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break in和break into有什么区别?

2023-06-06 08:45:16
TAG: nt

break in 和break into的区别:



break into是及物动词短语,后面要接宾语。

break in是不及物动词短语,后面不能接宾语。



1、As the President"s car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause.


2、I can"t pay the 50p I owe you without breaking into a 5 note.

我得把一张5英镑的钞票兑开, 才能把欠你的50便士付给你.

3、All this extra work I"m doing is breaking into my leisure time.


4、His house was broken into (eg by burglars) last week.


5、The sunlight will break into different colors through a prism.



break in 和break into的区别:1、性质不同。2、宾语接法不同。break into是及物动词短语,后面要接宾语。break in是不及物动词短语,后面不能接宾语。


  一、break into与break in都作“闯入;强行进入;破门而入”之意时的区别如下:

break into是及物动词短语,后面要接宾语。例如:

He broke into the office to see his boss.


break in是不及物动词短语,后面不能接宾语。例如:

Masked robbers broke in and made off with $8,000.


  二、break into 还有如下意思:

“突然开始 (做某事)”,

The moment she was out of sight she broke into a run.


“成功打入 (某行业、某领域)”,作及物动词短语用。

She finally broke into films after an acclaimed stage career.


  三、break in还有如下意思:

“打断 (谈话、思路、活动)”,作不及物动词短语用。

Don"t break in on my thoughts.


“适应 (新工作或新情况)”,作及物动词短语用。

Do you break in your new job?



When you break in the engine, you mustn"t drive too fast.



break in与break into用法区别

  两者都可表示“强行进入”、“插嘴”等,但 break in 通常是不及物的,但 break into 通常是及物的。如:

  Thieves broke in last night and stole some money. 昨晚小偷闯进来,偷了一些钱。

  Thieves broke into the bank last night and stole some money. 昨晚小偷闯进银行,偷了一些钱。

  Please don"t break in on our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。

  Please don"t break into our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。

  注:break into 还有其他一些意思。如:

  Hearing the news, she broke into tears (laughter). 听到这个消息,她突然哭(笑)了起来。


两者都可表示“强行进入”、“插嘴”等,但 break in 通常是不及物的,但 break into 通常是及物的。

例如:Please don"t break in on our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。

  Please don"t break into our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。

break into 还有其他一些意思。如:

  Hearing the news, she broke into tears (laughter). 听到这个消息,她突然哭(笑)了起来。


break in的意思是1、闯入(行窃);强行闯入;2、打断;插嘴;这时候它是不及物的。3、训练;训(动物);使习惯于;这时候它是及物的。4、使(新鞋、新靴子等)逐渐舒适合脚;这时候它既可以是及物的,也可以是不及物的。

break into是及物的,意思是1、闯入(建筑物行窃);2、介入;参与(某项新的活动,尤指商业活动)。




break in 后不能跟宾语 (插嘴,打断 )

break into 后必须跟宾语 “强行进入” 打断

He broke into the house.


Don"t break in on our conversation.



"break into"表示破门而入,闯入.但它还有一个意思,就是突然开始……"

"break in"的意思是打断(话);插嘴.   

Don"t break in when he is telling the story.



break in与break into用法区别

  两者都可表示“强行进入”、“插嘴”等,但 break in 通常是不及物的,但 break into 通常是及物的。如:

  Thieves broke in last night and stole some money. 昨晚小偷闯进来,偷了一些钱。

  Thieves broke into the bank last night and stole some money. 昨晚小偷闯进银行,偷了一些钱。

  Please don"t break in on our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。

  Please don"t break into our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。

  注:break into 还有其他一些意思。如:

  Hearing the news, she broke into tears (laughter). 听到这个消息,她突然哭(笑)了起来。


  • 这个我们老师讲过.跟他这个差不多.很多时候都可以通用,但不能只从意义入手去区分他们.他们最大的区别是“into”要加宾语,“in”不加


burglar的英语怎么读。 上面有读音
2023-06-06 03:15:103


  背这个字的含义有很多,在英语里面搭配不同的词语,就有不同的含义。那么呢?下面是我为你整理的背书包的英文,希望大家喜欢!   背书包的英文   carry a schoolbag   carry的常见用法   vt.支撑; 携带; 输送; 运载   vt.& vi.运送; 搬运; 具有;   vi.文学、戏剧等对读者; 扔或踢到…距离; 马等具有某种姿势; 传得很远   n.枪炮、火箭等的射程; 运输,运送;   1. The indisputable fact is that puters carry out logical operations.   不容置疑的事实是,电脑执行逻辑操作指令。   2. The Navy is to carry out an examination of the wreck tomorrow.   海军明天将对失事船只进行细查。   3. Many women know how to carry out repairs on their cars.   许多妇女懂得怎样修自己的车。   4. All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge.   所有的渡船都免费或以极低的收费运载自行车。   5. They were told to carry their wounded and leave their dead.   他们被命令抬走伤员,丢下死者。   6. Springs and rivers that drain into lakes carry dissolved nitrates and phosphates.   流入湖中的泉水和河水携带了溶于水的硝酸盐和磷酸盐。   7. The burglars took just about anything they could carry.   窃贼们盗走了所有拿得动的东西。   8. He"s got the experience and the authority to carry it off.   他的经验和威望足以做成这件事。   9. He may be forced to carry out his threat to resign.   他也许会被迫把自己的辞职威胁付诸行动。   10. Use a weatherproof rucksack to carry your camera and lenses around in.   用防风雨的帆布背包装照相机和镜头。   背的英文   背-/ 动词 /   bear : 承担, 承受, 负, 忍受, 结, 背   violate :违反, 侵犯, 违背, 违犯, 触犯, 背   break : 打破, 破, 断, 打断, 打, 背   shoulder :承担, 肩负, 担负, 背, 扛, 担   learn by heart : 背, 记住, 记诵, 熟读   carry on back : 驮, 背   hide :隐藏, 躲, 隐瞒, 藏, 掩盖, 背
2023-06-06 03:15:171


