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关于NAT配置问题,请问哪边配置有问题,配完后show ip nat translations 没有反应

2023-05-19 14:31:03














1、定义内网口:ip nat inside

2、定义外网口 :ip nat outside

3、定义全局地址池: ip nat pool name xxxxx

4、定义ACL: access-list N xxxxxxx

5、建立映射关系:ip nat inside source list N pool name overload (overload不要忘记)



你这个应该是思科的吧,我也是配置了nat地址池配置完后用show ip nat trans显示无结果,但用私有IP的主机ping互联网上的主机能ping通,但是互联网上主机反过来ping私有IPping不通,而且在出口路由器上debug ip nat 能显示正常的IP地址转换过程,证明配置是正确的,但是我也搞不懂为什么show ip nat trans命令为什么没输出,出口路由的互联网接口最好配为被动,

Router#show ip nat trans

Router#show ip nat ?

statistics Translation statistics

translations Translation entries

Router#debug ip nat

IP NAT debugging is on


NAT: s=>, d= [41]

NAT*: s=, d=> [141]

NAT: s=>, d= [42]

NAT*: s=, d=> [142]

NAT: s=>, d= [43]

NAT*: s=, d=> [143]

NAT: s=>, d= [44]

NAT*: s=, d=> [144]

NAT: expiring ( icmp 33 (33)

NAT: expiring ( icmp 34 (34)

NAT: expiring ( icmp 35 (35)

NAT: expiring ( icmp 36 (36)

以上是我边界路由的输出,第一行就是show ip nat trans没输出

后来我仔细看了一下发现ip nat trans没输出结果的原因是没有NAT转换进程,所以随便从一台内网机器上ping 外网的一个IP,然后就有输出结果了

Router#show ip nat trans

Pro Inside global Inside local Outside local Outside global





楼主提到的ip nat trans 命令没输出结果的原因估计也是在你输入这个命令的时候,当前NAT策略并没有进行来自外部或者内部的地址转换,你可以先试一下内外IP互ping,然后再看看有没有输出结果


ip nat pool xue netmask

此条命令不对,地址池的地址不应该和outside global地址相同(应该使用别的IP地址比如:




translation意思是翻译。读音:英[trænzˈleɪʃn; trænsˈleɪʃn],美[trænzˈleɪʃn,trænsˈleɪʃn]。释义:n.翻译;译文;转化;调任。例句:We should avoid errors in translation.我们应该避免翻译错误。复数:translations。短语:in translation翻译的。compare the translations比较译文。translation to译成…的文字。词义辨析translation,version,paraphrase这些名词均含“翻译,译文”之意。translation普通用词,指从一种语言到另一种语言的翻译。version可与translation换用,尤指不拘泥于文字的意译,更常指某种作品的一种译文。paraphrase可指非常自由的解释,不拘泥遣词造句,重在传意。通常指用同样语言深入浅出地解释艰深的句子或段落。
2023-01-01 05:42:251


translation意思是:V.翻译;译;译文;译本;译作;转变;转化 复数: translations1.译文;译本A translation is a piece of writing or speech that has been translated from a different language.例句...MacNiece"s excellent English translation of "Faust"...麦克尼斯精彩的《浮士德》英文译本2. 翻译中意义受损(或流失)If you say that a quality of something has been lost in translation, you mean that it is not very good as a result of being translated into another language or told in a different way.例句Much of the wit is lost in translation…很多诙谐的成分都在翻译中丢失了。
2023-01-01 05:42:362


2023-01-01 05:43:344


有更地道的翻译吗翻译为:Is there a more authentic translation【附】authentic 英[ɔ:ˈθentɪk] 美[ɔˈθɛntɪk] adj. 真的,真正的; 可信的,可靠的; 有根据的; [法] 认证了的; [例句]She has authentic charm whereas most people simply have nice manners她散发出真正的魅力,而大多数人只是举止优雅。translation 英[trænsˈleɪʃn] 美[trænsˈleʃən, trænz-] n. 翻译; 译本; 转化; 转变; [例句]I"ve only read Solzhenitsyn in translation.索尔仁尼琴的作品我只读过译本。[其他] 复数:translations
2023-01-01 05:43:491

what is translation

WHAT IS TRANSLATION?Translation is the interpreting of the meaning of a text and the subsequent production of an equivalent text, likewise called a "translation," that communicates the same message in another language. The text to be translated is called the "source text," and the language that it is to be translated into is called the "target language"; the final product is sometimes called the "target text."WHAT ARE THE PRINCIPLES?Translation must take into account constraints that include context, the rules of grammar of the two languages, their writing conventions, and their idioms. A common misconception is that there exists a simple word-for-word correspondence between any two languages, and that translation is a straightforward mechanical process; such a word-for-word translation, however, cannot take into account context, grammar, conventions, and idioms.It is now pretty generally agreed, that translating the writings of the ancients is, if not the sole, at least the plainest, the shortest, and the surest means of becoming well acquainted with them and their language. It is also agreed, that a translation ought exactly to express the original; that it should neither be too free nor to servile; that it should neither deviate into long circumlocutions, which weaken the ideas, nor adhere to strictly to the letter, which debases the sentiment.TYPES OF TRANSLATION?- The Dynamic Equivalent TranslationThis type of translation takes into account the context and apparent intent of the original. When providing a dynamic equivalent translation, the translator considers the culture of the original document, understands the nuances of the original language, and takes into account idiomatic expressions. The result is a finished product that comes alive to the reader with the actual intent of the original.- Literal translationLiteral translation, also known as direct translation, is the rendering of text from one language to another "word-for-word" (Latin: "verbum pro verbo") rather than conveying the sense of the original. Literal translations thus commonly mis-translate idioms. Also, in the context of translating an analytic language to a synthetic language, it renders even the grammar unintelligible.希望回答对你有帮助。
2023-01-01 05:43:541


您好!interpretation【音标】[英][ɪnˌtɜ:prɪˈteɪʃn] [ 美][ɪnˌtɜ:rprɪˈteɪʃn]【意思】n.理解; 解释,说明; 翻译; 表演,演绎; 【复数】interpretations-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------translation【音标】[英][trænsˈleɪʃn] [美][trænsˈleʃən, trænz-]【意思】n.翻译; 译本; 转化; 转变; 【复数】translations采纳我吧,谢谢你啦!
2023-01-01 05:44:002

sworn translations 是什么意思?

2023-01-01 05:44:093

C:UsersluciferAppDataLocalNVIDIANvBackendApplicationOntologydata ranslations是什么文件夹

