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2023-06-08 08:24:15

接近戦 切り裂く 仆の前に立っている お前は谁だ?

sekkinsen kirisaku bokuno maeni tatteiru omaewa dareda


nigetsudukeru nomo eien janakute


kamikudaki nomikonda riaruni

Shout it out


soshite aimaisawo tatte


kageno ayausawo shirinagara


arushuno reisei sugiru shisutemu



imanara docchida

结果 何度感情を杀して

kekka nando kanjouwo koroshite

いいえ そもそもすり抜けて 壊されて いっただけ

iie somosomo surinukete kowasarete ittadake


hottoite kure


仆は仆であって 切羽诘まったって

bokuwa bokude atte seppatsumattatte

yeah yeah


saisho kara risuku dakeno suta-to


bukkonde ike


むき出す本能 本性で

mukidasu honnou honshoude


hanten kousei


切り裂いた お前は谁だ?

kirisaita omaewa dareda

気配はざわつき 背を向けながら

kehaiwa zawatsuki sewo mukenagara

「いざ」なんてこと 普通になって

iza nantekoto futsuuni natte

未练 试练 意外に无いんだななんて

miren shiren igaini naindana natte


hiteishita kateiwa tekichuu shite


nogare rarenai monowo nogare



imanara docchida

结果 何度 路头に彷徨って

kekka nando rotouni samayotte

いいえ そもそも生かされて 试されて いっただけ

iie somosomo ikasarete tamesarete ittadake


hottoite kure


仆は仆であって かっこつけたって

bokuwa bokude atte kakko tsuketatte

yeah yeah


hashiru shika naitte yatsudaro

接近戦 いけ

sekkinsen ike



kanaguri sutechau nomoii


rinsen taisei


切り裂いた お前は谁だ?

kirisaita omaewa dareda

何処まで そこまで迫りくる

dokomade sokomade semarikuru



rensasuru nikushimiwa rasenni

认证 感情 否定され

ninshou kanjou hiteisare



ennkatsu nante gizenno mamegoto

远くの平穏 さよならもなくて 手に入れたのは无常 非情

tookuno heion sayonaramo nakute teniireta nowa mujou hijou

どうしようもないほど お前は何て言う?

doushiyou mo nanihodo omaewa nanteiu

Craze or cage


hottoite kure


仆は仆であって 切羽诘まったって

bokuwa bokude atte seppatsumattatte

yeah yeah


saishokara risuku dakeno suta-to


bukkonde ike


むき出す本能 本性で

mukidasu honnou honshoude


hanten kousei


hottoite kure


仆は仆であって かっこつけたって

bokuwa bokude atte kakko tsuketatte

yeah yeah


hashiru shika naitte yatsudaro

接近戦 いけ

sekkinsen ike



kanaguri sutechau nomoii


rinsen taisei


切り裂いた お前は谁だ?

kirisaita omaewa dareda



craze是疯狂的意思。唯美英文短句推荐:1、Perhaps, true success is the way,as he likes to spend your life.或许,真正的成功就是按照自己喜欢的方式,去度过人生。2、Who"s who hit the traveler,who is in the wheel of life.谁是谁命中的过客,谁是谁生命的转轮。3、Speaking in silence is the most intimate communication two beings can achieve.无声的交谈是两个生命所能达到的最亲密的交流方式。4、My love can only pass by quietly,love,became lost,you,become the past.我的爱只能悄悄经过,爱,变成了失落,你,成为过去。5、The gorgeous words,weak language,actually cannot replace what.华丽的文字,脆弱的语言,其实代替不了什么。
2023-06-07 18:51:201


craze[英][kreu026az] [美][krez] 生词本简明释义n.短暂的时尚;(陶器的)裂纹vt.使精神错乱,使发狂;使出现裂纹vi.发狂;变得表面有裂缝
2023-06-07 18:51:372

craze 和 fever区别

craze 是一个英语单词,读音是英 [kreu026az]美[krez],可以用作名词,可以翻译狂热等等。例句: N-COUNT If there is a craze for something, it is very popular for a short time.fever,英语单词,主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“发烧,发热;狂热”,作及物动词时意为“使发烧;使狂热;使患热病”,作不及物动词时意为“发烧;狂热;患热病”。后者多指身体上的生病,前者可以指抽象的为某事某物狂热
2023-06-07 18:51:441


  1、craze与madness两者都有狂热的意思。  区别在于:  1)Craze指的是对某种东西的痴狂,着迷;  Madness指的是人精神上的疯狂,疯癫。  2)craze的意思是:使精神错乱,使发狂;使出现裂纹;发狂;变得表面有裂缝;  Madness的意思是:疯狂;狂怒;狂犬病;  试比较:  1、She looked into his eyes and beheld madness.  透过他的眼睛,她看到了疯狂。  2、  Toward this kind of “ China craze ”, we should hold a right attitude.  对于这种“中国热”的现象我们应该持有正确的态度  2、rage与anger这两个名词都表示“怒”、“愤怒”。  区别在于:  1)rage的意思是:愤怒; 激烈,猛烈; 渴望,疯狂; 战争狂; 大发脾气,动怒; 流行,风行;  anger的意思是:生气; 愤怒; 怒气; 愤懑; 激怒; 使发怒; 使(伤口)炎或疼痛; 恼火;  2)anger是指因为不愉快、不满意而“怨恨”、“愤慨”等,引起感情上的激动,是不可数名词;  rage 侧重突然而猛列发作,难以控制的大怒。  试比较:  1、When I asked him to pay me what he owed, he went purple with rage.  当我向他讨债时,他愤怒得脸色发紫。  2、Jennifer responded with anger and played the martyr role.  珍妮弗做出愤怒的反应,开始大倒苦水。
2023-06-07 18:51:511

craze和 fever区别

2023-06-07 18:51:581


一个是名词,一个是形容词。are you craze? 你是个狂热分子吗?are you crazy? 你疯了吗?
2023-06-07 18:52:075

Certificate Craze是什么意思

Certificate Craze 考证热网络释义 证书的热潮 证书热的冷思考 证书热短语University Certificate Craze 大学考证热Certificate Craze On Campus 考证热
2023-06-07 18:52:223

中文读音是;亏瑞C 、的读音,用英文是该怎么些呀,正确的英文拼写。

2023-06-07 18:52:303


fashion style吧
2023-06-07 18:52:381


crazed adj. 疯狂的, 癫狂的 crazy adj. 疯狂的, 狂热的, (指建筑等)不安全的
2023-06-07 18:53:183


2023-06-07 18:53:376


可以说我对学习有很大的兴趣。我宁愿做这个(指学习)也不愿干任何其他事情。从我离开学校起,我参加了各种不同方面的课程。我一星期去一次市图书馆,但我更喜欢晚上的课程,因为这比(自己去)图书馆更有趣。我最近狂热爱上的事,如果你可以这样说的话,是外语学习。我正在学两门(外语),不是一门!括号是帮你理解的 原文中没有希望对你有帮助 ^_^
2023-06-07 18:53:545


