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2023-06-07 09:35:35
TAG: brutal brut






谐音,吃肉不吐骨头的 - - - -残忍的 求采纳~
2023-06-07 08:14:302

暴戾的英语翻译 暴戾用英语怎么说

暴戾 [词典] [书] ruthless and tyrannical; cruel and fierce; brutal; [例句]彼得与他暴戾的爷爷就住在这里了。This is where Peter lives with his grumpy Grandfather.
2023-06-07 08:14:481


《星际殖民2》是Zero Sum Games制作的一款太空即时战略游戏,在游戏中,玩家将可以创建属于你自己的种族。游戏中玩法技巧有那些?今天小编为大家带来“ready2play”分享的《星际殖民2》BRUTAL难度打法技巧汇总,希望大家喜欢,一起来看吧。《星际殖民2》打法技巧:1、2代有船的数量限制,所以船本身的设计非常重要,同型号的船,船体越大的种族优势越大;2、2代比较容易上手的是女人族和机械虫,船都很大,特别是机械虫初级的船可以放埋雷。比较渣的是猫头鹰和章鱼(章鱼的顶级船泰坦比战列舰还小,我都不知道开发者是怎么设计的);3、初期战斗主要是靠3级的cruiser巡洋舰,配船的时候记得装上指挥中心commandcenter,可以-1点维护点数,也就是一艘巡洋舰只耗2commandpoint,把巡洋舰配好4艘巡洋舰+免维护的10几艘小飞机可以一路平推电脑;5、2代的埋雷可以风筝敌人,船速快+手动操作配合干扰很多战斗可以无伤;6、中期战列舰出来以后,就可以1个打10个了;7、陆地战斗最好有英雄,英雄一般都有自己的特殊大招,很牛逼的,像猫头鹰的那个英雄有16格超大范围AOE攻击(airforcebackup)伤害40,正好群秒所有敌人。小兵技能配好,可以以少打多。推荐远程攻击+掩体制造;8、科技非常重要,平行科技只能3选1,不过可以通过外交来实现全科技制霸,为了获得研究不了的科技可以用高级科技交换电脑的低级科技。
2023-06-07 08:14:561


《星际殖民》400%节奏BRUTAL难度开局方法,技能点全部取消,点开机械身躯,这是这难度存活最基本的。点胆小鬼+20%地面战斗受到伤害,基本你把兵堆满整个地图,电脑就不会降落,点慎密+25%税收,钱还用说么。点愚钝-35%科技效率,400%的节奏你别想出什么高科技点重商,钱点业余工程师,后期你就明白,钱多兵多不在这方面纠结点被污染的家园,因为是机械种族点高效,省钱点排斥,难度下别想随便建交,最多只能跟别人保持不侵犯。点盲目,全方面武器不要在炮弹上面纠结。除非你是炮弹流。点高生育,有人口就有钱就有发展。点勤勉,35%的提高产能谁用谁知道。点完技能会发现。主要是堆产能和钱和暴兵。进游戏后,千万不要给AI操作生产,全部手动。科技拉到0,生产拉到最高。税率调到20%左右,这个时候生产率是最高的建筑什么的双击就好,键盘左右换星球。后期几十个星球1分钟就操作完弄几艘探测的去离你最远的星球发现电脑,因为这个电脑可能是你的长期饭票。有钱的情况下 火速占领离你最近的所有星球。接下来要做的,就是爆间谍。。这个大家都知道。偷科技。运用S/L大法提高成功率。,当然你要偷的电脑科技要排到第1位,还有离你最远的。如果发现怎么SL都偷不到科技。你要跟电脑联系下交易下看看电脑还有没有新科技。在电脑对你说你很弱时你就该爆兵了。一般过个几十年。你的经济应该是NO1,科技NO2,人口NO1。
2023-06-07 08:15:021


野蛮角斗士的前缀是Brutal Gladiator"s比如说野蛮角斗士的邪纹护肩Brutal Gladiator"s Felweave Amice野蛮角斗士的决战Brutal Gladiator"s Endgame角斗士的前缀就是就是Gladiator"s了
2023-06-07 08:15:103

恒星打火机上英文 the war is brutal 是指什么

brutal 的意思是:野蛮的,残忍的,冷酷的。the war is brutal 这句话的意思是:战争是野蛮的,或战争是无情的。
2023-06-07 08:15:171


He is a man sometimes brutal but actually good in the nuture in his memory.
2023-06-07 08:15:374

英语the sun’s brutal rays怎么翻译?

the sun"s brutal rays太阳的残酷光芒
2023-06-07 08:15:5214

野蛮   用英语怎么说

savages 比较中性和常用名词形容词都行wildlings是野蛮人的比较贬义的说法
2023-06-07 08:16:153


2023-06-07 08:16:231


你好,你理解错了在游戏中,难度级别或者完成分数由高到低是:D,C,B,A,S这里的英文字母除s外不是缩写,而是指级别的上升,相当于3,2,1而s是super的缩写。我们还有同等级差别的情况如c+,意思是c plusA++,Aplusplus.
2023-06-07 08:16:324


2023-06-07 08:16:391

鬼泣4的七种评价:Deadly,Carange,Brutal,Atomic,Smokin,Smokin Style,Smokin Sick Style都是什么意思?

D评分 C评分B评分A评分S评分SS评分SSS评分
2023-06-07 08:16:594


2023-06-07 08:17:051


2023-06-07 08:17:133

什么是Brutal Force算法

2023-06-07 08:18:282

brutal love中文歌词,green day的,谢谢。

简介歌手: Green Day所属专辑:《iTré!》发行时间:2012-12-11 所属公司:华纳唱片歌词歌词英文歌词Turn out the lightsClose your eyesTear up the silenceThe heartache of your lifeDance foreverUnder the lightsThis brutal loveOf how you want itYou"re beggin for itBut you can"t have itEven if you triedIt"s in the clutchesIn the hands ofThis brutal loveAll toysThis plastic hardLovers and foolsAre tearing me apartHere comes troubleThe uninvitedThis brutal loveDangerNot quite at homeThe price of temptationThe flesh on my bonesHello strangerI"m a disasterThis brutal loveMy bookPities and dishonorAnguish and shameWe"re more than throughMad sexBuy me a train wreckSomething for my troubleMiiiiineMy bookPities and dishonorAnguish and shameWe"re more than throughMad loveKiss me, I"m over itSomething for my troubledMiiiiindDropped outDropped it in yearsOur love is whispered on the lowDropped outDropped it in yearsOur love is whispered on the lowDropped outDropped it in yearsOur love is whispered on the lowDropped outDropped it in yearsOur love is whispered on the lowWhispered love[1]中文歌词熄灯闭上你的眼睛撕掉沉默心痛你的生活跳啊在灯光下这残酷的爱情你想怎么你乞求但你不能有即使你尝试它的魔掌在手中的这残酷的爱情所有玩具这种塑料硬恋人和傻子我支离破碎在这里,麻烦来了不请自来这残酷的爱情危险不太在家价格诱惑我的骨头上的肉你好陌生人我是一个灾难这残酷的爱情我的书令人扼腕叹息和耻辱痛苦和耻辱我们更不是通过疯狂的做爱我买火车失事我的麻烦的东西Miiiiine我的书令人扼腕叹息和耻辱痛苦和耻辱我们更不是通过疯狂的爱亲吻我,我在它困扰我的东西Miiiiind掉落掉落在年我们的爱低声低掉落掉落在年我们的爱低声低掉落掉落在年我们的爱低声低掉落掉落在年我们的爱低声低低声道的爱
2023-06-07 08:18:371


38 sb混得不耐烦了
2023-06-07 08:18:479

brutal double anal什么意思

brutal double anal的中文翻译brutal double anal残酷双重肛门
2023-06-07 08:19:121

brutale是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

brutal, e, aux(复数~aux) a. (m) 1<旧>野兽般的2 la force~e蛮力3粗暴的, 粗鲁的4直言不讳的, 不转弯抹角的; 生硬的, 唐突的5剧烈的, 急剧的; 突然的, 意外的n. 粗暴的人, 粗鲁的人常见用法choc brutal突然撞击une chute brutale des températures气温突然下降mort brutale猝死nouvelle brutale意外的消息réveil brutal突然醒来
2023-06-07 08:19:531


cruel :adj. 残酷的,残忍的; 使人痛苦的,让人受难的; 无情的,严酷的merciless:adj. 残忍的; 无怜悯之心的; 蛇蝎心肠; 无情;slaughterous:adj. 残忍的; 好杀戮的;ruthless:无情的,冷酷的; 残忍的; 狠辣的brutal :adj. 野蛮的; 残忍的; 不讲理的; 无情的;码字不易,请给予加分,谢谢!
2023-06-07 08:20:001


2023-06-07 08:20:082


念着记忆,顺便把名词 brutality一起记
2023-06-07 08:20:271


暴虐的英文tyrannous.tyrannous,英文单词,主要作为形容词,译为“暴虐的;压制的”。同义词: oppressive、 tyrannical.双语例句:1.The paper introduce the moulding and sinter technology of a new kind of tyrannous cathode.本文介绍了一种新型压制阴极的成型与烧结技术。2.I had been accustomed while on earth to oppose tyrannous authority, and this habit remained with me in Hell.我在地上时习惯了反对暴虐的掌权者,在地狱里这习惯也随着我一起来了。3. Yield up, O love, thy crown and hearted throne To tyrannous hate!爱情啊, 把你的王冠和你的心灵深处的宝座让给残暴的憎恨吧!
2023-06-07 08:20:341

