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registration information是什么意思

2023-06-07 08:55:42
TAG: gist RMA forma

egistration information

网 络



1. Server registration information cannot be changed on remote Registries.


2. Enter attendee and registration information before previewing the invoice.


3. The registration information table please properly take care, when second examination delivers.

报名信息表请妥善保管, 复试时上交.

4. Please refer to enclosed Registration Information , for Registration Fee Discount arrangement.


5. All original typed information will be quoted for registration information.




How do I change my password or other registration information?问:我怎样更改密码或其他登记资料?

The registration information for the image file %1 is not valid.图像文件%251的注册表信息无效。

The hint is just to help you. It"s not part of your registration information.此提示只是帮助您,它不是您的注册信息的一部分。

Fill in all of the required information in the Registration Information screen and click "Submit".完整填写登记资料窗口上所有要求填写的内容并点击"Submit"。

You"ll now look at some of the aspects of this registration information in a bit more detail, including some examples.现在你看到了注册选项的更详细的内容,包括一些例子。

We also have the right to destroy any registration information when you are no longer as active participant of our website service.我们也有权利摧毁任何登记资料时,你已不再是作为积极的参与者,我们网站服务。

Please carefully fill out your detailed information, fill out the registration information for the damage caused by not careful we are responsible!请仔细填写您的详细信息,对于填写注册信息不慎重所造成的损失我们不予负责!





与会者,出席者,参加者,attendee 的复数
2023-06-06 23:52:263


2023-06-06 23:52:341


attendee n. 1. 出席者;在场者2. 参加单位participant [pB:5tisipEnt] n. 参与者, 共享者 adj. 参与的
2023-06-06 23:52:552

webex attendee 能讲话吗

2023-06-06 23:53:021


attendance attendant attendee entry exhibiter participant (entrant) participator
2023-06-06 23:53:092


attendeen.1. 出席者;在场者
2023-06-06 23:53:176


attend的用法大全:attend的用法1:attend的本意是指心里经常性地想着〔做〕某事,现代英语中主要用于表示“参加(会议、集会、典礼、婚礼、追悼会等)”,有时也指上学、听课、听报告等。它强调的是动作,即听或看,为正式书面用语。attend的用法2:attend作“专心,注意”解时,多指对书本、图表、课业、命令、事物、事件等的注意。其后常接to。attend的用法3:attend还可表示“伴随”,含“照顾”“陪伴”的意思,陪伴者处于从属地位,有时表示一种服务或礼貌、殷勤,有时表示跟在人或事物的后面而行。作“照顾”解时,主要指专职工作性质的照顾。attend的用法4:attend用作及物动词时接简单宾语,可用于被动结构。用于不及物动词时可接介词to表示“致力于”“注意”“照顾”,接介词on表示“照顾”“伴随”。attend的用法5:在表示“应邀出席”而“高兴地去”时,应该用to come(I should be glad/delighted to come.),这是口语型句型,虽然用attend也可以,但形式上不流畅。attend的用法6:表示“出席者”“照料者”,用attendee; 表示“服务者”“侍者”,用attendant; 而表示“出席(音乐会)者”,则用audience。attend的常用短语:用作动词 (v.)attend at (v.+prep.)attend on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)attend to (v.+prep.)attend with (v.+prep.)
2023-06-06 23:53:421


2023-06-06 23:53:585


2023-06-06 23:54:146


一、预备部分:Time(报告时间)Place(如果是会议,记录下会议地点)Attendee(如果是会议报告的话)Reportor(报告人或部门)Subject: 这里写报告主题,比如北冰洋冰融对航运业影响)(注:到此为止,读者一目了然报告涉及的背景,有没有兴趣继续读下去也做了判断。)二、正文部分条理:1. Truth 报告事实(比如北冰洋冰融的范围,速度等)2. Analysis 事实分析(比如事实成因分析)3. Future 未来展望(比如冰融之后会怎样,哪里的航路会被打通,优势,劣势正反面展望)4. Countermeasure 措施(这一条是蛮重要的,有些报告漏掉这条给上司的话,上司会认为你没有解决问题的个人能力)正文部分格式:1. 小标题可粗体,较大字体,以便读者迅速找到、掌握段落要点。2. 正文段落部分不用粗体,避免干扰小标题。3. 引用部分可用斜体区分。引用部分的比例最多不要超过50%,不然报告者只是个搬运工了,除非这是文择或是采访报告之类。4. 文中强调部分,可用下划线,但不要太多,太多反面没有重点了。5. 字体避免用艺术化的字就可以,常用的如TimesCourier,本人极爱Courier.6. 如果报告极长,要做个目录页,考究的话再做个封面(字体居中、大体字)。每页底部要有页码,这在报告会上方便参会者翻阅。三、结束:可用E.O.R.(End of Report)清清楚楚地收尾。
2023-06-06 23:54:361


首届进出口食品安全中外交流会First International Conference on Import and Export Food Safety这样就OK乐
2023-06-06 23:54:503

怎么在meeting request里面贴表格

1. 创建ICS格式文件。?public string BuildIcsFormatString(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, ICollection<string> attendees, string organizer,string subject, string description, string guid, string location){System.Text.StringBuilder sw = new System.Text.StringBuilder();sw.AppendLine("BEGIN:VCALENDAR");sw.AppendLine("VERSION:2.0");sw.AppendLine("METHOD:REQUEST");sw.AppendLine("BEGIN:VEVENT");if (attendees != null){foreach (string attendee in attendees){sw.AppendLine("ATTENDEE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:" + attendee);}}sw.AppendLine("CLASS:PUBLIC");sw.AppendLine(string.Format("CREATED:{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ}", DateTime.UtcNow));sw.AppendLine("DESCRIPTION:" + description);sw.AppendLine(string.Format("DTEND:{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ}", endTime));sw.AppendLine(string.Format("DTSTAMP:{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ}", DateTime.UtcNow));sw.AppendLine(string.Format("DTSTART:{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ}", startTime));sw.AppendLine("ORGANIZER;CN="NAME":mailto:" + organizer);sw.AppendLine("SEQUENCE:0");sw.AppendLine("UID:" + guid);sw.AppendLine("LOCATION:" + location);sw.AppendLine("SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:" + subject);sw.AppendLine("BEGIN:VALARM");sw.AppendLine("TRIGGER:-PT720M");sw.AppendLine("ACTION:DISPLAY");sw.AppendLine("DESCRIPTION:Reminder");sw.AppendLine("END:VALARM");sw.AppendLine("END:VEVENT");sw.AppendLine("END:VCALENDAR");return sw.ToString();}要点提示1-1: ICS文件中ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT指的是当前的attendee类型是Required的,如果我们需要某个attendee是Optional的,要用ROLE=OPT-PARTICIPANT。所以,这段代码还可以加强用于区分Required或Optional的attendee。要点提示1-2:我们如何通过ICS区分Create,Update?ICS是通过ID来区分不通的Calendar Meeting Request的,所以我们发出一个ICS文件,如果这个ID不在接受者的邮件系统中存在对应的Calendar Meeting Request,Outlook会执行Create操作;如果存在,Outlook会把该请求识别为一个Update操作。要点提示1-3:我们如何通过ICS执行Delete操作?根据1-2,我们首先需要一个已经存在的ID;还有ICS文件中METHOD:REQUEST应该被修改为METHOD:CANCEL(资料上说STATUS:CANCELLED也要添加在METHOD:CANCEL之后,但是经实际测试,没有发现差别)。2. 用SMTP发送?string meetingInfo = BuildIcsFormatString(...);System.Net.Mime.ContentType mimeType = new System.Net.Mime.ContentType("text/calendar; method=REQUEST");AlternateView icsView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(meetingInfo, mimeType);MailMessage message = new MailMessage();if (attendees != null){foreach (string attendee in attendees){message.To.Add(attendee);}}message.From = new MailAddress(organizer);message.AlternateViews.Add(icsView);using (SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("MailServerName", 25)){client.Send(message);}
2023-06-06 23:54:561