Lie和lay的区别?Lie和lay的区别?lay(放,搁;下蛋)lie(躺,位于)lay的过去式,过去分词,现在分词分别是:laid,laid,layinglie的过去式,过去分词,现在分词分别是:lay,lain,lying所以应注意的是,lay做动词原形时解为放,搁;下蛋,此外可以表示lie的过去式! lie说谎,lie平躺,lay放置,下蛋这几个词语怎么区别记忆啊? 原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 lie lied lied lying 说谎 lie lay lain lying 平躺,位于 lay laid laid (现在分词是什么)放置,下蛋巧记lie和lay躺 lie,lay,lain,lie in bed again;撒谎 lie,lied,lied,don"t be a liar;产蛋 lay,laid,laid,a hen laid an egg;放置 A loy picked it up,and laid it in the bag.If you like, you can lie down on your bed, laying yourself in a comfortable position, and lie to yourself that you don"t like lying there, or you can imagine where you would like to lay the eggs after the hens lay eggs.lielay, lain, lying 躺,卧He was lying in the shade of the tree. 他正躺在树荫下。She lay down on her bed. 她躺在床上。 保持;处于(某一位置)The factory lies to the west of town. 工厂在小镇的西边。The plates lay on the table. 盘子在桌上。lie in state(尸体)供人瞻仰 lie low躲藏laylaid, laying 放,置Lay it on the table. 把它放在桌上。摆放好to lay the table 摆好餐桌(摆好餐具)使平息;使消失The rain laid the dust. 雨压下了飞扬的尘土。产,下(蛋)The hen laid three eggs. 母鸡下了三个蛋。打赌 (常与on, upon连用)指责 处于某种情况;落到某种地步The city was laid in ruins. 这城市成了废墟。提出;宣称to lay claim to a title 宣称有拥有权(常与with连用)铺设;覆盖to lay a carpet on the floor 在地板上铺地毯〈俚〉性交,与人睡觉 lay hold of紧抓住 laynlays 位置 〈俚〉与人性交的女方,与人睡觉的女方 lay about攻击;拳打脚踢 lay in贮藏 lay into攻击;拳打脚踢 lay low打倒;摧毁 使生病 lay off(临时)解雇 停止Lay off hitting me! 别打我了!lay on提供;供应 lay it on添油加醋;夸大其词;逢迎,奉承 lay out布置;安排 设计(建筑等) 打倒,击倒 花费 lay up贮存 使卧病在床 使(船)进坞修理
2023-06-07 18:54:102


oh,my godcrazydead
2023-06-07 18:54:209


2023-06-07 18:54:352


(陶瓷器等表面的)纹裂 craze使(陶瓷器表面)产生纹裂 craze有裂纹花饰的陶瓷器 crackleware(陶瓷,刺绣等的)描花人 flowerer= American Ceramic Society 美国陶瓷学会 ACS五彩拉毛陶瓷 sgraffito陶瓷器 keramic生物陶瓷 (一种植入体内, 促进缺失骨质再生的陶瓷物质) bioceramic陶瓷工业 ceramics industry金属陶瓷 cermet(制陶瓷时放土坯的)烧盆 cassette陶瓷业 ceramics ; ceramic industry(制陶瓷器用的)湿粘土 paste全套陶瓷咖啡具 a coffee set(陶瓷器上的)垂柳图案 willow-pattern(陶瓷器)有印花饰的 sigillate(陶瓷器表面)产生纹裂 craze压电陶瓷 piezoelectric ceramic(总称)陶瓷器 chinaware烧制陶瓷器的 keramic陶瓷的 keramic压电陶瓷拾音器 piezoelectric ceramic pickup= Ceramic Fiber Optics 陶瓷光纤 CFO陶瓷器烧制 keramic
2023-06-07 18:54:421


