barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-07 09:41:28






例句:He is completely besotted with his new girlfriend.



besotted drunkard烂醉的酒徒

besotted detail痴迷

besotted love糊涂的爱

get besotted吃醉酒





adj. 喝醉的

v. 哗啦哗啦地晃荡;撒出;溅出;使哗啦哗啦地摇荡(或搅动液体);连倒带撒;(在水或泥里)扑哧扑哧地走

例句:Some of the paint sloshed out of the can.





drunkard 英[u02c8dru028cu014bku0259d] 美[u02c8dru028cu014bku0259rd] n. 醉汉,酒鬼; [网络] 醉汉; 嗜酒者; 醉鬼; [例句]A drunkard brushed against me in a rude way.一个醉汉从我身边经过时粗鲁地碰了我一下。[其他] 复数:drunkards
2023-06-07 08:58:534


2023-06-07 08:59:083


drunkard 英[u02c8dru028cu014bku0259d] 美[u02c8dru028cu014bku0259rd] n. 醉汉,酒鬼; [例句]The drunkard began to rave again.这酒鬼又开始胡言乱语了。[其他] 复数:drunkards
2023-06-07 08:59:151


drunken man或是drunkard
2023-06-07 08:59:235


问题一:酒鬼英文怎么翻译 酒鬼juicehead∶指好酒贪杯的人(含厌恶意) drunkard∶喝醉的人,醉汉 lush∶习惯性醉酒的人 问题二:酒鬼英文怎么说 Drunkard 问题三:酒鬼英语怎么写 alcoholic drunkard juice-head stewbum tippler winebagwinebibber 问题四:我想我正在成为一个波尔多酒鬼 用英语怎么说? 5分 I"m now being a Bordeaux drunkard. 问题五:酒鬼英文怎么写 alcoholic 英 [?lk?"h?l?k] 美 [,?lk?"h?l?k] adj. 酒精的,含酒精的 n. 酒鬼,酗酒者 问题六:酒鬼的万圣节英文版,就是一个关于酒鬼的 1 万圣节故事二则 一.万圣节故事之一:HALLOWEEN 关于万圣节有这样一个故事。是说有一个叫杰克的爱尔兰人,因为他对钱特别吝啬,就不允许他进入天堂,而被打入地狱。但是在那里他老是捉弄魔鬼撒旦,所以被踢出地狱,罚他提着灯笼永远在人世里行走。 在十月三十一日爱尔兰的孩子们用土豆和罗卜制作“杰克的灯笼”,他们把中间挖掉、表面上打洞并在里边点上蜡烛。为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞讨食物。这种灯笼的爱尔兰名字是“拿灯笼的杰克”或者“杰克的灯笼”,缩写为Jack-o"-lantern 现在拼写为jack-o-lantern。 现在你在大多数书里读到的万圣节只是孩子们开心的夜晚。在小学校里,万圣节是每年十月份开始庆祝的。 孩子们会制作万圣节的装饰品:各种各样桔黄色的南瓜灯。你可以用黑色的纸做一个可怕的造形――一个骑在扫帚把上戴着尖尖帽子的女巫飞过天空,或者是黑蝙蝠飞过月亮。这些都代表恶运。当然黑猫代表运气更差。有时候会出现黑猫骑在女巫扫帚后面飞向天空的造形。 在万圣节的晚上,我们都穿着爸爸妈妈的旧衣服和旧鞋子,戴上面具,打算外出。比我们小的孩子必须和他们的母亲一块出去,我们大一点的就一起哄到邻居家,按他们的门铃并大声喊道:“恶作剧还是招待!”意思是给我们吃的,要不我们就捉弄你。里边的人们应该出来评价我们的化装。 “噢!这是鬼,那是女巫,这是个老太婆。” 有时候他们会跟我们一起玩,假装被鬼或者女巫吓着了。但是他们通常会带一些糖果或者苹果放进我们的“恶作剧还是招待”的口袋里。可是要是没人回答门铃或者是有人把我们赶开该怎么办呢?我们就捉弄他们,通常是拿一块肥皂把他们的玻璃涂得乱七八糟。然后我们回家,数数谁的糖果最多。 还有一个典型的万圣节花招是把一卷手纸拉开,不停地往树上扔,直到树全被白纸裹起来。除非下大雪或大雨把纸冲掉,纸会一直呆在树上。这并不造成真正的伤害,只是把树和院子搞乱,一种万圣节的恶作剧。 One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money. So he was sent to hell. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern. Well, Irish children made Jack"s lanterns on October 31st fro m a large potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by little candles inside. And Irish children would carry them as they went fro m house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. The Irish name for these lanterns was "......>> 问题七:我也是醉了用英语怎么说 我也是醉了 I"m drunk too 注: drunk 英 [dr??k] 美 [dr??k] adj. 醉的; 沉醉; 陶醉的; 飘飘然; n. 醉汉,酒鬼,酗酒者; v. 喝(酒)( drink的过去分词); 饮; 喝酒; (尤指) 酗酒; [例句]Stewart could not remember exactly why he had done it because he was so drunk. 斯图尔特记不清他为什么要那样做了,因为他烂醉如泥。
2023-06-07 08:59:361

the drunkard译文

the drunkard-翻译酒徒,酒鬼短语THE HOMESICK DRUNKARD醉汉admiral of the red drunkard醉汉
2023-06-07 08:59:501


