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2023-06-06 08:48:31





basketball champions 篮球冠军


1.The Scottish champions were buoyant after they disposed of English champions Leeds.苏格兰冠军在战胜英格兰冠军利兹队后感到轻松愉快。

2.The first team in nineteen years to repeat as NBA champions.19年来第一支蝉联NBA冠军的球队。

3.He capped a memorable season by becoming champion of champions.他以成为冠军中的冠军的方式结束了这个难忘赛季。

4.In rugby Gloucester claimed the scalp of would-be champions Bath.葛洛斯特队在橄榄球赛场上击败了夺冠呼声最高的巴斯队。



Fan但是,当然,我是一个“哈迷”。 But, yeah, I am a fan.
2023-06-06 04:22:212


2023-06-06 04:22:2915


“Buoy”是一个英语单词,作名词表示浮标,作动词表示支撑或提振。作为名词,buoy通常指水中或海上使用的浮标,以便船只或水上运动者容易发现或判断位置。buoy还可以指其他类型的浮标,如气球式浮标、石油钻井用浮标等。作为动词,buoy的意思是支撑或提振,常常用于形容经济、情绪或信心的回升。例如:“Good news buoyed the stock market”表示好消息使股市回升。此外,buoy还可以用作形容词,表示充满活力和积极性,如“a buoyant economy” 表示充满活力的经济。总之,“buoy”这个词通常用于描述水中的浮标、支撑和提振等含义,可以用于不同的语境中,所以在确定其含义时需要结合上下文进行分析。
2023-06-06 04:22:521


2023-06-06 04:23:164


2023-06-06 04:23:231

请问 淡了 用英语怎么说? 要翻译比较准确比较口语化的. 谢谢!

not as strong as before....
2023-06-06 04:23:346


In trouble he is always buoyant . 在困难的时候,他总是 精神振作 的。 These last words roused me . 听了最后一句话,我 精神振作 了。 A pttle bracing roughness is better than spoipng him . 令人 精神振作 的微弱粗暴比娇宠他要好得多。 Whenever times were tough in our family, it was my father who kept our spirits up . 家境不好的时候,使我们 精神振作 的是父亲。 His spirits picked up as he came near home 快到家时他的 精神振作 起来了。 His encouraging words revived my drooping spirits 他令人鼓舞的话使我颓丧的 精神振作 起来。 Treating yourself to ice cream is a good pick - me - up 善待你自己,给自己买个冰淇淋吃,这是使你 精神振作 的好办法。 If one could walk through a park on one " s lunch break , she / he would go back to work feepng refreshed and rejuvenated 如果能在午餐休息的时候在公园里走一走,在他回去工作的时候就会觉得 精神振作 、恢复了活力。
2023-06-06 04:23:491


  在口语中,表达开心除了Happy之外,其实还有很多单词和句子都可以表达这个意思哦,今天就跟着我一起来看一下吧。   Happy   开心的   Means to show pleasure, joy, or contentment. Happy is simply feeling good.   表示快乐、愉悦或满足。快乐就是一种良好的感觉。   Whenever the sun is out I feel happy.   每当太阳出来时,我都感到很高兴。   I havenu2019t been happy at this company for a long time.   我在这家公司待的不开心很久了。   There are many synonyms that can be substituted for the word happy. Here are some of the most popular.   有许多同义词可以代替“happy”这个词。这里有一些最受欢迎的。   1. Cheerful and Cheery   1.振奋开心的   Means that someone is happy and optimistic. They are so happy that it can be visibly seen on their face and in their demeanor. Cheerful people are usually always smiling.   意思是形容某人快乐和乐观。他们的快乐能从脸上和举止上看出来。开朗的人通常总是微笑。   I love hanging out with Beth, sheu2019s always so cheerful.   我喜欢和贝丝在一起,她总是那么快乐。   He was so cheerful, it looked like he was skipping through the streets.   他非常高兴,在街上蹦蹦跳跳。   You have such a cheery personality.   你的性格很活泼。   2. Merry and Jolly   2.愉快和快活的   Means that someone is cheerful, and you can see the joy on their face. It can also be used to hope that someone has a good day. It is often used to wish someone a Merry Christmas.   意思某人是快乐的,你可以看到他们脸上的喜悦。它也可以用来祝福某人过得愉快。人们常常用它来祝愿某人圣诞快乐。   People often think about a merry or jolly person being happy and always smiling, and unfortunately they are traditionally thought of as being fat. These words are associated with Santa Claus.   人们通常认为一个愉快或快活的人是欢乐的,总是微笑的,不幸的是,他们传统上被认为是胖的。这些词与圣诞老人有关。   You look particularly merry today, did something good happen.   你今天看起来特别高兴,发生了什么好事吗?   I want to wish you a Merry Christmas before you leave to visit your family.   在你去拜访你的家人之前,我想祝你圣诞快乐。   Have a jolly Christmas.   祝你圣诞快乐。   He has a great big jolly laugh.   他开怀大笑。   3. Joyful   3.喜悦的   Means to express great happiness for or about something. It can be used to not just express how someone feels in that moment, but also how someone feels about something.   意思是表达对于某事极大的幸福。它不仅可以用来表达一个人在那一刻的感受,还可以用来表达一个人对某件事的感受。   Iu2019m feeling very joyful today.   我今天感到满心欢喜。   Working for this company has been a joyful experience.   在这家公司工作是一次愉快的经历。   4. Jovial   4.活泼欢呼的   Means that someone is happy, cheerful, and lively. Jovial is almost always used to describe someoneu2019s personality. Someone who is jovial is often very talkative and socializes with people.   意思着某人是快乐的,开朗的,活泼的。Jovial总是用来描述某人的性格。一个快乐的人往往很健谈,并且热爱与人交往。   Heu2019s so jovial. Itu2019s fun to be around him and he talks to everyone.   他是很活泼开朗的。和他在一起很有意思,因为他和任何人交流都很有趣。   5. Jocular   5.戏谑的,爱开玩笑的   Refers to someone who is being playful or is joking.   指的是喜欢戏谑或开玩笑的人。   Heu2019s in a jocular mood, heu2019s been telling jokes all afternoon.   他兴奋难耐,整个下午都在讲笑话。   6. Gleeful   6.喜出望外的   Refers to someone triumphantly joyful. Someone is usually gleeful after something really good happens.   指的是一个人得意洋洋地快乐。在一些真正好的事情发生后,通常有人会喜出望外。   After getting such a great score, she was gleeful.   在得了这么高的分数之后,她欣喜若狂。   7. Carefree   7.无忧无虑,逍遥自在的   Means that someone does not have any worries or burdensome responsibilities. It is usually used to describe someone not having to do or worry about anything, or it is described as an attitude.   意思着某人没有任何忧虑或需要负担的责任。它通常用来描述一个人不必做任何事情或担心任何事情,或者它被描述为一种态度。   It was nice to have a carefree vacation.   能有一个无忧无虑的假期真是太开心了。   His carefree attitude didnu2019t make sense, considering he was in so much financial trouble.   他有这样逍遥自在的态度是不合理的,因为他面临这么多的财政困难。   8. Delighted   8.喜不自胜的   Refers to someone who is pleased or who is showing that they are finding pleasure in something. Someone is often delighted in reaction to something.   指的是一个知足的人,或者是一个显示出他们在某物中寻找快乐的人。有人对某事的反应常常很欣喜。   I am delighted at how quickly our new furniture was delivered.   我很开心我们的新家具交付得这么快。   9. Lighthearted   9.轻松愉快的   Means that someone or something is lighthearted and entertaining. It usually describes a mood.   意思是指某人或某物是轻松愉快的。它通常用来描述一种情绪。   The film was lighthearted.   这部电影风格轻松愉快。   She was lighthearted even after such a stressful day.   即使在这么紧张的一天之后,她也看起来轻松自在。   10. Pleased   10.心满意足的   Means that someone is happy with or likes something.   意思是某人对某事很满意或者很喜欢某事。   I am pleased with the outcome of our meeting.   我对会议的结果感到满意。   11. Contented and Content   11.怡然自得的   Refers to someone being happy and peaceful. Content isnu2019t the same as being cheerful or jovial, itu2019s a little bit less happy than that.   指的是一个人知足而平和。Content和快乐不一样,它比快乐少一点兴奋。   I was very content with our conversation.   我对我们的谈话很满意。   He was contented with the agreement that was struck.   他对所达成的协议感到满意。   12. Satisfied   12.欢喜满意的   Means pleased and content. This can be a synonym for happy, but itu2019s not as strong as many of the other synonyms. It can mean happy, but it can also just be the absence of being unhappy.   意思是高兴和满足。这可以作快乐的同义词,但它不如其他同义词那么强烈。它可能意味着快乐,但也可能是不快乐。   I was satisfied with the amount of people that attended the party.   我对参加聚会的人数感到满意。   13. Buoyant   13.轻快活泼的   Means that someone is cheerful and optimistic. Buoyant also means to float, and as a synonym of happy, a person who is buoyant seems as if they are so happy that they are floating. Someone who is buoyant is extremely happy.   意思指某人是快乐和乐观的。Buoyant也有漂浮的意思,作为快乐的同义词,一个漂浮的人似乎是如此的快乐以至于他们轻盈逍遥。活泼的人非常地快乐。   She was buoyant after her graduation ceremony.   毕业典礼结束后,她看起来神采奕奕。   14. Radiant   14.神采飞扬,容光焕发的   Means that something is sending out light. In the case of being a synonym to happy, it means that someone is so happy that you can see the joy coming off of them. Their face lights up.   意思是有东西在发光。作为快乐的同义词,那就意味着有人是如此的兴奋,以至于你能看到快乐在他们身上洋溢。他们的脸亮了起来。   The smile on the grooms face was radiant when he saw his bride walk towards him down the aisle.   当新郎看到他的新娘沿着过道走向他时,他脸上的笑容容光焕发。   15. Gratified   15.喜出望外的   Means that someone is being given a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. A person is happy in a grateful way.   意思是有人得到了很快乐和满足。一个人以感恩的方式感到幸福。   He was gratified to see how many people showed up for his performance.   看到有多少人来参加他的演出,他心怀感激,喜不自胜。
2023-06-06 04:24:231


2023-06-06 04:24:291

他是做什么的?(三种 问职业) 英文翻译

2023-06-06 04:24:488


题主是否想询问“漂浮烟雾信号适合晚上使用吗”?不适合。晚上适合使用灯光火焰烟雾信号,可以在晚上看的更加清除,而漂浮烟雾信号是飘在海上的烟雾,晚上不容易发现适合白天使用,因此漂浮烟雾信号不适合晚上使用。漂浮烟雾信号(buoyant smoke signal),点燃后能漂浮于水面,并在一定时间内匀速地喷出橙黄色烟雾,而不喷出任何火焰的求救信号。
2023-06-06 04:25:191


建议楼主下载石油大典 对照不清楚的词汇看看会省很多事。楼上的似乎随随便便用个翻译软件,却没在意专业的词汇与普通词汇有它特殊的含义。所以有点不通。
2023-06-06 04:25:264


