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2023-06-07 08:11:23
TAG: bulb




短语:light bulb电灯泡。olfactory bulb嗅球。dry bulb干球,干球式的。incandescent bulb白炽灯泡,白炽灯照。lily bulb百合粉末,百合。wet bulb湿球温度计。

同义词:电灯泡;鳞茎;球状物。third wheelelectric lamp.


1、This makes the total cost of the bulb and energy $27.


2、On the stairway to the basement, he took the light bulb out of the socket.


3、It cost far more than a regular incandescent bulb.


4、A muffin serving size is the size of a light bulb.


5、Edison failed 10,000 times before he perfected the light bulb.




  汉语解释:鸢尾花大而美丽,叶片青翠碧绿,观赏价值很高。很多种类供庭园观赏用,在园林中可用作布置花坛,栽植于水溼畦地、池边湖畔,或布置成鸢尾专类花园,亦可作切花及地被植物,是一种重要的庭园植物。想知道吗?   鸢尾花   鸢尾花的英文释义:   flower-de-luce   网 络iris;garden iris;irises;flower-de-luce   鸢尾花的英文例句:   田纳西的州花是鸢尾花。   The state flower is the iris.   他把白色鸢尾花传给你?   Did he pass down the fleur-de-Iis?   紫蝴蝶花|鸢尾花   flower-de-luce | [Latin] Iris tectorum 鸢尾花的英文怎么读   鸢尾花渐次爬上所有的山坡,眺望黑色的诗篇降临。   Flower-de-luce climbed all the braes one by one to overlook the visit of darkness like Psalters.   这款精巧细致的锻铁十字架使用细丝工艺装饰,尾端为鸢尾花图样。   This beautiful, highly detailed wrought iron wall cross features fleur tips and a filigree design.   我的宜家家居鸢尾花有再次重新开花的过程,和我相信它不是我的“诀窍”所致。   My Ikea iris is in the process of reflowering yet again, and I"m sure it isn"t down to my "knack" at all.   百合花饰图案,由特定的三瓣鸢尾花构成的一种设计,用作法国王室的象征   a device consisting of a stylized three-petaled iris flower,used as the armorial emblem of the kings of France   用这款三瓣鸢尾花挂壁十字架,装饰点缀您的墙壁。材质为100%25无铅白镴,美国手工制造。   Decorate your wall with this Fleur de Lis wall cros *** ade from 100% lead-free pewter and handcrafted in the USA.   GernotEchner及其同事所描述的鸢尾花型可变孔径准直器可彻底解决这个问题。   This problem is eradicated with the Iris Variable Aperture Collimator described by Gernot Echner and colleagues.   我钦佩那些小小的、含苞待放的花蕾所表现出来的活力,特别是那些娇嫩的鸢尾花,但我可不愿成为它们其中的一员。   I admire the resilience of the *** all flowering bulbs, especially the early irises, but I would not like to have been one of them.   1. Far out in the water there were water - lilies ; nearer at hand, yellow irises inbloom. 远处水面有睡莲, 近处开着黄色的鸢尾花.   2. Flower - de - luce climbed all the braes one by one to overlook the visit ofdarkness like Psalters. 鸢尾花渐次爬上所有的山坡,眺望黑色的诗篇降临.   3. Made from sterling silver, this pendant features a ringed cross with fleur tips. 这款坠炼由纯银制成, 特点是十字架本体为环状,尾端为鸢尾花图样.   4. The blossom of one azure dwarf iris reflects the summer sky present only inmy imagination. 一棵天蓝色鸢尾花映现出只在我想象中才有的夏日的天空.   5. This beautiful , highly detailed wrought iron wall cross features fleur tips and afiligree design. 这款精巧细致的锻铁十字架使用细丝工艺装饰,尾端为鸢尾花图样.
2023-06-06 15:52:321


bulb 巴拉巴
2023-06-06 15:52:413

CFLs (Compact fluorescent lamp) 好处和坏处??!!

好处: 1. Lifespan Modern CFLs typically have a life span specified beeen 8 000 and 15 000 hours[1]. Typical domestic incandescent bulbs are similarly specified to have a life of 1000 hours 2. Energy consumption CFLs use about 20% of the power and so in the simplest case when pared to incandescent bulbs they can be responsible for about an 80% reduction in electricity costs and therefore also in the environmental impact of generating that electricity. For example many 11-watt CFLs are specified to produce the same amount of light as 60-watt incandescent bulbs (approximately 900 lumens). 坏处 1. Cost In addition to the above savings on energy costs CFLs last approximately 8 to 15 times longer than an equivalent incandescent on average thus requiring that fewer bulbs be purchased. 2. CFLs use about a quarter of the energy of incandescent bulbs they are a key part of efforts to fight pollution. 参考: *** 你讲0既系日常见到0既悭电胆 好多资料可以系呢度睇到 en. *** /wiki/Compact_fluorescent_lamp 悭电胆的优点有很多,包括省电,它比灯泡省电4~5倍。寿命长比灯泡长寿数倍。发光时温度较低,可以节省冷气的开支,需然售价会较贵,但整体而言,比灯泡悭钱很多。 但它一样有缺点,它的构造中有电子零件,亦有水银、磷等有害的物质,在废料的处理上对环境有一定的伤害。
2023-06-06 15:52:481


2023-06-06 15:53:212

用英文写一个关于节能灯泡的广告文案 要包含"open your mind,bright your life”这个内容 300字以内

Energy saving bulb SAVE 80% of your power,it nearly means you use it at free charge.Don"t hesitate.Open your mind,bright your life.
2023-06-06 15:53:293

They last up to 10times longer.什么意思???

2023-06-06 15:53:373


bulb [英]bu028clb [美]bu028clb n. 球茎,块茎植物;电灯泡;[解剖学]肿块 [例句]Not that the bulb "s shiny record is perfect. 这个灯泡的闪亮纪录并不是完美的. 祝你愉快,满意请采纳哦
2023-06-06 15:54:291

primer bulbs 什么意思

primer bulbs底漆灯泡bulbsn.球茎( bulb的名词复数 ); 电灯泡; (植物)鳞茎数据来源:金山词霸双语例句Rainwater had fused the bulbs. 雨水引发保险丝烧熔,使得灯泡都不亮了。
2023-06-06 15:54:351

led flat bulb 是什么意思

2023-06-06 15:54:443

yellow bug bulbs是什么意思

yellow bug bulb黄虫灯泡bug:n. 昆虫;陷,瑕疵;细菌,病菌;窃听器 vt. 在…装窃听器;打扰,烦恼;折磨,使痛苦;(使眼球)暴突或变大 vi. 变大;凸出
2023-06-06 15:55:031


