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Rock of Ages 歌词

2023-06-08 10:16:07
TAG: rock ges
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歌曲名:Rock of Ages
歌手:Amy Grant & Vince Gill
专辑:Rock of Ages...Hymns & Faith

Gunter glieben glauchen globen
All right
I got something to say
Yeah, it"s better to burn out
Yeah, than fade away
All right
Ow Gonna start a fire
Rise up! gather round
Rock this place to the ground
Burn it up let"s go for broke
Watch the night go up in smoke
Rock on! Rock on!
Drive me crazier, no serenade
No fire brigade, just Pyromania
What do you want? What do you want?
I want rock"n"roll, yes I do
Long live rock"n"roll
Oh let"s go, let"s strike a light
We"re gonna blow like dynamite
I don"t care if it takes all night
Gonna set this town alight
What do you want? What do you want?
I want rock"n"roll, Allright!
Long live rock"n"roll
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin", keep a-rollin"
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin", rock"n"rollin"
We got the power, got the glory
Just say you need it and if you need it
Say yeah!
Heh heh heh heh
Now listen to me
I"m Burnin", Burnin", I got the fever
I know for sure, there ain"t no cure
So feel it, don"t fight it, go with the flow
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme one more for the road
What do you want? What do you want?
I want rock"n"roll, You betcha
Long live rock"n"roll
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin", keep a-rollin"
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin", rock"n"rollin"
We got the power, got the glory
Just say you need it and if you need it
Say yeah!
We"re gonna burn this damn place down
Down to the ground
Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh




2023-06-08 09:18:131


brigade 读音:英[bru026au02c8geu026ad] 美[bru026au02c8ɡeu026ad] n. 旅; vt. 把…编成旅; 把…编成队; [例句]To call the police, an ambulance or the fire brigade dial 999 and the operator will connect you呼叫警察、救护车或消防队,请拨打999,接线员会为您接通电话。[其他] 复数:brigades
2023-06-08 09:18:332


2023-06-08 09:18:413


2023-06-08 09:18:551


2023-06-08 09:19:025


2023-06-08 09:19:185

international brigade是什么意思

international brigade国际旅-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-08 09:19:343


ade后缀的单词: blockade n 封锁; cannonade n 炮击; decade n 十年; cockade n 帽章; lemonade n 柠檬水; arcade n 拱廊; brricade n 栅栏; cascade n 小瀑布; brigade n 旅,队; cavalcade n 骑兵队 扩展资料   The fire brigade were there in minutes.   几分钟后消防队就到了现场。   The fire brigade should always be called out to a house fire.   一旦房屋失火,就应该马上叫消防队来。   Get everyone out and call the fire brigade   把所有人疏散出去,打电话叫消防队。   The way in which we work has undergone a complete transformation in the past decade.   在过去的十年里,我们的.工作方式经历了彻底的变革。   The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade.   国际货币基金组织已经调低了它对未来十年的增长预测。
2023-06-08 09:19:461


Few: 1-4; Several: 5-9; Pack: 10-19; Lots: 20-49; Horde: 50-99; Throng: 100-249; Swarm: 250-499; Zounds: 500-999; Legion: >1000
2023-06-08 09:19:556


Battalion, regiment, brigade, division, army
2023-06-08 09:20:212


队 gang, squadron, company, contingent, squad, troop, brigade, corps, fleet, group, team, trio, band, crew
2023-06-08 09:20:283


汉阴县公安局刑事科学技术室 Criminal Science and Technology section of Han Yinxian PSB(public security bureau)汉阴县公安局刑侦技术中队Criminal Investigation Technology detachment of Han Yinxian PSB陕西省汉阴县公安司法鉴定中心Judicial Expertise Center of Han Yinxian PSB汉阴县公安局物证鉴定中心Physical Evidence Identification Center of Han Yinxian PSB
2023-06-08 09:20:364

troop 和 army表示军队时的区别

2023-06-08 09:20:454


army corps军division师brigade旅corps团camp营company连rank排army corps commander军长division commander师长brigadier旅长colonel团长camp commander营长company commander连长rank commander排长
2023-06-08 09:20:592


班 squad排 platoon连 company营 battalion团 regiment旅 brigade师 division军 corps
2023-06-08 09:21:153


斯特赖克只装备了7个旅(现役6个,国民卫队1个),在美国陆军(70+个战斗旅)中不算主流。"斯特赖克"旅区别于重型装甲部队(装甲师/机械化步兵师)和轻型步兵部队(空降师/轻型步兵师),是一种处于轻重部队之间的旅一级装甲机动部队。因而,"斯特赖克"旅既具有重型装甲部队所没有的高速机动能力与输送性,也具有空降部队和轻 型步兵部队所没有的强大冲击力与广泛的作战范围。.“斯特赖克”旅(约4000人)包括旅参谋机构、侦察监视与目标搜索营、“斯特赖克”营、反坦克营、工兵营、火力营、支援营。附加参考资料PDF格式
2023-06-08 09:21:413

军师旅团营连排班 英语翻译

squad(班)platoon(排)company(连)battalion(营)regiment(团)brigade(旅)division(师)军a group army(集团军)army group(集团军群)corps(军团)
2023-06-08 09:22:203


红领巾 [词典] (红色领巾) red scarf; (少先队员) Young Pioneer; [电影] Red Scarf; [例句]今年,我也为一年级的小朋友带上了鲜艳的红领巾。This year, I have the children for a year to bring a bright red scarf.
2023-06-08 09:22:392

目前最好的游戏引擎排名 !

2023-06-08 09:22:481


花旗集团上周意外将一笔高达9亿美元的资金转入了露华浓公司的贷款机构的账户上。虽然其中一些贷款机构选择将资金返还,但是却有机构拒绝还钱,比如Brigade就不打算归还打进自己账户的1.75亿美元。为了把钱要回来,花旗除了向监管机构寻求帮助之外,也把拒绝还款的Brigade告上了法庭。媒体援引知情人士称,花旗私下已经向美国货币监理署(OCC)和美联储通报了事情的来龙去脉。此外本周一,这家华尔街大行还起诉了拒不还钱的Brigade,希望收回这笔钱。不过分析认为,监管部门的重点不在解决纠纷上,而是确保花旗不会重蹈覆辙,同时不会暴露出对其稳定性构成威胁的更深层次问题。扩展资料:拒绝还款的理由Brigade拒绝还钱可能跟与露华浓债务重组有关。此前露华浓一直在艰难应对巨额债务,今年的疫情则让情况雪上加霜。为了维持运营,今年4月,露华浓获得了6500万美元的救助融资,为其更广泛的债务重组铺平了道路。不过这项融资遭到了一些投资者的反对,其中包括Brigade Capital Management LP,HPS Investment Partners LLC 和Symphony Asset Management。Brigade等债权人认为,露华浓此举会转移他们的抵押品。当时有媒体援引知情人士称,持反对意见的债权人曾游说作为贷款代理机构的花旗银行,试图阻止露华浓借贷新的循环债务。最新的进展是,上周Brigade等三家机构通过贷款代理机构UMB Bank NA向纽约联邦法院提起诉讼,指控露华浓为了获得新的融资,错误地将作为抵押品的American Crew、伊丽莎白·雅顿等品牌资产转移。参考资料来源:凤凰网-银行错打了1.75亿美元,公司不肯还
2023-06-08 09:22:551


