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2023-06-08 09:27:24
TAG: ume


v.承担; 呈现; 假定,认为; 装出;




Most americans assume that fellow democracies will share their values and opinions on international affairs.




v.承担; 呈现; 假定,认为; 装出;






assume英 [u0259"sjuu02d0m] 美 [u0259"sum] vt. 承担;假定;采取;呈现vi. 装腔作势;多管闲事[ 过去式 assumed 过去分词 assumed 现在分词 assuming ]
2023-06-07 23:08:293


assume[英][u0259u02c8sju:m][美][u0259u02c8su:m]v.承担; 呈现; 假定,认为; 装出; 第三人称单数:assumes现在进行时:assuming过去式:assumed过去分词:assumed双语例句 Why assume one disease?为什么假定是一种病?
2023-06-07 23:08:371


I assume you don"t mean prepositions but identifiers.This, That, These and ThoseSuch as:I assume this is what you meant.I assume that is the correct answer.I assume these are the right choices.I assume those are perfect.
2023-06-07 23:08:454

assume 的主要用法有那些?谢谢

1.assuming放在句首assuming that the proposal is accepted,when are we going to get the money?2.加宾语从句:i assumed you had gone out.3.assume control 开始控制。。。
2023-06-07 23:09:254


1. to believe that something is true, even though no one has told you or even though you have no proofEveryone accepted she was telling the truth, although in fact, this was quite a lot to assume.assume (that): I"m assuming everyone here has an email address.I think we can safely assume that he is out of town.assume someone/something to be/do something: I have always assumed her to be American.1a. to be based on the idea that something is trueThis forecast assumes there will be no recession.This score is assumed to represent the achievement of an average 7-year-old.2. formal to officially start a new job or positionHe formally assumes the presidency next week.She has been invited to assume the role of mentor.3. to start to control something although no one has officially asked you toHis first priority was assuming control of the army. 4. to begin to have a particular quality, shape, expression etcThe animals assumed their normal resting position.Time with the family has started to assume greater importance.5. to pretend to have a particular feeling or attitudeFay assumed an air of innocence.
2023-06-07 23:09:334


2023-06-07 23:09:416


形容词:assumable。名词:assumer。副词:assumably;动词过去式:assumed;过去分词:assumed;现在分词:assuming;第三人称单数:assumes。短语搭配assume responsibility 承担责任 ; 负责 ; 负责任assume command 担任指挥postulate assume 假定
2023-06-07 23:10:061


assumption n.假定、假设
2023-06-07 23:10:154


assume的用作动词,可用作及物动词和宾补动词。基本含义是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。 扩展资料   He assumes a look of innocence.   他装出一副天真无邪的样子。   She assumed an injured air.   她装出冤屈的样子。   We can"t just assume her guilt.   我们不能想当然地认为她有罪。
2023-06-07 23:10:221


2023-06-07 23:10:381


assume vt. 假定, 设想 担任; 承担; 接受 采取; 采用; 表现为, 呈(形式, 姿态, 位置) 装出, 假装 僭取, 擅取, 侵占 assume this to be true 假定这是真的 assume that 假定 assume office 就职 assume the reins of government 执政, 开始掌权 assume a leading position 担任领导职务 assume responsibility 负责, 承担责任 assume a new aspect 呈现新的面貌 assume airs of 摆...架子 assume great airs 神气活现, 装作要人的模样, 摆架子 assume a new name 用新名字, 用化名 assume the calotte 出家, 当僧侣 The motion of matter always assumes certain forms. 物质的运动总是表现为一定的形式。 He"s not such a fool as you assumed him to be. 他并非你所以为的那样愚蠢。满意请采纳
2023-06-07 23:10:451


2023-06-07 23:10:542


It assumes, for example, that boats, planes, automobiles, and so forth, are not nearly so important as the traditions we have developed which make their manufacture possible-indeed, which prescribe how we are to use them.for example做插入语,可以直接忽略不计第一个that为宾语从句修饰assumes,that只有连接作用,不做成分第二个为定语从句 which 指代boats, planes, automobiles,做从句的主语最后一个which修饰前面整个句子指代前面陈述的情况,作主语翻译如下可以假设,诸如像船只,飞机,汽车等等,并不像我们所发展的传统工具那样重要,那些对他们产业具有绝对促进作用,而这就是指引我们如何去利用这一点。见解不对的地方,多多指正,个人之见
2023-06-07 23:11:013

presume assume suppose 的区别请问这三个单词的区别

suppose 普通用词,指对事物进行假设、设想,所假设的事可能是真实的,也可能是虚 构的(从句需用虚拟语气)。 1)Supposehe is absent, what shall we do? 假设缺席了,我们该怎么办? 2)Let"s supposethat they had not helped us.What would have happened? 假定他们不曾帮助我们,会发生什么情况呢? 3)Sopposethat one day scientists pick up a transmission which they thinkis generated by aliens. 假设有一天科学家收到了他们认为是外星人发射的信号。 4)Myths are accounts of important events that aresupposed to have occurred some time during a culture"sformative years. 神话是描述那些据说是发生的时间在某一个文化的形成年的代重要事件。assume 指主观上毫无根据的武断推测或不合逻辑的推理。1)It is entirelywrong to assume that your wealth entitles you tospecial respect. 你认为财富能使你享特特殊礼遇,那就大错特错了。 2)I assumed that he wouldnot come to attend the funeral. 我猜想他不会来参加葬礼。 3)Some people assume that thereis life on the other planets when they see UFOs. 有些人看到了不明飞行物就想当然地推测其他的行星上有生命。presume 与assume一样,指对事物进行推测,不同的是侧重指以过去的经验或 根据现实的情况作出合乎逻揖的推测和设想。 1)We cannot presume theexistence of life on other planets. 我们不能推定其他行星上没有生物。 2)John didn"t say whenhe would return, but I presume that he"ll be backfor dinner. 约翰没有说他什么时候回来,但我推测他将回来吃晚饭的。 3)One is presumed to beinnocent before the judge makes the final decision that he isguilty of the crime. 在法官作出最终的判决一个人有罪之前,他是被假定无罪的希望采纳哦!
2023-06-07 23:11:081


1-5 DABBB 6-10 DACAA 11-13 BDC
2023-06-07 23:11:334

aussome volume是什么意思

assume volume假设体积哥你是不是打错了。。。
2023-06-07 23:11:512

Never expect, never assume, and never demand. Just let it be, because if it’s meant to be, it

翻译为:不要期待,不要假设,也不要强求。随他而去吧,因为 如果它是注定的,顺其自然,它就会如你所愿。
2023-06-07 23:11:592


1,at(当他二十年的监禁被释放后,他对看到的变化感到很惊讶)2,what(他似乎并没有对他所做的事感到愧疚)3,mysterious (昨天我收到一个神秘包裹,但是我不知道是谁送的)4,longed for(我们非常期待能够有机会访问你们伟大的国家)5,resulted in (这个男孩的懒惰导致了他的考试失败)6,costs (我们必须不惜一切代价追回赃物) 7,brought up (他的父母去世时他还很小.所以他是被阿姨带大的) 8,survived (不幸的是在去年的严冬只有极少数绵羊幸存)9,tends ( 城市的出生率有下降的趋势,而国内生产总值却稳步上升)10,to (简的穿着设计很像他妹妹/姐姐的)答案应该都还对,翻译大概就是这个意思我是学外语的!
2023-06-07 23:12:076

be assumed by什么意思?