2023-06-07 18:54:492


the final carnival
2023-06-07 18:54:585

~~~狂潮 英语

2023-06-07 18:55:124

"Blind box" craze grips China"s youth and mints toymakers a fortune 盲盒热潮:牢牢抓住中国年轻群体,让玩具制造商赚得盆满钵满Tiny unicorns and cartoon girls in clown costumes line the shelves of Wang Zhaoxue"s study in Beijing — tokens of China"s mania for "blind boxes" that have made fortunes for toymakers and even caught the attention of those in power. 在王昭雪(音)位于北京的书房里,展示架上摆着一排排小独角兽和身穿小丑服装的卡通女孩——这是当下中国“盲盒热”的缩影。“盲盒热”给玩具制造商带来了巨大的财富,甚至受到了政府的关注。 The 18-year-old music student is one of the legions of young Chinese hooked on snaffling up the toys to complete whole "ranges" through endless purchases. 中国有大批年轻人都痴迷于抢购各种玩具,并为了集齐整个“系列”而不停地购买,那位学习音乐的 18 岁女生王昭雪就是其中的一员。 The blind box market was worth 7.4 billion yuan ($1.14 billion) in 2019, according to market research firm Qianzhan Intelligence, which added that could soar to 30 billion yuan by 2024. 市场研究机构前瞻产业研究院的数据显示,2019 年,中国盲盒行业市场规模达 74 亿元人民币(约 11.4 亿美元);报告还显示,到 2024 年预计将飙升至 300 亿元人民币。The craze has not escaped criticism, with state media earlier this year comparing the trend to gambling and warning that the products bred addiction. “盲盒热”并没有逃过批评的声音。今年早些时候,官媒曾把“盲盒热”与赌博相提并论,并警告称盲盒会让人上瘾。In a commentary in January, Xinhua called for more regulation of the sector and said the boxes should not be sold "blindly" to consumers, accusing some brands of "persuading consumers to keep buying and even hyping up a speculative second-hand market". 在一月份的评论文章中,新华社呼吁对该行业加强监管,并表示“盲”盒不能“瞎”卖,指责某些品牌“诱导消费者一直买下去,甚至炒作投机二手交易市场”。"One of the reasons behind the success of blind boxes is that they divide their products into different categories of rarity," Steffi Noel, a consumer analyst told AFP. "They set a barrier, expressing the idea that not everyone can get the most special boxes. It generates a sense of competition." 消费分析师施特菲·诺埃尔(音)告诉法新社:“盲盒成功背后的一大原因是,商家把盲盒分门别类成不同的稀有程度。他们设置了一道屏障,释放了不是每个人都能得到最特别的盲盒的概念,这就产生了一种竞争意识。” 主编:木子 品控:木子 审核:桃子 Photo credit: WANG ZHAO / AFP China Daily Photo by Chen Yuyu / For China Daily 重点词汇 craze /kreu026az/ n. 疯狂,狂热;风行一时的东西 相关词汇:crazy(adj. 疯狂的,狂热的) 例句:She started a craze for the little black dress. 搭配短语:the fitness craze 搭配短语:the jogging craze grip /ɡru026ap/ v. 使入迷,吸引……的注意力;紧握,紧抓 词义辨析:grip, grasp, grab grab 表示粗暴而急迫地抓住,比如 I grabbed a cake from the plate.(我从盘子中抓过一块蛋糕)。而 grasp 和 grip 意思相近,但 grip 抓的力气更大,强调用手的最大力量紧紧抓住,词典的英文释义中也有体现——grip 的意思是 to grasp tightly,抓得更紧、语气也更强。 英文释义:to hold someone"s attention and interest 搭配短语:It"s a story that really grips you.(吸引……的注意力) mint /mu026ant/ v. 铸造(硬币) 词性拓展:mint(n. 薄荷;铸币厂) 口语表达:a mint(一大笔钱) 例句:A friend of mine made a mint on the stock market last year. line /lau026an/ v. 沿着……形成一排 例句:Crowds of people lined the streets to watch the race. token /u02c8tou028a.ku0259n/ n. 象征,标志;代币;礼券,代金券 搭配短语:token coin(代币) 搭配短语:a token of one"s gratitude or appreciation(象征) mania / n. 狂热,痴迷 近义词:craze 搭配短语:fitness mania legion /u02c8liu02d0.du0292u0259n/ n. 众多,大量(人或物);军团 英文释义:a large number of people or things 搭配短语:a legion of stories about six lovely friends 词性拓展:legion(adj. 众多的,大批的) 例句:His fans are legion. (be) hooked on 对……上瘾,对……着迷 相关词汇:hook(n. 钩子;吸引人的东西;v.(用钩子)钩住;吸引) 搭配短语:a fish hook(钩子) 搭配短语:a coat hook(钩子) 例句:Companies are looking for a sales hook.(吸引人的东西) 例句:What"s the best way to hook customers? (吸引) 例句:She"s really hooked on gardening. snaffle up 贪婪地抓住 相关词汇:snaffle(v.(尤指抢先)攫取,抓取(某物)) 近义词:grab 例句:I managed to snaffle a couple of biscuits. 英文释义:to take possession of sth. for oneself very eagerly and greedily soar /su0254u02d0r/ v. 猛增,骤升 英文释义:to increase quickly to a high level breed /briu02d0d/ v. 招致,滋生;(动物)交配繁殖 英文释义:to produce or lead to something, typically over a period of time 例句:Poor living conditions breed violence and despair. 搭配短语:born and bred(土生土长) 例句:Well, she was born and bred in Fujian province. commentary /u02c8kɑu02d0.mu0259n.ter.i/ n. 评论文;(广播或电视所播事件的)解说,实况报道 相关词汇:comment(n. 评论) 词根词缀:-ary(表示“与……有关”,用于构成形容词和名词) call for 公开提倡,呼吁 英文释义:to say publicly that something must happen regulation /u02ccreɡ.ju0259u02c8leu026a.u0283u0259n/ n. 规章,规则 搭配短语:to comply with the regulations 搭配短语:rules and regulations sector /u02c8sek.tu025a/ n. 领域,行业 hype up 大肆宣传,炒作 相关词汇:hype(n. & v. 大肆宣传,炒作) 搭配短语:media hype 例句:The director is just using the controversy to hype his new movie. speculative /u02c8spek.ju0259.lu0259.tu032cu026av/ adj. 投机的 英文释义:done in the hope of making a profit but involving the risk of losing money rarity /u02c8rer.u0259.tu032ci/ n. 稀有,罕见;罕见的东西 相关词汇:rare(adj. 稀少的,罕见的) 例句:The value of antiques will depend on their condition and rarity.
2023-06-07 18:55:301


要写出一篇优秀的四级作文,平时要养成积累和运用的好习惯。下面是为大家整理的有关英语四级作文必背范文参考,希望对你们有帮助。 英语四级作文范文积累 范文1:Certificates Craze on Campus In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly, ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear? There are two mainly reasons behind this phenomenon. First, it is the employments pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a large more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job markets. How can one make himself more competitive, more certificates at hands maybe. Second, the diplomas and certificates are still important standard by which many employers measure a person"s ability in order to increase qualification for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another. Form my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one"s ability, being crazy in getting certificates blindly. It is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value. 范文2:Online Games As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. A great many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents. However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly. From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if college students play them in a reasonable way. When they interfere too much with their study, it is better for to give them up at once. Yet if youngsters have enough self-control over them, they can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them. 范文3: Extravagant spending on college campus According to a survey, in recent years, the monthly expenditure of a college student has been on the sharp rise. Many college students spend money like water and have no concept of thrift in their mind. They take it for granted that they spend money from their parents before they enter into society. This extravagant spending is mainly caused by the following factors: First of all, nowadays, most students are the only children of their families. They are the apple in their family"s eyes and naturally get more care and pocket money. Secondly, with the improvement of living standards, parents can afford higher expenditures of their children. Thirdly, some students like to pursue fashion and trends, which tends to need more money. Finally,campus love is also a possible factor causing extravagant spending. Form my point of view, a college student as a pure consumer should learn to be thrifty we should limit our expenditure on barely necessities but not buy whatever we want, regardless of their prices. The habit of thrift can help us form right values and is favorable to our future development. 