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54岁哈莉·贝瑞时隔3年宣布新恋情 疑似与训练师日久生情

2023-06-08 07:44:10








如果哈莉·贝瑞的新男友真的是她的训练师,那这个人应该就是好莱坞有名的明星训练师皮特·李·托马斯(Peter Lee Thomas),同时他也是一位综合格斗师和武术指导,哈莉·贝瑞为了拍摄新片《伤痕累累》(Bruised),专门请来这位训练师对她进行动作和体型的训练,两人已经朝夕相对一起训练了几个月的时间。


而在哈莉·贝瑞生日当天,这位训练师不但专门发文祝她生日快乐,而且还写了一段非常暧昧的情话,他不但用“灵魂动物”(spirit animal)来称呼哈莉·贝瑞,而且还写道:“我爱你很多很多!”(Love ya to the moon and back)


2013年,哈莉·贝瑞和法国演员奥利弗·马丁内斯结婚,同一年生下了两人的儿子,但是在2016年,他们的婚姻还是走到了尽头。哈莉·贝瑞上一段公开的恋情,还是2017年跟英国的音乐制作人Alex Da Kid,但两人相恋5个月后就宣告分手。



bruised英 [bru:zd] 美 [bruzd] 常用词典牛津词典 柯林斯释义[医]青肿的,瘀紫的双语例句1.My left arm is badly bruised and I was slightly concussed.我左臂严重擦伤,并有轻微脑震荡。2.Forsyth is doubtful for tonight"s game with a badly bruised leg.福赛斯腿部严重擦伤,不大可能参加今晚的比赛。3.She continued massaging her right foot, which was bruised and aching.她继续按摩又肿又疼的右脚。
2023-06-07 11:59:472

“没关系”用英语怎么说 ?

It doesn"t matter.
2023-06-07 12:00:357

帮我翻译成中文 急急急急!!!!

不会 我日语
2023-06-07 12:01:342

blood sacrifice 歌词

歌曲名:blood sacrifice歌手:Mortification专辑:break the curseBruised for our transgressionsCrushed he was for our iniquitiesHe was surely brokenDied to set us freeHe was whippedHe was crushedChrist was nailedHe was mockedHe was bruisedChrist our LordChrist he was inflictedHe took the sin of manMortificationBleeding on a woodencrossGod"s eternal planFor salvationThrough submissionTo the LordYour poitionof redemptionthrough the bloodBlood sacrificeHe died insteadBlood sacrificefor all of us He bledBlood sacrifice salvation in HimBlood sacrifice accept Him and you"ll liveForever seperated from the fires of hellForever with God.cleanses you from sin.He did not stay deadHe rose from the graveOn in victoryOver satan"s ruleChrist said I have cometo save those who come to meIt"s time for our confessionof Christ as LordFix your situationOn Him you must callHe was whippedHe was crushedChrist was nailedHe was mockedHe was bruisedChrist our Lord
2023-06-07 12:01:411


这是西城男孩Brian McFadden与澳洲美女Delta Goodrem《Almost Here》唱的哦 did i hear you right? 我没有听错吧 "cos i thought you said 因为我以为你说了 lets think it over 让我们好好想一想 you have been my life 你就是我生命的全部 and i never planned 我也从未想象过 growing old without you 没有你而老去 shadows bleeding through the light 穿过黑夜里的影子在滴血 where the love once shined so bright 曾经我们的爱照亮了整个黑夜。 came without a reason 毫无理由/原由地到来。 don"t let go on us tonight 今夜我们不要再这样吧 love"s not always black and white 爱不仅仅只有黑与白 why haven"t i always loved you? 为什么我不能一直爱着你 and when i need you 当我需要你的时候 you"re almost here 你就在这里 and i know thats 我知道 not enough 那并不够 and when i"m with you 当我和你在一起的时候 i"m close to tears 我几乎要流泪 "cos you"re only almost here 因为你仅仅是在我身边 i would change the world 我将改变这个世界 if i had a chance 如果我有机会, oh won"t you let me treat me like a child 请像对待孩子一样对我 throw your arms around me 打开你的双臂 抱着我 oh please protect me 哦 我需要你的保护 bruised and battered by your words 你的言词在刺痛着我, dazed and shattered now it hurts 敲打着我,它现在还让我头眩,撕裂 oh havent i always loved you? 哦 难道我不是一直都爱着你吗? and when i need you 当我需要你时 you"re almost here 你几乎就在身边 and i know that"s not enough 我知道那并不够 and when i"m with you 当我和你一起时 i"m close to tears 我几乎流泪 "cos you"re only almost here 因为你仅仅是在身边 oooh oh 呜 哦 bruised and battered by your words 你的言语刺痛了我 dazed and shattered now it hurts 敲打着我,它现在还让我头眩,撕裂 haven"t i always loved you? 难道我不是一直都爱着你吗? but when i need you 但当我需要你时 you"re almost here 你几乎就在身边 well i never knew how far behind i left you 那么,我从没想到我离开你有多远 and when i hold you 当我抱着你的时候, you"re almost here 你就在这里 well i"m sorry that i took our love for granted 对于我理所当然的看待我们的爱,我感到抱歉 and now i"m with you 现在我和你在一起, i"m close to tears 我看到你的眼泪 "cos i know i"m almost here 因为我知道你仅仅在我身边 only almost here 仅仅在我身边
2023-06-07 12:01:481

求高手翻译后街男孩crawling back to you的歌词,要有文采的~

everybody knows每个人都知道that i was such a fool我是那样的傻瓜to ever let go of you因为曾经我让你离去but baby i was wrong但是宝贝我错了and yeah i know i said我知道我曾经说过了什么we"d be better off alone我们最好都独自一人it was time that we moved on时间会让我们继续向前i know i broke your heart我知道我让你的心受到了伤害i didn"t mean to break your heart我没有故意去伤害你的心but baby, here i am但是宝贝,(现在)我在这里.banging on your front door敲着你的前门my pride spilled on the floor我的骄傲(已经)溢出一地.my hands and knees are bruised我的手和膝盖已经伤痕累累。and i"m crawling back to you我希望你的回心转意begging for a second chance祈求第二次的机会are you gonna let me in你会让我进去么?i was running from the truth我已经站在真相的面前and now i"m crawling back to you现在我希望你能回心转意i know you"re in there我知道你就在里面and you can make me wait但是你却让我一直等待but i"m not gonna wait但是我不会再等待下去it"s the least that i can do这是我有限的能做的事情just to tell you face to face只是想面对面地告诉你i was lying to myself我对自己撒了谎now i"m dying in this hell现在我将会在地狱中死去girl, i know you"re mad亲爱的,我知道你很生气i can"t blame you for being mad我不会因为你的生气而责怪你if you could see如果你能看见these tears i"m crying这些恣意流淌的泪水touch these hands即使被握着的双手that can"t stop shaking也不能停止颤抖heal my heart治愈我(受伤)的心that"s barely beating那些赤裸裸的伤害you will see a different man你将会看见一个不同(以前)的男人yeah, now i"m crawling back to you我希望你能回信转意...crawling back to you (crawling back to you, crawling back to you)让你回心转意...
2023-06-07 12:01:565

