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engage enter的区别

2023-06-08 10:02:36
TAG: nt ter gag








go on foot / walk
2023-06-08 05:37:116


2023-06-08 05:37:383


  不、没有是我们日常生活中经常虎使用的口语,那你知道不、没有的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的不、没有的英文,希望大家喜欢!   不、没有的英文   2.none   3.without   no常见用法   adv.不; 否; 一点也没有;   adj.没有的; 不许的; 一点儿也没有; 决不是的   n.不; 否定,否认; 反对票; 否决票   abbr.数字(number); 元素锘(nobelium)的符号;   1. “Is it raining?”“No, it isn"t.”   “现在下雨吗?”“没有。”   2. “I bought this bicycle for £5.”“No!”   “我花五英镑买了这辆脚踏车。”“不会吧!”   3. I have told him again and again that he should no longer smoke.   我再三告诉他不该再吸烟。   4. “Will you post this letter for me?” “No, it"s too cold to go out.”   “你给我寄封信好吗?”“不,太冷了,我不出去。”   5. She had no small part in its success.   此事成功她大有功劳。   6. Oh, no, he"s dead.   啊,不,他死了。   7. I"m feeling no better than yesterday.   我一点儿也不觉得比昨天好。   8. “Is the baby not a boy?”“No, it is not a boy.”   “那婴儿不是男孩吗?”“是的,他不是。”   9. No smoking!   不许吸烟!   10. She"s no fool.   她可不是傻子。   none的用法   pron.没有人,没有一人; 没有一个; 没有一部分,没有一点;   adv.根本不; 无法,绝不;   1. Seventy-nine voted in the affirmative, and none in the negative.   79人投赞成票,没有人投反对票。   2. She exhibited none of the narcissistic and nihilistic tendencies of her peers.   她一点儿都没表现出同龄人那种自恋和虚无主义的性格倾向。   3. None of these people will admit responsibility for their actions.   这些人都不会愿意为自己的行为负责。   4. She did none of the maintenance on the vehicle itself.   她对车子本身没有进行半点养护。   5. That"s none of your business, it has nothing to do with you.   那不关你的事,与你八竿子打不着。   6. None of that matters, because we"re crazy about each other.   那些都不重要,因为我们深深地爱着对方。   7. I don"t think they"ll have any idea how I"m feeling. None whatsoever.   我认为他们并不了解我的感受,一点儿都不了解。   8. Marianne was none too pleased to find Simon seated beside her.   玛丽安娜发现西蒙坐在自己旁边很不高兴。   9. "Anyhow," she added briskly, "it"s none of my business."   10. I can confidently say that none of them were or are racist.   我可以非常肯定地说他们中没有一个种族主义者,过去没有,现在也没有。
2023-06-08 05:37:451


The plane took off despite the fog . 尽管有雾,飞机仍 照常 起飞。 Things will proceed normally despite difficulties . 尽管有困难,但一切 照常 。 You see, madrid goes about its business as usual . 你瞧,马德里 照常 进行工作。 Despite the bad weather the fete will go ahead . 尽管天气不好,游乐会 照常 举行。 He can only follow the old routine . 他只会 照常 规办事。 Its solution consists as usual of a plementary function . 其解 照常 由一余函数组成。 The patient is holding his own . 病人还 照常 支持。 I finally accepted the loss and went about my business . 最后我自认倒霉, 照常 做我的事情。 The struggle of aileen to be perfect was, as usual, severe . 爱玲 照常 拚命地追求十全十美。 Everything proceeds as usual . 一切 照常 进行。 While john was in the army, marry kept the home fires burning . 约翰入伍时,玛丽 照常 维持家务。 The sun also rises . 太阳 照常 升起。 Aileen came briskly, vigorously in, her beautiful body clothed as decoratively as ever . 爱玲神气活现地走了进来,她苗条的身躯 照常 穿得很华丽。 He was brushed and washed at the usual hour, and set off with his son to pursue his ostensible calpng . 他在梳洗时间 照常 梳洗,然后带著他的儿子去从事他的公开职业。 Bloggs laughed, "i saw one outside a bombed popce station: "be good, we are still open." " 布洛格斯笑著说:“我在一个被炸的警察所外面看到过类似的牌子,上写:"请奉公守法此处 照常 办公。"” Bigger felt that he was caught up in a vast but depcate machine whose wheels would whirl no matter what was pitted against them . 那人一再提到别格的名字,别格觉得自己卷入了一个巨大而精密的机器,它的轮子不管受任何阻挠都会 照常 运转。 Rain or shine , the game will be held as scheduled 不论下不下雨,比赛 照常 举行。 Certainly . but you have to pay the rent as usual 当然可以,不过你得 照常 付房租。 I forgot my plan and i went to school as usual 我忘记了我的计划, 照常 上学去了。 And some things can be written in code , as usual 有些东西可以使用代码 照常 编写。 If the file has not changed , it is checked in as usual 如果文件没有更改,则 照常 签入。 Stock - taking today . business as usual tomorrow 今日盤点,明日 照常 营业。 Gentlemen , we should all stick to our set routine . . 先生们,我们该依守规定 照常 工作. . 9 : 00 a . m . to 5 : 00 p . m . open during lunch hours 上午九时正至下午五时正(午膳时间 照常 办公) 9am 6pm stays open during lunchtime 上午九时至下午六时午膳时间 照常 办公 9 : 00 a . m . to 4 : 00 p . m . open during lunch hours 上午九时正至下午四时正(午膳时间 照常 办公) The game will e off as usual rain or shine 不论晴雨,比赛 照常 举行。 E . font messageboxvb . appendpne messagebox . show messageboxvb . tostring , ,将 照常 绘制标头。 John : just routine , nothing very special 约翰: 照常 ,没什麼特别的。 The game will go on as usual , rain or shine 不论晴雨,比赛 照常 举行。
2023-06-08 05:37:521


日语的拟声拟态词是根据日本人的视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉、感觉等创造出来的,其他国家的人不可能像日本人一样,完全理解这些词汇的全部内在含义。比如拟声词ひたひた,《日汉词典》上的解释是河水拍击河岸的“哗啦哗啦”声,但在日本人的理解中,这个词也可以表示其他物体相互碰撞的声音,而这个含义,除非日本人告诉我们,否则我们很难体会到。请看一个例句:兵士(兵士)たちはひたひたと敌の阵地(じんち)に攻め込んだ。士兵们发出枪支、弹药互相碰撞的声音攻入敌人的阵地。至于说日语拟声拟态词无法翻译成英语,我们可以从一些名著中看到端倪。川端正成《雪国》的英译本《Snow Country》(译者Edward Seidensticker)中,随便找出4个有拟声拟态词的句子为例,我们可以比较一下,除了最后一个句子将しゃんしゃん勉强翻译成briskly之外,其他3个句子都没有将拟声拟态词翻译出来。子供なんざあ、二阶から「ぼんぼん」投げおろしているんだってさ。Throwing children over one after another from the balcony, they say.驹子が簪(かんざし)を「ぶすりぶすり」畳に突き刺していたのを、岛村は思い出した。He could see her stabbing at he mat with that silver hair ornament.秋风が来ると、その羽は薄纸(うすがみ)のように「ひらひら」と揺れた。The wings fluttered like thin pieces of paper in the autumn wind.したたか酔っているのに、驹子は険しい坂を「しゃんしゃん」歩いた。Drunk though she was, she walked briskly down the steep hill.通过上面的简单介绍,我们可以看出,日语的拟声拟态词可以翻译成汉语,而且最奇妙的是,它们一般都是由4个假名(ひたひた)组成,而汉语也用4个字(哗啦哗啦)对应,既对称又工整,很有意思。遗憾的是,英语就不行了,在英语中很难找到与日语拟声词完全对应的单个词汇,因而翻译时只能用一个词组进行描述了。例如将“ひたひた”翻译为“sound of water lapping against the bank.”(河水拍击河岸的声音)
2023-06-08 05:38:171


2023-06-08 05:38:2510


2023-06-08 05:39:072


linger用联想记忆法:歌手(singer)留恋(linger)曾经的舞台。英 ["lu026au014bɡu0259(r)]   美 ["lu026au014bɡu0259r]    vi. 徘徊;逗留;消磨;漫步例句:She linger after the concert, hoping to meet the star.翻译:音乐会后她徘徊不去,希望能遇见明星。短语1、linger boldly 大胆地磨蹭2、linger brazenly 厚颜无耻地逗留3、linger briskly 轻松地逗留4、linger carelessly 粗心地逗留
2023-06-08 05:39:131


『壹』 英文(龟兔赛跑)的故事 Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare had an argument about who was faster. They decided to settle the argument with a race. They agreed on a route and started off the race. 从前,有一只乌龟和一只兔子在互相争辩谁跑得 快。他们决定来一场比赛分高下,选定了路线, 就此起跑 。 The hare shot ahead and ran briskly for some time. Then seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise, he thought he"d sit under a tree for some time and relax before continuing the race. 兔子带头冲出,奔驰了一阵子,眼看它已遥遥领先乌龟 ,心想,它可以在树下坐一会儿,放松一 下,然后再继续比赛。 He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep. The tortoise plodding on overtook him and soon finished the race, emerging as the undisputed champ. 兔子很快地在树下就睡著了,而一路上笨手笨脚走来的乌龟则超越过它,不一会儿儿完成比赛 ,成为货真价实的冠军。 The hare woke up and realised that he"d lost the race. The moral of the story is that slow and steady wins the race. 等兔子一觉醒来,才发觉它输了。这个故事给我们的启示是:缓慢且持续的人会赢得比赛。 『贰』 谁可以给我小兔子和大灰狼故事的英文版 你到故事书屋上面找找看,上面的故事很多的,应该有你要的英文故事 『叁』 龟兔赛跑的故事英文版40字 One day a hare saw a tortoise walking slowly along and began to laugh and mock him.The hare challenged the tortoise to a race and the tortoise accepted.They agreed on a route and started off the race.The hare shot ahead and ran briskly for some time.Then seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise,he thought he"d sit under a tree for some time and relax before continuing the race.He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep.The tortoise,plodding on,overtook him and finished the race.The hare woke up and realized that he had lost the race. 想要熟练掌握英语快速学习技巧或者单词读音,推荐报班跟着外教学英语,课均不到20元。 免费试听课地址:【点击领取真人外教一对一免费体验课】试听完之后,还可以免费获得一次英语能力水平测试和一份详细的报告,以及公开课免费看。 阿卡索是在线一对一教学,有固定外教的机构,可以让学员天天在家留学一样跟外教学英语,学习过程分级考试,并发相应证书,且价格亲民,一年学费才几千块钱,一堂课才20元左右。 希望可以帮到你啦! 想要找到合适英语培训机构,网络搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。 网络搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全英语资源。 『肆』 谁能帮我用英文写下守株待兔的故事 急 在线等 States, Song of a farmer, and every day when he went to the fields to work hard to maintain family life. One day, which seems to be quite the same to the farmers working in the fields when I saw a rabbit ran very fast. Immediately after darting out from the bushes, they were careful not to call of the head and knocked down at the field. "Look! How such a thing? I am really lucky. If such kind of a daily basis, presented by the rabbit, harvest more than a plow? busy busy work in the fields but also inplete. It is much easier ah rabbit found in the tree? "The farmer confidence in, it picked up the rabbit went home. From then on, which farmers do not plow the fields, the daily sat on the edge of the large trees, plane trees waiting for the rabbit to suicide. One day weeks later, and did not wait for a rabbit, but that the farmer did not throw in the towel. Every day, I sat in trees or. "Hmm! I do not believe that! Not so today, tomorrow, always wait! "Over several months, it did not pick up the rabbit. Description of the shadow never even rabbits! It plots the farmers, but also because it"s been so long without farming, are lying fallow. -------------------------------------------------- 相传在战国时代宋国,有一个农民,日出而作,日入而息.遇到好年景,也不过刚刚吃饱穿暖;一遇灾荒,可就要忍饥挨饿了.他想改善生活,但他太懒,胆子又特小,干什么都是又懒又怕,总想碰到送上门来的意外之财。 奇迹终于发生了。深秋的一天,他正在田里耕地,周围有人在打猎。吆喝之声四处起伏,受惊的小野兽没命的奔跑。突然, 有一只兔子,不偏不倚,一头撞死在他田边的树根上。 当天,他美美地饱餐了一顿。 从此,他便不再种地。一天到晚,守着那神奇的树根,等着奇迹的出现。 成语“守株待兔”,比喻亡想不劳而得,或死守狭隘的经验,不知变通。 Staying by a Stump Waiting for More Hares To Come and Dash Themselves Against It This story took place more than 2,000 years ago,in the Warring States period(475-221 B.C.).Tradition has it that in the State of Song at that time there was a man who was famous for staying by a stump waiting for more hares to e and dash themselves against it. He was a yong farmer,and his family had been farmers for generations.Year after year and generation after generation, farmers used to sow in spring and harvest in autumn,beginning to work at sunrise and retiring at sunset.In good harvest years,they could only have enough food to eat and enough clothing to wear.If there was a famine e to crop failure,they had to go hungry. This young farmer wanted to improve his life.But he was too lazy and too cowardly.Being lazy and cowardly over everything,he often dreamed of having unexpected blessings. A miracle took place at last. One day in late autumn,when he was ploughing in the field,o groups of people were hunting nearby.As shoutings were rising one after another,scared hares were running desperately.Suddenly,a blind hare dashed itself headlong against the stump of a dead tree in his field and died. That day,he ate his fill. From that day on,he no longer went in for farming again.From morning till night,he stayed by that miraculous stump,waiting for miracles to take place again. This story es from"The Five Vermin"in The Works of Han Feizi.Later generations often use the set phrase"staying by a stump waiting for more hares to e and dash themselves against it"to show grusting to chance and windfalls or dreaming to reap without sowing.It is also used to show adhering to narrow experiences and not being able to be flexible. 『伍』 编一个跟兔子有关的英语童话故事 急啊,急 龟兔赛跑~~~~ The Hare and the Tortoise H: Good morning, Mr. Tortoise. T: Oh, it"s you, Mr. Hare. Good morning! H: What are you doing? T: I"m running. H: Running? Ha ha ha! H laugh at T, Can you run? Your legs are too short! T: Of course I can. H: My legs are long. I can run faster than you. T: Don"t be so sure. H: Well then. Let"s run to the tall tree over there. Let"s see who can get there first. T: All right. Ready? Go! Storyteller: Tortoise goes very slowly. But Mr. Hare runs very fast. Soon he es to a *** all tree. H: Where is Mr. Tortoise? Aha! There he is. He"s far behind me. How slow he is! Mmm, it"s so hot! Here is a tree. I"ll have a short sleep first. thus the h felled fast alseep. what a fortable sleep it is T: Oh, hi is sleeping under the tree there with a slow but steady pace . But I can"t stop. I must go on. H: Ah! What a nice sleep! Let me go on. Oh, where"s Mr. Tortoise? Where is he now? I must hurry. Storyteller: Soon he runs to at last h beated the t and won the race. 『陆』 怎么用英语续写龟兔赛跑的故事,几句就可 自从上次龟兔赛跑比赛后,兔子不服。 一天兔子便对乌龟说:“我们明天再来比赛版。”乌龟权答应了。 到了比赛那天,乌龟傻眼了,因为是比仰卧起坐,乌龟一个也做不起来。 这次,兔子终于赢了。它蹦蹦跳跳的跑到森林里去跟别的小动物们炫耀。 Since the last time the tortoise and the hare race, the rabbit not. One day the hare said to the tortoise: "we e back tomorrow game." The tortoise agreed. To the day of the race, the tortoise was mbfounded, because it is the ratio of sit ups, the tortoise a do not. This time, the hare won. It skipped into the woods with other *** all animal show. 满意请采纳 『柒』 五六岁写了一篇跟兔子有关的故事用英语怎么翻译 Warring States, Song of a farmer, and every day when he went to the fields to work hard to maintain family life. One day, which seems to be quite the same to the farmers working in the fields when I saw a rabbit ran very fast. Immediately after darting out from the bushes, they were careful not to call of the head and knocked down at the field. "Look! How such a thing? I am really lucky. If such kind of a daily basis, presented by the rabbit, harvest more than a plow? busy busy work in the fields but also inplete. It is much easier ah rabbit found in the tree? "The farmer confidence in, it picked up the rabbit went home. From then on, which farmers do not plow the fields, the daily sat on the edge of the large trees, plane trees waiting for the rabbit to suicide. One day weeks later, and did not wait for a rabbit, but that the farmer did not throw in the towel. Every day, I sat in trees or. "Hmm! I do not believe that! Not so today, tomorrow, always wait! "Over several months, it did not pick up the rabbit. Description of the shadow never even rabbits! It plots the farmers, but also because it"s been so long without farming, are lying fallow. 『捌』 大灰狼和小白兔的故事译英文 《小白遇见大灰狼》是qqloved创作的网络小说,发表于晋江文学网。小白遇见专大灰狼,属是命中注定,还是阴差阳错;是相濡以沫,还是相忘于江湖;是两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮;还是为伊消得人憔悴,衣带渐宽终不悔。剧情轻松。 『玖』 农夫和兔子的故事的英语梗概 A farm was working in the field when a hare jumped out of the wood and killed itself on a stump. The farmer was pleased to pick up the dead hare and hoped he would catch another on the same spot. Days passed by. Unluckily, he caught nothing until his farmland had wasted.
2023-06-08 05:39:301


AA band of= a herd of=a flock of 一群A range of=an array of= a list of= a collection of=a series of= a set of一系列Accelerate=speed up加速Accomplishment=achievement 成就,完成Accomplish=achieve (V)完成,达成,成就Attend=participate in 参加Achieve=obtain=gain=access to sth 得到、获得Adapt to=integrate into使适应、融为一体Aim.n=objective=goal 目的Aim at=focus on=concentrate on=emphasize on 集中、强调An array of=a list of =a set of=a series of 一系列Attempt to do=try to do=intend to do尝试作,想要作Approximately=roughly=about=some=around 大约Appreciation=interest 欣赏As a result=consequently=as a consequence=hence因此、从而As well as=and和As well=too也Associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=involve in与……相关联Attach to=connect to=link to=serve与……相连接、附着在……上At will=at random=by chance=by accident=accidentally随意地Automatically ensure=guarantee确保BBe similar to=closely resembled =have something in common 相似Be used to=be devoted to专门用于Be equivalent to=be equal to 等同于Be taken aback=be surprised 吃惊Briskly =rapidly=swiftly快速地CCalculate=measure 衡量Catch up with=keep pace with跟上步伐Chief=major=dominant=principle主要的Chronic=long term 慢性病的Complain=illness 病症Concern n. =focus关心的问题Concern v. =about 与……有关Concept =conception=notion=idea=understanding概念、理解Condition=regulate 调节Confront=encounter=in the face of面临Concern = care关心Consist of=comprise由什么组成Concur with sb=agree with sb 同意某人Contaminate=pollute=poison 污染Contend=assert=cliam断言Contribute to=result in=lead to=link to=responsible for导致Cooperate with=work with 与……协作Convert to=turn into 转为、转变为Crop up=crop out=come up 出现DDegenerated=underdeveloped退化Distract from= can not concentrate 使精力分散Deadly=fateful 致命的Diminish=decrease=shrink 减少Distort reality=far from reality=dishonest不真实的Distinction=difference=nuance 不同之处Distinct=distinguish=different=unique不同的Distinct variety of =different kind of=separate kind of不同的Distinguish=tell辨别Due to=because of由于Drawback=defect=ill缺点EEat=feed 喂食,进食Endanger=threaten 威胁Engage in=participate in=join in 参与Establish=set up建立Establish=find out=figure out=work out查明Evolvement=development=progress发展、发育Emphasize=stress 强调 (v)Embark upon=start=launch开始Enlighten=illuminate=instruct=educate启蒙、给予知识Entire=whole 全部Exceptional=extremely 特别(特别好)FFail to do=failure to do=can not do没有能够做Far from=not at all根本不Fault=flaw=defect错误Form=shape=mould形成Foundation=basis基础Finance=sponsor=fund 提供赞助(金钱)Free=release=set free释放Frequently=often 经常GGreat milestone=impact=effect=influence对……具有很重要的影响力Grant=give授予Gas=petrol石油HHold=harbor=embrace拥有Halt=stop=hamper(v.) 阻止、使停滞Hurdle=barrier(n.) 阻碍IIdentical=the same一模一样Imitate=impersonate模仿Incline to do=tend to do倾向于做某事Indicate=show=suggest=signify=identify表明Identify=recognize鉴别In reaction to=respond to 对……起反应Interpret=illustrate解释Introduce to=import to引入KKey (a.)=important=significant=crucial=essential=play a vital/ an important part/role in重要的,关键的Key (n.)=approach=means=method=technique方法LLikelihood=possibility可能性Link-up=connection 联系MMaster=grasp 掌握Match sth to=assign sth to把……和……搭配起来Misconception=misunderstanding=mistaken view错误的理解Modify=change=alter修改、改变Manifestation=demonstration 显示、表明NNature=character=characteristics本质、特点Non-toxic= less poisonous=safe 无毒的、安全的Novel a.=fresh=new=up to date 新潮的、创新的Numerous= a number of 许多OOwing to=thanks to =contribute to多亏……,有赖于……PPattern=format形式,模式Pattern=design图案Pore over=study 研究Poisonous=toxic 有毒的Portray=describe描写塑造(v.)Portrait=description描写塑造(n.)Preserve=store 储存Prevailing=popular=prevalent 盛行的Present day=modern society 现代社会、现在时代Prodigious effort=enormous effort重大的努力Produce=trigger=generate=spawn=bring about=result=breed=spawn激发、产生Provide=offer 提供Protect A from B =shelter A from B 使A不受B的侵害QQuestionnaire=survey 问卷调查RReadily=easily=accessible 容易地Reflect=consider考虑Relate to=understand=appreciate理解Rely on=depend on 依靠……Remarkable=extraordinary 特别突出的(好的事物)Replace=take the place of 取代Residue=remains=relics=relicts=ruins剩余物、废墟Resemble=like=as像SShow=reflect表现Significance=importance 重要性State=Situation=circumstance 状况,状态,情形Striking=noticeable值得注意地Struggle for=strive for 努力地争取Substantial=considerable 想当可观的Success=achievement=great outcome=great progress=huge development成功、成就Surprising=unexpectedly uncommon令人吃惊的TTake to=be used to=get used to 对……习惯Tale=story=fairytale 故事Talent=gift 天赋Tuition=formal teaching正式的学校教育Turn to=consult 寻求帮助、求助于Toxic=poisonous 有毒的UUnbiased=without prejudice 无立场、不带任何偏见的Up to=depend on/upon=rely on 由……决定Universal=popular普遍VVirtue=advantage=strength 优点好处WWork out=figure out=reckon 计算出、作出Part 21. 解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle2. 损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize3. 给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford4. 培养::Develop, cultivate, foster5. 优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength6. 缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness7. 使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle8. 重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative, essential9. 认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced10. 保护:Protect, conserve, preserve11. 确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge12. 有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental13. 要求 :Request, demand, needs, requisition14. 消除 :Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away15. 导致:Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate16. 因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this17. 增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to18. 降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to19. 保持稳定:Level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out20. 急剧的:Dramatically,drastically,sharply,hugely,enormously,steeply,substantially,considerably,significantly,markedly,surprisingly,strikingly,radically,remarkably,vastly,noticeably21. 平稳地:Steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,marginally,gradually,moderately,mildly22. 宣称:Allege, assert, declare, claim23. 发生:Happen, occur, take place24. 原因:Reason, factor, cause25. 发展:Development, advance, progress26. 有益的:Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding,advantageous27. 影响:Influence, impact, effect28. 明显的:Clear, obvious, evident, self-evident, manifest, apparent, crystal-clear29. 占:Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose30. 与…相比:Compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with,by comparison to31. 对比而言:By contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary=,conversely32. 展示:Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe33. 大约:Approximately,almost,about,around,nearly,roughly34. 波动:Fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation35. 事实上:Practically,in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,in effect,in fact,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that36. 换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle.有声学院,一所专注国际教育的课后培训学校,课程涵盖:IELTS/TOEFL/SAT、学科指导、批判思维英文阅读/写作等课程,做有态度的教育是始终如一的原则。备考干货请看微信公众号「YouthShine有声」(ID:yousheng-edu) ,回复“故事”,送你9个提分秘籍。
2023-06-08 05:39:391