alcoholic n. 酒鬼,酗酒者 drunkard n. 酒鬼,醉汉
2023-06-07 09:00:002


2023-06-07 09:00:259


在出席宴会场合时,我们时常手拿装着香槟或红酒的高脚杯与他人应酬;在酒吧里狂欢时,我们也喜欢叫杯啤酒或鸡尾酒和朋友尽情聊天。你是低酒不沾的人,还是喜欢偶尔来上一杯呢? Engvid的讲师James提出了和「喝」有关的实用动词与各式各样的酒精与饮料种类,让你下次无论是熬夜时想来杯咖啡,或是去唱歌时想来一手啤酒,都能流畅使用喔! 1. Drink 喝的动词(由少到多) (1) Taste 浅尝 (2) Sip 啜饮一小口 (3) Shot 喝一小杯 (4) Swig大口地喝 (5) Slug 豪饮 2. 用来表达「吃」或「喝」皆可的动词 (1) Gulp 狼吞虎咽 (2) Swallow 吞咽 (3) Spit 吐掉 (4) Guzzle 暴饮暴食 (5) Choke 把嘴巴塞满食物 (6) Consume 吃光或喝光 3. What kind of drinker are you? 你是哪种饮者? (1) teetotaler 滴酒不沾者 (2) abstain 戒酒者 (3) social drinker 应酬饮者(出席宴会、特殊场合才喝酒) (4) drunk (drunkard) 酒鬼 (5) alcoholic 酗酒者 4. beverages 饮料种类 (1) soft drinks 汽水 (2) beer / wine 啤酒 / 酒 (3) hard liquor / spirits 烈酒 (4) water 水 (5) tea / coffee 茶 / 咖啡 (6) juice / milk 果汁 / 牛奶 abstain, Alcoholic, beer, beverage, choke, coffee, consume, drink, drunk, drunkard, gulp, guzzle, hard liquor, juice, milk, shot, sip, slug, social drinker, soft drinks, spirits, spit, swallow, swig, taste, tea, teetotaler, water, wine, 吐掉 英文, 吞咽 英文, 啜饮 英文, 啤酒 英文, 戒酒者 英文, 暴饮暴食 英文, 果汁 英文, 水 英文, 汽水 英文, 浅尝 英文, 狼吞虎咽 英文, 茶 英文, 豪饮 英文, 酒 英文, 酗酒 英文, 酗酒者 英文
2023-06-07 09:00:391


2023-06-07 09:00:553


the person who got drunk
2023-06-07 09:01:024


Drunken maniac
2023-06-07 09:01:092

the drunkard是一篇幽默的文章吗?

"The Drunkard"是美国19世纪的一部戏剧作品,它描述了一个醉酒成性的男人,以及他对家庭和社会的影响,最终通过自己的努力戒酒和赢回家庭的爱与尊重。虽然这个故事包含了一些幽默的元素,例如醉酒者在公共场合的举止和语言,但它更多的是一部戏剧作品,旨在通过对主人公的生活进行反思,呼吁社会关注酗酒问题,并寻求解决方案。因此,虽然"The Drunkard"中包含了一些幽默的元素,但它更多的是一部具有社会意义和教育意义的戏剧作品。
2023-06-07 09:01:163


我喜欢看这种意识流的影片,原来我以为只有王家卫能拍出味道,这个不出名的黄导原来也不差。酒徒讲了什么,一个文学中年因贪酒而颓废,一个作家面对现实生活而放弃可笑的坚持和理想,一个男人面对少女的勾引而坐怀不乱,一个青年时代经历过战争的热血青年进入中年后越来越屈从于现实,一个努力想戒酒的男人最终发现戒掉一件易成瘾的习惯其实是一种徒劳。后来我发现自己在影片的种种可能性讲述中竟找到了自己的影子,尽管我们的生活… []
2023-06-07 09:01:461


NHK : 根据日本 文部省 推荐的字典 大辞林 第1185页第3段的记载.......嘿嘿...................日本语汉字 "虎 / とら" = 1. 酒に酔って言动が荒くなった人(= 喝醉酒后言语和动作変得粗暴的人)...............2. 酔っぱらい(= 醉酒鬼 / Drunkard)..................In order for an individual to be labeled a drunkard, drunkenness must be habitual or must recur on a constant basis................A person who regularly drinks heavily but is sometimes not under the influence of alcohol may be considered as a drunkard, whereas a person who occasionally gets drunk would not....................In simple words.............One who habitually engages in the overindulgence of alcohol...............
2023-06-07 09:02:051

the drunkard译文

2023-06-07 09:02:121


2023-06-07 09:02:192


I drink frequently。
2023-06-07 09:02:287

drunkards cause accidents 是什么意思?

2023-06-07 09:02:432


2023-06-07 09:02:513

注意 英语 是什么

2023-06-07 09:02:593


"Young Prince" narrates is lonely, the sad child"s story, he lives ona young star. One day, he left the star which he lives, starts totravel. He passed through various star, afterwards, he arrived theEarth, finally, he returned to his star. In the travel, the young prince saw the of all forms person in thesociety confused: King, loves the vanity person The drunkard, for put behind ashamed drinks The industrialist, only likes calculating the astronomy number typemoney Their only common ground, in the heart fills the vanity In the travel, the young prince discovered that, the people arethe places which always does not will satisfy oneself lives, they arepursuing happiness with hardship, but actually frequently crudelyhappily expels from the side He and the author met one another in the desert, they graduallyhave become the friend. Seeks naive which loses to that, with move. —————————————————————————————— 中文翻译: —————————————————————————————— 《小王子》讲述的是一个孤独、忧伤的孩子的故事,他住在一个小星球上。有一天,他离开了他居住的星球,开始旅行。他经过了各种各样的星球,后来,他来到了地球,最后,他又回到了他的星球。 在旅行中,小王子看到了形形色色的人在社会里迷茫: 国王,爱虚荣的人. 酒鬼,为了忘却羞愧而喝酒. 实业家,只爱计算着天文数目样的金钱. 他们唯一的共同点,心中充满虚荣 在旅行中,小王子发现,人们是从来也不会满意自己所居住的地方,他们苦苦追求着幸福,但却常常粗暴地把幸福从身边赶走 在沙漠中他和作者相遇了,他们渐渐的成了朋友。寻找到那失去的天真,与感动。
2023-06-07 09:03:461


drunkard peanut 分开查再合起来
2023-06-07 09:04:044


Young Prince" narrates is lonely,the sad child"s story,he lives ona young star.One day,he left the star which he lives,starts totravel.He passed through various star,afterwards,he arrived theEarth,finally,he returned to his star.In the travel,the young prince saw the of all forms person in thesociety confused:King,loves the vanity person The drunkard,for put behind ashamed drinks The industrialist,only likes calculating the astronomy number typemoney Their only common ground,in the heart fills the vanity In the travel,the young prince discovered that,the people arethe places which always does not will satisfy oneself lives,they arepursuing happiness with hardship,but actually frequently crudelyhappily expels from the side He and the author met one another in the desert,they graduallyhave become the friend.Seeks naive which loses to that,with move.
2023-06-07 09:04:123


2023-06-07 09:04:285


您好,文都资讯网为您解答!英语考研预测你可以关注下文都资讯网。 考研英语语法简单复习法  1.有一本正规的语法书  对于那些语法基础知识较差的考生,一本正规的语法书就像一本词典,随时可以帮助大家重拾记忆。考生可以根据语法书中系统复习一遍,找找当时学习英语的感觉。  2.重点掌握句法  句法对阅读及翻译写作都十分重要,因此必须重点复习。  3.研读大纲,有的放矢  我们通过对大纲的研读,以及对历年真题的分析和统计,得出考研英语常考的重点的语法知识包括:名词、代词的数和格的构成及其用法;动词时态、语态的构成及其用法;形容词与副词的比较级和最高级的构成及其用法;常用连接词的词义及其用法;非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)的构成及其用法;虚拟语气的构成及其用法;各类从句(定语从句、主语从句、表语从句等)及强调句型的结构及其用法;倒装句、插入语的结构及其用法等。复习中要重点把握考研考查的语法体系,而不要陷入了盲目学习的误区。希望能帮到你!
2023-06-07 09:04:432