Brutal Love 歌词

歌曲名:Brutal Love歌手:Green Day专辑:iTré!Brutal LoveGreen DayTurn out the lightsClose your eyesTear up the silenceThe heartache of your lifeDance foreverUnder the lightsThis brutal loveOf how you want itYou"re beggin for itBut you can"t have itEven if you triedIt"s in the clutchesIn the hands ofThis brutal loveAll toysThis plastic hardLovers and foolsAre tearing me apartHere comes troubleThe uninvitedThis brutal loveDangerNot quite at homeThe price of temptationThe flesh on my bonesHello strangerI"m a disasterThis brutal loveMy bookPities and dishonorAnguish and shameWe"re more than throughMad sexBuy me a train wreckSomething for my troubleMiiiiineMy bookPities and dishonorAnguish and shameWe"re more than throughMad loveKiss me, I"m over itSomething for my troubledMiiiiindDropped outDropped it in yearsOur love is whispered on the lowDropped outDropped it in yearsOur love is whispered on the lowDropped outDropped it in yearsOur love is whispered on the lowDropped outDropped it in yearsOur love is whispered on the lowWhispered love
2023-06-07 08:21:081

Brutal Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Brutal Hearts歌手:bedouin soundclash专辑:Light the HorizonBedouin Soundclash - Brutal Hearts作曲: 填词:月夜舞剑Are you the Brutal HeartAre you the Brutal Heart that I"ve been looking forCause if you"re looking for love, you can look for that doorHeartsHearts that break the night in twoAnd arms that can"t hold you that trueSo useeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee meSo useeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee meI don"t mind at allI don"t mind that you only call me when you wantAnd Im just glad you want me at allHeartsAnd hearts that break the night in twoAnd arms that can"t hold you that trueSo useeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee meSo useeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee meSo are we Brutal HeartsAre we Brutal Hearts that break the nigh in twoBecause I just want this night with youWell I don"t like the manI don"t like the man that I amI just want this night with youWell then lets take this night from black to blueWell then lets take this night from black to blueSo useeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee meSo useeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee me
2023-06-07 08:21:151


超兽武装的英文大写是: Mega Brutal Armour Mega:超级,巨大Brutal: 兽性Armour:武装,盔甲
2023-06-07 08:21:241


2023-06-07 08:21:312

Brutal.io游戏怎么玩 Brutal.io游戏玩法技巧攻略

2023-06-07 08:21:501


力量系全家福技能详解图标技能名称最大等级习得条件详细说明蛮力武器I Brutal Weaponry I3无[招式]解锁长剑,巨剑,锤子的特殊蓄力攻击招式解锁招式:迅捷反击-使用长剑快速移动并斩击对手大风车-使用巨剑施放乱舞攻击野蛮冲击-使用锤子击倒对方等级2-上述解锁招式将在一定的时间内造成额外的伤害,额外伤害的大小由基础伤害值决定等级3-上述解锁招式将会增加额外的命运值蛮力武器II Brutal Weaponry II3蛮力武器I,5点力量技能已投点数[招式]解锁长剑,巨剑,锤子的特殊反击招式解锁招式:幻影之刃-格挡之后使用长剑进行强力的斩击斩首-格挡之后接上两个猛力的重斩碎骨击-格挡之后完成踢,拉,锤击等连续性的动作等级2-上述解锁招式将在一定的时间内造成额外的伤害,额外伤害的大小由基础伤害值决定等级3-上述解锁招式将会增加额外的命运值蛮力武器III Brutal Weaponry III3蛮力武器II,35点力量技能已投点数[招式]解锁长剑和巨剑在使用翻滚时的特殊攻击招式解锁招式:横斩-在多个敌人中间快速移动时进行攻击招式掘墓者-使用巨剑时在跳跃中发起的攻击招式等级2-上述解锁招式将在一定的时间内造成额外的伤害,额外伤害的大小由基础伤害值决定等级3-上述解锁招式将会增加额外的命运值蛮力武器IV Brutal Weaponry IV3蛮力武器III,50点力量技能已投点数[招式]解锁长剑,巨剑,锤子的特殊架招反击招式解锁招式:格挡反击-在格档一定时间后,使用长剑进行一串漂亮的连击格挡穿刺-在格档一定时间后,使用大剑穿刺并挑起敌人粉碎之击-在格档一定时间后,使用锤子粉碎你的敌人等级2-上述解锁招式将在一定的时间内造成额外的伤害,额外伤害的大小由基础伤害值决定等级3-上述解锁招式将会增加额外的命运值
2023-06-07 08:22:081

br( )t( )( )怎么填入英语,意思是什么?

bratty. 讨厌的,不服从的。brutal 无情的,野蛮的 britch 腿臀毛
2023-06-07 08:22:171


死亡摇滚的鼻祖DEATH乐队 他们的歌下来听下 还有像食人尸这样的老家伙 也不错
2023-06-07 08:22:328


针管清洗间:Clean needles among污物前厅:Lobby of dirt污物接收大厅:Dirt reception hall污物接收台:Taiwan to receive dirt女医护更衣室:Female health care locker room男医护更衣室:Male locker room care分类清洗室:Category clean room机房:Room缓冲区:Buffer质检打包区、:Packing District of Quality and Technical Supervision医护办公室:Office of Health Care消控室:Consumers control room安控室:The control room导医台:Daoyi Taiwan休闲吧:Lobby bar医生更衣换室:Changing rooms for doctors杂物间: Among debris 一次性物品存放室:One-time items storage room开水房:Kai Shuifang配餐室:Catering Room主任护士长办公室:Head nurse, director of the Office
2023-06-07 08:22:4812


