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2023-06-06 08:40:31
TAG: exile

英音 [ "eksail ] ; 美音 [ "u025bksau026al ]




v. 及物动词:










2023-06-06 02:34:365


exile 放逐,流放;使背井离乡 流放,放逐,流亡;长期离家[出国];被流放者,背井离乡者 第三人称单数:exiles;过去分词:exiled;名词复数:exiles;现在分词:[例句]Napoleon died in exile in 1821 aged 51.拿破仑1821年死于流亡中,时年51
2023-06-06 02:35:081


exile 英[u02c8eksau026al] 美[u02c8u025bɡu02cczau026al, u02c8u025bku02ccsau026al] vt. 放逐,流放; 使背井离乡; n. 流放,放逐,流亡; 长期离家[出国]; 被流放者,背井离乡者; [例句]He is now living in exile in Egypt他目前流亡埃及。[其他] 第三人称单数:exiles 复数:exiles 现在分词:exiling 过去式:exiled过去分词:exiled
2023-06-06 02:35:161


exile英 ["eksau026al]     美 ["eksau026al]     形容词: exilic过去式: exiled过去分词: exiled现在分词: exiling第三人称单数: exiles 基本释义n.放逐;流放;被放逐者vt.放逐;流放用作名词 (n.)He was publicly disgraced and sent into exile. 他被当众贬谪,放逐异乡。Everyone is born king,and most people die in exile. 每个人生下来都是王,而大多数人却在放逐中死去。Exile was for him a living death. 他遭流放是进了活地狱。He had been five years in exile. 他过流放生活已经五年了。He was condemned to lifelong exile. 他被判处终身流放。He returned after 40 years of exile. 他流放40年后归来。He was in the unenviable position of having to choose between imprisonment or exile. 他已陷於进退维谷的地步,不是坐牢就是流放,必须在两者间做出抉择。He has been an exile for ten years. 他已经流亡十年。查看更多 用作及物动词 (vt.)He was exiled from the country for one year. 他被放逐一年。He was condemned to exile for treason . 他因叛国罪被判处流放。
2023-06-06 02:36:021


片名:放逐 导演:杜棋风 主演:黄秋生 吴镇宇 张家辉 任贤齐 任达华
2023-06-06 02:36:104


exiled person或者banished personascetic没有缩写的
2023-06-06 02:36:412


表示楼上的机译很无语。。虽然自己翻译不是特别好 但是尽力了。。在一瞬间拉弗尔斯就接住了球,顶着一头白发带着孩子气的暴躁和不成熟的冒险精神旋转着击球,这就是我所能想到的关于他的一切。在给海伦的信里揭示了他的经营头脑,对于公正意识的细心敏感以及突然伴随而来的畏缩,使他在自己渴望的理想完美主义的生命中前行。阿诺德犯了作为新郎婚前禁止淫乱纵欲的忌讳,和新娘睡在了同一间屋子里,被热情好客的帕特里克先生无情的关在了门外,最后只能每晚躺在小旅馆的卧室里面。
2023-06-06 02:37:013

任贤齐出来就拿把狙的电影 好像是保护一吨黄金

2023-06-06 02:37:082

万智牌珍藏包(放逐)From the vault: exiled 值多少钱?

2023-06-06 02:37:154


《放·逐》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: qbr2《放·逐》导演: 杜琪峰编剧: 司徒锦源、叶天成、杜琪峰主演: 吴镇宇、张家辉、任贤齐、何超仪、张耀扬、林雪、任达华、林家栋、张兆辉、陈雅伦、谭炳文、许绍雄类型: 惊悚、犯罪 制片国家/地区: 中国香港语言: 粤语上映日期: 2006-10-19(中国香港)、2006-09-06(威尼斯电影节)片长: 108分钟又名: 放逐、Exiled 澳门回归前三天,五位情深意重的杀手。杀手阿和(张家辉饰)与妻子阿静(何超仪饰)带着刚满一个月的孩子重返故地,阿火与阿波(林雪饰)奉黑社会老大大飞(任达华饰)的命令来追杀阿和,但另一对好兄弟阿泰(吴镇宇饰)与阿猫(张耀扬饰)闻讯,为了情义前来阻止。冲突在阿和家突然爆发,又迅速重归平静。最后他们决定一起做一宗大买卖来解救阿和,在谢夫(张兆辉饰)那里,摆放在他们眼前的是两个选择:暗杀蛋卷强(林家栋饰)或者抢夺一吨黄金……最终他们选择了前者,然而却在餐厅和死对头大飞不期而遇,一场恶战难免。
2023-06-06 02:37:221


西伯利亚西伯利亚 (俄语: ", 通常英国意译: Sibir, Sibir ") 是俄国和北卡扎克斯坦的一个浩大的地区, 构成所有北亚洲, 和延伸向东从Ural 山对太平洋, 和向南从北冰洋对north-central 卡扎克斯坦和蒙古和中国疆界小山。所有除了西伯利亚极端西南地区在在俄国, 并且它组成大约75% 那个国家的疆土。行政细分地理上, 西伯利亚包括乌拉尔联邦区、西伯利亚联邦区和雅库特(雅库特) 共和国的联邦主题, 是远东联邦区的部份(参见主题名单下面) 。从历史观点, 整体俄国远东被认为西伯利亚的部分。 Buryat 共和国, 资本- Ulan Ude 赤塔Oblast, 管理中心- 赤塔 伊尔库次克Oblast, 管理中心- 伊尔库次克 Khakassia 共和国, 资本- Abakan Kemerovo Oblast, 管理中心- Kemerovo Koryakia 自治区 Krasnoyarsk Krai, 管理中心- Krasnoyarsk 新西伯利亚Oblast, 管理中心- 新西伯利亚 鄂木斯克Oblast, 管理中心- 鄂木斯克 雅库特(雅库特) 共和国, 资本- 明斯克 Tomsk Oblast, 管理中心- Tomsk Tuva 共和国, 资本- Kyzyl 主要城市有: Bratsk 伊尔库次克 新西伯利亚 Tomsk 历史主要条款: 西伯利亚的历史西伯利亚由不同的小组游牧人占领了譬如Yenets 、Nenets 、匈奴, 和维吾尔。Sibir 的Khan 在现代Tobolsk 附近为人所知当支持了Kubrat 作为Khagan 在Avaria 在630 里CE 的一个显赫的人物。区域是conquerd 由Mongols 在13 世纪和最终变成了自治西伯利亚Khanate 。俄国的增长的力量对东部开始破坏Khanate 在16 世纪。第一个小组贸易商和Cossacks 开始进入区域, 并且皇家陆军最后开始进一步设定堡垒和促进东部。在中间第17 个世纪以前俄国受控区域延伸到太平洋。西伯利亚保留了一个主要未探测和无人居住的区域。在以下期间少量世纪、唯一几位试探性使命和贸易商居住了西伯利亚。被派了到西伯利亚的另一小组是囚犯, exiled 从西俄国。第一巨大变动向西伯利亚是Trans 西伯利亚铁路, 被修建1891 年- 1905 年。它连接了西伯利亚更加密切进入II. 西伯利亚用自然资源被填补Nicholas 的迅速工业化的俄国并且在20 世纪期间这些被开发了, 并且工业重镇突然出现在区域过程中。地理用面积的9,653,000 方形的公里, 西伯利亚组成大致四分之三俄国总面积。其中许多是swampland 不适合对农业; 其它大区域(taiga) 树木丛生。最北的零件包括极端冷的寒带草原。湖和河有:Angara 河 贝加尔湖 Lena 河 Ob 河 Tunguska 河 Yenisei 河 山脉有:Anadyr 范围 Chersky 山 Dzhugdzhur 山 Gydan 山 Koryak 山 Sayan 山 Ural 山 Verkhoyansk 山 Yablonoi 山 经济苛刻的气候限制了西伯利亚的发展和人口增长。地区有是好的为种田自然资源, 包括许多矿物, 浩大的油田、富有的森林, 和草原的丰盈在极端西南。但冬天长和苦涩。冰和雪控制大多数地区大约年的六个月。温度可能下降在-90.F 之下(-68.C) 。大多沿海水域、湖, 和河冻结许多年。 人口统计学西伯利亚有人口密度仅仅3 个人每方形的公里。多数西伯利亚人是俄国人和Russified 乌克兰人。种族俄国人下降住在东欧几一千年前的斯拉夫人。象Buryats 、Tuvinians, 和Yakuts 最初住在西伯利亚的如此这些人民Mongol 和Turkic 小组, 和后裔仍然居住那里。其它族群包括: Evenks, Chukchis, Koryaks, Yukaghirs 。参见俄国条款的北本地人为更多。大约70% 西伯利亚的群众居住在城市。多数城市居民拥挤入小公寓。许多人在乡区居住在简单, 但更加宽敞, 日志房子。新西伯利亚是最大的城市在西伯利亚。它有人口大约1.5 百万。以一个最低的记录温度-71.2 摄氏, Oymyakon 有分别是最冷的镇在地球上。相关条款Mangazeya Xibe Tunguska 事件
2023-06-06 02:37:362