问题一:电灯泡的英语是什么? bulb electric light bulb electric bulb third wheel 以上都有电灯泡的意义 问题二:电灯泡 用英语怎么说 电灯泡英语是[third wheel]下面给出例句和解释. The third wheel refers to the person who is the outsider when there is a group of three. Example: You two go on ahead without me. I don"t want to be the third wheel. An *** ogy can be made to a two-wheeled bicycle or cart; adding a third wheel would not be helpful and would limit mobility. To be the third wheel is to be the extra, unnecessary person in a group of three people. Example: Missy and I were going to go to the dance with another couple, but when I got sick she decided 鸡o stay home also. She didn"t want to be the third wheel. 问题三:灯泡用英语怎么说 light 问题四:电灯用英语怎么说? light 问题五:电灯泡用英语怎么说? 可以参考bilinge 问天句典 挺好使得 有很多种英文对照例句 The bulb has gone. 电灯泡坏了。 The light bulb in the kitchen burnt out. 厨房里的电灯泡烧坏了。 Any electric light bulb will eventually burn out. 任何电灯泡最后总会烧坏的。 There"s a light bulb missing in the bedroom. 卧室里少一只电灯泡。 Any of various protective or ornamental coverings used to screen a light bulb. 灯罩任一种用来遮蔽电灯泡的防护性或装饰性的盖子 "His6, 000 inventions included the electric light bulb, the phonograph, and the mimeograph machine. ”他作出了六千项发明,包括电灯泡,留声机(唱机)和油印机。” I disliked the dim light, and on the second day fixed, at my own expense, a more powerful electric bulb. 我不喜欢那暗淡的光线,第二天便自己掏钱买了一只瓦数高一些的电灯泡。 It used to be that you could talk yourself into a job, said Mrs.Johansen, a 44-year-old native of Buffalo who moved here with her hu *** and in 1981 when his job was transferred. Now, even if they need someone who has sold light bulbs for 3.5 years, there are hundreds of people out there who have done that. “从前你可以靠口才拿到一个工作,”1981年因丈夫调职迁来此间44岁水牛城人约翰逊太太说。“现在,即使有人需要曾经销售电灯泡三年半的人,也有几百人有这样的经验。” A dim lightbulb. 暗淡的灯泡 The bulb have burn out. 灯泡烧坏了。 问题六:“电灯”用英语怎么说? 楼上的“电灯”都写错了,electronic是“电子的”,要改成“electric(电的)”才对。 正确答案如下: 电灯: electric light 灯泡: light bulb 灯管: light tube 日光灯: fluorescent lamp 或:daylight lamp 问题七:灯英语怎么说 灯:light 灯泡:bulb 台灯:lamp 问题八:灯泡用英语怎么说 light 问题九:电灯泡的英语是什么? bulb electric light bulb electric bulb third wheel 以上都有电灯泡的意义 问题十:电灯泡 用英语怎么说 电灯泡英语是[third wheel]下面给出例句和解释. The third wheel refers to the person who is the outsider when there is a group of three. Example: You two go on ahead without me. I don"t want to be the third wheel. An *** ogy can be made to a two-wheeled bicycle or cart; adding a third wheel would not be helpful and would limit mobility. To be the third wheel is to be the extra, unnecessary person in a group of three people. Example: Missy and I were going to go to the dance with another couple, but when I got sick she decided 鸡o stay home also. She didn"t want to be the third wheel.
2023-06-06 15:55:111

fruit flies who were taught

1、Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly tend to live shorter lives. 主:fruit flies 定:who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 谓:tend 状:to live shorter lives. 翻译:那些被训化的比一般果蝇更聪明的果蝇活的时间要短一些. 2.This suggests that dimmer bulbs burn longer,that there is an advantage in not being too bright.这个句子中两个THAT有什么意义. 主:this 谓:suggest 宾:that dimmer bulbs burn longer,that there is an advantage in not being too bright 翻译:这意味着,可调亮度的灯泡的优势是不需要那么亮,所以寿命更长一些. 关于两个that:第一个that不用说了,很明显.第二个that是修饰dimmer bulbs的. 3、Is there an adaptive value to limited intelligence?这个句子的语序看不懂 这是疑问句,肯定的语序是: There is an adaptive value to limited intelligence. 翻译:对于智力发育不良者来说有适应价值吗? 4、Instead of casting a wistful glance backward at all the species we`ve left in the dust I.Q-wise,. 主:we 谓:have left 状:Instead of casting a wistful glance backward at all the species和in the dust 翻译: 意思不全.
2023-06-06 15:55:211


这是用于摄影用的一种专业灯beam 聚光束警告:请不要使用冷光灯(冷光反射型灯泡)
2023-06-06 15:55:492

LED 的灯珠,用英文怎么说?

LED lamp bead
2023-06-06 15:55:593

one bulb at a time

一次种一个水仙球茎不知你是不是从书上看来的,这是一本小书。Daffodil Principle: One Woman, Two Hands, One Bulb at a Time ,讲了一个充满水仙花香和令人难以置信的故事。书名水仙花法则意为一天做一点小事,坚持下去,也能对世界产生很大的影响。女儿想跟妈妈一起去看水仙花,作者老是嘴上答应着女儿却不去看。一次女儿拉着妈妈去,见到了令她窒息的水仙花田。走到主人屋前看到下面的对话。 "Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking", was the headline. The first answer was a simple one. "50,000 bulbs," it read. The second answer was, "One at a time, by one woman. Two hands, two feet, and one brain." The third answer was, "Began in 1958."“我知道你要问什么的答案们”,标题上写着。第一个答案很简单。写着“五万个水仙花球茎”。第二个答案是:”一次种一个,一个女人,两双手和一个脑袋“。第三个答案是“从1985年开始”。而这,也就是这个故事和书名的缘来了。作者在稍后懊悔,我错过了这么多时间,没干成什么,怎么办?女儿回答说“Start tomorrow.”人们总是说,等我上完学,等我工作了,等我结婚了,等我生完小孩了,等我小孩长大了,等我老了。时间一直在流逝,而我们却一直在等待。为什么,不现在就开始,一天一点,做自己喜欢的事呢?而这,也就是水仙花法则这本书的希望所在吧。谢谢你的问题,让我收获了一个美好的带有花香的故事。
2023-06-06 15:56:081