卢西亚娜·萨拉萨尔(Luciana Salazar)阿根廷演员、模特、主持人。被誉为是阿根廷最漂亮的女人。
2023-06-08 09:23:431


我们国家的支队比大队要大,而英语里brigade比detachment要大,所以可能应该是,,,traffic police brigade,No。1 detachment (或branch,team)
2023-06-08 09:23:512


2023-06-08 09:24:004


这么说吧,如果硬要翻译的话,美国只有10个现役师,师用的是 Division,比如第一骑兵师:1st Cavalry Division。现在美军作战单位是旅:Brigade,但是骑兵是叫团:Regiment。游骑兵当然也不例外,叫做Ranger Regiment。Brigade和Regiment都下辖3个作战营。注意,Ranger Regiment既是行政编,也是作战编。而不是师下辖的旅Bragade(作战编,下辖营)和团Regiment(行政编,下辖营被打散到各师旅)的关系。从人数上来说,美国的作战旅Brigade有着6000-7000的总兵力,而Ranger Regiment是和Brigade同级的作战部队,虽然特种部队人数少点,但是也超过中国的旅了。
2023-06-08 09:24:131

Ghost Brigade的《Breakwater》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakwater歌手:Ghost Brigade专辑:Until Fear No Longer Defines UsArtist:ghost brigadeSongs Title:breakwaterLost at seaFather, come take me back homeThe sun""s colder todayBut the rhythm of water is keeping me warmFeel its weight, lay your head downOh burden, how did we come so far?Stay with me, until fear no longer defines usUnder these wavesMy lungs, filled with hopeMisconceptions and the need to controlLeave it all behind to live once moreReaching for the surfaceWonder what it would feel like to break away with the tideReaching for the surface to rise above the pastDrifting in air, above the droning soundsWhere my roots can not trespass my weary soulStriving towards a new dayI am more than they will ever knowReaching for the surfaceWonder what it would feel like to break away with the tideReaching for the surface to rise above the past
2023-06-08 09:24:201


