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2023-06-07 07:46:16






Honest men are always bullied, honest horses are always harnessed










I was bullied
2023-06-06 11:35:098


Being bullied例句:以前嘲笑我是一个被欺负的懦夫的男性朋友也承认我的女友完成了奇迹。Male friends who used to mock me for being a bullied wimp admit mygirlfriend has done wonders.
2023-06-06 11:35:261


一,恃强凌弱是一个人谁享有伤害其他人。一,恃强凌弱可以伤害人的话,或打他们。 85 %的儿童,在英国已被欺负(欺侮)至少举行一次。 我如何能告诉如果一个人是一个恃强凌弱? 他或她将… u2022尝试找出您的薄弱点,也许你是害羞,紧张,或轻松地取得了担心。 u2022作出的乐趣(取笑) ,你在前面您的朋友。 u2022借钱,然后将不会支付给您回。 我能做些什么,如果欺负困扰(骚扰)我? u2022告诉欺负离开你。 u2022不要害怕,请问其他人的帮助,即使恃强凌弱,告诉你不要。 u2022不要感到惭愧(羞愧) ,因为您已被欺负。你有没有做错事!恃强凌弱,应该感到惭愧。 u2022不相信,坏事一说,欺负你。 我应该怎么做,如果我看到有人欺负困扰? u2022帮助的人谁是被人欺负,即使你不知道他们。 u2022一个朋友的人谁是欺负。 u2022告诉老师,如果您看到的欺凌。 u2022告诉欺负停止。有时欺负怕,太。 为什么有些人成为欺负? 一些欺负… u2022从来没有据悉,想想其他人民的感情。 u2022不喜欢自己,所以他们是一件悲伤的事情。他们认为,他们会很乐意,如果他们作出另一人伤心。 u2022已被欺负自己,其他欺负。 可以欺负的变化呢? 是!欺负时,可以改变他们学习独立思考,对其他人民的感情。 有时欺负必须受到惩罚(惩罚)之前,他们明白。有时候,欺压所需要的只是朋友。
2023-06-06 11:35:352


2023-06-06 11:35:422

一首英文歌 一里有三次连续的would you 好像是劝人不要那么冷漠 不要欺凌

是what if ---Darin 的What If (Bonus track) - DarinJust imagine how you feelIf you would be the one they"re picking onWould you would you be the who"s gonna stand up strongHonestlyWould you let us lie break down and cry" ohWould you would you would youNever let nobody step on your rightWhat if it was your brother sister mother father childThen would it still be coolWhy can"t you see your words are hurtingEverybody deserves to be themselves and no one elseSo think before you moveWhat about if that was youThat would be the victimOf the critisism and they treated you that cruelWhat about if that was youThat would be bullied (bullied)How would you feel if they were doing it to youWhat about if that was youHow would you would you would you feelHonestlyHow would you would you would you feelIf they were doing it to youJust imagine how you would feelIf everybody always laughed at youWould you would you would youThey think it"s okey with me and youIf you were meAnd the people "round you were having you down nowWould you would you would youLike if they did that to youWhat if it was your brother sister mother father childThen would it still be coolWhy can"t you see your words are hurtingEverybody deserves to be themselves and no one elseSo think before you moveWhat about if that was youThat would be the victimOf the critisism and they treated you that cruelWhat about if that was youThat would be bullied (bullied)How would you feel if they were doing it to youWhat about if that was youThat would be the victimOf the critisism and they treated you that cruelWhat about if that was youThat would be bullied (bullied)How would you feel if they were doing it to youWhat about if that was youHow would you would you would you feelHonestlyHow would you would you would you feelIf they were doing it to youWhat about if that was youThat would be the victimOf the critisism and they treated you that cruelWhat about if that was youThat would be bullied (bullied)How would you feel if they were doing it to youWhat about if that was youThat would be the victimOf the critisism and they treated you that cruelWhat about if that was youThat would be bullied (bullied)How would you feel if they were doing it to you
2023-06-06 11:35:503

求一首比较经典的英文歌 女的唱的高潮好像是 什么 me 后面的忘记了

because of you?
2023-06-06 11:35:584


He lives in the father"s violence under, in school and old was bullying classmate, so he is autistic, character also very withdrawn一个字一个字打出来的 望采纳
2023-06-06 11:36:054

Jack never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his ( ).