我们为什么不选择低碳生活吗? 我的讲话是“为什么我们不能选择低碳生活?”2010年世博会在上海举行。上海世博会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”。作为学生,我们应该做些什么关于环境保护的。例如,植树,节约用水和减少你的车。树会使空气变得干净。我们可以利用水的循环,我们不能总是用干净的水。我们应该告诉我们的父母,更少的一天驾驶,这是非常重要的,减少二氧化碳。我们可以乘公共汽车、地铁、自行车或步行,也不利于你的健康。 我希望我们能做到这一点。 然后,我们如何能活在低碳生活吗?首先,我们应该承认,低碳生活不仅仅是一种生活方式,但同样的生活态度。我们每一个人都很负责,我们发出的温室气体的排放,在我们的日常行为。其次,我们应该养成良好的习惯,在我们的日常生活。我们可以选择的产品与长的保质期,当我们商店。纸杯是由切割的森林。我们应该尽量不要使用它们,或者选择较小的,当我们因为树木可以吸收二氧化碳,减少温室气体。我们应该用高效的灯泡,约三分之一的能源使用正常的灯泡和最后的10倍的时间。与灯光应该关闭时,没有必要的。我们打印事情只在必要的时候,打印双面及减少利润。所有电动旅行是密集。公共汽车和火车比汽车,而是步行或骑车是更好的。它也是对我们健康和更便宜。有这么多的碳生活行为,它是不可能的,列出所有。低碳生活可以概括为中度食物、住房、交通、更多的运动,而不是浪费。 众擎易举。如果我们都要这样做,效果将会是证据。我希望我们所有的人都能做这件事。 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家。
2023-06-06 15:57:042


1、Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly tend to live shorter lives.主:fruit flies定:who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly谓:tend状:to live shorter lives.翻译:那些被训化的比一般果蝇更聪明的果蝇活的时间要短一些。2. This suggests that dimmer bulbs burn longer, that there is an advantage in not being too bright.这个句子中两个THAT有什么意义。主:this谓:suggest宾:that dimmer bulbs burn longer, that there is an advantage in not being too bright翻译:这意味着,可调亮度的灯泡的优势是不需要那么亮,所以寿命更长一些。关于两个that:第一个that不用说了,很明显。第二个that是修饰dimmer bulbs的。3、Is there an adaptive value to limited intelligence?这个句子的语序看不懂这是疑问句,肯定的语序是:There is an adaptive value to limited intelligence.翻译:对于智力发育不良者来说有适应价值吗?4、Instead of casting a wistful glance backward at all the species we`ve left in the dust I.Q-wise,....... 主:we谓:have left状:Instead of casting a wistful glance backward at all the species和in the dust翻译:意思不全。
2023-06-06 15:57:141


凉瓜皮浸圣子仔: Razor Clams with Bitter Melon Peel in Broth (苦瓜的英文确实可以写为balsam pear 但不像bitter melon那么普及. 而这个菜是浸的 即不是fried 是in broth) 鲍汁金沙瓜盅: Assorted Treasures with Abalone Sauce in a Pumpkin (这个菜大概是金沙瓜里的什锦. 不知道是什锦meat 还是vegetables 所以用treasures 大酒家的菜单也是这样用 不是乱作) 干煸茶树菇:Fried Tea Tree Mushrooms (英文现在有tea tree mushroom 这个名称 不是乱作) 西芹蓝豆炒腊味: Fried Preserved Meat with Bean & Celery (没有人讲preserved dishes 的) 美人椒炒鱼肉: Fried Fish Fillet with Pepper (甚么是fish heat?) 榆耳百合炒虾球: Fried Shrimp Balls with Lilly Bulbs & Black Fungi (lily 只是百合花 吃的百合是球茎bulb. 黑木耳可以写做 agaric 但没有black fungi 那么普及) 茶树菇爆鸭舌: Fried Duck"s Tongue with Tea Tree Mushrooms (爆确实是quickly fry 但这个英文字只会出现在食谱 很少出现在菜单上的) 虾干爆双菇: Fried Assorted Mushrooms with Dried Shrimps (ok) 桂花炒鱼肚: Fried Fish Maw with Sweet-scented O *** anthus (ok) 烧汁菇菌焗牛仔骨:Baked Beef Ribs with Mushrooms in Barbecue Sauce (骨虽然是bone 但吃的排骨是rib)
2023-06-06 15:57:341


换灯泡的英语是Change the light bulb。首先我们需要了解需要更换的灯泡的的各项规格,如电源电压是否存在差异,如果选择不当会无法使用,甚至出现灯泡损坏的情况。还有就是灯泡的连口到底是螺口的还是插口的。因此在更换前,必须确保为相同规格电压相同的产品。不要小看换灯泡的工作,虽然不是什么大工程,但是也涉及到安全操作,在安装过程中不能大意,否则也是会出现人身安全问题。安装前,必须记得把进户开关的总闸拉掉,否则会出现带电危险。还有建议使用梯子进行安装,最好有扶手的,以防发生意外。取下旧的灯泡后,灯座上会出现两根线,红色为火线,蓝色为零线。请先用试电笔分别检查两根线是否有点,确认没有后,再分别将火线、零线与灯头接好,并分别包好绝缘布。安装时一定要注意手握灯泡的力度。换灯泡例句:1、我将告诉维修部派人去换灯泡。I"ll ask the Maintenace Department to send someone to change it.2、一个换灯泡,一个把你小孩带走安置。One to change the bulb and another to put your kids into care.3、换灯泡是荷马金的工作。It"s Homer King"s job to change the bulbs.4、每当我需要变高才能换灯泡或够到那罐饼干时,我就打一下响指。Whenever I need to become super tall to change a lightbulb or reach that jar of cookies, I just snap my fingers.
2023-06-06 15:57:401


Assume the supply voltage remains the same throughout. If an additional light bulb is connected in series to another one total resistance increases current decreases and the bulbs glow dimmer. Because the current through each bulb decreases the voltage across each bulb also decreases. In a parallel connection the voltages across each bulb are the same (which equals to the supply voltage). Thus the current through each bulb remains the same but the total current increases. The brightness of the bulb is unchanged (because current through it remains the same as before). The reverse happens when you reduce the number of bulbs from o to one. in SERIES WIRING the loading increases the TOTAL RESISTACNE increases it cause the TOTAL CURRENT decreases and therefore the brightness will also decreases and the TOTAL VOLTAGE remain unchange. in PARALLRL WIRING the loading increases the TOTAL RESISTACNE decreases it cause the TOTAL CURRENT increases and therefore the brightness will also increases and the TOTAL VOLTAGE remain unchange. 在串联中 由本身一个灯泡增至两个灯泡 total resistance会大左 = 对 所以灯泡会光左? = 错 咁total I 同total V 有咩变化? = total I = 减 同total V = 冇变 如情况相反(两个灯泡减至一个) total R、I、V同光度又有咩变化? total R = 减 I = 加 V = 冇变 同光度 = 加 在并联中 由本身一个灯泡增至两个灯泡 total resistance会小左 = 对 所以灯泡会光左? = 对 咁total I同total V有咩变化? total I = 加倍 同total V = 冇变 如情况相反(两个灯泡减至一个) total R、I、V同光度又有咩变化? total R = 加倍 I = 加 V = 冇变 同光度 = 减半 系串联电路,两个灯泡未必会光咗,你嘅讲法系两个灯泡光过一个灯泡吗,事实系似是而非。 由于电阻增大,电流减少,灯泡电功率亦下降,假设两个灯泡电阻电压功率相同,一个灯泡功率系I^2R,两个灯泡串联时功率系2(I/2)^2R=I^2/2R,即系一个灯泡时一半功率,所以应该会暗咗。 并联时,电阻下降,电流增加,总功率系(2I)^2(R/2)=2I^2R,系一个灯泡时两倍功率,所以系光咗,但要留意灯泡有可能超过负荷而烧毁。
2023-06-06 15:58:271


