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2023-05-19 14:31:57
TAG: left remained






remaining 形容词,意为“剩余的,常作前置定语;而left则只能作后置定语。There are no books left in the roomHe used his remaining money to buy him a bookremained 是remain的过去式和过去分词形式是保持, 逗留, 剩余, 残存的意思
2023-01-01 06:03:403


2023-01-01 06:04:014


一、意思不同“remaining”意思是:1、v. 仍然是;剩余;仍需去做;逗留(remain 的现在分词)2、adj. 剩下的,剩余的;还需处理的“remained”意思是:v. 保持二、词性不同remaining:既可作动词,也可作形容词。remained:只可用作动词。三、用法不同1、remaining:多用于现在进行时态和未来时态中,表示剩余、逗留。例句:Of those remaining and the future of those. I have reservations. 译文:剩下的那些以及未来的那些。我自己保留。2、remained:主要用于过去时态中。例句:They have asked the residents to remain in their homes.译文:他们已经要求居民待在自己家里。
2023-01-01 06:04:171


remain remain[简明英汉词典] [riˈmein] n.1 剩余物; 残余 2 残骸; 遗体 3 遗迹,遗址,废墟 vi.1 留下,逗留 2 剩下,余留 3 留待 vi.& link v.仍然是,依旧是 词条指正 - Google 搜索
2023-01-01 06:04:251

remained remaining区别

意思不同,“remaining”做动词时意思是仍然是;剩余;仍需去做;逗留(remain 的现在分词)做形容词时意思是剩下的,剩余的;还需处理的。“remained”意思是保持。remaining既可作动词,也可作形容词,remained只可用作动词。 remained的用法 一、作不及物动词用  1.表示“剩下”、“仍有”,只能用于主动语态,不可直接跟宾语。 ①They had all those that remained. 他们把剩下的全部拿走了。 ②This visit willalways remain in my memory.这次拜访将永远留在我的记忆之中。 2.表示“留下”、“逗留”,特指在他人走后留下。 ①They went,but I remained.他们走了,但我留了下来。 ②I shall remain here all the winter. 整个冬天我将留在这里。 3.表示“尚待”、“留待”,后面接被动语态的动词不定式。 ①One problem remains to be solved.有一个问题尚待解决。 ②That remains to be proved.那尚待证实。 二、作系动词用表示“一直保持”、“仍然(处于某种状态)”、“继续存在”、“依然” 1.后面接名词作表语  ①Language was,is and will remain the chief means of exchange of ideas. 语言,过去、现在和将来依然是交流思想的主要工具。 ②In spite of their quarrel,they remained the best friends. 他们尽管吵过架,却仍不失为最好的朋友。 2.后面接形容词作表语 ①We must always remain modest and prudent. 我们必须经常保持谦虚、谨慎。 ②Despite the danger,she re- mained calm. 尽管危险,可她依然镇定自若。 3.后面接介词短语作表语 ①I have remained in touch with the Greens for more than 10 years. 我和格林一家保持了十多年的联系。 ②He had to remain in hospital until he was better. 他不得不住院,直到身体好转。 ③Victories remain with us.胜利属于我们。
2023-01-01 06:04:301


  remain既能做名词也能做动词,可是你知道remain做名词和动词分别都表达什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来remain的英语意思解释,供大家一起学习!   remain作名词的意思:   剩余物,残骸;残余;遗迹;遗体   remain作动词的意思:   保持;依然;留下;留待   remain的英语音标:   英 [riˈmein] 美 [rɪˈmen]   remain的时态:   现在分词: remaining 过去式: remained 过去分词: remained   remain的英语例句:   1、The three men remained silent 这3个人保持着沉默。   2、He will have to remain in hospital for at least 10 days 他至少得在医院里呆10天。   3、Many of the differences in everyday life remain 日常生活中的许多差异仍然存在。   4、Major questions remain to be answered about his work 关于他工作的许多重要问题仍然悬而未决。   5、They were tidying up the remains of their picnic. 他们正在收拾野餐后剩下的东西。   6、The unrecognizable remains of a man had been found 一具无法辨认的男性尸体被发现了。   7、There are Roman remains all around us. 我们周围都是古罗马的遗迹。   8、The fact remains that inflation is unacceptably high 事实是通货膨胀率仍高得离谱。   9、It remains to be seen whether her parliamentary colleagues will agree. 她的国会同僚是否同意,现在还无从知晓。   10、The situation remains tense 形势持续紧张。
2023-01-01 06:04:351


remain可用作不及物动词、系动词、不可用于被动结构。具体用法如下:1、remain主要用作不及物动词,常与 away , behind, in, of, on, out, up等介、副词连用,表示各种附加意义。2、remain还可用作系动词,接名词、形容词(有时其后可接介词短语)、过去分词、现在分词作表语。remain还可接as引导的从句作表语。3、remain有时可跟动词不定式(被动态)构成合成谓语,意为“尚待”。4、remain是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构。remain   英 [rɪ"meɪn]  美 [rɪ"meɪn]    v. 剩余;逗留;留下;依然;保持n. 剩余物;遗迹;残骸过去式: remained    过去分词: remained   现在分词: remaining 第三人称单数: remains例:The remains of the wooden hull are fragile and need special handling.木船体的残骸是很不牢固的,搬动时需要特别小心。扩展资料一、近义词区分remain, stay这两个词都有“留下,逗留”之意,其区别是:1、stay通常指在某地呆一段时间而不离开,或暂时留〔住〕在某地,尤指以宾客身份逗留。2、emain则指别人已经走了,而某人仍在原地。例如:He was staying at his father"s.他在父亲家里暂住。二、常用句型一、用作不及物动词1、S+~(+A)They went, but I remained.他们走了,但我留了下来。2、S+~+ n -AI remained three days in Shanghai.我在上海逗留了3天。3、S+~+to- vHe"ll remain to accompany you.他将留下来陪你。4、the fact ~s/ed+that-clauseI"m sorry you"re tired, but the fact remains that the job has to be done, so hurry up!对不起,你累了,不过事情还得有人去做,所以还是快一点吧!用作系动词1、S+~+(as) n.He was and (still) remains our respected teacher.他过去是,现在仍然是我们尊敬的老师。2、S+~+as-clauseLet things remain as they have been in the past.让事情照旧吧!其他v -ing as Attrib.The only remaining question is whether or not we can raise the money.唯一剩下的问题是我们能否筹到这笔钱。
2023-01-01 06:04:431


