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2023-06-08 10:08:04


Lest year more than one million Filipinos worked abroad as servants, nurses,sailors and in other difficult but low paid jobs. Southeast Asians leave their poorer countries for their richer neighbours.


Many of these wage earners return in the end. In the meantime, they send home huge amounts of money-in the Philippines" case, over 10% of its GDP.


Between January and November, the amount was up 18% on the same period of 2005, Poverty and unemployment are still bigh in the Philippines and other labour exporring(劳务输出)countries.


They would be far worse but for this outflow of bodies and inflow of doflars As for those Asian countries that inport (输入)labour,as in Europe, falling birth rates mean they are going to need more foreign workers.


On Jamuary 13th leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)signed an agreement to help migrant(流动的)workers-with the realization that the flow of labour between their countries is a growing problem that they cannot blame on outsiders.


A 2005 study showed that 8.4 million Southeast Asians worked outside their home countries, but this did not include the huge numbers of Indonesians doing so without papers. So the true total is probably rather higher.


Of the ten ASEAN countries, the Philippines,Indonesia, Myanmar,Carnbodia,Victram and Lacs export labour, Singapore and Brunci import it, and Thailand and Malaysia do both.


Sriracaki of the UN"s Internstional Labour Organiztion points out that,in the next ten years,the total labour foree of the worker expotting countries should grow by about a third. It makes semse to work on the problem before it gets out of control.


People in the receiving countries seem to be worried about competition for their jobs.Most Thais said theit government should admit (准入) no more foreign workers, and a few thought otherwise.


Even in Singapore,just over ball of people are against adunitting more foreign workers. Malaysians think that the incrcase in foreign workers has worsened crime rates(犯罪率).








许多这些打工仔返回在年底。在此期间,他们发送的主页大量的金钱-在菲律宾的情况下,超过10 %其国内生产总值的。 1月至11月,金额高达18 % ,对同一时期的2005年,贫困和失业仍然是bigh在菲律宾和其他劳工exporring (劳务输出)的国家。他们将远远差,但这个机构的流出和流入的doflars至于那些亚洲国家的inport (输入)劳工,在欧洲,下降的出生率意味着他们将需要更多的外国工人。

对jamuary第十三届领导人对东南亚国家联盟(东盟)签署了一项协议,以帮助移民(流动的)工人-与实现该流之间的劳动他们的国家是一个日益严重的问题,他们不能责怪于外人。 2005年的研究表明, 8400000东南亚工作,在其本国以外的国家,不过,这并不包括大量的印尼人这样做,没有证件。因此,真正的总数可能是相当高。

该10东盟国家,菲律宾,印尼,缅甸, carnbodia , victram和lacs出口劳工,新加坡和brunci的进口,以及泰国和马来西亚两者都做。 sriracaki对联合国的internstional劳工organiztion指出,在未来十年,总劳动foree的工人expotting国家应增加约三分之一。它使semse工作,对这个问题,才失控的控制。

人在接受国似乎担心竞争,为他们jobs.most泰国theit说,政府应该承认, (准入)没有更多的外国工人,和少数的思想,否则。即使在新加坡,刚刚超过球的人是反对adunitting更多的外国工人。马来西亚人认为, incrcase在外国工人的恶化,犯罪率(犯罪率) 。


不会!~ 少点 或许有点耐性帮帮你!~太多了!~ 还是花钱找人吧!~



Asians n. 亚洲人( Asian的名词复数 ); [例句]Traditionally young Asians in Britain have gravitated towards medicine, law and engineering.英国的亚裔年轻人通常被吸引到医学、法律及工程专业。[其他] 原型: Asian
2023-06-08 07:15:591

Asian和Asians区别,we are Asian.能否等于we are Asians.?

Asian n.亚洲人; adj.亚洲的,亚洲人的; Asians n.亚洲人( Asian的名词复数 ); 看到了吧,两者最主要的区别在于前者可用做形容词,而后者仅仅是一个名词复数 你这里的两句话可以等效 但是其他时候就要看情况 主要意思是突出亚洲的,亚洲人的的话就用前者,而主要突出是亚洲人且为复数的话就用后者
2023-06-08 07:16:061

Asian和Asians区别,we are Asian。能否等于we are Asians.?

Asiann.亚洲人; adj.亚洲的,亚洲人的;Asiansn.亚洲人( Asian的名词复数 );看到了吧,两者最主要的区别在于前者可用做形容词,而后者仅仅是一个名词复数你这里的两句话可以等效但是其他时候就要看情况主要意思是突出亚洲的,亚洲人的的话就用前者,而主要突出是亚洲人且为复数的话就用后者望采纳
2023-06-08 07:16:131


2023-06-08 07:16:234

“ 亚洲 ”英语单词怎么拼

asia 首字母大写
2023-06-08 07:16:535


问题一:华裔用英语怎么说 ethnic Chinese 例如:About 20% of the city is of ethnic Chinese origin now。 现在这个城市20%的人口都是华裔中国人。 问题二:亚洲人用英语怎么说 Asian 亚洲人 诚然,亚洲人有些事情做对了。 Indeed, Asians have some things right. 问题三:“美籍华人”用英语如何表达? 华籍美人:American Chinese American Chinese则是指那些暂时居住在美国(如驻美记者,外交官等)的中国人 美籍华人即华裔美国人。美籍华人是指原来具有中国国籍的由于历史、生活等原因而加入美国国籍(放弃中国国籍)的人或指具有华人血统的美国籍公民。美籍华人是全球华人群体的一部分。其中包括美国籍台湾人、美国籍华裔新加坡人以及从世界上其他国家移民到美国并加入美国国籍的华裔。2007年美籍华人总数有3,538,407,占亚裔美国人口的23.3定,美国总人口的1%,高于其他亚裔在美国所占的比例。 问题四:华裔英语怎么说 你记住,这种复合词,最后一个词定性 在这个例子里,最后一个词决定国籍 所以只能说 Chinese-american 华裔美国人 跟中文表达方式不一样 问题五:亚洲用英语怎么说 用A还是AN 亚洲就是 Asia 不加冠词a, an 攻者 the ------ 亚洲人 Asian 因为是元音发音 a 开头,所以一个亚洲人 an Asian ^^ 问题六:他是美国华裔的英文怎么说 一般用Chinese American指美国华裔 He is Chinese American. 问题七:欧洲人或欧洲的 亚洲人或亚洲的 用英语怎么说 10分 European 欧洲人、欧洲的 Asian 亚洲人、亚洲的 问题八:华裔 英文怎么说 foreign citizen of Chinese origin
2023-06-08 07:17:221


2023-06-08 07:17:311


亚洲人用英语怎么说 Asian 亚洲人 诚然,亚洲人有些事情做对了。 Indeed, Asians have some things right. 亚洲用英语怎么说 用A还是AN 亚洲就是 Asia不加冠词a, an 攻者 the ------ 亚洲人 Asian 因为是元音发音 a 开头,所以一个亚洲人 an Asian ^^ 亚洲英语怎么说 Asia 亚洲这个英语单词用英语怎么说 Asia 英[u02c8eu026au0292u0259] 美[u02c8eu026au0292u0259] n. 亚洲; [例句]The Bering Strait parts North America from Asia. 白令海峡把北美洲和亚洲分开。 亚洲英文的读音 Asia 报错 英 [u02c8eu026au0292u0259;u02c8eu026au0283u0259] 美 [u02c8eu0292u0259;u02c8eu0283u0259] n. 亚洲 亚洲英文怎么写 Asia 英 [u02c8eu026au0292u0259] 美 [u02c8eu026au0292u0259] n. 亚洲 双语例句 The Bering Strait parts North America from Asia. 白令海峡把北美洲和亚洲分开。 Eastern Asia,英文怎么念? 我用汉语标注读音:一思特恩 A射东亚的意思
2023-06-08 07:17:451

Asian 的中文意思

亚洲的 亚洲人
2023-06-08 07:18:044


2023-06-08 07:18:125


Asian Countries
2023-06-08 07:18:272


2023-06-08 07:18:445


Asian 英[ˈeɪʃn] 美[ˈeɪʃn] n. 亚洲人; adj. 亚洲的; [例句]The centre has a remit to advise Asian businesses and entrepreneurs.这个中心有为亚洲的企业和企业家提供建议的职能。[其他] 复数:Asians
2023-06-08 07:18:572

A and B are Asian还是Asians?(American or Americans

2023-06-08 07:19:065


有 就是“japs”
2023-06-08 07:19:212

黄种人 英语怎么说

yellow skin asians
2023-06-08 07:19:304

asians in the promised land翻译

asians in the promised land翻译是应许之地的亚洲人。亚洲人:1、在美国、加拿大及澳大利亚,亚洲人一词通常指东亚人;而在英国及英语系非洲国家,亚洲人通常指南亚人,华人等族裔则另称“东亚人”。2、黑而直的头发,再未经漂染和电发前,头发不能泛黄,或天生卷曲。不论男女,皮肤细腻,光滑,富有光泽。体味清谈,没有浓重的体味,更不能有狐臭。内双丹凤眼。3、耳朵内呈非油性,即为干性。在决定耳内干湿的等位基因里,决定湿耳的G是显性基因,决定干耳的A是隐性基因。A是由G突变而来的。AG和GG湿耳,AA干耳。小脚趾有大小两片趾甲。鼻子高而直,但不能勾鼻。亚洲:1、亚洲曾译作“亚细亚洲”和“亚西亚洲”,是七大洲中面积最大、人口最多的一个洲。2、亚洲绝大部分地区位于北半球和东半球,与非洲的分界线为苏伊士运河,与欧洲的分界线为乌拉尔山脉、乌拉尔河、里海、大高加索山脉、土耳其海峡和黑海。同时亚洲也是世界三大宗教佛教、伊斯兰教、基督教的发源地。3、大陆东至白令海峡的杰日尼奥夫角,南至丹绒比亚,西至巴巴角,北至莫洛托夫角,最高峰为珠穆朗玛峰。跨越经纬度十分广,东西时差达11~13小时。西部与欧洲相连,形成地球上最大的陆块欧亚大陆。
2023-06-08 07:19:481

