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Crack Password 什么意思

2023-06-08 09:39:14

crack KK: [] DJ: [] vt. 1. 使爆裂,使破裂 The heat cracked my lips. 我热得嘴唇开裂。 2. 砸开,砰地一声打开;强行进入 He carefully cracked a nut and then gave it to me. 他仔细敲开一只坚果,然后递给了我。 3. 使霹啪作响 4. 使嗓音变粗(或变哑) 5. 猛击 He wanted to crack the rowdy over the head, but refrained. 他想猛击小流氓的头,可还是忍住了。 6. 【口】说(笑话等) They sat by the fire, cracking jokes. 他们坐在火堆旁讲笑话。 7. 破解(密码),解开(难题等) The police cracked the case in one week. 该案警察在一周内就侦破了。 She cracked the code. 她破译了电码。 vi. 1. 发出爆裂声 2. 裂开,爆裂;断裂 The glass cracked when I poured icy water into it. 当我把冰水倒进杯子时,杯子裂开了。 3. (嗓音)变粗(变哑) Her voice cracked with grief. 她悲伤得语不成声。 4. 垮掉;屈服[(+up)] n.[C] 1. 裂缝,裂痕 There are many cracks in the old wall. 旧墙上有许多裂缝。 2. 爆裂声 We heard a crack of thunder. 我们听见一声霹雳。 3. 猛烈的一击 4. 【口】尝试[S1][(+at)] This is my first crack at cooking. 这是我第一次尝试做饭菜。 5. 俏皮话[(+about)] He"s always making cracks about my big feet. 他老是取笑我的一双大脚。 6. (突然)变声,(嗓音)发哑 7. 瑕疵,缺点 8. 纯可卡因 a. 1. 第一流的,顶呱呱的[B] He is a crack baseball player. 他是个呱呱叫的棒球运动员。 ad. 1. 霹啪一声 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 我们常见的这个单词的用处为软件的破解工具,有破解(密码),解开(难题等)的意思。大多数的破解软件都用这个单词做文件名。 合起来就是破解密码



2023-06-08 00:48:154

crack。cracking。cracks。cracked 区别

The glass is going to crack. 那玻璃将会爆裂。(未来式)The glass is cracking. 那玻璃正在爆裂。(进行式)The glass cracks when being hit too hard. 若打得太大力,玻璃会破裂(现在式)There are cracks on the glass. 玻璃有裂痕。(这里是用作名词"裂痕")The glass has cracked. 玻璃破裂了。(过去式)很希望会对你有帮助。
2023-06-08 00:49:191


问题一:裂缝用英语怎么说 你好。 英语是:a fissure;a crevice;a break;a chink;a cleft. 希望对你有帮助。 问题二:破裂英文怎么翻译? 破裂英文:Break 问题三:“裂痕”用英语怎么拼写? rift crack fissure 问题四:破裂,关系破裂用英语怎么说最合适 破裂,关系破裂_有道翻译 翻译结果: Broken, and broken relationships broken 英 ["br??k(?)n] 美 ["brok?n] v. 折断;打碎;损坏(break的过去分词) adj. 破碎的;坏掉的 Broken 破碎,破损的,弄坏了的 Broken Hill 布罗肯希尔,布洛肯山丘,希尔 问题五:买回来的衣服不小心自己裂开了,有裂缝怎么用英语表达 你好! 买回来的衣服不小心自己裂开了,有裂缝 Buy clothes accidentally cracked, a crack 问题六:土地干裂用英语怎么说 dry land 问题七:“不可在太阳下暴晒,否则会裂开”用英语怎么翻译 不可在太阳下暴晒,否则会裂开 Don"t expose it to the hot sun, or it will split. 问题八:“龟裂”英语怎么说 crevasse crack 这个很好 fracturing 这个也是 chap订 是裂,但不太确定是龟裂 fissure honeyb cracks 这个是专业词汇
2023-06-08 00:49:431