 2013-08-24 be proportional to是什么意思 2017-04-21 If mistakes occurred, they wer... 2013-04-26 he is not such a fool as you a... 2011-12-28 be assumed by什么意思 2016-07-02 woman are assumed to be weaker... 2012-01-02 be assumed by什么意思 2011-06
2023-06-07 23:12:226


A在这些材料不承担责任对于错误、不精确性或者遗漏。 A不担保在这些材料内或者其他项目的包含的准确性或完整性信息、文本、图表、链接。 A不会是对其中任一特别,间接,偶然发生或者间接损害负责,包括没有局限损失、失去的收支或者也许起因于这些材料的失去的赢利。
2023-06-07 23:12:454


1.描写蓝鲸的英语句子 The whale is the life in the sea mammal. Some whale bodies very big,the biggest body is long may amount to 30 meters. Whale"s build likesthe fish, assumes 梭形. Forehead big, the eye is small, the helixcompletely degenerates. The pate is not obvious. The foreleg assumesthe fin shape, the latter extremity completely degenerates; The mosttypes carry on the back have the fin; The tail assumes the horizontalfin shape, is the main movement organ. Has the tooth or does not havethe tooth. The nostril one or two, open in the top of the head. Theadult whole body did not have the wool (to have many types only stillto preserve some wools nearby mouth). Under the skin has thick fat,may keep warm and reduce bodily the proportion. With the lung breath,namely dives into in the water after the water surface inspiration,may dive swims 10 ~ 45 minutes. Generally take the zooplankton, themollusk and the fish as the food. 胎生, the usual each embryoproduces a young, to the milk nurtures the young whale. But manyperson of minute it is the fish, in fact they are not the fish but arethe mammal. Distributes in the world various sea. The whale, the world various sea have the distribution. It is thewater roosts the mammal, with the lung breath, its type divides intotwo kinds, must the whale class, not have the tooth, has the whale tohave, nostril two, like 长须鲸, 蓝鲸, 座头鲸, 灰鲸 and soon; The toothed whales class, have the tooth, does not have the whaleto have, nostril, likes the sperm whale, 独角鲸, the killer whaleand so on. In the sea in the major part oxygen and the atmosphere 60%oxygen are floats the plant manufacture. Must the whale actually beable to extinguish floats plant"s powerful enemy - zooplankton.Moreover, the toothed whales also are helpful to the maintenance fishecological equilibrium. Toothed whales" food is take the fish as thefood large-scale mollusk. Therefore in the world does not have thewhale, the humanity must perish.。 2.用英语介绍一些关于鲸鱼习性的句子 1、The blue whale is the largest animal ever to inhabit the Earth.Blue whales are found throughout the world"s oceans. These gentle giants have grayish-blue skin with light spots. Measuring 70 to 80 feet in length, blue whales can weigh as much as 90 to 150 tons, although females are larger than the males. 2、The blue whale is the largest mammal, possibly the largest animal, to ever inhabit the earth. Its body is long, somewhat tapered, and streamlined, with the head making up less than one-fourth of its total body length. Its rostrum (upper part of the head) is very broad and flat and almost U-shaped, with a single ridge that extends just forward of the blowholes to the tip of the snout. Its blowholes are contained in a large, raised "splash guard", and the blow is tall and straight and over 20 feet (6 meters) high. Its body is smooth and relatively free of parasites, but a few barnacles attach themselves to the edge of the fluke and occasionally to the tips of the flippers and to the dorsal fin. There are 55-68 ventral grooves or pleats extending from the lower jaw to near the navel.。 3.描写蓝鲸的英语句子 The whale is the life in the sea mammal. Some whale bodies very big,the biggest body is long may amount to 30 meters. Whale"s build likesthe fish, assumes 梭形. Forehead big, the eye is small, the helixcompletely degenerates. The pate is not obvious. The foreleg assumesthe fin shape, the latter extremity completely degenerates; The mosttypes carry on the back have the fin; The tail assumes the horizontalfin shape, is the main movement organ. Has the tooth or does not havethe tooth. The nostril one or two, open in the top of the head. Theadult whole body did not have the wool (to have many types only stillto preserve some wools nearby mouth). Under the skin has thick fat,may keep warm and reduce bodily the proportion. With the lung breath,namely dives into in the water after the water surface inspiration,may dive swims 10 ~ 45 minutes. Generally take the zooplankton, themollusk and the fish as the food. 胎生, the usual each embryoproduces a young, to the milk nurtures the young whale. But manyperson of minute it is the fish, in fact they are not the fish but arethe mammal. Distributes in the world various sea. The whale, the world various sea have the distribution. It is thewater roosts the mammal, with the lung breath, its type divides intotwo kinds, must the whale class, not have the tooth, has the whale tohave, nostril two, like 长须鲸, 蓝鲸, 座头鲸, 灰鲸 and soon; The toothed whales class, have the tooth, does not have the whaleto have, nostril, likes the sperm whale, 独角鲸, the killer whaleand so on. In the sea in the major part oxygen and the atmosphere 60%oxygen are floats the plant manufacture. Must the whale actually beable to extinguish floats plant"s powerful enemy - zooplankton.Moreover, the toothed whales also are helpful to the maintenance fishecological equilibrium. Toothed whales" food is take the fish as thefood large-scale mollusk. Therefore in the world does not have thewhale, the humanity must perish.。 4.描写蓝鲸的文章(英文,8句) The blue whale is the biggest a whale in 1904, the elderly are to 1920 whaling in Antarctic waters of a female whale, long 33.58 m, weight 1.7 tons.The blue whale is the comparison in the size of the largest life on earth. From the age of dinosaurs largest known biological is a Mesozoic Argentina dragon, Argentina dragon estimated 90 tons. The biggest blue whale have multiple is uncertain. Most of the data from the 20th century, the blue whale hunt Antarctic waters by is not proficient in standard data measurement methods of animal whale measurement. The whale is the longest recorded for two female, respectively, and 33.3 meters. 3.36 But the reliability of the measurement. America"s national Marine mammals laboratory scientists to measure the length of the longest for 29.9 m, whales and probably Boeing 737 or three double-decker buses.The blue whale is very big, the head of the tongue can stand 50 people. It"s the heart and cars. Baby can climb over its artery, just gave birth to the blue whale cub weighs more than an adult elephant. In the first seven months of life, the whale to drink milk everyday 400 liters. The whale grows quickly, weight increased 90 kilograms every 24 hours.Because of the huge volume, we cannot directly says it"s weight. Most of the blue whale hunt was not the whole head says, whale in weighing before cut it into the right size. Because of the loss of blood and other body fluids, and in this way the blue whale underestimated. Even so, 27 meters long whale record weighed 170 tons of 150 -. The scientists believe that NMML 30 meters long whale estimated more than 180 tons will. Now scientists have NMML accurate measurement of the largest weighs 177 tons. 蓝鲸是须鲸中最大的一种,最长者是1904到1920年间捕于南极海域的一头雌鲸,长33.58m,体重170吨。 大小比较蓝鲸是曾在地球上生活过的最大动物。来自恐龙时代所知的最大的生物是中生代的阿根廷龙,阿根廷龙估计有90吨。 最大的蓝鲸有多重还不确定。大部分的数据取自20世纪上半叶南极海域捕杀的蓝鲸,数据由并不精通标准动物测量方法的捕鲸人测得。 有记载的最长的鲸为两头雌性,分别为33.6米和33.3米。但是这些测量的可靠性存在争议。 美国国家海洋哺乳动物实验室的科学家测量到的最长的鲸长度为29.9米,大概和波音737或三辆双层公共汽车一样长。 蓝鲸的头非常大,舌头上能站50个人。 它的心脏和小汽车一样大。婴儿可以爬过它的动脉,刚生下的蓝鲸幼崽比一头成年象还要重。 在其生命的头七个月,幼鲸每天要喝400升母乳。幼鲸的生长速度很快,体重每24小时增加90公斤。 由于蓝鲸巨大的体积,我们不能直接称它的体重。大部分被捕杀的蓝鲸都不是整头上称的,捕鲸人在称重之前将其切成合适的大小。 因为血液和其它体液丧失,这种方式低估了蓝鲸的体重。即使这样,有记载27米长的鲸重达150-1。 5.用英语介绍一些关于鲸鱼习性的句子 1、The blue whale is the largest animal ever to inhabit the Earth.Blue whales are found throughout the world"s oceans. These gentle giants have grayish-blue skin with light spots. Measuring 70 to 80 feet in length, blue whales can weigh as much as 90 to 150 tons, although females are larger than the males. 2、The blue whale is the largest mammal, possibly the largest animal, to ever inhabit the earth. Its body is long, somewhat tapered, and streamlined, with the head making up less than one-fourth of its total body length. Its rostrum (upper part of the head) is very broad and flat and almost U-shaped, with a single ridge that extends just forward of the blowholes to the tip of the snout. Its blowholes are contained in a large, raised "splash guard", and the blow is tall and straight and over 20 feet (6 meters) high. Its body is smooth and relatively free of parasites, but a few barnacles attach themselves to the edge of the fluke and occasionally to the tips of the flippers and to the dorsal fin. There are 55-68 ventral grooves or pleats extending from the lower jaw to near the navel.。 6.关于sea的英文诗歌 Sea Fever海之恋 John Masefield 作/ 绿雪 译 I MUST go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by, And the wheel"s kick and the wind"s song and the white sail"s shaking, And a gray mist on the sea"s face, and a gray dawn breaking. 我多想再次回到大海, 回到那寂寥的海天相连 我只想独自驾驶那高大的帆船,看浪花和白帆在风的歌唱中飞舞 雾雨弥漫在海面,透出曙色一线 I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied; And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying, And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying. 我多想再次回到大海 倾听那奔越的潮汐的呐喊 那野性的呼唤如此清晰使我无法拒绝 风舞云飞,浪花涌溅,还有那海鸥的哭啼,是我唯一的惦念 I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life, To the gull"s way and the whale"s way, where the wind"s like a whetted knife; And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover, And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick"s over.我一定要再次回到大海 似吉普赛人浪迹天边 像海鸥,像鲸鱼,咧咧的风像一把锋利的刀 我只想似流浪者笑对如戏人生,让欺诈在静谧、甜美的梦中消散 7.【写一篇关干介绍鲸鱼的英语作文】 Whales 鲸鱼 1.Everyone has heard about whales.What a beautiful sight it must be to sea a whale.It is no wonder so many stories have been written about them.In years gone by,men sailed in ships that did not take them back to their homes for many years.Their job was to capture whales.They sold certain parts of the whales to people for different uses.The whale was valuable because it was not easy to get.Whaling is not a job for many people any more.We no longer need very much of anything from whales.人人都听说过鲸鱼.而观赏鲸鱼又是多么美妙的事情,无怪乎有那么多关于鲸鱼的故事.过去的年月里,许多人出海航行,很多年也不回家,他们的工作就是捕鲸.他们将鲸鱼身体的各部分卖给不同的人做不同的用途.因为鲸鱼不容易捕获所以它们很值钱.但是,捕鲸已经不再是很多人的职业.我们已经不再需要鲸鱼身上的东西了.2.There have been many stories written about whales.They are good stories to read because they always tell of adventure.曾经有许多描写鲸鱼的故事.它们都是一些值得阅读的好文章,因为它们总会讲述一些冒险经历.3.To enjoy a story about whales it is a good idea to learn as much about them as you can.Aboard the whaling ship you would hear a man shout:"There she blows!Whale off the starboard bow!" 欣赏有关鲸鱼的故事是一个好办法,可以让你尽可能多地了解到关于鲸鱼的知识.登上捕鲸船上你将听到一个水手的高喊:“它在那喷气!鲸鱼在右弦船头!” 4.The lookout on a whaling ship has sighted a spouting whale.All hands spring to their jobs.The harpooner takes aim with his gun and fires.There is a short fight.The whale is dead.Its body is taken aboard the ship.A crew of men sets to work stripping the great whale of its blubber.捕鲸船上的了望者看到了一头正在喷气的鲸鱼.所有的人立即投入各自的工作.鱼叉手用他们的鱼枪瞄准,然后开火.这是一场非常短的战斗.鲸鱼死了,它的身体被拖上了船的甲板.一个水手带着工具,去剥离这条巨大的鲸鱼的鲸脂.5.The thick fat,or blubber,under the whale"s skin protects the animal against cold waters.It is for the valuable oil in blubber that whales are hunted.厚厚的脂肪,或者说是鲸脂,在鲸鱼的皮下用于保护它,去抵御寒冷的海水.恰恰为了从鲸脂中获得有价值的油,鲸鱼遭到捕猎.。 8.关于鲸鱼的英语作文七十词 Blue whale is the world"s largest animal, the body was blue-gray. Now catch the largest blue whale to the site in the Atlantic near the Falklands. This 33.5 m long blue whale, weighing 195 tons that is much greater than its tongue elephant weighing about 3 tons of its 700 kg heart weight, lung weight 1500 kg, the total blood weight of about 8 tons to 9 tons, intestines are half a mile long. Such a large body can only live in the vast ocean. Whale is an outstanding singer in water, "singer" When push "humpback." In 1971, biologists from the United States under the sea seeking the "humpback" voice is analyzed and found a very special sound signals. The original of these "humpback" issued a series of beautiful sounds, sound mildly varying tone. These sounds continued for 30 minutes, then sing from scratch, from the cadence, to judge the degree of light sweet Man, can travel to sea whales never lost. Usefulness of the people all the whales is very good, a lot of dead whales now, so that human beings are to be discarded, we need to protect the whales, so they continue to multiply Health habitat. Let people according to their benefits, create more advanced equipment, whale is a human friend. Why touch? Yes, I have here a bit information: whales, sea travel will not get lost all use of the whale is a very good person, and now a large number of dead whales, so that human beings are discarded, we need to protect whales, so that they continue to suffer from habitat reproduction. Let people according to their benefits, create more advanced equipment, whale is a human friend. Whales every day to sleep. Sleep, always a few heads together, and if there are sound, they scattered and went away. Whales can live for decades or a century.。
2023-06-07 23:12:521


