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2023-06-09 08:10:36

English English 和American English已被英国人承认是存在的,而且英国人也在学习使用比较简单化的American English。




antenna,aerial(前者为"美式英语",后者为"英式英语",下同)--泛指无线电上使用的"天线",但antenna远比aerial(或aerial wire)流行。


ash一can,dust一bin--指垃圾箱。在美式英语中,含有同等词义的还有garbage can和junk一heap,但英式英语则只有dust一bin(或dust-bin).香港目前多用dustbin。但废纸篓的两种称呼分别是waste一basket和waste一paper basket,流行度则似乎相等。

automobile. motor一car--汽车。美式英语很多时更简为auto,如"车祸"即称为auto accident。两个字的使用度似乎相差不大。

baggage, luggage一一行李。这两个字都是总称,故此不能说a ba-ggage(或luggage),而应说a piece of baggage(或luggage), twopieces of baggage等。流行度好像没有多大差别,但要注意:当美国人用luggage的时候,一般是指大的皮箱或皮包。美国人说baggage car(行李车)英国人则说luggage van。

bank一bill,bank一note…纸币,钞票。Bank-bill是美国人的钞票,但是英国人却用来指"银行与银行之间的汇票",以bank一note较为流行。campus, school grounds---校园,学校场地。由于美国学上运动近年甚为蓬勃,故此campus一字常见应用,school一grounds则罕有所闻。campus所指的范围包括了整个学校(多指大学)的场地,而非单指花园、操场等开阔的地方。例如campus activities是指大学的"校内活动",campus building是大学内的建筑群等等。

canned goods, tinned goods 罐头食物。can和tin是美式英语和英式英语中的同义词,均指保藏预制食物的罐头,tin有时更被音译为:"听"。这两个字同时亦可以作动词使用,解作"把食物装罐"。在使用上,canned goods比tinned goods流行。

dePartment store, stores---百货公司。美国人口中的store,相当于英国人的 shop。百货公司一般规模较普通商店大,分为若干部门(dePar-tment),故称为 departmentstore是很贴切的。这个用词在英国也逐渐流行,代替了英国沿用的 stores。

drawers, Pants——内裤。这两个字的用法应特别留意。Pants在英国指内裤,但在美国却是长裤。(在英国,长裤为 trousers。)所以,当一位外国人说 Pants的时候,你要弄清楚他究竟是英国人还是美国人,不要把内裤变成了长裤。

editorial, Leading article———社论。英式英语中除了leading article外, Leader一字也可用来指社论。但现时editorial用得最多,甚至香港的《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)也用 editorial来指其社论。

gasoline, petrol——汽油。 gasoline有时也写作 gasoline,口语上更可简写为 gas。汽油站是gas Station(=英 Petrol station),也可说gasoline station。但是, gasoline bomb(汽油弹)却不能说是 gas bomb。

long—distance call, trunk call一一—长途电话。美式英语的 Iong—distance call词义一看便明,远胜于英式英语的trunk call,自然被多数采用。

overcoat, great coat——大衣,大氅。两字的通用度差不多,但overcoat似乎稍胜一筹。

radio, wireless——收音机。原本两字后都有set,即radio set及 wireless set,但为了节省,一般都略去。两个字中,当然是美式英语radio流行得多。

second floor, first floor——二楼。这种对楼宇的层数的称呼方法在不少地区造成了很大的不便。以往,许多楼宇按英式英语的叫法,故此问题尚不大。但近年来,不少的楼宇使用了美式英语的叫法,因此就产生了混乱。现在一般对人家说第若干层楼时,一定要附带说一声“电梯多少字”,以免误会。

soft—drinks, minerals——软饮品:汽水等不含酒精的饮料。美式英语的 soft—drinks原来泛指不含酒精的饮料,包括汽水和果汁等,现时多用来指汽水,代替了原先的 air—ate water。英式英语的 minerals由于没有 soft—drains那么通行,故此用来指汽水的机会少了,但比较多用来指矿泉水,等于 mineral water。




2023-06-08 13:45:182


drain英[dreu026an]美[dren]vi.排水; 流干vt.喝光,喝干; 使(精力、金钱等)耗尽; 使流出; 排掉水n.排水; 下水道; 排水系统; [医]引流第三人称单数:drains复数:drains现在分词:draining过去式:drained过去分词:drained形近词:Drain1The drain was choked up with dirt.排水管被污物堵住了。
2023-06-08 13:45:251


2023-06-08 13:46:315


drain[英][dreu026an][美][dren]vi.排水; 流干; vt.喝光,喝干; 使(精力、金钱等)耗尽; 使流出; 排掉水; n.排水; 下水道; 排水系统; [医]引流; 第三人称单数:drains过去分词:drained复数:drains现在进行时:draining过去式:drained例句:1.But my friend believed facebook would drain her time. 但是我的那位朋友却认为facebook会消耗掉她的大部分时间。
2023-06-08 13:46:451

什么是open drain

drain 英[dreu026an]美[dren]vi. 排水; 流干;vt. 喝光,喝干; 使(精力、金钱等)耗尽; 使流出; 排掉水;n. 排水; 下水道; 排水系统; [医] 引流;[网络] 汲极; 放水; 流出;[例句]Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines.矿工们开凿了一条地道,以排出矿井里的水。[其他] 第三人称单数:drains 复数:drains 现在分词:draining 过去式:drained 过去分词:drained
2023-06-08 13:47:052


问题一:强电和弱电用英语怎么说? 强电 strong current ; strong electricity 负责强电,变压器,线路等的保养,维护,维修。 Responsible for the power, transformer, power line maintenance, and repair. 实践证明该系统可靠性高,工作稳定,成本低,实现了弱电控制强电,有较高的应用价值。 Practice prove that the system has high reliability, stability and low cost, a strong,weak control and higher value are achieved. 该专业是强电和弱电、计算机技术与电气控制技术交叉渗透的综合型专业学科。 The profession is strong and weak electricity, puter technology and electricalcontrol technology integrated cross infiltration professional disciplines. 弱电 weak current ; light current 他们在播放两种不同的声音时给老鼠的爪子通弱电脉冲,通过这种方法,老鼠就会惧怕这两种声音。 They trained rats to fear two different sounds by sending a mild electric shockthrough the rats" paws when they played the sounds. 弱电并不是你某些不擅长的事务。所谓弱点是任何一种会让你无力的行为。或者,用另一句话来说,弱点是任何一种会削弱你的行为。 A weakness is not what you are bad at. A weakness is any activity that drains you.Or, in other words, a weakness is any activity that depletes you. 这些演讲也关注弱电设备,但更多地是关注于移动领域。 These were also focussed on low powered devices, but more formally on the 问题二:[求助]有没有高人知道“强电”、“弱电”的英文译法??急需! 部分转贴:所谓“强电”“弱电”说,是工程界的行话,非正式术语。 电力、输电、电气之类归为“强电”; 无线电、电子、仪表类归入“弱电”。 简单地翻译,就是把“强电”译为Electric,“弱电”译为Electronic 。 但是国际上通行的是electrical & instrument (强电和弱电)并可参考以下术语强电工程 heavy-current engineering 强电流 intense current; heavy current; power current; strong current 弱电工程师 milliampere man 弱电工程学 light current engineering; weak current engineering 弱电控制系统 light-current system 弱电流 feeble current; weak current; light current 弱电流数字电路 low-current digital circuit 弱电流线路 weak-current line弱电系统 : Weak Current System 问题三:“强电”、“弱电”用英文怎么说 heavy current light current 楼上的是高压低压 问题四:强电井的英文怎么讲 high voltage silo/ HV silo 强电井 high voltage room/HV room 强电间 low voltage silo/ LV silo 弱电井 问题五:强电井的英文怎么讲请问强电井和弱电井的英文怎么讲 Strong well Weak well 望采纳,谢谢! 问题六:强电配电箱用英语怎么说 强电配电箱_ 翻译结果: High voltage distribution box 问题七:工程英语:强电、弱电 正如楼上所说, 强电是force electricity 弱电是weak electricity 但并不是强电就是直流电,弱电就是交流电。 所谓强电就是我们平时所用的市电,220订 而弱电是网络,电话,消防报警,有线电视这些 问题八:强电井的英文怎么讲请问强电井和弱电井的 强电井:high voltage silo/ HV silo 强电间:high voltage room/HV room 弱电井:low voltage silo/ LV silo 弱电间:low voltage room/ LV room 参考:zhaibase/thread-14736-1-1
2023-06-08 13:47:121