1. 夏、尤二翁的文言文翻译 夏、尤二翁的文言文翻译如下: 夏翁是江阴县的大族,曾坐船经过市桥,有一个人挑粪倒入他的船,溅到夏翁的衣服,此人还是旧相识。僮仆很生气,想打他,夏翁说:“这是因为他不知情,如果知道是我,怎会冒犯我呢?”因而用好话把他打发走。 回家后,夏翁翻阅债务帐册查索,原来这个人欠了三十两钱无法偿还,想借此求死。夏翁因此撕毁契券,干脆不要他还。 长洲尤翁开钱庄营生,年末,听到门外有吵闹声,出门一看,原来是邻居。 司典者(管理典当的职员)上前对尤翁诉说:“此人拿衣服来典押借钱,现在却空手前来赎取,而且出口骂人,有这种道理吗?”此人还是一副骠悍不驯的样子。 尤翁慢慢地告诉他说:“我知道你的心意,不过是为新年打算而已,这种小事何必争吵?就命家人检查他原来抵押的物品,共有四、五件衣服。尤翁指着棉衣道:“这件是御寒不可少的。”又指着长袍道:“这件给你拜年用,其他不是急需,自然可以留在这里。”这个人拿了两件衣服,默默地离去。 但是当夜竟然死在别人家,官司打了一年。原来这个人负债太多,已经服毒还没有发作,打算自杀讹诈人钱财,心想尤翁有钱,好做讹头。既然不成,又转移到别人家的。有人问尤翁为什么事先知道而强忍着,尤翁说:“凡是别人同你发生冲突而不合常理,一定有所仗恃。小事不能忍,灾祸立刻降临。”人人都佩服他的见识。 夏、尤二翁是文言文《夏翁,江阴巨族》中的人物。 扩展资料: 《夏翁,江阴巨族》文言文原文: 夏翁,江阴巨族。尝舟行过市桥,一人担粪,倾入其舟,溅及翁衣。其人旧识也,僮辈怒,欲殴之。翁曰:“此出不知耳,知我宁肯相犯!”因好语遣之。及归,阅债籍,此人乃负三十金无偿,欲因以求死。翁为之折券。 长洲尤翁开钱典。岁底,闻外哄声,出视,则邻人也。司典者前诉曰:“某将衣质钱,今空手来取,反出詈语,有是理乎!”其人悍然不逊,翁徐谕之曰:“我知汝意,不过为过新年计耳。此小事,何以争为?”命检原质,得衣帷四五事,翁指絮衣曰:“此御寒不可少。”又指道袍曰:“与汝为拜年用,他物非所急,自可留也。”其人得二件,默然而去。 是夜竟死于他家,涉讼经年。盖此人因负债多已服毒知尤富可诈既不获则移于他家耳。或问尤翁:“何以预知而忍乏?”翁曰:“凡非理相加,其中必有所恃,小不忍则祸立至矣。”人服其识。 2. 初中八下文言文翻译 《送东阳马生序》 原文及译文 原文: 余幼时即嗜学。家贫,无致书以观,每假借于藏书之家,手自笔录,计日以还。天大寒,观冰坚,手指不可屈伸,弗之怠。录毕,走送了,不敢销逾约。以是人多以书假余,余因得遍观群书。既加冠,益慕圣贤之道。又患无硕师名人与游,尝趋百里外从乡之先达执经叩问。先达德隆望尊,门人弟子填其室,未尝稍降辞色。余立侍左右,援疑质理,俯身倾耳以请;或遇其叱咄,色愈恭,礼愈至,不敢出一言以复;俟其欣悦,则又请焉。故余虽愚,卒获有所闻。 当余之从师也,负箧曳屣,行深山巨谷中,穷冬烈风,大雪深数尺,足肤皲裂而不知。至舍,四支僵劲不能动,媵人持汤沃灌,以衾拥覆,久而乃和。寓逆旅主人,日再食,无鲜肥滋味之享。同舍生皆被绮绣,戴朱缨宝饰之帽,腰白玉之环,左佩刀,右备容臭,烨然若神人;余则緼袍敝衣处其间,略无慕艳意,以中有足乐者,不知口体之奉不若人也。盖余之勤且艰苦此。 今诸生学于太学,县官日有禀销之供,父母岁有裘葛之遗,无冻馁之患矣;坐大厦之下而诵《诗》《书》,无奔走之劳矣;有司业、博士为之师,未有问而不告,求而不得者也;凡所宜有之书皆集于此,不必若余之手录,假诸人而后见也。其业有不精,德有不成者,非天质之卑,则心不若余之专耳,岂他人之过哉? 东阳马生君则在太学已二年,流辈甚称其贤。余朝京师,生以乡人子谒余。撰长书以为贽,辞甚畅达。与之论辨,言和而色夷。自谓少时用心于学甚劳。是可谓善学者矣。其将归见其亲也,余故道为学之难以告之。 译文: 我小时候就特别喜欢读书。家里贫穷,没有办法买书来读,常常向藏书的人家去借,(借来)就亲书抄写,计算着日期按时送还。天很冷时,砚池里的水结成坚硬的冰,手指(冻得)不能弯曲和伸直,也不因此停止。抄写完了,赶快送还借书,不敢稍稍超过约定的期限。因此人家多愿意把书借给我,我于是能够阅读很多书。到了成年以后,更加仰慕古代圣贤的学说,又担心没有才学渊博的老师和名人相交往(请教),曾经跑到百里以外向同乡有名望的前辈拿着书请教。前辈道德、声望高,高人弟子挤满了他的屋子,他从来没有把语言放委婉些,把脸色放温和些。我恭敬地站在他旁边。提出疑难,询问道理,弯着身子侧着耳朵请教。有时遇到他人斥责人,(我的)表情更加恭顺,礼节更加周到,一句话不敢回答;等到他高兴了,就又请教。所以我虽很笨,终于获得多教益。 当我去求师的时候,背着书籍,拖着鞋子,在深山大谷中奔走,深冬刮着凛冽的寒风,大雪有几尺深,脚上的皮肤冻裂了不知道。等走到旅舍,四肢冻僵了不能动弹,服侍的人拿来热水(给我)洗手暖脚,拿被子(给我)盖上,过很久才暖和过来。在旅馆里,每天只吃两顿饭,没有鲜美的食物可以享受,一起住在旅馆的同学们,都穿着华美的衣服戴着红缨和宝石装饰的帽子,腰上佩带白玉环,左边佩着刀,右边挂着香袋,闪光耀眼好像仙人。而我却穿着破棉祆旧衣衫生活在他们中间,毫无羡慕的心思。因为我心中有自己的乐趣,不感到吃穿的享受不如别人了。我求学时的勤恳艰辛情况大体如此。 现在这些学生在大学里学习, *** 天天供给膳食,父母年年送来冬服夏装,(这就)没有挨冻挨饿的忧虑啦;坐在高大宽敞的房屋之下读着《诗》《书》,这就)没有东奔西走的劳累啦;有司业、博士做他们的老师,没有问而不告诉,求知而得不到的啦;一切应有的书都集中在这里,(这就)不必象我那样亲手抄写,向别人借来然后才能看到啦。(要是)他们学业(还)不精通,德行(还)有不具备的,(那就)不是(他的)智力低下,而是(他的)思想不象我那样专注罢了,难道是别人的过失吗? 马生君在大学学习已经两年了,同辈的人称赞他贤能。去官之后进京朝见皇帝,他以同乡晚辈的身份拜见我。写了一篇长信做见面礼,言辞很流畅通达。同论的文相比,语言委婉、神色和悦。自称小时候学习用功、刻苦。是可以称得上爱好学习的人。他将要回家乡探视他的双亲,我特意告诉了他求学的艰难 3. 文言文翻译 孙叔敖做了楚国的宰相,全都城的官吏和百姓都来祝贺。有一个老人,穿着麻布制的丧衣,戴着白色的丧帽,最后来吊丧。孙叔敖整理好衣帽出来接见了他,对老人说:“楚王不了解我没有才能,让我担任宰相这样的高官,人们都来祝贺,只有您来吊丧,莫不是有什么话要指教吧?”老人说:“是有话说。自己富贵了却对人傲慢的人人民就会离开他,地位高了却擅自用权的人君王就会厌恶他,俸禄优厚了却不知足的人祸患就隐伏在那里。”孙叔敖向老人拜了两拜,说:“我诚恳地接受您的指教,还想听听您其余的意见。”老人说:“地位越高,态度越谦虚;官职越大,处事越小心谨慎;俸禄已很丰厚,就不应索取分外财物。您严格地遵守这三条,就能够把楚国治理好。”孙叔敖回答说:“您说的很对,我一定会牢牢记住它们!” 字词: 令尹(yǐn):楚国官名,相当于宰相。 国:指都城。 吊:吊唁。 衣粗衣:穿着麻制的丧衣。 受吏民之垢:意即担任宰相一事,这是一种谦虚的说法。 不肖:不能干,没有贤德。 患处之:灾祸就隐伏在那里。 意益下:越发将自己看低。 心益小:意思是处事越要小心谨慎。益,更。 全文重点字词: 孙叔敖为(做,担任)楚令尹,一(全)国吏民(官员和百姓)皆来贺。有一老父(老人),衣(做动词,穿)粗衣,冠(做动词,戴帽子)白冠,后来吊(原意为“慰问”,这里是“吊唁”的意思)。孙叔敖正衣冠而(表承接)见之,谓老父曰:“楚王不知臣之(助词,无意)不肖(不贤能),使臣受吏民之(助词的)垢(责骂),人尽(都)来贺,子独后吊,岂(表反问的语气词,相当于“难道”)有说(说法)乎?”父日:“有说。身已贵而(表转折)骄人(对人傲慢)者民去(离开、抛弃)之,位已高而擅权(擅自用权)者君恶(讨厌)之,禄已厚(优厚)而不知足者患(祸患)处(隐伏)之。”孙叔敖再(两次)拜曰:“敬受命,愿(希望)闻余教(教导)。”父曰:“位已高意益(更加)下,官益大而心益小(处事越要小心谨慎),禄已厚而慎不敢取。君谨守此三者,足(足够)以(用来)治楚矣!” 孙叔敖采纳了老者哪三条谏言? 原文回答:1 位已高而意益下 2 官益大而心益小 3 禄已厚而慎不敢取 概括回答:1地位高了而心志更要谦卑 2 官职大了而心思更要谨慎小心 3 俸禄优厚了而更要慎重,不敢索取。 文中孙叔敖是怎样一个人物,用自己的语言概括一下? ①他是一个能虚心求教的人。 ②身居高位而能严格要求自己,能正确而清醒地把握自己。 ③时刻为百姓着想,为国家利益着想的人。 “老父”在服饰、行动上与“一国吏民”有什么不同? 他穿白衣戴白帽,“一国吏民”都来祝贺他,而“老父”却告诫他。 补充一则与“纳言”有关的事例 示例: 1、唐太宗善纳魏征良言,开创了“贞观之治”的盛世 2、刘邦善纳张良良言,战胜了项羽,一统天下。 3、邹忌讽齐王纳谏 本文选自《说苑·敬慎》。孙叔敖出任楚国令尹,官吏、百姓都来祝贺,却有一位老人来吊丧,而孙叔敖不但不生气,反而更加彬彬有礼。这里写了两个奇特的人物:一个是普通百姓,对新任令尹胆敢冲撞冒颜,且“出言不逊”;一个是朝廷高官,面对小民百姓的“无礼”,却能以礼待之,虚心纳言受教。这两个奇特形象,形成鲜明对比,相映成趣。自然,“趣”之旨,在于突出孙叔敖为官谦虚尽职,能够听取别人哪怕是小民百姓的意见。正因为如此,孙叔敖为楚相,很有政绩。孙叔敖的为官之道,在今天也还可借鉴。作者想告诉我们:为官应该谦逊尽职,能够听取别人的意见。 【练习】 1.解释下列句中加点字: ①一国吏民皆来贺 ( ) ②后来吊 ( ) ③孙叔敖正衣冠而出见之 ( ) ④位已高而意益下 ( ) 2.用现代汉语翻译文中画线句。(身已贵而骄人者民去之,位已高而擅权者君恶之,禄已厚而不知足者患处之。) 3.上文“衣粗衣”中,前一个“衣”作动词,释为“穿”,后一个“衣”作名词,释为“衣服”。请找出上文中用法与此相似的词句。 【参考答案】 二、1.①全。②吊唁。③使……端正。④越,更加。2.自己当了大官,而对人傲慢,百姓就会离弃他;职位高,而擅弄职权,国君就会厌恶他;俸禄优厚,而不满足,祸患就会降临到他那里。3.冠白冠。 4. 文言文翻译下 Don"t turn such as bowel wheel, the moment not only weeks. Seeing double chi, profit increase center sorrow. The ancient also have the mountains and rivers, the ancient also have a car boat. Car boat load absence, of judah were free. Today"s boat with a car, and decided to sky was born. Instant view that, and do not let a little rainy day. Bell a timely, instantly leave a lot. Although have WanJun Tuo, move as to round soft. DaTouFeng is there? Also not especially stone. SongZhe not return, king on day end. The shadow at e., see not, and the YanBo briskly. To what do a speed? Set to leave no delay. Wish to prince, quick take light balloon moment is weeks of what the heart carved benefit of care benefit.。 5. 八年级语文(下)文言文翻译 译文: 世上有伯乐,这以后才有千里马。千里马经常有,但是伯乐不常有。所以即使有很名贵的马,也只能在仆役的手里受到埋没,跟普通的马一同死在马厩里,不以千里马著称。 日行千里的马,吃一顿有时能吃尽一石粮食。饲养马的人不懂得根据千里马日行千里的特点来喂养它。这马虽然有日行千里的才能,吃不饱,力不足,才能和美好的素质不能显现出来,想要和一般的马一样尚且不可能,怎么能要求它日行千里呢? 驱使它不按照驱使千里马的方法,喂养它不能竭尽它的才能,马鸣叫但不能通晓它的意思,拿起马鞭面对千里马说:“天下没有千里马!”唉!难道真的没有千里马吗?恐怕是真的不能识别千里马吧! 食马者:食——饲,喂 才美不外见:见——现,表现 食之不能尽其材:材——才,才能 其真无马邪:邪——耶,表疑问,相当于“吗” 大意: 本文借伯乐和千里马为喻,表达了作者怀才不遇之情和对统治者埋没摧残人才的愤懑和控诉。 6. 帮忙翻译下文言文 译文:刘廷式本出身农家。 邻居老翁家里很穷,有一个女儿,和刘廷式订了婚约。后来两家分别好几年,刘廷式读书考中了进士,回到乡里,寻访邻居老翁。 而老翁已经去世,他的女儿因为得病双眼失明,家境及其困顿。刘廷式让人前去说明从前的关系,而女方家里借有病推辞,答应可以做刘廷式的佃户,不敢和官员结亲。 刘廷式坚持认为那样不可以,说:“我与老翁有约定,怎么能因为他死了女儿残疾了而背弃婚约呢?”最终和老翁的女儿成了婚。结婚后两人非常和睦,他的妻子要人搀扶才能走动,共生了好几个子女。 刘廷式曾因为小过失,监察部门打算罢免他,鉴于他的行为品德很好,就原谅了他。后来刘廷式担任江州太平宫的地方官,他的妻子去世了,他哭得非常哀痛。 苏轼钦佩他的义举,写文章来赞颂他。
2023-06-08 05:39:451

急啊 多短语造句 在线等

The elderly couple are strolling leisurely now.Those health-conscious people are walking briskly on the foot paths.Those well-tanned joggers are doing warm-up exercises before going for a jog.people on roller-blades are speeding past in cycling tracks.
2023-06-08 05:39:532


① 200字左右的英语作文 我自己写的,印象深刻的事。貌似太多了,你自己缩写一点吧 As I touched the tender texture of the velvet pouch, memories rose like waves, bringing me back to the day when I had first seen it. Despite it having past a long time ago, I just could not thisexperience that left such a deep impression upon my memory. I was only six years old then, little more than a toddler. That day, my mother brought me to visit an intimate friend of hers. Bored by the endless chatting of my mother and her friend, whom I called Aunty Wong, I darted my glance here and there around the living room. Burning with curiosity triggered by my childish craving for adventures, I could not wait to explore the house.Unable to contain my restlessness, I jumped down from the stool to take a tour around the house. When I wandered into Aunty Wong"s bedroom, I saw it. It was resting on the gilded glass surface of the table, beside the enormous queen-sized bed. Somehow, it had worked a kind of enchantment on me, luring me towards it. Under the sunlight filtering through the window, the pouch gave a soft violet glow. I padded towards it, almost stealthily, as if afraid to disturb its serenity. As I walked near, I noticed there was a hibiscus with curled petals, intricately embroidered with hundreds of tiny beads on the pouch. The beads nesting on the soft velvet shimmered with a pearly light. As if in a trance, I stretched out my hand to touch the pouch. But before my fingers had reached the pouch, my mind suddenly registered a terrible truth—the pouch belonged to Aunty Wong, not me. My hands hang in mid-air, my fingertips barely an inch from the pouch. How I wish I can touch its sleek surface, feel its warm glow everyday! But I did not own the pouch. How could it bee mine? “How could the pouch bee mine?” Just then, this thought struck something—I could steal the pouch! I looked at the pouch,it was as if it was *** iling at me, inviting me to take it. I just could not tear my eyes away from it. I just could not resist its temptation. Finally, I grabbed the pouch, stuffed it into my pocket and briskly walked out of the bedroom. Sitting on the sofa in the living room, I tried to pretend that nothing had happened. But inside, my conscience was battling with my greed. “How could I have taken the pouch? It was an act of theft! ” A wave of guilt swept over me. “But I loved it so much! I just had to have it!” My greed argued. After struggling with myself for around ten minutes, there was still not a champion to my inner battle. By chance, I looked up and saw my mother *** iling at me.At thet moment, her words rang in my brain: always be an honest person. At that flicker of a second, I made my decision. Mustering up my courage, I approached Aunty wong and took out the pouch. I stammered, “Aunty, Aunty Wong, I, I just took your pouch, I mean, I actually stole it, but I really regret it and want to apologize to you now.” I finished my words in a rush. To my surprise, instead of feeling dreadful,I felt relieved after I had finished speaking, as if I had put down a burden. Stealing a glance up, I was even more amazed to see both my mother and Aunty Wong were *** iling. My mother said, “We had been observing you, and had seen you take the pouch. I believed that you were an honest girl and would own up yourself. I am so proud that you lived up to my expectation.” Aunty Wong said, “ As a reward for your honesty, you shall have the pouch.” What? I could not believe my ears. The pouch had bee mine! My heart filled with radiance as I jumped for joy. That was how I came to have the pouch. Looking at the pouch now, I was yet again reminded how this unfettable experience had impressioned so deep in my memory. It always teaches me to be honest. ② 写一篇英语作文我和朋友之间的故事 lingling i *** ybestfiend.sheisagirla and sheisinmyclass--class1,grade8.sheisverytall,becausesheoftenpiay basketball with me.she veryfriendly,sometime,ifshemeet *** ,shewillsaid,"hello,mynameislingling,andnicetomeetyou,howareyou?"sosheisverywell,thisi *** yfriend--lingling,doyoulike? 我能想到的还有一些,可是你没有说出字数和你学英语的水平,所以我只写了这些,不知道语法有没有错误,希望能帮到你。 ③ 我与书的故事英语作文80词 Different people have different hobbies.For example,someone likes reading,someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on. I used to read books and draw pictures because by reading books I could learn many funny things.But now I don"t like it.I can only learn from books.I couldn"t get knowledge from others.I need a change.Traveling is my favorite hobby now.But I can"t go traveling a lot.I can visit many different places of interest by traveling.I can learn a lot about people,places and history.It"s very interesting.What is your hobby?Let"s share each other! I have many good friends.They all have their hobbies.Ann studies very hard.So her hobby is book reading.Tony loves labour,and his hobby is gardening.He usually plants flowers and trees in his yard.Judy is a quiet girl.She likes knitting.She always knits some sweaters for her dolls.We have different hobbies,but we are good friends. I love traveling.I have great fun in traveling. ④ “我和英语有个故事”英语作文 My name is Michael. I will tell you a story about myself. I graated from China University of Mining and technology in 2006. I was hired by Founder Sofare Co., as a Net engineer in the previous 11 months. I significantly benefit from these knowledge on Visual Studio 2005, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 etc learned in school. I am working in VaconCN now as an IT website engineer. I think I can do this job very well, at the same time; it"s a challenge to me. I can learn more new knowlege. I like to play badminton. I play it Xinghai Coliseum Every weekend. It"s very interesting. I also like go to KTV with my friends, I like Ben john. I think his best song is “it is my life”. When I headed it, this song concert blew me ⑤ 老师和我发生的故事英语作文及翻译 He very serious, but is also very kind he to be willing to solve student"s problem is specially result not too good schoolmate proposes. He is also strict requests us ! His class is very interesting, the impression is very deep for me, he also teaches us besides English the history, he discussed the interesting matter to e onus to have the interest therefore my English to English to make the progress! This is my teacher I thanks him very much ! 呵呵,希望能帮到你 他非常严肃的,但也很客气,他愿意为解决学生的问题是特殊的结果不是太好同学建议.他还严格要求我们! 他的学生是非常有趣的,印象非常深刻,我,他还告诉我们除了英国的历史,他讨论了有趣的问题来对我们有兴趣因此,我的英语水平,使英语的进展! 这是我的老师我非常感谢他! ⑥ 200字左右的英语作文 Hebei Province, with its beautiful Capital, Shijiazhuang, is located to the north of the Yellow River, and to the east of the Taihang Mountains. Hebei is also known for its moderate climate. The four seasons are felt and enjoyed. In spring it is warm and rainy in summer; balmy and fine in autumn ; dry and cold in winter. So the best time to travel to Hebei is ring autumn, when you can enjoy the clear climate In the tour to Hebei Province, tourists can not only have a at all the historical relics, but they also see all the beautiful natural landscapes that you can only dream of. In summer, tourists can enjoy the sunshine, beaches, and all the fresh air that blows in from the Bohai Gulf ; In spring tourists can enjoy magnificent grassland; In autumn, they can explore the fascinating Yesanpo Scenic Area in Baoding City. And in winter, another spectacular destination in Baoding City is the Baiyang Lake. The Baiyang Lake will be a very special attraction, because tourists can see very unique scenery of reeds and snows. 河北省,以其漂亮的石家庄为省会、位于黄河以北,太行山以东。河北也是以其温和的气候而著名。 四季都会觉得很享受。春天是温和的,夏季是多雨的,芳香的秋天和冬天的寒冷和干燥。所以最好的时间是在秋天旅行的时候,你可以享受清爽的气候。 在河北省的旅游,游客们不仅可以看看所有的历史遗迹,而且可以看到那些你只能在梦里看到的美丽的自然景色,。在夏天,游客可以享受阳光、沙滩和从渤海湾吹来的新鲜空气。在春天游客可以享受草原宏伟;秋天,他们可以探索位于保定的迷人的Yesanpo风景区城。在冬天,另一个壮观地点是在保定的白洋淀。这个白洋淀将具有非常特殊的吸引力,因为游客可以看到芦苇和雪的独特的风景 ⑦ 英文作文 我和英语的故事 每次的英语考试我都能考个好分数,但遗憾的是很难得到满分,那可恨的一分两分总扣在听力上。老师说我的语法掌握得不错,就是在口语和听力上有些欠缺。怎么办呢? 开学没几天,老师告诉我们一个振奋人心的消息:“学校为了提高学生的口语能力,特地开辟了英语角,每个星期四,聘请一个老外和你们对话。这可是个来之不易的机会,你们要珍惜呀!”我想:我去试一下吧,锻炼锻炼我的语言表达能力。 第一次去英语角的时间到了,我自告奋勇去参加,老师答应了。我和几名学生早早地来到英语角,等待着老外。突然,同学们都叫了起来。原来,老外来了。我有点胆怯,但想到机会难得,壮着胆子跑过去,对老外说:“Hello, What"s your name?”老外笑了笑,摸摸我的头说:“What a good student! Hello, my name"s Rich.” 我有点不解,说:“Rich是富有的意思,难道你很富有吗?” 老外摇摇头,说:“What are you saying? I don"t know.” 这时,我有点脸红了,心想:我怎么那么粗心,忘记我是和老外谈话了。我连忙说:“Sorry!” 老外微笑着,他对大家说:“This girl is very good, She can speak with me .” 听了这话,我心里想喝了蜜一样甜。随即,我们和老外愉快地交谈了起来。 ⑧ 我的大学英语作文200字带翻译 我的大学 My College When I was in high school, go to college i *** y dream. Now I realize my dream. excited as I am, the first time I see mycollege. 在高中的时候上大学就是我的梦想。现在我实现了我的梦想。第一次看到我的大学时,我很兴奋。 My college is inside the biggest universityof Guangxi so that everytime I have to across a big campus to go out. At first Iam upset about that, but later on I get used to it. My college look *** odernization in general. When I arrive at the school gate, the first thing isthe boys" dormitory and then is the playground. Look up! I see the canteen. I seethe girls" dormitory turn left. But where is my classroom? I look around butcan"t find it. It turns out that it is separated by burrows. It"s strange,right? While I go across the burrow, I see another o big playgrounds and a tenniscourt at my left side. What is in my right side? Turn right, I see rows ofteaching building connecting with the library. This is mycollege. I like it notonly because of the evironment but also the people there. 我的大学是在广西最大的大学里面,以至于每次我要出去的时候都要经过一个大校园。一开始的时候我很烦这一点,但后来我习惯了。整体来看我的大
2023-06-08 05:40:171