While the data contained herein are factual and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts regarding the results of the tests conducted, the data are not to be taken as a warranty or representation for which A. CO., LTD. assumes legal responsibility.It does not imply that the information is complete or accurate in all cases and does not within the control of A. CO., LTD., it is user"s obligation to determine the conditions of safe use of the product虽然本文所包含的数据是事实性的,并且所表达的意见是针对所进行的测试结果的合格专家的意见,但这些数据不作为A CO LTD的保证或声明。 承担法律责任。这并不意味着在所有情况下信息是完整或准确的,并且不在A.CO。,LTD。的控制范围内,用户有义务确定产品的安全使用条件
2023-06-07 23:12:581


assume[英][u0259u02c8sju:m][美][u0259u02c8su:m]v.承担; 呈现; 假定,认为; 装出; 第三人称单数:assumes过去分词:assumed现在进行时:assuming过去式:assumed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Most americans assume that fellow democracies will share their values and opinions on international affairs. 大多数美国人以为,其它民主国家会认同他们的价值观和对国际事务的看法。
2023-06-07 23:13:561


assume形容词:assumable。副词:assumab1y;形容词:assumable。名词:assumer;动词过去式:assumed;过去分词:assumed;现在分词:assuming;第三人称单数:assumes。assume的用法1.assume的基本意思是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。2.assume作“假设”解时,指在证据很少或者存有异议时,甚至在根本没有证据的情况下进行推测,含有较强的武断成分。3.assume还可表示“装出一种虚假或骗人的表情”。4.assume用作及物动词。He assumes a look of innocence.他装出一副天真无邪的样子。She assumed an injured air.她装出冤屈的样子。5.用作宾补动词We can"t just assume her guilt.我们不能想当然地认为她有罪。I assume him to be the cleverest boy in this class.我认为他是这个班最聪明的学生。
2023-06-07 23:14:031