可以删 把 nvidia geforce experience卸载过程中会显示正在删除NvBackend应该是驱动备份
2023-01-01 05:44:212


从2个中文译本来看,王佐良的译文在语言风格上颇与原文契合,与莎士比亚同时代的培根使用的英语具有半文半白的特征,王译以同样半文半白的汉语来翻译,徐徐品评之际兰西斯•培根(Francis Bacon)是英国17世纪著名思想家、政治家和经验主义哲学家,他那简短精悍的小品文与义理精深的哲学著作一样闻名于世,《论美》(Of Beauty)是其代表作之一,它语言简洁、内涵深刻、充满哲理。 Judging from the two Chinese translations in the translation, language style, zuoliang fit with the original quite on the contemporary with Shakespeare used English has BanWenBanBai Bacon, in the same WangYi characteristics Of BanWenBanBai Chinese to translation, slowly the sith somtinmes Francis Bacon (Syria, Bacon) is a famous British 17th century thinker, politicians and empiric philosophers, his brief the profound philosophical essays are with the philosophical works is famous for the same on Beauty, Beauty "(Of) is one Of his masterpiece, it in simple language, deep intension, full Of philosophy. 从原作的思想内容及风格来看 From the original ideological content and style and see “雅、庄重并使译文具有正式文体的韵味。而曹明伦先生更多采用现代词汇,如“假如”,“而且”,“仍然”等,与王佐良Of Beauty”是英国著名哲学家、文学家培根的说理散文。 "Elegant, grave and to make the translation has formal style lasting appeal. And Mr. CaoMingLun adopts modern vocabulary, such as more" if "and" but ", "still" etc, and Beauty "Of British zuoliang famous philosophers, astronomers bacon reasons things out the prose. 该文属于教育、学习一类的论述性语篇,因此用词较为正式、严谨。 This paper education, learning kind of belonging to this text, therefore words of formal, rigorous is. 培根的这篇《论美》短小精悍,通过生动简洁的语言表达了作者对美的领悟。 This article on the bacon, dapper beauty of concise language expression by vivid the comprehension of beauty. 其语言属于早期现代英语, 其措辞和句法与当代英语有所不同,如:文言词err的使用,动词第三人称加th: hath,maketh。 Its language belongs to the early modern English, its words and syntax and contemporary English vary, such as the use of words: wen err, "third person" hath, add th: maketh. 这些词汇和句法特征赋予原文一种古雅的色彩。 These vocabulary and syntax features a quaint gives the original colors. 从题材上看, 原文属于教育、学习一类的论述型语篇。 Look from subject education, learning, the original belongs to this kind of discourse. 这类题材的语篇宜使用庄重、正式的语言。 This kind of theme discourse appropriate USES grave, formal language. 在句法方面, 原文运用了许多比喻和对偶的句式,如 A。。。。 In the syntax, the original metaphor and use A lot of sentence, such as A dual... 以上这些词汇和句法特征都体现了原文正式、庄重、典雅的文体特点。 These vocabulary and syntax characteristic reflects the original officially, grave and elegant style characteristics. 两个译本及风格方面的比较 Two comparison of the translation and style 1 文体内容的对等性 1 style content equivalent of the sex 由于《论美》属于正式的论说性散文,王佐良先生主要选择了直译的方法,因为直译使译文更忠实原文,能体现出原文庄重严谨的语言风格。 Since the theory of formal beauty belongs to the sexual prose, Mr. Wang zuoliang satire of literal translation main chose to make the translation methods, because literal translation more faithful to the original version, can manifest the original grave rigorous language style. 曹明伦先生则更多采用的是意译,使得译文通俗易懂。 Mr. CaoMingLun is more USES is free translation, make the version straightaway. 同时王佐良先生又采用汉语文言文的译法。 Meanwhile Mr. Wang zuoliang by Chinese translation of writings inclassical style again. 在译文中出现了很多文言词,如“则”、“亦”、“盖”、“则”等,文言词汇精炼、古先生的用词相比略显拖沓,忽视了原文庄重正式的语言风格。 In the process of translation, there are many words, such as ", is ", "also", "cover" and "then" etc, the classical Chinese vocabulary refining, compared the term Mr Slightly procrastination ignored the original grave formal language style. 通过对译文的对比可以看出王佐良先生的译文句式短小精悍,言简旨深,使原作的内容和形式准确地再现,真正实现了切照原作,雅俗如之,口气如之,文体如之。 Through the comparison of the translated translation can be seen Mr. Wang zuoliang, speech patterns dapper JianZhi deep, make the original content and form accurately reproduce, have really realized according to the original, cut the elegance of tone as if, like, style of. ",L ", L 2. 语言措辞方面 2. The language of rhetoric 王佐良无多余赘字,反映出原文精简的语言风格。 Wang zuoliang without extra superfluous words, reflect the original language style concise. 相反,曹明伦先生用词较为拖沓,在简洁程度上相形之下比王佐良先生的译文逊色。 Instead, Mr CaoMingLun terms in concise, more procrastination in stark contrast degree than Mr. Wang zuoliang translations of inferior. 3.修辞方面的对比 3. The comparison rhetoric 原文:And therefore they prove accomplished,but riot of great spirit; Text: And you created to riot. Pretty, survival of related; and study rather behavior,than virtue. And jack"s behavior, than of. 王佐良译:因此美男子有才而无壮志.重行而不重德。 Wang zuoliang translation: so handsome have just without ambition. Newly without heavy DE. 曹明伦译:故世间美男子多有身躯之完美而无精神之高贵,多注重其行而不注重其德。 CaoMingLun translation: so much of the democratic world body without spiritual nobility perfect bloom, notice more without notice its virtue. 在翻译的过程中.王佐良先生采取了对偶的修辞手法,使得句式对称且工整,译文表意凝练,富有节奏感,而且读起来朗朗上口.便于记忆。 In the process of translation in Mr. Wang zuoliang adopted dual rhetoric gimmick, make sentence symmetric and neatly, the ideographic concise, rich rhythm, and easy to read. Rhyming two-syllable memory. 而曹明伦先生的译文侧体现不出这些 But Mr CaoMingLun embodied not out these translation side 优点。 Advantages. 最后通过同曹明伦先生译文的对比。 Finally, through the contrast with Mr CaoMingLun translation. 从四个方面粗略地分析了王佐良先生翻译的《论美》的一些特点。 From four aspects of Mr. Wang zuoliang roughly analysed the translation of the theory of some characteristics of beauty. 王佐良先生的译文措辞精炼、句式一致、行文流畅.再现了原文的语言风格和特 Mr. Wang zuoliang translations of wording refining, sentence is consistent, making choices.fluent description. Reproduced the original language style and special 色。 Color. 译文在形式和内容上符合原文的特点,可以称得上是形神兼备的佳作。。 Translation in form and content with the characteristics of the original, can be called both appearance. The excellent work. 王佐良的译文也是其翻译观的佐证,即“尽可能地顺译,必要时直译;任何好的译文总是顺译与直译的结合”; Wang zuoliang translation is the evidence of translation theory, namely "the translation as far as possible, when necessary, literal translation; any good translation is always the combination of the translation and literal translation"; “一切照原作,雅俗如之,深浅如之,口气如之,文体如之” "Everything according to the original, composed of such as, depth, the tone of the genre, such as"
2023-01-01 05:44:306