The Napoleon · wave takes Pakistan (Napoléon Bonaparte,1769.8.15~1821.5.5), the French first Republic first being in power (1799-1804), the French first empire and hundred days dynasty emperor (1804-1814,1815), in Republic of France modern history renowned strategist, statesman, had seized Western Europe and Central Europe"s majority of territories, enabled the French Revolution the thought to obtain a broader dissemination, the reigning earlier period is the French people"s pride, until now has received the French people"s respect and the love. nationality: Corsica race height: 169cm nationality: French
2023-06-06 02:37:433


  屈原作为一个伟大的爱国者、爱国诗人为后世所景仰。下面是关于历史人物屈原的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。   历史人物屈原的英语作文 篇1   Qu Yuan (ca.340 BCE – 278 BCE) was a Chinese scholar and minister to the King from the southern Chu during the Warring States Period.His works are mostly found in an anthology of poetry known as Chu Ci.His death is traditionally commemorated on the occasion of the Duanwu Festival ,which is commonly known in English as the Dragon Boat Festival or Double Fifth (fifth day of the fifth month of the traditional Chinese calendar)   历史人物屈原的英语作文 篇2   One explanation is that the Duanwu Festival originated from people"s worship of dragons. In ancient China, people believed the dragon was the god in charge of water, which was vitally important to daily life and agricultural production. On the day of Duanwu, people raced dragon boats to entertain the god and offered him Zongzi as a treat. The sole purpose was to please the god to ensure a year of favorable weather.   Some people believe Duanwu comes from activities instigated by ancient sorcerers. These activities were held in early summer when the hot weather was about to bring diseases to people who didn"t have modern devices and medicines to protect themselves. So, ancient sorcerers encouraged people to wear fragrant pouches and hang mugwort and calamus on their doors to drive away the so-called evil spirits that caused diseases.   Scholars may provide many other explanations about the origin of the Duanwu Festival. But if you ask ordinary people about its origin, you"ll get the same answer. They will tell you that the Duanwu Festival honors the great poet, Qu Yuan. They"ll also tell you the story that has been passed down for more than 2,000 years.   Qu Yuan was born in 340 BC, during the Warring States Period. At that time, there were seven states struggling among themselves to unify China. Of the seven states, Qin was the strongest and Chu the largest.   Qu Yuan was a noble of Chu. During his lifetime, the powerful kingdom of Chu fell into a decline.   Early in his life, Qu Yuan won the confidence of the King of Chu, and was his deputy prime minister, helping draft laws and determine foreign-policy. When he saw the danger posed by the ambitious Qin State, he proposed government reforms and an alliance with the neighboring Qi state as a way to ensure Chu"s safety.   But the King of Chu was surrounded by self-seekers, who were jealous of Qu Yuan. They accepted bribes from the Qin"s envoy, dissuaded the King from taking Qu Yuan"s advice and brought about the poet"s estrangement from the King. Qu Yuan was finally sent into exile for 20 years.   During those desperate years, Qu Yuan helplessly watched his beloved country become weaker every day. In the year 278 BC, the capital of Chu was stormed by troops from Qin. In great pain, Qu Yuan wrote “Lisao” or “The Lament”, the greatest of all his poems. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, he drowned himself in the Milo River, because he was hopeless about his country"s future.   Qu Yuan died thousands of years ago, but he is remembered every year for his love of and loyalty to his country and his people.   历史人物屈原的英语作文 篇3   这个节日的由来是古代中国有一位博学多闻的官吏屈原,他是一位爱民而且又受到尊崇的官吏,但是由於一位充满嫉妒的官吏陷害,从此在朝廷中被皇帝所冷落。由於无法获得皇帝的重视,屈原在忧郁的情况下投汨罗江自尽。   由於对屈原的爱戴,汨罗江畔的居民匆忙的划船在江内寻找屈原,并且将米丢入汨罗江中,以平息汨罗江中的蛟龙。即使他们当时并没有找到屈原,但是他们的"行为,直到今天在端午节的时候,仍然被人们传颂纪念著。   the origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named chu yuan. he was a good and respected man,but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor‘s court.   unable to regain the respect of the emperor,in his sorrow chu yuan threw himself into the mi low river. because of their admiration for chu yuan, the local people living adjacent to the mi lo river rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons.   although they were unable to find chu yuan,their efforts are still commemorated today during the dragon boat festival.   历史人物屈原的英语作文 篇4   Our country has an ancient patriotic poet named Qu Yuan, he was exiled by the calumny, the inability to save the peril of the country, excessive anger, so Jiang himself voted to Health martyred. It is for him not to eat the bodies of fish and shrimp, one after another to the various pancake into the river, the water used to feed animals, and some ship off the water at the water beast. This has become now the Dragon Boat Festival, eating dumplings, fried cake, the origin of the dragon-boat race.   Having said that, I think of my family have been the scene of the Dragon Boat Festival. Grandmother pinch a different type of pancake, has florets, small, small starfish, is really different form. hurry to go shopping Kok, calmly took my father to buy tzu. A long row of teams, like a long queue, we managed to buy a tzu. We can see that every household have attached great importance to this holiday, people in this way to express their thoughts and reverence Yuan.   我国古代有一位爱国诗人叫屈原,他遭谗言被放逐后,无力拯救危亡的国家,悲愤过度,于是投江自尽,以生殉国。人们为了不使鱼虾吃掉他的尸体,纷纷将捏成的各种各样的饼子投入江中,用来喂饱水中的动物,有的划着船在水上敲锣打鼓驱赶水兽。这便成为现在端午节,吃粽子、炸糕点、赛龙舟的由来。   说到这里,我又想起了我家过端午节的情景。奶奶捏了种类不同的饼子,有小花,小人,小海星,真是形态各异。妈妈急着去买菜角,爸爸不慌不忙地拉着我去买粽子。排着长长的队,好似一条长龙,我们好不容易才买到了粽子。可以看出,家家户户都很重视这个节日,人们用这种方式来表达对屈原的思念和崇敬。   历史人物屈原的英语作文 篇5   There are many legends about the evolution of the festival, the most popular of which is in commemoration of Qu Yuan (340-278 BC). Qu Yuan was minister of the State of Chu and one of China"s earliest poets. In face of great pressure from the powerful Qin State, he advocated enriching the country and strengthening its military forces so as to fight against the Qin. However, he was opposed by aristocrats headed by Zi Lan, and later deposed and exiled by King Huai. In his exiled days, he still cared much for his country and people and composed immortal poems including Li Sao (The Lament), Tian Wen (Heavenly Questions) and Jiu Ge (Nine Songs), which had far-reaching influences. In 278 BC, he heard the news that Qin troops had finally conquered Chu"s capital, so he finished his last piece Huai Sha (Embracing Sand) and plunged himself into the Miluo River, clasping his arms to a large stone. The day happened to be the 5th of the 5th month in the Chinese lunar calendar.   After his death, the people of Chu crowded to the bank of the river to pay their respects to him. The fishermen sailed their boats up and down the river to look for his body. People threw into the water zongzi (pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves) and eggs to divert possible fish or shrimp from attacking his body. An old doctor poured a jug of reaglar wine (Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar) into the water, hoping to turn all aquatic beasts drunk. That"s why people later followed the customs such as dragon boat racing, eating zongzi and drinking realgar wine on that day.
2023-06-06 02:38:051