demi lovato《nightingale》中英文歌词

I can"t sleep tonight今晚我无法入眠Wide awake and so confused清醒而且感到困惑Everything"s in line一切都在轨道上But I am bruised但我却伤痕累累I need a voice to echo我需要一个声音当我的回音I need a light to take me home我需要一道光引领我回家I kinda need a hero我想我需要一个英雄Is it you?那个英雄是你吗?I never see the forest for the trees我从来没有见过森林I could really use your melody我能善用你的旋律Baby I"m a little blind宝贝 我变的有点盲目I think it"s time for you to find me我想该是时候让你找到我Can you be my nightingale?你能不能成为我的夜莺Sing to me对我唱歌I know you"re there我知道你就在那You could be my sanity你能成为我的理智Bring me peace带给我和平Sing me to sleep对我唱晚安曲Say you"ll be my nightingale说你会成为我的夜莺Somebody speak to me有人和我聊天Cause I"m feeling like hell因为我感觉身在地狱Need you to answer me需要你来回答我I"m overwhelmed我已不堪负荷I need a voice to echo我需要一个声音当我的回音I need a light to take me home我需要一道光引领我回家I need a star to follow我需要星光的指引I don"t know我真的不知道该怎么做I never see the forest for the trees我从来没见过森林I could really use your melody我能善用你的旋律Baby I"m a little blind宝贝 我变的有点盲目I think it"s time for you to find me我想该是时候让你找到我Can you be my nightingale?你能成为我的夜莺吗?Sing to me对我唱歌I know you"re there我知道你就在那You could be my sanity你能成为我的理智Bring me peace带给我和平Sing me to sleep对我唱晚安曲Say you"ll be my nightingale说你会成为我的夜莺I don"t know what I"d do without you我不知道没有你我会怎么做Your words are like a whisper come through你的话语像耳语般传来As long as you are with me here tonight今晚只要你和我在一起I"m good一切都会没事Can you be my nightingale?你能成为我的夜莺吗?Still so close依然如此接近I know you"re there我知道你就在那Oh, nightingale喔 夜莺You sing to me你对我唱歌I know you"re there我知道你就在那"Cause baby you"re my sanity因为宝贝 你就是我的理智You bring me peace你带给我和平Sing me to sleep对我唱晚安曲Say you"ll be my nightingale说你会成为我的夜莺Oh喔Mm, mm嗯~ 嗯~Mm嗯~
2023-06-07 12:02:102

2023-06-07 12:02:171

“i do not wana go home........”一首英文歌副歌里的一句歌词 旋律很轻快男生唱的

Jimmy Wayne--《I Didn"t Come Here To Lose》试听地址另附歌词:Dug through the ashtrayUnder the cushionsShook all my blue jeansSpent all day lookingFor enough changeto get the rent paidJust so I can hanghere another weekI"ve been passed on Shown the way outWorn out these steel toeskicking some doors downJust need that one chanceDon"t tell me that I can"tI"ve gotta do it manAin"t got no plan bI don"t wanna go homeand give into all these peoplewho say I can"t do itI don"t want to prove them all rightI"ll take my licks and keep ongetting up swingingIs that all you got bring itSo what I"m beat up and bruisedI didn"t come here to loseGive me your "heck no"s"you"ll never make it"sAll those cynicalback handed praisesI"ll turn them into something I can useA little rocket fuel for my shooting starJust need that one chanceDon"t tell me that I can"tI"ve gotta do it manAin"t got no plan bI don"t wanna go homeand give into all these peoplewho say I can"t do itI don"t want to prove them all rightI"ll take my licks and keep on getting up swingingIs that all you got bring itSo what I"m beat up and bruisedI didn"t come here to loseI don"t wanna go homeand give into all these peoplewho say I can"t do itI don"t want to prove them all rightI"ll take my licks and keep on getting up swingingIs that all you got bring itSo what I"m beat up and I"m bruisedI didn"t come here to loseI don"t wanna go homeand give into all these peoplewho say I can"t do itI don"t want to prove them all rightI"ll take my licks and keep on getting up swingingIs that all you got bring itSo what I"m beat up and bruisedI didn"t come here to lose我顺便把这个也答了,呵呵,一起采纳吧。
2023-06-07 12:02:251

Chris Rea的《red shoes》 歌词

歌曲名:red shoes歌手:Chris Rea专辑:aubergeI was born a beggarWith the garbage round my feetThe devil lived in every holeAnd every corner of the streetWhen misery is all there isChris ReaYou got nothing to loseSo come on and buy meCome on and buy meSome red, red, red shoesDon"t tell me what i do is wrongDon"t preach "cos you don"t know"cos i was left without a chanceSuch a long time agoThan being cut and bruisedSo come on and buy meSome red, red, red shoesDon"t tell me what i do is wrongDon"t preach "cos you don"t know"cos i was left without a chanceSuch a long time agoAnd anything is betterThan being battered and bruisedSo come on and buy meSome red, red, red shoes
2023-06-07 12:02:311

有一首英文歌曲里面有歌词有一句 yes ok 这首歌叫什么

it"s ok ?
2023-06-07 12:02:393

Head On Collision 歌词

歌曲名:Head On Collision歌手:New Found Glory专辑:Sticks And StonesI"ve been waiting for a good dayI"ve been holding back long enoughI"ve been hurting to tell you some thingsit"s not the falling of the temperaturethat"s making all our bones run coldit"s the breeze you makethe presence felt when you"re around meand it feels like I"m at an all-time lowslightly bruised and brokenfrom our head on collisionI"ve never seen this side of youanother tragic case of feelingbruised and brokenform our head on collisionI"ve never seen this side of youanother tragic caseand I"m still waiting for a good dayI think I"ve held this long enoughI think it"s safe to tell you some thingsit"s not just what you say to peopleand it"s not the way you look at meit"s the way you present yourselffor all your worst critics to seeand it feels like I"m at an all-time lowslightly bruised and brokenfrom our head on collisionI"ve never seen this side of youanother tragic case of feelingbruised and brokenform our head on collisionI"ve never seen this side of youanother tragic casethen you were goneyou were goneall this time you just didn"t know it yetyou were goneall this time you just didn"t know it yetyou were goneand it feels like I"m at an all-time lowslightly bruised and brokenform our head on collisionI"ve never seen this side of youanother tragic case of feelingbruised and brokenfrom our head on collisionI"ve never seen this side of youanother tragic caseanother tragic case of feelingbruised and brokenanother tragic case and I"ve beenstill waiting for a good daystill waiting for a good day
2023-06-07 12:02:451


楼主找的应该是:电影画面Mark座飞机到纽约有点惆怅,Jones翻开笔记本把之前的标题划了,写了个新标题的那段音乐吧?!歌曲名称:out of reach 表演者:Gabrielle附上歌词:Knew the signsWasn"t rightI was stupid for a whileSwept away by youAnd now I feel like a foolSo confused,My heart"s bruisedWas I ever loved by you?Out of reach, so farI never had your heartOut of reach,Couldn"t seeWe were neverMeant to beCatch myselfFrom despairI could drownIf I stay hereKeeping busy everydayI know I will be OKBut I wasSo confused,My heart"s bruisedWas I ever loved by you?Out of reach, so farI never had your heartOut of reach,Couldn"t seeWe were neverMeant to beSo much hurt,So much painTakes a whileTo regainWhat is lost insideAnd I hope that in time,You"ll be out of my mindAnd I"ll be over youBut now I"mSo confused,My heart"s bruisedWas I ever loved by you?Out of reach,So farI never had your heartOut of reach,Couldn"t seeWe were neverMeant to beOut of reach,So farYou never gave your heartIn my reach, I can seeThere"s a life out thereFor me下载链接地址在这里就不给出了,以免怕你觉得有病毒!可以去百度MP3直接搜索就能找到的: )
2023-06-07 12:03:031

carry you union j 中文歌词

Don"t ever say you"re lonelyJust lay your problems on meAnd I"ll be waiting there for youThe stars can be so blindingWhen you get tired of fightingYou know the one you can look to When the vision you have gets blurryYou dont have to worry, I"ll be your eyesIt"s the least I can do, cause when I fell, you pulled me throughSo you know that I"ll carry you, I"ll carry you, I"ll carry youSo you know thatI"ll carry you, I"ll carry you, I"ll carry you I know it"s been a long night, but now im here it"s alrightI dont mind walking in your shoesWe"ll take each step together, til you come back to centerYou know that I know the real youAnd when the vision you have gets blurryYou dont have to worry, I"ll be your eyesThat"s the least I can do, cause when I fell, you pulled me throughSo you know that I"ll carry you, I"ll carry you, I"ll carry youSo you know thatI"ll carry you, I"ll carry you, I"ll carry you Like you"ve been running for hours and can"t catch your breathThe demons are screaming so loud in your headYou"re tired you"re broken you"re cut and you"re bruisedBut nothing"s too heavy just hold on, I"ll carry you I"ll carry you [instrumental] So you know thatI"ll carry you, I"ll carry you, I"ll carry youSo you know thatI"ll carry you, I"ll carry you, I"ll carry youSo you know thatI"ll carry you, I"ll carry you, I"ll carry you
2023-06-07 12:03:112


