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谁能给我介绍一下Sir Francis Drake 的生平事迹?

2023-06-09 08:09:42
TAG: ake rake drake

Sir Francis Drake(约公元1540-1596年)。 “鲜红的夕阳、漆黑的骷髅旗、沾满血污的战刀以及成堆的让人睁不开眼的黄金”海盗的故事总是那么吸引人,他不单以私人舰队击拜了当时海上霸王西班牙的无敌舰队,还完成横渡大西洋,开辟了英国新的航线的伟大创举.








Sir Francis Drake (c.1540 - c.1596),法兰西斯·德瑞克(1540年—1596年1月28日),





1578年8月德瑞克通过了南美洲南端最危险的麦哲伦海峡,。同五艘船鹈鹕号 玛丽高特号 伊丽莎白号 .天鹅号 别内的克号..天鹅号 别内的克号 由于计划变化


(Golden Hind),因为此船赞助人海顿爵士的徽章盾牌上是一只金鹿.在中途截到了卡卡弗戈号。





1588年德瑞克成为海军中将,在军旅中曾击退西班牙无敌舰队(Great Spanish Armada)攻击。


1937年-1970年,有33年的时间,英国的钱币半便士(Half Penny)上一直以德瑞克的金鹿号为图案。

英国文化中有一首民谣叫做“德瑞克的鼓(Drake"s drum) ”,大意是说,如果英国蒙难,只要德瑞克的鼓又响了,他就一定会回来为英国解难。



1、drake,读音:美/dre?k/;英/dre?k/。2、释义:n.公鸭;蜉蝣类(等于drake fly)。n.(Drake)人名;(德、芬、葡)德拉克;(英)德雷克。3、例句:This drake is very aggressive.这只公鸭攻击性很强。
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drake读音:英 [dreu026ak];美 [drek]释义:n. 公鸭,蜉蝣类
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wow里的龙分三中 1 很小的 一直飞着的 比如黑上龙蛋区踩出来的那种 2 drake 区别于第一种 显然这种不是法师能暴死的 这种年龄段的龙也是一直在飞行中很少落地的 身体和翅膀差不多大 比如黑上雷德骑的那种
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简介Drake(10张) DrakeDrake(1986年10月24日)出生于安大略的多伦多,加拿大说唱歌手。   使他广为人知的应该是扮演《迪格拉丝中学的下一代》(Degrassi The Next Generation)中的Jimmy Brooks。他不仅是一名演员,同样是一名出色的歌手,签约于Lil wayne的Young Money Entertainment。   他个人到目前为止推出了第三张Mixtape,每张都获得了不小的成功,《So Far Gone》里包括了Lil Wayne, Bun B, Trey Songz 和Lloyd等歌手的客串,也将Drake“Unsigned Hype”的名声带到了新的高度。Mixtape中包括了好几首大受歌迷欢迎的歌曲,比如“Successful” 和 “Best I Ever Had,”,它们都在各大电台获得热播,包括New York的Hot 97。基本资料 全名:Aubrey Drake Graham   艺名:Drake   别名:Dreezy,Drizzy   生日:1986年10月24日   出生地:加拿大多伦多   音乐流派: Hip-hop,pop,R&B   职业:电影演员,说唱艺人,歌手   音乐厂牌:Universal Motown, Young Money, Cash Money 演员   2001年,Drake在电视剧Degrassi: The next Generation中扮演Jimmy Brooks一角,开始其演员生涯。剧中Brooks是一名篮球健将,由于被同班同学枪击导致残疾。Drake的戏份与2009年结束,制作方以新人替换了整个剧组。音乐   2006年2月,Drake在他的个人网页以及MySpace主业上发布了自己的第一张专辑: Room for Improvement,取得成功后,Drake陆陆续续开始在网站上发布更多的音乐。2007年,他又推出了第二张专辑:Comeback Season。   2009年2月13日,Drake推出了第三章专辑 So Far Gone,可以在他的博客上免费下载。专辑发布后的两个小时内,便获得了超过2000次的下载。继网络上的大获成功后,Drake的歌曲又在各大电台热播。终于,Drake将专辑中的五首歌曲再加上一首新区,组成了他的第一张EP,其中包含了最成功的两首歌“Best I Ever Had”和 “Successful”。到目前为止,Drake已经和Jay-Z,Kanye West, Young Jeezy, Mary J. Blige 以及Jamie Foxx等诸多著名音乐人合作过。   2009年6月29日,Drake与Young Money Entertainment签下了唱片合约,他计划在2009年末发行第一张正式唱片 Thank Me Later。
2023-06-08 13:28:351


Drake烦人?他对于客队来讲确实很招人烦!没用饶舌说唱押韵喷你就不错了! 提起这位说唱歌手,很多人对他的印象会是总决赛G1中,他先是在场边和库里一起说起了垃圾话,后是在猛龙拿下队史第一场总决赛胜利后,朝着勇士队球员追梦格林就是一顿垃圾话伺候,格林也只能回了几句,便和库里一起离开了场地。那么这位说唱歌手是如何成为NBA最“烦人”的球迷呢?容我娓娓道来! Drake如何成为“烦人”球迷 Drake是一位拥有双重国籍的说唱歌手,也是一位喜爱NBA篮球运动的狂热发烧友,同时他还是多伦多猛龙的全球形象大使!所以在总决赛G1战中看到他与追梦格林互喷垃圾话也就不奇怪了!其实,在今天总决赛G2赛后的球员通道里他还朝着未上场的杜兰特说起了垃圾话,认为虽然1:1扳平,但是在常规赛中猛龙也在客场战胜过勇士。杜兰特和克莱也对这位说唱歌手进行了回击,杜兰特说到“没关系,那就客场见吧!”克莱更是直接回击“湾区见,今晚你没话说了吧!” Drake其实并不是第一次遭人烦,早在东部决赛时,他的所作所为就让猛龙的对手雄鹿队受不了!在比赛过程中的Drake可以随意在猛龙主场边上走动,时而对着罚球的字母哥喷起垃圾话,时而又走过去帮猛龙主帅纳斯“按摩”。这一系列行为也让雄鹿愤怒的向联盟提起了申诉,不过这似乎并没有影响到Drake继续在主场为猛龙呐喊助威,不得不说,他真是一个称职的形象大使! 小锦鲤侃球: Drake之所以能够成为所谓最“烦人”的NBA球迷,还是因为他那富有激情的性格,这也许是饶舌说唱带给他的能量!不过,尽管他在总决赛中多次垃圾话对喷勇士球员,但其实他和勇士队的私交都还不赖,就像G1和追梦格林刚互喷完垃圾话后,他就可以和格林相约共进晚餐。值得一提的是Drake的手臂上还纹有库里和杜兰特的球衣号码,这也是为何在总决赛期间会看到他用护臂挡住了此处纹身。关于Drake遭人烦?我认为他没有用饶舌说唱说垃圾话喷你就不错了!对此你怎么看?欢迎一起讨论。 喜欢的朋友帮忙点个赞,点击关注“锦鲤篮球”点关注不迷路,你的支持就是小锦鲤更新的最大动力!
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183cm。Drake,1986年10月24日出生于加拿大安大略省多伦多市,加拿大说唱歌手、演员。2010年发行首张正式专辑《Thank Me Later》[1] 。2011年发行第二张专辑《Take Care》[2] 。2013年2月11日,凭借专辑《Take Care》获得格莱美最佳说唱专辑[3] 。同年发行第三张专辑《Nothing Was the Same》[4] 。2016年,发行第四张专辑《Views》.
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eminem新歌推荐`music box,elevator,forever,贴吧里有得下载了!
2023-06-08 13:31:183


jessial drake?白人
2023-06-08 13:31:263


神秘海域4的结局:在第四作“盗贼末路”中,所有的宝藏就只是宝藏,就算被夺走并不会怎么样。缺乏邪恶的神秘力量,让第四作稍微有一些与众不同,但更好地体现了Nathan与Elena的关系,以及和其他“盗徒”的对比。在“盗贼末路”中,Nathan所作出的主动选择,是决定放弃探索宝藏和Elena回家。只是因为Sam Drake的离去,Nathan最终前去追回哥哥。在最后一战,Nathan Drake告知Rafe Adler,他可以放弃宝藏,只是希望他能合力解救Sam Drake。至此,并没有什么必须从神秘力量之下,一定要保护的世界。那些海盗的宝藏,对Nathan Drake来说,已经无关紧要,只有他的哥哥Sam Drake是他要救赎的目标。这就是他的选择,这便是Nathan Drake的“盗徒末路”。在最终的海滩,Nathan Drake和Elena Fisher的女儿已经长大成人。结合Nathan Drake和Elena Disher的优点,是一个爱运动的聪慧女孩。在这一天,封存禁固已久的冒险故事得以重见天日,让女儿最终得以知道他们的过往。现在的Nathan Drake,享受着美满的家庭并坚持着热爱的事业,作为一个曾经的“盗徒”,是幸福的。游戏背景:游戏设定在前作《神秘海域3:德雷克的诡计》的三年之后,游戏伊始,我们的主角德雷克终于决定与一直以来和自己相伴冒险的女记者艾莲娜结婚,并从此隐退,不再参加冒险活动。但不久之后,过着幸福而安稳生活的德雷克被一位不速之客打破了。本应在很久以前便死去的德雷克的哥哥穆萨突然带着一份藏宝图出现在了德雷克面前。并宣称希望德雷克与他一起去寻找这份由18世纪大海贼亨利遗留下来的宝藏。在经过一番心里挣扎后,我们的主角德雷克决定暂时放弃与艾莲娜的平稳生活与哥哥一起踏上寻找宝藏的里程,就这样他们来到了18世纪被称为海贼之国的“里哈达利亚”。
2023-06-08 13:31:331