2023-06-06 02:38:121


鼠胆龙威 , 不过里面那个好像张家辉的是张学友了`` 不知道是不是,错了别介意```
2023-06-06 02:38:373


汉谟拉比法典(code of Hammurabi)简介极其内容摘要。。 汉谟拉比法典(code of Hammurabi),一七○○年出于巴比伦;它刻在一根高225米,上周长165米,底部周长190米的黑色玄武岩柱上,共3500行,正文有282条内容,用阿卡德语写成。它是世界上最古老、最完整的法典。是汉谟拉比为了向神明显示自己的功绩而纂集的。 我认为每一部法典都是映射同时期人类所犯罪孽的镜子。正是因为这部法典最古老,所以它所映射的人类本性中所潜藏的原始欲望才最透彻。 (6. If any one steal the property of a temple or of the court, he shall be put to death, and also the one who receives the stolen thing from him shall be put to death. 6 .任何一个人窃取寺庙或者皇宫的财产, 他将被处以死刑, 而从他那里获得到赃物的人也一并处以死刑。 7. If any one buy from the son or the slave of another man, without witnesses or a contract, silver or gold, a male or female slave, an ox or a sheep, an ass or anything, or if he take it in charge, he is considered a thief and shall be put to death. 7 .任何一个人购买别人的儿子或者是奴隶, 却没有见证人或者合约, 白银或者黄金, 男性或者女性的奴隶, 公牛或者羊, 如果他做出了这些举动, 他将被当作扒手看待并处以死刑。 8. If any one steal cattle or sheep, or an ass, or a pig or a goat, if it belong to a god or to the court, the thief shall pay thirtyfold therefor; if they belonged to a freed man of the king he shall pay tenfold; if the thief has nothing with which to pay he shall be put to death. 8 .任何一个去偷牛、绵羊、猪、山羊的人, 如果它属於神或者属於皇宫, 这个扒手将为此付赔上三十倍的代价; 如果他们属於国王的自由民, 他只需付十倍的代价 ; 如果这个扒手没有任何东西可以付款,他将被处以死刑。 14. If any one steal the minor son of another, he shall be put to death. 14 .任何一个偷走另一人的儿子, 他将被处以死刑。 15. If any one take a male or female slave of the court, or a male or female slave of a freed man, outside the city gates, he shall be put to death. 15 .如果任何一个人将皇宫男性或女性的奴隶, 或者自由民男性或者女性的奴隶带到城市大门外面, 他将被处以死刑。 18. If the slave will not give the name of the master, the finder shall bring him to the palace; a further investigation must follow, and the slave shall be returned to his master. 18 .如果这个奴隶不给主人的名字, 这个发现者必须把他带到宫殿;做进一步的调查, 并且这个奴隶将被遣返给他的主人。 19. If he hold the slaves in his house, and they are caught there, he shall be put to death. 19 .如果他把这些奴隶留在他的房子里, 并且囚禁他们, 他将被处以死刑。 20. If the slave that he caught run away from him, then shall he swear to the owners of the slave, and he is free of all blame. 20 .如果那些被他捉住的奴隶从他那里逃跑了, 而他坚持说他是奴隶的所有者, 他就能够摆脱所有责备。 21. If any one break a hole into a house (break in to steal), he shall be put to death before that hole and be buried. 21 .如果打破房子利用裂缝强行进入住宅偷窃, 他必须在那个洞前处以死刑和埋葬。 22. If any one is committing a robbery and is caught, then he shall be put to death. 22 .如果任何人成了抢劫者并且被人抓住, 则他将被处以死刑。 29. If his son is still young, and can not take possession, a third of the field and garden shall be given to his mother, and she shall bring him up. 29 .如果他的儿子仍然年轻, 无法拥有任何物品, 他的母亲可以得到田地和花园的三分之一, 而且她并须将他扶养成人。 51. If he have no money to repay, then he shall pay in corn or sesame in place of the money as rent for what he received from the merchant, according to the royal tariff. 51 . 根据皇家关税,如果他没有钱偿还, 则他必须利用玉米或者芝麻来代替从商人那里得到的作租金的钱。 54. If he be not able to replace the corn, then he and his possessions shall be divided among the farmers whose corn he has flooded. 54 .如果他不能偿还这些玉米, 就将他和他的财产都分发给遭受水灾之苦的其他农民。 55. If any one open his ditches to water his crop, but is careless, and the water flood the field of his neighbor, then he shall pay his neighbor corn for his loss. 55 .如果任何一个人利用开挖沟渠以浇灌他的收成, 但是不小心淹没了他邻居的田地, 则他将赔偿邻居玉米作为损失。 61. If the gardener has not completed the planting of the field, leaving one part unused, this shall be assigned to him as his. 61 .如果一个园丁没能完成这个田地的播种栽种, 全都归因为他的所作所为。 109. If conspirators meet in the house of a tavern-keeper, and these conspirators are not captured and delivered to the court, the tavern-keeper shall be put to death. 109 .如果在客栈管理人的房子中碰到阴谋者, 而这些阴谋者没有被捕获和送到皇宫, 客栈管理人将被处以死刑。 110. If a "sister of a god" open a tavern, or enter a tavern to drink, then shall this woman be burned to death. 110 .如果"神" 的姊妹开酒店, 或者进入酒店喝酒, 则这个女人将被烧死。 130. If a man violate the wife (betrothed or child-wife) of another man, who has never known a man, and still lives in her father"s house, and sleep with her and be surprised, this man shall be put to death, but the wife is blameless. 130 .如果男人亵渎另一个男人的这个妻子, 而他从未认识这男人, 且仍然居住在她父亲的房子,也和她一起睡, 被逮捕后, 这个男人将被处以死刑,但是, 这个妻子可以全然没有责备。 135. If a man be taken prisoner in war and there be no sustenance in his house and his wife go to another house and bear children; and if later her husband return and come to his home: then this wife shall return to her husband, but the children follow their father. 135 .如果男人在战争中被囚禁而他的房子中没有食物,而他的妻子改嫁并生下小孩; 过了不久,当她的丈夫回来到他的家,这个妻子将回到她原来的丈夫身边, 但是, 孩子们跟随他们的亲生父亲。 142. If a woman quarrel with her husband, and say: "You are not congenial to me," the reasons for her prejudice must be presented. If she is guiltless, and there is no fault on her part, but he leaves and neglects her, then no guilt attaches to this woman, she shall take her dowry and go back to her father"s house. 142 .如果一个女人与她的丈夫争吵, 并且说: " 你跟我是不同类的, " 必须提供她的偏见原因。 如果她是没有犯罪的,而在她的部分上没有错误, 但是他离开和忽视她, 则这女人没有任何罪则, 她将拿回她的嫁妆和回到她父亲的家族。 