assume,英文单词,动词,意思是“假定;设想;承担;采取;僭取;篡夺;夺取;擅用;侵占”。 assume 英:[u0259u02c8sjuu02d0m];美;[u0259u02c8suu02d0m] v.假定;假设;认为;承担(责任);就(职);取得(权力);呈现(外观、样子);显露(特征) 第三人称单数:assumes;现在分词:assuming;过去式:assumed。过去分词:assumed 记忆技巧:as加强+sum拿,取+e→拿住→承担〔责任〕 assume用法及例句 assume可以用作动词 assume的基本意思是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。 assume作“假设”解时,指在证据很少或者存有异议时,甚至在根本没有证据的情况下进行推测,含有较强的武断成分。 assume还可表示“装出一种虚假或骗人的表情”。 例句 Let"s assume it to be true.让我们假定这是真的。 We assume his guilt.我们假定他是有罪的。 They assumed their operational positions.他们设想了自己在实施中的作用。
2023-06-07 23:14:161

assume的用法 有哪些常用方法

assume的基本意思是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。assume还可表示“装出一种虚假或骗人的表情”。第三人称单数是assumes,现在分词是assuming,过去式是assumed,过去分词是assumed。 assume的用法 assume的基本意思是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。 assume作“假设”解时,指在证据很少或者存有异议时,甚至在根本没有证据的情况下进行推测,含有较强的武断成分。 assume还可表示“装出一种虚假或骗人的表情”。 assume后可接that从句,表示“假定某人会…”。 assume的例句 Let"s assume it to be true. 让我们假定这是真的。 We assume his guilt. 我们假定他是有罪的。 They assumed their operational positions. 他们设想了自己在实施中的作用。 People assume they know me through and through the moment we meet. 人们一见到我,就自以为对我了如指掌了。
2023-06-07 23:14:491


assume 英 [u0259u02c8sju:m] 美 [u0259u02c8su:m] v. 承担; 呈现; 假定,认为; 装出; [例句]It is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar关于这两块大陆相似的假设是一种误解。[其他] 第三人称单数:assumes 现在分词:assuming 过去式:assumed 过去分词:assumed
2023-06-07 23:14:551


assuming例句如下:Let"s assume it to be true.让我们假定这是真的。We assume his guilt.我们假定他是有罪的。They assumed their operational positions.他们设想了自己在实施中的作用。assume,英文单词,动词,意思是“假定;设想;承担;采取;僭取;篡夺;夺取;擅用;侵占”。assume英:[u0259u02c8sjuu02d0m];美;[u0259u02c8suu02d0m]v.假定;假设;认为;承担(责任);就(职);取得(权力);呈现(外观、样子);显露(特征)第三人称单数:assumes;现在分词:assuming;过去式:assumed。过去分词:assumed记忆技巧:as加强+sum拿,取+e→拿住→承担〔责任〕assume用法及例句assume可以用作动词assume的基本意思是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。assume作“假设”解时,指在证据很少或者存有异议时,甚至在根本没有证据的情况下进行推测,含有较强的武断成分。assume还可表示“装出一种虚假或骗人的表情”。
2023-06-07 23:15:021


assume的用作动词,可用作及物动词和宾补动词。基本含义是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。1.assume的基本意思是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。 2.assume作“假设”解时,指在证据很少或者存有异议时,甚至在根本没有证据的情况下进行推测,含有较强的武断成分。 3.assume还可表示“装出一种虚假或骗人的表情”。 4.assume用作及物动词 He assumes a look of innocence. 他装出一副天真无邪的样子。 She assumed an injured air. 她装出冤屈的样子。 5.用作宾补动词 We can"t just assume her guilt. 我们不能想当然地认为她有罪。 I assume him to be the cleverest boy in this class. 我认为他是这个班最聪明的学生。
2023-06-07 23:15:311


assume的用作动词,可用作及物动词和宾补动词。基本含义是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。1.assume的基本意思是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。 2.assume作“假设”解时,指在证据很少或者存有异议时,甚至在根本没有证据的情况下进行推测,含有较强的武断成分。 3.assume还可表示“装出一种虚假或骗人的表情”。 4.assume用作及物动词 He assumes a look of innocence. 他装出一副天真无邪的样子。 She assumed an injured air. 她装出冤屈的样子。 5.用作宾补动词 We can"t just assume her guilt. 我们不能想当然地认为她有罪。 I assume him to be the cleverest boy in this class. 我认为他是这个班最聪明的学生。
2023-06-07 23:15:491

One theory postulates that the ancient Filipinos came from India and Persia.

2023-06-07 23:16:101


its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same
2023-06-07 23:16:201


  欣赏英语诗歌是英语学习的重要部分。正如学习汉语要懂诗词歌赋一样,学习英语时有必要对英语诗歌有所了解。我精心收集了简单好记的英文诗,供大家欣赏学习!   简单好记的英文诗篇1   To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time   by Robert Herrick   Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,   Old Time is still a-flying;   And this same flower that *** iles today   Tomorrow will be dying.   The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,   The higher he"s a-getting,   The sooner will his race be run,   And nearer he"s to setting.   That age is best which is the first,   When youth and blood are warmer;   But being spent, the worse, and worst   Times still succeed the former.   Then be not coy, but use your time,   And while ye may, go marry;   For having lost but once your prime,   You may forever tarry.   简单好记的英文诗篇2   San Sepolcro   by Jorie Graham   In this blue light   I can take you there,   snow having made me   a world of bone   seen through to. This   is my house,   my section of Etruscan   wall, my neighbor"s   lemontrees, and, just below   the lower church,   the airplane factory.   A rooster   crows all day from mist   outside the walls.   There"s milk on the air,   ice on the oily   lemonskins. How clean   the mind is,   holy grave. It is this girl   by Piero   della Francesca, unbuttoning   her blue dress,   her mantle of weather,   to go into   labor. e, we can go in.   It is before   the birth of god. No one   has risen yet   to the museums, to the assembly   line——bodies   and wings——to the open air   market. This is   what the living do: go in.   It"s a long way.   And the dress keeps opening   from eternity   to privacy, quickening.   Inside, at the heart,   is tragedy, the present moment   forever stillborn,   but going in, each breath   is a button   ing undone, something terribly   nimble-fingered   finding all of the stops.   简单好记的英文诗篇3   San Francisco Night Windows   by Robert Penn Warren   So hangs the hour like fruit fullblown and sweet,   Our strict and desperate avatar,   Despite that antique westward gulls lament   Over enormous waters which retreat   Weary unto the white and sensual star.   Accept these images for what they are——   Out of the past a fragile element   Of substance into accident.   I would speak honestly and of a full heart;   I would speak surely for the tale is short,   And the soul"s remorseless catalogue   Assumes its quick and piteous sum.   Think you, hungry is the city in the fog   Where now the darkened piles resume   Their framed and frozen prayer   Articulate and shafted in the stone   Against the void and absolute air.   If so the frantic breath could be forgiven,   And the deep blood subdued before it is gone   In a savage paternoster to the stone,   Then might we all be shriven.   简单好记的英文诗篇4   To. . .   by Rene Char ***Translated by Susanne Dubroff***   You have been my love for so many years,   It makes me dizzy to think of so much hope,   And my dizziness won"t be aged, or cooled;   Even by what waited for our death,   Or slowly learned how to fight us,   Even by what is foreign to us,   Or by my eclipses and my returns.   A boxwood shutter   Encloses our outrageous luck,   Our chain of mountains,   Our pressed splendor.   I say luck, my wounded one,   Each of us can receive   The mystery of the other   Without divulgingit;   Moreover our grief, which es from elsewhere,   That grief, which destroys and renews us,   Will dissolve itself   In the flesh of our union,   Will finally find its orbit   In our cloudy center.   I say luck; it"s how I feel.   You have lifted the mountain top   Which my hope will have to climb   When tomorrow disappears.   简单好记的英文诗篇5   Today I Went Downby Breyten Breytenbach   today I went down on your body   while windows were thick white eyes   and hearkened the clogged cavities   in the *** all darkroom of your chest,   hedging an eternity over the aching voice   from your gorgeous throat,   agony and exaltation flow in one divide   if I may make so bold,   your thighs are a loveword your hair   night"s glittering lining of secret disport:   I aimed for the innermost moon   and rent, moved by the syntax and the slow   of sadness and of joy, so   I love you, love you so   when the blinding es,   the disposure of silence,   it must be high up the hills   where hundreds of poor   stamp their feet in the dust, and drums   and woman voices like this ululating skyline   gag the final ecstasy   
2023-06-07 23:16:261