基本信息  译  名 裂缝/迷恋对象   片  名 Cracks  年  代 2009  国  家 英国/爱尔兰  类  别 剧情  语  言 英语  字  幕 英文  IMDB评分 6.8  片  长 104 min  导  演 乔丹·斯科特 Jordan Scott  主  演 爱娃·格林 Eva Green ....Miss G  玛利亚·瓦沃德 María Valverde ....Fiamma  朱诺·坦普尔 Juno Temple ....Di Radfield  伊莫珍·波茨 Imogen Poots ....Poppy  Ellie Nunn ....Lily  Adele McCann ....Laurel  Zoe Carroll ....Rosie  Clemmie Dugdale ....Fuzzy  Sinéad Cusack ....Miss Nieven  劳伦斯·理查德森 Laurence Richardson  Gerry Shanahan ....Coroner Timmons  Kitty McLaughlin-Dunning ....The Small Dreg  Judy Donovan ....Teacher (uncredited)  Vanessa Lunnon ....Fiamma"s Chaperone 剧情简介  电影虽然将故事从原著中的南非搬到英国,却依然保留了小说阴暗的笔触质感,大胆碰触了“儿童的残忍本性”这一禁忌话题。  在一家朴素严谨的寄宿女校,一群学生中的佼佼者组成了一支游泳队,这群心高气傲的女生为比赛刻苦训练,只想取悦她们优雅迷人的女老师(伊娃·格林饰)。新转来的一名西班牙女孩美艳无比,立即成为新的焦点,女孩间微妙的平衡被打破,为了排除异己,这群女孩秘密聚会,策划了即将改变她们一生的事件……  大约是在1930年代,在一间纪律严明的英国寄宿女校内,有一支游泳队。游泳队里的女生各个都是成绩和外貌上的佼佼者。她们刻苦训练,每天汗流浃背地游泳,目的并不是在比赛中获得什么好的名次,而是为了接近她们的教练——G女士(Miss G)。G女士是一个有着阴郁气质和优雅外貌的女人。她浑身所散发出来的那种黑色而又神秘的感觉,让一众学生为她倾倒。在游泳队里,G女士也很喜欢这种盲目的个人崇拜。  这个小团体的气氛暧昧而又祥和,可是这一切却因为菲艾玛(Fiamma)的到来而彻底改变。菲娅玛是一个西班牙女孩,她有着傲人的外貌和无与伦比的游泳天赋。可是这个美人却不那么合群。她冷落了热情的同学,怠慢了G女士的招待。可是G女士却毫不生气,并且还有讨好她的意味。G女士的这一做法让她原来的学生妒火中烧,忍无可忍的她们对着菲艾玛做出了恐怖的事情…… 一句话评论  影片里的幽闭的空间和阴暗的色调都让人很不舒服,当然更不舒服的还有那个残酷的发生在妙龄少女上的故事。   ——《综艺》   在邦女郎之后,爱娃·格林在《裂缝》里用自己的才华和演技无可辩驳地证明了她才是这个时代最有气质、也是最能游走于商业与文艺之间的女演员。  ——《好莱坞报道》 幕后制作  《裂缝》根据女作家谢拉·科勒的同名小说改编,讲述青春期的孩子在封闭而缺少成人管教下,将人性中黑暗和暴力的一面激发出来的文学作品并不少见,比如威廉·戈尔丁的小说《蝇王》。而本片的原著就堪称其女性翻版。电影虽然将故事从原著中的南非搬到英国,却依然保留了小说阴暗的笔触质感,大胆碰触了“儿童的残忍本性”这一禁忌话题。  由雷德利·斯科特女儿乔丹·斯科特执导、爱娃·格林主演的新作《裂缝》,除爱娃·格林外,《裂缝》更聚集了几位新生代女性,包括《赎罪》的朱诺·坦普尔,《28周后》的伊莫珍·波茨以及西班牙女演员玛利亚·瓦沃德。   水土不服?  作为大导演雷德利·斯科特女儿的处女作,《裂缝》还没有开拍就受到了追捧。由于原作那对人性的黑暗面的描写本已充满了争议,对电影的争议更是不断。其实,这样题材的影片并不少见,施隆多夫就拍摄过《青年特尔勒斯》,迈克尔·哈内克也在今年拿出了《白丝带》。  乔丹·斯科特的影片改编自谢拉·科勒的同名小说。这本90年代末出版的小说将背景放在了1960年代的南非,而在影片里,乔丹·斯科特却把故事移植到了1930年代的英国,她为什么要这么做呢?这么做有风险么、故事会不会水土不服呢?乔丹·斯科特说:“对于我而言,寄宿学校永远是英国的最正统,也永远是英国人刻板的代名词。试想下,在一个风景如画、田园牧歌式的英伦乡村发生这样一件事情是多么具有讽刺意味。所以我把这个故事从南非拿到了英国,这么做,正可以体现出英国人的骨子里的那些最为传统的东西。至于时间背景,我是这么考虑的。1938年,莱妮·里芬斯塔尔拍摄了《奥林匹亚》。这部电影虽然是一部政治宣传片,但里面还是有无穷的力量和巨大的表现力。我把故事放在这种产生极权和极端事件的时代里,就是想把寄宿学校当成一面反映欧洲人心理的镜子,一看一贯以平等和博爱著称的欧洲人为什么会做出这么令人发指的事情。”  耐人寻味的是拍摄寄宿学校生活的乔丹·斯科特并没有念过任何意义上的寄宿学校,那么她在电影里对寄宿学校的展示,会不会是她本人一厢情愿的异想天开呢?乔丹·斯科特说:“其实,只要有女孩子的地方就一定充满了小团体和矛盾,没有几个女孩子会平等地看待别的女孩的。尤其是那种得宠的、却又卖乖的,是最不招女孩子待见的类型。我知道女孩子的嫉妒心和复仇心一旦被点起,她们有多么冷酷。所以,我有没有在寄宿学校带过,并不影响我拍摄这部电影。从另一个角度来说,这部电影和从威廉·戈尔丁的《蝇王》(1963年被拍成电影,名为《童年无悔》)非常不同。电影里的G女士是一个复杂的综合体。这样的角色在电影里并不多见。看到G女士的时候,我总是会想起《欲望号街车》里的费雯丽。她就是这么让我着迷。”  从邦女郎到女教师  在影片里扮演这个令乔丹·斯科特着迷的女教师的演员是爱娃·格林,她最广为人知的角色是《皇家赌场》里那个让007邦德落泪的蛇蝎美人。其实商业片并不是格林的心头大爱,成为邦女郎也是阴错阳差。早在2003年,她便在贝托鲁奇的影片《戏梦巴黎》里经验亮相。影片中间那一段模仿断臂维纳斯的桥段也早已成了影迷口中的经典和挚爱。  对于请爱娃·格林莱扮演G女士,乔丹·斯科特说:“她是那种非常有天赋的女演员。顺理成章地,她在影片里魅力使得整部影片鲜活。就像是王冠上的宝石,她总是最耀眼的那个。而且格林是一个非常勇敢的女演员,她根本不会畏惧角色所带来的挑战和因此而出现的难题。那些挑战让整个角色都丰满了起来。”  其实,扮演G女士,对爱娃·格林是一个非常大的挑战,要说性格和气质,格林并不是G女士这样的“四平八稳”的女人。面对着这个角色,格林说:“很长时间以来,我都在想自己是不是能尝试一下那种成熟、稳重的角色。可惜的是,没有合适的剧本,也没有愿意让我做这种尝试的导演,直到斯科特找到我。看了剧本之后,我就答应了她的邀请。况且我也是斯科特心里的第一选择。这个角色身上所散发出来的那种知性而且阴郁的魅力让我无法抵抗。”  “她从来都不畏惧黑暗的人性和邪恶的执念”,斯科特说:“她能在清纯、美好和黑暗、甚至是肮脏中间找到最佳的平衡点。用自己的演技把人物的心理刻画出来。我很惊叹于她的这种能力。除了格林,小演员朱诺·坦普尔一样发挥出色。她也把学生的那种从嫉妒到怨恨的情绪表现得淋漓尽致。” 花絮  ·本片是女导演乔丹·斯科特的长片处女作,其父亲是大名鼎鼎的雷德利·斯科特,雷德利·斯科特和乔丹的舅舅托尼·斯科特在剧组里担任了制片。  ·爱娃·格林的头发原本是金黄色,可是她从14岁起就把头发染黑了。
2023-06-08 00:49:501