143. If she is not innocent, but leaves her husband, and ruins her house, neglecting her husband, this woman shall be cast into the water. 143 .如果她不清白, 但是, 离开她的丈夫, 毁灭她的家,忽视她的丈夫, 她将被丢到水里面。 144. If a man take a wife and this woman give her husband a maid-servant, and she bear him children, but this man wishes to take another wife, this shall not be permitted to him; he shall not take a second wife. 144 .如果男人娶个妻子,且这个女人为她的丈夫做牛做马像个女仆,扶养他的孩子们, 但是这个男人却想要娶另一个妻子, 这是不允许的; 他无法娶第二个妻子。 145. If a man take a wife, and she bear him no children, and he intend to take another wife: if he take this second wife, and bring her into the house, this second wife shall not be allowed equality with his wife. 145 .如果男人娶妻, 她却没为他生孩子, 而他想娶第二个妻子, 当他打算娶另一个妻子,并带她回家, 这第二个妻子将不被承认具有与第一个妻子的平等性。 147. If she have not borne him children, then her mistress may sell her for money. 147 .如果她没为他生育孩子们, 则她的女主人可以用钱卖掉她。 149. If this woman does not wish to remain in her husband"s house, then he shall compensate her for the dowry that she brought with her from her father"s house, and she may go. 149 .如果这个女人不想要留在她丈夫的房子中, 则他必须补偿她从父亲的家族那里带来的嫁妆给她, 而她可以回去。 150. If a man give his wife a field, garden, and house and a deed therefor, if then after the death of her husband the sons raise no claim, then the mother may bequeath all to one of her sons whom she prefers, and need leave nothing to his brothers. 150 .如果男人给予她的妻子田地, 花园, 和房子,则当她的丈夫死后, 儿子若不提出要求, 则母亲可以遗留她比较喜欢其中的一部分, 且不需要留下任何东西给他的兄弟。 153. If the wife of one man on account of another man has their mates (her husband and the other man"s wife) murdered, both of them shall be impaled. 153 .如果由於一个男人的另一个男人的妻子合作共同谋杀他们的另一半 (她的丈夫和另一个男人的妻子) , 他们两个人将被刺穿。 154. If a man be guilty of incest with his daughter, he shall be driven from the place (exiled). 154 .如果一个男人对他的女儿犯了乱伦罪, 他将从这个地方被流放 。 55. If a man betroth a girl to his son, and his son have intercourse with her, but he (the father) afterward defile her, and be surprised, then he shall be bound and cast into the water (drowned). 155 .如果男人对他的儿子订婚女友, 且他的儿子已经与她发生关系, 但是, 他 这个父亲却染指她, 在被捕之后, 则他会被五花大绑并扔进水中淹死 。 157. If any one be guilty of incest with his mother after his father, both shall be burned. 157 .如果任何人在他的父亲之后与他的母亲乱伦, 二人将被烧死。 186. If a man adopt a son, and if after he has taken him he injure his foster father and mother, then this adopted son shall return to his father"s house. 186 .如果一个男人领养一个儿子, 当他使他的养父和养母, 则这个养子将回到他的原来的家庭。 192. If a son of a paramour or a prostitute say to his adoptive father or mother: "You are not my father, or my mother," his tongue shall be cut off. 192 .如果情妇或者妓女的儿子对他养父或者养母说: " 你(们)不是我的父亲, 或者我的母亲, " 将割掉他的舌头。 193. If the son of a paramour or a prostitute desire his father"s house, and desert his adoptive father and adoptive mother, and goes to his father"s house, then shall his eye be put out. 193 . 如果情妇或者妓女的儿子希望回到原来的家庭, 并且抛弃他的养父亲和养母, 则将挖出他的眼睛。 195. If a son strike his father, his hands shall be hewn off. 195 .如果一个儿子胆敢袭击他的父亲, 他的手将被砍断 。 196. If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out. 196 .如果一个人挖出了另一个人的眼睛, 他的眼睛也该被挖出来。 197. If he break another man"s bone, his bone shall be broken. 197 .如果他打碎另一个人的骨头, 将打碎他的骨头。 199. If he put out the eye of a man"s slave, or break the bone of a man"s slave, he shall pay one-half of its value. 199 .如果他挖出了奴隶的眼睛, 或者打碎奴隶的骨头, 他将付它价值的二分之一。 200. If a man knock out the teeth of his equal, his teeth shall be knocked out. 200 .如果一个人击落他的牙齿, 他的牙齿也该被同等的打掉。 218. If a physician make a large incision with the operating knife, and kill him, or open a tumor with the operating knife, and cut out the eye, his hands shall be cut off. 218 .如果内科医生用刀子进行大切割手术, 使病人因此致死, 或者利用手术刀开肿瘤, 就要被挖眼睛, 和砍断他的手。 219. If a physician make a large incision in the slave of a freed man, and kill him, he shall replace the slave with another slave. 219 。 如果内科医生在自由人的奴隶的身体里动切割手术, 并令其致死, 他将必须用另一个奴隶代替这个奴隶。 220. If he had opened a tumor with the operating knife, and put out his eye, he shall pay half his value. 220 .如果他用手术刀开了肿瘤, 并且挖出了他的眼睛, 他将付他的一半价值。 244. If any one hire an ox or an ass, and a lion kill it in the field, the loss is upon its owner. 244 .如果任何一个人租借公牛或者驴子, 然而狮子却在这个田地杀死它们, 损失负担在它们的所有者身上。 245. If any one hire oxen, and kill them by bad treatment or blows, he shall compensate the owner, oxen for oxen. 245 .如果任何一个租用牛, 利用极差的手段使这些牛致, 他将补偿这个所有者的牛。 246. If a man hire an ox, and he break its leg or cut the ligament of its neck, he shall compensate the owner with ox for ox. 246 .如果有人租借公牛, 并且折断它的腿或者切它脖子的韧带 , 他将用公牛赔偿这个所有者。 247. If any one hire an ox, and put out its eye, he shall pay the owner one-half of its value. 247 。 如果任何一个人租借公牛, 并且挖出了它的眼睛, 他将付这个所有者牛眼价值的二分之一。 249. If any one hire an ox, and God strike it that it die, the man who hired it shall swear by God and be considered guiltless. 249 .如果任何一个租借公牛, 并且说是上帝造成它死亡, 租借公牛的人将对上帝发誓他没有犯罪。 282. If a slave say to his master: "You are not my master," if they convict him his master shall cut off his ear. 282 .如果奴隶对他的主人说: " 你们不是我的主人, "他们的主人将将可以挖去他的耳朵。
2023-06-06 02:38:511