Crazy Rich Asians,亚裔电影在好莱坞的突破

最近在美国,有一部电影很火,Crazy Rich Asians,中文翻译成《摘金奇缘》,我和我家先生去看了两遍,第一遍是奔着亚裔电影的宣传和女主Constance Wu吴恬敏去的。 在电影上映前,导演Jon M Chu就说,现在好莱坞至少有五六部亚裔演员主演的电影尚在计划中,制片人都在等着看Crazy Rich Asians的票房,它是否成功将决定其他电影是否有机会搬上大银幕。单凭这个理由,我们就决定去支持一下这部电影。而且,电影的女主,Constance Wu也是我们喜欢的演员,在美国的亚裔演员中,我们觉得她是符合不同审美要求且演技在线的,我之前看过她主演的美剧《Fresh Off the Boat》,讲述华裔家庭在美国生活的故事。 第一次去看的时候,我以为电影里的观众应该大部分是亚洲人,其实不是,我们看的首映场,基本满员了,还好我们有提前订票。不到两个小时的电影,时不时会引发场内观众的笑声,影片结束的时候,我家先生就说,他觉得,这部片子应该票房不错,里面很多的美式幽默为这部爱情喜剧增色不少。 说实话,第一次看完,我并没有像他一样对这部电影称赞有加,在我看来,这是一个好莱坞版的“麻雀变凤凰”或“霸道总裁爱上我”,始终还是有一种言情玛丽苏的套路感,说到底,故事的主要内容就是Constance Wu饰演的Rachel, 作为一个在纽约土生土长的女生爱上了一个新加坡富二代,当面对富二代挑剔的母亲时,他们的爱情受到了考验,最终他们还是冲破金钱和世俗的障碍走到了一起,获得真爱和幸福。在我看来,故事简单的甚至有点儿俗。不过还好,女主的人设不是一个傻白甜,而是一个有主见有思想的独立的女性。 可是,我家先生完全不这么想。他认为,这部电影成功的地方就在于并没有讲述一个复杂的故事,这样一个简单的爱情故事在世界上任何一个国家都可能发生,无论什么民族,什么肤色,这样简单的爱情喜剧的主题是一个会让所有人接受的命题,包括好莱坞,从而弱化亚裔制作的主观预判。亚裔阵容制作,这个宣传已经铺天盖地了,如果讲述的还是一个只有亚裔,只有华人才能引起共鸣的故事,那对于亚裔电影在好莱坞的发展可能帮助就有限了。 的确,这部电影不完全只有亚裔给予了支持,自上映以来,各地的影评和口碑都不错。对好莱坞来说,这是一部让亚裔有亲切感让其他观众也有兴趣观看的爱情喜剧,这样的定位绝对是这部电影票房成功的基础。 除此之外,我家先生曾经在新加坡生活了五年,后来因为工作,搬家到美国纽约,里面新加坡的取景让他很兴奋,在他看来,电影表现出来的狮城真实而美好,基本新加坡的地标式景点都出现了。至于剧情里让我有些吐槽的挑剔婆婆的形象,让人感觉好像亚裔家庭婆婆都不好相处,他认为,那本身就是我理解的太狭隘了,这部电影的主创团队都是美国亚裔,他们拍故事的思想多少带有“Banana”的视角,他们展现出的是他们所认为的传统思想与现代思想,传统家庭婚姻下的老一辈人与出生美国的华裔新一辈人的观念冲突,如果从Asia-American的角度来看,电影的剧情是合理的,人物的形象塑造也都立的起来。 他对这部电影的分析头头是道,我也觉得有些道理,我们决定再去看一次,一方面,支持在好莱坞打拼的亚裔制作团队,毕竟这是继25年前的《喜福会》之后,又一部全亚裔演员的电影。另一方面,重新体会电影中的人物和细节。 第二遍观影之后,虽然我对电影中呈现的亚洲的美学,尤其服装,仍持保留意见。但是,对于杨紫琼饰演的婆婆这个人物,不但不再排斥,反而觉得她优雅和善良。在电影中,她对女主的挑剔和不认可,并不完全是固守自己家族传统文化的自我,还有对Rachel无法适应和接受这种家族生活的担忧,从女人的立场,她的生活经历告诉她,作为一个亚洲富豪之家的女主人,除了别人看到的光鲜亮丽,为了丈夫和孩子,她付出的心血也是别人不可想象的,她觉得眼前这个Banana女孩不适合他们的家庭,不单单是从金钱上的衡量,更多的是从价值观上“门当户对”的考虑,她觉得,这个有才华有主见的女孩不需要再经历她所经历的生活。 最后,他们两人在麻将馆摊牌,麻将代表了传统文化,Rachel明明赢了却把关键的那张牌让出,但是表明立场,是我退出让你赢,并不代表我真的输了。这场戏,我家先生认为,真的是大快人心。麻将的场景设置表明了女主对传统文化的了解,她的让牌在于她对传统家庭观念的尊重,而她让牌后,不是隐忍不发,委屈中成全自己的伟大,恰恰相反,她高调亮牌,宣示自己的立场和观点,这是女主现代价值观的体现,自我直率,敢于选择,也勇于放弃,但个人主见清楚明了。我家先生说,他特别怕结尾的时候,设置成女主让牌,然后悄然离去,若干年后,男友和婆婆发现她用心良苦…… 我们觉得,全剧不拖泥带水,没有女友见家长的各种心计和撕逼,在合理的剧情下表现东西方爱情与家庭观念的不同,表现不同世代之间,传统与现代的文化之间的冲突与碰撞。作为一部亚裔视角的好莱坞电影,Crazy Rich Asians取得了成功和突破。 我们也把这部电影推荐给了很多朋友,大家的观后感都不错。但是也确实有不少遗憾之处,例如,剧中对女性的刻画比较丰满,而男主和一些男性角色就显得很单薄了。 作为一部华纳兄弟投资的好莱坞电影,作为一部全亚裔演员的爱情喜剧,Crazy Rich Asians在美国电影市场成功了,被称为“现象级”电影。希望创造无数电影奇迹的好莱坞,可以出现更多多元化视角的电影,让不同的文化元素成为好莱坞的重要组成部分。
2023-06-08 07:20:321


One of four Asians is an Asian
2023-06-08 07:20:425

western not as good now for me to like I like asians这里的as是什么意思?

【westerners 】not as good now for me to like. I like Asiansas用在比较结构中,这里是形容词good的同等比较,只是省略了后面搭配的另一个as。as的意思应该是【象、、、、、一样】。句子意思:对我来说西方人现在并不像(以前)那样好而让我喜欢。我现在喜欢亚洲人。祝你开心如意!
2023-06-08 07:21:091


亚洲区预选赛的英文:Asian zone qualifiersasian是什么意思:n. 亚洲人adj. 亚洲(人)的For West Asians, being kept 对西亚人来说,Most of Asians are yellow.大多数亚洲人都是黄皮肤的。Asian fruit similar to litchi.类似荔枝的亚洲水果。 zone是什么意思:n. 地区;气候带;(使)分成区(或带)congregation zone集合带 calm zone of Cancer北半球副热带无风带 grain refined zone再结晶区 qualifiers是什么意思:n. 合格者,修饰语You are not qualified for this job.你不适合这份工作。pointer qualifier指示修饰语 Are you qualified to be a doctor?你当医生够格吗?
2023-06-08 07:21:171

Asian和Asians区别,we are Asian.能否等于we are Asians.?

Asian n.亚洲人; adj.亚洲的,亚洲人的; Asians n.亚洲人( Asian的名词复数 ); 看到了吧,两者最主要的区别在于前者可用做形容词,而后者仅仅是一个名词复数 你这里的两句话可以等效 但是其他时候就要看情况 主要意思是突出亚洲的,亚洲人的的话就用前者,而主要突出是亚洲人且为复数的话就用后者
2023-06-08 07:21:361