那两个生物学名词,没有说啊。生物学常见名词Abundance (mRNA 丰度):指每个细胞中mRNA 分子的数目。Abundant mRNA(高丰度mRNA):由少量不同种类mRNA组成,每一种在细胞中出现大量 拷贝。 Acceptor splicing site (受体剪切位点):内含子右末端和相邻外显子左末端的边界。Acentric fragment(无著丝粒片段):(由打断产生的)染色体无著丝粒片段缺少中心粒,从而在细胞分化中被丢失。 Active site(活性位点):蛋白质上一个底物结合的有限区域。 Allele(等位基因):在染色体上占据给定位点基因的不同形式。 Allelic exclusion(等位基因排斥):形容在特殊淋巴细胞中只有一个等位基因来表达编码的免疫球蛋白质。 Allosteric control(别构调控):指蛋白质一个位点上的反应能够影响另一个位点活性的能力。Alu-equivalent family(Alu 相当序列基因):哺乳动物基因组上一组序列,它们与人类Alu 家族相关。Alu family (Alu家族):人类基因组中一系列分散的相关序列,每个约300bp长。每个成员其两端有Alu 切割位点(名字的由来)。 α-Amanitin(鹅膏覃碱):是来自毒蘑菇Amanita phalloides 二环八肽,能抑制真核RNA聚合酶,特别是聚合酶II 转录。 Amber codon (琥珀密码子):核苷酸三联体UAG,引起蛋白质合成终止的三个密码子之一。 Amber mutation (琥珀突变):指代表蛋白质中氨基酸密码子占据的位点上突变成琥珀密码 子的任何DNA 改变。 Amber suppressors (琥珀抑制子):编码tRNA的基因突变使其反密码子被改变,从而能识别UAG 密码子和之前的密码子。 Aminoacyl-tRNA (氨酰-tRNA):是携带氨基酸的转运RNA,共价连接位在氨基酸的NH2 基团和tRNA 终止碱基的3¢或者2¢-OH 基团上。Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (氨酰-tRNA 合成酶):催化氨基酸与tRNA 3¢或者2¢-OH基团共价连接的酶。Amphipathic structure(两亲结构):具有两个表面,一个亲水,一个疏水。脂类是两亲结构,一个蛋白质结构域能够形成两亲螺旋,拥有一个带电的表面和中性表面。mplification (扩增):指产生一个染色体序列额外拷贝,以染色体内或者染色体外DNA形式簇存在。Anchorage dependence (贴壁依赖):指正常的真核细胞需要吸附表面才能在培养基上生长。 Aneuploid (非整倍体):组成与通常的多倍体结构不同,染色体或者染色体片段或成倍丢失。 Annealing (退火):两条互补单链配对形成双螺旋结构。 Anterograde (顺式转运):蛋白质质从内质网沿著高尔基体向质膜转运。 B lymphocytes or B cell (B淋巴细胞或B 细胞):合成抗体的细胞。Backcross (回交):杂交检测的另一种(早期的)说法。 Back mutation (回复突变):逆转产生基因失活效果突变的突变,从而使细胞恢复野生型。 Bacteriophage (细菌噬菌体):侵染细菌的病毒,通常简称为噬菌体。 Balbiani ring (B环):多线染色体条带中一个很大的泡状环。 Normal chromosomes (常染色体):相对较大,一定区域内在特定化学处理下保持著色。 Base pair (碱基对):是DNA双链中一对A和T 或G和C。在RNA中特定条件下也能形 成其它的配对。 Bidirectinal replication (双向复制):当两个复制叉在同一起始点以不同的方向移动时形成。 Bivalent (二价染色体):在减数分裂初期一种包括四条染色单体的结构(两个染色单体代表 同源染色体)。 Blastoderm (囊胚层):昆虫胚胎发育的一个阶段,其中胚胎周围的一层细胞核或细胞围绕 著中央的卵黄。 Blocked reading frame (闭锁读框):由于被终止密码子打断而不能被翻译成蛋白质的读码 框。 Blunt-end ligation (平端连接):直接在末端连接两个DNA 双链分子的反应。bp:是碱基对的简称,表示DNA 之间的距离。 Branch migration (分支迁移):指双链中与其互补链部分配对的DNA链通过延伸与其同源的固定链配对的能力。Breakage and reunion (断裂与重连):指一种遗传重组的模式,其中两个DNA双链分子在相应的位置打断并十字交叉重新连接(涉及在连接位点异源双链的形成)。 Buoyant density (漂浮密度):衡量一种物质漂浮在一些标准液体上的能力,如CsCl。C banding:在著丝粒附近产生著色区域的染色体分带技术。C gene (C 基因):编码免疫球蛋白质链恒定区域的基因。 C value (Cz):单倍体基因组中DNA 的总量。 CAAT box (CAAT 盒):真核生物转录单位起始点上游的保守序列,被一组转录因子识别。 Cap (帽):是真核生物mRNA 5¢端的结构,在转录後通过末端5¢ GTP的磷酸基团和mRNA 的末端碱基而引入。增加的G(有时是其它碱基)是甲基化的,产生了MeG5¢pppNpu201e 的结构。CAP(CRP):由cAMP 激活的正调控蛋白质。对RNA 聚合酶起始E.coli 中一些操纵子(分 解代谢----敏感)是必须的。Capsid (衣壳):是病毒微粒外部的蛋白质衣壳。Caspases:一个蛋白质酶家族,其成员在调亡(细胞程序性死亡)中起作用。 Catabolite repression(分解代谢物阻碍):由于葡萄糖增加引起一些细菌操纵子表达降低。是cAMP 水平降低使CAP 调控蛋白质失活所导致。 cDNA:与RNA 互补的单链DNA,通过体内RNA 逆转录而合成。 cDNA clone (cDNA 克隆):代表一个RNA 的双链DNA 进入一个克隆载体。 Cell cycle (细胞周期):一次细胞分裂到另一次分裂的时期。Cell hybrid (细胞杂交):包含来自不同种属亲本细胞染色体的体细胞(如人-鼠融合细胞杂 交),通过融合细胞形成融合的异型核而产生。 Centrioles (中心粒):在减数分裂期聚集在中轴附近、由微管组成的小空圆柱体,位于著丝粒上。 Centromere (著丝粒):染色体聚集区域,包含减数分裂或有丝分裂纺锤体结合位点。 Centrosomes (中心体):减数分裂细胞微管组织的区域。在动物细胞中,每一个中心体包括 一对由微管附接的、高密度不定型区域围绕的中心粒构成。 Chaperone (分子伴侣):使一些蛋白质装备或者恰当折叠所需的蛋白质,但是这种蛋白质并 不是目标复合物的成分。 Chemical complexity (化学复杂度):化学分析测量的DNA 成分量。Chi sequemce (Chi序列):一个提供E.coli中RecA 介导遗传重组热点的八聚体序列。 Chi structure (Chi结构):两个双链DNA之间的接头通过去掉两个连在一起的环而使每个 环产生线形末端暴露出来。它类似于希腊文chi,从而得此名字。 Chiasma (交叉):两个同源染色体在减数分裂中交换物质的位点。 Chromatids (染色单体):复制时产生的染色体拷贝。此名字通常用来形容处于随後的细胞 分裂期它们分开的之前的染色体。
2023-06-06 04:25:331


All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours, but always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly delimited.<BR>Such stories set up thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances. What associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings? What happiness should we find in reviewing the past, what regrets?<BR>Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. We should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come. There are those, of course, who would adopt the epicurean motto of “Eat, drink, and be merry,” most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death. 我们都读过这样一些动人的故事,故事里主人公将不久于人世。长则一年,短则24小时。但是我们总是很想知道这个即将离开人世的人是决定怎样度过他最后的日子的。当然,我所指的是有权作出选择的自由人,不是那些活动范围受到严格限制的死囚。 这一类故事会使我们思考在类似的处境下,我们自己该做些什么?在那临终前的几个小时里我们会产生哪些联想?会有多少欣慰和遗憾呢? 有时我想,把每天都当作生命的最后一天来度过也不失为一个很好的生命法则。这种人生态度使人非常重视人生的价值。每一天我们都应该以和善的态度、充沛的精力和热情的欣赏来度过,而这些恰恰是在来日方长时往往被我们忽视的东西。当然,有这样一些人奉行享乐主义的座右铭——吃喝玩乐,但是大多数人却不能摆脱死亡来临的恐惧。 Most of us take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future, when we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty task, hardly aware of our listless attitude towards life.<BR>The same lethargy, I am afraid, characterizes the use of our faculties and senses. Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight. Particularly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult life. But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sound hazily, without concentration, and with little appreciation. It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we conscious of health until we are ill.<BR>I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.<BR>Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see. Recently I was visited by a very good friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods, and I asked her what she had observed. “Nothing in particular,” she replied. I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such responses, for long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little. 我们大多数人认为生命理所当然,我们明白总有一天我们会死去,但是我们常常把这一天看得非常遥远。当我们身体强壮时,死亡便成了难以相象的事情了。我们很少会考虑它,日子一天天过去,好像没有尽头。所以我们为琐事奔波,并没有意识到我们对待生活的态度是冷漠的。<BR>我想我们在运用我们所有五官时恐怕也同样是冷漠的。只有聋子才珍惜听力,只有盲人才能认识到能见光明的幸运。对于那些成年致盲或失陪的人来说尤其如此。但是那些听力或视力从未遭受损失的人却很少充分利用这些幸运的能力,他们对所见所闻不关注、不欣赏。这与常说的不失去不懂得珍贵,不生病不知道健康可贵的道理是一样的。<BR>我常想如果每一个人在他成年的早些时候,有几天成为了聋子或瞎子也不失为一件幸事。黑暗将使他更珍惜光明;沉寂将教他知道声音的乐趣。<BR>有时我会试探我的非盲的朋友们,想知道他们看见了什么。最近我的一位非常要好的朋友来看我,她刚刚在树林里走了很长时间,我问她看见了什么。“没什么特别的,”她回答说。如不是我早已习惯了这样的回答,我也许不会轻易相信,因为很久以前我就相信了有眼人看不见什么。<BR>How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch. I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf. I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough shaggy bark of a pine. In spring I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud, the first sign of awakening Nature after her winter"s sleep I feel the delightful, velvety texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable convolutions; and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me. Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently in a small tree and feel the happy quiver of a bird in full song. I am delighted to have cool waters of a brook rush through my open fingers. To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug. To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips. At times my heart cries out with longing to see all these things. If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight. Yet, those who have eyes apparently see little. The panorama of color and action fill the world is taken for granted. It is human, perhaps, to appreciate little that which we have and to long for that which we have not, but it is a great pity that in the world of light and the gift of sight is used only as mere convenience rather that as a means of adding fullness to life.<BR>Oh, the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for three days! 我问自己在树林中走了一小时,怎么可能什么值得注意的东西都没有看到呢?而我一个盲人仅仅通过触摸就发现了数以百计的有趣的东西。我感到树叶的对称美,用手摸着白桦树光滑的树皮或是松树那粗糙的厚厚的树皮。春天里我满怀着希望触摸着树枝寻找新芽,那是大自然冬眼后醒来的第一个征象。我感到了花朵的可爱和茸茸的感觉,发现它层层叠叠地绽开着,大自然的神奇展现在我的面前。当我把手轻轻地放在一棵小树上,如果幸运的话,偶尔会感到歌唱的小鸟欢快的颤动。我会愉快地让清凉的溪水从手之间流过。对我来说,满地厚厚的松针和松软的草坪比奢华的波斯地毯更惹人喜爱。对我来说四季变换的景色如同一场动人心魄的不会完结的戏剧,剧中的人物动作从我的指尖流过。我的心不时在呐喊,带着对光明的渴望。既然仅仅通过触摸就能使我获得如此多的喜悦,那么光明定会展示更多美好的事物啊。可惜的是那些有眼睛的人分明看到很少,整个世界缤纷的色彩和万物的活动都被认为是理所当然。也许不珍惜已经拥有的,想得到还没有得到的是人的特点,但是在光明的世界里只把视觉用做一种方便的工具,而不是丰富生活的工具,这是令人多么遗憾的事情啊。<BR>噢,假如我拥有三天光明,我将会看见多少事物啊!
2023-06-06 04:25:414