美国陆军编制  一、3个集团军司令部  第3集团军(中央集团军);驻美国本土 佐治州 麦克弗森堡;辖美陆军快速反应部队;其司令兼中央陆军a>司令部司令;和平时期下辖:用于增援欧洲的第3军和全球机动的第18空降军  第7集团军(美国陆军驻欧洲部队);驻德国 海德尔贝格;其司令兼美驻欧洲陆军司令部司令;和平时期下辖:用于欧洲的第5军  第8集团军(美国陆军驻韩国部队);驻韩国 汉城;其司令兼美驻韩国司令部司令;和平时期下辖:用于亚太的第1军  二、4个军司令部第18空降军(全球机动);驻美国 北卡罗来纳州 布雷格堡;辖:第3机械化步兵师、第10山地师、第82空降师、第101空中突击师  第3军(增援欧洲);驻美国 得克萨斯州 胡德堡 ;辖:第4机械化步兵师、第1骑兵师  第5军(欧洲);驻德国 海德尔贝格;辖:第1机械化步兵师、第1装甲师  第1军(亚太);驻美国 华盛顿州 刘易斯堡;辖:第2机械化步兵师、第25轻步兵师  三、集团军、军、师 的隶属关系 第3集团军(战略预备队)  -->第18空降军(全球机动使用)-->第3机步师“马恩磐石”、第10山地师“登山运动员”、第82空降师“全美国人”、第101空中突击师“吼叫鹰”  -->第3军(用于增援欧洲)-->第1骑兵师(装甲师)“第一队”、第4机步师“长青藤” 第7集团军(驻欧洲陆军)  -->第5军(用于欧洲)-->第1装甲师“老勇士”、第1机步师“红色一号” 第8集团军(驻韩国陆军)  -->第1军(用于亚太)-->第25轻步兵师“热带闪电”、第2步兵师“印第安酋长”  四、陆军现役的其他独立战斗部队第2装甲骑兵团  美国陆军第2装甲骑兵团,绰号为“第二龙”,隶属于陆军第18空降军,驻扎在美国本土路易斯安那州的波克堡。可快速部署至全球各地实行侦察和安全任务。是美国陆军“目标陆军”的实验试点部队。  全团下辖第1、第2、第3、第4中队(空中骑兵);支援中队;第502军事情报连;第84工兵连;H-159航空维修连;防空连等勤务支援部队。并可得到第21空中支援战斗中队的航空支援。第3装甲骑兵团  美国陆军第3装甲骑兵团,以美国本土科罗拉多州的卡森堡为基地,是一支高度机动的机械化部队。该团成立于1846年,是美国陆军最老的部队之一,曾参加过第一、二次世界大战等7次大的战争和36场战役。  第3装甲骑兵团擅长沙漠作战,被称为“陆军沙漠作战专家”。全团下辖3个坦克营、1个炮兵营及支援分队等。第11装甲骑兵团  第11装甲骑兵团,驻美国本土加利福尼亚州的欧文堡。第6空中突击旅  第6空中突击旅,驻韩国的平泽。第75游骑兵团  第75游骑兵团,驻佐治亚州贝宁堡。第160特种作战航空团  第160特种作战航空团,驻肯塔基州埃贝尔堡。第172步兵旅  第172步兵旅,驻阿拉斯加州理查森堡。  五、国民警卫队陆军序列陆军国民警卫队现编有10个作战师,22个独立旅、团,2个特种部队大队(空降),1个侦察大队,共44万人。  第7步兵师,驻科罗拉多州卡森堡。一体化师,主要军官均来自现役,而其他成员为国民警卫队或预备役军人。  第24步兵师,驻堪萨斯州赖利堡。一体化师,主要军官均来自现役,而其他成员为国民警卫队或预备役军人。  第28步兵师(驻:宾夕法尼亚州、哈里斯堡);  第29步兵师(驻:弗吉尼亚州、贝尔沃堡);  第34步兵师(驻:明尼苏达州、圣保罗);  第35机步师(驻:堪萨斯州、利文沃尔斯堡)★  第38步兵师(驻:印第安那州、印第安那波利斯);  第40机步师(驻:加利福尼亚州、洛斯阿拉米托斯)★  第42步兵师(驻:纽约州、特洛伊);  第49装甲师(驻:得克萨斯州、奥斯汀)★  第27步兵旅(驻:纽约州、锡拉丘兹);  第29步兵旅(驻:夏威夷州、火奴鲁鲁);  第30步兵旅(驻:北加州、克林顿);  第30装甲旅(驻:田纳西州、杰克逊)★  第31装甲旅(驻:亚拉巴马州、诺斯波特)★  第39步兵旅(驻:阿肯色州、小石城);  第41步兵旅(驻:俄勒冈州、波特兰);  第45步兵旅(驻:俄克拉何马州、埃德蒙);  第48步兵旅(驻:佐治亚州、梅肯);  第53步兵旅(驻:佛罗里达州、坦帕);  第76步兵旅(驻:印第安那州、印第安那波利斯);  第81步兵旅(驻:华盛顿州、西雅图);  第116骑兵旅(驻:爱达荷州、博伊西);  第155装甲旅(驻:密西西比州、图珀洛)★  第163装甲旅(驻:蒙大拿州、博兹曼)★  第218步兵旅(驻:南加州、纽伯里);  第256步兵旅(驻:路易斯安那州、拉斐特);  第278装甲骑兵团(驻:田纳西州、诺克斯维尔)★  第19特种作战大队(驻:犹它州)★  第20特种作战大队(驻:阿拉巴马州)★  第207(侦察)步兵大队(驻:阿拉斯加州)★  以上标示“★”的部队是陆军国民警卫队编制中的机械化部队与特种作战力量,装备于现役部队大致相同。其它的大部分国民警卫队师旅都是步兵、轻步兵、工兵部队编制。  六、陆军预备役作战师(轻步兵师) 第75师(驻:得克萨斯州、休斯敦)  第78师(驻:新泽西州、爱迪生)  第80师(驻:弗吉尼亚州、里士满)  第84师(驻:威斯康星州、密尔沃基)  第85师(驻:伊利诺伊州、阿灵顿高地)  第87师(驻:亚拉巴马州、伯明翰)  第91师(驻:加利福尼亚州、贝克堡)  第95师(驻:俄克拉何马州、俄克拉何马城)  第98师(驻:纽约州、罗彻斯特)  第100师(驻:肯塔基州、路易斯维尔)  第104师(驻:华盛顿州、温哥华)  第108师(驻:北加州、夏洛特 )  美国陆军计划2014年实行转型方案,陆军国民警卫队随即开始重编,所有部队将规划为28个战斗旅(BCT)及78个支援旅。重编完毕后,每旅兵员约有3千至4千人,并取代旧时以师为轴的军队结构——每师1万5千人的机械化部队。  七、现役的十个陆军师的编制  第2机械化步兵师  “印第安酋长”(英语:2nd Infantry Division,简称2ID或2nd ID),别称“印地安头领师”,是美国陆军的一个师级机械化步兵单位,同时也是驻韩美军的前线部队。目前的主要任务是在韩国受到朝鲜人民军攻击时,于战争初期协助韩国领土的防卫,直至美军增援部队到达为止。目前全师常备人数约17,000人,其中约10,000名驻屯在韩国,占驻韩美军总人数约35%。"  组织架构  ●第1战斗旅(1st Brigade Combat Team);重型战斗旅(Heavy Brigade Combat Team)驻韩国霍维营  第1旅部特别部队营(1st Brigade Special Troops Battalion)  "第9步兵团第2营(2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment)"  "第72装甲团第1营(1st Battalion, 72nd Armor Regiment)"  "第7骑兵团第4中队(4th Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regiment)"  "第12骑兵团第1营(1nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment)"  "第15野战炮兵团第1营(1st Battalion, 15th Field Artillery Regiment)"  第302旅部支援营(302nd Brigade Support Battalion)  ●第2史崔克战斗旅(2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team);旅部设于华盛顿州路易斯堡  旅部连(Headquarters Company)  "第1步兵团第2营(2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment,史崔克装甲车部队)"  "第17步兵团第1营(1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment,史崔克装甲车部队)"  "第23步兵团第4营(4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment,史崔克装甲车部队)"  "第1骑兵团第8中队(8th Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment,RSTA侦搜中队)"  "第17野战炮兵团第2营(2nd Battalion, 17th Field Artillery Regiment)"  第2旅部支援营(2nd Brigade Support Battalion)  "第52步兵团A连(Company A, 52nd Infantry Regiment,反坦克部队)"  第562工兵连(562nd Engineer Company)  第21通信连(21st Signal Company)  第572军事情报连(572nd Military Intelligence Company)  ●第3史崔克战斗旅(3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team);驻于华盛顿州路易斯堡  旅部连(Headquarters Company)  "第3步兵团第2营(2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment,史崔克装甲车部队)"  "第20步兵团第5营(5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment,史崔克装甲车部队)"  "第23步兵团第1营(1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment,史崔克装甲车部队)"  "第14装甲骑兵团第1中队(1st Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment,RSTA侦搜中队)"  "第37野战炮兵团第1营(1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment)"  第296旅部支援营(296th Brigade Support Battalion)  "第52步兵团C连(Company C, 52nd Infantry Regiment,反坦克部队)"  第18工兵连(18th Engineer Company)  第334通信连(334th Signal Company)  第209军事情报连(209th Military Intelligence Company)  ●第4史崔克战斗旅(4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team);驻于华盛顿州路易斯堡  旅部连(Headquarters Company)  "第9步兵团第4营(4th Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment,史崔克装甲车部队)"  "第23步兵团第2营(2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment,史崔克装甲车部队)"  "第38步兵团第1营(1st Battalion, 38th Infantry Regiment,史崔克装甲车部队)"  "第1装甲骑兵团第2中队(2nd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment,RSTA侦搜中队)"  "第12野战炮兵团第2营(2nd Battalion, 12th Field Artillery Regiment)"  第702旅部支援营(702nd Brigade Support Battalion)  "第52步兵团F连(Company F, 52nd Infantry Regiment,反坦克部队)"  第384工兵连(384 Engineer Company)  第472通信连(472nd Signal Company)  第45军事情报连(45th Military Intelligence Company);航空战斗旅(Combat Aviation Brigade)  ●第2步兵师航空战斗旅;驻韩国汉弗莱营  旅部及旅部连(Headquarters and Headquarters Company,HHC)  "第2航空团第2营(2nd Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment,突击营,配有UH-60黑鹰直升机)"  "第2航空团第3营(3rd Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment,一般支援营,配有CH-47直升机、UH-60黑鹰直升机)"  "第2航空团第4营(4th Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment,侦察攻击营,配有UH-60黑鹰直升机)"  "第6骑兵团第4营(4th Battalion, 6th Cavalry Regime,侦察攻击营,配有30架OH-58D战搜直升机)"  第164航空管制群(164th Air Traffic Services Group)  第602航空支援营(602nd Support Battalion (Aviation))  ●第210火力旅(210th Fires Brigade);第210火力旅驻于韩国凯西营,是第2步兵师作战指挥链中的一个独立炮兵旅。  "第37野战炮兵团第6营(6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment,配有多管火箭炮)"  "第38野战炮兵团第1营(1st Battalion, 38th Field Artillery Regiment,配有多管火箭炮)"  第702旅部支援营(702nd Brigade Support Battalion)  "第333野战炮兵团F炮营(Battery F, 333rd Field Artillery Regiment)"  第579通信连(579th Signal Company)  第25轻步兵师  隶属于美国陆军太平洋司令部第8军,绰号“热带闪电”,是美国太平洋战区主要的陆军力量,可以在接到动员令后18小时内开始部署。全师主要装备有:AH-64武装直升机、UH-60通用直升机、OH-58侦察直升机、EH-60电子战直升机等各型直升机115架;火炮144门,其中105毫米轻型牵引榴弹炮54门、81毫米迫击炮36门、60毫米迫击炮54门;反坦克导弹发射装置304部;防空导弹系统80部;各种作战车辆和输送车辆2240辆。  组织架构  ●第25轻步师第1旅级史崔克战斗队(驻扎阿拉斯加州)  ●第25轻步师第2旅级史崔克战斗队(驻扎夏威夷州)  ●第25轻步师第3旅级战斗队  ●第25轻步师第4旅级空降战斗队(驻扎夏威夷州)  八、除了以上的陆军部队以外,美国武装力量还有州防卫队现时共有22个州拥有州防卫队。2005年美国国防部报告指美国和波多黎各共有23支现成的州防卫队。[19]后来,新泽西州搁置了其州防卫队。[20] 根据国民警卫队规例 10-4,任何州、领地或哥伦比亚特区,根据 32 USC §109 设立州防卫队,需根据其自身之法律,独自负责其建制、组织、训练、装备、用款、管理及人员维持。[1] 以下是现存的州防卫队名单,依州名排列,包括波多黎各:  阿拉巴马州防卫队(Alabama State Defense Force)  阿拉斯加州防卫队(Alaska State Defense Force)  阿拉斯加海军民兵(Alaska Naval Militia)  加利福尼亚州预备队(California State Military Reserve)  加利福尼亚海军民兵(California Naval Militia)  康涅狄格州民兵单位(Connecticut State Militia Units)  康涅狄格海军民兵(Connecticut Naval Militia)  佐治亚州防卫队(Georgia State Defense Force)  印地安那警卫预备队(Indiana Guard Reserve)  伊利诺伊海军民兵(Illinois Naval Militia)  路易斯安那州警卫队(Louisiana State Guard)  马里兰防卫队(Maryland Defense Force)  马萨诸塞州防卫队(Massachusetts State Defense Force)  密芝根义勇防卫队(Michigan Volunteer Defense Force)  密西西比警卫队(Mississippi State Guard)  密苏里预备军队(Missouri Reserve Military Force)  内华达国民警卫预备队(Nevada National Guard Reserve)  新泽西海军民兵(New Jersey naval militia)  新墨西哥州警卫队(New Mexico State Guard)  纽约警卫队(New York Guard)  纽约海军民兵(New York Naval Militia)  俄亥俄军事预备队(Ohio Military Reserve)  俄亥俄海军民兵(Ohio Naval Militia)  奥克拉荷马州警卫队(Oklahoma State Guard)  俄勒冈州防卫队(Oregon State Defense Force)  波多黎各警卫队(Puerto Rico State Guard)  南卡罗来纳州警卫队(South Carolina State Guard)  田纳西州警卫队(Tennessee State Guard)  德克萨斯州警卫队(Texas State Guard)  德克萨斯州海事军团(Texas State Guard Maritime Regiment)  佛蒙特州警卫队(Vermont State Guard)  维珍尼亚州防卫队(Virginia State Defense Force)  维珍尼亚州河岸特遣队(Riverine Detachment)  华盛顿州警卫队(Washington State Guard)
2023-06-08 09:24:531