中文摘要 现代美国 俚语 是一种相当特殊的语言形式,具有独特的语言表现力和悠久的历史。19世纪美洲大陆的“西进运动”促使了美国俚语的形成,20世纪则是美国俚语迅猛发展的时期。从其来源来看,亚 文化 向主流文化的渗透到社会名流的推动再到新事物新概念的大量涌现,产生了大量的俚语。在发展的过程中美国俚语逐渐形成了自己的风格特点:幽默风趣、形象生动、易于表达情感、更新迅速等。同时,它在社会中的作用则体现在:体现说话者的身份;加强群体中各成员之间的关系;体现说话者受 教育 程度和文化素质以及反映美国人对社会现实所抱的态度。对于现代美国俚语,学者的观点褒贬不一,但不可否认,现代美国俚语的出现与发展是社会和时代的要求。如今,变得简洁明了及与标准语互相渗透成了现代美国俚语的主要发展趋势。 关键词:美国俚语;来源; 特点; 社会功能; 前景; 语言地位 一 引言 现代美国俚语是一个很复杂的语言现象。原来是指某些特殊的阶层、行业或囚犯、黑帮使用的行话和黑话。其中有些粗俗不堪,难以登大雅之堂,有些简单明了,诙谐幽默,为大众所接受,而有些则只在一些很小的范围内流行,如在一个行业内,一个地方,一个时期等,其寿命不长,往往自生自灭。 据不精确的统计,美国人的常用词汇大约有1万到2万左右,其中10%约2000多个左右的词语是俚语,而且这些俚语也是美国人的日常生活中频繁使用的。因此有些语言学家就认为,如果一个人不能熟悉美国俚语,要想在美国社会与人顺畅地交流是不可能的,有时甚至就连读书看报都会很困难,因为现代美国俚语已频频出现在报纸和书籍中了。 现代美国俚语是一种非常不规范的语言变体,在当代美国社会中所履行的社会功能显得越来越重要了,而且这样的特殊的语言创新,已逐渐地融入了英语标准语的范畴,成为标准语不可或缺的表达手段的补充。本文将对它的产生、发展前景还有社会功能和特点进行粗略地研究。 二、现代美国俚语产生的背景及其来源 (一)现代美国俚语产生的背景 19世纪,在美洲大陆的“西进运动”中,许多美国人大量向西部移民,形成了大规模的人口的流动。这么一来,各个地方的方言以及各个社会阶层的行话、黑话接踵而来,人们互相传用。由于美国官方并不强调“标准语”,又很少进行“语言纯化”,因而不断出现的行话和俗语等不同的语言形式经过不停地传播使用,便成了今天美国人使用的俚语了。同时,美国是一个多种民族移民混合而成的国家,这些移民带来了自己的语言,同时也不断地创造出与美语相融合的新词汇,从而使俚语日益地增加。 到了20世纪,美国俚语有了突飞猛进的发展。两次世界大战、越南战争、朝鲜战争、冷战等时期都产生了大量的俚语,还有美国社会不断出现的社会问题如:种族歧视、民权运动、家庭解体、年轻一代的酗酒和吸毒、反战运动、性解放、同性恋等更令美国俚语如雨后春笋般涌现。而进入经济大发展和科技飞速进步的八、九十年代,现代美国俚语呈现出了生机勃勃的旺盛生命力,计算机俚语、体育俚语、校园俚语等新兴俚语的大量增加并进入日常生活。 (二)现代美国俚语的来源 1.亚文化向主流文化的渗透 现代美国俚语的来源较广。隐语、行话及黑话均产生了许许多多的精彩的俚语,“如美国罪犯把监狱外的社会称为street(街道),按他们的说法,这个世界分为监狱内和监狱外两部分,而监狱外就是大街,只要他们不在押,大街便是他们活动的地方,因而street time这个俚语就被用来指假释期。”[1]又如“to kick the bucket(意思是死了,to die or pass away),这句俚语十分流行,因为在7世纪的英国,对死囚执行死刑时,犯人就会在桶子(bucket)上,刽子手把绞索套在犯人的脖子上,然后踢掉桶子,犯人就会因绞索拉紧而窒息死亡。现在这句俚语被广泛用于指代任何一种死亡方式。”[2]军人、警察、学生、工人、失业游民、司机、妓女、罪犯等隶属于亚文化群的各种各样的社会集团对俚语的贡献是巨大的,他们创造的俚语总不停地在更新,且各有其特色。尽管其中某些行话或涉及到性方面的俚语不堪入耳,但不可否认他们是现代美国俚语的主要来源之一。 2.社会名流的积极推动 现今俚语的主流,则为主宰美国当今文化主流的上层人士创造的俚语。作为美国的文化中心,纽约、旧金山、洛杉矶、休斯敦、芝加哥等大城市通过媒介主导美国的文化。这些城市的上层人士如政界要人、商人、电视节目主持人、专栏作家及娱乐界明星等,他们大多受过良好的高等教育,充满才智,具有极强的表达能力,是日常美国俚语的主要创造者之一。如俚语much-racker指专门刺探个人隐私和政界丑闻的人,该词在社会生活和政治生活中频繁出现,已进入口语的范畴了。曾被定义为“难登大雅之堂”的美国俚语已频频出现在名报、名著、名人传记中,甚至是美国总统的正式演说中。因此可以说美国俚语已融入了主流文化的“血液”中。 3.新事物、新概念的大量涌现 近年来,经济和科技迅速发展,大量的新俚语因此应运而生,用以表达新事物和新概念。如:hot line(热线)、fall out(放射性尘埃)、afro(蓬松发型),其中最经典的、最耳熟能详的俚语就是“cool”了,原意是“凉,凉爽”之意,现作为俚语的意思是“动人的,妙极的”。在这些新兴发展的行业和新出现的事物中,IT行业、娱乐业、体育行业等出现的俚语几乎占据了当今俚语的半壁江山。如流行音乐中常出现的“rock and roll”便用来指摇滚乐。“Groove原意是唱片的纹路,后来演变成俚语“groove”(绝好的,流行的),因为流行歌手一旦出了名,各家广播公司就会争先恐后地用他们演唱的歌曲录成唱片。由此产生的“in the groove”这一习语被用来说明一位歌手的成功和知名度,但从事其他职业的人一旦事业获得成功而青云直上,也经常被说成是“in the groove”,该词含义由此被推广下来。” [3]又如“ankle biter:咬脚跟的人(紧随某人之后并模仿某人)。“咬脚跟的人”原指小孩子,但在IT领域,形容一个人是个“咬脚跟的人”则有别的意思,即指“半瓶醋 ”电脑专家,他们喜欢操作电脑,想做个黑客之类的人物,籍此出名,惊动世界,但他们的电脑知识和工作技能又很有限,所以称这类人为ankle biter。”[4]说到黑客(hacker)这个词,不得不让人想起近年来的热门影片《黑客帝国》,hacker原指精通电脑编程语言的程序员,现在这个词有了贬义,专指一些喜欢破坏他人的程序,甚至非法入侵电脑系统的电脑高手。可见新事物、新概念不但创造出新的俚语词汇,而且赋予了旧词新的含义,丰富了词义。这也正体现了现代美国俚语求新求变的特点。 三、现代美国俚语的基本特征和社会功能 (一)现代美国俚语的基本特征 “精力旺盛,开朗活泼,不墨守成规、勇于创新等都是美国人引以为豪的民族特征。”[5]这些特征在他们的日常交际的谈话方式和遣词 造句 中得到了完全的体现,俚语的特点恰恰能与美国人的民族特点相符合,使其显得更为独特,更为突出。 1.幽默风趣 1.1.语音的体现 许多的美国俚语都是利用谐音来达到易记易懂、顺耳入耳、生动有力的效果,尤其以押尾韵的手法来达到生动和幽默的表达效果。例如wiggle-waggle(摇摆,聊天,嚼舌头)、tiptop(非常杰出的)、super-super(特别大的,引人注目的,显著的)、razzle-dazzle(狂欢,陶醉)、hurry-scurry(慌慌张张)、hoity-toity(神气十足)、ding- ding(精神饱满的,坚强的)、dilly-dally(游手好闲的)等等。这种押尾韵的方式令人感觉到节奏生动,语音甜美,有助于语言的广泛传播与顺利交流,且又幽默感十足。 1.2词汇的体现 现代美国俚语词汇上的幽默主要通过缩略词、截短、重复等 方法 来体现的。许多美国俚语是由首字母构成的缩略词,如众所周知的NATO是North Atlantic Treaty Organization的首字母组成的,是大名鼎鼎的“北大西洋公约组织”,但富于创新,生性幽默的美国人已把它发展成另一个含义截然不同的俚语:No Action Talk Only(光说不做)从而成功地讥讽了真正的NATO一把。其他缩略词还有如:“VIP(大人物,very important person)、V. D(性病,花柳病,venereal disease)、D&D(酒后扰乱治安的,Drunk and Disorderly)、B.C(节育,birth control)。”[6 ]这些缩略衍引的俚语减少了冗余的部分,通过联想传达了幽默,表达了含义。 截短与重复亦是俚语表达幽默的主要方法。如G-Man是 government-man的截短,指的是联邦调查局的工作人员,但G同时亦是Garbage的缩写,故G-Man一语双关,幽了联邦调查局一默,讽刺了他们的工作与Garbage-man如出一辙。而no-no、so-so、dum-dum、huggy-huggy这类词汇的重复,显得形象幽默,分别表示“禁忌”、“极其普通”、“傻瓜,笨蛋”、“关系亲密,不同寻常”。词的重复显得简洁,起到加强语气,强化印象的作用。 除了在旧词上的使用充满幽默的效果外,美国俚语不断出现新的俚语,同时赋予了许多旧词新的含义,极具幽默感。例如原来标准语中用来表达“好”的词汇“good, great, excellent”等已经很少用了,因为它们已无法传达出飞速发展的社会给人们带来的各种刺激和兴奋了,所以旧词被赋予新的含义,例如dope(麻醉剂)、tight(紧的)、cool(凉爽的)、sweet(甜蜜的)等都可表示“好的,棒的”。 1.3修辞的体现 现代美国俚语使用各种各样的修辞手法达到幽默的效果,包括比喻、夸张、委婉等。其中比喻的使用是美国俚语的突出特征。如donu2019t let the cat out of the bag(不要泄密);chicken heart(视野狭窄);lay an egg(投炸弹)等。如果你在别人看来是一个couch potato,这说明你的生活方式十分被动消极。整天躺在沙发上,像枯萎的植物(potato)一样,这样的比喻形象生动而又贴切,充满了幽默的味道,而像这样的比喻,在美国俚语中俯拾皆是。如upper storey(楼上)喻为“头脑”,beanpole(豆荚)指代细个子,flick喻指电影,fox指年轻有魅力的女。正如词典学家H .Bradelly所指出的“几乎没有人满足于总把事情说得明明白白,司空见惯的词似乎常常由于过于熟悉而失去力量,要是换上一个生动逼真或者怪诞可笑的隐语,平铺直叙的枯燥语言就会变得生动,趣味盎然。这种情不自禁的更换说明了俚语不断发展的原因。”[7] 2.