人工鱼礁bibendi -快感神酒是一门古老的文化产品的人类. 连古希腊人和罗马人也欣赏这种饮料的遗风. 稍微扬眉吐气,试图以富有诗意地说,蓬勃发展的时候,伟大的思想家,诗人和哲学家写下自己的作品. 相较于葡萄酒在欧洲的成就一样享受茶或咖啡,而是属于近代. 今天,越来越多的人们发现了文化这一饮料. 这样,先民历史,因为它是勤奋工作,在对象的利益,则急起直追, 什么酒,其实是了. 即不熄灭,但对刺激感官,所以就统一的灵魂,激发天才. 诗歌作为空想,葡萄酒仍是相同的. 酒也有一个非常交际元素,是什么原因最后是更为明显, 不是有一个交流的" ,最近取得了"灵感与志同道合的人,参加了好瓶? 这里可能同意以较粗糙观感:最佳的享受者每瓶为两件, 因为一方面交换的公正fecundated天才本身就是少赚钱, 在另一方面的内容之一瓶三人不幸的是仅仅被视为不 足够了. 然后打开一瓶当然场合喝仔细将采取综合考虑. 是酒伴餐,没有人欣赏它呢? 各种葡萄酒适合刚等各种场合和机会喝. 红酒或白酒,干或甜,或依然灿烂, 依然浮躁青年还是有区别的成熟? 什么是葡萄酒的磨难替代!
2023-06-06 04:25:482


被引述的文字如果超过三行,则应将引文与论文文字分开,如下例所示:Whitman has proved himself an eminent democratic representative and precursor, and his “Democratic Vistas” is an admirable and characteristic diatribe. And if one is sorry that in it Whitman is unable to conceive the extreme crises of society, one is certain that no society would be tolerable whoses citizens could not find refreshment in its buoyant democratic idealism.(Chase 165) 这里的格式有两点要加以注意。一是引文各行距英语论文的左边第一个字母十个空格,即应从第十一格打起;二是引文不需加引号,末尾的句号应标在最后一个词后。
2023-06-06 04:25:571

请英语好的大师帮我翻译一下下面这个小故事!急用 谢谢 注:谢绝网络google等直译的版本

2023-06-06 04:27:205


Today a cloudless blue sky, the sun is shining, I took a friend to go to chengdu spring city road shopping.Along the way, the breeze gently blowing in our face, we are free to chat, talking and laughing in a buoyant mood!Big mall that"s really very busy, although is not a holiday at the moment. We look to the east, the west looked at. Richer mall thing let"s dazzling, don"t know where to look. Things changed things, this has the benefits of this, that there are substantial, is each has his strong point. A wide variety of goods, is really opened my eyes, seems to want every commodity.Soon an afternoon of shopping trip over, we all have a harvest. Oh, today is really a pleasant, to celebrate!看看行不
2023-06-06 04:27:371


2023-06-06 04:27:454


巴金散文《鸟的天堂》英译欣赏   小船向着高塔下面的乡村流去的时候,我还回过头去看留在后面的茂盛的榕树。朋友说,这是鸟的天堂。下面是我整理的巴金散文《鸟的天堂》,英译版欣赏。   Birds" Paradise   Ba Jin   We had supper at Chenu2019s school. The heat had subsided. The sun had gone down behind the hills, leaving its glorious glow on the horizon, on top of the hills and on tips of the trees.   “Letu2019s go boating!” Chen suggested. We were standing by the pond in front of the school gate, watching the scene over the hills and on tips of the trees.   “Letu2019s go boating!” Chen suggested. We were standing by the pond in front of the school gate, watching the scene over the hills.   “Good idea,” the other friends fell in with him cheerfully.   We went along a gravel path for some distance and soon got to the river. There was a straw pavilion by the water. We went past the pavilion and found a couple of small boats under two tall trees along the river.   We jumped into one of them one after another. A friend unfastened the rope and pushed off the boat with a bamboo pole, and the boat moved slowly toward the middle of the river.   Three of us took turns to row the boat, and Chen and I sat enjoying the scene around.   On the hillside in the distance there stood a tower surrounded by many green trees. Such towers were hard to find elsewhere in the neighborhood. That was where Chenu2019s home was located.   The river was wide, the whitish water was undisturbed and the boat was floating on its smoothly. The three oars were paddling in the water with regular rhythm.   The river narrowed at one point. Clusters of tree leaves, leaves with lovely greenness, reached out over the water. They were many exuberant banyan trees, but their trunks were invisible.   As soon as I said they were “many” banyan trees, I was corrected by my friends. One of them said it was only one, and another said there were two. I had seen many big banyans before, but it was the first time I had seen a banyan as big as this one.   Our boat was nearing the tree, and I was able to see at close hand what it looked like: it was a huge tree, with numerous branches out of which roots grew and many of them drooped to the ground and dug into the earth. Some branches hung down to the water, looking from a distance like a big tree lying buoyant on top of it.   This was the season when trees were thick with dense branches and leaves (the tree began to bear small fruits and some had fallen). It looked as though the banyan was trying to show to us all of its exuberance. Itu2019s so heavy with leaves in clusters, one piling on top of another, leaving hardly any space in between. The emerald green shimmered in front of our eyes, as if in every leaf there was a new life pulsating there. What beautiful trees of southern China.   Our boat slowed to a halt under the tree and stopped there for a moment. We did not get off to the bank as it was wet there. My friends said the tree was a “paradise” for the birdsu2019; many birds had nested in it and peasants would not allow anyone to catch them. I seemed to have heard the sound of some birds flapping their wings, but when I turned to look I could not see any one there. Instead there were numerous roots standing on the ground like wood stakes. The ground was wet, probably washed by the tides. “Birdsu2019 Paradise”, but there were no birds in it, I wondered. Our boat, poled by a friend, moved on and glided toward the middle of the river.   巴金 《鸟的天堂》原文   我们在陈的小学校里吃了晚饭。热气已经退了。太阳落下了山坡,只留下一段灿烂的红霞在天边,在山头,在树梢。   “我们划船去!”陈提议说。我们正站在学校门前池子旁边看山景。   “好,”别的朋友高兴地接口说。   我们走过一段石子路,很快地就到了河边。那里有—个茅草搭的水阁。穿过水阁,在河边两棵大树下我们找到了几只小船。   我们陆续跳在一只船上。一个朋友解开绳子,拿起竹竿一拨,船缓缓地动了,向河中间流去。   三个朋友划着船,我和叶坐在船中望四周的景致。   远远地一座塔耸立在山坡上,许多绿树拥抱着它。在这附近很少有那样的塔,那里就是朋友叶的家乡。   河面很宽,白茫茫的水上没有波浪。船平静地在水面流动。三只桨有规律地在水里拨动。   在一个地方河面变窄了。一簇簇的绿叶伸到水面来。树叶绿得可爱。这是许多棵茂盛的榕树,但是我看不出树干在什么地方。   我说许多棵榕树的时候,我的错误马上就给朋友们纠正了,一个朋友说那里只有一棵榕树,另一个朋友说那里的榕树是两棵。我见过不少的大榕树,但是像这样大的榕树我却是第一次看见。   我们的船渐渐地逼近榕树了。我有了机会看见它的真面目:是一棵大树,有着数不清的桠枝,枝上又生根,有许多根一直垂到地上,进了泥土里。一部分的树枝垂到水面,从远处看,就像一棵大树躺在水上一样。   现在正是枝叶繁茂的时节(树上已经结了小小的果子,而且有许多落下来了。)这棵榕树好像在把它的全部生命力展览给我们看。那么多的绿叶,一簇堆在另一簇上面,不留一点缝隙。翠绿的颜色明亮地在我们的眼前闪耀,似乎每一片树叶上都有一个新的生命在颤动,这美丽的南国的树!   船在树下泊了片刻,岸上很湿,我们没有上去。朋友说这里是“鸟的天堂”,有许多只鸟在这棵树上做窝,农民不许人捉它们。我仿佛听见几只鸟扑翅的声音,但是等到我的眼睛注意地看那里时,我却看不见一只鸟的影子。只有无数的树根立在地上,像许多根木桩。地是湿的,大概涨潮时河水常常冲上岸去。“鸟的天堂”里没有一只鸟,我这样想道。船开了。一个朋友拨着船,缓缓地流到河中间去。   在河边田畔的小径里有几棵荔枝树。绿叶丛中垂着累累的红色果子。我们的船就往那里流去。一个朋友拿起桨把船拨进一条小沟。在小径旁边,船停住了,我们都跳上了岸。   两个朋友很快地爬到树上去,从树上抛下几枝带叶的荔枝,我同陈和叶三个人站在树下接。等到他们下地以后,我们大家一面吃荔枝,一面走回船上去。   第二天我们划着船到叶的"家乡去,就是那个有山有塔的地方。从陈的小学校出发,我们又经过那个“鸟的天堂”。   这一次是在早晨,阳光照在水面上,也照在树梢。一切都显得非常明亮。我们的船也在树下泊了片刻。   起初四周非常清静。后来忽然起了一声鸟叫。朋友陈把手一拍,我们便看见一只大鸟飞起来,接着又看见第二只,第三只。我们继续拍掌。很快地这个树林变得很热闹了。到处都是鸟声,到处都是鸟影。大的,小的,花的,黑的,有的站在枝上叫,有的飞起来,有的在扑翅膀。   我注意地看。我的眼睛真是应接不暇,看清楚这只,又看漏了那只,看见了那只,第三只又飞走了。一只画眉飞了出来,给我们的拍掌声一惊,又飞进树林,站在一根小枝上兴奋地唱着,它的歌声真好听。   “走吧,”叶催我道。   小船向着高塔下面的乡村流去的时候,我还回过头去看留在后面的茂盛的榕树。我有一点的留恋的心情。昨天我的眼睛骗了我。“鸟的天堂”的确是鸟的天堂啊! ;
2023-06-06 04:27:521


