busy in the these days." Tom"s father says,and he keeps on, " No one has time to shopping, except you. Call for a pizza, then you would have to go shopping after lunch." 今天是星期天,汤姆在家。现在他觉得很饿,想吃点东西,于是他打开冰箱, "我的天啊!"汤姆说。"我妈妈在哪?" 汤姆又问。"她在办公室工作。这几天她都很忙。" 爸爸说。他又接着说: "除了你,没人有时间去购物了。打电话叫一个Pizza吧,吃完后你就去买东西。"
2023-06-08 15:25:041

Heads of Terms 中文怎么说

2023-06-08 15:25:152


个人档案姓名:沙奎尔·奥尼尔 英文名:Shaquille O"Neal 位置:中锋 出生日期:3/6/1972身高: 2米16 体重: 152.3kg 绰号:“大鲨鱼”、“侠客” 学校:路易斯安那州立大学(Louisiana State University)选秀: 1992年第1轮第1位07-08赛季工资: 2000万美元合同情况: 5年 1亿,2005/8/2续约,2010夏到期 在伊斯兰教中,他的名字Shaquille Rashaun意思是“小勇士” 发表5张专辑:“Shaq Diesel”、“Shaq Fu: Da Return”、“你不能停止统治”、“尊重”和精选辑 分别在电影“Kazaam”、“Blue Chips”和“He Got Game”中担任角色唱片和衣服的商标是“TWIsM” 圣诞节和复活节时,购买玩具,赠予贫穷的儿童 作为一个中锋的奥尼尔无论进攻还是防守时都能控制 整个比赛,但和2001-2002年间相比,上赛季奥尼尔退步了,2003-04赛季将是奥尼尔重新证明自己的一个赛季。 2008年2月7日,奥尼尔正式转会至菲尼克斯太阳队。个人简介 沙奎尔·奥尼尔1972年3月6日出生,身高2米16,1992年当选年度最佳新人,入选梦之二队和梦之三队,获1996亚特兰大奥运会金牌,他是篮球运动一百年历史上出现的最庞大的“大力神”。 沙奎尔·奥尼尔虽然身高2米16,体重超过100公斤,但是却能像短跑运动员一样的冲刺,能像跳高运动员一样腾起,还可以像举重运动员一样在两三个人的重压下跳起扣篮。1992-1993赛季开始前,他被奥兰多魔术队以第一轮第一位选中。20岁的奥尼尔进入NBA后立即掀起一阵狂风巨浪。 在短短的三年时间内,他夺得了一次得分王称号,并且将一支原来根本进不了复赛的队伍,第一年带到季后赛门口,第二年带进了8强,第三年带进了总决赛。虽然没有夺得最后的总冠军,但是这种3级跳的进步速度的确惊人。1996-1997赛季开始前,奥尼尔又一次掀起轩然大波,他与洛杉矶湖人队签订了一份7年一亿两千万美元的合同,这是篮球历史上前所未有的巨额合同。 在魔术队的3年,奥尼尔虽然力大无穷,但是技术还略嫌粗糙。在他进入NBA的第一个赛季,便有3次在扣篮的时候将篮板和篮筐拉坏,最后竟然将一座篮球架给拉倒。奥尼尔是继1984-1985赛季的迈克尔·乔丹之后,第一位在全明星赛中以新人身份开场的队员,他毫无争议地当选为年度最佳新人。 在1995年的NBA总决赛中,魔术队虽占有天时、地利、人和,但终因年轻队员的经验不足和教练的指挥无方,以0:4的比分败给休斯顿火箭队,痛失一次夺冠的良机。来到湖人队后奥尼尔,将继承围绕高大中锋作战的湖人队传统,挑起继张伯伦、贾巴尔后重振湖人雄风的历史重任,再次向NBA总冠军发起猛攻。球场之外的奥尼尔,一位摇滚歌手和影视演员,他已经出了自己的数张歌曲专集和影片。 2005年,奥尼尔与李宁签约,成为中国运动品牌第一位与之签约的NBA全明星球员。所获荣誉“NBA历史上最伟大的50名球员”之一 3次获得NBA总决赛“最有价值球员”称号(2000年,2001年,2002年) 1999-2000赛季,荣获常规赛“最有价值球员”称号 4次入选NBA“最佳阵容”(1997-98, 1999-2000, 2000-01, 2001-02赛季),2次“第二阵容”(1994-95, 1998-99赛季),3次“第三阵容”(1993-94, 1995-96, 1996-97赛季) 2次入选NBA“第二防守阵容”(1999-2000, 2000-01赛季) 14次入选“全明星阵容”(1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007年) 荣获2000年NBA全明星赛“最有价值球员”称号,得到22分,9个篮板2次常规赛“得分王”——1994-1995赛季(平均得分29.3),1999-2000赛季(平均得分29.7) 5个赛季,投篮命中率列NBA第1位(1993-94, 1997-98, 1998 -99, 1999-2000, 2000-01赛季) 荣获1992-93赛季“最佳新秀”称号,入选“最佳新秀阵容” 荣获1996年奥运会篮球比赛冠军;1994年世界男篮锦标赛冠军常规赛 平均数据表赛季 球队 出场 时间 投篮 三分 罚球 前场 后场 总篮板 助攻 抢断 封盖 失误 犯规 得分 92-93 魔术 81 37.9 56.2% 0.0% 59.2% 4.2 9.6 13.9 1.9 0.74 3.53 3.79 3.96 23.4 93-94 魔术 81 39.8 59.9% 0.0% 55.4% 4.7 8.5 13.2 2.4 0.94 2.85 2.74 3.47 29.3 94-95 魔术 79 37.0 58.3% 0.0% 53.2% 4.2 7.3 11.4 2.7 0.92 2.43 2.58 3.27 29.3 95-96 魔术 54 36.0 57.3% 50.0% 48.7% 3.4 7.7 11.0 2.9 0.63 2.13 2.87 3.57 26.6 96-97 湖人 51 38.1 55.7% 0.0% 48.4% 3.8 8.7 12.5 3.1 0.90 2.88 2.86 3.53 26.2 97-98 湖人 60 36.3 58.4% 0.0% 52.7% 3.5 7.9 11.4 2.4 0.65 2.40 2.92 3.22 28.3 98-99 湖人 49 34.8 57.6% 0.0% 54.0% 3.8 6.9 10.7 2.3 0.73 1.67 2.49 3.16 26.3 99-00 湖人 79 40.0 57.4% 0.0% 52.4% 4.3 9.4 13.6 3.8 0.46 3.03 2.82 3.23 29.7 00-01 湖人 74 39.5 57.2% 0.0% 51.3% 3.9 8.8 12.7 3.7 0.64 2.76 2.95 3.46 28.7 01-02 湖人 67 36.1 57.9% 0.0% 55.5% 3.5 7.2 10.7 3.0 0.61 2.04 2.55 2.97 27.2 02-03 湖人 67 37.8 57.4% 0.0% 62.2% 3.9 7.2 11.1 3.1 0.57 2.37 2.93 3.42 27.5 03-04 湖人 67 36.8 58.4% 0.0% 49.0% 3.7 7.8 11.5 2.9 0.51 2.48 2.91 3.36 21.5 04-05 热火 73 34.1 60.1% 0.0% 46.1% 3.5 6.9 10.4 2.7 0.49 2.34 2.78 3.59 22.9 05-06 热火 59 30.2 60.0% 0.0% 46.9% 2.9 6.3 9.2 1.9 0.39 1.76 2.85 3.90 20.0 06-07 热火 40 28.2 58.8% 0.0% 42.1% 2.4 5.0 7.4 2.0 0.20 1.38 2.38 3.45 17.1 职业生涯 949 36.9 58.0% 4.8% 52.8% 3.7 8.1 11.7 2.8 0.66 2.52 2.87 3.44 26.2 季后赛 平均数据表赛季 球队 出场 时间 投篮 三分 罚球 前场 后场 总篮板 助攻 抢断 封盖 失误 犯规 得分 93-94 魔术 3 42.0 51.1% 0.0% 47.1% 5.7 7.7 13.3 2.3 0.67 3.00 3.33 4.33 20.7 94-95 魔术 21 38.3 57.7% 0.0% 57.1% 4.5 7.4 11.9 3.3 0.86 1.90 3.48 4.00 25.7 95-96 魔术 12 38.3 60.6% 0.0% 39.3% 4.1 5.9 10.0 4.6 0.75 1.25 3.67 3.33 25.8 96-97 湖人 9 36.2 51.4% 0.0% 61.0% 4.2 6.3 10.6 3.2 0.56 1.89 2.44 4.11 26.9 97-98 湖人 13 38.5 61.2% 0.0% 50.3% 3.7 6.5 10.2 2.9 0.54 2.62 3.31 3.15 30.5 98-99 湖人 8 39.4 51.0% 0.0% 46.6% 5.5 6.1 11.6 2.3 0.88 2.88 2.25 3.63 26.6 99-00 湖人 23 43.5 56.6% 0.0% 45.6% 5.2 10.3 15.4 3.1 0.57 2.39 2.43 2.91 30.7 00-01 湖人 16 42.3 55.5% 0.0% 52.5% 5.7 9.8 15.4 3.2 0.44 2.38 3.56 3.44 30.4 01-02 湖人 19 40.8 52.9% 0.0% 64.9% 3.5 9.1 12.6 2.8 0.53 2.53 3.26 3.26 28.5 02-03 湖人 12 40.1 53.5% 0.0% 62.1% 5.3 9.6 14.8 3.7 0.58 2.83 2.92 2.83 27.0 03-04 湖人 22 41.7 59.3% 0.0% 42.9% 4.1 9.1 13.2 2.5 0.32 2.77 2.50 4.09 21.5 04-05 热火 13 33.2 55.8% 0.0% 47.2% 1.5 6.4 7.8 1.9 0.38 1.46 3.23 4.00 19.4 05-06 热火 23 33.0 61.2% 0.0% 37.4% 3.3 6.5 9.8 1.7 0.48 1.48 3.70 3.65 18.4
2023-06-08 15:25:233