便捷简练 一般来说在美国人的日常 人际交往 中,使用标准语显得严肃,甚至有些呆板沉闷,而使用俚语则显得快捷、简练、生动,也更富于个性和表达力。例如hop(俚语)和lance(标准语)都有“跳舞”之意,比较之下,hop更有活力,更令人联想到grass hopper(蚱蜢)在草地上蹦蹦跳跳时的生动形态,很开心的感觉,更具有欢乐的色彩;而lance则较为正式,庄重,会使人联想到那华丽的舞会、优美的舞姿和考究的服饰等。因此人们的日常交际中更偏爱俚语便是因为它的确切形象,琅琅上口,简洁凝练,刚劲有力。 3.更新迅速 现代美国俚语的生命力很大程度上取决于“新鲜感”。新创的俚语在经过不停的被重复之后必然变得平淡无奇,最后甚至成为令人厌烦的陈词滥调而被抛弃或被新词所取代。因此按寿命长短,俚语可分为两部分,一部分是昙花一现,稍纵即逝,被淘汰掉;另一部分则是经过一段时间后,被标准语吸收或升级为口语。例如:skidoo(走开)、peach(姑娘)、skirt(妇女)等曾兴盛一时的俚语慢慢被人遗忘不用了。而如guy(男子汉,小伙子)、 fan(着迷者)、yes-man(唯唯诺诺的人)、cop(警察)等经久不衰,延用至今;而有的如have a ball(尽情作乐)、have had it(吃够苦头)、get with it(注意或繁忙)等均成了口语表达方式,甚至是我们最为熟悉的“OK”原先也是俚语,但现在却成了时髦的标准语,几乎随处都可听到。一般说来,俚语的“ 寿命”只有几年到几十年的时间而后渐渐退出词汇的行列。但这并不意味着所有的俚语都是如此,特色不同,功用不同,他们的“命运”也不相同。 (二) 现代美国俚语的社会功能 1.体现说话者的身份与地位 语言的使用属于社会行为,作为语言的一部分,俚语的使用也属于社会行为。不同的社会群体或集团有不同的俚语,他们各自使用只属于他们群体的俚语,以此来表明他们的身份和社会地位。如果是个学生,与同学们交谈时如brutal(很棒的)、flunk sb.(给某人打不及格的分数)、fender-bender(一件小事)、apple polish(拍马屁,奉承)之类的俚语必是少不了的。假如某人想使人确信他是爵士乐团体的成员这个事实,他只需要在言谈中多用如Gabriel(喇叭手)这类爵士乐专用的俚语便可达到目的。 2.加强群体中各成员之间的关系 作为群体中的成员,他们有着共同的利益和志趣,因此他们喜欢用一些只属于他们这个群体的独特的俚语,在外人看来晦涩难懂,但在他们看来却妙趣横生。使用这些俚语能使隶属于这个群体或集团的成员体验到一种认同感,使他们与其他成员之间的关系得到加强,当他们遇到困难时,可以指望得到别人的关心和帮助,从而产生一种安全感和心理上的满足。警察俚语、学生俚语、黑人俚语、军人俚语、娱乐界俚语、IT业俚语等都被人们用来表明自己的身份,强化自己在某个特定群体中的归属感。 3.反映说话者的受教育程度和文化素质 美国俚语的语言风格有高雅和低俗之分,受教育程度越高,文化素质越高,使用的俚语就较为高雅,反之,受教育程度越低,文化素质越低的人使用的俚语就较为低俗。罪犯使用的俚语如rap sheet(犯罪记录)、fool around(不务正业)、screw around(鬼混)、cumshaw(小偷小摸)、half-inch(盗窃)、tea-leaf(窃贼)等,在文化和受教育程度都比较高的社会群体里就很难找到了。又如吸毒者的俚语有Mary and Jane(大麻)、Miss Morph(morphine)吗啡、narcotics(毒品)、Junkie(吸毒者)、mule(贩毒者)等,非毒品行业的人听到这些俚语,便无法知晓其中含义。 4.反映美国人对于社会现实的态度 “50年代的beatniks(垮掉的一代),60年代的flower-children(花孩),60年代末的hippies(嬉皮士)以及yuppies(雅皮士)等俚语具有强烈的时代特征,这些来自亚文化群成员使用的俚语充满了对现实与世俗的强烈不满。”[8]同样的那些一般的美国人也使用俚语来表达自己对政府、对社会现状的不满情绪,如“boys in the back room(政客)描绘了政客们躲在密室中密谋策划的情形;the badger game原指“美人计”或“仙人跳”,现已有引申义,意即为政治目的服务的各种欺诈和恐吓行为;the big lie(重大的政治上的颠倒黑白)则又是其中的又一个例子。”[9] 四、现代美国俚语的现状和前景 (一)现代美国俚语的现状 1.现代美国俚语的语言地位 早先的美国俚语被认为来源于社会的底层,粗俗不堪,只有文化程度低,没有教养的人,如水手、罪犯、乞丐、流浪汉等生活在社会底层的人才会使用俚语,俚语就等同于的行话,等同于黑话,等同于方言和隐语。1828年的《韦氏大词典》对俚语写的定义是“一种低级、庸俗、缺乏表现力的语言。”但随着时间的推移,俚语的贬义成分越来越少。1963年的《现代英语词典》对俚语的解释是“俚语是一般用于谈话,但不适合协作或正式场合的词语,尤指某一阶层人士的惯用法。”[10]可见原来为多数学者所排斥的俚语的语言地位不再只是低俗不堪,不再只是行话和黑话的代名词,不再为上层人士甚至是普通大众所拒绝的语言形式了。如今,俚语与非俚语之间很难找到明确的区分界限了,有些甚至进入了标准用语当中。新闻媒介、政界、商界、娱乐界等社会各个群体和集团对于俚语的广泛使用,更说明了俚语的语言地位今非昔比了。 2.现代美国俚语对英语的影响 现代美国俚语对于英语的影响,有着褒贬不一的看法,有的人认为俚语很“新潮”,可推动英语的发展,有的人则认为俚语“糟蹋”了英语。《现代英语语言与文化研究》曾就美语对英语的影响做了专门的论述:“究竟对美国英语如何评价,人们所见不尽相同或完全不同。语言毕竟难以尽善尽美,白玉无暇;总是既纯又不纯,既有正确又有谬误,而且历来如此,并不足怪。” [11]但书中关于美国学者纽曼的观点和态度,可以看出美国学者对于美语对英语的“糟蹋”持赞成态度的还是有的。“目前美国许多口语表达方式十分流行,听起来也十分悦耳,用起来u2018速冻快餐u2019难样令人开胃,但实际上英语被搞得更加混乱,更加不伦不类。”[12]而美国俚语在美语中占据的分量越来越重了,在人们日常生活中的使用也越来越频繁了,或者说是美国人生活中必不可少的一种语言交流方式了。因此现在美语对于英语的影响很大程度体现在俚语上。 现在,整个世界都在观看美国电视和电影。美国俚语充斥着几乎所有的美国影视作品,许多以英语为本国第一语言的国家想保持本国英语的特性已不可能了。澳大利亚、英国、加拿大等国的 儿童 都穿着美国式的衣服,说着美国黑人才说的黑人俚语。这种现象在全球都很普遍。只有在中国,汉语保护了自己免受美国俚语的入侵。对于那些英语国家来说,他们正在慢慢失去本国英语的独特性。但任何事物的存在必然有它的理由,美国俚语也是如此。虽然它对他国英语的独特性存在一定的消极做用,但不可否认的是它在美国本土却是交际功能十分强大的语言,简洁,幽默,独到,精彩。在日常的交际中必不可少。 (二) 现代美国俚语的前景 现代美国俚语作为一种交际工具,是英语语言中丰富多彩的、极富有活力的成分。它服务于社会,以社会为基础。随着社会的发展,其中有一部分俚语由于不再适应社会,不再实用,慢慢地从社会这个大舞台上退出。而有一部分仍然活跃,经久不衰,或者慢慢地进入标准语的行列。与此同时,新的俚语会因社会和时代的需要而如雨后春笋般出现,填补其中的空白。1960年文特华斯和弗莱克森主编的《美国俚语词典》(Dictionary of American Slang)收录了15,000个俚语词,据他们估计,其中美国人常用的有2000多个。而到了1961年,玛里安韦伯斯特的“THE INTERNATION”在同意前者的词义的情况下只列出了500多个俚语词,可见在这一年之中有如此多的俚语成为了标准语,衍变速度有多快,同时它们留下的空缺又由新的俚语添补上。 语言来自于社会,来自社会大众。现代美国俚语的发展趋势是简洁明了,正是由于其大众化,俚语的委婉含义在不断地弱化,普遍性在不断增强,逐渐地成为大众语言不可缺少的一部分。 正如美国著名诗人沃尔特惠特曼(Walt Whitman)在《俚语在美国》中写到:“如果把英语比做作君临天下的大帝,那么在金碧辉煌的殿堂中居然出现了一位莎士比亚笔下的小丑式人物,登堂入室,甚至跻身于最庄严的盛典,这就是俚语,或称隐语。它出于大众之中,跳出了规范语言的框框,使人们能不拘一格,畅所欲言。” [13]正是因为人们对俚语认识的不断加深,社会的不断进步和开放,所以我们相信现代美国俚语有着强大的生命力和美好的前景。 五、结束语 以上是对现代美国俚语的各个方面作个粗略的分析。当今美国社会各个阶层之间交往日益频繁,作为一种交流工具,现代美国俚语已为绝大多数的美国人所接受并得到广泛的使用。尽管学者对于俚语的看法仍是褒贬不一,但不可否认它的实用性和它向前发展不可逆转的趋势。如今,在美国无论是街头闲谈还是正式场合的高谈阔论;无论是文学作品还是新闻杂志,俚语无处不在。 对现代美国俚语的分析有利于我们了解它的历史背景基本特点、社会功能及其社会地位等方面的内容。通过对这些内容的了解,有助于我们更清楚地了解整个时代英语的发展,理解美国英语变化的实质,了解美国乃至其他英语国家的社会和文化。 参考文献 [1]狄波.现代美国俚语浅谈[J].蒙古教育学院学报,1995,(1):P79 。 [2]陈志学.现代美国俚语例释[J].无锡教育学院学报,2001,(3):P49。 [3]吴丽兴.美国俚语刍议[J].重庆三峡学报,2002,21(6):P96。 [4]张琦.IT时代新新美语[M].北京:外语教育与研究出版社,2002.P7。 [5]胡家英.美国俚语的基本特征及其社会功能[J].学术交流,2003,(113):P154。 [6]雷春英.论美国俚语的词义衍引[J].湘潭师范学院学报,1994,15(5):P53。 [7]彭元峰、孙佩捷.美国俚语发展趋势及其语言特色[J].东北大学学报,2003,5(1):P64。 [8]赵彦芳.英语俚语的社会功能探析[J].安徽技术师范学院学报, 2003,17(1):P79。 [9]同[8],P79。 [10]李群.美国俚语的幽默和自由化[J].四川外语学院学报,2004,20(1):P108。 [11]朱文俊.现代英语语言和文化研究[M].北京:北京语言学院出版社,1994.P162-163 167。 [12]同[11],P167 [13]刘西峰.美国俚语浅议[J].淄博师专学报,1997,(2):P73。
2023-06-07 08:23:101