2023-06-06 04:28:0610


浮力是什么意思   力指物体在流体(包括液体和气体)中,各表面受流体(液体和气体)压力的差(合百力)。公元前245年,阿基米德发现了浮力原理。浮力的度定义式为F浮=G排(即物体浮力等于物体下沉时排开液体的重力),计算可用它推导出公式F浮=ρ液gV排(ρ液:液体密度,知单位千克/立方米;g:重力与质量的比值g=9.8N/kg在粗略计算时,g可以取10N/kg,单位牛顿;V排:排开液体的体道积,单位立方米)。液体的浮力也适用于气体。 关于浮力,V排和G排分别是什么意思?有什么关系? V排是指浸zd入液体中的物体体积,也就是排开液体的体积。G排是指排开液体的重力。讲究两者关系版,首先要把G乘以g(初中一般取值为10N/kg以方便计算)后得到质量权M,然后根据液体密度公式得出其中的等量关系,质量=密度×体积 浮力N是什么意思 答:力一般用F表表示,支持力有时用N表示,浮力用N表示的时候很少,但是也可以。 请问中性浮力是什么意思。 浮力分为正浮力,负浮力和中性浮力。 正浮力意味着物体排掉等体积水的质量比自身大,是浮在水面上的。因此,负浮力呈下沉状态,中性浮力则可停留在水中任一深度,不浮不沉。 浮力密度是什么意思呢?谁能通俗的解释一下,谢谢! 浮力密度buoyant density 是指通过用氯化铯等密度梯度离心法(平衡密度梯度法)所知求的高分子物质的密度。氯化铯的浓度使用8mol/L,这时DNA具有与溶液大致相同的密度,即1.7g/cm^3由于在浓盐溶液中产生溶媒混合,所以与在稀盐溶液中的密度不一定相同。碱基组道成不同的(GC含量不同)DNA,其浮力密度不同。DNA精确的浮力密度与(G+C)的含量成线性关系,因此这是一种有效的DNA分析方法:ρ=1.66+0.098%(G+C)。 建筑中抗浮是什么意思 抗浮的意思就是抵抗浮力。 如当建筑物(或部分)处在地下水位以下时,则根据阿基米德定理,其会有象船一样有浮力产生,浮力的大小等于建筑物排开地下水的重量;百 如建筑物的自重小于浮力时,则建筑物需要作抗浮处理:如加大建筑物的重量,采用抗拔桩等措施。 扩展资料: 抗浮桩介绍:度 抗浮桩不同于一般的基础桩,有其自身的独特性能,与一般基础桩的最大区别在于:基础桩通常为抗压桩,桩体承受建筑荷载压力,问受力自桩顶向桩底传递,桩体受力大小随着建筑荷载的变化而变化; 而抗浮桩则为抗拔桩,桩体承受拉力,普通抗浮桩受力也是自桩顶向桩底传递,桩体受力大小随着地下水位的变化而变化,但两者受力机制恰好相反。 抗拔桩是指抵抗建筑物向上位移的各种桩答型的总称,抗拔桩不同于一般的基础桩,有其自身的独特性能,抗浮桩为抗拔桩。
2023-06-06 04:28:341


2023-06-06 04:29:078


fresh water
2023-06-06 04:29:358


almost always his sense of values is changed. He becomes more appreciative of t
2023-06-06 04:29:583


I want to have a day off
2023-06-06 04:30:203


飞机为什么会飞起来? 飞机为什么能飞?尽管有各个部门的配合,但是最主要的是飞机有一对采用特殊剖面形状的机翼。 翼剖面又称翼型。典型的翼型上凸下平,人们通常称流线型。根据流体的连续性和伯努利定理可知,相对远前方的空气来说,流经上翼面的气流受挤,流速加快压力减小,甚至形成吸力(负压力)而流过下翼面的气流流速减慢。于是上下翼面就形成了压力差。这个压力差就是空气动力。按力的分解法则,将其沿飞行方向分解成向上的升力和向后的阻力。阻力由发动机提供的推力克服。升力正好可克服自身的重力,将飞机托向空中。这就是飞机为什么会飞的奥秘所在。 帆船:风力驱使小船:桨往后划,水给的反作用力轮船:轮子反向旋转,水给的反作用力快艇:螺旋桨旋转,水给的反作用力(类似直升飞机) " Bi Engine " Identity Of Usage " Flying " " Such Engine " Identity Of Usage " Sailing " 参考: See Putonghua ” Eng ni e ” Engine Identity Of Usage 飞机会飞是机翼的设计运用了Bounelli对流体(其中一种是空气)流动时速度和压力之间的关系 - 唔好意思只识英文名称的理论。当飞机的发动机向前推行,在机翼面上方的空气会流得快过在机翼底的空气,造成机翼面的气压会比机翼底低,由于包围施在机翼的物理力上下相差便有一种向上的加力,速度加快加度便加强,直至向上力大于飞机的重量(地心吸力)时便会起飞;升空后水平飞行时在机翼的向上力等同重量便维持飞行高度前进。当然实际的操控和飞行变化会比这解释复杂很多。这里只是介绍使飞机可以飞起的原理和应用背后的科学研究由来。 amasci/~billb/cgi-bin/miscon/guest04 船可以浮是应用另一科学发现叫Archidmedes这个科学家命名的浮力定律,自己再查看吧。简单解释是浮体(物件)的重量=排水的重量,所以船的设计并不单在乎物料是否浮水,而是计算总载重量和设计船的型状达到沉于水线下的容量的相等水重量(转化压力),便会承扥浮于水面。 有钱就可以搭飞机,有钱就可以搭邮轮,你问为什么,终究都是钱作怪﹗
2023-06-06 04:30:271

求翻译下面文章 谢谢

2023-06-06 04:30:351


1. Delighted/Happy 高兴的 快乐的 2. Elated 得意扬扬的;兴高采烈的 3. Jubilant 欢腾的 喜气洋洋的;令人喜悦的 4. Relieved 放心的 宽慰的 5. Agitated 激动的 6. Excited 兴奋的;激动的 7. Eager热心的 热切的 渴望的 急切的[ 8. Calm 镇静的 沈著的 9. Dejected 沮丧的 情绪低落的 气馁的 10. Frustrated 挫败的;失意的;泄气的 11. Buoyant 心情愉快的;活泼的 12. Incensed/Angry 激怒了的;愤怒的 13. Heartbroken 悲伤的 14.Wretched 悲惨的 痛苦的 15. Disappointed 失望的 沮丧的 落空的 受挫折的 16. Discouraged 灰心的;沮丧的;气馁的;泄气的 17. Depressed 沮丧的 消沈的 忧郁的 18. Infuriated 使大怒 触怒 19. Bored 使厌烦 烦扰 20. Grievous 令人悲痛的 悲伤的 21. Contended/Satisfied 满足的;知足的;满意的 22. Weary 疲倦的 疲劳的 厌烦的 23. Tranquil 平静的;安静的;安宁的 24. Impressed 给...极深的印象;使感动 25. Nervous/Restless 神经质的 紧张不安的 焦躁不安的 烦躁的 sorry 得25个~! 参考: me 开心 兴奋 伤心 *** 美满 愤怒 无奈 不安 痛苦 孤独 严肃 心痛 愉快 紧张 轻松 反感 失控 大喜过望 心花怒放 人心大快 悲喜交集 清秀的 灰白的 矮矮的个子 苗条的 水汪汪的 低沈的 圆脸 弯弯的 满布皱纹的 花白的 亲切的 和蔼可亲的 参差不齐的 浓眉大眼的 沙哑的 健壮的 爬满青筋的 乌黑发亮的 机灵的 瘦弱的 亮光闪闪的 白里透红的 银铃似的 高个子 炯炯有神的 黝黑发亮的 酒窝 圆溜溜的 满布红丝的 瓜子脸 清脆的 胖嘟嘟的 甜蜜 开心 兴奋 伤心 *** 震撼 美满 愤怒 无奈 痛楚 舒适 悠闲 不安 痛苦 孤独 严肃 凉快 清静 沉稳 冰冷 炎热 清凉 寒冷 心痛 愉快 紧张 轻松 消极 反感 失控 参考: web 我每种感情比4个词语啦 思想情感: 1.拘谨不安 2.心平气和 3.望穿秋水 4.豁然开朗 喜悦: 5.大喜过望 6.心花怒放 7.人心大快 8.悲喜交集 笑: 9.强颜欢笑 10.破涕为笑 11.笑不可仰 12.回眸一笑 悲哀: 13.烦躁不安 14.心事重重 15.万箭穿心 16.心如刀割 哭: 17.抽抽搭搭 18.泪流满面 19.失声痛哭 20.哇哇大哭 惊恐: 21惊心动魄 22.六神无主 23.手足无措 24.气急败坏 愤怒: 25.气恨难平 26.火冒三丈 27.怒火中烧 28.怀恨在心 激动: 29.百感交集 30.激动不已 31.热泪滚滚 32.心潮起伏 2006-11-07 21:40:29 补充: 楼上的都是形容形貌的词汇....而第1楼的更加是不知所谓.... 清秀的 灰白的 矮矮的个子 苗条的 水汪汪的 低沈的 圆脸 弯弯的 满布皱纹的 花白的 亲切的 和蔼可亲的 参差不齐的 浓眉大眼的 沙哑的 健壮的 爬满青筋的 乌黑发亮的 机灵的 瘦弱的 亮光闪闪的 白里透红的 银铃似的 高个子 炯炯有神的 黝黑发亮的 酒窝 圆溜溜的 满布红丝的 瓜子脸 清脆的 胖嘟嘟的 参考: socialwork/artical/kid/classchin/ch36
2023-06-06 04:30:491


2023-06-06 04:31:093


So far the message has not been read . 这个信息至今未被 辨认 出来。 The photo has faded beyond recognition . 相片已经模糊,不能 辨认 。 The garbled words can be deciphered . 篡改的字能够被 辨认 出来。 Some of the letter was illegible . 那封信有些字难以 辨认 。 He identifies three charactertypes . 他 辨认 出三种性格。 The coins of every country are difficult to learn at first . 各国的辅币起初都难于 辨认 。 He encouraged the use of finger-printing in identification . 他推动了指纹 辨认 的广泛使用。 In the parlor, colpns quickly got his bearings . 柯林斯进入客厅后很快就 辨认 出了他所处的位置。 The captain said that he could make out a house on the shore . 船长说他能 辨认 出岸上的一座房子了。 Typical forms of the o are different and easily recognizable . 二者的模式标本是不同的并易于 辨认 。 The lettering on the gravestone was badly worn and almost illegible . 墓碑上的文字已严重磨损难以 辨认 。 I could not with any certainty recognize a prostitute in the street . 在大街上我都没有把握 辨认 出一个 *** 来。 His eyes-and it was my destiny to know them-were large and handsome . 他的眼睛--我不得不仔细 辨认 的--大而美。 I could not with any certainty recognize a prostitute in the streets . 在大街上我都没有把握 辨认 出一个 *** 来。 To possess a concept is not to own some easily identifiable article . 持有一个概念并不是持有某个容易 辨认 的物品。 All day he traveled through the forest, setting his course by the sun . 他在树林里走了一整天,凭著太阳来 辨认 道路。 All day he travelled through the forest, setting his course by the sun . 他在树林里走了一整天,凭著太阳来 辨认 道路。 A radar beam picks out the moving target and stays with it all the time . 雷达波束能 辨认 出活动的目标,并一直跟踪该目标。 In practice the identification of pnes in a star"s spectrum is not so easy . 实际上,要 辨认 恒星光谱中的谱线并不那么容易。 She saw a faint mark on the horizon, and gradually it took shape . 她瞥见天边出现了一个模糊的痕迹,慢慢形成可以 辨认 的形状。 At elevated humidities mixtures of soluble and insoluble material are often readily discernible in single particles . 在大湿度时,可溶的和不可溶的物质的混合物很容易在单个粒子中 辨认 出来。 It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very skilful one : the bank must recognize its customer "s signature . 即使伪造的十分巧妙的也不能付款:银行必须能够 辨认 客户的签字。 Among these, carters and wagoners were distinguished by having a piece of whip-cord isted round their hats . 在这些人里,驾货车的车夫和赶大车的把式从帽子上缠着的一段鞭绳上可以 辨认 出来。 The abipty of a telescope to distinguish fine detail, or to see celestial objects that are close to each other as separate images, is called resolution . 望远镜 辨认 出精细结构或者把彼此靠得很近的几个天体分开成象的能力叫做分辨本领。 For the first time since he had gotten into this business he found himself longing for dusty pbraries, illegible manuscripts and medieval latin . 自从参与这项工作以来,他第一次发觉自己是多么想念那满是尘土的图书馆,难以 辨认 的手稿及中世纪的拉丁文。 Mary sat still, looking at the writing, and turning the paper round with careful examination, trying to hope, but her very fears belying her hopes . 玛丽静静地坐在那里 辨认 著那张纸上的文字,又把那张纸翻来覆去地仔细察看,似乎在希望着什么,但她心中的恐惧又把那希望给打消了。 She seemed very depressed, and had none of that proud and buoyant bearing which would have betrayed her among a thousand women of the same stature . 她神情沮丧,没有了平时那种气宇轩昂,轻盈飘逸的风度。这种风度使她能从一万个与她身材相仿的女人中轻易地被 辨认 出来。 Label the toilet so that they can find it easily 在厕所外设有标记,方便他们 辨认 The cytopla *** and cell borders are not recognizable 细胞质和细胞边界不能 辨认 。 Guest signatures are notoriously illegible 客人的签字经常字迹潦草,难以 辨认 。 All other recognized partitions will be named 所有其他 辨认 出的分区,将被命名为 The requirements of identifiable photography and videography 辨认 照相录像要求 The dim outpne of a house could be made out 有一所房子的模糊轮廓依稀可 辨认 。 I could just make out a figure in the darkness 我隐约在黑暗中 辨认 出有个人影。 The moment he spoke we recognized his voice 他一说话,我们就 辨认 出他的声音。 His poor handwriting can not be read by himself 他糟糕的笔迹无法被他本人所 辨认 。 Identify the purposes of the statement of cash flows 辨认 现金流量表的用途。 Bright constellations : pegasus and cassiopeia 容易 辨认 的星座:飞马座及仙后座 Can you work out what these squiggles mean 你能 辨认 出这些潦草的字迹是什么意思吗? Missing or illegible government leases and grants 遗失或难以 辨认 的 *** 租契及批地书
2023-06-06 04:31:151