current drains什么意思

current drains电流消耗;耗用电流为你解难,满意请及时采纳,谢谢
2023-06-08 13:47:191


底子的解释(1) [foundation]∶ 基础 底子薄 他的英文底子好 (2) [rough draft or sketch]∶草稿 画画儿要先打个底子 (3) [copy kept as record]∶可作根据的草稿或复印件 发出的文件要留个底子 (4) [drains;remnant]∶少量的残剩物 (5) [base;foundation]∶物体最下部起衬托作用的部分 详细解释 (1).基础。 谢觉哉 《要永远同人民 群众 同甘共苦》 :“ 国家 在经济建设上有了很大的进步,但 物质 条件还是困难,因为以前底子太坏。” (2).犹 底细 。 沉从文 《新湘西行》 :“她重重盯了我一眼, 似乎 把我底子全 估计 出来了。” 参见 “ 底细 ”。 (3).底本;草稿。 鲁迅 《书信集·致孟十还》 :“ 通讯 处的底子失掉了,便中希再见示。” 刘宾雁 《在桥梁工地上》 :“每逢作计划,我只是打个底子,叫工人补充。” (4).花纹图案的衬托面。如:她穿着一件白底子小红花的衬衫。 词语分解 底的解释 底 ǐ 最下面的部分:底层。底座。底下(a.下面;b.以后)。海底。底肥。 末了:年底。月底。到底。 根基 ,基础,留作根据: 刨根问底 。底蕴。底稿。底版。 图案的基层:白底蓝花的瓶子。 何,什么: 底事 伤 子的解释 子 ǐ 古代指儿女,现专指 儿子 : 子女 。子孙。 子嗣 。子弟( 后辈 人,年轻人)。 植物的果实、 种子 :菜子。瓜子儿。子实。 动物 的卵:鱼子。蚕子。 幼小的,小的:子鸡。子畜。子城。 小而硬的颗粒状的 东西 : *
2023-06-08 13:47:261


rain→d +rain
2023-06-08 13:47:442


2023-06-08 13:47:523


One part of airframe aluminum alloy and white bamboo fiber (Bamboo fab) composition, texture and ultra-avant-garde. Airframe strength not only superior, but also can save 35 percent off manufacturing costs. With a transparent 19-inch OLED touch screen, a wireless keyboard, plus a virtual trackpad can also be saved out of a mouse. This is wholly transparent LIM HP computer, which are subject of Less is More. 2 The sprinkler 144 has a built-light LED lights, 72 in the cylinder, the sprinkler 72 at four weeks, can provide enough brightness. Therefore can be used not only as decoration and even lighting can be directly used. 3 people look up to, play the creative bar. Manipulative use of iPhone mobile phone usb missile launchers, usually at work when the time used to make fun of some colleagues can also be regarded as a kind of decompression relax. 4 USB interface has become the most widely used computer in the most mainstream of the interface, from a development to the 2, 3, 4 ... ... but the user has not satisfied many of the usb interface, so designers are also beginning to USB Set Line devices to expand the appearance of a source, such as this tape USB hub. Very retro tape interface, as was introduced before many of the same tape wallet, are used to attract the appearance of the appearance, at the same time it supports the four USB interface. 5 have noticed the lid drains above what is it? Is it because the smell does not go as well as I do pay attention to it? Look at the designer of the drainage design Honfay Lui cap, put some of hollowing Designed for English letters and numbers, the whole many drains are designed to be intriguing, at least in the streets to see what will pay more attention to the soles of the feet under the distinctive design style . We can put those letters, numbers, in accordance with the different combinations go with, go to display different information to the U.S., filthy state of the drains will become more interesting. 6-tape cabinets I admire the designer"s patience and creativity, after all, you got so many of the required tape (for a total collection of 918 tapes), but also put these tapes a row of good, this is not one or half a day will be able to do a good thing ah . 7 directly to the size of two karats a Swarovski crystal ring as the handle of the cup, holding this cup to drink water, whether it will feel that this water is not generally so special? 8 is located in Ginza Gallery of Creation will be convened at the end of each year hundreds of designers worldwide to design a decorative product. Display once pants, cloth, a fan of re-engineering. This year"s theme is tea, design a tea cup and saucer. Designers is how to dance creativity, played the Rhapsody plates of it? 9 to the hotel for dinner, we have had the experience of that waiter端盘子effort, and some one-handed waiter but get some of the Arab-Israeli plates. Designers look at this tray at the bottom of a plate designed just put 5 convex depression refers to the design, so at the time端盘子force can be very good. 10 Germany in a village in order to save energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions and turn off the streetlights at night. And local residents walking in the streets if necessary, they must use the telephone to control street lamps. Whether it is an innovative idea? According to cell phone said that the introduction must be installed on the system Dial4Light only be able to control to the street lamps, street lamps will be automatic after 15 minutes extinguished. Report pointed out that such a system in cities and towns can save up about 25% of electricity consumption. But I do not know whether residents enjoy such a street lamp design it? Economic crisis, the crime rate will increase? Be studied. 11 car trip flight Flying car is the dream we have been, but for us, just a dream, but Neil Laughton but a dream into reality, and has started his series of car trip flight. Used car known as the world"s first flight using biofuels cars "Parajet Skycar", The Flying cars have hang and can generate power of Madagascar fanleaf, body is light-weight four-wheel light structure. The car to 60 miles per hour (about 100 kilometers) off the pace, and its flight mode, can reach 2-3000-foot cruising altitude, the maximum flight altitude up to 10,005 thousand feet. Neil Laughton is currently starting from London, all the way through France, Spain, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania and the Republic of Mali. Very great journey.
2023-06-08 13:48:004

做好准备 超长英语翻译

A long time ago, there was a young man. He was very depressed, and he always think himself unfortunate. He had never been happy and he had never laughed. He always frowned with a sad face. He never had a haircut although his hair is very long. He was too lazy to do anything.He had been learning to draw from a painter. He was so clever that he managed a lot of skills just in three months. But in the fourth month, he left the painter, saying, "It"s no use to learn this trick!" He then learned to do business from a merchant. He was still so clever that he got luck only in half a year, and got a large fortune. But in the seventh month, he left the merchant, saying, "It"s no use to learn this trick, either!"The third time he met a philosopher. He learned from the philosopher for one year and he felt that he had learned everything about the truth, which is that everything is boring, all the efforts would be written off by Death ultimately. He realized that death is the greatest. Nothing but death is eternity, apart from this, everything is temporary.He then left the philosophy to find a place of satisfactory to end his life. He walked and walked, covering a long distance, and find nowhere suitable to suicide. He then came to a forest at the foot of Mount Kunlun. "Great." He thought,"this is the most suitable place.At the foot of Mount Kunlun, this can be an extremly holy place. The dry air and the moving sand can prevent the body from corrupting. Maybe I can become a will preserved mummy until the very end. In addition, there"re few people here, so that I can be clean and quiet from the outside world after death." So he decided to die there, hanging himself to death tomorrow. next day, he came to walnut trees which is 500 years old, prepared to die when he ran into a old man with white beard and lowed chest(因为不知道“垂胸”是什么样子所以不确定对不对), the old man was struggling to move a wheel of a donkey-carriage which got stuck in a ditch. Seeing him standing under a tree, he said to him: "Young man! What are you doing standing there? Why not come and help me?" The young man thought the old man"s request is a reasonable one, so he ran to help him to move the carriage. He thought that it wouldn"t be late to die after moving the carriage. When finished moving the carriage, it was nearly dusk. The old man insisted to thank him, and insisted on his staying to have dinner. He can hardly refuse, thinking, it wouldn"t be late to die after having dinner. In this way, the elderly continue asking him for help, plant forest belt or the house will be buried by moving sand, repair the drains or the crops will be flooded, plant grapes or there"ll be no shadow in the yard in summer, again and again. The young man had no reason to refuse, so he had to keep working, delaying the date of death day after day.In autumn, the old man said to the young man, "Were you not going to die? I am sorry for holding you up for so long with so many things to do. Now you can die. "When the young man say the beautiful countryside, forest belt, grape shelves, food-filled bags, drains with the banks covered with green grass, the newly built house, the booming garden……All these, are resulted from his own effort(汗水,意义成“努力”), which made him unwilling to die. He decided not to die, but to live with the old man happily.He also drew a lot of beautiful pictures, and due to his talent in business, he earned a lot of money by selling pictures. Finally the began to sum up, thinking about the meaning of life here, and he prepared to write a book of philosophy, which is named "The wisdom of being happy" It is said that the young man is now still living in the world.把楼上两篇用不知道什么软件翻译的东西稍微修改了一下,可能还是有一点语法或者词汇的问题的,楼主见谅。
2023-06-08 13:48:081