stuff slip through the cracks什么意思

2023-06-08 00:50:082

电影裂缝(cracks)中的所有音乐! 不知道是不是,不过这张专辑发行时间:2010年2月1日。听完如果觉得对,要下载就在网络临时文件里找,那里有自动下载好的
2023-06-08 00:50:162

“裂痕” 英文表达

2023-06-08 00:50:245

solidworks2010 64位的Cracks文件怎么用?

2023-06-08 00:50:371

fall through the cracks是什么意思

fall through the cracks [词典] 未加注意、疏忽、未加检查而通过; [例句]Being sandwiched between the development and release management disciplines, build management activities can fall through the cracks between existing toolsets.作为开发和发布管理规程之间的夹层,构建管理活动会因为现有工具集之间的裂缝而失败。
2023-06-08 00:50:431

歌曲im yours有一句I fell right through the cracks 网上全译成感觉如同蹦极般奇妙 cracks有蹦极的意思?

2023-06-08 00:50:522

请教电影《Cracks / 裂缝》里一句台词的意思。

2023-06-08 00:50:592

fall through the cracks是什么意思

fall through the cracks 未加注意、疏忽、未加检查而通过If kids fall through the cracks, Brock says it"s because rural school systems like Oconee County have only a fraction of the resources that urban and suburban districts have. 布洛克说,孩子们陷入困境,是因为像奥科尼县那样的农村的学校,只拥有市区学校和郊区学校的资源的一小部分。
2023-06-08 00:51:061


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2023-06-08 00:51:243

在土木工程材料(全英文版)中Map-like cracks是什么意思?

2023-06-08 00:51:322


2023-06-08 00:51:391


sew stitch crack都可以
2023-06-08 00:51:504

fall through the cracks是什么意思

fall through the cracks未加注意、疏忽、未加检查而通过;例句:双语英语1.Without recruiters like you, lots of great opportunities would fall through the cracks.如果没有像你这样的猎头,很多机会就在谈笑间溜走了。
2023-06-08 00:51:562


2023-06-08 00:52:045


2023-06-08 00:52:215


patches n. 补丁; 斑; 小块( patch的名词复数 ); 小块土地; v. 补( patch的第三人称单数 ); 修理; 调停; 解决; [网络] 片; 贴片; 补丁程序; [例句]Cracks, bulges, crumbling pointing and damp patches mean trouble.裂缝、凸起、剥落的勾缝和湿斑都意味着存在问题。[其他] 形近词: ditches watches retches
2023-06-08 00:52:471


There are many cracks in the wallin the wall 指镶嵌到墙里面,而on the wall 是指在墙表面wall这个单词,挂在墙上的用on,像窗户一类是“镶嵌”在墙里的,用in祝你学习进步!!!
2023-06-08 00:53:083

英语In the cracks of this limestone怎么翻译?