Online translation是什么意思

2023-01-01 05:44:566


emoji近些年衍生出许多相关产业,表情翻译便是其中之一。文章开始之前,我们先猜几个谜语吧:打一歌名2.打一品牌名3.某同事想对你说的一句话,请翻译出来大家猜出来了吗(答案在文末),如果猜不出来的话,那大概你是做不了表情翻译官了。那...表情翻译官是个什么鬼呢?故事是这个样子的:在2016年年底,英国伦敦一家翻译公司Today Translations 接到一个客户的订单,这位客户要求把他的日记翻译成表情,作为送给孩子的礼物。Today Translations当时对这个甜蜜的想法也是感到措手不及,当然作为一家需要紧密跟进语言发展动态的翻译公司,他们早已察觉到表情在沟通过程中所起到的越来越重要的作用,于是便开始招收世界上第一个表情翻译官(emoji translator)。一、表情翻译官招募启事这份招募刚刚发布,Today Translations就收到了来自世界各地的几百份申请。但由于这一职位没有先例,所以Today translations 自己发明了一套选拔方法来选择最有潜力的申请者。首先申请者要通过笔试。笔试的第一部分就是文章开头的测试题形式——将表情转化为文字。第二部分则是将文字转化为表情,这部分难度还是颇大的,比如其中一道题是将美国首相特蕾莎·梅那句 “脱欧的意思就是脱欧” 翻译成表情,再比如,将《哈姆雷特》里最著名的---“To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether "tis Nobler in the mind to suffer The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles”——翻译成表情。就是这么可怕。笔试的第三部分则是有关跨文化的简答题。到此笔试题结束。经过笔试之后,便是面试。Today Tranlations自去年12月份开始招募,1月份开始一轮面试,三月份二轮面试,直到5月中旬才招募到满意的人选——Keith Broni。至此,Keith成为了世界上第一位表情翻译官。二、表情翻译官职位层层解析Keith毕业于伦敦大学学院商业心理学专业。他一直被表情的魔力紧紧吸引着。他曾组织过欧洲首届表情拼字游戏(Emoji Spelling Bee)——一个根据表情组合来猜测常用习语、寓言、词组的游戏;Keith的硕士毕业论文也主要研究表情在消费市场中日益凸显的作用。Keith在接受世界说采访时说道,“2016年,世界上有2.3万亿条发送的信息中至少含有一个表情,而在不同国家之中衍生出来的表情种类高达2000多种。表情在不同文化语境中所包含的涵义也不尽相同,这就不难理解Today Translations这样的翻译公司会设置表情翻译官这样的职位了。”Emoji在近些年的发展确实如火如荼。2015年,“笑哭”凭借压倒性的全球使用量入选牛津年度词汇。2016年10月,纽约现代艺术博物馆从日本购入176枚emoji符号的使用授权,作为博物馆的数字化永久馆藏。此外,emoji也将在电影中担任主演,由索尼动画制作、美国导演Tony Leondis执导的3D电脑动画喜剧《表情奇幻冒险》(The Emoji Movie)计划于2017年7月在美国上映。emoji的风靡不仅使它的商业、文化及艺术价值被发掘,也让这个新兴的潮流自成一派,衍生出许多相关的产业,表情翻译便是其中之一。Keith目前的工作主要是为企业做emoji方面的咨询工作,为客户在emoji方面的各种疑问做解答。这种疑问可能是一家企业进入外国市场时,不知道应该在市场营销中加入怎样的emoji元素才能更吸引人;或是在与当地合作伙伴、客户交流过程中,应该注意使用emoji的哪些事项。Keith称,在接受客户的emoji咨询时,主要需要解决的问题,是由于应用软件、移动设备的不同、文化的差异,或是年龄层次的区别,造成的emoji理解上的差异。近期在微博上热度最高的emoji话题是,谷歌宣布为了保持“跨平台的情感一致性”,安卓系统内置的果冻系列表情将永久退休,谷歌将代之以和其他平台类似的圆脸。加入这一话题的网友纷纷缅怀可爱、可亲的果冻表情。跨平台差异带来的情感、理解上的不同有多大,Keith为我们举了一个例子:现在已经被中国人在微信上玩坏的、而许多爸爸妈妈却仍不知情的“微笑”表情,在其他系统或软件上的同一表情却怎么看都看不出讽刺意味。对于这一点,Keith解释是因为微信上的微笑表情眼睛朝下看,十分不真诚。谷歌此次表情更新换代事件,可能仅仅是克服跨平台差异努力的开始。根据用户使用习惯的动态变化进行emoji体系更新,将是未来各平台emoji设计的立足点。而文化差异造成的emoji使用障碍就更需要费些工夫来克服了。举个例子,像日本人喜欢用“一坨屎”来表示“祝你好运”,这一点大概需要外国人忍住尴尬适应好长一段时间。在中东,如果使用“竖大拇指”相当于竖中指,所以喜欢在朋友圈发以示点赞的中国企业家到了中东要提高警惕了。由于文化之间的相对封闭与独立性,在一个文化圈子中自由演化的emoji使用习惯,只有深入这个圈子才能真正理解。这也许是Keith工作中最大的挑战。他需要结合对各个国家文化的理解,探究emoji使用习惯的不同,并定期进行动态跟踪,制定emoji指导手册,以为商业客户做参考。三、表情的潘多拉魔盒目前Today Translations在表情翻译方面的目标除了满足商业客户的定制化需求外,还计划进军法律行业。这是因为社交软件的广泛运用,使得包含emoji的信息也常常做为证据提交法庭,而对证据中emoji的解读将决定判决结果。在去年,一名法国男子向前女友发送了一条包含“手枪”的信息,这被法庭判定为“图片形式的生命威胁”,这名男子因此被判三个月拘禁。几个月后,将系统内的手枪emoji换成了水枪。除去商业和法律方面的考虑,emoji对于普通用户来说,是对情感的凝缩和即时表达,用emoji直观表现出的情绪若用文字,不仅费时,还不一定能达到同样的效果。同时,对表情的使用也会深刻影响个人形象。如果在使用emoji时没有紧紧把握潮流,或者对某个emoji的使用情境把握不准,很容易给他人留下封闭或审美水准不高等不良印象。对此,贴心的Today Translations发布了一份emoji使用规范指南。正确的emoji使用规范:1. 交流对象:你需要考虑的第一件事是你的交流对象是否能理解你发给他的表情。经典的“笑脸”谁都能明白,但是并不是所有的表情表意都这么直接。2. 交流情境:表情是为了润色语句,所以最好在句子的末尾而不是中间使用表情。3. 个性塑造:使用表情可以让你和他人的交流更具个性。使用表情可以比文字更有效地传达你的感受或表现你的个性。4. 用词:必要的时候就用文字,尤其是用表情说不明白的时候。错误的表情用法:1. 过度使用:使用表情太多可能会导致他人不明白或误解你的本意。我们不建议用一个表情来代替整个句子,这样留下的解读空间太大了。2. 错误使用:对于不同的文化,同一个表情可以代表不同的含义。当和来自不同文化背景的人交流时,要特别小心,以免用错了表情。3. 不当使用:并不是所有人都喜欢用表情。如果发现对方可能不喜欢表情,就别再发了。而且,不要对自己不熟悉的人使用表情。归根结底,商业、法律对于emoji的阐释还是基于每个个人用户在交流过程中逐渐形成的心照不宣的表情使用规则。但如果对不同的国家都要进行这样的趋势把握,工作量可想而知。目前Keith的团队中只有他一名表情翻译官,而且他的驻地并非在伦敦,他在都柏林进行远程工作。但正如Keith所说,表情渗透到现代生活各个角落的活力不可阻挡。我们所能做的便是对表情文化保持一个开放的态度,给予表情多一点理解、信心和想象力。未来对于emoji的研究和相关产业的发展将随着它在人与人之间的深入渗透而不断发展。谜底:1. Dancing Queen 2. 红牛 3. 手机关机了,帮我充下电好吗?
2023-01-01 05:45:201


Verschueren proposes “the choice - - to comply with” comprehensive survey theory, on macroscopic to language phenomenon, from the cognition, the society, the cultural aspect carries on the comprehensive survey, on microscopic in language structure all levels to the language complied with and the choice conducts the research. The author believed that, the translation behavior is one cross language, the Trans-Culture human relations interaction behavior. On the one hand the translator (microscopic) is carrying on the language code choice and the transformation; On the other hand, translator"s choice process (macroscopic) has received the thought and the understanding, the social culture and so on many factor influences. Judging from this, “the choice - - complied with” the language comprehensive survey discusses to the translation research board has the enlightenment function. To a certain extent, the translation behavior may describe adapts for the translator under the different consciousness degree the human relations activity need to carry on unceasingly the language choice the process.2. translations took one kind of special human relations behavior and the accommodation discusses the research the combining site.The translation took one kind of special human relations behavior, it has the general human relations behavior characteristic, like the translator and the original text author and the goal reader constitute the two-way exchange whole. But we also should see its distinctive quality. First, the translation is at variance with the ordinary human relations, in the translation process, human relations both sides (original text author and translation goal reader) all does not present, therefore the human relations process cannot look like at the same time is equally coherent with the place human relations carries on. Next, the translator obtains the response, the feedback time-gap as the human relations main body quite is long. After the translator creates the translation, the goal reader"s feedback human relations information must the quite long time be able to appear, the translator could revise the translation once more and make the response at that time. From this, we may see the translation are one kind of time, the spatial dislocation one kind of special human relations process, but complied with discusses is suitable especially for the human relations behavior process analysis.Second, in the translation complied with discusses application.(1) accommodation discusses under the angle of view the translation process.According to translates study the dictionary definition, the translation process refers to the procedure which the translation activity experiences. Thinks generally including three stages: Understood the original text, with the goal language expression, the verification revises the translation. Narrow sense translation process, general understanding for translator to concrete text transformation activity process. The generalized translation process also includes the text the choice, text production and text life processes and so on course. This article tries from the accommodation to discuss the angle only to aim at the narrow sense the translation process to launch the discussion.Nida in a book proposed in "Translation Theory And Practice" that, through analysis, transformation and restructuring tertiary relations, the people may primitive transform Cheng Yiyu, as shown in Figure 2:
2023-01-01 05:45:364


translation[英][trænsˈleɪʃn][美][trænsˈleʃən, trænz-]n.翻译; 译本; 转化; 转变; 复数:translations
2023-01-01 05:45:511

cydia translations 提示更新怎么办?