亚洲人用英语Asian people.
2023-06-08 07:21:442


2023-06-08 07:21:512

亚洲用英语怎么说 用A还是AN一个亚洲人用

an Asian
2023-06-08 07:22:053


Deng YapingDeng Yaping, 28, from Henan Province, is a talented woman player of table tennis. She was the table tennis champion of the ll th Asian Games and the 41st World Tabte Tennis Championship. And in the 25th Olympic Games she won two gold medals. Why can she make such brilliant achievements with the disadvantage of her short figure? Her hard work and determination to succeed helped her to overcome many disadvantages. At the age of 4, she began to play table tennis underthe guidance of her tather. When she was 8, she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school. In 1988 she became a member of the National Training Team. On her way to success, she proved that height was nothing and hard work was everything. 邓亚萍邓亚萍,女,28岁,河南人,一位杰出的乒乓球运动员。她分别在11后亚运会和41届世界乒乓球锦标赛上获得冠军,并在25后奥运全中获得两枚金牌。为什么她能在个子不高的状况下取得如此辉煌的成就呢?是她的勤奋和决心弥补了她的缺陷,指引她走向成功。4岁时,她在父亲的指导下开始打乒乓球;8岁时就夺得业余体校全国冠军;1998年,成为国家集训队员。在成功的路上,她向我们证明了:个子矮小并不重要,勤奋才是成功的关键。下载Now, the VOA Special English program, Words and Their Stories. Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees. It is also the color of most growing plants. Sometimes, the word green means young, fresh and growing. Sometimes, it describes something that is not yet ripe or finished. For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experience, who is new to a situation. In the fifteenth century, a greenhorn was a young cow or ox whose horns had not yet developed. A century or so later, a greenhorn was a soldier who had not yet had any experience in battle. By the eighteenth century, a greenhorn had the meaning it has today - a person who is new in a job. About one hundred years ago, greenhorn was a popular expression in the American west. Old-timers used it to describe a man who had just arrived from one of the big cities back east. The greenhorn lacked the skills he would need to live in the hard, rough country.Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb. The expression comes from the early nineteen hundreds. A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well. You might say that the woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died. The Green Revolution is the name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains. The new plants produced much larger crops. The Green Revolution was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs. Green is also the color used to describe the powerful emotion, jealousy. The green-eyed monster is not a frightening creature from outer space. It is an expression used about four hundred years ago by British writer William Shakespeare in his play "Othello."It describes the unpleasant feeling a person has when someone has something he wants. A young man may suffer from the green-eyed monster if his girlfriend begins going out with someone else. Or, that green-eyed monster may affect your friend if you get a pay raise and she does not. In most places in the world, a green light is a sign to move ahead. A green light on a traffic signal means your car can continue on. In everyday speech, a green light means approval to continue with a project. We want you to know we have a green light to continue this series next week. This VOA Special English program, Words and Their Stories, was written by Marilyn Christiano. I"m Warren Scheer.Why They Excel Fox Butterfield Kim-Chi Trinh was just nine when her father used his savings to buy a passage for her on a fishing boat that would carry her from Vietnam. It was a heartbreaking and costly sacrifice for the family, placing Kim-Chi on the small boat, among strangers, in hopes that she would eventually reach the United States, where she would get a good education and enjoy a better life. It was a hard journey for the little girl, and full of risks. Long before the boat reached safety, the supplies of food and water ran out. When Kim-Chi finally made it to the US, she had to cope with a succession of three foster families. But when she graduated from San Diego"s Patrick Henry High School in 1988, she had straight A"s and scholarship offers from some of the most prestigious universities in the country. "I have to do well," says the 19-year-old, now a second-year student at Cornell University. "I owe it to my parents in Vietnam." Kim-Chi is part of a wave of bright, highly - motivated Asian - Americans who are suddenly surging into our best colleges. Although Asian - Americans make up only 2.4 percent of the nation"s population, they constitute 17.1 percent of the undergraduates at Harvard, 18 percent at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and 27.3 percent at the University of California at Berkeley. Why are Asian - Americans doing so well? Are they grinds, as some stereotypes suggest? Do they have higher IQs? Or can we learn a lesson from them about values we have long treasured but may have misplaced — like hard work, the family and education? Not all Asians are doing equally well; poorly - educated Cambodian refugee children, for instance, often need special help. And many Asian - Americans resent being labeled a "model minority," feeling that this is reverse discrimination by white Americans — a contrast to the laws that excluded most Asian immigrants from the US until 1965, but prejudice nevertheless. The young Asians" achievements have led to a series of fascinating studies. Perhaps the most disturbing results come from the research carried out by a University of Michigan psychologist, Harold W. Stevenson, who has compared more than 7,000 students in kindergarten, first grade, third grade and fifth grade in Chicago and Minneapolis with counterparts in Beijing, Taipei and Sendai. On a battery of math tests, the Americans did worst at all grade levels. Stevenson found no differences in IQ. But if the differences in performance are showing up in kindergarten, it suggests something is happening in the family, even before the children get to school. It is here that various researchers" different studies converge: Asian parents are motivating their children better. "The bottom line is, Asian kids work hard," Stevenson says. The real question, then, is how Asian parents imbue their offspring with this kind of motivation. Stevenson"s study suggests a critical answer. When asked why they think their children do well, most Asian parents said "hard work." By contrast, American parents said "talent." "From what I can see," criticizes Stevenson, "we"ve lost our faith in the idea that we can all get ahead in life through hard work. Instead, Americans now believe that some kids have what it takes and some don"t. So we start dividing up classes into‘fast learners"and‘slow learners", whereas the Chinese and Japanese feel all children can succeed in the same curriculum." This belief in hard work is the first of three main factors contributing to Asian students" outstanding performance. It springs from Asians" common heritage of Confucianism, the philosophy of the 5th-century-BC Chinese sage whose teachings have had a profound influence on Chinese society. One of Confucius"s primary teachings is that through effort, people can perfect themselves. Confucianism provides another important ingredient in the Asians" success as well. In Confucian philosophy, the family plays a central role — an orientation that leads people to work for the honor of the family, not just for themselves. One can never repay one"s parents, and there"s a sense of obligation or even guilt that is as strong a force among Asians as Protestant philosophy is in the West. There"s yet another major factor in this bond between Asian parents and their children. During the 15 years I lived in China, Japan, and Vietnam, I noticed that Asian parents establish a closer physical tie to their infants than most parents in the United States. When I let my baby daughter crawl on the floor, for example, my Chinese friends were horrified and rushed to pick her up. We think this constant attention is old-fashioned or even unhealthy, but for Asians, it"s highly effective. Can we learn anything from the Asians? "I"m not naive enough to think everything in Asia can be transplanted," says Stevenson. But he offered three recommendations. "To start with," he says, "we need to set higher standards for our kids. We wouldn"t expect them to become professional athletes without practicing hard." Second, American parents need to become more committed to their children"s education, he declares. "Being understanding when a child doesn"t do well isn"t enough." Stevenson found that Asian parents spend more time helping their children with homework or writing to their teachers than American parents do. And, third, our schools could be reorganized in simple but effective ways, says Stevenson. Nearly 90 percent of Chinese youngsters say they actually enjoy school, and 60 percent can"t wait for school vacations to end. This is a vastly more positive attitude than youngsters in The US express. One reason may be that students in China and Japan typically have a break after each class, helping them to relax and to increase their attention spans. "I don"t think Asians are any smarter," says Don Lee, an Asian-American student at Berkeley. "There are brilliant Americans in my chemistry class. But the Asian students work harder. I see a lot of wasted potential among the Americans." (975 words) New Words excel v. (at) be the beat or better others (at sth.) 胜过他人 savings n. money saved, esp. in a bank 积蓄;存款 heartbreaking a. which causes great sorrow 令人悲痛的,令人心碎的 costly a. expensive, costing a lot of money 代价高昂的;昂贵的 sacrifice n. loss or giving up of sth. of value, esp. for what is believed to be a good purpose 牺牲 vt. 牺牲 risk n. (of) a danger;sth. that might have undesirable results 危险;风险 vt. place in a dangerous situation 使遭受危险;冒…的风险 cope vi. (with) deal successfully (with a difficult situation) (妥善地)应付或处理 succession n. a series or the act of following one after the other (前后相接的)一系列,一连串;连续 successive a. following each other closely 接连的,连续的,相继的 *foster a. 收养孩子的;寄养的 vt. 收养;照料 scholarship n. 1. 奖学金 2. 学识;学术成就 owe vt. (to) 1. have sth. (usually sth. good) because of 把…归功于 2. have to pay, for sth. already done or given 欠 owing a. (to) still to be paid 未付的,欠着的 motivate vt. (often pass.) 1. provide (sb.) with a (strong) need, purpose or reason for doing sth. [常被动] 激发…的积极性 2. 使有动机 *surge vi. move, esp. forward, in or like powerful waves (如浪潮般) 汹涌;奔腾 n. (感情等的)洋溢或奔放 constitute vt. 1. form or make up 形成;构成 2. formally establish or appoint 组建;选派 constitution n. 1. the act of establishing, making, or setting up;constituting 制定;设立;组成 2. (often cap.) [常大写] 宪法;法规;章程 *constitutional a. allowed or limited by a political constitution 宪法规定的;合乎宪法的 grind n. (AmE, often derog.) a student who is always working (美)〔常贬义〕用功的学生,书呆子 vt. 磨;磨碎 *stereotype n. a fixed pattern which is believed to represent a type of person or event 固定形式,老套 misplace vt. 1. lose (sth.),usu. for only a limited time (暂时)丢弃 2. put in an unsuitable or wrong place 把…放错地方 refugee n. sb. who has been forced to leave their country for political reason or during a war 难民;流亡者 *resent vt. feel anger and dislike about sth. 对…表示愤恨 label vt. 1. describe as belonging to a particular kind or class 把…称为;把…列为 2. 加标签于;用标签标明 n. 标签 minority n. 1. a small part of a population which is different from others in race, religion, etc. 少数民族;少数派 2. the small number or part;less than half 少数 minor a. 较少的,较小的 *discrimination n. 1. the practice of unfairly treating sb. or sth. 区别对待;歧视 2. the ability to recognize the difference between two things 识别力;辨别力 reverse discrimination the making of distinctions in favour of groups considered disadvantaged or underprivileged 逆向歧视,反其道而行之的歧视 *discriminate v. 1. (against, in favor of) unfairly treat one person or group worse or better than others 有差别地对待 2. see or make a difference between things or people 区别,辨别,区分 contrast n. (to, with) a strong difference between two people, objects or situations 对比;对照 v. examine
2023-06-08 07:22:131

How do you think of stereotpye?急 英文答案 谢谢

2023-06-08 07:22:215


亚洲裔美国人的英文:asian-americanasian是什么意思:n. 亚洲人adj. 亚洲(人)的For West Asians, being kept 对西亚人来说,Most of Asians are yellow.大多数亚洲人都是黄皮肤的。Asian fruit similar to litchi.类似荔枝的亚洲水果。 Asian values are not necessarily authoritarian.亚洲价值观并不一定是权力主义的。He is bilingual in an Asian language and English.他会说一门亚洲语言和一门英语。american是什么意思:n. 美国人;美国英语adj. 美国的,美式的It is the american way.这就是美国人生活方式。He is typically American.他是典型的美国人。This community was the heart of the American Establishment.这个集团是美国权势集团的心脏。 AMC = American Mining Congress美国采矿协会 It is truly a piece of American history. 这是一段活的美国历史。
2023-06-08 07:22:451

That is () Asian tiger 用a还是an

用an 因为asian 发元音 Asian[英][ˈeɪʒən,ˈeɪʃən] [美][ˈeʒən,ˈeʃən] n.亚洲人adj.亚洲的,亚洲人的 复数:Asians;
2023-06-08 07:22:541

asian driver什么意思

asian driver亚洲的司机Asian英 [u02c8eu026au0283n] 美 [u02c8eu0292u0259n, u02c8eu0283u0259n]n.亚洲人adj.亚洲的,亚洲人的亚洲;亚复数: Asians driver英 [u02c8drau026avu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8drau026avu025a]n.驾驶员,司机; 驱动器,驱动程序; 驱逐者,驱赶者; (高尔夫球)球棒司机;驱动程序;驾驶员;驱动复数: drivers派生词:driverless
2023-06-08 07:23:021


make +宾语+do
2023-06-08 07:23:113

america and americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the europeans and asians whose econom...