专有名词 人的名字
2023-06-06 02:38:592

问辐射1和2开头那段“War,war never change us……”的完整英文

1490:War. War never changes.1550:The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth.1607:Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory.1680:Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower.1755:But war never changes.1800:In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources1860:that could be acquired.1900:Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons.1990:Petroleum and Uranium.2020:For these resources, China would invade Alaska,2065:the US would annex Canada,2100:and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into quarreling,2140:bickering nation-states,2160:bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth.2230:In 2077, the storm of world war had come again.2300:In two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to cinders.2370:And from the ashes of nuclear devastation,2410:a new civilization would struggle to arise.2470:A few were able to reach the relative safety2510:of the large underground Vaults.2550:Your family was part of that group that entered Vault Thirteen.2630:Imprisioned safely behind the large Vault door,2675:under a mountain of stone,2710:a generation has lived without knowledge of the outside world.2790:Life in the Vault is about to change.2860:下个Mini DatMan,就可以解游戏包了
2023-06-06 02:39:062


张家辉,祖籍广东番禺,香港实力派演员。张家辉在17岁时投考加入香港警务处当军装警察,后想转当便装警察,因一些内部问题被拒绝申请,于是决定离开警队。两年后,他在旧同学介绍下加入李修贤的电影公司做幕后的工作。1989年,张家辉在李修贤电影《壮志雄心》演出,开始演员生涯,曾签约亚视和无线电视台,在《天地豪情》,《妙手仁心》,《银狐》等热门电视剧中表现出色,演反派角色尤其迷人。2009年,电影《证人》使他七度称帝,连获金像奖影帝,金马奖影帝,亚太电影展影帝等荣誉,打破香港电影圈男演员凭同一部电影获最多奖项的纪录。吴镇宇,吴镇宇,(Francis Ng Chun Yu,1961年12月21日-)本名吴志强,出生于香港,祖籍广东番禺,香港著名实力派影视演员。1992年吴镇宇离开无线外出闯荡,先后拍过七十部港产片。最深入民心是演《古惑仔》“靓坤”一角,更被誉为是一位全能演员。吴镇宇九十年代与黄子华、张达明合演《栋笃笑》、《须根Show》甚受欢迎。曾获台湾电影金马奖最佳男主角、香港电影评论学会最佳男演员奖等殊荣。代表作品包括《爆裂刑警》、《枪火》、《古惑仔》、《无间道Ⅱ》、《朱丽叶与梁山伯》以及剧集《冲上云霄》、《冲上云霄2》等。 李灿森,(Sam Lee,1975年9月27日-)原名李灿森,香港电影演员。曾演出的电影包括《香港制造》、《特警新人类》、《龙咁威2003》、《狗咬狗》等。他曾是乐队LMF的成员,并曾跟Ketchup合作;现时也是唱片骑师,代号DJ Be Careful。 黄秋生,香港演员,年少时为了生计,做过办公室助理,当过汽车修理厂学徒、装修工人。1984年加入亚视训练班。1985年出演电影《y89代》后自觉演技未够水准,入香港演艺学院深造,成为该校第一届毕业生。后入无线电视台,参演过《他来自江湖》、《天若有情》、《人海骄阳》等剧集。凭借影片《八仙饭店之人肉叉烧包》和《野兽刑警》两次荣最佳男主角奖。2013年,黄秋生在微博发声:“在中国写中文正体字居然过半人看不懂,哎,华夏文明在大陆已死。”他所说的中文正体字即指繁体字,此言经媒体报道后,引发舆论热议。 1991 《雷霆扫穴》Red Shield 1989 《神行太保》 龙套 刘德华苗侨伟 《壮志雄心》Thank You, Sir李修贤陈国邦 1990 《朋党》Against All罗美薇吴大维 1992 《花货》The Unleaded Love 《哗!英雄》What A Hero! 刘德华张曼玉黄秋生秦沛张耀扬 《飞哥正传》(电视电影)Slice Of Life 《招财进宝》(电视电影)The Lucky Family 1993《香港奇案之强奸》Raped By An Angel 《赌神秘笈》(电视电影) To Be A Gamble King 《纸上英雄》(电视电影) The Comic Book Hero 1994 《弑兄奇案》Born Innocent 《重案实录惊天械劫案》(电视电影) Shoot To Kill 《伤城记》Wounded Tracks(电视电影)李南星蓝洁瑛 1995 《特警急先锋》Asian Connection 《重案实录污点证人》(电视电影) Informer 《香港奇案八大毒枭》(电视电影) Hong Kong Criminal Archives Eight Drug Dealers 1996 《夜之女》(电视电影) Moonlight Sonata 《阿金》Ah Kam杨紫琼洪金宝 1998 《赌侠1999》The Conman 1999 刘德华朱茵李子雄高捷 1999 《娱乐之王》The Lord Of Amusement (饰:阿灿)吴镇宇吴孟达 《化骨龙与千年虫》He Is My Enemy, Partner & Father-In-Law李修贤 《千王之王2000》The Tricky Master (饰:梁宽)周星驰王晶林熙蕾吴君如关秀媚 《赌侠大战拉斯维加斯》The Conman In Vegas 刘德华陈百祥林熙蕾万梓良 《黑道风云之收数王》The King Of Debt Collection Agent (饰:阿细) 《黑马王子》Prince Charming 刘德华叶德娴李嘉欣 《强奸终极篇之最后羔羊》Raped By An Angel 4: The Raper"s Union 关秀媚 朱茵吴毅将 2000 《救姜刑警》Clean My Name, Mr. Coroner狄龙吴镇宇马德钟《缘份有Take 2》Love Correction朱茵陈法蓉 《流氓师表》The Teacher Without Chalk (饰:张英)杜汶泽 《中华赌侠》Conman In Tokyo 古天乐 朱茵钟丽缇 《赌圣3无名小子》My Name Is Nobody王晶舒淇陈法蓉 《决战紫禁之巅》The Duel (饰:龙龙九[原著为:陆小凤])刘德华郑伊健赵薇杨恭如天心谭耀文徐锦江徐少强刘威 《宝莲灯》(配音) Lotus Lantern 2001 《完美情人》Every Dog Has His Date 李嘉欣吴启华 《走投有路》Runaway张家辉获奖《杀手假期》Day Off 2002 《赌侠2002》The Conman 2002(饰:李加乘)冯德伦 《风流家族》Happy Family 《二人三足》Time 4 Hope朱茵 2003 《心寒》Shiver吴镇宇朱茵 《赌侠之人定胜天》Fate Fighter(饰:罗四两)杜德伟杨恭如李灿森 2004 《这个女友真爆炸/我的电脑会说话》Love Is Love 《大事件》Breaking News(饰:张志恒)陈慧琳任贤齐尤勇丁海峰张兆辉任达华邵美琪 2005 《黑社会/ 龙城岁月》Election(饰:飞机)梁家辉任达华古天乐林家栋林雪 张兆辉 王天林姜大卫 2006 《提防老千/ 罪有应得》Wise Guys Never Die(饰:王志恒)王晶陈炜 《放.逐》Exiled(饰:和)黄秋生吴镇宇何超仪张耀扬林雪任达华 林家栋张兆辉 《黑白道》On The Edge(饰:单海生)黄秋生 吴镇宇 《黑社会以和为贵》Election 2(饰:飞机)古天乐 任达华 张兆辉 林家栋 林雪王天林郑浩南 2007 《出埃及记》The Exodus(饰:关炳文)任达华刘心悠温碧霞《寄生人》Sweet Revenge(饰:张小春)范冰冰黄秋生 2008 《证人》(饰:洪荆)[导演:林超贤] 谢霆锋张静初苗圃廖启智 《保持通话》(饰:余振辉)古天乐徐熙媛刘烨 《我老婆是赌圣》(饰:阿轮)孟瑶 2009 《旺角监狱》(饰:辉)[导演:王晶] 廖启智鲍起静陈丽华孟瑶廖启智莫小奇梁进龙 《红河》Red River(饰:阿夏)张静初李丽珍李修贤 2010 《建党伟业》(饰:梁启超)[导演:韩三平黄建新] 刘烨陈坤李晨周杰周迅汤唯董璇等《财神客栈》(饰:老巴)[导演:王晶] 谢霆锋蔡卓妍黄奕刘洋佟大为 《线人》(饰:李沧东)[导演:林超贤] 谢霆锋苗圃陆毅廖启智 2011 《大追捕》[导演:周显扬] 任达华文咏珊谢安琪 《怒火街头》 演出电视剧 亚洲电视 1989年:《赤子雄风》No Way Out 1989年:《天若有情》The Witness Of Time1991年:《冲出校园》 1991年:《死顶一族 / 自尊无上》 1992年:《李小龙传/龙在江湖》饰 唐发 1992年:《摩登七十二家房客》All In One Family 1992年:《胜者为王》Who"s The Winner1993年:《马场风云》Race-Course Fever 1993年:《赌神秘笈》Gamblers" Dream饰:何星龙(江华万绮雯) 1993年:《九命奇冤梁天来》Liang Tian Lai 1993年:《胜者为王Ⅱ之天下无敌》饰 刘家才 1993年:《银狐》Silver Tycoon 饰 姚菊人 1994年:《少林义士洪熙官》饰 方世玉 1994年:《凤凰传说》饰 郭启文 1995年:《有房出租·安魂曲》House of Horror: Siren Song 1995年:《性本善之游戏规则》Sex Education 无线电视 1996年:《迷离档案》 Mystery Files 饰:卓男 1997年:《真命天师》 Triumph Over Evil 饰:张震天1998年:《天地豪情》 Secret Of The Heart 饰:甘量宏(Kelvin) 1998年:《妙手仁心》 Healing Hands 饰:张创业(Peter) 1999年:《骗中传奇》 Game Of Deceit 饰:余中正(钱嘉乐宣萱) 1999年:《外父唔怕做》/《吃醋岳父》 Moments Of Endearment 饰:陈有充(秦沛杨千嬅) 1999年:《美味天王》 2000年:《金装四大才子》饰 唐伯虎 2000年:《冲上人间》 A Smiling Ghost Story 饰:方志龙(郭晋安张可颐陈法蓉) 2001年:《勇探实录》 Law Enforcers 饰:周家荣(郭晋安袁洁莹) 2003年:《十万吨情缘》饰 田伟晨2004年:《天涯侠医》 The Last Breakthrough 饰:王甫芬(林峰、郭羡妮、唐宁、陈敏之、商天娥) 内地电视剧 2002年:《天空下的缘份之日光浴》 Sky Lover: Sunbath 饰 阿辉 2003年:《醉无敌/醉拳》 Zui Quan 饰 龙少玉 2006年:《新醉打金枝》 Xin Zui Da Jin Zhi 饰:郭暧(蔡琳、乔振宇、蒙嘉慧) 舞台剧 1987 《家》 2000 《拾梦新城》 2010 《陪我看电视》[前三场] 饰:查理先生(张静初、史可)01.13北京保利剧院 电台广播剧 1998 《三十三结婚唔结婚》(香港电台) 《香港屠夫为我俩作见证》(香港电台) 《他的女人》(香港电台) 2000 《决战紫禁之巅》 2000 《脸儿甜如糖》(香港电台) 2001 《男人,你要争气!》(新城电台)
2023-06-06 02:39:141