使用Citrix Guest Attendee Site时候出现错误:The supplied credentials were invalid

2023-06-06 23:55:041


2023-06-06 23:55:232

outlook meeting required optional resources是什么意见

1. 创建ICS格式文件?public string BuildIcsFormatString(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, ICollection attendees, string organizer,string subject, string description, string guid, string location){System.Text.StringBuilder sw = new System.Text.StringBuilder();sw.AppendLine("BEGIN:VCALENDAR");sw.AppendLine("VERSION:2.0");sw.AppendLine("METHOD:REQUEST");sw.AppendLine("BEGIN:VEVENT");if (attendees != null){foreach (string attendee in attendees){sw.AppendLine("ATTENDEE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:" + attendee);}}sw.AppendLine("CLASS:PUBLIC");sw.AppendLine(string.Format("CREATED:{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ}", DateTime.UtcNow));sw.AppendLine("DESCRIPTION:" + description);sw.AppendLine(string.Format("DTEND:{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ}", endTime));sw.AppendLine(string.Format("DTSTAMP:{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ}", DateTime.UtcNow));sw.AppendLine(string.Format("DTSTART:{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ}", startTime));sw.AppendLine("ORGANIZER;CN="NAME":mailto:" + organizer);sw.AppendLine("SEQUENCE:0");sw.AppendLine("UID:" + guid);sw.AppendLine("LOCATION:" + location);sw.AppendLine("SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:" + subject);sw.AppendLine("BEGIN:VALARM");sw.AppendLine("TRIGGER:-PT720M");sw.AppendLine("ACTION:DISPLAY");sw.AppendLine("DESCRIPTION:Reminder");sw.AppendLine("END:VALARM");sw.AppendLine("END:VEVENT");sw.AppendLine("END:VCALENDAR");return sw.ToString();}要点提示1-1: ICS文件ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT指前attendee类型Required我需要某attendeeOptional要用ROLE=OPT-PARTICIPANT所段代码加强用于区Required或Optionalattendee要点提示1-2:我何通ICS区CreateUpdateICS通ID区通Calendar Meeting Request所我发ICS文件ID接受者邮件系统存应Calendar Meeting RequestOutlook执行Create操作;存Outlook该请求识别Update操作要点提示1-3:我何通ICS执行Delete操作根据1-2我首先需要已经存ID;ICS文件METHOD:REQUEST应该修改METHOD:CANCEL(资料说STATUS:CANCELLED要添加METHOD:CANCEL经实际测试没发现差别)2. 用SMTP发送?string meetingInfo = BuildIcsFormatString(...);System.Net.Mime.ContentType mimeType = new System.Net.Mime.ContentType("text/calendar; method=REQUEST");AlternateView icsView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(meetingInfo, mimeType);MailMessage message = new MailMessage();if (attendees != null){foreach (string attendee in attendees){message.To.Add(attendee);}}message.From = new MailAddress(organizer);message.AlternateViews.Add(icsView);using (SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("MailServerName", 25)){client.Send(message);}3. 关于FromToOrganizerAttendees间关系其实按照步骤12例已经非完整许细同觉FromToOrganizerAttendees关系些清晰需要我实际测试列我详细测试结论希望给家帮助测试前提:比我现3A,B,C邮件址别,, ccc@abc.com3-1:MailMessageFrom必须空报错Calendar Meeting Request接受者并看From address任何信息接受者看ICS文件Organizer使我用第三名义发起Calendar Meeting Request比我写程序A做OrganizerB做Attendee发起Calendar Meeting RequestBOutlook接收B看RequestA发看我任何信息3-2:CMailMessage.FromICS做OrganizerAMailMessage.To面AB同ICS做Attendees --- A收Request3-3:CMailMessage.FromICS做OrganizerABMailMessage.To面AB同ICS做Attendees --- AB都收Request3-4:CMailMessage.FromICS做OrganizerABMailMessage.To面AICS做Attendees --- A收Request3-5:CMailMessage.FromICS做OrganizerABCMailMessage.To面ABCICS做Attendees --- ABC都收RequestC看自Organizer且自名字现OutlookRequired或者Optional列表结论已经足够我使用我相信理论规则详细复杂同面非解欢迎补充指
2023-06-06 23:55:311

短语keep tabs on 什么意思

keep tabs on [词典] 记录或密切注意;[网络] 密切注意; 监视;[例句]You can also keep tabs on both staff and attendee activities.您也可以将标签的工作人员和参加者的活动。
2023-06-06 23:55:441

请教关于payment reference

payment reference付款参考双语例句1Please quote the student"s University Number and Name in the bank payment reference.请注明姓名在银行付款参考学生的数目和大学。2Please enter Attendee Name and Phone No. or Payment Reference No. and click “ Search ”.请输入出席者姓名和电话号码或付款参考编号,然后按“搜寻”。
2023-06-06 23:55:521

什么是衍生需求(Derived demand)?

Derived demand is a term in economics, where demand for a factor of production or intermediate good occurs as a result of the demand for another intermediate or final good. In other words, if the demand for a good such as wheat increases, then the productivity increases, which leads to an increase in labor. This may occur as the former is a part of production of the second. For example, demand for coal leads to derived demand for mining, as coal must be mined for coal to be consumed. As the demand for coal increases, so does its price. The increase in price leads to a higher demand for the resources involved in mining coal. And therefore:Where MRP is the marginal revenue product of labor, MPP is the marginal physical product of labor, and P is the price of the physical product of labor.Demand for transport is another good example of derived demand, as users of transport are very often consuming the service not because they benefit from consumption directly (except in cases such as pleasure cruises or holiday flights to tourist destinations), but because they wish to partake in other consumption elsewhere.Derived demand applies to both consumers and producers. Producers have a derived demand for employees. The employees themselves are not demanded; rather, the skills and productivity that they bring are.Another example would be production and demand for fertilizer. Farmers need to grow crops, which is his main source of income. However, in order for these crops to grow, they need fertilizer for nourishment. Therefore, the farmers demand for fertilizer is derived from their demand to grow crops.Demand for tickets is a derived demand for entertainment. Demand for entertainment is the demand being satisfied when a ticket is bought. Hence purchasing the ticket is purely a means to an end. The ticket is merely a license to attend a specified event at a specified time and place. The ticket agency is merely that, an agent of the principal (the event owner) authorized to make a transaction with a prospective attendee on the behalf of the principal.When supply for a particular good or service increases, the derived demand for factors of production needed in producing this good or service also increases. Therefore this drives up the price for the factors of production and a firm"s average cost curve increases as it has incurred a variable cost e.g.: increase in wages. Conversely, when supply for a good or service decreases so does the derived demand for its inputs. This causes the price of factors of production to decrease, decreasing a firm"s average cost curve.This is similar to the concept of joint demand or complementary goods. One good or service is the complement of another. In other words, when you buy a car it will not work unless it has fuel (petrol/diesel etc.). As a result, if the price of fuel rises as they have been doing recently, so too does the overall cost of owning the car. Hence fuel is the complementary good of the car. Again one buying a mobile phone is likely to buy call credit for recharge Sources: Penrith High School
2023-06-06 23:56:002


你没发现霍格沃茨的老师都是单身吗?就和黑魔法防御术的诅咒是一样的......都有一点的.....在中国就是说“出家”.....老邓作为校长,也就是教授中的头啦,当然要起带头作用...... 或者说老邓需要顾虑的太多了,一会是伏地魔一会是哈利,哪还有时间谈情说爱。不过说邓布利多和米勒娃·麦格教授挺配的....
2023-06-06 23:56:081


entrepreneurship企业家能力/职能; 企业家[主办人等]的身份[地位、职权、能力]; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Only entrepreneurship can save the world. 只有企业家精神才可以拯救世界。
2023-06-06 23:56:142