2023-01-01 05:45:575

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这个是在越狱时安装Cydia的时候Cydia自带安装的,不必搞清楚是干什么的。只需明确这个不要去卸载掉,否则会导致Cydia错误,完美越狱变成不完美甚至白苹果。 =========================如有不明白可追问或者直接百度搜索~=========================望采纳为满意回答!感谢~=========================
2023-01-01 05:46:181


Arthur WaleyBorn 19 August 1889 Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England生于1889年8月19日Died 27 June 1966 (aged 76) London, England逝于英国伦敦1966年6月27日Known for Chinese/Japanese translations 中文/日文 翻译Chinese name: Simplified Chinese 亚瑟・伟利Arthur David Waley CH CBE  was an English Orientalist and sinologist who achieved both popular and scholarly acclaim for his translations of Chinese and Japanese poetry. Among his honours were the CBE in 1952, the Queen"s Gold Medal for Poetry in 1953, and he was made Companion of Honour in 1956.亚瑟.大伟·伟利是一位英籍东方学学者和汉学家,他的中文和日本诗歌的翻译都受到了大众和学者的一致好评。在他众多的荣誉中,有1952年的(CH)名誉勋位和大英帝国最优秀勋章(CBE), 1953年女王诗歌金质奖章,1956年他获得了名誉勋位。Although highly learned, Waley avoided academic posts and most often wrote for a general audience.虽然韦利很博学,但他避开了翻译学术文章,而且大多数作品都是为普通读者写的。 He chose not to be a specialist but to translate a wide and personal range of classical literature. 他选择不会成为一个专业人士,但是去翻译一些个更宽泛的和个人范围的古典文学。Starting in the 1910s and continuing steadily almost until his death in 1966, these translations started with poetry, such as A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems (1918) and Japanese Poetry: The Uta (1919), then an equally wide range of novels, such as The Tale of Genji (1925–26), an 11th-century Japanese work, and Monkey, from 16th-century China. Waley also presented and translated Chinese philosophy, wrote biographies of literary figures, and maintained a lifelong interest in both Asian and Western paintings. 从1910年开始直到1966年他去世,他翻译的作品从诗词开始,诸如170首中国诗词(1918)和日本诗歌:《乌达》(The Uta(1919)),然后是一部同样广泛流传的小说,如《源氏物语》(1925-26),11世纪的日本作品,以及16世纪中国的《西游记》。韦利还提出并翻译了中国哲学,撰写了文学人物传记,并对亚洲和西方绘画都终身的保持了兴趣。A recent evaluation called Waley "the great transmitter of the high literary cultures of China and Japan to the English-reading general public; the ambassador from East to West in the first half of the 20th century," and went on to say that he was "self-taught, but reached remarkable levels of fluency, even erudition, in both languages. It was a unique achievement, possible (as he himself later noted) only in that time, and unlikely to be repeated."最近的一项名为“韦利”的评价是“最崇高伟大的中国和日本文学文化的传播者”;接着又说他是“他的中文及日文皆是自学成才,但达到了卓越的流利程度,两种语言都有很高的学识。这是一项独特的成就,可能在那个时代(正如他本人后来指出的那样),而且不太可能被重复的成就。
2023-01-01 05:46:271


  我们知道涉外公证是指“我国公证机关依法办理的公证事项,发往域外使用所出具的证明文书。”接下来,我给大家准备了涉外公证翻译中须注意的问题,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。   涉外公证翻译中须注意的问题   一、 标题的翻译(The Translations of Headings)   公证书可译作“Notarization”或“Notarial Certificate”。笔者认为一旦某一特定公证处采用其中的一种译法,一般不应做改动。   涉外公证翻译工作量最多的往往是: 毕业 证公证书(Notarization of Diploma)、学位证公证书(Notarization of Degree Certificate)、成绩单公证书(Notarization of Academic Transcription)、亲属关系公证书(Notarization of Family Relation)、婚姻状况公证书(Notarization of Marital1 Status)、无刑事犯罪记录公证书(Notarization of No Record of Criminal Offense)、及(涉外)收养公证书(Notarization of Adoption2)等。当然,在实践工作中,以上各分类标题都可笼统地译为:“Notarization”或“Notarial Certificate”。   翻译标题时应注意以下问题:   1. 标题中不用引号(Quotation3 Marks)及句号(Periods);   2. 标题要在公证书上方中央位置(Center Top);   3. 公证书标题必须全部大写(Capitalize All Letters)或大写标题中每个单词的第一个字母(Capitalize the Very First Letter of Each Word);但   4. 标题中的冠词(Articles)及少于5个字母的连词(Conjunctions)、介词(Prepositions)不应大写,除非位于句首;   受公证书类型限制,在公证书标题中一般不会出现象“Between”这样长的连词或介词。   此外,公证书标题的翻译应追求准确、简洁。比如有的公证员将“亲属关系”译为“Relationship”,但是笔者认为用“Relationship”不如用“Domestic Relation ”或“Family Relation”准确;有的公证员将“毕业证”译作“Graduation Certificate”,这就不如用“Diploma”简洁。还有,在译“学位证公证书”时如采用《英汉-汉英双向法律字典》中“学位证书(Diploma)”的译法显然会造成与毕业证表达上的混乱[3].那么,能否区别对待?比如说具体称之为“文科学士学位公证书” (Notarization of B.A. Degree)或“理工科硕士学位公证书”(Notarization of M.S. Degree)等等。   “婚姻状况公证书”的翻译也应依据具体情况分别作“离婚公证书”(Notarization of Divorce)及“未婚公证书”(Notarization of Being Single)[4].诸如此类的细分。   二、 公证书正文即公证词的翻译(The Translations of the Body Part)   1. “兹证明”的翻译   我国公证书公证词多以“兹证明……”开头,其英文翻译(English Equivalent)应该是:“This is to certify4 that…”。   2. 公证词翻译应忠实于原文(Conformity5)   笔者曾在翻阅卷宗时发现如下译文:   This is to certify that Wang, who is male and was born on May 1, 1964, and Hao, who is female and was born on October 19, 1965, registered marriage on October 1,1992 at the registration6 office of Civil Affairs Department, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia.   这篇译文的缺陷之一在于时态。笔者认为“Registered” 一词为动词的过去式,表明的是过去发生这一登记结婚的事实而不能证明现在的婚姻状况是离异(Divorced)、丧偶(Widowed)还是分居(Separate)。这样便不能满足法言法语的周密性、准确性要求。因此,笔者认为将时态该为现在完成时态,以表达“一直持续到现在的状态”要妥一些。缺陷之二在于译文不够简洁。建议该为:   This is to certify that Wang (male, born on May 1, 1964) and Hao (female, born on October 19, 1965) have been married since on October 1, 1992 at the registration office of Civil Affairs Department, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia.   还有,有的公证员在翻译诸如毕业证公证书时,将《毕业证》等按照中文的习惯在翻译中加上书名号,使人觉得十分滑稽。我们知道在英语中是没有书名号的,在严肃的公证文书翻译中出现这样的错误是很可笑的。正确的 方法 是将汉语中应该加书名号的部分斜写(Italicized)、划下划线(Underlined)或大写(Capitalized)。   三、 涉外公证书的落款(Close)   涉外公证书译文正下方须注明:   1. 公证员(Notary)姓名和签名(Signature)或盖章(Stamp);   2. 公证处名称及盖章;   3. “中华人民共和国”(The People‘s Republic of China)字样;   4. 日期。日期的格式一般为月/日/年。   此外,在 出国 留学 经济担保(Affidavit7 of Financial Support)中通常有担保人(Financial Sponsor)如下誓词:   I certify that I will provide tuition fees, living epenses for my son Lee during his stay in the United States. If he requires any further monetary8 assistance, I will provide this as well.   通常,公证处需要担保人出具财产证明或银行存款证明(Bank Savings9 Statement)。所有这些均附于公证材料后。在涉及财产证明时,有时会遇到个体工商户(Individual Business)的营业执照(Business License10)。在逐项翻译中会遇到如“某某市/县工商行政管理局”印章。笔者认为不应译作“Commercial and Industrial Administration Bureau of City (Prefecture) /County ”,而应译为“ City (Prefecture)/County Administration of Industry and Commerce”。因为,“Administration”一词本身便有“eecutive branch of a government”的意思[5],即“行政机关、局(署)等”。   有时,公证机关还对材料的译本的真实性和可靠性予以公证,即“翻译件与原件一致公证”(Notarization of the Conformity of Translated Copy and the Original)。最后一点,在涉及“毕业证书公证”时,最后一句通常是:“原件上的校长某某某和毕业学校某某大学之印签均属实”。周帮友老师的 实用英语 应用文大全中将“属实”二字译为“Genuine”。笔者认为通译该是“Authentic11”。因为“Authentic”一词在法律英语中常用。比如:“作准证书”是“Authentic Instrument”,“作准文件”是“Authentic Document”[6]及〈麦克米伦字典〉中将“Authentic”一词解释为:“being what it purports12 to be”,并且给出了一个搭配例子即:“an authentic document”;而且,还有的书中,将“公证书”译为:“Authentic Deed”或“Authentic Act”。由此可见,用“Authentic”一词更准确一些,更与公证书语言靠近一些。现将上面一句汉语译出以供参考:“Both the signature of President and the stamp of the graduation School yyy University are found to be authentic. ”   扩展:海关常用英语词汇Custom English   1、B/L bill of lading 提单   2、L/C letter of credit 信用证   3、D/P documents against payment 付款交单   4、D/A documents against acceptance 承对交单   5、T/T telegraphic transfer 电汇   6、CFR cost and freight 成本加运费价格   7、C.I.F cost,insurance and freight 到岸价格   8、F.O.B free on borad离岸价   9、F.A.Q fair average quality 良好平均品质   10、FCL full container load 整箱货   11、LCL less than container load拼箱货   12、D/D demand draft 即期票汇   13、P.A particular average单独海损   14、F.P.A free from particular average平安险   15、W.P,A with particular average 水渍险   16、G.A general average 共同海损   17、LIBOR London inter1 bank offer rate伦敦银行同业折放利率   18、EW e works 工厂交货   19、FCA free carrier货交承运人   20、DAF delivered at frontier 边境交货   21、DES delivered e ship目的港船上交货   22、DEQ delivered e quay目的港码头交货   23、DDU delivered duty unpaied未完税交货   24、DDP delivered duty paid 完税后交货   25、M/T mail transfer信汇
2023-01-01 05:46:341