【 #英语口语# 导语】或许我们在高考中考的时候书面成绩都可以达到将近满分,但是一张口,却不知道如何说起,甚至连简单的交流都很困难。 !    厉害用英语口语怎么说   awful   bitter   dreadful   fearful   fierce   grisliness   grisly   redoubtable   severe   smart   snell   terrible   terrific   vile    例句与用法   Delay is the deadliest form of denial .   拖延是最厉害的拒绝形式。   Well, this virus carried a gun .   那么说这种病毒倒真够厉害的。   She was a very dangerous speaker .   她是一个非常厉害的演说家。   It"s an emergency, madam, a very bad abscess .   这是急诊,夫人,很厉害的脓肿。   While this was in debate, he fell very sick .   正在考虑这问题的时候,他得了很厉害的病。   He had found robert himself a sharp man of business .   他发觉罗伯特本人是个精明厉害的生意人。   I had never had anything stronger than sarsaparilla before .   我从来没有喝过比沙士汽水更厉害的饮料。   A bad attack of lumbago unfitted him for work in the garden .   一阵厉害的腰疼使他不宜于做园子里的工作。   A segregation in india was, and often remains, extreme .   印度的种族隔离政策过去是,今天仍然是很厉害的。   Roosevelt is a tough guy, but he is afraid of your people .   罗斯福是一个很厉害的人,但是他害怕你们的人民。    厉害的英语口语表达   history   past   厉害地 bitterly ; perishingly ; badly ; heavily   十分厉害 gee whiz ; be really awful   非常厉害 very powerful ; It"s very great ; terribly   你们好厉害 You very fierce ; Your amazing ; You quite fierce   越来越厉害 harder and harder ; growing stronger and stronger   真厉害 Very impressive ; Echt stark ; Really powerful ; really amazing   1. My eyes were so swollen I could hardly see.   我的眼睛肿得很厉害,几乎看不到东西。   2. Stimulate the site of greatest pain with a small negative current.   以微弱负电流刺激疼得最厉害的部位。   3. He was so drunk that he had lost the power of speech.   他醉得太厉害,连话都说不出来了。   4. The helicopter turned at an awful angle before righting itself.   直升机在恢复平稳之前倾斜得很厉害。   5. Her bracelets were going clack-clack-clack, she was shaking so hard.   她的手镯哗啦哗啦直响,她抖得厉害。   6. My hand shook so much that I could hardly hold the microphone.   我的手抖得如此厉害,几乎都拿不住麦克风了。   7. Who wrote the screenplay from Patricia Highsmith"s book? Raymond Chandler, no less.   帕特里夏·海史密斯那本书是谁改编成剧本的?雷蒙德·钱德勒呀,厉害。   8. He was too sick to travel to his son"s side.   他病得厉害,不能赶到他儿子身边了。   9. I often take paracetamol at work if I get a bad headache.   工作中头疼得厉害时,我常服用扑热息痛。   10. She used to lay into Gareth about how much he spent.   她以前常常责备加雷思花钱如何如何厉害。    厉害用英语口语怎么表达   severe   strict   ferocious   talented    例句   The wind was strong all day, But it moderated in the evening.   一整天来风都刮得很厉害,但到傍晚时有所减弱了。   I was knocked over and fell against the door, striking my head and cutting it badly. The pain was very sharp.   书砸在我身上,我跌倒了,头撞在门上,磕破了,疼得很厉害。   `So they were," said the dormouse   “正是这样,她们都病了,病得很厉害。”   He was very ill,but the doctors brought him through.   他病得很厉害,但经医生治疗他已转危为安.   My wife was very iii, but she"s doing better now.   我的妻子曾经病得很厉害,但现在好一些了。   "The Japanese news agency"s always harping on the `Red menace in Kiangsi and Hunan," and telling us that changsha is threatened -and Chian, too   日本人办的通讯社总说湖南,江西两省的*多么厉害!长沙,还有吉安,怎样吃紧!   Be careful, the old artillery kicks back badly   注意,这门老式大炮后坐力很厉害。   This cheese has a real bite,ie a strong flavour.   这干酪的味可真厉害.   "The world pushes people around not because other people are bullies, but because the individual lacks internal control and discipline. "   生活之所以推着你转,不是因为驱使你的人很厉害,而是因为你个人缺乏自我控制和纪律性。   He drank more brandy than usual; held up his head briskly, and swore louder than ever in the day-time   他喝酒喝得越来越厉害;白日里,他装出一副神气活现的样子,骂人也骂得更凶了。    “你太棒了”用英语怎么说   you are fantastic    例句与用法   You and that choir - boy you " re pretty good   你和那些唱诗班的人,孩子,你太棒了   Paulie : dad , did you see me ? david : you were terrific   爸爸,看见我了吗?你太棒了   I got an advance copy of the show . you were fabulous   我看到了预先版的节目你太棒了   - you " re fabulous . - you " ve got such great -   你真让人难以置信你太棒了   You " re fabulous . - you " ve got such great - -   你真让人难以置信你太棒了   Yeah . it was great to see you the other day   是的.前几天见到你太棒了   Yeah . it was great to see you the other day   是的.前几天见到你太棒了   I can " t take no more ofthis ! you " re hot - hot   我受不了了,你太棒了!   Oh honey ! you were so wonderful ! oh , thank you   亲爱的,你太棒了谢谢   You were great will you visit my bar again   你太棒了你还会再来吗?
2023-06-08 05:40:251


  用钱若是一掷千金,毫无节制,纵使有亿万家财,也有用尽的一天。下面就由我为大家带来关于用尽的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于用尽的相关短语   用尽 use up   用尽 run out of   用尽 give out   用尽它 Have it all   墨盒用尽 Toner life end   电量用尽 Power exhaust   时间用尽 Time runs out   关于用尽的相关单词   exhaust;   deplenish;   关于用尽的相关短句或解释   use every possible means;   用尽方法   exhaust one"s abilities; rack one"s brains in scheming;   用尽心机   exert every ounce of energy   用尽一切气力   关于用尽的相关例句   1. He re-ran the experiment every which way he could.   他用尽所有可能的方法重复做这个实验。   2. He pulled the lightened sled with all his strength.   他用尽全力拉减轻了重量的雪橇。   3. The woman used all her wiles to tempt him into following her.   那女人用尽了自己的诱骗本领勾引着他尾随而去.   4. He put both hands flat on the door and pushed as hard as he could.   他两只手平放在门上用尽全力推。   5. He will do all he can to trip up the new right-wing government.   他将用尽一切手段让新右翼政府出现失误。   6. Business managers are focused on increasing their personal wealth by any available means.   企业经理一心只想用尽办法增加个人财富。   7. The army would try to hold the western desert with a bare minimum of forces.   军队会用尽可能少的兵力扼守西部的沙漠。   8. It took my last reserves of strength and will to swim to the lifeboat.   我用尽了最后的力气和意志向救生艇游去.   9. Every form of deception and every obstacle baffled the Allied Commission.   用尽一切欺瞒和阻挠的手段来避开协约国委员会的耳目.   10. The boss tried many ploys to get customers into the store.   老板用尽各种伎俩引顾客上门.   11. The horse was fully extended by the long ride up the mountain.   那匹马长途爬山已用尽力气了.   12. I tried every argument, but he didn"t yield an inch.   我用尽各种理由想改变他的想法, 但他不为所动.   13. She pressed back against the wall with all her strength.   她用尽全身的力气住后面墙壁上靠.   14. He tried with all his failing strength to rise.   他用尽全身微弱的力气,想站起来.   15. They went forward as briskly as they could on the uneven causeway.   他们用尽可能快的速度,在高低不平的堤上继续前进.   关于用尽的双语例句   他用尽全部力气想把门打开。   He tried to open the door by using every ounce of his strength.   他用尽了所有的力气。   He has used up all his strength.   当她用尽了最后一点力气时就精疲力竭了。   She collapsed as her energy finally gave out.   那匹马长途爬山已用尽力气了。   The horse was fully extended by the long ride up the mountain.   他用尽全身微弱的力气,想站起来。   He tried with all his failing strength to rise.   老作家对文句的修改用尽了心思。   The old writer works very hard to improve his diction.   雅俐跟在后面,用尽她的胖嘟嘟的腿所能够承载的力量快跑。   Ari followed behind running as fast as her plump little legs could carry her.   我打算用尽一功办法完成任务。   I mean to accomplish the task by any means.   他们发誓相爱用尽这一生。   They promised to stay in love all their life.   以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。
2023-06-08 05:40:311


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2023-06-08 05:41:012


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2023-06-08 05:41:093


  雪花飘,圣诞到。铃铛响,驯鹿跑。快乐至,吉祥到。圣诞老人戴新帽,为送礼物不停跑。快快准备好微笑,把吉祥如意接收到。祝你圣诞快乐又美妙,幸福生活永围绕!下面是关于圣诞祝福语英文的内容,欢迎阅读!   圣诞祝福语英文   1、愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!   May you have the best Christmas ever.   2、祝福您及您的家人圣诞快乐。   Best wishes for you and your family a very merry Christmas.   3、有你在的每一天都像在过圣诞节。   Have you in every day like in Christmas.   4、值此欢乐佳节,献给我的心上人。   On this joyous Christmas for my sweetheart.   5、愿你拥有圣诞节所有美好的祝福。   Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas.   6、你是我所收到的最好的圣诞礼物。   You"re the best Christmas present I ever received.   7、新的一年,向你献上最诚挚的祝福。   The New Year, offer best wishes to you.   8、带给你,平安夜,狂欢夜,有你有丽才精彩。   Bring you, Christmas Eve, carnival night, have you just wonderful.   9、希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。   A Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend.   10、为了这一个,也为了更多即将来临的圣诞节。   For this and many Christmas to come.   11、一起走过的日子,总是充满了浪漫。亲爱的,圣诞快乐!   Walk through together day, always full of romance. Dear, merry Christmas!   12、敬祝圣诞,恭贺新喜。祝你在新的一年里健康,快乐。   Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Wish you healthy in the New Year, happy.   13、愿圣诞不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。   May the Christmas be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Wish you well.   14、愿圣诞的烛光带给你祥和与喜悦,祝你的圣诞和新年充满爱。   May the Christmas candle bring you peace and joy, wish your Christmas and New Year filled with love.   15、在这圣洁的节日,给我的至爱送上一句简单的祝福:圣诞快乐!   In this holy festival, give my beloved on a simple wish: merry Christmas!   16、愿圣诞之光普照你的每一个日子,愿阳光鲜花洒满你的人生旅程!   May the Christmas light shines on you every day, may the sun flower asperses full your life journey!   17、圣诞之夜祝福你,愿圣诞节的欢声笑语和欢乐气氛永远萦绕着你!   Christmas Eve bless you, and there would be laughter and joy of Christmas atmosphere around you forever!   18、直到生命停止,每一下心跳想你一次。心不再跳动!爱你圣诞快乐!   Until life stop, every heartbeat miss you again. Heart no longer beating! Love you merry Christmas!   19、此圣诞佳节,我只有一句话要告诉你:今天下班后我会空腹去找你!   This Christmas I have but one thing to tell you: today after work I will be on an empty stomach to find you!   20、在这辉煌快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意!   A brilliant and happy Christmas season, all good wishes! I wish all the best!   21、值此圣诞佳节,我只有一句话要告诉你:今天下班后我会空腹去找你!   On this Christmas I have but one thing to tell you: today I"ll go on an empty stomach after work to find you!   22、始终思念你,捎来圣诞佳节最美好的祝福,祝圣诞吉祥,新年如意。   Christmas greeting you who is thought about all the best wishes, I wish a Christmas and a happy New Year.   23、圣诞的钟声声声响起,祝福的心如跳动的烛光融化每点落在你身上的雪。   Christmas bells sound ringing, blessing heart beat such as candle melts each point of snow fell upon you.   24、但愿我寄予您的祝福是最新鲜最令你的感动的,祝福你圣诞快乐新年如意!   I wish I send to you the blessing of your most fresh and moving, wish you a merry Christmas a happy New Year!   25、爱是无声的,情是永恒的。在这温馨的圣诞节,宝贝~~~我们的心是相拥的!   Love is silent, affection is eternal. In this warm Christmas, baby ~ ~ ~ is our hearts embrace!!!!   26、愿世界充满祥和,我以最真诚的心祝福你拥有幸福的一年,愿主保佑你,阿门。   I wish the world is full of peace, with the most sincere heart bless you have a happy year, may the Lord bless you, amen.   27、愿你的圣诞充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝圣诞乐陶陶,新年乐无限。   May your Christmas be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happy with family reunions, wishing you all and wish the New Year.   28、我的每一下心跳想你一次,直到我生命停止,心不再跳动!我爱你!圣诞快乐!   My every heartbeat miss you once, until my life stop, heart no longer beating! I love you! Merry Christmas!   29、平安夜,我祝你平平安安;圣诞夜,我愿你幸福快乐;狂欢夜让我们一起狂欢!   On Christmas Eve, I wish you go in peace; On Christmas Eve, I wish you happiness; Carnival night let"s carnival!   30、一生桃李遍天下,天边海角有尽处,唯有师恩无穷期。圣诞节祝福您快乐,老师!   Life to escape all over the world, the sky have the far ends of the earth, only shien infinite period. I want to wish you a happy Christmas, the teacher!   31、让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣诞佳节来到你身边,伴你左右。   May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings, come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.   32、天上一颗星,地上一个人。你窗前的那颗星,就是我的身影,它平安夜伴你到天明。   A star in the sky, a person on the ground. The star that holds your window, that is, I figure, it"s Christmas Eve with you until morning.   33、在这24号的晚上,煮两个鸡蛋,我吃一个,送给你的就是一个圣诞,祝你节日快乐!   On the evening of the 24th, cook two eggs, I eat one, for you is a Christmas, I wish you a happy holiday!   34、大街小巷,到处弥漫着圣诞的气息,我对你的深深祝福,也洒落在其中。觉察到了吗?   Streets, everywhere filled with the smell of Christmas, my deeply bless for you, also falls in it. Have noticed?   35、快到圣诞平安夜了,你还没收到礼物吗?那就快去睡吧!你的饱嗝声吓着圣诞老人了。   Close to the Christmas Eve, you haven"t received the gift? Then go to sleep! Your satisfied ge scare Santa Claus.   36、随着平安夜的到来,向你说一声:永远平安。让这祥和的旋律,伴你和家人一生平安。   With the arrival of Christmas Eve, have a chance to say to you: peace forever. Let this auspicious melody, peace with you and your family life.   37、圣诞节快乐!因为牵了你的手,所以我要抓住你的手。给你幸福给你快乐相伴永远爱你!   Merry Christmas! Because holding your hand, so I want to hold your hand. To give you happiness to your companions happy forever love you!   38、圣诞的祝福:想念的话,说也说不完;关怀的心,永远不改变;真挚友谊,永远不会忘!   The blessings of Christmas: miss, said also said not over; Caring heart, never change; Sincere friendship, will never forget!   39、亲爱的圣诞节快乐,你知道我是谁吗?这个问题对你来说也许不重要,但对我很在意哦。   Dear merry Christmas, do you know who I am? This problem may not be important to you, but for me is very care about oh.   40、平安之夜的使者,向你报一声平安,带着盈盈的相思,带着温馨的祝愿,祝福你圣诞快乐!   Night the angel of peace, to offer a safe, with ying ying of acacia, with warm wishes, wishes you a merry Christmas!   41、真想在你身边搂着你的脖子,趴在你耳边,轻声说:圣诞节好想你,真的,真的,想你了!   Really want to be by your side arm around your neck, on your ear and whispered: Christmas good think you, really, really, think you!   42、你怎么才起啊,快睁大眼睛,昨天夜里我爬上你的床,在你枕头下藏了一件很特别的礼物哦!   How do you to begin, quick zheng big eyes, last night I climb on your bed, hide under your pillow with a very special gift!   43、第一个想到的是你,第一个爱你的是我,让我们第一次在一起过圣诞节,圣诞节快乐,宝贝。   The first think of you, the first is I love you, let us together at Christmas for the first time, merry Christmas, sweetheart.   44、这一个圣诞,是我们两个人的第一个圣诞。愿有一场漫天飘舞的大雪见证我们纯洁永久的爱情。   A Christmas, this is our first Christmas. May have a playing all over the sky snow witness our pure permanent love.   圣诞祝福语英文   1、传统佳节之际,献上圣诞的殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意!   Warmest wishes for Christmas and a happy, wish all the best in the New Year!   2、孩子,我是圣诞老人,有一份圣诞大礼要送给你。什么……你们家没有烟囱?还不去买!圣诞快乐,平安夜快乐!   Children, I am a Santa Claus, there is a Christmas gift for you. What…… No chimney in your family? Don"t buy! Merry Christmas and a happy Christmas Eve!   3、祝福你圣诞之夜,愿圣诞节的欢声笑语和欢乐气氛永远萦绕着你。   Bless you on Christmas Eve, and there would be laughter and joy of Christmas atmosphere always haunt you.   4、亲爱的,圣诞节快乐!我会让我的爱陪你慢慢的老去,直到地老天荒我的心也不变。   Dear, merry Christmas! I will let my love accompany you slowly old, until the end of time my heart is the same.   5、圣诞老人跟我说,如果我是真的爱你,圣诞节就一定会到来!你说,圣诞节会来吗?   Santa Claus told me that if I really love you, Christmas will come! You say that Christmas day will come?   6、平安夜的祈祷,圣诞节的心愿,新年的祝福,寄托给满天的"星斗,带给你我真挚的问候:朋友,开心!快乐!   A desire to pray in the Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year wishes, to all over the sky stars, bring you my sincere greetings: friends, happy! Happy!   7、圣诞节踮着脚尖,轻快地走来,请迎着她轻轻地,轻轻地说出你心中的期待!   The Christmas stand on their toes, walking briskly, please meet her gently, gently speak your heart look forward to!   8、我现在特别希望自己变老!是不是很奇怪,因为今晚你没有理由不爱一个老人!   Now I particularly want to grow old! Tonight is very strange, because you have no reason to not love an old man!   9、叮叮当叮叮当铃儿响叮当,在这浪漫的日子里,我们一起到天亮,给每一颗星星挂上铃铛。   Jingle bells jingle bells, jingle bells, in this romantic day, we together until the morning, to hang a bell every star.   10、这么远的距离,没有礼物,没有大餐,只有我牵挂你的心和最最真诚的一声祝福:圣诞快乐!   So far, no gifts, no dinner, only I care your heart and the most sincere wishes: merry Christmas!   11、这些天来一直有个问题困惑着我:你明明不是母鸡,为什么人人都要祝你生蛋快乐?   These days there has been a problem that puzzle me: you clearly is not hen, why everyone want to wish you a happy eggs?   12、彩色的雪花,白色的冬天,红色的圣诞,暖色的季节。在这宁静的时刻,衷心祝你圣诞快乐,有个美好的新年!   Color of snow, the white winter, the red Christmas, warm color of the season. In this quiet moment, sincerely wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!   13、圣诞节又来啦,希望我们能一起度过以后的每一个圣诞节,愿我们每一天都和过圣诞节一样甜甜蜜蜜。   Christmas is coming, I hope we can spend together after every Christmas, let we each day and Christmas as sweet.   14、生蛋快乐!(圣诞快乐)生蛋快乐!猪你生蛋快乐!多多生蛋,多多快乐,幸福生蛋就在圣诞节!   Egg is happy! Lay eggs (Christmas) happy! Pig eggs you happy! Raw eggs, more happy, happy eggs on Christmas!   15、亲爱的,我真想缩小,好钻进你的圣诞袜里。我想我一定是你最想得到的圣诞礼物!   Dear, I really want to shrink, good into your Christmas stockings. I think I must be the Christmas gift would you most like to get!   16、在这个雪花纷飞的日子,但愿我的祝福能驱走窗外的寒冷。祝你圣诞快乐平安到永远!   In the days of the snow, I hope that my blessing can drive away the cold out of the window. Merry Christmas to you and peace forever!   17、紫色的雪花,白色的冬天,红色的圣诞,暖色的季节,在这宁静的时刻,提前祝你圣诞快乐!   Purple snow, the white winter, the red Christmas, warm color of the season, in this quiet moment, wish you a merry Christmas in advance!   18、今夜圣诞,请你吃蛋;我好寂寞,跟我谈谈。不要哀叹,送你花篮;亲亲我脸,幸福依然。   Christmas tonight, please eat eggs; I am so lonely. Talk to me. Don"t lament, send you flower basket; Kiss my face, still happiness.   19、送上一份早到的圣诞礼物,希望你会喜欢!可以告诉你,我是喜欢你的,但这并不代表爱!圣诞快乐!   On an early Christmas gift, I hope you"ll like it! Can tell you, I love you, but that does not mean love! Merry Christmas!   20、钟声是我的问候,歌声是我的祝福,雪花是我的贺卡,美酒是我的飞吻,轻风是我的拥抱,快乐是我的礼物!   Bell is my greetings, singing is my blessing, snowflake is my card, wine is my kiss, the breeze is my embrace, happiness is my gift!   21、当钟声响起,我就是你的。别想错了,不是婚礼上的钟声,是圣诞的钟声,而我是你欠给礼物的人!   When the bell rang, I was you. Don"t want to wrong, not wedding bells, the ding of the Christmas, but I am a man of you owe to gift!   22、新千年的平安夜与你相守一生一世!让圣诞老人装下我们两颗真挚的心,相知相伴今生!   The new one thousand Christmas Eve together life with you! For Santa Claus to put both of our sincere heart, to know each other accompany this life!   23、老婆,风中飞吻,短语传情,圣诞老人跨越千里,传递我们的爱情,圣诞老人作证,爱你一万年。   Wife, kiss in the wind, an phrases love, Santa Claus across thousands of miles, transfer our love, Santa Claus is my witness, love you ten thousand years.   24、当圣诞的钟声敲起时,别忘了为卖火柴的小女孩祝福,因为在这个美丽的日子里,她最应该得到你我的关爱。   When the bell rings in the Christmas, don"t forget to bless the little match girl, because in this beautiful days, she should get you my love.   25、圣诞,有圣诞老人,有你也有我,在这日子里,我想对你说,世上你最美,在今生我最爱你!圣诞快乐!   Christmas, Santa Claus, you have me, in this days, I want to say to you, you are the most beautiful in the world, in this life I love you! Merry Christmas!   26、人依旧,物依旧,又是一年;想也罢,念也罢,皆是真情;今儿好,明更好,忠心祝愿;情也真。祝你圣诞快乐。   People still, still, another year; Want to or read, all is the truth; Today is good, Ming better, faithful wish; Love is true. Wish you a merry Christmas.
2023-06-08 05:41:172

英语rubbing on trees怎么翻译?