areonly just have left is不确定~
2023-06-06 03:15:253


2023-06-06 03:15:465


2023-06-06 03:16:065


布洛克是美国当代侦探小说大师,作品主要包括五个系列:马修·史卡德(Matthew Scudder)系列:以一名酒鬼无牌私家侦探马修·史卡德为主角。雅贼(Burglar)系列:以一名中年小偷兼二手书店老板柏尼·罗登拔为主角。伊凡·谭纳(Even Tanner)系列:以一名韩战期间遭炮击从此“睡不著觉”的谭纳为主角。奇波·哈里森(Chip Harrion)系列:以一名自我陶醉私家侦探奇波·哈里森为主角。杀手凯勒(Keller)系列:以一名不以完成任务为满足的杀手凯勒为主角。(以系列和时间排列,译名以脸谱出版社的译名为主) 1976年,The Sins of the Fathers(父之罪)1976年,In the Midst of Death(在死亡之中)1977年,Time to Murder and Create(谋杀与创造之时)1981年,A Stab in the Dark(黑暗之刺)1982年,Eight Million Ways to Die(八百万种死法)1986年,When the Sacred Ginmill Closes(酒店关门之后)1989年,Out of the Cutting Edge(刀锋之先)1990年,A Ticket to the Boneyard(到坟场的车票)1991年,A Dance at the Slaughterhouse(屠宰场之舞)1992年,A Walk Among the Tombstones(行过死荫之地)1993年,The Devil Knows Your Dead(恶魔预知死亡)1994年,A Long Line of Dead Man(一长串的死者)1997年,Even the Wicked(向邪恶追索)1998年,Everybody Dies(每个人都死了)2001年,Hope to Die(死亡的渴望)2005年,All the Flowers are Dying(繁花将尽)2011年,A Drop of the Hard Stuff(一滴烈酒) 1977年,Burglars Can"t Be Choosers(别无选择的贼)1978年,The Burglar in the Closet(衣柜里的贼)1979年,The Burglar Who Liked to Quote Kipling(喜欢引用吉卜龄的贼)1980年,The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza〈阅读史宾诺莎的贼〉1983年,The Burglar Who Painted Like Mondrian(画风像蒙德里安的贼)1994年,The Burglar Who Traded Ted Williams(把泰德威廉斯交易掉的贼)1995年,The Burglar Who Thought He Was Bogart(自以为是亨佛莱鲍嘉的贼)1997年,The Burglar in the Library(图书馆里的贼)1999年,The Burglar in the Rye(麦田贼手)2004年,The Burglar on the Prowl(伺机下手的贼) 1966年,The Thief Who Couldn"t Sleep(睡不著觉的密探)1966年,The Canceled Czech(作废的捷克人)1967年,Tanner"s Twelve Swingers(谭纳的12体操金钗)1968年,The Scoreless Thai(谭纳的非常泰冒险)1968年,Tanner"s Tiger(谭纳的两只老虎)1968年,Here Comes a Hero(我的英雄谭纳)1970年,Me Tanner, You Jane(谭纳的非洲大冒险)1998年,Tanner on Ice(解冻的谭纳) 1970年,No Score(首开纪录)1971年,Chip Harrison Scores Again (梅开二度)1974年,Make Out With Murder (啖血记)1975年,The Topless Tulip Caper (郁金香迷情) 1998年,Hit Man(杀手)2000年,Hit List(黑名单)2006年,Hit Paradede(杀人排行榜)2008年,Hit And Run(杀手亡命)2013年(预计),Hit Me劳伦斯·布洛克生于1938年,在上世纪50年代开始写小说。布洛克最早出版的小说《睡不着觉的密探》(1966年)主角是一位名叫伊凡·谭纳的密探,因为在朝鲜战争中脑部受伤,再也无法睡眠,这个角色在之后的系列中不断地出现,最新的是1998年的《冰上的谭纳》。布洛克还有其他受欢迎的系列,比如“杀手凯勒”系列和以纽约二手书商兼盗贼罗登巴尔为主角的“雅贼”系列。 主要著作有:《睡不着觉的密探》、《父之罪》、《在死亡之中》、《谋杀与创造之时》、《别无选择的贼》、《刀锋之先》、《恶魔预知死亡》、《小城》、《死亡的渴望》、《八百万种死法》等。
2023-06-06 03:16:211


2023-06-06 03:16:375


在英语中,要注意熟词僻义。往往越简单的词越难,因为很多简单词对应着多个意思,有常用含义,也有很多不常用的意思。一个简单的动词(V) 搭配不同的介词(Prep) ,可以构成很多动词短语,且意思差别非常大。01break away (from sb/sth) 突然挣脱;逃脱例:The prisoner broke away from his guards.02break down①出故障;坏掉例:The telephone system has broken down.②被搞垮;垮掉例:Her health broke down under the pressure of work.03break apart 分裂;解体例:Scientists have developed ways to break apart the genetic material.04break in①强行进入;破门而入例:Burglars broke in while we were away.②break in (on sb) 打断;搅扰例:The nosy coupie broke in on our conversation.05break into①强行闯入;撬开(汽车等)例:We had our car broken into last week.②突然开始(笑、唱等)例:As the President"s car drew up, the crowd broke into loud applause.06break off 突然停止例:Let"s break off for half an hour and have some tea.07break out 爆发;突然开始例:I was still living in London when the war broke out.08break through 取得突破;作出新的重大发现例:Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.09break up (with sb) (关系)破裂,分手;分解例:Their marriage has broken up.10break with sth 和某事终止关联;破除例:For this he decided to break with his feudalistic family.11break of 放弃,改掉(习惯)例:Try to break yourself of the habit of eating between meals.另外,此处只列举总结了有关break的部分常用易混短语,它还有很多词意,并且部分短语有多重含义,僻义、用法较多,可自行查阅哦。同时,bring、come、give、look、make、put、take、turn等词亦是如此,短语搭配众多,有兴趣的同学可以详细地查阅字典和资料去总结,自己总结的内容往往记忆更加深刻。
2023-06-06 03:16:541

根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。Policemen were called by a s

小题1:with小题2:broke小题3:took小题4:hurry小题5:sign小题6:between小题7:waited/were小题8:presents 小题9:moment小题10:pleased 试题分析:本文讲述了两名盗窃犯入室盗窃了一大箱子钱,在逃跑时进入了一个载重量不足两人的电梯内被困在了里面,最终在人们报警之后被警察救了出来的趣事。小题1:这两名盗窃犯偷了一大箱子钱,with表示拥有;故答案为with小题2:break into意为“破门进入”;故答案为broke小题3:他们俩破门进入办公室拿了一箱钱躲进了电梯;take意为“拿走,带走”;故答案为took小题4:他们是如此的匆忙以至于没有看到门口的标志“载重不超过两人”;see意为“看见”;故答案为hurry小题5:根据句子后面的部分on the door saying that it carried no more than two people可知应该是门口的标识语;sign意为“标志,标识语”;故答案为sign小题6:因为他们带着一个重箱子被困在了楼层间;between the floors意为“在楼层间”;故答案为between小题7:他们在那里(等在那里)有六个小时了,故答案为waited/were小题8:两名窃贼坐在他们希望会成为圣诞礼物的箱子上,把偷的钱当做圣诞礼物;故答案为presents 小题9:那是一个非常特殊的时刻,警察打开门他们握着我们的手从里面走了出来;moment意为“时刻”;故答案为moment小题10:他们说他们当时见到警察从来就没有那么高兴过。故答案为pleased
2023-06-06 03:17:171


Home Alone plot summaryIt"s a day before the McAllisters, a large family, go on holiday in Paris. Kevin, the 8-year-old, is despised by everyone else. His mum sends him up to the attic bedroom the night before. The next morning, they leave, forgetting to take him with them, and they don"t realise until they are halfway across the Atlantic!When Kevin discovers he has the large house to himself, he has the time of his life, but he is afraid of the neighbour, an old bearded man. Also, two burglars are determined to break in. Kevin pretends to have a party to scare them away one night, another time he lets firecrackers off in the kitchen. Finally, the burglars do get into the house, but Kevin has filled it with booby traps, which see the crooks being burned and banged on the head, among other things.point of view (观点)The overwhelming success of "Home Alone" (it spawned two sequels), is enough to guarantee that most people will love this story of a family that departs for Paris on the Christmas holidays, mistakenly leaving an eight-year old boy to fend for himself. And fend he does, when burglars threaten to break in unless he can rig enough booby-traps to keep them out.That"s the simple plot in a nutshell. Macaulay Culkin seems to have no problem carrying most of the film with a wide variety of looks, gestures and expressions--but for my money it"s Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci who get the main laughs as the bumbling burglars intent on outwitting the kid"s traps.Others in the cast don"t have as much to do but do well enough by their roles, particularly Catherine O"Hara and John Heard as the parents who only discover on the plane that Kevin is missing. The laughs are steady, the color photography is great and the slight story is probably every boy"s fantasy of what it might be like to be left home alone. Add to that the holiday flavor of Christmas and a pleasant musical score by John Williams and you have the makings of a classic.The proof is in the pudding--they must have done something right!!
2023-06-06 03:17:251

英语完形填空及答案 policemen were called by a shop early one Christmas morning.