The History of Basketball 篮球运动的历史 Basketball. The world"s greatest sport ever. But of course, it hasn"t been around since the world began. No, somebody had to have invented it. And that somebody would be James Naismith. Born in Almonte, Ontario, Canada, this Canadian Gym Teacher and Physician would soon be the founder of basketball. It all started in December of 1891. Naismith was teaching in Springfield, Massachusetts and was asked by Luther H. Gulick, the Headmaster of the school for Christian Works to make a new sport. The main idea of the sport was mainly to be played inside when it was too cold to go outside. The new sport also had to keep athletes in their top conditions between the baseball and football season. Naismith began to work. The first game-ball was a soccer ball. The first baskets were peach baskets that Naismith cleverly thought of hanging on the wall. From there, the legacy of basketball began. Originally, there was 9 men to each team, but the objective was still the same; to pass the ball to other players on your team and put the ball in the opposing team"s net, or basket back then. From there, basketball caught on like a wildfire. During 1885 highschools and colleges began to adopt the game, and by 1898, the first Pro League was founded. After the first game played, Naismith drafted 13 rules and regulations, but many more were yet to come. The hoops we know today were invented in 1906. They were steel, with a net hanging from it"s rim. 篮球作为世界上最伟大的运动之一,并不是凭空而来,它一定有自己的发明者。这个发明者,就是James Naismith。James 出生于加拿大的安大略,他曾是一个体育教师。在1891年他在马塞诸塞教授体育的时候,学校的校长让他为基督教的活动想出一种运动,而这种运动一定要在室内进行,因为室外很冷。这种运动,按照校长的要求,一定要使运动员保持棒球和足球比赛时的激情。于是,他就开始思考这项运动。经过思考,他想出了一种方法:在墙上挂网子,然后把球扔向这个用网子做的篮子里。从此,篮球得以产生。本来,每个队伍有9个队员,但是规则是:把球传向自己队伍的队员,然后设法投向对方的筐子里。从此,篮球就很快传播开来。1885年,高中和大学都开始采用这种运动方式,到1898年,第一个篮球联盟成立。第一次比赛后,James设计了13个比赛规则。篮球筐子的边缘框架是在1906年设计的,材料是钢。 Dr. James Naismith is known world-wide as the inventor of basketball. He was born in 1861 in Ramsay township, near Almonte, Ontario, Canada. The concept of basketball was born from Naismith"s school days in the area where he played a simple child"s game known as duck-on-a-rock outside his one-room schoolhouse. The game involved attempting to knock a "duck" off the top of a large rock by tossing another rock at it. Naismith went on to attend McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. James 作为世界闻名的篮球发明家,出生于1861年的Ramsay小镇,位于加拿大的安大略。他发明篮球的点子是来自他小时候玩的一种游戏,叫“duck-on-a-rock”。这种游戏就是用一块石头把另一块石头打掉。James 后来转去了魁北克的Montreal大学教授课程。 History of ABA and NBA ABA和NBA的历史 The ABA, a former professional basketball league, lived for nine seasons (1967-1976). At the time of its inception, the NBA only had 10 teams. NBA expansion was needed but, due to enormous financial demands, wasn"t happening. So, the ABA was formed. The ABA had major style. The basketball was wild, with patriotic red white and blue colors, as thought of by George Mikan, the first ABA commissioner. The players were wild as well, showcasing cool moves, fashionable (often ridiculously so) clothes and a bad attitude (in a good way). Many NBA stars first played in the ABA - Julius Erving, Moses Malone, Connie Hawkins, Artis Gilmore, George Gervin and Dan Issel, to name an impressive handful. Other ABA stars were: Rick Barry, Spencer Haywood, Bobby Jones, Maurice Lucas, Billy Cunningham and Steve Jones. The ABA coaches list includes such stars as Larry Brown, Hubie Brown, K.C. Jones, Lou Carnesecca, Al Bianchi and Doug Moe. The ABA brought cool nicknames: Bad News. Slick. Dr. J. The Iceman. Fatty. The American Basketball Association had all the flair everyone wanted the NBA to have. ABA games were more wild. Lots of running. Fast breaks everywhere. The ABA had runners and gunners - guys would fly up and down the court, attacking the basket one minute and firing 3-pointers the next (yes, the ABA had the 3-point basket while the NBA did not). The 3-point line tended to force defenders to step out and guard respectable outside shooters, opening up the lane for drives. The NBA only had the two-point shot, so defenses tended to huddle closer to the basket, encouraging outside shots and not allowing as much to develop close to the basket. Also, there was no fouling out in the ABA. So, while NBA stars would sometimes be forced to sit down due to foul trouble, ABA stars were on the court as much as their bodies and coaches would allow. ABA basketball was fun basketball. The NBA, however, had all the money. And therefore, it could advertise, bringing fans and media coverage. The ABA lacked funds, and therefore lacked the means to draw fans and receive the attention it deserved. The ABA was definitely not as good as the NBA when it was first created. Occasional ABA vs. NBA games were played, and NBA teams dominated. Over time, the quality of the ABA talent pool increased dramatically. While it"s no longer a big deal for current NBA teams to draft high school players, NBA teams never did that years ago. ABA teams did, and therefore got the jump on a lot of talent that would have gone to the NBA if given the choice. In the later years of the ABA, ABA teams usually beat NBA teams in inter-league competition. Despite the rise in quality of the American Basketball Association teams as time went on, the NBA still had all the fame and fortune. The ABA was struggling. The league managed to prove itself in many ways - competitive, exciting games, and top notch basketball stars, but it was unable to prove itself as a business. The logical solution - merge with the NBA. The ABA - NBA merger took place in 1976, with four successful ABA teams - the San Antonio Spurs, New York Nets, Denver Nuggets and Indiana Pacers - joining the NBA. The rest of the ABA shut down for good. Almost half of the players in the first NBA All-Star game after the merger were former ABA players. NBA是National Basketball Association的缩写(国家篮球协会)。成立于1946年6月6日。成立时叫BAA,即全美篮协会(Basketball Association of America),是由十一家冰球馆和体育馆的老板为了让体育馆在冰球比赛以外的时间,不至于闲置而共同发起成立的。BAA 成立时共11支球队:纽约尼克斯队、波士顿凯尔特人队、华盛顿国会队、芝加哥牡鹿队、克利夫兰叛逆者队、底特律猎鹰队、费城武士队、匹兹保铁人队、普罗维登斯蒸气队、圣路易斯轰炸机队和多伦多爱斯基摩人队。1949年BAA吞并了当时的另外一个联盟(NBL),并改名为NBA 。1949-50赛季,NBA共17支球队。1976年NBA吞并了美国篮球协会(ABA),球队增加到22支。 1980年达拉斯小牛队加入NBA。1988年,夏洛特黄蜂队和迈阿密热火队加入NBA。1990年奥兰多魔术队和明尼苏达森林狼队加入NBA。1995年两支加拿大球队加入NBA,多伦多猛龙队和温哥华灰熊队,使NBA的球队达到29支。
2023-06-08 15:25:322