我觉得这是很不规范的英语可能是我少见多怪了吧我觉得句子应该是whose economies that had been destroyed in the war
2023-06-08 07:23:373


不反对华人用这个词,只希望用这个词的华人,在面对黑人的时候别怂。众所周知,Nigga一词可译作黑佬,被频繁的用在黑人的rap里面。后来听说了Chigga一词,就有一些懵懂,虽然查到一些解释:Asians influenced by Hip Hop.但是白人rapper也并没有造出Whigga一类的词汇呀。而白人rap中,则用的是Honkey一词。提高英语成绩的方法:多背单词,增加英语词汇量。英语单词是学习英语的基础,当你掌握了足够多的英语单词,这会给你的英语学习带来便利。首先你要掌握好课本中的单词,可以根据课本中的场景来加强对单词的记忆;其次你可以根据学习的不同要求去选择相应的词汇量,尽可能多地掌握英语单词,有助于提高英语成绩。多练口语,增强英语语感。在英语解题的过程中,英语的语感是非常重要的,增强语感有助于我们提高解题正确率。想要增强英语语感,可以通过增加阅读量来实现,增加英语阅读量可以强化英语用法和句型在我们头脑中的印象。随着阅读量的增加,我们的英语语感也自然会提高,这种影响是潜移默化的,会在无形中提高答题的准确率。
2023-06-08 07:23:441


倒装句。economies是宾语,war是主语。正常的语序是the war had destroyed the Europeans" and Asians" economies. 作从句的时候,先将the Europeans" and Asians" economies提前,成为倒装句the Europeans" and Asians" economies the war had destroyed. 然后用引导词whose替换the Europeans" and Asians"。这种语序可以表示强调。就如同:Him she has deceived.
2023-06-08 07:24:001


2023-06-08 07:24:061


全国2009年4月高等教育自学考试 英语国家概况试题 课程代码:00522 I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (50 points, 1 point for each) 1. Strictly speaking, “the British Isles” refers to_______. A. Great Britain B. Ireland C. the United Kingdom D. Great Britain and Ireland 2. Which of the following kings was responsible for the complete establishment of the feudal system in England? A. Edward I B. Henry II C. Alfred the Great D. William the Conqueror 3. The spirit of the Great Charter was ______. A. a limitation of the powers of the king B. a guarantee of the freedom of the serfs C. a limitation of the powers of the Church D. a declaration of equality among all people 4. Which of the following is NOT true about the result of the Black Death? A. Much land was left untended. B. There was a terrible shortage of labour. C. The surviving peasants had lost their power of bargaining. D. Landowners tended to change from arable to sheep-farming. 5. The War of Roses that took place from 1455 to 1485 was fought between ______. A. Britain and France B. the Parliament and the Crown C. the working people and the aristocrats D. two branches of the Plantagenet family 6. The English Renaissance was largely literary, and it achieved its finest expression in the so-called ______. A. Romantic poetry B. Romantic fiction C. Elizabethan poetry D. Elizabethan drama 7. British constitutional monarchy is a system under which the powers of the ______ are limited by Parliament or the constitution. A. church B. king or queen C. government ministers D. Bishop"s court 8. The Tories in Britain were the forerunners of ______, which still bears this nickname today. A. the Labor Party B. the Liberal Party C. the Conservative Party D. the Social Democratic Party 9. Which of the following was NOT included in the six-point demand of the Chartist Movement? A. Equal electoral districts B. Voting by secret ballot C. The vote for all adult males D. The vote for all adult females 10. During the First World War, Britain was allied with ______. A. Turkey B. the Central Powers C. France and Russia D. Germany and Austria-Hungary 11. Who was the man that led Britain in the crisis of the Second World War? A. George VI B. Theodore Roosevelt C. Neville Chamberlain D. Sir Winston Churchill 12. The new policies adopted by Mrs. Thatcher and Conservative Government after the 1979 election was known as ______. A. Thatcherism B. the New Deal C. New Frontier D. Keynesianism 13. Over the past one thousand years, the British ______ has been broken only once between 1649 and 1660. A. Cabinet B. Parliament C. Monarchy D. Privy Council 14. Who has the power to appoint the Prime Minister in Britain? A. The Queen B. The Parliament C. The House of Lords D. The Church of England 15. In Britain, a full meeting of ______ is called only when a Sovereign dies or announces his or her intention to marry. A. the Privy Council B. the Parliament C. the House of Commons D. the House of Lords 16. Which of the following is NOT involved in the British judicial responsibilities? A. Attorney General B. Ministry of Justice C. The Lord Chancellor D. The Home Secretary 17. Bank holidays in Britain refer to ______. A. official public holidays B. holidays for the banks only C. public holidays except for the banks D. holidays for the financial institutions only 18. Which statement about the British universities is NOT true? A. They enjoy academic freedom. B. They cannot appoint their own staff. C. They are governed by royal charters. D. They provide their own courses and award their own degrees. 19. ______, the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe, has its traditional home in England where it was developed in the 19th century. A. Basketball B. Tennis C. Football D. Baseball 20. London"s Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of _______. A. the Prime Minister B. the Lord Chancellor C. the Home Secretary D. the Attorney General 21. Which statement about the Puritans is NOT true? A. The Puritans did not allow religious dissent. B. The Puritans were poor artisans and unskilled peasants. C. They were dissatisfied with the political corruption in England. D. They went to the United States to establish what they considered the true church. 22. The largest racial and ethnic minority in the U.S. is the ______, which accounts over 12.1% of the population. A. blacks B. Asians C. Indians D. Hispanics 23. The three well-known authors who penned the Federalist Papers are ______. A. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Jay B. George Washington, James Madison and John Jay C. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay D. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Adams 24. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the southern states broke away and formed a new nation called ______. A. the Southern States of America B. the Federalist States of America C. the Confederate States of America D. the Anti-confederate States of America 25. With the development of industry and extension of railroad network in the early 20th century in the U.S.A., there appeared ______. A. a rapid growth of cities B. an influx of foreign goods C. an increase of urban ghettos D. a great increase in the number of farms 26. In the early 19th century, ______ actively used the Sherman Antitrust Act to stop monopolistic business mergers in the United States. A. J.P. Morgan B. Woodrow Wilson C. Henry Rockefeller D. Theodore Roosevelt 27. The Red Scare in 1919 and 1920 was a typical example of American ______. A. religious intolerance B. intolerant nationalism C. Progressive Movement D. deregulation of big trusts 28. In the early 1930s, the American foreign policy was isolationist, but the ______ suddenly changed the whole situation, which propelled the U.S. into the Second World War. A. Pearl Harbor attack B. bombing of Guam island C. seizing of American merchant ships D. sinking of American passenger ships 29. In 1962, President ______ finally decided on the use of naval force to prevent military material and arms from entering Cuba and demanded Soviet removal of the missiles there. A. Nixon B. Truman C. Johnson D. Kennedy 30. In 1853, in the ______, another 30,000 square miles of Mexican land were added to the territory of the U.S.A. A. Atlantic Purchase B. Mexican Purchase C. Gadsden Purchase D. Louisiana Purchase 31. The four problems that face the economy of the United States are______. A. unemployment, inflation, financial crisis and trade deficit B. unemployment, inflation, financial deficit and trade deficit C. mortgage losses, inflation, financial deficit and trade deficit D. unemployment, market failures, financial deficit and trade deficit 32. Which statement about the U.S. Constitution is NOT true? A. It is the supreme law of the land. B. It is the oldest written constitution in the world. C. It was adopted in 1781 at the Second Continental Congress. D. It provides the basis for political stability, economic growth and social progress. 33. The American President usually takes an oath of office, administered by the ______ of the United States in January. A. Chief Justice B. House Speaker C. Secretary of State D. Senate Majority Leader 34. The U.S. Constitution provides that the ______ shall be President of the Senate. A. Vice President B. Secretary of State C. Senate Majority Leader D. Senate Minority Leader 35. Which one of the following is NOT government-run at the U.S. federal level? A. Motor vehicle B. The road system C. National defense D. The postal service 36. It is generally agreed that U.S. higher education began with the______. A. Civil War B. Independence War C. founding of Harvard College D. founding of Princeton University 37. Formal education in the United States consists of ______. A. kindergarten, junior and senior education B. junior, elementary and secondary education C. elementary, secondary and higher education D. kindergarten, secondary and higher education 38. In his Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway ______. A. expresses the idea of facing defeat courageously B. shows the basic goodness and wisdom of ordinary people C. praises the ideas of equality and democracy and the joy of common people D. describes the sharp contrast of wealth and poverty in Chicago and New York 39. In the early part of the 19th century, ______ was the center of American writing. A. Boston B. Detroit C. New York City D. Philadelphia 40. The most important patriotic holiday in the U.S. is ______. A. Halloween B. Veterans" Day C. Thanksgiving Day D. Independence Day 41. The capital city of Ireland is ______. A. Cork B. Dublin C. Galway D. Waterford 42. Historically, Ireland has been free of ethnic conflicts because of its ______. A. racial unity B. racial homogeneity C. multi-culturalism D. high rate of emigration 43. Ireland has the following demographic features EXCEPT ______. A. a late marriage age B. an excess of females in the population C. a high proportion of bachelors and spinsters of all ages D. a low birthrate compounded by a century of emigration 44. Which of the following is a typical bilingual city in Canada? A. Ottawa B. Calgary C. Toronto D. Vancouver 45. Which of the following statements about immigration in Canada is NOT true? A. It is estimated that one-third of Canadians were born in other countries. B. Immigration has always been an important source of its population growth. C. Immigration has played an important role in the development of its economy. D. in the past Britain and Western Europe were the principal sources of Canadian immigration. 46. In terms of land area, Canada is the ______ largest country in the world. A. second B. third C. fourth D. fifth 47. The head of state of Australia is ______. A. the Governor B. the President C. the Prime Minister D. the Queen of England 48. ______ is the only city on the western coast of Australia with a population of over one million. A. Perth B. Sydney C. Brisbane D. Melbourne 49. A ______, where two parts of the earth"s crust meet, runs the length of New Zealand. A. fault line B. built area C. dormant volcano D. geothermal area 50. The Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 was an agreement between ______. A. the Maori whalers and the British Crown B. the Maori people and the British missionaries C. the Maori traders and the British missionaries D. the chiefs of the Maori people and the British Crown II. Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (30 points, 3 points for each) 51. What are the main functions of the British Parliament? 52. What were the two countries Elizabeth I successfully played off against each other for nearly 30 years? 53. What was the outcome of the English Civil War? 54. What are the three main Christian festivals in the U.K.? 55. What were the three cornerstones of American postwar economic boom? 56. What was the most important document produced between China and the United States when President Nixon visited China in 1972? 57. What is the most central function of the U.S. Congress? 58. What are the two major parties that dominate American politics at the federal, state and local levels? 59. What are the two official languages used in Ireland? 60. Who are the native people living in Australia? III. Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet in around 40 words. (20 points, 5 points for each) 61. Open University 62. The Speaker (of the House of Commons in Britain) 63. Muckrakers 64. The stock market crash of 1929
2023-06-08 07:24:161