坎儿井( Karez)是新疆干旱地区的一种水利系统,由地下渠道将水井连接而成。该系统将春夏季节渗入( seep into)地下的大量雨水及积雪融水收集起来,通过山体的自然坡度引到地面,用于灌溉农田和满足人们的日常用水需求。坎儿井减少了水在地面的蒸发( evaporation),对地表破坏很小,因而有效地保护了自然资源与生态环境。坎儿井体现了我国人民与自然和谐共存的智慧,是对人类文明的一大贡献。Karez is a water conservancy system in the arid area of Xinjiang. It is formed by underground channels connecting wells. The system collects a large amount of rainwater and snow melt water that seep into the ground in spring and summer, and draws it to the ground through the natural slope of the mountain to irrigate farmland and meet people"s daily water needs. Karez reduces the evaporation of water on the ground and does little damage to the surface, thus effectively protecting the natural resources and the ecological environment. Kanerjing embodies the wisdom of the harmonious coexistence of our people and nature, and is a great contribution to human civilization.
2023-06-08 13:48:1814


Construction personnel need to be responsible for the field level and surface soil smooth drainage. Construction personnel shall verify the elevation of all large place, and in construction and drawings before comes into play in the design of contradiction to landscape architect and part of civic engineers put forward to attract attention.
2023-06-08 13:49:275


  你知道车站的英文怎么读吗?一起来学习一下吧!   车站的英文1:   station 英 [u02c8steu026au0283n] 美 [u02c8steu0283u0259n]    车站的英文2 :   stop 英 [stu0252p] 美 [stɑ:p]   车站的英文例句:   1. His office was in keeping with his station and experience.   他的办公室与其身份和阅历相称。   2. The money to build the power station ought to have been sufficient.   建设电站的资金本该足够了。   3. The railway station smelt powerfully of cats and drains.   火车站上有冲鼻的猫味和臭水沟味。   4. At the police station, I was charged with assault.   在警察局,我被指控殴打他人。   5. They arrested the men and frog-marched them to the local police station.   他们逮捕了这些人,并把他们押送到当地警察局。   6. Station staff announced the arrival of the train over the tannoy.   车站工作人员通过广播告知火车到站了。   7. The radio station claimed that 87,000 "reactionaries" had been eliminated.   广播电台声称已经消灭了87,000名“反动分子”。   8. The police stopped her and took her off to a police station.   警察拦住她,把她带到了警察局。   9. I found a place to park beside a station wagon.   我在一辆旅行车旁边找到了一个车位。   10. The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station.   士兵们征用首都的车辆,并且占领了电视台。   11. The cabdriver took them on a circuitous route to the police station.   出租车司机载着他们绕了个大圈才到警察局。   12. An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer.   自动化气象站将风向信息输入计算机。   13. Red, white and blue bunting hung in the city"s renovated train station.   红、白、蓝彩旗装点着该市修复一新的火车站。   14. His objective was to kill the space station project altogether.   他的目的是使空间站项目全面停止。   15. An alarm links the police station to the divisional headquarters.   在部门总部和警察局之间连有警报器。
2023-06-08 13:49:401


The youth offenses I see Paper abstract In the last few years, the youth offenses population increases year by year, and to 低龄化, 团伙化, the malignancy tendency development, has social stability caused the certain harm to. Also is in 花季 the teenage boys and girls, some degenerated into the criminal actually, or is turning towards the crime the direction to fall, this has no alternative but to cause young people"s growth question to receive social once more the attention. Prevents the youth offenses, guides their health growth, is the family, the school, the social common responsibility! In this kind of young people growth process appears "drains" the phenomenon more and more anxious. The youth offenses have become a stern social question which our country and even the world all together faces. In studies the youth offenses in the process, discovers the young people the reason that to have the petty crime, in fact home environment, school environment, social environment close correlation which locates with them. This article the present situation, the young people illegal crime motive, youth offenses 低龄化 which climbs in view of the current youth offenses proportion intensify as well as appears the young people again crime and so on the new situation, has analyzed the young people illegal crime reason, and positively explores prevents the youth offenses the countermeasure, by achieved the reduction, prevents the youth offenses the goal.
2023-06-08 13:49:5411


  当人感冒的时候,通常会伴随流鼻涕,这是一件痛苦的事,那么你知道鼻涕用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来鼻涕的英语说法,希望能帮到大家!   鼻涕的英语说法   snot   snivel   鼻涕相关英语表达   have a running nose   流鼻涕   Blow one"s nose   擦鼻涕   鼻涕的英语例句   1. Timothy was crying, mostly from exhaustion, and his nose was running.   由于太累了,蒂莫西哭的一把鼻涕一把泪。   2. She reached for a Kleenex and blew her nose.   她伸手拿纸巾擤鼻涕。   3. A cold usually starts with a streaming nose and dry throat.   感冒开始时通常会流鼻涕、嗓子发干。   4. He suffered from a snotty nose, runny eyes and a slight cough.   他又是流鼻涕,又是流眼泪,还有点咳嗽。   5. The soil drains freely and slugs aren"t a problem.   土壤排水畅通,鼻涕虫就不会造成什么麻烦。   6. Symptoms are streaming eyes, a runny nose, headache and a cough.   症状包括流泪、流鼻涕、头痛和咳嗽。   7. Blowing your nose too hard can cause earache.   擤鼻涕太用力会造成耳痛。   8. She dabbed her eyes and blew her nose.   她轻轻擦了几下眼睛,擤了擤鼻涕。   9. That child"s nose is runny because she has a cold.   那个女孩因感冒而流鼻涕.   10. I have got a bad cold, running at the nose.   我伤风感冒很重, 直流鼻涕.   11. Your nose is running — use your hanky.   你流鼻涕了——快用手帕擦一擦.   12. One of the toddlers was bawling, and the other had a runny nose.   其中一个学步的小孩在大哭,另外一个流着鼻涕。   13. And"so your nose will stop running like a drunken Irish. "   修整好了,你也就不会老是流鼻涕了. 你流鼻涕的那个样子,简直就像个爱尔兰醉汉.   14. My nose is stuffed up, ie full of mucus.   我的鼻子堵了(鼻涕多).   15. It is impolite to blow your nose at table.   在吃饭时擦鼻涕是不礼貌的.   鼻涕英语相关阅读:Why Does Crying Make Your Nose Run?哭的时候为什么会流鼻涕?   Why Does Crying Make Your Nose Run?哭的时候为什么会流鼻涕?   When you burst out crying, you expect the bleary red eyes and the rivers of tears that stream down your cheeks. But on top of all that, your nose starts to run like a faucet. Why does this happen? Whatu2019s the connection between crying and a runny nose?   当你放声大哭时,朦胧的红眼睛以及泉涌般的泪水沿着面颊滑落是预料之中的事。除此之外,你会开始流鼻涕。为什么会出现这种情况?哭和流鼻涕之间又有什么联系呢?   Where Do Tears Come From?   眼泪从何而来?   Tears come from tear glands located just over the eye, behind the bone. As tears rinse down over your eye, they collect at the rims of your lower eyelids, where some may overflow and stream down your cheeks.   眼泪是由位于眼骨后的泪腺分泌的。当泪水被分泌出,他们便贮藏在下眼睑边缘,一部分眼泪溢出眼睛沿脸颊流下。   But thatu2019s not the only escape route for overflowing tears. If you look very closely at the inside of your eyelid, right near your nose, youu2019ll see a tiny little hole. You might need to gently pull your eyelid down to see it, because itu2019s on the inner edge of the eyelid, resting against the eye.   但那并不是眼泪流出来的唯一路径。如果你仔细观察眼睑内侧靠近鼻子的地方,你会看到一个极其微小的洞。你可能需要轻拉眼睑才能看到这个小洞,因为它位于靠近眼睛的眼睑内侧。   River Tears   泪流成河   These little holes, on the upper and lower eyelids of both eyes, serve as drains and lead into canals that run through grooves in the bones of the face and eventually empty into the nose. Even when youu2019re not crying, some of the normal, everyday tears that moisten and clean your eyes drain out through this secret passageway into the nose, but itu2019s such a small amount that you donu2019t notice it.   这些小洞位于双眼的上下眼睑,它们发挥着排水管的作用,引导泪水沿着脸骨的凹槽流下并最终流入鼻子。即使你不哭的时候,每天也会有一些正常产生的、用以湿润和清洁眼睛的眼泪通过这个秘密通道流到鼻子里,只不过它们数量太少你察觉不到而已。   When the tears really start to gush, however, this unnoticeable trickle turns into a river. As the tears make their way down through the nose, they moisten and loosen other secretions on the way. And thatu2019s when you reach for a tissue!   当眼泪喷涌而出的时候,这些平时察觉不到的小泪滴便汇流成河。在泪水流入鼻子的同时,它们在沿途还起到湿润和疏松 其它 分泌物的作用,这时候,你就需要纸巾擦拭了。 猜你喜欢: 1. 眼泪用英语怎么说 2. 虫用英语怎么说 3. 鼻涕多什么原因 4. 胶囊英语怎么说 5. 咳嗽用英语怎么说
2023-06-08 13:50:151