drake,Kanye West,eminem,Lil Wayne合唱的forever的歌词中文翻译

作词:Drake 作曲:DrakeIt may not mean nothing to y"all,Understand nothing was done for me,So i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,And telling every girl she the one for me,And i aint even planning to call,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,Last name ever,First name greatest,Like a sprained ankle boy ain"t nothing to play with,It started off local but thanks to all the haters,I know G4 pilots on a first name basis,And your city faded off to brown, Nino,She insists she got more class, we know!Swimming in the money come and find me, nemo,If i was at the club you know I ball, Kimo,Drop the mixtape that sh-t sounded like an albumWho"d have thought a country wide tour would be the outcomeLabels want my name but sign the x like MalcomEverybody got a deal, I did it without one,Yeah n-gga i"m about my business,Killing all these rappers you would swear I had a hit list,Everybody who guided me is asking for forgiveness,If you aint been a part of it at least you got to witness,B-tches,It may not mean nothing to y"all,Understand nothing was done for me,So i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,And telling every girl she the one for me,And i aint even planning to call,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I used to have hood dreams,Big fame, big chains,I stuck my d-ck inside this life until that b-tch came,I went hard all fall like the ? teams,Just so I can make it rain all spring,Y"all seen my story my glory,I had raped the game young,You can call it statutory,When a n-gga blow up they can build statures of meOld money Benjamin Button, whaat, nuttin,Now superbad chicks giving me macLovin,You would think I ran the world like Michelle"s husband,You would think these n-ggas would know me when they really doesn"tLike they was down with the old me no you f-cking wasn"t,Your"e such a f-cking loser,He didn"t even go to class mueller,Trade the Grammy plaques just to have my granny back,Remember she had that bad hip like a fanny pack,Chasing that stardom would turn you into a maniac,All the way in Hollywood and I can"t even act,They pull their cameras out and God damn they snap,I used to want this thing forever you can have it back,It may not mean nothing to y"all,Understand nothing was done for me,So i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,And telling every girl she the one for me,And i aint even planning to call,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,Ok, hello its da martian,Space jam Jordan"s,I want this sh-t forever wake and smell the Garden,F-cker then the hardestStep up to the target,If i had one guess than I guess im just New Orleans,And I will never stop like i"m running from the cops,Hop up in my car and told my chauffeur to the top,Life is like a f-cking roller coaster then it drops,But what should I scream for this is my theme park,My minds shine even when my thoughts seem dark,Pistol on my side you don"t wanna hear that thing talk,Let the king talk check the price and pay attention,Lil Wayne thats what they got to say or mention,Im like Nirvada in the middle of the summer,I"m resting in the lead I need a pillow and a cover,Shhh, my foots sleeping on the gas,No brake pads no such thing as last,It may not mean nothing to y"all,Understand nothing was done for me,So i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,And telling every girl she the one for me,And i aint even planning to call,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,There they go, back in stadiums,It"s shady"s b-tches flow,Nuts they go, macadamia they go sablistic yo,We can make them look like boso"s,He"s wondering if he should spit this slow,F-ck no go for broke,His cup just wanna throw over, oh no,He aint had a buzz like this since the last time he overdosed,They"ve been waiting patiently for Pinnochio to poke his nose,Back into the game and they know,Rap will never be the same as before,Bashing in the brains of these hoes,And establishing a name as he goes,The passion of the flame is ignited,You can"t put it out once we light it,This is sh-t exactly what the f-ck i"m talking about when we write it,You dealing with a mutual villain,So stay inside of the boots you spillinSo spit true feelings, til true feelings come flying up out of our mouthsNever mind it,Payback muthaf-cker for the way you how"s it taste,When I slap the taste out your mouth with the bass so loud that it shakes the place,I"m hannibal lecters son just in case your thinking of saving face,You aint gonna have no face to save by the time Im through with this place,So DrakeIt may not mean nothing to y"all,Understand nothing was done for me,So i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,And telling every girl she the one for me,And i aint even planning to call,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,中文:对你们来说也许不算什么但请理解一切对我来说都还太早所以我绝不打算就此停止我想要得到它 直到永远 永远 永远我让商场都关门大吉告诉每个女孩她是我的唯一我也不打算给她打电话我想要得到它 直到永远 永远 永远我姓永远 名叫最伟大就像扭伤的脚踝 小子没什么好玩的一开始我知道在家乡有名 但拜黑特所赐我认识了一群私人飞机飞行员的名字在城市里疯狂的酗酒 就像Nino她坚称自己很有格调 我们知道在钞票的海洋中畅游 来找我的小丑鱼nemo如果我在夜店里 你知道我正在爽(光头)像化疗病人我的样带听起来像一张专辑谁能想到后来会发展成全国巡演唱片公司要我把名字签在X旁边 就像麦尔坎每个人都要签协议 我却不用没错小子 我在说我的事业用一对劲歌把一堆饶舌歌手干掉所有怀疑我实力的人都要乞求我的宽恕如果你没有参与进来的话至少要做个见证人杂种对你们来说也许不算什么但请理解一切对我来说都还太早所以我绝不打算就此停止我想要得到它 直到永远 永远 永远我让商场都关门大吉告诉每个女孩她是我的唯一我也不打算给她打电话我想要得到它 直到永远 永远 永远永远 永远 west先生已经现身我会把它们都干掉 毫无疑问我曾有过街头梦想 巨大的名誉 巨大的财富我把dick插在这样的生活里 直到时机出现整个秋天我都在疯狂追求她就像篮球队在练习这样到了春天我才能花钱如流水你们都知道我的故事 我的荣耀我很小就强暴了这行 你可以说这是法律规定当我功成名就 他们还能为我建造雕像像本杰明*巴顿一样越活越年轻 啥?没什么现在坏女孩都在向我表达爱意你会以为我像米歇尔*奥巴马的老公一样统治了世界你会以为有很多家伙认识我 其实他们都在假装好像他们都熟识以前的我 不 你TM才不是你是个白痴猪头你连课也不用上 《翘课天才》把格莱美奖牌卖掉只为了让奶奶回来还记得吗 她腰不好就像背了个腰包追逐名利会把你变成疯子我连表演都不会就一路到了好莱坞他们纷纷掏出照相机 该死的还按下了快门我以前一直追求 现在终于得偿所愿对你们来说也许不算什么但请理解一切对我来说都还太早所以我绝不打算就此停止我想要得到它 直到永远 永远 永远我让商场都关门大吉告诉每个女孩她是我的唯一我也不打算给她打电话我想要得到它 直到永远 永远 永远你好 我是火星人 迈克尔乔丹 《太空大灌篮》我永远都在追求它 醒来问道花园的芳香空气比农场还要清新 离目标又更进一步如果给我一次机会 我想成为新奥尔良人我永远不会停止 就像条子在后面追我跳上我的车子 让司机把马力开到最大生活就像过山车 有时也会倒塌但干吗要惊声尖叫 这里是我的主题乐园我思想黑暗 但心中依然光明灿烂手枪在我这儿 你肯定不想听它开口说话只有王者才能够说话 你们留意一下那个人是谁他们只会说那就是小韦恩我就像是盛夏中的内华达州我可以放心睡大头觉 我需要枕头和床单嘘 我的双腿 已经进入梦乡不要踩刹车 什么都不要做对你们来说也许不算什么但请理解一切对我来说都还太早所以我绝不打算就此停止我想要得到它 直到永远 永远 永远我让商场都关门大吉告诉每个女孩她是我的唯一我也不打算给她打电话我想要得到它 直到永远 永远 永远他们来了 包围运动场 痞子阿姆有高超的饶舌节奏人群沸腾了 他们如此激动 大声叫着woah我们让她们看上去很像低能的狗他自己都觉得饶舌功力还不够他虽然铆足了劲 但他的实力还不够 自从上次嗑药过量后 他还没这样出过丑他们在耐心等待皮诺曹的鼻子变长 因为他吹牛满意请给采纳哦!
2023-06-08 13:32:061

