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2023-06-08 10:13:28

高一英语必修4 各单元语言重点归纳

Unit1 Women of achievement


1 achievement n.成就,功绩→achieve v.达到,完成,实现

2 welfare n 福利事业,福利

3. project n.方案, 计划,, 设计,工程, 企业, 事业,科研项目; 课外自修项目

vi. ①伸出, 突出 ②设想自已处身于(into)

4. specialist n.专家,专业工作者→special adj.特殊的,专门的→specialize vi.专攻,专门从事

5. connection n.连接,关系→connect v.连接

6 campaign n.运动,战役 v.作战,参加运动

7.organization-n 组织,机构,团体 organize—vt.组织;筹备, 成立; 使加入工会,使有条理

8.behave v.举止,表现→behavior n.行为,举止

9. shade n.阴凉处 v.遮住光线

10. worthwhile adj.值得的,值得做的→worth adj.值……,值得……→worthy adj.值得做的,可尊敬的

11. observe v.观察,观测,遵守→observation n.观察,观测

12. respect v./n.尊敬,尊重,敬意→respectable adj.值得尊敬的,正派的,体面地→respectful adj.有礼貌的,恭敬的

13. argue .v.争论,辩论→argument n.争论,辩论 argued-adj 引起争论的

14.entertainment-n 款待,娱乐 entertain-v 款待;招待,娱乐,抱有,怀着(想法、疑问)

15. crowd n.人群,观众 v.挤满,使拥挤→crowded adj.拥挤的

16. inspire v.鼓舞,激发→inspired adj.受到鼓舞的,有灵感的→inspiring adj.鼓舞人的→inspiration n.鼓舞,灵感

17 support v.支持,拥护→supporter n.支持者,拥护者

18.refer-vi 谈到,查阅,参考

19.intend v.计划,打算→intention n.打算,目的,意图

20.considerate adj.考虑周到的→consider v.考虑,认为→consideration n考虑,体谅→considering prep考虑到

21.kind –adj 仁慈的,和善的,友爱的kindness –n 仁慈,好意,善良

22.deliver v.递送,生(小孩),接生,发表(演讲等)→delivery n.投递,交货,分娩

23.modest –adj 谦虚的,谦让的,适度的


1 devote…to 把……奉献给

2 human beings 人类

3 move off 离开,启程,出发

4 lead a…life 过着……的生活

5 crowd in 涌上心头,涌入脑海

6 look down on/ upon 蔑视,瞧不起

7 refer to 查阅,参考,谈到

8 by chance 碰巧,凑巧

9 come across 偶遇,碰见

10 carry on 继续,坚持

11.dress in 穿着… dress as 打扮成…

12.fight for 为….而战

13.put to death判死刑

14. concern oneself with…关注… 注意…

15.devote one"s life to 把生命献给…

16. in the shade of 在…的树荫下,在…的庇护下

17.gain doctor"s degree 获得博士学位

18. be considered as 被看做….

19.take turns to do sth 采取步骤做某事 research on… 做…方面的研究

21.Be placed second to 位于次要位置,仅次于…

22. by now 直到现在


1 She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.


2 Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.


3 She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisement.


4.It seem that she had been very busy in her chosen carrer travelling abroad to study as well as writing books and articles 看起来他忙于所选择的和写作一样的到国外研究。

5.Further reading made me realise that it was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature that got her into medical school.


Units 2 Working the land


1 sunburn v.日晒,晒黑→sunburnt adj.晒黑的

2 struggle v./n.挣扎,奋斗,努力

3 decade n.十年,十年期

4 super n.冗员, 额外人员; [口]特级品, 特大号商品; 超级市场adj特级的, 极好的, 非凡的

5. hunger n.饥饿,渴望/v.使饥饿→hungry adj.饥饿的;渴望的

6.output-n 产量,输出,input 输入,消费

7.disturbing –adj 引起烦恼的,令人不安的,disturb-v 打扰,麻烦

8.expand-vt.扩大, 扩展,张开, 使发, 详谈; 引伸

9-circulate v.循环,流通→circulation n.循环,流传

10. battle n.战役,战斗 v.搏斗,奋斗

11. therefore adv.因此,所以

12. rid vt 摆脱,除去

13.freedom –n 自由,自主 free –adj 自由的,免费的

14.equip v.配备,装备→equipment n.设备

15. export v.输出,出口 n.输出(品)→import v.输入,进口 n.进口(品)

16.nationality-n 国籍,national –adj 国家的,民族的 nation-n 国家

17.occupation-n 工作,职业,占领 occupy-v占用,使从事,把注意力集中于...占领, 占据

18.confuse v.使迷惑,使为难→confused adj.感到迷惑的 confusing adj.令人迷惑的

19 regret v./n.后悔,遗憾→regretful adj.后悔的,遗憾的

20.production-n生产,制造,productive 可生产的,可制造的,produce –v 生产,制造

21.discovery-n 发现,发觉,discover-v 发现,

22.focus –v 集中,聚焦,n 焦点,中心点

23. reduce v.减少,缩减→reduction n.减少,缩减

24 comment n./v.评论,议论


1 if not 如果不…. If so 如果这样,

2.consider oneself sth 自认为是… considered sb sth 认为某人是…

3.since then 从那时起 for a way to do sth 寻找做某事的途径。

5.thanks to 幸亏,由于,因为

6.rid…of… 摆脱,除去 get rid of 除去…

7. be satisfied with 对……感到满意

8 would rather 宁愿,宁可

9with the hope of 满怀希望..