2023-06-07 09:04:512


名词后缀 1.-ant,-ent表示人或构件 applicant(申请人),assistant(助手),occupant(居 住者,占有人),component(部件,成分),defendant(被 告)dependant(依赖他人者) 2.-ee在动词后面,表示动作的接受者 employee(被雇佣者),abandonee(受领被抛弃财物者), addressee(收件人),appointee(被任命者),refugee (难民) 3.-eer表示“从事于……的人” engineer(工程师),profiteer(投机者),pioneer(先 锋),volunteer(志愿者) 4.-er加在动词后指人或机械;加在地名后面指该地区的人 dispenser(药剂师),dyer(染色工),sampler(品尝家) ,absorber(吸收者),amplifier(扩大器),Londoner (伦敦人),New Yorler(纽约人) 5.-or指人或物 accelerator(加速器),accumulator(蓄电池、存储器) ,actor(演员),collector (收集者) 6.-graph用于写或记录的机械 ammograph(风速什),chorograph(位置测定器), seimograph(地震仪)。 7.-ian,-an,-ese指大陆、国家的人 African(非洲人),American(美国人),Asian(亚洲人) ,Japanese(日本人),Chinese(中国人) 8.-ician指熟悉……人 electrician(电工),logician(逻辑学家), mathematician(数学者) 9.-ist指相信某种理论或制度或经常做某项工作的人 botanist(植物学家),chemist(化学家),communist (共产党员),typist(打字员),violinist(小提琴家) 10.-miter,-meter仪器 tachmiter(视距仪,准距仪),tromometer(微震仪)。 11.-ism主义 socailism(社会主义),capitalism(资本主义) 12.-ard指人,带轻蔑意味 drunkard(醉鬼),coward(胆小鬼) 13.-ette小,(商业上)表示假的 cigarette(香烟),kitchenette(小厨房),essayette (短论文),storyette(短篇小说),flannette(棉法兰 绒),leatherette(人造革)。 14.-y,-ie加在称呼上表示亲昵。 Deary(亲爱的),daddy(爸爸),granny(奶奶、姥姥) ,shorty(短衣服) 15.-let小(加在名词后面) booklet(小册子),streamlet(小溪) 16.-ling小(带有轻蔑的意思) lordling(愧儡王),professorling(小教授), weakling(窝囊废),hireling(市侩) 17.-age加在动词后面,表示行为的结果 stoppage(阻塞),storage(储藏),marriage(婚姻) ,stortage(短缺) 18.-al加在动词后面 approval(建议),denial(否认),refusal(拒绝), rehearsal(彩排) 19.-ion,-sion,-tion加在动词后面 selection(选择),correction(修改),intention(打 算),recognition(认识),description(描写), education(教育),solution(解决),decision(决定) 20.-cy构成名词 accuracy(正确性),diplomacy(外交),constancy (经常),bankruptcy(破产) 21.-dom表示国家,职业,状况 freedom(自由),martyrdom(殉难),kingdom(王国) ,wisdom(智慧) 22.-ful加在容器后面,表示某容器的容量 handful(一把的),mouthful(一口之量的),glassful (一杯之量的) 23.-hood为名词后辍,表示关系或抽象意义 brotherhood(兄弟),fatherhood(你辈),neighborhood (邻居),likelihood(可能性) 24.-it, is表示“炎症” bronchitis(支气管炎),arthritis(关节炎), appendicitis(阑尾炎) 25.-ity加在形容词后面,表示抽象意义 ability(能力),reality(现实) 26.-ment加在动词后面 advertisement(广告),government(政府), punishment(惩罚),settlement(解决),statement (声明),pavement(人行道) 27.-ness是最活跃的后缀之一,可以加在许多形容词后,构成抽 象名词 friendliness(友好),kindness(和蔼), progressiveness(进步) 28.-gram构成“画、图、字”等含义 diagram(图表,图解),program(计划),telegram(电 文,电报) 29.-ship加在名词后面,表示状态、抽象概念 friendship(友谊),relationship(关系), membership(成员),citizenship(居民权) 30.-try,-ery加在名词、形容词、动词后面,表示集体,地点 archery(箭术),fishery(渔场),brewery(酿酒厂) ,forestry(林业) 31.-th是名词后辍 birth(出生),death(死亡),depth(深度),growth (生长),strength(力量),truth(真理) 32.-ty加在形容词后面,表示特性或情况 bounty(慷慨,好施),cruelty(残酷),loyalty(忠 诚),plenty(多),safety(安全) 33.-ure加在动词后面,表示行为及其结果 disclosure(说出,透露),expenditure(花费), mixture(混合),exposure(展现,暴露),picture(图画) 34.-ics主要表示一门学问 acoustics(声学),aerobatics(技巧飞行), economics(经济学),electronics(电子学), mechanics(机械学) 35.-logy表示一门学科 archaeology(考古学),biology(生物学),etymology (词源学),geology(地理学) 36.-nomy astronomy(天文学),economy(经济),taxonomy(分类学) 形容词后缀 1.-able,-ible加在动词后面 acceptable(可接受的),avoidable(可避免的) understandable(可理解的),readable(可读的), countable(可数的),possible(可能的) 2.-al加在地名上 African(非洲的),Australian(澳大利亚的),Canadian(加拿 大的) 4.-ern表示方向 eastern(东方的),northern(北方的),southern(南 方的),western(西方的) 5.-ese 表示人 Japanese(日本人),Chinese(中国人),Vietnamese (越南人) 6.-ic加在名词后面 economic(经济的),specific(特殊的),scientific (科学的) 7.-ical加在名词后面 economical(经济的),historical(历史的), political(政治的) 8.-ish (1). 加在国家名称后面,表示该国的或者该国的人。 Swedish(瑞典的),Irish(爱尔兰的),Danish(丹麦的) (2). 加在普通名词后面,表示“具有……性质”,或者含有轻 蔑的意思。 Childish(幼稚的),womanish(女人气的),foolish (愚昧的),selfish(自私的)。 (3). 加在表示颜色的形容词后面,表示“略带……颜色的”。 Greenish(微绿的),yessowish(微黄色的)。 9.-ar加在外词后面,构成形容词 annular(环状的),familiar(熟悉的),linear(线的) ,nuclear(原子的),angular(角的),circular(圆的) 10.-ed加在名词后面,构成形容词 aged(年长的),cultured(有文化的),skilled(有技术 的),talented(有才能的),wretched(可怜的) 11.-fold加在数词或名词后,构成形容词 twofold(三倍的),threefold(三倍的),tenfold(十 倍的),thousandfold(千倍的),manifold(许多倍的) 12.-id构成形容词 acid(酸的),acrid(刻薄的) 13.-ing加在动词后面,构成形容词 appetizing(开胃的),encouraging(鼓舞人心的), exciting(令人激动的),interesting(有趣的)。 14.-less加在名词后面,构成与之反义的形容词 armless(无手臂的),boundless(无限的),countless (不可数的),faithless(背信弃义的) 15.-proof加在名词之后,表示“防…的”形容词 airproof(防气的),soundproof(隔音的),bombproof (防炸弹的),burglarproof(防盗的),waterproof(防水的) 16.-some加在形容词后,构成形容词 fulsome(过度的,讨厌的),gladsome(愉快的), tiresome(疲惫的),lonesome(孤独的) 17.-ious,-uous,-eous构成形容词 various(多种多样的),continuous(继续的), courageous(有勇气的) 18.-en加在名词后面,构成动词 lengthen(加长),frighten(恐吓) 动词后缀 1.-ate,-ute accumulate(集中),formulate(形成),calculate(计 算),attribute(归功) 2.-en加在名词、形容词后面 blacken(使……黑),broaden(扩宽),deepen(加深) ,fasten(加快),harden(加固),thicken(加厚) 3.-ify加在名词、形容词后面 acidify, alkalify(碱化),beautify(美化), electrify(使充电),certify(肯定),modify(修正) 4.-ize,-ise,-yxe,-yse Americanize(美国化),analyze(分析),democratize (民主化),modernize(现代化),popularize(通俗化,推广) 5.-er batter(猛打),flatter(吹捧),chatter(喋喋不休地 说),whisper(耳语) 副词后缀 1.-ly加在形容词后面 immediately(立即),quickly(快的),namely(即,就是说) 2.-ways,-wise,-ward加在名词或代词后面 endways(末端向上地),endwise(末端向下地), lengthways(纵长地),lengthwise(纵长地), backwards(向后退地),upwards(向上地)
2023-06-07 09:05:261