范文4:Certificate Craze on Campus In recent years, to get a certificate Why does this craze appear? To begin with, it is the employment pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. How can one make himself more competitive? More certificates at hand, maybe. Furthermore, diploma and certificates are still vital standards by which a good many employers measure a person"s ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another. From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one"s ability. Being crazy in getting certificates blindly is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value. 范文5:camera club Welcome to the camera club. With the sponsor of the student"s union, the camera club has been set and served all the students for 15 years. Many wonderful activities are organized and arranged in our club. As is expected by all, the training on how to make the best use of the camera to provide a wonderful picture is open to all new members. Besides we will organize traveling activities at times, during which the participants have the chance to show the pictures, as well as enjoy beautiful scenery. In addition, photo contests will be held is the opportunities to show your progress. We have good reasons to believe that all these activities are quite beneficial to both your study and life, not only can they help you improve your camera technique, but also enrich your college life greatly. Moreover by participating in the traveling activities and photo contests, you can be close to the nature and broaden your views. Anyone who is interested in photography welcome warmly. What you need to do is just to call us at 62514479 or email us at cameraclub. 英语四级作文写作技巧 一、长短句原则。在文章第一段(开头)用一长一短,且先长后短;在文章主体部分,要先用一个短句解释主要意思,然后在阐述几个要点的时候采用先短后长的句群形式,定会让主体部分妙笔生辉。文章结尾一般用一长一短就可以了。 二、主题句原则。建议各位一定要写一个主题句,放在文章的开头(保险型)或者结尾,让读者一目了然。 三、一二三原则。考官们看文章会通过关键性的“标签”来判定你的文章是否结构清楚,条理自然。推荐句式: 1、to begin with, then, furthermore, finally; 2、to start with, next, in addition, finally; 3、first and foremost, besides, last but not least。 四、短语优先原则。写作时,尤其是在考试时,如果使用短语,会使文章增加亮点。 五、多实少虚原则。写文章还是应该写一些实际的东西,不要空话连篇。这就要求一定要多用实词,少用虚词。我这里所说的虚词就是指那些比较大的词。
2023-06-07 18:55:371

求一篇大学期末考试以certificate craze on campus为题的作文

In recent years, getting a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing; quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear?u3000u3000There are mainly two reasons behind this phenomenon. First, it is the employment pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. How can one make himself more competitive? More certificates at hand, maybe. Second, diploma and certificates are still important standards by which many employers measure a personu2019s ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another.u3000u3000From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove oneu2019s ability. Being crazy in getting certifications blindly is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value.
2023-06-07 18:55:524


   【篇一】How Will Our Life Go on without Internet?   1. 网络提供给了人们丰富多彩和便捷的生活   2. 很多人开始感觉离开网络寸步难行   3. 你对网络依赖症的看法   ● 审题概述●   本文是一篇论述你对网络与人们生活关系的文章。第一段,侧重简述网络给人们生活的多彩、便利。第二段,详述网络与人们生活的紧密度。第三段,论述对网络依赖的观点。   【范文一】   How Will Our Life Go on without Internet?   If asked whether the Internet is the greatest discovery of the 20th century, my answer would be yes. The Internet has drawn the world closer together, realized countless incredible dreams, and provided modern people with a great many conveniences and a brilliant life.   Today, many people simply feel they cannot live without the Internet. Governments publish their latest policies and decisions online for worldwide recognition. Political campaigns are often done online to gain wider public support. Companies and enterprises resort to the Internet for more business opportunities and potential customers home and abroad. Universities and researchers turn to the Internet if they"d seek international cooperation or funding. Common folks like us also rely on the cyber world in various ways, for communication, entertainment, banking and shopping.   True, the power of the Internet is all pervasive and its many negative effects are already visible. For example, Internet addicts tend to withdraw to their own fantasy world rather than communicate with a real person. Children are exposed to online pornography and violence. Internet frauds are an everyday occurrence. In view of all this, you are advised to use the Internet with wisdom. Keep it at a safe distance and never lose yourself.   ◇第一段思路点评:综述网络给人们生活带来的多彩和便捷。两个长句足矣。第一句用if引导的条件句引出“网络”话题,第二句概述网络带给多彩和便捷的生活。   ◇语言点提示:   has drawn…, realized, and provided此为谓语连动式的运用。   ◇第二段思路点评:详述网络与人们生活的紧密关系,先总述,后分述。   ◇语言点提示:   resort to借助、诉诸、求助于   ◇第三段思路点评:先陈述人们对网络的依赖,再谈对此的看法。   ◇语言点提示:   (1)negative effects副作用、反面作用   (2)addicts成瘾者、依恋者   (3)fantasy world虚拟世界、虚幻世界   (4)pornography色 情表演、色 情作品   (5)fraud欺骗、诈骗    【篇二】Craze for Civil Service Examinations   1. 现在有越来越多的大学毕业生报考公务员   2. 引起此现象的原因   3. 你的看法   ● 审题概述●   本文是一篇主要论述大学生报考公务员增多的原因和对此看法的文章。第一段,主要综述大学生报考公务员增多的现象。第二段,侧重分析引起此现象的原因。第三段,重点谈你对此的观点。   【范文】   Craze for Civil Service Examinations   Every year hundreds of thousands of people in China take civil service exams conducted at various levels in the hope of becoming government employees. Among them, college graduates are a fast-growing force that can"t be ignored. The craze for being a civil servant is not limited to liberal arts majors, as it"s also gaining popularity among science and engineering students.   In the final analysis, this growing trend among the youngsters is mainly attributable to two factors – ambitions and comforts. On the one hand, many ambitious college graduates view these exams as a springboard to a higher social status, greater power and prestige, on which many of their other wishes rest. On the other, as being a civil servant generally means a stable income, enviable healthcare and pension programmes, as well as other comforts of life, it"s quite an appealing career option to many people, especially in this age of sluggish world economy.   Personally, the desire to be a government official is beyond reproach, as the nation and the people do need an injection of new blood into the civil service sectors. The fresh-faced college graduates, armed with lofty ideals, new vision, and strong drive, are undoubtedly among the best candidates.   ◇第一段思路点评:第一句总述人们蜂拥参加公务员招考,第二句点明大学生是其中的主力军,第三句再述热衷于公务员报考的大学生不仅有文科的,还有理工科的。   ◇语言点提示:   liberal arts majors文科专业学生   ◇第二段思路点评:先总述引起大学生热衷报考公务员的两点因素,再详细分述。   ◇语言点提示:   (1)On the one hand…On the other起到衔接上文作用   (2)is attributable to归因于   (3)sluggish world economy衰退的世界经济   ◇第三段思路点评:重点谈对大学生热衷报考公务员的观点。   ◇语言点提示:beyond reproach无可厚非    【篇三】Is it Necessary to Attend Training Classes?   