英语问题,those are some brutal guys to be in business with的with不是在一起吧?

with不光是在一起的意思, 与谁做生意可表达为be in business with somebody. 这句话里的somebody 就是some brutal guys
2023-06-07 08:23:161

乱世佳人(飘)——第 38 章(英文原版)-2

A part of every day she spent at the mill, prying into everything, doing her best to check the thievery she felt sure was going on. But most of the time she was riding about the town, making the rounds of builders, contractors and carpenters , even calling on strangers she had heard might build at the future dates, cajoling them into promises of buying from her and her only. prying into : 撬进去 contractors and carpenters : 承包商和木匠 cajoling : 哄骗 Soon she was a familiar sight on Atlanta"s streets, sitting in her buggy beside the dignified , disapproving old darky driver, a lap robe pulled high about her, her little mittened hands clasped in her lap. Aunt Pitty had made her a pretty green mantelet which hid her figure and a green pancake hat which matched her eyes, and she always wore these becoming garments on her business calls. A faint dab of rouge on her cheeks and a fainter fragrance made her a charming picture, as long as she did not alight from buggy and show her figure. And there were seldom any need for this, for she smiled and beckoned and the men came quickly to the buggy and frequently stood bareheaded in the rain to talk business with her. dignified : 庄重 a lap robe : 一条长袍 mitten : 无指手套 clasped : 抱住 beckoned : 招手 garments : 服装 dab of rouge : 少许胭脂 She was not the only one who had seen the opportunities for making money out of lumber, but she did not fear her competitiors. She knew with consicous pride in her own smartness that she was the equal of any of them. She was Gearld"s own daughter and the shrewd trading instinct she had inherited was now sharpened by her needs. shrewd : 精明 conscious : 精明的 At first the other dealers had laughed at her, laughed with good-natured contempt at the very idea of a woman in business. But now they did not laugh. They swore silently as they saw her ride by. The fact that she was a woman frequently worked in her favor, for she could upon occasion look so helpless and appealing that she melted hearts. With no difficulty whatever she could mutely convey the impression of a brave but timid lady, forced by brutal circumstance into a distasteful position, a helpless little lady who would probably starve if customers didn"t buy her lumber. But when ladylike airs failed to get results she was coldly businesslike and willingly undersold her competitors at a loss to herself if it would bring her a new customer. She was not above selling a poor grade of lumber for the price of good lumber if she thought she would not be detected, and she had no scruples about blackguarding the other lumber dealers. With every appearance of reluctance at disclosing the unpleasant truth, she would sigh and tell prospective customers that her competitors" lumber was far too high in price, rotten, full of knot holes and in general of deplorably poor quality. swore : 发誓 brutal : 野蛮的 The first time Scarlett lied in this fashion she felt disconcerted and guilty--disconcerted because the lie sprang so easily and naturally to her lips, guilty because the thought flashed into her mind: What would Mother say? disconcerted : 不安 There was no doubt what Ellen would say to a daughter who told lies and engaged in sharp practices. She would be stunned and incredulous and would speak gentle words that stung despite their gentleness, would talk of honor and honesty and truth and duty to one"s neighbor. Momentarily , Scarlett cringed as she pictured the look on her monther"s face. And then the picture faded, blotted out by an impulse, hard, unscrupulous and greedy, which had been born in the lean days at Tara and was now strengthened by the present unceratinty of life. So she passed this milestone as she had passed others before it -- with a sigh that she was not as Ellen would like her to be, a shrug and the repetition of her unfailing charm: "I"ll think of all this later." incredulous : 怀疑的 stung : 刺痛的 But she never again thought of Ellen in connection with her business practices, never again regretted any means she used to take trade away from other lumber dealers. She knew she was perfectly safe in lying about them. Southern chivalry protected her. A southern lady could lie about a gentleman, but a southern gentleman could not lie about a lady or, worse still, call the lady a liar. Other lumberman could only fume inwardly and state heatedly, in the bosoms of their families, that they wished to God Mrs. Kennedy was a man for just about five minutes. fume : 冒烟 inwardly : 暗自 One poor white who opearted a mill on the Decatur road did try to fight Scarlett with her own weapons, saying openly that she was a liar and a swindler . But it hurt him rather than helped, for everyone was appalled that even a poor white should say such shocking things about a lady of good family, even when the lady was conducting herself in such an unwomanly way. Scarlett bore his remarks with silent dignity and, as time went by, she turned all her attention to him and his customers. She undersold him so relentlessly and delivered, with secret groans, such an excellent quality of lumber to prove her probity that he was soon bankrupt . Then, to Frank"s horror, she triumphantly bought his mill at her own price. swindler : liar appalled : shock probity : 廉洁 bankrupt : 破产者 Once in her possession there arose the perplexing problem of finding a trustworthy man to put in charge of it. She did not want another man selling her lumber behind her back, but she thought it would be easy to weren"t the streets full of men, some of them formerly rich, who were without work? The day never went by that Frank did not give money to some hungry ex-soldier or that Pitty and Cookie did not wrap up food for gaunt beggars . possession : 所有权 perplexing : 复杂的 But Scarlett, for some reason she could not understand, did not want any of these. "I don"t want men who haven"t found something to do after a year," she thought. "If they haven"t adjusted to peace yet, they couldn"t adjust to me. And they all look so hangdog and licked. I don"t want a man who"s licked. I want somebody who"s smart and energetic like Renny or Tommy Wellburn or Kells Whiting or one of the Simmons boys or--or any of that tribe. They haven"t got that I-don"t-care-about-anything look the soldiers had right after the surrender. They look like they cared a heap about a heap of things. hangdog : 可鄙的 licked : 打败的 tribe : 部落 Once afternoon, Scarelett pullled up her buggy beside Rene Picard"s pie wagon and hailed Rene and the crippled Tommy Wellburn, who was catching a ride home with her friend. hailed : 欢呼 "Look here, Renny, why don"t you come and work for me? Managing a mill is a sight more respectable than driving a pie wagon. I"d think you"d be ashamed." "Me, I am dead to shame," grinned Rene. "Who would be respectable? All of my days I was respectable until ze war set me free lak ze darkies. Nevaire again must I be deegneefied and full of ennui. "But you weren"t raised to sell pies any more than Tommy was raised to wrastle with a bunch of wild Irish masons . My kind of work is more---" masons : 泥瓦匠 "And I suppose you were raised to run a lumber mill," said Tommy, the corners of his mouth twitching. "Yes, I can just see little Scarlett at her mother"s knee, lisping her lessons, "Never sell good lumber if you can get a better price for bad."" lisping : 口齿不清 Rene roared at this, his small monkey eyes dancing with glee as he whacked Tommy on his twisted back. whacked : 疲惫不堪的 "Don"t be impudent," said Scarlett coldly, for she saw little humor in Tommy"s remark. "Of course, I wasn"t raised to run a sawmill." impudent : 厚颜无耻的 "I didn"t mean to be impudent. But you are running a sawmill, whether you were raised to it or not. And running it very well, too. Well, none of us, as far as I can see, are doing what we intended to do right now, but I think we"ll make out just the same. It"s a poor person and a poor nation that sits down and cries because life isn"t precisely what they expected to be. Why don"t you pick up some enterprising Carpetbagger to work for you, Scarlett? The woods are full of them, God knows." precisely : 恰恰 "I don"t want a Carpetbagger. Carpetbagger will steal anything that isn"t red hot or nailed down. If they amounted to anything they"d have stayed where they were, instead of coming down here to pick our bones. I want a nice man, from nick folks, who is smart and honest and energetic and--" nailed : 固定的 "You don"t want much. And you won"t get it for the wage you"re offering. All the men of that description, barring the badly maimed ones, have already got something to do. They may be round pegs in squre holes but they"ve all got something to do. Something of their own that they"d rather do than work for a woman. wage : 工资 barring : 禁止 maimed : 伤残的 "Men haven"t got much sense, have they, when you get down to rock bottom?" "Maybe not but they"ve got a heap of pride," said Tommy soberly. "Pride! Pride taste awfully good, especially when the crust is flaky and you put meringue on it," said Scarlett tartly . crust is flaky : 地壳很脆弱。 tartly : 尖锐的 The two men laughed, a bit unwillingly, and it seemed to Scarlett that they drew together in united masculine disapproval of her. What Tommy said was true, she thought, running over in her mind the menshe had approached and the ones she intended to approach. They were all busy, busy at something, working hard, working harder than they would have dreamed possible in the days before the war. They weren"t doing want they wanted to do perhaps, or what was easiest to do, or what they had been reared to do, but they were doing something. Times was too hard for men to be choosy. And if they were sorrowing for lost hopes, longing for lost ways of living, no one knew it but them. And they were caring about life again, caring with the same urgency and the same violence that animated them before the warhad cut their lives in two. masculine : 男性的
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ferocious和ruthless的区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同ferocious:英 [fu0259"ru0259u028au0283u0259s]     美 [fu0259"rou028au0283u0259s]。    ruthless:英 ["ruu02d0θlu0259s]     美 ["ruu02d0θlu0259s]。    2、意思不同ferocious:adj. 残忍的;凶猛的;极度的。ruthless:adj. 残忍的;无情的。3、用法不同ferocious常用来表示野兽的凶猛、残暴,也可用于指人的眼光凶狠或某种气氛的激烈。Both tigers and leopards are ferocious beasts.虎豹都是凶猛的野兽。ruthless与cruel同义。强调为达到目的,对别人的痛苦毫无怜悯之心。He"s a ruthless businessman, as I know to my cost.我吃了苦头后才知道他是个无情的商人。
2023-06-07 08:24:131