分音节读较准确音节划分”是拼读规则中的一个至关重要的内容,掌握它有利于拼读技能的落实。 双音节单词的音节划分方法可归纳为“两分手。一归前或一归后”。这是在1991年,我从杭州的长征中学年轻的英语教师 Ms.郑洁那里听到的一句“民谚”。 1.“两分手”是指:当两个元音之间有两个辅音字母时,将两个辅音字母划分在前后两个音节里。具体细节以及读音特点,分别介绍如下: 1a. 当两个辅音字母相同(包括字母 r),且重读音节在第一个音节: better 划分成 bet ter carry 划分成 car ry yellow 划分成 yel low borrow 划分成 bor row millet小米 划分成 mil let little 划分成 lit tle 第一个音节的元音按照“短元音”读,但是相邻的那一个辅音字母没有读音。注意:字母 l, r在非重读音节中,有时起元音的作用。譬如在单词 little, acre英亩中。 1b. 带前缀的单词,有时也有两个相同的辅音字母(包括字母 r),如: attack划分成at tack arrive划分成 ar rive attend 划分成 at tend correct划分成 cor rect effect划分成 ef fect support划分成 sup port 这样的单词,第一个音节是“非重读音节”,元音一般读“含糊元音”。 Note:“含糊元音”= slurred vowel, 即 IPA 中的“反e” 。 1c. 当两个辅音字母不同(不包括字母 r)时: sister 划分成 sis ter window 划分成 win dow system 划分成 sys tem publish 划分成 pub lish milky 划分成 mil ky silver 划分成 sil ver 第一个音节的元音按照“短元音”读,相邻的辅音字母有读音。 建议读者将 milky 的读音与 "millet小米" 的读音相比较; 将 silver 的读音与 "silly愚蠢的" 的读音相比较。 1d. 当两个辅音字母不同,并且第一个辅音字母为 r 时: market 划分成 mar ket dirty 划分成 dir ty certain 划分成 cer tain forty 划分成 for ty surface 划分成 sur face purple 划分成 pur ple 第一个音节的元音按照“-r 音节”的读音读。 注意:一些不允许“两分手”的情况,有: a. 辅音字符 th, sh, ch, ck, tch 等,是不允许分割的。如: fa ther oth er cash ier ma chine pock et meth od moth er fash ion re charge butch er b. 各种辅音连缀,如 cr, pr, bl, fl, 等,也是不允许分割的。这样的单词有: April 只能划分成 A pril secret 只能划分成 se cret apron只能划分成 a pron sacred 只能划分成 sa cred 包括带前缀的一些单词,如 degree, across, agree, afraid 等。 2.“一归前或一归后”是指:当两个元音之间只有一个辅音字母时,有时将这个辅音字母划分在前面的音节里,有时划分在后面的音节里。 2a. 先说“一归后”的情况。在有些单词中是对的。如: open 划分成 o pen able 划分成 a ble even 划分成 e ven nation 划分成 na tion fever 划分成 fe ver unit 划分成 u nit tiny 划分成 ti ny student 划分成 stu dent 显然,第一个音节的元音按照“开音节”读。 2b. 带有以元音结尾的前缀的单词,自然是属于“一归后”的。如: begin 划分成 be gin repeat 划分成 re peat decide 划分成 de cide return 划分成 re turn prepare 划分成pre pare repair 划分成 re pair 重读音节在第二个音节,其元音按照第二章中的诸多规则读音。 2c. 再看“一归前”的情况。在有些单词中也是对的。如: city 划分成 cit y minute 划分成 min ute study 划分成 stud y second 划分成 sec ond travel 划分成 trav el never 划分成 nev er 显然,第一个音节的元音按照“短元音”读。 另外请注意,字母 x 永远是划归第一个音节的。并且第一个音节读“短元音”。如: taxi划分成 tax i exit 划分成 ex it 鉴于“一归后”、“一归前”两种情况都存在,所以需要细致地对待这个“民谚”。 The above text was drafted by me about ten weeks ago. It"s a part of my 毕业论文。 Because someone has posted a poster entitled 《如何划分音节 Scholar"s copy》in this Bar, so I decided to post this 《如何划分音节 Student"s copy》and share my viewpoints with all the netizen(网民) here
2023-06-08 15:25:521


Jules Verne (1828-1905)
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2023-06-08 15:26:082