1. 现在社会上有各种各样的培训班   2. 有些人认为有必要参加课外培训班,有些人则认为没有必要   3. 你的观点   ● 审题概述●   这是一篇主要论述人们和你对社会上各类培训班看法的文章。第一段,概述各种各样培训班的状况。第二段,论述人们对参加课外培训班的不同看法。第三段,重点阐述你对此的看法。   【范文】   Is it Necessary to Attend Training Classes?   All across the country a great diversity of custom-made classes are mushrooming, in which special training is provided concerning computer skills, arts, sports, and other extracurricular specialties like maths and writing. Among them language crash courses for various tests, such as CET, BEC, TOFEL, IELTS, GRE and so forth, are especially noticeable for its wide range and high attendance rate.   Some consider it advisable to attend such classes while others believe it unnecessary. The former argues that it"s far more effective to command these special skills with the help of an experienced trainer than to work at them on their own. They are convinced that these training classes can make up for what is not taught in school, hence, more competitive edge over their peers. The latter group of people, nonetheless, criticize it as a sheer waste of resources. They warn that the quality of most training courses is questionable, as they are marketed to get money out of our pocket rather than get knowledge into our head.   As far as I am concerned, a little bit of such special training does us no harm, but too much of it can only prove to be counter-productive. Anyhow, the deprived free time can be better invested in recreation at weekends, talking to an old friend, or simply enjoying a long-overdue vacation.   ◇第一段思路点评:第一句综述社会上提供知识、技能服务的各类培训班雨后春笋般兴起,第二句例举语言速成课程特别火爆。   ◇语言点提示:   (1)a great diversity of各种各样的   (2)mushrooming迅速扩散、增加   (3)language crash courses语言速成课程   ◇第二段思路点评:先用一句对比式地摆出两种不同的观点,再分别详述他们的看法。   ◇语言点提示:注意连接词语while,The former,They,The latter group of people等的使用,强化了上下文之间的连贯性。   ◇第三段思路点评:辩证地论述你对参加各类培训班的看法。   ◇语言点提示:   (1)as far as I am concerned我认为,就我而言   (2)counter-productive适得其反的、事与愿违的
2023-06-07 18:55:591


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: 我这里没有太多的中国国内的视觉系的介绍,以后再补充好了,日本的到是有一些: 本视觉系简要介绍~~~~ l"arc-en-ciel、glay、luna sea、X-Japan……如今这些乐队的名字对很多喜欢日本音乐的朋友来说已经不陌生了。随着这些乐队在香港台湾以至于广大的中国内陆的走红,“视觉系”这个名词悄然流行了起来。但具体问起何谓“视觉系”却是众说纷纭。不过有一点是可以肯定的,那就是“视觉系”作为一种独特的文化现象影响和推动了日本的音乐界并成为日本音乐界一道独特的风景。在这里,我们就先和大家一起探讨和追述一下“视觉系”的渊源。 七十年代末八十年代初,出现了已DAVID BOWIE为代表的“华丽摇滚”。华丽摇滚以华丽的装扮和现场演奏为特征,而视觉系的重化妆就是受其影响。但两者却并不是一回事。视觉系并不如“punk”.“R&B”这样的名词一样特指一种音乐类型,而是为象征一个乐队的存在而诞生的名词。 在“VISUAL系”这个词被普遍应用以前,人们会用“化妆系”.“MAKE系”这些词来称呼这类乐队。追究这一名词的由来也是没有一个确定的答案。很多人认为X在地下时代便有了“CRIME OF VISUAL SHOCK”这一说法(HIDE的命名^^)所以这个词是X发明的。但著名的视觉系杂志“SHOXX”90年创刊时也提出了“VISUAL SHOCK 系”这一说法并使VISUAL系这一说法固定下来也是个事实。但论“谁是日本视觉系的开山鼻祖?”这个问题答案几乎是统一的枣纵横日本音乐界十数年,在日本乐坛拥有不变的至高地位,即使解散仍另无数的歌迷魂牵梦绕的枣X!的确,没有X就没有如今的视觉系,但回顾当时活跃的band,却也会有不少新的发现。 回顾早期日本ROCK界,BOOWY、BUCK TICK、D"ERLANGER等这些日本最老牌乐队当时受欧美的PUNK,HARDROCK、GOTHIC、BLUES等的冲击音乐路线呈现多元化,虽然他们并不都可称为视觉系但却也都是都是化妆派(看看当时年轻的布袋叔叔和冰室叔叔的样子真的是……流汗……)。当然更不用说受KISS影响的X了。(就好像早期日本的摇滚似乎天生和化妆有着密切的连带关系)。而其中对视觉系后来的发展产生深远影响的除了当年的“X”还有“color”和 “D"ERLANGER(kyo和craze的泷川一朗和菊地哲)”。特别是“X”和“color”,当时这两个乐队分立关西关东,虽然音乐风格不同,但都以过激的现场和夸张的造型和化妆为特征。可以说他们就是如今日本视觉系乐队的雏形。由于当时他们的风格并不被传媒接受,为了展现自己与主流相对的强烈的个性和独立的音乐性,这两支乐队不约而同的建立了自己的indies label:X的yoshiki设立的“extasy records”(当时提拔了ladies room、Zi"kill以及后来的lunasea)color的D.tommy设立的“free will records”(当时提拔了decamelon、billy&the sluts等以及如今当红的dir en grey)他们就这样自己为自己投资,以此为基础向外界推广自己的东西。这在当时无疑是一个大胆的创举。凭借着这两个地下标牌,视觉系的第一代的band在当时“乐队”这一形式不被传媒和大众看好的低迷情势下可以动员人力和物力推出唱片并配以如海报、传单以及电视、杂志上广告等相应的宣传手段。而每次演唱会完全的设施和次次售清的入场卷也是标志着这两个地下标牌当时的成功。可以说没有“extasy records”、 “free will records”就没有之后视觉系地下乐队的繁盛,更谈不上如今的发展了。 color、D"erlanger、by-sexual、ladies room、Zi"kill、gamaitachi、aion、justy nasty、strawberry fields等这些乐队在乐坛虽然没有成就X一样的事业和光辉其中很多现在几乎是销声匿迹,但他们却在当时使“视觉系”这一新兴的流派得以确立,而lunasea(当时的lunacy)更是渐渐使视觉系走向新的发展高度并展现了更清晰的发展路线,而受他们影响而成长起来的band也渐渐出现。在不断增加的视觉系新生力量之中也涌现了很多探索和追求与前不同的音乐性的band由此视觉系进入了开始启动的新时期。这时新的的代表就是l"arc en ciel、kuroyume和three eyes jack。而如今indies界有名的“shock wave”也是始于这个时期。容纳数千人场地的演唱会入场券开始可以被一下售空,开演唱会从鹿鸣馆到日本青年馆、涉谷公会堂这个成为所有indies band走红必经之路的仪式也是从这一时期渐渐形成的。以“extasy records”、“free will records”为巨头,一些小的地下标牌和唱片店也开始运作,这无疑给了视觉系新的激励。黑梦、silver rose在名古屋的活动也为后来名古屋系乐队“sleep my dear”、“laputa”、“fanatic crisis”等新生力量的诞生奠定了基础。 不久X更名为X japan向海外进军,当时他们的人气已经超过了很多主流的音乐人。同时他们的第三张大碟“dahlia”也在制作中。围绕着这个视觉系的焦点乐队的动向和lunasea的持续活动,以及作为新力量的l"arc en ciel、kuroyume的发展和乐队major化带来的正面效果,视觉系进入了一个真正被大众所接受和熟知的时期。在越来越火热的“shock wave”和“live house”的演出中不难搜寻到之后不久在日本音乐界占有重要位置的新一代的视觉系band:关东的“glay”、“penicillin”、“shazna”、“dead pop stars”、“vogue”、“malicemizer”、“baiser”……关西的“sophia”、“de=sire”、“la"cryma christi”…… 而这一时期地上的地下的band在全国掀起了争开live的旋风,整个视觉系呈现出了空前活跃的状况。除了Penicillin、laputa等很多选择major的乐队,很多乐队为了保持自己音乐主张的和独立的制作没有选择与大的唱片公司签约而是设立了自己的独立标牌。如De=sire的幸也设立的“Kreis ”,mirage的kisaki设立的“matina”,都是很有名的。地下也好,地上也好,独立标牌也好,每个乐队都以自己的方式活跃在日本的乐坛,视觉系在日本乐坛的影响越来越广泛和深入。 Shazna,fanatic crisis,la"cryma christi,malice mizer除了这四大band,最新一代的pierrot,d-shade、lastier、l"luvia、luca、janne da arc的年轻乐队有不断涌现出来了。配合着电视传媒这一手段的广泛运用Glay和laruku的超人气,shazna引发的社会现象,刚出道武道馆演唱会门票就被顷刻售空的Dir en grey,Glay、laruku、lunasea聚集超过十万歌迷的罕见的超大型演唱会……视觉系在日本可算是如日中天,相应band这一形式也是横行天下。在一开始不被主流看好的视觉系受到了各方面的肯定评价和赞赏。 短短不到二十年间,日本的视觉文化就这样形成了。如今视觉系的势力在日本乐坛越来越稳固,越来越强大。正统的重金属乐队sex machineguns,以及rapheal、la"mule、pleur、kein、blue-b……新的视觉系乐队如雨后春笋般的成长起来,视觉系的历史还在不断的向前延伸…… 纵观其历史,日本视觉系这一片天下开创至今,在延续发展的同时经历了不小的变化。回想80年代刚出道的X,当时他们的装扮风格根本不带什么阴柔之气,高高竖起的朋克头,碎玻璃和金属片装饰的皮衣皮裤,完全是被主流唾弃的前卫摇滚青年形象。但随着视觉系的发展,乐队的装扮越来越趋向于gothic的装扮风格。华丽的服饰,绚丽的色彩,歌舞伎般的重化妆……带着阴柔的美艳和黑色的魅惑性视觉系的装扮几乎完全脱离了西方老牌视觉系风格的影响而树立了日本自身独特的风格。有趣的是,很多视觉系band在地下时期为了吸引外界的注意化妆都非常的浓重和标新立异,但成名后都会卸下脸上厚厚的粉脂换上时髦但却不会太华丽的衣服向主流靠拢。老牌的X,laruku,lunasea还有刚出道的rapheal都是如此。这在看中商业效果的日本这种“从良”的现象也是可以理解。 而视觉系的音乐也是如此。当年无论是搞hard rock的X,还是偏向punk的color,抑或是受gothic和new wave影响的D"ERLANGER都是坚持摇滚的音乐路线。即便是稍后发展起来lunasea和kuroyume也是如此。但随着视觉系逐渐的被社会接受和喜爱,不断出现的新band的音乐已经不仅限于rock而更趋于多元化。Shazna,la"cryma christ,rapheal……听这些乐队的作品就会感到如今的视觉系和当年X的音乐完全是两回事了。更有很多乐队在地下时期和地上时期的音乐风格可以从另类的rock跨到主流的pop,跨度真的很大。这在很大程度上也是商业因素作用的结果,对喜欢J rock的视觉系歌迷来说,这可能是一件很令人失望的事情。但他的确带来了很大的商业效果并在当今起到了推广日本音乐的作用。同时这也说明了视觉系并不是音乐类型的代表,而是一个乐队的标签。 说道此处,大家不难发现,如今的视觉系已经发展成为了一个庞大而又复杂的东西。但带着内在的连续性和扩展的个性,视觉系还将不断发展下去,我们将在这里和广大视觉系fans一起讨论各种有关视觉系和视觉系乐队的话题。 乐队名词解释: Aliene Ma"riage 法文, 精神错乱的婚姻. Amadeus 神的宠儿,象Mozart的全名是Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 也是唯一 配得上这个名字的人,the band doesn"t dese rve this name. Baiser 法文,吻,kiss.You want to kiss which? Dir en grey Dir银币(德文), en助词(法文),grey灰色的(英文变 种)意为灰色的银币Craze 狂热,.英文 Janne Da Arc 圣女贞德(那部最新的电影还不错),法文里是Jeane D"Arc (D"代的是De不是Da) La Pucelle D"Orleans 奥尔良少女,英文里是Joan of Arc,西班牙文是Juana de Arco.他们的拼法非常奇怪. lareine 法文,实际上是la Reine,王后,the queen.指Marie Antoi te(?),the queen who was guillotined. Lamiel 法文,蜜,蜜糖,Honey,honey. La"mule 如果是法文的话,也许是拼错了,La mule就是母骡,第二个 解释是女式高跟拖鞋.的确的确还有第三个涵义,那就是冻疮 L"arc en ciel 法文,天空上的拱,彩虹,the rainbow. Lucifer 魔王,堕天使. Luna Sea 看来很容易解释的一个词其实并不容易.一般解释成月之海, 月亮上的平原,像静海.但只在拉丁文中"月亮的"才拼成luna 的, 英文是Lunar,而月亮上的低地平原应该用mare这个词, 复数形式是maria,就是Latin中的海,那些地方都是用Latin 命名的,从来不叫Luna sea.他们最初的名字么,是lunacy, 英文-精神病,精神失常. Machine 机器,机械. Malice Mizer 指Malicious Tragedy(恶意的悲剧?) or Malicious and Mizérable(恶意的和悲惨的,好像更准确),Hugo 的"悲惨世界"原文是Les Mizérable. Noir Fleurir 黑色的花朵,法文. Penicillin 盘尼西林,青霉素,广谱抗菌药. Pierrot 法文,小丑,clown.不过法国人对小丑的理解和我们有区别. Raphael 圣经中七大天使之一,圣日在10月24日,在可兰经中也有叫 Raphael的天使,而文艺复兴三杰之一拉菲尔的拼法应该是 Raffaello Sanzio. SIAM SHADE Siam就是暹罗,Shade是阴影的意思.