Today this I do the dishes
2023-06-08 13:50:414


输、变、(配)电土建工程施工合同 The input (output), changes, (matches) the electricity civil engineeringturn-key contract Xxxx power distribution the installation work and the civilengineering (drain, dumps pollutants ditch, argon, pneumatic rabbitchannel, fire pipeline, cable trench, road surface strengthens and so on)
2023-06-08 13:50:482


1:Rorschach"s journal,October 12th,1985.Dog carcass in alley this morning,Tire tread on burst stomach. (罗夏日记,1985年10月12日。早上小巷里出现狗的尸体,被轮胎碾过。) 2:This city"safraid of me.I"ve seen it"s true face. (这个城市害怕我,我见过它的真实面孔。) 3:The streets are extended gutters ...and the gutters are full of blood.And when the drains finally scab over...all the vermin will drown.The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder...will foam up around their waists...and all the whores and ... 展开全部>136森林狂想曲 | 2014-03-02031:Rorschach"s journal,October 12th,1985.Dog carcass in alley this morning,Tire tread on burst stomach. (罗夏日记,1985年10月12日。早上小巷里出现狗的尸体,被轮胎碾过。) 2:This city"safraid of me.I"ve seen it"s true face. (这个城市害怕我,我见过它的真实面孔。) 3:The streets are extended gutters ...and the gutters are full of blood.And when the drains finally scab over...all the vermin will drown.The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder...will foam up around their waists...and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout,"Save us." And I"ll whisper,"No." (街道只是另一种排水沟,而排水沟里流的是血,当排水沟最终毁掉的时候,所有的歹人都会淹死。他们的性和谋杀积累起来的罪行…会把他们淹没,所有的娼妓和政客会大喊,“救命” 我会轻轻地说,“不”) 4:Now the whole world stands on the brink...staring down into bloody hell.All those liberals and intellectuals...and smooth talkers...and all of a sudden,nobody can think of anything to say. (现在整个世界正站在悬崖边上…看着悬崖下的末日。所有的自由主义者,知识分子…和能说会道的政客,都突然不知道该说什么。) 5:Beneath me ,this awful city.It screa***ike an abattoir full of retarded children...and the night reeks of fornication and bad consciences. (我下面的城市,就像充满尖叫的智障儿童的屠宰场…在夜晚到处都是奸情与罪恶。) 6:Tonight,a comedian died in New Yorl.Somebody knows why. (今晚,喜剧演员(守望者之一)死于纽约。有人知道为什么。) 7:Fine like this. (这样就很好。) 8:Attack on one is attack on all of us. (袭击一个人,就是袭击我们所有人。) 9:When you walk down the street in a city dying of rabies...past the human cockroaches...talking about their heroin andchild you really feel normal? (当你走在死于狂犬病的城市街道上…经过流氓无赖的身边…听他们谈论海洛因和幼女色情…你真觉得正常么?) 10:No.You"re hiding in plain sight. (不,你是藏在显眼的地方。) 11:Rorschach"s journal:First visit of evening fruitless.Feel slightly depressed.Soon there will be war.Millions will perish in sickness and misery.Why does one death matter anainst so many?Because there is good and evil,and evil must be punished.Even in the face of armageddon...I will not compromise in this. (罗夏日记:第一次拜访徒劳无功。感觉有些压抑。很快就会有战争。数百万人将会死于疾病和痛苦。为什么其中一 个人的死就这么重要?因为存在正义与邪恶,而邪恶必须被惩罚。即使世界末日就要到来
2023-06-08 13:50:571


排出的英文:discharge,exhaust,squeeze,transpire,discharged。造句:据估计,每立方米排气口所排出的物质中,就有350毫克的有机颗粒物质被平流输送到排气口区域。Estimates suggest that for every cubic meter of vent discharge, 350 milligrams of particulate organic material would be advected into the vent area.矿工们开掘了隧道以将水排出矿井。Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines.工人们无法把烟从隧道里全部排出去。Workers could not clear the tunnels of smoke.你必须等到药物排出体外。You have to wait until the drugs have passed out of your system.这药得需要一段时间才能排出你的体外。It will take a while for the drug to work out of your system.工厂排出废弃物的量可能危及大众的健康。Levels of waste from the factory may be a danger to public health.旅行安排出了点儿岔子。There"s been a bit of a cock-up over the travel arrangements.血液还能从身体组织里排出废物。The blood can also export waste products from the tissues.那条沟于沼泽中的水排出。That ditch drains water from the swamp.浴室安装有两个滤水器,通过它们废物能被排出。The bath is fitted with double filters-through which the waste could be drained away.导弹追踪喷气机排出的炽热废气,击毁了那架飞机。The missile homed in on the hot exhaust of the jet plane, and destroyed it.
2023-06-08 13:51:241


station英 ["steu026au0283(u0259)n] 美 [u02c8steu026au0283u0259n]
2023-06-08 13:51:494


2023-06-08 13:52:2310


Songs of night birds:)
2023-06-08 13:53:042


Arbiter系1级闪电弹(Lightning Bomb )Hurl a bomb that splits into electrical bolts on impact扔闪电弹攻击。* 耗蓝: {5...}* {12-20...271-474满}伤害* +5击退老K:攻击范围和速度都好,就是没伤害。1107源代码分析:射程:12米*************************************************************************************5 级双持武器(Dual Wielding)(Passive) Improves damage of all weapons when dual-wielding被动技能。增加双持武器时的伤害。* 双持武器时增加{6...60满}% 的伤害。————————————————————————————————火焰陷阱(Flame Trap)Hurl a bomb that splits into electrical bolts on impact抛出一个发射火焰的陷阱。* 耗蓝: {11...}* 裤裆: 1秒* 增加伤害 {6...54满 }%* {11 ...20满 } 秒召唤时间老K:射程短,但持续伤害。同类型陷阱同时只能存在2个 。下同。1107源代码分析:射程:5米射速:21109更新:除了人物的等级和本技能的等级外,几乎没有其他的因素对其伤害形成影响,包括宠物专精和宠物装。1111更新:前期加1点,挨到15级,出机枪陷阱后,放弃。后期,怪的火抗很高,没法用。*****************************************************************************************10 级魅惑法术专精(Charm Spell Mastery)(Passive) Increases the level of all Charm Magic spells. Spells can be found or bought, and fall under the Spells tab in your inventory.被动技能。提升魅惑法术的等级。* +{1...10满}魅惑法术的等级*******************************************************************************************15级宠物专精(Pet Mastery )(Passive) Your affinity for animals increases you pet and minion"s power, and decreases the pet"s town-travel time.被动技能。增加宠物和召唤物的伤害和物抗,降低宠物回城的旅行时间。* +{4...40满}% 宠物和召唤物的伤害* +{4...40满}% 宠物和召唤物的物抗* {8...80满}%降低宠物回城的旅行时间—————————————————————————————————————机枪陷阱(Flechette Trap )Hurl a device that sprays foes with piercing flechettes抛出一个向四周发射飞镖的陷阱* 耗蓝: {18... }* 裤裆: 1秒* {11...20满}秒召唤时间* 增加伤害{ 6...54满 }%老K:机关枪,单体伤害低,但射速极快。射程也远。只加1点的话,可以用作探路。1107源代码分析:射程:12米射速:2自动寻踪角度:360度1109更新:除了人物的等级和本技能的等级外,几乎没有其他的因素对其伤害形成影响,包括宠物专精和宠物装。1111更新:单体的伤害虽低,但属于元素物理伤害,怪的抗很低,也能造成快速的小幅度减血。加在一起,伤害也不低。屏幕上的显示,有时会多合一,与战士的横砍同理。玩陷阱流的话,建议先加满“浪迹天涯”(此技能疑有bug,经验上不去。1113)。1113更新:和闪电陷阱相比,机枪的优点是射程远,探路用效果极佳。有网友反映,快速的射击可能会中断敌军。论杀伤效果的话,应该比不上闪电。20级魔法武器专精(Magic Weapons Expertise )(Passive) Mastery of Wands and Staves, and reduced requirements for Rings and Amulets被动技能。降低法师类武器和戒指、项链的需求。* -{1...10满} 武器需求* +{4...}% 武器伤害————————————————————————————————————吸甲陷阱(Devouring Trap)Hurl a device that drains the armor of all nearby foes. Drains {30}% of enemy armor and has a {10}% chance to stun for {3} seconds.抛出一个诅咒型陷阱,降低周边敌人的物抗{30...48%满},附带{10...19%满}概率击晕3秒。* 耗蓝: {20...}* 裤裆: 1秒* {16...29满} 秒召唤时间老K:降抗就是变相加伤害。虽然不如直接加伤害,可弓手也没得选择,只有这一个debuff技。1111更新:后期,怪的抗很高,扔一个过去,有助于提高爆炸箭的伤害。运气好的话,还可以击晕。我曾尝试加满此技能,扔两个过去,怪该不晕还是不晕。靠其集体击晕,不靠谱。*********************************************************************************************25级法术大师(Advanced Spellcasting)(Passive) Reduces the level requirements of all Spells, and improves Mana recharge rate被动技能。降低所有法术的学习等级需求,并增加回蓝速度。* 减{1...10满} 所有法术的学习等级需求* +{2...12满} 回蓝速度1111更新:如果想玩飞机流的话,此技能必多加。否则,飞一半,飞机没油了。。。——————————————————————————————————电击陷阱(Shock Trap )Hurl a device that shocks nearby foes with bolts of lighning抛出一个群杀型陷阱,电倒一片。* 耗蓝: {30...}* 裤裆: 2秒增加伤害{ 6..63满 }%* {12...39满}秒召唤时间1107源代码分析:射程:8米射速:2自动寻踪角度:360度刺穿几率:70%1109更新:除了人物的等级和本技能的等级外,几乎没有其他的因素对其伤害形成影响,包括宠物专精和宠物装。1111更新:陷阱中最高的伤害,最低的攻击频率。1113更新:加满后,杀伤力理想。两只闪电陷阱连续放可以磨死boss。
2023-06-08 13:53:111