初中英语作文 我最崇拜的体育明星

2023-06-08 15:26:264


emerged on the
2023-06-08 15:26:352


翻译器吧.. 在这里没人愿意自己帮你翻译这么长一篇吧.....
2023-06-08 15:26:4515

千元智能机新典范 华为Ascend G300评测

  【IT168 评测】提起千元智能手机这个概念,大家或许会想起之前销量火爆的U8800+,今天为大家带来的评测是华为Ascend G300。相对于大卖的U8800+,该机无论从外观还是手机的材质上都有比较显著的提升。  Ascend G300采用经典直板触控设计。整机时尚感十足,机身用料扎实。机身尺寸122.5 x 63 x 10.5 mm,重约130g,拿在手里的感觉十分轻薄,大气。整机黑、白、灰的颜色搭配也显得十分的讨巧可爱。  华为G300拥有一块采用IPS硬屏技术的4.0寸屏幕,同时拥有 500万AF摄像头,足够满足日常需要。 机身自带4G 内存 ,1GHz 主频高性能处理器搭配512MB RAM也是目前比较主流的配置。▲Ascend G300采用一体抽拉式纸质包装▲整机设计大气简约  机身背部采用NCVM(不导电真空镀)表面处理工艺,抗静电,具有金属色调之美与镀金特色。 同时,全表面进行雾化处理,能够有效防指纹。在笔者使用的两天时间中,由于后盖经过特殊的工艺处理,整机的防滑性也不错。▲由于是联通定制机型,沃3G的Logo十分显眼▲顶部听筒格栅▲500万像素AF摄像头,完全满足日常需要▲特殊电镀材料制成的后盖${PageNumber}  相对于大多数手机而言,华为Ascend G300的按键十分简洁,机身侧面仅有一组音量控制键,并没有常见的拍照快捷键,这组音量控制键排布在手机的左侧。底部采用Micro USB接口,这个接口在承载传输数据的同时,也兼顾了充电接口的功能。▲音量调节按键位于机身左侧 按键反馈力度适中▲顶部电源键采用和后盖一样的电镀处理▲按键特写  现在,越来越多的国产机型取消了搜索键,这样更方便国人的使用习惯。就笔者个人而言,还是很喜欢这样的设计。三枚按键的设计,减少了不常用的搜索键,增大了底部区域的触控面积,确实更方便单手操作。▲Micro USB接口${PageNumber}  系统版本  华为Ascend G300搭载Android2.3.6系统,全新(holographic)UI设计。官方承诺,2012年7月后上市的机型会采用最新Android 4.0操作系统。系统整体感觉比较清爽,运行流畅。该机定位为千元智能机,系统有不少小细节考虑到国人的日常使用习惯,下面笔者带您一起领略一下U8818的操作系统。  解锁方式  U8818的解锁方法区别于大多数安卓智能机的滑动解锁,采用全新的四维导航解锁。只需拖拽屏幕中央的触控区域移动到上下左右四个方向分别对应的位置,就可以快速进入通话、拍照、短信、主界面几个常用程序进行操作,设计还是十分贴心的。▲U8818解锁界面  主界面  主界面提供了五个分屏,全新的方块模式的滑动效果很新颖,在滑动换屏的同时没有一丝卡顿的感觉。主界面的优化程度还是十分出色的。▲主屏界面感觉十分清爽  长按屏幕空白处,添加一些常用的窗口小部件及快捷方式。值得一提的是,自带的省电模式小部件还是十分贴心的。两根手指合并触控屏幕空白处,可调出5个分屏的缩略图。▲窗口小部件▲长按屏幕下方的主页键实现程序之间的切换${PageNumber}  下拉菜单  Ascend G300的下拉菜单内置了WIFI、蓝牙、GPS、移动数据、屏幕自动旋转五种最常用的电量控制方式。如果后台运行qq或有未读短信,在这里都会有相应的显示。▲U8818下拉菜单  菜单内部主界面  菜单内部采用左右回弹操作效果,滑动流畅。内部预置了大量实用软件和经典小游戏。应用充分结合了联通沃3G业务。▲按下屏幕右下方设置键可随意变换应用程序位置  应用市场“智慧云”▲“智慧云”软件市场  作为官方的软件市场,智慧云内置了大量的软件游戏。笔者在上面找到了不少好玩的小游戏,且这些游戏基本以免费的居多。当然这些软件都是完美适配华为Ascend G300的,在此下载不用担心不良软件的恶意吸费。提示大家下载软件时最好使用WIFI下载。${PageNumber}  电话功能  华为Ascend G300的通话质量清晰,听筒声音明亮,在户外很嘈杂的情况下也能顺利的通话。拨号的触控区域很大,对于笔者这种手掌很大的人来说在合适不过了。该机还具有贴心的接通震动功能,在拨号按键上方排布有通话记录,联系人等选项,方便操作。同时,通讯录查找方式也非常简单,只需输入联系人的首字母就可准确快速的找到联系人。▲华为U8818拨号键盘  短信功能  在短信息功能上华为G300也亮点颇多,在输入收件人的区域会显示最近常用联系人号码,大大加快输入效率。短信设置里可以编辑自定义签名和头像,让你的信息充满个性色彩。▲自定义信息设置  华为输入法  该机内置了华为自家的输入法,输入法按键的震动反馈很舒服。同时支持全键盘,9键键盘,以及手写输入三种方式,三种输入方式的识别率还是经测试十分准确。自带的词库和词语联想功能也十分出色。▲华为输入法设置▲多种输入方式${PageNumber}  浏览器体验效果  自带浏览器打开页面时无任何卡顿,在wifi下打开一个完整的HTML页面只需要3-5秒,性能十分出色。Ascend G300的浏览器本身不支持Flash功能。在开启横竖屏转换的情况下,切换页面速度十分迅速。页面缩放稍有卡顿,属于可以接受的范围。▲打开页面速度尚可  网页浏览横屏模式的功能菜是集合了新建窗口,书签,刷新等常用功能。按下地址栏右侧收藏夹按键,能快速调出书签。▲浏览器横屏模式  游戏测试  在游戏测试环节,笔者选择了切水果和忍者突袭两款较流行的游戏。手机长时间运行游戏,发热量尚可。1Ghz CPU运行切水果这款游戏还是比较流畅的,没有之前笔者所担心的卡顿现象。在运行忍者突袭时,效果也十分出色。4.0寸的屏幕在进行游戏的体验性上也是十分出色的。▲两点触控 显示清晰▲运行忍者突袭毫无压力${PageNumber}  跑分测试  华为Ascend G300采用高通骁龙MSM7227A处理器,1GHz 主频,512MB的RAM(运行内存),GPU(显示芯片)采用Adreno 200芯片,具体的硬件表现能力如何呢?下面的测试环节为您一一展现。这个测试环节中,分别用安兔兔,象限测试该机的硬件表现能力。  首先使用安兔兔进行直观的评测▲设备信息和系统信息▲最终的测试得分2906  2906的测试分数位于三星Galaxy S和Nexus S中间。  象限跑分▲跑分结果1379  多点触控测试:▲支持两点触控  华为Ascend G300仅支持两点触控,不过对于千元级别的智能机,我们也不能奢求太多。  跑分总结:  通过两款跑分软件和一款多点触控软件的检测,可以肯定的是,该机在1000元级别的智能手机当中还是相当具备竞争力的。高通骁龙MSM7227A处理器1GHz 主频,虽不是时下流行的双核配置,但也能出色完成日常需要。Adreno 200显示芯片则可轻松观看720p高清影视。${PageNumber}  摄像头表现力  华为Ascend G300采用一枚500w像素自动对焦摄像头,并搭载一枚LED闪光灯。拍照的界面预置了多种拍照模式,白平衡、日光荧光、阴天模式。在闪光灯的控制上也分为自动,手动开启模式,并支持最大3.9X的手动缩放。当然如果你是微博控,Ascend G300摄像头还内置了自动记录照片位置的选项,方便与家人朋友分享你所在的位置。▲Ascend G300背部500w像素摄像头  拍照样张预览▲Ascend G300拍照样张(点击查看原图)▲U8818拍照样张(点击查看原图)▲Ascend G300拍照样张(点击查看原图)${PageNumber}  电池电量及发热情况总结  在电池方面华为Ascend G300使用了一块1350 mAh的电池, 对于主打娱乐效果的这款手机来说,电量的表现只能说是中规中矩。但该机最大的亮点就是5秒开机,2小时快速充电。经笔者实测,开机速度确实快的惊人,而完成一次完整的充电过程的确在2小时左右。▲Ascend G300电池仓特写▲1350 mAh电池▲sim卡 扩展卡插槽  按照笔者每天10条短信,40分钟通话,1小时WIFI上网的使用习惯,完整的放电过程在一天半左右。  评测总结  经过两天的试用,笔者认为该机性价比十足且做工扎实稳重。后盖及电源键特殊的电镀处理工艺也给我留下了深刻的印象,在长时间使用时间内没有留下任何指纹,可见NCVM电镀的确名不虚传。在配置上,1GHZ处理器+512MB运存完全能够应付日常的办公娱乐需要。该机唯一美中不足的是Ascend G300的电池容量较小,商务人士则需要多配备一块电池。作为千元智能机的新定义,华为Ascend G300的做工甚至超越某些中端配置的手机,是一款注重性价比用户的首选机型。
2023-06-08 15:27:221