Sunkissed [American Gothic Ep] 歌词

歌曲名:Sunkissed [American Gothic Ep]歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:American GothicSmashing Pumpkins - Sunkissed★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师To make thee mineI cast a net as wide as I am freeLine by lineerase the schemes that I have drawn to beThere"s no fear anymoreCrystalline the truth assumes to beThere"s no fear anymoreBurn the bridge outsideIf I"m gonna liveIf I"m gonna live without youIf I can live without youI feel aloneWalking homeAll by myselfI"ve never chasedA brighter sunThan you"ll becomeI mistook you for a trustInvocations I must dust offFresh bouquets to playfully cutEven though you"ve seen the showI"ve saved the best for lastA cannonballShot stern to bowTo warn the crowdI fall in loveFrom my gutMy arms entwine the switchAnd in repose a southern roseBurns the bridge outsideIf I"m gonna liveIf I"m gonna live without youTo make thee mineI call upon the wisdom of my ageBlow by blowChase the beatings of the death song"s wingsThere"s no crime anymoreCrystalline the bridges burn outsideStitches will all come undoneIf I"m gonna liveIf I"m gonna live without youWhat comes must all come down to one of usIf I"m gonna liveIf I"m gonna live without youI"ve never chasedA brighter sunThan you"ll becomeWhat comes beforeThe breaking dawnBut our morning sighEndSmashing Pumpkins - Sunkissed★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师
2023-06-07 23:16:341

take responsibility 后面的介词是什么?of 还是for

take responsibilityfor对..........负责
2023-06-07 23:16:422

Lindesay assumes that the original height of the wall was about __________.A.2 meters

2023-06-07 23:17:191


收到货物的表面状况良好如下规定,除非另有规定外。承运人,依照本法规定包含在这个documnent.1)unertaks执行或采购绩效的全程运输,货物tskec负责delibery th指定的地方在这个文档,和2)假设liablity本文档规定的运输。必须投降正式的提单批注inexchange货物或交付订单
2023-06-07 23:17:411


SingularAssumes sole responsibility for an important task
2023-06-07 23:17:496


endeavors 愿意为:活动,运作,有目的的努力所以business and community endeavors 为商业运作,社区事务
2023-06-07 23:18:114


BureaucracyI: Characteristics of BureaucracyMODERN officialdom functions in the following specific manner: I. There is the principle of fixed and official jurisdictional areas, which are generally ordered by rules, that is, by laws or administrative regulations.1. The regular activities required for the purposes of the bureaucratically governed structure are distributed in a fixed way as official duties.2. The authority to give the commands required for the discharge of these duties is distributed in a stable way and is strictly delimited by rules concerning the coercive means, physical, sacerdotal, or otherwise, which may be placed at the disposal of officials.3. Methodical provision is made for the regular and continuous fulfilment of these duties and for the execution of the corresponding rights; only persons who have the generally regulated qualifications to serve are employed.In public and lawful government these three elements constitute "bureaucratic authority." In private economic domination, they constitute bureaucratic "management." Bureaucracy, thus understood, is fully developed in political and ecclesiastical communities only in the modern state, and, in the private economy, only in the most advanced institutions of capitalism. Permanent and public office authority, with fixed jurisdiction, is not the historical rule but rather the exception. This is so even in large political structures such as those of the ancient Orient, the Germanic and Mongolian empires of conquest, or of many feudal structures of state. In all these cases, the ruler executes the most important measures through personal trustees, table-companions, or court-servants. Their commissions and authority are not precisely delimited and are temporarily called into being for each case.II. The principles of office hierarchy and of levels of graded authority mean a firmly ordered system of super- and subordination in which there is a supervision of the lower offices by the higher ones. Such a system offers the governed the possibility of appealing the decision of a lower office to its higher authority, in a definitely regulated manner. With the full development of the bureaucratic type, the office hierarchy is monocratically organized. The principle of hierarchical office authority is found in all bureaucratic structures: in state and ecclesiastical structures as well as in large party organizations and private enterprises. It does not matter for the character of bureaucracy whether its authority is called "private" or "public."When the principle of jurisdictional "competency" is fully carried through, hierarchical subordination--at least in public office--does not mean that the "higher" authority is simply authorized to take over the business of the "lower." Indeed, the opposite is the rule. Once established and having fulfilled its task, an office tends to continue in existence and be held by another incumbent.III. The management of the modern office is based upon written documents ("the files"), which are preserved in their original or draught form. There is, therefore, a staff of subaltern officials and scribes of all sorts. The body of officials actively engaged in a "public" office, along with the respective apparatus of material implements and the files, make up a "bureau." In private enterprise, "the bureau" is often called "the office."In principle, the modern organization of the civil service separates the bureau from the private domicile of the official, and, in general, bureaucracy segregates official activity as something distinct from the sphere of private life. Public monies and equipment are divorced from the private property of the official. This condition is everywhere the product of a long development. Nowadays, it is found in public as well as in private enterprises; in the latter, the principle extends even to the leading entrepreneur. In principle, the executive office is separated from the household, business from private correspondence, and business assets from private fortunes. The more consistently the modern type of business management has been carried through the more are these separations the case. The beginnings of this process are to be found as early as the Middle Ages.It is the peculiarity of the modern entrepreneur that he conducts himself as the "first official" of his enterprise, in the very same way in which the ruler of a specifically modern bureaucratic state spoke of himself as "the first servant" of the state. The idea that the bureau activities of the state are intrinsically different in character from the management of private economic offices is a continental European notion and, by way of contrast, is totally foreign to the American way.IV. Office management, at least all specialized office management-- and such management is distinctly modern--usually presupposes thorough and expert training. This increasingly holds for the modern executive and employee of private enterprises, in the same manner as it holds for the state official.V. When the office is fully developed, official activity demands the full working capacity of the official, irrespective of the fact that his obligatory time in the bureau may be firmly delimited. In the normal case, this is only the product of a long development, in the public as well as in the private office. Formerly, in all cases, the normal state of affairs was reversed: official business was discharged as a secondary activity.VI. The management of the office follows general rules, which are more or less stable, more or less exhaustive, and which can be learned. Knowledge of these rules represents a special technical learning which the officials possess. It involves jurisprudence, or administrative or business management.The reduction of modern office management to rules is deeply embedded in its very nature. The theory of modern public administration, for instance, assumes that the authority to order certain matters by decree--which has been legally granted to public authorities--does not entitle the bureau to regulate the matter by commands given for each case, but only to regulate the matter abstractly. This stands in extreme contrast to the regulation of all relationships through individual privileges and bestowals of favor, which is absolutely dominant in patrimonialism, at least in so far as such relationships are not fixed by sacred tradition.Max Weber, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, part III, chap. 6, pp. 650-78.
2023-06-07 23:18:471


  Do you see the glass as half-full rather than hall empty? The two different answers to the question represent two different attitudes towards life -- optimistic attitude and pessimistic attitude.   Optimism always leads to happiness, health and success while pessimism, by contrast, results in hopelessness, sickness and failure. That"s because optimists and pessimists deal with the same challenges and disappointments in very different ways. When things go wong the pessimist tends to blame himsell, while the optimist looks for loop holes. The optimist feels in control of his oval life. If things are going badly, he acts quickly, looking for solutions, forming a new plan of action, and seeking for advice. On the contrary, the pessimist yields to the arrangement of fate and moves slowly. He doesn"t seek advice, since he assumes nothing can be done.   Most people are a mix of optimism and pessimism. Optimism is important in all aspects of our lives. If you can change your mind from pessimism to optimism, you can change your life.
2023-06-07 23:18:531


PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FORMAT Date: To: Dear Sirs, PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FOR CONTRACT NO: TITLE: ________(Company Name) That in consideration of (hereinafter referred to as NPOG) entering into a contract for the Construction, Commissioning and Handover of Field Surface Facilities.(CONTRACT) dated________ day-of________ ________with________ hereinafter referred to as CONTRACTOR (S)"We, ________a company incorporated under the laws of ________with a principal business address at________(hereinafter referred to as GUARANTOR) do hereby enter into the following undertakings with NPOG:(a) Guarantee full and complete performance of all obligations of CONTRACTOR(s) under the said CONTRACT and all change orders thereunder and amendments thereof which may subsequently be duly executed by CONTRACTOR(s). (b) Should CONTRACTOR in any respect fail to perform the said obligations contained in the said CONTRACT or commits any breach thereof, we as GUARANTOR shall ourselves perform or take whatever steps as may be necessary to achieve performance of the obligations thereof, in accordance with terms of the said CONTRACT and the GUARANTOR shall assume any loss, damages, costs and expenses arising from the said failure or breach for which CONTRACTOR(s) may be made available thereunder; MUGLAD BASIN OIL DEVELOPMENT PROJEDTELELD SURFACE FACILITIES (FSF) CONTRACT NO: NPOG/30/98-163 (c) we the GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from our undertakings hereunder by any waiver or forbearance by NPOG whether as to payment, time, performance, or otherwise. (d) In the event and for the duration that the GUARANTOR assumes the obligations of CONTRACTOR under the said CONTRACT above, the GUARANTOR shall be entitled to all of the rights and benefits to which CONTRACTOR is entitled under CONTRACT. (e) For the purpose of this Guarantee and the said CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR does hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the British Courts.(f) This Guarantee shall inure to the benefit of NPOG and its successors and assigns, and shall be binding upon the GUARANTOR and its successors and assigns. (g) This guarantee shall be effective as of the________ day of ____________199_____. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE GUARANTOR has caused this Guarantee to be duly executed by its authorized representative on this ____________day of ____________199____________. For and on behalf: ____________ (Company) signature: ____________ name: designation: WITNESS Signature: ____________Name: ____________ Designation: ____________ Date: ____________
2023-06-07 23:19:001

008 太空:宇宙的上下左右在哪里?

It"s official: You"re lost in a directionless universe 官方消息:天哪!我们迷路了! 看看太空吧!那无穷无尽的苍穹!哪里是上?哪里又是下? 在研究了宇宙大爆炸产生的古老宇宙微波背景辐射(CMB, cosmic microwave background )之后,科学家们还是无法找到宇宙的方向!每个方向看上去都是一样的。宇宙是各向同性的(isotropic):没有旋转轴!没有那个方向有什么特别! 不过,这对宇宙学家来说也许是值得欣慰的,因为他们的宇宙标准进化模型就是建立在这样的均一性之上的。 当然宇宙如何具有这样高度的均一性是一个重要的科学问题。 1543年,哥白尼把地球的中心位置让给了太阳。后来又发展出来了无限且无中心宇宙概念。到了20世纪,爱因斯坦发表了广义相对论,哈勃在各个方向上观察到了宇宙的膨胀。这更让人有理由相信宇宙在每个地方和每个方向上都是相同的。在一些极端的研究团队的眼里,宇宙就是完全均质和完全各向同性的。 不过这个原则也有一定的局限。因为太空中的恒星和星系并不是分布得那么均匀。这种不均匀的现象可以这样解释:大爆炸诞生宇宙的时候,产生的均一的亚原子粒子“汤”,在短暂而快速的宇宙暴涨的过程中,一点点的量子涨落会被放大到巨大的宇宙尺度。原来一点点密度的差别会让星系在不同地方产生。有了这种解释,星系分布的不均匀性,就并不会真正威胁到“完全均质和完全各向同性”的宇宙论。 但是宇宙为何一定要这样的?理论上,就算是宇宙每点都是一样的,还是有可能有特殊的方向。比如钻石,密度完全是完全均匀的,可钻石仍然还是有方向的,因为晶格中的原子排列有方向! 其实,在2000年代早期,科学家就找到了一些各向异性迹象。NASA的威尔金森微波方向太空探测器(WMAP)的数据表明宇宙微波辐射的波动暗示了一根“宇宙邪恶轴心”!不过许多研究者并不认为这是真的,认为这可能是统计学上的偶然事件,“宇宙邪恶轴心”并不存在。 欧洲太空总署的普朗克号飞船收集了2009到2013年更为精确的宇宙微波背景辐射数据。考虑到精度有了大幅度的提高,宇宙各向异性会不会出现呢? 比如,空间膨胀的时候可能会在轴的方向上有不同的膨胀速度。这样的话会观测到这个方向上空间拉长效应造成的微波波长变长。 或者,宇宙沿着某个轴旋转,这样就会形成螺旋型的微波背景图样。 再者,新生的宇宙被重力波的扭曲,某些方向上被压缩得厉害,而另一些方向上却被拉长了,这样微波背景就会有更复杂的螺纹。 …… (译者注:科学家的想象力真强大!) 老式电视机屏幕上的杂点信号就有宇宙微波背景的功劳。用上了超级计算机,科学家们企图从这些杂点中找到那微弱而模糊不清的“电视图像”。况且,他们还有非常强大的工具——微波背景偏振分析工具(这是普朗克号飞船最新提供的!)。 同时,科学家们把信号的检出灵敏度也提高了1个数量级 (译者注:就是10倍左右) 。 总之,为了要找到宇宙的各向异性 (译者注:也就是各个方向上有差别的意思) ,科学家发疯似地在各个方面都达到极限。 但是…… 没能发现各向异性! 每个方向上都是一样的! 各向异性再一次被排除了! 我们在宇宙中迷路了! 我们找不着北!没有上!也没有下! 本研究发表在 Physical Review Letters 。 ----------------------------------- 译者说明:为了在保持科学性的同时达到通俗易懂的目的,文章可能同时参考原新闻稿、科学论文原文及相关资料进行了注解或重写。 原新闻稿: Science (DOI: 10.1126/science.aah7276) -----------英语学习------------ 词汇: a directionless universe:一个没有方向的宇宙 isotropic:各向同性(各个方向上不一样) anisotropy:各向异性(各个方向上没有不同) cosmic microwave background (CMB):宇宙微波背景 ----------------------------------- 英文原文: It"s official: You"re lost in a directionless universe By Adrian Cho Ever peer into the night sky and wonder whether space is really the same in all directions or if the cosmos might be whirling about like a vast top? Now, one team of cosmologists has used the oldest radiation there is, the afterglow of the big bang. or the cosmic microwave background (CMB), to show that the universe is “isotropic,” or the same no matter which way you look: There is no spin axis or any other special direction in space. In fact, they estimate that there is only a one-in-121,000 chance of a preferred direction—the best evidence yet for an isotropic universe. That finding should provide some comfort for cosmologists, whose standard model of the evolution of the universe rests on an assumption of such uniformity. "It"s a much more comprehensive analysis than in previous cases," says Anthony Challinor, a cosmologist at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom who was not involved in the work. "The question of how isotropic is the universe is of fundamental importance." In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus knocked Earth and humanity from the supposed center of the universe by noting that Earth goes around the sun, not the other way around. That observation gave birth to the Copernican principle, which holds that we have no special place in the infinite, centerless universe. In the early 20th century, with the advent of Albert Einstein"s general theory of relativity and the observation that the universe is expanding in all directions, that idea evolved into the cosmological principle, which assumes that the universe is the same everywhere and in every direction. In fancier terms, the universe is both homogeneous and isotropic. The principle has its limitations. As the existence of stars and galaxies shows, matter is not distributed exactly the same way everywhere. This, they assume, arises because the universe was born as a homogeneous soup of subatomic particles in the big bang. As the universe underwent an exponential growth spurt called inflation, tiny quantum fluctuations in that soup expanded to gargantuan sizes, providing density variations that would seed the galaxies. Yet, the standard model of cosmology rests on the assumption that, on the largest scales, these variations are insignificant, and space is homogeneous and isotropic. But it doesn"t necessarily have to be that way. Theoretically, it"s possible that space could be the same from point to point, but still have special directions—much as a diamond crystal has uniform density, but specific directions in which its atoms line up in rows. There were even some hints of such "anisotropy" in the early 2000s, when measurements from NASA"s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) spacecraft suggested that some subtle undulations in the motley CMB appeared to line up along a so-called "axis of evil" —which most researchers discount as a statistical fluke. Now, Daniela Saadeh and Andrew Pontzen, cosmologists at University College London, and colleagues have ruled out special directions with the most stringent test yet. They also use measurements of the CMB, this time taken with the European Space Agency"s Planck spacecraft, which collected data from 2009 to 2013 and provided far more precise CMB maps than WMAP. Instead of looking for curious imbalances in the CMB, they systematically worked the other way around. They considered all the ways that space could have a preferred direction and how such scenarios might imprint themselves on the CMB. Then they searched for those specific signs in the data. For example, space could be expanding at different speeds along different axes. Such differential expansion would cause the radiation from some directions to stretch to longer wavelengths than in others, and the upshot would be a big bull"s-eye pattern in the CMB. Or, space could be rotating about a particular axis, which would create a spiral pattern in the CMB. Finally, the newborn universe could have been agitated by distortions in space itself known as gravitational waves, which would stretch the whole cosmos in one direction and compress it in a perpendicular direction. That sort of motion would leave more complex spirals in the CMB. In all, the researchers identify five potential patterns or "modes" in the CMB that would signal some sort of special direction in space. Using a supercomputer, Saadeh, Pontzen, and colleagues look for evidence of any such patterns lurking faintly behind random variations in the CMB"s temperature—a process not unlike trying to pick out a weak picture through extreme static on an old-fashioned TV screen. To give their study even more bite, they also look for accompanying patterns in the polarization of the CMB"s microwaves, which Planck also mapped. For three of the five patterns, "polarization data is the killer thing," Saadeh says. Others had performed similar tests for signs that the universe is spinning, but Saadeh, Pontzen, and colleagues improve the limit on such a signal by an order of magnitude. They also put limits on all other kinds of anisotropy , as they report in a paper in press at Physical Review Letters . "For the first time, we really exclude anisotropy," Saadeh says. "Before, it was only that it hadn"t been probed." But just how significant is that advance? That"s hard to judge, Challinor says, because there aren"t compelling alternatives to the standard model of cosmology that predict exactly how an anisotropic universe should be. "The problem is, what do you compare it to?" he asks. Still, he notes, "this assumption is fundamental cosmology" so "it"s very important to check."
2023-06-07 23:19:181