remain加ed,如果是谓语,就是过去式,表示过去的动作或状态如:He remained silent for some time. 他沉默了好一阵子。Of the nine that remained, three were women. 留下来的九名中,有三个是女性。
2023-01-01 06:04:511


  remain有剩余;逗留;留下;依然;保持等意思,那么你知道remain的过去式是什么吗?下面我为大家带来remain的过去式和用法例句,供大家参考学习!   remain的过去式及其他时态:   过去式: remained   过去分词: remained   现在分词: remaining   remain的用法:   remain的用法1:remain的基本意思是“留下”“继续”,即在一段时间内持续地处于某位置或某状态,含有在别人走了的情况下仍然留下或在别的事物都改变了的情况下依然保持不变的意味。   remain的用法2:remain主要用作不及物动词,常与 away , behind, in, of, on, out, up等介、副词连用,表示各种附加意义。   remain的用法3:remain可与there连用,表示“只剩下”“还有”。   remain的用法4:remain还可用作系动词,接名词、形容词(有时其后可接介词 短语 )、过去分词、现在分词作表语。remain还可接as引导的从句作表语。   remain的用法5:remain有时可跟动词不定式(被动态)构成合成谓语,意为“尚待”。   remain的用法6:remain因为它本身含有“持续”的意思,故不跟continue连用,也不能与still连用。   remain的用法7:remain的现在分词remaining可用作形容词,在句中作定语。   remain的用法8:remain是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构。   remain的过去式例句:   1. It remained an exceptionally rare book until it was reprinted in 1918.   在1918年再版之前,这本书一直非常罕见。   2. He moved carefully over what remained of partition walls.   他小心翼翼地跨过残余的隔墙。   3. Jackson remained calm and always master of his passions.   杰克逊镇定自若,始终克制着情绪。   4. Into her nineties, her thinking remained acute and her character forceful.   虽已年届九旬,她依然头脑敏锐,个性很强。   5. She insisted that she had remained faithful to her husband.   她坚持说自己对丈夫一直是忠诚的。   6. French remained her second language for the rest of her life.   在她的余生中,法语一直是她的第二语言。   7. Security forces remained on patrol until late into the night.   保安部队继续巡逻至深夜。   8. He remained in a critical condition after suffering heart failure.   他发生心力衰竭后病情一直危重。   9. He remained for some years avowedly radical in his political outlook.   他多年来保持公然激进的政治观。   10. This site remained undiscovered, though long sought, until recent times.   虽经长期寻找,但该遗址直到最近才被发现。   11. During the turmoil in the foreign-exchange markets the guilder remainedstrong.   荷兰盾在外汇交易市场的动荡中保持坚挺。   12. Linda remained on the telephone to the police for three hours.   琳达在电话里和警察谈了3个小时。   13. From time to time, James remained at home with his family.   詹姆斯偶尔留在家里陪家人。   14. Marcus remained placid in the face of her outburst.   马库斯面对她的发作保持平静。   15. For the country overall, house prices have remained flat.   从全国来说,房屋价格没有多大变化。
2023-01-01 06:04:561


remained的意思是保持,维持,残留,是不及物动词,不用于被动语态。remain作系动词用表示“一直保持”、“仍然(处于某种状态)”、“继续存在”、“依然”。 remain的用法 1.后面接名词作表语 ①Language was,is and will remain the chief means of exchange of ideas. 语言,过去、现在和将来依然是交流思想的主要工具。 ②In spite of their quarrel,they remained the best friends. 他们尽管吵过架,却仍不失为最好的朋友。 2.后面接形容词作表语 ①We must always remain modest and prudent. 我们必须经常保持谦虚、谨慎。 ②Despite the danger,she re- mained calm. 尽管危险,可她依然镇定自若。 3.后面接介词短语作表语 ①I have remained in touch with the Greens for more than 10 years. 我和格林一家保持了十多年的联系。 ②He had to remain in hospital until he was better. 他不得不住院,直到身体好转。 ③Victories remain with us.胜利属于我们。 4.后面接V-ing作表语 She remained standing though we repeatedly asked her to sit down. 虽然我们三番五次地请她坐下,她还是站着。 5.后面接过去分词作表语 ①The true author of the book remains unknown. 这本书真正的作者依然不详。 ②The situation remains unchanged.局势依然未变.  6.接不定式作表语,表示将来的动作。 This remains to be proved. 这有待证实。(将来被动动作) Whether it will do us good remains to be seen. 这是否对我们有好处,还要看一看。 注意:remain作名词时,表示“剩余物”,一般用其复数形式。
2023-01-01 06:05:051