灯饰lighting室内灯 residential lamp / light枝状大吊灯 chandeliers吊灯 pendant lamp / light半吊灯 half pendant lamp / light台灯 table lamp / light壁灯 wall lamp / light落地灯 floor lamp / light吸顶灯 ceiling lamp / light水晶灯 crystal lamp / light木灯 wooden lamp / light宫灯 palace lamp / light仿水晶灯 imitated crystal lamp / light低压灯 low voltage lamp / light工艺灯 artificial lamp / light石艺灯 marble lamp / light羊皮灯 parchment lamp / light镜前灯 mirror front lamp / light镜画灯 picture lamp / light吊线灯 track / line lamp / light格栅灯 grille lamp / light水珠灯 water pearl lamp / light导轨灯 track lamp / light柱灯 pillar lamp / light蒂凡尼灯 tiffany lamp / light风水灯 water fountain lamp / light户外灯 outdoor lamp / light路灯 street lamp / light筒灯 down lamp / light投光射灯 spot lamp / light庭院灯 garden lamp / light草坪灯 lawn lamp / light草地灯 lawn lamp / light防水灯 water proof lamp / Under water lamp柱头灯 water jet lamp / light水底灯 underwater lamp / light户外壁灯 outdoor wall lamp / light组合灯 assembled lamp / light太阳能灯 solar lamp / light彩灯 holiday lamp / light彩虹灯 rainbow lamp / light烟花灯 firework lamp / light室内灯 residential lamp/light树状大吊灯 chandeliers吊灯 pendant lamp/light半吊灯 half pendant lamp/light台灯 table lamp/light壁灯 wall lamp/light落地灯 floor lamp/light吸顶灯 ceiling lamp/light水晶灯 crystal lamp/light木灯 wooden lamp/light仿水晶灯imitated crystal lamp/light低压灯 low voltage lamp/light工艺灯 artificial lamp/light石艺灯 marble lamp/light羊皮灯 parchment lamp/light镜前灯 mirror front lamp/light镜画灯 picture lamp/light吊线灯 track/line lamp/light格栅灯 grille lamp/light水珠灯 water pearl lamp/light导轨灯 track lamp/light柱灯 pillar lamp/light蒂凡尼灯tiffany lamp/light风水灯 water fountain lamp/light户外灯 outdoor lamp/light路灯 street lamp/light筒灯 down lamp/light投光射灯spot lamp/light庭院灯 garden lamp/light草坪灯 lawn lamp/light草地灯 lawn lamp/light防水灯 water proof lamp/under water lamp柱头灯 water jet lamp/light水底灯 underwater lamp/light户外壁灯outdoor wall lamp/light组合灯 assembled lamp/light太阳能灯solar lamp/lamp彩灯 holiday lamp/light彩虹灯 rainbow lamp/light烟花灯 firework lamp/light节日灯 holiday lamp/light圣诞灯 Christmas lamp/light椰树灯 coconut lamp/light卤素灯 Halide lamps/Halogen lamps白炽灯泡incandescent light bulbs组合开关integral switch专业照明illumination舞台灯 stage lamp应急灯 emergecy lamp/light嵌灯/嵌入灯/埋地灯 recessed light/lamp车灯 car lamp车头灯 head lamp投光灯 spot light/lamp走线灯 light linear泛光灯 flood light/lamp景观灯 landscape light/lamp电子感应灯electronic senor light/lamp灭蚊灯 mosquito killer lamp光源 light灯泡 bulb节能灯 energy saving lamp节能灯(紧凑型荧光灯)Compact Fluorescent Lamp荧光灯 fluorescent light/lamp荧光灯支架fluorescent light fixtures电筒 flashlight/torch light/lamp
2023-06-06 15:58:372


light bulbsn.电灯泡 ( light bulb的名词复数 )双语例句1. Hundreds of light bulbs gleamed dim and yellow. 点点昏黄的火球,就是那无数的电灯。2. Ahead, the few dim light bulbs seemed to stretch into limitless distance. 前面,几只昏暗的灯泡好像伸入了无限的远方。3. Fluorescent lights are more energy - efficient than ordinary light bulbs. 荧光灯比普通灯泡节能。
2023-06-06 15:58:431


2023-06-06 15:58:514


2023-06-06 15:59:062


2023-06-06 15:59:146


I dont no.
2023-06-06 15:59:574


2023-06-06 16:00:111


2023-06-06 16:00:322


标定工具储藏柜 轧制机架瓦特/灯 statu去机架 轧制机架瓦特/ hardhats.tool.rarts 金属工作站 办公椅 7 “字带锯 玻纤板支持 12 “带锯 档案柜 7空调 6加湿器 2磨床 2 ,车瓦/测试设备 高尔夫球车 6实用车 左上翼(模具及皮肤) 右上翼(模具及皮肤) 4卷最后套袋 拆卸积储室 聚碳酸酯4 * 8 * 9月8日 3天台冷气槽 预成形核心 机身的一部分,以翼 不符合钢铁/ alominum 保温管 左下翼 右下翼 横向上尾 2张1 “蜂窝芯 办公室隔间 舱门框模板 1中型内阁 2小柜 易燃集装箱(空) L.H.boom内侧襟翼铰链( 2 ) R.H.boom内侧襟翼铰链( 1 ) L.H.outboard发动机舱 小保险丝CSL的模具 霉菌毒素keelgusset 黄体生成素臂船模 生殖健康繁荣舷外模具 激素上油箱模具 相对湿度较低的燃料箱模具 普遍安全垫( 13 ) 副翼债券/钻夹具 金属看到hooses 5 -奠定表 安全垫装饰盒 空架 办公椅 离开组装繁荣 正确组装繁荣 实用工具车 小档案驾驶室 套袋材料 黑色med.FLE内阁 R.H.aileron结构大会 步梯 办公椅 3 " * 4 "车 热枪 积储室的门 门凉爽沼泽冷却器 短步梯 热控制器# 6 QA.6607 小内阁瓦特/钥匙 发动机安装(控股设备) 机身金属结构(控股设备) 办公椅 小柜 发动机葫芦(樱桃ricker ) horrontal尾粘合结构。 相对湿度较低的燃料箱模具 更衣室 雪风 垃圾桶瓦特/电源线 2盒瓦特/消耗品从粘接 3机身金属持有人 1繁荣金属持有人 1空气压缩机 办公椅 大型空柜 小空柜 3 " * 4 "工具车 4光束37 “长 中瓦/手套,搅拌杯您。 中瓦/抛光rads.consumables towels.light bulbs.lab大衣 2 ,托盘的钢板 办公椅 4吨葫芦(拆解) plallet瓦/铝废料 右半保险丝粘接结构 左半保险丝粘接结构 所有附件的引信结构 办公室隔间 保险丝结构 小柜 加热器帐篷# 3 加热器帐篷# 7 2 ,奠定了小组烹饪表 拆卸机柜 小冰箱 扩音器不停系统W /内阁 wisconson真空泵烤箱 办公室隔间 7 ,文件柜 各种表格( 12 ) curtains.floor垫 1小烤箱瓦特/样品杯 铝夹具Q.A 湿干醋酸乙烯酯 垃圾桶 建兴表 金属cab.w / Q.A文件夹 实用工具车 3小档案柜 相对湿度机翼后缘屋顶主
2023-06-06 16:00:411