Policemen were called by a shop early one Christmas morning.When they arrived,they found two burglars(破门偷盗者)were kept in a lift (11)w__________ a heavy box of money.The two men were in their twenties.They (12) b____________ into an office in the shop and (13) t___________ the money box and ran into the lift.They were in such a (14) h___________ that they did not see the (15) s___________ on the door saying that it carried no more than two people. “They were trapped (夹) (16)b____________ the floors because they had a heavy box,” the police said,“they (17)w____________ there for six hours,sitting on what they hoped to be their Christmas (18) p____________.They were doing this at a time when people were at home for Christmas with their families.It was a very special (19) m__________ when the policemen opened the door and they walked out holding our arms.They said they had never been so (20) p__________ to see policemen.” The policemen said they were glad to see them,too. 11.with 12.broken 13.took 14.hurry 15.sign 16.between 17.waited 18.presents 19.moment 20.pleased
2023-06-06 03:17:331

whack the burglars 攻略

2023-06-06 03:17:402

英语作文 写一部自己喜爱的电影 描写人物形象,对这部电影的评价

小鬼当家1 Home Alone plot summary It"s a day before the McAllisters,a large family,go on holiday in Paris.Kevin,the 8-year-old,is despised by everyone else.His mum sends him up to the attic bedroom the night before.The next morning,they leave,forgetting to take him with them,and they don"t realise until they are halfway across the Atlantic! When Kevin discovers he has the large house to himself,he has the time of his life,but he is afraid of the neighbour,an old bearded man.Also,two burglars are determined to break in.Kevin pretends to have a party to scare them away one night,another time he lets firecrackers off in the kitchen.Finally,the burglars do get into the house,but Kevin has filled it with booby traps,which see the crooks being burned and banged on the head,among other things. point of view (观点) The overwhelming success of "Home Alone" (it spawned two sequels),is enough to guarantee that most people will love this story of a family that departs for Paris on the Christmas holidays,mistakenly leaving an eight-year old boy to fend for himself.And fend he does,when burglars threaten to break in unless he can rig enough booby-traps to keep them out. That"s the simple plot in a nutshell.Macaulay Culkin seems to have no problem carrying most of the film with a wide variety of looks,gestures and expressions--but for my money it"s Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci who get the main laughs as the bumbling burglars intent on outwitting the kid"s traps. Others in the cast don"t have as much to do but do well enough by their roles,particularly Catherine O"Hara and John Heard as the parents who only discover on the plane that Kevin is missing.The laughs are steady,the color photography is great and the slight story is probably every boy"s fantasy of what it might be like to be left home alone.Add to that the holiday flavor of Christmas and a pleasant musical score by John Williams and you have the makings of a classic. The proof is in the pudding--they must have done something right!
2023-06-06 03:22:231

break into和break in的区别是什么?

"breakinto"表示破门而入,闯入。但它还有一个意思,就是突然开始……",brokeintocheers...例句与用法:1.AsthePresident"scararrived,thecrowdbrokeintoloudapplause.总统的汽车到达时,群众中爆发出热烈的掌声。2.Ican"tpaythe50pIoweyouwithoutbreakingintoa5note.我得把一张5英镑的钞票兑开,才能把欠你的50便士付给你.3.AllthisextraworkI"mdoingisbreakingintomyleisuretime.我目前的这一切额外工作用去了我的闲暇时间.4.Hishousewasbrokeninto(egbyburglars)lastweek.上星期有人闯入他的房屋(如窃贼).5.Thesunlightwillbreakintodifferentcolorsthroughaprism.阳光穿过棱镜时将分解成各种颜色。6.Socialdutiesbreakintomytime.社交应酬占据了我的时间。7.Thethievesplannedtobreakintoabank.行窃者计划洗劫银行。 "breakin"的意思是打断(话);插嘴。Don"tbreakinwhenheistellingthestory.他讲故事的时候,别打断他例句与用法: 1.Burglarshadbrokeninwhilewewereawayonholiday. 我们外出度假时,小偷闯入屋内行窃。 2.Pleasedon"tbreakinonourconversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。 3.Theremustbeabreakinthecircuit. 电路中一定有断路. 4.Thethievesmusthavehadsomeoneontheinsidetohelpthembreakin. 那伙盗贼一定有内应,协助他们闯了进去.breakinto:闯入例句与用法:1.AsthePresident"scararrived,thecrowdbrokeintoloudapplause.总统的汽车到达时,群众中爆发出热烈的掌声。 2.Ican"tpaythe50pIoweyouwithoutbreakingintoa5note.我得把一张5英镑的钞票兑开,才能把欠你的50便士付给你. 3.AllthisextraworkI"mdoingisbreakingintomyleisuretime.我目前的这一切额外工作用去了我的闲暇时间. 4.Hishousewasbrokeninto(egbyburglars)lastweek.上星期有人闯入他的房屋(如窃贼). 5.Thesunlightwillbreakintodifferentcolorsthroughaprism.阳光穿过棱镜时将分解成各种颜色。 6.Socialdutiesbreakintomytime.社交应酬占据了我的时间。 7.Thethievesplannedtobreakintoabank.行窃者计划洗劫银行。
2023-06-06 03:22:301


《高三英语听力专项训练 》第36篇,这本书上应该有的,听的很清楚,就是现在木有时间帮你写啦,不过高三只要了解大致意思就可以啦,不需要都听出来,除非你以后上大学学英语专业就能训练下 ——大四英语专业一学生
2023-06-06 03:22:503


2023-06-06 03:22:5911

求英语作文4篇,题目为寒假中最感人的事, 最动人的事, 最有趣的事, 记忆最深刻的事!

An elderly woman told the police that, as she entered a restroom, she was jostled by a woman behind her. A few minutes later, as she was about to pay for a moustache remover at a nearby store, she discovered that her wallet was missing from her purse. Apparently the woman who had bumped into her had cleverly stolen her wallet. This type of theft is called pick-pocketing. Perhaps an even more personal kind of theft is known as housebreaking, or burglary. After such an intrusion, the victims often report a feeling of violation. They seldom regain the comfort and security level they used to have in their home. They constantly feel like they are being watched; they feel that if they go out, the burglars will again come in. They feel uncomfortable when they are home, and they feel uncomfortable when they aren"t home. Burglars get lucky or make their own luck. Sometimes homeowners forget to lock all their windows or doors. Sometimes burglars will break a window, cut through a screen door, or force open a side door. Thieves have no shame. They will steal from anyone that they think is vulnerable. Of course, that means the elderly are their frequent victims. Some thieves are very clever; some are very lucky. All of them make an honest person"s life more difficult. It"s too bad that all of them can"t be caught and converted into honest people. Imagine that: a world with no larceny, a world where you can park your bicycle unsecured on the sidewalk, or leave your purse unattended in your shopping cart. Is this only a dream? Some say that if you can dream about it, it can
2023-06-06 03:23:211


2023-06-06 03:23:295

为什么《新概念英语》中的下面这句话用“first job”表示“首次作案”?

题主,看了你发的几个关于新概念英语的问题,作为学新概念的过来人,在这里跟你探讨交流一下。如果您觉得有用,能帮您我也高兴;倘若觉得没用,您大可看过就忘了。新概念英语作为一本经典英语教材,其宝贵之处在于提供了地道英语表达的多样性,这些表达与一般课内所教有天壤之别,如果好好理解吸收消化,必然受益匪浅。你这样的思考很好,但是更应该换一个角度,谈到首次作案,我想到的是first crime、first practice,作者用的是first job,这样用好在哪里?原文的语境是什么样的?job这个单词非常简单,但是我们习惯了翻译思维的人就很难用出来了,这也是我们学习新概念英语的最重要的初衷,尽可能接触更多更地道的表达。希望题主学习新概念英语的时候,多从英文原文出发去分析,而不是通过中文翻译去反推英文。如果题主喜欢“回译”,应该关注回译之后自己是不是用了原文的表达,以求让自己更贴近母语者的用词。说了很多,希望对您有一点帮助;)
2023-06-06 03:23:551


你的主语丢掉了s, serve是句子谓语,后面的不定式是其宾语。serve作及物动词时可以跟动词不定式作宾语,指帮助实现的意思,这里是反话正说。这一句的问题是and后面那个部分的(即actually assist burglars to burgle)会有歧义。一种理解是省略了to的不定式作serve的第二个宾语,另一种理解是与serve并列作句子的第二个谓语动词。按理说,并列的动词不定式只有相同意思时才可以省略后面的to,这里的关系是同一个方向,但正相关性不太强,加个to会更明确些。但你懂的,从第三册开始,能省就省。所以,只有从用词上判断。assist 与annoy都带有感情色彩,serve相对比较中性,所以我倾向于认为assist是省略了to的不定式,作serve的第二个宾语。
2023-06-06 03:24:041