Drake的《Miss Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Miss Me歌手:Drake专辑:Thank Me LaterDrake - Miss Me (Feat. Lil" Wayne), Thank Me Later(2010)无敌大田@百度韦德吧I said tell me whats really going onDrizzy back up in this thing I"m ready, whats happeninggon for surgery but now I"m back againI"m bout my paper like a muthf-cking scratch and winWorld Series attitude, champagne bottle lifenothing ever changes so tonight is like tomorrow nightI will have a model wife your b-tch is as hot as iceevery time you see me I look like I hit the lotto twice(Drake you got em right)Yeah I got em BunI love myself because I swear their life is just not as funNeks got the weed, Hush got a gunCJ"s got my credit cards and a lot of onesyeah, I"m in the city of the purple spritesomeone tell Maliah I"m on fire she should work tonightcall her King of Diamonds and tell China it"d be worth the flightI"ll be at my table stacking dollar"s to the perfect heightwork something twirk something basisshe just tryna make it so she right here gettin nakedI don"t judge her, I don"t judge herbut I could never love her cause to her I"m just a rapperand soon she"ll have met anotherthats why me and lil jazz bout to spaz can you keep upI"m just feeling sorry for whoever got to sweep upyeah bills everywhere, trill everythingand Drake just stand for Do Right And Kill EverythingI love Nicki MinajI told her I"d admit itI hope one day we get married just to say we f-cking did itand girl I"m f-cking serious I"m with it if you with itcause your verses turn me on and your pants are mighty fitteduh, damn, I think you caught me in a momentlike I catch em stealing flows cause I swear I never loaned itand Life aint a rehearsal the camera"s always rollin"so come and get a portion of this money that we be blowin"cause it"s on…Yeah girl it"s onyou know what it is when I finally make it homeI just hope you miss me a little when I"m goneyeah I just hope you miss me a little when I"m goneand you just tell me what you down foranything you down forI know things have changedKnow I used to be around morebut you should miss a little when I"m goneI just hope you miss me a little when your gone无敌大田@百度韦德吧Oooh sh-t,muthaf-cker God Damnkicking b-tches out the Condo like pamgetting money everyday I"ma ground hogbout to scoop your girl up like a ground ballI walk light so I don"t piss the ground offMan I swear my b-tches do it till they suck the brown offerghhhh, thats nastyyes I am Weezy but I aint asthmaticdeeenz buying cologne, hunny i put onmake em run and tell there frineds like a marathonvoice baritone haters carry onbeat the p-ssy up, call me Larry HolmesYoung Money"s Jerry SloanI turn every stoneWhen she masturbate to me, that"s how she learn every songto women I condone better write me when I"m goneno I"m not that thuggish not that ruggish but I do pack Boneuhh, I"m a love machineand I wont work for nobody but youit"s only me and her because the Bugatti coupeits blood gang slam but I party with SnoopI aint lying I shootyou don"t need signs for proofturn you to a vegatable like you lining soupand when Im in the booth, sh-t the lion is looseman I got so many styles I am a groupDamn, I"ll be gone till Novemberf-ck it I aint trippin, I know Drizzy gon" kill em"I"m sticking to the script like lint on denimI"mma say it if the rules aint bent don"t bend em"real n-gga talkingshut the f-ck up hoegotta do it one time for Haiti, wattup zoeWeezy F Baby and the F is for Front do"Cause that"s where I bring it,soo wu if you bang it, mothaf-cka无敌大田@百度韦德吧
2023-06-08 13:32:141


2023-06-08 13:32:211

谁是Ronald O.Drake?

Ronald O.Drake:男,生于1956年6月5日,美国国籍,本公司第四董事会董事.毕业于康奈尔大学,获得纽约大学工商管理硕士.曾任索罗斯基金管理公司战略投资董事、荷兰银行集团高级副总裁,美林集团执行董事,现在AmericanAviationLDC任职.
2023-06-08 13:32:281

Drake&Eminem&Kanye West&Lil Wayne的《Forever》 歌词

歌名:Forever演唱:Drake,Eminem,Kanye West,Lil Wayne词曲:Kanye West所属专辑:Forever歌曲时长:5:58发行时间:2009-09-15发行公司:Aftermath Entertainment音乐风格:Rap/Hip Hop英文歌词:(Chorus)It may not mean nothing to y"all,understand nothing was done for me,so i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,and telling every girl she the one for me,and i aint even planning to call,i want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,(Drake)Last name ever,first name greatest,like a sprained ankle boy ain"t nothing to play with,it started off local but thanks to all the haters,i know G4 pilots on a first name basis,and your city faded off to brown, Nino,she insists she got more class, we know!swimming in the money come and find me, nemo,if i was at the club you know I ball, Kimo,drop the mixtape that sh-t sounded like an albumwho"d have thought a country wide tour would be the outcomelabels want my name but sign the x like Malcomeverybody got a deal, I did it without one,yeah n-gga i"m about my business,killing all these rappers you would swear I had a hit list,everybody who guided me is asking for forgiveness,if you aint been a part of it at least you got to witness,b-tches,(Chorus)It may not mean nothing to y"all,understand nothing was done for me,so i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,and telling every girl she the one for me,and i aint even planning to call,i want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,(Kanye West)I used to have hood dreams,big fame, big chains,i stuck my d-ck inside this life until that b-tch came,I went hard all fall like the ? teams,just so I can make it rain all spring,y"all seen my story my glory,i had raped the game young,you can call it statutory,when a n-gga blow up they can build statures of meold money Benjamin Button, whaat, nuttin,now superbad chicks giving me macLovin,you would think I ran the world like Michelle"s husband,you would think these n-ggas would know me when they really doesn"tlike they was down with the old me no you f-cking wasn"t,your"e such a f-cking loser,he didn"t even go to class mueller,trade the Grammy plaques just to have my granny back,remember she had that bad hip like a fanny pack,chasing that stardom would turn you into a maniac,all the way in Hollywood and I can"t even act,they pull their cameras out and God damn they snap,I used to want this thing forever you can have it back,(Chorus)It may not mean nothing to y"all,understand nothing was done for me,so i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,and telling every girl she the one for me,and i aint even planning to call,i want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,(Lil Wayne)Ok, hello its da martian,space jam Jordan"s,I want this sh-t forever wake and smell the Garden,f-cker then the hardeststep up to the target,if i had one guess than I guess im just New Orleans,and I will never stop like i"m running from the cops,hop up in my car and told my chauffeur to the top,life is like a f-cking roller coaster then it drops,but what should I scream for this is my theme park,my minds shine even when my thoughts seem dark,pistol on my side you don"t wanna hear that thing talk,let the king talk check the price and pay attention,Lil Wayne thats what they got to say or mention,Im like Nirvada in the middle of the summer,i"m resting in the lead I need a pillow and a cover,shhh, my foots sleeping on the gas,no brake pads no such thing as last,(Chorus)It may not mean nothing to y"all,understand nothing was done for me,so i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,and telling every girl she the one for me,and i aint even planning to call,i want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,(Eminem)There they go, back in stadiums,it"s shady"s b-tches flow,nuts they go, macadamia they go sablistic yo,we can make them look like boso"s,he"s wondering if he should spit this slow,f-ck no go for broke,his cup just wanna throw over, oh no,he aint had a buzz like this since the last time he overdosed,they"ve been waiting patiently for Pinnochio to poke his nose,back into the game and they know,rap will never be the same as before,bashing in the brains of these hoes,and establishing a name as he goes,the passion of the flame is ignited,you can"t put it out once we light it,this is sh-t exactly what the f-ck i"m talking about when we write it,you dealing with a mutual villain,so stay inside of the boots you spillinso spit true feelings, til true feelings come flying up out of our mouthsnever mind it,payback muthaf-cker for the way you how"s it taste,when I slap the taste out your mouth with the bass so loud that it shakes the place,i"m hannibal lecters son just in case your thinking of saving face,you aint gonna have no face to save by the time Im through with this place,so Drake(Chorus)It may not mean nothing to y"all,understand nothing was done for me,so i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,and telling every girl she the one for me,and i aint even planning to call,i want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,
2023-06-08 13:32:362


2023-06-08 13:32:431

Drake的《Little Bit》 歌词

歌曲名:Little Bit歌手:Drake专辑:Best Of DrizzyDrake Ft. Lykke Li - Little BitLykke Li:Hands downI"m too proud, for loveBut with eyes shutIt"s you I"m thinking ofDrake:But how we move from A to B it can"t be up to meCause you don"t knowWho I was before youBasically to see a change in meI"d be losing, so I just ignore you, yeahOh ohoBut your on my mind, my mind, my mind, my mind, my mindOh ohoBut maybe in time, in time, in timeI"ll tell youA little bit, a little bitA little bit in love with youI guess that I"m a little bit, a little bit, a little bit in love with youOh ohoDrake:I know you don"t break their heartsBut it"s you I wanna take apartAnd I will never ever be the first, to say itBut still I they know I ah ah ahLykke Li:I would do itPush a buttonPull a triggerClimb a mountainJump off a cliffCause you know baby I love you love youA little bitI would do itYou"d say itYou"d mean itI would let you do itIt was you and I and I onlyHa hmI think I"m a little bitLittle bitA little bit in love with youBut only if you"re a little bitLittle bitLittle bitIn lalalala love with meDrake:I hope they never find outWhat they already know, know, knowAs soon as it"s officialWe"ll have to let it go, go, goSo we don"t confirm the flingKeep avoiding all the questionsYou"ll get teased for many thingsI"m just scared to learn a lessonThe pressures onBoth hearts beat like a metrononBoth n"sync like a justin songFeels so right but it"s just soo wrongI wonder where my world "boutWhere niggas said I know, tryna talk my girl outAnd her friends say I ain"t the one to go forShe just get jealous cause you always get approached moreOh well tell her fall back caught up in some more shit tell her call backTell her get a man that ain"t cheating on her assWith a girl that I know yeah tell her all that, thatAnd as for you I think I know your the oneThe closest I"ve comeI"m probably...A little bitA little bitA little bit in love with youI guess that I"m a little bitA little bitA little bitA little bit in love with youOh ohoEndDrake Ft. Lykke Li - Little Bit
2023-06-08 13:32:501

drake身高183 请问travis scott身高多少?