10.get r build up 逐渐增强,建立,开发

11.cause damage to 对… 造成危害。 up 增强,强大

13. lead to 导致,造成

14. focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于

15. keep…from/of 使……免受(影响、伤害等);使……不含(有害物


1 Dr Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice.


2 The special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same field.


3 Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields.


4 Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life.袁博士对生活非常满足。

5. It"s a great pity that 很遗憾的是….

6.for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.在过去的5年里,他为他们而战。

7.Using his hybrid rice ,farmers are producing harvest twice as large as before由于使用了他的杂质水稻,农民的丰收是以前的两倍。

Unit 3 A taste of English humour


1 humour n.幽默→humorous adj.幽默的

2 content adj.满足的,满意的 n.满足;内容 v.使满足→contented/satisfied(同义词)

3 performer n.表演者,演出者→perform v.表演;做,履行,执行→performance n.表演,履行,成绩

4 astonish v.使惊讶→astonishing adj.令人惊讶的 astonished adj.感到惊讶的→astonishment n.惊讶

5 fortunate adj.幸运的→fortune v.幸运,运气 unfortunate adj.不幸的→fortunately adv.幸运地unfortunately adv.不幸地

6 depressed adj.忧伤的,抑郁的,消沉的,萧条的depress-v使消沉, 使沮丧, 愁苦,使贬值,

7.ordinary adj.平常的,普通的

8.bored adj.厌烦的→bore v.使厌烦→boring adj.令人厌烦的

9.entertain v.使欢乐,款待→entertaining adj.愉快的,有趣的→entertainment n.款待;娱乐,消遣

10. throughout prep.遍及,贯穿adv.到处,始终,全部

11.homeless-adj 无家可归的,

12.worn-adj 用旧的,用坏的,破烂的 wear 穿戴

13. overcome v.战胜,克服

14. convince v.使信服→convincing adj.令人信服的→convinced adj.相信的,信服的

15. direct v.导演,指示,指挥 adj.直的,直接的→director n.导演,指挥→directly adv.直地,直接地→direction n.指导,方向

16.enjoyment –n享乐,欢乐,乐趣

17.outstanding adj.突出的,杰出的,显著的

18.particular adj.特殊的,特别的→particularly adv.特殊地,特别地

19 occasion n.时刻,场合→occasional adj.偶尔的,临时的→occasionally adv.偶尔地,有时地

20. slide v./n.滑动,滑行

21.amuse v.使发笑,使愉快→amused adj.愉快的→amusing adj.逗人发笑的,令人愉快的→amusement n.愉快,快乐

22. whisper v./n.耳语,低声说

23、react v.做出反应,回应→reaction n.反应,回应


1.Break into 闯入,进入

2.up to now 直到现在

3.brighten the lives of 照亮某人的生活道路

4.feel/be content with 对……满足

5.badly off 穷的,缺少的

6.In search of 寻找….

7.pick out 挑选出,辨认出

8.on the edge of 在…边沿

9.cut off 切断,断绝

10.In silence沉默,不作声

11. make use of 使用 angry about 对…很生气 in 担任主角,主演


1 He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives.


2 No one was ever bored watching him—his subtle acting made everything entertaining.


3 Instead they are hiding in a small hut on the edge of a mountian during a snowstorm with nothing to eat.


Unit4 Body language


1. statement; n. 陈述;说明 state-vt. 陈述;叙述;声明

2.greet-v问候,迎接,打招呼greeting –n敬礼,致意 greetings 问候语,致词

3.represent-v.代表,象征representative -n. 代表

4.. association; n. 社团;联系;联想associate;vt. 使发生联系, 使联合adj. associated联合的, 关联的

5. curious adj. 好奇的curiously adv. 好奇地

6.dormitory –n 宿舍

7. approach; vi.&vt.接近;靠近 n.接近;方法;途径. approachable -adj. 可到达的;可亲近的

8. defend -vt. 保护;保卫 defense- n. 防卫;防卫设备;防御

9. major--adj. 主要的minor --adj. 较小的;次要的

10.dash-v 猛冲,突进.