  美丽:漂亮,好看;即在形式、比例、布局、风度、颜色或声音上接近完美或理想境界,使各种感官极为愉悦。那么,你知道美丽的英语怎么说吗?   美丽的英文释义:   beautiful   pulchritude   oveliness   loveliness   comeliness   goodliness   美丽的英文例句:   她的清秀美丽使他倾倒。   Her comeliness overwhelmed him.   观赏一幅美丽的图画使人心满意足。   Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction.   我的女儿十八岁了,已经长成为美丽的淑女。   My daughter is eighteen years old and has grown into a beautiful lady.   他写了一首诗赞扬她的美丽。   He wrote a poem praising her loveliness. 美丽的英语怎么说   她的微笑使她更美丽了。   Her smile makes her even more beautiful.   王子住在一个美丽的大城堡里。   The prince lived in a large and beautiful castle.   因为污染严重,许多美丽的鱼类正在面临绝种。   Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the severe pollution.   让我们一起开始拯救我们美丽的内心和美丽的家园任务吧!   Let us start the rescue mission of our beautiful heart and beautiful hometown.   那是一首关于一个美丽女子的歌,这个美丽女子常常诱惑莱茵河上的船夫并使他们丧了命。   It is a song about a beautiful siren who has lured many sailors to their death.   一个身穿华服的人可能没有美好的心灵,拥有美丽灵魂的人才是真正美丽的。   A person who is dressed beautifully may not have a beautiful soul.   我们有30多种美丽的图案可供选择。   We have over 30 beautiful designs to select from.   在这座美丽的公园里有一条蜿蜒的小路绕湖向前。   In the beautiful park, there is a path winding along the lake.   她向每一位来她家的朋友炫耀她美丽的小宝贝。   She always sports her beautiful baby to every friend coming into her house.   一片美丽的景色展现在我们面前。   It stages a beautiful scene before us.   从前,有一个老人,他有两个美丽的女儿。   Once upon a time, there lived an old man who had two beautiful daughters.   美丽已比以往有更大的影响力,不只影响了我们和谁工作,也影响了我们是否能够工作。   Beauty has more influence than ever — not just over who we work with, butwhether we work at all.   他为我的生日买了那件美丽的毛线衫。   He bought me that beautiful sweater for my birthday.   我喜欢茉莉花不是因为它有惊人的美丽,而是因为它散发出来的香气和优雅。   I like jasmine not because it has stunning beauty, but because it gives offelegance and fragrance.   她说:“我们有了这家美丽的小店,但是里面没有一件服装。   "Then, we had this beautiful store, but we had no clothes in it," she says.   然而,这个女子,曾经他认为如此善良美丽的女子,究竟他妈怎么了?   This girl, though, she was so kind and beautiful, he figured, what the hell?   像你一样美丽。   So beautiful as thou.   然而,如果不帮助他们,他们不会发现石头的美丽和用途。   However, they will not discover the beauty and uses of rocks unless you helpthem.   显然白雪和橙黄色的对比是很美丽的。   The contrast of white and orange was so beautiful!   这么做的理由:因为你是如此的美丽。   Why you should do it: Because you are so damn beautiful.   “我们聚在在那个美丽的地方,”一位出席聚会的员工回忆。   "All of us together, in that beautiful place, " one attendee recalls.   但是因为有了你,我,每天都可以梦想最美丽的离别。   But for you, every day I will dream the most beautiful apart.   我从未见到如此美丽东西,而且她是我的,我所有的.   I have never seen anything so beautiful and she was mine, all mine.   我害怕黑暗,直到我发现星光的美丽。   Until I saw the beauty of the starlight.   但是王子说:“让我们把她当作一个恩赐,然而,我不知道为什么,但是我的心已经被这个美丽的孩子揪住了,我觉得我不能离开她。   But the prince answered, "Let me have it as a gift, then. I know not why, but myheart is drawn towards this beautiful child, and I feel I cannot live without her.   启动环境的美丽之处在于我们没有什么可以失去的。   The beauty of the startup environment is we have nothing to lose.   注意到你的健康和美丽决定于你自己。   Note your health and beauty depends only on you.   这可不是一条普通的鱼,它可是整个大海里最美丽的鱼呀!   Not just an ordinary fish, but the most beautiful fish in the entire ocean.   直到那时,我才认出她是我在战争中认识的一个美丽的女战士。   Only then did I recognize her as a beautiful soldier I knew during the war.
2023-06-06 23:56:221

campus talk什么意思

campus talk校园宣讲例句1.The attendee for campus talk is only for those who receives the invitation letter.我们会进一步与您确认。参加校园宣讲日活动者仅限于收到邀请函者。2.We warmly welcome young and ambitious talents to join our campus talk.我们热忱欢迎年轻有抱负的人才加入我们的校园宣讲会。
2023-06-06 23:56:341


Introduce workshop environment:Books Design Studio has a relatively perfect book design and production equipment platforms, relying on the Shandong Institute of Arts and Crafts experimental teaching overall superiority, be able to communicate activity-based design to provide superior technical support.Events subject introduction:Events scheduled for the subject " HE "( harmony). Book are the carrier of culture, and language can best represent a country"s culture, language as an entry point to want to carry out cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign. Designed to enable Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges at the collision, to explore new forms of design books.Workshop plan:Participants can, through their understanding of books, to complete its design work. Through the design process communicate with each other to increase the design and to recognize " HE "( harmony)as the theme, finish a few books as a creative design communicate results。Enrollment conditions:Designed love books, eager to exchange the Institute of Art and Design category at the school teachers and students, are invited to take part in。
2023-06-06 23:57:044


Please see the attachment to confirm the attendee list .The list is expected to be released in June.请采纳confirm 确认, attachment 附件attendee 与会者. list 名单
2023-06-06 23:57:112


创建一个新约会(appointment)或会议(meeting request),选择收件人(attendee),确定重复期间(recurrence) 每周每月。。。, 发出就行了
2023-06-06 23:57:281


2023-06-06 23:57:364


现在中国的大学生越来越多,As college students increase exponentially in China,如何作一名合格的大学生成了我们值得探讨的话题,how to fulfill the role of a qualified university attendee has become a worthy topic for us to discuss.我觉得作为一名大学生,I think that to be a college student,首先要学会做人。one should first learn to be a good person.学会正确处理同学和老师之间的关系是非常重要的,Learning how to correctly take care of student-teacher relations is quintessential;其次要认真学习大学课程,then, one must take classes seriously and learn well;多参加社会实践锻炼自己。 finally, it"s imperative to volunteer and participate in internships or other social activities to enrich oneself.以上就是我的观点。And that"s my point of view.现在中国的大学生越来越多,As college students increase exponentially in China,如何作一名合格的大学生成了我们值得探讨的话题,how to fulfill the role of a qualified university attendee has become a worthy topic for us to discuss.以下是全文:I think that to be a college student, one should first learn to be a good person. Learning how to correctly take care of student-teacher relations is quintessential; then, one must take classes seriously and learn well; finally, it"s imperative to volunteer and participate in internships or other social activities to enrich oneself.And that"s my point of view.
2023-06-06 23:57:4412