BODY TYPESanorexic: horribly thin, as though having a fear of eating.athletic: having undergone considerable activity and maintaining muscle-tonebarrel-chested: having a broad chest that is round as a barrelbeefy: muscular and heavily built, burly, huskybent: stoopedbosomy: having large breasts.bow-spined: stopped, bent, having a back that is bowed into a permanently curved shape so that the head hangs low.brawny: having physical strength and weight; rugged and powerfulburly: muscular and heavily builtbuxom: (of a woman"s body) having pleasing curves, curvaceous, curvy, bosomy, full-bosomed, voluptuous. Also, a kind way of saying "slightly fat". chubby, plump.chubby: slightly overweight, having ample curves.colossal: so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awecorpulent: Very fat; obesecurvaceous: having pleasing and ample curves.curvy: large hips, thighs, curvy, buxom.deformed: Unnatural or distorted in form; having a deformity; misshapen; disfigured; as, a deformed person; a deformed headdelicate: small boned and framed, appearing fragile.diminutive: very small.dumpy: Short and fat or sturdy; dumpy; podgy; as, a short, pudgy little manelephantine: of great mass; huge and bulkyemaciated: very thin especially from disease or hunger or coldfat: having much flesh (especially fat), having a relatively large diameter, overly high body weight for one"s height.fleshy: usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry itfragile: see delicate.full-bosomed: see: bosomyfull-figured: having a large frame. Well filled-out. buxom.gangly: tall and thin and having long slender limbs, ungracefully tall and thin.gargantuan: of great mass; huge and bulkgaunt: very thin especially from disease or hunger or coldgnarled: used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knothaggard: Having the expression of one wasted by want or suffering; hollow-eyed; having the features distorted or wasted, or anxious in appearance; as, haggard features, eyeshunchbacked: Having a humped backhunched: having the back and shoulders rounded; not erecthusky: Powerful; strong; burlylanky: tall and thin and having long slender limbs. gangly, rangy, ungracefully tall and thin.lavishly endowed: generously gifted with weight, bosom, or other features.lean: thinleggy: having long legs and having those legs be the most notable feature.lissome: gracefully slender; moving and bending with easelithe: see lissome. svelte, supple, slender, lithesomelumpy: Full of lumps, or small compact masses. Often used to describe someone who is fat.malnourished: gaunt, thin, emaciated.muscled: covered with musculature.obese: excessively fat; "a weighty man"palsied: affected with palsy or uncontrollable tremorpaunchy: having a large bellypetite: small, short, little-boned. thin, delicate.plump: see chubby.portly: Bulky; corpulentpot-bellied: having a large belly, round, as a pot.pudgy: Short and fat or sturdy; dumpy; podgy; as, a short, pudgy little manreedy: resembling a reed or twig in being slender and fragilerickety: inclined to shake as from weakness or defectrobust: strong. Evincing strength, indicating vigorous health, sinewy; muscular; vigorous; sound; as, a robust body; robust youth; robust healthroly-poly: fat, round.rotund: fat, round.rugged: sturdy and strong in constitution or construction; enduringrunty: well below average height, of small size.scrawny: Meager; thin; rawboned; bony, unattractively thinsinewy: Well braced with, or as if with, muscular strengthskeletal: thin as a skeleton. "Skin and bones"sleek: well-groomed and neatly tailored; especially too well-groomedslight: Not stout or heavy; slenderslim: Not stout or heavy; slenderslinky: Thin; lankspindly: long and lean (usually applied to limbs)squat: Short and thick, like the figure of an animal squattingstacked: well or attractively formed with respect to physiquestalwart: having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardshipsstatuesque: of size and dignity suggestive of a statue. Partaking of, or exemplifying, the characteristics of a statue; having the symmetry, or other excellence, of a statue artistically made.stocky: heavy and compact in form or staturestooped: To bend the upper part of the body downward and forward; to bend or lean forward; to incline forward in standing or walking; to assume habitually a bent positionstout: Firm; tough; materially strong; enduring. Also Large; bulky; corpulent.strapping: muscular and heavily builtstubby: short and bluntsvelte: showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience. Also, graceful, slender, moving with ease.tall: not short.thickset: Having a short, thick body; stoutthin: light of weight. Not fat. slender.towering: very tall, imposingly so.voluptuous: see buxom.waspish: Resembling a wasp in form; having a slender waist, like a wasp.well-muscled: covered with much muscle.whip-thin: very thin. thin as a whip.willowy: slender and gracefulwiry: Capable of endurance; tough; sinewy; as, a wiry frame or constitution. lean and sinewy.SHOULDERSbony, broad, delicate, drooping (head sunk down into them), massive, round, square, stoopedCHEST(Note: due to the fact you will likely be wearing clothing overthis part of the body, the general size of the chest may be all that is noticeable to an observer. hair and definition maynot be known to all)barrel-chestedcaved-n chestchiseled pecs: (pecs being the boob muscles ;)defined pecshairlesshairybosomybuoyant (seeming to float)bustybuxomflat-chestedjutting conesmelon-breastedsag-chestedtop-heavyunderdevelopedBELLY/STOMACHbeer-gutblubberyflabbyflatfleshyiron-muscledlove handledover the beltpaunchyplumppot-belliedripplingswinging bellytonedwashboard stomach
2023-06-06 04:31:343

【每日经济学人】2019-04-06 a range of planned technical changes to Facebook 一系列 a firm accused of falling foul of all four precepts 准则规范 it emerged that some user data had been stored on unsecured third-party servers. to become known 暴露;露出真相;被知晓 accused Facebook of allowing advertisers to target property buyers by race, religion and other factors in what amounts to discrimination . be equal to something;通过种族、信仰等来筛选定位客户 may discriminate inadvertently 无意之间就构成歧视了 Finely tailored ads are the source of the company"s fat profits 精心裁剪设计的广告 making them less precise could hurt margins 削减利润 settled a similar suit with settle a suit: 解决一桩诉讼案 The HUD accusation came a week after Facebook settled a similar suit with the A came a week after B:A发生在B之后一周 talking up its own efforts to tackle Mr Zuckerberg"s four gripes 抱怨 creating an independent arbiter at arm"s length from the company to make hard decisions about what content is unacceptable. 一个臂膀的距离,意思是保持距离 a dedicated team of Facebook employees has jetted around the world discussing how this might work. 专心致志地,一心一意地 make internet firms including his own more accountable , 有责任的 by imposing sanctions when we make mistakes 制裁 What counts as a mistake is, of course, open to interpretation. 当然,什么可以被称作是错误,解读是开放的 drop its appeal in light of Mr Zuckerberg"s new openness to regulation and accountability. 鉴于 Politicians of all stripes 各种各样的政治家 Politicians of all stripes in Europe and America are falling over themselves to sound tough on all internet giants. be tough on something,对某事严厉 For the time being 暂时,目前 Despite HUD"s discrimination claims, the company"s share price is buoyant . 看张的,保持高价的 a buoyant economy/ market 繁荣的经济╱市场
2023-06-06 04:31:411

in buoyant health

all but 固定词组 几乎,差不多的意思
2023-06-06 04:31:481


2023-06-06 04:31:583

歌手kelly mack的资料

中文名称:凯莉·克拉克森 英文名称:Kelly Clarkson 全名:Kelly Brianne Clarkson 小名:Kellbelle 婚姻状况: 单身 生日:1982.04.24 身高:163 cm 星座:金牛座 血型:不详 兄弟姊妹:哥哥Jason、姊姊Alyssa Kelly Clarkson,1982年4月24日出生在德克萨斯州的Burleson,在成为歌手之前,Kelly Clarkson最大的愿望是能够成为一名海洋生物学家,Kelly Clarkson唱歌的天赋在她上7年级的时候就被当时学校的合唱队领队所发现,于是Kelly就加入了学校的唱诗班,高中时Kelly把大部分的时光都用在了唱歌上,同时由于在音乐剧《Brigadoon》中的演出,而成为了德克萨斯州立唱诗班中的一员。在之后Kelly遇到了挫折,唱片公司连一张试音唱片都不愿为她出,更不要说签约了。于是Kelly决定去洛杉矶碰碰运气。 在那里,她参加了著名音乐创作人Gerry Goffin的录音工作,但是随后Gerry Goffin的生病,使她再次失去了机会,这还不是最遭的。不久她的房子着了火,而她的汽车也被警局拖走,Kelly的精神和经济都受到了极大的打击。终于,在好友Jessica的鼓励下,Kelly参加了American Idol大赛,2002年9月4日对于她来说是一个值得纪念的日子,Kelly获得了American Idol的冠军,随后她的事业发展顺利,2003年4月15日首张录音室专辑《Thankful》发表,首周即登顶排行榜冠军,并且创下了双白金的销量。 Addicted 2004年11月30日,Kelly Clarkson的第二张专辑《Breakaway》成功发行。四首单曲Breakaway, Since U Been Gone, Behind These Hazel Eyes, Because of You都在billboard打进了前10名。 2006年,在格莱美上获得Best Female Pop Vocal Performance和Best Pop Vocal Album两个大奖 2007年6月26日,发行第三章专辑My December,专辑第一主打单曲"Never Again" 2009年,发行第四张专辑《全我所求》。 推荐歌曲 Because Of You,Breakaway, Since U Been Gone, BehindThese Hazel Eyes,Never Again,A Moment Like This,My Life Would Suck Without You,If No One Will Listen 具体到每张专辑慢慢看吧
2023-06-06 04:32:302