11.misunderstand -vt. 误解;误会misunderstanding -n. 误解;误会

understanding --n. 谅解, 理解成人,成年人 adj 成人的,成熟的

13. spoken- adj. 口语的 unspoken-adj. 非口语的;未说出口的

14. function-n 作用,动能,只能 v-起作用,运转

15.likely-- adj. 可能的

16.false—adj 错误的,假的 true 真的,正确的

17.ease--n. 安逸;舒适vt.减轻(痛苦;忧虑)easeful--adj.舒适的, 安逸的

18. truly-- adv. 真实地;真诚地;真正地true--adj. 真实的, 真正的

19. anger- n. 怒气;怒火 angry-- adj. 生气的重要词汇拓展答案


1. defend against保卫…以免受

2.intruduce sb to sb 向某人介绍某人

3.kiss sb on some part亲吻某人的某个部位 defence 防御,保障

5.together with 与某人一起 likely to 很可能…;有希望…

7.reach one"s hand out to sth 把手伸出来取某物

8.on the contrary 相反

9.nod at sb 向某人点头

10.greet sb with/by 通过…向某人问候 one"s feelings表达某人的感情

12. in general 总的来说;通常 a job fair 在求职会上 nervous about 对… 感到紧张

15. at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在

16. lose face丢脸

17.turn one"s back to 背对;背弃

18.turn one"s head away 把头转过去 willing to 渴望…. , 愿意….

20. look upset about sth 对.. 感到沮丧


1. I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.


2. The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.


3. She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defense.


4. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, Nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.


5. We can often be wrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do.


Unit 5 Theme parks


1central- adj. 中心的;中央的 centre- n. 中心;中央

2. various- adj. 不同的;各种各样的 variety- n. 多样性;(植物)品种 vary-v使..多样化

3.whichever-pron 无论哪一个,任何一个

4.fantasy-- n. 幻想;怪念头fantastic adj. 奇异的;稀奇古怪的fantast n. 幻想家;

5.amusement-. n. 消遣;娱乐(活动)amuse-vt.使发笑;使愉快amused--adj. 愉快的,

6.swing-- n. 秋千;摇摆 vt.&vi.(swung, swung) 摇摆;摆动

7.attaction_ n. 有吸引力的事物;吸引attract-vt.吸引 attractive- adj. 吸引人的

8.tourism--n. 旅游业 tourist- n. 旅行者, 旅游者

9.whereever-pron 无论是什么地方,各处

10.unique-- adj. 独一无二的;仅有的uniquely--adv. 独特地;唯一地


12.preserve-vt 保存,保留 n保护区 presevation-n保护,保留

13.length-n 长度,长,long-adj 长的

14. sword-n 剑

15.settle-v 定居,安顿下来 settler-n 移民者,殖民者

16.athletic--adj. 运动的athlete- n. 运动员;运动选手 –athletics- n.体育(运动);

17.translator-n. 译员;翻译translate; vt. 翻译; translation n. 翻译;译文

18. minority;-n. 少数;少数民族minor adj. 较小的;次要的majority n. 多数;

19. advance; vt.&vi. 前进;促进;提前advanced--adj. 高级的;年老的;先进的

20. admission -n. 允许进入;入场费admit vt.承认;容许;承认;接纳

21.Freeway 高速公路

22. souvenir纪念品


1. be famous for 以…而闻名

2. no wonder (that)难怪;不足为奇

3. be modeled after 根据…模仿;仿造

4. in advance 提前

5. get close to 接近

6. come to life 活跃起来 familiar with 熟悉,熟知

8. make available for 使….可供…之用。


1. Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you!


2. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.