席琳迪翁 孤单一人
2023-06-07 12:03:182


Demi Lovato - WarriorThis is a story that I"ve never toldI gotta get this off my chest to let it goI need to take back the light inside you stoleYou"re a criminalAnd you steal like you"re a proAll the pain and the truthI wear like a battle woundSo ashamed so confused I was broken and bruisedNow I"m a warriorNow I"ve got thicker skinI"m a warriorI"m stronger than ive ever beenAnd my armor is made of steel you cant get inI"m a warriorAnd you can never hurt me againOut of the ashes I"m burning like a fireYou can save your apologies you"re nothing but a liarI"ve got shame I"ve got scarsThat I"lll never showI"m a survivorIn more ways than you knowCause all the pain and the truthI wear like a battle woundSo ashamed so confused I"m not broken or bruisedNow I"m a warriorNow I"ve got thicker skinI"m a warriorI"m stronger than I"ve ever beenAnd my armor is made of steel you can"t get inIm a warriorAnd you can never hurt me againThere"s a part of me I can"t get backA little girl grew up too fastAll it took was once I"ll never be the sameNow I"m taking back my life todayNothing left that you can sayCause you were never gonna take the blame anywayNow I"m a warriorNow I"ve got thicker skinI"m a warriorI"m stronger than I"ve ever beenAnd my armor is made of steel you can"t get inI"m a warriorAnd you can never hurt me againNooo oooh yeaaah yeaahYou can never hurt me again
2023-06-07 12:03:251


我的血腥情人节,because of you,eversleeping,thetower,burning,a little love,just one last dance,soledad,不听后悔哦
2023-06-07 12:03:337


约翰逊先生的那辆汽车有收盘上涨的深沟(沟渠)在肯特郡Marsin后罗姆尼在冰上打滑及打击银行”。幸运的是,水就开始进来非常缓慢,”约翰逊先生说。“我不能强迫的门,因为他们却被沟的靠墙,不敢打开窗户,因为我知道水洪水会来。” 约翰逊先生甜蜜的推销员肯特郡坐在家里,第一次试着的注意力吸引你们也要吹角、由其他驾驶人,用拳头捶屋顶和boot.Then他开始自己的问题来逃脱。 后来他说:“这绝对是半便士救了我生活的真正的主人是我在我的口袋,我用它来放松后座上进入boot.I用锤子锤拼命努力让别人听到,但没有帮助来了。”
2023-06-07 12:04:014

求歌词:说唱音乐look to the sky

2023-06-07 12:04:094


   寓言 故事 中蕴含的审美倾向体现为:对世俗功利的超越、对自然无为的崇尚和对逍遥自由的向往,下面这些是我为大家推荐的几篇英文伊索寓言故事。  英文伊索寓言故事1:死去的苍蝇   The teacher asked her students in class: "If there are five flies on your desk and you kill one, how many will remain?"   "One," shouted a boy, "the dead one." The teacher said: "You should know that there are still four not dead."   The boy replied: "I know, but they have flown away."   He is right. Arithmatic is one thing, but logic is another.   上课时老师问学生:“如果有5只苍蝇在你的书桌上,你打死了一只,还剩下多少只?”   “一只,就是死了的那只。”一个男孩大声回答道。老师说:“你应该知道还有4只没有死嘛。   男孩回答说:“我知道,可是它们已经飞走了。   他是对的,算术是一回事,而逻辑是另一回事。   英文伊索寓言故事2:老鼠和公牛   A mouse once took a bite out of a bull"s tail as he lay dozing. The bull jumped up in a rage and, with his head low to the ground, chased the mouse right across the yard. The mouse was too quick for him, however, and slipped easily into a hole in the wall.   The bull charged the wall furiously again and again, but although he bruised his head and chipped his horns, the mouse stayed safely inside his hole. After a time the bull gave up and sank down to rest again.   As soon as the bull was asleep, the little mouse crept to the mouth of the hole, pattered across the yard, bit the bull again -- this time on the nose -- and rushed back to safety. As the bull roared helplessly the mouse squeaked:   "It"s not always the big people who come off best. Sometimes the small ones win, you know."   有一次,公牛躺着打盹,一只老鼠咬了他的尾巴。公牛怒气冲冲地跳起来,低着头追老鼠,一直追过院子。然而,老鼠跑得比他快多了,从容地钻到墙洞里去了。   公牛一次又一次地猛撞墙壁,尽管头撞肿了,角撞裂了,老鼠却安然待在洞里。过了一会儿,公牛不撞了,倒下歇着。   公牛刚睡着,小老鼠就爬到洞口,嗒嗒地跑过院子,又咬了公牛一口 ?? 这回咬了鼻子 ?? 又跑回安全的地方去。当公牛毫无办法地吼叫时,老鼠吱吱叫道:   “大人物并不总占上风。有时小人物也会取胜。”   英文伊索寓言故事3:驴和哈巴狗   A man had an ass and lovely lap-dog.   The ass was left in a stable, and had plenty of oats and day to eat, just as any other ass would. The lap-dog knew many tricks, and was a great favourite with his master.   The master seldom went out to dine or to super without bringing him something nice to eat when he jumped about him in a pleasant manner.   The ass, on the contrary, had much work to do, in grinding the corn-mill and in carrying wood from the forest or burdens from the farm,.   He often co plained about his own hard fate, and contrasted it with the luxury and idleness of the lap-dog. At last one day he broke the chain and ran into his master"s house, kicking up his heels without measuring and jumping as well as he could, he next tried to jump about his master as he had seen the lap-dog do, but he broke the table, and smashed all the dishes on it to pieces. He then tried to lick his master, and jumped upon his back.   The servants hearing the strange noise, and imagining the danger of his master, quickly helped him out of the situation and drove out the ass to his stable, with kicks and beatings. The ass, as he returned to his stall beaten nearly to death, thus cried and said sadly, "I have brought it all on myself! Why could I not have beencontented to labour with my companions, and not wish to be idle all the day like that useless little alp-dog".   一个人有一头驴和一只可爱的哈巴狗。   驴关在栏里,享受着和其他驴同等的待遇—燕麦和干草。哈巴狗却会很多的鬼把戏,深得主人的宠爱。   主人出去吃晚饭或午饭,每次都要给小狗带回好吃的东西,这时他就会在主人身旁欢快地跳跃,以博取主人的欢心。驴却大相庭径,他有很多的事情要做;到磨坊去推磨,到树林去背回木材,或到农庄去驮运货物。他常常自怨自艾命运太苦,并把自己的境遇同哈巴狗的安逸和懒惰作了一番比较。终于有一天他挣断了缰绳,跑到主人屋乱跳乱踢一通,然后又在主人的身旁模仿这哈巴狗跳跃的摸样试跳起来,可他踢坏了桌子,将桌子上的碗碟摔得粉碎。接着他又去舔它的主人,爬到主人的背上去。仆人们听到了奇怪的声响,以为他们的主人有危险,急忙帮他脱身,他们用棍棒将驴赶回到栏里去。驴差不多被打了个半死。回到栏里,驴哭诉着说:“这都是我自作自受!我为什么不能和同伴们一起去干活,不去奢望成为整日懒惰无用的小哈巴狗呢?”
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I can"t sleep tonight, wide awake and so confused我今夜无法入眠,大脑清醒至极而又混乱一片。Eveything is in line, but I am bruised一切井然有序,但我遍体鳞伤。I need a voice to echo, I need a light to take me home我需要一个能让我跟随的声音,我需要一束光明能照亮我回家的路。I kinda need a hero, is it you?我急需一个英勇之人,那是你吗?I never see the forest for the trees, I could really use your melody我从未见过一片森林为一棵树木而生长,但实际上我能用你的声音保护自己,Baby I"m a little blind, I think it"s time for you to find me宝贝我已双目失明,我想这也是让你来寻找我的时候了。Can you be my Nightingale, sing to me I know you"re there你能做那为我唱歌的人,对我引吭高歌而让我知道你就在我身旁?You could be my sanity, bring me peace, sing me to sleep.你让我头脑清醒,给我带来平和宁静,轻轻哼唱着歌曲让我安然入睡。Say you"ll be my Nightingale快说你会做那为我唱歌的人。Somebody speak to me, cause I"m feeling like hell有人告诉我某些事,因而我才会感到身处地狱。Need you to answer me, I"m overwhelmed需要你回答我,否则我将全然倒塌。I need a voice to echo, I need a light to take me home我真的需要一个能让我跟随的声音,需要一束光明能照亮我回家的路。I need a star to follow, I don"t know真的需要一颗能让我安然跟随的星星,但我不知它在哪儿。I never see the forest for the trees, I could really use your melody我从未见过一片森林为一棵树木而生长,但实际上我能用你的声音保护自己。Baby I"m a little blind, I think it"s time for you to find me宝贝我已双目失明,我想这也是让你来寻找我的时候了。Can you be my Nightingale, sing to me I know you"re there.你能做那为我唱歌的人,对我引吭高歌而让我知道你就在我身旁?You could be my sanity, bring me peace, sing me to sleep你让我头脑清醒,给我带来平和宁静,轻轻哼唱着歌曲让我安然入睡。Say you"ll be my Nightingale快说你会做那为我唱歌的人。I don"t know what I"d do without you我不知道离开你我将如何是好。Your words are like a whisper, come through?你话语像一阵低语穿透一切。As long as you"re with me here tonight, I"m good只要今晚你与我在此,我便会安然无恙。Can you be my Nightingale, feel so close I know you"re there你究竟能否那为我唱歌的人,感觉如此强烈,我知道你就在我身旁。Oh Nightingale, sing to me, I know you"re there噢,你快对我歌唱吧,我就知道你在附近。Cause baby you"re my sanity, you bring me peace, sing me to sleep亲爱的因为你是我的理智,给我带来平和宁静,歌唱哄我入眠。Say you"ll be my Nightingale快说你会做那为我唱歌的人……Tips:这全是我手打的,因为意译和时间问题会有一些不妥,希望LZ能谅解!另外,这首Demi Lovato创作的歌曲背后也有一个很感人的故事,LZ可以去demi吧看看咯
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You"ve left your ghost你忘记了你的鬼魂Until tomorrowAnd then he must be sentTo a strange addressIn the Mediterranean直到第二天,他必须被送往地中海那的一个陌生的地方。I"ve met your ghost我遇到了你的鬼魂He has proposed他说。。。I"ve met your ghost, yes我遇到了你的鬼魂,是的He"s proposedHe needs some time alone他提出要独自呆一会Then he"ll stay with me然后他会和我呆在一起Then he"ll visit your seven seasPlease leave me your ghost请让我和你的鬼魂呆在一起I will keep him from harm放心吧,我不会让他受伤的Although I"ve learned thatYou were wounded虽然我知道你已经遍体鳞伤了My forest of glass我的玻璃森林Caused enough damage对你造成了太大的伤害As your tear satin crashing当你的泪水如绸缎般破碎的时候My embers and my blues我的余烬还有我的忧伤Could have another use还有什么用呢Your ghost has shown me你的鬼魂告诉了我Our primroses could survive the frost我们之间的许诺不会因为霜冻而破碎If a gentle rivulet of flame is sustained tenderly只要那一丝如小溪般温柔的火苗可以持续闪耀He"ll play a Beatles tune他会给我弹奏一段披头士的小调Me, more a Bach fugue而我则送上一段巴赫的赋格曲Is this such a great divideBetween your world and mine这样一个巨大的分水岭就横越在你与我的世界间They both can purifyAnd heal what was cut and bruised他们可以治愈我们的伤口与痛楚Please leave me your ghost请让我陪陪你的鬼魂I will keep him from harm我会让他很安全I understand that you"ve been wounded我知道你已经遍体鳞伤了My embers and my blues我的余烬和我的忧伤Could have another use又有什么用呢Please leave me your ghost请让我和你的鬼魂在一起Just leave meYour ghostI will keep him warmI will keep him warm就让我陪陪他吧,我会紧紧抱着他,不再让那一丝火苗熄灭。。
2023-06-07 12:04:471