2023-06-06 04:32:371


题库内容:浮力的解释[buoyant force] 流体对放在它中间的物体所产生的向上的力 详细解释 物体在流体(液体或气体)中由于上下表面所处的深度 不同 而 受到 的向上托的力量。其大小等于被物体所排开的流体的重量。 徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想·石油头》 :“浮力小了,井下岩屑它带不出来。岩屑积多了,钻头更不容易下到底下去。” 词语分解 浮的解释 浮 ú 漂在水面上,与“沉” 相对 :浮桥。浮力。浮标。浮萍。浮泛。浮沉。漂浮。浮光掠影。 表面的:浮皮儿。浮土。浮雕。 空虚,不切实:浮夸。 浮华 。 不 沉静 ,不 沉着 : 轻浮 。浮躁。 暂时的:浮记。浮支。 可 力的解释 力 ì 人和 动物 筋肉的效能:力气。力量。 一切事物的效能:视力。生产力。 控制 力。 物理学上指物体 之间 相互 作用,引起 运动 加速或形变:力学。作用力。保守力。 用极大的力量: 尽力 。力挫。力挽 狂澜 。 。
2023-06-06 04:32:561


(1)浮力的概念:浸在液体或气体里的物体,受到液体或气体对它向上托的力叫浮力,浮力的施力物体是液体或气体. (2)浮力的方向:总是竖直向上的 (3)浮力产生的原因:液体或气体对物体的上下表面的压力差是产生浮力的原因,如果某物体浸在液体中,其下底面与容器底紧密贴合,不受到液体向上的压力,只受液体向下的压力,则该物体不受到液体对它的浮力作用.
2023-06-06 04:33:055


bolloons用英语说是:/bu0259u02c8luu02d0nz/。一、释义:n.气球;热气球;(balloon的复数);adj.气球状的。二、例句:1.We started to inflate our balloons and eventually one burst.我们开始给气球充气,最后有一个爆了。2.The staffroom was festooned with balloons and streamers.教师休息室里装点着气球和横幅。3.Thousands upon thousands of colourful balloons shot up into the sky.成千上万五彩缤纷的气球腾空而起。4.Balloons can float because the air is buoyant.气球能漂浮,因为空气有浮力。5.Multi-coloured balloons are floating above the square.五彩缤纷的气球漂浮在广场上空。
2023-06-06 04:33:191


“ 以美国为主导建立起来的战后全球机制,无法持续地维持和管理超级大国之间的关系,尤其是在经济与贸易领域 。”在第二届外滩金融峰会上,英国《金融时报》副主编及首席经济评论员马丁·沃尔夫(Martin WOLF)说道。 他表示,新冠疫情导致了20世纪30年代以来最严重的全球经济衰退,带来了剧烈震荡, 但疫情本身并不会带来新的变化,而只是此前既有趋势的加速剂 ——疫情爆发之前的很长一段时间里,全球不平等现象不断加剧,经济贸易自由化进程早已放缓。 他认为,各国“基本的共同利益”就是和平与繁荣,各国一要共同管理全球公域、应对气候变化等全球挑战,二要就如何应对全球挑战达成最低限度的协议,开展有纪律的、基于规则的合作。 特别地, 在贸易协商方面,超级大国需要就产业政策、知识产权、贸易开放、投资开放这四个主要领域重启谈判 。“在理想情况下,谈判是在国际多边框架下进行,而不是像特朗普政府那样,在纯双边的框架下进行。”马丁·沃尔夫表示。 谈及美国大选及其影响,马丁·沃尔夫称“it will change everything and nothing”—— 它会改变一切,因为拜登政府会重新参与多边框架、重新加强与盟友的关系、重新参与应对气候变化等全球挑战、重新拥抱科学。 它什么都无法改变,因为美国仍然是一个严重分裂的大国,比过去更具防御性、更崇尚保护主义。最重要的是,比起过去,美国会对中国的 科技 发展等保持更加警惕的态度。 “总之, 我们面临的主要挑战是如何尽可能在多边框架下、在不导致国际关系完全崩溃的前提下,尽可能有效地管理国际关系。解决中美冲突是不可能的,但管理是可能的,更是必要的。 ”他强调。 以下为马丁·沃尔夫在第二届外滩金融峰会上的演讲全文 。 中文实录 我的基本观点是,我们当前面对的国际局势是前所未有的。 我接下来要谈的几个问题是:世界经济是如何走到今天这一步的?新冠疫情带来了哪些影响?在当前大国竞争的时代,全球治理将会如何演变、应该如何演变?区域主义(regionalism)在当前国际环境中扮演着怎样的角色?美国大选结果会产生怎样的影响? 首先谈谈基本观点——我们当前面对的国际局势是前所未有的。 自二战以来,世界上第一次出现了两个相互对抗的超级大国——它们在所有领域都堪称超级大国,且两国经济与世界经济紧密结合、彼此之间也深度融合。 这种关系与冷战有着根本不同 。冷战时期,美国乃至整个西方世界与苏联在经济上是完全割裂开来的。冷战实质上是战略和意识形态的竞争,这与现在的情况完全不同。现在的情况与后冷战时代也有着本质区别,因为从所有重要的领域来看,当时美国是唯一的超级大国。 今天的国际形势更像是一战前。工业革命之前,不可能出现当下的格局,因为当时还没有真正意义上的全球经济。但是,在一战前,世界上至少有五六个强国,都在一定程度上融入了世界经济,而且那时候,没有任何一个国家占绝对主导地位。当时的强国有英国、美国、德国、法国、俄罗斯和日本。20世纪初,中国还未能入列全球强国。 所以当前的国际局势是前所未有的。在此背景下,我们可以看出, 以美国为主导建立起来的战后全球机制,对于调节超级大国之间的关系并不十分奏效。 这些全球机制无法持续地维持和管理超级大国之间的关系,尤其是在大国关系最发达的领域——经济与贸易。 这种机制失能有五个根本原因: 第一 ,国际规则与机制的结构不完整,在贸易、技术和投资领域有着重要缺陷。 第二 ,目前的国际规则对超级大国行为构成的约束力非常薄弱,这是一个内在的、不可避免的缺陷。 第三 ,目前的国际规则无法迅速适应全球竞争格局发生的深刻变化。今天的中国早已不是2001年的中国了,但我们却未能及时应对这种变化、相应调整国际规则与大国关系。 第四 ,目前的国际规则从根本上深刻依赖于主权国家之间的信任,这是支撑其运作的根本。主权国家的合法权威与权力永远是支撑国际秩序的根本。 第五 ,恰恰是在我们最需要大家都信任的全球规则体系时,这种信任不可避免地会崩溃。就是因为这种信任的瓦解,国际规则体系才无法继续发挥作用。 第二个问题:长期来看,全球经济是如何演变的?新冠疫情在其中扮演什么角色? 毋庸置疑,新冠疫情产生了巨大的经济冲击,导致了20世纪30年代以来最严重的全球经济衰退,带来了剧烈震荡。比起以前,此次经济衰退对更多国家产生了不利影响。 与以往危机相比,今年预计会有更多的国家陷入衰退,经济大幅下滑。 也就是说,没有任何人能幸免。 预计中国将是今年唯一一个实现经济正增长的主要经济体,但也不会增长太多。我此前也提到,疫情将对经济产生长期影响,因为其冲击太强,会严重损害全球经济和各国经济。总体来看,目前的形势正在印证这一判断。 但我们需要更清楚地认识新冠疫情发生的背景——疫情来袭时,我们其实已经面对着诸多挑战。上一场金融危机仅仅过去了12年。因此,自20世纪30年代以来世界经济经历的最大两次震荡,都发生在这短短的12年间。 尤其是在西方世界,我们普遍未能恢复危机前的增长率,所以比起我们13、14年前设想的情况,我们目前实际上要穷得多。 同时,疫情爆发之前的很长一段时间里,全球不平等现象不断加剧,大多数人收入增长非常不理想,这种情况在很多国家——事实上在所有西方国家——都广泛存在,在美国尤为突出。 金融危机加上长期的不平等加剧,导致了西方国家民粹主义抬头,特朗普(的当选)集中体现了这一点。 事实证明,金融危机也成为了全球化进程包括贸易发展过程中的转折点。危机后,全球贸易增长经历了大幅放缓,再也未能恢复到危机前的活跃程度。 此外,我们要清楚,最近一次真正意义上的全球贸易自由化的重要事件是中国入世,而那已经是将近20年前的事了。因此, 早在金融危机之前——更是早在新冠疫情之前——经济贸易自由化进程就已经开始放缓了 。新冠疫情是全球经济经历的又一负面冲击。 第三个问题:新冠疫情产生了怎样的影响? 我认为疫情是此前所有既有趋势的加速剂。疫情本身并不会带来新的变化,只是加速了之前的各种变化。 疫情凸显了不平等现象,尤其是西方 社会 的不平等——疫情对欠缺专门技能的劳动力、年轻人、带孩子的母亲和少数族裔产生了更大的冲击,加剧了 社会 的不平等。 疫情也凸显了各国之间的深刻的不平等,特别是享有政策空间的国家和缺乏政策空间的国家之间的不平等;疫情极大地加速了 科技 的运用,让国际经济更迅速地适应、转向更加“虚拟”的当下与未来;疫情也加速了大国关系的破裂,其中最明显的一点就是各国就疫情问题相互推诿责任。 以上这些是显而易见的,但我还想强调, 我们目前还是面临着巨大的不确定性,不管是疫情的走向还是经济的发展 。这可能涉及到我们经历的这些震荡所产生的长期影响。 第四个问题:在当前大国竞争的时代,全球治理会如何演变? 我们需要对“基本的共同利益”有一个清晰的定义。我认为,各国“基本的共同利益”就是和平与繁荣。 第一,为了捍卫“繁荣”这一共同利益,我们需要共同管理全球公域(global commons)、应对全球挑战,特别是气候变化。 第二,各国需要就如何应对全球挑战达成最低限度的协议 ,才能维护和平与繁荣。根据过去的经验,要做到这一点,我们要需要开展有纪律的、基于规则的合作。 在贸易领域,超级大国需要在两个方面发力—— 第一,它们需要在国内政策的自由度上达成更多的统一和一致, 主要包括技术空间(technology space)、调整过程(adjustment process)、暂时性保护(temporary protection)措施以及产业政策(industrial policy)四个领域的国内政策。各国应享有怎样的国内政策空间?应共同遵守怎样的规则? 第二,为了更好地管理上述领域的关系,需要在哪些重要国际规则上重启协商?这是超级大国需要考虑的问题。 鉴于中国当前的经济规模与近年来的发展,相关协商必然涉及到中国应承担怎样的责任。 贸易协商涉及四个主要领域:产业政策、知识产权、贸易开放、投资开放。我认为这些领域的规则都需要重新谈判。在理想情况下,谈判是在国际多边框架下进行的,而不是像特朗普政府那样,在纯双边的框架下进行。 我认为,关贸总协定、世贸组织的 历史 表明,大国在多边框架下达成协议要比在双边框架下容易得多,因为在双边框架下达成的协议中,总有一方会认为自己做出了“有失颜面的”(humiliating)妥协,没有任何一个国家愿意做出这种让步。 所以,我们该做什么、该怎么做其实已经很清晰了。当然,我对于取得实质性的进展并不特别乐观,但是我认为这是我们应该做的事。 第五个问题:区域主义(regionalism)在当前国际环境中扮演着怎样的角色? 我认为区域主义必定会不断增长,而且这会导致几个大问题。 全球性的大国有着全球性的利益,而这些利益不可避免地存在重叠和冲突。全球性大国没有纯粹的区域性利益,所以区域主义对它们来说永远不够。 当然,我们需要建立一定的规则,来管理区域关系,这恰恰就是世贸组织成立的初衷。否则,区域主义就会演变成围绕特定范围利益的战争,而区域之间的界限不可避免地会出现界定不清的情况。这也是美国政治家Cordell Hull推崇非歧视原则(non-discrimination)的原因。 最后一个问题:美国大选及其影响。 我认为,美国大选的结果会改变一切,同时,什么都无法改变(it will change everything and nothing)。 它会改变一切,因为拜登政府会重新参与多边框架、重新加强与盟友的关系、重新参与应对气候变化等全球挑战、重新拥抱科学。 它什么都无法改变, 因为美国仍然是一个严重分裂的大国,比过去更具防御性、更崇尚保护主义;最重要的是,比起过去,美国会对中国的 科技 发展等保持更加警惕的态度。 总之, 我们面临的主要挑战是如何尽可能在多边框架下、在不导致国际关系完全崩溃的的前提下,尽可能有效地管理国际关系。解决中美冲突是不可能的,但管理是可能的,更是必要的。 英文实录 It"s a tremendous honor to participate in this high-level discussion. I"m going to address the questions that we were asked by the organizers of this session in the Bund Summit, which I thought were very relevant. They are very broad. So, I"ll deal with this in a broader, more strategic way than quite a few of the comments so far have done. I"m assuming we"ve already had some wonderful, detailed discussion of trade relations in many different areas and the politics associated with that. I"m going to try and present my overview of where we are. I"m going to make one statement and then address five questions. My opening statement is that the situation we are in globally is essentially unprecedented. That"s important to understand. The questions I"m going to address are: How has the world economy got to where it is now? What is the legacy of COVID-19? How will or should global governance evolve in a time of great power competition? How does regionalism fit into this global context? And finally, what might be the implications of the US election? The opening statement is that this is an unprecedented situation. For the first time since World War II, we have in the world two rival superpowers. They are superpowers on all domains. They are also deeply integrated with the world economy and with each other. This is fundamentally different from the Cold War when the US and the West more broadly were completely economically separated from the Soviet Union. So that was essentially just a strategic and ideological competition. This is something very different. This is also fundamentally different from the post-Cold War era when the US was the dominant power essentially in all important respects. Today looks a bit like the pre-World-War-I situation. Nothing before the industrial revolution could have been like this, because that wasn"t really a global economy. But in that pre-World War situation, there were at least five great powers all integrated to some degree in the world economy and at that stage no one power was dominant. They were the UK, the US, Germany, France, Russia and Japan. China was essentially out of the world power system in the early 20th century. So, the world we are in now is really different. In this unprecedented situation, it has become apparent that the global institutions which were created in the post-second-world-war era, largely under the US aegis, do not work very well for relations between superpowers. These institutions have been unable to contain and manage the relations between the superpowers and particularly in the economic sphere where those relations were most developed, namely, trade. This inability to manage the relationships among the superpowers is so for five fundamental reasons. First, the international structure of rules and institutions is incomplete. It has very important lacunae in trade, technology and investment. Second, the disciplines that the international rules give on the behavior of superpowers is inherently and inevitably very weak. Third, the rules cannot adjust quickly enough to profound changes in global competitiveness. The China of today is simply not the China of 2001. But we can"t adjust the rules and relations quickly enough to cope with this change. Fourth, they depend profoundly and fundamentally on trust among the sovereign states that ultimately underpin them. It is always the legal authority and the power of sovereign states that underpins the global order. Fifth, such trust inevitably collapses exactly when one most needs a global system of rules that people believe in. It is the breakdown of trust that makes it impossible for this to work. So that"s the first issue I wanted to address – the unprecedented situation we are in and the implications it has. The second question is: how has the world economy evolved in the longer term and where does COVID-19 fit in? COVID-19 is obviously an enormous economic shock. It has created the biggest global recession since the 1930s, a very brutal, sharp shock, and that recession seems to have affected more countries than ever before. This year more countries will be in recession or have big economic declines than probably ever before. That is to say everybody has been affected. China looks like being the only large economy to grow this year, and it won"t be by very much. We risk suffering, as I argued in my column this week, from what I call a long economic COVID, that is a long economic legacy of the disease, because the shock is so big that it is doing an enormous amount of damage globally and domestically. This looks increasingly plausible. But it is also vital to remember the background. COVID-19 came at us in a rather unfortunate context. We had a huge financial crisis only 12 years ago, so we"ve had the two biggest shocks to the world economy since the 1930s within just 12 years. In the western world particularly, we have failed to recover pre-financial-crisis growth rates, and that"s pretty well universal, so we are much poorer than we thought we would be 13 or 14 years ago. That shock also followed a long period of rising inequality and weak income growth for most people in many of our economies - in fact, in all the western economies, in particular the US.The crisis then combined with that long period of rising inequality has had a marked populist legacy across the western world, of which Donald Trump is one key symptom. The crisis also proved to be a turning point for globalization, including trade, with a marked slowdown in the growth of world trade since the financial crisis occurred. Again, it has never been as buoyant as it was before that crisis. Finally, it is worth remembering that the last really big significant liberalization of trade was China"s WTO accession, which is now nearly 20 years ago. So, the liberalization thrust died long before the financial crisis, and long, long before COVID-19. This is another shock on top of many previous shocks. The third question is: what is the legacy of COVID-19? The way I think of it is that it is an accelerator of these prior trends. It is not so much something new. It"s mainly accelerating various prior changes. It has underlined deep inequalities particularly within western societies with a very unequal impact on the unskilled, the young, mothers with children, and minorities. It has underlined global inequalities between countries, particularly those with policy space and those without. It has dramatically accelerated technological adoption, shifting the world economy more rapidly into our more “virtual” present and future. It has accelerated the breakdown in relations among the great powers, a post-pandemic “blame game” being the most obvious symptom of this breakdown. While these things are reasonably clear it has to be stressed that there is a huge amount that remains uncertain about the future course of the disease and the economy. I"m guessing these are the longer-term implications of some of the shocks that we have experienced. The fourth question is: how might global governance evolve in a time of great power competition? It is necessary to define essential common interests. I define essential common interest as peace and prosperity. Prosperity includes successful sharing in the management of the global commons, notably the climate challenge. My second key point is that it is essential to reach minimum agreements on how to manage those challenges, to preserve peace and to preserve prosperity
2023-06-06 04:33:421