Not only is single sign-on a security solving plan, it also a plan that would increase the system"s usability. The creation of single sign-on was due to the great number of current application of computers which heavily burden users with too many identity recognition information (user name) and too many verification information (passwords). The existence of single sign-on is not due to the security technological layers, but is the result of users" conduct which make the existence of single sign-on indispensible. If every application or data bank requires a user to have different recognition information and password every time he or she needs to gain access to the data bank, he or she would need to have an above average memory power to remember those identity recognition information and passwords, the only way for an user to manage such a great number of user names and passwords is to write all of them down on a sheet of paper, although it is far easier to write those user names and passwords down onto paper, however, by doing so would greatly increase the security risk. One way of solving the problem is to make all user names and (or) passwords identical, although this would solve the problem of having to remember lots of user names and passwords, it has,however, reduced the usability of computer environment.repeatedly logging in user names and passwords is a boring task, it is especially so when logging passwords containing many letters,numerals and symbols. Therefore, just as its name suggests, single sign-on would increase the usability of computer environment. In other words, users only required to authenticate themselves once regardless of the number of application they use.In this way, good security also would be maintained, because user has only one user name and password. The management of password is also very simple, because password needs to be changed only once regardless of the number of usage. There are many ways to achieve single sign-on, the methods vary according to users"different information of distinguishing supplied by the users, moreover, the method of completing the single sign-on loggin on procedure is also different. Currently Kerberos,DCE and PKI are the most widely used plans.The real essence of the single sign-on is the gaurantee of its nature of consistency, regardless of how specifically realized, it never let users down everytime.. Once used properly, single sign-on not only could increase usability, but also is a security solving plan. It is not that single sign-on lacking in chellenge.When attempt was made to assemble platforms and products from various merchants, it was instantly faced with the chellenge of the realization of the practical usage of single sign-on. The usage confirms the standard of facts and industries, for instant,Kerberos and PKI are conducive to solving the problem of mutual operation. When users log onto their single sign-on setting, and then leave the already authenticated end open and left their computers unattended,this action would cause security risk to the single sign-on plan. At this very moment, if an ill-intention user or a curious colleague decides to investigate this end bit which is open and authenticated, the outcome could be disastrous. Theey don"t merely obtain one single application authorization, but all application authorization. There are some methods to solve the problems mentioned above: Firstly,users should consciously lock their computers before leaving their computer systems; next, computers should be set to automatically lock out after they have been idle for a period of time: finally,single sign-on servive is able to let inactive dialogues to be aborted if over the time limit set.Using the three methods mentioned above would provide a high degree of preventive protection, and thus ensure security risk would not really cause the real security incidents. It is just as important that authenticated users are given the ability to abort authentication, for the purpose of not letting other users to enter an unattended and authenticated computer, and put authenticated dialogues in key position,and to give users the ability to log out from the system is also very important. Monitoring users who have logged out from single sign-on system setting is a simple and effective way to ensure the set up of single sign-on plan would have no access to operation by to unauthorized visitors,thieves and data saboteurs. As far as data thieves are concerned, top of their targets would be the concentrated single sign-on service.If single sign-on service"s information is stolen or exposed, then the hacker would be able to obtain lots of sensitive and valuable informations. The key factors of ensure protection for the set up and the success of logging onto the single sign-on facility is to protect the service and the visits to the interior of the service,and to meet the demand for high efficiency.
2023-06-06 03:24:125


Shanghai"s traditional household community
2023-06-06 03:24:263


当我调转车头的时候,有一个男人突然跑到我车前,我几乎要撞到他,但我及时停下了。我很震惊,那个男人看起来也是。我从车里出来,但是我还没来得及问他是否还好,他就跑开了。这非常奇怪。 当我到家的时候,灯是开着的但是非常安静,我叫我的妻子,但是没人回应,然后我才想起来,她去音乐会了。 我还是因为路上发生的事而感到沮丧,所以我喝了一点酒,然后下楼去洗澡。我看见窗户是开着的,这很奇怪,因为我妻子总是会在她出去之前锁上窗户。她害怕有夜盗者,当我走近窗户时,我发现了Ellen,她躺在地上,到处都是血,我跑出去查看她的呼吸,但却发现她死了。我坐在地上在她的尸体面前,我是如此害怕以至于不知道要做什么。 我所知道的下一件事是天开始亮了。我想不起那个晚上发生了什么,在早上我给警察打了电话。在我打电话后的半个小时她们来了,而我却像是过了一个小时。在那个期间,我努力回想我所能想起的一切,我无法停止想那个在路上碰到的男人。在那个晚上的那段时间,他在我们安静的街道这里干什么?他为什么看起来如此害怕?他为什么要跑?
2023-06-06 03:24:345


2023-06-06 03:24:511

break in 和break into 的用法和区别

2023-06-06 03:25:103

assists burglars to burgle

无论白天或是黑夜,防盗警报会随时响起,这样只会骚扰了过往的行人,实际上帮助了窃贼盗窃 serve 为…服务;对…有用;可作…用
2023-06-06 03:25:161


bring和take和carry的区别:bring表示拿来,指从别处拿过来。take表示拿走,带走,指从此处拿出去。carry则指随身带着,没有明确的方向性,同时强调体力方面的负担,可代替bring和take。 扩展资料 bring的例句:I told you about what brought me here(我告诉过你是什么把我带到这儿的);take的.例句:She was too tired to take a shower(她累得连澡都懒得冲);carry的例句:He was carrying a briefcase(他提着公文包)。
2023-06-06 03:25:231


意思上有区别啊 flee是逃走 而escape是逃跑;逃避现实
2023-06-06 03:25:371

break into和break in的区别

break into 闯入 (有进入活动的意思)break in 打断 (只是中断活动)
2023-06-06 03:25:451

麻烦帮忙翻译一段英语~~~重赏哦~~O(∩_∩)O谢谢 谢绝翻译机器~~~

According to above, the common law legislation that constitutes fraud need meet the following requirements:(a) must have a fraudAlleged fraud, which is able to make QiZhaRen Mired in error by, deepen error or keeping wrongdoing. It often appears to QiZhaRen intentionally statements false facts, sometimes performance for intentionally hide the actual situation. Fraud is not a true meaning says even if offender think this statement is wrong, if in fact this statement is true, actor will not constitute a crime, the offender may be trying to despite fraud assume responsibility. For what wrong statement belong to fraudulently, English law adopted subjective standard, namely the judgment substantial misrepresentation person whether knowing their presentation of falsity does not depend on normal in reasonable condition should be aware, but on the substantial misrepresentation actually how to understand its statement. This fraud with verbal or through behavior way to make, can express or implied. "But fraud not including zeal for the matters without economic significance, false statement fraud or does not exist to the general audience the possibility of the glory."
2023-06-06 03:25:544