2023-06-07 18:56:141


2023-06-07 18:56:201


china hot
2023-06-07 18:56:537


我也一样啊 证书写错了 悲剧啊
2023-06-07 18:57:0915


2023-06-07 18:57:341


滑板 [词典] skateboard; chute board; return board; return bottom; [例句]内德驾驶的卡车差点撞到一个滑滑板的金发少年,他猛打方向盘才躲了过去。Suddenly Ned swerved the truck, narrowly missing a blond teenager on a skateboard.
2023-06-07 18:57:503


月饼的英文是Moon Cake音标:英[muu02d0n keu026ak]美[muu02d0n keu026ak]例句:吃月饼是中秋节的美味定制。Eating moon cake is a palatable custom of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
2023-06-07 18:57:585


2023-06-07 18:59:162


我能想到的几个:zinc, Czech, craze, crazy, czar
2023-06-07 18:59:481


2023-06-07 18:59:575


2023-06-07 19:00:291

以 Craze for Civil Service Examinations 为题写一篇英语作文

  Craze for Civil Service Examinations In the present China,nobody don"t want to seek a job,not to mention a good job.The government office seem a good position to most people,consequently civil service examination recent years turn quite craze.Why? In many a analysis about the phenomenon,college graduated is undoubtedly main force as such youngsters armed latest learning and skills,leading vision and ideas must be welcome everywhere,while government need so fresh-flooding into every years that leave the creative sufficiently all the time. What"s more,having worked people became second force to participate the exam has yet a little strange even though the number of them gets soaring recent years.On the one hand,these average citizens are eager to change their life,or want to challenge entire different occupation,or both.On the other,global economy down continuing years is provoking the majority of residents into trying to take measures to get the affection away,while stable income of government office produced perfectly obvious attraction than before. Anyhow,the craze for civil service examinations appearing today is not more isolated case than abnormal situation,but that is special produce under special condition and surroundings.
2023-06-07 19:01:011

中国梦想秀第五季曹青莞的vcr背景音乐是什么歌?女孩唱的英文歌,歌词听着有“coming baby,......craze..

carly rae jepsen的《call me maybe》附上歌词:I threw a wish in the well,Don"t ask me, I"ll never tellI looked to you as it fell,and now you"re in my wayI trade my soul for a wish,pennies and dimes for a kissI wasn"t looking for this,but now you"re in my wayYour stare was holdin", Ripped jeans, skin was showin"Hot not, wind was blowin"Where you think you"re going, baby?[Chorus]Hey, I just met you,and this is crazy,but here"s my number,so call me, maybe?It"s hard to look right,at you baaaabeh,but here"s my number,so call me, maybe?Hey, I just met you,and this is crazy,but here"s my number,so call me, maybe?And all the other boys,try to chaaase me,but here"s my number,so call me, maybe?[Verse 2]You took your time with the call,I took no time with the fallYou gave me nothing at all,but still, you"re in my wayI beg, and borrow and stealHave foresight and it"s realI didn"t know I would feel it,but it"s in my wayYour stare was holdin", Ripped jeans, skin was showin"Hot not, wind was blowin"Where you think you"re going, baby?Hey, I just met you,and this is crazy,but here"s my number,so call me, maybe?It"s hard to look right,at you baaaabeh,but here"s my number,so call me, maybe?Hey, I just met you,and this is crazy,but here"s my number,so call me, maybe?And all the other boys,try to chaaase me,but here"s my number,so call me, maybe?Before you came into my lifeI missed you so badI missed you so badI missed you so, so badBefore you came into my lifeI missed you so badAnd you should know thatI missed you so, so badIt"s hard to look right,at you baaaabeh,but here"s my number,so call me, maybe?Hey, I just met you,and this is crazy,but here"s my number,so call me, maybe?And all the other boys,try to chaaase me,but here"s my number,so call me, maybe?Before you came into my lifeI missed you so badI missed you so badI missed you so so badBefore you came into my lifeI missed you so badAnd you should know thatSo call me, maybe?望采纳,感谢。
2023-06-07 19:01:221

以 Craze for Civil Service Examinations 为题写一篇英语作文

  Craze for Civil Service ExaminationsIn the present China, nobody don"t want to seek a job, not to mention a good job. The government office seem a good position to most people, consequently civil service examination recent years turn quite craze. Why?In many a analysis about the phenomenon, college graduated is undoubtedly main force as such youngsters armed latest learning and skills, leading vision and ideas must be welcome everywhere, while government need so fresh-flooding into every years that leave the creative sufficiently all the time.What"s more, having worked people became second force to participate the exam has yet a little strange even though the number of them gets soaring recent years. On the one hand, these average citizens are eager to change their life, or want to challenge entire different occupation, or both. On the other, global economy down continuing years is provoking the majority of residents into trying to take measures to get the affection away, while stable income of government office produced perfectly obvious attraction than before.Anyhow, the craze for civil service examinations appearing today is not more isolated case than abnormal situation, but that is special produce under special condition and surroundings.
2023-06-07 19:01:301

为什么如此多的人再考试中失败? 求英语作文,100字 why are so many people

vil servants. Millions of students choose civil servant as their most ideal occupation after graduation. And among them, the high-educated, like masters and doctors, take quite a large percentage. The craze in civil servant test has attracted widespread attention.u3000u3000The following reasons can account for this kind of craze. Above all, nowadays college students face great employment pressure. Civil servant, as one of the most stable professions in todayu2019s China, becomes their preferable choice. Moreover, in recent years, the welfare and salary of civil servants have been improved greatly, which undoubtedly attracts many people. Besides, the high social position of civil servants is an important factor drawing many people to take part in the civil servant test.u3000u3000In my opinion, this craze in civil servant test will continue in the following years. However, from the long run, it doesnu2019t do good to the development of the nation. If most high quality talents gather in the government departments, it might lead to a waste of resources. Therefore, both the individuals and the government should have a more objective recognition of the civil servant test craze.
2023-06-07 19:01:391


你疯了吗 are you crazy
2023-06-07 19:01:463