2023-06-08 15:27:293

ascend in是什么意思及反义词

ascending 英[u0259"sendu026au014b] 美[u0259u02c8su025bndu026au014b] adj. 上升的,向上的; v. 上升,攀登( ascend的现在分词 ); [例句]Now draw or trace ten dinosaurs in ascending order of size.现在按照体型由小到大的顺序画出或是临摹出10只恐龙。[其他] 原型: ascend
2023-06-08 15:27:291


《你好,德古拉》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: vuni《你好,德古拉》导演: 金多礼编剧: 河贞允主演: 徐珠贤、李智贤、李主傧、高娜熙、徐恩律、太仁镐、李清娥、池一株、吴万石类型: 剧情、同性制片国家/地区: 韩国语言: 韩语上映日期: 2020-02-17(韩国)集数: 2片长: 60分钟又名: 再见 德古拉、Drama Festa: Hi, Dracula讲述了一直很听妈妈话的女儿安娜(徐玄饰)和一直对女儿很强势的妈妈美英(李智贤饰)、在梦想与现实之间纠结的地下歌手瑞妍(李珠彬饰)、含着金汤匙出生的志亨(徐恩率饰)以及从小就看家人脸色长大的有拉(高娜熙饰)之间的友情故事。
2023-06-08 15:27:301