3. To enter a world of fantasy about ancient England, come to Camelot Park!


4. Futuroscope is not onlyfor individuals, but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.


5. If driving, Futuroscope is within easy reach of the freeway.如果开车,“观测未来”就在高速公路附近。





brighten中文翻译:色彩鲜艳;(使)快活起来;有希望;使更艳丽。一、相关词组1、brighten function亮度函数2、brighten hand发光针3、brighten the chain重叙旧日友情4、brighten the hair泽毛5、brighten our sweet memories让我们甜蜜的回忆更加光彩夺目6、brighten uyour life with a bra光彩生活由此开始7、cactus, brighten somewhere仙人掌,使…生辉8、light uor brighten sth使某事物生辉9、moisten and brighten the hair泽毛10、removing heat to brighten vision清热明目11、you brighten my day你让我今天增辉不少12、to brighten ueven your darkest night为你照亮最黑暗的夜晚二、例句1、She could tell you to the week when the first dogwood blossom would brighten the ridge, the first blackberry darken enough to harvest.她能告诉你第一支山茱萸花开,点亮山脊是在哪个礼拜,还有黑莓什么时候可以采摘。2、Add in a certain degree of blue at the iris, this is the part that shows the colour of the eyes. Remember to brighten it a bit.在虹膜主体加入一定的蓝色,能看出眼睛颜色的主要就是这一部分,注意稍稍的提亮。3、Rich, saturated colors (think deep purples, greens, reds, and blues) instantly brighten up the skintone, which tends to get sallow with age.饱满、丰富的颜色立即提升了皮肤的亮度(考虑一些深紫、紫色、绿色、红色和蓝色)。4、Its shares have been soaring for the past two years as the company"s long-term outlook began to brighten.随着对公司长期健康发展的预期日涨,它的股价在过去的两年中急速增长。
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vt. 使闪亮;使生辉;使快乐高兴vi. 明亮;变亮;活跃;快乐高兴
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The light brightens the room.灯光使房间亮了起来。
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brighten的形容词形式: bright 美 /brau026at/ 英 /brau026at/ adj. 明亮的,鲜明的;聪明的;愉快的 adv. 明亮地;光明地;欢快地 n. 车头灯光 复数 brights 比较级 brighter 最高级 brightest 双语例句: The new railway station has three spacious and bright waiting rooms. 新建的火车站有三个宽敞明亮的候车室。
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明亮 bright闪亮 shining
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问题一:眼睛很明亮用英文怎么说 最简单的表达:bright eyes. 需要其他的含义可以自己补充。I remember when: 我记得那时候。 问题二:非常漂亮用英语怎么说 非常漂亮 1.very beautiful *** art as a new pin 问题三:你也很漂亮。用英文怎么说? 5分 you are beautiful too! 问题四:太漂亮了用英语说 太漂亮了 So beautiful 太漂亮了 Too beautiful 太漂亮了 Too pretty 问题五:亮的英文怎么写 有道词典找到的: 亮 [liàng] 形容词 1. (光线强; 明亮) bright; light: light and spacious; 敞亮 The floor has been scrubbed clean and shiny. 地板擦得真亮。 2. (声音强; 响亮) loud and clear; resounding: loud and clear; sonorous; 洪亮 She has a resonant voice. 她的嗓子真亮。 3. (开朗; 清楚) enlightened; open and clear: be sharp-eyed and clearheaded; 心明眼亮 I find what you say most enlightening. 你这一说, 我心里头亮了。 名词 1. (灯光; 亮光) light: Please move a little further; you"re standing in my light. 请移开一些, 你挡我的亮了。 2. (姓氏) a surname: Liang Fu 亮父 动词 1. (发光) light; brighten; shine: light the kerosene lamp; 亮起煤油灯 He flashed the torch on for a second. 他把手电筒亮了一下。 2. (使声音响亮) lift voice; resound: lift one"s voice 亮起嗓子 3. (显露; 显示) reveal; show; appear; display: disclose one"s plan; tell the whole thing; 把底儿亮出来 declare one"s position; air one"s view; 亮观点 问题六:响亮的用英语怎么说就是形容一个人唱歌声音很响亮,很 Resounding 英[] r??za?nd?? 词典释义 resoundingadj.反响的,共鸣的;响亮的,宏亮的;彻底的,完全的;夸张的,虚夸的 sonorousadj.洪亮的;响亮的;圆润低沉的;(尤指语言、文字等)感人的 resonantadj.共振的;洪亮的;回响的;能共鸣的 loud and clear嘹亮;响亮;一清二楚;洪亮 sonorityn.响亮,(声音的)响亮程度 问题七:她的眼睛不大但很明亮 用英文翻译 Her eyes is not big but bright 问题八:她明亮的大眼睛和长长的直发使他看上去很可爱 用英语怎么说 Her bright big eyes and long straight hair make her looks very lovely. 问题九:非常漂亮的英语怎么翻译 那必须是gorgeous啊 意为华丽的 艳丽的 极好的 光彩夺目的 全是全身上下都美得意思 是你要的么?
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你就像阳光一样照亮了我的生命 你就如太阳一般照亮我的日子。。。 你就是我的太阳,照亮我的生命。 你仿佛太阳般照耀了我的生活。
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问题一:亮了英文怎么说 亮了 Bright 亮了 Bright 问题二:闪闪发光用英语怎么说? (Bling Bling)在HipHop领域里可以用来泛指一切奢华的装饰品,只要这玩意很Bling(亮闪闪),都可以叫Bling Bling,当然,通常意义上,最先联想到的会是挂 问题三:亮的英文怎么写 有道词典找到的: 亮 [liàng] 形容词 1. (光线强; 明亮) bright; light: light and spacious; 敞亮 The floor has been scrubbed clean and shiny. 地板擦得真亮。 2. (声音强; 响亮) loud and clear; resounding: loud and clear; sonorous; 洪亮 She has a resonant voice. 她的嗓子真亮。 3. (开朗; 清楚) enlightened; open and clear: be sharp-eyed and clearheaded; 心明眼亮 I find what you say most enlightening. 你这一说, 我心里头亮了。 名词 1. (灯光; 亮光) light: Please move a little further; you"re standing in my light. 请移开一些, 你挡我的亮了。 2. (姓氏) a surname: Liang Fu 亮父 动词 1. (发光) light; brighten; shine: light the kerosene lamp; 亮起煤油灯 He flashed the torch on for a second. 他把手电筒亮了一下。 2. (使声音响亮) lift voice; resound: lift one"s voice 亮起嗓子 3. (显露; 显示) reveal; show; appear; display: disclose one"s plan; tell the whole thing; 把底儿亮出来 declare one"s position; air one"s view; 亮观点 问题四:光亮带钢用英语怎么说 Strip light 问题五:光亮精轧管用英语怎么说 你好! 光亮精轧管 Shining finishing tube 问题六:开亮英语怎么说 开亮 1. 作为人的名字使用,英文同拼音 Kailiang 2. “开亮”的汉语字典解释“开通厂达”翻译为英语为 open-minded
2023-06-08 08:46:111