学习英语 的过程中,需要不断地积累 英语单词 ,遇到不懂的单词时,应及时查找英语单词的意思,那么你知道remain这个单词吗?下面是我给大家带来的关于remain的意思和用法 总结 ,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ remain的意思 v.留下;遗留;留在;保持不变;一直是;剩余;逗留;余留 第三人称单数: remains 现在分词: remaining 过去式: remained 过去分词: remained ▼ remain的用法总结 ● 一、remain 作为动词,均为不及物动词,但有两种意思,此时不能用进行时态,也没有被动语态: 1、remain “剩下”、“余下”、“遗留”,试看下例 句子 : Some of them have disappeared while others remain today. 它们中的一些已经消亡,然而另外一些今天仍然存在。 After the fire,very little remained of their house. 火灾之后,他们家所剩无几。 Only a few leaves remained (=were still) on the tree. 树上只剩下几片叶子了。 After the earthquake, very little remained of the city of Tangshan. 地震过后,唐山这座城市所剩无几。 2、remain “留下”、“停留”、“呆在”,相当于“stay” The children remained out because of the weather. 由于天气晴朗,孩子们继续呆在室外嬉戏。 The Smiths remained there all through the year. 史密斯一家人在那里呆了整年。 When the others had gone, Joan remained (=stayed) to clean the room. 别人走了,琼留下来清扫房间。 ● 二、系动词:“保持”、“仍然是”,“依旧是”,后接形容词、名词、动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词或介词形容词 短语 作表语,指某人或某事物仍保持某种状态 He remained silent. 他保持沉默。(接形容词) Whatever achievements you"ve made, you should remain modest. 无论你取得多么大的成就,你都该保持谦虚。(接形容词作表语) Man remained a hunter for thousands of years.人类的狩猎时期有数千年之久。(接名词) It remained a secret. 这仍然是个秘密。(接名词作表语) Peter became a manager, but Jack remained a worker. 彼得成为了一个经理,而杰克仍然是个工人。(接名词作表语) 指某事尚待、有待于以后被处置,后面常接不定式的被动形式,表示主语是不定式的承受者。 A lot of work remained to be done. 许多工作还有待完成。(接动词不定式) Many problems remain to be solved. 有好多问题尚待解决。 It remains to be seen whether you are right. 你是否正确,以后见分晓。 We will remain in regular contact with them.我们将和他们保持经常的联系。(接介词短语) He had to remain in hospital until he was better. 他不得不一直住院直到身体好些。(接介词短语作表语) After the earthquake,very few houses remained standing. 地震之后几乎没有房子还矗立着。(接现在分词作表语,表示正在进行的主动动作) The guests came in, but she remained sitting at the desk reading.客人们都来了,但她还坐在写字台旁读书。(接现在分词作表语,表示正在进行的主动动作) As before, he remained unmoved. 他和以往一样无动于衷。(接过去分词作表语,表示主语所处的状态或已经发生的被动动作) ● 三、remains是名词,表示“遗物”、“遗址”,“剩余物”,其单复数形式相同 The remains of an old castle still stands there silently beside the river. 古城堡的遗址如今仍默默地矗立在河岸边。 The remains of the meal has been taken away. 剩饭菜都被拿走了。 The archeologists found some remains of the Song Dynasty. 考古学家发现了一些宋代遗迹。 ● 四、remaining 形容词,“剩下的”、“余下的”,修饰单个名词作定语,置于该名词之前作前置定语,与left同义,但后者必须置于被修饰的名词之后作后置定语,试比较: The remaining food is now in the refrigerator. The food left is now in the refrigerator. 剩下的食品现在放在冰箱里了。 She returned home with the remaining 10 dollars. She returned home with the 10 dollars left. 她带着剩下的十美元回到了家。 There are still some apples left. 还剩余一些苹果。 I bought a gift for her with the remaining money. 我用剩余的钱给她买了一件礼物 你看,remain也不过如此吧,学英语没什么可怕的,如同我们学习母语汉语一样,只要多练习,并在日常学习中学会细心辨析区分,注意归纳与积累,然后在学习中加以运用,这样循序渐进,就会取得 英语学习 的成功! ~+名词 remain a bachelor 还是单身 remain a complete mystery 一直是个谜 remain a fisherman 仍是个渔民 remain a little money 只剩一点点钱 remain a little water 只剩一点水 remain a question 还是一个问题 remain a shining example 永远是闪光的榜样 remain good friends 仍然是好朋友 remain principles 保持原则 remain the chief means 还是主要方式 ~+形容词 remain active 仍然活跃 remain closed 仍然未开放 remain confused 迷惑不解 remain constant 保持不变 remain expressionless 毫无表情 remain hungry 只好饿着 remain linked 还连在一起 remain long 保持得很久 remain modest 保持谦虚 remain motionless 仍然不动 remain prudent 保持谨慎 remain silent 保持沉默 remain unchanged 依然不变 remain unconvinced 仍然不相信 remain unfinished 仍然未完成 remain unknown 依旧不详 remain unsettled 仍然未解决 ~+介词 remain as director 继续担任厂长 remain below 10℃ 保持在摄氏 10 度以下 remain by the sick child"s side 守在生病孩子身边 remain in sb"s memory remain of 剩下…,留下… remain on guard 保持警惕 remain under 仍处于…下 remain under the care of 一直受到…的照顾 remain with 最后取决于,最终属于 活在某人的记忆里 副词+~ always remain 仍然保持 hardly remain 没剩下 little remain 没剩下 ~+副词 remain deeply 深怀 remain constantly 经常逗留 remain courageously 英勇地呆在 remain determinedly 决心留下 remain generally remain 通常呆在 remain hopefully 有希望留下 remain impassively 冷淡地留下 remain inflexibly 肯定呆在… remain motionlessly 不动地呆着 remain peacefully 静静地呆着 remain tensely 紧张地呆在 remain wilfully 任性地留在 remain in 呆在家里 remain on 保持不变,维持下去 remain out 呆在户外 remain up 过了就寝时间还不睡 ▼ remain的英语例句 Some individuals do not remain in synchrony with the twenty-four-hour day. 有些人不与一天二十四小时的生活节奏同步。 Things will remain substantially the same over the next ten years. 在未来的十年里情况将基本保持不变。 Is research into breast cancer to remain the Cinderella of medicine? 对乳腺癌的研究仍然会是医学的疏漏吗? The inhabitants of the island voted to remain under French administration. 岛上的居民投票决定仍留在法国行政管理之下。 The rugs they make today remain faithful to their ancestors" methods. 他们现在织的地毯仍然沿用着祖先的 方法 。 Many organizations must become larger if they are to remain economic. 许多机构要想保持赢利就必须扩大。 He let his house with the proviso that his own staff should remain to run it. 他出租宅邸的一个附加条件是原有工作人员必须保留下来进行管理。 The animals will remain loyal to humans if treated well. 如果动物得到善待,它们会保持对人类的忠诚。 The director of a voluntary organization which shall remain nameless. 一个要求不公布名称的志愿组织的主管。 They are family-run empires whose founders remain at the helm. 它们是家族控制的大企业,大权仍在创始人手里。 remain的意思和用法总结相关 文章 : ★ remain的意思和用法总结 ★ remain的用法总结 ★ remain的用法和短语例句 ★ remain用法详解 ★ 关于remain的用法及解释 ★ remain的用法 ★ remain的过去式和用法例句 ★ remain的六条重要用法 ★ 英语单词remain的正确用法 ★ opposite的用法总结大全 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-01-01 06:05:101