2023-06-06 11:36:231

be bossed后面加什么介词?

1.I don"t like to be bossed by a fellow like him.我不喜欢受他那种人差遣。2.Some people like to be bossed and bullied.有些人喜欢受差遣、受欺凌。3.Royal governors came to plunder but found that American planters and merchants could not easily be bossed around.英国总督本想在此大肆掠夺一番,却发现这里的种植园主和商贾并没有那么容易就被人牵着鼻子走。
2023-06-06 11:36:301

谁能给我Lady gaga的《Born in this way》这首歌的中文歌词?谢谢啦。

It doesn"t matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M不论你是爱上了他,还是认为他很美妙,暗暗的爱着着他Just put your paws up只管挥舞起你的爪子吧"cause you were Born This Way, Baby因为我们生而如此,亲爱的 VERSE:My mama told me when I was young在我年轻的时候,妈妈曾经告诉我We are all born superstars我们都是天生的巨星She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on她将我的头发烫卷,为我涂上唇膏In the glass of her boudoir在她自己的房间的化妆镜前“There"s nothing wrong with lovin" who you are”“爱上我们本来的样子,并没有任何过错”She said, “‘Cause he made you perfect, babe”她说,“因为他(我觉得这里的他指的是上帝~)从一开始就将你创造得那么完美,我的宝贝”“So hold your head up girl and you"ll go far,所以,姑娘,昂起你美丽的额头吧,你将会走得很远Listen to me when I say”在我说这些话的时候,请认真听好 CHORUS:I"m beautiful in my way我以我独特的方式美丽着‘Cause God makes no mistakes因为上帝从来没有过错误的时候I"m on the right track baby我正前行在最正确的轨道上,宝贝I was Born This Way我,生而如此!Don"t hide yourself in regret不要将自己掩埋在懊悔和遗憾之中Just love yourself and you"re set去学会爱上你自己,你是那么的完美I"m on the right track baby我正前行在最适合的轨道上,宝贝I was Born This Way我,生而如此! POST-CHORUS:Ooo there ain"t no other way喔,并不是说没有别的路可走Baby I was born this way但是,宝贝,这才是我天生就要走的路Baby I was born this way宝贝,我生而如此Ooo there ain"t no other way喔,并不是说只有这一条路可走Baby I was born-I"m on the right track baby宝贝,我天生(就应该这样),宝贝,我正前行于正确的路上啊I was born this way我生而如此!Don"t be a drag – just be a queen不要成为累赘,要成为王者!Don"t be a drag – just be a queen不要成为累赘,要成为王者!Don"t be a drag – just be a queen不要成为累赘,要成为王者!Don"t be! 不可以! VERSEGive yourself prudence让自己变得精明谨慎And love your friends用真爱温暖你的朋友们Subway kid, rejoice your truth在地铁上的孩子也会为你的真诚而欢庆In the religion of the insecure我深信不疑着,世事皆是无法断定、难以预料的I must be myself, respect my youth所以,我更要做我自己,尊重自己的青春A different lover is not a sin拥有一个与众不同的恋人,并不是什么罪孽Believe capital H-I-M (hey hey hey)相信上帝吧,hey hey heyI love my life I love this record and我爱我的生活。我爱这首歌,Mi amore vole fe yah (love needs faith)爱,是需要信念的 REPEAT CHORUS + POST-CHORUSBRIDGE:Don"t be a drag, just be a queen不要成为累赘,要成为王者!Whether you"re broke or evergreen不论你是破产了,身无分文,还是成功着,一直顺利You"re black, white, beige, chola descent不论你是黑种人,白种人,黄种人,还是胆汁血统(靠= =||||。。。我只知道chola是胆汁descent是血统但是谁能告诉我胆汁血统是神马玩意T T。。。反正就这样翻译了- -。。。撞墙)You"re lebanese, you"re orient不论你是出生在黎巴嫩,还是遥远的东方Whether life"s disabilities不论你是否残疾Left you outcast, bullied, or teased不要去理会那些遗弃和背叛,欺骗和恐吓,嘲笑和戏弄Rejoice and love yourself today在当下,爱自己,并且为自己而欢呼喝彩‘Cause baby you were born this way宝贝,因为你生而如此 No matter gay, straight, or bi,不论你是男|同|性|恋,异性恋,还是双|性|恋Lesbian, transgendered life女|同|性|恋,还是变性人I"m on the right track baby我们都可以走上属于自己的正确的道路I was born to survive我天生就有通过这条路而生存的权利No matter black, white or beige与肤色无关,无论你是黑,白,还是黄Chola or orient made无论你来自南美洲还是亚洲(我是多么想翻译成“无论你来自胆汁= =。。。)I"m on the right track baby我们都能找到自己的路,宝贝I was born to be brave我生而如此,这是上帝赋予我的勇气REPEAT CHORUSOUTRO/REFRAIN:I was born this way hey!I was born this way hey!我生而如此,hey!I"m on the right track baby我正在我的路上前行,宝贝I was born this way hey!我生而如此!I was born this way hey!I was born this way hey!I"m on the right track babyI was born this way hey!
2023-06-06 11:36:492