sludge 英[slʌdʒ] 美[slʌdʒ] n. 泥浆,烂泥; 沉淀物; 泥状雪; v. 清除污泥; [例句]All dumping of sludge will be banned by 1998.从1998年起,将禁止所有倾倒淤泥的行为。[其他] 第三人称单数:sludges 复数:sludges 现在分词:sludging过去式:sludged 过去分词:sludged
2023-06-08 13:53:412


2023-06-08 13:53:481


2023-06-08 13:53:584


  举报,指检举,报告。如:建立举报制度。那么你知道吗?下面和我一起来学习一下举报的英语说法吧。   举报的英语说法1:   report   举报的英语说法2:   accusation   举报相关英语表达:   举报人 rmer; crime-reporter; tipster;   举报网 offence-reporting network;   举报信 the letter reporting on illegal activities;   举报制度 the offence reporting system;   举报中心 offence reporting centre   举报的英语例句:   1. They were reported to be unloading trucks filled with looted furniture.   有人举报说他们正在从满满当当的卡车上卸洗劫来的家俱。   2. The Home Office acknowledges that much crime goes unreported.   内政部承认很多犯罪活动没有举报。   3. Cases of child abuse often go unreported or ignored by unrmed citizens.   虐待儿童案件常常没人举报,或者为缺乏相关知识的公民所忽略。   4. Detectives are appealing for witnesses who may have seen anything suspicious.   探员呼吁看到任何可疑情况的人进行举报。   5. There would be strong incentives to turn someone in.   向警方举报某人将获重赏。   6. The man was arrested after an anonymous tip-off.   有人匿名举报后,那个人被抓了起来。   7. They reported what they had seen.   他们把看到的情况作了举报.   8. Public tip - offs have proven more reliable than before.   群众举报比以往更加可靠.   9. Any case of sexual molestation of a child should be reported to the police.   任何猥亵儿童的情况都应向警察举报。   10. A mother who does not report the abuse is said to be plicit.   据说一位没有举报这起虐待事件的母亲与此有牵连。   11. They had been called in to clear drains after local people reported a foul *** ell.   当地居民举报闻到恶臭气味后,他们被叫来清理排水沟。   12. The man was arrested at his home after a tip-off to police from a member of the public.   在一名群众向警方举报以后,那人就在家里被逮捕了。   13. Three admirals and a top Navy civilian will be cited for failing to act on reports of sexual assaults.   3位海军上将和1位海军高阶文员将被指名,原因是他们在接到性侵犯的举报后没有采取任何行动。   14. Flagging is understandable and is not your fault but Ghosting is.   举报是可以理解的,而不是你的错,但鬼影的.   15. Above even the Independent mission report will state that the telephone.   上面甚至连廉政举报电话都注明了.
2023-06-08 13:54:051