急求关于 屈原 的 英语短文 急!!!急!!!急!!!

  There are many legends about the evolution of the festival, the most popular of which is in commemoration of Qu Yuan (340-278 BC). Qu Yuan was minister of the State of Chu and one of China"s earliest poets. In face of great pressure from the powerful Qin State, he advocated enriching the country and strengthening its military forces so as to fight against the Qin. However, he was opposed by aristocrats headed by Zi Lan, and later deposed and exiled by King Huai. In his exiled days, he still cared much for his country and people and composed immortal poems including Li Sao (The Lament), Tian Wen (Heavenly Questions) and Jiu Ge (Nine Songs), which had far-reaching influences. In 278 BC, he heard the news that Qin troops had finally conquered Chu"s capital, so he finished his last piece Huai Sha (Embracing Sand) and plunged himself into the Miluo River, clasping his arms to a large stone. The day happened to be the 5th of the 5th month in the Chinese lunar calendar.  After his death, the people of Chu crowded to the bank of the river to pay their respects to him. The fishermen sailed their boats up and down the river to look for his body. People threw into the water zongzi (pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves) and eggs to divert possible fish or shrimp from attacking his body. An old doctor poured a jug of reaglar wine (Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar) into the water, hoping to turn all aquatic beasts drunk. That"s why people later followed the customs such as dragon boat racing, eating zongzi and drinking realgar wine on that day.  据《史记》“屈原贾生列传”记载,屈原,是春秋时期楚怀王的大臣。他倡导举贤授能,富国强兵,力主联齐抗秦,遭到贵族子兰等人的强烈反对,屈原遭馋去职,被赶出都城,流放到沅、湘流域。他在流放中,写下了忧国忧民的《离骚》、《天问》、《九歌》等不朽诗篇,独具风貌,影响深远(因而,端午节也称诗人节)。公元前278年,秦军攻破楚国京都。屈原眼看自己的祖国被侵略,心如刀割,但是始终不忍舍弃自己的祖国,于五月五日,在写下了绝笔作《怀沙》之后,抱石投汨罗江身死,以自己的生命谱写了一曲壮丽的爱国主义乐章。  传说屈原死后,楚国百姓哀痛异常,纷纷涌到汨罗江边去凭吊屈原。渔夫们划起船只,在江上来回打捞他的真身。有位渔夫拿出为屈原准备的饭团、鸡蛋等食物,“扑通、扑通”地丢进江里,说是让鱼龙虾蟹吃饱了,就不会去咬屈大夫的身体了。人们见后纷纷仿效。一位老医师则拿来一坛雄黄酒倒进江里,说是要药晕蛟龙水兽,以免伤害屈大夫。后来为怕饭团为蛟龙所食,人们想出用楝树叶包饭,外缠彩丝,发展成棕子。
2023-06-06 02:39:291


2023-06-06 02:39:384

屈原的资料 用英语回答

Qu Yuan was a minister in the government of the state of Chu, descended of nobility and a champion of political loyalty and truth eager to maintain the Chu state"s sovereignty. Qu Yuan advocated a policy of alliance with the other kingdoms of the period against the hegemonic state of Qin, which threatened to dominate them all. The Chu king, however, fell under the influence of other corrupt, jealous ministers who slandered Qu Yuan, and banished his most loyal counselor. It is said that Qu Yuan returned first to his family"s home town. In his exile, he spent much of this time collecting legends and rearranging folk odes while travelling the countryside, producing some of the greatest poetry in Chinese literature while expressing his fervent love for his state and his deepest concern for its future. According to legend, his anxiety brought him to an increasingly troubled state of health; during his depression, he would often take walks near a certain well, during which he would look upon his reflection in the water and be his own person, thin and gaunt. In the legend, this well became known as the "Face Reflection Well." Today on a hillside in Xiangluping in Hubei province"s Zigui, there is a well which is considered to be the original well from the time of Qu Yuan. In 278 BC, learning of the capture of his country"s capital, Ying, by General Bai Qi of the state of Qin, Qu Yuan is said to have written the lengthy poem of lamentation called "Lament for Ying" and later to have waded into the Miluo river in today"s Hunan Province holding a great rock in order to commit ritual suicide as a form of protest against the corruption of the era.
2023-06-06 02:40:092