This is our primary school
2023-06-07 12:04:542

求《十六个愿望》里的那首open eyes歌词中文翻译 谢谢了

Look around it"s dead of night 环顾四周,夜已深You"ve been losing every fight 你屡战屡败Your hope is feeling broken 你的希望已破灭They are scraped and bruised 他们伤痕累累But still have strength to take you through 可仍然有力量带你穿过Into the dawn 穿过破晓Just close your eyes 只要闭上双眼And push right through 一口气通过I know it"s tough right now 我知道这很痛苦This was meant for you 你注定要经历的When the clouds are gone 当云朵已远去Not a shadow in sight 连影子也不见踪影You"ll be drenched in the sun with open eyes 你睁开双眼 沉浸在暖阳里Oh oh oh... 哦 哦 哦Oh oh oh... 哦 哦 哦Now at the beach the waves still crash 现在波涛击打着海岸The tide grab and pull you back 潮汐将你拉回And the sun may be covered with in gray 太阳也许灰蒙蒙的The sand will itch the salt can burn 沙子让人发痒 盐会蒸发The hurricane wil take its turn 飓风会转向Until the dawn 直到破晓Just close your eyes 只要闭上双眼And push right through 一口气通过I know it"s tough right now 我知道这很痛苦This was meant for you 你注定要经历的When the clouds are gone 当云朵已远去Not a shadow in sight 连影子也不见踪影You"ll be drenched in the sun with open eyes 你睁开双眼 沉浸在暖阳里So close your eyes and shut them tight 紧紧闭上双眼Let it be and it will fade away 随便吧 终会结束的Fade away 结束到永远Push on through there"s strength in you 继续前进 你的心中依然有力量Let it be and wish it all a way 随便吧 希望都结束All away 都结束So close your eyes and shut them tight 紧紧闭上双眼Let it be and it will fade away 随便吧 终会结束的Push on through there"s strength in you 继续前进 你的心中依然有力量Let it be and wish it all a way 随便吧 希望都结束All away 都结束With open eyes opened wide it"s all good 只要睁大眼睛寻找 世界依旧美好Now watch it fade away 看着它慢慢远去Day by day 一天又一天
2023-06-07 12:05:011

后街crawling back to you歌词翻译。

everybody knows每个人都知道that i was such a fool我是那样的傻瓜to ever let go of you因为曾经我让你离去but baby i was wrong但是宝贝我错了and yeah i know i said我知道我曾经说过了什么we"d be better off alone我们最好都独自一人it was time that we moved on时间会让我们继续向前i know i broke your heart我知道我让你的心受到了伤害i didn"t mean to break your heart我没有故意去伤害你的心but baby, here i am但是宝贝,(现在)我在这里.banging on your front door敲着你的前门my pride spilled on the floor我的骄傲(已经)溢出一地.my hands and knees are bruised我的手和膝盖已经伤痕累累。and i"m crawling back to you我希望你的回心转意begging for a second chance祈求第二次的机会are you gonna let me in你会让我进去么?i was running from the truth我已经站在真相的面前and now i"m crawling back to you现在我希望你能回心转意i know you"re in there我知道你就在里面and you can make me wait但是你却让我一直等待but i"m not gonna wait但是我不会再等待下去it"s the least that i can do这是我有限的能做的事情just to tell you face to face只是想面对面地告诉你i was lying to myself我对自己撒了谎now i"m dying in this hell现在我将会在地狱中死去girl, i know you"re mad亲爱的,我知道你很生气i can"t blame you for being mad我不会因为你的生气而责怪你if you could see如果你能看见these tears i"m crying这些恣意流淌的泪水touch these hands即使被握着的双手that can"t stop shaking也不能停止颤抖heal my heart治愈我(受伤)的心that"s barely beating那些赤裸裸的伤害you will see a different man你将会看见一个不同(以前)的男人yeah, now i"m crawling back to you我希望你能回信转意...crawling back to you (crawling back to you, crawling back to you)让你回心转意...
2023-06-07 12:05:081