以下是"醉翁亭记"的英文翻译:The Record of the Pavilion of the Drunken Old ManThe rain had cleared by the time I arrived at Wangjianglou, and I decided to take a walk up the hill to the "Pavilion of the Drunken Old Man". There, I came across an old man who was drunk, singing and enjoying the scenery. I greeted him and started a conversation.The old man told me that he was a retired government official who had come here to live a quiet life in his old age. He said that he loved drinking wine and admiring the beauty of nature. Despite his drunkenness, he seemed to have a deep understanding of life.As we talked, the old man shared with me his philosophy on life. He said that people should live in the present moment and not be burdened by the past or overly anxious about the future. He also stressed the importance of enjoying simple pleasures such as drinking wine and appreciating nature.I was struck by the old man"s wisdom and realized that I had much to learn from him. We continued to talk and drink together, enjoying the peaceful surroundings.As night fell, I bid farewell to the old man and left the pavilion. Looking back at him, I felt a deep sense of admiration for his carefree attitude towards life.The next day, I returned to the pavilion, but the old man was nowhere to be found. I asked around, but no one knew where he had gone. It seemed as if he had simply vanished into thin air.Although I never saw the old man again, his words and his spirit stayed with me. Whenever I think back on that day, I am reminded of the beauty of nature and the importance of living in the present moment.This essay has become famous for its vivid descriptions of the natural scenery surrounding the pavilion, as well as its exploration of Daoist and Confucian philosophical ideas. It is considered a masterpiece of Tang dynasty prose and a classic of Chinese literature.
2023-06-07 09:05:331

The Drunkard (by Frank O'Connor)

现代大学英语阅读 第三课
2023-06-07 09:05:521


2023-06-07 09:06:012


The drunkard is just like the mad.
2023-06-07 09:06:093


Coke is one of the United States, the pharmacist John Pemberton invented. He hoped to create a refreshing,解乏, medicinal headache mixed drinks. Pemberton modulation of "card pull", initially gas-free, against the cold water when drinking, but, because of a fortuitous accident, it turned into a carbonated beverage. May 8, 1886 afternoon, a drunkard staggering along Pemberton came to the pharmacy. "To a cup of the syrup can be treated头痛脑热drawing card." Sales should have been there to tap兑水, but the water two meters away from how far he has, he too lazy to move, then the nearest three inside the room used to be soda can pull cards里掺. Very much the result of alcoholic drink, he drank a glass and a glass, stop his mouth to say: "Good! Good!" Drunkard everywhere also publicized this non-alcoholic beverages produced by奇效. John Pemberton"s death four years ago, they have the right to sell the invention. Forty years later, Coca-Cola the world"s known. A fruit extract containing cola and other carbonated soft drinks, condiments, beginning from the United States, now spread around the world. However, cola contains caffeine, is a kind of substances hazardous to health, but there are benefits, Coke carbon dioxide we are all aware, the body of carbon dioxide to belch out again when the body"s heat will be removed can heat. Whether infant or adult coke are hazardous to health. University of Birmingham Dr彼得洛克dental journal in the UK published an article that the teeth of young people subject to corrosion, foaming drink beverages (cola, soft drinks) is one of the main reasons. 你删减一下吧
2023-06-07 09:06:181

因为 用英语怎么拼

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 43 解析: 因为: 1. because 2. owing to3. on account of Relative explainations: <by reason that> <because of> <for as much as> <for> <ina *** uch> <in respect that> <as> <what with> <that> <insomuch as> <ina *** uch as> <being that> <for reasons of> <one reason or another> <by occasion of> <by reason of> Examples: 1. 我因为追赶公共汽车,弄得上气不接下气。 I was out of breath after running for the bus. 2. 他之所以成功是因为他工作勤奋。 He achieved because he was a hard worker. 3. 这门开起来很容易,因为合页上了油。 The door opens easily because the hinges were oiled. 4. 她和丈夫离婚了,因为她发现他是个酒鬼。 She divorced with her hu *** and because she found him a drunkard. 5. 我知道她是在开玩笑,因为她脸上堆满笑容。 I knew she was joking because she had a big grin on her face. 6. 这个小女孩因为斜视不敢在公共场合露面。 The little girl dares not to appear in public because she is cross-eyed. 7. 这名记者因为试图揭露一个阴谋而被杀害。 The reporter was killed because he tried to expose a plot. 8. 因为现在是收获期,所以我们都非常忙。 We are all very busy because it"s the harvest time.
2023-06-07 09:06:251


the little prince The little prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry This small book contains a fairy tale, a story about many things. First of all, Innocence of Childhood and love. The prince loves his roses, but felt disappointed by something the rose said. As doubt grows, he decides to explore other planet. The little prince discovers that his rose is not the only one of its kind, there are thousands of them in a garden, but then he realizes that his rose is special "because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen" . The fox teaches the prince "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye " and on responsibility, ""Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose..." "
2023-06-07 09:06:345