声控灯用什么灯泡的英文翻译_声控灯用什么灯泡What kind of light bulb is used in the sound control lamp 灯泡 [词典] bulb; lamp bulb; lamp globe; Rainwater had fused the bulbs.
2023-06-06 16:01:102


我们的动机是黑暗和很难解开:混合敬畏,voyeurismand甚至笳进入密切proximitywith死亡。 这个标准当中如此导游给听众的巨大的节略理解和绵延的地点。游客可以理解的是这样一个短暂的访问是可疑的。 监狱里给你机会去过夜的长椅和床垫上真正的罪犯,根据这个网站的时候,就是在吹嘘我
2023-06-06 16:01:203


2023-06-06 16:01:286

ml l k pl u s bright and white 什么意思

牛奶加亮白,牛奶美白,牛奶亮白,milk plus bright and white
2023-06-06 16:01:432

英语翻译 在线等待

A female employee (through corridor is installing bulb, see N)Woman: excuse me, can I please do me a favor? I was installed it, but he is too high.N: I was indifferent to interview, although I was successful, but today I"m not your company"s employees. I think I have no obligation to help you.Female: (for) : please, I need your help.N: ok, but do you remember you owe me an interesting. Will also. (the briefcase to female staff)(after installation) N slap their on the dust. : that"s too dirty dog feces, won"t do such a thing.Woman: thank you very much.N: take a briefcase, head also don"t walk away)Female staff at this figure shook his head into the interview heAfter:?Female: (shake) is very bad, very failure.Female employees, managers, behind the narrator"s read (or in) : he, he is wise. But his prior, but he could not understand manners.He is, he is very shrewd composure. But he withdrawn, but he is a cold heart. Oh ~ ~ ~ ~
2023-06-06 16:01:525

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。As we all know p

小题1:F小题2:D小题3:A小题4:E小题5:C 小题1:根据后半句you will most likely find a new possible way to reuse the bags.可知这里是指我们要尝试重新使用塑料袋。小题2:这一段的主题就是Use organic (有机的) cleaners故D正确。小题3:根据本段内容可知是关于节约用水的问题。故A符合段落大意。小题4:根据本段的标题Use energy-efficient bulbs可知E相符。小题5:根据本段的段落大意可知是倡导人们使用公共交通以达到环保的目的。
2023-06-06 16:02:381


Its too long , i cant understand, sorry
2023-06-06 16:02:463


Determination of junior high school physics experiment of electric power a small light bulbs solution
2023-06-06 16:02:544


2023-06-06 16:03:023


【 #圣诞节# 导语】堆雪人打雪仗,滑雪橇,溜冰儿,唱雪歌,圣诞节,重拾过去美好回忆,找回因忙碌而淡忘的快乐,不管节日里下不下雪,我都要祝福你圣诞快乐!以下是 为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。 1.关于圣诞树的英语作文   Tomorrow will be Christmas. The day I have been looking forward to for a long time is finally coming, because on this day, the streets and alleys will be decorated, there are happy people everywhere, and everywhere will become an ocean of joy.   Yesterday, my father read me an article about the origin of Christmas, which made me know more about Christmas. Last night, grandma and I went to the supermarket to play. As soon as we entered the door, we saw a tall and big Christmas tree. It was colorful and glittering. It was so beautiful! So I pestered my grandmother to buy me a Christmas tree, and my grandmother agreed.   My grandmother and I found the Christmas tree in the mall and bought some bells, colored lamp belts, gift boxes and animal paper-cut lamp decorations. It cost more than 100 yuan.   When I got home, I couldn"t wait to open the packing box and put all the Christmas trees and all kinds of accessories on the floor, but I didn"t know how to install and decorate them. When my father came, he taught me to install the Christmas tree first, then wrap the colored light belt around the tree, then hang the bell on the top of the tree, then hang the gift box under the branches, and finally intersperse the paper-cut of deer, pony and other animals from high to low between the branches. A beautiful Christmas tree belonging to me will be done. But why doesn"t the Christmas tree light up? Dad said to me, "we still have the last step to finish.". He found the connector of the colored light band and inserted it into the power plug-in board. Finally, the colorful light bulbs flickered.   Turn off the lights at home. In the dark night, I am very happy to watch the colorful Christmas tree with changing colors. 2.关于圣诞树的英语作文   Today is Christmas. My mother found the Christmas tree she bought last year and put it in the living room.   This Christmas tree is green and almost as tall as me. As a year has passed, the little pendant on the Christmas tree has been almost taken by the little friends, which doesn"t look very good. So my mother and I decided to choose some beautiful pendant to redecorate it.   We first hung a gold necklace on it, the bottom of which was crescent shaped, white foam, with several colorful pentagram, little Christmas tree and a dwarf, with 14 glittering English words "Merry, Christmns" beside them. Then I hung up a golden drum, red Komatsu, lovely little snowy snowflakes, and white foam snow flakes... My mother hung up all kinds of little cards and brown little cones. I hung it and thought: if I put this tree outside, will there be little squirrels to eat these little pinecones? Finally, we put a colorful lantern around the Christmas tree and connected the power. Ah! The colorful "stars" are naughtily blinking beautiful little eyes, red, green, yellow and colorful... It seems to be playing hide and seek with me, decorating our Christmas tree more beautiful. 3.关于圣诞树的英语作文   It"s almost Christmas. Today, I came home from school and opened the door of my study. Ah! A Christmas tree. Mother said, "how about a surprise!"   This Christmas tree is very beautiful. There are many colorful small colored lights twinkling among the green pine leaves like small stars on the tree trunk. There are all kinds of decorations hanging on the branches. Snowflakes fell on the trees, like a dream under the light of colored lights. On the top of the tree hung a heart-shaped lace, which was made of pine leaves with snow. In the middle of the heart sits Santa Claus. He is wearing a big red robe, a high red hat and a snow-white beard. There are angels sitting on both sides of Santa Claus. They are playing the piano. I seem to hear fairy tale music. There are also two big golden bells, hydrangeas of various colors, small lanterns and gift bags hanging on the Christmas tree.   There is also a beautiful legend about the Christmas tree. Once upon a time, a farmer entertained a child in the snow and invited him to a rich Christmas dinner. In order to repay him, the child broke down a pine branch and asked Jesus to give the kind man eternal happiness. After the child left, the branch became a pine tree with gifts hanging on it. Only then did the farmer know that the child was an angel from heaven. From then on, people who have a Christmas tree will have happiness.   I happily looked around the Christmas tree and guessed that Santa Claus would bring me my favorite gift, and he would also send happiness to all people in the world. 4.关于圣诞树的英语作文   I am a tree, a Christmas tree that people will take me out at Christmas. Every winter, I will proudly show it in front of everyone. My body is full of pendants. At that time, I was very beautiful.   Every December is the day I look forward to most! Everyone is busy celebrating Christmas, sending out invitations, decorating the house beautifully, and staying with me and my friends. I like to be dressed up by our little master most. The little master dresses me up dazzling every year. I am hung with bells, Christmas stockings, crutches, little Santa dolls, sledges and other hanging decorations. Put these things on me, but it took my little master a lot of thought and time! Think about where it can look better? Where can you make people feel more warm? Finally, the perfect me appeared.   All the relatives and friends invited by the host came one by one! When they pass by me, they can"t help but want to take another look and praise, which makes me so happy. Watching everyone sing Christmas Eve seriously, my heart will be calm; Watching everyone dance, my body will swing involuntarily; Watching the children play hide and seek will make the lights on me shine more brightly. There is a man hiding behind me. Come and find him! " The Christmas red beside me is my partner. We are taken out together, dressed up together, watching everyone sing and dance together, and enjoying this beautiful Christmas together.
2023-06-06 16:03:321