Treat me right歌词+翻译

Treat me rightAJ: The first night that we met 第一晚我们相遇 I will never forget 我永不会忘记 Baby you were a star 宝贝你是一颗明星 Oh, from that point in time 哦,从那一刻开始 It was always you and I 总是你与我一起 Shining so beautiful 闪烁着美丽的光华 Later out with your friends 后来和你的朋友出去 You treat me like I"m dead 你将我像死了一样对待 It was like I"m invisible 好像我是隐形人一样 Nick: (I can"t let it go) 我不能放手 That was unforgettable 那难以忘怀 (I can"t let it go) I just wanna let you know 我只是想让你知道 (I can"t let it go) Situations unliveable 不适合的环境 (I can"t let it go) I can"t let it go (I can"t let it go) All: So tell me why you say that you want me 所以告诉我为什么你说你要我 When all you ever do girl 当你还是女孩的时候 Is push on my buttons 是开启我的心门? You always bring me down 你总是打击我 In public 在公共场合 When nobody"s around 而在没有人的地方 To say that you love me 说你爱我 Make me say oh, no 让我说,哦,不 I see you all alone 我看到你总是独自一个人 I"m half way out the door 在我在出门的半路上 Unless you turn around 除非你转过身 And treat me right 好好的对待我 Brian: Oh, you got me twisted 哦,你让我受尽折磨 Oh, you got me twisted I"m not someone you can just disrespect, oh 我不是你可以不尊重的那个人,哦 How would you feel if you were in my shoes 如果在我鞋中,你将是怎样? Feelin" used, with a heart bruised 感觉被利用,一颗心被伤得破碎 Nick: (I can"t let it go) The situations critical 危险的环境 (I can"t let it go) Relationship is pitiful 令人同情的关系 (I can"t let it go) Everything"s falling apart 所有东西都在土崩瓦解 (I can"t let it go) Cause you"re so hypocritical 因为你是如此伪善
2023-06-07 12:05:151


2023-06-07 12:05:245

求 后街男孩 Crawling Back To You的歌词意思

Crawling Back To You回到你身边everybody knows 所有人都知道 that i was such a fool 我简直是个蠢材 to ever let go of you 居然就那样放开手 让你走but baby i was wrong 但是宝贝我错了 and yeah i know i said 是的 我知道自己说过什麼 we"d be better off alone 我说 我们应该分开一阵子it was time that we moved on 那是我们分手时说的i know i broke your heart 我知道我伤了你的心 i didn"t mean to break your heart 但我并不是故意令你伤心的 but baby, here i am 宝贝,我就在这里 banging on your front door 叩著你的前门 my pride spilled on the floor 我的自尊全都丢在了地上 my hands and knees are bruised 我的手和膝盖都受伤了 and i"m crawling back to you 我只是想回到你身边begging for a second chance 希望你能再给我一次机会 are you gonna let me in 你还会让我回到你身旁吗? i was running from the truth 我曾经逃避现实and now i"m crawling back to you 现在我要回到你身边i know you"re in there 我知道你在里面 and you can make me wait 我知道你要我等待but i"m not gonna wait 但是我等不及了 it"s the least that i can do 我最起码能做的事 just to tell you face to face 就是面对面的告诉你 i was lying to myself 我曾对自己说谎 now i"m dying in this hell 现在我真的感到生不如死girl, i know you"re mad 宝贝,我知道你很生气 i can"t blame you for being mad 我不可以责怪你生气~复歌再来~if you could see 如果你能看见 these tears i"m crying 我哭泣的泪水 touch these hands 如果你肯触碰 that can"t stop shaking 这不住抖震的双手heal my heart 治愈我这颗that"s barely beating 正受尽折磨的心 you will see a different man 你便会看到一个改变了的男人 (复歌重覆)yeah, now i"m crawling back to you 我现在要回到你身边crawling back to you (crawling back to you, crawling back to you) 回到你身边
2023-06-07 12:05:391


你好,以下为本人手工制作Mr.Johnson"s car had finished up in a ditch(沟渠) at Romney Marsin, Kent after skidding on ice and hitting a bank译:Johnson先生的汽车在Kent的Romney Marsin在冰面上打滑并撞到了堤岸后掉到了一个沟里。附:其中"finish up"-“完蛋了;结束了”,结合具体语境理解为“掉沟里了”skid vi.打滑, 溜滑 vt.打滑刹车,滚滑The brakes locked, causing the car to skid. 汽车因车轮刹住而打滑。“I couldn"t force the doors because they were jammed against the walls of the ditch and dared not open the windows because I knew water would come flooding in.”译:“我使劲全力也打不开车门,因为它们卡在了沟中墙上,而且我也不敢打开窗户,因为我知道若打开窗户水就会涌进车内”附: force 有“用力推进;强行攻占;强行打开”之意例句:We forced our way in. 我们挤了进去。 jam v.塞满, 挤, 卡住, 夹伤, 干扰, 猛压例句:The key turned halfway and then jammed. 钥匙转了一半就卡住了。flood作动词将有“(大量地)涌进;涌出,喷出;充斥”之意例句:Letters of complaint flooded in. 投诉的信件潮涌般寄来。 Mr.Johnson, a sweet salesman of Sitting Home, Kent, first tried to attract the attention of other motorists by sounding the horn and hammering on the roof and boot.译:Johnson先生,这位Kent地区Sitting Home公司糖果推销员,起先试图通过按车上的喇叭和捶击车顶以及行李箱来吸引其他司机的注意。附:motorist n. 乘汽车者; 常坐汽车的人Later he said, “It was really a half penny that saved my life.It was the only coin I had in my pocket and I used it to loosen the back seat to get into the boot.I hammered desperately with a hammer trying to make someone hear, but no help came.”译:然后他说到“还真是那半便士的硬币救了我的命。那是我口袋中唯一的一枚硬币,我用它把后座弄松才来到了行李箱的位置。我拼命地用锤子捶击(依据上文来看应是捶车顶)以期有人能够听到,但却没有任何帮助到来。”附:loosen vt.松开, 放松, 放宽 vi.变松, 松弛例句:I loosened my tie, but I didn"t take it off. 我松开了领带,但是没有把它解下来。desperately adv. 有“绝望地;不顾一切地,拼命地”之意例句:The man in the river desperately tried to reach the side. 那个落水的人拼命想游到河岸边。 It took ten minutes to loosen the seat, and a further five minutes to clear the sweet samples from the boot.Then Mr.Johnson found a wrench and began to work on the boot lock.译:(Johnson先生)先花了10分钟把后座弄松,又花了5分钟将行李箱中的糖果样品清理干净。然后他找到了扳手并开始试图将行李箱的锁打开。附:further 不只表“更远的”,还可表示“更多的”sample n.样品, 样本 wrench n. 扳钳, 猛扭, 扳手“It was the only chance I had.Finally it gave, but as soon as I moved the boot lid, the water and mud poured in.I forced the lid down into the mud and scrambled clear as the car filled up.”“这是我仅有的机会(因为打开了行李箱的盖子而未能成功逃脱,那涌进来的水就会把Johnson淹死)。终于我打开了行李箱的锁(Finally it gave我认为等于Finally the problem was solved,或Finally the God gave me the luck to work out this problem,总之就是问题(行李箱的锁)解决了 )”但我一打开行李箱的盖子,水和泥巴就涌了进来。我吃力地在将盖子打开,并从泥水中爬出来,而与此同时水将汽车填满了。附:scramble v. 攀缘, 争夺, 杂乱蔓延; 攀登, 使混杂, 搅乱His hands and arms cut and bruised(擦伤), Mr.Johnson got to Beckett Farm nearby, where he was looked after by the farmer"s wife, Mrs.Lucy Bates.Huddled in a blanket, 译:Johnson先生的手和胳膊都被切伤擦伤了,他找到了附近的Beckett农场,在那里他受到了农场主的人,Lucy Bates夫人的照顾。蜷缩在毯子中,附:Huddle v. 挤作一团; 蜷缩, 缩成一团; 聚在一起; 偎依; 推挤, 草率了事, 乱堆例句:The boys huddled together in the cave to keep warm. 男孩子们在山洞里挤成一团取暖。blanket n. 毛毯, 毯子Only the tips of the car wheels were visible, police said last night.The vehicle had sunk into two feet of mud at the bottom of the ditch.译:昨晚上警察看到,只有车轮的尖部可以见到。车子已经陷到沟底两英尺后的泥中了。希望对你有帮助
2023-06-07 12:05:481