2023-06-07 09:07:022

小王子遇到过几种人 有什么意义

六个星球的人依次是:第一个星球king(国王)他统治一切 统治所有星球 他所在的星球很小 他坐在一个椅子上面从来也不运动 然后他的披风很长覆盖了他的整个星球 他最希望自己的命令能被遵从 但是小王子对此很不感冒第二个星球conceited man(爱虚荣的人)他认为整个宇宙的人都崇拜他 并且让小王子为他而鼓掌 说这是崇拜的证明 并且从来对负面的评价充耳不闻第三个星球the drunkard(酒鬼)他的台词很经典小王子:你在这儿干什么?酒鬼:我在喝酒。小王子:你为什么喝酒?酒鬼:为了忘记。小王子:忘记什么?酒鬼:为了忘记我难为情。小王子:为什么难为情?酒鬼:难为情我总是喝酒。然后小王子就离开那个星球 说太奇怪了 这个人第四个星球businessman(商人)商人很喜欢算加法 计算自己拥有的一切 他说国王是统治一切 而他拥有一切星星 所以很不一样他的口头禅是:我是正经人 然后很讨厌在计算加法的时候被打扰我们的小王子是个好奇心极强的孩子 所以当然打扰了他他曾三次被打扰 一次是一只甲虫 一次因为自己缺乏运动 关节出问题 第三次是因为小王子不停对他提问第五个星球lamplighter(点灯人)他的星球只能放的下一个人跟一盏街灯 点灯人早上关灯 晚上开灯 其余时间休息但是他的星球越转越快 所以后来都不能休息 不停的开关灯 但是他很努力孜孜不倦的做这个事情这是小王子那时候为止 最敬佩的人 说可能会被国王、爱虚荣的人跟商人取笑 但他做的事情是有意义的第六个星球an old gentleman geographer(年老的地理学家)地理学家有一个桌子 成天不动弹 来记录各个星球的面貌但是他缺少一个探险家 他说地理学家负责纪录 探险家负责探险然后把看到的告诉他并且要求小王子描述自己的星球 小王子说到自己的玫瑰的时候 地理学家说不记录玫瑰 因为它转瞬即逝小王子第一次后悔离开自己的星球离开玫瑰 但是还是决定继续前进地理学家说 地球的景象最壮观 所以小王子来到了地球望采纳
2023-06-07 09:07:171


考研英语词汇记忆之名词后缀总结构词法是组成单词的一种方法,它有清晰严谨的结构形式,而且有规律可循。利用构词法记忆单词,可以加速记忆、举一反三,简化难词记忆并有效提高推测词义的能力。学生掌握了一定的词源、词根、词缀的知识不仅能迅速扩大词汇量,并且能够利用词根词缀猜测单词的含义。词根词缀法不仅能帮助考生记忆单词,而且还能利用其进行解题。例如In spite of “endless talk of difference,” American society is an amazing machine for homogenizing people. (2006年text 1)21. The word “homogenizing” (Line 2, Paragraph 1) most probably means ________.[A] identifying[B] associating[C] assimilating[D] monopolizing我们可以利用根缀知识来判断homogenizing 一词的含义考研辅导班,其中前缀 homo表示同一,词根 gene是产生的意思,ize是个表示使动的动词后缀,而 ing是表示动名词的后缀,因此可以推测出该词的基本含义为“使……产生一致”,而选项中assimilating的词义和homogenize最为接近,意思是“同化”,因此可以判断正确选项为C。名词化常用词缀:名词化名词化名词化名词化名词化后缀后缀后缀后缀后缀词缀 位置 意义 例词-an 加在形容词后(n.)one, who, that, which表人(n.)one, who, that, which表人Asian 亚洲人;electrician 电工;physician医生-ant-ent 加在动词后 applicant申请人;correspondent通信者;resistant抵抗者;servant仆人;defendant被告-ard 加在形容词后 drunkard酒鬼;coward懦夫-arian 加在名词后 humanitarian人道主义者-crat 加在名词后 democrat民主人士;bureaucrat官僚-ee 加在动词后 addressee收件人;employee雇员;examinee应试人;refugee难民-eer加在名词后 pioneer开拓者;volunteer志愿者;auctioneer拍卖商;engineer工程师;rocketeer火箭专家;electioneer竞选的人-er (-or) 加在动词后心理学考研加在地名后 manufacturer制造人;best-seller畅销货;survivor幸存音;adapter改编者-ese 加在地名上 Chinese中国人,汉语;Portuguese葡萄牙人,葡萄牙语;Japanese日本人;-ess 加在动词后 hostess女主人;manageress女经理;actress女演员-ian -an 加在地名后 African非洲人;American美国人;Australian澳大利亚人-ician 加在形容词后 electrician电学专家;logicia逻辑学家;mathematician数学家-ish① 加在国家名称之后 Swedish瑞典的,瑞典人;Irish爱尔兰的,爱尔兰人-ist 加在名词后 socialist社会主义者;dramatist剧作家;dentist牙科医生;botanist植物学家-or 加在动词后 accelerator加速器;actor演员考研政治;collector收藏家;accumulator存储器-ster 加在形容词后 youngster年轻人;gangster歹徒;trickster骗子-al 加在动词后 (n.)act, one, who, that, which表动作,事物 proposal提案;professional专业人员;signal信号;approval同意;refusal拒绝;arrival到达-age 加在动词后(n.)state; quality, act表状态,性质,行为,情况(n.)表示特性或情况(n.)state, quality, act表状态,性质,行为passage通道;breakage破损;shortage缺乏;courage勇气;shrinkage收缩-ance-ence 加在形容词后 importance重要性;confidence自信心;independence独立;appearance外貌;existence存在-ancy-ency 加在形容词后 consistency贯性;frequency频率;urgency紧迫性-cy加在形容词后 accuracy准确性;policy政策;bureaucracy官僚主义;infancy婴儿期;bankruptcy破产;diplomacy外交-dom 加在形容词后 freedom自由;wisdom智慧;chiefdom首领地位;kingdom王国-ery 加在名词、动词、形容词后 slavery奴隶制;bravery勇敢;refinery提炼厂-hood 加在名词后 neighborhood邻里;livelihood生计;manhood男子气概;fatherhoo父亲的身份;falsehood谬误-ion-tion-sion 加在动词后 fashion时髦;decision决定;addition增加;dominion统治权;description描写-ity加在形容词后 unity团结一致;maturity成熟性;conductivity传导性;visibility能见度-ment 加在动词后 enjoyment欣赏;management管理;instrument工具;punishment惩罚-ship 加在名词后 partnership伙伴关系; leadership领导;citizenship公民身份;championship冠军头衔-ty加在形容词后 bounty慷慨;loyalty忠实;certainty肯定;plenty丰富-y① 加在形容词后 entry进入;difficulty困难;victory胜利-ness加在形容词后 consciousness觉悟;darkness黑暗;busyness忙碌;kindness善良-fold 加在数词后 (n.)表示倍数 twofold二倍的;manifold许多倍的;thousandfold千倍的-gram 加在名词后 (n.)构成图“画”“字”等含义 diagram图表;program大纲,节目单;telegram电报-graph 加在动词后 (n.)用于写或记录的仪器 calculagraph计时器;micrograph微写器;seismograph地震仪;chorograph位置测定器-ics 加在名词后(n.)表示一门学科acoustics声学;aerobatics技巧飞行术;economics经济学;electrostatics静电学-nomy加在形容词后 astronomy天文学;economy经济;taxonomy分类学;autonomy自冶权-ism 加在名词或动词之后 (n.)state, doctrine,system表行为,状态,制度,社会信仰,学说 criticism批评;formalism形式主义;impressionism印象主义;capitalism资本主义-let 加在名词后 (n.)small, unimportant小 booklet小册子;leaflet小叶,传单;cutlet肉片;streamlet小溪-logy 加在名词后 (n.)discourse.study论,研究 biology生物学;ideology思想(体系);technology技术;archaeology考古学;etymology词源学;geology地质学-th加在形容词、动词、数词后 (n.)第……,性质 birth出生;depth深度;growth生长;breadth宽度;truth真理;-try-ery 加在名词、形容词、动词之后 (n.)表示集体、地点 fishery渔业;carpentry木匠业;bravery勇敢;bakery面包坊-ure 加在动词后 表示行为及其结果 departure离开;exposure曝光;expenditure支出;disclosure透露;-y② 加在称呼、形容词后 (n.)小,昵称 doggy小狗儿;daddy爸爸;deary宝贝儿;fatty胖子
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The Little Prince (French: Le petit prince), published in 1943, is French aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry"s most famous novel, which he wrote in the United States while renting The Bevin House in Asharoken, New York, on Long Island. The novel includes a number of drawings by Saint-Exupéry himself, which are reproduced in most versions.The book has been translated into more than 160 languages and, to date has sold more than 50 million copies worldwide. It is one of the top 50 best-selling books.[1] It has been adapted into a movie musical by Lerner and Loewe, two different operas, as well as into an animated series. It is often used as a beginner"s book for foreign language students.
2023-06-07 09:07:583