2023-06-06 03:26:024


英语搞笑话剧《孔雀东南飞》 共需演员9人。Wanders every five miles 焦仲卿Johnny(J for short)刘兰芝Lunch(L for short) 焦母Johnny"s mother(JM for short)刘母Lunch"s mother(LM for short) 太守之子Mayor"s son(MS for short)强盗Burglars(ABandC) (J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪) J:Every body says that I"m henpecked,but in fact,I"m as strong as a tiger,(小声)while my wife is Wu Song. (指着上台处的门大声道)I"m not afraid of you! (内砸出一脸盆,J接住当成盾牌护着头)Then,I"m afraid of whom? My wife Lunch is the most famous woman in the neighbor-hood.She is braver than me, smarter than me and stronger than me.All this I do not care.I only want her to be tender than me.But she is not!Having a wife like this is just like living in the hell! (内又砸出一卷纸筒,击中J) My God!Who can help me?(下) Act1 (序幕结束时,JM作窃听状) JM(拄拐棍上):I can! (对门内)Lunch!Lunch!Where are you? L(扎着围裙,拿着锅铲,从门内跳出来):I"m here!What"s up mum? JM:I"ve told you again and again that you should call me“my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in-law”. L:OK.My most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in-law,what"s up? JM:Since you married my son you have behaved so badly.You have been so rude,so brusque,so lazy…… L:But…… JM:Never interrupt me! L:Never interrupt me!Since I married your son,that terrible Johnny,I have been working hard all day long,cooking and washing.I have raised tens of thousands of pigs and ducks and chicken and…… JM:But all those you have done are not as valuable as a grandson! L(生气地挥动着锅铲):Oh,you want a grandson,don"t you?(开始解围裙)Go and ask your son.I"m leaving!(扯下围裙,扔在JM的脸上,下) Act2 (LM坐在台上打毛线,L拿着锅铲上) L:Mum,I"m back! LM:You are back?Why?What happened? L:I was kicked out by my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother–in-law. LM(惊讶,但随即露出幸灾乐祸的神情):See!I have already told you!When you insisted on marrying that terrible Johnny,I told you that he is ugly stupid and poor,but you did not listen to me.Look at yourself…… L:But,mum…… LM:Never interrupt me! L:Mum,I"m no tinterrupting you.I just want to tell you that you are always right OK?And I"ll marry whom ever you want me to. LM(大喜):Nice girl!Just now,I met the mayor"s son in the market.He said:“If your daughter Haven"t been married,I really really want to marry her!”Now you are free again,I"ll go and tell him.(下) L(惊愕):What?The mayor"s son?The most famous playboy in the neighbor-hood?(手中的锅铲掉在地上)What a silly thing I have done!(下) Act3(J睡眼惺忪上) J(边走边道):Lunch!Lunch!Where are my socks? (走了几步,在地上捡起袜子)Here they are!(闻一下) Er!How smelly!They are still dirty! (突然想起)Lunch has gone!I have to wash them myself. (他的肚子似乎咕咕叫了起来)Oh,I"m so hungry!But there"s no breakfast!(捡起地上的围裙)This is what Lunch always wears!I miss her so much,and her excellent cooking skill!Now she has gone.I have to cook for my mother and myself. JM(上):Where"s my breakfast?Where"s Lunch?Hasn"t she got up yet? J:Mum,can"t you remember?Lunch has gone! JM(沉吟片刻):Well,to tell you the truth Johnny, as on without a wife is useless.Lunch is a nice girl,go and take her back! J(立正敬礼):Yes madam! Act4 (J开心地走着,忽然跳出来三个强盗) A:Hey you!Stop and listent to us! The road is built by me!(抬脚重重地踩在一块大石头上) B:And I planted one tree!(亦抬脚踩在同一块石头上) C:If you want to go by this street---(欲踩石头,但踩到了A的脚) AB&C:Give us all your money! J(搜遍了每一个口袋,掏出1角硬币):Is 1 mao enough? (三强盗晕倒状,接着三人聚在一边商量) A:What bad luck!This guy is broken! B:If we cannot rob any money today,we will have nothing to eat tonight! C:I heard that the mayor"s son is going to marry Miss Liu Lan zhi next month.WE can go and rob the wedding! A&B:Good idea! J(惊讶):What?What?Lunch is going to get married?It"s impossible! AB&C:Why?A pretty girl and a rich man,what a good couple! J:But Lunch is my wife!We haven"t got divorced yet! (突然有了主意)I"ve got an idea!You are going to rob the wedding,don"t you?I"ll go with you.You take the money and I take the bride. B:Have you got any experience? J:No.But I"ve got this!(J脱下鞋子从里面摸出一张支票,上书$1,000,000) Act5 (转眼已到了婚礼之期.MS意气风发用红绸牵着新娘上,J盖着红盖头极不情愿地被拉上台) (J和三强盗跃至台中) ABC&J:Hey you!Stop and listen to us! A:The road is built by me! B:And I planted one tree. C:If you want to go by this street--- J:Give us all your money! (L听到J的声音,掀起了盖头) L(惊喜万分):Johnny!(不顾一切地飞奔到J的身边并躲到了的身后) (MS大怒,挥拳向J打来.J矮身一躲,MS打中了J身后的L,L晕倒) J(火冒三丈):How dare you beat my wife!(挥拳向MS冲去) (J与MS混战,JM上,以拐杖击晕MS) (J将MS胸前的新郎标志扯下戴在自己胸前) J(扶起L,关切地问):Honey,how are you? L(哭状):I hurt a lot! J:Don"t cry baby.I"ll go and fetch the medicine. (下) L(起身去追):Wait for me! (跑下) (音乐起 Can You Celebrate)
2023-06-06 03:26:102

求助 翻译英文句子

Where are u
2023-06-06 03:26:172


n. 上部;上面;上边——维视课堂英语小编
2023-06-06 03:26:262


关于break的短语词组。01break away (from sb/sth) 突然挣脱;逃脱例:The prisoner broke away from his guards.02break down①出故障;坏掉例:The telephone system has broken down.②被搞垮;垮掉例:Her health broke down under the pressure of work.03break apart 分裂;解体例:Scientists have developed ways to break apart the genetic material.04break in①强行进入;破门而入例:Burglars broke in while we were away.②break in (on sb) 打断;搅扰例:The nosy coupie broke in on our conversation.05break into①强行闯入;撬开(汽车等)例:We had our car broken into last week.②突然开始(笑、唱等)例:As the President"s car drew up, the crowd broke into loud applause.06break off 突然停止例:Let"s break off for half an hour and have some tea.07break out 爆发;突然开始例:I was still living in London when the war broke out.08break through 取得突破;作出新的重大发现例:Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.09break up (with sb) (关系)破裂,分手;分解例:Their marriage has broken up.10break with sth 和某事终止关联;破除例:For this he decided to break with his feudalistic family.
2023-06-06 03:27:591

当讲破门而入时,break in和break down有什么区别

break in是及物动词,指的是人;break down指的是精神。break invt. 闯入(打断,使习惯于,使驯服,训练成为)例句与用法: 1. Burglars had broken in while we were away on holiday. 我们外出度假时, 小偷闯入屋内行窃。 2. Please don"t break in on our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。 3. There must be a break in the circuit. 电路中一定有断路. 4. The thieves must have had someone on the inside to help them break in. 那伙盗贼一定有内应, 协助他们闯了进去. break down: vt. 打破(减轻,坍塌,彻底失败,精神不支,中止,把分解)例句与用法: 1. Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 工作的压力把她的身体弄垮了。 2. The telephone system has broken down. 电话系统失灵了. 3. Negotiations between the two sides have broken down. 双方谈判已经破裂.
2023-06-06 03:28:182


2023-06-06 03:28:251

break up, break down,break in,break out,break into,break through怎么区别

break up 崩溃;分离;解散;结业break down 失败;故障break in 非法侵入,插嘴break out 爆发;突然发生break into 闯入;打断;突然...起来breakthrough(应该是单词)n. 1.【军】突围,突破 2.突破性进展;突破点附break into break in 的例句break into: 闯入 1. As the President"s car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause. 总统的汽车到达时,群众中爆发出热烈的掌声。 2. I can"t pay the 50p I owe you without breaking into a 5 note. 我得把一张5英镑的钞票兑开, 才能把欠你的50便士付给你. 3. All this extra work I"m doing is breaking into my leisure time. 我目前的这一切额外工作用去了我的闲暇时间. 4. His house was broken into (eg by burglars) last week. 上星期有人闯入他的房屋(如窃贼). 5. The sunlight will break into different colors through a prism. 阳光穿过棱镜时将分解成各种颜色。 6. Social duties break into my time. 社交应酬占据了我的时间。 7. The thieves planned to break into a bank. 行窃者计划洗劫银行。 break in: vt. 闯入(打断,使习惯于,使驯服,训练成为) 1. Burglars had broken in while we were away on holiday. 我们外出度假时, 小偷闯入屋内行窃。 2. Please don"t break in on our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。 3. There must be a break in the circuit. 电路中一定有断路. 4. The thieves must have had someone on the inside to help them break in. 那伙盗贼一定有内应, 协助他们闯了进去.
2023-06-06 03:28:321


2023-06-06 03:28:4111

break into和break in的区别是什么?

break into: 闯入 例句与用法: 1. As the President"s car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause. 总统的汽车到达时,群众中爆发出热烈的掌声。 2. I can"t pay the 50p I owe you without breaking into a 5 note. 我得把一张5英镑的钞票兑开, 才能把欠你的50便士付给你. 3. All this extra work I"m doing is breaking into my leisure time. 我目前的这一切额外工作用去了我的闲暇时间. 4. His house was broken into (eg by burglars) last week. 上星期有人闯入他的房屋(如窃贼). 5. The sunlight will break into different colors through a prism. 阳光穿过棱镜时将分解成各种颜色。 6. Social duties break into my time. 社交应酬占据了我的时间。 7. The thieves planned to break into a bank. 行窃者计划洗劫银行。 break in: vt. 闯入(打断,使习惯于,使驯服,训练成为) 例句与用法: 1. Burglars had broken in while we were away on holiday. 我们外出度假时, 小偷闯入屋内行窃。 2. Please don"t break in on our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。 3. There must be a break in the circuit. 电路中一定有断路. 4. The thieves must have had someone on the inside to help them break in. 那伙盗贼一定有内应, 协助他们闯了进去.
2023-06-06 03:29:151