Damaged and Bruised 歌词

Anna Johnson - Damaged and BruisedI"m sitting alonePretending to readDon"t come near meI am bleedingI live by myselfI eat on my ownI don"t take chancesJust leave me aloneLeave me aloneI know it"s absurdI know it"s not rightBut I"m still hurtingSince the last fightGot lost in the rainGot left in the darkHe took my lifeHe took my heartOoh ooh oohDamaged and bruised like a toy that"s been usedI am nothing to himI"m nothing to youBroken and tornThis is your warningI"m desperate for youBut I"m damagedI"m damaged and bruisedI push you awayBecause I am scaredI am emptyI am lonelyThere is no timeThere is no room for liesIt"s hard to trust when people lieOoh ooh oohDamaged and bruised like a toy that"s been usedI am nothing to himI"m nothing to youBroken and tornThis is your warningI"m desperate for youBut I"m damagedI"m damaged and bruisedIf I gave you one chanceWould you take my hand?If I gave you my heartWould you love me "til the end?Damaged and bruised like a toy that"s been usedI"m nothing to himMake me something to youBroken and tornThis is your warningI"m desperate for youI"m desperateI"m damaged and bruisedOh, I"m damaged and bruised
2023-06-07 12:06:093

请帮忙翻译back to you的歌词,谢谢

2023-06-07 12:06:163

demi lovato《nightingale》中英文歌词

2023-06-07 12:06:231

crawling 歌词的中文翻译

皮肤内充斥着爬虫 这些伤口永远无法愈合 害怕是我跌倒的理由 疑惑的一切都是真实的 我体内有种东西撕扯着我的皮肤 消耗的/持久的 这种令我担心的失控行为从未结束 控制着/我看不见 再找回自己 我周围的墙壁都封闭了 (没有一丝自信,我只能相信有太多压力需要承受) 我曾经感受过这样的痛苦 如此不安全 那种不舒服的感觉一直向我涌过来 让我分心/作用着 违背了我的遗愿我站在我的镜中的影像旁 向鬼魂般出没我看不见 (PS){Crawling可以引申为充斥着爬虫} 百度的...
2023-06-07 12:06:303

Gabrielle - Out Of Reach 歌词中文翻译、?

《遥不可及》歌词-加布里埃所属专辑:Best Movie Hits 2Gabrielle - Out Of Reach加布里埃-走出去Album: Ost Bridget Jones"s DiaryOST专辑:布丽姬琼斯的日记Knew the signs知道的迹象Wasn"t right不正确I was stupid for a while我是愚蠢的一段时间Swept away by you被你扫走And now I feel like a fool现在我觉得自己像个傻子So confused,如此混乱,My heart"s bruised我的心的伤痕Was I ever loved by you?我曾经爱过你吗?Out of reach, so far遥不可及,到目前为止I never had your heart我从未有过你的心Out of reach,出不到,Couldn"t see看不见We were never我们从未Meant to be意味着Catch myself抓住自己From despair从绝望I could drown我可以淹死If I stay here如果我留在这里Keeping busy everyday每天保持忙碌I know I will be OK我知道我会很好But I was但我是So confused,如此混乱,My heart"s bruised我的心的伤痕Was I ever loved by you?我曾经爱过你吗?Out of reach, so far遥不可及,到目前为止I never had your heart我从未有过你的心Out of reach,出不到,Couldn"t see看不见We were never我们从未Meant to be意味着So much hurt,如此多的伤害,So much pain如此多的痛苦Takes a while花一段时间To regain重新获得What is lost inside失去了什么And I hope that in time,我希望在时间里,You"ll be out of my mind你将离开我的心And I"ll be over you我会在你But now I"m但现在我So confused,如此混乱,My heart"s bruised我的心的伤痕Was I ever loved by you?我曾经爱过你吗?Out of reach,出不到,So far到目前为止I never had your heart我从未有过你的心Out of reach,出不到,Couldn"t see看不见We were never我们从未Meant to be意味着Out of reach,出不到,So far到目前为止You never gave your heart你从未给过你的心In my reach, I can see在我的伸手,我可以看到There"s a life out there那里有一个生命For me为了我
2023-06-07 12:06:372


歌名:Castle(The Huntsman: Winter"s War Version) 演唱者:Halsey歌词:Sick of all these people talking sick of all this noiseTired of all these cameras flashing sick of being poisedNow my neck is open wide begging for a fist around itAlready choking on my prideso there"s no use crying about itI"m headed straight for the castleThey wanna make me their queenAnd there"s an old man sitting on the thronethat"s sayingThat I probably shouldn"t be so meanI"m headed straight for the castleThey"ve got the kingdom locked upAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throneThat"s saying I should probablykeep my pretty mouth shutStraight for the castleOh all of these minutes passing sick of feeling usedIf you wanna break these walls downyou"re gonna get bruisedNow my neck is open wide begging for a fist around itAlready choking on my prideso there"s no use crying about itI"m headed straight for the castleThey wanna make me their queenAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throneThat"s saying that I probably shouldn"t be so meanI"m headed straight for the castleThey"ve got the kingdom locked upAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throneThat"s saying I should probablykeep my pretty mouth shutStraight for the castleThere"s no use crying about itThere"s no use crying about itThere"s no use crying about itThere"s no use crying about itI"m headed straight for the castleThey wanna make me their queenAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throneThat"s saying that I probably shouldn"t be so meanI"m headed straight for the castleThey"ve got the kingdom locked upAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throneThat"s saying I should probablykeep my pretty mouth shutStraight for the castleThey wanna make me their queenAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throneThat"s saying that I probably shouldn"t be so meanI"m headed straight for the castleThey"ve got the kingdom locked upAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throneThat"s saying I should probablykeep my pretty mouth shutStraight for the castle
2023-06-07 12:06:583