brightening光亮双语对照词典结果:brightening[英][b"rau026atnu026au014b][美][b"rau026atnu026au014b]n.发[擦]亮,增亮,照明; v.(使)发亮( brighten的现在分词 ); (使)生色; (使)生辉; (使)快乐; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Investors may expect brightening prospects. 投资者也许在期待转向光明的前景。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-08 08:46:183


2023-06-08 08:46:281


brightening[英][b"rau026atnu026au014b][美][b"rau026atnu026au014b]n.发[擦]亮,增亮,照明; v.(使)发亮( brighten的现在分词 ); (使)生色; (使)生辉; (使)快乐;
2023-06-08 08:46:401


brightenedv.(使)发亮( brighten的过去式和过去分词 ); (使)生色; (使)生辉; (使)快乐; 形近词:frightenedheightenedbrightener双语例句 1Tubs planted with Wallflowers brightened the area outside the door.桂竹香盆栽为门外的景致增色不少。2Republican pickups in the Senate, and their takeover of the house, would seem to augur brightened prospects.不过,眼下共和党人在参议院实力上升,加之不久前他们拿下了众议院,这预示着这个议案的前景乐观。
2023-06-08 08:47:021


2023-06-08 08:47:081

英语中receive与accept的具体区别? bright brighting brighten的具体区别? shine shining的具体区别?

receive和accept都是接受的意思,但accept有一种意愿上接受的含义。bright原型 brighting现在行进时 brighten过去时 都是一个意思只是时态不同shine 和shining同理 shine是原型,shining是动名词或现在进行时
2023-06-08 08:48:002


只要你有钱 都可以试一试
2023-06-08 08:48:093


brightening[英][b"rau026atnu026au014b][美][b"rau026atnu026au014b]n.发[擦]亮,增亮,照明; v.(使)发亮( brighten的现在分词 ); (使)生色; (使)生辉; (使)快乐; 网络起光; 照明; 显白,显亮; 形近词:frighteningheightening双语例句 1The implementation of “ Light Engineering ” can stop criminals by brightening streets and alleys and installing lights at dead zones.实施“灯光工程”,特别是在死角区域加装照明灯,让街巷胡同亮起来,就会使犯罪分子不宜下手。2The brightening since 2006 could be caused by the black hole "s capturing winds from an orbiting star, or by a gas cloud that spiraled into the black hole.自2006年起的发亮可能是由于黑洞吸收了一个绕轨道而行的星星产生的风导致的,或者是由于一个气云盘旋进入了黑洞所致。
2023-06-08 08:48:171


brightening光亮双语对照词典结果:brightening[英][b"rau026atnu026au014b][美][b"rau026atnu026au014b]n.发[擦]亮,增亮,照明; v.(使)发亮( brighten的现在分词 ); (使)生色; (使)生辉; (使)快乐; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The brightening outlook in europe and asia and the improvement in u.s. credit markets and indicators reflect heavy government stimulus spending. 欧亚大陆上光明的前景以及美国信贷市场和信贷指数的改善都代表着政府庞大的经济刺激方案。
2023-06-08 08:48:251