飞屋环游记,台湾叫天外奇迹,英文名up以下来自维基百科:Up is a 2009 American computer-animated comedy-adventure film produced by Pixar, distributed by Walt Disney Pictures and presented in Disney Digital 3-D. The film premiered on May 29, 2009 in North America and opened the 2009 Cannes Film Festival, becoming the first animated and 3D film to do so.[3] The film was director Pete Docter"s second film, the first being 2001"s Monsters, Inc., and features the voices of Edward Asner, Christopher Plummer, Bob Peterson, and Jordan Nagai. It is Pixar"s tenth feature film and the studio"s first to be presented in Disney Digital 3-D,[4] and is accompanied in theaters and DVD releases by the short film Partly Cloudy.[5]《天外奇迹》(Up)是2009年皮克斯动画工作室第十部动画电影,首部3D电影。由《怪兽公司》导演皮特·多克特负责执导,爱德华·阿斯纳、克里斯托弗·普卢默和约翰·拉岑贝格尔配音演出。电影由华特迪士尼影业发行,曾於纽约Comic-Con展试映前45分钟,获得好评如流。受邀为第62届坎城影展开幕片,首部担任坎城开幕片的3D动画片。[1]本片在北美2009年5月29日正式公开首映。 本片入围奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳动画片等奖项,成为继美女与野兽之後的第二部入围最佳影片的动画片。Young Carl Fredricksen is a shy, quiet boy who idolizes renowned explorer Charles F. Muntz. He is saddened to learn, however, that Muntz has been accused of fabricating the skeleton of a giant bird he had claimed to have discovered in Paradise Falls, South America. Muntz vows to return there to capture one alive. One day, Carl befriends an energetic and somewhat eccentric tomboy named Ellie, who is also a Muntz fan. She confides to Carl her desire to move her "clubhouse"—an abandoned house in the neighborhood—to a cliff overlooking Paradise Falls, making him promise to help her. Carl and Ellie eventually get married and grow old together in the restored house, working as a toy balloon vendor and a zookeeper, respectively. Unable to have children, they repeatedly pool their savings for a trip to Paradise Falls, but end up spending it on more pressing needs. An elderly Carl finally arranges for the trip, but Ellie suddenly becomes ill and dies, leaving him alone.Some time later, Carl still lives in the house, now surrounded by urban development, but he refuses to sell. He ends up injuring a construction worker over his damaged mailbox. He therefore is evicted from the house by court order due to them deeming him a "public menace", and is ordered to move to a retirement home. However, Carl comes up with a scheme to keep his promise to Ellie: he turns his house into a makeshift airship, using thousands of helium balloons to lift it off its foundation. A young member of the "Wilderness Explorers" (a fictional youth organization analogous to the Boy Scouts of America) named Russell becomes an accidental passenger, having pestered Carl earlier in an attempt to earn his final merit badge, "Assisting the Elderly".After surviving a thunderstorm, the house lands near a large ravine facing Paradise Falls. Carl and Russell harness themselves to the still-buoyant house and begin to walk it around the ravine, hoping to reach the falls before the balloons deflate. They later befriend a tall, colorful flightless bird (whom Russell names "Kevin") trying to reach her chicks, and then a dog named Dug, who wears a special collar that allows him to speak.Carl and Russell encounter a pack of dogs led by Alpha, and are taken to Dug"s master, who turns out to be an elderly Charles Muntz. Muntz invites Carl and Russell aboard his dirigible, where he explains that he has spent the years since his disgrace searching Paradise Falls for the giant bird. When Russell innocently reveals his friendship with Kevin, Muntz becomes disturbingly hostile, prompting the pair, Kevin, and Dug to flee, chased by Muntz"s dogs. Muntz eventually catches up with them and starts a fire beneath Carl"s house, forcing Carl to choose between saving it or Kevin. Carl rushes to put out the fire, allowing Muntz to take the bird. Carl and Russell eventually reach the falls, but Russell is angry with Carl.Settling into his home, Carl is sadly poring over Ellie"s childhood scrapbook when, to his surprise, he finds photos of their married life and a final note from Ellie thanking him for the "adventure" and encouraging him to go on a new one. Reinvigorated, he goes to find Russell, only to see him sailing off on some balloons to save Kevin. Carl empties the house of his furniture and possessions and pursues him.Russell is captured by Muntz, but Carl manages to board the dirigible in flight and free both Russell and Kevin. Muntz pursues them around the airship, finally cornering Dug, Kevin, and Russell inside Carl"s tethered house. Carl lures Kevin out through a window and back onto the airship with Dug and Russell clinging to her back, just as Muntz is about to close in; Muntz leaps after them, only to snag his foot on some balloon lines and fall to his death. Snapped from its tether, the house descends out of sight through the clouds, which Carl accepts as being for the best.Carl and Russell reunite Kevin with her chicks, then fly the dirigible back to civilization. When Russell"s father misses his son"s Senior Explorer ceremony, Carl proudly presents Russell with his final badge for assisting the elderly, as well as a personal addition: the grape soda cap that Ellie gave to Carl when they first met (which he dubs the "Ellie Badge"). The two then enjoy some ice cream together, sitting on the curb outside the shop as Russell and his father used to do, with the dirigible parked nearby (over a handicapped parking space, in keeping with the elderly motif). Meanwhile, Carl"s house is shown to have landed on the cliff beside Paradise Falls, as promised to Ellie.主角是78岁的老头卡尔·费迪逊(Carl Fredrickson),当卡尔还是一个孩子,遇见有著同样梦想的女孩艾莉(Ellie),他们一同在中西部城镇里长大,最後结婚。艾莉总是梦想著到南美洲探险,但机会尚未来到却已病逝。现在,政府官员兴建摩天大楼计画,要求卡尔搬离住处,最终卡尔决定实现艾莉的承诺,带著屋子离开前往南美。当中意外地,一位八岁亚裔童子军小罗(Russell),为了收集最後一个帮助老人的徽章,误打误撞搭上这座飞屋,於是两个素不相识的一老一少,将会面临险恶的地形,难以预测的危机,展开一场荒野的丛林冒险之路。途中没多久即遇到暴风雨,慌乱之馀,卡尔再度醒来发现已抵达南美洲仙境瀑布附近。两人於是徒步前往对岸山谷,遇见喜爱吃巧克力稀有彩色巨鸟凯文(Kevin),以及会说人话的狗小逗(Dug),一同踏上旅程。随後,发现凯文是狗群所猎捕的目标,并且指使狗的主人正是卡尔小时候崇仰的冒险家查理斯蒙兹(Charles Muntz)。蒙兹为向世人证明巨鸟的存在,已在此进行追捕多年,察觉卡尔隐瞒巨鸟的实情,而对他们展开攻击。藉由小逗帮助,才得以从众狗追击下逃脱。卡尔想尽快抵达「仙境瀑布」,完成艾莉的心愿,但凯文因救大家脚被咬伤,小罗觉得应该先带凯文回她孩子身边,卡尔犹豫下终究妥协先带凯文。小逗身上的追踪器,让蒙兹很快地找到他们,且放火烧掉卡尔的房子,卡尔情急之下选择灭火,导致凯文被蒙兹捉走。心爱的房子被烧,不顾与小罗的承诺救出凯文,执著前往仙境瀑布。抵达後,卡尔静下来翻阅艾莉的冒险日记,才明瞭艾莉与他已走过一生的冒险,是时候开始他另一个新的旅程。卡尔醒悟後决定与小罗救出凯文,小罗却因卡尔不守誓言绑著气球独自前往。为让沉重的房子再度飘起,卡尔将屋内的所有家具抛下,放下一切,追逐蒙兹的飞行船。随後,卡尔和小罗以及小逗分别地闯入飞行船,成功救出凯文,而蒙兹在打斗中从高空摔下丛林,卡尔的房屋也在此失去。最後顺利将凯文送回,两人与小逗搭著飞行船回家。在徽章颁奖典礼上,卡尔亲自为小罗别上艾莉的专属徽章,两人也同住在一起。而卡尔与艾莉的飞屋幸运地停留在仙境瀑布上,达成艾莉的心愿。
2023-06-06 04:33:491