原版小说??? 我也有看暮光之城的小说 但是我没有觉得任何阅读障碍 你是说英文版的吗
2023-06-06 02:40:163


2023-06-06 02:40:269


  亨利八世,是都铎王朝第二任君主,,英格兰与爱尔兰的国王。他是英王亨利七世与伊丽莎白王后的次子。下面是我给大家整理的亨利八世英语简介,供大家参阅!   亨利八世简介   Henry VIII (English: Henry VIII, June 28, 1991 - January 28, 1547) was the second monarch of the Tudor dynasty (April 22, 1509 - January 28, 1547), England With the king of Ireland. He was the second son of King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth.   Henry VII after the death of Henry VIII in April 22, 1509 to inherit the throne.   As the second king of the Tudor dynasty, also the Irish lord, and later became the king of Ireland. Henry VIII, in order to divorce his wife to marry a new queen, and then the Roman Pope against the implementation of religious reform, and through a number of important bills to allow themselves to marry another, and then the British bishop of the Archbishop of the British Church, the British Church from Rome The Holy See, became the highest religious leader in England, and the dissolution of the monastery, so that the power of the British royal family thus reached its peak. During his reign, he joined Wales into England.   On January 28, 1547, Henry VIII died at the Whitehorn Palace, buried in St. George"s Church in Windsor, and buried with his third wife, Jane Seymour. His only legitimate son Edward VI according to the third "throne succession law", inherited its throne.   亨利八世人物生平   Life background   Henry"s father Henry VII, is the descendants of England"s Lancaster royal family, in 1485, Henry VII in the Bossworth battle to defeat Richard III, then king ascended the throne, into England, Wales and Ireland, the establishment of both Tuo dynasty. In order to ease the political contradictions and strengthen their legitimacy as the king, on January 18, 1886, at the Westminster Abbey in London, Henry VII with the York Dynasty Edward IV daughter Elizabeth held a wedding ceremony.   On June 28, 1991, Henry was born in the Placencia Palace in the Greenwich district of London, the third child of Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth. Before his birth, Queen Elizabeth had given birth to the eldest son of Wales Prince Arthur Tudor, the eldest daughter Margaret Tudor princess.   Teenager   Henry was well educated since childhood, and the poet Skelton was his teacher, and when he was a little longer he met and consulted the people of Elasmo and some Renaissance celebrities. He knows Latin, French, Italian and some Spanish, Greek, loves poetry and can play music. He also likes hunting and is good at equestrian, archery, wrestling, and royal tennis.   In 1493, Henry was sealed as the governor of Dover and the five-port coalition chief. In 1494, Henry was called the Duke of York.   1501 years, Henry VII for the eldest son of Arthur to marry the Spanish princess Aragon Catherine to conclude the alliance with the king of Aragon King Ferdinand II and Castilla Queen Isabella I.   1502 years, Arthur and Catherine married four months after the sudden death of Arthur. As the brother of Joseph"s premature death, 12-year-old Henry became the heir to the throne, successor Prince of Wales.   To continue to maintain a friendly relationship with Spain through marriage, Henry VII persuaded Catherine to stay and to join Kathleen for the second son of Henry.   At the time, the marriage violated the Catholic teachings, Aragon"s Catherine declared himself not with the house of Arthur. Later, Catherine"s mother, Isabella I, sought the Pope"s order to allow the marriage.   1505 years, Henry VII did not want to continue with the Spanish Union, so the Prince of Wales Henry announced that he did not agree with the marriage of Catherine, Spain and the United Kingdom for diplomatic mediation, marriage was not lifted.   Ascended the throne   On April 21, 1509, Henry VII died.   June 11, 1509, Henry and Catherine officially held a wedding ceremony.   On June 24, 1509, Henry held a coronation ceremony at Westminster in London, inheriting the throne, for Henry VIII.   The young king Henry VIII, burly, can text to Wu. In the early years of his reign, some of his actions were influenced by the new thought of the Renaissance. He wrote two books, and also wrote poetry, he ascended the throne soon created folk "green sleeves" become popular songs.   Henry VIII personally visited Thomas Utah, the author of Utopia (Thomas Moore was finally sent to the guillotine for refusing to accept Henry VIII"s religious reform) and had appointed him as a close friend.   He also supports the maintenance of British judicial power, opposing the intervention of the Holy See, claiming that "in Britain except the king, the king is the supreme authority."   Henry VIII once created the British Royal Navy, he ordered the construction of fast and flexible new warships, the artillery installed in the cabin inside, and equipped with specialized fighting sailors, and the construction of several navy dedicated dock. He issued a charter in Trinidad in 1514, making it specialized in the maritime industry and has the right to tax the nautical and set the lighthouse.   Henry VIII was also influenced by the feudal aristocratic traditions. He spent a lot of time with the aristocratic knights contest, hunting, play, do not want to deal with daily business. He promulgated a decree, strict provisions of the nobility in the dress on the level of distinction between the prohibition of civilians in the dress fair more than the move. He often shows his king"s style at the court event to conquer the ministers and guests.   1517 Henry VIII in Greenwich held knight contest contest, when he played gold armor, cover inlaid with colored jewelry purple satin gown, crotch horses also gold hanging silver. A foreign envoy exclaimed, "The wealth and civilization of the world are here, and some people regard England as a barbarian land, and in my opinion they are barbarians.   Six marriages   First marriage   Aragon"s Catherine is the first queen of Henry VIII, Catherine is the widow of Henry VIII"s brother, that is, Henry VIII"s sister-in-law.   Queen Catherine has aborted several times, a baby girl prematurely, three boys died. The only surviving child, Mary Tudor, was born on February 18, 1516 at the Pleistia Palace in London, which was later known as "Bloody Mary" by Mary I.   In 1525, Henry VIII found that Catherine could not give birth to his male heir and had an affair with the waitress Anne Boleyn (also known as Antiphor). Henry VIII to the Bible that brother married brother and sister who would have no future generations to request a divorce. But Catherine insisted that he was a queen, refused to divorce with Henry VIII. Because Catherine is a Spanish princess, so the pope did not approve Henry divorce. So Henry VIII to let the judge Wolsey and the Pope to negotiate, hoping to get the consent of the Pope. With the Pope"s failure to negotiate Wolsey was exiled, Wal-Mart"s successor, Thomas Moore, was soon removed from office by Thomas Kramer as archbishop of Canterbury.   