1、hemlock:毒胡萝卜精,一种毒药,人服后,将全身麻木而死亡。2、opiate:鸦片剂,麻醉剂。3、to the drains:一饮而尽,drain单数为“一口之量”,复数表示畅饮。4、One minute past:一分钟前。5、Lethe:忘川。希腊神话中冥府之河,名列斯,鬼魂饮了此河之水,便忘却生前的事。6、Dryad:林中仙女,指夜莺。7、melodious plot:夜莺唱歌的地方。melodious本不能修饰plot,此处作“转喻”(transferred epithet)用。第三节中的“leaden-eyed despairs”也属此类。8、beech:山毛榉树。9、shadows numberless:numberless后置,与下行ease押韵。第二节中的“forest dim”同属此类。10、in full-throated ease:自由自在地放开歌喉。11、for a draught of vintage:但愿有一口酒。for表示愿望,第15行同。vintage12、deep-delved:深挖的。13、Flora:罗马神话中的花神,此处指花香。14、Provencal song:指12世纪普罗旺斯(Provence)地方行吟诗人的爱情诗歌。普罗旺斯位于法国南部,临地中海。Provencal:Provence的形容词形式,此处意为“普罗旺斯语的”。15、sunburnt mirth:这两个词形成一个“搭配冲突”(collocative clash),意思是the mirth of the sunburnt people。诗歌中常用这样的手法以获得凝炼的效果。16、the warm South:此处以warm South代表温暖的南方所产的酒,在修辞学上称“换喻”(metonymy)。17、the blushful Hippocrene:红色的灵泉。是希腊神话中阿波罗和九缪斯的圣地赫利孔山(Helicon)上的灵泉,饮此泉水可获得诗的灵感,此处用灵泉的水来指美酒。18、 beaded bubbles:串珠般的泡沫。19、fade:退去,隐入。20、forest dim:幽暗的树林。dim后置与上行的unseen押韵。21、dissolve:消溶。22、groan:呻吟。23、spectre-thin:鬼影似的形销骨立。24、leaden-eyed:目光呆滞无神的。25、lustrous:有光泽的,光辉的。26、Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow:新欢难持久。因上行中已有否定词cannot,所以这一行中的否定词省略。them指her lustrous eyes。beyond to-morrow为夸张用法。27、charioted:乘马车,车驾。28、Bacchus:希腊神话中的酒神乘坐由老虎或山猫拉曳的车子。29、pards:leopards(豹)的古字。济慈用豹代替神话中拉曳酒神车子的老虎或山猫。30、viewless:看不见的(也暗示“诗歌”的高飞,超出凡人的视野)。31、Poesy:等于poetic fancy。32、perplexes:困惑。33、tender:温柔的。34、Fays:fairies,仙女。35、breezes:微风。36、verdurous:郁郁葱葱的。37、soft incense hangs upon the boughs:借用incense(香味)来代表fragnant flowers以获得更生动的效果。38、embalmed:香气扑鼻的。39、each sweet:每一种香味。40、the seasonable month:the month of the season,眼前这个季节中的这个月份,这里指5月。41、thicket:灌木丛。42、eglantine:野蔷薇的一种。43、violets:紫罗兰。44、mid-May"s eldest child:5月中旬最早开放的花,指musk-rose。45、The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves:此行中m音的重复,加强了夏夜虫蝇嗡嗡声的意味。46、Darkling:In the dark。47、mused rhyme:meditated rhyme,苦苦思索出来的诗句。48、breath:生命。49、pouring:涌流,倾泻。50、ecstasy:入迷51、requiem:安灵曲。52、sod:草皮。53、wast:动词be第二人称单数过去式were的古用法。54、immortal Bird:夜莺被称为不朽的鸟,因为她的歌声是世代不变的。immortal,不朽的。55、hungry generations:此处暗示devouring Time,吞噬一切的时间。generations,世代。56、emperor and clown:皇帝和农夫,泛指一切人,不分贵贱。57、Perhaps:可能,或许。58、self-same:完全相同的。59、Ruth:据《旧约·路得记》,路得(Ruth)是摩押女子,大卫王族的女祖先。她在丈夫死于饥荒之后,自愿随婆婆去异邦逃荒,靠拾田里遗下的麦穗为生。此处济慈想像她站在异邦的谷田里,伤心流泪,思念家乡。60、oft-times:经常。61、hath:古英语中have的第三人称单数形式。62、Charm"d magic casement:迷住了被魔法(magic)镇住的城堡窗前(casement)的人。中世纪传奇和民间故事中常常描写位于海中被魔法镇住的城堡。如果有一位勇敢的骑士冲破惊涛骇浪,前来相救,并抵制住任何巫师的引诱而保持自己的品德,他就能赢得被幽禁的公主的爱。casement此处不是指某一城堡或窗户,而是指被幽禁在城堡中的公主,她站在窗前,遥望大海,等待勇敢的骑士前来搭救,解除魔法。63、perilous:险恶的。64、faery lands:仙国。65、forlorn:remote and far away,遥远偏僻的。66、Forlorn:此处有双重意思:一、与上行末尾的forlorn相同,表示遥远的过去;二、表示sorrowful,因此这里的Forlorn表示诗人从梦幻中惊醒,回到可悲的现实。67、toll:教堂丧钟的意象承继high requiem的宗教意象,并预示plaintive anthem。68、my sole self:孤独的自身。69、Adieu:再见,再会。70、cheat:欺骗。71、deceiving elf:骗人的小精灵,指fancy。72、plaintive anthem:哀歌。因诗人已回到现实,故夜莺美妙的歌声此刻听起来也觉得悲哀。73、fades:褪去,逐渐消失。74、meadows:肥沃的低草地,草甸。75、hill-side:小山坡。76、buried:掩蔽,遮盖。77、valley-glades:山谷林间。78、Do I wake or sleep:当诗人张开想象的翅膀,吟诗作赋时,他很难分清自己是在作诗还是做梦,故诗的末尾有此一问。在“Ode to Psyche”中,济慈也有此问:Surely I dreamt to-day, or did I seeThe winged Psyche with awakene"d eyes? 第一节我的心疼痛,我感到昏昏欲睡,麻木不仁,好像是饮过毒鸩,又像是刚刚吞服过鸦片,开始沉向冥府的忘川。这并非我对你的福气有所妒嫉,而是你的欢乐使我过度欣喜——你呀,羽翼翩翩的树精,在山毛榉的绿叶与荫影之中,在那歌声悠扬的地点,你舒展了喉咙,歌唱着夏天。第二节啊,但愿有一口美酒,一口曾在地窖冷藏多年的美酒!人一尝就会想到花神,想到葱绿的酒乡,想起舞蹈、恋歌和丰收季节的欢狂。啊,要是那杯酒带有南国的热气,红如人面,充满灵感之泉的真味,珍珠的泡沫在杯沿浮动,能把嘴唇染得绯红,我就会一饮而尽,悄然离开尘寰,随你隐没在幽暗的林间。第三节远远地隐没,消失,并且忘记你在林间从不知晓的东西,忘记这里的厌倦、焦虑和烦躁不安。这里,人们坐在一起长吁短叹;这里,老年瘫痪了,只剩得几根白发摇晃,青年也变得苍白,瘦削,以至死亡;这里,人们一思想就感到伤悲,就会绝望得两眼铅灰;这里,美人的双眸难以保持明丽,新生的爱情第二天就会凋敝。第四节飞去,飞去,我要向你飞去,不是与酒神同驾豹车而去,而是乘坐诗神的无形的双翼,尽管这头脑恁地迟钝、团惑和呆滞。啊,此刻我终于和你在一起了;夜,是这般地柔和,也许月后已经登上宝座,众星正在四周守望,但是,这里却没有光亮,除了几丝天光,随风穿过窗枝的隙缝,穿过绿叶的荫影和苔藓的曲径。第五节我看不清什么花儿在我脚下,也望不见什么花儿在枝头挂,但是,在温馨的黑夜,我却能猜想这个季节的每一种芬芳,那就该有香草、灌木和野果树的花。有山楂和野玫瑰的花,还有早谢的紫罗兰为绿叶遮盖,还有麝香蔷薇即将盛开——那种蔷薇是五月中旬的骄儿,流露着酒香,它是夏夜蚊蝇飞鸣的地方。第六节我在黑暗中倾听你的歌声,我多次想到死亡,他可以给人安宁。我在诗歌里亲昵地向他呼唤,求他把我的生命化为青烟。现在我越发感到死亡的富丽,想在午夜安然地与世别离,但此刻你却以如此的狂喜倾吐着你的胸臆,你将永远歌唱不息,我死了就不会再听见你——你将唱给一堆草泥。第七节永生的灵鸟!你不会死掉,贪馋的时间不能把你踩倒。我今晚听到的声音,也曾为古代的帝王和庶民喜听乐闻;这同样的歌声也许增添过露丝的乡愁,使她站在异邦的谷田里热泪直流,这歌声还常把神异的古堡迷住,迷住被幽禁在里面的年轻公主,她伫立窗旁,凝视着大海的惊涛骇浪,孤寂的仙境使她闷得心慌。第八节孤寂!这个词儿好似一声钟响,使我又回到我独自站立的地方。别了!幻想这个妖精虽能把人欺骗,但并不像盛传的那样灵验。别了!别了!你如泣如诉的歌声逐渐飞逝,越过附近的草地,越过平静的小溪,越过山坡;这个时候它又隐没在另一个山沟。这是幻觉,还是梦?歌声远了——我是在睡,还是醒?
2023-06-08 13:54:121