2023-01-01 05:46:4012


What is the purpose of translation?
2023-01-01 05:47:332

运用翻译概论的知识分析:all translations are maps,含义或你的看法?

2023-01-01 05:47:552

我已经把我的词典拿回来了 英语翻译?

I have got my dictionary back.
2023-01-01 05:48:0315

英语翻译 急急急

We should acquire new knowledge continuously and then keep up with the pace of the advancing time.I think the most important is to raise people"s awakeness of protecing our environment.Heavy rain is the reason of vegetable shortage.Could you please have dinna with me?Protecing marble from the damage of air pollution.Be saved in a protected museum.Hope you can get some help from my translations.
2023-01-01 05:49:144

求英文翻译- -

翻译研究是一种相对较新的学术研究领域,近年来已扩大爆炸。虽然翻译曾作为语言学习研究方法或比较文学的一部分,翻译“研讨会”和对比语言学课程,这门新学科的工作在很大程度上要归功于James s福尔摩斯,他的“名称和性质的翻译研究“建议两一个名称和一个结构的字段。相关的分支理论,描述性和应用翻译研究结构化很多最近的研究,都在帮助桥接海湾成长的理论和实践之间的翻译。作品主题的翻译可追溯到历史记录。翻译实践的讨论,例如,西塞罗和霍勒斯(公元前一世纪)和圣杰罗姆(第四世纪CE);他们的著作都产生了举足轻重的影响直到20世纪。在圣杰罗姆的案例中,他的方法的希腊文译本作圣经翻译成拉丁文会影响日后的翻译的圣经。事实上,翻译的圣经是be-for超过一千年,特别是在十六世纪的改革battle-ground相互矛盾的意识形态在西欧。
2023-01-01 05:49:282


g国家 民族 地区等所讲语言不同
2023-01-01 05:49:362

英语翻译 求助高手

With the fact that China joins WTO,the more and more people has been engaged in foreign trade business , this has promoted and improved the world economic growth on very big degree. Business affairs English is in common use language but in foreign trade business , its translation appears extraordinarily important therefore also right away. Be ready for translate a job key depending on two grows culture"s face to face grasping degree. Only when terms applying to specially appointed culture middle, the talent has meaning. Tradition has different culture between the middle west , is engaged in the business affairs English translator culture differences between must know to grasp both countries therefore. The business affairs activity is one kind of economic activity not only , is still one kind of cultural exchange. Business affairs translation is unlike the same translation , the translator needs having many-sided knowledge such as language , society , culture , folk custom , aesthetics , marketplace economics. If they do not pay attention to these culture differences,they are able to be confronted with lots of difficulty and bringing about a lot of serious consequences because of committing mistake. Language translation is a bilingual intercourse not only , is also two kinds culture delivery. Therefore, culture is assignable factor , the middle contacting with each other in business affairs in translation , different culture translates method having also different.
2023-01-01 05:49:449


2023-01-01 05:50:131

Would you help me to translations

2023-01-01 05:50:222


English translation is a kind of language meaning with another kind of language expression come out a kind of creative language activities. English translation ability enhancement is a long-term practice and accumulate process. If you want to improve your English translation ability, should be in the following respects work harder 1. In translation practice in the world Translation is a creative language activities, which has strong practicality. Not by a lot of practice and to promote translating ability, is to want to learn to swim the but again not into the same. Of course, also want to pay attention to scientific practice. You"d better find some difficulty suit oneself level and a Chinese translation of material translation exercises. His translation written with somebody else after translations of contrast. First take a look at yourself in understanding are accurate, secondly see own expression whether accord with Chinese language habits and find insufficiency. As to raise the level of, can find some simpler this basic specialized knowledge articles translation, after a gradual transition to the English translation of the other references. 2. On the one hand, can read some English class readings or controlled Chinese annotation of English reading, On the other hand also may according to the journal of one class provides translation in the original source to locate the corresponding text, and then comparing reading. Through the comparative analysis, can find out my gap, learning and absorb others in understanding the original spirit and translation express aspects strengths, promote translation ability enhancement.
2023-01-01 05:50:3015


translation 英[trænzˈleɪʃn] 美[trænzˈleɪʃn] n. 翻译; 译; 译文; 译本; 译作; 转变; 转化; [例句]I"ve only read Solzhenitsyn in translation.索尔仁尼琴的作品我只读过译本。[其他] 复数:translations
2023-01-01 05:51:466


In in more than half centuries development, various countries television entertainment program content and style although have occurred either is deep or the shallow change But took a program shape, the television entertainment program actually throughout is occupying an important position In the 1990s later periods, the entertainment program very quickly on still held the pipa in China"s development from "partly to obstruct surface" to enter the "thousand trees ten thousand trees plow furrows to open" the aspect From central station to regional station, even is various columns all has own entertainment program 1998 year the data display nation provincial level television station to hold the entertainment program to have 32, since the city level television station has set up the entertainment program to have 42 1999 years, successively also has 32 television stations to introduce the entertainment program Thereupon we saw the multi-colored television entertainment program, it has become the television program type which the people pursues holds, and undertook the television program entertainment function But our country television entertainment program must base to the localization develops with the humanities concern can have the long-time development space, therefore walks 原创性 the path is our country entertainment program bases the foundation
2023-01-01 05:52:062