当前的驻扎在韩国的第八集团军?第八集团军(Eighth United States Army),龙山基地(首尔市龙山区)第2步兵师(2nd Infantry Division),红云营(京畿道议政府市)第1重型战斗旅(1st Brigade Combat Team),霍维营(京畿道东豆川市)第210火力旅(210th Fires Brigade),凯西营(京畿道东豆川市)战斗航空旅(Combat Aviation Brigade) ,汉弗莱营(京畿道平泽市)第19远征保障司令部(19th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)),大邱市第501保障旅(501st Sustainment Brigade),卡罗尔营(庆尚北道漆谷郡)陆军医疗支援中心(Army Material Support Center),卡罗尔营第35防空炮兵旅(35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade),乌山空军基地(京畿道平泽市)第501军事情报旅(501st Military Intelligence Brigade),龙山基地第1通信旅(1st Signal Brigade),龙山基地第65医疗旅(65th Medical Brigade),龙山基地集团军司令部及本部营(Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion),龙山基地本部连(Headquarters and Headquarters Company)本部分队(Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment)联合国司令部仪队连(United Nations Command Honor Guard Company)韩国勤务团(Korean Service Corps Battalion),金营(首尔市龙山区)联合国军警备营(Command Security Battalion),共同警备区第23化学营,史坦利营(京畿道议政府市)
2023-06-08 09:25:021