英语rubbing on trees怎么翻译,英语rubbing on trees翻译为:擦树。
2023-06-08 05:41:364

求雅思阅读真经5 诺贝尔,冰箱和鸟的方向的答案

可以到津桥国际学院官网查看资料啊 这些资料都有啊
2023-06-08 05:46:303


围巾的英文:scarf/shawl参考例句:Her kerchief is dirty with oil她的围巾被油弄脏了。Tie a ribbon,scarf,tie,cravat,etc系丝带、头巾、领带、围巾等She pulled a shawl over her shoulders and went out.她在肩上披上一条围巾就出去了。She prepared for all possibilities by taking a sunhat, a raincoat and a woolly scarf.她带了太阳帽、 雨衣和毛围巾,一切有备无患.She prepared for all possibilities by taking a sunhat,a raincoat and a woolly scarf.她带了太阳帽、雨衣和毛围巾,,一切有备无患。Jamie was snugly wrapped in a white woolen scarf.杰米围着一条白色羊毛围巾舒适而暖和。Adjusting his scarf and tilting his derby to a jauntier angle, he walked briskly toward the big house他整了整围巾,把礼帽歪戴成更时兴的样子,轻快地向大房子走去。Wow, what a nice muffler!哇,好棒的一条围巾。She wears a pink scarf.她围着粉红色的围巾。The cat has ribboned my scarf.猫撕碎了我的围巾。
2023-06-08 05:46:371


2023-06-08 05:46:573


2023-06-08 05:47:142


1.圣诞节狂欢经典英语祝福语 1、这是我发给你的三天后的信息,别偷看哦,叫你别看,还看,祝你圣诞快乐! This is information I sent to you three days later, don"t peep oh, call you don"t look, look, also wish you a merry Christmas! 2、随着平安夜的到来,向你说一声:永远平安。让这祥和的旋律,伴你度过一生。 With the arrival of Christmas Eve, have a chance to say to you: peace forever. Let this auspicious melody, I wish you a lifetime. 3、平安夜我们去聚餐,圣诞夜我们去唱歌,狂欢夜我们去蹦迪。我要我们在一起! We go to dinner on Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve we sing, carnival night we go to the disco dancing. I want we are together! 4、我现在特别希望自己变老!是不是很奇怪,因为今晚你没有理由不爱一个老人! Now I particularly want to grow old! Tonight is very strange, because you have no reason to not love an old man! 5、在这欢乐的时节给你我最真的祝福和亲切的思念,愿你今年的圣诞比往年更璀璨。 In the season of joy I present my sincerest wishes and kindest thoughts. May this Christmas outshine all the rest. 6、我想把我的手放在你的手里,让你领我走进圣诞节的教堂,过我们俩人的圣诞节! I want to put my hand in your hand, let you lead me into the church of Christmas, Christmas over the both of us! 7、圣诞树上耀眼的彩灯,祈祷你平安一生;圣诞夜里悠扬的钟声,祝福你快乐一生。 Bright lights on the Christmas tree, pray you safe life; Christmas night melodious bell, wish you a happy life. 8、我已炼成缩小功,会在圣诞晚上缩小到我所牵挂的人袜子里向你问候:圣诞快乐! I had was to reduce the work, will be on Christmas night to my care of sock greeting you: merry Christmas! 9、亲吻你脸颊,让爱的祝福化作片片晶莹的雪花。溶入你心里。亲爱的祝你圣诞快乐! Kiss your cheek, let the blessings of love into every piece glittering and translucent snowflake. Into your heart. Dear wish you a merry Christmas! 10、懂得享受,懂得分享,生活中有数不完的美好!朋友们,欢愉起来吧,圣诞节快乐! Know how to enjoy, know to share, there are the good in life! Cheer up, my friends, merry Christmas! 2.圣诞节狂欢经典英语祝福语 1、爱情,甜蜜又苦涩:相聚的时候,甜得像蜜;暂时的分离也苦得如药。希望我们永不分离,相守一世!祝你圣诞快乐! Love, sweet and bitter: together, sweet like honey; Temporary separation is bitter as medicine。 I hope we never separate, together forever! Wish you a merry Christmas! 2、圣诞夜了!无数的星辰亮起,在天空写下你的名字,当雪花飘落时,就能将我的思念与祝福传送给你,愿你平安快乐! Christmas Eve! Countless stars light up, write your name in the sky, when the falling snow, can will my thoughts and best wishes to you, wish you peace and happiness! 3、我相信:祝福,就是我们需要的;能够祝福的,都是可爱的!在至爱的圣诞节,深深地祝福你!愿我的祝福给你的圣诞平添一份喜悦! I believe: blessing, and is what we need; Can bless of, is all lovely! In love Christmas, deeply bless you! I give you a blessing Christmas smooth add a joy! 4、虽然只是小小的一则短讯,但却有我深深的祝福,希望这份喜悦,能够让你在温馨的节日里,得到我默默的祝福。祝你圣诞快乐! Although a small message, but I deeply wishes, and hope that this joy, can let you in sweet festival, I silently blessing。 Wish you a merry Christmas! 5、真快,圣诞的钟声又在耳边响起。今晚我会同前几个不曾与你共度的圣诞夜一样,悄悄地,用一整晚的时间来思念你! Again really fast, the ding of the Christmas in the ear。 Tonight I will be with the first few didn"t like to spend your Christmas Eve, quietly, with a whole night time to miss you! 6、请圣诞嫁个老公叫快乐,再请圣诞和快乐要个宝贝叫幸福!圣诞到了,让圣诞一家轮流到每家坐客,带给大家欢乐和甜蜜! Please marry a husband call happy Christmas, happy Christmas and to have a baby, please call again! Christmas is coming, let Santa a turns to each guest, bring you joy and sweet! 7、草船借箭是妙算,破釜沉舟是决战。风花雪月是浪漫,舍生取义是奉献。你若继续往下看,你就是个大笨蛋,圣诞的蛋。 Grass boat borrow arrow is more tactical, cross the rubicon is decisive battle。 Moon is romantic, attainment is dedication。 If you continue to look down, you are a big fool, Christmas eggs。 8、想过一个快乐的圣诞节吗?那你就别假装工作忙不理我,发财记着我,有难帮帮我,闲时要想我。记住了吗?祝你圣诞快乐! Want to have a happy Christmas? That you don"t pretend I am busy with work ignore, fortune, remember me, the trouble to help me, to my spare time。 Remember? Wish you a merry Christmas! 9、圣诞节即将来临,愿友情的天使:在平安夜给你带来一年三百六十五日的平安与祥和;在圣诞日捎给你的是一生一世的幸福与快乐! Christmas is coming, may our friendship angel: bring you on Christmas Eve three hundred and sixty-five days a year of peace and harmony; On Christmas day to you is your happiness and happiness of life! 10、为了适应环保,在圣诞节不要送我圣诞卡了,请直接在尽可能大的纸币上写你的祝词就行了!嘿嘿,还是我好吧!圣诞快乐哦! In order to adapt to environmental protection, don"t send me Christmas CARDS, Christmas directly in as large as possible on a bill, please write your message! Hey hey, or am I all right! Merry Christmas! 3.圣诞节狂欢经典英语祝福语 1、传统佳节之际,献上圣诞的殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意! Warmest wishes for Christmas and a happy, wish all the best in the New Year! 2、圣诞的钟声声声响起,祝福的心如跳动的烛光融化每点落在你身上的雪。 Christmas bells sound ringing, blessing heart beat such as candle melts each point of snow fell upon you。 3、祝福你圣诞之夜,愿圣诞节的欢声笑语和欢乐气氛永远萦绕着你。 Bless you on Christmas Eve, and there would be laughter and joy of Christmas atmosphere always haunt you。 4、亲爱的,圣诞节快乐!我会让我的爱陪你慢慢的老去,直到地老天荒我的心也不变。 Dear, merry Christmas! I will let my love accompany you slowly old, until the end of time my heart is the same。 5、圣诞老人跟我说,如果我是真的爱你,圣诞节就一定会到来!你说,圣诞节会来吗? Santa Claus told me that if I really love you, Christmas will come! You say that Christmas day will come? 6、让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣诞佳节来到你身边,伴你左右。 May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings, come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through。 7、圣诞节踮着脚尖,轻快地走来,请迎着她轻轻地,轻轻地说出你心中的期待! The Christmas stand on their toes, walking briskly, please meet her gently, gently speak your heart look forward to! 8、我现在特别希望自己变老!是不是很奇怪,因为今晚你没有理由不爱一个老人! Now I particularly want to grow old! Tonight is very strange, because you have no reason to not love an old man! 9、叮叮当叮叮当铃儿响叮当,在这浪漫的日子里,我们一起到天亮,给每一颗星星挂上铃铛。 Jingle bells jingle bells, jingle bells, in this romantic day, we together until the morning, to hang a bell every star。 10、这么远的距离,没有礼物,没有大餐,只有我牵挂你的心和最最真诚的一声祝福:圣诞快乐! So far, no gifts, no dinner, only I care your heart and the most sincere wishes: merry Christmas! 4.圣诞节狂欢经典英语祝福语 1、愿你拥有美丽的圣诞所有的祝福。 Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season. 2、在这佳节里,没有比家更好的地方了。 In the holidays, there is no place like home. 3、祝福你及你所爱的人新的一年中万事如意。 Best wishes for you and your loved ones best wishes for the New Year. 4、愿圣诞是你快乐的时节,愿新年是你幸福的日子。 May you happy Christmas season, may the New Year is the day of your happiness. 5、在圣诞和新年来临之际,祝福你平安、快乐、幸福! At Christmas and the coming year, wishing you peace, joy and happiness! 6、致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,圣诞快乐,新年快乐。 Warm greetings and best wishes for a merry Christmas and happy New Year. 7、传统佳节之际,献上圣诞的殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意! Warmest wishes for Christmas and a happy, wish all the best in the New Year! 8、祝我的挚友圣诞快乐。愿你拥有美丽的圣诞所有的祝福。 Merry Christmas, my best friend. Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season. 9、愿纯洁善良的主赐福与你,宽恕你所有的罪孽。祝你圣诞快乐。 "Pure good Lord bless you, forgive all your iniquities. Wish you a merry Christmas. 10、你还没收到礼物吗?那就快去睡吧!你的饱嗝声吓着圣诞老人了。 You haven"t received the gift? Then go to sleep! Your satisfied ge scare Santa Claus. 5.圣诞节狂欢经典英语祝福语 1、圣诞佳节,愿你幸福安康,快乐开怀! Wishing you happiness and happiness at Christmas! 2、祝你平安夜幸福快乐,圣诞节欢乐无边,新年好运连连。 Wishing you a happy Christmas Eve, a merry Christmas and good luck in the New Year. 3、祝你平安如意,幸福无比,快乐圣诞! Wishing you peace, happiness and a merry Christmas! 4、祝你圣诞快乐,好运连连。 Merry Christmas and good luck. 5、祝圣诞快乐,新年充满幸福和成功。 Merry Christmas and a happy and successful New Year. 6、愿你快快乐乐不发怒,好运把你来关注,平安把你来呵护,生活甜蜜又幸福! May you be happy and not angry. Good luck will bring you attention, and peace will bring you care. Life is sweet and happy! 7、小懒猪,才起床啊,快睁大眼睛,昨天夜里在你枕头下藏了一件很特别的礼物哦! Little lazy pig, get up, open your eyes wide, and hide a very special gift under your pillow last night. 8、一起狂欢,一起喝彩,点亮圣诞树,写下新祝福,让感动在心间流动。 Carnival together, cheer together, light up the Christmas tree, write down new wishes, let the moving flow in the heart. 9、愿你将平安分享,与幸福为伴。平安夜送平安,愿大家平平安安! May you share peace with happiness. Peace on Christmas Eve, peace and peace to you all! 10、你是风筝,我是线,对你的思念不会变。圣诞有你伴平安,幸福甜蜜到永远。 You"re a kite, I"m a line, and your thoughts will not change. Christmas is safe with you, happy and sweet forever.
2023-06-08 05:47:201

in my day russell baker文章的中文翻译

At the age of eighty my mother had her last bad fall, and after that her mind wandered free through time. Some days she went to weddings and funerals that had taken place half a century earlier. On others she presided over family dinners cooked on Sunday afternoons for children who were now gray with age. Through all this she lay in bed but moved across time, traveling among the dead decades with a speed and ease beyond the gift of physical science."Where"s Russell" she asked one day when I came to visit at the nursing home."I"m Russell," I said.She gazed at this improbably overgrown figure out of an inconceivable future and promptly dismissed it."Russell"s only this big," she said, holding her hand, palm down, two feet from the floor. That day she was a young country wife in the backyard with a view of hazy blue Virginia mountains behind the apple orchard, and I was a stranger old enough to be her father.Early one morning she phoned me in New York. "Are you coming to my funeral today?" she asked.It was an awkward question with which to be awakened. "What are you talking about, for God"s sake?" was the best reply I could manage."I"m being buried today," she declared briskly, as though announcing an important social event."I"ll phone you back," I said and hung up, and when I did phone back she was all right, although she wasn"t all right, of course, and we all knew she wasn"t.She had always been a small woman — short, light-boned, delicately structured — but now, under the white hospital sheet, she was becoming tiny. I thought of a doll with huge, fierce eyes. There had always been a fierceness in her. It showed in that angry challenging thrust of the chin when she issued an opinion, and a great one she had always been for issuing opinions."I tell people exactly what"s on my mind," she had been fond of boasting, "whether they like it or not.""It"s not always good policy to tell people exactly what"s on you mind," I used to caution her."If they don"t like it, that"s too bad," was her customary reply, "because that"s the way I am."And so she was, a formidable woman, determined to speak her mind, determined to have her way, determined to bend those who opposed her. She had hurled herself at life with an energy that made her seem always on the run.She ran after chickens, an axe in her hand, determined on a beheading that would put dinner in the pot. She ran when she made the beds, ran when she set the table. One Thanksgiving she burned herself badly when, running up from the cellar even with the ceremonial turkey, she tripped on the stairs and tumbled down, ending at the bottom in the debris of giblets, hot gravy, and battered turkey. Life was combat, and victory was not to the lazy, the timid, the drugstore cowboy, the mush-mouth afraid to tell people exactly what was on his mind. She ran.But now the running was over. For a time I could not accept the inevitable. As I sat by her bed, my impulse was to argue her back to reality. On my first visit to the hospital in Baltimore, she asked who I was."Russell," I said."Russell"s way out west," she advised me."No, I"m right here.""Guess where I came from today?" was her response."Where?""All the way from New Jersey.""No. You"ve been in the hospital for three days," I insisted.So it went until a doctor came by to give one of those oral quizzes that medical men apply in such cases. She failed completely, giving wrong answers or none at all. Then a surprise."When is your birthday?" he asked."November 5, 1897," she said. Correct. Absolutely correct."How do you remember that?" the doctor asked."Because I was born on Guy Fawkes Day.""Guy Fawkes?" asked the doctor, "Who is Guy Fawkes?"She replied with a rhyme I had heard her recite time and again over the years:"Please to remember the Fifth of November,Gunpowder treason and plot.I see no reason why gunpowder treasonShould ever be forgot."Then she glared at this young doctor so ill informed about Guy Fawkes" failed scheme to blow King James off his throne with barrels of gunpowder in 1605. "You may know a lot about medicine, but you obviously don"t know any history," she said. Having told him exactly what was on her mind, she left us again.Then doctors diagnosed a hopeless senility or hardening of the arteries. I thought it was more complicated than that. For ten years or more the ferocity with which she had once attacked life had been turning to a rage against the weakness, the boredom, and the absence of love that too much age had brought her. Now, after the last bad fall, she seemed to have broken chains that imprisoned her in a life she had come to hate and to return to a time inhabited by people who loved her, a time in which she was needed. Gradually I understood.Three years earlier I had gone down from New York to Baltimore, where she lived, for one of my infrequent visits and, afterwards, had written her with some banal advice to look for the silver lining, to count her blessings instead of burdening others with her miseries. I suppose what it really amounted to was a threat that if she was not more cheerful during my visits I would not come to see her very often. Sons are capable of such letters. This one was written out of a childish faith in the eternal strength of parents, a naive belief that age and wear could be overcome by an effort of will, that all she needed was a good pep talk to recharge a flagging spirit.She wrote back in an unusually cheery vein intended to demonstrate, I suppose, that she was mending her ways. Referring to my visit, she wrote: "If I seemed unhappy to you at times, I am, but there"s really nothing anyone can do about it, because I"m just so very tired and lonely that I"ll just go to sleep and forget it." She was then seventy-eight.Now three years later, after the last bad fall, she had managed to forget the fatigue and loneliness and to recapture happiness. I soon stopped trying to argue her back to what I considered the real world and tried to travel along with her on those fantastic journeys into the past. One day when I arrived at her bedside she was radiant."Feeling good today," I said."Why shouldn"t I feel good?" she asked. "Papa"s going to take me up to Baltimore on the boat today."At that moment she was a young girl standing on a wharf, waiting for the Chesapeake Bay steamer with her father, who had been dead sixty-one years. William Howard Taft was in the White House, America was a young country, and the future stretched before it in beams of crystal sunlight. "The greatest country on God"s green earth," her father might have said, if I had been able to step into my mother"s time machine.About her father, my grandfather, my mother"s childhood and her people, I knew very little. A world had lived and died, and though it was part of my blood and bone I knew little more about it than I knew of the world of the pharaohs. It was useless now to ask for help from my mother. The orbits of her mind rarely touched present interrogators for more than a moment.Sitting at her bedside, forever out of touch with her, I wondered about my own children, and children in general, and about the disconnection between children and parents that prevents them from knowing each other. Children rarely want to know who their parents were before they were parents, and when age finally stirs their curiosity there is no parent left to tell them. If a parent does lift the curtain a bit, it is often only to stun the young with some exemplary tale of how much harder life was in the old days.I had been guilty of this when my children were small in the early 1960s and living the affluent life. It irritated me that their childhoods should be, as I thought, so easy when my own had been, as I thought, so hard. I had developed the habit of lecturing them on the harshness of life in my day."In my day all we got for dinner was macaroni and cheese, and we were glad to get it.""In my day we didn"t have any television.""In my day...""In my day..."At dinner one evening a son had offended me with an inadequate report card, and as I cleared my throat to lecture, he gazed at me with an expression of unutterable resignation and said, "Tell me how it was in your day, Dad."I was angry with him for that, but angrier with myself for having become one of those ancient bores whose highly selective memories of the past become transparently dishonest even to small children. I tried to break the habit, but must have failed. Between us there was a dispute about time. He looked upon the time that had been my future in a disturbing way. My future was his past, and being young, he was indifferent to the past.As I hovered over my mother"s bed listening for some signals from her childhood, I realized that this same dispute had existed between her and me. When she was young, with life ahead of her, I had been her future and resented it. Instinctively, I wanted to break free, and cease being a creature defined by her time. Well, I had finally done that, and then with my own children I had seen my exciting future becoming their boring past.These hopeless end-of-the-line visits with my mother made me wish I had not thrown off my own past so carelessly. We all come from the past, and children ought to know what it was that went into their making, to know that life is a braided cord of humanity stretching up from time long gone, and that it cannot be defined by the span of a single journey from diaper to shroud.讲述了一个老年痴呆症母亲的故事
2023-06-08 05:47:351


如下:1、decidedly [di"saididli] adv. 断然,果断地, 明确地,毫无疑问2、gentlemanly adj. 彬彬有礼的;绅士风度的;绅士派头的3、fussy adj. 易烦恼的, 过分装饰的, 谨慎的, 挑剔的4、trot n. 快步 v. 快步走, 小跑步走5、fret [fret] n. 烦躁, 磨损, 焦急 v. 烦恼, 不满, 磨损6、cross adj. 生气的, 交叉的7、impertinent adj. 鲁莽的, 无礼的, 粗鲁的8、plague [pleig] n. 瘟疫, 麻烦, 灾祸 vt. 折磨, 烦扰, 造成麻烦9、niminy-piminy ["nimini"pimini] adj. 做作的, 装腔作势的, 不理不睬的, 柔弱的10、prim [prim] adj. 规规矩矩的, 呆板的, 拘谨的 v. 弄整齐, 地把嘴闭紧
2023-06-08 05:47:541


走路 1) walk; go on foot 2) leave; go away 走路时,他衣袋里的钱币丁当作响.Coins in his pocket jingled as he walked. 顶着烈日走路walk in a boiling sun 一位老人在拄着拐走路.An old man was walking with a cane. 架着伤兵走路help a wounded soldier to walk 她走路一扭一扭的.She walks with a rolling gait. 他走路轻快.He is a brisk walker. 小心走路(行动;脚下) watch one"s steps 这小男孩学他父亲走路的样子.The little boy imitates his father"s way of walking. 我上学通常是走路去.I go to school usually on foot. 跷着脚走路walk on tiptoe 他走路很轻快.He walks briskly. 他连走路都会摔跤,真是一个马大哈.He"s very careless and would fall even while walking.
2023-06-08 05:48:101


走路 1) walk; go on foot 2) leave; go away 走路时,他衣袋里的钱币丁当作响.Coins in his pocket jingled as he walked. 顶着烈日走路walk in a boiling sun 一位老人在拄着拐走路.An old man was walking with a cane. 架着伤兵走路help a wounded soldier to walk 她走路一扭一扭的.She walks with a rolling gait. 他走路轻快.He is a brisk walker. 小心走路(行动;脚下) watch one"s steps 这小男孩学他父亲走路的样子.The little boy imitates his father"s way of walking. 我上学通常是走路去.I go to school usually on foot. 跷着脚走路walk on tiptoe 他走路很轻快.He walks briskly. 他连走路都会摔跤,真是一个马大哈.He"s very careless and would fall even while walking.
2023-06-08 05:48:161


2023-06-08 05:48:253

英语单词的不规则变化 单词的比较级,最高级. 单词的过去式,过去分词.