Travis scott应该是174还是175。而Travis Scott一般指特拉维斯·斯科特。特拉维斯·斯科特(Travis Scott),本名雅克·贝尔蒙·韦伯斯特二世(Jacques Bermon Webster II),1992年4月30日出生于美国德克萨斯州休斯顿,美国说唱歌手、音乐制作人。Travis scott人物评价:特拉维斯·斯科特是个具有创造力的歌手,很擅长使用Auto-Tune来给自己的作品加分。他的作品内容很简单,大多是关于聚会和药品,但这些作品以精辟、低沉的鼓点为伴奏,在Auto-Tune人声的修饰变得十分诱人。同时,他的部分歌曲在不规则的结构和低沉的声音的修饰下变得甜美醉人。特拉维斯·斯科特重新定义了说唱,他的音乐很独特,音乐中的合成器trap节奏给人一种阴郁的感受。他的音乐中机器人般的音效和令人愉悦的歌词改变了说唱圈的环境,影响了许多人。同时,他是个全能型说唱歌手,会说、会唱、会制作,很有主张,追求细节。
2023-06-08 13:32:571

Drake的《Something》 歌词

歌曲名:Something歌手:Drake专辑:Born SuccessfulDrake-Something MoreFalling too fastClearly rules dont applyCant believe that I just met youYou got me here watching minutes pass byWondering when to expect youThere you go is this a dreamLooking like every picture that Ive seen of you beforeIve seen it all before now that its overShould have known betterThen to think this was realAnd you could be mineShould have known betterSlowed it downCause I feel you needed timeBut I kept thinkinThis could be somethingThis could be somethingThis could beThis could beThis could be somethingThis could be somethingThis could be somethingMaybe its just nothing at allBut this could be somethingThis could be somethingThis could beThis could beThis could be somethingThis could be somethingThis could be somethingMaybe its just nothing at allAt allAt allMaybe its just nothing at allAt allAt allI guess its what we make itI guess its what we make it
2023-06-08 13:33:111

Drake=Drak=Dragon ???

drake [dreik] n. 公鸭, 蜉蝣类(=drake fly) Drake [dreik] 德雷克(①姓氏 ②Sir Francis, 1540?-1596, 英国航海家, 最初环绕地球航行一周的人) drak是捷克语,与dragon同意dragon [5drA^En] n. 龙, 凶暴的人, 严厉而有警觉性的女人
2023-06-08 13:33:181


在之前的采访中。蕾哈娜曾表示与克里斯·布朗的分手就像是她生命中的“叫醒电话”,也是她生命里的一个转折点。在近日的采访中,蕾哈娜表示与Drake在一起的那段时间她非常脆弱,无法全心投入到一段新的感情当中。蕾哈娜在接受MTV News采访时表示,她当时与Drake在一起的时候并不清楚自己真正想要的是什么。蕾哈娜在接受采访时说:“我确实被Drake所吸引,但是我都不知道当时我自己在干什么,我们没有准备好继续走下去。那段时间是我生命力最脆弱的时光,所以那段时间里我并不想对任何事情抱有严肃的态度。”
2023-06-08 13:33:521

Drake的《Light Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Light Up歌手:Drake专辑:FadedDrake - Light Up (Feat. Jay-Z)Thank Me Later(2010)无敌大田@百度韦德吧Show Some Love to HOVAI"ve been up for 4 daysGetting money both waysDirty and clean, I could use a glass of cold SpadesRolexes, chauffeurs and low fadesI keep thinking how young you can die from old ageThey always tell me nobody"s working as hard as youAnd even though I laugh it off, man, it"s probably trueCuz while all of my closest friends out partyingI"m just here making all the music that they party toBut party on, party on, all night niggaI got these new rappers nervous prom night niggaI"ve grown tired of these fucking grown man liarsStorytellers, they ain"t even need a campfireUhh, but I just wanna tell the truthBefore one of these haters load a couple shells and shootThis shit feel like when Fredro Starr was at Sunset ParkStuntin" hard in his yellow GooseYeah, but I"m a ma"fuckin" missed targetBut a target nonetheless and I just startedWas that directed at moi? It can"t beThey must be talking to themselves, hoes hands freeYeah, and I"m just filling up this daily plannerGettin" busy "cause I"m a star, no spangled bannerJealous dudes get to talkin" in they musicAnd I just say I wrote it for your girlfriends, Kelsey GrammarYeah, that"s what life becomes when you"re doing youWelcome to Hollywood, don"t let this town ruin you,And if you pillow talking with the women that are screwin" youJust know that she gon" tell another nigga when she through wit youDon"t get impatient when it takes too longDrink it all even when it tastes too strongYeah, I gotta feel alive, even if it kills meI promise to always give you me, the real me无敌大田@百度韦德吧Who would have thoughtI"d be caught in this life?Let"s celebrate with a toastAnd get lost in tonightAnd make it all light up(Hey, Guru, tell hom" to go to open that Ace right there),Wait until the sun goes downWe gon" make this bitch light upEven when the sun goes downI"m gon" make this go无敌大田@百度韦德吧Owww, hoes turn they heads like, owlsI"m the man of the hourTriple entendre, don"t even ask me howCon Edison flow, I"m connected to a higher powerBright life"d make your whole city light upA trillion-watt light bulb, when I"m in the nightclubI just landed in that G450Caught the Mayweather fight, "cause the satellite was crispy(Uh) Y"all can miss me with that money talkThe smart money"s on Hov, fuck what the dummies talkI don"t do too much bloggingI just run the town, I don"t do too much jogging(Unh) I ain"t got a scar yet"Cause you fuckin" around with me and my dogs is far-fetchedDrake, here is how they gon" come at youWill silly raps for you tryin" to distract youIn disguise, in the form of a favorThe Barzini me, watch for the traitors(Unh) I done seen it all, done it allThat"s why none of these dumb-dumb could dun him offThe summer"s ours, the winter tooTop down in the winter, that"s what winners doAnd to these niggas I"m like Windows 7You let "em tell it, they swear that they invented youAnd since no good deed go unpunishedI"m not as cool with niggas as I once wasI once was, cool as The Fonz wasBut these bright lights turned me to a monsterSorry, mama, I promised it wouldn"t change meBut I would"ve went insane had I remained the same meFuck niggas, bitches tooAll I got is this money, this"ll do
2023-06-08 13:34:441


兰多夫 家庭生活2014年8月11日,灰熊队内线悍将扎克·兰多夫正式和相恋多年的女友FauneDrake完婚,兰多夫和Drake已经有了三个孩子。业余爱好
2023-06-08 13:34:511


鸭子 duck [英][dʌk][美][dʌk] (汉语音:大克)
2023-06-08 13:34:581

Drake . Lil Wayne. Eminem三人关系怎么样

LIL WAYNE 和DRAKE关系不错。FOREVER就是他们两之前得I WANT THIS FOREVER稍加更改过来的两人合作也挺多。LIL WAYNE的死敌有之前CASH MONEY的B.G和50cent好像也有点小过节。貌似是因为FAT JOE。EMINEM的死敌有JA RULE。还有玛利亚凯利和他老公NICK。阿姆在歌里喷过很多人。麦当娜 布莱尼 马里亚凯莉 等都被喷过
2023-06-08 13:35:151