2023-06-07 19:02:122

占有欲 英文怎么说?

我觉着cupidity比较恰当,牛津的字典的解释是greed, especially for mony and property.下边这些词都有可取的地方,有时间琢磨琢磨。admiration, ambition, appetite, ardor, aspiration, attraction, avidity, concupiscence, covetousness, craving, craze, cupidity, desire, devotion, doting, eagerness, fancy, fascination, fervor, fondness, frenzy, greed, hankering, hunger, inclination, infatuation, itch, lasciviousness, lechery, libido, liking, longing, love, lust, mania, motive, need, passion, predilection, proclivity, propensity, rapaciousness, rapture, ravenousness, relish, salacity, solicitude, thirst, urge, voracity, want, will, wish, yearning要说这占有欲这个词
2023-06-07 19:02:192

英语作文Campus certificates craze

Campus Certificates Craze If you just randomly ask a student on campus what he is busy doing ,very possibly ,he may answer that he is preparing for a certificate of some kind .Investigating a little more ,you will find that this has become a new crazw among colllege students .The reasons behind the phenomenon can be summarized into just one :the pressure of finding a job after graduation .With the admission expansion of colleges ,a lot more graduates have to compete for the limited job posts .How to make oneself more competitive ?Maybe more certificates at hand .Hoping that the employers might find one of them more attactive ,the students are compelled to run from one exam to another .As far as I am concerned ,the students should have a more rational attitude toward certificates ,because exam certificates do not necessarily reoresent one "s ability .For me .one should work hard at his or her major .Opportunity wlll come to you if you are competent encough in your field .
2023-06-07 19:02:261


2023-06-07 19:02:375


我做陶瓷外贸的,下面是我收藏的陶瓷词汇,但一般不用那么多,交易会时只要分清材质:高温瓷用porcelain,高温中有普通白瓷normal porcelain,高白super white,强化瓷durable porcelain。中温和低温用stoneware,问清客户用不用烧底标logo/backstamp,再问清包装,普包brown box/bulk package,彩盒color box,礼盒gift box。价格述语,如FOB SHENZHEN,CNF,CIF等,只要问清这些问题,其它的都是很简单的口语英语,没什么,很容易。最重要是别紧张,听清客户讲什么,记清楚就好。stoneware:粗瓷 dolomite:白云土 terracotta:红土 type of glaze: matt:哑光 transparent:透明釉 opaque: 不透明釉 pigmented:色釉 crackled:裂纹釉 pearlized :珍珠釉 under glazed:釉下彩 on-glazed:釉上彩 浮雕:relief, emboss bisque firing:素烧 glost firing:釉烧 decal:贴花 silk screen printing :丝网印 素彩瓷 plain porcelain 高温陶瓷 refractory china 窑:kiln tunnel:隧道窑 瓷泥petunse, petuntse, petuntze 瓷漆enamel paint, enamel 封泥lute 高岭土kaolin, china clay 泥果,坯体clay body 泥釉slip 釉glaze 云母mica 皂石,块滑石steatite 陶瓷类型 Types of Pottery 碧玉细炻器 jasper 薄胎瓷 thin china 彩陶器,釉陶 faience 陈设瓷,摆设瓷 display china 瓷 porcelain, china (China ‘中国"来自"Chin""秦",在英文中"中国"和"瓷"同一单词) 赤陶 terracotta, terracotta, red earthenware 代尔夫精陶 delft 德化陶瓷 Te-hua porcelain, Dehua pottery 高温陶瓷 refractory china 工业陶瓷 industrial ceramics 骨瓷 bone china 官瓷 mandarin porcelain 光瓷 lusterware 黑色陶器 basalt 裂变瓷 crackled porcelain 裂纹瓷 crazed china 米色陶器 creamware 青瓷 celadon 青花瓷 bule and white porcelain 轻质瓷、轻瓷 light china 日用瓷 daily use porcelain, table ware 炻瓷 stoneware 素彩瓷 plain porcelain 陶 earthenware 陶瓷 pottery 无釉陶、陶瓷素烧坯 biscuit, unglazed ware 锡釉陶 majolica 细瓷 fine china 硬瓷 hard porcelain 赭色粘土陶器 terra sigillata 紫砂 purple granulated, purple sand, terra-cotta 标记 marking 成型 forming 雕刻 carving 浮雕 relief 隔焰窑 muffle 镂雕、镂空 piercing 破裂 chip 烧制 firing 细裂纹 craze 窑 kiln 釉上彩 overglazed color figure 釉下彩 underglazed color figure 高白 high white, super white
2023-06-07 19:05:291


从别后,嗔恨痴念,皆化为寸寸相思From the other, hatred craze, are translated into inch lovesicknesshatred 英[ˈheɪtrɪd] 美[ˈhetrɪd] n. 仇恨,憎恶; 敌意; [例句]Her hatred of them would never lead her to murder她虽说仇恨他们,但绝不至于去杀
2023-06-07 19:05:451

酷爱乐团的《Rock Boys》 歌词

歌曲名:Rock Boys歌手:酷爱乐团专辑:初生之犊酷爱乐团 - Rock Boys作词:范逸臣作曲:范逸臣/黄冠龙瞧不起 别瞧 没叫你瞧笑 微笑 嘲笑 我都知道了 不了 别聊 不懂拉倒吵 很吵 太吵 摇滚都吵妙 美妙 真妙 流行都妙做自己就包 除非疯掉叛逆是反骨的错觉狂吼是态度的宣泄打死不退永不妥协摇滚是本能的直觉我们是顽强的ROCK BOYS命运玩笑中的杂碎但没谁能从我手中夺回热血交换的一切我们是不倒的ROCK BOYS有种把我的梦打碎没种最好投降弃械迎接我们胜利的慈悲吵 很吵 太吵 摇滚都吵妙 美妙 真妙 流行都妙做自己就包 除非疯掉叛逆是反骨的错觉狂吼是态度的宣泄打死不退永不妥协摇滚是本能的直觉我们是孤傲的ROCK BOYS自欺不欺人的异类敢说敢做敢当从不后悔世界无情的拒绝我们是狂放的ROCK BOYS有种把我的心冻结没种最好投降弃械迎接我们胜利的慈悲When the world is the despair of all(当世界充满失望)I embrace my dream (我怀抱梦想)when right and wrong become unrecognizable(当真理黑白难辨)I follow my instinct (我追随直觉)when all deteriorates (当一切美好不再)I savor the tears (我品尝泪水)when life shatters (当生命支离破碎)I still have craze (我还有酷爱)
2023-06-07 19:05:511


  初中,是初级中学的简称。初中是中学阶段的初级阶段,初级中学一般是指九年义务 教育 的中学,是向高级中学过渡的一个阶段,属于中等教育的范畴。那么,你知道初中的的英文是什么吗?   初中 [chū zhōng]   初中的英文释义:   junior high school   junior middle school   初中的英文例句:   为什么有调皮初中生就有调皮初中教师?   Why are there naughty naughty junior middle school teachers?   父母仅是初中 毕业 。   His parents are only junior middle school graduates.   我是一个初中学生。   I am a junior middle school student.   看护 儿童 是很多在初中的女孩经历的习俗。   Babysitting is a rite of passage for many girls in junior high school.   欢迎你们第一天进入初中。   Welcome to your first day of middle school.   这家商店也成为了所有初中孩子的大本营。   The store had become the hangout for all the junior high kids too.   她在考试之前一直患重感冒。看看初中英语过去完成时。   She had been suffering from a bad cold when she took the exam.   我觉得高中的学习生活比初中要紧张多了,在校生活是丰富的。   The course work is much harder in the high school compared to the middle school.   中学是指初中和高中。   Secondary school means junior school and high school.   我的一位朋友与一位初中英语老师结婚了。 初中的英文是什么   My friend paired off with an English teacher who taught in a junior middle school   而对那些在幼儿园或是刚升入初中和高中的学生来说,今天是你们在新学校的第一天。不难理解你们或许会有一点紧张不安的感觉。   And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, itu2019s yourfirst day in a new school, so itu2019s understandable if youu2019re a little nervous.   而对你们之中要读幼儿园、开始读初中或高中的这部分人来讲,这是你们在新学校学习和生活的第一天。你们有一点点紧张是可以理解的。   And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, it"s yourfirst day in a new school, so it"s understandable if you"re a little nervous.   我们将我们的两个女儿在她们上初中的年纪是带出了公共学校系统,正是因为标准化测试狂热根深蒂固,转而将她们送进了私立学校。   We took our two daughters out of the public school system when they reachedmiddle-school age, just as the standardized testing craze was taking hold, and putthem in private schools.   韩国的60多所小学、初中和高中现在正在使用电子教科书,作为他们总课程的一部分。   More than 60 primary, middle and high schools in South Korea are now usingdigital textbooks as part of their curriculum.   小学、初中、高中阶段的教育所给予我的最可宝贵的东西,就是我在图书馆读书的成果。   The richest part of my elementary, middle, and high school education was the fruitof my reading from the library.   从此以后,他们继续往来,在学校附近相见,一起吃过一两次午餐,并一起初中毕业。   They continued to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, then both graduated from junior high school.   娜塔莉是一个高中的低年级学生,初中时开始切割,解释说,这是一个分散被拒绝和无助感的方式,她觉得她自己承受不了这些感受。   Natalie, a high-school junior who started cutting in middle school, explains that itwas a way to distract herself from feelings of rejection and helplessness she feltshe couldn"t bear.   今天的北京,学校在初中就开设了性教育课程,但是对于教什么,怎么教却没有一个标准,而且老师们也没什么动力去强调这样的课题。   Today in Beijing, schools offer sex ed in junior high, but there"s no standard forwhat should be taught or how, and teachers have little incentive to emphasize thesubject.   