2023-06-08 00:53:153

life has to have cracks in it so that the sun can shine through,什么意思

2023-06-08 00:53:221

问个英语句子失态问题,from SAT

2023-06-08 00:53:281


定语从句,water table和cracks and pores没有关系
2023-06-08 00:53:363

slipped through the cracks什么意思

slipped through the cracks漏网双语对照例句:1.Inevitably, some of them slipped through the commercial cracks into complete obscurity.有些酒在商业展销会上昙花一现后,不可避免地就彻底归于沉寂。
2023-06-08 00:53:442


无裂缝的翻译成英文是:free of cracksfree of cracks [词典] 无裂缝; [例句]Sleeper surfaces should be free of cracks and have a small amount of pores.轨枕表面必须没有裂缝,且有小数量的小孔。
2023-06-08 00:53:521


vt. & vi. (使…)开裂, 破裂 But at last the shells cracked, one after another. 最后, 蛋壳一个接着一个地裂开了。 (使)身体上或精神上垮掉 打开, 砸开 Father was cracking the nuts. 父亲正在砸开那些坚果。 (使)发出爆裂声 The whip cracked threateningly. 鞭子挥得噼啪响得惊人。 n. 裂缝, 缝隙 There"s a crack in this cup. 这个杯子上有个裂缝。 劈叭声, 爆裂声 He heard the sharp crack of a twig. 他听到树枝清脆的断裂声。 意外的一下重击 I got a nasty crack on the head when I went through that low door. 我走过那扇矮门时, 把头给撞了一下。 试图, 尝试 I"ve never done this before, but I"ll have a crack. 我以前从未做过这个, 不过我将试试看。 俏皮话 He"s always making cracks about my big feet. 他总是拿我的一双大脚开玩笑。
2023-06-08 00:54:301

英语install Crack怎么翻译?

crack 英 [kr?k] 美 [kr?k] vt. 破裂,打开; (使…)开裂; 说(笑话); 开瓶 vi. 断裂,折断; 碎裂声,爆裂声; 镜子破裂了; 失去控制,衰退 n. 裂缝; 试图; 缝隙; (可听到响声的)重击复数: cracks 过去式: cracked 过去分词: cracked 现在分词: cracking 第三人称单数: cracks the midfielder cracked home on his left foot from 20 yards to give us the lead. 意思是:这名中场球员从20码处用左脚破门射门,给了我们领先的机会。
2023-06-08 00:54:371

hairline cracks造句 hairline cracksの例文 "hairline cracks"是什麼意思

Soon a work of hairpne cracks will develop in the surface. Prior to the Games, the track experienced *** all hairpne cracks . Hairpne cracks are normal in plaster and are no cause for concern. The hairpne cracks in the hull were easily repaired, Katsoufis said. I noticed a hairpne crack all the way through the concrete foundation. Tests revealed a hairpne crack in his right big toe. What can I use to fill some hairpne cracks in the mortar? Seapng the driveway yearly can lead to unsightly hairpne cracks and peepng. These cracks are not just surface cracks or hairpne cracks . A hairpne crack can thus bee a wide-open gushing channel. It"s difficult to see hairpne cracks in a sentence. 用 hairpne cracks 造句挺难的 When we meet them, there are only hairpne cracks in the facade. This sink has many fine hairpne cracks around the drain at the bottom. If they are hairpne cracks , a pttle caulking should prevent air loss. And that hairpne cracks lend personapty to anything ceramic. Hairpne cracks as *** all as an eighth of an inch long can be spotted. These help to seal the hairpne cracks that may be present in the asphalt. Termites can enter the home around plumbing or through hairpne cracks in the foundation. This treatment is unpkely to work on anything much bigger than a hairpne crack . Water can get into hardly noticeable hairpne cracks . However, a hairpne crack in her right leg slowed the progress last month. "It"s a hairpne crack . There are a few hairpne cracks showing up over the cracks in the old driveway. To those with a sharp eye, other hairpne cracks were showing in the marriage, Now, five tiles have hairpne cracks ; it looks pke crazing in the glaze. Near the oven, some of the doors have developed very fine, hairpne cracks . The concrete cellar floor has hairpne cracks . Someone is always noting the hairpne crack that desecrates the seeming perfection of the bowl. Once you get a hairpne crack in a wire, you get intermittent data loss. Q . The bottom half of my house is stucco, with a few hairpne cracks . Fine wrinkles crept from the corners of her eyes and mouth pke hairpne cracks in porcelain. It"s difficult to see hairpne cracks in a sentence. 用 hairpne cracks 造句挺难的 They had to do minor jobs on broken trackers, hairpne cracks , and keyboard adjustments. It"s normally used for such things as inspecting jet engine turbine blades for hairpne cracks . Q : The ceipngs and walls in my house have developed a number of fine hairpne cracks . If the hairpne cracks go through some of the bricks, can they be filled, too? But " dollarization " also opened a hairpne crack in the state-controlled economy. Obviously, the hairpne cracks are of a sufficiently lesser concern than the larger ones found earper, These organizations are already exhibiting hairpne cracks _ some would say fractures _ that may presage disaster. A master welder repaired the tiny hairpne cracks in Atlantis and then went to work on Endeavour. The tusk was in excellent condition, with a few hairpne cracks but no chips, Agenbroad said. Halfway through another adventure in Falcons football, the hairpne cracks and simmering frustrations are beginning to show. Yes, the authority admitted, there were hairpne cracks in the western end of the southern runway. First, hairpne cracks were discovered in each of NASA"s space shuttles, grounding all fpghts. But with the agreement to agree only 24 hours old, hairpne cracks were already beginning to appear Thursday. The cases of my o Cubes show no signs of the hairpne cracks that some customers have plained about. A . The best fix for hairpne cracks is to ignore them, pve happily ever after with them. Vibrations caused by the attack considerably widened the hairpne cracks that have been observed in the building for decades. Amtrak said its inspectors found hairpne cracks early Tuesday in the shock-absorbing assembpes of the four trains. Miller suffered a hairpne crack on her right tibia Thursday after an awkward landing off the vault during training. Miller suffered a hairpne crack in her right leg July 6 while practicing for a quapfying meet for nationals. The tests can detect corrosion or hairpne cracks that are invisible to the human eye, ride safety experts said. It"s difficult to see hairpne cracks in a sentence. 用 hairpne cracks 造句挺难的
2023-06-08 00:54:441