2023-06-08 13:35:2311

drake karaoke 中文歌词翻译

Karaoke歌手:Drake专辑:Thank Me LaterThings have been so crazy and hectic一切已经变得如此疯狂和忙乱I should have gotten back by now我该回来了but you know how much I wanted to make it但你知道我多么渴望让一切变好It"s proabably better anyhow事实上一切可能已经变好so if you gotta go如果你要离开if theres anything I should know如果有我应当了解的事情if the spotlight makes you nervous如果灯光刺痛了你的神经if your looking for a purpose如果你在寻找一个目的地you put the tea in the kettle and light it你在壶里装满水 然后点燃煤气put your hand on the metal and feel it把手放在壶壁上用心感受but do you even feel it anymore但你到底能否感受到I remember when you thought I was joking我记得那时候你当我是开玩笑now I"m all singing Karaoke现在我唱着卡拉OKfurther than I"ve ever been oh oh oh走得更远so if you gotta go如果你要离开if there"s any way I can help如果我能帮到你Isn"t it ironic that the girl I wanna marry is a wedding planner我想要娶的那个女孩是个婚礼策划人that tells "em my life is too much and moves to Atlanta她告诉别人我整天无所事事 然后搬去了亚特兰大 这可真够讽刺damn" of all the places you could go我诅咒所有你可能去的地方I just thought you"d choose somewhere that has somebody that you know我只是认为你会选择那些有你朋友居住的地方I always up too late I worry bout you there alone我总在深夜辗转难眠in that place you call your home我担心你在一个人的家里会感到孤独warm nights and cold patron温暖的夜晚 寒冷的陪伴I hope you don"t get known for nothing crazy我希望你永远不要知道那些不好的事情cause no man ever wants to hear those stories bout his lady因为没有人会想要听到关于自己爱人的过去I know they say the first love is the sweetest我知道他们都说初恋是最甜蜜的but that first cut is the deepest但初恋的伤也最深刻I tried to keep us together you were busy keeping secrets我努力让我们在一起 你却总在藏着自己的小秘密secrets you were telling everybody but me那些只有我不知道的小秘密don"t be fooled by the money I"m still young and just unlucky不要为金钱迷失了双眼 我还年轻 只是不够幸运I"m surprised you couldn"t tell我惊奇你竟然不能看清I was only trying to get ahead我只是在努力 想要出人头地I was only trying to get ahead我只是在努力 想要出人头地but the spotlight makes you nervous但是灯光刺痛了你的神经and your looking for a purpose你在寻找一个目的地I was only trying to get ahead我只是在努力 想要出人头地I was only trying to get ahead我只是在努力 想要出人头地but the spotlight makes you nervous但是灯光刺痛了你的神经
2023-06-08 13:36:001


内森·德雷克(Nathan Drake)昵称Nath.内森德雷克是著名的航海冒险家弗朗西斯·德雷克的后代(后来在神秘海域3中,证实内特德雷克并非是弗朗西斯德雷克的后代 ) 是一名现代宝藏猎人,生性幽默豁达,具有极其强烈的冒险精神和非常敏捷的身手,同时也是一位精通各种武器的好枪手。 在神秘海域三中,他并不像前两代那样寻宝仅仅是为了财富.三代中,苏利文和伊莲娜都觉得他和以前有所改变.伊莲娜·费雪(Elena Fisher)Drake的前任搭档。Elena同时也是一个记者(日后也成为Drake的妻子)。她追踪调查着世界各地最危险,战争遍布的角落。她和Drake一样固执、顽强,这既是她最大的优点,也是她最大的缺点。维克托·苏利文(Victor Sullivan)Drake昵称其Sully。他是Drake最早的搭档,导师,接近于父亲似的存在。他是一个经验丰富的探险家和宝藏猎人。他也是骗子中的骗子,他很清楚和文物非法交易有关的大多数人。克罗伊·弗雷瑟(Chloe Frazer)Drake的现任搭档,并保持着暧昧的关系。Chloe十分漂亮,但是漂亮的同时也极具能力。她精通枪战和格斗,无论何时何地。她是一个不错的同伴,但是她的道德标杆尚不明确。有时她的鲁莽和冲动,使人难以琢磨。凯瑟琳·马洛(Katherine Marlo)和Sully是老相识。一副贵妇人的做派,作为三代的反派登场。塔伯特和马洛一样的反面角色,在神秘海域3中和德雷克是敌人.最先发现沙中亚特兰蒂斯的迷魂水的秘密,企图用它来实现阴谋.但是沙中亚特兰蒂斯被德雷克的三发流弹炸毁.
2023-06-08 13:36:091

drake怎么读 drake英文解释

1、drake,读音:美/dreu026ak/;英/dreu026ak/。 2、释义:n.公鸭;蜉蝣类(等于drake fly)。n.(Drake)人名;(德、芬、葡)德拉克;(英)德雷克。 3、例句:This drake is very aggressive.这只公鸭攻击性很强。
2023-06-08 13:36:341


因为他的嗓音像鸭子的声音被人们称作“公鸭”。奥布瑞·德雷克·格瑞汉(Aubrey Drake Graham),艺名德雷克(Drake),1986年10月24日出生于加拿大安大略省多伦多市,说唱歌手、词曲作者、演员、主持人、商人,拥有加拿大、美国双国籍。2001年,主演青少年电视剧《迪格拉丝中学的下一代》,从而开始演艺生涯。2006年,发布个人首张混音专辑《Room for Improvement》,从而开始说唱生涯。演艺经历:2001年,德雷克在青少年电视剧《迪格拉丝中学的下一代》中饰演了自己的第一个角色——被同学枪击导致残疾的篮球健将吉米·布鲁克斯,从而开始演艺生涯;他是该剧的主角之一,一连出演了145集。他也因该剧被观众熟知;其后几年,德雷克在多个电视剧里饰演了许多小角色。
2023-06-08 13:36:411

Beth Gibbons&Rustin Man的《Drake》 歌词

歌曲名:Drake歌手:Beth Gibbons&Rustin Man专辑:Out Of Seasonby孤飞云逝 欢迎访问我的Blog刚开始玩魔兽 选了术士这个职业 朋友说没前途的职业开始不相信 玩了才发现 没人组队 到处有危险直到他的出现 录象看了千百遍 计算3秒时间从容不迫 毙命半血 指法精湛到不屑他叫做Drakedog 学工程修毁灭他的打法不一样他叫做Drakedog 对谁都1:1的无敌绝招暗影箭准备射击 腐蚀诅咒加献祭 灵魂之火不停练习媚魔向左跑 终结技是暗影灼烧啊你 不适合跟Drakedog拼命 快快放下武器亲吻恶魔的手指 鬼雾在坚持 一次 一次被控制现在让我来问问你 怎么ninja 怎么pvp不要说我们哈韩 技术才是真理 公鸭加狗就是无敌Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog YoDrakedog Drakedog (We gotta rush crash it out!)Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog YoDrakedog Drakedog (自己做自己才知道)Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog YoDrakedog Drakedog (We gotta rush crash it out!)Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog YoDrakedog Drakedog (自己做自己才知道)间奏.....让我们看DD他怎么说 :魔兽世界再也不有趣 每天24小时为这荣誉真的很无聊 真的很枯燥 无尽的RAID还有什么意义当我看朋友们离开 孤独喊EE的时候我好伤心I wanna leave World of Warcraft and rest in peace我无话可说 无助看着四周 是不是暴雪喜欢吃公鸭和狗这个游戏实在有点变味 难道你的烹饪技能只有299?DD的离去 我们要从中吸取教训 一切的一切都为了融合这个游戏希望SS们都振作起来 为了DD 放出地狱火 一直向前进Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog YoDrakedog Drakedog (We gotta rush crash it out!)Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog YoDrakedog Drakedog (自己做自己才知道)Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog YoDrakedog Drakedog (We gotta rush crash it out!)Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog Yo Drakedog Drakedog YoDrakedog Drakedog (自己做自己才知道)The End
2023-06-08 13:37:071

Drake的《Karaoke》 歌词

歌曲名:Karaoke歌手:Drake专辑:Thank Me LaterDrake - KaraokeThings have been so crazy and hecticI should have gotten back by nowbut you know how much I wanted to make itIt"s proabably better anyhowso if you gotta goif theres anything I should knowif the spotlight makes you nervousif your looking for a purposeyou put the tea in the kettle and light itput your hand on the metal and feel itbut do you even feel it anymoreI remember when you thought I was jokingnow I"m all singing Karaokefurther than I"ve ever been oh oh ohif there"s any way I can helpIsn"t it ironic that the girl I wanna marry is a wedding plannerthat tells "em my life is too much and moves to Atlantadamn, of all the places you could goI just thought you"d choose somewhere that has somebody that you knowI always up too late I worry bout you there alonein that place you call your homewarm nights and cold patronI hope you don"t get known for nothing crazycause no man ever wants to hear those stories bout his ladyI know they say the first love is the sweetestbut that first cut is the deepestI tried to keep us together you were busy keeping secretssecrets you were telling everybody but medon"t be fooled by the money I"m still young and just unluckyI"m surprised you couldn"t tellI was only trying to get aheadbut the spotlight makes you nervousand your looking for a purpose
2023-06-08 13:37:231