我也喜欢听单田方的评书,《白眉大侠》之类的 这句我听过,我记得是 龙游浅水遭虾戏,虎落平阳被犬欺 我翻译一下 先来直译: When the tiger comes down from the mountain to the plains,it is bullied by the dogs . 意译 When you are out of your element,your power (or influence) is greatly diminished. 龙游浅水遭虾戏 直译为:In shallow waters,shrimps make fool of dragons.意译同 虎落平阳被犬欺
2023-06-06 11:36:561


Many teachers in teaching Chinese to foreigners to facilitate understanding of the course of studywill be the way to translate that into English, but often due to language and cultural differences, will bring the difficulty in understanding many Chinese translation into English when<span left-pos="201|3" right-pos="201|3" space="1|" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: arial; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22px;">.Such as "bullied, horse riding," literal translation into English: A meek person is liable to be bullied,a tamed horse is often ridden. Originally this word Chinese often hang in mouth edge, do not think too much, but translated into English teaching to foreigners to listen to, not only highlights thehuman side of evil human nature, and seemed to be advocated strong is the king of the jungle, in the minds of foreigners became derogatory. Should Yu Qiuyu"s words: "our history is too long, too deep, too much Machiavellian war, black box is too big, inside is too thick, tongue too greedy, looktoo miscellaneous, expected too risk, therefore, to all ideas over." Perhaps, to such idea oversomething original on the Chinese learning programs is indeed inappropriate<span left-pos="876|3" right-pos="671|3" space="1|">.So what do we do<span left-pos="904|6" right-pos="24|6" space="1|">?
2023-06-06 11:37:031


2023-06-06 11:37:127

Darin《What if》这首歌的意思?

2023-06-06 11:37:453


有特殊需求的孩子指那些因药物,情绪化,学习问题需要额外帮助的孩子。例如,不能行走需要轮椅的孩子。他们不仅需要设备来帮助他们适应生活,他们也需要使用坡道和电梯。他们也需要残疾人专用巴士去上学。有疾病的孩子也有特殊需要。他们可能需要药物或其它帮助来维持日常活动。有视力问题的孩子需要读盲文书。耳聪的孩子需要助听器。对有特殊需要的孩子来说,生活充满挑战。他们做一件普通的事比常人难度要更大,比如学习阅读或上学。好消息就是父母,医生,护士,老师,以及他人可以帮助他们。目标就是帮助他们尽可能的独立。其他孩子也可能起很大的帮助作用。怎样帮助呢? 可以和有特殊需要的孩子成为朋友,坐轮椅或有其他健康问题的孩子与正常人一样渴望朋友。但是和朋友见面或交朋友是件困难的事。有些孩子可能嘲笑或取笑他们。如果你看见有人受到欺辱或嘲笑,一定要告诉老师。同时,努力帮助那些你知道有特殊需要的孩子。对有特殊需要的孩子友善就是帮助他们最好的方式之一。当你逐渐了解他们,他们可能会帮你了解他们内心世界。你将帮助填补一个非常特殊的需求,就是每个人都需要的心灵康复。
2023-06-06 11:38:065