2023-06-07 08:24:314


1. 文言文的暴是什么意思 暴 bào作动词,(1) 显露;暴露 如《史记·司马相如传》中,暴于南荣。或者司马迁《报任安书》其所摧败,功亦足以暴于天下矣。暴师(驻扎在野外的军队);暴骸(暴露尸骸);暴骨(暴露尸骨);暴尸(暴露尸骸) (2) 糟蹋,损害 如《礼记》田不以礼,曰暴天物。又如:自暴自弃;以众暴寡;暴殄轻生(肆意践踏,轻视生命);暴殄(残害自然) (3) 欺凌 如,自是之后,以强陵弱,以众暴寡。——《庄子·盗跖》又如:暴陵(欺压 *** ) (4) 徒手搏[虎] 如诗经中,不敢暴虎,不敢冯河。 做形容词, (1) 凶恶,残暴 伐无道,诛暴秦。——《史记·陈涉世家》 (2)急骤;猛烈 终风且暴。——《诗·邶风·终风》 ()3 脾气过分急躁虫暴怒。——《聊斋志异·促织》 做副词时 (1) 突然;猝然 今暴得大名,不祥。——《史记·项羽本纪》 (2 急剧地 还有一个做通假字,读pu 2. 文言文中暴字的意象 暴字古时有三种读音: bào 1. 凶恶残酷。 例:《后汉书u2022文苑传上·崔琦》:「暴辛惑妇,拒谏自孤。」 2. 指 *** 凶恶的人或行为。 例:《墨子u2022天志下》:「吾以贤者之必赏善罚暴也。」 3. 欺凌; *** 。 例:《管子u2022明法解》:「强者非不能暴弱也,然而不敢者,畏法诛也。」 4. 损害;糟蹋。 例:《礼记u2022王制》:「田不以礼,曰暴天物。」 5. 乱。 例:《淮南子u2022本经训》:「故兵者所以讨暴,非所以为暴也。」 6. 患,祸害。 例:《后汉书u2022宋均传》:「郡多虎暴,数为民患。」 7. 急骤;猛烈。 例:《诗·邶风·终风》:「终风且暴,顾我则笑。」 8. 暴躁;急躁。 例:益希卓玛《美与丑》:「松特尔的脾气虽然暴,但他的心是好的。」 9. 猝然;突然。 例:《史记u2022项羽本纪》:「自我为汝家妇,未尝闻汝先古之有贵者。今暴得大名,不祥。」 10. 短促。 例:《大戴礼记u2022保傅》:「人性非甚相远也,何殷周有道之长,而秦无道之暴?」 11. 徒手搏击。 例:《诗·郑风·大叔于田》:「袒裼暴虎,献于公所。」 12. 古时区域单位。方六里之地。 例:《管子u2022乘马》:「方六里命之曰暴,五暴命之曰部,五部命之曰聚。」 13. 古时户籍单位。五十家为暴。 例:《管子u2022乘马》:「五家而伍,十家而连,五连而暴,五暴而长,命之曰某乡。」 14. 古地名。在今河南省原阳县西。 例:《春秋·文公八年》:「公子遂会雒戎,盟于暴。」 15. 姓。 pù 1. 晒。 例:《周礼u2022天官·染人》:「凡染,春暴练,夏纁玄。」 2. (今读bao)显露;暴露。 例:《孟子u2022万章上》:「昔者尧荐舜于天,而天受之;暴之于民,而民受之。」 3. 指披布;披露。 例:《汉书u2022中山靖王刘胜传》:「议者多冤晁错之策,皆以诸侯连城数十,泰强,欲稍侵削,数奏暴其过恶。」 bó (今读bào)鼓起;突出。 例:《周礼u2022考工记·瓬人》:「凡陶瓬之事,髺垦薜暴不入市。」 3. 如此暴殄文言文翻译余小时见家人请客. 是不是下面这篇啊:余小时见人家请客,只是果五色①、肴五品②而已.今寻常宴会,动必用十肴,且水陆毕陈,或觅远方珍品,求以相胜.前有一士夫③请赵循斋,杀鹅二十余头,遂至形于奏牍.近一士夫请袁泽门,闻肴品计有百余样,鸽子、斑鸠之类皆有.尝作外官④.囊橐殷盛,虽不费力,然此是百姓膏血,将来如此暴殄,宁不畏天地遣责耶!译文:我小时看人家请客,只是果五色肴五品罢了现在平常的宴会,而且水陆食品都摆出了,或寻觅远方珍品来胜过别人.有一位士大夫请赵循斋,杀了30多头鹅,于是就被写在奏章中.近来有一士夫请袁泽门,听说有数百余道菜,鸽子斑鸠之类的都有.曾经做过地方官,口袋里钱多虽不费吹灰之力,但这是百姓的血汗.把它们拿过来这样的浪费,难道不怕天地来惩罚你吗!注释:1 果五色:指干果疏菜五种.②五品:五种.③士夫:即士大夫,官僚.④外官:地方官.2 [文言知识]说“寻常”.古代八尺为一寻;二寻为一常.,这样的尺寸,不算短也不算长,很普通,所以“寻常”含普通的意思.上文“今寻常宴会”,意为如今普通(平常)的宴会.又,刘禹锡《乌衣巷》:“旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家.”又,辛弃疾《永遇乐》:“寻常巷陌,人道寄奴曾住.”。 4. 暴的古文用法 基本字义 1. 强大而突然来的,又猛又急的:~雷。~病。~动。~力。~涨。~发。风~。~风骤雨(亦喻声势浩大、发展迅猛的群众运动)。 2. 过分急躁的,容易冲击的:脾气~躁。~跳如雷。 3. 凶恶残酷的:凶~。~虐。~君。~戾恣睢(残暴凶狠,任意胡为)。~政。横征~敛。 4. 横蹋,损害:自~自弃。~殄天物(任意糟蹋东西)。 5. 鼓起来,突出:~起青筋。 6. 徒手搏击:~虎冯(pīng )河(喻有勇无谋)。 7. 〔~露〕显露,如“~~无遗”。 8. 姓。 详细字义 〈动〉 1. 显露;暴露 [expose] 暴于南荣。——《史记·司马相如传》 今我使二国暴骨。——《左传·宣公十二年》 尸捐不收,骨暴不葬。——《论衡·祸虚》 其所摧败,功亦足以暴于天下矣。——司马迁《报任安书》 2. 又如:暴师(驻扎在野外的军队);暴骸(暴露尸骸);暴骨(暴露尸骨);暴尸(暴露尸骸) 3. 糟蹋,损害 [spoil] 田不以礼,曰暴天物。——《礼记》 4. 又如:自暴自弃;以众暴寡;暴殄轻生(肆意践踏,轻视生命);暴殄(残害自然) 5. 欺凌 [bully and humiliate] 自是之后,以强陵弱,以众暴寡。——《庄子·盗跖》 6. 又如:暴陵(欺压 *** ) 7. 徒手搏[虎] [attack a tiger unarmed] 不敢暴虎,不敢冯河。——《诗·小雅》 〈形〉 1. 凶恶,残暴 [fierce and brutal] 伐无道,诛暴秦。——《史记·陈涉世家》 2. 又如:暴人(凶恶残暴的人);暴兵(暴虐的军士);暴敌(凶暴的敌人);暴豪(凶暴强横) 3. 急骤;猛烈 [sudden and violent] 终风且暴。——《诗·邶风·终风》 飘风(暴风)暴雨为民害。——《管子·小问》 4. 又如:暴雷;暴洪;暴暴(急速兴起的样子);暴水(洪水) 5. 脾气过分急躁 [hot-tempered] 性行暴如雷。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》 虫暴怒。——《聊斋志异·促织》 6. 又如:脾气暴;粗暴(鲁莽;暴躁);暴气(暴躁的脾气);暴跳如雷 〈副〉 1. 突然;猝然 [suddenly] 今暴得大名,不祥。——《史记·项羽本纪》 矜(自负)壮士暴死。——唐· 柳宗元《敌戒》 屠暴起。——《聊斋志异·狼三则》 2. 又如:暴卒(突然死亡);暴忽(快速;飘忽);暴亡(突然死亡);暴崩(突然死亡);暴富(突然发财) 3. 急剧地 [rapidly] 4. 又如:暴跌;暴落;暴习(很快熟悉) 5. 另见 pù 5. 文言文哀溺解释加点字的意思水暴甚,暴乘小船绝湘水,绝今何后为, 原文 永之氓咸善游.一日,水暴甚,有五六氓乘小船绝湘水.中济,船破,皆游.其一氓尽力而不能寻常.其侣曰:“汝善游最也,今何后为?”曰:“吾腰千钱,重,是以后.”曰:“何不去之?”不应,摇其首.有顷,益怠.已济者立岸上呼且号曰:“汝愚之甚,蔽之甚,身且死,何以货为?”又摇其首.遂溺死.吾哀之.且若是,得不有大货之溺大氓者乎?于是作《哀溺》.翻译 永州的百姓都善于游泳.一天,河水突然上涨,有五、六个人乘着小船渡湘江.渡到江中时,船破了,都游起水来.其中一个人尽力游泳但仍然游不了多远.他的同伴们说:“你最会游泳,现在为什么落在后面?”他说:“我腰上缠着一千文钱,很重,所以落后了.”同伴们说:“为什么不丢掉它呢?”他不回答,摇摇他的头.一会儿,他更加疲困了.已经游过河的人站在岸上,又呼又叫:“你愚蠢到了极点,蒙蔽到了极点,自己快淹死了,还要钱财干什么呢?”他又摇摇他的头.于是淹死了.我对此感到十分悲哀.如果像这样,难道不会有大利淹死大人物的事情吗?于是写下了《哀溺》.注释1.永之氓:永州的老百姓2.中济:船渡到了河中间3.不能寻常:指游得不远4.咸:都 5.济:渡6.号:大叫 7.且:如果8.是以:所以,因此.9.益:更10.作:写 11.且:而且12.侣:同伴.13.绝:横渡.14.后:落后.。 6. 文言文的“暴”是什么意思 [bào]的读音时: 1、凶恶。《史记·伯夷传》:”以~易~兮,不知其非矣。“ 2、突然,急疾。《史记·项羽本纪》:”今~得大名,不祥。“ [pù]的读音时: 1、晒。《孟子·滕文公》:“江汉以濯之,秋阳以~之。” @知识延展回答@ [bó]的读音时: 鼓起,脱落。【暴乐(bó luò)】脱落稀疏的样子。《尔雅·释诂》:“毗刘,~~也。“郭璞注:”谓树木叶缺落,荫疏~~。“。
2023-06-07 08:24:391