2023-01-01 06:05:164


remained 后置定语 He bought a bike with the two hundred yuan remained .remaining前置定语 He bought a bike with the remainning two hundred yuan .祝学习进步,天天快乐!答题不易,满意请采纳!谢谢!:)
2023-01-01 06:05:292


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2023-01-01 06:06:053


2023-01-01 06:06:162


remain可用作不及物动词、系动词、不可用于被动结构。具体用法如下:1、remain主要用作不及物动词,常与 away , behind, in, of, on, out, up等介、副词连用,表示各种附加意义。2、remain还可用作系动词,接名词、形容词(有时其后可接介词短语)、过去分词、现在分词作表语。remain还可接as引导的从句作表语。3、remain有时可跟动词不定式(被动态)构成合成谓语,意为“尚待”。4、remain是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构。remain   英 [rɪ"meɪn]  美 [rɪ"meɪn]    v. 剩余;逗留;留下;依然;保持n. 剩余物;遗迹;残骸过去式: remained    过去分词: remained   现在分词: remaining 第三人称单数: remains例:The remains of the wooden hull are fragile and need special handling.木船体的残骸是很不牢固的,搬动时需要特别小心。扩展资料一、近义词区分remain, stay这两个词都有“留下,逗留”之意,其区别是:1、stay通常指在某地呆一段时间而不离开,或暂时留〔住〕在某地,尤指以宾客身份逗留。2、emain则指别人已经走了,而某人仍在原地。例如:He was staying at his father"s.他在父亲家里暂住。二、常用句型一、用作不及物动词1、S+~(+A)They went, but I remained.他们走了,但我留了下来。2、S+~+ n -AI remained three days in Shanghai.我在上海逗留了3天。3、S+~+to- vHe"ll remain to accompany you.他将留下来陪你。4、the fact ~s/ed+that-clauseI"m sorry you"re tired, but the fact remains that the job has to be done, so hurry up!对不起,你累了,不过事情还得有人去做,所以还是快一点吧!用作系动词1、S+~+(as) n.He was and (still) remains our respected teacher.他过去是,现在仍然是我们尊敬的老师。2、S+~+as-clauseLet things remain as they have been in the past.让事情照旧吧!其他v -ing as Attrib.The only remaining question is whether or not we can raise the money.唯一剩下的问题是我们能否筹到这笔钱。
2023-01-01 06:06:241

remaining到底是作前置定语还是后置定语啊 remained是不是只能做动词,不能是形容词什么的啊

前置定语。如 the remaining days of his liferemain只能做动词,remained是其过去式和过去分词形式
2023-01-01 06:06:321


remain的固定搭配有:remain away、remain of、remain out、remain together、remain up。remain的用法:remain主要用作不及物动词,常与away,behind,in,of,on,out,up等介、副词连用,表示各种附加意义。remain的例句:There remained one significant problem(还有一个非常重要的问题)One of the victims of the fire remains in a critical condition(大火的一位受害者依然病情危急)。
2023-01-01 06:06:411


remain有名词和动词的词性。作名词有剩余物,残骸,遗迹等含义;作动词时,通常用作不及物动词和系动词,有保持不变,剩余等含义。 remain的释义 n. 剩余物,残骸;残余;遗迹;遗体 v. 仍然是; 保持不变; 剩余; 遗留; 继续存在; 仍需去做(或说、处理); 第三人称单数:remains 现在分词:remaining 过去式:remained 过去分词:remained remain的用法 1.用作不及物动词 They went, but I remained. 他们走了,但我留了下来。 He"ll remain to accompany you. 他将留下来陪你。 A number of problems remain to be solved. 有很多问题尚待解决。 还有一项更艰苦的工作需要我们做。 2.用作系动词 They remained good friends. 他们仍然是好朋友。 He will always remain a shining example for us all. 他永远是我们学习的光辉榜样。 His face remained expressionless. 他的脸上仍然毫无表情。 In spite of the danger they remained calm. 尽管有危险,但他们一直保持冷静。 We must always remain modest and prudent. 我们要经常保持谦虚谨慎。 He remained hanging in midair, saved by the belt. 他悬在空中,被安全带救了。 He remained unbending under the severest of tortures. 他受尽酷刑,仍然坚贞不屈。
2023-01-01 06:06:521