2023-06-08 13:37:291


神秘海域4的结局:在第四作“盗贼末路”中,所有的宝藏就只是宝藏,就算被夺走并不会怎么样。缺乏邪恶的神秘力量,让第四作稍微有一些与众不同,但更好地体现了Nathan与Elena的关系,以及和其他“盗徒”的对比。在“盗贼末路”中,Nathan所作出的主动选择,是决定放弃探索宝藏和Elena回家。只是因为Sam Drake的离去,Nathan最终前去追回哥哥。在最后一战,Nathan Drake告知Rafe Adler,他可以放弃宝藏,只是希望他能合力解救Sam Drake。至此,并没有什么必须从神秘力量之下,一定要保护的世界。那些海盗的宝藏,对Nathan Drake来说,已经无关紧要,只有他的哥哥Sam Drake是他要救赎的目标。这就是他的选择,这便是Nathan Drake的“盗徒末路”。在最终的海滩,Nathan Drake和Elena Fisher的女儿已经长大成人。结合Nathan Drake和Elena Disher的优点,是一个爱运动的聪慧女孩。在这一天,封存禁固已久的冒险故事得以重见天日,让女儿最终得以知道他们的过往。现在的Nathan Drake,享受着美满的家庭并坚持着热爱的事业,作为一个曾经的“盗徒”,是幸福的。游戏背景:游戏设定在前作《神秘海域3:德雷克的诡计》的三年之后,游戏伊始,我们的主角德雷克终于决定与一直以来和自己相伴冒险的女记者艾莲娜结婚,并从此隐退,不再参加冒险活动。但不久之后,过着幸福而安稳生活的德雷克被一位不速之客打破了。本应在很久以前便死去的德雷克的哥哥穆萨突然带着一份藏宝图出现在了德雷克面前。并宣称希望德雷克与他一起去寻找这份由18世纪大海贼亨利遗留下来的宝藏。在经过一番心里挣扎后,我们的主角德雷克决定暂时放弃与艾莲娜的平稳生活与哥哥一起踏上寻找宝藏的里程,就这样他们来到了18世纪被称为海贼之国的“里哈达利亚”。
2023-06-08 13:37:361


2023-06-08 13:37:593


2023-06-08 13:38:051

Drake&Eminem&Kanye West&Lil Wayne的《Forever》 歌词

歌曲名:Forever歌手:Drake&Eminem&Kanye West&Lil Wayne专辑:ForeverForeverDrake、Eminem、Kanye West、Lil WayneIt may not mean nothing to y"all,Understand nothing was done for me,So i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,And telling every girl she the one for me,And i aint even planning to call,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,Last name ever,First name greatest,Like a sprained ankle boy ain"t nothing to play with,It started off local but thanks to all the haters,I know G4 pilots on a first name basis,And your city faded off to brown, Nino,She insists she got more class, we know!Swimming in the money come and find me, nemo,If i was at the club you know I ball, Kimo,Drop the mixtape that sh-t sounded like an albumWho"d have thought a country wide tour would be the outcomeLabels want my name but sign the x like MalcomEverybody got a deal, I did it without one,Yeah n-gga i"m about my business,Killing all these rappers you would swear I had a hit list,Everybody who guided me is asking for forgiveness,If you aint been a part of it at least you got to witness,B-tches,It may not mean nothing to y"all,Understand nothing was done for me,So i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,And telling every girl she the one for me,And i aint even planning to call,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,rapI used to have hood dreams,Big fame, big chains,I stuck my d-ck inside this life until that b-tch came,I went hard all fall like the ? teams,Just so I can make it rain all spring,Y"all seen my story my glory,I had raped the game young,You can call it statutory,When a n-gga blow up they can build statures of meOld money Benjamin Button, whaat, nuttin,Now superbad chicks giving me macLovin,You would think I ran the world like Michelle"s husband,You would think these n-ggas would know me when they really doesn"tLike they was down with the old me no you f-cking wasn"t,Your"e such a f-cking loser,He didn"t even go to class mueller,Trade the Grammy plaques just to have my granny back,Remember she had that bad hip like a fanny pack,Chasing that stardom would turn you into a maniac,All the way in Hollywood and I can"t even act,They pull their cameras out and God damn they snap,I used to want this thing forever you can have it back,It may not mean nothing to y"all,Understand nothing was done for me,So i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,And telling every girl she the one for me,And i aint even planning to call,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,Ok, hello its da martian,Space jam Jordan"s,I want this sh-t forever wake and smell the Garden,F-cker then the hardestStep up to the target,If i had one guess than I guess im just New Orleans,And I will never stop like i"m running from the cops,Hop up in my car and told my chauffeur to the top,Life is like a f-cking roller coaster then it drops,But what should I scream for this is my theme park,My minds shine even when my thoughts seem dark,Pistol on my side you don"t wanna hear that thing talk,Let the king talk check the price and pay attention,Lil Wayne thats what they got to say or mention,Im like Nirvada in the middle of the summer,I"m resting in the lead I need a pillow and a cover,Shhh, my foots sleeping on the gas,No brake pads no such thing as last,It may not mean nothing to y"all,Understand nothing was done for me,So i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,And telling every girl she the one for me,And i aint even planning to call,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,There they go, back in stadiums,It"s shady"s b-tches flow,Nuts they go, macadamia they go sablistic yo,We can make them look like boso"s,He"s wondering if he should spit this slow,F-ck no go for broke,His cup just wanna throw over, oh no,He aint had a buzz like this since the last time he overdosed,They"ve been waiting patiently for Pinnochio to poke his nose,Back into the game and they know,Rap will never be the same as before,Bashing in the brains of these hoes,And establishing a name as he goes,The passion of the flame is ignited,You can"t put it out once we light it,This is sh-t exactly what the f-ck i"m talking about when we write it,You dealing with a mutual villain,So stay inside of the boots you spillinSo spit true feelings, til true feelings come flying up out of our mouthsNever mind it,Payback muthaf-cker for the way you how"s it taste,When I slap the taste out your mouth with the bass so loud that it shakes the place,I"m hannibal lecters son just in case your thinking of saving face,You aint gonna have no face to save by the time Im through with this place,So DrakeIt may not mean nothing to y"all,Understand nothing was done for me,So i don"t plan on stopping at all,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,I"m shutting sh-t down at the mall,And telling every girl she the one for me,And i aint even planning to call,I want this sh-t forever man, ever man, ever man,
2023-06-08 13:38:121


神秘海域4的结局:在第四作“盗贼末路”中,所有的宝藏就只是宝藏,就算被夺走并不会怎么样。缺乏邪恶的神秘力量,让第四作稍微有一些与众不同,但更好地体现了Nathan与Elena的关系,以及和其他“盗徒”的对比。在“盗贼末路”中,Nathan所作出的主动选择,是决定放弃探索宝藏和Elena回家。只是因为Sam Drake的离去,Nathan最终前去追回哥哥。在最后一战,Nathan Drake告知Rafe Adler,他可以放弃宝藏,只是希望他能合力解救Sam Drake。至此,并没有什么必须从神秘力量之下,一定要保护的世界。那些海盗的宝藏,对Nathan Drake来说,已经无关紧要,只有他的哥哥Sam Drake是他要救赎的目标。这就是他的选择,这便是Nathan Drake的“盗徒末路”。在最终的海滩,Nathan Drake和Elena Fisher的女儿已经长大成人。结合Nathan Drake和Elena Disher的优点,是一个爱运动的聪慧女孩。在这一天,封存禁固已久的冒险故事得以重见天日,让女儿最终得以知道他们的过往。现在的Nathan Drake,享受着美满的家庭并坚持着热爱的事业,作为一个曾经的“盗徒”,是幸福的。游戏背景:游戏设定在前作《神秘海域3:德雷克的诡计》的三年之后,游戏伊始,我们的主角德雷克终于决定与一直以来和自己相伴冒险的女记者艾莲娜结婚,并从此隐退,不再参加冒险活动。但不久之后,过着幸福而安稳生活的德雷克被一位不速之客打破了。本应在很久以前便死去的德雷克的哥哥穆萨突然带着一份藏宝图出现在了德雷克面前。并宣称希望德雷克与他一起去寻找这份由18世纪大海贼亨利遗留下来的宝藏。在经过一番心里挣扎后,我们的主角德雷克决定暂时放弃与艾莲娜的平稳生活与哥哥一起踏上寻找宝藏的里程,就这样他们来到了18世纪被称为海贼之国的“里哈达利亚”。
2023-06-08 13:38:301