2023-06-08 15:27:365

续航给力拍照不错 华为Ascend D2评测

  【IT168 评测】CES美国电子消费品展会上让我们记住了5寸1920*1080分辨率屏幕和四核的硬件配置。此次展会上发布的旗舰机型都无一例外采用了这一硬件配置,包括索尼、中兴、华为在内,也包括之前的HTC、OPPO等企业都将今年上半年旗舰机型的配置提升到了这一水平。但是今天我们要评测的产品——华为Ascend D2和其他5寸1080P屏幕还有所不同,其他品牌手机基本上无一例外使用了高通的四核处理器,而作为国产手机领军人物的华为却选择继续使用之前在D1、荣耀四核上使用过的海思K3V2四核处理器。那华为Ascend D2会给我们带来什么样的用户体验呢?跟着笔者一同来体验该机吧。  背景介绍:华为Ascend被华为定义为高端手机,该系列首款机型为华为Ascend P1,用户体验十分不错,也为华为带来了良好的口碑。而之后也陆续推出了华为Ascend P1 XL、Ascend D1/D1四核等。华为Ascend D2就是D1四核的升级版。  提到华为Ascend D2,相信关注这款手机的人都会脱口而出——1080P屏幕,但其实相比于D1四核,华为Ascend D2在很多方面都有提升,下面我们就首先通过硬件参数表格来开始今天的评测文章。华为Ascend D2 主要参数华为荣耀四核 主要参数操作系统安卓4.1.2安卓4.1.2网络制式CDMA2000/GSMWCDMA/GSM机身尺寸140x71x9.7mm134x67.5x10.5mm重量170g (偏重)145g (适中)屏幕5寸 1080P分辨率屏幕 IPS材质4.5寸 720P分辨率 IPS材质摄像头1300万像素 F2.2光圈 背照式800万像素 F2.4光圈 背照式处理器华为海思K3V2四核 1.5HGz华为海思K3V2四核 1.4HGz机身内存RAM:2GBROM:32GB(不支持扩展)RAM:2GB ROM:8GB(支持扩展)特色功能四天线/双麦克风/OTG/IP54三防EMOTION UI电池3000mAh(不可换)2230mAh(可换)机身颜色白色黑色/白色上市价格行货售价尚未公布行货售价1888元  通过和目前炙手可热的华为荣耀四核的硬件对比,我们发现,华为Ascend D2在摄像头,屏幕,电池容量、天线、麦克风、OTG等等功能方面都有提升。两者之间的差距还是十分明显的。并且,此次送测的为电信版,拥有电信双卡双待功能,支持电信3G网络和GSM的2G网络,使得该机性价比提升不少。  编辑点评:5寸1080P屏幕四核使之比肩目前所有旗舰手机,电信双卡双待设计提升性价比。华为Ascend D2外观解析  虽然华为是世界500强企业,但是涉足商用手机时间并不是很长,而让我们熟知的机型还都是安卓手机。在手机外观设计方面,华为一直走中庸的路线,包括荣耀、D1、荣耀四核等等均采用矩形圆角设计,这种中庸的好处在于不会做出很丑的手机,但是能一眼就让人记住的产品也同样很少。华为Ascend D2开始华为改进了设计,接下来我们就对华为Ascend D2的外观进行一下解析。▲正面照  正面华为Ascend D2采用了5寸1080P屏幕,值得一提的是D2是华为首款屏幕虚拟按键的手机,大家对于屏幕虚拟按键有什么想法,也欢迎大家在文章中进行留言,进行讨论。同时D2也延续了华为的良好作风,贴膜直接贴在手机上,用户无需额外购买贴膜。▲顶部设计  顶部设计较为中庸。可以说单从顶部来看,很难发现荣耀四核和华为D2之间的差别。▲底部设计  底部设计更加简洁,由于采用了屏幕虚拟按键设计,华为D2底部较窄。华为在屏幕虚拟按键的设计上,为了不影响游戏视频等应用,华为特别设计了隐藏虚拟按键的设计。这一点比较人性化。▲背面设计  背面方面,华为Ascend D2的突破较大,采用了注塑工艺。并且在摄像头位置做了凸起,背面整体呈弧形,较之前荣耀四核更加精致,但同样会沾染指纹,俗称指纹收集器。华为Ascend D2外观解析之二▲摄像头特写  摄像头位置的设计是华为D2的亮点之一,摄像头采用了凸起的设计,这种设计理念可能来自华为W1,而W1摄像头的实际理念根据同行WPDang的解释:早期蓝图上,摄像头的形状不是最后Ascend W1发布时的圆弧凸起状态,而是完全预留姿态的方孔(如上图),在形状上很象Ascend P1 2012年初在CES上演示时候的样子。但在这里问题也出现了,在实际机型上的摄像头往往会突起,并不能很好的融合进机身内。所以在2012年6月的改进设计稿里,华为的开发人员将摄像头改成了最终的微凸圆形状态。据猜测,华为觉得摄像头凸起的设计让手机更具层次感,所以将这一设计保留到了华为Ascend D2上。▲背面底部设计  由于是中国电信定制机型,所以背面底部设计了天翼的LOGO和3C认证等LOGO。值得一提的是,华为Ascend D2并没有采用类似魅族MX2的双料注塑工艺,仅仅是把LOGO打在了表面上。▲顶部底部设计,MicroUSB支持OTG功能  华为Ascend D2在中壳的设计方面采用了金属包围,让华为Ascend D2显得更加沉稳。在顶部和底部设计了四个天线位置(包括双WIFI天线和双信号天线)和双麦克风。但是将3.5mm耳机接口放在底部、将microUSB接口放在顶部的设计有些异于常态,与笔者的使用习惯相反。▲SIM卡托特写  顶部microSIM卡卡槽采用双卡槽设计,双卡均采用microSIM卡设计。同时通过SIM卡槽处的特写,我们发现华为Ascend D2的边框并不全是金属,而是金属包边。▲侧面特写  机身侧面配备了电源键和一体式音量键,按键均采用金属设计,表面进行拉丝工艺处理,加强了按键的手感。▲IP54级别防水  该机采用一体式设计,内置3000mAh电池,并且华为还强调该机支持IP54级别防水防尘,“IP54”。即:防尘为5级:无法完全防止灰尘侵入,但侵入灰尘量不会影响灯具正常运作;防水等级为4级:防止飞溅的水侵入 防止各方向飞溅而来的水侵入。我们也进行了简单的泼水测试,华为Ascend D2仍能正常使用。  编辑点评:华为Ascend D2外形较之前有所突破,IP54级别防水十分给力。华为Ascend D2屏幕详细解析  手机屏幕的重要性只要看看苹果就不言而喻了。Retina显示效果是苹果在iPhone4S上开创并一直成为苹果产品的最大亮点之一。目前不仅手机,就连平板和笔记本都已经升级retina显示器了。所以一个好屏幕真的可以将一款手机的用户体验提升一个档次。  华为Ascend D2采用了目前手机最高端的5寸1920*1080分辨率屏幕,屏幕PPI达到了440,苹果曾经给出定义,对于手机来讲,屏幕PPI达到300以上就可以称之为视网膜屏幕了。那像华为Ascend D2的440PPI屏幕相比之前的720P屏幕有什么优势么?我们将从多方面来给大家进行解析。  一,屏幕清晰度  我们将华为Ascend D2和之前的华为荣耀四核爱享纯真版进行对比,将相同图标进行微距翻拍。我们发现在正常大小下,并不能发现1080P分辨率和720P分辨率之间的差距。仅在放大到像素级别,我们才能发现两者之间的差别,所以在清晰度方面720P屏幕和1080P屏幕之间在清晰度方面差别不大。▲即使放大多倍,清晰度差异也依旧不明显  屏幕清晰度是屏幕显示效果的一个方面,屏幕的灵敏度则是另外一方面。有的手机反应灵敏,有的手机却是点哪哪不灵。让人有一种想戳烂屏幕的冲动。这里,我们可以通过在屏幕上画网格来得出结论,如果网格的线条越直,说明屏幕的精准度越高。如果边框局部线条变得平滑,就说明屏幕边框的灵敏度不是很高。▲屏幕灵敏度测试  通过截图我们可以看到,华为Ascend D2和华为荣耀四核在屏幕灵敏度方面的差距也不是很大。均属于高水平。  屏幕显示效果好坏最大的因素在于屏幕色彩的饱和度。同样一款壁纸,有的手机显示的色彩鲜艳,给人感觉很好,有的手机显示的偏色,就让用户体验大打折扣,接下来我们就通过屏幕翻拍来展现华为Ascend D2和华为荣耀四核之间的差别。左侧为Ascend D2/右侧为华为荣耀四核 点击图片查看原图▲左侧为Ascend D2/右侧为华为荣耀四核 点击图片查看原图▲左侧为Ascend D2/右侧为华为荣耀四核 点击图片查看原图  通过屏幕翻拍,我们发现虽然两者都调整到了最大亮度,但是华为Ascend D2还是比华为荣耀四核更亮,并且颜色更加鲜艳,笔者猜测除了屏幕硬件自身的原因外,还和华为Ascend D2屏幕良好的粘合程度有关。  最后,我们对屏幕的保护玻璃进行暴力测试。我们通过钥匙、小刀和沙砾来模拟裤兜中的环境。我们知道钥匙和小刀的硬度并不比屏幕玻璃高,所以此类型硬物对屏幕的伤害主要源自于压力,基本不会带来太多划痕。但沙砾的成分不固定,很容易产生划痕。▲华为Ascend D2屏幕测试  在我们经过的简单测试后,华为Ascend D2和华为荣耀四核爱享纯真版均没有出现任何划痕。说明短时间的压力测试下,两者都具有良好的耐刮花能力。但根据笔者的经验,任何手机保护玻璃再长时间使用后均会出现划痕,所以现阶段给手机贴膜还是一套必要的工序。  编辑总结:手机屏幕分辨率越来越像之前的手机处理器主频了,各大厂商都在追求更高的数字。而消费者对这一现象也很喜闻乐见。其实这是一个相互的东西,如果消费者都可以在选购手机时进行很理性的消费,那手机厂商也就没有必要在追求这些数字上的东西。总而言之,在现阶段用户体验明显更不上硬件发展的速度,我们到底想要什么,这也值得我们深思。华为Ascend D2游戏视频测试  前面我们对华为Ascend D2进行了1080P全高清屏幕的解析,接下来,我们就通过实际的应用程序来对华为Ascend D2进行用户体验方面的测试。我们知道之前华为荣耀四核出现过游戏不兼容的情况,同样搭载海思K3V2处理器的华为Ascend D2的情况又是如何呢?我们还是通过华为Ascend D2和华为荣耀四核进行对比。  1.《Real Racing 2》  选择该款游戏因为赛车游戏对于游戏帧数和操控性要求都很高,并且该款游戏数据包够大,可以体现两款手机的性能。  通过视频我们可以看出,两者都可以完美运行《Real Racing2》游戏,但是在进入游戏的时间和游戏运行的情况上还是存在一定差异的。  2.《地牢猎手3》  选择这款游戏的原因在于之前有用户反映海思K3V2对于Gameloft的游戏兼容性并不十分理想,这款地牢猎手3是Gamelofe大型游戏之一。  这是一款中型游戏,数据包在500MB左右,并且已经推出有一段时间了。该游戏在华为Ascend D2上可以完美运行,但是到了华为荣耀四核手机上同样的数据包却不能运行。  3《现代战争4、现代战争3、混沌与秩序》  这是几款款目前新款的大型游戏,数据包都达到了1G左右,可以说该游戏代表了现有安卓游戏的巅峰水平。  这三款游戏均为较新的游戏,并且属于目前安卓手机的不折不扣的大型游戏。但是由于系统兼容性等问题,这三款均由Gameloft开发的游戏在华为Ascend D2上无法运行。  通过一系列的大型游戏测试,我们发现华为Ascend D2在运行大型游戏时存在两个问题。1.很多游戏不能匹配。但相比之前的华为荣耀四核来讲,兼容性有所提升。2.在能运行的大型游戏中,华为Ascend D2的流畅性方面还存在一些问题。这些问题的主要原因在于vivante为华为提供的GC4000显示芯片目前还只有少数厂商进行装配,不能很好的适配目前大型游戏的数据包,今后这种情况可能随着华为的加入而改变,还有工程机优化也是运行游戏叫卡的原因之一,待正式版上市后,我们会持续为您进行测试  视频测试:华为海思K3V2虽然在游戏性能上差强人意,但是在视频解码方面却十分给力。我们在之前评测的文章中也进行过很多机型的视频解码测试,用的是同一套视频文件,通过视频,我们来看看华为Ascend D2的视频解码能力到底如何。小米2代手机 影片播放情况华为Ascend D2 影片播放情况720P WMV格式自带播放器完美播放无卡顿自带播放器完美播放无卡顿576P MKV格式自带播放器完美播放无卡顿自带播放器完美播放无卡顿1080P MP4格式自带播放器完美播放无卡顿自带播放器完美播放无卡顿720P MOV格式自带播放器无法播放自带播放器完美播放无卡顿720P MKV格式自带播放器完美播放无卡顿自带播放器完美播放无卡顿720P RMVB格式自带播放器无法播放自带播放器完美播放无卡顿436P AVI格式自带播放器完美播放无卡顿自带播放器完美播放无卡顿  我们看到全部的视频均为播放无卡顿,相比之下,之前测试的小米2代手机却表现的不是十分给力,这也源于GC400的显示芯片在硬解码视频上的能力出众。  编辑总结:海思K3V2处理器一半天使一半魔鬼,解码视频能力出众,但在运行游戏方面出现不兼容问题。同时1080P屏幕分辨率使得显示芯片有些吃力。华为Ascend D2拍照详解  华为Ascend D2搭载了1300万像素背照式摄像头,是华为推出的手机中摄像水准最高的一款,究竟拍照效果怎样呢?本文的这一部分就为大家解析1300万像素摄像头的实力。▲拍照界面解析  华为Ascend D2搭载了华为基于原生安卓UI上自主开发的华为Emotion UI,在相机界面下,华为Ascend D2除了一些之前在华为荣耀四核上见过的功能外,我们还发现了自动追焦的功能,当你选定好一个事物进行对焦后,即使事物进行移动,对焦点也会随之移动。这种追焦的功能被广泛应用到时下很多单反相机上,只不过单反上可以进行实时对焦,而华为Ascend D2的“追焦”方式是先追后对焦。但是也是一个不小的进步了。还是很据使用价值的。  接下来,我们就通过拍照样张来解析一下华为Ascend D2的拍照实力吧。▲点击图片查看原图  通过样张,我们可以看出1300万像素摄像头在日常光线良好的情况下样张还是十分给力的,达到了目前安卓手机的旗舰水平。并且支持软件HDR功能,能够通过软件算法提升部分画面亮度。但在相机的实际拍摄中,笔者也遇到了一些问题,例如会不时碰到对焦无论是否对上,手机都显示对焦成功,这应该是软件的BUG,希望华为在今后的固件升级中进行解决。并且对焦速度较慢也成为美中不足。  编辑总结:1300万像素拍照实力不俗,但对焦成为美中不足。华为Ascend D2系统解析  笔者记得去年,华为曾经在发布华为Ascend D1的时候单独召开过一次发布会,发布会上华为第一次宣布了要开发专属UI,并且对Emotion UI期望很高,称华为手机在加上Emotion UI就如同如虎添翼,能将用户体验上升一个等级。过了半年时间,Emotion UI终于商用,文章的这一部分就向大家简单介绍一下Emotion UI 1.5。▲解锁界面/主界面解析  定制化内容从解锁界面就已经开始,四方向代表解锁、拍照、信息、通话四个功能,这也是华为之前就已经拥有的功能,而进入主界面,我们发现华为Emotion UI 1.5取消了应用软件列表项,转而采用类似小米MIUI的设计,将应用软件直接放在主屏上,在下拉菜单中加入了各项设置按钮,方便用户。▲自定义主题解析  华为Emotion UI还增加了三款主题,分别为默认、清风和光晕。并且,每款主题均可以自定义字体等等小项目。但是通过比对,这三款主题仅仅在图标的形状上有所差异,并没有太大的改动。▲情景模式解析  Emotion UI还内置了情景模式功能,这项功能之前被广泛应用在诺基亚手机上,并且深得消费者的喜爱。用户可以自定义每一个情景的设置,进行快速切换。较为方便。▲设置界面解析  在设置界面方面,华为Emotion UI也同MIUI V4相同,拥有常规和全部两项设置,用户可以在常规界面中进行诸如GMS铃音等在原生界面属于二级菜单的设置,较为方便。虚拟按键方面,华为Emotion UI也进行了改进,由于很多消费者对于安卓4.0上的屏幕虚拟按键怨声载道,称其既占用屏幕像素,在一些应用软件里又容易误操作。华为特别加入了隐藏虚拟按键的设计,当你需要虚拟按键的时候仅需要向上滑动即可。  当然华为Ascend D2上的Emotion UI并不是十全十美的,在系统的流畅度方面,我们也进行了测试,PK的对象依旧是同门师兄弟——华为荣耀四核爱享纯真版。  通过视频,我们可以看到,华为Ascend D2在系统流畅度方面比荣耀四核要差,视频中,我们可以清楚的看到,同样都是滑动桌面的动作,华为荣耀四核的帧数要明显多于华为Ascend D2,其主要原因在于GPU芯片渲染1080P分辨率屏幕显得有些吃力,当然也和工程机、Emotion UI的优化上有一定关系,希望华为在系统更新上有所改进。▲定制化内容还不够完善  同时,Emotion UI还存在着一些其他问题,通过截图我们可以发现,在接听电话时,状态栏是透明的,显得有些格格不入。在网络详细信息的菜单中,风格和安卓原生风格相同等等,这些都需要华为在今后的升级中进行改进。  编辑点评:Emotion UI更加适合国人使用,但是细节之处仍需改进。杂七杂八,总结  在文章第一页我们曾经说到,相比于华为荣耀四核,华为Ascend D2不仅仅是在屏幕上有所升级,更多升级之处在于小细节,文章的最后,我们就先总结一下这些小细节。  1.3000mAh超长待机+2.5小时快速充电。▲5V 2A大电流充电器保证快速充电  5寸屏幕使得华为Ascend D2内部空间更大,选择电池容量显得更加游刃有余。3000mAh的电池在时下手机中算的上大容量了,而实际使用体验方面也能感觉到电力十分强劲,高强度测试7个小时仅耗电40%,这样看来,两天一充不是问题。华为宣称该机拥有2.5小时快速充电的本领,这主要源于自带的5V/2A的充电器,当然,目前市面上普遍的5V/1A充电器也能为其充电,只不过在充电时间方面较长。  2.双卡双待双通双麦克风  这几项功能比较偏重于商务,电信移动两卡可以同时接通电话,并且双麦克风在通话质量方面也有很大帮助。  3.IP54级别防水。▲防水测试  笔者为了测试华为Ascend D2的防水功能,对其进行了水龙头冲洗测试,测试结果很给力,完好无损。  评测总结:目前手机厂商“被迫”走入了一个误区。上游硬件厂商为了增加利润,不断研发参数更加强悍的硬件配置,为了出货量去游说手机厂商,鼓吹自己硬件强大能给手机厂商占有市场先机带来巨大优势,而普通消费者购买手机时往往只看参数,觉得数字越大说明手机越好。手机厂商不得已才“被迫”堆积硬件。国际厂商均通过品牌影响力往用户体验型/精品型路线发展,而国内厂商的畸形竞争使得堆积硬件的情况在国内更为严重。  回到华为Ascend D2这款产品上来,华为不仅仅在基本硬件上达到了目前主流旗舰手机的最高水平,还在其他硬件上,诸如双卡双待双通,四天线设计,双麦克风设计,1300万像素背照式摄像头设计,超大容量电池设计,三防设计上超过了很多国际厂商。但是华为Ascend D2也不是没有问题,在软件兼容性、系统流畅性和发热方面均差强人意。这些有华为海思K3V2四核处理器和GPU芯片的问题,也有软件优化不到位的问题。但是华为走自主研发这条道路是100%正确的,也是应该得到消费者支持的。毕竟三星之所以做成现在这么成功,也是靠着韩国人的近乎疯狂的支持。如果自己都不支持自家产品,那么精品永远不会出现在中国的土地上。
2023-06-08 15:27:361