2023-01-01 06:06:582

英语 remain

没有省略remain 这里当系动词 相当于 continue to be
2023-01-01 06:07:062


remain可以作动词;remnant只能做名词;remained是remain的过去式和过去分词。n. 剩余物,残骸; 残余; 遗迹; 遗体; vi. 保持; 依然; 留下; 留待;
2023-01-01 06:07:141


一、作不及物动词用 1.表示“剩下”、“仍有”,只能用于主动语态,不可直接跟宾语。例如: ①They had all those that remained.他们把剩下的全部拿走了。 ②This visit willalways remain in my memory.这次拜访将永远留在我的记忆之中。 2.表示“留下”、“逗留”,特指在他人走后留下。例如: ①They went,but I remained.他们走了,但我留了下来。 ②I shall remain here all the winter.整个冬天我将留在这里。 3.表示“尚待”、“留待”,后面接被动语态的动词不定式。例如: ①One problem remains to be solved.有一个问题尚待解决。 ②That remains to be proved.那尚待证实。 二、作系动词用 表示“一直保持”、“仍然(处于某种状态)”、“继续存在”、“依然”。 1.后面接名词作表语。例如: ①Language was,is and will remain the chief means of exchange of ideas.语言,过去、现在和将来依然是交流思想的主要工具。 ②In spite of their quarrel,they remained the best friends.他们尽管吵过架,却仍不失为最好的朋友。 2.后面接形容词作表语。例如: ①We must always remain modest and prudent.我们必须经常保持谦虚、谨慎。 ②Despite the danger,she re- mained calm.尽管危险,可她依然镇定自若。 3.后面接介词短语作表语。例如: Victories remain with us.胜利属于我们。 4.后面接V-ing作表语。例如: She remained standing though we repeatedly asked her to sit down.虽然我们三番五次地请她坐下,她还是站着。 5.后面接过去分词作表语。例如: ①The true author of the book remains unknown.这本书真正的作者依然不详。 ②The situation remains unchanged.局势依然未变。
2023-01-01 06:07:192

remained remaining区别

我觉得这里是有his ...所以是说他剩余的香烟.因为是he remains the cigarette . 如果没有his..应该可以,但最好后置. he threw away the cigarettes remained (by him)
2023-01-01 06:07:271

英语 remain 用法

remain有4种意思,意思不同,用法也不同。1. 作“仍然是,保持”这个意思讲时,和联系动词用法一样。例如:remain silent,He remains (as) boss of the house. 2. 作“剩余,遗留”讲,不及物。 例如: Very little of the house remained after the fire.3.作“仍需去做”讲,不及物。 例如: It remains to be seen whether you are right.4.作"逗留,不离开"讲,不及物。例如:The train remained on the statation.It remains adj that 从句使用频繁。例如:It remains urgent that you should go to hospital at once。一般来说,remain可以和be动词混用(互相代替),用法也一致。remain是没有被动的,后面跟to be done和doing这两种情况也很多。有不懂的话再问~~希望能给你带来帮助~~
2023-01-01 06:07:325


remain remain[简明英汉词典][riˈmein]n. 1 剩余物; 残余 2 残骸; 遗体 3 遗迹, 遗址, 废墟 vi. 1 留下, 逗留 2 剩下, 余留 3 留待 vi. & link v. 仍然是, 依旧是词条指正 - Google 搜索
2023-01-01 06:08:502


译文:剩余。单词:remained英[rɪ'meɪn]释义:v.剩余;逗留;留下;依然;保持n.剩余物;遗迹;残骸例句:用作动词(v.)We must learn to conserve what remains.我们必须学会保存那些剩余的资源。词语辨析:remain,linger,stay这些动词均有“停留,逗留”之意。1、remain指某人或某物仍留在原处或保持原来的状态。2、linger着重因愉快的事而使人不愿离开。3、stay普通用词,多指人在某地暂时逗留。有时可指较长时间的居留。
2023-01-01 06:08:581


2023-01-01 06:09:092


2023-01-01 06:09:174

关于remain的一个用法 高手进啊..

2023-01-01 06:09:333


2023-01-01 06:09:442

remain 和require 的用法

2023-01-01 06:09:591


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
2023-01-01 06:10:043


remain的用法:1、remain的基本意思是“留下”“继续”,即在一段时间内持续地处于某位置或某状态,含有在别人走了的情况下仍然留下或在别的事物都改变了的情况下依然保持不变的意味。2、remain主要用作不及物动词,常与 away , behind, in, of, on, out, up等介、副词连用,表示各种附加意义。3、remain可与there连用,表示“只剩下”“还有”。4、remain还可用作系动词,接名词、形容词(有时其后可接介词短语)、过去分词、现在分词作表语。remain还可接as引导的从句作表语。5、remain有时可跟动词不定式(被动态)构成合成谓语,意为“尚待”。6、remain因为它本身含有“持续”的意思,故不跟continue连用,也不能与still连用。7、remain的现在分词remaining可用作形容词,在句中作定语。8、remain是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构。9、remain解释为“保持”,“依然”时,后常接表语。例句:He remained faithful to his wife all his life. 他一生忠于妻子。10、将I remain用在书信来往中,在客套话之前时,应注意:不可用于第一次写信中,最好用Iam。remain后面的yours是表语,虽中间无须加逗号,但人们仍习惯用。I remain的用法如今已经不普遍使用了。在商业信函中,表示客套一般用I (We) beg to remain。扩展资料:近义词1、continue 读音:英 [kən"tɪnjuː]  美 [kən"tɪnjuː]    v. 继续;连续;维持;持续例句:Wet weather may continue for a few more days.多雨的天气可能还要持续好几天。2、adhere 读音:英 [əd"hɪə(r)]   美 [əd"hɪr]    vi. 遵守;坚持;粘附例句:We should adhere to our opinions.我们应当坚持我们的意见。3、endure 读音:英 [ɪn"djʊə(r)]   美 [ɪn"dʊr]    vt. 容忍 vi. 忍耐;持久;持续例句:These traditions have endured throughout the ages.这些传统世代相传至今.4、abide 读音:英 [ə"baɪd]  美 [ə"baɪd]    v. 遵守;忍受;坚持例句:Once you make a promise, you must abide by it.一旦你许诺,你必须遵守你的诺言。
2023-01-01 06:10:156