Drake的《OVER》 歌词

歌曲名:OVER歌手:Drake专辑:ULTIMATE PARTY MIXDrake - Over (Produced By Boi-1da)MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceI know way too many people right here that I didn"t know last yearWho the f-ck are y"allI swear it feels like the last few nights we"ve been everywhere and backBut I just can"t remember it allWhat am I doing, what am I doingOh yeah thats right, I"m doing me, I"m doing meI"m living life right now manAnd this what I"m do til its overTil it"s over, it"s far from overAlright, bottles on meLong as I"m a drink itNever drop the ball, f-ck y"all thinkingMaking sure the young money ship is never sinkingBout to set it off in this b-tch Jada PinkettI shouldn"t have drove, tell me how I"m getting homeYou too fine to be laying down in bed aloneI can teach you how to speak my language Rosetta stoneI swear this life is like the sweetest thing I"ve ever knownGot to go thriller Mike Jackson on these n-ggasAll I need is a f-cking red jackets with some zippersSuper good ? a package of the swishasI did it over night, it couldn"t happen any quickerY"all know them, but f-ck it me eitherBut point the biggest skeptic out I"ll make them a believerIt wouldn"t be the first time I"ve done it throwing hundredsWhen I should be throwing ones b-tch I run it ahhI know way too many people right here that I didn"t know last yearWho the f-ck are y"allI swear it feels like the last few nights we"ve been everywhere and backBut I just can"t remember it allWhat am I doing, what am I doingOh yeah thats right, I"m doing me, I"m doing meI"m living life right now manAnd this what I"m do til its overTil it"s over, it"s far from overUhhh,One thing bout music when it hits you feel no painAnd I swear I got this sh-t that makes these b-tches go insaneSo they tell me that they love me I know better than that it"s just gameIt"s just what comes from fameAnd I"m ready for that I"m just sayingI really can"t complain, everything is kosherTwo thumbs up, even Anne RoperI really can"t see the end getting any closerBut I"ll probably still be the man when everything is overSo I"m riding through the city with my high beams onCan you see me can you see me get your ? onY"all just do not fit the pictureTurn your widescreen onIf you thinking Imma quit before I die dream onMan they treat me like a legendAm I really this coldI"m really too young to be felling this oldIt"s about time you admit it who you kidding manNobody"s ever done it like I did it ahhI know way too many people right here that I didn"t know last yearWho the f-ck are y"allI swear it feels like the last few nights we"ve been everywhere and backBut I just can"t remember it allWhat am I doing, what am I doingOh yeah thats right, I"m doing me, I"m doing meI"m living life right now manAnd this what I"m do til its overTil it"s over, it"s far from overOh yeah thats right, I"m doing me, I"m doing meI"m living life right now manAnd this what I"m do til its overTil it"s over, it"s far from overMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source
2023-06-08 13:38:501

Drake的《Over》 歌词

歌曲名:Over歌手:Drake专辑:Thank Me LaterDrake - Over (Produced By Boi-1da)MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceI know way too many people right here that I didn"t know last yearWho the f-ck are y"allI swear it feels like the last few nights we"ve been everywhere and backBut I just can"t remember it allWhat am I doing, what am I doingOh yeah thats right, I"m doing me, I"m doing meI"m living life right now manAnd this what I"m do til its overTil it"s over, it"s far from overAlright, bottles on meLong as I"m a drink itNever drop the ball, f-ck y"all thinkingMaking sure the young money ship is never sinkingBout to set it off in this b-tch Jada PinkettI shouldn"t have drove, tell me how I"m getting homeYou too fine to be laying down in bed aloneI can teach you how to speak my language Rosetta stoneI swear this life is like the sweetest thing I"ve ever knownGot to go thriller Mike Jackson on these n-ggasAll I need is a f-cking red jackets with some zippersSuper good ? a package of the swishasI did it over night, it couldn"t happen any quickerY"all know them, but f-ck it me eitherBut point the biggest skeptic out I"ll make them a believerIt wouldn"t be the first time I"ve done it throwing hundredsWhen I should be throwing ones b-tch I run it ahhI know way too many people right here that I didn"t know last yearWho the f-ck are y"allI swear it feels like the last few nights we"ve been everywhere and backBut I just can"t remember it allWhat am I doing, what am I doingOh yeah thats right, I"m doing me, I"m doing meI"m living life right now manAnd this what I"m do til its overTil it"s over, it"s far from overUhhh,One thing bout music when it hits you feel no painAnd I swear I got this sh-t that makes these b-tches go insaneSo they tell me that they love me I know better than that it"s just gameIt"s just what comes from fameAnd I"m ready for that I"m just sayingI really can"t complain, everything is kosherTwo thumbs up, even Anne RoperI really can"t see the end getting any closerBut I"ll probably still be the man when everything is overSo I"m riding through the city with my high beams onCan you see me can you see me get your ? onY"all just do not fit the pictureTurn your widescreen onIf you thinking Imma quit before I die dream onMan they treat me like a legendAm I really this coldI"m really too young to be felling this oldIt"s about time you admit it who you kidding manNobody"s ever done it like I did it ahhI know way too many people right here that I didn"t know last yearWho the f-ck are y"allI swear it feels like the last few nights we"ve been everywhere and backBut I just can"t remember it allWhat am I doing, what am I doingOh yeah thats right, I"m doing me, I"m doing meI"m living life right now manAnd this what I"m do til its overTil it"s over, it"s far from overOh yeah thats right, I"m doing me, I"m doing meI"m living life right now manAnd this what I"m do til its overTil it"s over, it"s far from overMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source
2023-06-08 13:38:571