2023-06-08 09:25:091


Secret Fire?
2023-06-08 09:25:176


  诺维茨基英文简介:Dirk Nowitzki, 1978 June 19, was born in Wurzburg, Germany, German professional basketball player, our Zhida striker, the effectiveness in the NBA Dallas Mavericks. In 1998 in the first round of the ninth overall by the NBA Milwaukee Bucks selected, and soon to be traded to the Dallas Mavericks, played so far. 2007, Nowitzki led the Dallas Mavericks played team history 67 wins and 15 negative record, and won the regular season MVP. In 2011, Nowitzki led the Mavericks to 4 to 2 victory over the heat won the team"s first championship, and won the finals most valuable player.  德克·诺维茨基(Dirk Werner Nowitzki),1978年6月19日出生于德国维尔茨堡,德国职业篮球运动员,司职大前锋,效力于NBA达拉斯小牛队。1998年以第一轮第九顺位被NBA密尔沃基雄鹿队选中,不久被交换到达拉斯小牛队,效力至今。2007年,诺维茨基带领达拉斯小牛队打出队史67胜15负战绩,并夺得了常规赛MVP。2011年,诺维茨基领衔的小牛队以4比2击败热火夺得球队首个总冠军,同时获得了总决赛最有价值球员。
2023-06-08 09:25:322


2023-06-08 09:25:472


旅的甲骨文写法如下:字源解说。文言版《说文解字》:旅,军之五百人为旅。从,从从。从,俱也。白话版《说文解字》:旅,军队编制单位,五百人为一旅。字形采用“、从”会义。“从”,表示士卒们集中在一起。基本字义:1、(会意。甲骨文字形,象众人站在旗下。旗,指军旗。人,指士兵。小篆字形,表示旌旗。从“从”,表示众人,即士兵。本义:古代军队五百人为一旅)。2、军队编制单位。上古一般以五百人为旅,齐制二千人为旅。现代指师以下的单位,基本上由司令部和两个或者两个以上的团或大队组成的战术和行政单位 [brigade]。3、军队 [army]。4、在外的人,旅人 [traveller]。5、旅行。旅途 [journey。trip]。
2023-06-08 09:26:061

california one youth and beauty brigade 歌词

歌曲名:california one youth and beauty brigade歌手:decemberists专辑:castaways and cutoutstake a long drive with meon california one, california oneand the road a-winding goesfrom golden gate to roaring cliff-sideand the light is softly low as our hearts become sweetly untiedbeneath the sun of california onetake a long drown with me of california wineand the wine it tastes so sweetas we lay our eyes to wanderand the sky, it stretches deepwill we rest our heads to slumber beneath the vines of california wine?beneath the sun of california oneannabelle lies, sleeps with quiet eyeson this sea-drift sunwhat can you do?and if i said, O it"s in your headon this sea-drift sunwhat can you do?we"re calling all bed wetters and ambulance chaserspoor picker-pockets, bring "em income join the youth and beauty brigadewe"re lining up the light-loafere"dand the bored bench warmerscastaways and cutouts, fill it upcome join the youth and beauty brigadenothing will stand in our wayi figured i had paid my debt to societyby paying my overdue fines at the Multnomah County Library, at the librarythey said "son, go join upgo join the youth and beauty brigade"nothing will stand in our way
2023-06-08 09:26:191


2023-06-08 09:26:261


少年先锋队的“大队部” 用英文怎么说 就是小学里面 少年先锋队的“大队部” The young pioneers brigade "" 少年先锋队的“大队部” The young pioneers brigade ""大队委的英文怎么写 如果你说的是学校的大队委的话,就是Monitor of the school"s Young Pioneers group mittee。 大队委员英语怎么拼? Brigade member 少年先锋队的“大队部” 用英文怎么说 group department 请问,少先队大队委员 用英语该怎么说,谢谢 Chief Leader of the Young Pioneers. 不好意思,我觉得大队这个词很难翻译,故用chief leader表示...... 交警大队,英语怎么说? Traffic police production brigade .(福警大队) police production brigade (大队)
2023-06-08 09:26:321


2023-06-08 09:26:391


问题一:“消防大队”用英文怎么写? a station house/ (畅r.)a fire brigade/ (Am.)a fire pany~ 问题二:消防队用英语怎么说啊 fire department salvage corps firehouse firebrigade fire brigade firefighting crew 上面的都可以,你挑个喜欢的用吧。 问题三:消防局用英语怎么说 楼主,您好 Fire protection bureau 谢谢采纳! 问题四:消防安全英文怎么写 Fire safety 问题五:消防员用英语怎么说~~ Firefighter 问题六:消防员的英文怎么写 fire+man=fireman fire+fighter=firefighter 用这个方法,记忆会更加深刻有效哦! 问题七:消防知识用英文怎么翻译 Fire control knowledge 问题八:消防员用英语怎么说 fireman消防队员
2023-06-08 09:26:451