remain有名词和动词的词性。作名词有剩余物,残骸,遗迹等含义;作动词时,通常用作不及物动词和系动词,有保持不变,剩余等含义。 remain的释义 n. 剩余物,残骸;残余;遗迹;遗体 v. 仍然是; 保持不变; 剩余; 遗留; 继续存在; 仍需去做(或说、处理); 第三人称单数:remains 现在分词:remaining 过去式:remained 过去分词:remained remain的用法 1.用作不及物动词 They went, but I remained. 他们走了,但我留了下来。 He"ll remain to accompany you. 他将留下来陪你。 A number of problems remain to be solved. 有很多问题尚待解决。 还有一项更艰苦的工作需要我们做。 2.用作系动词 They remained good friends. 他们仍然是好朋友。 He will always remain a shining example for us all. 他永远是我们学习的光辉榜样。 His face remained expressionless. 他的脸上仍然毫无表情。 In spite of the danger they remained calm. 尽管有危险,但他们一直保持冷静。 We must always remain modest and prudent. 我们要经常保持谦虚谨慎。 He remained hanging in midair, saved by the belt. 他悬在空中,被安全带救了。 He remained unbending under the severest of tortures. 他受尽酷刑,仍然坚贞不屈。
2023-01-01 06:10:542


remain可用作不及物动词、系动词、不可用于被动结构。具体用法如下:1、remain主要用作不及物动词,常与 away , behind, in, of, on, out, up等介、副词连用,表示各种附加意义。2、remain还可用作系动词,接名词、形容词(有时其后可接介词短语)、过去分词、现在分词作表语。remain还可接as引导的从句作表语。3、remain有时可跟动词不定式(被动态)构成合成谓语,意为“尚待”。4、remain是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构。remain   英 [rɪ"meɪn]  美 [rɪ"meɪn]    v. 剩余;逗留;留下;依然;保持n. 剩余物;遗迹;残骸过去式: remained    过去分词: remained   现在分词: remaining 第三人称单数: remains例:The remains of the wooden hull are fragile and need special handling.木船体的残骸是很不牢固的,搬动时需要特别小心。扩展资料一、近义词区分remain, stay这两个词都有“留下,逗留”之意,其区别是:1、stay通常指在某地呆一段时间而不离开,或暂时留〔住〕在某地,尤指以宾客身份逗留。2、emain则指别人已经走了,而某人仍在原地。例如:He was staying at his father"s.他在父亲家里暂住。二、常用句型一、用作不及物动词1、S+~(+A)They went, but I remained.他们走了,但我留了下来。2、S+~+ n -AI remained three days in Shanghai.我在上海逗留了3天。3、S+~+to- vHe"ll remain to accompany you.他将留下来陪你。4、the fact ~s/ed+that-clauseI"m sorry you"re tired, but the fact remains that the job has to be done, so hurry up!对不起,你累了,不过事情还得有人去做,所以还是快一点吧!用作系动词1、S+~+(as) n.He was and (still) remains our respected teacher.他过去是,现在仍然是我们尊敬的老师。2、S+~+as-clauseLet things remain as they have been in the past.让事情照旧吧!其他v -ing as Attrib.The only remaining question is whether or not we can raise the money.唯一剩下的问题是我们能否筹到这笔钱。
2023-01-01 06:11:091


一、作不及物动词用 1.表示“剩下”、“仍有”,只能用于主动语态,不可直接跟宾语。例如: ①They had all those that remained.他们把剩下的全部拿走了。 ②This visit willalways remain in my memory.这次拜访将永远留在我的记忆之中。 2.表示“留下”、“逗留”,特指在他人走后留下。例如: ①They went,but I remained.他们走了,但我留了下来。 ②I shall remain here all the winter.整个冬天我将留在这里。 3.表示“尚待”、“留待”,后面接被动语态的动词不定式。例如: ①One problem remains to be solved.有一个问题尚待解决。 ②That remains to be proved.那尚待证实。 二、作系动词用 表示“一直保持”、“仍然(处于某种状态)”、“继续存在”、“依然”。 1.后面接名词作表语。例如: ①Language was,is and will remain the chief means of exchange of ideas.语言,过去、现在和将来依然是交流思想的主要工具。 ②In spite of their quarrel,they remained the best friends.他们尽管吵过架,却仍不失为最好的朋友。 2.后面接形容词作表语。例如: ①We must always remain modest and prudent.我们必须经常保持谦虚、谨慎。 ②Despite the danger,she re- mained calm.尽管危险,可她依然镇定自若。 3.后面接介词短语作表语。例如: Victories remain with us.胜利属于我们。 4.后面接V-ing作表语。例如: She remained standing though we repeatedly asked her to sit down.虽然我们三番五次地请她坐下,她还是站着。 5.后面接过去分词作表语。例如: ①The true author of the book remains unknown.这本书真正的作者依然不详。 ②The situation remains unchanged.局势依然未变。
2023-01-01 06:11:177


2023-01-01 06:12:022

remained 什么词性? 是联系动词还是动词?

1 动词过去分词,形容词词性 2 动词过去式,仍是动词词性 ,后面用形容词
2023-01-01 06:12:101

remained 什么词性?