荷兰的四大国宝是哪些 荷兰的四大国宝:风车、木鞋、奶酪、郁金香。 1、风车: 风车原为荷兰人首创,适应着水力利用和磨坊工业的需要。如今虽然仍为荷兰的“国家商标”,实际运用上却不多见了。人们常把荷兰称为“风车之国”,荷兰是欧洲西部一个只有一千多万人口的国家。 2、郁金香:郁金香闻名于世,其中非常大的因素就是因为荷兰,郁金香是荷兰的国花。 3、奶酪: 荷兰人有各种各样的奶酪。奶酪也像红酒一样分开等级。 4、木鞋: 木鞋位于四宝之首,其地位可见一斑。木鞋成为荷兰的特产,和光照期短、地势低洼有关。全年晴好天气不足70天,这使荷兰人的爱阳光一如所爱他们的画家梵·高笔下的“向日葵”,也使他们不得 *** 上敦实的木鞋对付潮溼的地面,下地干活、庭院劳作乃至室内打扫都穿不同样式的白杨鸡鞋。后来,精明的荷兰人把木鞋制作发展成一门半机械操作的工艺,木鞋也就成为特色产品和旅游纪念物。 各个国家的国宝分别是什么?(动物) 俄罗斯的国宝 北极熊 中国的国宝 抚 熊猫 智利的国宝 蔷薇果 美国的国宝 秃鹰 荷兰的国宝 郁金香 澳大利亚的国宝 考拉袋鼠 英国的国宝 知更鸟 德国的国宝 灰熊 瑞士的国宝 圣贝尔纳狗 加拿大的国宝 海狸 尼泊尔的国宝 独角犀牛 缅甸的国宝 柚木 塞舌尔的国宝 海底椰子 泰国的国宝 大象 荷兰和比利时的国宝动物是什么? 10分 比利时是红隼 荷兰的国花:郁金香 国石:钻石 国鸟:琵鹭 “四宝"":风车 木鞋 奶酪 郁金香 四大国宝是哪些? 四海腾欢,群芳览胜,岱岳奇观,含香聚瑞 荷兰四大国宝英语简介 风车:windmill Holland is famous for its windmills, some 1,200 of which survive today. The windmills in each province can be found in the list for that province. The oldest mill is a watermill that dates back to the eighth century. These techniques were used to pump dry hundreds of lakes and swamps and to prevent land from flooding. Today, windmills are characteristic of the Dutch landscape and a symbol of the Dutch struggle with water. 郁金香:tulip Originally cultivated in the Ottoman Empire (present-day Turkey), tulips were imported into Holland in the sixteenth century. When Carolus Clusius wrote the first major book on tulips in 1592, they became so popular that his garden was raided and bulbs stolen on a regular basis. As the Dutch Golden Age grew, so did this curvaceous and colorful flower. They became popular in paintings and festivals. In the mid-seventeenth century, tulips were so popular that they created the first economic bubble, known as "Tulip Mania" (tulipomania). As people bought up bulbs they became so expensive that they were used as money until the market in them crashed. 奶酪:cheese The Dutch have been making cheese since 400 AD. Nowadays, Holland is the largest exporter of cheese in the world. Its dairy industry as a whole has a turnover of around Euro 7 billion. Cheese markets are still held in Holland. Dutch Cheese Varieties include Gouda, Edam, Maasdammer, Boerenkaas, Goat"s cheese, Smoked cheese, Frisian clove cheese, Leidse cheese, Dutch blu......>> 各个国家的国宝分别是什么? 俄罗斯的国宝 北极熊 中国的国宝 熊猫 印度的国宝 瑜珈 智利的国宝 蔷薇果 美国的国宝 秃鹰 古巴的国宝 雪茄 埃塞俄比偿的国宝 阿克苏姆方尖碑 挪威的国宝 《挪威童话选》 荷兰的国宝 郁金香 韩国的国宝 崇礼门 澳大利亚的国宝 考拉袋鼠 英国的国宝 知更鸟 法国的国宝 克莱特(女作家) 德国的国宝 灰熊 日本的国宝 鉴真大和尚塑像 瑞士的国宝 圣贝尔纳狗 意大利的国宝 古罗马斗兽场 墨西哥的国宝 龙舌兰酒 越南的国宝 磨漆画 西班牙德国宝 牛(公的) 加拿大的国宝 海狸 尼泊尔的国宝 独角犀牛 缅甸的国宝 柚木 塞舌尔的国宝 海底椰子 柬埔寨的国宝 吴哥古迹 南非的国宝 金刚石 津巴布韦的国宝 津巴布韦鸟 泰国的国宝 大象 葡萄牙的国宝 软木 希腊的国宝 维纳斯 加纳的国宝 金凳子 伊朗的国宝 “光海”钻石 灰熊是哪个国家的国宝 俄罗斯的国宝 北极熊 中国的国宝 熊猫 印度的国宝 瑜珈 智利的国宝 蔷薇果 美国的国宝 秃鹰 古巴的国宝 雪茄 埃塞俄比亚的国宝 阿克苏姆方尖碑 挪威的国宝 《挪威童话选》 荷兰的国宝 郁金香 韩国的国宝 崇礼门 澳大利亚的国宝 考拉袋鼠 英国的国宝 知更鸟 法国的国宝 克莱特(女作家) 德国的国宝 灰熊 日本的国宝 鉴真大和尚塑像 瑞士的国宝 圣贝尔纳狗 意大利的国宝 古罗马斗兽场 墨西哥的国宝 龙舌兰酒 越南的国宝 磨漆画 西班牙德国宝 牛(公的) 加拿大的国宝 海狸 尼泊尔的国宝 独角犀牛 缅甸的国宝 柚木 塞舌尔的国宝 海底椰子 柬埔寨的国宝 吴哥古迹 南非的国宝 金刚石 津巴布韦的国宝 津巴布韦鸟 泰国的国宝 大象 葡萄牙的国宝 软木 希腊的国宝 维纳斯 加纳的国宝 金凳子 伊朗的国宝 “光海”钻石 望采纳
2023-06-06 16:03:381