首先 不规则动词过去式和过去分词 A. 原型,过去式,和过去分词 完全不同 drink---drank----drunk ring----rang-----rung swim----swam----swum sing----sang----sung sink----sank----sunk blow----blew----blown grow----grew----grown know---knew---known fly ----flew----flown take----took----taken shake----shook----shaken drive----drove----driven write---wrote---written rise---rose---risen ride----rode----ridden speak----spoke----spoken steal----stole----stolen break----broke----broken wake----woke----woken freeze----froze----frozen forget----forgot----forgotten choose----chose----chosen draw----drew----drawn eat----ate----eaten fall----fell----fallen give----gave----given hide----hid----hidden see----saw----seen do----did----done B. 过去式与过去分词完全相同 bright----brought----brought think----thought----thought fight----fought----fought buy----bought----bought catch----caught----caught sell----sold----sold tell----told----told say----said----said pay----paid----paid send----sent----sent lend----lent----lent spend----spent----spent burn----burnt----burnt learn----learnt----learnt mean----meant----meant feel----felt----felt smell----smelt----smelt sleep----slept----slept sweep---slept----slept leave----left----left build----built----built lose----lost----lost get----got----got meet----met----met sit----sat----sat shoot----shot----shot lead----led----led spit----spat----spat have----had----had hold----held----held make----made----made stand----stood---stood hear----heard----heard find----found----found dig----dug----dug shine----shone----shone understand----understood--understood win----won----won C.原型与过去分词相同 come----came----come run----ran----run become----became----become D.原形与过去式和过去分词完全相同 cast----cast----cast cut----cut----cut put----put----put let----let----let set----set----set hit----hit----hit shut----shut----shut hang----hung----hung 吊,挂 lie---lied---lied 说谎 lie---lay---lain 躺下,位于,平放 hanged----hanged 处绞刑 lay---laid---laid 置放. 容词比较级和最高级的形式 这个网页上有相关的FLASH可以看. 一、形容词比较级和最高级的构成 形容词的比较级和最高级变化形式规则如下 构 成 法 原 级 比 较 级 最 高 级 ① 一般单音节词末尾加ue011er 和 ue011est strong stronger strongest ② 单音节词如果以ue011e结尾,只加ue011r 和ue011st strange stranger strangest ③ 闭音节单音节词如末尾只有 一个辅音字母, 须先双写这个辅音字母,再加ue011er和ue011est sad big hot sadder bigger hotter saddest biggest hottest ④ 少数以ue011y,ue011er(或ue011ure),ue011ow,ue011ble结尾的双音节词, 末尾加ue011er和ue011est(以ue011y结尾的词,如ue011y前是辅音字母, 把y变成i,再加ue011er和ue011est,以ue011e结尾的词仍 只加ue011r和ue011st) angry clever narrow noble angrier cleverer narrower nobler angrest cleverest narrowest noblest ⑤ 其他双音节和多音节词都在前面加单词more和most different more different most different 1) The most high 〔A〕 mountain in 〔B〕 the world is Mount Everest, which is situated 〔C〕 in Nepal and is twentyue011nine thousand one hundred and fourty one feet high 〔D〕 . 2) This house is spaciouser 〔A〕 than that 〔B〕 white 〔C〕 one I bought in Rapid City, South Dakota 〔D〕 last year. 3) Research in the social 〔A〕 sciences often proves difficulter 〔B〕 than similar 〔C〕 work in the physical 〔D〕 sciences. 二、形容词比较级或最高级的特殊形式: 1. 三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加more和most 只能说 more beautiful而不能说beautifuller; 只能说the most beautiful而不能说beautifullest. 但是,以形容前缀ue011un结尾的三音节形容词不适合上述情况,如unhappy,untidy,我们可以说:unhappier→unhappiest, untidier→untidiest 2. 由ue011ING分词和ue011ED分词演变过来的形容词(包括不规则动词如know→known)只能加more或most来表示它们的比较级和最高级 more(most) striking, more(most) interesting, more(most) wounded, more(most)worn等. 4) The drawings 〔A〕 of the old masters 〔B〕 are among the treasuredest 〔C〕 works in museums 〔D〕 . 3. 英语里有些形容词由于其词义而不可能有比较级形式 absolute fatal main right universal chief final naked simulta- utter entire foremost perfect neous vital eternalue5f1inevitableue5f1possibleue5f1sufficientue5f1wholeue5f1 excellent infinite primary supreme wooden 三、不规则形容词的比较级和最高级形式 good wellue5f1 betterue5f1ue5f1best bad illue5f1ue5f1worseue5f1ue5f1worst many muchue5f1 moreue5f1ue5f1most little fewue5f1 lessue5f1ue5f1least farue5f1 fartherue5f1ue5f1farthest ue5f1ue5f1ue5f1furtherue5f1ue5f1furthest 5) African elephants are larger, fiercer, and difficulter 〔A〕 to tame 〔B〕 than 〔C〕 Asian elephants 〔D〕 . 6) Sarah Hale became 〔A〕 one of the famousest 〔B〕 magazine 〔C〕 editors in the United States during 〔D〕 the 1800"s. 7) Of all 〔A〕 the Native American tribes 〔B〕 , the Shawnee Indians were 〔C〕 a most 〔D〕 transient. 四、例题解析 1) A错.应将“most high”改为highest.这是在考形容词比较级的构成形式. 2) A错.改为more spacious. 3) B错. 改为more difficult. 4) C错. treasured 在本句中是ue011ED分词(动词treasure +ed)作形容词使用,是“宝贵的、珍贵的”意思,修饰名词 works(作品),其最高级形式应用 the most treasured. 5) A错,改为more difficult. 6) B错.改为“the most famous”,因为famous(著名的)是双音节,其最高级变化应在前面加“the most”. 7) D错.应改为“the most”,因为此处表示的是最高级,“the most transient”意为“(延续时间)最短暂的”. 第二节 副词比较级和最高级的形式 副词比较级和最高级的变化形式与形容词基本上一样 一般 副词 hard→harder →hardest fast→faster →fastest late→later →latest early→earlier →earliest 特殊 副词 well →better →best much →more →most badly →worse →worst little →less →least 但是,开放类副词即以后缀ue011ly结尾的副词不能像形容词那样加ue011er或ue011est,如 quickly →more quickly →most quickly quietly →more quietly →most quietly 〔注〕: early中的ue011ly不是后缀,故可以把ue011y变ue011i再加ue011er和ue011est 第三节 形容词与副词比较级和最高级的基本用法 一、原级比较的基本用法 1. 原级比较由“as+形容词或副词(或再加名词或短语)+as ”构成“原级相同”比较句,表示两者比较;其否定式,即“程度不及”比较句型为“not so(as) +形容词或副词+as”,而且as…as结构前可用just, almost, nearly, quite等表示程度的词修饰 1) Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as many calories as . 〔A〕 to run for fifteen minutes 〔B〕 running for fifteen minutes 〔C〕 you run for fifteen minutes 〔D〕 fifteenue011minute walking 2) The gorilla(大猩猩), while 〔A〕 not quite as curious than 〔B〕 the chimpanzee(黑猩猩), shows more persistence 〔C〕 and memory retention(记忆力) in solving 〔D〕 a problem. 3) Alaska is twice 〔A〕 as larger 〔B〕 as 〔C〕 the next largest 〔D〕 state, Texas. 2. “as (so)+名词+as+名词”进行名词比较,这时一般情况下有一个表示原级的比较词,但如果第一名词前出现了形容词修饰该词或出现副词修饰谓语,应当用so而不用as 4) Thomas Jefferson"s achievements as an architect rival his contributions a politician. 〔A〕 such 〔B〕 more 〔C〕 as 〔D〕 than 5) I should say Henry is not much a writer as a reporter. (88年考题) 〔A〕 that 〔B〕 so 〔C〕 this 〔D〕 as 二、比较级 1. 比较级由“形容词(副词)比较级+than+…,”构成表示在两者中间一方比另一方“更加…”.连词than后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、ue011ING结构和ue011ED结构,有时也可省去than. 6) Natural mica(云母) of 〔A〕 a superior 〔B〕 quality is cheapest 〔C〕 to obtain than synthetic 〔D〕 mica. 7) She is older than . 〔A〕 any other girl in the group 〔B〕 any girl in the group 〔C〕 all girls in the group 〔D〕 you and me as well as the group 8) Josephine McCrackin joined 〔A〕 the “Santa Cruz Sentinel” in 1905 and, until her death fifteen years late 〔B〕 , remained 〔C〕 active in journalistic 〔D〕 work. 2. 注意than前后两项相比较的人或事物要一致 9) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than . 〔A〕 ours 〔B〕 with us 〔C〕 for ours it had 〔D〕 it did for us 10) Sound travels air. 〔A〕 faster through water than through 〔B〕 faster than through water and 〔C〕 through water faster and〔D〕 where it is faster through water than through 11) Gerbrand von den Feckhout, one of Rembrand"s pupils, followed 〔A〕 the style of his teacher so implicitly that 〔B〕 his paintings 〔C〕 are sometimes confused with his master 〔D〕 . 三、最高级 1. 最高级用于三者以上比较,形容词的结构形式是“定冠词+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或从句”(如all, of all, of the tree, in the world, that has ever taken place等) 12) The more 〔A〕 fearsome of all the 〔B〕 animals in 〔C〕 the Western 〔D〕 Hemisphere is the grizzly bear. 13) Of all economic 〔A〕 problems, inflation continues to be 〔B〕 a 〔C〕 most significant in its daily impact on 〔D〕 people and business. 14) , the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction. 〔A〕 All the activities 〔B〕 The activities 〔C〕 Of all the activities 〔D〕 It is the activities 2. 副词的最高级与形容词最高级的区别在于最高级前没有定冠词the
2023-06-08 05:48:331