This article "Frankenstein" carries on the evaluation from the glossary choice and the long verse translation skill two aspects to Translator Geng Zhi, and carries on the contrast with the Ding ultra translated edition, discovered that the Geng wisdom translated edition makes good use of four character phrases, the long verse translation word order is smooth, generally will divide into several short phrases by the long verse, the meaning is clear, is smoothly written. Through this analysis, obtains Chinese to agree in opinion again, usually many phrases compound or clause compound conclusion.
2023-01-01 05:52:144

the relation between domestication and foreignization

Domestication and ForeignizationZhao Ni(School of Interpretation and Translation, Shandong University at Weihai, Weihai, Shandong,264209)Abstract: In field of translation, there has long been a hot debate over the proper translation strategy chosen for the transmission of cultural contents. The two major approaches are domesticationa and foreignization, which have been the focus of debate since their appearance. This thesis aims to analyse the chioce of domestication and foreignization from a new approach, namely, Skopostheorie.Keywords: domesticationa, foreignization, Skopostheorie1.Definitions of Domesticationa and Foreignization Domestication refers to the target-culture-oriented translation in which unusual expressions to the target culture are exploited and turned into some familiar ones so as to make the translated text intelligible and easy for the target readers. Foreignization is a source-culture-oriented translation which strives to preserve the foreign flavor as much as possible in order to transfer the source language and culture into the target one.2.Overview of the Debate over Domesticationa and Foreignization The debate on foreignization or domestication can be viewed as the extension of the debate on “literal translation” and “free translation”. A literal translation is a translation that follows closely not only the content but also the form of the source language, it is also known as word-for-word translation. And translators engaged in literalism have been willing to sacrifice the formal elements of the target language and even the intelligibility of the target language text for the sake of preserving what they regard as the integrity of the source text. While those who favor free translation have quite often chosen to sacrifice the form of the source language for the sake of elegance and intelligibility in the target language. But most scholars hold that literal and free translation are limited on the level of content and form, when two languages are very similar in their structures, the issue of literal versus free translating may not seen to be so acute. The two pairs of strategies share some similarities: literal translation and foreignization put emphasis on the linguistic and stylistic features of the source text, and the target text translated in these ways may not be very smooth in language and the content may not be familiar to the target readers, so they may feel foreign when reading the translation, while free translation and domestication pay more attention to the target audience, because of the smooth sentences, the familiar expressions and cultural phenomena, sometimes the target readers may not realize that they are actually reading a translated text from another culture. However, this does not mean the two pairs are just one. There are some diferences between them. When a translator resorts to either literal translating method or free translating method, he puts his attention mainly to the linguistic factors of the source text and tries his utmost to keep the original meaning in the target text. But with the development of the translation studies, plenty of translators and theorists have realized that translation is a far more complicated activity with various cultural, poetic, political as well as economic factors related to it. Therefore, foreignization and domestication are a pair of new translation strategies which are more complex and extensive than literal translation and free translation method.3. A New Approach: Skopostheorie Which strategy is more appropriate as far as specific literary work is concerned ? Which strategy can make the translated text have a better efect among its target audience, foreignization or domestication? So far no theory can give a definite answer to the question, nor can any theorist completely negate one of them. Personally speaking, I thinks both domestication and foreignization are just two different strategies of translation and should complement with each other, because in translation practice, both methods have their functions which cannot be substituted. To strictly insist upon one another is just bring the strategy to extremes. Both strategies are justified if used in suitable situations from the perspective of the functionalist theory.3.1 An Overview of the Skopostheorie Translation, as a form of translaitonal action, like any other forms of human action, must be oriented by certain purpose. In translation practice, which strategy should be chosen should not be determined by the text itself or the translator himself/herself, but should be mainly decided by the purpose of the translation. This purpose-oriented approach of translation is one of the central idea of functionalist theory. The functionalist theory put forward by some German scholars has made a new perspective for translation studies. The German scholars are referred to as the "German school": Katharina Reiss and her functionalist translation criticism, Hans. J. Vermeer"s Skopostheorie and its extensions, Justa Holz-Manttari"s theory of translational action and Christiane Nord"s loyalty plus Skopos.(Nord 2001:4) Funcitionalists focus on the function or functions of texts and translations, or in German language the skopos of the translation. According to functionalist approaches to translation, i.e. the skopotheorie as presented by Vermeer, there are three major rules in the skopotheorie, namely, the skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. In the functionalist theory, the top-ranking rule for any translation is the “Skopos rule”, which says that a translational action is determined by its Skopos; that is, "the end justifies the means" (Reiss and Vermeer 1984: 101). Vermeer explains the Skopos rule as follows: Translate/interpret/speak/write in a way that enables your text/translation to function in the situation in which it is used and with the people who want to use it and precisely in the way they want it to function (Vermeer 1989a: 20). We can distinguish between three possible kinds of purpose in the field of translation: the general purpose aimed at by the translator in the translational process, the communicative purpose aimed at by the TT in the target situation and the purpose aimed at by a particular translation strategy or procedure. Nevertheless, the term skopos usually refers to the purpose of the TT,(Nord, 2001: 27-28) which is decided by the initiator of the translational action. Though most translational actions have a variety of Skopoi to realize, or more than one purpose to achieve, they usually will follow a hierarchical order. The translator, as a decision-maker, should judge which particular Skopos should be the most important one for him to carry out in a translational process. It also gives the translator a new perspective to decide which strategy will be employed in the whole process. The translator"s task is to ascertain and then apply the suitable strategies to reach its purpose. As Vermeer puts it, What the Skopos states is that one must translate, consciously and consistently, in accordance with some principle respecting the target text The theory does not state what the principle is and this must be decided separately in each specific case (1989b: 182). The coherence rule is also called as the intratextual coherence by functionalists. It requires that the translated text should make sense in the communicative situation in which it is received. It specifies that a translation should be acceptable in a sense that it is coherent with the receivers" situation (Reiss and Vermeer 1984:113). Therefore, in the translating process, the translator should take the target culture into careful consideration and do some alterations in order to make the translation intelligible. Otherwise, the translated text may lose its significance and become meaningless in a target culture. Since translation is the offer of the information from the source text, the translated text must bear certain relation with the source one. Vermeer called this relationship "intertextual coherence" or "fidelity". This coherence exists between the source text and the target text and the form it takes depends both on the translator"s interpretation of the source text and on the translation Skopos.The core of Skopostheorie is that the translation purpose plays the most important role in a translational process, or “the translation purpose justifies the translation procedures”. But problems arise when the translation purpose is not in line with the communicative intentions of the original author. Another member of the “German School”---Christiane Nord proposes her loyalty principle,which commits the translator bilaterally to the source and the target sides. It refers to the responsibility the translator has toward the source text producer, the target receiver and other agents involved in a translational interaction. Nord emphasizes that the term cannot be mixed up with fidelity or faithfulness, concepts that usually refer to a relationship holding between the source text and the target text. Loyalty is an interpersonal category referring to a social relationship between people. Loyalty demands the translator should be responsible for the target readers, but this does not mean that the translator is always obliged to do exactly what the readers expect Yet at the same time, the translator should also have a sense of moral responsibility not to deceive his readers (Nord 2001: 125)4. Domesticationa and Foreignization in the Framework of Skopotheorie4.1 the Relationship between the Two Stategies Under the framework of skopotheorie, foreignization and domestication may not contradict each other judging from the new functionalist perspective. Since a translation, generally involves various purposes, diferent strategies have to be taken in order to achieve each of them. The functionalist theory can provide guidance for him to decide which strategy is more suitable to employ in a specific translational action. Within the framework of the functionalist theory, the commissioner or the initiator should inform the translator much detailed information concerning the action such as the intended functions and the addressees of the target text at the beginning. Taking all these factors into careful consideration, the translator can give preference to foreignization or to domestication.If a translation is intended to widen the target addressees" visions and to introduce the source culture into the target culture, the translator may choose foreignization. In this way, the source culture can be transferred into the target culture and further enrich the target culture as well as language. However, this method is not suitable to the texts under all circumstances. Cultural faithfulness should not be acquired at the expense of a vague broken language, resulting in miscomprehension or making little readability of the target text into sense. Therefore translator should also take demestication into consideration when employing the foreignizing strategy. On the contrary, if the Skopos is to provide a smoother translation without many difficulties for common readers, domesticating method should be taken. It will overcome the culture barriers as well as the language ones for providing an easy reading. Then the most important task for the translator is to eliminate the cultural conflicts, which may be the obstacles in communication and result in misunderstanding. It is also the translators" job to be aware of the connotations of some cultural elements in the source text. Thus a successful communication can be achieved. But the domesticating strategy has its limitations, too. Sometimes it may not be suitable since a translation should read like a translation, remaining something foreign and exotic. If it loses all the characteristics of a translation, it may also lose its atraction. Therefore, both strategies have their positive points as well as the negative ones. They are far from being all-purpose and can only be taken to reach different Skopoi designed by translation brief. The relationship between foreignization and domestication is in fact dialectical and complementary.Different participants play different roles, among which the intended TT receiver is of utmost importance. This is why in the framework of Vermeer"s theory, one of the most important factors determining the purpose of a translation is the addressee, who is the intended receiver or audience of the TT with their culture-specific world-knowledge, their expectations and their communicative needs. Every translation is directed at an intended audience, since to translate means “to produce a text in a target setting for a target purpose and target addressees in target circumstances”(1987a:29) A text is made meaningful by its receiver and for its receiver. Different receivers or even the same receiver at different times find different meanings in the same linguistic material offered by the text. What the translator can do, and should do, is to produce a text that is at least likely to be meaningful to target-culture receivers.4.2 Case Study For example, as for the two versions of Hong Lou Meng by Yang Xianyi couple and David Hawkes respectively, the two translators adopt different methods concerning the cultural factors in the story. Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang address their translation to the foreign readers who have some, or at least a litle knowledge about China and Chinese culture. In a word, the addressees of Yangs" translation are some foreigners or experts who are learning Chinese and its culture. On the contrary, Hawkes" translation is for the common English-speaking readers who may or may not know much about Chi
2023-01-01 05:52:271