译文:真念一思 My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, But being too happy in thine happiness, That thou,light-winged Dryad of the trees In some melodious plot Of beechen green, and shadows numberless, Singest of summer in full-throated ease. 我的心在疼痛 我感到昏沉,麻木、疼痛 就像是饮了毒鸠 或是一分钟前 刚将一些令人麻醉的鸦片 一饮而尽 我在忘川里沉沦 这绝不是嫉妒你有多么快乐 而是你的快乐让我太过欣喜 你,轻羽翩翩的 林中仙女 在山毛榉的葱绿 和数不清的荫影中的 那些旋律悠扬的地方 你放开歌喉 把夏天歌唱 O,for a draught of vintage! that hath been Cool"d a long age in the deep-delved earth, Tasting of Flora and the country green, Dance,and Provencal song, and sunburnt mirth! O for a beaker full of the warm South, Full of the true,the blushful Hippocrene, With beaded bubbles winking at the brim, And purple-stained mouth That I might drink, and leave the world unseen, And with thee fade away into the forest dim 噢,好想痛饮一杯美酒 那在深深的地窖 冷藏了多年的甘醇 品尝那如花之清香,乡间青草 舞蹈和浪漫恋曲般的味道 还有那炙热的狂欢 噢,想饮一大杯 那满溢着南国温暖的佳酿 那满满的真正的 喝了让人脸红的山之灵泉 带着串珠般的气泡在杯沿闪动 而唇边留着紫色的酒渍 我要一醉方休 然后就悄然离开这尘世 随你隐入幽暗的密林深处 Fade far away,dissolve, and quite forget What thou among the leaves hast never known, The weariness, the fever,and the fret Here, where men sit and hear each other groan; Where palsy shakes a few,sad, last gray hairs, Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin,and dies; Where but to think is to be full of sorrow And leaden-eyed despairs, Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes, Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow. 远远的隐没,消溶 彻底忘却 这尘世的一切 生活在林中的你 永远不会知道 这世界的疲惫 狂热和焦躁不安 在这里 人们坐在一起 长吁短叹 在这里 人们麻痹,颤抖,悲伤 直到脱落 最后几缕灰白的头发 在这里 年轻人面色苍白 形销骨立,乃至死亡 在这里 只要一想起来 就会满怀悲伤 沉重的眼里充满绝望 在这里 美人的明眸 难以保持那迷人光泽 对新的爱情渴望 都在遥远的明天 Away! away! for I will fly to thee Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards, But on the viewless wings of Poesy, Though the dull brain perplexes and retards Already with thee! tender is the night, And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne, Cluster"d around by all her starry Fays; But here there is no light, Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. 离去,离去 我要向你飞去 不是乘坐酒神的战车 和他的豹骑 而是乘着那诗歌的 隐形翅膀 尽管这混沌的头脑 困惑、迟缓 但它已与你同在 夜色温柔 或许,月亮王后 已登上了她的宝座 周围簇拥着她所有的星星仙子 但这里却没有光亮 只有那被微风吹来的 些许天光 透过幽暗中的葱茏 和覆满青苔的曲径 I cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs, But,in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet Wherewith the seasonable month endows The grass,the thicket,and the fruit-tree wild; White hawthorn,and the pastoral eglantine; Fast fading violets cover"d up in leaves; And mid-May"s eldest child, The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine, The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves. 我看不清哪些花在我的脚旁 也辨不出何种软香悬于高枝 但暗香袭来 凭着对时令的了解 我猜测着每一种甜香 有青草地、灌木丛和野果树 有白山楂树和田园蔷薇 那容易凋谢的紫罗兰 掩映在一片绿叶之中 还有在五月中旬 最早生长 即将绽放的麝香玫瑰 啜满了露酒 夏季的夜晚 四处蝇声嗡嗡 Darkling I listen;and,for many a time I have been half in love with easeful Death Call"d him soft names in many a mused rhyme, To take into the air my quiet breath; Now more than ever seems it rich to die, To cease upon the midnight with no pain, While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad In such an ecstasy! Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain- To thy high requiem become a sod. 我在幽夜里倾听 多少次 我几乎爱上了这静谧的死亡 用苦苦思索出来的诗句 呼唤他柔美的名字 让我安静的呼吸 融入这夜的空气 现在,似乎比以往任何时候 都感觉可以死而无憾 在午夜时分 毫无痛苦地 安然别离 而你正放声高歌 倾诉你的灵魂 你唱得如此痴迷 我已化为了一抔泥土 再也听不见 你那高亢的安魂曲 Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird! No hungry generations tread thee down; The voice I hear this passing night was heard In ancient days by emperor and clown: Perhaps the self-same song that found a path Through the sad heart of Ruth,when, sick for home She stood in tears amid the alien corn; The same that oft-times hath Charm"d magic casements,opening on the foam Of perilous seas,in faery lands forlorn. Forlorn! 永生的鸟啊! 你不是为死亡而生! 那贪婪的世代 吞噬一切的时间 都无法将你摧残 在这逝去的夜晚 我听见的美妙歌声 在那古老的年代 也同样为帝王和庶民们 所倾听 也许,那同样的歌声 在露丝思念家乡的时候 触动过她的乡愁 让她站在异邦的谷田里 泪流满面 这同样的歌声 也常常吸引着 被幽禁在魔法城堡里的 年轻公主 她伫立窗前, 凝望着大海的骇浪惊涛 激起层层泡沫浪花 在这寂寞的仙国里 孤寂! the very word is like a bell To toll me back from thee to my sole self! Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well As she is fam"d to do,deceiving elf. Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades Past the near meadows,over the still stream Up the hill-side;and now "tis buried deep In the next valley-glades: Was it a vision,or a waking dream? Fled is that music:-Do I wake or sleep? 这个特别的词语 犹如一际钟响 把我从你身边 又拉回我孤独的自身! 别了!你这骗人的小精灵 幻想虽然能欺骗一时 却无法欺骗一世 别了!别了! 你那忧伤的哀歌 已渐渐褪去 越过附近的草场 越过平静的溪流 爬上山坡 如今 它已在另一个山谷林间 深埋 这是幻觉 还是一个醒着的梦? 那歌声渐渐远去了: 而我,是醒着 还是睡着? 注释: 1、Lethe:忘川。希腊神话中冥府之河,名列斯,鬼魂饮了此河之水,便忘却生前的事。 2、Ruth:据《旧约·路得记》,露丝(Ruth)是摩押女子,大卫王族的女祖先。她在丈夫死于饥荒之后,自愿随婆婆去异邦逃荒,靠拾田里遗下的麦穗为生。此处济慈想像她站在异邦的谷田里,伤心流泪,思念家乡。 3、Charm"d magic casement:迷住了被魔法(magic)镇住的城堡窗前(casement)的人。中世纪传奇和民间故事中常常描写位于海中被魔法镇住的城堡。如果有一位勇敢的骑士冲破惊涛骇浪,前来相救,并抵制住任何巫师的引诱而保持自己的品德,他就能赢得被幽禁的公主的爱。casement此处不是指某一城堡或窗户,而是指被幽禁在城堡中的公主,她站在窗前,遥望大海,等待勇敢的骑士前来搭救,解除魔法。 作者简介: 约翰·济慈(John·Keats,1795年10月31日-1821年2月23日),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,杰出的英国诗人作家之一,浪漫派的主要成员。 济慈才华横溢,与雪莱、拜伦齐名。他善于运用描写手法创作诗歌,将多种情感与自然完美结合,从生活中寻找创作的影子。他的诗篇能带给人们身临其境的感受。 他去世时年仅25岁,可他遗下的诗篇誉满人间,他的诗被认为完美体现了西方浪漫主义诗歌特色,济慈被人们推崇为欧洲浪漫主义运动的杰出代表。 本诗是济慈的代表作。 1818年年底,23岁的济慈结识了他的邻居芬妮·布朗妮小姐。他们恋爱的最初半年,济慈生活在幸福之中。他像一个健康人那样,常常同芬妮远远地散着步,度过愉快的时光。这半年也成了诗人创作最旺盛的时期。这首《夜莺颂》是翌年春天的一个早晨,诗人坐在布朗妮家中花园的梅树下,听到夜莺的啼声后,不禁心旷神怡,诗兴勃发,不到三个小时,一气呵成。 济慈患有肺病,这给他的爱情生活笼罩上一层忧郁的阴影。他曾写道:"在我的散步中,我有两件极喜欢思索的事,你(指芬妮)的可爱与我的死的时间。"因此,他的诗中常常流露出哀伤、悲凉的情绪。 这首诗的艺术特点是大量运用象征、比喻、夸张等手法,时而缅怀往昔,时而关注现实,绮丽诡谲,变幻多姿,充满着浓郁浪漫主义的想像色彩,展现了诗人的卓越才华。
2023-06-08 13:54:271

FA/CA Report是什么意思

FA Report = Failure Analysis Report 失效分析报告CA Report = Cause Analysis Report 原因分析报告
2023-06-08 13:55:303


2023-06-08 13:55:473


Along with society"s development, the market competition is day by day intense, in addition our country already joined World Trade Organization, becomes in the world economics community. Therefore, enhances Our country Enterprise"s competitive power to become the urgent question. The privately operated economy takes the most active economic growth, is in the regional economies development is most active, the most preponderant economic sector, but because receives social system"s restraint, the enterprise human resources management idea insufficient specialty and the staff own factor influence, caused some Private enterprise brain drain the situation to be quite serious, has restricted Private enterprise"s development. The Private enterprise faces the competition besides comes from enterprise"s management competition, the market competition, the fund competition and the technical competition, more will be facing talented person"s competition. But the talented person has the vital significance regarding enterprise"s survival and the development, is rising together simultaneously more and more vital role. These have specialized technical and the specialized knowledge core staff, is constructs the enterprise core competitiveness the important attribute, the too frequent undertake transfer of personnel, specially the core staff"s flowing, will create the talented person troop unstable, outside the brain drain and the technology releases, not only will cause the enterprise to suffer the human capital the loss, will threaten the enterprise development strategy the implementation. Therefore the talented person, in particular the outstanding person only then has the decisive function to our country Private enterprise"s survival and the development, solves the brain drain problem to be imperative. This article take Guangdong ** the industry Limited company as an example, through the analysis enterprise brain drain"s phenomenon, summarizes causes the enterprise brain drain question several primary causes, and proposes the solution strategy. This article separately from the business management system, aspects and so on human resources management idea, salary management, achievements examination and enterprise culture begins, to stress that must establish the perfect business management system, set up the correct human resources management idea, the building loose professional profession space, makes good use of the emotion mode of administration, the implementation treatment keeps the person strategy and the enterprise culture keeps the person strategy. 对的
2023-06-08 13:55:5613

●【翻译—仅供英语高手专区】剧本片段翻译 — 城市排水解决方案!