《The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza》(Lawrence Block)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:wsx8书名:The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza作者:Lawrence Block出版社:HarperTorch出版年份:2006-8-1页数:320内容简介:在线阅读本书Bookselling burglar Bernie Rhodenbarr doesn"t generally get philosophical about his criminal career. He"s good at it, it"s addictively exciting—and it pays a whole lot better than pushing old tomes. He steals therefore he is, period. He might well ponder, however, the deeper meaning of events at the luxurious Chelsea brownstone of Herb and Wanda Colcannon, which is apparently burgled three times on the night Bernie breaks in: once before his visit and once after. Fortunately he still manages to lift some fair jewelry and an extremely valuable coin. Unfortunately burglar or burglars number three leave Herb unconscious and Wanda dead . . . and the cops think Rhodenbarr dunnit. There"s no time to get all existential about it—especially after the coin vanishes and the fence fencing it meets with a most severe end. But Bernie is going to have to do some deep thinking to find a way out of this homicidal conundrum.
2023-06-06 03:29:221


My sense of alarm thus dispelled . 这样一来,我的惊恐感就被排除了。 They were alarmed by a sudden air attack . 突然空袭使他们大为惊恐。 Still, i don"t want to alarm jane unduly . 我还是不愿意让简过分惊恐。 She changed into alarm in another moment . 她紧跟著又变得吃惊起来。 Japanese leaders were equally alarmed . 日本首脑人物同样感到震惊。 There are also a few fake fire alarms . 也有几起谎报火警的现象。 The incident has led to more alarms . 这件意外引起了更多的恐慌。 Sometimes she took alarm at her candour . 有时她也对自己的坦率大吃一惊。 He has set his alarm clock for ten am . 他把闹钟拨到上午十点钟。 The fire alarmed the whole neighbourhood . 火灾使整个街坊邻里都惊恐起来。 He was not alarmed at receiving the telegram . 他接到这封电报时并不心慌。 The alarm of fire was admirable done . 著火的警报放得很出色。 The main spring of the alarm clock is broken . 闹钟的簧断了。 Mr. allen was shaken up by the false alarm . 艾伦先生被假警报搞得心神不宁。 The alarm of fire was admirably done . 著火的警报放得很出色。 On hearing the alarm the fire brigade rushed to the scene . 消防队闻讯赶到。 I woke at the sound of the alarm clock . 闹钟一响我就醒了。 The alarm frightened the burglars away . 警铃声把贼吓跑了。 A thermistor operates an alarm lamp . 热敏电阻操动报警灯。 People began to feel alarmed about the cholera .. 人们开始对霍乱感到惊恐起来。 Oh , the alarm clock is ringing . i am still very sleepy . 闹钟响了,我还很困。 It may move about nervously and sound alarm calls . 它会乱跳飞鸣,发出报警叫声。 It turned out to be false alarm . 其结果证明是虚惊一场。 The clang of the alarm bells alarmed the village . 警铃的声,惊动了全村的人。 Together we had done our best to sound the alarm . 我们曾一同竭尽全力发出过警报。 The thief ran pke anything when he heard the alarm . 那贼听到警铃声就飞快逃走了。 Her face was distorted with alarm . 她的脸吓得变了样。 Richard set the alarm for one . 理查德把闹钟拨到一点。 She set her alarm for 7 o"clock . 她把闹钟调到七点钟。 Those clouds look alarming . 那几块云彩看起来真吓人。 Later i heard that rundstedt laughed off the alarm . 后来,我听说伦斯德对这种惊慌一笑置之。 The numbers from the u.s. office of education are alarming . 美国教育部发表的数字非常惊人。 She was sad, but no longer showing alarm in her countenance . 她很伤心,但不再有惊慌的神色。 The o ladies looked up at the doctor with some alarm . 两位太太颇为惊慌地抬起头来看著医生。 The silence irritated and at the same time alarmed him . 沉默把他惹恼了,同时也使他警觉起来。 He was also too well schooled to betray alarm . 他也是个受过相当锻炼的,并没有露出惊讶的神色。 The very hubris of french claims alarmed the other powers . 法国贪婪的胃口使其他大国惊恐不安。 I have been quite alarmed . 我吓了一大跳。 The guard loosed the dogs when the burglar alarm went off . 防盗警报器一响,警卫就放出了警犬。
2023-06-06 03:29:461

policemen were called by a

Policemen were called by a shop early one Christmas morning.When they arrived,they found two burglars(破门偷盗者)were kept in a lift (11)w__________ a heavy box of money.The two men were in their twenties.They (12) b____________ into an office in the shop and (13) t___________ the money box and ran into the lift.They were in such a (14) h___________ that they did not see the (15) s___________ on the door saying that it carried no more than two people. “They were trapped (夹) (16)b____________ the floors because they had a heavy box,” the police said,“they (17)w____________ there for six hours,sitting on what they hoped to be their Christmas (18) p____________.They were doing this at a time when people were at home for Christmas with their families.It was a very special (19) m__________ when the policemen opened the door and they walked out holding our arms.They said they had never been so (20) p__________ to see policemen.” The policemen said they were glad to see them,too. 11.with 12.broken 13.took 14.hurry 15.sign 16.between 17.waited 18.presents 19.moment 20.pleased
2023-06-06 03:29:521