1. Hi,you are far away our topic!1a. Hi,you are far away from our topic! (away是副词,不能引导宾语。要用from引导宾语)2.One day, cook call a meeting. 2a. One day, Cook called a meeting. (讲故事,通常用过去时。后面也有大量的过去时,所以这里改成过去时。Cook是一个名字,首字母大写)3. Many family poultry are invited to join this meeting. 3a. Many family poultries were invited to join this meeting. (复数+过去时)4.Cook said: we will discuss that how to serve human, 4a. Cook said: we will discuss how to serve human, (how to do 不需要that引导)5. that is to say what kinds of food you want to be.5a. that is to say what kind of food you want to be. (kind复数和单数其实从语法和语境上都对。考虑到上下文,单数或许或许会更好一丁点一丁点,对单独一个动物来说,只能成为单独一种食物。当然也可以问你想成为哪几种,所以复数也是对的)6. There is silent in the meeting place, nobody say anything. 6a. It is silent in the meeting place, nobody say anything. 或 There is silence in the meeting place, nobody say anything. (silent是形容词,silence是名词)7. Cook encourage attendee: please, please, 7a. Cook encouraged attendee: please, please, (过去时) can share your any idea with us, just a meeting.8a. 不需要改9.Cow raised his head, looks likely to say something, but still silent.9.Cow raised his head, looking likely to say something, but still silent. (ing表是伴随动作)10.Cook said: don"t hesitate, you can say anything that you want, 10a.Cook said: don"t hesitate, you can say anything that you want. (一个完整的句子)11.we should separate ideas from someone delivering them.11a.We should separate ideas from someone delivering them.12.Cow stood up, "in fact we do want not to be eaten by human..."12a.不需要改13.Cook said with a smile: sorry, sorry, you are far away our topic13a.Cook said with a smile: sorry, sorry, you are far away from our topic.
2023-06-06 23:58:071


A.1.每一刻——从门打开的那一秒到他们关掉灯标志着一天结束——都可能成为你遇见顾客的首刻。4.你关注出席者这一事实是创造一个正面的第一印象的最简便也最有成效的方法之一。B.1.These skills can help you stand the negotiation successfully. 2.I sold out all my stuff except for the car and books. 3.It was ten years ago that he first attended the exhibition. 4.What you said has nothing to do with the issue we are discussing.
2023-06-06 23:58:152


  Grace Park  出生:1974.4.14 美国加州洛杉矶  身高:175cm  配偶:Phil Kim  以模特身份出道  喜欢极限运动和旅行  在家讲英语和韩语,还懂一些法语(她在加拿大长大和读书的)  大学毕业后,她本想尝试一年的表演,但是最终在 "Edgemont" (2000)获得了角色。  她出生在洛杉矶,但是22个月的时候就搬去了加拿大。加拿大可以说是她的家乡,但是她总是把韩国作为她的第一故乡。  在2005年的Maxim magazine举办的最火辣100人中获得81名,2006年获得93名。  主要作品:  "Hawaii Five-O" (pre-production) .... Kona Kalakaua (1 episode, 2010)  - Pilot (2010) TV episode .... Kona Kalakaua  "Human Target" .... Eva Khan (1 episode, 2010)  - Corner Man (2010) TV episode .... Eva Khan  "The Border" .... Special Agent Liz Carver (12 episodes, 2008-2010)  - No Refuge (2010) TV episode .... Special Agent Liz Carver  - Credible Threat (2010) TV episode .... Special Agent Liz Carver  - Dark Ride (2009) TV episode .... Special Agent Liz Carver  - Missing in Action (2009) TV episode .... Special Agent Liz Carver  - Hate Metal (2009) TV episode .... Special Agent Liz Carver  (7 more)  The Plan (2009) (V) (also archive footage) .... Lt. Sharon "Boomer" Valerii  ... aka "Battlestar Galactica: The Plan" - USA (alternative title)  "The Cleaner" .... Akani Cuesta (26 episodes, 2008-2009)  - Trick Candles (2009) TV episode .... Akani Cuesta  - Crossing the Threshold (2009) TV episode .... Akani Cuesta  - Standing Eight (2009) TV episode .... Akani Cuesta  - Cinderella (2009) TV episode .... Akani Cuesta  - Path of Least Resistance (2009) TV episode .... Akani Cuesta  (21 more)  "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" .... Convention Attendee (1 episode, 2009)  ... aka "CSI: Las Vegas" - South Africa (English title) (informal alternative title), USA (syndication title)  ... aka "C.S.I." - USA (short title)  ... aka "CSI: Weekends" - USA (promotional title)  - A Space Oddity (2009) TV episode (uncredited) .... Convention Attendee  "Battlestar Galactica" .... Lt. Sharon "Boomer" Valerii / ... (73 episodes, 2004-2009)  ... aka "BSG" - USA (promotional abbreviation)  - Daybreak: Part 2 (2009) TV episode .... Lt. Sharon "Athena" Agathon / Sharon "Boomer" Valerii  - Daybreak: Part 1 (2009) TV episode .... Lt. Sharon "Boomer" Valerii / Lt. Sharon "Athena" Agathon  - Islanded in a Stream of Stars (2009) TV episode .... Lt. Sharon "Athena" Agathon / Lt. Sharon "Boomer" Valerii  - Someone to Watch Over Me (2009) TV episode .... Lt. Sharon "Boomer" Valerii / Lt. Sharon "Athena" Agathon  - Deadlock (2009) TV episode .... Lt. Sharon "Boomer" Valerii  (68 more)  "Battlestar Galactica: The Face of the Enemy" .... Number Eight (10 episodes, 2008-2009)  - Episode #1.10 (2009) TV episode .... Number Eight  - Episode #1.9 (2009) TV episode .... Number Eight  - Episode #1.8 (2009) TV episode .... Number Eight  - Episode #1.7 (2008) TV episode .... Number Eight  - Episode #1.6 (2008) TV episode .... Number Eight  (5 more)  Run Rabbit Run (2008) .... Hannah Moon  ... aka "Candyland" - Canada (English title) (new title)  "Late Show with David Letterman" .... Lt. Sharon Valerii - Top Ten Presenter (1 episode, 2008)  ... aka "Late Show Backstage" - USA (title for episodes with guest hosts)  ... aka "The Late Show" - USA (informal short title)  - Brooke Shields/Seth Meyers/The Gutter Twins (2008) TV episode (uncredited) .... Lt. Sharon Valerii - Top Ten Presenter  Battlestar Galactica: Razor (2007) (TV) .... Lt. Sharon Valerii  ... aka "Razor" - USA (short title)  West 32nd (2007) .... Lila Lee  Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars (2007) (VG) .... Lt. Sandra Telfair  "Edgemont" .... Shannon Ng (69 episodes, 2001-2005)  - The Morning After the Night Before: Part 2 (2005) TV episode .... Shannon Ng  - The Morning After the Night Before: Part 1 (2005) TV episode (credit only) .... Shannon Ng  - Moving Day (2005) TV episode .... Shannon Ng  - Lines in the Sand (2005) TV episode .... Shannon Ng  - Come on Home to My Place (2005) TV episode .... Shannon Ng  (64 more)  "The Dead Zone" .... Sexy Bridesmaid (1 episode, 2004)  ... aka "Stephen King"s Dead Zone" - USA  ... aka "The Dark Half" - Israel (English title)  - Speak Now (2004) TV episode .... Sexy Bridesmaid  "Andromeda" .... Doctor 26Carol (1 episode, 2004)  ... aka "Gene Roddenberry"s Andromeda" - USA (complete title)  - Machinery of the Mind (2004) TV episode .... Doctor 26Carol  "Human Cargo" (2004) TV mini-series .... Taiwanese Woman #1  "Jake 2.0" .... Fran Yoshida (4 episodes, 2003-2004)  - Get Foley (2004) TV episode .... Fran Yoshida  - Upgrade (2004) TV episode .... Fran Yoshida  - Middleman (2003) TV episode .... Fran Yoshida  - Last Man Standing (2003) TV episode .... Fran Yoshida  "Battlestar Galactica" (2003) TV mini-series .... Lt. Sharon Valerii - Boomer  ... aka "Battlestar Galactica: The Miniseries" - USA (long title)  Jinnah: On Crime - White Knight, Black Widow (2003) (TV) .... Cynthia Wong  Fluffy (2003) .... Amy  L.A. Law: The Movie (2002) (TV) .... Charmaigne  "Stargate SG-1" .... Lt. Satterfield (1 episode, 2001)  - Proving Ground (2001) TV episode .... Lt. Satterfield  "Dark Angel" .... Female Breeding X5 (1 episode, 2001)  ... aka "James Cameron"s Dark Angel" - USA (complete title)  - Designate This (2001) TV episode .... Female Breeding X5  "Dead Last" .... Bartender #2 (1 episode, 2001)  - Pilot (2001) TV episode .... Bartender #2  "The Outer Limits" .... Satchko / ... (2 episodes, 1997-2001)  ... aka "The New Outer Limits" - USA (promotional title)  - Time to Time (2001) TV episode .... Satchko  - Bits of Love (1997) TV episode (uncredited) .... Virtual Avatar  "The Immortal" .... Mikiko (5 episodes, 2000-2001)  - Kiyomi (2001) TV episode .... Mikiko  - Deja Vu (2001) TV episode .... Mikiko  - Replay (2001) TV episode .... Mikiko  - Wicked Wicked West (2000) TV episode .... Mikiko  - Demons of the Night: Part 1 (2000) TV episode .... Mikiko  "Secret Agent Man" .... Louann / ... (2 episodes, 2000)  - Uncle S.A.M. (2000) TV episode .... Louann  - From Prima with Love (2000) TV episode .... Staffer #2  Romeo Must Die (2000) .... Asian Dancer  "Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction" .... Maddie (1 episode)  ... aka "Beyond Belief" - USA (short title)  - The Crypt Ghost (????) TV episode .... Maddie
2023-06-06 23:58:221