副词定 义:副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。分 类:1) 时间和频度副词:now,then,often,always,usually,early,today, lately, next,last,already,generally,frequently, seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately, hardly,finally,shortly, before, ago,sometimes, yesterday.2) 地点副词:here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on.3) 方式副词:carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly4) 程度副词:much,little, very,rather,so,too,still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely,almost, slightly.5) 疑问副词:how, when, where, why.6) 关系副词:when, where, why.7) 连接副词:how, when, where, why, whether.用 法:副词在句中可作状语,表语,补语。He works hard.他工作努力。You speak English quite well.你英语讲的很好。Is she in ?她在家吗?Let"s be out.让我们出去吧。Food here is hard to get.这儿很难弄到食物。位 置:1) 多数副词都可以放在动词的后面,如果动词带有宾语,副词就放在宾语后面。I get up early in the morning everyday.我每天早早起床。He gave me a gift yesterday.他昨天给了我一件礼物。She didn"t drink water enough.她没喝够水。The train goes fast.火车跑得快。We can go to this school freely.我们可以免费到这家学校学习。They left a life hardly then.当时他们的生活很艰难。He has a new hat on today.他今天戴了一顶新帽子。I have seen this film twice with my friends.这部电影我和朋友看过两次。2) 副词修饰形容词,副词时,副词在前面,而被修饰的词在后面。It"s .rather easy, I can do it.这很容易,我能做到。He did it quite well.他做得相当好。It"s rather difficult to tell who is right.很难说谁是对的。It"s so important that I must tell my friends.这件事太重要了,我得告诉我的朋友。It"s much better.好多了。3) 频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。I often help him these days.这些日子我经常帮助他。I always remember the day when I first cameto this school.我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天。You mustn"t always help me.你不能老是帮助我。He seldom comes to see us.他很少来看我们。We usually go shopping once a week.我们通常一周买一次东西。The new students don"t always go to dance.新学生并不时常去跳舞。4) 疑问副词,连接副词,关系副词以及修饰整个句子的副词,通常放在句子或从句的前面。When do you study everyday?你每天什么时间学习?Can you tell me how you did it?你能告诉我你如何做的吗?First, let me ask you some questions.先让我来问几个问题。How much does this bike cost?这辆车子多少钱?Either you go or he comes.不是你去就是他来。The students were reading when the teacher came into the classroom.当老师进教室时,学生们正在读书。5) 时间副词和地点副词在一个句中, 地点副词在前面时间副词在后面。We went shopping in the supermarket at 9 o"clock yesterday.昨天九点钟我们到超市买东西了.What were you doing in the classroom yesterday afternoon?昨天下午你在教室里干什么?The accident took place in the Eleven Avenue one hour ago.一小时前十一号大街发生了一场事故。比较等级:副词和形容词一样,也有它的比较级和最高级形式. 可以参考形容词的变换形式。但以词尾 -ly 结尾的副词(除 early )须用 more 和 most 。hard harder hardestfast faster fastestearly earlier earliestmuch more mostwarmly more warmly most warmly单音节副词的比较级是在副词后面加上 -er 构成的,最高级是在副词后面加上 -est 构成的。near nearer nearesthard harder hardest多音节副词的比较级是在副词的前面加上 -more 构成的。 最高级是在副词前面加上 -most 构成的。warmly more warmly most warmlysuccessfully more successfully most successfully有些副词的比较级和最高级形式是不规则的。well-better - best little - less - leastMuch- more - most badly - worse - worstfar-farther(further)-farthest(furthest)副词的比较级和最高级用法同形容词的比较级用法基本一样。 最高级形式句中 the 可以省略。He works harder than I.他比我工作努力。Lucy gets up earlier than Lili.露西比丽丽起床早。He runs fastest in our class.他在我们班跑地最快。He dives deeper than his teammates.他比他的队员潜水深。It"s true that he speak English more fluently than any of us.他英语讲的确实比我们任何人都好。Our school team play football best in our region.我们校队在我们地区足球踢得最好的。副词比较级和最高级的形式副词比较级和最高级的变化形式与形容词基本上一样一般 副词hard→harder →hardestfast→faster →fastestlate→later →latestearly→earlier →earliest特殊 副词well →better →bestmuch →more →mostbadly →worse →worstlittle →less →least 但是,开放类副词即以后缀?ly结尾的副词不能像形容词那样加?er或?est,如quickly →more quickly →most quickly quietly →more quietly →most quietly〔注〕: early与slowly中的?ly不是后缀,故可以把?y变?i再加?er和?est比较级和最高级的基本用法一、原级比较的基本用法1. 原级比较由“as+形容词或副词(或再加名词或短语)+as ”构成“原级相同”比较句,表示两者比较;其否定式,即“程度不及”比较句型为“not so(as) +形容词或副词+as”,而且as…as结构前可用just, almost, nearly, quite等表示程度的词修饰1) Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as many calories as .〔A〕 to run for fifteen minutes〔B〕 running for fifteen minutes〔C〕 you run for fifteen minutes〔D〕 fifteen?minute walking2) The gorilla(大猩猩), while 〔A〕 not quite as curious than 〔B〕 the chimpanzee(黑猩猩), shows more persistence 〔C〕 and memory retention(记忆力) in solving 〔D〕 a problem.3) Alaska is twice 〔A〕 as larger 〔B〕 as 〔C〕 the next largest 〔D〕 state, Texas.2. “as (so)+名词+as+名词”进行名词比较,这时一般情况下有一个表示原级的比较词,但如果第一名词前出现了形容词修饰该词或出现副词修饰谓语,应当用so而不用as4) Thomas Jefferson"s achievements as an architect rival his contributions a politician.〔A〕 such〔B〕 more〔C〕 as〔D〕 than5) I should say Henry is not much a writer as a reporter. (88年考题)〔A〕 that〔B〕 so〔C〕 this〔D〕 as二、比较级1. 比较级由“形容词(副词)比较级+than+…,”构成表示在两者中间一方比另一方“更加…”。连词than后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、?ING结构和?ED结构,有时也可省去than。6) Natural mica(云母) of 〔A〕 a superior 〔B〕 quality is cheapest 〔C〕 to obtain than synthetic 〔D〕 mica.7) She is older than .〔A〕 any other girl in the group〔B〕 any girl in the group〔C〕 all girls in the group〔D〕 you and me as well as the group8) Josephine McCrackin joined 〔A〕 the “Santa Cruz Sentinel” in 1905 and, until her death fifteen years late 〔B〕 , remained 〔C〕 active in journalistic 〔D〕 work.2. 注意than前后两项相比较的人或事物要一致9) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than .〔A〕 ours〔B〕 with us〔C〕 for ours it had〔D〕 it did for us10) Sound travels air.〔A〕 faster through water than through 〔B〕 faster than through water and〔C〕 through water faster and〔D〕 where it is faster through water than through11) Gerbrand von den Feckhout, one of Rembrand"s pupils, followed 〔A〕 the style of his teacher so implicitly that 〔B〕 his paintings 〔C〕 are sometimes confused with his master 〔D〕 .三、最高级1. 最高级用于三者以上比较,形容词的结构形式是“定冠词+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或从句”(如all, of all, of the tree, in the world, that has ever taken place等)12) The more 〔A〕 fearsome of all the 〔B〕 animals in 〔C〕 the Western 〔D〕 Hemisphere is the grizzly bear.13) Of all economic 〔A〕 problems, inflation continues to be 〔B〕 a 〔C〕 most significant in its daily impact on 〔D〕 people and business.14) , the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction.〔A〕 All the activities〔B〕 The activities〔C〕 Of all the activities〔D〕 It is the activities2. 副词的最高级与形容词最高级的区别在于最高级前没有定冠词the[编辑本段]例题解析1) B为正确答案。2) B错。改为 as ,和前面的as和形容词原形curious 一起构成同程度比较。3) B错。 改为as large。4) C对。动词rival(胜过、匹敌)前后是两个相比较的成分achievements(成果)和 contributions(贡献),由于前面的名词后出现了短语 as an architect,故空白处也应用as,使前后对比成分一致。5) B为正确答案。6) C错。应改为比较级cheaper。比较级后并不一定跟接连词than,有时在其间有名词或名词短语(被形容词所修饰),介词短语,不定式或其他成分隔开。7) A为正确答案。“She”作为单个不能跟全组比(C和D不对),也不能跟全组所有相比,因为“她”也是其中一员,自然“她”不能跟自己相比。这里“She”比较的是“这组中的任何一个”,所以A对。8) B错。应改为比较级later,因此处实为与1905年相比晚15年,故应使用比较级。9) D为正确答案。10) A为正确答案。11) D错。 改为his master"s。12) A错。 改为most。13) C错。改为the, significant是多音节形容词,在此处应用最高级形式(在前面加 the most),注意句中的“of all… ”。14) C为正确答案。本句空白处缺状语,A和B全为名词短语,不符合条件;D为句子,和空白后面的句子没有任何联系,故亦应排除。只有C正确,和后面的最高级the most familiar前后呼应。[编辑本段]特殊表达法一、形容词与副词的同级比较: 由“as(so)…as”引出,其否定式为“not so…”或“not as…as”,考生还应注意下列含有“as”结构或短语的句子1. as such:表示上文所指明的事或人He is a child,and must be treated as such. 他是个孩子,必须被当作孩子对待。2. as much:表示“与…同量”Take as much as you like. 拿多少都行。I would gladly have paid twice as much for it. 就是价格再贵一倍,我也会愿意把它买下的。He as much as admitted the whole story. 他几乎全部承认了。3. as many:表示“与…一样多”I found six mistakes in as many lines. 我在六行中发现了六个错。二、表示“几倍于”的比较级:用twice (两倍),four times (四倍),ten times (十倍)加上as … as 结构This one is four times as big as that one. 这个是那个的四倍大。(这个比那个大三倍。) / Our campus is three times as large as yours. 我们的校园比你们的大两倍。 / He has books twice as many as she does. 他的书比她多一倍。1) The five?year deal obligates 〔A〕 the country to buy nine million tons 〔B〕 of grain a year 〔C〕 , three million more as 〔D〕 the old pact"s minimum.三、“the same +名词+as”表示同等比较2) The lens of a camera performs the lens of the eye.〔A〕 in the same function 〔B〕 the same function as〔C〕 the function is the same as 〔D〕 and has the same function3) The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan wouldhave as the amount of money borrowed.〔A〕 as the same value 〔B〕 the same value〔C〕 value as the same 〔D〕 the value is the same四、比较级前可用a little, a bit, slightly, a great deal, a lot,many, much等词语表示不定量,far, completely,still表示程度或更进一步4) There are now methods for studying color vision in infants than there once were.〔A〕 more sophisticated than〔B〕 much more sophisticated〔C〕 much sophisticated〔D〕 sophisticated5) The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are than those taken from the Earth.〔A〕 clearest〔B〕 the clearest〔C〕 much clearer〔D〕 more clearer6) Common porpoises(海豚) are usually not considered 〔A〕 migratory, although 〔B〕 some do move 〔C〕 to more warmer 〔D〕 waters in winter.兼有两种形式的副词1) close与closelyclose意思是"近"; closely 意思是"仔细地"He is sitting close to me.Watch him closely.2) late 与latelylate意思是"晚"; lately 意思是"最近"You have come too late.What have you been doing lately?3) deep与deeplydeep意思是"深",表示空间深度;deeply时常表示感情上的深度,"深深地"He pushed the stick deep into the mud.Even father was deeply moved by the film.4) high与highlyhigh表示空间高度;highly表示程度,相当于muchThe plane was flying high.I think highly of your opinion.5) wide与widelywide表示空间宽度;widely意思是"广泛地","在许多地方"He opened the door wide.English is widely used in the world.6) free与freelyfree的意思是"免费";freely 的意思是"无限制地"You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.You may speak freely; say what you like.副词有加a或ly的 区别在于通常加a 的副词描述一种状态,而加ly 的副词则倾向于感觉。可修饰比较级的词1)a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等2)还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语。3)以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。典型例题:1) ---- Are you feeling ____?---- Yes,I"m fine now.A. any well B. any better C. quite goodD. quite better答案:B. any 可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级,well的比较级为better.2)The experiment was____ easier than we had expected.A. more B. much more C. muchD. more much答案:C. much可修饰比较级,因此B,C都说得通,但easier本身已是比较级,不需more,因此C为正确答案。3)If there were no examinations, we should have ___ at school.A. the happiest time B. a more happier timeC. much happiest time D. a much happier time答案:D。中国语文中的副词副词是一类用以修饰名词以外词语和整个句子的词,修饰名词的词一般为形容词。一般而言中文在一个词的后面加「的」使其成形容词,加「地」使其成副词,但是现在一般已经不太常做这种区别了。以副词修饰的句子举例:「一只非常小的虫轻易地钻进了那个洞穴里」,其中[非常]和[轻易]地为副词,小为形容词,虫为主词,钻进为动词,洞穴里指明前往地点。一些问问题时的所用的词,像如何、谁、何时、什么等在某方面也可视为副词。副词口诀:副词修饰动与形,范围程度与时间。肯否估计与情态,语气频率用法全。稍微没有全都偏,简直仅仅只永远,已经曾经就竟然,将要立刻刚偶然,渐渐终于决忽然,难道连续又再三,也许必须很非常,最太十分更马上,越极总挺常常再,屡次一定也不还。时名副名看加在,名前可加副不来。前很后名都不行,单独回答更不能。
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副词定 义:副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。分 类:1) 时间和频度副词:now,then,often,always,usually,early,today, lately, next,last,already,generally,frequently, seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately, hardly,finally,shortly, before, ago,sometimes, yesterday.2) 地点副词:here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on.3) 方式副词:carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly4) 程度副词:much,little, very,rather,so,too,still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely,almost, slightly.5) 疑问副词:how, when, where, why.6) 关系副词:when, where, why.7) 连接副词:how, when, where, why, whether.用 法:副词在句中可作状语,表语,补语。He works hard.他工作努力。You speak English quite well.你英语讲的很好。Is she in ?她在家吗?Let"s be out.让我们出去吧。Food here is hard to get.这儿很难弄到食物。位 置:1) 多数副词都可以放在动词的后面,如果动词带有宾语,副词就放在宾语后面。I get up early in the morning everyday.我每天早早起床。He gave me a gift yesterday.他昨天给了我一件礼物。She didn"t drink water enough.她没喝够水。The train goes fast.火车跑得快。We can go to this school freely.我们可以免费到这家学校学习。They left a life hardly then.当时他们的生活很艰难。He has a new hat on today.他今天戴了一顶新帽子。I have seen this film twice with my friends.这部电影我和朋友看过两次。2) 副词修饰形容词,副词时,副词在前面,而被修饰的词在后面。It"s .rather easy, I can do it.这很容易,我能做到。He did it quite well.他做得相当好。It"s rather difficult to tell who is right.很难说谁是对的。It"s so important that I must tell my friends.这件事太重要了,我得告诉我的朋友。It"s much better.好多了。3) 频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。I often help him these days.这些日子我经常帮助他。I always remember the day when I first cameto this school.我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天。You mustn"t always help me.你不能老是帮助我。He seldom comes to see us.他很少来看我们。We usually go shopping once a week.我们通常一周买一次东西。The new students don"t always go to dance.新学生并不时常去跳舞。4) 疑问副词,连接副词,关系副词以及修饰整个句子的副词,通常放在句子或从句的前面。When do you study everyday?你每天什么时间学习?Can you tell me how you did it?你能告诉我你如何做的吗?First, let me ask you some questions.先让我来问几个问题。How much does this bike cost?这辆车子多少钱?Either you go or he comes.不是你去就是他来。The students were reading when the teacher came into the classroom.当老师进教室时,学生们正在读书。5) 时间副词和地点副词在一个句中, 地点副词在前面时间副词在后面。We went shopping in the supermarket at 9 o"clock yesterday.昨天九点钟我们到超市买东西了.What were you doing in the classroom yesterday afternoon?昨天下午你在教室里干什么?The accident took place in the Eleven Avenue one hour ago.一小时前十一号大街发生了一场事故。比较等级:副词和形容词一样,也有它的比较级和最高级形式. 可以参考形容词的变换形式。但以词尾 -ly 结尾的副词(除 early )须用 more 和 most 。hard harder hardestfast faster fastestearly earlier earliestmuch more mostwarmly more warmly most warmly单音节副词的比较级是在副词后面加上 -er 构成的,最高级是在副词后面加上 -est 构成的。near nearer nearesthard harder hardest多音节副词的比较级是在副词的前面加上 -more 构成的。 最高级是在副词前面加上 -most 构成的。warmly more warmly most warmlysuccessfully more successfully most successfully有些副词的比较级和最高级形式是不规则的。well-better - best little - less - leastMuch- more - most badly - worse - worstfar-farther(further)-farthest(furthest)副词的比较级和最高级用法同形容词的比较级用法基本一样。 最高级形式句中 the 可以省略。He works harder than I.他比我工作努力。Lucy gets up earlier than Lili.露西比丽丽起床早。He runs fastest in our class.他在我们班跑地最快。He dives deeper than his teammates.他比他的队员潜水深。It"s true that he speak English more fluently than any of us.他英语讲的确实比我们任何人都好。Our school team play football best in our region.我们校队在我们地区足球踢得最好的。副词比较级和最高级的形式副词比较级和最高级的变化形式与形容词基本上一样一般 副词hard→harder →hardestfast→faster →fastestlate→later →latestearly→earlier →earliest特殊 副词well →better →bestmuch →more →mostbadly →worse →worstlittle →less →least 但是,开放类副词即以后缀?ly结尾的副词不能像形容词那样加?er或?est,如quickly →more quickly →most quickly quietly →more quietly →most quietly〔注〕: early与slowly中的?ly不是后缀,故可以把?y变?i再加?er和?est比较级和最高级的基本用法一、原级比较的基本用法1. 原级比较由“as+形容词或副词(或再加名词或短语)+as ”构成“原级相同”比较句,表示两者比较;其否定式,即“程度不及”比较句型为“not so(as) +形容词或副词+as”,而且as…as结构前可用just, almost, nearly, quite等表示程度的词修饰1) Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as many calories as .〔A〕 to run for fifteen minutes〔B〕 running for fifteen minutes〔C〕 you run for fifteen minutes〔D〕 fifteen?minute walking2) The gorilla(大猩猩), while 〔A〕 not quite as curious than 〔B〕 the chimpanzee(黑猩猩), shows more persistence 〔C〕 and memory retention(记忆力) in solving 〔D〕 a problem.3) Alaska is twice 〔A〕 as larger 〔B〕 as 〔C〕 the next largest 〔D〕 state, Texas.2. “as (so)+名词+as+名词”进行名词比较,这时一般情况下有一个表示原级的比较词,但如果第一名词前出现了形容词修饰该词或出现副词修饰谓语,应当用so而不用as4) Thomas Jefferson"s achievements as an architect rival his contributions a politician.〔A〕 such〔B〕 more〔C〕 as〔D〕 than5) I should say Henry is not much a writer as a reporter. (88年考题)〔A〕 that〔B〕 so〔C〕 this〔D〕 as二、比较级1. 比较级由“形容词(副词)比较级+than+…,”构成表示在两者中间一方比另一方“更加…”。连词than后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、?ING结构和?ED结构,有时也可省去than。6) Natural mica(云母) of 〔A〕 a superior 〔B〕 quality is cheapest 〔C〕 to obtain than synthetic 〔D〕 mica.7) She is older than .〔A〕 any other girl in the group〔B〕 any girl in the group〔C〕 all girls in the group〔D〕 you and me as well as the group8) Josephine McCrackin joined 〔A〕 the “Santa Cruz Sentinel” in 1905 and, until her death fifteen years late 〔B〕 , remained 〔C〕 active in journalistic 〔D〕 work.2. 注意than前后两项相比较的人或事物要一致9) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than .〔A〕 ours〔B〕 with us〔C〕 for ours it had〔D〕 it did for us10) Sound travels air.〔A〕 faster through water than through 〔B〕 faster than through water and〔C〕 through water faster and〔D〕 where it is faster through water than through11) Gerbrand von den Feckhout, one of Rembrand"s pupils, followed 〔A〕 the style of his teacher so implicitly that 〔B〕 his paintings 〔C〕 are sometimes confused with his master 〔D〕 .三、最高级1. 最高级用于三者以上比较,形容词的结构形式是“定冠词+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或从句”(如all, of all, of the tree, in the world, that has ever taken place等)12) The more 〔A〕 fearsome of all the 〔B〕 animals in 〔C〕 the Western 〔D〕 Hemisphere is the grizzly bear.13) Of all economic 〔A〕 problems, inflation continues to be 〔B〕 a 〔C〕 most significant in its daily impact on 〔D〕 people and business.14) , the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction.〔A〕 All the activities〔B〕 The activities〔C〕 Of all the activities〔D〕 It is the activities2. 副词的最高级与形容词最高级的区别在于最高级前没有定冠词the[编辑本段]例题解析1) B为正确答案。2) B错。改为 as ,和前面的as和形容词原形curious 一起构成同程度比较。3) B错。 改为as large。4) C对。动词rival(胜过、匹敌)前后是两个相比较的成分achievements(成果)和 contributions(贡献),由于前面的名词后出现了短语 as an architect,故空白处也应用as,使前后对比成分一致。5) B为正确答案。6) C错。应改为比较级cheaper。比较级后并不一定跟接连词than,有时在其间有名词或名词短语(被形容词所修饰),介词短语,不定式或其他成分隔开。7) A为正确答案。“She”作为单个不能跟全组比(C和D不对),也不能跟全组所有相比,因为“她”也是其中一员,自然“她”不能跟自己相比。这里“She”比较的是“这组中的任何一个”,所以A对。8) B错。应改为比较级later,因此处实为与1905年相比晚15年,故应使用比较级。9) D为正确答案。10) A为正确答案。11) D错。 改为his master"s。12) A错。 改为most。13) C错。改为the, significant是多音节形容词,在此处应用最高级形式(在前面加 the most),注意句中的“of all… ”。14) C为正确答案。本句空白处缺状语,A和B全为名词短语,不符合条件;D为句子,和空白后面的句子没有任何联系,故亦应排除。只有C正确,和后面的最高级the most familiar前后呼应。[编辑本段]特殊表达法一、形容词与副词的同级比较: 由“as(so)…as”引出,其否定式为“not so…”或“not as…as”,考生还应注意下列含有“as”结构或短语的句子1. as such:表示上文所指明的事或人He is a child,and must be treated as such. 他是个孩子,必须被当作孩子对待。2. as much:表示“与…同量”Take as much as you like. 拿多少都行。I would gladly have paid twice as much for it. 就是价格再贵一倍,我也会愿意把它买下的。He as much as admitted the whole story. 他几乎全部承认了。3. as many:表示“与…一样多”I found six mistakes in as many lines. 我在六行中发现了六个错。二、表示“几倍于”的比较级:用twice (两倍),four times (四倍),ten times (十倍)加上as … as 结构This one is four times as big as that one. 这个是那个的四倍大。(这个比那个大三倍。) / Our campus is three times as large as yours. 我们的校园比你们的大两倍。 / He has books twice as many as she does. 他的书比她多一倍。1) The five?year deal obligates 〔A〕 the country to buy nine million tons 〔B〕 of grain a year 〔C〕 , three million more as 〔D〕 the old pact"s minimum.三、“the same +名词+as”表示同等比较2) The lens of a camera performs the lens of the eye.〔A〕 in the same function 〔B〕 the same function as〔C〕 the function is the same as 〔D〕 and has the same function3) The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan wouldhave as the amount of money borrowed.〔A〕 as the same value 〔B〕 the same value〔C〕 value as the same 〔D〕 the value is the same四、比较级前可用a little, a bit, slightly, a great deal, a lot,many, much等词语表示不定量,far, completely,still表示程度或更进一步4) There are now methods for studying color vision in infants than there once were.〔A〕 more sophisticated than〔B〕 much more sophisticated〔C〕 much sophisticated〔D〕 sophisticated5) The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are than those taken from the Earth.〔A〕 clearest〔B〕 the clearest〔C〕 much clearer〔D〕 more clearer6) Common porpoises(海豚) are usually not considered 〔A〕 migratory, although 〔B〕 some do move 〔C〕 to more warmer 〔D〕 waters in winter.兼有两种形式的副词1) close与closelyclose意思是"近"; closely 意思是"仔细地"He is sitting close to me.Watch him closely.2) late 与latelylate意思是"晚"; lately 意思是"最近"You have come too late.What have you been doing lately?3) deep与deeplydeep意思是"深",表示空间深度;deeply时常表示感情上的深度,"深深地"He pushed the stick deep into the mud.Even father was deeply moved by the film.4) high与highlyhigh表示空间高度;highly表示程度,相当于muchThe plane was flying high.I think highly of your opinion.5) wide与widelywide表示空间宽度;widely意思是"广泛地","在许多地方"He opened the door wide.English is widely used in the world.6) free与freelyfree的意思是"免费";freely 的意思是"无限制地"You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.You may speak freely; say what you like.副词有加a或ly的 区别在于通常加a 的副词描述一种状态,而加ly 的副词则倾向于感觉。可修饰比较级的词1)a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等2)还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语。3)以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。典型例题:1) ---- Are you feeling ____?---- Yes,I"m fine now.A. any well B. any better C. quite goodD. quite better答案:B. any 可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级,well的比较级为better.2)The experiment was____ easier than we had expected.A. more B. much more C. muchD. more much答案:C. much可修饰比较级,因此B,C都说得通,但easier本身已是比较级,不需more,因此C为正确答案。3)If there were no examinations, we should have ___ at school.A. the happiest time B. a more happier timeC. much happiest time D. a much happier time答案:D。中国语文中的副词副词是一类用以修饰名词以外词语和整个句子的词,修饰名词的词一般为形容词。一般而言中文在一个词的后面加「的」使其成形容词,加「地」使其成副词,但是现在一般已经不太常做这种区别了。以副词修饰的句子举例:「一只非常小的虫轻易地钻进了那个洞穴里」,其中[非常]和[轻易]地为副词,小为形容词,虫为主词,钻进为动词,洞穴里指明前往地点。一些问问题时的所用的词,像如何、谁、何时、什么等在某方面也可视为副词。副词口诀:副词修饰动与形,范围程度与时间。肯否估计与情态,语气频率用法全。稍微没有全都偏,简直仅仅只永远,已经曾经就竟然,将要立刻刚偶然,渐渐终于决忽然,难道连续又再三,也许必须很非常,最太十分更马上,越极总挺常常再,屡次一定也不还。时名副名看加在,名前可加副不来。前很后名都不行,单独回答更不能。
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副词定 义:副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。分 类:1) 时间和频度副词:now,then,often,always,usually,early,today, lately, next,last,already,generally,frequently, seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately, hardly,finally,shortly, before, ago,sometimes, yesterday.2) 地点副词:here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on.3) 方式副词:carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly4) 程度副词:much,little, very,rather,so,too,still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely,almost, slightly.5) 疑问副词:how, when, where, why.6) 关系副词:when, where, why.7) 连接副词:how, when, where, why, whether.用 法:副词在句中可作状语,表语,补语。He works hard.他工作努力。You speak English quite well.你英语讲的很好。Is she in ?她在家吗?Let"s be out.让我们出去吧。Food here is hard to get.这儿很难弄到食物。位 置:1) 多数副词都可以放在动词的后面,如果动词带有宾语,副词就放在宾语后面。I get up early in the morning everyday.我每天早早起床。He gave me a gift yesterday.他昨天给了我一件礼物。She didn"t drink water enough.她没喝够水。The train goes fast.火车跑得快。We can go to this school freely.我们可以免费到这家学校学习。They left a life hardly then.当时他们的生活很艰难。He has a new hat on today.他今天戴了一顶新帽子。I have seen this film twice with my friends.这部电影我和朋友看过两次。2) 副词修饰形容词,副词时,副词在前面,而被修饰的词在后面。It"s .rather easy, I can do it.这很容易,我能做到。He did it quite well.他做得相当好。It"s rather difficult to tell who is right.很难说谁是对的。It"s so important that I must tell my friends.这件事太重要了,我得告诉我的朋友。It"s much better.好多了。3) 频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。I often help him these days.这些日子我经常帮助他。I always remember the day when I first cameto this school.我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天。You mustn"t always help me.你不能老是帮助我。He seldom comes to see us.他很少来看我们。We usually go shopping once a week.我们通常一周买一次东西。The new students don"t always go to dance.新学生并不时常去跳舞。4) 疑问副词,连接副词,关系副词以及修饰整个句子的副词,通常放在句子或从句的前面。When do you study everyday?你每天什么时间学习?Can you tell me how you did it?你能告诉我你如何做的吗?First, let me ask you some questions.先让我来问几个问题。How much does this bike cost?这辆车子多少钱?Either you go or he comes.不是你去就是他来。The students were reading when the teacher came into the classroom.当老师进教室时,学生们正在读书。5) 时间副词和地点副词在一个句中, 地点副词在前面时间副词在后面。We went shopping in the supermarket at 9 o"clock yesterday.昨天九点钟我们到超市买东西了.What were you doing in the classroom yesterday afternoon?昨天下午你在教室里干什么?The accident took place in the Eleven Avenue one hour ago.一小时前十一号大街发生了一场事故。比较等级:副词和形容词一样,也有它的比较级和最高级形式. 可以参考形容词的变换形式。但以词尾 -ly 结尾的副词(除 early )须用 more 和 most 。hard harder hardestfast faster fastestearly earlier earliestmuch more mostwarmly more warmly most warmly单音节副词的比较级是在副词后面加上 -er 构成的,最高级是在副词后面加上 -est 构成的。near nearer nearesthard harder hardest多音节副词的比较级是在副词的前面加上 -more 构成的。 最高级是在副词前面加上 -most 构成的。warmly more warmly most warmlysuccessfully more successfully most successfully有些副词的比较级和最高级形式是不规则的。well-better - best little - less - leastMuch- more - most badly - worse - worstfar-farther(further)-farthest(furthest)副词的比较级和最高级用法同形容词的比较级用法基本一样。 最高级形式句中 the 可以省略。He works harder than I.他比我工作努力。Lucy gets up earlier than Lili.露西比丽丽起床早。He runs fastest in our class.他在我们班跑地最快。He dives deeper than his teammates.他比他的队员潜水深。It"s true that he speak English more fluently than any of us.他英语讲的确实比我们任何人都好。Our school team play football best in our region.我们校队在我们地区足球踢得最好的。副词比较级和最高级的形式副词比较级和最高级的变化形式与形容词基本上一样一般 副词hard→harder →hardestfast→faster →fastestlate→later →latestearly→earlier →earliest特殊 副词well →better →bestmuch →more →mostbadly →worse →worstlittle →less →least 但是,开放类副词即以后缀?ly结尾的副词不能像形容词那样加?er或?est,如quickly →more quickly →most quickly quietly →more quietly →most quietly〔注〕: early与slowly中的?ly不是后缀,故可以把?y变?i再加?er和?est比较级和最高级的基本用法一、原级比较的基本用法1. 原级比较由“as+形容词或副词(或再加名词或短语)+as ”构成“原级相同”比较句,表示两者比较;其否定式,即“程度不及”比较句型为“not so(as) +形容词或副词+as”,而且as…as结构前可用just, almost, nearly, quite等表示程度的词修饰1) Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as many calories as .〔A〕 to run for fifteen minutes〔B〕 running for fifteen minutes〔C〕 you run for fifteen minutes〔D〕 fifteen?minute walking2) The gorilla(大猩猩), while 〔A〕 not quite as curious than 〔B〕 the chimpanzee(黑猩猩), shows more persistence 〔C〕 and memory retention(记忆力) in solving 〔D〕 a problem.3) Alaska is twice 〔A〕 as larger 〔B〕 as 〔C〕 the next largest 〔D〕 state, Texas.2. “as (so)+名词+as+名词”进行名词比较,这时一般情况下有一个表示原级的比较词,但如果第一名词前出现了形容词修饰该词或出现副词修饰谓语,应当用so而不用as4) Thomas Jefferson"s achievements as an architect rival his contributions a politician.〔A〕 such〔B〕 more〔C〕 as〔D〕 than5) I should say Henry is not much a writer as a reporter. (88年考题)〔A〕 that〔B〕 so〔C〕 this〔D〕 as二、比较级1. 比较级由“形容词(副词)比较级+than+…,”构成表示在两者中间一方比另一方“更加…”。连词than后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、?ING结构和?ED结构,有时也可省去than。6) Natural mica(云母) of 〔A〕 a superior 〔B〕 quality is cheapest 〔C〕 to obtain than synthetic 〔D〕 mica.7) She is older than .〔A〕 any other girl in the group〔B〕 any girl in the group〔C〕 all girls in the group〔D〕 you and me as well as the group8) Josephine McCrackin joined 〔A〕 the “Santa Cruz Sentinel” in 1905 and, until her death fifteen years late 〔B〕 , remained 〔C〕 active in journalistic 〔D〕 work.2. 注意than前后两项相比较的人或事物要一致9) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than .〔A〕 ours〔B〕 with us〔C〕 for ours it had〔D〕 it did for us10) Sound travels air.〔A〕 faster through water than through 〔B〕 faster than through water and〔C〕 through water faster and〔D〕 where it is faster through water than through11) Gerbrand von den Feckhout, one of Rembrand"s pupils, followed 〔A〕 the style of his teacher so implicitly that 〔B〕 his paintings 〔C〕 are sometimes confused with his master 〔D〕 .三、最高级1. 最高级用于三者以上比较,形容词的结构形式是“定冠词+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或从句”(如all, of all, of the tree, in the world, that has ever taken place等)12) The more 〔A〕 fearsome of all the 〔B〕 animals in 〔C〕 the Western 〔D〕 Hemisphere is the grizzly bear.13) Of all economic 〔A〕 problems, inflation continues to be 〔B〕 a 〔C〕 most significant in its daily impact on 〔D〕 people and business.14) , the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction.〔A〕 All the activities〔B〕 The activities〔C〕 Of all the activities〔D〕 It is the activities2. 副词的最高级与形容词最高级的区别在于最高级前没有定冠词the[编辑本段]例题解析1) B为正确答案。2) B错。改为 as ,和前面的as和形容词原形curious 一起构成同程度比较。3) B错。 改为as large。4) C对。动词rival(胜过、匹敌)前后是两个相比较的成分achievements(成果)和 contributions(贡献),由于前面的名词后出现了短语 as an architect,故空白处也应用as,使前后对比成分一致。5) B为正确答案。6) C错。应改为比较级cheaper。比较级后并不一定跟接连词than,有时在其间有名词或名词短语(被形容词所修饰),介词短语,不定式或其他成分隔开。7) A为正确答案。“She”作为单个不能跟全组比(C和D不对),也不能跟全组所有相比,因为“她”也是其中一员,自然“她”不能跟自己相比。这里“She”比较的是“这组中的任何一个”,所以A对。8) B错。应改为比较级later,因此处实为与1905年相比晚15年,故应使用比较级。9) D为正确答案。10) A为正确答案。11) D错。 改为his master"s。12) A错。 改为most。13) C错。改为the, significant是多音节形容词,在此处应用最高级形式(在前面加 the most),注意句中的“of all… ”。14) C为正确答案。本句空白处缺状语,A和B全为名词短语,不符合条件;D为句子,和空白后面的句子没有任何联系,故亦应排除。只有C正确,和后面的最高级the most familiar前后呼应。[编辑本段]特殊表达法一、形容词与副词的同级比较: 由“as(so)…as”引出,其否定式为“not so…”或“not as…as”,考生还应注意下列含有“as”结构或短语的句子1. as such:表示上文所指明的事或人He is a child,and must be treated as such. 他是个孩子,必须被当作孩子对待。2. as much:表示“与…同量”Take as much as you like. 拿多少都行。I would gladly have paid twice as much for it. 就是价格再贵一倍,我也会愿意把它买下的。He as much as admitted the whole story. 他几乎全部承认了。3. as many:表示“与…一样多”I found six mistakes in as many lines. 我在六行中发现了六个错。二、表示“几倍于”的比较级:用twice (两倍),four times (四倍),ten times (十倍)加上as … as 结构This one is four times as big as that one. 这个是那个的四倍大。(这个比那个大三倍。) / Our campus is three times as large as yours. 我们的校园比你们的大两倍。 / He has books twice as many as she does. 他的书比她多一倍。1) The five?year deal obligates 〔A〕 the country to buy nine million tons 〔B〕 of grain a year 〔C〕 , three million more as 〔D〕 the old pact"s minimum.三、“the same +名词+as”表示同等比较2) The lens of a camera performs the lens of the eye.〔A〕 in the same function 〔B〕 the same function as〔C〕 the function is the same as 〔D〕 and has the same function3) The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan wouldhave as the amount of money borrowed.〔A〕 as the same value 〔B〕 the same value〔C〕 value as the same 〔D〕 the value is the same四、比较级前可用a little, a bit, slightly, a great deal, a lot,many, much等词语表示不定量,far, completely,still表示程度或更进一步4) There are now methods for studying color vision in infants than there once were.〔A〕 more sophisticated than〔B〕 much more sophisticated〔C〕 much sophisticated〔D〕 sophisticated5) The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are than those taken from the Earth.〔A〕 clearest〔B〕 the clearest〔C〕 much clearer〔D〕 more clearer6) Common porpoises(海豚) are usually not considered 〔A〕 migratory, although 〔B〕 some do move 〔C〕 to more warmer 〔D〕 waters in winter.兼有两种形式的副词1) close与closelyclose意思是"近"; closely 意思是"仔细地"He is sitting close to me.Watch him closely.2) late 与latelylate意思是"晚"; lately 意思是"最近"You have come too late.What have you been doing lately?3) deep与deeplydeep意思是"深",表示空间深度;deeply时常表示感情上的深度,"深深地"He pushed the stick deep into the mud.Even father was deeply moved by the film.4) high与highlyhigh表示空间高度;highly表示程度,相当于muchThe plane was flying high.I think highly of your opinion.5) wide与widelywide表示空间宽度;widely意思是"广泛地","在许多地方"He opened the door wide.English is widely used in the world.6) free与freelyfree的意思是"免费";freely 的意思是"无限制地"You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.You may speak freely; say what you like.副词有加a或ly的 区别在于通常加a 的副词描述一种状态,而加ly 的副词则倾向于感觉。可修饰比较级的词1)a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等2)还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语。3)以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。典型例题:1) ---- Are you feeling ____?---- Yes,I"m fine now.A. any well B. any better C. quite goodD. quite better答案:B. any 可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级,well的比较级为better.2)The experiment was____ easier than we had expected.A. more B. much more C. muchD. more much答案:C. much可修饰比较级,因此B,C都说得通,但easier本身已是比较级,不需more,因此C为正确答案。3)If there were no examinations, we should have ___ at school.A. the happiest time B. a more happier timeC. much happiest time D. a much happier time答案:D。中国语文中的副词副词是一类用以修饰名词以外词语和整个句子的词,修饰名词的词一般为形容词。一般而言中文在一个词的后面加「的」使其成形容词,加「地」使其成副词,但是现在一般已经不太常做这种区别了。以副词修饰的句子举例:「一只非常小的虫轻易地钻进了那个洞穴里」,其中[非常]和[轻易]地为副词,小为形容词,虫为主词,钻进为动词,洞穴里指明前往地点。一些问问题时的所用的词,像如何、谁、何时、什么等在某方面也可视为副词。副词口诀:副词修饰动与形,范围程度与时间。肯否估计与情态,语气频率用法全。稍微没有全都偏,简直仅仅只永远,已经曾经就竟然,将要立刻刚偶然,渐渐终于决忽然,难道连续又再三,也许必须很非常,最太十分更马上,越极总挺常常再,屡次一定也不还。时名副名看加在,名前可加副不来。前很后名都不行,单独回答更不能。
2023-06-08 05:49:281