At last he got a job of carrying bricks up a ladder in a hod, and was a grateful man in consequence; but after that nobody knew him or cared anything about him. He was not able to keep up his dues (会费) in the various moral organizations to which he belonged, and had to endure the sharp pain of seeing himself brought under the disgrace of suspension. {1} But the faster Edward died out of public knowledge and interest, the faster George rose in them. He was found lying, ragged and drunk, in the gutter (排水沟) one morning. A member of the Ladies" Temperance Refuge fished him out, took him in hand, got up a subscription for him, kept him sober (清醒的) a whole week, then got a situation (职位) for him. An account of it was published. General attention was thus drawn to the poor fellow, and a great many people came forward and helped him toward reform with their countenance and encouragement. He did not drink a drop for two months, and meantime was the pet of the good. Then he fell -- in the gutter; and there was general sorrow and lamentation (悲叹). But the noble sisterhood rescued him again. They cleaned him up, they fed him, they listened to the mournful music of his repentances (悔改), they got him his situation again. An account of this, also, was published, and the town was drowned in happy tears over the re-restoration of the poor beast and struggling victim of the fatal bowl. A grand temperance revival was got up, and after some rousing speeches had been made the chairman said, impressively: "We are not about to call for signers; and I think there is a spectacle in store for you which not many in this house will be able to view with dry eyes." There was an eloquent pause, and then George Benton, escorted by a red-sashed detachment of the Ladies of the Refuge, stepped forward upon the platform and signed the pledge (誓约). The air was rent with applause, and everybody cried for joy. Everybody wrung the hand of the new convert (皈依者) when the meeting was over; his salary was enlarged next day; he was the talk of the town, and its hero. An account of it was published. George Benton fell, regularly, every three months, but was faithfully rescued and wrought with, every time, and good situations were found for him. Finally, he was taken around the country lecturing, as a reformed drunkard, and he had great houses and did an immense amount of good. He was so popular at home, and so trusted -- during his sober intervals -- that he was enabled to use the name of a principal citizen, and get a large sum of money at the bank. A mighty pressure was brought to bear to save him from the consequences of his forgery (假冒), and it was partially successful -- he was "sent up" for only two years. When, at the end of a year, the tireless efforts of the benevolent (善心的) were crowned with success, and he emerged from the penitentiary with a pardon in his pocket, the Prisoner"s Friend Society met him at the door with a situation and a comfortable salary, and all the other benevolent people came forward and gave him advice, encouragement and help. Edward Mills had once applied to the Prisoner"s Friend Society for a situation (职务), when in dire need, but the question, "Have you been a prisoner?" made brief work of his case. While all these things were going on, Edward Mills had been quietly making head against adversity (不幸). He was still poor, but was in receipt of a steady and sufficient salary, as the respected and trusted cashier (出纳员) of a bank. George Benton never came near him, and was never heard to inquire about him. George got to indulging in long absences from the town; there were ill reports about him, but nothing definite. One winter"s night some masked burglars forced their way into the bank, and found Edward Mills there alone. They commanded him to reveal the "combination (暗码)," so that they could get into the safe. He refused. They threatened his life. He said his employers trusted him, and he could not be traitor (背叛者) to that trust. He could die, if he must, but while he lived he would be faithful; he would not yield up the "combination." The burglars killed him. The detectives (侦探) hunted down the criminals; the chief one proved to be George Benton. A wide sympathy was felt for the widow and orphans of the dead man, and all the newspapers in the land begged that all the banks in the land would testify their appreciation of the fidelity and heroism of the murdered cashier by coming forward with a generous contribution of money in aid of his family, now bereft of support. {2} The result was a mass of solid cash amounting to upward of five hundred dollars -- an average of nearly three eights of a cent for each bank in the Union. The cashier"s own bank testified its gratitude by endeavoring to show (but humiliatingly failed in it) that the peerless servant"s accounts were not square, and that he himself had knocked his brains out with a bludgeon (棍棒) to escape detection and punishment. {3} George Benton was arraigned (控告) for trial. Then everybody seemed to forget the widow and orphans in their solicitude (担心) for poor George. Everything that money and influence could do was done to save him, but it all failed; he was sentenced to death. Straightway the Governor was besieged (围住) with petitions for commutation (减刑) or pardon; they were brought by tearful young girls; by sorrowful old maids; by deputations of pathetic widows; by shoals of impressive orphans. But no, the Governor -- for once -- would not yield. Now George Benton experienced religion. The glad news flew all around. From that time forth his cell was always full of girls and women and fresh flowers; all the day long there was prayer, and hymn-singing, and thanksgiving, and homilies, and tears, with never an interruption, except an occasional five-minute intermission (中断) for refreshments (茶点). This sort of thing continued up to the very gallows, and George Benton went proudly home, in the black cap, before a wailing audience of the sweetest and best that the region could produce. His grave had fresh flowers on it every day, for a while, and the head-stone (墓石) bore these words, under a hand pointing aloft: "He has fought the good fight." The brave cashier"s head-stone has this inscription: "Be pure, honest, sober, industrious, considerate, and you will never --" Nobody knows who gave the order to leave it that way, but it was so given. The cashier"s family are in stringent (短缺的) circumstances, now, it is said; but no matter; a lot of appreciative people, who were not willing that an act so brave and true as his should go unrewarded, have collected forty-two thousand dollars -- and built a Memorial Church with it.
2023-06-06 03:29:591


他没有实现诺言我的心都碎了英语 :He didn"t fulfil his promise, and my heart was broken.
2023-06-06 03:30:061


  Wanderseveryfivemiles  焦仲卿Johnny(Jforshort)刘兰芝Lunch(Lforshort)  焦母Johnny"smother(JMforshort)刘母Lunch"smother(LMforshort)  太守之子Mayor"sson(MSforshort)强盗Burglars(ABandC)  (J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪)  J:EverybodysaysthatI"mhenpecked,butinfact,I"masstrongasatiger,(小声)whilemy  wifeisWuSong.  (指着上台处的门大声道)I"mnotafraidofyou!  (内砸出一脸盆,J接住当成盾牌护着头)Then,I"mafraidofwhom?  MywifeLunchisthemostfamouswomanintheneighbor-hood.Sheisbraverthanme,  smarterthanmeandstrongerthanme.AllthisIdonotcare.Ionlywanthertobetender  thanme.Butsheisnot!Havingawifelikethisisjustlikelivinginthehell!  (内又砸出一卷纸筒,击中J)  MyGod!Whocanhelpme?(下)  Act1  (序幕结束时,JM作窃听状)  JM(拄拐棍上):Ican!  (对门内)Lunch!Lunch!Whereareyou?  L(扎着围裙,拿着锅铲,从门内跳出来):I"mhere!What"supmum?  JM:I"vetoldyouagainandagainthatyoushouldcallme“mymostbeautifulgracefuland  dearestmother-in-law”.  L:OK.Mymostbeautifulgracefulanddearestmother-in-law,what"sup?  JM:Sinceyoumarriedmysonyouhavebehavedsobadly.Youhavebeensorude,sobrusque,so  lazy……  L:But……  JM:Neverinterruptme!  L:Neverinterruptme!SinceImarriedyourson,thatterribleJohnny,Ihavebeenworkinghardall  daylong,cookingandwashing.Ihaveraisedtensofthousandsofpigsandducksandchicken  and……  JM:Butallthoseyouhavedonearenotasvaluableasagrandson!  L(生气地挥动着锅铲):Oh,youwantagrandson,don"tyou?(开始解围裙)Goandaskyour  son.I"mleaving!(扯下围裙,扔在JM的脸上,下)  Act2  (LM坐在台上打毛线,L拿着锅铲上)  L:Mum,I"mback!  LM:Youareback?Why?Whathappened?  L:Iwaskickedoutbymymostbeautifulgracefulanddearestmother–in-law.  LM(惊讶,但随即露出幸灾乐祸的神情):See!Ihavealreadytoldyou!Whenyouinsistedon  marryingthatterribleJohnny,Itoldyouthatheisuglystupidandpoor,butyoudidnotlisten  tome.Lookatyourself……  L:But,mum……  LM:Neverinterruptme!  L:Mum,I"mnotinterruptingyou.IjustwanttotellyouthatyouarealwaysrightOK?And  I"llmarrywhomeveryouwantmeto.  LM(大喜):Nicegirl!Justnow,Imetthemayor"ssoninthemarket.Hesaid:“Ifyoudaughter  Haven"tbeenmarried,Ireallyreallywanttomarryher!”Nowyouarefreeagain,I"llgo  andtellhim.(下)  L(惊愕):What?Themayor"sson?Themostfamousplayboyintheneighbor-hood?(手中的锅  铲掉在地上)WhatasillythingIhavedone!(下)  J睡眼惺忪上)  J(边走边道):Lunch!Lunch!Wherearemysocks?  (走了几步,在地上捡起袜子)Heretheyare!(闻一下) Er!Howsmelly!Theyarestilldirty!  (突然想起)Lunchhasgone!Ihavetowashthemmyself.  (他的肚子似乎咕咕叫了起来)Oh,I"msohungry!Butthere"snobreakfast!(捡起地上的围  裙)ThisiswhatLunchalwayswears!Imisshersomuch,andherexcellentcookingskill!Now  shehasgone.Ihavetocookformymotherandmyself.  JM(上):Where"smybreakfast?Where"sLunch?Hasn"tshegotupyet?  J:Mum,can"tyouremember?Lunchhasgone!  JM(沉吟片刻):Well,totellyouthetruthJohnny,asonwithoutawifeisuseless.Lunchisanice  girl,goandtakeherback!  J(立正敬礼):Yesmadam!  Act4  (J开心地走着,忽然跳出来三个强盗)  A:Heyyou!Stopandlistentous!  Theroadisbuiltbyme!(抬脚重重地踩在一块大石头上)  B:AndIplantedonetree!(亦抬脚踩在同一块石头上)  C:Ifyouwanttogobythisstreet---(欲踩石头,但踩到了A的脚)  AB&C:Giveusallyourmoney!  J(搜遍了每一个口袋,掏出1角硬币):Is1maoenough?  (三强盗晕倒状,接着三人聚在一边商量)  A:Whatbadluck!Thisguyisbroken!  B:Ifwecannotrobanymoneytoday,wewillhavenothingtoeattonight!  C:Iheardthatthemayor"ssonisgoingtomarryMissLiuLanzhinextmonth.WEcangoand  robthewedding!  A&B:Goodidea!  J(惊讶):What?What?Lunchisgoingtogetmarried?It"simpossible!  AB&C:Why?Aprettygirlandarichman,whatagoodcouple!  J:ButLunchismywife!Wehaven"tgotdivorcedyet!  (突然有了主意)I"vegotanidea!Youaregoingtorobthewedding,don"tyou?I"llgo  withyou.YoutakethemoneyandItakethebride.  B:Haveyougotanyexperience?  J:No.ButI"vegotthis!(J脱下鞋子从里面摸出一张支票,上书$1,000,000)  (转眼已到了婚礼之期.MS意气风发用红绸牵着新娘上,J盖着红盖头极不情愿地被拉上台)  (J和三强盗跃至台中)  ABC&J:Heyyou!Stopandlistentous!  A:Theroadisbuiltbyme!  B:AndIplantedonetree.  C:Ifyouwanttogobythisstreet---  J:Giveusallyourmoney!  (L听到J的声音,掀起了盖头)  L(惊喜万分):Johnny!(不顾一切地飞奔到J的身边并躲到了的身后)  (MS大怒,挥拳向J打来.J矮身一躲,MS打中了J身后的L,L晕倒)  J(火冒三丈):Howdareyoubeatmywife!(挥拳向MS冲去)  (J与MS混战,JM上,以拐杖击晕MS)  (J将MS胸前的新郎标志扯下戴在自己胸前)  J(扶起L,关切地问):Honey,howareyou?  L(哭状):Ihurtalot!  J:Don"tcrybaby.I"llgoandfetchthemedicine. (下)  L(起身去追):Waitforme! (跑下)  (音乐起 CanYouCelebrate)
2023-06-06 03:30:121