Rules for the inspection of raw horse , donkey and mule foal skins for import and export 进出口 生马 骡驴驹皮检验规程 E pud was the father of eleazar , eleazar the father of matthan , and matthan the father of jacob 以律生以利亚撒。以利亚撒 生马 但。马但生雅各。 Mr ma is a practising so pcitor and founder partner of messrs hobson ma , so pcitors notaries 马先生为执业律师兼何柏 生马 华润律师行之创办合伙人。 Mr ma is a practising so pcitor and founder partner of messrs hobson & ma , so pcitors & notaries 马先生为执业律师兼何柏 生马 华润律师行之创办合人。 And to make things even sweeter , watching zati , that animal of materazzi crying made it even more de pcious 而更令人感到开心的,是看到扎内蒂和畜 生马 特拉齐伤心流泪,对手的眼泪令德比的滋味更为美妙。 The family has not heard from him for a long time and assumes that he is dead . lung sets up marriage for sang with lai shun fung shen charmaine , who works as a ferry lady 独子古桂 生马 德钟从军后音讯杳然,家人以为他已死,替他安排冥婚,新娘是拉横水渡的黎顺风佘诗曼。 The old good days is a heart moving and touching tv series . hard working sou - hao use her big heart to accept her hu *** and , ho - sun s , lover , min - fong . at the same time , a nurse from mi ptary get involve with ho - sun s pfe 刻苦耐劳的秀巧陈秀雯以宽宏之心接纳了丈夫贺 生马 景涛的情人文凤邓萃雯.同时,一个满有理想的军中护士邵美琪竟闯进了与死神搏斗的贺生之生命中 The reason is that the elastic energy increases the nucleation work while the formation of primary martensite can excite the release of elastic energy in austenite to promote the formation of after martensite and intensify the tendency towards homogeneous nucleation 其原因是弹性能的存在增大了初生马氏体的形成功,而初生马氏体的形成则会激发奥氏体内弹性能的释放,弹性能的释放可促进继 生马 氏体形成,并增大其均匀形核倾向。 The result showed that plastic deformation during pre - strain played an restrained role on the growth of martensite ( especially in the direction of lath width ) and increase the nucleation rate indirectly ; the elastic energy induced by plastic deformation restrain the transformation of primary martensite but accelerate the transformation of after martensite 实验结果表明:预应变过程中造成的塑性变形对马氏体生长(尤其是宽度方向)有约束作用,起间接提高马氏体形核率的作用,所储备的弹性应变能对初生马氏体的转变有抑制作用,但对继 生马 氏体的转变却有促进作用。
2023-06-07 23:19:251


Two literature summarize 2.1 active sludge characteristic outline active sludge are the sewage active sludge processing system response work main bodies, is by the bacterium, the miniature animal primarily microorganism and aerosol material, the colloid material combination in the cotton wool shape body pellet which forms together.The good active sludge has the very strong adsorption decomposition organic matter ability and the good subsidence performance, therefore the sewage treatment plant using the backflow sludge took the oxidized sewage raw material, the cotton wool body size is approximately 0.02~0.2 mm, many is the dark brown, the moisture content about 99%.In the active sludge is surviving each kind of microorganism, constituted the complex microbiology phase.In the most situations, in the active sludge main microorganism is a bacterium.[1] active sludge these characteristics had decided enters in the sewage treatment system in the sewage two sinks in front of the pond to it carries on the concentration backflow the necessary intermixture sludge and the backflow sludge has the difference slightly, the former is 1.002~1.003g/cm3, the latter is 1.004~1.006 g/cm3; The subsidence performance is good, can the reproduction, the cotton wool body size be 0.02~0.2mm, is 20~100cm2mL. assumes the low-acid compared to the surface area (pH is approximately 6.7) [2]. 2.2 existing active separation of sludge method and the effect the active separation of sludge concentration aspect research are at present few, the disengaging gear very are also few, the usual sewage treatment plant all uses conventional the gravitational settling installment----Two sinks the pond concentration separation sewage, the sewage from onclick= " g ("aeration"); After the “>aeration tank flows out, the inflow area very big two sinks the pond, pauses for 2-3 hour in inside, the concentration sewage, sludge partial refluxes which in which concentration obtains is onclick= " g ("aeration"); “>aeration tank biochemistry processing provides the microorganism, but in addition the sludge took surplus sludge direct processing, its merit is big for the process load, the concentration separation effect very is also good, but has the area oversized, the sewage resident time is long, the processing efficiency low status insufficiency, the estimate water power cyclone introduction can very good solution these insufficiencies. 2.3 cyclone basic structures and the separation principle cyclone took one kind of structure simple separation graduation equipment, the use is extremely widespread, until now in the chemical industry, the mineral processing, the petroleum, the light industry, food, the medicine, the spinning and weaving, the metallurgy, the building materials, the coal and so on the multitudinous industry sector obtained widespread application [3], but domestic to are also few the water power cyclone introduction sewage separation process research, also is in the experimental study stage cyclone structure to be simple most, the non-movement part, mainly divides into the predissociation region generally (upside cylindrical space) and the host separation region (lower part cone space), the basic structure mainly constitutes by six parts, namely: The inlet pipe, the overflow, drills the section, the undercurrent tube, forces to wake the assistance and the shell of column inlet pipe [3] research pointed out: Takes the inlet pipe when with the tangent circular pipe, not only the cyclone handling ability most greatly moreover the separation revision overall effectiveness index and the separation precision all highest overflow [4] overflow structure shape direct influence short circuit flows existence, but short-circuits flows is causes the water power cyclone overflow to run thickly, in separation product thick fine grain combination important reason, moreover, the overflow structure shape also can affect the water power cyclone exportation energy loss cone section this project to use directly for the smooth right cone awl section undercurrent manages the [5] water power cyclone undercurrent tube moreover generally directly to be interlinked for the straight circular pipe with the atmosphere the undercurrent product to discharge generally through this straight circular pipe world, is using 20o gradually to expand the tubular constructionWhen undercurrent tube water power cyclone handling ability is highest, separation dynamics is smallest, diverges is also smaller than forces to wake the assistance and shell of column these two parts of structures is small to the water power cyclone separation concentration effect influence, this project has not done further considered the sewage enters the cyclone after the air compressor, in the feeding fluid pellet enters the cyclone along with the fluid from the tangential feed head, but revolves rapidly in certain downward inclination angle function and the receiver wall restraint becomes the high speed inverted spin movement downward.Because downward the wall is a circular conical surface, the inertia centrifugal force outward movement which produces with the aid of this movement throws the director wall compared to the fluid density big pellet, is compelled to separate with the wall collision reduction of speed, again falls along the conical surface to the undercurrent tube discharges, the sewage namely obtained effective concentration [6].
2023-06-07 23:19:321