问题一:缝隙的英语翻译 缝隙用英语怎么说 缝隙 [词典] gap; crevice; aperture; crack; chink; [例句]测量一下这条缝隙的长与宽。 Measure the length and width of the gap 问题二:缝上用英语怎么说? sew on 问题三:缝边的英语翻译 缝边用英语怎么说 hem 英 [hem] 美 [h?m] n. (布等的)褶边;用以引起注意的哼声 vt. 缝…的褶边;包围 第三人称单数: hems 复数: hems 现在分词: hemming 过去式: hemmed 过去分词: hemmed 问题四:地板的缝隙,这里缝隙英语怎么说 地板的俯隙是slot比较好 utmost有极限,极度,最大的意思 例如the utmost limits 极限 of the utmost importance 极其重要的 问题五:缝的英文怎么说? 缝读第二声时是sew抚第四声时是seam,cracks,slit ,crevice,fissure。 问题六:指缝用英文怎么说 指缝儿_space between the fingers 问题七:曲折缝用英语怎么说 曲折缝的英文翻译_百度翻译 曲折缝 Zigzag seam 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 seam_百度翻译 seam 英[si:m] 美[sim] n. 煤层; 线缝; 接缝,接合处; 裂缝; vt. 缝合,接合; 使产生裂缝; 焊合; 裂开; vi. 裂开,发生裂痕; [例句]The average UK coal seam is one metre thick. 英国煤层的平均厚度为1米。 [其他] 第三人称单数:seams 复数:seams 现在分词:seaming过去式:seamed 过去分词:seamed 问题八:缝隙的英语翻译 缝隙用英语怎么说 缝隙 [词典] gap; crevice; aperture; crack; chink; [例句]测量一下这条缝隙的长与宽。 Measure the length and width of the gap 问题九:缝隙用英文怎么说 gap /aperture 问题十:缝上用英语怎么说? sew on
2023-06-08 00:54:501


2023-06-08 00:55:102

fall through the cracks是什么意思

2023-06-08 00:55:161

bright light syn cole歌词

歌曲名:Bright Lights 歌手:Syn Cole所属专辑:Bright Lights中英互译歌词:I know that you can see it你知道你能看见If you close your eyes如果你闭上双眼Eyes你的双眼The colors aren"t grey if you let in light如果你乐观向上 再无灰暗Light你的乐观My hearts too weak to bear you now我的心现在太虚弱,不能够忍受你Now就是现在WooWoo~~But I won"t let you fall between the cracks但我不看让你在困难中跌倒Cracks所有困难OhOh~~"Cause we are where the bright lights glow因为我们闪耀着光芒Glow特别明亮的光芒Yeah yeah是的 我们是的Were right where the green grass grows万物因我们而生长Glow繁荣茂盛Yeah yeah是的 因为我们If only you could see如果只有你能看见What you"re surrounded by你被包围着I know that you could sense it我知道你能感觉的到If you close your eyes如果你闭上双眼We are where the bright lights glow就能感受到我们闪耀着光芒Yeah yeah是的 我们闪耀着光芒I know that you can see it我知道你能看见If you close your eyes如果你闭上双眼Eyes你的双眼OhOh~~Oh oh ohOh oh oh !!Yeah ohYeah oh~~The colors aren"t grey if you let in light如果你乐观向上 再无灰暗Let in light你该乐观Yeah是的 你该如此La laLa laYeah是的 你该如此My hearts too weak to bear you now我的心现在太虚弱,不能够忍受你Now就是现在Yeah是的Yeah是的OhOhBut I won"t let you fall between the cracks但我不看让你在困难中跌倒"Cause we are where the bright lights glow因为我们闪耀着光芒Glow特别明亮的光芒Yeah yeah是的 我们是的Were right where the green grass grows万物因我们而生长Glow繁荣茂盛Yeah yeah是的 因为我们If only you could see如果只有你能看见What you"re surrounded by你被包围着I know that you could sense it我知道你能感觉的到If you close your eyes如果你闭上双眼We are where the bright lights glow就能感受到我们闪耀着光芒Glow是的 我们闪耀着光芒Yeah绝对是的!!OhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhEmm恩
2023-06-08 00:55:231