涤dí 部首笔画部首:氵 部外笔画:7 总笔画:10五笔86:ITSY 五笔98:ITSY 仓颉:EHED笔顺编号:4413541234 四角号码:37194 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+6DA4基本字义1. 洗:洗~。~濯。~除。~荡。~瑕荡秽。 2. 古代指养祭牲的房子。 3. 古代指音乐节奏急速。 详细字义〈动〉1. (形声。从水,条声。本义:洗) 2. 同本义 [wash;clense]涤,洒也。——《说文》射人宿视涤。——《仪礼·大射仪》水曰清涤。——《礼记·曲礼》及执事,视涤濯。——《周礼·太宰》 3. 又如:涤篆(洗印。用以检查印是否有缺陷);涤濯(洗涤);涤耳(洗耳) 4. 除,清除 [clear away]进明德而崇业,涤饕餮之贪欲。——张衡《东京赋》 5. 又如:涤瑕(洗除瑕疵。有改过迁善之意);涤地无类(荡涤无遗。形容清除得彻底) 6. 打扫 [wipe]十月涤场。——《诗·豳风·七月》 7. 又如:涤场(打扫场地)〈名〉1. 涤宫,古代宫中饲养祭祀牲畜的房子 [cowshed]古者帝牛必在涤三月,以致严洁。——《续资治通鉴》常用词组1. 涤荡 dídàng(1) [wash away]∶冲洗;清除涤荡污泥浊水 (2) [clean up]∶扫清,扫尽(如政治上的腐败或组织上的弊病)涤荡剥削阶级遗留下来的污泥浊水 2. 涤涤 dídí[dry-up],形容草枯水干,山川荡然无存的样子 3. 涤纶 dílún[dacron;polyester fibre] 被制成长丝状和纤维状的聚酯纤维,弹性大为其特征,常与其他种类的纤维(如羊毛)混纺,可制的确良、或制造绝缘材料、渔网、绳索等 4. 涤棉布 dímiánbù[cotten-dacron textile] 棉的确良的俗称,是绦纶与棉的混纺织物的统称 5. 涤除 díchú[wash away] 为除去某种外部物质(如灰垢、肥皂沫、化学药物等)而冲洗涤除污垢 6. 涤瑕荡秽 díxiá-dànghuì[mend one"s way] 瑕:玉上的斑点。洗涤荡除污秽。于是百姓涤瑕荡秽,而镜至清。——汉· 班固《东都赋》
2023-06-08 15:27:061