但黎明前是最黑暗的时刻,我向你们承诺,黎明即将到来。But the night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you...the dawn is coming.当事情按计划发展时,没人会感到恐慌,即使计划本身充满了恐怖。Nobody panics when things go "According to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying.对于擅长的事情,当然不能免费去做。If you"re good at something, never do it for free.干嘛这么严肃?让我们来画个笑脸吧。Why so serious? Let"s put a smile on that face.你要么像英雄一样死去,要么就苟活下去,直到自己也被逼成恶人。You either die a hero...or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.他们只在太平盛世时才会充当好人,我会让你看到的,当一切分崩离析的时候,这些,这些文明人,他们就会互相残杀。They"re only as good as the world allows them to be. I"ll show you. When the chips are down, these...These civilized people...they"ll eat each other.我相信,杀不死你的东西,只会让你更加怪异。I believe whatever doesn"t kill you simply makes you...stranger.我只烧我的那一半,你们眼里只有钱,这个城市需要更高品味的罪犯,我就自己来填补下空缺吧。I"m only burning my half. All you care about is money. This town deserves a better class of criminal...and I"m gonna give it to them.因为有些人并不是想要符合常理的东西,比如钱。他们不接受收买,不怕被威胁,不讲道理,也无法谈判,有些人,他们只想看世界毁灭。Because some men aren"t looking for anything logical, like money. They can"t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just wanna watch the world burn.
2023-06-06 11:38:281


意思是人过于善良就会很容易被人欺负,而马过于和善则容易被人当作坐骑来骑的,这句话的意思就是要告戒我们这个世界就是这样。1,人善被人欺,马善被人骑:nice people are bullied and the docile horses are ridden。常用俗语。2,出处:自古人善得人欺,马善得人骑,便是如此。(《金瓶梅》七十六回)
2023-06-06 11:38:341


2023-06-06 11:38:492


淘气的解释(1) [naughty;mischievous]∶顽皮,不听话 (2) [be difficult and sulky;be bullied] 〈方〉∶ 怄气 ;受气 详细解释 (1).怄气。 元 郑光祖 《倩女离魂》 第三折:“ 不是 我闲淘气,便死呵,死而无怨。” 《醒世恒言·蔡瑞虹忍辱 报仇 》 :“那 婆娘 怒气冲天,要与 老公 廝闹;却又算计,没有 许多 闲工夫淘气。” 周立波 《山乡巨变》 上一:“﹝ 邓秀梅 问:﹞‘ 你们 那个组办得如何?"‘不足为奇。" 盛佑亭 摇一摇头。‘依我看,不如不办好,免得淘气。几 家人 家搞到一起,净扯皮。"” (2).顽皮。 元 曾瑞 《采茶歌·闺中闻 杜鹃 》 曲:“ 无情 杜鹃闲淘气,头直上耳根底,声声聒得人心碎。” 《红楼梦》 第二回:“﹝ 贾寳玉 ﹞如今长了十来岁, 虽然 淘气 异常 ,但聪明乖觉,百个不及他一个。” 杨沫 《 青春 之歌》 第一部第二十章:“ 罗 大方 呢,平日 诙谐 的 玩笑 态度 此时半点儿也没有了,他好像个敦厚的大哥哥,在耐心地 说服 淘气的不听话的小弟弟。” 词语分解 淘的解释 淘 á 用水洗去杂质:淘米。淘金。 淘汰 。 挖浚,从深处舀出泥沙、污物:淘井。淘缸。 耗费:淘神。 部首 :氵; 气的解释 气 (气) ì 没有 一定 的形状、体积,能 自由 散布的物体:气体。 呼吸:没气了。气厥。气促。 气息 。一气呵成。 自然 界寒、暧、阴、晴等现象:气候。气温。 气象 。 鼻子闻到的味: 气味 。臭气。 人的 精神 状态 :气
2023-06-06 11:38:571