虚拟学校已被几乎所有的美国国家采用作为补充/兼读课程,以满足更多或特殊的初中和高中课程的需要的形式。   Virtual schools have been implanted in almost all States of the USA in the form ofsupplemental/part-time programs that meet the need for more or special middleand high school courses.   看护儿童是很多在初中的女孩经历的习俗。但是,在未成熟的年纪,她们对所承担的责任做好准备了吗?   Babysitting is a rite of passage for many girls in junior high school. But, at thattender age, are they prepared to handle the responsibility?   相对于初中和高中的艰苦奋斗,大学就是避风港:温暖的床铺,新的朋友,最重要的,就是自由。   After the struggles of middle and high school, college is a haven for freshers: Awarm bed, new friends and, most important of all, freedom.   他们后来在学校又见过彼此,还在一起吃过一两次午饭,后来都从初中毕业。   They continued to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, then both graduated from junior high school.   小学计划将在2014年之前实现全面的电子化,初中和高中将在2015年之前完成数字化。   Elementary schools are scheduled for a full digital adoption by 2014 and middleand high schools by the final 2015 deadline.   甚至当他们进入初中和高中的时候,明显的表示出来,阅读的带给你的快乐。   Even when they enter middle school and high school, make it obvious that youread for pleasure.   现在很多农村当地的年轻人,他们常常是还没有获得初中的教育,但是却被教导要学习使用电脑。   Local youngsters from rural homes, with often no more than a junior high schooleducation, are being taught to use computers.   这类行为通常发生在初中,以及高中的开始阶段。   This behavior peaks around middle school and the very beginning of high school.   作为高超的音乐会演出乐队的成员之一,我轻快地走过初中和高中,四年来,与铜钹,响弦,和低音鼓做伴前行,把它们用皮带绑在我纤弱的身体上,我喜欢极了。   I sailed through Junior and Senior High in the top performing concert bands and marched for four years with cymbals, snares and bass drums strapped to myslight frame. I loved it all.   2011年3月23日,大船渡市越喜来区越喜来幼儿园,清水真知子在越喜来初中的毕业典礼上擦拭自己的眼泪。   Machiko Shimizu, a graduate from Okirai Junior High School, wipes her tearsduring a graduation ceremony at Okirai Kindergarten at Okirai district in OfunatoMarch 23, 2011.   这个学生可能在读小学,初中,高中,或者甚至是大学u2026u2026他们中的一些人比其他人思考这个问题要更早些。   It could be elementary, middle, high school, or even collegeu2026 some people arrive at this curious thought earlier than others.
2023-06-07 19:06:001

哪位亲知道动画片彭彭丁满历险记中的那句“AKUNA MATATA”是啥意思捏~~

2023-06-07 19:06:073

杨柳风 内容概括(英语)

The Wind in the Willows is a classic of children"s literature by Kenneth Grahame, first published in 1908. Alternately slow moving and fast paced, it focuses on four anthropomorphised animal characters in a pastoral version of England. The novel is notable for its mixture of mysticism, adventure, morality, and camaraderie.The Wind in the Willows was saved from obscurity by the then-famous playwright, A. A. Milne, who loved it and adapted a part of it for stage as Toad of Toad Hall in 1929.In 1908 Grahame retired from his position as secretary of the Bank of England. He moved to the country, where he spent his time by the River Thames doing much as the animal characters in his book do; namely, as one of the most famous phrases from the book says, "simply messing about in boats".Plot summaryAt the start of the book, it is spring, the weather is fine, and good-natured Mole loses patience with his spring cleaning and dares to leave his underground home, heading up to take the air. He ends up at the river, which he has never seen before. Here he meets Ratty (a water rat), who spends all his days in and around the river. Rat takes Mole for a ride in his rowing boat. They get along well and the two of them spend many more days on the river, with Rat teaching Mole the ways of the river.Some time later, one summer day, Rat and Mole find themselves near Toad Hall and pay a visit to Toad. Toad is rich, jovial and friendly, but conceited, and tends to become obsessed about things, only to dismiss them later. Having given up boating, Toad"s current craze is his horse-drawn caravan. In fact, he is about to go on a trip, and persuades Rat and Mole to join him. A few days later, a passing motor car scares their horse, causing the caravan to crash. This marks the end of Toad"s craze for caravan travel, to be replaced with an obsession for motor cars.Mole wants to meet Badger, who lives in the Wild Wood, but Rat knows that Badger does not appreciate visits. On a winter"s day, Mole goes to the Wild Wood to explore, hoping to meet Badger. He gets lost in the woods, succumbs to fright and panic and hides among the roots of a sheltering tree. Rat goes looking for Mole, and finds him, but it starts to snow and even Rat no longer knows the way home. By chance they arrive at Badger"s home.Badger welcomes Rat and Mole to his large and very cosy home, and gives them food and dry clothes. Badger learns from Rat and Mole that Toad has crashed six cars and has been hospitalised three times, and has had to spend a fortune on fines. They decide they should do something to protect Toad from himself, since they are, after all, his friends.Some months later, Badger visits Mole and Rat to do something about Toad"s self-destructive obsession. The three of them go to visit Toad, and Badger tries talking him out of his behaviour, to no avail. They decide to put Toad under house arrest, with themselves as the guards, until Toad changes his mind. Feigning illness, Toad manages to escape and steals a car. He is caught and sent to prison on a twenty-year sentence.Rat visits his old friend Otter and finds out that Otter"s son is missing. Rat and Mole set out to find him. They receive help from the god Pan who leads them to the location of the missing child. Pan removes their memories of this meeting "lest the awful remembrance should remain and grow, and overshadow mirth and pleasure".In prison, Toad gains the sympathy of the gaolor"s daughter, who helps him to escape. This involves disguising Toad as a washerwoman. Having escaped, Toad is without possessions and pursued by the police, but he shakes off his pursuers with the help of the driver of a steam train.Still disguised as a washerwoman, Toad comes across a horse-drawn boat. After lying about being a capable washerwoman to the owner of the boat, who offers him a lift in exchange for his laundry services, he gets into a fight with her, steals her horse and sells it to a traveller. He stops a passing car, which happens to be one he stole earlier. However, the owners don"t recognise him in disguise, and give him a lift. Toad asks if he can drive, which of course quickly leads to an accident. He flees and by chance arrives at Rat"s house.Toad hears from Rat that Toad Hall has been taken over by weasels, stoats and ferrets from the Wild Wood, despite attempts to protect and recover it by Mole and Badger. Although upset at the loss of his house, Toad realises what good friends he has, and how badly he has behaved. Badger, Rat, Mole and Toad enter Toad Hall via a secret entrance and drive away the intruders.Toad makes up for his earlier wrongdoings by seeking out those he wronged and compensating them. The four friends live out their lives happily ever after.
2023-06-07 19:06:142


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