Burglar alarms going off at any time of the day or night serve only to annoy

无论白天或是黑夜,防盗警报会随时响起,这样只会骚扰了过往的行人,实际上帮助了窃贼盗窃serve 为…服务;对…有用;可作…用
2023-06-06 03:30:202


1 .I work in an office.I wear smart cloth.I work for a big business.I am responsible for all the accounts. I pay out money and I receive. I often use a calculator. I must be very carful in my work.2. I work for a big business.I do not work in an office. I carry things all day.I often carry letters from one office to the another office. Sometime, I carry big parcels. I usually stay inside our business. But sometimes, I carry things to other buildings.3. I work in a small office.I look after a building.I start my work in the evening. I work all night. Sometimes I walk around the building.Sometime, I watch a television screen. I must not fallen sleep. I look out for thieves and burglars. After work, I go home in the morning. I sleep during the day.4. I work in the small room all day. I always wear a mask. Sometimes, I ______(我也不会). Many people come to see me. They lie down on the chair. They open their teeth . I try to help them . I make their teeth better.5. I usually work outside. I wear dirty cloth. I am very strong. I often carry heavy things. I sometimes climb up ladders. I help build the buildings. My work is often very in noising.Sometime , my work is dangerous.6. I work inside most of the time . I wear smart cloth . I sit at the desk.sometimes I use a computer . I am in charge of other people . I tell them what do I make sure they work well . I also meet many about clients every day. 大概是这样吧
2023-06-06 03:30:283

中文翻译成英文 谢谢!!

Our country teenager network crime of present conditionCurrent our country main like and next manifestation in crime in network in teenager: 1.Make use of the network invasion information safety. 2.Manufacturing, spread network virus. In 1999" CIH" virus broken out April, make world near 1,060,000,000 paralyze, only the motherland mainland there will be the damaged hard dish in calculator in more than 100,000 pedestals, losing over 10 hundred million a renminbi, but Taiwanese youth in our country in its fabricator Chen the 盈豪 creates the purpose of this virus only is to come from the capriccio. 3.Making use of the network puts into practice thieves and burglars, deceive, corruption etc. crime.The network property distincts with traditional the property on the meaning obvious, conduct and actions behavior the person"s teenager puts into practice crime the hour can make use of the conjecture of the network well, ising concealment own true body, etc. of address to get up, comparing the traditional thieves and burglars and deceive more easy reach purpose. 4.Make use of the network creation and spreads, sell the product of 淫秽 . The network becomes addictedThe ● network color feeling luresThe ● network violence exaggerates● network money wager 博● network reverse side thought
2023-06-06 03:30:352


She herself had very pttle jewellery . 她自己的首饰很少。 There wasn"t anything there in the nature of jewellery . 那儿没有任何珠宝之类的东西。 These characteristics led to their being used for jewellery and eventually coinage . 这些特性使得它们能成为珍宝,最后用来作货币。 There was no trace of fingerprints , but the inspector found a dirty red bundle that contained jewellery . 没有指纹痕迹,但是巡官发现一个包有珠宝的脏的红包袱。 There was no trace of fingerprints, but the inspector found a dirty red bundle that contained jewellery . 巡官没发现任何指纹的痕迹,却找到了一只肮脏的红包裹,里面装著珠宝。 Although they would not allow the children to be fed, they went to church and to chapel, gpttering with jewellery . 虽然他们不愿让孩子们吃饱,可是他们却常常到教堂里去坐著,满身珠光宝气。 Jewellery pos please cpck to get more information 联商珠宝零售系统取得更多资料 The burglars cleaned her out of all her jewellery 窃贼把她所有的首饰都偷走了。 The thieves stole 1 milpon worth of jewellery 窃贼偷走了价值100万英镑的珠宝 They hid all their jewellery in a big trunk 他们把所有的珠宝都藏在1个大箱子。 Chemical *** ysis - method of silver content in jewellery 首饰含银量化学分析方法 Lock your jewellery up before you go away 在你离开前把你的珠宝好好锁藏起来。 Gold jewellery should be marked with the shop s name 饰件上应刻有金行名称。 Are you sure that your jewellery has cppped on 你肯定你的珠宝饰物夹牢了吗 Women pke wearing all kinds of jewellery 女士喜欢佩带各种各样的珠宝首饰。 Customs seizes $ 5 . 5 milpon worth of counterfeit jewellery 海关检获550万元冒牌珠宝 " for the sale of diamond jewellery " : expert wants “珠宝鉆石对折销售” :专家喊停 Survey on jewellery shoppers in major chinese cities 中国内地主要城市:珠宝消费调查 Jewellery - the provision of silver coatings tickness 首饰.银覆盖层厚度的规定 Review and outlook of hong kong s jewellery exports 香港钟表出口回顾与展望 Hong kong jewellery jade manufacturers association 香港珠宝玉石厂商会 Methods of determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys 银饰用合金中银含量的测定方法 Jewellery . ring - sizes . definition , mesurage et designations 珠宝.戒指尺寸.定义测量和标识 She run a jewellery concession in the hotel lobby 她在饭店大厅经营著一个获特许权的珠宝店。 She run a jewellery concession in the hotel lobby 她在饭店大厅经营著一个获特许权的珠宝店。 Jewellery - fineness of precious metal alloys 珠宝.贵金属合金的纯度 If you have no jewellery , can " t you wear a flower instead 如果没有首饰的话,就不能戴朵花吗 Jewellery . fineness of precious metal alloys 珠宝.贵金属合金纯度 Jewellery pos system for shop use 珠宝零售系统pos system店铺适用 This diamond brooch is my most valuable piece of jewellery 这个鉆石胸针是我最贵重的一件珠宝。 Which customers ordered more jewellery 哪批顾客定购珠宝更多呢? Samppng inspection rules by attributes for precious metal jewellery 贵金属首饰计数抽样检查规则 Fashion , jewellery , watches and accessories 时装珠宝钟表及配饰 Methods for determination of platinum in platinum jewellery alloys 铂首饰用合金中的铂的测定方法 Label for jewellery ; label for jewellery of multiple production 珠宝饰物标签.复合珠宝饰物的标签 Analyse method of gold content in jewellery 首饰含金量分析方法 Favorite stars : zhang . xueyou and pu . dehua favorite jewellery : earrings 最喜爱的明星张学友刘德华 It won " t take a moment to ease the ladies of their jewellery 要劫去妇女们的珠宝首饰是不费时的。 Special discounts on selected jewellery items 精选珠宝折扣优惠
2023-06-06 03:30:411