翻译:Translation is to show the meaning of a language converted into another language. In short, translation is a kind of different language the meaning of the original author accurately reappear art. From the above translation definition we know, the original thoughts must be maintained as far as possible, do not advances. The duty of the translator just convert text rather than change its meaning. Therefore, there are two elements translation: accuracy and expressive. Accuracy is the first condition of translation. The translator must be careful to follow the original author"s meaning, chooses words and sentence structures must convey the original faithfully thoughts. Sex is to let the expression easier to understand. In other words, the translator must use his means the original thoughts as much as possible of the clear and effectively express ?
2023-01-01 05:52:326

help me do some translations, tks

Mies van der Rohe-- 密斯.范.德.罗厄 个人觉得既然是品牌就不要太长,叫 凡德罗 比较顺口Regency - 叫 帝豪 或 王朝 如何? regent 有帝王的意思,regency有被大量用在酒店名上,这里都有王朝,帝王的意思
2023-01-01 05:52:531

跪求中西翻译史中标志性的大事,英文的(中英对照最好) 太谢谢了啊,急啊

Chinese translation theory was born out of contact with vassal states during the Zhou Dynasty. It developed through translations of Buddhist scripture into Chinese. It is a response to the universals of the experience of translation and to the specifics of the experience of translating from specific source languages into Chinese. It also developed in the context of Chinese literary and intellectual tradition.Early texts contain various words for "interpreter" or "translator". The Classic of Rites, claims that there was one word for each direction. For example, the translators who had to translate for vassals of the north were called yi4 译. It has been claimed that yi4 译 became the sole word for "translator" because in the Han Dynasty and the period of disunion, most translation was with the north. Other words are "tongue person" 舌人 and "return tongue" 反舌.A Western Han work attributes a dialogue about translation to Confucius. Confucius advises a ruler who wishes to learn foreign languages not to bother. Confucius tells the ruler to focus on governance and let the translators handle translation.The earliest bit of translation theory may be the phrase "names should follow their bearers, while things should follow China." In other words, names should be transliterated, while things should be translated by meaning.In the late Qing Dynasty and the Republican Period, reformers such as Liang Qichao, Hu Shi and Zhou Zuoren began looking at translation practice and theory of the great translators in Chinese history.Zhi Qian (3rd c. AD) Zhi Qian (支谦)"s preface (序) is the first work whose purpose is to express an opinion about translation practice. The preface was included in a work of the Liang Dynasty. It recounts an historical anecdote of 224AD, at the beginning of the Three Kingdoms period. A party of Buddhist monks came to Wuchang. One of them, Zhu Jiangyan by name, was asked to translate some passage from scripture. He did so, in rough Chinese. When Zhi Qian questioned the lack of elegance, another monk, named Wei Qi (维只), responded that the meaning of the Buddha should be translated simply, without loss, in an easy-to-understand manner: literary adornment is unnecessary. All present concurred and quoted two traditional maxims: Laozi"s "beautiful words are untrue, true words are not beautiful" and Confucius"s "speech cannot be fully recorded by writing, and speech cannot fully capture meaning".Zhi Qian"s own translations of Buddhist texts are elegant and literary, so the "direct translation" advocated in the anecdote is likely Wei Qi"s position, not Zhi Qian"s.Dao An (314-385AD) Dao An focused on loss in translation. His theory is the Five Forms of Loss (五失本):Changing the word order. Sanskrit word order is free with a tendency to SOV. Chinese is SVO. Adding literary embellishment where the original is in plain style. Eliminating repetitiveness in argumentation and panegyric (颂文). Cutting the concluding summary section (义说). Cutting the recapitulative material in introductory section. Dao An criticized other translators for loss in translation, asking: how they would feel if a translator cut the boring bits out of classics like the Shi Jing or the Classic of History?He also expanded upon the difficulty of translation, with his theory of the Three Difficulties (三不易):Communicating the Dharma to a different audience from the one the Buddha addressed. Translating the words of a saint. Translating texts which have been painstakingly composed by generations of disciples. Kumarajiva (344-413AD) Kumarajiva"s translation practice was to translate for meaning. The story goes that one day Kumarajiva criticized his disciple Sengrui for translating “heaven sees man, and man sees heaven” (天见人,人见天). Kumarajiva felt that “man and heaven connect, the two able to see each other” (人天交接,两得相见) would be more idiomatic, though heaven sees man, man sees heaven is perfectly idiomatic.In another tale, Kumarajiva discusses the problem of translating incantations at the end of sutras. In the original there is attention to aesthetics, but the sense of beauty and the literary form (dependent on the particularities of Sanskrit) are lost in translation. It is like chewing up rice and feeding it to people (嚼饭与人).Huiyuan (334-416AD) Huiyuan"s theory of translation is middling, in a positive sense. It is a synthesis that avoids extremes of elegant (文雅) and plain (质朴). With elegant translation, "the language goes beyond the meaning" (文过其意) of the original. With plain translation, "the thought surpasses the wording" (理胜其辞). For Huiyuan, "the words should not harm the meaning" (文不害意). A good translator should “strive to preserve the original” (务存其本).Sengrui (371-438AD) Sengrui investigated problems in translating the names of things. This is of course an important traditional concern whose locus classicus is the Confucian exhortation to “rectify names” (正名). This is not merely of academic concern to Sengrui, for poor translation imperils Buddhism. Sengrui was critical of his teacher Kumarajiva"s casual approach to translating names, attributing it to Kumarajiva"s lack of familiarity with the Chinese tradition of linking names to essences (名实).Sengyou (445-518AD) Much of the early material of earlier translators was gathered by Sengyou and would have been lost but for him. Sengyou"s approach to translation resembles Huiyuan"s, in that both saw good translation as the middle way between elegance and plainness. However, unlike Huiyuan Sengyou expressed admiration for Kumarajiva"s elegant translations.Xuanzang (600-664AD) Xuanzang"s theory is the Five Untranslatables (五种不翻), or five instances where one should transliterate:Secrets: Darani 陀罗尼, a Sanskrit mantra. Polysemy: bhaga (as in the Bhagavad Gita) 薄伽, which means comfortable, flourishing, dignity, name, lucky, esteemed. None in China: jambu tree 阎浮树, which does not grow in China. Deference to the past: the translation for anuttara-samyak-sambodhi is already established as Anouputi 阿耨菩提. To inspire respect and righteousness: Prajna 般若 instead of “wisdom” (智慧). Daoxuan (596-667AD) Yan Fu (1898) Yan Fu is famous for his theory of fidelity, clarity and elegance (信达雅), which some believe originated with Tytler. Yan Fu wrote that fidelity is difficult to begin with. Only once the translator has achieved fidelity and clarity should he attend to elegance. The obvious criticism of this theory is that it implies that inelegant originals should be translated elegantly. Clearly, if the style of the original is not elegant or refined, the style of the translation should not be elegant either.Liang Qichao (1920) Liang Qichao put these three qualities of a translation in the same order, fidelity first, then clarity, and only then elegance.Lin Yutang (1933) Lin Yutang stressed the responsibility of the translator to the original, to the reader, and to art. To fulfill this responsibility, the translator needs to meet standards of fidelity (忠实), smoothness (通顺) and beauty.Lu Xun (1935) Lu Xun"s most famous dictim relating to translation is "I"d rather be faithful than smooth" (宁信而不顺).Ai Siqi (1937) Ai Siqi described the relationships between fidelity, clarity and elegance in terms of Western ontology, where clarity and elegance are to fidelity as qualities are to being.Zhou Zuoren (1944) Zhou Zuoren assigned weightings, 50% of translation is fidelity, 30% is clarity, and 20% elegance.Zhu Guangqian (1944) Zhu Guangqian wrote that fidelity in translation is the root which you can strive to approach but never reach. This formulation perhaps invokes the traditional idea of returning to the root in Daoist philosophy.Fu Lei (1951) Fu Lei held that translation is like painting: what is essential is not formal resemblance but rather spiritual resemblance (神似).Qian Zhongshu (1964) Qian Zhongshu wrote that the highest standard of translation is transformation (化, the power of transformation in nature): bodies are sloughed off, but the spirit (精神), appearance and manner (姿致) are the same as before (故我, the old me or the old self).
2023-01-01 05:52:581