英语翻译 谁有这首歌的中文翻译

God loves a lullaby in a mother"s tears in the dead of night 上帝喜爱这安魂曲——在深夜母亲含泪低声吟唱 Better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有时比这颂歌更加动听 God loves a drunkard"s cry 上帝喜爱这醉汉的抽泣 The soldier"s plea not to let him die 士兵祈求让他活下去 Better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有时比这颂歌更加动听 We pour out our miseries 我们诉说着自己的苦难 God just hears a melody 上帝却只当作美好的旋律倾听 Beautiful the mess we are 如此混乱却又如此美好 The honest cries,of breaking hearts 这悲痛伤心后留下的泪 Are better than a Hallelujah 比那颂歌更加真挚美好 A woman holding on for life 妇女为生计苦苦支撑 a dying man giving up the fight 一个垂死之人放弃争斗 Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有时比这颂歌更加动听 Tears of shame for what"s been done 这为过错而悔恨的泪 The silence when the words won"t come 这无法用言语表达的沉默 Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有时比这颂歌更加动听 We pour out our miseries 我们诉说着自己的苦难 God just hears a melody 上帝却只当作美好的旋律倾听 Beautiful the mess we are 如此混乱却又如此美好 The honest cries,of breaking hearts 这悲痛伤心后留下的泪 Are better than a Hallelujah 比那颂歌更加真挚美好 Better than a church bell ringing 好过那教堂的钟鸣 Better than a choir singing out 好过那唱诗班的歌声 Singing out 好过颂唱 We pour out our miseries 我们诉说着自己的苦难 God just hears a melody 上帝却只当作美好的旋律倾听 Beautiful the mess we are 如此混乱却又如此美好 The honest cries,of breaking hearts 这悲痛伤心后留下的泪 Are better than a Hallelujah 比那颂歌更加真挚美好
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2023-06-07 09:13:252


歌名叫作“There Is A Tavern In The Town(城里有家酒馆)”,也叫“The Drunkard"s Song(醉汉之歌)”,作于1883年,是一首美国流行民歌。歌词:here is a tavern in the town, in the town,And there my dear love sits him down, sits him down,And drinks his wine "mid laughter free,And never, never thinks of me.Fare thee well, for I must leave thee,Do not let the parting grieve thee,And remember that the best of friends must part, must partAdieu, adieu, kind friends adieu, adieu, adieu,I can no longer stay with you, stay with you,I"ll hang my harp on a weeping willow tree,And may the world go well with thee.He left me for a damsel dark, damsel dark,Each Friday night they used to spark, used to spark,And now my love once true to me,Takes that dark damsel on his knee.Oh! dig my grave both wide and deep, wide and deep,Put tombstones at my head and feet, head and feet,And on my breast carve a turtle dove,To signify I died of love.
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2023-06-07 09:13:479