分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助 问题描述: 都有出席的意思,但是我们组织的会议,出席的代表应该用什么 解析: 应该用attendee participant是参与,即,不一定要本人在场。例参与网上调查,就只能用participant不能用attendee attendee强调一定要在场,不需要参与活动。比如去一场演出,就可以用attendee而不能用participant
2023-06-06 23:59:161


1:attend的本意是指心里经常性地想着〔做〕某事,现代英语中主要用于表示“参加(会议、集会、典礼、婚礼、追悼会等)”,有时也指上学、听课、听报告等。它强调的是动作,即听或看,为正式书面用语。2:attend作“专心,注意”解时,多指对书本、图表、课业、命令、事物、事件等的注意。其后常接to。3:attend还可表示“伴随”,含“照顾”“陪伴”的意思,陪伴者处于从属地位,有时表示一种服务或礼貌、殷勤,有时表示跟在人或事物的后面而行。作“照顾”解时,主要指专职工作性质的照顾。4:attend用作及物动词时接简单宾语,可用于被动结构。用于不及物动词时可接介词to表示“致力于”“注意”“照顾”,接介词on表示“照顾”“伴随”。5:在表示“应邀出席”而“高兴地去”时,应该用to come(I should be glad/delighted to come.),这是口语型句型,虽然用attend也可以,但形式上不流畅。6:表示“出席者”“照料者”,用attendee; 表示“服务者”“侍者”,用attendant; 而表示“出席(音乐会)者”,则用audience。【attend的常用短语】attend at (v.+prep.)attend on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)attend to (v.+prep.)attend with (v.+prep.)
2023-06-06 23:59:261

lync attendee web 怎样录像

Lync attendee不支持录像功能, 只有桌面客户端能录像。
2023-06-07 00:00:031


Emma Bloom (艾拉·珀内尔 饰)Jake"s Mom (金·迪金斯 饰)Miss Avocet (朱迪·丹奇 饰)Dr. Golan (阿丽森·詹尼 饰)Ornithologist (鲁伯特·艾弗雷特 饰)Prettiest Girl (艾拉·瓦勒斯泰特 饰)Franklin Portman (克里斯·奥多德 饰)Abraham Portman (特伦斯·斯坦普 饰)Hugh (米洛·帕克 饰)Claire (Raffiella Chapman 饰)Olive (Lauren McCrostie 饰)Bronwyn (Pixie Davies 饰)Shelley (O-Lan Jones 饰)10-Year-Old Jacob (Aiden Flowers 饰)Pier Worker (Dino Fazzani 饰)Enoch O"Connor (Finlay MacMillan 饰)Mr. Gleeson (Scott Handy 饰)Millard (Cameron King 饰)Fiona (Georgia Pemberton 饰)Worm (Justin Davies 饰)Party Guest (Madison Rotondi 饰)Prettiest Boy (Cameron Greco 饰)Aunt Susie (Jennifer Jarackas 饰)Party Guest (Erik Lunseth 饰)Young Abraham Portman (Callum Wilson 饰)Passerby (Jason Redshaw 饰)Horace (Hayden Keeler-Stone 饰)Aunt Judy (Brooke Jaye Taylor 饰)Fun Fair Attendee (Jill Buchanan 饰)Young Jacob (Nicholas Oteri 饰)Dylan (肖恩·托马斯 饰)Pier Visitor (Joanne Manchester 饰)Victor (Louis Davison 饰)Party Guest (Jackson Tessmer 饰)Oggy (Nicolas Amer 饰)Cousin Twin #1 (Andrew Fibkins 饰)Cousin Twin #2 (Jack Fibkins 饰)
2023-06-07 00:05:401


企业家精神。 商务英语中经常出现
2023-06-07 00:05:584


一、预备部分:Time(报告时间)Place(如果是会议,记录下会议地点)Attendee(如果是会议报告的话)Reportor(报告人或部门)Subject: 这里写报告主题,比如北冰洋冰融对航运业影响)(注:到此为止,读者一目了然报告涉及的背景,有没有兴趣继续读下去也做了判断。)二、正文部分条理:1. Truth 报告事实(比如北冰洋冰融的范围,速度等)2. Analysis 事实分析(比如事实成因分析)3. Future 未来展望(比如冰融之后会怎样,哪里的航路会被打通,优势,劣势正反面展望)4. Countermeasure 措施(这一条是蛮重要的,有些报告漏掉这条给上司的话,上司会认为你没有解决问题的个人能力)正文部分格式:1. 小标题可粗体,较大字体,以便读者迅速找到、掌握段落要点。2. 正文段落部分不用粗体,避免干扰小标题。3. 引用部分可用斜体区分。引用部分的比例最多不要超过50%,不然报告者只是个搬运工了,除非这是文择或是采访报告之类。4. 文中强调部分,可用下划线,但不要太多,太多反面没有重点了。5. 字体避免用艺术化的字就可以,常用的如TimesCourier,本人极爱Courier.6. 如果报告极长,要做个目录页,考究的话再做个封面(字体居中、大体字)。每页底部要有页码,这在报告会上方便参会者翻阅。三、结束:可用E.O.R.(End of Report)清清楚楚地收尾。
2023-06-07 00:06:041


一、预备部分:Time(报告时间)Place(如果是会议,记录下会议地点)Attendee(如果是会议报告的话)Reportor(报告人或部门)Subject: 这里写报告主题,比如北冰洋冰融对航运业影响)(注:到此为止,读者一目了然报告涉及的背景,有没有兴趣继续读下去也做了判断。)二、正文部分条理:1. Truth 报告事实(比如北冰洋冰融的范围,速度等)2. Analysis 事实分析(比如事实成因分析)3. Future 未来展望(比如冰融之后会怎样,哪里的航路会被打通,优势,劣势正反面展望)4. Countermeasure 措施(这一条是蛮重要的,有些报告漏掉这条给上司的话,上司会认为你没有解决问题的个人能力)正文部分格式:1. 小标题可粗体,较大字体,以便读者迅速找到、掌握段落要点。2. 正文段落部分不用粗体,避免干扰小标题。3. 引用部分可用斜体区分。引用部分的比例最多不要超过50%,不然报告者只是个搬运工了,除非这是文择或是采访报告之类。4. 文中强调部分,可用下划线,但不要太多,太多反面没有重点了。5. 字体避免用艺术化的字就可以,常用的如TimesCourier,本人极爱Courier.6. 如果报告极长,要做个目录页,考究的话再做个封面(字体居中、大体字)。每页底部要有页码,这在报告会上方便参会者翻阅。三、结束:可用E.O.R.(End of Report)清清楚楚地收尾。
2023-06-07 00:06:111