Crack propagation usually begins slowly . 裂纹的增长常常是开始缓慢。 They say that she is a hard nut to crack . 据说她是一个难驯服的女人。 He asked me to crack a bottle with him . 他请我同他痛痛快快地喝几杯。 Popce are cracking down on drug dealers . 警方现对贩毒分子严惩不贷。 The suspect cracked under questioning . 嫌疑分子在审问之下招供了。 There"s a crack on the underneath of the bowl . 碗底下有一条裂痕。 Boipng water cracked a cup across the bottom . 开水使杯底绷裂了。 I told you, everything"s cracking up . 我告诉你,一切都在颓废中。 I must fill that crack in the wall . 我得把墻上的那条裂缝填补好。 The ground was full of cracks in the summer .. 夏天地上都是裂痕。 The surface gloss had begun to crack . 表面的光彩已经开始衰退了。 You haven"t cracked a book in months . 你已经有好几个月没翻过一本书了。 The plane had cracked up in the heavy trees . 飞机在密林中撞毁。 This is a crack british division . 这个师是英国的一支精锐部队。 German army morale is clearly cracking . 德国军队的士气正在明显低落下去。 "the crack failed," said toby, faintly . “这趟买卖失了风”,托比低声说。 The crack eventually caused the chord to fracture . 裂纹最终致使弦杆断裂。 Stop cracking safes and pve straight . 别再砸保险箱了,规规矩矩过日子罢。 The crack of dalleson"s carbine sounded again . 达尔生的卡宾枪又砰地响了。 Close examination revealed a crack in the vase . 花瓶经仔细检查发现有裂缝。 Stop cracking safes, and pve straight . 别再撬保险箱了,问心无愧地生活吧。 The engine cracked on the first test fpght . 在首次试飞时,发动机发生裂纹。 There is a lot to be done , so let us get cracking . 工作很多,咱们开始干吧。 All holes were positioned at the tip of the crack . 所有的孔都位于裂纹的尖端。 It is known as catalytic cracking . 这就是所谓的催化裂化。 The wind whistled through a crack in the door . 风从门的裂缝中呼呼地刮了进来。 There had been no crack in tynan"s armour armor . 从泰纳恩身上找不出什么破绽。 You may crack up, or else die . 你在发疯,或者是一命呜呼。 That was a cracking shot he played . 他这一下打得妙极了。 The carrying-pole broke with a crack . 扁担喀嚓一声断了。 Each has his own hard nut to crack . 家家有一本难念的经。 Suddenly a great cracking sound sppt the air . 突然,一声巨大的爆裂声响彻云霄。 Listed in column 2 are descriptions of the cracking . 第二纵列是关于裂纹的描述。 There must be a pttle crack in the brooke family . 布鲁家的人神经一定不太正常。 There is air in every crack and hole on this earth . 地球上每个缝隙洞孔都有空气。 You"re never yet heard the crack of an angry rifle . 你从未听过交战时的猛烈枪声。 She heard the crack, crack . 他听到一阵哗喇哗喇的声音。 The hunter "s rifle cracked and the deer fell dead . 猎人的枪一响,鹿即倒地而死。 This soldier is a crack [dead] shot . 这个战士枪法准。 Maybe the austrians would crack . 也许奥军支持不住了。 He cracked the nuts with a hammer . 他用锤子击破坚果。 They finally cracked the defense and scored a goal . 他们终于突破了防守,射进一球。 The rock formations break with cracks into new positions . 巖层产生裂缝而破裂移位。 Floor-beam webs have cracked in tied arch bridges . 在系干拱桥的横梁腹板上发生裂纹。 The rain-water dripped through a crack on the ceipng . 雨水从天花板的裂缝中漏下来。 There is a crack in the glass . 这块玻璃有一道裂痕。 The boss is cracking down . 老板变得比以前更严厉了。 A *** ell of cooking perated the crack of the door . 一阵烧饭的气味从门缝鉆了进来。 Cracks can be detected by a method using ultrasonic waves . 疵点可用超声波方法检测。 She made a crack about his fatness . 她取笑他肥胖。
2023-06-08 00:55:301

fall through the cracks是什么意思

fall through the cracks [释义] 未加注意、疏忽、未加检查而通过; [例句]Being sandwiched between the development and release management disciplines, build management activities can fall through the cracks between existing toolsets.作为开发和发布管理规程之间的夹层,构建管理活动会因为现有工具集之间的裂缝而失败。求采纳祝您新年快乐
2023-06-08 00:55:371