better violated than to revolt
2023-06-06 11:39:056


如果你是一个想要成功的十几岁男孩,那么我建议你读这本好书! “从男孩变成男人”是引自美国作者Michael Gurian的名言,通过这本书,作者想告诉十几岁的男孩一个道理:他们生活得非常好,正是如此他们才爱上了他们的生活。 你也许会想目前只有你的身体才会成长继而发生变化. 但这本书讲述的是:你的思维也会随着身体一样成长,同时也会发生显著变化。 男孩们通过阅读这本书,作者想让他们懂得一个道理:那就是要让思维与身体同步增长。若想做到这一点:他们不应该浪费时间玩电脑游戏,而应该把时间放在做运动上面。 书上说, 做运动可以使你健康并让你了解有一个高质量生活的简易技巧.。从书中你也会知道成为一名领导的方法,在团队中与队员合作,与队员工作的方法。 这本书同时也告诉男孩们,一旦男孩们被欺负,他们也会爱生活的方法. 书上说:男孩们对于欺负,应该保持不畏惧的心理. 这是他们成为成功人士的唯一方法。
2023-06-06 11:43:504


被欺负Being bullied
2023-06-06 11:44:103

being buillied的意思

后置状语,表被动状态,形容my life
2023-06-06 11:44:591

翻译成英语 真是虎落平阳被犬欺啊

Hulabengyang was really dogs bully ah
2023-06-06 11:45:073

请问这句话中的being bullied在句中起的是什么作用? 另外它们是表被动的意思吗? 谢谢!

2023-06-06 11:45:154


You have by the human are bullied?
2023-06-06 11:45:222


Friend"s wife is not to be bullied
2023-06-06 11:45:291

because、she get bullied什么意思

因为,她受欺 侮了
2023-06-06 11:45:362


nice people are bullied and the docile horses are ridden
2023-06-06 11:45:443


有不同的说法的。人善被人欺,马善被人骑: 1,If you make yourself an ass, don"t complain if people ride you.2,A tamed horse is often ridden;A weak person is liable to be bullied.
2023-06-06 11:45:511

Jack never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his ( ).

答案为:will (意愿、意志) 这句话的意思是:杰克从不允许自己被欺负就去做任何违背自己的意愿的事. 做题关键:be bullied into doing 被欺负或被威胁做某事 go against 违背 希望可以帮到你.`(*∩_∩*)′!
2023-06-06 11:46:091

What will you do if you are bullied at school?

I will talk to my teacher or the master to seek for a solution.
2023-06-06 11:46:161


where is this place
2023-06-06 11:46:242

lady gaga新单曲《born this way》的中文歌词边听边看吧。。
2023-06-06 11:47:114


2023-06-06 11:47:372

英语翻译 人善人欺天不欺,人恶人怕天不怕 重酬 是翻译

people who is kindminded isn"t bullied by god but by people; It"s not god but people is afraid of those who is hellish.
2023-06-06 11:47:441


So hateful, you take care of everything i do? What you thought youself to be? Ever seen such bitch,but never seen the bitch like you. It is ok you pretend to be nononsense and simple. I don"t want to disclose you. But you tase me now. I don"t think you can success. You take the money and i don"t care. Just give you for women desease. If left, go to see psychology. It is easy to get heart distortion if you feel iimbalance everyday. Take care of yourself. I am shamed for having you such colleague.
2023-06-06 11:47:5415