japanese students on the bus de asians122

japanese students on the bus de asia ns122日本学生上车去亚洲ns122
2023-06-08 07:24:341


仁川亚运奖牌榜, 截止9月28日20:21分,排在第一名的是中国,金银牌分别获得105枚、63枚和48枚,总奖牌数216枚。排在第二名的是韩国,金银牌分别获得41枚、48枚和47枚,总奖牌数136枚。排在第三名的是日本,金银牌分别是34枚、46枚和45枚,总奖牌数125枚。中国、日本和韩国是亚运会的主要玩家。亚洲各国网友讨论:亚运会是东亚国家的运动会吗?以下是讨论部分:Sonyuke_Songpaisan(中国)China, Japan and Korea are the key players of、日本和韩国是亚运会的主要玩家Beidou2020(中国)China dominates pretty much every sports games it enters.Only in Winter sports is China still weak but its improving in that too.中国进入哪个体育项目,哪个体育项目就会被主宰只有冬奥会上的表现中国还比较弱,不过也在不断提高haidian(中国)China could win two thirds of the total medals中国可以拿到总奖牌的三分之二NiceGuy(越南)But why China is not good in football ??为什么中国踢不好足球?Sonyuke_Songpaisan(中国)Because those players sucks因为队员烂透了cirr(中国)Chinese footballers are spoiled kids who spend far too much time on fine cars and beautiful girls。中国足球队员是被宠坏的孩子,在豪车和美女上花的时间比在足球上多得多FairAndUnbiasedIs football the only sport in the world?足球是世界上唯一的运动吗?mrfly911(越南)- It"s the most popular sport.- Chinese claim that football is from China足球是世界上最受欢迎的运动中国人声称足球起源于中国Reashot XigwinEast Asia is Best Asia.东亚是亚洲最棒的Sonyuke_SongpaisanI think this is a culture thing.我认为这是文化使然Phukimak(印尼)because east asia work to deathwhile others asia talk to death..因为东亚人工作到死,而其他亚洲人嘴炮到死kaykay(印度)South Asians sucks in gymnastics.南亚国家的体育烂透了Edison Chen(中国)Kazakhstan is there too.还有哈萨克斯坦啊Nihonjin1051(日本)AMCAEveryone should learn from China on how to cultivate the Sports culture in the country. China was no where on the table a couple of olympics back. Now they are leading in every single games they participate. Hats off guys.每个国家都应该向中国学习如何培养体育文化。前几届奥运会,中国在奖牌榜上还找不到位置,如今主宰着每一场比赛。向他们致敬BDforever(孟加拉国)I am just waiting for cricket :p:bd woman cricket team now in final我在等着板球比赛 :p:女子板球队现在要决赛了TaiShang(中国)China outshines the rest of the pack in medal count. That was anticipated, though. With the new young cohort, anticipate China to further squeeze the US in the upcoming Olympics. That"s now what really matters. Then it will be China"s turn to worry about to protect the throne.在奖牌榜上,中国让其他国家相形见绌。可以预测的是,随着一大批新人的崛起,中国将进一步在奥运会上挤压美国。到时候,将轮到中国担心如何保住王座了。Beidou2020(中国)In major team events like football, basketball, volleyball and water polo China is good in womens but bad in mens.Chinese men need to step it up.在足球、篮球、排球和水球等团体项目中,中国女队的表现不错,男团表现糟糕中国男队得加油了NiceGuy(越南)Tmrrow, Olympic Thailand vs Olympic China right, bro ?? Okay, I support Thai team, lets kick China home , Chinese is only good at woman"s games :partay:VN will vs UAE team tmrrow ,too. They r strong team, but we still have a chance to win明天泰国vs中国,对吧?好吧,我支持泰国队,把中国队赶回家。中国厉害的只是女队明天越南队也将对阵阿联酋队。他们是强队,但是我们仍然有机会获胜sword1947So what are you Viet good at?你们越南又擅长什么?NiceGuy(越南)We r small, short people, we r not good at sport, but we always try our best in all games ;我们个子矮小,不擅长竞技体育,但是我们每场比赛都竭尽全力haidian(中国)Size is not everything, most western Asians are bigger than eastern Asians, but it doesn"t make them better athletes.块头不能决定一切,大多数西亚人的块头比东亚人更大,但是在体育上的表现不尽如人意。NiceGuy(越南)We r also a poor country, kids dont have enough milk to drink (rice, fish r not enough nutrition), we also dont have lots of money to spend on sport games.So, we r not good at any games, but not bad at any games at all. Olympic VN football team just beat Olympic Iran 4-1, beat Olympic Kyrgyzstan 1-0. Hope today, we can beat Olympic UAE too我们也是穷国,孩子们没有足够的牛奶喝(大米和鱼的营养不够),我们没有钱投入体育我们不擅长竞技比赛,但是表现也不差。越南足球队以4:1击败伊朗队,以1:0击败吉尔吉斯坦队,我们也可以打败阿联酋队Sonyuke_Songpaisan(中国)u r nothing,no body cares about u你们屁都不是,没人会在意mrfly911(越南)Our football team aren"t better than yours.@FairAndUnbiased said like football isn"t an important sport. You Chinese need to be good at football because you claimed that it was invented by you我们的足球队没有比你们足球队厉害FairAndUnbiased 说足球不是一项重要运动。你们中国人应当踢好足球,因为你们声称足球是你们发明的Jlaw(中国)It was invented by China. FIFA acknowledge that.足球是中国发明的,国际足联已经承认了haidian(中国)Japan and Korea are head to head now日本和韩国现在不分伯仲啊Nihonjin1051(日本)No offense to my Chinese friends, but I wish Japan to vanquish any of our opponent(s).In the spirit of good sportsmanship.无意冒犯中国朋友,但是我希望日本在运动员精神上击败任何一个竞争对手NiceGuy(越南)Guys, pls let get back to the topic, the football match bween VN-UAE and China-Thailand will start after 1 hours. Times to enjoy the games各位,言归正传。越南vs阿联酋和中国vs泰国的足球赛在1个小时后就要开始了,大家来享受比赛吧Viet(越南)yeah only teams of japan and korea can play on international theaters, the rest can be ignored.只有日本足球队和韩国足球队才能打进国际舞台,其他的可以无视NiceGuy(越南)Haizz, our football team lost 0-2 to UAE, they r much stronger than us.我们的足球队0:2输给阿联酋,他们比我们强大多了dichoi(越南)we lost 1 – 3 .but woman did better, we won 2-1 against Thai woman team. The next we will meet Japan woman team我们1:3输了但是女队表现不错,2:1赢了泰国女子足球队。下一个将要对阵的是日本女队alaungphaya(缅甸)Myanmar still hanging tough with our 2 golds. COME ON!!!!!!!缅甸仍然只有2枚金牌啊,加油!Nihonjin1051(日本)Keep it up!继续保持BDforever(孟加拉国)nice, 2 golds in which games ?不错啊,哪个比赛拿的2枚金牌?alaungphaya(缅甸)Sepak Takraw :chilli:藤球啊BDforever(孟加拉国)what is that ?那是啥运动?alaungphaya(缅甸)Beidou2020(中国)Good to see smaller countries doing well.I"m happy Myanmar won 2 golds.Congrats高兴地看到小国有不俗的表现乐见缅甸拿了2块金牌祝贺Excuse me?Anyway, we"re 12th overall and 2nd for SE Asia so I"m quite pleased. If we can get in the top 10, be 1st in SE Asia and be still ahead of India, I will be very happy.不管怎样,我们总排名第12,东南亚高居第2,这让我非常满意。如果能跻身亚洲前十名和东南亚第一名,且仍然领先印度,那么我就再开心不过了。Nihonjin1051(日本)Japan win Asian Games title in triathlon relay event hoping to debut at Tokyo 2020日本获得亚运会铁人三项接力冠军,该项目即将于2020年东京奥运会首次登场dichoi(越南)Vietnam won only one gold medal in wushu.越南拿到了一枚武术金牌somsak(泰国)Why? Why east asia countries are better of than the rest on sport?为什么东亚国家的体育比亚洲其他国家更厉害?日の出の国(日本)Have to say that China is a sports kingdom.必须说的是中国是一个体育王国Sanchez(中国)Has somebody heard that a jap gold medalist stole a camera from a Korean correspondent?有人听说日本游泳金牌得主偷了韩国记者的相机吗?日の出の国(日本)He has admitted the offense and the return of stolen goods, he tarnished Japan"s reputation.他已经承认错误了,且归还了赃物,他玷污了日本的声誉opruh(埃及)China is dominating this one中国主宰本届亚运会啊DMF(中国)India, with 1.2billion people of all colors and sizes, most of them are young, so difficult to win a gold medal in the Asia games, just incredible, it"s true incredible India.印度人口有12亿之众,肤色和块头各异,且大多数是年轻人,要拿到一枚金牌居然那么困难,简直是不可思议,真正不可思议的印度somsak(泰国)Thailand no.1 of Asean with 4 golds, currently泰国目前以4枚金牌排东盟第一opruh(菲律宾)i hope Philippines too will win a gold medal, we already have 4 medals of other color我希望菲律宾也拿到一块金牌,我们已经有4块其他成色的奖牌了。
2023-06-08 07:24:411