注册码 注册机搜索网站

2023-06-08 00:55:463

fall through the cracks是什么意思

通过裂缝下降双语对照词典结果:fall through the cracks未加注意、疏忽、未加检查而通过; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-06-08 00:55:531


第一题是平行结构哦 SAT语法很容易考的 后面没有by所以前面也不能有第二题差不多啦讲的~
2023-06-08 00:56:013

slipped through the cracks什么意思

slipped through the cracks漏网双语对照例句:1.Inevitably, some of them slipped through the commercialcracks into complete obscurity. 有些酒在商业展销会上昙花一现后,不可避免地就彻底归于沉寂。2.Germany"s qimonda has already slipped through the cracks. 德国的奇梦达(qimonda)已经黯然退场
2023-06-08 00:56:342

cracks of my broken heart中文歌词

Maybe we need just a little more timeTime that can heal what"s been on your mindYou can find what we lost before it all slips awayWe need time to mend from the mistakes I"ve madeGod only knows what a heart can surviveSo many tears from all the pain in our livesAnd where else could we go after all we"ve been throughI still believe my life is right here with youSo just hold onAnd it"ll wont take longI hope that you can love meWhen the pain is goneI don"t want us to fall through the cracks of a broken heartDon"t want us to fall through the cracks of your broken heartI know its taking a while but every lesson, i"ve learnedAnd if your heart speaks tonight, I"ll hear every wordIf you want to be free I"ll never stand in your wayBut with all that I am, I"m asking you to stayHold onAnd it"ll wont take longI hope that you can love meWhen the pain is goneI don"t want us to fall through the cracks of a broken heartDon"t want us to fall through the cracks of your broken heartThere"s a light that can burnIt exists in the heartYou can feel it when you know love is trueIf you could try to be strongAnd keep the light burning longIt took a lifetime but i found it in youHold onAnd it"ll wont take longI hope that you can love meWhen the pain is goneI don"t want us to fall through the cracks of a broken heartDon"t want us to fall through the cracks of your broken heart也许我们只需要多一点时间什么时间可以治愈的在你心头挥之不去你可以找到我们所失去的一切溜走之前我们需要时间来弥补从我犯过的错误只有上帝知道什么是心能够生存从所有的在我们的生活的痛苦,如此多的眼泪我们还能在哪里去,毕竟我们经历过我仍然相信我的生命和你在这里所以,坚持下去它还会不会需要很长时间我希望你能爱我当疼痛消失我不希望我们告吹心碎的裂痕我们不想落在了你们的心碎的裂痕我知道它服用一段时间,但每一个教训,我明白了如果今晚你的心说话,我会听到的每一个字如果你想要自由我永远站在你的方式但是大家说我,我要求你留下来等一下它还会不会需要很长时间我希望你能爱我当疼痛消失我不希望我们告吹心碎的裂痕我们不想落在了你们的心碎的裂痕有一盏可以燃烧它存在于心你可以感受到它时,你知道爱是真的如果你能试着坚强并保持长期的轻烧我花了一辈子,但我在你身上找到它等一下它还会不会需要很长时间我希望你能爱我当疼痛消失我不希望我们告吹心碎的裂痕我们不想落在了你们的心碎的裂痕朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音字典 - 查看字典详细内容
2023-06-08 00:56:432


Split Cleave Slit 撕开/破裂 Separate Divide 分开 Break 打破 Crack 裂开 To crack something = 整碎一d野 这里有些裂痕 出现裂纹 Cracking occurs 用There is some cracks....会好d 2008-06-23 13:10:03 补充: There ARE!! cracks on xxxx (视乎裂纹在那里) 如果墙上有裂纹: cracks on the wall 参考: myself
2023-06-08 00:57:031

Crystal Ball 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Ball歌手:Diana Decker专辑:The Complete Diana DeckerPink - Crystal BallDrinking wine and thinking bliss, is on the other side of thisI just need a compass and a willing accompliceAll my doubts that fill my head are skidding up and down againUp and down and round again, down and up and round again.Oh, I"ve had my chances and I"ve taken them all.Just to end up right back here on the floor.To end up right back here in on the floor.Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell.But I"m not scared at all...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmThe cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.Sometimes you think everything is wrapped inside a diamond ringLove just needs a witness and a little forgivnessAnd a halo of patience and a less sporadic pace andI"m learning to be brave in my beautiful mistakes.Oh I"ve felt that fire and I"ve been burnedBut I wouldn"t trade the pain for what I"ve learnedI wouldn"t trade the pain for what I"ve learned.Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell.But I"m not scared at all...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmOf the cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.Irony, irony, this hate and love, hate and loveWhat it does to me, what it"s done to me.What is done...donePennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.Broken mirrors and a black cats cold stare,Walk under ladders on my way to hell, I"ll meet you there.But I"m not scared at all, hmm...I"m not scared at all.Bout the cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.
2023-06-08 00:57:241