2023-06-07 08:24:471


你好Prison conditions havebecome more brutal主语:Prison conditions谓语:have become表语:more brutal保证准确率~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~
2023-06-07 08:25:051


a tough mana cool mana cold-blooded mana hardhearted man
2023-06-07 08:25:135


这个是11月份暴雪公布的图片!巨兽是一种虫族的兵种!这张截图选自关卡Mining Your Own Business。而最大的亮点就是初次与玩家见面的名为Brutalisk的狰狞巨兽。Brutalisk的相关信息:生命值大概为125点。超高的护甲,即使是15名陆战队员也无法杀死。玩家可以通过巧妙的利用升级的岩浆来杀死它,并且这还是一个成就。
2023-06-07 08:25:281


2023-06-07 08:25:351


#show Kick(Rank 5)/cast [target=mouseover,harm] Kick(Rank 5);Kick(Rank 5)/cast [exists,harm] Kick(Rank 5)脚踢鼠标指向的敌人宏(不需要选中,指过去就可以,点中也可用,可用其代替普通的脚踢技能)/targetenemy [noexists, nocombat]/cast [exists, nocombat] Sap(Rank 3)/cleartarget停止攻击你当前正在攻击的敌人,而且取消对其的目标。#show Blind/cast [target=focus,exists,harm] Blind/cast [target=mouseover,harm] Blind;Blind/cast [exists,harm] Blind至盲你的焦点目标,或者是你的鼠标指向目标(对于你选中的目标无效,这个是一个比较高级的宏,多用而JJC 2V2)/cast [target=focus,exists,harm] Shadowstep/cast [target=focus,exists,harm] Kick(Rank 5)/targetlasttarget暗影步+脚踢宏~ 这个不多解释,很简单#show Brutal Gladiator""s Slicer/equipslot 16 Brutal Gladiator""s Slicer把主手武器换成S2剑,当然,“Brutal Gladiator""s Slicer”可以替换成任意你想换的主手武器名称。#show Vengeful Gladiator""s Pummeler/equipslot 16 Vengeful Gladiator""s Pummeler同上宏,这个是把主手武器换成S3爪,同样,也可以把“Vengeful Gladiator""s Pummeler”替换成任何你想换的主手武器名称。(这里友情提示一下,16换成17就是换副手武器了,相对来看DZ还是换副手武器的宏比较实用。)SORRY~ 下面两个宏就是换副手武器的,之前的友情提示当我废话- -||#show Brutal Gladiator""s Shiv/equipslot 17 Brutal Gladiator""s Shiv把副手换成S2副手匕首,“Brutal Gladiator""s Shiv”可以替换成任意你想换的副手武器名称。#show Brutal Gladiator""s Quickblade/equipslot 17 Brutal Gladiator""s Quickblade把副手武器换成S2的副手剑,“Brutal Gladiator""s Quickblade”同样也可以替换成任意你想换的副手武器名称。希望对您有所帮助~注意:实际使用的时候可能回不好使,这个是因为现在国服的版本不识别英文的技能名称,"Kick"全换成"脚踢","Blind"全换成"致盲","Shadowstep"全换成"暗影步"就OK了~
2023-06-07 08:25:421