你想说那个 的,,,,
2023-06-08 05:49:444


【狗和厨师的故事原文阅读】 有一次,一个富翁设宴招待亲明好友。这家的狗以为是个好机会,也高兴地跑去邀请自己的朋友——另一只狗,他跑过去对朋友说:“我的主人在摆宴席,那里肯定有很多好吃的,快来,和我一起去赴宴吧。”受邀的狗于是欣然前住,见到厨房里摆着如此丰盛的饭菜,他就自言自语道:“我太幸运了!这次一定要饱餐一顿,把明天和后天的饭都吃掉。”与此同时,他不停地摇着尾巴,告诉朋友多么高兴受到了他的.邀请。就在这时,厨师看见了他,见到一条陌生的狗在厨房里让厨师很生气,于是马上抓住他的后腿,扔到了窗外。那条狗艰狠地摔了一跤,赶紧鬼哭狼嚎般地落荒而逃。在路上遇见的其它几条狗都问他:“你参加的宴会怎么样呀?”他竟然回答道:“我很好,那酒实在太好喝了,我已经醉了,完全不记得如何回家了!” 【狗和厨师的寓意】 狗和厨师这篇寓言故事告诉了我们:借花献佛的恩惠是要付出代价的。 【狗和厨师故事英文版】 THE DOG AND THE COOK A rlch man once invlted a number of his frlend S and acquaintances to a banquet.His dog thought it would be a good opportunity to invite another Dog,a friend of his;so he went to him and said,“My master is giving a feast:there"ll be a fine spread,so come and dine with me to-night.”The Dog thus invited came,and when he saw the preparations being made in the kitchen he said to himself,“My word,I"m in luck:I"ll take care to eat enough to-night to last me two or three days.”At the same time he wagged his tail briskly,by way of showing his friend how delighted he was to have been asked.But Just then the Cook caught sight of him,and,in his annoyance at seeing a strange Dog in the kitchen,caught him up by the hind legs and threw him out of the window.He had a nasty fall,and limped away as quickly as he could,howling dismally.Presently some other dogs met him,and said,“Well,what sort of a dinner did you get?”To which he replied.“I had a splendid time:the wine was SO good,and I drank SO much of it,that I really don"t remember how I got out ofthe hobse!” Be shy of favours bestowed at the expense of others.
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1. 文言文中“望”字有哪些解释 动词:1. (会意。 甲骨文字形,上面是“臣”象眼睛,下面是“壬”( tǐng)。象一个人站在土地上远望。 小篆又加“月”字,表望的对象。本义:远望) 2. 同本义 [gaze into the distance] 望,出亡在外望其还也。 ——《说文》。按,此字疑当训远视也。 望,远视也。——《玉篇》豕望视而交睫腥。 ——《礼记·内则》。注:“望视,远视也。” 邻邑相望,鸡狗之音相闻。——《庄子·胠箧》望之而不能见也,逐之而不能及也。 ——《庄子·天运》吾尝跂而望矣,不如登高之博见也。——《荀子·劝学》扁鹊望 桓侯。 ——《韩非子·喻老》举头望明月。——唐· 李白《静夜思》风烟望五津。 ——唐· 王勃《杜少府之任蜀州》潭西南而望。——唐· 柳宗元《至小丘西小石潭记》 3. 又如:望台(指轮船驾驶台);望楼(望远守卫的楼房);望阙(望着皇宫);望乞(希望;乞求);望国(遥望故国);望睹(了望,眺望);望乡(遥望故乡);望祭(望礼。 遥望而祭);望拜(远远望见即行叩拜);望祀(遥望祭祀);望眼(远眺的眼睛) 4. 遥祭,指古代帝王祭祀山川、日月、星辰 [sacrifice in distance] 旅上帝及四望。——《周礼·大宗伯》。 注:“五岳四镇四渎。” 犹三望。 ——《左传·僖公三十一年》。注:“分野之星,国中山川皆因郊祀,望而祭之。” 5. 又如:望祀(古代遥祭山川地袛之礼);望拜(遥望拜祭);望表(古代祭祀山川时所立的木制标志) 6. 希望,期望 [expect;hope] 日夜望将军至,岂敢反乎?——《史记·项羽本纪》王如知此,则无望民之多于邻国也。——《孟子·梁惠王上》非汉所望。 ——《汉书·李广苏建传》 7. 又如:望岁(盼望丰收);望祈(盼望);望幸(臣民、妃嫔希望皇帝临幸);望巴巴(望眼巴巴) 8. 向高处看 [look up]。如:望月(仰望天上的月亮);望羊(仰望远视的样子);望子(期望您。 子,对人的尊称);望洋(仰望的样子);望慕(仰慕);望云(仰望白云);望视(仰视,远视) 9. 察看 [inspect]。如:望色(看人的气色);望气者(一种依靠望天气而预测吉凶祸福的方士) 10. 看望 [visit] 望其言是实。 ——清· 林觉民《与妻书》 11. 又如:探望;拜望;看望 12. 通“方”。比较 [pare] 以人望人,则贤者可知己矣。 ——《礼记·表记》 13. 怨恨,责怪 [grudge] 绛侯望 袁盎。——《史记·袁盎晁错传》时人望之。 ——《后汉书·贾彪传》不意君望臣深也。——《史记·张耳陈馀传》黯褊心,不能无少望。 ——《汉书·汲黯传》 14. 又如:望沮(怨恨沮丧);望言(怨言) 15. 接近 [approach] 望秋先陨。——宋· 沈括《梦溪笔谈》 16. 又如:望七(将至七十岁);望五(年龄近五十岁);望四(接近四十岁);望秋(临近秋天) 名词:1. 视野,视力所及 [sight]。 如:望山(古弩上的瞄准器);望中(视野之中) 2. 名望 [prestige] 德隆望尊。——明· 宋濂《送东阳马生序》 3. 又如:望轻(声望低微);德高望重;望姓(有声望的氏族);望重(名望大);望臣(有威望的大臣);望雅(声望清高) 4. 希望;盼望 [hope] 以绝秦望。 ——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》甚失孤望。——《资治通鉴》 5. 望日,夏历每月十五,天文学上指月亮圆的那一天 [the 15th day of a lunar month] 三月之望。 ——明· 张溥《五人墓碑记》 6. 又如:望后(望日之后;向后);望夜(农历十五日之夜) 7. 边际 [bound] 神覆宇宙而无望。——《吕氏春秋·下贤》 8. 仪容 [looks] 季通弟 季良风望闲雅。 ——《北史》 9. 有名的人 [distinguished person] 吾子楚国之望也。——《左传·昭公十二年》 10. 窗口 [window] [画轮车]左右开四望。 ——《晋书》 11. 酒店的招帘,即酒望 [flag]。如:望竿(悬挂酒招的旗竿) 12. 唐代行政区划的等级之一 [prefecture] 文宗世,宰相 韦处厚建议,复置两辅、六雄、十望、十紧州别驾。 ——《新唐书》 介词:1. [口]∶向,对着 [towards;to] 望朱砂庵而登。——《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》 2. 又如:望前走。 2. 雁荡山文言文 上下望之 温州雁荡山,天下奇秀,然自古图牒,未尝有言者。祥符中,因造玉清宫,伐山取材,方有人见之,此时尚未有名。按西域书,阿罗汉诺矩罗居震旦东南大海际 雁荡山芙蓉峰龙湫。唐僧贯休为《诺矩罗赞》,有“雁荡经行云漠漠,龙湫宴坐雨蒙蒙”之句。此山南有芙容峰,峰下芙蓉驿,前瞰大海,然未知雁荡、龙湫所在, 后因伐木,始见此山。山顶有大池,相传以为雁荡;下有二潭水,以为龙湫。山顶有一个大湖,据说是叫雁荡;山下有两个水潭,把它叫做龙湫。又有经行峡、宴坐 峰,皆后人以贯休诗名之也。谢灵运为永嘉守,凡永嘉山水,游历殆遍,独不言此山,盖当时未有雁荡之名。 予观雁荡诸峰,皆峭拔险怪,上耸千尺,穹崖巨谷,不类他山,皆包在诸谷中,自岭外望之,都无所见;至谷中则森然干霄。原其理,当是为谷中大水冲激,沙 土尽去,唯巨石岿然挺立耳。如大小龙湫、水帘、初月谷之类,皆是水凿之穴。自下望之则高岩峭壁,从上观之适与地平,以至诸峰之顶,亦低于山顶之地面。世间 沟壑中水凿之处,皆有植土龛岩,亦此类耳。今成皋、陕西大涧中,立土动及百尺,迥然耸立,亦雁荡具体而微者,但此土彼石耳。既非挺出地上,则为深谷林莽所 蔽,故古人未见,灵运所不至,理不足怪也。 译文 温州雁荡山(是)天下奇特、秀丽(的一座山),但是自古以来的地图地理资料(对雁荡山)都不曾有记载。(宋代)祥符年间,因为要建造玉清宫,开山砍 伐木材,才有人发现这座山,这时还没有山名。根据西域书记载,罗汉(名叫)诺矩罗的,住在中国东南大海边的雁荡山芙蓉峰的龙湫。唐朝和尚贯休写《诺矩罗 赞》,有“雁荡经行云漠漠,龙湫宴坐雨蒙蒙”的诗句。这(座)山南有芙蓉峰,峰下(有)芙蓉驿,向前(可以)俯视大海,但(当时一般人)不知道雁荡、龙湫 所在的地方,后来(宋代)因为采伐木材,才开始见到这(座)山。山顶有(一个)大湖,传说把它当作雁荡;(山)下有两(个)水潭,就把它当作(大、小)龙 湫。还有经行峡、宴坐峰,都(是)后来人们根据贯休的诗句来命名的。(南唐诗人)谢灵运任永嘉太守的时候,所有永嘉(一带)的山水,几乎都游历遍了,唯独 没有谈到这(雁荡)山。(这是)因为当时还没有雁荡山这个名称。 我观察雁荡山许多山峰,都(是)陡峭、挺拔、险峻、怪异,向上耸立(约)千尺(高),高大的山崖和巨大的沟谷,不像其他的山。(雁荡山许多山峰)都包 容在(周围的)一些山谷里面。从周围山地外面远望这些山峰,什么也看不到;走到山谷里面,(才看到这些山峰)峭拔林立,直冲云霄。推究它(形成)的道理, 应当是被山谷里的大水冲刷,沙土都冲走了,唯独(剩下这些)巨大的岩石巍然挺立(在那里)。像大小龙湫、水帘、初月谷之类,(也)都(是)水流冲刷(而 成)的洞穴。从下面望这些山峰,(是)高耸的岩石峭壁;从上面观察,(山谷里的山峰峰顶却又)恰好跟周围山地一样高,(甚至这)许多山峰的顶部还低于周围 山地的地平面。世界上溪谷里水流冲刷的地方,都有高耸直立的土层和底部凹陷像神龛的岩石,也(就是)这一类(情况)罢了,(它们和雁荡山谷里的许多山峰的 成因,原理是相同的。)现在的成皋、陕州以西的大沟谷里高耸直立的土层往往高达百尺,高高地耸立着,也(可算是)形体齐备而规模较小的雁荡山的许多山峰, 只是这里是黄土的,那里是石质的罢了。(雁荡山许多山峰)既然不是挺立在平地之上,而是被深谷老林所掩蔽,所以古人没有发现它,谢灵运没有到过(这里), 从事理上说是不奇怪的。 3. 文言文中,“下”的意思,全部,谢谢 文言文的意思 xià ①下面;位置较低的处所。《劝学》:“上食埃土,~饮黄泉。” ②低。《采草药》:“此地势高~之不同也。” ③下等;次序在后的。《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》:“闻寡之耳者,受~赏。” ④地位低下的人;职务低的人;下级。《廉颇蔺相如列传》:“且相如素 *** ,吾羞,不忍为之~。” ⑤从高处到低处。《游黄山记》:“转入石门,越天都之胁而~。”【又】使……下去。《李愬雪夜入蔡州》:“元济于城上请罪,进城梯而~之。” ⑥降下;落下。《白雪歌送武判官归京》:“纷纷暮雪~辕门。” ⑦下坠。《垓下之战》:“项王泣数行~。” ⑧到……去。多指从上游向下游、从北向南、从大城镇去乡村等。《谭嗣同》:“君乃自湖南溯江,~上海。” ⑨下达;颁布。《后序》:“维扬帅~逐客之令。”明 黄道周《节寰袁公传》:“事下四郡,四郡推公(袁可立)秉笔。” ⑩攻下;攻占。《陈涉世家》:“蕲~,乃令符离人葛婴将兵徇蕲以东。” ⑾少于;低于。《师说》:“今之众人,其~圣人也亦矣。” ⑿谦下;降低身份去交往。《信陵君窃符救赵》:“公子为人,仁而~士。” ⒀表示动作的次数。《口技》:“忽然抚尺一~,群响毕绝。” ⒁方面;方。柳宗元《驳复仇议》:“今若取此以断两~相杀,则合于礼矣。” 【下车】地方官员风到任。 【下处】临时居住的地方;寓所;客店。 4. 文言文翻译下 Don"t turn such as bowel wheel, the moment not only weeks. Seeing double chi, profit increase center sorrow. The ancient also have the mountains and rivers, the ancient also have a car boat. Car boat load absence, of judah were free. Today"s boat with a car, and decided to sky was born. Instant view that, and do not let a little rainy day. Bell a timely, instantly leave a lot. Although have WanJun Tuo, move as to round soft. DaTouFeng is there? Also not especially stone. SongZhe not return, king on day end. The shadow at e., see not, and the YanBo briskly. To what do a speed? Set to leave no delay. Wish to prince, quick take light balloon moment is weeks of what the heart carved benefit of care benefit.。
2023-06-08 05:49:581

英语中副词的用法 副词怎样修饰形容词?

一定要和形容词结合才能分清副词的用法: 形容词和副词形容词和副词在语法结构中主要用于比较级和最高级.形容词和副词的构成形式基本上一样,它们的形式与单音节、双音节和多音节有关,当然还有其特殊形式.形容词和副词比较级的基本用法分为同级比较、比较级和最高级三种形式.但这三种形式都有它们特殊的表达方式以及它们的惯用法.对以下要点大家须一一掌握. 第一节 形容词比较级和最高级的形式 一、形容词比较级和最高级的构成 形容词的比较级和最高级变化形式规则如下 构 成 法 原 级 比 较 级 最 高 级 ① 一般单音节词末尾加?er 和 ?est strong stronger strongest ② 单音节词如果以?e结尾,只加?r 和?st strange stranger strangest ③ 闭音节单音节词如末尾只有 一个辅音字母, 须先双写这个辅音字母,再加?er和?est sad big hot sadder bigger hotter saddest biggest hottest ④ 少数以?y,?er(或?ure),?ow,?ble结尾的双音节词, 末尾加?er和?est(以?y结尾的词,如?y前是辅音字母, 把y变成i,再加?er和?est,以?e结尾的词仍 只加?r和?st) angry clever narrow noble angrier cleverer narrower nobler angrest cleverest narrowest noblest ⑤ 其他双音节和多音节词都在前面加单词more和most different more different most different 1) The most high 〔A〕 mountain in 〔B〕 the world is Mount Everest, which is situated 〔C〕 in Nepal and is twenty?nine thousand one hundred and fourty one feet high 〔D〕 . 2) This house is spaciouser 〔A〕 than that 〔B〕 white 〔C〕 one I bought in Rapid City, South Dakota 〔D〕 last year. 3) Research in the social 〔A〕 sciences often proves difficulter 〔B〕 than similar 〔C〕 work in the physical 〔D〕 sciences. 二、形容词比较级或最高级的特殊形式: 1. 三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加more和most 只能说 more beautiful而不能说beautifuller; 只能说the most beautiful而不能说beautifullest. 但是,以形容前缀?un结尾的三音节形容词不适合上述情况,如unhappy,untidy,我们可以说:unhappier→unhappiest, untidier→untidiest 2. 由?ING分词和?ED分词演变过来的形容词(包括不规则动词如know→known)只能加more或most来表示它们的比较级和最高级 more(most) striking, more(most) interesting, more(most) wounded, more(most)worn等. 4) The drawings 〔A〕 of the old masters 〔B〕 are among the treasuredest 〔C〕 works in museums 〔D〕 . 3. 英语里有些形容词由于其词义而不可能有比较级形式 absolute fatal main right universal chief final naked simulta- utter entire foremost perfect neous vital eternal?inevitable?possible?sufficient?whole? excellent infinite primary supreme wooden 三、不规则形容词的比较级和最高级形式 good well? better?best bad ill?worse?worst many much? more?most little few? less?least far? farther?farthest ?further?furthest 5) African elephants are larger, fiercer, and difficulter 〔A〕 to tame 〔B〕 than 〔C〕 Asian elephants 〔D〕 . 6) Sarah Hale became 〔A〕 one of the famousest 〔B〕 magazine 〔C〕 editors in the United States during 〔D〕 the 1800"s. 7) Of all 〔A〕 the Native American tribes 〔B〕 , the Shawnee Indians were 〔C〕 a most 〔D〕 transient. 四、例题解析 1) A错.应将“most high”改为highest.这是在考形容词比较级的构成形式. 2) A错.改为more spacious. 3) B错. 改为more difficult. 4) C错. treasured 在本句中是?ED分词(动词treasure +ed)作形容词使用,是“宝贵的、珍贵的”意思,修饰名词 works(作品),其最高级形式应用 the most treasured. 5) A错,改为more difficult. 6) B错.改为“the most famous”,因为famous(著名的)是双音节,其最高级变化应在前面加“the most”. 7) D错.应改为“the most”,因为此处表示的是最高级,“the most transient”意为“(延续时间)最短暂的”. 第二节 副词比较级和最高级的形式 副词比较级和最高级的变化形式与形容词基本上一样 一般 副词 hard→harder →hardest fast→faster →fastest late→later →latest early→earlier →earliest 特殊 副词 well →better →best much →more →most badly →worse →worst little →less →least 但是,开放类副词即以后缀?ly结尾的副词不能像形容词那样加?er或?est,如 quickly →more quickly →most quickly quietly →more quietly →most quietly 〔注〕: early中的?ly不是后缀,故可以把?y变?i再加?er和?est 第三节 形容词与副词比较级和最高级的基本用法 一、原级比较的基本用法 1. 原级比较由“as+形容词或副词(或再加名词或短语)+as ”构成“原级相同”比较句,表示两者比较;其否定式,即“程度不及”比较句型为“not so(as) +形容词或副词+as”,而且as…as结构前可用just, almost, nearly, quite等表示程度的词修饰 1) Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as many calories as . 〔A〕 to run for fifteen minutes 〔B〕 running for fifteen minutes 〔C〕 you run for fifteen minutes 〔D〕 fifteen?minute walking 2) The gorilla(大猩猩), while 〔A〕 not quite as curious than 〔B〕 the chimpanzee(黑猩猩), shows more persistence 〔C〕 and memory retention(记忆力) in solving 〔D〕 a problem. 3) Alaska is twice 〔A〕 as larger 〔B〕 as 〔C〕 the next largest 〔D〕 state, Texas. 2. “as (so)+名词+as+名词”进行名词比较,这时一般情况下有一个表示原级的比较词,但如果第一名词前出现了形容词修饰该词或出现副词修饰谓语,应当用so而不用as 4) Thomas Jefferson"s achievements as an architect rival his contributions a politician. 〔A〕 such 〔B〕 more 〔C〕 as 〔D〕 than 5) I should say Henry is not much a writer as a reporter. (88年考题) 〔A〕 that 〔B〕 so 〔C〕 this 〔D〕 as 二、比较级 1. 比较级由“形容词(副词)比较级+than+…,”构成表示在两者中间一方比另一方“更加…”.连词than后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、?ING结构和?ED结构,有时也可省去than. 6) Natural mica(云母) of 〔A〕 a superior 〔B〕 quality is cheapest 〔C〕 to obtain than synthetic 〔D〕 mica. 7) She is older than . 〔A〕 any other girl in the group 〔B〕 any girl in the group 〔C〕 all girls in the group 〔D〕 you and me as well as the group 8) Josephine McCrackin joined 〔A〕 the “Santa Cruz Sentinel” in 1905 and, until her death fifteen years late 〔B〕 , remained 〔C〕 active in journalistic 〔D〕 work. 2. 注意than前后两项相比较的人或事物要一致 9) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than . 〔A〕 ours 〔B〕 with us 〔C〕 for ours it had 〔D〕 it did for us 10) Sound travels air. 〔A〕 faster through water than through 〔B〕 faster than through water and 〔C〕 through water faster and〔D〕 where it is faster through water than through 11) Gerbrand von den Feckhout, one of Rembrand"s pupils, followed 〔A〕 the style of his teacher so implicitly that 〔B〕 his paintings 〔C〕 are sometimes confused with his master 〔D〕 . 三、最高级 1. 最高级用于三者以上比较,形容词的结构形式是“定冠词+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或从句”(如all, of all, of the tree, in the world, that has ever taken place等) 12) The more 〔A〕 fearsome of all the 〔B〕 animals in 〔C〕 the Western 〔D〕 Hemisphere is the grizzly bear. 13) Of all economic 〔A〕 problems, inflation continues to be 〔B〕 a 〔C〕 most significant in its daily impact on 〔D〕 people and business. 14) , the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction. 〔A〕 All the activities 〔B〕 The activities 〔C〕 Of all the activities 〔D〕 It is the activities 2. 副词的最高级与形容词最高级的区别在于最高级前没有定冠词the 四、例题解析 1) B为正确答案. 2) B错.改为 as ,和前面的as和形容词原形curious 一起构成同程度比较. 3) B错. 改为as large. 4) C对.动词rival(胜过、匹敌)前后是两个相比较的成分achievements(成果)和 contributions(贡献),由于前面的名词后出现了短语 as an architect,故空白处也应用as,使前后对比成分一致. 5) B为正确答案. 6) C错.应改为比较级cheaper.比较级后并不一定跟接连词than,有时在其间有名词或名词短语(被形容词所修饰),介词短语,不定式或其他成分隔开. 7) A为正确答案.“She”作为单个不能跟全组比(C和D不对),也不能跟全组所有相比,因为“她”也是其中一员,自然“她”不能跟自己相比.这里“She”比较的是“这组中的任何一个”,所以A对. 8) B错.应改为比较级later,因此处实为与1905年相比晚15年,故应使用比较级. 9) D为正确答案. 10) A为正确答案. 11) D错. 改为his master"s. 12) A错. 改为most. 13) C错.改为the, significant是多音节形容词,在此处应用最高级形式(在前面加 the most),注意句中的“of all… ”. 14) C为正确答案.本句空白处缺状语,A和B全为名词短语,不符合条件;D为句子,和空白后面的句子没有任何联系,故亦应排除.只有C正确,和后面的最高级the most familiar前后呼应. 第四节 形容词和副词的特殊表达法 一、形容词与副词的同级比较: 由“as(so)…as”引出,其否定式为“not so…”或“not as…as”,考生还应注意下列含有“as”结构或短语的句子 1. as such:表示上文所指明的事或人 He is a child,and must be treated as such. 他是个孩子,必须被当作孩子对待. 2. as much:表示“与…同量” Take as much as you like. 拿多少都行. I would gladly have paid twice as much for it. 就是价格再贵一倍,我也会愿意把它买下的. He as much as admitted the whole story. 他几乎全部承认了. 3. as many:表示“与…一样多” I found six mistakes in as many lines. 我在六行中发现了六个错. 二、表示“几倍于”的比较级:用twice (两倍),four times (四倍),ten times (十倍)加上as … as 结构 This one is four times as big as that one. 这个是那个的四倍大.(这个比那个大三倍.) / Our campus is three times as large as yours. 我们的校园比你们的大两倍. / He has books twice as many as she does. 他的书比她多一倍. 1) The five?year deal obligates 〔A〕 the country to buy nine million tons 〔B〕 of grain a year 〔C〕 , three million more as 〔D〕 the old pact"s minimum. 三、“the same +名词+as”表示同等比较 2) The lens of a camera performs the lens of the eye. 〔A〕 in the same function 〔B〕 the same function as 〔C〕 the function is the same as 〔D〕 and has the same function 3) The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have as the amount of money borrowed. 〔A〕 as the same value 〔B〕 the same value 〔C〕 value as the same 〔D〕 the value is the same 四、比较级前可用a little, a bit, slightly, a great deal, a lot,many, much等词语表示不定量,far, completely,still表示程度或更进一步 4) There are now methods for studying color vision in infants than there once were. 〔A〕 more sophisticated than 〔B〕 much more sophisticated 〔C〕 much sophisticated 〔D〕 sophisticated 5) The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are than those taken from the Earth. 〔A〕 clearest 〔B〕 the clearest 〔C〕 much clearer 〔D〕 more clearer 6) Common porpoises(海豚) are usually not considered 〔A〕 migratory, although 〔B〕 some do move 〔C〕 to more warmer 〔D〕 waters in winter. 兼有两种形式的副词 1) close与closely close意思是"近"; closely 意思是"仔细地" He is sitting close to me. Watch him closely. 2) late 与lately late意思是"晚"; lately 意思是"最近" You have come too late. What have you been doing lately? 3) deep与deeply deep意思是"深",表示空间深度;deeply时常表示感情上的深度,"深深地" He pushed the stick deep into the mud. Even father was deeply moved by the film. 4) high与highly high表示空间高度;highly表示程度,相当于much The plane was flying high. I think highly of your opinion. 5) wide与widely wide表示空间宽度;widely意思是"广泛地","在许多地方" He opened the door wide. English is widely used in the world. 6) free与freely free的意思是"免费";freely 的意思是"无限制地" You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like. You may speak freely; say what you like.
2023-06-08 05:50:041