translation翻译双语对照词典结果:translation[英][trænsˈleɪʃn][美][trænsˈleʃən, trænz-]n.翻译; 译本; 转变; 转化; 复数:translations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Here, for example, is google"s translation of the first pages of the savage detectives. 例如,你可以点击此处查看用谷歌翻译的《荒野侦探》(The Savage Detectives)这部小说的前几页。
2023-01-01 05:53:091


my translation 我的翻译
2023-01-01 05:53:163


translation 译文 The translations bear the signs of inaccuracy and haste.这些译文中有不够准确、下笔仓促的痕迹。
2023-01-01 05:53:271

英语by translation requests怎么翻译?

英语by translation requests翻译成中文是:“根据翻译请求”。重点词汇: translation一、单词音标 translation单词发音:英 [trænsˈleɪʃən]  美 [trænsˈleɪʃən] 。二、单词释义n. 翻译;译文;RNA的转录;平移三、词形变化复数: translations四、短语搭配compare the translations 比较译文do〔make〕 translation 翻译,进行翻译Chinese〔English〕 translation 汉〔英〕译本close〔faithful, good, rough〕 translation 精确〔忠实,很好,粗略〕的翻译free〔literal〕 translation 意〔直〕译word-for-word translation 逐字翻译五、词义辨析translation,version,paraphrase这些名词均含“翻译,译文”之意。translation普通用词,指从一种语言到另一种语言的翻译。version可与translation换用,尤指不拘泥于文字的意译,更常指某种作品的一种译文。paraphrase可指非常自由的解释,不拘泥遣词造句,重在传意。通常指用同样语言深入浅出地解释艰深的句子或段落。六、双语例句Poetry always loses something in translation. 诗歌一经翻译总会失去某些东西。The exam consists of an essay and an unseen translation. 考试包括一篇作文和一篇即席翻译。Most of the translation he did for me was complete nonsense. 他给我做的大多数译文完全不知所云。The book loses something in translation. 此书在翻译过程中丢失了一些原意。Publishers have commissioned a French translation of the book. 出版商已委托人把这本书译成法语。
2023-01-01 05:53:3311


2023-01-01 05:54:352


解释双语对照词典结果:interpretation[英][ɪnˌtɜ:prɪˈteɪʃn][美][ɪnˌtɜ:rprɪˈteɪʃn]n.理解; 解释,说明; 翻译; 表演,演绎; 复数:interpretations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Subtle interpretation is required. 微妙的解释是必要的。翻译双语对照词典结果:translation[英][trænsˈleɪʃn][美][trænsˈleʃən, trænz-]n.翻译; 译本; 转化; 转变; 复数:translations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Might be worse than that.seems my translation was off. 可能会更糟糕。看来我的翻译是关闭的。
2023-01-01 05:54:433

sworn translations 是什么意思

sworn translations保证说实话的翻译 客观的翻译sworn[英][swɔ:n][美][swɔ:rn]adj.保证说实话的; 宣过誓的; (朋友)感情极深的; (敌人)不共戴天的; v.诅咒,咒骂( swear的过去分词 ); (使某人)就…宣誓; 郑重承诺; 发誓要;translations[英][træns"leɪʃnz][美][træns"leɪʃnz]n.翻译( translation的名词复数 ); 译本; 转变; 转化; .-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-01-01 05:54:581

part iv translation是什么意思

part iv translation第四部分翻译translation[英][trænsˈleɪʃn][美][trænsˈleʃən, trænz-]n.翻译; 译本; 转变; 转化; 复数:translations例句:1.Machine translation can certainly help in these cases. 机器翻译当然可以帮助在这些情况下。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-01-01 05:55:041


2023-01-01 05:55:102


翻译意思有4种的翻译是:There are 4 kinds of translations.见下图
2023-01-01 05:55:191


口译Language interpretation is the practice of facilitating oraland sign-language communication, either simultaneously orconsecutively, between two or more users of different languages.Functionally, interpreting and interpretation are both descriptive words for this process.In professional practice, interpreting denotes the act offacilitating communication from one language form into its equivalent,or approximate equivalent, in another language form. Interpretationdenotes the actual product of this work, that is, the message as thusrendered into speech, sign language, writing, non-manual signals, orother language form. This important distinction is observed to avoidconfusion.Functionally, an interpreter is a person who converts athought or expression of a source language into an expression with acomparable meaning in a target language in "real time". Theinterpreter"s function is to convey every semantic element (tone andregister) and every intention and feeling of the message that thesource-language speaker is directing to the target-language recipients.翻译Translation is the interpreting of the meaning of a text and the subsequent production of an equivalent text, likewise called a "translation," that communicates the same message in another language. The text to be translated is called the source text,and the language that it is to be translated into is called the targetlanguage; the final product is sometimes called the target text.Translation, when practiced by relatively bilingual individuals but especially when by persons with limited proficiency in one or both languages, involves a risk of spilling-over of idioms and usagesfrom the source language into the target language. On the other hand,inter-linguistic spillages have also served the useful purpose ofimporting calques and loanwordsfrom a source language into a target language that had previouslylacked a concept or a convenient expression for the concept.Translators and interpreters, professional as well as amateur, havethus played an important role in the evolution of languages and cultures.[1]The art of translation is as old as written literature. Parts of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, among the oldest known literary works, have been found in translations into several Southwest Asian languages of the second millennium BCE. The Epic of Gilgamesh may have been read, in their own languages, by early authors of the Bible and of the Iliad.[2]
2023-01-01 05:55:321


Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text.
2023-01-01 05:55:383


2023-01-01 05:55:507

do some translation还是do some translations

2023-01-01 05:56:223

show ip nat translations 问题

用 show ip nat statistics
2023-01-01 05:56:331