1 动词过去分词,形容词词性2 动词过去式,仍是动词词性 ,后面用形容词
2023-01-01 06:12:153


在 学习英语 的时候,我们需要记忆单词,而记忆单词之前,首先需要理解它的意思和用法,才是真正地掌握它。下面是我给大家带来的remain的解释及用法_remain的用法例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! remain的解释 n. 剩余物,残骸;残余;遗迹;遗体 vi. 留下;保持;留待;依然 vi.& link-v. 搁置;剩余,剩下;逗留;终属,归于 remain的用法 ▼ 用作动词(v.) 用作不及物动词 S+~(+A) They went, but I remained. 他们走了,但我留了下来。 We all wish you to remain for dinner. 我们都希望你能留下来吃饭。 Do you wish to remain with me?你想和我一起留下来吗? She remained at home to look after the children when her husband went out. 丈夫外出时,她留在家里照顾孩子。 S+~+n-A I remained three days in Shanghai. 我在上海逗留了3天。 S+~+to-v He"ll remain to accompany you. 他将留下来陪你。 It remained for Mr. Parkhill to break through the impasse.只有等待帕克希尔先生来打破僵局了。 A number of problems remain to be solved. 有很多问题尚待解决。 Many questions have to be settled and much remains to be done in our educational work. 我们的 教育 工作有许多问题要解决,有许多事情要做。 thefact~s/ed+that-clause I"m sorry you"re tired, but the fact remains that the job has to be done, so hurry up!对不起,你累了,不过事情还得有人去做,所以还是快一点吧! The fact remains that we are still lagging behind the other classes in maths. 事实是我们在数学方面仍然比别的班落后。 There+~+A There remained in the village only women and children. 村子里只剩下妇女和 儿童 。 There remained just a little money. What was to be done?只剩一点点钱了,怎么办呢? There remains a still more difficult task for us. 还有一项更艰苦的工作需要我们做。 There remained just a little water. Please go and fetch some.只剩一点水了,请去打点来。 ▼ 用作系动词 S+~+(as)n. He was and (still) remains our respected teacher. 他过去是,现在仍然是我们尊敬的老师。 They remained good friends. 他们仍然是好朋友。 He will always remain a shining example for us all. 他永远是我们学习的光辉榜样。 Whether it is true remains a question. 到底是真是假还是一个问题。 S+~+adj. I urged him to rest, but he remained motionless. 我叫他休息,可他仍然不动。 His face remained expressionless. 他的脸上仍然毫无表情。 In spite of the danger they remained calm. 尽管有危险,但他们一直保持冷静。 We must always remain modest and prudent. 我们要经常保持谦虚谨慎。 S+~+v-ed They never remained satisfied with their successes. 他们从不满足于自己的成绩。 Although in hospital, his heart remained linked with the masses. 虽然他住院了,他的心还和群众在一起。 But fundamentally the situation remained unchanged. 但局势基本上没有什么变化。 But supposing they remain unconvinced?但他们如果仍然不相信,怎么办? S+~+v-ing He remained hanging in midair, saved by the belt. 他悬在空中,被安全带救了。 She remained sitting when they came in. 他们进来时她仍然坐着。 He remained unbending under the severest of tortures. 他受尽酷刑,仍然坚贞不屈。 She remained standing where she was for some time, after he left. 他走之后,她还在原地站了好半天。 S+~+as-clause Let things remain as they have been in the past. 让事情照旧吧! She remains as she was. 她还是像从前那样。 其他 v-ingasAttrib. The only remaining question is whether or not we can raise the money. 唯一剩下的问题是我们能否筹到这笔钱。 remain的例句 1. The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of 1992. 油价会在1992年剩下的时间里保持稳定。 2. It"d be better for a place like this to remain closed. 像这种地方最好一直关闭。 3. The $40 million-a-month aid payments will remain on ice. 每月4,000万美元的援助款项将继续搁置下去。 4. Major questions remain to be answered about his work. 关于他工作的许多重要问题仍然悬而未决。 5. In absolute terms British wages remain low by European standards. 根据欧洲标准,英国工资的绝对值依然很低。 6. The editor"s decision is final and shall evermore remain so. 编辑的决定是最终性的,而且应该永远不会改变。 remain相关 文章 : ★ remain用法详解 ★ 关于remain的用法及解释 ★ remain的用法总结 ★ remain的意思和用法总结 ★ remain的用法 ★ remain的过去式和用法例句 ★ remain词汇解析! ★ 英语单词remain的正确用法 ★ remain的六条重要用法 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-01-01 06:12:262


2023-01-01 06:12:403


remain可用作不及物动词、系动词、不可用于被动结构。具体用法如下:1、remain主要用作不及物动词,常与 away , behind, in, of, on, out, up等介、副词连用,表示各种附加意义。2、remain还可用作系动词,接名词、形容词(有时其后可接介词短语)、过去分词、现在分词作表语。remain还可接as引导的从句作表语。3、remain有时可跟动词不定式(被动态)构成合成谓语,意为“尚待”。4、remain是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构。remain   英 [rɪ"meɪn]  美 [rɪ"meɪn]    v. 剩余;逗留;留下;依然;保持n. 剩余物;遗迹;残骸过去式: remained    过去分词: remained   现在分词: remaining 第三人称单数: remains例:The remains of the wooden hull are fragile and need special handling.木船体的残骸是很不牢固的,搬动时需要特别小心。扩展资料一、近义词区分remain, stay这两个词都有“留下,逗留”之意,其区别是:1、stay通常指在某地呆一段时间而不离开,或暂时留〔住〕在某地,尤指以宾客身份逗留。2、emain则指别人已经走了,而某人仍在原地。例如:He was staying at his father"s.他在父亲家里暂住。二、常用句型一、用作不及物动词1、S+~(+A)They went, but I remained.他们走了,但我留了下来。2、S+~+ n -AI remained three days in Shanghai.我在上海逗留了3天。3、S+~+to- vHe"ll remain to accompany you.他将留下来陪你。4、the fact ~s/ed+that-clauseI"m sorry you"re tired, but the fact remains that the job has to be done, so hurry up!对不起,你累了,不过事情还得有人去做,所以还是快一点吧!用作系动词1、S+~+(as) n.He was and (still) remains our respected teacher.他过去是,现在仍然是我们尊敬的老师。2、S+~+as-clauseLet things remain as they have been in the past.让事情照旧吧!其他v -ing as Attrib.The only remaining question is whether or not we can raise the money.唯一剩下的问题是我们能否筹到这笔钱。
2023-01-01 06:12:511

“remained” 和“remaining”有什么区别?