英语肤色咋说 skin color 『如有疑问 欢迎追问』 亚洲人的肤色英语怎么说?? yellow?? brown?? 还是别的? 个人经验老外好像从来不说yellow和brown,白人是white,黑人是black,亚洲人就是asian 从来没有yellow的。你一定要形容亚洲人的肤色的话储实事求是了,你看起来黄就是yellow,棕色就是brown,没有颜色形容所有亚洲人的。 怎样用英语描述人的肤色 举几个例子啦:dark : 肤色较黑较暗 fair:通常指外国那种肤色很白很细腻,头发是淡金色那种标准西方式色调 wheat:小麦色 tan:自然晒的棕色 肤色用英文怎么说?b开头的那个单词 yone, in a tone which might be a question, or a re 怎么用英语表达一个人肤色黝黑? 黑皮肤:black-skinned,dark skin,black skin. 例句: His white hair was in sharp contrast to ( ie was very noticeably different from ) his dark skin 他的白头发与黑皮肤形成了鲜明的对比 A wan sun came onto his face, making the black skin shine like dull metal. 淡淡的阳光照到他的脸上,使他的黑皮肤象一块没有光泽的金属一样闪亮。 Isaac Julien"s film and photographic series True North (2005-2006) depicts a lone black -skinnedfigure traversing the ice and snow of an arctic landscape. 伊萨克·朱利安的电影 和摄影系列 “真正的北方”(2005-2006)描绘了一个孤独的皮肤黝黑的人穿越北极冰雪的场面。 亚洲人的肤色英语怎么说 the skin colour of Asians. 看别人脸色 用英文怎么说 5分 看别人脸色 on the watch for somebody else"s c亥ange of mood. 她的肤色很白用英语怎么说 Her skin is white 英语中形容皮肤白怎么说啊 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 如果是病的苍白应该为her face is grey 若是美白应该为her face is like snow 建议选择后者 希望我的回答能对你有所帮助。
2023-06-08 07:24:481


whose economies the war had destroyed是定语从句嘛 美国和美国人的繁荣超出了经济被战争摧毁了的欧洲人和亚洲人的预想。
2023-06-08 07:24:563


2023-06-08 07:25:033


1. 描写森林的英语文章 在人教版初中英语第11单元Lesson 42 The Great Green Wall这篇课文是讲森林作用的in this place we hold together!In reality we are far apart,we never get lost in our hearts.Like rainbows crossing the sky,our forest is filled with joyful *** iles.Let"s enjoy every moment we can,"cause no one knows when the party will end.Heartfully wish our forest evergreen,through the good the bad our soul stays clean.美丽的森林--- 雪玲 译你已领略到林子的美丽,那么会否真心来此相守?把你所有的爱心来分享,在这地方我们共同聚首!现实中我们虽然相隔万里,但彼此心里从没迷失对方。 就象彩虹划过天,我们林里笑声荡漾。让我们尽情享受每一刻吧,没人能料知何时是缘份的尽头。 衷心希望我们的林子长青绿,历经苦乐我们的心灵永远纯洁无羞。 2. 森林的英语怎么说 森林的英语单词是forest。它的英式读法是["fu0252ru026ast];美式读法是["fu0254u02d0ru026ast]。名词意思是森林;丛林;(森林似的)一丛;一片。动词意思是在…造林,使长满树林,使成为森林。 相关例句: 用作名词 (n.) 1、He went to the forest on horseback. 他骑马去森林了。 2、The deer escaped to the deep forest. 那鹿逃入了丛林深处。 用作及物动词 (vt.) 1、He wants to forest a pasture with pine trees. 他想在牧场上种植松树造林。 2、The harbour was forested with masts. 港内帆樯林立。 扩展资料: 单词解析: 1、变形: 形容词: forestal 名词: forestation 过去式: forested 过去分词: forested 现在分词: foresting 第三人称单数: forests 2、用法: n. (名词) forest指大片的、原始的、繁茂的、远离人烟的、有野生动物栖息的森林。引申可指“如森林般密集的事物”。 3、词义辨析: n. (名词) forest, wood 这两个词均可指“森林”。其区别是: wood指小片森林,多为人工栽培,离人烟较近,内中少有野兽。forest多指大片的、原始的、繁茂的、远离人烟、有野生动物栖息的森林。 参考资料: 百度百科-forest 3. 描写森林的英语文章 在人教版初中英语第11单元Lesson 42 The Great Green Wall这篇课文是讲森林作用的 in this place we hold together! In reality we are far apart, we never get lost in our hearts. Like rainbows crossing the sky, our forest is filled with joyful *** iles. Let"s enjoy every moment we can, "cause no one knows when the party will end. Heartfully wish our forest evergreen, through the good the bad our soul stays clean. 美丽的森林 --- 雪玲 译 你已领略到林子的美丽, 那么会否真心来此相守? 把你所有的爱心来分享, 在这地方我们共同聚首! 现实中我们虽然相隔万里, 但彼此心里从没迷失对方。 就象彩虹划过天, 我们林里笑声荡漾。 让我们尽情享受每一刻吧, 没人能料知何时是缘份的尽头。 衷心希望我们的林子长青绿, 历经苦乐我们的心灵永远纯洁无羞 4. 98英语作文:为什么去森林与山林旅游越来越受欢迎 Popularity of Tours to Forests and Mountants With the development of touri *** , more and more people choose to travel by arrangement of Travel agency. However, why people now prefer to traveling to forests and mountains? I think there are several reasons account for it. To begin with, the standard of people"s life bees higher and higher, people are no more interested in normal tourist attractions. They start to explore more interesting places, so, the forests and mountains are being popular among people. People there can find natural beauties by themselves rather than the artificial landscapes. The next reason is that modern city life is stressful, works make people have no time to relax 5. 关于怎样保户森林的英语作文60词 如何去保护森林作文(第一段说森林现状,第二段说保护措施) As we all know, the forests on the earth is disappearing.The burning and cutting down of trees is making the Greenhouse Effect worse. So it is vital that we do something to save them. We should bee green consumers.That is,we should only buy and use things that do not damage the environment. For example,we should avoid using things once and then throwing them away.We can use fuels such as petrol instead of wood.So e on,boys and girls,let`s protect the forest together. 6. 描写一下高山是怎么样的写一篇英语作文 During the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476B.C.).there was a man whose name was Yu Boya.Yu boya famous music master at that time,having a good mand of the temperament and superb skills in playing the musical instrument.He was bright and eager to learn when he was young.He had formally acknowledged several experts as his teachers,and his skills in playing the musical instrument had already reached a fairly high level.But he still felt that he could not superbly express the various things which had deeply impressed him.Knowing what was in his mind,his teacher took him to the penglai Island,a fabled abode of immortals,on the East China Sea by boat.On the island,his teacher let him enjoy the natural scenarios and listen to the roaring of the great waves.looking into the distance,Boya saw that the waves were turbulent and that the white breakers leapt skywards.Sea birds were circling in the air,and their crying was very pleasant to the ear.Trees were green and intriguing feeling welled up in his mind,as if he had heard the harmonious and charming music of nature.He couldn"t help taking his musical instrument and playing it .He followed his inclinations while he was playing,and incorporated the beautiful nature with his music,thus reaching a realm of thought he had never experienced before.Seeing this,the teacher said to hime,""You have mastered the art of playing."。 7. 关于写农场的英语作文怎么写 Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful. 8. 关于金丝猴的英语作文怎么写 Golden monkeys are rare and obscure, and they"re just beginning to be studied. They are highly endangered, so it"s a race to study them before they disappear. Living in the mountains of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan Provinces, Chinese golden monkeys are seeing their habitats disappear rapidly as the countryside is cleared for more pastures, villages, and roads.The monkeys are killed for their beautiful fire-orange fur and also their bones, which are believed by Asians to hold special medicinal powers.In the past 40 years, the living area of the Yunnan golden monkeys has shrunk by a third, while the pasture area created by fire and timber-harvesting has doubled.More than 86 percent of monkey groups were separated by roads and villages, which blocked munication and resulted in in-breeding and species degeneration. Small groups in the forests have been wiped out. Those that are left are too few to carry on the species line and are at the edge of extinction.
2023-06-08 07:25:221