Joe Jackson的《Fit》 歌词

歌曲名:Fit歌手:Joe Jackson专辑:Beat CrazyHQY制作献给可爱的哲I want to stop, I want to findI need to know where you gonna hideCause I"m out of breath, my air is goneRunning to see you, being aloneCause you really want to tell the truthLet me be the one to offer you proofOh how you fit meOh how you doYou know that you onlyI"m head over youOh how it hit meI"m caught up and bruisedDespite all these synical liesI finally found the piece that fit in my lifeI was adrift, out on my ownYou came along and carried me homeCause you are a spark, a distant headlightI can"t stop my eyes from keeping you in sightCause I"m not looking for a broken excuseBut I need you now to heal all my woundsOh how you fit meOh how you doYou know that you onlyI"m head over youOh how it hit meI"m caught up and bruisedDespite all these synical liesI finally found the piece that fitCause I"m made longI feigned some lookOf what I"ve becomeAnd my eyes are drawnTo you came alongIn a world that is quite confusedYou"re my only absoluteOh how you fit meOh how you doYou know that you onlyI"m head over youOh how it hit meI"m caught up and bruisedDespite all these synical liesAnd oh how you fit meOh how you doYou know that you onlyI"m head onto youOh how it hit meI"m bound up in youDespite all these synical liesI finally found the piece that fit in my lifeI finally found the piece that fit in my lifeOhhhhhh
2023-06-07 12:07:051

almost here的歌词

did i hear you right? 我没有听错吧"cos i thought you said ,let"s think it over 你竟然说让我们结束you have been my life 你就是我生命的全部and i never planned growing old without you 我从未想象过没有你而老去shadows bleeding through the light 穿过黑夜里的影子在滴血where the love once shined so bright 曾经我们的爱照亮了整个黑夜。came without a reason 这是为什么,我找不到一点原由。don"t let go on us tonight 不要再让我们继续下去吧love"s not always black and white 爱不仅仅只有黑与白。why haven"t i always loved you? 为什么我不能一直爱着你and when i need you 当我需要你的时候you"re almost here 你就在这里and i know thats not enough 但我知道那并不够and when i"m with you 当我和你在一起的时候i"m close to tears 我几乎要流泪"cos you"re only almost here 因为你仅仅是在我身边i would change the world 我将改变这个世界if i had a chance 如果有机会oh won"t you let me treat me like a child 请对我象个孩子一样throw your arms around me 打开你的双臂 抱着我oh please protect me 我需要你的保护bruised and battered by your words 你的言词在刺痛着我,dazed and shattered now it hurts 敲打着我 它现在还让我头眩 撕裂oh havent i always loved you? 难道你不爱我了吗and when i need you 当我需要你时you"re almost here 你几乎就在身边and i know thats not enough 我知道那并不够and when i"m with you 当我和你一起时i"m close to tears 我几乎流泪"cos you"re only almost here 因为你仅仅是在身边oooh oh bruised and battered by your words 你的言语刺痛了我dazed and shattered now it hurts 敲打着我 它现在还让我头眩 撕裂haven"t i always loved you? 为什么我不能总是始终如一的爱你but when i need you 但是当我需要你的时候you"re almost here 你就在这里well i never knew how far behind i left you 我从没想到我离开你有多远and when i hold you ,you"re almost here 当我抱着你的时候,你就在这里well i"m sorry that i took our love for granted 对于我理所当然的看待我们爱,我感到抱歉and now i"m with you ,i"m close to tears 现在我和你在一起,我看到你的眼泪"cos i know i"m almost here 因为我知道你仅仅在我身边only almost here 仅仅在我身边
2023-06-07 12:07:142

BSB的crawling back to you歌词,翻译

everybody knows他们都看得出来that i was such a fool我是这样一个傻子to ever let go of you竟然放开你的手but baby i was wrong但亲爱的,我犯下这样的错and yeah i know i said是的,我知道我所言we"d be better off alone我说我们最好独善其身it was time that we moved on我们应该过各自的生活i know i broke your heart我让你心碎i didn"t mean to break your heart却不是故意而为but baby, here i am但是,亲爱的。而今我回来了banging on your front door在你的门前求你开门my pride"s spilled on the floor我把尊严洒在地上my hands and knees are bruised只留下手和膝上的淤青and i"m crawling back to you而今我抛下尊严回来begging for a second chance祈求你给我一个机会are you gonna let me in?你会再接纳我吗?i was running from the truth我曾今与真相背道而驰and now i"m crawling back to you而今我抛下尊严回来i know you"re in there我知道你就在门后and you can make me wait你值得我的等待but i"m not gonna wait但我不会守候太久this is the least that i can do这是我最后能做到的just is to tell you face to face我只想当面对你倾诉i was lying to myself我是在对自己说谎吗?now i"m dying in this hell现在我要在这炼狱中死去girl, i know you"re mad我知道我是个疯子i can"t blame you for being mad我怎能为你的愤怒而气恼but baby, here i am但是,亲爱的。而今我回来了banging on your front door在你的门前求你开门my pride"s spilled on the floor我把尊严洒在地上my hands and knees are bruised只留下手和膝上的淤青and i"m crawling back to you而今我抛下尊严回来begging for a second chance祈求你给我一个机会are you gonna let me in?你会再接纳我吗?i was running from the truth我曾今与真相背道而驰and i"m crawling back to you而今我抛下尊严回来if you could see如果你看得到these tears i"m crying我的泪touch these hands触摸着手that can"t stop shaking这止不住的颤抖heal my heart治愈我心that"s heavily bleeding它在滴血you would see a different man我会看见一个新的我but baby, here i am但是,亲爱的。而今我回来了banging on your front door在你的门前求你开门my pride"s spilled on the floor我把尊严洒在地上my hands and knees are bruised只留下手和膝上的淤青and i"m crawling back to you而今我抛下尊严回来begging for a second chance祈求你给我一个机会are you gonna let me in?你会再接纳我吗?i was running from the truth我曾今与真相背道而驰and i"m crawling back to you而今我抛下尊严回来
2023-06-07 12:07:211

Out Of Reach 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of Reach歌手:Gabrielle专辑:Movie 930Artist/Band GabrielleSong title Out Of ReachAlbum Ost Bridget Jones"s DiaryKnew the signsWasn"t rightI was stupid for a whileSwept away by youAnd now I feel like a foolSo confused,My heart"s bruisedWas I ever loved by you?Out of reach, so farI never had your heartOut of reach,Couldn"t seeWe were neverMeant to beCatch myselfFrom despairI could drownIf I stay hereKeeping busy everydayI know I will be OKBut I wasSo confused,My heart"s bruisedWas I ever loved by you?Out of reach, so farI never had your heartOut of reach,Couldn"t seeWe were neverMeant to beSo much hurt,So much painTakes a whileTo regainWhat is lost insideAnd I hope that in time,You"ll be out of my mindAnd I"ll be over youBut now I"mSo confused,My heart"s bruisedWas I ever loved by you?Out of reach,So farI never had your heartOut of reach,Couldn"t seeWe were neverMeant to beOut of reach,So farYou never gave your heartIn my reach, I can seeThere"s a life out thereFor me
2023-06-07 12:07:361


最佳答案 U2 - Winter (Brothers Version) The yellow sun Well it took the hand Of a country boy To a city in a far off land We made no mark, Left no shadow at all On the ancient holy streets Where I learned to crawl 24, not making sense I kept the diary of my experience The broken and the bruised The young and the used The sure and confused All here Words would find me Creep up behind me Break and enter through every locked door Rhymes began in me Summer sang in me But summer sings in me no more Now I"m 25 Trying to stay alive In a corner of the world With no clear enemies to fight It"s hot as hell We"re like butter on toast And there"s no army in this world Who can fight a ghost The scared and the brave The saint and the slaves I saw in the grave All here Words would land on me Then abandon me Mangle, untangle me Leave me on the floor Spring it sprang from me Summer sang in me Summer sings in me no more (Home) Ooh, ooh, ooh (Home) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oh (Home) So glad you made it home (Home) Home in time (Home) The day that slide (Home) So glad you made it home (Home) Made it in time, for daylight
2023-06-07 12:07:541

Out Of Reach 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of Reach歌手:Gabrielle专辑:Bridget Jones"S DiaryArtist/Band GabrielleSong title Out Of ReachAlbum Ost Bridget Jones"s DiaryKnew the signsWasn"t rightI was stupid for a whileSwept away by youAnd now I feel like a foolSo confused,My heart"s bruisedWas I ever loved by you?Out of reach, so farI never had your heartOut of reach,Couldn"t seeWe were neverMeant to beCatch myselfFrom despairI could drownIf I stay hereKeeping busy everydayI know I will be OKBut I wasSo confused,My heart"s bruisedWas I ever loved by you?Out of reach, so farI never had your heartOut of reach,Couldn"t seeWe were neverMeant to beSo much hurt,So much painTakes a whileTo regainWhat is lost insideAnd I hope that in time,You"ll be out of my mindAnd I"ll be over youBut now I"mSo confused,My heart"s bruisedWas I ever loved by you?Out of reach,So farI never had your heartOut of reach,Couldn"t seeWe were neverMeant to beOut of reach,So farYou never gave your heartIn my reach, I can seeThere"s a life out thereFor me
2023-06-07 12:08:091

后街男孩的i still…以及 crawling back to you这两首歌的歌词翻译成中文是什么意思啊?