一首英文歌带tell me tell me什么什么 fantasy 的 不知道叫什么 求教

come on baby dj
2023-06-07 09:14:395


  笑话是文化的重要组成部分,通过笑话,我们可以了解一个国家的文化内涵。我整理了关于经典英语短笑话,欢迎阅读!   关于经典英语短笑话:I"d Rather Have A Puppy   A little boy and his dad were walking down the street whan they saw two dogs having sex. The little boy asks his father 揇addy, what are they doing??The father says, 揗aking a puppy.?So they walk on and go home.   A few days later, the little boy walks in on his parents having sex. The little boy says, 揇addy, what are you doing??The father replies, aking a baby.?The little boy says, 揥ell, flip her around! I"d rather have a puppy instead!?   关于经典英语短笑话:He"s going to be...   One day, while the boy was away at school, his father decided to try an experiment. What he did was, he went into the boy"s room and placed on his study table these three objects: A Bible, a silver dollar, and a bottle of whiskey.   "Now then," the old preacher said to himself, "I"ll just hide behind the door here, and when my son es home from school this afternoon, I"ll see which of these three objects he picks up. If he picks up the Bible, he"s going to be a preacher like me, and what a blessing that would be.   If he picks up the dollar, he"s going to be a busines *** an, and that would be o.k. too.   But if he picks up the bottle, he"s going to be a drunkard - a no-good drunkard and Lord, what a shame that would be."   The old man was anxious as he waited, and soon he heard his son"s footsteps as he came into the house whistling and headed back to his room. He deposited his books on the bed, as a matter of routine, and as he turned around to leave the room he spotted the objects on the table. With a curious set in his eye, he walked over to inspect them. What he finally did was, he picked up the Bible and placed it under his arm. He picked up the silver dollar and dropped it into his pocket. He uncorked the bottle and took a big drink...   "Lord have mercy," the old man whispered, "He"s gonna be a politician   关于经典英语短笑话: Blonde In Space Rocket   The NASA is launching a rocket to the moon. On board there are two pigs and Kiki, a stunningblond.   When the rocket is outside the stratosphere, the first stage drops off. Contact is made: "Houston here, Pig 1, Pig 1, do you read us, over."   "Oink, oink, here Pig1, read you loud and clear"   "Pig 1, do you still know your instructions?"   "Yes, when we get to the moon, I press the red button to initiate the moon landing, over."   "That"s right. Over and out."   They go on until the rocket separates its booster stage. "Hallo, Pig2, Here Houston, e in please."   "Oink, oink, here Pig 2, read you loud and clear."   "OK, Pig 2 do you remember your instructions?"   "Yes, when we"ve landed on the moon and are ready to leave, I press on the green button to initiate the launch program."   "That"s right. Over and out."   An hour later when the rocket has achieved the correct speed the last stage drops off as planned. Ground control contacts the astronauts again.   "Houston here, Kiki, e in, Kiki do you read us?"   "Kiki here, reading you loud and clear"   "Kiki, do you remeber your instructions?"   "Yes," Kiki says, "I feed the two pigs and keep my hands off any buttons."   关于经典英语短笑话:The River   A preacher was pleting a temperance sermon: with great expression he said, "If I had all the beer in the world, I"d take it and throw it into the river."   With even greater emphasis he said, "And if I had all the wine in the world, I"d take it and throw it into the river."   And then finally, he said, "And if I had all the whiskey in the world, I"d take it and throw it into the river." He sat down.   The song leader then stood very cautiously and announced with a *** ile, "For our closing song, let us sing Hymn number 365: "Shall We Gather at the River."   关于经典英语短笑话:Beer, eh?   A Canadian is walking down the street with a case of beer under his arm. His friend Doug stops him and asks, "Hey Bob! Whacha get the case of beer for?"   "I got it for my wife, eh." answers Bob.   "Oh!" exclaims Doug, "Good trade."   
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小王子读后感If a child comes to you, if he is laughing, if his hair is golden, if you ask the question he does not answer, then you can guess who he is. Then, please do a good thing. Don"t make me so sad all the time! Write to me quickly, and he"s back...I read the last three sentences with tears of sadness. After reading this story copy from rolia. At the beginning of the story, a child drew a picture, but the adult said it was a hat (he drew the snake to eat the elephant). No one understood him, but he finally met the little prince. The little prince said that the snake eats the right elephant, and he (that child) wants to draw. But he"s old enough to be an adult.Children and adults feel differently. That"s what this book is talking about. After the little prince went to heaven or died, I still can"t understand it. So far, when I opened the book, I saw a little prince in front of me. Sometimes, I read the book of sleeping at home at night. It"s "Little Prince".Although the "Little Prince" is "a story of Reynard the fox" incidental, but it has touched me! If anyone says I can"t get away from the book "Little Prince", that"s right.
2023-06-07 09:15:165