2023-06-07 23:19:523


National Flag: It is in rectangular shape. The length-width ratio is 25:18. The background of the flag is blue in color and a cross of white and red divides the flag into four parts: o blue squares of equal size and o blue rectangles of equal size. Blue represents the ocean and white represents the snow. Blue and white are the national colors of Iceland and reflect the characteristic of natural environment of Iceland. That is amid the blue sky and ocean a piece of icy land -- Iceland appears. Since 1262 Iceland has bee the colony of Norway and since 14th century it has e under the reign of both Norway and Denmark. Therefore the cross on the national flag originates from the design of Denmark"s national flag and represents the historical relationship among Iceland Norway and Denmark. 参考: yahoo dict National flag: Assumes the rectangle is long and the wide ratio is 25: 18. The flag is a blue color is red the white o colors cross divides into the flag surface four: Two equal blue color squares o equal blue color rectangles. The blue color represents the sea the white generation of vindicating snow. Blue white o colors for Iceland"s national beauty manifests Icelandic the natural environment characteristic namely in the blue color sky and the sea floats "the ice land" — — Iceland. Iceland was from 1262 for Norway 14 centuries with received Denmark to rule therefore on national flag cross design source from the Danish national flag design expressed in the Icelandic history and Norwegian Denmark"s relations. 参考: yahoo聪明笔 Flag: a rectangular shape length and width ratio of 25:18. Flag for the blue red white and blue flag of the cross will be divided into four: o equal blue square with the same blue rectangle 2. Blue for the sea and snow-white representatives. Blue white and blue for the color of Iceland Iceland embodies the characteristics of the natural environment that is in the blue sky and the ocean floating "ice land" - Iceland. Iceland since 1262 from the territorial Norway Denmark 14th century by the same rule the national flag on the Cross logo from Danish flag logo show the history of Iceland and Norway Denmark relations. 咁得唔得-v-
2023-06-07 23:19:591


Beautiful jungle my homeDelicious food eat ah eat not to finishThe jungle is really greatIs filled with delicious foodI"m so happySo happyDoes not guess wrongAgainst my guy must be a gourmandises "It"s really delicious!The mirror how big mirrorWho are youI am leap to jump I isThat was you stole somethingHarm everyone get me wrongWho will you and I look the sameLet them misapprehensiveYou and I goVery radish head and bear big bear two clearYou are the true thiefGood go you go see they believe whoHie radish bear big bear twoQuick come out I catch the thiefRadish head: the thiefQuick come out ahRadish bear big bear twoBear: caught the thiefBear 2: bear big zha will have two leap to ahBear big I am leap to jump he isIs he assumes the I stole your things(false) : I"m leap to jump he isHe is the would-bewhatI am leap to you is the would-be you are pseudoI"m leap to you is the would-beI am leap to you are pseudo would-beRadish head: good good do not noisyI am leap to you is false you is falseRadish head: let us rat to distinguish itRadish head I"m bouncingRadish head I"m bouncingI reallyI"m reallyRadish headBear: don"t noisy don"t noisy an familiar with leapTo make an seeI"m bouncing ahI am really I reallyI am really I is reallyI"m really I really I reallyI am really I is reallyI really you is false you is falseBear 2: line line you don"t make the game dancedancingBear 2: leap to can be dancingBear: yes you both the best who is who jump leapThe good this good this is leap(false) : wait a minuteThis is really this is leap(true) : wait a minuteThis is really(false) : I"m reallyleap(true) : hateful to learn my dancing(false) : you just damn it(false) :, etc.(false) : the birthmark(true) : let go(false) : wait a minute you the birthmark and I as you see(external) : children, you are not aloneYou have a lost twin brotherAnd your feet as a heart-shaped birthmark(true) : can"t we areBrother ah I finally found youBrother, we are good friends(false) : leap to me hungry so stole their thingsI later can"t(true) : we are good brother, I"ll forgive you(true) : and then you will and I early jungle life(false) : no, I can"t. I like to travel I will be leaving tomorrow(true) : that when will we meet again(false) : rest assured I will come back to see you(false) : walk!
2023-06-07 23:20:062


The superior respectingHow do you do,XXX is a my employee of Chinese branch at first, the elitist that could not get more, the university undergraduate course educational background, profession for the country border economy and trade, the economics bachelor"s degree is already a trading company manager of the region when the university practices, after more long-term contact, discovering that he has then the good economic trade can, and be good at a team cooperation, there is spirit of enterprise, adapt to ability strong, consequently personal accomplishment is very outstanding.Has been discussed, pact at his university graduate afterwards arrive I company inauguration.Be responsible for the merchandise of my company sale business, website management and contract the clerk draft to revise a waiting.He masterly controls Chinese, Korean and English, can certainly become my companies and open an international market of get dint assistant, my branch lately sets up Yi and starts in Singapore, beginning to suddenly arrive, can more quickly start for the sake of the company, thus and betterly service Singapore is local economy, decide and successively transfer two companies especially acquaint with business operation process and match with tacit understanding of Chinese company old employee to Singapore help develop and trade business and adjust to a general manager assistant XXX first, is the vice president"s XXX that assumes office Chinese branch currently thereafter, wait these two employees come, the company business walks on the right track, just can have a foothold the region, employ more local employees to bring benefit to the region, sincerity, jump however paper up, hope each superior gives an approval and appreciate not exert!The data that brings to lend support to resort this time has:(If if there is shortage, please keep informed, momentary makes up deficiencies for you)1, the resume copy a piece2, diploma and B.A. degree certificate copy a piece3, diploma and B.A. degree certificate notarize to copy a piece4, university student"s educational background with unique China search a net:Chinese higher education student"s information(http:|| has already searched to approve to up and down carry from the net:"The educational background on-line search keeps on record form as a result" copies a piece, "the Ministry of Education educational background certificate electronics the registration keep on record form" copies a piece
2023-06-07 23:20:144


2023-06-07 23:20:224