2023-06-07 12:08:173


Bad Blood - Taylor Swift,Kendrick LamarCause baby, now we"ve got bad bloodYou know it used to be mad loveSo take a look what you"ve doneCause baby, now we"ve got bad blood, hey!I can"t take it back, look where I"m atWe was on D like DOC, remember that?My TLC was quite OD, ID my factsNow POV of you and me, similar IraqI don"t hate you but I hate to critique, overrate youThese beats of a dark heart, use basslines to replace youTake time and erase you, love don"t hear no moreNo I don"t fear no more, better yet respect ain"t quite sincere no moreOh, it"s so sad toThink about the good timesYou and ICause baby, now we"ve got bad bloodYou know it used to be mad loveSo take a look what you"ve doneCause baby, now we"ve got bad blood, hey!Now we"ve got problemsAnd I don"t think we can solve "emYou made a really deep cutAnd baby, now we"ve got bad blood, hey!Remember when you tried to write me off?Remember when you thought I"d take a loss?Don"t you remember? You thought that I would need yahFollow procedure, remember? Oh wait you got amnesiaIt was my season for battle wounds, battle scarsBody bumped, bruisedStabbed in the back; brimstone, fire jumping throughStill, all my life, I got money and powerAnd you gotta live with the bad blood nowOh, it"s so sad toThink about the good timesYou and ICause baby, now we"ve got bad bloodYou know it used to be mad loveSo take a look what you"ve doneCause baby, now we"ve got bad blood, hey!Now we"ve got problemsAnd I don"t think we can solve "emYou made a really deep cutAnd baby, now we"ve got bad blood, hey!Band-aids don"t fix bullet holesYou say sorry just for showYou live like that, you live with ghosts(You forgive, you forget but you never let it go)Band-aids don"t fix bullet holesYou say sorry just for showIf you live like that, you live with ghostsIf you love like that, blood runs cold!Cause baby, now we"ve got bad bloodYou know it used to be mad loveSo take a look what you"ve doneCause baby, now we"ve got bad blood, hey!Now we"ve got problemsAnd I don"t think we can solve "emYou made a really deep cutAnd baby, now we"ve got bad blood, hey!Cause baby, now we"ve got bad bloodYou know it used to be mad loveSo take a look what you"ve doneCause baby, now we"ve got bad blood, hey!Now we"ve got problemsAnd I don"t think we can solve "emYou made a really deep cutAnd baby, now we"ve got bad blood, hey!
2023-06-07 12:08:251

Out Of Reach 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of Reach歌手:Gabrielle专辑:Kiss FM NightArtist/Band GabrielleSong title Out Of ReachAlbum Ost Bridget Jones"s DiaryKnew the signsWasn"t rightI was stupid for a whileSwept away by youAnd now I feel like a foolSo confused,My heart"s bruisedWas I ever loved by you?Out of reach, so farI never had your heartOut of reach,Couldn"t seeWe were neverMeant to beCatch myselfFrom despairI could drownIf I stay hereKeeping busy everydayI know I will be OKBut I wasSo confused,My heart"s bruisedWas I ever loved by you?Out of reach, so farI never had your heartOut of reach,Couldn"t seeWe were neverMeant to beSo much hurt,So much painTakes a whileTo regainWhat is lost insideAnd I hope that in time,You"ll be out of my mindAnd I"ll be over youBut now I"mSo confused,My heart"s bruisedWas I ever loved by you?Out of reach,So farI never had your heartOut of reach,Couldn"t seeWe were neverMeant to beOut of reach,So farYou never gave your heartIn my reach, I can seeThere"s a life out thereFor me
2023-06-07 12:08:321

求高手翻译Alexander Pope 的 Windsor Forest中的一句诗歌

辅导书 里面 有翻译 还在这问
2023-06-07 12:08:402


对,是with or without you,那时听了,就爱上了u2,呵呵
2023-06-07 12:09:152


2023-06-07 12:09:233

老友记 罗斯向瑞秋道歉在电台放的歌叫什么名字?

U2的With or without you
2023-06-07 12:09:302

Quietdrive-Rise From the Ashes中文歌词翻译

Quietdrive-东山再起I felt this way before我之前有过这种感觉I fell right through the floor这种从楼上摔下的感觉And I am certain I"ve become而且我确定我已经变得Broken, bruised, and numb支离破碎,伤痕累累,冷漠麻木Would you restate your opinion你能重申你的想法,And hold back your investigation停止你的调查吗Do you see the sins you"re making你能了解自己正在犯的罪吗Cause I"ve made them all before因为这些罪行我之前都犯过I will now rise from the ashes我现在即将东山再起Don"t call me pretentious别说我太狂妄I"m sitting here making my own rules我就在这里,制定我自己的规则And if I fall from the ceiling如果我从天花板上坠落You"ll be down there waiting你会在下面等待And my only hope而我唯一的希望Is falling down也会随之坠落And by my own admission经过我的允许进来看我You"ll find that my condition你就会发现我的情况Is worse than you imagined比你想象的要糟的多You"re better off if you know了解了的话就快点滚吧But every time before that I但是每当我升起那种想法之前,我Tried to measure pain inside都会试着测量内心痛苦的程度You can"t ignore it你无法无视它Right now I can"t ignore it现在我也无法无视它I will now rise from the ashes我即将东山再起Don"t call me pretentious别说我狂妄I"m sitting here making my own rules我就在这里,制定我自己的规则And if I fall from the ceiling如果我从天花板上坠落You"ll be down there waiting你会在下面等着To finish me结束我的生命Inside of me (x7)在我内心深处I"ll take my heart我会在心And rip my feelings out与感觉使我迷惑之前Before they make me doubt将它们撕裂And I"ll fall down with flames burning而我也会像凤凰涅盘一般坠落Alive again浴火重生As long as you know that就像你知道的那样I will now rise from the ashes我会东山再起Don"t call me pretentious别说我狂妄I"m sitting here making my own rules我就在这里,制定我自己的规则And if I fall from the ceiling如果我从天花板上坠落You"ll be down there waiting你会在下面等着To finish me结束我的生命Finish me结束我的生命
2023-06-07 12:09:381


电影《猎神冬日之战》主题曲主题曲曲目:《Castle》演唱:Halsey语言:英语类型:单曲风格:欧美流行唱片公司:Astralwerks发现日期:2016年4月8日《Castle》歌词:Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noiseTired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poisedNow my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around itAlready choking on my pride, so there"s no use crying about itI"m headed straight for the castleThey wanna make me their queenAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throne that"s saying that I probably shouldn"t be so meanI"m headed straight for the castleThey"ve got the kingdom locked upAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throne that"s saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shutStraight for the castleOh, all of these minutes passing, sick of feeling usedIf you wanna break these walls down, you"re gonna get bruisedNow my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around itAlready choking on my pride, so there"s no use crying about itI"m headed straight for the castleThey wanna make me their queenAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throne that"s saying that I probably shouldn"t be so meanI"m headed straight for the castleThey"ve got the kingdom locked upAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throne that"s saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shutStraight for the castleThere"s no use crying about itThere"s no use crying about itThere"s no use crying about itThere"s no use crying about itI"m headed straight for the castleThey wanna make me their queenAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throne that"s saying that I probably shouldn"t be so meanI"m headed straight for the castleThey"ve got the kingdom locked upAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throne that"s saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shutStraight for the castleThey wanna make me their queenAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throne that"s saying that I probably shouldn"t be so meanI"m headed straight for the castleThey"ve got the kingdom locked upAnd there"s an old man sitting on the throne that"s saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shutStraight for the castle
2023-06-07 12:09:481