神秘海域4副标题为盗贼末路,这同样也是本作的主题,众多人物都在本作中迎来了他们的结局。今天深空高玩带来的是玩家高兴Gskyace分享的神秘海域4全人物结局解析,一起来看看吧。A Thief"s End,是PS4《秘境探险4》的主题。在Nathan Drake最终的冒险中,“盗徒末路”是特指得谁,又究竟要说明什么?Avery和Tew相比Francis Drake,Henry Avery和Thomas Tew才是真正的海盗,而且是海盗中的海盗。在真实的历史记载里,Francis Drake可以说是英国的英雄,西班牙的仇人。在英国获得伊丽莎白女王一世授予爵位,但遭西班牙的菲利普二世高价通缉。Francis Drake的故事是成功的海盗实例,通过功绩获得国家官方的支持,算是功大于过。然而,Henry和Tew则是纯正的海盗。海盗的恶行让他们名声远扬,而强夺各方珍奇瑰宝,被各国通缉在案却又能神秘地功成身退,更让他们成为了传奇。在《秘境探险》的游戏中,Francis Drake是一个正面的冒险家,可以说是作为Nathan Drake的人生导师,引导着“德雷克的宝藏”、“盗亦有道”、“德雷克的诡计”的探险故事。这三部作品的最后,都是从探寻德雷克的宝藏,转而成为德雷克发现当地的神秘玄关力量,故而留其封存并从此保密为主。在“盗贼末路”中,Henry Avery是世界第一的海盗。仅是第一海盗,远不能满足Henry Avery,他想要成为的是海盗之王。由此,招募世界第二的海盗Thomas Tew,一同联合各大知名海盗成立“利博塔利亚”,也就是海盗的王国。至于后事如何,如果仔细完成物件收集就应该非常明白。海盗的王国并非如此美好,从上至下的剥削压迫,从里到外的阴谋残害,让这个乌托邦式的社会很快地崩塌瓦解。当然,Henry Avery和Thomas Tew早有安排,或许是原先就是如此规划的,一餐美酒毒杀所有其他的小小心眼和合纵连横,让他们两位自己进如了最后的逃亡决选。Henry Avery的统治极其残暴,可最后导致他的政权失败的,是其对全民共同财宝的贪恋。毕竟,所有人既然都是海盗,那他们对社会管理的残酷可能会习以为常,但只有自己的那一份宝藏绝不可动摇,毕竟是最终的追求。Thomas Tew作为海盗,多少会留心是很正常的。其他的海盗一样如此,只是未能算到最后。Henry Avery和Thomas Tew,互相残杀并双双殒命于最后为逃亡预留的宝藏船上,算是一种嘲讽吧。作为名扬四海的海盗们,对于财宝的机关算尽,作为自己的本性难移,导致了自己的盗贼末路。海盗们神秘退隐的真相让人唏嘘不已,一个海盗的时代就此终结,是对后世的一种警醒。Rafe和NadineRafe Adler和Nadine Ross的联合,与之前那些自有自足的兵团有所不同。Rafe Adler希望通过发现宝藏来证明自己,是富家子弟在继承财产后的一种常见心态。Nadine Ross则对于探寻宝藏并无兴趣,只是希望通过帮助Rafe Adler,来获得其对兵团的赞助。Rafe Adler终究会迎来他的“盗徒末路”,其实并不是非常意外。为脱离监狱而突然行刺,是迫不得已也是不择手段。帮助Sam Drake出狱,是为了借助他的才能,却不料遭他反将一军而气急败坏。随后的探寻宝藏,Rafe Adler基本认同狂轰滥炸的方法,也是其并不是真正爱惜宝藏的显现。当然,Rafe Adler的心态致使他如此发展成为了必然,或许他原先一样热爱探索宝藏,只是后来种种让他变得丧心病狂。终究,是他自己走向了灭亡的“盗徒末路”。Nadine Ross,其实是一个外人。她和Rafe Adler一样是继承家产。所以,她对于发展兵团的需要与Rafe Adler相仿,Rafe Adler需要一个好的名声,而她需要的是钱来壮大。只是相比以往的几个兵团统领,她自己并不热衷于宝藏,对待Nathan Drake和Victor Sullivan这些“盗徒”算是先礼后兵。在拍卖行对Rafe Adler的过激行为所作出的反应,以及对Nathan Drake格斗也是三番五次地只是要求他交出宝藏便可放生。尤其是在最后,Nadine Ross遭到叛变之际,其实她的兵团已经损失惨重了。当Nathan Drake和Rafe Adler最终决战之极,也是她成为两人的告诫,点出了Henry Avery和Thomas Tew的悲惨收尾。至于她最终去向如何,其实已经并不太重要了。回到Nathan Drake和Rafe Adler的最终决战,对比“德雷克的宝藏”和“盗亦有道”的枪战,“德雷克的诡计”是的格斗,今次“盗贼末路”,则是在宝船中的,海盗弯刀对海盗弯刀的战斗,是非常经典的海盗式决战。Sam和SullySamuel Drake是Nathan Drake的兄长,是最先引领Nathan Drake的启蒙之人。而后,才是亦父亦兄的Victor Sullivan。Victor Sullivan为解救Nathan Drake而与相好决裂,后来的多次冒险也是相伴随行。Victor Sullivan经常和Nathan Drake一起开展冒险,而在最重要的时候,也总是他来提醒Nathan Drake应该收手。特别是在“盗贼末路”中,Nathan Drake和Elena Fisher结婚并一起生活之后,Victor Sullivan对Nathan Drake重回冒险有很多抵触和无奈,却也因此感到担心而随行支援。Samuel Drake对宝藏和Nathan Drake一样地执着,为了让Nathan Drake加入而对他撒谎的他,在与Nathan Drake会和并撤退后,因留恋宝藏而再度返回,都是他对于宝藏的执念作祟。当然,他作为新出狱的第一次冒险,如同原先新开始的Nathan Draken一样,并没有什么家庭负担或感情牵挂,有的就是一个爱一起寻宝的弟弟。于是,将计就计就只能旁敲侧击地鼓励Nathan Drake如此启程了。在他的眼里,他自己,Nathan Drake,和他们的宝藏之旅,还和原来一模一样。Samuel Drake是在“盗贼末路”才新增加的人物,在帮助Nathan Drake完整地解开他们的身世之谜以外,围绕在Nathan Drake周围,和他身旁的Victor Sullivan形成了对比。对于Nathan Drake的情况,仍在冒险的Victor Sullivan故意选择不多打搅,而Nathan Drake一样不主动联系只是怕回想起以往的冒险旧事,容易再度心生不甘。然而,当Samuel Drake的出现,让一切似乎都出现转机了。Nathan Drake无聊的工作,让他生活的激情逐渐消退。Elena Fisher明白Nathan Drake的心情,多少是在希望丈夫安全的情况下,让他多保持一些以往冒险的活力。其实,算是Nathan Drake和Elena Fisher家庭生活和冒险故事的平衡问题,如果只是一直悬而未决对双方都是潜在困扰,只是Samuel Drake让一些矛盾爆发出来,或许是因祸得福。在最后,Samuel Drake算是继承他弟弟Nathan Drake的工作,成为了Victor Sullivan的冒险伙伴,正好是如同以前和Nathan Drake一样的组合,新的冒险或许才要开始。Nathan和Elena从前三作的相知、相爱、相守,《秘境探险》是一个关于冒险的故事,也是一个很完整的爱情故事。最终,Nathan Drake和Elena Fisher如同所有故事一样,在各种各样的世界大探险之后,回家安享幸福安定的生活。是否真能如此?我想,回归平淡并不是那么容易。Nathan Drake仍心怀冒险,却顾及Elena Fisher的感受避而不谈。其实,Elena Fisher一样明白Nathan Drake的心思,有所顾虑并左右为难。相比Nathan Drake抛下安稳的生活并再度开始夺宝的冒险,可能Elena Fisher更加难以原谅的是Nathan Drake的欺瞒和缺乏信任。Elena Fisher毕竟是爱着Nathan Drake,才会为了Nathan Drake几次三番前来救援,而这一次也并不意外。对于Nathan Drake而言,他并不是“盗贼”,而是“盗徒”。这是我为何坚持《秘境探险4:盗徒末路》的原因。现在的《秘境探险4:盗贼末路》并没有错,只是并不够好。Nathan Drake和Samuel Drake从母亲的研究里,发现了新的方向,继承了Drake之名,开始了探险。对于Nathan Drake和Samuel Drake的母亲的同事,虽然身居豪宅且内有乾坤无数,却只能回忆往昔并孤独终老,是非常悲惨的一种“盗徒末路”。Nathan Drake和Samuel Drake的母亲早逝,遭到父亲遗弃致使的家庭缺失,让Nathan Drake的家庭幸福成为一种救赎。如此前所言,在前三作的冒险故事中,就算Elena等人多加提醒,Nathan Drake仍然坚持一定要去阻止对方,是因为故事方面已经让Nathan Drake意识到这些宝藏不只是关于钱财,那些神秘力量的外传和滥用,更能让世界陷入危机。在第四作“盗贼末路”中,所有的宝藏就只是宝藏,就算被夺走并不会怎么样。缺乏邪恶的神秘力量,让第四作稍微有一些与众不同,但更好地体现了Nathan与Elena的关系,以及和其他“盗徒”的对比。在“盗贼末路”中,Nathan所作出的主动选择,是决定放弃探索宝藏和Elena回家。只是因为Sam Drake的离去,Nathan最终前去追回哥哥。在最后一战,Nathan Drake告知Rafe Adler,他可以放弃宝藏,只是希望他能合力解救Sam Drake。至此,并没有什么必须从神秘力量之下,一定要保护的世界。那些海盗的宝藏,对Nathan Drake来说,已经无关紧要,只有他的哥哥Sam Drake是他要救赎的目标。这就是他的选择,这便是Nathan Drake的“盗徒末路”。在最终的海滩,Nathan Drake和Elena Fisher的女儿已经长大成人。结合Nathan Drake和Elena Disher的优点,是一个爱运动的聪慧女孩。在这一天,封存禁固已久的冒险故事得以重见天日,让女儿最终得以知道他们的过往。现在的Nathan Drake,享受着美满的家庭并坚持着热爱的事业,作为一个曾经的“盗徒”,是幸福的。
2023-06-08 13:39:041


2023-06-08 13:39:125

drake medley 这首歌的歌词,一个女的唱的,求歌词

Drake Medley歌词:I know when that hotline bling其实当电话铃响起的时候That can only mean one thing我就大概猜到发生了什么I know when that hotline bling其实当电话铃响起的时候That can only mean one thing我就大概猜到发生了什么Ever since I left the city自从我离开你的城市之后I got my eyes on you我一直关注你You"re everything that I see在我眼中,你是我的一切I want your hot love and emotion endlessly我想要你无穷的炽热的爱恋I can"t get over you我无法忘记你You left your mark on me你在我身上留下了印记I need your hot love and emotion endlessly我想要你无穷的炽热的爱恋Cause you"re a good girl and you know it因为你知道你是好女孩You got a reputation for yourself now你便开始有了名气You act so different around me你是如此与众不同Erveybody know and I feel left out你无人不知无人不晓 而我却形同被遗忘Cause you"re a good girl and you know it因为你知道你是好女孩Girl you got me down and you got me stressed out宝贝 你让我失望透顶 又让我倍感压力Baby you my everything宝贝你就是我的一切You"re all I ever wanted我想得到的一切We can do it real big我们可以爱得轰轰烈烈Bigger then you ever done it颠覆你的以往世界Cause she hold me down every time I hit her up她使我为此恳求直到她放弃And I say the same thing every single time我也一直说着同样的话You the you the best你真是最棒的You the you the best你真是最棒的You the you the best你真是最棒的You the you the best你真是最棒的Best I ever had我有过的最好的Best I ever had我有过的最好的Best I ever had我有过的最好的I need a one dance我要再跳一支舞Baby I like your style宝贝 我喜欢你风格Sreets not safe街头并不安全But I never run away但我绝不会逃离Even when I"m away即便我想要逃离OT OT there"s never much love when we go OT逃离 逃离这城市 感情不再I pray to make it back in one piece我祈祷着我们能回到从前I pray I pray我祈祷 祈祷Last name ever“史上最强”first name greatest这就是我的名字like a sprained ankle你就像地上爬行的虫子boy aint nothing to play with小子,我可没空鸟你It may not mean nothing to y"all这或许对你们来说不算什么But understand nothing was done for me但请理解下我的未来仍未尘埃落定I don"t plan on stopping at all所以我不准备停下脚步You used to call me on my cellphone你曾经常常打电话给我Late night when you need my love在每个你需要我陪伴的深夜里Call me on my cellphone你曾经常常打电话给我Late night when you need my love在每个你需要我陪伴的深夜里Just hold on we"re going home坚持住,就快到家了I know when that hotline bling当电话铃响起的时候我已知Just hold on we"re going home坚持住,就快到家了The best I ever had我有过的最好的It"s hard to do these things along很难去独自做这些事情I know when that其实我知道当...Just hold on we"re going home坚持住,就快到家了I want this thing forever man ever我就想这样永远地持续下去
2023-06-08 13:40:251