浮力的解释[buoyant force] 流体对放在它中间的物体所产生的向上的力 详细解释 物体在流体(液体或气体)中由于上下表面所处的深度 不同 而 受到 的向上托的力量。其大小等于被物体所排开的流体的重量。 徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想·石油头》 :“浮力小了,井下岩屑它带不出来。岩屑积多了,钻头更不容易下到底下去。” 词语分解 浮的解释 浮 ú 漂在水面上,与“沉” 相对 :浮桥。浮力。浮标。浮萍。浮泛。浮沉。漂浮。浮光掠影。 表面的:浮皮儿。浮土。浮雕。 空虚,不切实:浮夸。 浮华 。 不 沉静 ,不 沉着 : 轻浮 。浮躁。 暂时的:浮记。浮支。 可 力的解释 力 ì 人和 动物 筋肉的效能:力气。力量。 一切事物的效能:视力。生产力。 控制 力。 物理学上指物体 之间 相互 作用,引起 运动 加速或形变:力学。作用力。保守力。 用极大的力量: 尽力 。力挫。力挽 狂澜 。 。
2023-06-06 04:33:561


2023-06-06 04:34:075


2023-06-06 04:34:234


介绍伦敦的,你自己再改改吧,用别人的说起来别扭.翻译没好好弄,大体看看吧.With a population of just under eight million, London is Europe"s largest city, spreading across an area of more than 620 square miles from its core on the River Thames. Ethnically it"s also Europe"s most diverse metropolis: around two hundred languages are spoken within its confines, and more than thirty percent of the population is made up of first-, second- and third-generation immigrants. Despite Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish devolution, London still dominates the national horizon, too: this is where the country"s news and money are made, it"s where the central government resides and, as far as its inhabitants are concerned, provincial life begins beyond the circuit of the city"s orbital motorway. Londoners" sense of superiority causes enormous resentment in the regions, yet it"s undeniable that the capital has a unique aura of excitement and success – in most walks of British life, if you want to get on you"ve got to do it in London.For the visitor, too, London is a thrilling place – and in the last few years, the city has been in a relatively buoyant mood. Thanks to the national lottery and the millennium-oriented funding frenzy, virtually every one of London"s world-class museums, galleries and institutions has been reinvented, from the Royal Opera House to the British Museum. In the Tate Modern and the London Eye, the city can now boast the world"s largest modern art gallery and Ferris wheel, and the first new bridge to cross the Thames for over a hundred years. Furthermore, following sixteen years of being the only major city in the world not to have its own governing body, London finally acquired its own elected assembly in 2000, along with a mayor who"s determined to try and solve one of London"s biggest problems: transport.In the meantime, London"s traditional sights – Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, St Paul"s Cathedral and the Tower of London – continue to draw in millions of tourists every year. Monuments from the capital"s more glorious past are everywhere to be seen, from medieval banqueting halls and the great churches of Christopher Wren to the eclectic Victorian architecture of the triumphalist British Empire. There is also much enjoyment to be had from the city"s quiet Georgian squares, the narrow alleyways of the City of London, the riverside walks, and the quirks of what is still identifiably a collection of villages. And even London"s traffic problems are offset by surprisingly large expanses of greenery: Hyde Park, Green Park and St James"s Park are all within a few minutes" walk of the West End, while, further afield, you can enjoy the more expansive countryside of Hampstead Heath and Richmond Park.You could spend days just shopping in London, too, mixing with the upper classes in the tiara triangle around Harrods, or sampling the offbeat weekend markets of Portobello Road, Camden and Greenwich. The music, clubbing and gay/lesbian scenes are second to none, and mainstream arts are no less exciting, with regular opportunities to catch brilliant theatre companies, dance troupes, exhibitions and opera. Restaurants, these days, are an attraction, too. London is now on a par with its European rivals, and offers a range from three-star Michelin establishments to low-cost, high-quality Chinese restaurants and Indian curry houses. Meanwhile, the city"s pubs have heaps of atmosphere, especially away from the centre – and an exploration of the farther-flung communities is essential to get the complete picture of this dynamic metropolis. 有着不到八百万的人口,伦敦是欧洲最大的城市,以泰晤士河为中心纵横620平方英里.它也是欧洲最多元化的大都市之一:约200种不同的语言,超过30%的人口是由第一,二,三代移民组成的.尽管苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰的权力下放,伦敦仍然主宰着国家:这就是国家的新闻和金融中心,是在中央政府所在地,就居民而言,省级的生活开始超越电路城市的轨道高速公路.伦敦人的优越感在该地区造成巨大的不满,但它无可否认的是资本兴奋和成功的独特的气氛-在英国生活的大部分阶层,如果你想获得你必须在伦敦了. 对旅游者来说,也是伦敦是一个激动人心的地方-在过去几年,这个城市一直处于心情一直比较活跃.以国家彩票和千年导向资金狂潮下,几乎每一个伦敦的一个国际级的博物馆,画廊和机构已被彻底改造,从皇家歌剧院的大英博物馆.在泰特现代美术馆和伦敦眼,城市现在也可以拥有世界上最大的现代艺术画廊和摩天轮,第一新桥梁跨越泰晤士河超过百年.此外,16年后,作为世界上唯一的主要城市没有拥有自己的理事机构,伦敦终于有了自己在2000年选出的议会,以及一个谁的决心,试图解决一个伦敦最大的问题:运输市长. 与此同时,伦敦的传统景点-大本钟,西敏寺,白金汉宫,圣保罗大教堂和伦敦塔-继续以百万计的游客每年都吸引.来自首都的更加辉煌的过去古迹随处可见,从中世纪的宴会厅和雷恩到兼收并蓄的必胜英帝国的维多利亚式建筑的伟大的教堂.也有很多乐趣从城市的安静格鲁吉亚广场有,伦敦金融城的狭窄小巷,河边散步,什么仍然是可辨认的村庄收集的怪癖.甚至是伦敦的交通问题,抵消了惊人的大面积的绿化:海德公园,绿色公园和圣詹姆斯公园,可在几分钟的步行伦敦西区的,一会儿,更远,您可以享受更广阔的农村汉普斯特德希思和里奇蒙公园. 你可以花几天刚刚在伦敦购物,也有上层阶级混合周围哈洛德,头饰三角形或抽样的Portobello路,卡姆登和格林威治另类周末市场.音乐,杵和同性恋/女同性恋场景是首屈一指的,和主流艺术也同样令人振奋,以经常有机会追上辉煌剧团,舞蹈团,展览和歌剧.餐馆,这些天,是一种吸引力,也.伦敦现在是等同于它的欧洲竞争对手,并提供从三星级米其林范围机构,低成本,高品质的中餐馆和印度咖喱风味餐馆.与此同时,城市的酒吧有气氛堆,特别是远离中心-和对越边远的社区,必须确保在这个充满活力的大都市的全貌探索.
2023-06-06 04:34:311


have to do sth
2023-06-06 04:34:395

i am looking forward to什么意思

2023-06-06 04:35:086


salt duty 盐税What do you think is a government"s duty on issues like salt or fats?你认为是政府对像盐或脂肪问题的责任呢?
2023-06-06 04:35:222

looking forward to什么意思

looking forward to的意思是期待,盼望。英式发音为[u02c8lukiu014b u02c8fu0254:wu0259d tu:]。美式发音为 [u02c8lu028aku026au014b u02c8fu0254rwu0259d tu] 。 其用法如下:x0dx0a1、I was looking forward to a jolly party x0dx0a我期待着有一个令人愉快的聚会。x0dx0a2、I am looking forward to a long and successful partnership with him x0dx0a我期盼着能与他建立长期而有成效的合作关系。x0dx0a3、I am also looking forward to getting more acquainted with immigration law. x0dx0a我也期待能对移民法有更多的了解。x0dx0a4、The day we have been looking forward to has come at long last. x0dx0a这个日子好不容易盼到了。x0dx0a5、He was looking forward to working with the new Prime Minister. x0dx0a他期待着与新首相共事。x0dx0a6、They are looking forward to her coming. x0dx0a他们期待她的来访。x0dx0a7、She was in a buoyant mood and they were looking forward to their new life x0dx0a她心情愉快,他们正在憧憬未来的新生活。x0dx0a8、I"m looking forward to hearing from you soon. x0dx0a望早日回信。x0dx0a9、Motor traders are looking forward to a further increase in vehicle sales. x0dx0a汽车经销商预期汽车销量会进一步攀升。x0dx0a10、I"m looking forward to meeting you again in xi"an. x0dx0a期待着在西安再一次和你相会。
2023-06-06 04:35:361