The last of evening pght was fading away . 傍晚最后一抹亮光消失了。 By evening i was in low spirits again . 到晚上我的情绪又消沉下来了。 He improvised a poem at the evening party . 他在晚会上现编了一首诗。 He did not even bother to say thank you . 他甚至连说一声谢谢都不肯。 I used to pass whole evening that way . 以前我总是这样消磨整个黄昏。 The evening was closing down tranquilly . 暮色正在静悄悄地笼罩下来。 He can"t even sharpen a pencil properly . 他甚至连一支铅笔都削不好。 Life had sad, even ugly facts . 人生是有一些悲哀的、甚至丑恶的事实。 Waiting any longer could be even more dangerous . 再等就会更加危险。 Rosy evening clouds and lone ducks fly together ... 落霞与孤鹜齐飞。 We were at a sombre pttle party that evening . 那天晚会大家很沉闷。 Even as she spoke , it began to snow . 恰恰在她说话的时候,天下雪了。 She is a regular attendee at evening classes . 她上夜校一贯按时出席。 I hate him even more for the way he did it . 我更痛恨他所采取的方式。 Reckless driving may lose you even your pfe . 乱开车甚至会使你送命。 She is even more intelpgent than her sister . 她甚至比姐姐还聪明。 The pretext was weak, even fishy . 借口是站不住脚的,甚至是可疑的。 The picture for africa is even more di *** al . 非洲的情况更令人沮丧。 The steps were sagging even more than ever . 石级比过去更七歪八倒了。 Even when i call , he receives unwilpngly . 他也是很不情愿地接待我。 Try to act naturally , even if you are tense . 即使紧张也不要做作。 She had even refrained from putting on rough . 她甚至脸上不施脂粉。 An hour in the morning is worth o in the evening . 一日之计在于晨。 She even disgraces the name of pnton . 她甚至都玷辱了林的名声。 His attire was even more worthy of remark . 倒是他那身装束要别致得多。 Even so, we"ve stood them off . 即使如此,我们还是把他们抵挡住了。 Even her woes were marvelous to her . 甚至苦恼对她来说也是美妙的。 I even began to attend weekend retreats . 我甚至开始参加周末静修。 Even if you won"t tell me , i "ll know anyway . 你就不说,我也会知道。 Even a single man bad been able to balk him . 一个人就把他难倒了。 You must make your choice this very evening . 今天晚上你必须作出选择。 Even the bald scalp was too deep a pink . 甚至秃光瓢也太红了一些。 Even your president could not budge him . 甚至你们的总统也无法推动他。 Even o"brien"s heavy face was flushed . 甚至奥勃良的粗犷的脸也涨红了。 Honeybees carry this tendency even farther . 蜜蜂甚至有比这更甚的习性。 It was already evening and nearly dark . 那时已经是傍晚,天快黑下来了。 I would know her even in a crowd . 就是在人群中,我也能认出她来。 He even threatened to kill me . -no ! - yes , he did . 他甚至说要杀我。 Reckless driving may lose you even your pfe . 乱开车甚至会送掉你的命。 Computers can even write out prescriptions . 计算机甚至会开处方。 It was not till evening that i knew the fact . 到黄昏时我才知道那件事。 She spent the evening marking examination papers . 她一晚上都在批试卷。 She went in to fix the sparse evening meal . 她走进屋去准备简单的晚餐。 They may even accuse the child of disloyalty . 他们甚至责备孩子不忠诚。 I"ve had my fill of john for one evening . 整晚跟约翰在一起,我受够了。 Even he can "t do it , to say nothing of you ... 慢说是你,连他都不会。 If we"re lucky, we"ll break even . 如果幸运的话,我们甚至可以收支相抵。 I have n"t even made a dent in this job .. 我这工作没有取得进展。 He will not strike even the dead . 他甚至连死了的人也不愿去伤害。 You cannot take care of even such a trivial matter ! 连这点事都不会干。
2023-06-07 00:06:171


是要词组吗?arrive at 达成,得出;到达aim at 瞄准,针对at a speed of 以...的速度at the sight of 一看见...就at times 有时,偶尔at war 在交战at work 在工作,忙于call at 打给某人,访问,停靠catch at 抓住(东西) come at 袭击;达到;得到还是要at开头的单词?attach 附加;附属;伴随attack 攻击;抨击;动手干attainment 达到;成就;学识attainder 被剥夺财产和公民权;剥夺公权attempt 企图,试图;尝试attend 出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪伴attentive 留意的,注意的attendee 出席者;在场者attitude 态度;看法;意见;姿势attire 服装;盛装
2023-06-07 00:06:461

When you were growing up, you were probably taught specific rules of etiquette, such as always chew with your mouth closed and don"t speak when someone else is talking. Although those rules are essential in everyday life, additional rules apply when you"re conducting business. Essentially, business etiquette enables a company to function smoothly in its interactions with other businesses,its own employees and the general public. And, if you add international relations into the mix, knowing the importance of business etiquette becomes all that much more critical.Business etiquette is the set of rules by which you conduct business. Essentially, it is a common language, a standard code of behavior, which when adopted, becomes standard practice in a community, enabling that community to function smoothly, without as many bumps or misunderstandings. In business interactions, this facilitates a professional standard of conduct that each business has in common with the other businesses.If you set up a meeting with someone for a specific day and time, don"t renege and skip the meeting. That said, things do come up that sometimes prevent a usual meeting attendee from being at the meeting on time, or at all. If this is the case, let the other meeting attendee know as soon as it becomes apparent that the meeting time needs to be adjusted or canceled. If the meeting happens as scheduled, greet the other person enthusiastically and offer a sincere greeting. At the end of the meeting, thank the other person for his time, and if he came to your establishment, walk him to the door.Do some research on the person or organization with which you are meeting. If the person or company is from another country, research business etiquette rules in her country. You might be shocked to learn that what"s accepted here is frowned upon or may be regarded as an insult in another country. Learning the proper etiquette for that country could make or break a deal. In the digital age, people often text or email, using emojis, shorthand and abbreviations. Those habits should never make it into professional work correspondence. Keep your work emails professional, grammatically correct and free of emojis and text speak. Ending emails with "Best Regards" is always an acceptable sign-off.Likewise, sending a thank-you note after a meeting is a nice touch. Mailed thank-you notes should go into the mail the same day, while emailed thank-you notes should be sent immediately after the meeting has concluded.
2023-06-07 00:07:041


A. (全文79词) July 4, 2014To: Members of the International Youth Tourist Group,From: Mr. Zhang, Tour GuideSubj.: Scheduled visit to The Great Wall, The Forbidden City, National Stadium (Bird"s Nest), and Summer Palace.Date: This Forthcoming Saturday,We will depart at 8am and come back at 5pm. Lunch will be served at one of these four sites. All members are welcome to participate. For those interested, please register at the service desk by 9pm on the 5th of July. B. (正文字数218词)March 4, 2014 Mr,/Ms. XX Chen, CEOMr./Ms. Lin XXX Corp. Ltd.President, XXX Company [address][address]Dear Mr./Ms. Lin, President of XXX Company,On behalf of all the staff members at XXX Corp. Ltd. I would like to extend our sincere and warmest congratulations on the 5th anniversary of the founding of XXX Company. As a business partner, we share the joy with you for the successes which your company achived during the past five years and also wish your company more successes in the coming five years. We think it a great honor to have been a business partner with your company over the past several years, during which period we had wonderful experiences in collaborating with your company. I am quite confident that this feeling is mutual, i.e., your company must feel the same way. During those years as business partners, our collaboration had yielded results which were not only satisfactory to both parties but also bore fruitful results as exemplified by a significant development for both companies. We cherish the value and importance of collaborating with XXX company and would like to thank you for providing us the opportunity of becoming business partners. Meanwhile, fully realizing the fact that the success of our two companies depend on each other. Therefore,it is our sincere hope that our collaboration will further flourish in the future. Congratulations to you again on this special occasion!Yours sincerely.[signature here]Mr,/Ms. XX Chen, CEOXXX Corp. Ltd
2023-06-07 00:07:111

registration information是什么意思

registration information注册信息;注册资料;登记资料;报名信息 Enter attendee and registration information before previewing the invoice. 请在预览发票之前输入参加者和报名信息.祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-06-07 00:07:193

package agreement造句 package agreementの例文 "package agreement"是什麼意思

Aastocks subscription package agreement Aastocks专业会员服务订户协议书 As a general attendee , we china has signed the package agreements including trips , our intellectual property protection system will tend to consistency with the world 我国作为“乌拉圭回合”的全面参加方,已经签署了包括知识产权协议在内的一揽子协议。为了实现与世界经济的接轨,我国知识产权保护制度必将进一步同国际趋同。 It"s difficult to find package agreement in a sentence. 用 package agreement 造句挺难的
2023-06-07 00:07:251