【 #英语资源# 导语】道路千万条,安全第一条,交通安全是非常重要的。以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.关于交通安全的英语作文   People can"t live without safety everywhere, but danger always lingers in the summer. Perhaps, when playing in the summer, a moment of neglect will bring others lifelong regret. Security makes our lives more fragile and valuable. The world is wonderful because of life.   I once read a news that it is hot in summer. The little boy went to the park to play. On the way, he hit the ball at the roadside and the ball rolled out. He rushed to the middle of the road regardless of everything. Perhaps, his simple thought did not think of the sad consequences. It was unfortunate that a truck came at a gallop and crushed him to pieces, leaving him in the deep land forever. Parents" tears fell from the sky like a downpour. Who can hear them. God is merciful and compassionate. But what can we do? We have to lament helplessly and bear the pain of losing our children. It"s really pathetic!   In summer life, many people do not pay attention to traffic safety and act recklessly. The driver jumped over the car and hurt many people. This is irresponsible for oneself and others. What was left in the rush, only the floating dust? When I was riding in the summer, I saw "a drop of wine for the driver, a drop of tears for the relatives. Be careful in the summer!" Slogan for. I am ashamed of your ignorance. Is it a piece of paper in your heart? Does it only represent emptiness? This made me think deeply.   Bloody traffic accidents always remind people not to forget the painful lessons and never treat life as a joke. It also tells us that everyone"s life is unique. We should cherish life. The lesson of blood has sounded the alarm bell of traffic safety for our modern people. But how many people really care?   Dear friends, cherish your life, be a person who abides by traffic rules, and let happiness accompany us forever. Let"s work together to make our relatives less worried and more happy! 2.关于交通安全的英语作文   When I was young, I always liked to stand on a small bench and imitate the traffic police to direct the traffic. On March 16, I finally went to the traffic police brigade. On the way to the traffic police brigade, I was full of curiosity. What new high-tech is there in the traffic police brigade? With this question, I came to the traffic police brigade.   When we got there, Officer Song of the Traffic Police Brigade warmly welcomed us. A police aunt showed us around the high-tech exhibition hall. What impressed me most was the Wall of Sorrow and the Wall of Happiness. The Wall of Sorrow was full of photos of cars and people killed. On the wall of happiness, there are pictures of a family playing happily. According to the announcer"s aunt, there is only one step between happiness and sadness, but the consequences are very different.   The most interesting is a kind of machine integrating walkie talkies and video cameras, which can investigate and collect evidence, request support and report information at any time. This kind of machine facilitates the work of the traffic police uncle.   In addition to other small journalists" visits, I interviewed Officer Song: "How many years have you been engaged in the traffic police industry?" "32 years." Officer Song replied proudly, saying that he was not afraid of hardship and tiredness, and loved the profession of traffic police very much. I also asked: What do you think of the violation of traffic rules by primary and secondary school students Police Officer Song said that he kept telling students about traffic "laws and regulations, so that they could develop the habit of abiding by traffic laws and regulations."   Finally, we solemnly swear in front of the oath wall to be a person who abides by traffic rules. This time, I went to the traffic police brigade to understand the hardships of the traffic police uncle, and also unveiled the mystery of the traffic police brigade. 3.关于交通安全的英语作文   On the evening of the 23rd of December, my parents and I went to Amy"s Department Store to buy clothes.   As the New Year is approaching, some shops in the street are decorated with lanterns and decorations, and people are coming and going. The street was jammed with cars on the already narrow road. After walking in Amy"s Department Store for a while, I felt that clothes were too expensive, so I wanted to go to Jinling Mall to have a look.   When I arrived at Anxi Bridge, I suddenly heard a harsh voice, "Zhi......". I looked around and saw a girl lying in a pool of blood, with a van beside her. Soon, several police uncles came to the scene, and then an ambulance came to Anxi Bridge.   The nurse in white carried the injured girl onto the car, "ding dong ding dong", and the ambulance hurried away. I was shocked by the scene in front of me. In fact, many traffic accidents like this happen every day in China. I was thinking that if the van did not drive so fast, the girls would not be injured and the traffic accident would not occur. If everyone pays attention to safety and abides by traffic rules, traffic accidents will be reduced. 4.关于交通安全的英语作文   With regard to traffic safety, the school attaches great importance to it. It has emphasized more than once that students are not allowed to ride electric bikes to school, go against the road, or run through red lights... For this reason, the school has asked us to write a guarantee before.   Every year, there are more than a few safety accidents caused by electric vehicles, and not only electric vehicles, but also three wheels and four wheels account for a large proportion. However, many students still don"t pay attention to safety.   After the four-wheel electric vehicles stipulated not long ago must have a license plate before they can go on the road, yesterday, various working groups and small groups issued a notice that all two wheel electric vehicles must also have a license plate, and the vehicles can only go on the road with helmets. It"s a little sudden, but it"s for everyone"s safety after all.   Continuing to talk about traffic safety, the afternoon class meeting is about this topic. Teacher Xie let us watch two videos about electric vehicle accidents. In the videos, many electric vehicles caught fire or even exploded because they were parked in the corridor and charged by pulling wires privately. There are also some electric vehicles, because the road is slippery in rainy days, and the speed is too fast, resulting in accidents such as crashes and slips.   I always think that the danger is far away from us, and it is safe to ride an electric bike, and there will be no traffic accidents, but what is the truth? Often these dangers are around us, but we are unaware of them.   How many people have lost their lives because of carelessness and carelessness. Traffic safety is very important for our teenagers. Each of us should pay attention to it. What we should do is to stop riding electric bikes, not going against the road, not running the red light, and try to walk to school.   Everyone has only one life. We need to cherish it. We can"t make a big mistake because of our carelessness! 5.关于交通安全的英语作文   On Saturday morning, it was sunny and sunny.   Xiaoming and Xiaohong are going to play football in the park. They walk and play football. Playing, the ball was suddenly kicked to the middle of the road. Xiao Ming rushed to pick up the ball. At that moment, a car came quickly. Seeing this, Xiaohong hurriedly ran to hold Xiaoming"s clothes. The car sped past them. After the car left, Xiao Hong picked up the ball.   She said to Xiaoming, "Why do you run across the street without looking at the road? It"s so dangerous!" Xiaoming bowed his head and said, "Thank you for holding me in time just now. I will never play by the road again." They went to the park with the ball.   Children, we should pay attention to traffic safety in the future. Don"t play by the road!
2023-06-08 09:26:521

firefighter和 fire brigade有什么区别?

firefighter 消防员 = fireman fire brigade 消防队
2023-06-08 09:27:002

美军军队编制 对应英语搞不清

2023-06-08 09:27:191


2023-06-08 09:27:271


The poem called "The Charge Of The Light Brigade" by Lord TennysonHalf a league half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred: "Forward, the Light Brigade! Charge for the guns" he said: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. "Forward, the Light Brigade!" Was there a man dismay"d ? Not tho" the soldier knew Some one had blunder"d: Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do & die, Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them Volley"d & thunder"d; Storm"d at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell Rode the six hundred. Flash"d all their sabres bare, Flash"d as they turn"d in air Sabring the gunners there, Charging an army while All the world wonder"d: Plunged in the battery-smoke Right thro" the line they broke; Cossack & Russian Reel"d from the sabre-stroke,Shatter"d & sunder"d. Then they rode back, but not Not the six hundred. Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon behind them Volley"d and thunder"d; Storm"d at with shot and shell, While horse & hero fell, They that had fought so well Came thro" the jaws of Death, Back from the mouth of Hell, All that was left of them, Left of six hundred. When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wonder"d. Honour the charge they made! Honour the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred!
2023-06-08 09:27:331


四枫院夜一(Shihouin Yoruichi) 日文:しほういんよるいち 生日:1月1日 身高:176CM 体重:55kg 声优:夜一先生(猫状) 斋藤 志郎 四枫院 夜一 雪野 五月 根据TV版判断,夜一曾担任过二番队队长(差不多是与平子真子担任五番队队长是同一时期的)得意技 白打(体术,空手格斗术) 瞬步(死神用以敌人无法看到的速度进行移动的高级步法) 夜一是尸魂界中瞬步最强的人,被称为"瞬神".白哉,一护的瞬步均为她所教 鬼道(只有死神才会使用的高级咒术) 瞬开:结合白打与鬼道的战斗术,使用这招完成型的术者的背和两肩会被高浓度压缩的鬼道缠绕,然后通过爆炸使鬼道与自身手足合为一体进行战斗四枫院家:天赐兵装备——可以飞在天上,天赐兵装备,代代继承统领刑军的职责 动画首次出场:15集10分15秒,来到浦原商店,被浦原抱起。(举高高) 动画以人的姿态首次出场:41集,救下与剑八战斗之后奄奄一息的一护后向一护解释如何将一护带至山洞结界。(变身)以上均来自BAIDU百科
2023-06-08 09:27:412