问题一:解释两者之间的机理 用英语怎么说 解释两者之间的机理 Explain the mechani *** between the two. 解释两者之间的机理 Explain the mechani *** between the two. 问题二:基础原理用英文怎么说 PCB basic principles and processes basic principles and processes of PCB 问题三:"机理"的英文是什么? mechani *** An instrument or a process, physical or mental, by which something is done or es into being: 办法,途径:用来制造某事物的工具或者事物产生的物理过程或精神过程: The sequence of steps in a chemical reaction. (化学反应的)过程:化学反应的一系列步骤 问题四:计算机的工作原理 用英语怎么说 工作原理这个词儿,Google了一下,大家的意见如下: principle;principle of operation;basic pinciple of operation 其实另外感觉你用puter这词儿有点笼统,根据具体情况可译为PC 还是啥别的嘛。比如 basic principle of PC 就OK 啦! 问题五:汽车原理用英语怎么说 汽车原理的英文翻译_百度翻译 汽车原理 Automobile principle principle_百度翻译 principle 英[?pr?ns?pl] 美[?pr?ns?p?l] n. 原则,原理; 准则,道义; 道德标准; 本能; [例句]Buck never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against hisprinciples [其他] 复数:principles 问题六:‘理论的"英文怎么说 practical theoretical
2023-06-06 11:48:191

Mi-Sex的《People》 歌词

歌曲名:People歌手:Mi-Sex专辑:Pure... Alternative 80SThenewno2 - PeopleSeeing thingsBristlyI don"t believeThis imagerySeeing thingsDifferentlyI don"t believeThis imageryWhat goes on behind your closed doors, people?Office bores and industry whores, peopleCreep around your Hollywood malls, inflated peopleBullied for your blue uniform, peopleFortune tellers predict bad weatherStock market sellers huddle togetherLost in the thick of itNow things are differentAnother day tripMust be the governmentWhat goes on behind your closed doors, people?Office bores and industry whores, peopleCreep around your Hollywood malls, overrated peopleBullied for your blue uniform, peopleWhat goes on behind your closed doors, people?Office bores and industry whores, peopleCreep around your Hollywood malls, inflated peopleBullied for your blue uniform, people
2023-06-06 11:48:261