来自内心的礼物The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.世界上最难的算术题是如何清点我们的祝福。According to legend, a young man while roaming the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal-clear water. The water was so sweet, he filled his leather canteen so he could bring some back to a tribal elder who had been his teacher.据传说,一个年轻的男子在漫游沙漠途中看到一泉如水晶般清澈而可口的水。水的味道非常甜美,于是他灌满了他的皮水壶,这样就可以带一些回去,送给曾经是他老师的部落长老。After a four-day journey he presented the water to the old man who took a deep drink, smiled warmly and thanked his student lavishly for the sweet water. The young man returned to his village with a happy heart.经过四天的旅程,他把水呈献给老人。老人深饮一口,和蔼地笑了笑,并深切感激学生赠予他甜美的水。年轻人怀着愉快的心情回到了村庄。Later, the teacher let another student taste the water. He spat it out, saying it was awful. It apparently had become stale because of the old leather container.后来,老师让他的另一个学生品尝水。学生吐了出来,说水太难喝了。它显然已经因为陈旧的皮革容器而变得不再新鲜。The student challenged his teacher: “Master, the water was foul. Why did you pretend to like it?”学生质疑他的老师:“师父,水是臭的,你为什么要假装喜欢它?”The teacher replied, “You only tasted the water. I tasted the gift. The water was simply the container for an act of loving-kindness and nothing could be sweeter.”老师回答说,“你只品尝了水的味道,我却是在品尝礼物的味道。水仅仅是装载善与爱之行为的容器,而没有什么东西比善与爱更甜美了。”I think we understand this lesson best when we receive innocent gifts of love from young children. Whether it"s a ceramic tray or a macaroni bracelet, the natural and proper response is appreciation and expressed thankfulness because we love the idea within the gift.我认为当我们从天真的孩子们那里收到爱的礼物时,能够最透彻地明白这个道理。无论它是一个陶瓷托盘或通心粉手镯,我们自然而恰当的反应是欣赏,并表示感激,因为我们喜欢礼物所包含的心意。Gratitude doesn"t always come naturally. Unfortunately, most children and many adults value only the thing given rather than the feeling embodied in it. We should remind ourselves and teach our children about the beauty and purity of feelings and expressions of gratitude. After all, gifts from the heart are really gifts of the heart.感恩并不总是自然而来的。不幸的是,大多数儿童和成人只看重被赠予的东西本身,而不是它体现的情谊。我们应该提醒自己,并教导我们的孩子,感情和对感激之情的表达是美丽而纯洁的。毕竟,发自内心给与的礼物才是真正的礼物。爱在日出时Sunrise on the eastern coast is a special event. I stood at Dolphin"s Nose, a spur jutting out into the Bay of Bengal, to behold the breaking of the sun"s upper limb over the horizon of the sea. As the eastern sky started unfolding like the crimson petals of a gigantic flower, I was overcome by a wave of romantic feelings and nostalgia—vivid memorie not diminished by the fact that almost ten years had passed. 东海岸的日出是一道特别的景观。我站在海豚鼻——一块向外延伸至孟加拉海湾的地方——观看太阳的上半边缘冉冉升起在海平面上。当东边的天空开始如一朵巨大的花展开深红色的花瓣般逐渐红透时,我被一股浪漫的感觉和怀旧之情征服了——如此清晰的记忆,并没有因为近乎十年的光阴已经逝去这个事实而褪去。I was a young bachelor then, and Visakhapatnam did not have much to offer. Every Sunday morning, I used to rise before dawn and head for Dolphin"s Nose, to enjoy the dazzling spectacle of the sun majestically rising out of the sea. The fresh, salty sea breeze was a panacea for all the effects of hangovers caused by Saturday night excesses. 那时,我还是一个年轻的单身汉,维萨卡帕特南市对我来说并没有太多好玩的东西。每个周日早晨,我习惯天不亮就起床,前往海豚鼻,享受太阳从海面上庄严升起的壮丽景观。清新又有一丝咸味的海风不啻是一种万能药,能够缓解周六晚上因尽情玩乐而引发的宿醉后的不适感。After viewing the metamorphosis at sunrise, I would walk downhill along the steep mountain-path, towards the rocky beach, for a brief swim. Each time, I noticed a flurry of activity in a distant compound with a single decrepit building. I used to ignore it, but curiously, one day I decided to take a closer look. It was a fish market. Most customers were housewives from the nearby residential complexes. They were at their “Sunday-worst”—sans make-up, slovenly dressed, faces unwashed, and unkempt hair—in stark contrast with their carefully made-up appearances at the club the previous evening. 在观看了日出时奇妙的变化以后,我会沿着陡峭的山路下行,走到一个遍布岩石的海滩,游一会儿泳。每次,我都注意到远处有一个居民区,里面有一座破旧的建筑物,人声沸沸扬扬。我通常都对它视而不见,但很奇怪的是,有一天,我竟决定走过去看看。这是一个鲜鱼市场。大部分顾客都是附近居民楼里的家庭主妇。她们完全是一副最糟糕的周日装扮——不施粉黛,衣着邋遢,脸也没洗,头发蓬乱——这与她们前一晚在夜店里那副精心装扮的外表形成了鲜明的对比。I had began to walk away, quite dejected, when I saw her for the first time. I stopped, dead in my tracks. She was a real beauty—tall, fair and freshly bathed, her long lustrous hair dancing on her shoulders. She had large, expressive brown eye and her sharp features were accentuated by the rays of the morning Sun. I can"t begin to describe the sensation she evoked in me; it was the first time in my life that I felt my heart ache with such intense yearning. I knew this was love. Yet, in my heart, I knew that Istood no chance—she had a mangalsutra around her neck. She was married—maybe happily, too. Nevertheles I drew closer to her and made the pretence of buying some fish. Smiling guardedly at me, she selected a couple of pomfrets and held them out to me. I managed to briefly touch her soft hands—the feeling was electric and a shiver of thrill passed through me. She communicated an unspoken “good-bye” with her teasing, dancing eyes and briskly walked away. Too dazed to follow her, I returned to my room and had fried pomfret for breakfast. Needless to say, they tasted delicious. 我很失望,正要离开时,我第一次看见了她。我停了下来,脑子里一片空白。她真是一个美人——个子高高的,肤若凝脂,带着浴后的清新。长而有亮泽的头发在她的肩上起舞。她有一双大而有神的褐色眼睛,分明的轮廓在晨曦里更加清晰可见。我无从描述她在我内心唤起的感受。在我的一生中,我还是头一次由于强烈的渴望而感到内心疼痛。我知道这是爱。然而,我心里清楚我已经没有机会了——她脖子上戴着用来护佑婚姻的幸运项链。她结婚了——说不定还很幸福。然而,我不由地向她靠近,假装要买鱼。她警觉地朝我笑了笑,挑选了两条鲳鱼,捞出水面递给我。我设法碰了碰她柔软的双手——犹如触了电一般,一阵颤栗袭遍全身。她揶揄似的转动双眸,无声地示意“再见”,然后脚步轻快地走了。我昏昏沉沉的,以至无法跟从她,便回到自己的房间,炸了鲳鱼做早餐。不用说,味道好极了。Soon, I was following this routine every Sunday morning with almost religious zeal. She never missed her rendezvous with me—same place, same day, at precisely the same time, Seven o"clock. Still, not a word was exchanged between us. I was too shy and she probably wanted to keep it this way—a beautiful ethereal relationship—a love so delicate that one wrong move might ruin everything. Meanwhile, I had developed a taste for fried pomfret—quite surprisingly, considering that I had never eaten fish before. 不久,每个周日早上,我都带着近乎宗教般的虔诚做着相同的事。她从没有错过与我的相聚——相同的地点,相同的日子,分毫不差的时间,七点整。我们依旧没有说过一句话。我太害羞了,而她或许是希望一切止步于此吧——一种美丽而缥缈的关系——这种爱如此微妙,以至一个错误的举动就可能毁掉一切。同时,我逐渐喜欢上了炸鲳鱼——鉴于我之前从不吃鱼,这确实让我很吃惊。As the years went by, I left Visakhapatnam and travelled around the world, met many beautiful girls at the various exotic places I visited. But I never forgot her! A man"s first love would always have an enduring place in his heart. 时间一年一年地流逝,我离开了维萨卡帕特南市,周游世界。在异国他乡,我遇见过很多漂亮的女孩,但我从没忘记她!初恋在男人的心里总占据着一个恒久的位置。And now, I was back in Visakhapatnam, almost ten years later. As I walked down the slope towards the beach, in my mind"s eyes I could still vividly envision the playfully sublime look on her face—her gentle smile and communicative eyes—even if ten years had passed. I could not contain the mounting excitement and anticipation in me; I was desperately yearning to see her again. It was a forlorn hope but I felt flushed with optimism.Reaching the beach, I noticed that the sun was well clear of the horizon. I glanced at my watch—almost seven o"clock. I hastened my step, almost breaking in to a run, and reached the fish market where I stood at the exact same spot, where we used to have our rendezvous at sunrise. 现在,近十年以后,我又回到了维萨卡帕特南市。当我沿着斜坡下山走向海滩,在我的脑海里,我依旧能生动地回想起她脸上那顽皮而矜持的神情——她那温柔的微笑和会说话的眼睛——尽管十年已经过去了。我无法再控制这不断堆积的兴奋和我心中的期望。我非常渴望能再见到她。尽管这个希望很渺茫,但我心中还是充满了期待。到达海滩后,我注意到太阳已经完全跃出海平面了。我瞥了一眼手表——快七点了。我加快脚步,几乎跑了起来,来到当年的鲜鱼市场,站在当年的位置上,那儿是我们过去常常在日出之时相聚的地方。Trembling with anticipation verging on anxiety, I looked around with searching eyes. Nothing had changed. The scene was exactly the same as I had left it ten years ago. There was only one thing missing—she wasn"t there! I had drawn out the short straw! I felt crestfallen. My mind went blank and I stood motionles overcome with gloom, when suddenly, I felt that familiar electrifying touch, the same shiver and the familiar thrill. It jolted me back to reality, as quick as lighting. As she softly put two promfret fish in my hand I was feeling in the seventh Heaven. 带着近乎焦虑的期待,我不住地颤抖,用双眼四处搜寻着。一切都没变。这个场景还和我十年前离开时一模一样。只有一样东西不见了——她不在那里!倒霉透了!我感到很沮丧,大脑一片空白。我一动不动地站在那里,满怀忧郁。忽然,我感觉到那熟悉的触电似的触碰。同样的颤抖,熟悉的战栗。它闪电般把我飞快地拽回到现实。当她把两条鲳鱼轻轻放到我手里时,我感觉自己如同飘上了七重天。Looking at her, I was not disappointed. Her beauty had enhanced with age. Yet, something had changed, indeed. Yes! It was her eyes. Her large brown eyes did not dance so teasingly anymore. There was a trace of sadnes a sense of tender poignancy in her liquid brown eye as she bid me her unspoken “good-bye”. Dumbstruck by the abruptness of the event and the enormity of the moment, I stood frozen like a statue, unable to react or say anything. It was only when she was leaving that I noticed that there was no mangalsutra around her slender neck anymore. 看着她,我并不失望。随着年龄的增长,她愈发美丽了。然而有什么东西的确已经改变了——是的!就是她的眼睛。她那大大的褐色双眼不再顾盼生姿,饱含揶揄了。她的眼里有一丝悲苦。当她向我无声地示意“再见”时,她那水汪汪的褐色眼睛里流露出一种温柔的酸楚。我被这突如其来的一切震呆了,这一瞬间是如此长久,我像泥塑木雕一般站在那里,不能回应,说不出一句话来。只有当她离开时我才注意到,她那细细的脖子上不再戴着那串用来护佑婚姻的幸运项链了。人生的蝴蝶效应“Thank you for your application. We would like to congratulate you,” the letter read. Those words can make your heart skip a beat and bring tears to your eyes. The feeling of following your dreams is inexplicable and proof that all your hard work was worth it.“感谢你的申请。我们要恭喜你,”信上写道。那些话能使你的心为之一颤,让你热泪盈眶。追随梦想的感受是难以言喻的,并且证明你所有的努力都是值得的。It is a signpost in life, a trail marker. It is a day you will never forget, the day you opened that envelope and your future was revealed. But what about all those days in-between—the ones that make and break you, the days that are nothing special.那是人生中的一个标记,人生路上的里程碑。那是你永远不会忘记的日子,那天你打开那个信封,你的未来就随之展现。但是在你获得录取信之前的所有日子呢?那些使你成功也使你崩溃的日子,那些平平淡淡的日子。Would you have received that acceptance letter had you not attended the college fair at your school? What if you had forgotten to send an essay with your application, would you have been rejected?要是你那时没有参加学校的学院展,你还会收到录取信吗?如果当时在寄申请书的时候,你忘记附上一篇个人陈述,你会被拒绝吗?In life, one step creates the next. Each day is of equal importance, no matter how good or bad. There is no moment in life that does not matter. Regardless of how insignificant, each choice, each day, each idea, is the birth of the next. Something simple can completely reshape your life. It"s just like the Butterfly Effect and you never know what is at the end. To go back in time and change one moment in the many that create your life could change everything that follows.人生中,步步相随。无论好与坏,每一天都一样的重要。人生中没有一个时刻是无关紧要的。不管如何不值一提,每个选择、每一天、每个想法,都会引出下一步。简单的事情可以完全重塑你的人生。那就像是“蝴蝶效应”,你永远不知道最后的结果是什么。若回顾从前并改变创造你人生的众多时刻中的一个,随后的一切也会被改变。If I"ve learned anything, it is that everything matters. You can struggle through life in an attempt to create the perfect path, but the truth is you will always wonder if it could have been better. Everything is important and nothing need be changed—to climb up the hill may be difficult, but you"ll reach the top no matter which path you choose.要是说我悟出什么道理,那就是任何事情都是重要的。你可以奋斗一生,试图创造完美的人生之路,但事实是你总是怀疑是否原本有更好的路可以走。每件事情都是重要的,任何事情都无需改变——攀山的过程可能是艰辛的,但无论你选择哪条道路,你终会到达顶峰。望采纳~
2023-06-08 05:50:301


1)adv.的用法:可以be+adv吗?副词的用法? *不可以 adv最简单 就是加在动词后面 直接地 已经是修饰的意思了2)状语是怎么用的?修饰什么? 因为本人不记语法,所以随便贴个我看不懂的地址给你抱歉3)sometime sometimes some times some time 的用法? * sometime 是说 曾经 或者 有一次 比如 i remembered it sometime,我曾记起它。 sometimes 就是中文的 有时 比如 i feel frustrated sometimes. 我有时觉得沮丧。 some times 就是说 有的时候 比如 i have reviewed it for some times.我已经复习过几次了。(这个其实用for several times好像合适些) 至於some time 应该是没有这个用法的4)real really ready 的用法和意思?* real是 adj.真实的 really是 adv.真实地实在地 你一定是聼人家说really然后以为后面那个是形容词 其实"really?"是只在这个句子裏才作为语气词 特殊情况 而ready就是准备的意思 是形容词 动词变成 get ready5)一个词语中可以名词+名词吗?eg:surpurise party 惊喜聚会(注:拼写错误是surprise)*一般是不可以的 至少我没印象有应该把前面的名词转成形容词先 然后再套上去形容后面的名次比如说你的surprise party在你觉得不清楚的这种情况下 应该都是因为前面那个词在中文形容词和名词混在一起了成一个词 就是惊喜 惊喜在中文是形容词也是名词但是英文裏 surprise是名词 它有动词surprize 还有surprising和surprised两个形容词前者是形容事物令人惊喜 后者是人们心情的惊喜如果说是surprise party的话应该改成surpising party即the surprising party surprized me, I felt very surprised. It"s a big surprise for me.所以说 背单词不是容易的事情 要每个单词都建立一个小系统
2023-06-08 05:50:382


  【狗和厨师的故事原文阅读】 有一次,一个富翁设宴招待亲明好友。这家的狗以为是个好机会,也高兴地跑去邀请自己的朋友——另一只狗,他跑过去对朋友说:“我的主人在摆宴席,那里肯定有很多好吃的,快来,和我一起去赴宴吧。”受邀的狗于是欣然前住,见到厨房里摆着如此丰盛的饭菜,他就自言自语道:“我太幸运了!这次一定要饱餐一顿,把明天和后天的饭都吃掉。”与此同时,他不停地摇着尾巴,告诉朋友多么高兴受到了他的邀请。就在这时,厨师看见了他,见到一条陌生的狗在厨房里让厨师很生气,于是马上抓住他的后腿,扔到了窗外。那条狗艰狠地摔了一跤,赶紧鬼哭狼嚎般地落荒而逃。在路上遇见的其它几条狗都问他:“你参加的宴会怎么样呀?”他竟然回答道:“我很好,那酒实在太好喝了,我已经醉了,完全不记得如何回家了!”   【狗和厨师的寓意】 狗和厨师这篇寓言故事告诉了我们:借花献佛的恩惠是要付出代价的。   【狗和厨师故事英文版】 THE DOG AND THE COOK A rlch man once invlted a number of his frlend S and acquaintances to a dog thought it would be a good opportunity to invite another Dog,a friend of his;so he went to him and said,“My master is giving a feast:there"ll be a fine spread,so e and dine with me to-night.”The Dog thus invited came,and when he saw the preparations being made in the kitchen he said to himself,“My word,I"m in luck:I"ll take care to eat enough to-night to last me o or three days.”At the same time he wagged his tail briskly,by way of showing his friend how delighted he was to have been Just then the Cook caught sight of him,and,in his annoyance at seeing a strange Dog in the kitchen,caught him up by the hind legs and threw him out of the had a nasty fall,and limped away as quickly as he could,howling ently some other dogs met him,and said,“Well,what sort of a dinner did you get?”To which he replied.“I had a splendid time:the wine was SO good,and I drank SO much of it,that I really don"t remember how I got out ofthe hobse!” Be shy of favours bestowed at the expense of others.
2023-06-08 05:50:451


一、译为汉语对应的拟声词,有的译为独词句,有的译为动词或名词的辅助成分。 1.Crack! The stick broke in two. 喀嚓!棒子断为两截。 2.Only the venliator in the cellar window kept up a cealess rattle. 只有地下室窗户上的鼓风机发出无休无止的呼呼声。 3.Round the corner of Croscent Bay, between the pile-up masses of broken rock, a flock of sheep came pattering. 沿着新月海湾的地方,从一堆堆破碎的岩石堆中,一群羊叭嗒叭嗒地跑了过来。 二、有时可以将英文的拟声词译为汉语中较为抽象的“..........的叫,...........声”,有的则直叙其动作。 1.The cock in the yard crowed its first round. 院子里的雄鸡已经叫头遍了。 2.He felt as if he must shout and sing, he seemed to hear about him the rustle of unceasing and inmumberable wings. 他感到简直要大喊大唱,耳际仿佛传来无数翅膀的拍击声。 3.They splashed through the mire to the village. 他们一路踏着泥水向村子去。 三、为增加效果,即使英文未出现拟声词,翻译时添加拟声词。 1.The logs were burning briskly in the fire. 木柴在火中哔哔剥剥烧的正旺。 2.“Impartinent!” snorted Imalds. 伊梅尔达鼻子哼了声“没家教!” 3.Then a dog began to howl somewhere ina a farm house far down the road--a long, agonized wailing, as if from fear. 接着,路尽头一所农舍附近响起狗的汪汪声,那是一声长长的哀鸣,似乎是因恐惧而发出的惊恐之声。 再看一段英国作家梭罗描写沃尔登湖冬景的一句(附翻译,就剩一句了) I seldom opened my door in a winter evening without hearing it; Hoo hoo hoo, hooner hoo, sounded sonorously, and the first three syllables accented somewhat like how deardo; or sometimes hoo hoo only. 冬季傍晚,我一打开门常常听到“唿——唿——唿,唿——唿”的鸟叫声,声音哼悦耳,前三个音节听起来有点象英语的“你好哇!”有时便只是鸟叫而已。
2023-06-08 05:50:521

英语demonds on us怎么翻译?

demonds on us=恶魔降临到我们身上
2023-06-08 05:50:592

2023-06-08 05:51:164


同位格片语 (Appositive Phrase)同位格片语系它前面紧邻的一个字的补充、说明和铺陈。我们通常使用另一种片语来做为同位格片语。u2022 My favorite teacher, a fine chess player in her own right, has won several state-level tournaments. [名词片语当同位格片语] u2022 The best exercise, walking briskly, is also the least expensive. [动名词片语当同位格片语] u2022 Tashonda"s goal in life, to become an occupational therapist, is within her grasp this year, at last. [不定词片语当同位格片语] 使用同位格来结合句子同位格可能是结合句子最有效的工具。同位格或同位格片语是句子中先前出现的人事物的另一名称。你可以将同位格视为省略掉关系代名词和连缀动词的修饰子句。同位格通常是 (但并非都是) 插入语句,它的前后都要加逗点来与句子的其他部分分开。Sacagawea, who was one of the Indian wives of Charbonneau, who was a French fur-trader, accompanied the expedition as a translator. A pregnant, fifteen-year-old Indian woman, Sacagawea, one of the wives of the French fur-trader Charbonneau, accompanied the expedition as a translator. 注意:在上面第二个句子中,Sacagawea 的名字是插入语句 (在结构上,句子已指出她是一名十五岁的印地安孕妇),因此需要一对逗点来分开;然而,Charbonneau 的名字对句子的意思至关重要 (否则谁知道我们在谈论哪位皮草商人呢?),所以不是用一对逗点来分开。
2023-06-08 05:51:321


2023-06-08 05:51:402


畅销的解释[sell briskly and easily; have a ready market] 货物销售快 成套秋装很畅销 详细解释 (1).货物销路广,卖得快。 郑观应 《盛世危言·税则》 :“ 华 商既贿托洋商,则货本较重,不增价则本亏,价增则 华 商之货日滞,洋商之货畅销矣。” 冰心 《 晚晴 集·空巢》 :“我又不会写小说,就是一本小说,能畅销,也极不容易。” 韩北屏 《非洲夜会·沿着尼日尔河的旅行》 :“书店里的有关 中国 的各种书籍,总是畅销的。” (2). 指事 物 传播 得既广又快。 巴金 《 探索 集·说真话》 :“正因为有不少像我这样的人,谎话才有畅销的市场,说谎话的人才能步步高升。” 词语分解 畅的解释 畅 (畅) à 没有阻碍地:畅通。畅达。畅销。流畅。通畅。 痛快, 尽情 地:畅快。畅谈。 畅游 (a.畅快地 游览 :b.畅快地游泳)。欢畅。 舒畅 。畅所欲言。 姓。 滞 部首 :田; 销的解释 销 (销) ā 熔化 金属 :销金。销毁。 去掉:销案。销账。销脏。销魂。销蚀。销声匿迹( 形容 藏起来,不在公开场合出现)。报销。 开支,花费:开销。 出卖 货物:销售。销路。供销。 机器或器物上像钉子的零件
2023-06-08 05:52:031

preceed 词义

2023-06-08 05:52:234


wiggling的意思是:摆动。例句:1、my tooth was wiggling about.我有颗牙松动了;She walked briskly, wiggling her hips rhythmically.她走得很快,有节奏地扭搭着腰。2、They are easy to see because unlike the pupae they have wiggling legs.它们很容易地看到,因为不像蛹,他们摆动双腿;Enthusiasts have been hospitalized after a wiggling tentacle lodged in the throat .喜欢这种吃法的热衷者曾经因为被章鱼的触手卡在嗓子中而被送往医院接受治疗。3、Notice I"m wiggling my right fingertips,just finding a little movement to stay present.注意,我在摇动我的右手手指,做一些动作来刷存在感。
2023-06-08 05:52:561