问题一:我的女友的父母因为我现在没房要女儿和我分手,我好痛苦,我该怎么班? 20分 证明给他们看,你肯定能就出人头地的! 问题二:消防队用英语怎么说啊 fire department salvage corps firehouse firebrigade fire brigade firefighting crew 上面的都可以,你挑个喜欢的用吧。 问题三:消防局用英语怎么说 楼主,您好 Fire protection bureau 谢谢采纳! 问题四:消防队用英语怎么拼? 消防队 词性及解释 fire pany; fire department; firehouse; salvage corps 【经】 fire pany 例句如下: dj.iciba/...%98%9F 问题五:消防员用英语怎么说~~ Firefighter 问题六:消防员用英语怎么说 fireman消防队员 问题七:消防员的英文 fire fighters 问题八:消防员用英语怎么说 fire fighter 问题九:消防员英语怎么拼 fireman 复数firemen 问题十:“消防大队”用英文怎么写? a station house/ (畅r.)a fire brigade/ (Am.)a fire pany~
2023-06-08 09:27:481


Have two sport:Different from personal sport.the group sport is a basketball,baseball,volleyball this sport need to be have twoly brigade of the group sport,they compete each other in order to obtain the best result.for example:In football compete,A brigade got seven cent,B brigade got three cent,A brigade won the game.has no brigade in personal sport.the people do personal sport is not for the sake of competition,but for the sake of the body of .
2023-06-08 09:27:571


Battle of WaterlooOn March 20, 1815, Nepoleon"s cavalry gets into Paris, French king"s Louis 18 smell the Xun color change, dare not to meet the enemy, flurried escape.Nepoleon re- ascends a Huang, is compelled for him to abdicate in one year ago, keep under house arrest in Mediterranean of ell Ba Dao3 of the affairs revenged, snow hate.For the sake of support Louis 18, the nations such as England, Russia and Prussia etc. constitute an anti- method alliance and distinctly lay siege to Paris.Nepoleon leads 120,000 battalions to squared in person, allied troops not enemy, retreat Belgium.This battle, Nepoleon obtains glorious results in battle and established his governance position in France.Lead Hou, Nepoleon multiplies by to win to make track for shot, the rate soldier continues to pretty enter and get close to Belgium directly and quickly of frontier.On June 18, it ising big to decisive battle is Waterloo launching.Waterloo Be located on Belgian south, leave capital city Brussels not far.The British army halts in a low hill, is lead by Wellington, method soldier then from Nepoleon is in person in command of.Start to rain torrential heavy rain in the morning.At 11:30 A.M., the weather become fair and Nepoleon issues order to attack."Wellington what things and unexpectedly dares to challenge toward me, absolutely is a Tang arm to block a car, with egg shot stone!I need not use a time of breakfast and annihilate them for the ability."Nepoleon talks big ground to say.The method soldier crosses low-lying and damp district and halt toward the British army of the low hill strive blunt go to.The British army resist stubbornly, the shell is like a shower sort to fall in the battlefield of method soldier, method soldier the death and harm be miserably heavy, have to withdraw troops.At 1:00 p.m., the second time the method soldier took the offensive British army"s battlefield, still can"t succeed.Used telescope to hope toward the on all sides 了 when Nepoleon was wait for an opportunity to launch the third-time offensive with larger scale, probed condition of the enemy.He suddenly sees the dense one of the east distance."That is what" Nepoleon ask."Probably is an one forest!"A first lieutenant answer."Not, this be the large unit."Nepoleon made a sound judgment with abundant battle experience.Hence he issue order:"grasp to live to ask!"Led soon, the method soldier arrested to a Prussia to ride a soldier military officer to interrogate and the military officer answer says that the neighborhood onlies have a large unit.Nepoleon wish: only a large unit, have what so afraid.But he1000010000 have no idea come the Pu soldier of aggression, actually is three large units!Nepoleon from think the soldier is ample, there is Shi have no perhaps.Under his conductor, 80 big guns take aim at the British army"s battlefield to carry on bombard with artillery in the meantime.France rode a soldier to vastly and mightily ascend the British army halt of low hill, Nepoleon"s confidence is hundred percent, think victory"s in control, which know gun voice suddenly your work, ambush at the on all sides British army method army corps the regiment besiege, method soldier caught unprepared, dead and injured innumerable, have to retreat toward the Hou.Nepoleon is incomprehensible and soliloquize ground to say:"why can"t I vanquish British army" uses big gun first according to the consistent battle strategy of Nepoleon fierce bomb, however the Hou parties ride a soldier to assault, most the Hou be just attack by infantry.But ride the Hou that the soldier assault, but have no infantry support this day, originally the French infantries all resist Prussia three aggressions of large units in the right wing, can"t break through siege.At 6:00 p.m., Nepoleon go for broke, most 4000 near Wei soldiers of Hou all adjust into take the offensive of row or column, the success or failure decided this time.He lines up soldier 70 people"s 1 brigade, climb up the steep slope, put together dead forward blunt go to.When they leave British army"s defense line not to go to 60, Wellington suddenly the uprising plead loudly:"the whole lineses attack!"British army"s Hou has a brigade row mountain to pour a sea sort ground to rush toward toward the method soldier.Nepoleon absolutely dares not believe own eyes.His troops already all use ascend, could not send one soldier of one soldier any further, the soldier who has to anxiously see oneself lets people to cut into pieces.Nepoleon takes telescope, witness this greatly aggrieved one act and helplessly sighed to at a stretch say:"everythings all finished!"At 9:00 P.M., the bright moon rise in the east, the Pu soldier breaks a method soldier defense line, Nepoleon"s troops is in confusion, can"t insist next go to, have to Kui to escape everywhere.Nepoleon is tears cover the face, the facial expression is pale and took 10,000s straggling soldiers send back Paris, from now on ended his military life.On June 22, for the second time Nepoleon be compelled to abdicate and imprison at the saint He Lei to take an island up, until in 1821 Yu Yu but eventually.Nepoleon"s second time is ruling and altogether only be called "the 100th dynasty" on the history around 100 days.Nepoleon from think great talent, offend a gram all, but thoughted of to be beat in Waterloo one service suffer a crushing defeat.Waterloo the battle spreads for the laughing stock on the history, and Waterloo a phrase from now on also became failure together a righteousness phrase. Waterloo the battle is the most dark a day in the military life of Nepoleon.Waterloo battle Chinese and English Pu the allied troops greatly hurt Nepoleon in Belgium and ended Nepoleon"s governance.Afterwards and Waterloo became the pronoun of failure.滑铁卢战役1815年3月20日,拿破仑的铁骑进入巴黎,法国国王路易十八闻讯色变,不敢迎敌,仓惶逃遁。拿破仑重新登上皇位,为他在一年前被迫退位,软禁在地中海厄尔巴岛的事件报了仇,雪了恨。为了支持路易十八,英国,俄国和普鲁士等国家组成反法联盟,大举围攻巴黎。拿破仑亲自率领12万大军迎战,联军不敌,撤退到比利时。这一仗,拿破仑取得辉煌战果,奠定了他在法国的统治地位。过后,拿破仑乘胜追击,率军继续挺进,直逼比利时的边境。6月18日,大决战在滑铁卢展开了。滑铁卢位于比利时南部,离首都布鲁塞尔不远。英军驻 在一个山岗,由威灵顿率领,法军则由拿破仑亲自指挥。清晨,下起滂沱大雨。上午11时30分,天气转晴,拿破仑下令出击。“威灵顿是什么东西 竟敢向我挑衅,简直是螳臂挡车,以卵击石!我不必用一顿早餐的时间,就能将他们歼灭。”拿破仑大言不惭地说。法军越过低洼地带,向英军驻 的山岗奋勇冲去。英军顽强抵抗,炮弹像骤雨般落在法军的阵地,法军死伤惨重,不得不撤兵。下午1时,法军第二次进攻英军阵地,还是无法得逞。拿破仑正伺机发动第三次规模更大的攻势时,用望远镜向四周了望,侦察敌情。他突然看见东边远处黑压压的一片。“那是什么 ”拿破仑问。“大概是一片森林吧!”一个中尉回答。“不,这是兵团。”拿破仑凭丰富的作战经验,作出了正确的判断。于是他下令:“抓个活口来问!”过了不久,法军逮到一个普鲁士骑兵军官来审问,军官回答说附近只有一个兵团。拿破仑心想:区区一个兵团,有什么好怕。可是他万万想不到前来进攻的普军,实际上是三个兵团呢!拿破仑自以为兵员充足,有恃无恐。在他的指挥下,80门大炮同时瞄准英军的阵地进行炮轰。法国骑兵浩浩荡荡地登上了英军驻 的山岗,拿破仑信心十足,以为胜利在握,哪知道枪声突然大作,埋伏在四周的英军将法军团团围困,法军措手不及,伤亡无数,只好向后撤退。拿破仑百思莫解,自言自语地说:“为什么我不能打败英军呢 ”按照拿破仑一贯的作战策略,先是用大炮猛轰,然后派骑兵冲锋,最后才由步兵出击。而这一天,骑兵冲锋之后,却没有步兵支援,原来法国步兵都在右翼抵御普鲁士三个兵团的进攻,无法突围。下午6时,拿破仑孤注一掷,把最后的4000名近卫军都调入进攻的行列,成败就决定在这一次了。他把兵士排成70人一队,爬上陡坡,拼死向前冲去。当他们离开英军防线不到60步时,威灵顿突然站起来大声疾呼:“全线出击!”英军的后备队排山倒海般地向法军扑去。拿破仑简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。他的部队已经全部用上了,再也派不出一兵一卒,只好眼巴巴地看自己的士兵任人宰割。拿破仑拿望远镜,目睹这惨痛的一幕,无奈地叹了一口气说:“一切都完了!”晚上9时,明月东升,普军突破法军防线,拿破仑的部队乱成一团,无法坚持下去,只得四处溃逃。拿破仑泪流满面,脸色苍白,带了一万名残兵退回巴黎,从此结束了他的戎马生涯。6月22日,拿破仑第二次被迫退位,囚禁在圣赫勒拿岛上,直到1821年郁郁而终。拿破仑的第二次执政,总共只有一百天左右,历史上称为“百日王朝”。拿破仑自以为有雄才大略,攻无不克,却没有想到在滑铁卢一役中被打得一败涂地。滑铁卢战役在历史上传为笑柄,而滑铁卢一词从此也成了失败的同义词。 滑铁卢战役是拿破仑军事生活中最黑暗的一天。滑铁卢战役中英普联军在比利时大败拿破仑,结束了拿破仑的统治.后来滑铁卢成了失败的代名词。
2023-06-08 09:28:041