bright的读音是:英[bra?t]。bright的读音是:英[bra?t]。bright的详尽释义是adj.(形容词)明亮的,光线充足的机灵的,聪明的,聪颖的,悟性强的有希望的,前途光明的,会成功的晴朗的生气勃勃的,欢快的鲜艳的,鲜亮的。bright【近义词】brilliant。一、详尽释义点此查看bright的详细内容adj.(形容词)明亮的,光线充足的机灵的,聪明的,聪颖的,悟性强的有希望的,前途光明的,会成功的晴朗的生气勃勃的,欢快的鲜艳的,鲜亮的adv.(副词)明亮地,光亮地欢快地鲜明地欢快地,愉快地n.(名词)光辉,光彩,显赫,杰出车头灯光壮丽,壮观亮色_null.John Bright 布莱特(1811-1889,英国政界人士,政治经济学家)二、双解释义adj.(形容词)光亮的,闪光的,发光的 giving out or throwing back light very strongly; full of light; shining鲜艳的,鲜亮的 (of a colour) strong, clear, and easily seen生气勃勃的,欢快的; 幸福的 full of life; cheerful; happy聪明的,伶俐的 clever; quick at learning前途光明的,有希望的 showing hope or signs of future success三、词典解释1.(颜色)鲜艳的,明亮的Abright colour is strong and noticeable, and not dark.bright在线翻译e.g. ...abright red dress.鲜红的连衣裙e.g. ...thebright uniforms of the guards parading at Buckingham Palace.参加白金汉宫阅兵式的卫兵们色彩鲜艳的制服brightly...a display of brightly coloured flowers.色彩艳丽的花卉展示brightnessYou"ll be impressed with the brightness and the beauty of the colors.色彩的明艳美丽会让你大饱眼福。2.(光线)充足的,明亮的Abright light, object, or place is shining strongly or is full of light.e.g. ...abright October day...10月的一天,天气晴朗e.g. She leaned forward, her eyesbright with excitement.她身体前倾,眼里闪动着兴奋的光芒。brightly...a warm, brightly lit room...温暖、灯火通明的房间The sun shone brightly.阳光灿烂。brightnessAn astronomer can determine the brightness of each star.天文学家能够测定每颗恒星的亮度。3.聪明的;伶俐的If you describe someone asbright, you mean that they are quick at learning things.bright在线翻译e.g. I was convinced that he was brighter than average.我确信他比一般人聪明。4.(主意)聪明的,巧妙的Abright idea is clever and original.e.g. There are lots of books crammed withbright ideas...许多书里都有很多绝妙的想法。e.g. Ford had thebright idea of paying workers enough to buy cars.福特公司想出了付给工人足够的薪水去购买汽车这一绝妙的主意。5.快乐的;活泼的;开朗的If someone looks or soundsbright, they look or sound cheerful and lively.e.g. The boy was sobright and animated...这个男孩活泼开朗,充满活力。e.g. "May I help you?" said abright American voice over the telephone.“请问您需要什么帮助?”电话里传出一个充满活力的美国人的声音。brightlyHe smiled brightly as Ben approached.本走过来时,他脸上露出灿烂的笑容。6.(未来)光明的,有希望的If the future isbright, it is likely to be pleasant or successful.e.g. Both had successful careers and the future lookedbright...两个人都事业有成,前程似锦。e.g. There are much brighter prospects for a comprehensive settlement than before.综合性的社区具有比以前更加光明的前景。7.(汽车或其他车辆)打开的前灯The brights on a car or other vehicle are the headlights when they are switched on fully.8.看光明的一面;抱乐观态度If youlook on the bright side, you try to be cheerful about a bad situation by thinking of some advantages that could result from it, or thinking that it is not as bad as it could have been.四、例句The bright moonlight showed the Taj Mahal in all its glory.泰姬陵在明亮的月光下显得光彩夺目。He grew up in the country, but then found he preferred the bright lights.他在乡村长大,但後来觉得很喜欢繁华的都市生活。He is not bright, but he always works hard.他并不聪明,但工作总是勤勤恳恳。The class are, in general, very bright.总的说来, 这个班级的学生都很聪明。What a nice bright day!今天天气多晴朗!The guard blew his whistle,waved his bright green flag.卫兵吹起哨,舞动起鲜艳的绿旗。Foresight tells us that China has a bright future.远瞻未来, 中国有着光明的前途。We must leave bright and early in the morning.我们必须一大清早就离开。You look better in bright colors like orange and red.你穿亮色的衣服感觉更好看,比如橙色和红色就不错。I wore my caot,with golden lining,bright colours shining,worderful and new.穿上彩衣,镶金色毛带,神奇而鲜艳亮色有光彩。五、常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.The bright lights arrested the boy"s attention.明亮的灯光吸引了这个男孩的注意。A bright rainbow arched above.一弯明亮的彩虹悬挂在天空。We walked home below a bright blue sky.在晴朗的蓝天下我们走回家中。The bright colours of the flowers arrested the girl"s attention.花的艳丽色彩引起了那姑娘的注意。The bright plumage of a parrot made it beloved by people.鹦鹉的一身华丽羽毛使人们很爱它。The boy is of a bright and cheerful disposition.那男孩性情欢快而开朗。They are in a bright humour.他们兴高采烈。He spoke at the meeting in a bright voice.他在会上大声地发言。Tom is a bright boy.汤姆是个聪明的男孩。That"s a bright idea.那是个好主意。You have a bright future.你前途光明。Only bright students are given scholarships.只有有才华的学生才能得到奖学金。Mary has a bright future before her.玛丽有着光明的前途。n. +~Have you got anything brighter?你们有更鲜艳些的颜色吗?用作表语S+be+~Sunshine is bright.日光是明亮的。A new tin pan is bright.新锡制炒锅是发亮的。In the morning it was bright.早晨天气非常晴朗。The room appeared much brighter than usual .这屋子看来比平时亮得多。The merchant is always bright.商人通常都聪明。Everything looks bright.看来一切都很美好。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseThe garden is bright with flowers.鲜花满园。Her face was bright with happiness.她高兴得满脸喜气。The resort is bright, busy and crowded with tourists.该旅游胜地游客拥挤,热闹而且生机勃勃。用作宾语补足语S+V+O+~We were surprised at finding the house clean, bright and spacious.我们惊奇地发现房子又干净又豁亮。Do you find him very bright?你发现他很聪明吗?六、情景对话工作bright的翻译A:Did you get the job?你得到那份工作了吗?brightB:Yes, I"ll be working in the development department.是的,我将在发展部工作。bright的翻译A:Did you meet your boss?你见过老板了吗?B:Just briefly. She seemed nice.只是简单地见了一面。她看上去不错。bright什么意思A:Will you have to work overtime?你需要加班吗?B:Sometimes. They said I should expect to work overtime once or twice a month.有时需要,他们说我一个月可能会加一俩次班。brightA:Is it paid or unpaid?有加班费吗?B:It"s unpaid, but I can then take an extra day off. So, if I work an extra 8 hours on a Thursday night, I can take Friday off.没有。但是我可以调休一天,也就是说,如果我周四晚上多工作了八个小时,周五就可以休息一天。brightA:That"s alright. It might be tiring, but then you can at least have a three-day holiday.那还好,可能会比较疲劳,但之后就可以享受至少三天的假期了。B:I think it"s great.我觉得这样也挺好的。bright的意思A:How about your daily office hours?你白天的工作时间是怎样的?B:It"s just a 9-5 job, with a 30 minute lunch break.朝九晚五,中午有30 分钟的午休时间。A:Did you meet your other colleagues?你见过其他同事了吗?brightB:I met the people from my department. They all seemed nice.见过我这个部门的了,他们看上去都很好。A:Do you have an office?你有自己的办公室吗?bright的意思B:Not yet. For now, I have to sit in a cubicle.还没有,现在只能坐在格子间里。A:How do you feel about that?感觉怎么样?B:I"m not ecstatic about it, but if nothing else, it will motivate me to work harder so I can get an office!不是太满意,但是如果没有其它选择,这倒可以激励我努力工作,那样就能有自己的办公室了。A:You"re always looking on thebright side of things!你总是看到事物好的一面。七、词语用法adj.(形容词)bright的基本意思是“发光的,明亮的”,主要用于发光,形容火或燃料时表示火焰旺。形容白天时则指无云无雾。用于颜色时意思是“鲜明的,鲜艳的,醒目的”。形容人时意思是“聪明的”“欢快的,生气勃勃的”,主要用于小孩或年轻人。bright也可指前景、前途“充满希望”。bright在句中可用作定语或表语,也可用作宾语补足语。bright可用very修饰。bright的相关近义词brilliant、gleaming、shining、shiny、cheerful、happy、lively、intense、vivid、clever、intelligent、keen、encouraging、favourable、promisingbright的相关反义词dim、dull、backward、boring、colourless、slow、stupidbright的相关临近词brighten、brigadier、brights、Brighty、brightic、brightly、brightish、Brightype、Brightman、Brightwen、brightray、brightism点此查看更多关于bright的详细信息
2023-06-08 08:48:341