2023-06-07 00:07:334


演员 Actor:  杰克·布莱克 Jack Black .....Dewey Finn  琼·库萨克 Joan Cusack .....Rosalie Mullins  Adam Pascal .....Theo  Lucas Papaelias .....Neil  Chris Stack .....Doug  萨拉·丝沃曼 Sarah Silverman .....Patty Di Marco  麦克·怀特 Mike White .....Ned Schneebly  Lucas Babin .....Spider  Jordan-Claire Green .....Michelle  Veronica Afflerbach .....Eleni  米兰达·卡斯格拉夫 Miranda Cosgrove .....Summer Hathaway  Joey Gaydos Jr. .....Zack Mooneyham  Robert Tsai .....Lawrence  Angelo Massagli .....Frankie  Kevin Alexander Clark .....Freddy Jones (as Kevin Clark)  Maryam Hassan .....Tomika  Caitlin Hale .....Marta  Cole Hawkins .....Leonard  Brian Falduto .....Billy  James Hosey .....Marco  Aleisha Allen .....Alicia  Zachary Infante .....Gordon  Rebecca Brown .....Katie  Jaclyn Neidenthal .....Emily  Suzzanne Douglass .....Tomika"s Mother  Eron Otcasek .....Musician  Carlos Velazquez .....Musician  Kimberly Grigsby .....Mrs. Sheinkopf  Lee Wilkof .....Mr. Green  Kate McGregor-Stewart .....Mrs. Lemmons  Wally Dunn .....Gym Teacher  Tim Hopper .....Zack"s Father  Michael Dominguez-Rudolph .....Art Student  Crash Cortez .....Max  尼基·凯特 Nicky Katt .....Razor  John E. Highsmith .....Tony  Heather Goldenhersh .....Sheila  Timothy "Speed" Levitch .....Waiter  Scott Graham .....Punk Rock Guy  Sharon Washington .....Alicia"s Mother  Kim Brockington .....Leonard"s Mother  Marty Murphy .....Concerned Father  Kathleen McNenny .....Freddy"s Mother  Joanna Adler .....Summer"s Mother (as Joanna P. Adler)  Robert Lin .....Lawrence"s Father  Barry Shurchin .....Cop  MacIntyre Dixon .....Bus Driver  艾米·塞德丽丝 Amy Sedaris .....Mrs. Haynish  Mary Fortune .....Teacher"s Assistant  Mandy Siegfried .....Female Employee  Elisa Pugliese .....Concert Goer  Carlos J. Da Silva .....Security Guard  Ian O"Malley .....Radio Exec  Chris Line .....Radio DJ  Kyle Meaney .....Toby  Amber Gristak .....Girl at Bar (scenes deleted)  Ryan O"Connor .....No Vaccancy"s Biggest Fan  Lauren Adler .....Concert Goer (uncredited)  Leanne Cabrera .....Concert Goer (uncredited)  Catherine A. Callahan .....Concert Attendee (uncredited)  Cary Clark .....Concert Goer (uncredited)  Nicole Ilise Clark .....Student in Cafeteria (uncredited)  Ambi Daniel .....Concert Goer (uncredited)  Jane DeNoble .....Billy"s Mom (uncredited)  Janet Huege .....Concert Goer (uncredited)  Riley G. Matthews Jr. .....Blood Brothers MC Biker (uncredited)  Scott Skversky .....Concert Goer (uncredited)  斯特沃特·萨默斯 Stewart Summers .....Extra (uncredited)  Joe Wachowski .....Concert Goer (uncredited)  弗兰克·威利 Frank Whaley .....Battle of the bands director (uncredited)  Angus Young .....Himself (archive) (uncredited)
2023-06-07 00:07:411