I am a Chinese Air Force, peregrine falcons brigade, you have intruded into China"s airspace, please leave. You have been a missile locked 这个是就是那个英文版,自己找手机录吧,第二句的:I am a Chinese Air Force, peregrine falcons brigade, you have been a missile locked, please exit confrontation, please exit confrontation
2023-06-08 09:28:243

雷阿伦英文资料你英文好 这个应该能帮助你
2023-06-08 09:28:324


1769年8月15日出生,后在法国军校学习。 1794年因战功被任命为少将、炮兵旅长。 1796年年仅26岁的拿破仑被任命为法国意大利军司令官,与处于优势奥军和撒丁军连续作战,取得辉煌胜利。 1799年发动雾月政变 1804年加冕为皇帝 奥斯特里茨和耶拿的大胜使bonaparte成为几乎整个欧洲的姓氏 1812年对俄战争,以失败告终。其政治生命的转折点。 1814年退位。 1815年3月20日,拿破仑重返巴黎,建立“百日王朝”。 6月,法军在滑铁卢战役中覆没,拿破仑第二次退位。 1821年5月5日下午5点49分,拿破仑在圣赫勒拿岛上病逝,终年52岁。August 15, 1769 birth, after learning the French military academy. 1794 due to military service was appointed Major General, artillery brigade commander. In 1796 only 26-year-old Napoleon was appointed military commander of France and Italy, and in a dominant position奥军and Sardinia continuous military operations, have won a brilliant victory. 1799 launched Brumaire coup 1804 coronation as emperor Ostritz and Jena"s victory over the bonaparte become almost the entire European surnames In 1812 the Russian war, ended in failure. His political life was a turning point. 1814 abdication. On March 20, 1815, Napoleon return to Paris, the establishment of a "hundred days." In June, the French military in the battle of Waterloo swamped, Napoleon second abdication. At 17:49 on May 5, 1821, Napoleon died on the island of St. Helena, the age of 52-year-old
2023-06-08 09:28:401


2023-06-08 09:28:471