2023-06-08 08:48:431

找首女生唱的英文歌,节奏欢快,歌词有“time goes back”,还重复唱“brighten”

女孩子不会忘记第一个喜欢过的男孩。甚至是尴尬的过去A girl will never forget the first boy she likes。Even if things don"t quite work out。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。..............。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
2023-06-08 08:49:037


and brighten my day照亮了我的白昼;照亮了我的每一天;点亮我的生活注:brighten 英 [u02c8brau026atn] 美 [u02c8brau026atn:] .vt. (使) 发亮; (使) 生色; (使) 生辉; (使) 快乐; [例句]Seeing him, she seemed to brighten a little.看到他后,她似乎露出点儿喜色。
2023-06-08 08:49:171


you are the sunshine,make our future brightly.
2023-06-08 08:49:387

化妆品广告词中的 “焕亮” 英文怎么写?

brighten 应该可以
2023-06-08 08:49:533


2023-06-08 08:50:012

明亮的英文翻译,t 开头?

2023-06-08 08:50:095

brighten up什么意思

2023-06-08 08:50:324


2023-06-08 08:50:421

英语Brighten up怎么翻译?

2023-06-08 08:50:507


2023-06-08 08:51:051

brighten up my days

2023-06-08 08:51:121

brighten 和 light 变亮 有区别吗?

2023-06-08 08:51:301


问题一:亮的英文怎么写 有道词典找到的: 亮 [liàng] 形容词 1. (光线强; 明亮) bright; light: light and spacious; 敞亮 The floor has been scrubbed clean and shiny. 地板擦得真亮。 2. (声音强; 响亮) loud and clear; resounding: loud and clear; sonorous; 洪亮 She has a resonant voice. 她的嗓子真亮。 3. (开朗; 清楚) enlightened; open and clear: be sharp-eyed and clearheaded; 心明眼亮 I find what you say most enlightening. 你这一说, 我心里头亮了。 名词 1. (灯光; 亮光) light: Please move a little further; you"re standing in my light. 请移开一些, 你挡我的亮了。 2. (姓氏) a surname: Liang Fu 亮父 动词 1. (发光) light; brighten; shine: light the kerosene lamp; 亮起煤油灯 He flashed the torch on for a second. 他把手电筒亮了一下。 2. (使声音响亮) lift voice; resound: lift one"s voice 亮起嗓子 3. (显露; 显示) reveal; show; appear; display: disclose one"s plan; tell the whole thing; 把底儿亮出来 declare one"s position; air one"s view; 亮观点 问题二:亮了英文怎么说 亮了 Bright 亮了 Bright 问题三:亮的英语是什么 shining adj. 闪亮的 bling-bling adj.[俚]闪闪发亮的 light n.光,亮 问题四:亮的英文名怎么写 bright 问题五:漂亮的英文怎么写 1)是想知道意思吗? beautiful - 美丽 pretty - 漂亮 handsome - 英俊 畅orgeous - 华丽 brilliant- 杰出 good-looking - 好看 2)还是想问要怎么写出好看的英文字体? 只有一个诀窍,多写多练习!
2023-06-08 08:51:371