culture difference between east and west

Sorry,I don"t know.
2023-06-07 00:07:504


2023-06-07 00:08:001


绯闻计划Easy A(2010)生存证明Living Proof(2008)恶搞之家Family Guy(2008)Long John PeterTV episode (voice) .... Anna发胶Hairspray(2007)大学新生Sydney White(2007)足球尤物She"s the Man (2006)机器人历险记 Robots (2005) ..... Piper (voice)爱情失事 Lovewrecked(2005)夏洛特的网2:韦柏历险记 Charlotte"s Web 2: Wilbur"s Great Adventure (2003) ..... Nellie (voice)父女大不同又名《水瓶座女孩》 What a Girl Wants (2003) ..... Daphne Reynolds大谎言家 Big Fat Liar (2002) ..... Kaylee(AB的演技和甜美外表大受到外界的认同,以下是AB出现过的电视节目...Actress:2000s1990sLiving Proof(2008) (TV) .... JamieFamily Guy.... Anna (1 episode,2008)... aka Padre de familia (USA: Spanish title)- Long John Peter(2008) TV episode (voice) .... Anna Sydney White(2007) .... Sydney WhiteHairspray(2007) .... Penny PingletonWhat I Like About You我就是喜欢你.... Holly Tyler (82 episodes,2002-2006)- Finally(2006) TV episode .... Holly Tyler- Now and Zen(2006) TV episode .... Holly Tyler- Friends & Lovers(2006) TV episode .... Holly Tyler- Garden State(2006) TV episode .... Holly Tyler- Your Money or Your Wife(2006) TV episode .... Holly Tyler(77 more) She"s the Man(2006) .... Viola... aka Homme c"est elle,L" (Canada: French title) Love Wrecked(2005) .... Jenny Taylor... aka Temptation Island (UK) Robots(2005) (voice) .... Piper... aka Robots: The IMAX Experience (USA: IMAX version) What a Girl Wants(2003) .... Daphne ReynoldsCharlotte"s Web 2: Wilbur"s Great Adventure(2003) (V) (voice) .... NellieRugrats.... Taffy (6 episodes,2001-2002)- Diapies and Dragons/Baby Power(2002) TV episode (voice) (as Amanda L Bynes) .... Taffy- Fountain of Youth/Kimi Takes the Cake(2002) TV episode (voice) (as Amanda L Bynes) .... Taffy- They Came from the Backyard/Lil"s Phil of Trash(2002) TV episode (voice) (as Amanda L Bynes) .... Taffy- Starstruck/Who"s Taffy?(2002) TV episode (voice) (as Amanda L Bynes) .... Taffy- Happy Taffy/Imagine That(2002) TV episode (voice) (as Amanda L Bynes) .... Taffy(1 more) Big Fat Liar(2002) .... Kaylee... aka Lügen haben kurze Beine (Germany) The Drew Carey Show.... Sketch Player (1 episode,2001)- Drew Carey"s Back-to-School Rock "n" Roll Comedy Hour(2001) TV episode .... Sketch Player The Nightmare Room.... Danielle Warner (1 episode,2001)- Don"t Forget Me(2001) TV episode .... Danielle WarnerThe Amanda Show.... Host / ... (16 episodes,1999-2001)- Barney"s Boy(2001) TV episode .... Host/Regular- Penelope in Makeup(2001) TV episode .... Host/Regular- Episode #2.26(2001) TV episode .... Host / Regular Performer / Penelope Taynt- Episode #2.22(2000) TV episode .... Host / Regular Performer / Penelope Taynt- Crazy Courtney(2000) TV episode .... Host / Regular Performer / Penelope Taynt(11 more) All That.... Various (10 episodes,1996-2000)- Amanda Bynes/City High(2000) TV episode- Episode #6.6(2000) TV episode .... Various- Shanice(1999) TV episode .... Various- Episode dated 17 April 1999(1999) TV episode .... Various- All That Live! (100th Episode)(1999) TV episode .... Various(5 more)Arli$$.... Crystal Dupree (1 episode,1999)- Our Past,Our Present,Our Future(1999) TV episode .... Crystal DupreeSoundtrack:Hairspray(2007) (performer: Without Love,You Can"t Stop the Beat)Self:2000s1990sThe 14th Annual Critics" Choice Awards(2009) (TV) .... Herself - Presenter Victoria"s Secret Fashion Show(2008) (TV) .... Herself Rachael Ray.... Herself (2 episodes,2007-2008)- Episode dated 2 December 2008(2008) TV episode .... Herself- Episode #2.5(2007) TV episode .... Herself 13th Annual Critics" Choice Awards Red Carpet Premiere(2008) (TV) .... Herself You Can"t Stop the Beat: The Long Journey of "Hairspray"(2007) (V) .... Herself Jimmy Kimmel Live!.... Herself (3 episodes,2004-2007)- Episode dated 28 September 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 16 September 2004(2004) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 15 January 2004(2004) TV episode .... Herself Entertainment Tonight.... Herself (1 episode,2007)... aka E.T. (USA: informal title)... aka ET Weekend (Australia: weekend title)... aka Entertainment This Week (weekend title)... aka This Week in Entertainment (USA: weekend title)- Episode dated 27 September 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.... Herself (2 episodes,2003-2007)- Episode dated 17 September 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 15 May 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself Total Request Live.... Herself (7 episodes,2004-2007)... aka TRL (USA: promotional abbreviation)... aka TRL Weekend (USA: informal alternative title)... aka Total Request with Carson Daly (USA: alternative title)- Episode dated 11 September 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 16 July 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 15 March 2006(2006) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 29 September 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 25 February 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself(2 more) Late Night with Conan O"Brien.... Herself (2 episodes,2005-2007)... aka Late Night with Conan O"Brien (Australia)- Episode dated 10 August 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 6 October 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself The View.... Herself / ... (5 episodes,2004-2007)- Episode dated 23 July 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 16 March 2006(2006) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 6 May 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself - Guest Host- Episode dated 5 May 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself - Guest Host- Episode dated 8 October 2004(2004) TV episode .... Herself HBO First Look.... Herself (2 episodes,2005-2007)- Welcome to the "60s: On the Set of "Hairspray"(2007) TV episode .... Herself- Robots(2005) TV episode .... Herself Richard & Judy.... Herself (1 episode,2007)- Episode dated 6 July 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself "Hairspray" Extentions(2007) (V) .... Herself Hairspray: Inside the Recording Booth(2007) (V) .... Herself The Tyra Banks Show.... Herself (2 episodes,2005-2006)- The Most Unbelievable Surprises of the Season(2006) TV episode .... Herself- Ty Surprise(2005) TV episode .... Herself 2006 MuchMusic Video Awards(2006) (TV) .... Herself - Presenter 2006 MTV Movie Awards(2006) (TV) .... Herself Last Call with Carson Daly.... Herself (1 episode,2006)- Episode dated 15 March 2006(2006) TV episode .... Herself Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show.... Herself (3 episodes,2003-2006)- Episode dated 8 March 2006(2006) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 27 October 2004(2004) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 16 September 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself Isaac.... Herself (1 episode,2005)- Episode dated 9 December 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself Live with Regis and Kathie Lee.... Herself (3 episodes,2004-2005)... aka Live with Regis (USA: new title)... aka Live with Regis & Kelly (USA: new title)- Episode dated 28 September 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 24 February 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 22 January 2004(2004) TV episode .... Herself The Teen Choice Awards 2005(2005) (TV) .... Herself - Attendee Style Star.... Herself (1 episode,2005)- Young Hollywood(2005) TV episode .... Herself Assembling "Robots": The Magic,the Music,& the Comedy(2005) (TV) .... Herself The Making of "Robots"(2005) (V) .... Herself Late Show with David Letterman.... Herself (1 episode,2005)... aka Late Show Backstage (USA: title for episodes with guest hosts)... aka Letterman (Australia)... aka The Late Show (USA: informal short title)- Episode dated 23 February 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson.... Herself (1 episode,2005)- Episode #1.8(2005) TV episode .... Herself The Tony Danza Show.... Herself (1 episode,2004)- Episode #1.21(2004) TV episode .... Herself The Jamie Kennedy Experiment.... Herself (2 episodes,2003-2004)- Episode #3.21(2004) TV episode .... Herself- Episode #3.1(2003) TV episode .... Herself The Wayne Brady Show.... Herself (1 episode,2004)- Episode dated 23 April 2004(2004) TV episode .... Herself Nickelodeon Kids" Choice Awards "04(2004) (TV) .... Herself The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn.... Herself (2 episodes,2003)... aka The Late Late Show (USA: short title)- Episode dated 6 October 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 11 April 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself The Sharon Osbourne Show.... Herself (1 episode,2003)... aka Sharon (USA: short title)- Episode dated 2 October 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself The Teen Choice Awards 2003(2003) (TV) .... Herself 2003 MTV Movie Awards(2003) (TV) .... Herself Today.... Herself (1 episode,2003)... aka NBC News Today (USA: promotional title)... aka The Today Show (USA)- Episode dated 4 June 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself Nickelodeon Kids" Choice Awards "03(2003) (TV) .... Herself The Caroline Rhea Show.... Herself (1 episode,2003)- Episode dated 1 April 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself All That.... Herself (2 episodes,2002)- All That Bloopers - Ask Ashley(2002) TV episode .... Herself- Episode dated 6 April 2002(2002) TV episode .... Herself Nickelodeon Kids" Choice Awards "02(2002) (TV) .... Herself The Nick Cannon Show.... Herself (1 episode,2002)- Nick Takes Over Hollywood(2002) TV episode .... Herself MADtv.... Herself (1 episode,2002)- Episode #7.13(2002) TV episode .... Herself Rugrats: Still Babies After All These Years(2001) (TV) (voice) .... Narrator The Rosie O"Donnell Show.... Herself (1 episode,2001)- Episode dated 19 January 2001(2001) TV episode .... Herself Rock & Roll Back to School Special(2001) (TV) .... Herself... aka Drew Carey"s Rock & Roll Back to School Special (USA: complete title) Rove Live.... Herself (1 episode,2000)- Episode #1.7(2000) TV episode .... Herself Nickelodeon Kids" Choice Awards 2000(2000) (TV) .... PresenterBlue"s Clues.... Herself (1 episode,1998)- Blue"s Birthday(1998) TV episode .... Herself Figure It Out(1997) TV series .... Herself/panelist (1997-1999)... aka Figure It Out: Family Style (USA: third season title)... aka Figure It Out: Wild Style (USA: fourth season title) MuchOnDemand(1997) TV series .... Herself - Guest (unknown episodes)Archive Footage:Biography- Child Stars Ⅱ: Growing Up Hollywood(2005) TV episode .... Herself All That 10th Anniversary Reunion Special(2005) (TV) .... Various Characters
2023-06-07 00:08:071


attend the exhibition
2023-06-07 00:08:333


2023-06-07 00:08:411