spring onions和shallots分别应当怎样翻译?他们之间有什么区别吗?

spring onions:英国人讲的小葱.shallots:野生的青葱,叶葱scallion:美国人讲的韭葱,大葱.onion:洋葱.
2023-06-06 16:03:473


问题一:灯罩的英文怎么表达? lamp chimney, lampshade, lamp cover 问题二:灯罩的英文,灯罩的翻译,怎么用英语翻译灯罩,灯罩用 好多种表达方式,你随便选一种即可: lampshade lamp screen lamp cover lamp-house lamp-chimney 问题三:灯罩的英文怎么表达? lamp chimney, lampshade, lamp cover 问题四:led灯罩的英文解释 英文:lamp-chimney 问题五:PC光扩散LED灯罩用英语怎么说 PCLight Diffusion, LED Lampshades 问题六:怎么我的电脑里许多东西都打不开? 90%你是中毒了,上网升级杀毒软件,然后在DOS或安全模式下,最好是DOS下杀毒! 问题七:LED灯罩PC透明罩用英语怎么说 灯罩透明罩_有道翻译 翻译结果: Transparent cover chimney chimney 英 ["t??mn?] 美 ["t??mni] n. 烟囱 更多释义>> [网络短语] chimney 烟囱,烟囱,烟筒 brick chimney 砖烟囱,砖结构烟囱,砖石烟囱 air chimney 通风管,竖通风道,通风烟囱 问题八:电灯泡用英语怎么说? 可以参考bilinge 问天句典 挺好使得 有很多种英文对照例句 The bulb has gone. 电灯泡坏了。 The light bulb in the kitchen burnt out. 厨房里的电灯泡烧坏了。 Any electric light bulb will eventually burn out. 任何电灯泡最后总会烧坏的。 There"s a light bulb missing in the bedroom. 卧室里少一只电灯泡。 Any of various protective or ornamental coverings used to screen a light bulb. 灯罩任一种用来遮蔽电灯泡的防护性或装饰性的盖子 "His6, 000 inventions included the electric light bulb, the phonograph, and the mimeograph machine. ”他作出了六千项发明,包括电灯泡,留声机(唱机)和油印机。” I disliked the dim light, and on the second day fixed, at my own expense, a more powerful electric bulb. 我不喜欢那暗淡的光线,第二天便自己掏钱买了一只瓦数高一些的电灯泡。 It used to be that you could talk yourself into a job, said Mrs.Johansen, a 44-year-old native of Buffalo who moved here with her hu *** and in 1981 when his job was transferred. Now, even if they need someone who has sold light bulbs for 3.5 years, there are hundreds of people out there who have done that. “从前你可以靠口才拿到一个工作,”1981年因丈夫调职迁来此间44岁水牛城人约翰逊太太说。“现在,即使有人需要曾经销售电灯泡三年半的人,也有几百人有这样的经验。” A dim lightbulb. 暗淡的灯泡 The bulb have burn out. 灯泡烧坏了。 问题九:灯柜用英语怎么说 第一种是Lamp cabinet,第二种是 Light chest 你给5分吧,别这样哦,级这么高还不舍得给别人分
2023-06-06 16:04:051


2023-06-06 16:04:141


一、题型结构大学英语四级和六级的试卷结构、测试内容、测试题型、分值比例和考试时长如下表所示:二、题型描述1)作文写作部分测试学生用英语进行书面表达的能力,所占分值比例为15%,考试时间30分钟。写作测试选用考生所熟悉的题材,要求考生根据所提供的信息及提示(如:提纲、情景、图片或图表等)写出一篇短文,六级150-200词。2)听力为了适应新的形势下社会对大学生英语听力能力需求的变化,进一步提高听力测试的效度,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会自2016年6月考试起将对四、六级考试的听力试题作局部调整。调整的相关内容说明如下:①取消短对话 ②取消短文听写 ③听力篇章调整为2篇(原3篇)④新增讲座/讲话(3篇)。其他测试内容不变。3)阅读理解阅读理解部分包括1篇长篇阅读和3篇仔细阅读,测试学生在不同层面上的阅读理解能力,包括理解篇章或段落的主旨大意和重要细节、综合分析、推测判断以及根据上下文推测词义等能力。该部分所占分值比例为35%,其中长篇阅读占10%,仔细阅读占25%。考试时间40分钟。长篇阅读部分采用1篇较长篇幅的文章,总长度六级约1200词,阅读速度六级约每分钟120词。篇章后附有10个句子,每句一题。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落,要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。有的段落可能对应两题,有的段落可能不对应任何一题。仔细阅读部分要求考生阅读3篇短文。2篇为多项选择题型的短文理解测试,每篇长度六级为400-450词;1篇为选词填空,篇章长度六级为250-300词。短文理解每篇后有若干个问题,要求考生根据对文章的理解,从每题的四个选项中选择最佳答案。选词填空要求考生阅读一篇删去若干词汇的短文,然后从所给的选项中选择正确的词汇填空,使短文复原。4)翻译翻译部分测试学生把汉语所承载的信息用英语表达出来的能力,所占分值比例为15%,考试时间30分钟。翻译题型为段落汉译英。翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等。六级长度为180-200个汉字。
2023-06-06 16:04:292