好像是叫太保,我不确定太保曾经是成家班的成员,但后来和一部分人一样,离开了成家班。本名张嘉年,香港著名的电影演员。太保在12岁之前都在台湾度过,说的一口好台语,这也使得他演出台湾角色一点都不显生疏。太保从70年代开始即在电影中担任演员,参演的电影类型非常的多,无论是当时行的僵尸片、成龙的功夫喜剧或是洪金宝的福星系列、以及黑帮电影、古装武侠片,都可以看见他在其中的演出,太保的表演经历可以窥见80年代以降的20个年头中,香港电影的一部分发展脉络。他多半扮演反派配角,饰演黑道人士最令人印象深刻,他也是香港帮派电影中令人感到很熟悉的面孔之一,太保并且曾经以《公仆》一片入围过第二十一届金马奖的最佳男配角。太保与台湾电影颇有渊源,1989年就曾经出现在侯孝贤的《悲情城市》中,操着台语、粤语、上海话三种语言,不过这一次的演出并没有使他在台湾电影中的出现成为常态。一直要到1999年,太保才来到台湾参与了数部电影的演出,他成功的扮演台湾的本地人,演技生动自然,也使他以《运转手之恋》中戏份颇重的父亲一角夺得了金马奖最佳男配角。◆作品年表-演出作品 年份 片名 英译片名 1973 《龙争虎门》 Wits to Wits 1973 《大铁牛》 Return of the Panther 1974 《狼狈为奸》 Enter the Dragon 1980 《地狱无门》 We"re Going to Eat You 1980 《师弟出马》 The Young Master 1980 《鬼打鬼》 Encounter of the Spooky Kind 1981 《老鼠街》 The Gold Hunters 1981 《舞厅 》 The Club 1982 《龙之忍者》 Ninja in the Dragon"s Den 1982 《龙少爷》 Dragon Lord 1982 《A计划》 Project A 1983 《空心大少爷》 Just for Fun 1983 《梁上君子》 1983 《人吓人》 The Dead and the Deadly 1983 《奇谋妙计五福星》 Winners & Sinners 1984 《猫头鹰与小飞象》 The Owl vs Bumbo 1984 《神勇双响炮》 Pom Pom 1984 《鬼线人》 The Ghost Informer 1984 《鬼马天师》 Taoism drunkard 1984 《公仆》 Law with Two Phases 1985 《皇家师姐》 Yes, Madam 1985 《四眼仔》 Mummy Dearest 1985 《龙的心》 Heart of Dragon 1985 《夏日福星》 Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars 1985 《祝您好运》 Lucky Diamond 1985 《妙探孖宝》 Two Jolly Cops 1985 《警察故事》 Two Jolly Cops 1986 《神勇双响炮续集》 Rosa 1986 《阴阳奇兵》 The Young Taoism Fighter 1986 《霹雳大喇叭》 Where"s Officer Tuba 1986 《开心鬼精灵》 Love Me Vampire 1986 《流氓英雄》 The Innocent Interloper 1986 《执法先锋》 Righting Wrongs 1986 《神探朱古力》 Mr Boo VIII Chocolate Inspector 1986 《再见妈咪》 Goodbye Mammie 1986 《僵尸翻生》 New Mr. Vampire 1987 《天赐良缘》 Sister Cupid 1987 《养鬼仔》 Crazy Spirit 1987 《僵尸少爷》 Magic Story 1987 《天官赐福》 Reincarnation 1987 《表哥到》 My Cousin, the Ghost 1987 《A计划》 Project A II 1987 《喋血城市》 City on Fire 1988 《警察故事续集 》 Police Story II 1988 《鬼咁串》 Vampire Partner 1988 《烈血风云》 A Bloody Fight 1988 《大丈夫日记》 The Diary of a Big Man 1988 《神探父子兵》 In the Blood 1988 《惊魂今晚夜》 Into the Night 1988 《飞龙猛将》 Dragons Forever 1988 《继续跳舞》 Carry on Dancing 1988 《灵幻小姐》 Lady Vampire 1988 《大话神探》 Fumbling Cops 1989 《黑道福星》 Carry on Yakuzas 1989 《皇家飞凤》 Angel Enforcers 1989 《悲情城市》 City of Sadness 1989 《师姐大晒》 The Blonde Fury 1989 《奇迹》 Miracle 1989 《再见王老五》 The Bachelor"s Swan Song 1989 《猛鬼舞厅》 Ghost Ballroom 1989 《烈火街头》 Into the Fire 1989 《急冻奇侠》 Iceman Cometh 1990 《瘦虎肥龙》 Skinny Tiger & Fatty Dragon 1990 《新半斤八两》 Front Page 1990 《尸家重地》 Mortuary Blues 1990 《脂粉双雄》 Panty Hose Hero 1990 《西环的故事》 Story of Kennedy Town 1990 《天师捉奸》 Ghostly Vixen 1990 《午夜天使》 Midnight Angel 1990 《喋血风云》 Return to Action 1991 《僵尸翻生续集》 New Mr. Vampire II 1991 《赌霸》 The Top Bet 1991 《新精武门》 1991 Fist of Fury 1991 《烈火情仇》 The Godfather"s Daughter Mafia Blues 1991 《密宗威龙》 The Tantana 1991 《皇家师姐之海狼》 Sea Wolves 1991 《妖魔道》 Devil"s Vendetta 1992 《音乐僵尸》 The Musical Vampire 1992 《妙探双娇》 Beauty Investigator 1992 《五福星撞鬼》 Ghost Punting 1992 《大八卦》 Lucky Way 1993 《新碧血剑》 The Sword Stained with Royal Blood 1993 《93街头霸王》 Drug Tiger 1993 《婚礼中枪声》 Danger of the Wedding 1993 《画魂》 La Peintre 1993 《黄飞鸿之鬼脚七》 Kick Boxer 1993 《水浒传之英雄本色》 All Men Are Brothers- blood of the Leopard 1994 《终极猎杀》 Hunting List 1994 《钟馗嫁妹》 The Chinese Ghostbuster 1994 《醉拳II》 Drunken Master II 1994 《新义本无言》 All Mighty Gambler 1994 《非洲超人》 The Gods Must be Funny in China 1995 《救世神棍》 Heaven Can"t Wait 1995 《鬼巴士》 Ghostly Bus 1995 《狂野生死恋》 A Touch of Evil 1996 《运财五福星》 How to Meet the Lucky Stars 1996 《懵仔多情》 Stooge, My Love 1996 《扭计杂牌军》 Naughty Boys 1996 《危险任务》 Dangerous Duty 1997 《卧底神算》 Magic Mod 1997 《一个字头的诞生》 Too Many Ways to Be no.1 1999 《想死趁现在》 A Chance To Die 1999 《上帝之手》 Heaven of the Hope 2000 《极速僵尸》 The Vampire Combat 2000 《运转手之恋》 The Cabbie 2001 《豹女之夺命之旅》 Her Name is Cat 2 Journey to Death 2002 《京城泣血之李香君》 Prostitutes in The Years Past - Li Hsiang Chun 2003 《黑狗来了》 Black Dog is Coming ◆延伸讯息-得奖纪录 年份 事 绩 2000 以《运转手之恋》获得第三十七届金马奖最佳男配角奖 2000 以《运转手之恋》获得第三届台北电影节年度最佳配角奖
2023-06-07 09:15:311

One day, President Lincoln went to a party. At the gathering, a man called Douglas was repeated...

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:D小题4:C 试题分析:本文叙述了美国总统去参加一个聚会与一位老友之间的对话。在聚会上,有一个名叫道格拉斯的人反复谈论林肯的地位低下的生活像林肯以前当服务员和售货员的事。林肯承认他说的是真的。但是林肯又说自己已经离开了那个柜台,成为了总统,但是道格拉斯仍然没变,继续去喝酒,没什么变化。小题1:细节理解题。根据第一段的At the gathering, a man called Douglas was repeatedly talking about Lincoln"s low position in life在聚会上,一个名叫道格拉斯的人反复谈论林肯的地位低下的生活。 故选C。小题2:推理判断题。根据第一段的President Lincoln 林肯已经是总统了,道格拉斯还反复的说林肯的以前当服务员和售货员的事,可知他是想通过这些谈论,让别人瞧不起林肯。故选C。小题3:推理判断题。根据第三段的but the difference between us now is: I have left my side of the counter, but Mr. Douglas still sticks to his as firmly as ever.”但是现在我们之间的区别是:我已经离开我身边的柜台,但道格拉斯仍然坚持他一如既往的坚定。”可知林肯通过自己的努力成为了总统,而道格拉斯仍原地不动,没有什么进步。人们一比较现在的两个人,当然会站在林肯这一边。故选D。小题4:根据第三段的I have left my side of the counter, but Mr. Douglas still sticks to his as firmly as ever.”可知我已经离开了柜台,不当服务员了,通过but 转折,可知道格拉斯仍然继续去酒馆喝酒,没有什么变化。故选C。
2023-06-07 09:15:381