Cracks of my Broken Heart歌词

Eric Benet Cracks of my Broken Heart 歌词Maybe we need just a little more timeTime that can heal what"s been on your mindYou can find what we lost before it all slips awayWe need time to mend from the mistakes I"ve madeGod only knows what a heart can surviveSo many tears from all the pain in our livesAnd where else could we go after all we"ve been throughI still believe my life is right here with youSo just hold onAnd it"ll wont take longI hope that you can love meWhen the pain is goneI don"t want us to fall through the cracks of a broken heartDon"t want us to fall through the cracks of your broken heartI know its taking a while but every lesson, I"ve learnedAnd if your heart speaks tonight, I"ll hear every wordIf you want to be free I"ll never stand in your wayBut with all that I am, I"m asking you to stay
2023-06-08 00:57:322


疏松,裂纹等缺陷,的翻译是:Loose, cracks and other defects
2023-06-08 00:57:511


识骨寻踪第十季第1一集甜甜死了Sweets死时插曲叫The Gilded Hand歌曲:The Gilded Hand歌手:Radical Face所属专辑:The Family Tree: The Branches发行时间:2013-10-22发行公司: Nettwerk歌词:Open eyes adjusting to the darkThe growlin" of machineryCan"t say if it"s night or dayAnd you know, somewhere in there you knowThere will be a price to pay "til all this goes awaySo we walk the empty halls, the dirty wallsWe smear our names in themDirt we find beneath our nailsCan"t be scrubbed from our tired hands, never cleanWe"re never cleanWe"re never cleanWalk the halls, soot along the wallsSome will smear their names in itWhile some just go awayAnd you know, somewhere in there you knowThere"s nothing here but surviving "til something goes awayBut through the cracks in this machineWe see the light, we see the sun dissolveAnd we feel the pulse of lifeA better life on the other side, and we waitAnd so we waitAnd so we waitTime is lost, found cracks along my bonesThis metal god is all I knowNow something"s gone awayAnd you know, somewhere in there you knowOur blood"s in the machineryOur heart"s in the machineryAnd that"s what went away
2023-06-08 00:58:056

life has to have cracks in it so that the sun can shine through,什么意思

2023-06-08 00:58:265

the smelly gas come out of the cracks中come out 是什么意思

come out 出来,出现的意思. 固定搭配The smelly gas come out of the cracks一股难闻的气体从裂缝中冒了出来
2023-06-08 00:58:401

求英语翻译 急

Three Guarantees internal combustion engine fault any of the following 16: u2474 Engine: Speed caused serious damage to the engine; u2475 body: crack, caused leakage of Shayan, osteoporosis, powerful bolt hole slip deduction, and other damage; u2476 cylinder head: crack, damage; u2477 flywheel shell: crack; u2478 Cylinder: Crack, fracture; u2479 Crankshaft: fracture, cracking keyway; u247a Pingheng Zhou: fracture caused serious damage to the engine; u247b link, connecting rod covered: fracture; u247c connecting rod bolts: fracture; u247d piston pin: Fracture ; u247e flywheel: rupture; u247f Jin, the exhaust valve: a cracked engine damage; u2480 valve spring: a cracked engine damage; u2481 camshaft: fracture; u2482 pumps: damage caused damage to the engine overheating; u2483 machine pumps: engine damage resulting vacancy Oil tank Rafah have watts. Three Guarantees tractor fault any of the following 16: u2474 rack: fracture, severe deformation; u2475 Maebashi: damage; u2476 Transmission: assembly scrapped (damage to a number of important parts); u2477 after Bridge: assembly scrapped (damage to a number of important parts); u2478 transmission: File or files from chaos on many occasions; u2479 clutch shell: crack or damage; u247a gearbox: crack or damage; u247b axle housing: crack or damage; u247c final drive box: crack or damage; u247d axle: Damage Or cracks; u247e Suspension: damage or cracks; u247f to boom: damage or cracks; u2480 brake hub: damage or cracks; u2481 storage tubes: damage; u2482 traction devices: damage; u2483 diesel engine parts: the internal combustion engine fault and fault Three Guarantees The same. Combine Three Guarantees fault any of the following 18: u2474 rack: crack, serious deformation; u2475 of Taiwan: serious deformation; u2476 spiral of Taiwan transmission axle: fracture; u2477 drum gear tooth-nail: breaking loss; u2478 drum convergence disk: Thresher damage caused damage; u2479 By draft-key spring: breaking loss; u247a by on-Crankshaft: breaking loss; u247b cylinder CVT disk: damage; u247c Wen-bolts: Thresher lead to damage; u247d clutch housing: damaged; u247e transmission (Iso ) Me: crack; u247f gearbox: crack; u2480 differential Shell: crack; u2481 final drive housing: damage; u2482 axle: breaking loss; u2483 driving wheel rims: Cracking lead Luntaibaolie, damage; u2484 Driving wheel tyres: loss; u2485 diesel engine parts: Three Guarantees fault with the internal combustion engine failure the same.
2023-06-08 00:58:482


2023-06-08 00:58:551