2023-01-01 06:12:591

remained 和remaining的区别

2023-01-01 06:13:082


前置定语.如 the remaining days of his life remain只能做动词,remained是其过去式和过去分词形式
2023-01-01 06:13:161

remain的用法 最全面的用法

1、作不及物动词用 (1)表示“剩下”、“仍有”,只能用于主动语态,不可直接跟宾语, eg. ①、They had all those that remained. 他们把剩下的全部拿走了. ②、This visit willalways remain in my memory.这次拜访将永远留在我的记忆之中. (2)表示“留下”、“逗留”,特指在他人走后留下 eg. ①、They went,but I remained.他们走了,但我留了下来. ②、I shall remain here all the winter. 整个冬天我将留在这里. (3)表示“尚待”、“留待”,后面接被动语态的动词不定式 eg. ①One problem remains to be solved.有一个问题尚待解决. ②That remains to be proved.那尚待证实. 2、作系动词用表示“一直保持”、“仍然(处于某种状态)”、“继续存在”、“依然” (1)后面接名词作表语 eg. ①、Language was,is and will remain the chief means of exchange of ideas. 语言,过去、现在和将来依然是交流思想的主要工具. ②、In spite of their quarrel,they remained the best friends. 他们尽管吵过架,却仍不失为最好的朋友. (2)后面接形容词作表语 eg. ①.We must always remain modest and prudent. 我们必须经常保持谦虚、谨慎. ②.Despite the danger,she re- mained calm. 尽管危险,可她依然镇定自若. (3)后面接介词短语作表语 eg. ①I have remained in touch with the Greens for more than 10 years. 我和格林一家保持了十多年的联系. ②He had to remain in hospital until he was better. 他不得不住院,直到身体好转. ③Victories remain with us.胜利属于我们. (4)后面接V-ing作表语 eg. She remained standing though we repeatedly asked her to sit down. 虽然我们三番五次地请她坐下,她还是站着. 3、后面接过去分词作表语 eg. ①、The true author of the book remains unknown. 这本书真正的作者依然不详. ②、The situation remains unchanged.局势依然未变. 4、 接不定式作表语,表示将来的动作.如: This remains to be proved. 这有待证实.(将来被动动作) Whether it will do us good remains to be seen. 这是否对我们有好处,还要看一看. 注意: ① remain 作名词时,表示剩余物,一般用其复数形式.如: The remains of a meal can be given to a pig. 残汤剩饭可以喂猪. They found some remains of the Tang Dynasty. 他们发现一些唐代遗物. ② remaining 是形容词,意为剩余的,常作前置定语;而left则只能作后置定语.如: There are only 5 books left. 只剩下五本书了. He bought me a gift with the remaining money. 他用剩余的钱给我买了一件礼物
2023-01-01 06:13:212


有个句型,It remains to be done有待..It remains to be SEEN/THOUGHT...有待观察/考虑..在..方面In the respect of...[respect 也可以作为Aspect讲]
2023-01-01 06:13:364


remain可用作不及物动词、系动词、不可用于被动结构。具体用法如下:1、remain主要用作不及物动词,常与 away , behind, in, of, on, out, up等介、副词连用,表示各种附加意义。2、remain还可用作系动词,接名词、形容词(有时其后可接介词短语)、过去分词、现在分词作表语。remain还可接as引导的从句作表语。3、remain有时可跟动词不定式(被动态)构成合成谓语,意为“尚待”。4、remain是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构。remain   英 [rɪ"meɪn]  美 [rɪ"meɪn]    v. 剩余;逗留;留下;依然;保持n. 剩余物;遗迹;残骸过去式: remained    过去分词: remained   现在分词: remaining 第三人称单数: remains例:The remains of the wooden hull are fragile and need special handling.木船体的残骸是很不牢固的,搬动时需要特别小心。扩展资料一、近义词区分remain, stay这两个词都有“留下,逗留”之意,其区别是:1、stay通常指在某地呆一段时间而不离开,或暂时留〔住〕在某地,尤指以宾客身份逗留。2、emain则指别人已经走了,而某人仍在原地。例如:He was staying at his father"s.他在父亲家里暂住。二、常用句型一、用作不及物动词1、S+~(+A)They went, but I remained.他们走了,但我留了下来。2、S+~+ n -AI remained three days in Shanghai.我在上海逗留了3天。3、S+~+to- vHe"ll remain to accompany you.他将留下来陪你。4、the fact ~s/ed+that-clauseI"m sorry you"re tired, but the fact remains that the job has to be done, so hurry up!对不起,你累了,不过事情还得有人去做,所以还是快一点吧!用作系动词1、S+~+(as) n.He was and (still) remains our respected teacher.他过去是,现在仍然是我们尊敬的老师。2、S+~+as-clauseLet things remain as they have been in the past.让事情照旧吧!其他v -ing as Attrib.The only remaining question is whether or not we can raise the money.唯一剩下的问题是我们能否筹到这笔钱。
2023-01-01 06:13:491