  灯,照明用品,泛指可以照亮的用具。人类远古时代用火把照明,后来有了蜡烛和油灯。现在我们都是用灯来照明,那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    灯英语单词1:   lamp    灯英语单词2:   light    灯英语单词3:   lantern    灯的英语例句:   许多灯照亮了街道。   The street is illumined by many lights.   明亮的灯光刺痛了我的眼睛。   The light hurt my eyes with its brightness.   照明用的是带灯罩的日光灯。   It was lit by hooded fluorescent lamps.   所有的灯都闪了一会儿。   All the lights flickered for a moment.   探照灯扫过天空。   Searching lights traversed the sky.   灯光在地平线上闪烁著。   The lights were blinking on the horizon.   那两组交通灯不同步。   The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase.   用于节能灯、太阳级灯和工艺品灯等灯具业;   They immit this spirit at every time they design jewelry styles.   请把灯转个向。   Please turn the lamp end for end.   灯发出刺眼的光。   The lamp gave out a harsh light.   爸爸昨天买了一只荧光灯。   Father bought a fluorescent lamp yesterday.   将灯泡灯座置于灯中,并顺时针转动。   Position the bulb socket in the lamp and rotate clockwise.   灯室灯塔顶部设定灯的房间   The room at the top of a lighthouse where the light is located.   光源采用优质卤素灯泡6只作转灯,1只作射灯。   Light sources adopt halogen bulbs as six rotators and one flash lamp.   南希放下窗帘,关了灯。   Nancy left the shades down and the lights off.   元宵主要的活动就是看灯。   This day"s important activity is watching lanterns.   煤气灯逐渐为电灯所代替。   The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting.   有人开启门,灯就灭了。   Someone opened the door and the lamp blew out.   他熄了灯,然后出了门。   He quenched the lamp and then went out.   从亚洲到美洲,从新德里到丹佛,全世界每年所有电器的用电开支高达2,340亿美元,包括台灯和交通讯号灯。   From Delhi to Denver, we spend about$ 234 billion a year for electricity to power everything from our table lamps to street signals.
2023-06-06 16:04:361


full brightness全亮度;最大亮度例句1When you are happy, it makes your life full of brightness.在你欢乐的时候,它能使你生活充满光辉。2The bulbs also work better than earlier fluorescents, reaching full brightness quicklywithout a flicker.这种灯泡的性能也优于早期的萤光灯,很快就能达到最大亮度而不会闪烁。
2023-06-06 16:04:431


The person"s whole life is impossible and Bon voyage, all the luck, in advanced journey, our gross will meet like this or so of failure, also do not lack the success glad.Face the success or failure, should we do how? " the failure is the mother of the success", quite good, assuredness are like this!This words contain certain truth.But treat any thing, we should very much, failure certainly is the mother of the success?Not, I not definitely see!This have to see how the mindset that you treat failure is, if meet to order the failure just a little, sigh in sorrow then and all day long, be slacken idle, even live in self-abandonment, think the oneself to doom out and out, but no longer struggle.My individual thinks:Such person is most to also is impossible to be again successful of, speech of because he do not have may successful character, so-called" failure is mother that person who success", is to those may successful character, say for the person who do not have the successful character in possibility, fail to just is an infinite circulation only," the failure is a success of mother" too only after ising its failure of a kind of mental state comfort, so I think" the failure is a success of mother" it speech not is to these personses.But if can we draw to take the experience precept from the failure, being good at the summary with analyze, from but find out problem-solving of right method, still fear" failure is success that mother that empty talk" just a vague but talk?Realistic life inside such example too numerous to enumerate. " invent big king" the Edison researches to manufacture the light silk, onced experimented 1000 100 kinds of materials, all to fail to tell eventually.But he did not therefore stop the research, he found out the good method from the precept of the failure, pass by to concentrate on studies ownly, found out finally to suit to do the silky best material —— carbon in light silk —— at that time he succeeded the —— he took mankind into again a bright world!Just think, if Edison at fail the in front shrunk back, so the contrivance of the lamp bulb did not belong to him then.Push but wide of, if Edison at do each item experiment, each a contrivance, face the failure and then shrink back, but do not draw to take the experience teach and do not think enterprising, that he again how can become the famous " invent big king"? The success is pleased surely, but treat the successful mindset too very important, success will never can be complacent after.A famous scientist resides in the madam for the first time after acquiring the Nobel prize, she have no proud complacent, but throw body science the research the inside with the larger enthusiasm, the time do not take the heart the person, the penny cultivates the penny results, her —— acquired again second time Nobel prize.The Yu Zuomin once is a Chinese a man of the hour, he leads big Chuang people Chiu walks top wealthy road, he succeeded, can he however with the minister of 功 from reside, pursue to seek pleasant comfort and easely, end headed for the depravity.
2023-06-06 16:04:514


On Earth, we are merely its inhabitants not rightful owners! The future of our children is in your hands, for their sake, please choose energy-saving bulbs! Save energy, save our planet and light a brighter future for the generations to come!
2023-06-06 16:04:582


  灯,照明用品,泛指可以照亮的用具。人类远古时代用火把照明,后来有了蜡烛和油灯。现在我们都是用灯来照明,那么你知道灯的 英语单词 是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    灯英语单词1:   lamp    灯英语单词2:   light    灯英语单词3:   lantern    灯的英语例句:   许多灯照亮了街道。   The street is illumined by many lights.   明亮的灯光刺痛了我的眼睛。   The light hurt my eyes with its brightness.   照明用的是带灯罩的日光灯。   It was lit by hooded fluorescent lamps.   所有的灯都闪了一会儿。   All the lights flickered for a moment.   探照灯扫过天空。   Searching lights traversed the sky.   灯光在地平线上闪烁着。   The lights were blinking on the horizon.   那两组交通灯不同步。   The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase.   用于节能灯、太阳级灯和工艺品灯等灯具业;   They immit this spirit at every time they design jewelry styles.   请把灯转个向。   Please turn the lamp end for end.   灯发出刺眼的光。   The lamp gave out a harsh light.   爸爸昨天买了一只荧光灯。   Father bought a fluorescent lamp yesterday.   将灯泡灯座置于灯中,并顺时针转动。   Position the bulb socket in the lamp and rotate clockwise.   灯室灯塔顶部设置灯的房间   The room at the top of a lighthouse where the light is located.   光源采用优质卤素灯泡6只作转灯,1只作射灯。   Light sources adopt halogen bulbs as six rotators and one flash lamp.   南希放下窗帘,关了灯。   Nancy left the shades down and the lights off.   元宵主要的活动就是看灯。   This day"s important activity is watching lanterns.   煤气灯逐渐为电灯所代替。   The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting.   有人打开门,灯就灭了。   Someone opened the door and the lamp blew out.   他熄了灯,然后出了门。   He quenched the lamp and then went out.   从亚洲到美洲,从新德里到丹佛,全世界每年所有电器的用电开支高达2,340亿美元,包括台灯和交通信号灯。   From Delhi to Denver, we spend about$ 234 billion a year for electricity to power everything from our table lamps to street signals.
2023-06-06 16:05:051


2023-06-06 16:05:122