2023-06-06 11:48:504

LADY GAGA born this way中文版歌词

It doesn"t matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M不论你是爱上了他,还是认为他很美妙,暗暗的爱着着他 Just put your paws up 只管挥舞起你的爪子吧 cause you were Born This Way, Baby 因为我们生而如此,亲爱的 My mama told me when I was young在我年轻的时候,妈妈曾经告诉我 We are all born superstar 我们都是天生的巨星 She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on她将我的头发烫卷,为我涂上唇膏 In the glass of her boudoir在她自己的房间的化妆镜前 “There"s nothing wrong with lovin" who you are”“爱上我们本来的样子,并没有任何过错” She said, “‘Cause he made you perfect, babe”她说,“因为上帝从一开始就将你创造得那么完美,我的宝贝” “So hold your head up girl and you"ll go far,所以,姑娘,昂起你美丽的额头吧,你将会走得很远 Listen to me when I say”在我说这些话的时候,请认真听好 I"m beautiful in my way我以我独特的方式美丽着 ‘Cause God makes no mistakes因为上帝从来没有过错误的时候 I"m on the right track baby我正前行在最正确的轨道上,宝贝 I was Born This Way我,生而如此! Don"t hide yourself in regret不要将自己掩埋在懊悔和遗憾之中 Just love yourself and you"re set去学会爱上你自己,你是那么的完美 I"m on the right track baby我正前行在最适合的轨道上,宝贝 I was Born This Way我,生而如此! Ooo there ain"t no other way喔,并不是说没有别的路可走 Baby I was born this way但是,宝贝,这才是我天生就要走的路 Baby I was born this way宝贝,我生而如此 Ooo there ain"t no other way喔,并不是说只有这一条路可走 Baby I was born-I"m on the right track baby宝贝,我天生(就应该这样),宝贝,我正前行于正确的路上啊 I was born this way我生而如此! Don"t be a drag – just be a queen不要成为累赘,要成为王者! Don"t be a drag – just be a queen不要成为累赘,要成为王者! Don"t be a drag – just be a queen不要成为累赘,要成为王者! Don"t be! 不可以! Give yourself prudence让自己变得精明谨慎 And love your friends用真爱温暖你的朋友们 Subway kid, rejoice your truth在地铁上的孩子也会为你的真诚而欢庆 In the religion of the insecure我深信不疑着,世事皆是无法断定、难以预料的 I must be myself, respect my youth所以,我更要做我自己,尊重自己的青春 A different lover is not a sin拥有一个与众不同的恋人,并不是什么罪孽 Believe capital H-I-M (hey hey hey)相信上帝吧,hey hey hey I love my life I love this record and我爱我的生活。我爱这首歌, Mi amore vole fe yah (love needs faith)爱,是需要信念的 Don"t be a drag, just be a queen不要成为累赘,要成为王者! Whether you"re broke or evergreen不论你是破产了,身无分文,还是成功着,一直顺利 You"re black, white, beige, chola descent不论你是黑种人,白种人,黄种人,还是胆汁血统 You"re lebanese, you"re orient不论你是出生在黎巴嫩,还是遥远的东方 Whether life"s disabilities不论你是否残疾 Left you outcast, bullied, or teased不要去理会那些遗弃和背叛,欺骗和恐吓,嘲笑和戏弄 Rejoice and love yourself today在当下,爱自己,并且为自己而欢呼喝彩 Cause baby you were born this way宝贝,因为你生而如此 No matter gay, straight, or bi,不论你是男同xing恋,异性恋,还是双xing恋 Lesbian, transgendered life女同xing恋,还是变性人 I"m on the right track baby我们都可以走上属于自己的正确的道路 I was born to survive我天生就有通过这条路而生存的权利 No matter black, white or beige与肤色无关,无论你是黑,白,还是黄 Chola or orient made无论你来自南美洲还是亚洲 I"m on the right track baby我们都能找到自己的路,宝贝 I was born to be brave我生而如此,这是上帝赋予我的勇气 I was born this way hey!我生而如此,hey! I"m on the right track baby我正在我的路上前行,宝贝 I was born this way hey!我生而如此!
2023-06-06 11:48:572


楼主 你得至少给200分你太狠了
2023-06-06 11:49:053

We go to find the boy who bullied you .这么说对吗?求翻译

2023-06-06 11:49:122


  ……I love that word “relationship”. Covers all manner of sins, doesn"t it?  I fear that this had become a bad relationship.  A relationship based on a president taking what he wants, and casually ignoring all those things really matters to, erm…..Britain  We may be a small country, but we are a great one, too.  The country of shakespear, churchill, the beatles, Sean connery, Harry Potter, Devid Beckham"s right foot, David Beckham"s left foot, come to that.  And a friend bullied us is no longer a friend, and since bullies on respond to strength, from now on ward, I will be prepared to be much stronger, and the president should be prepared for that.  “关系”这个词用得很好,把所有罪恶的痕迹都掩盖了,不是吗?  我恐怕这关系已经变质,他变成一个总统说了成的关系,而且对英国重要的问题也完全被轻松地会略掉了。我们的国家或许不强大,但确实一个很伟大的国家。因为他是莎士比亚,邱吉尔,披头士的故乡,还有肖恩康纳利,哈利波特,大卫贝克汉姆的右脚,大卫贝克汉姆的左脚也是。一个想摆布我们的朋友将不再是我们的朋友。对不小人的凌辱只能用强硬的态度。所以,从今天起我们要发愤图强,强大自己。我想总统先生要做好心理准备。
2023-06-06 11:49:321


A braggadocio, miscalculating his strength, conceived the vain ambition of overtaking the fleeting rays of the sun.; be ignorant of one"s strength; doing sth. beyond one"s ability
2023-06-06 11:49:402


2023-06-06 11:49:461


Every person is bound by his or her principles. Do not flounder in the ostentatious world, and live as your genuine self.Admitted Ivy League student in Los Angeles. Let me know if you need additional assistance.
2023-06-06 11:50:061


2023-06-06 11:50:131


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2023-06-06 11:50:315