华为旗下两个子品牌。华为Ascend(攀升) 正统华为血统。华为Honor(荣耀)互联网品牌,主要抢购对战小米、魅族等。Honor具有性价比,但是做工和细节拍照经常不如Ascend毕竟价钱摆在那。Honor分(畅玩PK红米、魅蓝等,荣耀PK魅族、小米等)Ascend分(PDMYG) P系列 目前定位中端旗舰 主打 时尚、纤薄、拍照D系列 当初定位是高端旗舰,不过D2之后就没有后续了(目前是四不像没有具体消息)M系列 目前定位中高端旗舰,主打 大屏、续航、指纹YG系列 入门系列,也就是坑系列,购买这两系列真心推荐 荣耀畅玩系列。最后、honor性价比固然比ascend高,因为定位不同。根据以上的介绍,就能知道分别对应什么人群了。
2023-06-08 15:27:031

=dassKrinenBrauerei = crown brewery
2023-06-08 15:26:582


题库内容:牛棚的解释[cowshed] 原为饲养牛的棚子。 中国 文革时常指羁押受害者的地方,因这些人被诬称牛鬼蛇神,故名 详细解释 牛栏。“ 文化 大革命 ”中被引申为关押所谓“牛鬼蛇神”的地方。 蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记》 :“自从十多年前在‘牛棚"里一咬牙戒了烟,从未开过戒。” 巴金 《迎接 社会 主义文艺的春天》 :“我 虽然 被 诬蔑 为‘牛鬼蛇神"、‘反动 权威 "待在‘牛棚",经常给揪出去批斗,但我却没有被逮捕。” 词语分解 牛的解释 牛 ú 哺乳 动物 ,趾端有蹄,头上长一对角,是反刍类动物,力量很大,能耕田拉车,肉和奶可食,角、皮、骨可作器物:牛刀小试(喻有很大的 本领 ,先在小事情上施展一下)。牛黄。牛角。 星名,二十八宿之:牛斗(指 棚的解释 棚 é 用竹木搭成架子,上面覆盖席、布等做成的 遮蔽 风雨日光的 东西 或 简陋 的小屋:天棚。帐棚。窝棚。棚车。 部首 :木。
2023-06-08 15:26:571

quadrupel造句 quadrupelの例文

Peter writes : " Mikebe"s claim that La trappe Quadrupel somehow is not a quadrupel defies all logic. Peter writes : " Mikebe"s claim that La trappe Quadrupel somehow is not a quadrupel defies all logic. And fourth, no Trappist make a quadrupel ( however, one makes a beer with the brand name Quadrupel ). And fourth, no Trappist make a quadrupel ( however, one makes a beer with the brand name Quadrupel ). The 10.7 % abv " Gulden Draak 9000 Quadruple " is a pale quadrupel variant of the dark brown " Gulden Draak ". :: The verifiable claim about quadrupel "s status is specific, and not part of an all-enpassing theory about the non-existence of beer styles. The status of quadrupel as a style is doubtful, and I have reference, and I am happy to mention it in the article, and I haver already told mikebe that I am. These four styles ( imperial stout, barleywine, trippel, and quadrupel ) are all very high-alcohol brews with plex flavor profiles; the barrel-aging lends additional oak and whiskey flavors. " Quadrupel " is the brand name of a strong seasonal beer " La Trappe Quadrupel " brewed by De Koningshoeven Brewery in the Netherlands, one of the eleven Trappist beers. "Quadrupel " is the brand name of a strong seasonal beer " La Trappe Quadrupel " brewed by De Koningshoeven Brewery in the Netherlands, one of the eleven Trappist beers. It"s difficult to see quadrupel in a sentence. 用 quadrupel 造句挺难的 Mikebe is reluctant to admit the existence of non-Trappist and non-Belgian Quadrupels since it spoils his POV theory that quad is not a style . " ( These quotes are taken from his posts above . ) And now, suddenly, " quadrupel as a style is doubtful . " Who is writing this?
2023-06-08 15:26:491