一、名词的分类 名词可分为普通名词和专有名词两大类。 1. 普通名词又可分为: (1) 个体名词。如:cup, desk, student等。一般可数,有单复数形式。 (2) 集体名词。如:class, team, family等。一般可数,有单复数形式 (3) 物质名词。如:rice, water, cotton等。一般不可数,没有单复数之分。 (4) 抽象名词。如:love, work, life等。一般不可数,没有单复数之分。 2. 专有名词:如:China, Newton, London等。 二、名词的数 (一) 可数名词的复数形式的构成规则 1. 一般情况下在名词的词尾加s,如:book books, pencil, pencils. 2. 以-s, -x, -ch, -sh结尾的名词加-es,其读音为〔iz〕。如:bus buses, box boxes, watch watches, dish dishes等。 3. 以-y结尾的名词: (1) 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,把y改为i再加es,读音为〔iz〕,如:factory factories, company companies等。2) 以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,或专有名词以y结尾,直接在词尾加-s,读音为〔z〕。如:key keys, Henry Henrys等。 4. 以-f和-fe结尾的名词: (1) 变-f或-fe为v再加-es,读音为〔vz〕。如:thief thieves, wife wives, half halves等。 (2) 直接在词尾加-s,如:roof roofs,gulf gulfs,chief chiefs,proof proofs等。 (3) 两者均可。如:handkerchief handkerchiefs或handkerchieves. 5. 以-o结尾的名词: (1) 以“辅音字母+o”结尾的名词后直接加-es,读音为〔z〕。如:hero heroes, potato potatoes, tomato tomatoes等。 (二) 不规则名词的复数形式 1. 改变单数名词中的元音字母或其他形式。如:man men, woman women, tooth teeth, foot feet, mouse mice, child children等。 2. 单复数形式相同。如:sheep, deer, fish等,以及由汉语音译表示度量、币制等单位的名词。如:yuan.另外以-ese或-ss结尾的表示民族的名词也一样同形。如:Chinese, Japanese, Swiss等。以-an结尾或其他形式结尾的表示民族、国家的人的名词变复数时在词尾加-s.如:Americans, Asians, Russians, Australians, Italians, Germans等。 注意:Englishman Englishmen, Frenchman Frenchmen. 3. 复合名词的复数形式: (1) 在词末加-(e)s,如:afternoons, housewives等。 (2) 把主体名词变成复数形式。如:lookers-on (旁观者),passers-by (过路人)等。 (3) 由man或woman作为第一部分的复数名词,两个组成部分皆变为复数形式。如:man driver men drivers, woman doctor women doctors等。 (三) 几种特殊的复数形式的名词 1. 有些表示由两部分构成的东西和部分学科的名词总以复数的形式出现。如:glasses (眼镜),shorts (短裤),mathematics (数学),physics (物理学),politics (政治学)等。 2. 有些复数形式的名词表示特别的意义。如:papers (文件),manners (礼貌),goods (货物),times (时代),conditions (环境;情况)等。 3. 有些名词在习惯用语中一定要用复数形式。如:make friends with (与……交朋友),shake hands with (与……握手)等。四) 不可数名词 1. 物质名词和抽象名词多为不可数名词。如:luggage, milk, rice, soup, water, money, meat等。 注意:不可数名词在表示量的时候需要用上适当的量词,当数词大于1时,量词须变为复数。如:a piece of advice(一条建议) five pieces of advice (五条建议),a bag of rice (一袋大米) three bags of rice (三袋大米)。 可数名词的量也可以用适当的量词来表达。 2. 不可数名词的转化 (1) 物质名词表示种类或具体事物时则成为可数名词。如:glass (玻璃) a glass (一个玻璃杯),tea (茶) two teas (两杯茶),ice (冰) three ices (三个冰淇淋)。 (2) 抽象名词具体化时也可成为可数名词。如:beauty (美丽) a beauty (一个美人),youth (青春) a youth (一个青年)。 (3) 表示具体事物的可数名词,用于表示抽象或物质意义是,便转化为不可数名词。如:a room (一个房间) room (空间),a chicken (一只小鸡) chicken(鸡肉)。 三、名词的所有格 (一) s所有格的构成 1. 表示有生命的东西的名词,所有格一般在名词后加"s,其构成形式如下: (1) 一般单数名词后加"s.如:my brother"s book,Jack"s cat,the girl"s pen等。 (2) 以-s或-es结尾的复数名词的所有格,只需在名词右上方加“"”。如:girl"s,teachers"等。 注意:在不规则复数名词后,要加"s.如:women"s clothes. (3) 以-s结尾的专有名词所有格,以读音〔z〕结尾的,一般在名词右上方加“"”,也可加"s,其读音分别为〔z〕和〔iz〕。如:Dickens" / Dickens"s book. 注意:若不以读音〔z〕结尾则仍用"s.如:Ross"s book. (4) 复合名词或词群的所有格的词尾"s加在后面的名词之后。如:the President of the United States"s car美国总统的汽车。 注意:当出现同位语时,"s一般加在同位语后。如:This is my sister Mary"s bag. 这是我妹妹玛丽的包。(5) 如果一样东西为两个人共有,则只在后一个名词词尾加"s,如果不是共有的,两个名词都要加"s.如:Tom and Peter"s room汤姆和彼得的房间 (共有) Tom"s and Peter"s rooms汤姆的房间和彼得的房间 (不共有) (6) 表示店铺、医院、诊所、住宅等名称时,常在名词后加上"s代表全称。如:at the doctor"s = at the doctor"s office在诊所 (7) 在one及one / body和some,any,no,every结合起来的复合词后。如:someone"s book.这些代词和else连用,"s应加在else后。如:somebody else"s pencil. 2. 表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的名词,也可以在词尾后加"s或“"”以构成所有格。如:today"s news,ten minutes" drive,China"s industry等。 (二)“of +名词”所有格 无生命的名词的所有格,通常用“of+名词”的结构来表示。如:the windows of the room(房间的窗户),the cover of the dictionary(词典的封面)。 (三) 双重所有格 1. 双重所有格的概念及用法 (1) 表示部分概念,of短语修饰的名词前通常有表示数量的限定词,如:a,an,one,two,some,several,a few,many,any,no等。 This is a picture of mine. 这是我的一张照片。 (2) 双重所有格与of所有格的不同。如:He is a friend of your father"s. 他是你父亲的一个朋友。(强调你父亲的朋友不止一个) He is a friend of your father. 他是你父亲的朋友。(强调他对你父亲的友好)
2023-06-08 07:25:312

《China Rich Girlfriend A Novel》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度云资源

《China Rich Girlfriend》(Kevin Kwan)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:hsmf书名:China Rich Girlfriend作者:Kevin Kwan豆瓣评分:6.5出版社:Doubleday出版年份:2015-6-16页数:400内容简介:Kevin Kwan, bestselling author of Crazy Rich Asians, is back with a wickedly funny new novel of social climbing, secret e-mails, art-world scandal, lovesick billionaires, and the outrageous story of what happens when Rachel Chu, engaged to marry Asia"s most eligible bachelor, discovers her birthfather.On the eve of her wedding to Nicholas Young, heir to one of the greatest fortunes in Asia, Rachel should be over the moon. She has a flawless Asscher-cut diamond from JAR, a wedding dress she loves more than anything found in the salons of Paris, and a fiance willing to sacrifice his entire inheritance in order to marry her. But Rachel still mourns the fact that her birthfather, a man she never knew, won"t be able to walk her down the aisle. Until: a shocking revelation draws Rachel into a world of Shanghai splendor beyond anything she has ever imagined. Here we meet Carlton, a Ferrari-crashing bad boy known for Prince Harry-like antics; Colette, a celebrity girlfriend chased by fevered paparazzi; and the man Rachel has spent her entire life waiting to meet: her father. Meanwhile, Singapore"s It Girl, Astrid Leong, is shocked to discover that there is a downside to having a newly minted tech billionaire husband. A romp through Asia"s most exclusive clubs, auction houses, and estates, China Rich Girlfriend brings us into the elite circles of Mainland China, introducing a captivating cast of characters, and offering an inside glimpse at what it"s like to be gloriously, crazily, China-rich.作者简介:Kevin Kwan is the author of "Crazy Rich Asians," the international bestseller now being adapted as a major motion picture. The sequel, "China Rich Girlfriend," will be released on June 16, 2015. Born and raised in Singapore, Kwan has called Manhattan home for the past two decades but still craves pineapple tarts and a decent plate of Hokkien mee.
2023-06-08 07:25:441