2023-06-08 13:56:2115


  英国文学家济慈一生创下许多作品,而且都非常出名。都值得我们学习。那你知道济慈代表作夜莺颂吗?下面是我为你搜集到的相关内容,希望对你有所帮助。   英国文学家济慈夜莺颂原文   Ode To A Nightingale   JohnKeats My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains   My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,   Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains   One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:   "Tis not through envy of thy happy lot,   But being too happy in thine happiness --   That thou, light winged Dryad of the trees,   In some melodious plot   Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,   Singest of summer in full-throated ease.   O, for a draught of vintage! that hath been   Cooled a long age in the deep-delved earth,   Tasting of Flora and the country green,   Dance, and Provencal song, and sunburnt mirth!   O for a beaker full of the warm South,   Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene,   With beaded bubbles winking at the brim,   And purple-stained mouth,   That I may drink, and leave the world unseen,   And with thee fade away into the forest dim.   Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget   What thou amongst the leaves hast never known,   The weariness, the fever, and the fret   Here, where men sit and hear each other groan;   Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last grey hairs.   Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies;   Where nut to think is to be full of sorrow   And leaden-eyed despairs;   Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes,   Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow.   Away! away! for I will fly to thee,   Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards,   But on the viewless wings of Poesy,   Though the dull brain perplexes and retards.   Already with thee! tender is the night,   And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne,   Clustered around by all her starry Fays;   But here there is no light,   Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown   Through verduous glooms and winding mossy ways.   I cannot se what flowers are at my feet,   Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs,   But, in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet   Wherewith the seasonable month endows   The grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wild --   White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine;   Fast fading violets covered up in leaves;   And mid-May"s eldest child,   The ing musk-rose, full of dewy wine,   The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves.   Darkling I listen; and for many a time   I have been half in love with easeful Death,   Called him soft names in many a mused rhyme,   To take into the air my quiet breath; 求   Now more than ever seems it rich to die,   To cease upon the midnight with no pain,   While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad   In such an ecstasy!   Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain --   ?To thy high requiem bee a sod.   Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!   No hungry generations tread thee down;   The voice I hear this passing night eas heard   In ancient days by emperor and clown:   Perhaps the self-same song that found a path   Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,   She stood in tears amid the alien corn;   The same that oft-times hath   Charmed magic casements, opening on the foam   Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn.   Forlorn! the very word is like a bell   To toll me back from thee to my sole self!   Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well   As she is famed to do, deceiving elf.   Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades   Past the near meadows, over the still stream,   Up the hill-side; and now "tis buried deep   In the next valley-glades:   Was is a vision, or a waking dream?   Fled is that music -- Do I wake or sleep?   英国文学家济慈夜莺颂翻译   夜莺颂   约翰·济慈   我的心在痛,困顿和麻木   刺进了感官,有如饮过毒鸩,   又象是刚刚把鸦片吞服,   于是向着列溪忘川下沉:   并不是我嫉妒你的好运,   而是你的快乐使我太欢欣--   因为在林间嘹亮的天地里,   你呵,轻翅的仙灵,   你躲进山毛榉的葱绿和荫影,   放开歌喉,歌唱着夏季。   哎,要是有一口酒!那冷藏   在地下多年的清醇饮料,   一尝就令人想起绿色之邦,   想起花神,恋歌,阳光和舞蹈!   要是有一杯南国的温暖   充满了鲜红的灵感之泉,   杯沿明灭著珍珠的泡沫,   给嘴唇染上紫斑;   哦,我要一饮而离开尘寰,   和你同去幽暗的林中隐没:   远远地、远远隐没,让我忘掉   你在树叶间从不知道的一切,   忘记这疲劳、热病、和焦躁,   这使人对坐而悲叹的世界;   在这里,青春苍白、消瘦、死亡,   而"瘫痪"有几根白发在摇摆;   在这里,稍一思索就充满了   忧伤和灰色的绝望,   而"美"保持不住明眸的光彩,   新生的爱情活不到明天就枯凋。   去吧!去吧!我要朝你飞去,   不用和酒神坐文豹的车驾,   我要展开诗歌底无形羽翼,   尽管这头脑已经困顿、疲乏;   去了!呵,我已经和你同往!   夜这般温柔,月后正登上宝座,   周围是侍卫她的一群星星;   但这儿却不甚明亮,   除了有一线天光,被微风带过,   葱绿的幽暗,和苔藓的曲径。   我看不出是哪种花草在脚旁,   什么清香的花挂在树枝上;   在温馨的幽暗里,我只能猜想   这个时令该把哪种芬芳   赋予这果树,林莽,和草丛,   这白枳花,和田野的玫瑰,   这绿叶堆中易谢的紫罗兰,   还有五月中旬的娇宠,   这缀满了露酒的麝香蔷薇,   它成了夏夜蚊蚋的嗡萦的港湾。   我在黑暗里倾听:呵,多少次   我几乎爱上了静谧的死亡,   我在诗思里用尽了好的言辞,   求他把我的一息散入空茫;   而现在,哦,死更是多么富丽:   在午夜里溘然魂离人间,   当你正倾泻着你的心怀   发出这般的狂喜!   你仍将歌唱,但我却不再听见--   你的葬歌只能唱给泥草一块。   永生的鸟呵,你不会死去!   饥饿的世代无法将你蹂躏;   今夜,我偶然听到的歌曲   曾使古代的帝王和村夫喜悦;   或许这同样的歌也曾激荡   露丝忧郁的心,使她不禁落泪,   站在异邦的谷田里想着家;   就是这声音常常   在失掉了的仙域里引动窗扉:   一个美女望着大海险恶的浪花。   呵,失掉了!这句话好比一声钟   使我猛醒到我站脚的地方!   别了!幻想,这骗人的妖童,   不能老耍弄它盛传的伎俩。   别了!别了!你怨诉的歌声   流过草坪,越过幽静的溪水,   溜上山坡;而此时,它正深深   埋在附近的溪谷中:   噫,这是个幻觉,还是梦寐?   那歌声去了--我是睡?是醒?
2023-06-08 13:57:001


2023-06-08 13:57:083


grains 英[greɪnz]美[greɪnz]n. 双齿[多齿]鱼叉; 谷粒( grain的名词复数 ); 少量; 小的硬粒; (天然) 纹理;[网络] 粒子; 谷物; 格令;[例句]Unrefined carbohydrates include brown rice and other grains.糙米和其他谷物属非精制的碳水化合物。[其他] 形近词: drains brains grainy
2023-06-08 13:57:241


2023-06-08 13:57:501

寻 优美的英语诗

2023-06-08 13:57:595

上报的英语翻译 上报用英语怎么说

上报 英文翻译appear in the newspapers
2023-06-08 13:58:164


lay, pave
2023-06-08 13:58:233

英语for ten days in a row怎么翻译?

for ten days in a row连续十天
2023-06-08 13:58:3110


picurean motto of “Eat, drink,
2023-06-08 13:58:562

汇报的英语翻译 汇报用英语怎么说

2023-06-08 13:59:234


CPLD主要是由可编程逻辑宏单元(MC,Macro Cell)围绕中心的可编程互连矩阵单元组成。其中MC结构较复杂,并具有复杂的I/O单元互连结构,可由用户根据需要生成特定的电路结构,完成一定的功能。由于CPLD内部采用固定长度的金属线进行各逻辑块的互连,所以设计的逻辑电路具有时间可预测性,避免了分段式互连结构时序不完全预测的缺点。FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array),即现场可编程门阵列,它是在PAL、GAL、CPLD等可编程器件的基础上进一步发展的产物。它是作为专用集成电路(ASIC)领域中的一种半定制电路而出现的,既解决了定制电路的不足,又克服了原有可编程器件门电路数有限的缺点。
2023-06-08 13:50:358


2023-06-08 13:50:421

errcode“:40165,“errmsg“:“invalid weapp pagepath

问题一、消息模板跳转小程序碰到40165数据看这里{“errcode“:40165,“errmsg“:“invalid weapp pagepath} 问题二、模版消息 跳转到小程序报错{ errcode: 40013, errmsg: "invalid appid hint: [cC6RwA09011295]" } 解决: 1、将pagepath改成page的,或改成path【小程序改成可以跳转path】 2、pagepath路径或path前面不可以有斜杠 3、AppId必须是小程序 4、公众号需要和小程序关联,才可以进行跳转,不然即使写了跳转参数,也直接会报错
2023-06-08 13:50:431

微信网页授权 第二步出现错误 提示 {"errcode":-1,"errmsg":"system error"}

2023-06-08 13:50:282

英文缩写 _ CPLD _ CPLD是什么意思

英文缩写 CPLD 英文全称 plex programmable logic device 中文解释 可编程逻辑器件 缩写分类 电子电工 缩写简介
2023-06-08 13:50:271