bright 过去式系咩??

bright 过去式系咩?? brought brought brought 2007-02-08 19:26:47 补充: 楼下个位是错!大家都有所不知!我都系查字典先知道!bring 和 bright 共同点的过去式都是brought 2007-02-08 19:28:48 补充: 不信我既话就去以下网址 brought 参考: 字典 brought 参考: me bright 并非动词,所以并无过去式。近似意思的动词是brighten,过去式是brightened。 bright是形容词 它的动词是brighten 过去式是brightened brightened 2007-02-08 19:25:15 补充: bright 系 adjective adverb or noun...verb系brighten 尼个系形容词 只有动词先有过去式 所以尼个冇过去式!! 2007-02-08 19:24:35 补充: 楼上个位brought系bring过去式 唔识唔好教人 2007-02-08 19:25:47 补充: brighten(动) 使明亮; 使快乐高兴 使开颜; 使闪亮 使生辉; 使活跃; 明亮 变明亮; 快乐高兴 开颜; 闪亮 生辉; 活跃 bright(形) 明亮的 聪明的 两个唔同 所以唔系brightened
2023-06-08 08:51:441


shining adj. 闪亮的bling-bling adj.[俚]闪闪发亮的light n.光,亮
2023-06-08 08:51:532


2023-06-08 08:52:013


英 [b"rau026atnu026au014b]美 [b"rau026atnu026au014b]n.发[擦]亮,增亮,照明v.(使)发亮( brighten的现在分词 ); (使)生色; (使)生辉; (使)快乐
2023-06-08 08:52:093


brighten[英][u02c8brau026atn][美][u02c8brau026atn:]vt.& vi.(使)发亮; (使)生色; (使)生辉; (使)快乐; 第三人称单数:brightens现在分词:brightening过去式:brightened过去分词:brightened形近词:Brightenbrightlybrighterfrighten
2023-06-08 08:52:161


Bright是英语单词的一个形容词,可以表示明亮、晴朗、聪明等含义,具体用法如下:表示亮度高的情况。例如,bright sunlight(强烈的阳光)、bright stars(明亮的星星)等。表示清晰、明显的情况。例如,bright color(明亮的颜色)、bright future(光明的未来)等。表示聪明或高智商的情况。例如,bright student(聪明的学生)、bright idea(机智的想法)等。表示充满希望、积极向上的情况。例如,bright prospects(光明前途)、brighten up(使变得更加明亮和有希望)等。同时,bright还可以作为动词,表示变得更明亮、更清楚、变得更加兴奋等意思。例如,the sky brightened up(天空变得更加明亮)、my mood brightened(我的心情变得更加光明)等。在口语和书面语中都经常使用bright这个词,具体含义需要根据上下文来理解。
2023-06-08 08:52:241


2023-06-08 08:52:501


以en结尾的英语单词有很多,比如widen(使)加宽、broaden(使)扩宽、brighten (使)明亮、lighten减轻,点亮,启发、lengthen(使)变长、strengthen加强,巩固、deepen加深、darken变黑,转暗、tighten(使)变紧,(使)绷紧、zen禅、ben起居室、heaven天国,上帝,等等。 扩展资料 短语 You brighten你让人眼前一亮 Brighten someone照亮人家 Prospects Brighten前景光明 deepen understanding加深理解 deepen reformation深化改革 darken ship灯火管制 Skies Darken唱片名 tighten belt节省开支 Tighten bolts拧紧螺栓
2023-06-08 08:52:561


2023-06-08 08:53:351


Bright有三种词性及意思:adj. 明亮的,鲜亮的;聪明的;辉煌的;活泼的,机灵的,乖巧的adv. 明亮地,光明地,光亮地;欢快地,愉快地n. 车头灯;光辉,辉煌bright 不是动词,所以没有过去式的。
2023-06-08 08:53:432


bright-end 意思是 辉煌的结局
2023-06-08 08:53:512

这两个英语单词starve brighten 怎么读

starve英 [stɑu02d0v] 美 [stɑu02d0rv]brighten_英:[u02c8brau026atn] 美:[u02c8brau026atn]
2023-06-08 08:53:571