Adolf Hitler was born on 20th April, 1889, in the small Austrian town of Braunau near the German border. Both Hitler"s parents had come from poor peasant families. His father Alois Hitler, the illegitimate son of a housemaid, was an intelligent and ambitious man and later became a senior customs official. Klara Hitler was Alois" third wife. Alois was twenty-three years older than Klara and already had two children from his previous marriages. Klara and Alois had five children but only Adolf and a younger sister, Paula, survived to become adults. Alois, who was fifty-one when Adolf was born, was extremely keen for his son to do well in life. Alois did have another son by an earlier marriage but he had been a big disappointment to him and eventually ended up in prison for theft. Alois was a strict father and savagely beat his son if he did not do as he was told. Hitler did extremely well at primary school and it appeared he had a bright academic future in front of him. He was also popular with other pupils and was much admired for his leadership qualities. He was also a deeply religious child and for a while considered the possibility of becoming a monk. Competition was much tougher in the larger secondary school and his reaction to not being top of the class was to stop trying. His father was furious as he had high hopes that Hitler would follow his example and join the Austrian civil service when he left school. However, Hitler was a stubborn child and attempts by his parents and teachers to change his attitude towards his studies were unsuccessful. Hitler also lost his popularity with his fellow pupils. They were no longer willing to accept him as one of their leaders. As Hitler liked giving orders he spent his time with younger pupils. He enjoyed games that involved fighting and he loved re-enacting battles from the Boer War. His favourite game was playing the role of a commando rescuing Boers from English concentration camps. The only teacher Hitler appeared to like at secondary school was Leopold Potsch, his history master. Potsch, like many people living in Upper Austria, was a German Nationalist. Potsch told Hitler and his fellow pupils of the German victories over France in 1870 and 1871 and attacked the Austrians for not becoming involved in these triumphs. Otto von Bismarck, the first chancellor of the German Empire, was one of Hitler"s early historical heroes. Hitler"s other main interest at school was art. His father was incensed when Hitler told him that instead of joining the civil service he was going to become an artist. The relationship between Hitler and his father deteriorated and the conflict only ended with the death of Alois Hitler in 1903. Hitler was thirteen when his father died. His death did not cause the family financial hardships. The Hitler family owned their own home and they also received a lump sum and a generous civil service pension. Klara Hitler, a kind and gentle woman, tended to spoil her son. Like her husband she was keen for Adolf to do well at school. Her attempts at persuasion achieved no more success than her husband"s threats and he continued to obtain poor grades. At the age of fifteen he did so badly in his examinations that he was told he would have to repeat the whole year"s work again. Hitler hated the idea and managed to persuade his mother to allow him to leave school without a secondary education qualification. He celebrated by getting drunk. However, he found it an humiliating experience and vowed never to get drunk again. He kept his promise and by the time he reached his thirties he had given up alcohol completely. When he was eighteen Hitler received an inheritance from his father"s will. With the money he moved to Vienna where he planned to become an art student. Hitler had a high opinion of his artistic abilities and was shattered when the Vienna Academy of Art rejected his application. He also applied to the Vienna School of Architecture but was not admitted because he did not have a school leaving certificate. Hitler was humiliated by these two rejections and could not bring himself to tell his mother what had happened. Instead he continued to live in Vienna pretending he was an art student. In 1907 Klara Hitler died from cancer. Her death affected him far more deeply than the death of his father. He had fond memories of his mother, carried her photograph wherever he went and, it is claimed, had it in his hand when he died in 1945. As the eldest child, Hitler now received his father"s civil service pension. It was more money than many people received in wages and meant that Hitler did not have to find employment. He spent most of the morning in bed reading and in the afternoon he walked around Vienna studying buildings, visiting museums, and making sketches. In 1909 Hitler should have registered for military service. He was unwilling to serve Austria, which he despised, so he ignored his call-up papers. It took four years for the authorities to catch up with him. When he had his medical for the Austro-Hungarian Army in 1914 he was rejected as being: "Unfit for combatant and auxiliary duty - too weak. Unable to bear arms." The outbreak of the First World War provided him with an opportunity for a fresh start. It was a chance for him to become involved in proving that Germany was superior to other European countries. Hitler claimed that when he heard the news of war: "I was overcome with impetuous enthusiasm, and falling on my knees, wholeheartedly thanked Heaven that I had been granted the happiness to live live at this time. Rejecting the idea of fighting for Austria, Hitler volunteered for the German Army. In times of war medical examinations are not so rigorous. Hitler liked being in the army. For the first time he was part of a group that was fighting for a common goal. Hitler also liked the excitement of fighting in a war. Although fairly cautious in his actions, he did not mind risking his life and impressed his commanding officers for volunteering for dangerous missions. His fellow soldiers described him as "odd" and "peculiar". One soldier from his regiment, Hans Mend, claimed that Hitler was an isolated figure who spent long periods of time sitting in the corner holding his head in silence. Then all of a sudden, Mend claimed, he would jump up and make a speech. These outbursts were usually attacks on Jews and Marxists who Hitler claimed were undermining the war effort. Hitler was given the job of despatch-runner. It was a dangerous job as it involved carrying messages from regimental headquarters to the front-line. On one day alone, three out of eight of the regiment"s despatch-runners were killed. For the first time since he was at primary school Hitler was a success. Hitler won five medals including the prestigious Iron Cross during the First World War. His commanding officer wrote: "As a dispatch-runner, he has shown cold-blooded courage and exemplary boldness. Under conditions of great peril, when all the communication lines were cut, the untiring and fearless activity of Hitler made it possible for important messages to go through". Although much decorated in the war, Hitler only reached the rank of corporal. This was probably due to his eccentric behaviour and the fear that the other soldiers might not obey the man they considered so strange. In October 1918, Hitler was blinded in a British chlorine gas attack. He was sent to a military hospital and gradually recovered his sight. While he was in hospital Germany surrendered. Hitler went into a state of deep depression, and had periods when he could not stop crying. He spent most of his time turned towards the hospital wall refusing to talk to anyone. Once again Hitler"s efforts had ended in failure. After the war Hitler was stationed in Munich, the capital of Bavaria. While Hitler was in Munich, the capital of Bavaria, Kurt Eisner, leader of the Independent Socialist Party, declared Bavaria a Socialist Republic. Hitler was appalled by the revolution. As a German Nationalist he disagreed with the socialist belief in equality. Hitler saw socialism as part of a Jewish conspiracy. Many of the socialist leaders in Germany, including Kurt Eisner, Rosa Luxemburg, Ernst Toller and Eugen Levine were Jews. So also were many of the leaders of the October Revolution in Russia. This included Leon Trotsky, Gregory Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, Dimitri Bogrov, Karl Radek, Yakov Sverdlov, Maxim Litvinov, Adolf Joffe, and Moisei Uritsky. It had not escaped Hitler"s notice that Karl Marx, the prophet of socialism, had also been a Jew. It was no coincidence that Jews had joined socialist and communist parties in Europe. Jews had been persecuted for centuries and therefore were attracted to a movement that proclaimed that all men and women deserved to be treated as equals. This message was reinforced when on 10th July, 1918, the Bolshevik government in Russia passed a law that abolished all discrimination between Jews and non-Jews. It was not until May, 1919 that the German Army entered Munich and overthrew the Bavarian Socialist Republic. Hitler was arrested with other soldiers in Munich and was accused of being a socialist. Hundreds of socialists were executed without trial but Hitler was able to convince them that he had been an opponent of the regime. To prove this he volunteered to help to identify soldiers who had supported the Socialist Republic. The authorities agreed to this proposal and Hitler was transferred to the commission investigating the revolution. Information supplied by Hitler helped to track down several soldiers involved in the uprising. His officers were impressed by his hostility to left-wing ideas and he was recruited as a political officer. Hitler"s new job was to lecture soldiers on politics. The main aim was to promote his political philosophy favoured by the army and help to combat the influence of the Russian Revolution on the German soldiers. Hitler, who had for years been ignored when he made political speeches, now had a captive audience. The political climate had also changed. Germany was a defeated and disillusioned country. At Versailles the German government had been forced to sign a peace treaty that gave away 13% of her territory. This meant the loss of 6 million people, a large percentage of her raw materials (65% of iron ore reserves, 45% of her coal, 72% of her zinc) and 10% of her factories. Germany also lost all her overseas colonies. Under the terms of the Versailles Treaty Germany also had to pay for damage caused by the war. These reparations amounted to 38% of her national wealth. Hitler was no longer isolated. The German soldiers who attended his lectures shared his sense of failure. They found his message that they were not to blame attractive. He told them that Germany had not been beaten on the battlefield but had been betrayed by Jews and Marxists who had preached revolution and undermined the war effort. The German Army also began using Hitler as a spy. In September 1919, he was instructed to attend a meeting of the German Worker"s Party (GWP). The army feared that this new party, led by Anton Drexler, might be advocating communist revolution. Hitler discovered that the party"s political ideas were similar to his own. He approved of Drexler"s German nationalism and anti-Semitism but was unimpressed with the way the party was organized. Although there as a spy, Hitler could not restrain himself when a member made a point he disagreed with, and he stood up and made a passionate speech on the subject. Drexler was impressed with Hitler"s abilities as an orator and invited him to join the party. At first Hitler was reluctant, but urged on by his commanding officer, Captain Karl Mayr, he eventually agreed. He was only the fifty-fourth person to join the GWP. Hitler was immediately asked to join the executive committee and was later appointed the party"s propaganda manager. In the next few weeks Hitler brought several members of his army into the party, including one of his commanding officers, Captain Ernst Roehm. The arrival of Roehm was an important development as he had access to the army political fund and was able to transfer some of the money into the GWP. The German Worker"s Party used some of this money to advertise their meetings. Hitler was often the main speaker and it was during this period that he developed the techniques that made him into such a persuasive orator. Hitler always arrived late which helped to develop tension and a sense of expectation. He took the stage, stood to attention and waited until there was complete silence before he started his speech. For the first few months Hitler appeared nervous and spoke haltingly. Slowly he would begin to relax and his style of delivery would change. He would start to rock from side to side and begin to gesticulate with his hands. His voice would get louder and become more passionate. Sweat poured of him, his face turned white, his eyes bulged and his voice cracked with emotion. He ranted and raved about the injustices done to Germany and played on his audience"s emotions of hatred and envy. By the end of the speech the audience would be in a state of near hysteria and were willing to do whatever Hitler suggested. As soon as his speech finished Hitler would quickly leave the stage and disappear from view. Refusing to be photographed, Hitler"s aim was to create an air of mystery about himself, hoping that it would encourage others to come and hear the man who was now being described as "the new Messiah". Hitler"s reput
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Weed Killer 15 Tidy up the back yard 清理你的后院Minced Meat 15 Take out the Mall"s biggest customer 赶走商场最大的顾客Grilled Meat 15 Prepare a big meal using an improvised electric stove用电炉准备一顿大餐Size Matters 15 Use your biggest weapon (3)使用你最大的武器Damsel in Distress 15 Rescue the princess救出公主Destroyer of Worlds 15 Cause major destruction (1)造成巨大破坏Disco Inferno 10 Kill all enemies without leaving the dance floor in the city outskirts 在City Outskirts在不离开跳舞台的情况下杀死敌人Chop-Chopper 30 Kill the enemy inside the airborne helicopter in the park 在公园在直升机内杀死敌人Red Barrels 10 Explode all the red barrels on the rooftop while in a helicopter 在直升机内炸毁所有的屋顶上的红栅栏Armed and dangerous 15 Grow as a person, experience betrayal. Again. (3) 剧情:成长为人,再次体验背叛Stowaway 15 Catch a ride 打一次便车Pointless 10 Execute at least 10 Headshots before you find the first DropKit 再找到第一个Dropkit之前暴10次头All Bow To Heavy Metal 15 Big head, big headache 头越大,头痛越疼Blood Symphony 50 Complete the Campaign on Very Hard Difficulty 在Very Hard难度完成剧情模式Major Malfunction 10 Destroy 50% of the Newsbots in the Single Player Campaign 在单人剧情模式里摧毁至少50%的Newsbots(新闻机器人?)Total Malfunction 20 Destroy all Newsbots in the Single Player Campaign 在单人剧情模式里摧毁所有的Newsbots(新闻机器人?)Destructive Beat 20 Complete the Campaign on Very Easy or Easy Difficulty 在Very Easy难度完成剧情模式Violent Melody 30 Complete the Campaign on Normal Difficulty 在Normal难度完成剧情模式Brutal Chorus 40 Complete the Campaign on Hard Difficulty 在Hard难度完成剧情模式Straight Edge 10 Destroy at least 20 bottles of Nom Juice in the Single Player Campaign 在单人游戏里摧毁至少20瓶Nom JuiceFits Like a Glove 15 Meet your new best friend 遇到你新的好朋友Patched Up 15 Receive a software update for your leash 得到一个软件升级Insecticide 10 Destroy 50% of the Electroflies in the Single Player Campaign 在单人游戏里摧毁50%的ElectrofilesPest Control 20 Destroy all Electroflies in the Single Player Campaign 在单人游戏里摧毁所有的ElectrofilesSpace Pirate 10 Drink at least 20 bottles of Nom Juice in the Single Player Campaign 在单人游戏里喝至少20瓶Nom JuiceOld School 15 Finish an Echo round without executing a single Skillshot 在不使用Skillshot的情况下完成Echo模式Enforcer 20 Get at least 15,000 points in one Echo round 在Echo模式,得到至少15,000分Star struck 10 Get 3 Stars on 10 different Echoes 在10个不同的Echo关里,得到3星评价Bounty Hunter 20 Have a total of at least 75,000 points in Echoes Mode"s total high score 在Echo模式下,拿到总体75,000分Guerrilla Tactics 10 Execute at least 25 different Skillshots in one Echo round 在Echo模式下,执行25次SkillshotsHalfway There 15 Get at least 21 stars in Echoes Mode 在Echo模式下,得到至少21颗星Team Player 10 Complete 200 team challenges in your career in Anarchy mode 在Anarchy职业模式里,完成200场team challenges(团队挑战)Final Echo 40 Achieve level 65 in Anarchy mode 在Anarchy模式里达到65级Environment Master 20 Perform every Anarchy environmental Skillshot 完成所有的Anarchy environmental SkillshotHoarder 40 Have a total of at least 150,000 points in Echoes Mode"s total high score 在Echo模式,达到150,000分Like A Boss 5 Defeat a miniboss in Anarchy mode 在Anarchy模式里打败一个小BossAnarchy Master 30 Achieve a score of at least 50,000 as a team in Anarchy mode 在Anarchy模式里,在一个团队里得到至少50,000Supernova 40 Get 3 stars on each of the first 14 Echoes 在开始的14个Echo模式里,每场都要得到3星评价Om Nom Nom! 10 Feed a flytrap with a Nom parasite 在Norn parasite喂一个flytrap(虫子?)Wannabe 10 Perform 10 different Single Player Skillshots 在单人模式下完成10次SkillshotsSomebody 20 Perform 25% of the Single Player Skillshots 在单人模式下,要达成25%的杀人都是用SkillshotsNo Man Left Behind 20 Kill all enemies while escaping from the collapsed building 在倒塌的建筑里逃出的时候杀死所有的敌人I might be late 20 Kill all enemies during the sprint to the jumpship 在加速跑到Jumpship的时候杀死所有敌人Just one last thing 20 Kill all enemies before you reach the escape capsule 在到达逃生舱之前杀死所有敌人Master of Disaster 40 Earn 2000 points or more at once 一次达成至少2000分Remembrance 10 Play three different Echoes 玩3次不同关卡的Echo模式Shooting Star 10 Get at least 1 star on each of the first 14 Echoes 在开始的Echo模式里的14关里得到至少1颗星评价Big Cheese 30 Perform 50% of the Single Player Skillshots 在单人模式里达成50%的SkillshotsCelebrity 40 Perform 75% of the Single Player Skillshots 在单人模式里达成75%的SkillshotsGolden Idol 50 Perform every Single Player Skillshot in the game使用所有的不同的单人模式下的Skillshot
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