谁帮我翻译Cookie Jar 体操课英雄乐队 的 歌词

[The Dream:] [梦想: ] Radiokilla killa radiokilla killa [Travis:] [特拉维斯: ] Hahaha You know what it is hahaha你知道它是什么 Gym class heroes, the dream体育课的英雄,梦想 It"s hard to look innocent when I got cookie crumbs all over my face它的努力看看无辜的,当我得到的Cookie面包屑所有超过我的脸 [Chorus:] [合唱团: ] [The Dream:] [梦想: ] I like girls我喜欢的女孩 They like me他们和我一样 They look so good他们看看那么好 In they satin jeans在他们的缎子牛仔裤 Told you to be the one告诉你,成为一 And my only和我唯一的 I want be faithful我想忠实 But I can"t keep my hands out the cookie jar.但我不能让我伸出了双手Cookie的罐子。 [Travis:] [特拉维斯: ] My hands, my hands, my ha uh my hands我的手,我的手,我公顷嗯,我的手 Can"t keep my hands, my hands, my, my, my不能保持我的手,我的手,我,我,我 Can"t keep my hands, my hands, my, my, my不能保持我的手,我的手,我,我,我 Can"t keep my hands, my hands my hands out the cookie jar.不能保持我的手,我的手,我伸出了双手Cookie的罐子。 [Travis:] [特拉维斯: ] You see I got this problem你看我得到这个问题 I need help tryna solve it我需要帮助tryna解决 Cause meeting after meeting and I"m still a cookie-holic You can hide em, Imma find them, on the counter, in the closet事业的会议后,会议和我还是一个Cookie - holic您可以隐藏在, imma找到他们,就反,在衣柜 And I"ll say I ain"t do it with my face covered in chocolate我会说我是不能这样做,与我的脸所涵盖的巧克力 My girl be setting booby traps我的女孩设置诱杀装置 To catch me eating Scooby snacks要赶上我吃scooby小吃 I left crumbs in the bed once我离开了面包屑在床上,一旦 But I told her I was through with that但我告诉她我是通过与 She still don"t be believing me但她仍然不要以为我 And I guess that I"m cool with that和我猜我冷静与 But I got a sweet tooth, that"ll never come loose但我得到甜蜜的牙齿,即永远不会来松散 And the truth of the matter is.和事情的真相是。 [Chorus:] [合唱团: ] [The Dream:] [梦想: ] I like girls,我喜欢女孩, They like me他们和我一样 They look so good他们看看那么好 In they satin jeans在他们的缎子牛仔裤 Told you to be the one告诉你,成为一 And my only和我唯一的 I want to be faithful我要忠实 But I can"t keep my hands out the cookie jar但我不能让我伸出了双手Cookie的罐子 [Travis:] [特拉维斯: ] My hands, my hands, my ha uh my hands我的手,我的手,我公顷嗯,我的手 Can"t keep my hands, my hands, my, my, my不能保持我的手,我的手,我,我,我 Can"t keep my hands, my hands, my, my, my不能保持我的手,我的手,我,我,我 Can"t keep my hands, my hands my hands out the cookie jar.不能保持我的手,我的手,我伸出了双手Cookie的罐子。 [Travis:] [特拉维斯: ] I got a thing for Milano, Biscotti Italianos我得到的事,米兰, biscotti italianos And I never turn down some Oreos if you got those和我从来没有把一些oreos如果你有那些 Butter Pecan Puerto Rican,黄油美国山核桃波多黎各, Or them Oatmeal Raisin Asians.他们或燕麦葡萄干亚洲人。 Hazelnut Brazilians,榛子巴西人, Macadamia Caucasians,澳洲坚果是白种人, Double stuffed or thin mint双填充或薄薄荷 It don"t matter you getting it它不事您是否获得它 Cause I got a sweet tooth that"ll never come loose导致我得到甜蜜的牙齿永远不会来松散 And the fact of the matter is.和事实是。 [Chorus:] [合唱团: ] [The Dream:] [梦想: ] I like girls,我喜欢女孩, They like me他们和我一样 They look so good他们看看那么好 In they"re satin jeans在他们的缎子牛仔裤 Told you to be the one告诉你,成为一 And my only和我唯一的 I want to be faithful我要忠实 But I can"t keep my hands out the cookie jar但我不能让我伸出了双手Cookie的罐子 [Travis:] [特拉维斯: ] My hands, my hands, my ha uh my hands我的手,我的手,我公顷嗯,我的手 Can"t keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my不能保持我的手,我的手,我,嗯,我的 Can"t keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my不能保持我的手,我的手,我,嗯,我的 Can"t keep my hands, my hands my hands out the cookie jar.不能保持我的手,我的手,我伸出了双手Cookie的罐子。 [Travis:] [特拉维斯: ] I"m a monster for these cookies我是一个怪物,为这些cookie I"m a beast for they treats我是野兽,因为他们对待 An animal for they crackers一种动物,因为他们破解 Head to feet they so damn sweet头,脚,使他们可恶甜 Can"t keep my hands, my hands, my ha-uh my不能保持我的手,我的手,我公顷-嗯,我 Can"t keep my hands, my hands, my hands out the cookie jar.不能保持我的手,我的手,我伸出了双手Cookie的罐子。 [Travis:] [特拉维斯: ] And there you have it haha有你有它haha I tried my best我想我最好的 I went to cookie anonymous我去的Cookie无名氏 I guess I"m a failure我猜我是一个失败 I can"t seem to keep my damn hands out the cookie jar but,我看来不能让我的可恶伸出了双手Cookie的罐子,但 It is what it is这是什么,这是
2023-06-08 07:25:571


I have a bad dayI have the honor to join a movie show in an American"s home.I went there with some of my friends.There was African-American greeted us.He was seems not really like Asians,because everytime i ask him question he just say "Cool-woo" and left.One thing made me un-happy was they offer foods on the movie show.When I was trying to finger out what was going on the movie,a nice wearing gay who was next to was eating super a lot,and somehow throwed out.He said nothing and left.And i was like,what the hack?I was having a hard time to watch a movie without sub-title,and the balck man,and that fucking guy sitting next me.what a bad day!
2023-06-08 07:26:161

The School Life of American Students

2023-06-08 07:26:382

雅思写作范文Culture Shock

本文来自雅思作文网《Culture Shock》。 都是由英文为母语人士写成,对于雅思写作很有参考价值,对于背景介绍和经典句型,用法等来说都是不可多得的好素材!!!Culture Shock Culture Shock The United States of America is a country in which many people from all over the world comes to live harmoniously with each other. Unlike Canada, which is a multicultural country, it is a melting pot since each person brings his peculiarity to enrich the culture of this country. But this melting process is not always without pain or hurt. I felt the life in Canada is more comfortable According to John J. Macionis, the author of Sociology, secondary Canadian edition. Culture shock is a state of bewilderment, anxiety, disorientation and distress as an individual suddenly exposed to a social or cultural environment radically different from his own. It happens frequently for the international students and immigrants. Culture conflicts appear not only when students come to school and learn new ways of living there, but also when they come back home and live with their own families or their own societies. The reason for that is the students are young and easy to change, but the adults are not ready to follow their example and adapt to the new situation. When I first come to live in the states, my system of values must change in order for me to survive. When I first came to the states, I was unprepared to live there, that"s why I always suffer from stress because of culture shock. I feel that student-teacher relationships in North American are not the same as they were in Hong Kong. Hong Kong students often have high regard for their teachers. In Hong Kong, students never call their teacher by their first name, because it is not respectful to the teacher. Also, they hesitate to ask or to answer questions in class because they don"t want to lose their face in showing their ignorance in front of the class, and sometimes because their English is not good enough to form a clear question. And if they give the wrong answer it not only humiliates them but also brings shame on their families. Hong Kong students were taught to be modest and not to display their knowledge freely until being specially called for. All these things can lead to misunderstanding since my teachers thought that I was too shy, or stupid, or abnormal. Sometimes when being directly asked for some questions, unlike American students, which are more creative and can always give a fast answer, I have to take a long time to think the question over, because I was afraid to give the incorrect answer. Teachers often feel uncomfortable with my silence and tend to interpret my silence as an indicator of my inability to answer a question. It"s a normal thing that American teachers expect Asian students to ask them to explain something difficult. However, Hong Kong students don"t do this as we have seen earlier. Moreover, their feedback sometimes leads to more misunderstanding. When teachers see their students listen to them in smiling or in head nodding, they imagine that these students understand the subject very well. In reality, some students mask their emotions and just act like that to be polite, since they think that if they would ask question, the teachers would be hurt for their teaching was not clear enough for the class. I was having low expectation from the teacher at that time and that affects my learning. I was stressed and felt disorientation all the time in school. Many teachers do not treat their minority learners as intelligent students, and perhaps as a result, their minority students fail in their classes (Scarcella, 139). In Hong Kong, students stay in the same classroom with a fixed seat everyday in a same year while their teachers come to their class to teach them. Therefore, students can have many friends who always do the same things with them. This helped to build a more close and stable relationship between students. Students are more interdependent. What are important is not me but we. In America, the people are more individualistic. People only pursue their own personal achievement and fulfillment. Relationships between people are often many but temporary or casual. I felt people only care about themselves and I felt that they are very selfish. At that time I always felt lost and lonely because I felt it is difficult to find a good friend to talk to. Relationship are always causal, no one would even cares about you. People in different culture usually have different values. In speaking with friends, I had misunderstanding too. I have a friend in school who was Middle American. He often tells people how healthy he is. It gave me a feeling that he likes to show off. But I know he was not showing off, he was just like to expresses himself. Because traditional Asians often look down on material things and don"t think that these things could give them more value. So, I asked my friend the price of his houses, cars or clothes, and he was very surprised since people don"t do so. Moreover, people there don"t ask someone"s age, for people don"t want to show that they are old. But in Chinese culture, the elderly are very respected for they are considered as knowing the secret of life, and, therefore, wiser than the youngster. So Asian people are not hesitant to ask and tell their ages. Body contact can be another subject for misunderstanding. In my home country, people don"t kiss or hug somebody of the opposite sex in public places. I was very surprised to see people kissing each other in front of me. On the other hand, in Asian countries, homosexuality is almost non- exist, because even if people are homosexual they will always hide it as a secret. So two girls or two boys can walk together hand in hand and no one is shocked. But if they do so in America, their American friends will be horrified. The main reason that I experienced culture shock in America or in other countries because I had practiced a particular culture as my basis of reality and I am strongly attached to my own culture. Ethnocentrism is the practice of judging another culture by the standards of one"s own culture(Macionis, 80). Ethnocentrism also generates misunderstanding and sometimes conflict. I agree that I am ethnocentric but I think ethnocentrism is difficult to avoid because culture is learned though enculturation rather than inborn. You never know what are people"s values and norms in other societies if you are not living in that society and try to learn that culture. On the other hand, the idea of cultural relativism is that the practice of judging a culture by its own standard. Which means what is right or wrong to do is only determined by one"s own society. So there are no standards to judge other societies and there is no universal morality. This idea may be very persuasive and reasonable to many people. But I think there is always universal truth in the world, we can sometimes judge other society in a logical way. For example, today in Indonesia, Chinese people are discriminated. Many Chinese Indonesians are being killed, raped and attacked. If cultural relativism is totally true, then there is no reason for us to think that our peaceful society is better than the violence society that used to practice genocide. Despite all these culture conflicts, I managed to earn American way through schools, colleges and become respectable citizens. Inside this country, there still are many ethnic communities where people from ethnic groups come to share their lives, trade foods, and celebrate festivals. That adds to the diversity of American life and helps mainstream American people to understand more easily other people in the world. 雅思作文要想更进一步,请天天访问我们.感谢阅读《Culture Shock》一文.本文来自雅思作文网《Culture Shock》。 Words: 1290 雅思作文要想更进一步,请天天访问我们.感谢阅读《Culture Shock》一文.
2023-06-08 07:26:441

He is a Britain boy.还是He is a British boy.

2023-06-08 07:26:522


被召到员工会议上被他的校长,斯坦布朗来自新西兰的材料进行数学课程开发的项目,他希望看到纳入高中他的教导。斯坦已经教了两年在菲律宾,享受他在这个国际学校寄居在马尼拉。穆里尼奥,他们发展了一种密切的关系,斯坦,也被要求参加会议。校长问斯坦讨论他的提议,对话的内容已经被其他人出席会议。只有轻微mddifications是必要的。同意采取下一步行动向可能的实现。帖前以来已经采取了更少的时间比预期的要长,校长问何塞说几句话,有关课程开发工作的项目。同样地,绝大多数的人在会议上知道的这个项目。当穆里尼奥给了他的项目 希望满意,谢谢。
2023-06-08 07:27:005