In January 1533, in the absence of the Pope"s permission, Henry VIII secretly married Anne Boleyn, the Pope announced the expulsion of Henry. As a retaliation, the British Parliament immediately legislated from the Holy See, Archbishop Cran Mai then declared Henry and Catherine"s marriage invalid, and Anne Boleyn"s marriage legal.   Second marriage   Henry VIII"s second queen Anne Boleyn, according to BBC British history description, Anne Boleyn"s sister Mary Boleyn is Henry VIII"s mistress. Anne went to France to return after studying, into the British court, Henry VIII and she fell in love.   On June 1, 1533, Anne Bolin was crowned Queen of England. Catherine was deprived of the title of the queen, and imprisoned in a next manor. Mary Tudor was also relegated to an illegitimate daughter, not allowed to meet with her mother.   In September 1533, Anne Bolin gave birth to her daughter Elizabeth, that is, later "virgin queen" Elizabeth I. The same is because Anne did not give birth to his son, Henry VIII in turn transferred his mind to Anne"s waitress Jane Seymour"s body.   In 1536, Henry VIII ordered the arrest of Anne Boleyn and her brother"s brother George. George was charged with his three friends aloof Anne Boleyn and planned to assassinate the king. George and his friend were executed, and Anne Boleyn was sentenced to adultery with his brother, and was imprisoned in the Tower of London.   May 19, 1536 Anne was beheaded. Henry VIII declared himself and Anne Boleyn"s marriage was invalid.   Third marriage   May 30, 1536, Henry VIII and Jane Seymour held his third wedding.   On June 4, 1536 she was publicly declared a queen, but she was not officially crowned because of the spread of the plague in London at that time.   On October 12, 1537, Edward Tudor (later Edward VI), the son of Jane Seymour, was born in the room of the Hampton County in Middlesex, the king Henry VIII and the England royal family Looking forward to the male heir. Jane Seymour in the postpartum recovery quickly, sent in 1536 signed the second "throne succession law", officially announced "by His Majesty the King and me between the legitimate marriage of the birth of the prince." England in the country jubilant, the church singing "praise ode", the city lit bonfire, to celebrate the birth of Edward.   However, on October 23, 1537, Jane Simo bursts of puerperal fever and died the next night. Henry VIII in the letter to the French king of Francois I mentioned, "... ... she brought joy to me, but it is mixed with the pain of her death.   Fourth marriage   The painter Hans Holby came to England in 1532 to escape the religious war in Europe and was hired as a court painter. He recommended Henry Ann to Princess Anne, a small country between France and Nederland. Although Henry VIII did not like the appearance of Princess Anne, the two were married on January 6, 1540. Because Henry Henry VIII hated Anne queen, do not want to touch her, turn to the pursuit of Queen Anne"s waitress Catherine Howard (Anne Boleyn"s cousin).   Henry VIII once again made himself and Anne Queen"s marriage invalid, demanding divorce. He gave Anne "king"s sister" title, and gave her a lot of money, let her in the British seclusion. In July 1540, Queen Anne and Henry VIII divorced, and later lived in London until 1557 died.   Fifth marriage   On July 28, 1540, Henry VIII married Catherine Howard. But Catherine married and Minister Thomas Carphepper had an affair, also appointed former lover Francis Dillham as secretary. Someone confessed Catherine"s contact with others to Thomas Cramer, then Archbishop of Canterbury, who was adulterated to Henry.   Henry VIII arrested all the lovers of Catherine. In 1543, Catherine was hanged.   Sixth marriage   In 1543, the old Henry eventually married Catherine Parr in the court for his sixth wife. Catherine Parr was a widow married twice, and her religious view was radical, and Henry was a conservative. They often argued that several times almost let her die, but she always make concessions in time.   Affected by the queen, Henry and two daughters Mary, Elizabeth reconciliation. Catherine Pale takes Henry"s children, Mary, Elizabeth and Edward to take care of them so that they are well educated. She also took good care of the old age sick, easy to anger Henry.   Suspicion of old age   Henry VIII was overweight in his later years, and once he was wounded on horseback, he was stunned and questionable.   He was arrested by the rebel leader Norfolk Norfolk, etc., ready to be executed, but not yet implemented, Henry VIII to facilitate the January 28, 1547 died at the Whitehorn Palace in Windsor, the appointment of sixteen major reformists The new aristocracy formed the Privy Council, which assisted the 9-year-old Edward VI to inherit his throne.   Henry VIII was buried in St. George"s Church in Windsor, and was buried with his third wife, Jane Seymour.   Henry VIII died ten years later, the three legitimate children are sitting on the British throne, but no heirs.   亨利八世人物评价   During the reign of Henry VIII, the practice of religious reform, the British Church from the Holy See, became the highest religious leader in England, the national government agencies made a comprehensive reform in Europe to balance the interests of foreign policy to protect their own political and economic interests. These modern countries, which have led to great changes in the social and economic situation, political system, culture, ideology and religion of the United Kingdom, have created favorable conditions for the further development of capitalist factors. In this process Henry VIII played an important role as an autocratic monarch with unprecedented power.
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经乱离后天恩流夜郎忆旧游书怀赠江夏韦太守良宰[ 唐 ] 李白原文天上白玉京,十二楼五城。仙人抚我顶,结发受长生。误逐世间乐,颇穷理乱情。九十六圣君,浮云挂空名。天地赌一掷,未能忘战争。试涉霸王略,将期轩冕荣。时命乃大谬,弃之海上行。学剑翻自哂,为文竟何成。剑非万人敌,文窃四海声。儿戏不足道,五噫出西京。临当欲去时,慷慨泪沾缨。叹君倜傥才,标举冠群英。开筵引祖帐,慰此远徂征。鞍马若浮云,送余骠骑亭。歌钟不尽意,白日落昆明。十月到幽州,戈鋋若罗星。君王弃北海,扫地借长鲸。呼吸走百川,燕然可摧倾。心知不得语,却欲栖蓬瀛。弯弧惧天狼,挟矢不敢张。揽涕黄金台,呼天哭昭王。无人贵骏骨,騄耳空腾骧。乐毅倘再生,于今亦奔亡。蹉跎不得意,驱马还贵乡。逢君听弦歌,肃穆坐华堂。百里独太古,陶然卧羲皇。征乐昌乐馆,开筵列壶觞。贤豪间青娥,对烛俨成行。醉舞纷绮席,清歌绕飞梁。欢娱未终朝,秩满归咸阳。祖道拥万人,供帐遥相望。一别隔千里,荣枯异炎凉。炎凉几度改,九土中横溃。汉甲连胡兵,沙尘暗云海。草木摇杀气,星辰无光彩。白骨成丘山,苍生竟何罪。函关壮帝居,国命悬哥舒。长戟三十万,开门纳凶渠。公卿如犬羊,忠谠醢与菹。二圣出游豫,两京遂丘墟。帝子许专征,秉旄控强楚。节制非桓文,军师拥熊虎。人心失去就,贼势腾风雨。惟君固房陵,诚节冠终古。仆卧香炉顶,餐霞漱瑶泉。门开九江转,枕下五湖连。半夜水军来,浔阳满旌旃。空名适自误,迫胁上楼船。徒赐五百金,弃之若浮烟。辞官不受赏,翻谪夜郎天。夜郎万里道,西上令人老。扫荡六合清,仍为负霜草。日月无偏照,何由诉苍昊。良牧称神明,深仁恤交道。一忝青云客,三登黄鹤楼。顾惭祢处士,虚对鹦鹉洲。樊山霸气尽,寥落天地秋。江带峨眉雪,川横三峡流。万舸此中来,连帆过扬州。送此万里目,旷然散我愁。纱窗倚天开,水树绿如发。窥日畏衔山,促酒喜得月。吴娃与越艳,窈窕夸铅红。呼来上云梯,含笑出帘栊。对客小垂手,罗衣舞春风。宾跪请休息,主人情未极。览君荆山作,江鲍堪动色。清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰。逸兴横素襟,无时不招寻。朱门拥虎士,列戟何森森。剪凿竹石开,萦流涨清深。登台坐水阁,吐论多英音。片辞贵白璧,一诺轻黄金。谓我不愧君,青鸟明丹心。五色云间鹊,飞鸣天上来。传闻赦书至,却放夜郎回。暖气变寒谷,炎烟生死灰。君登凤池去,忽弃贾生才。桀犬尚吠尧,匈奴笑千秋。中夜四五叹,常为大国忧。旌旆夹两山,黄河当中流。连鸡不得进,饮马空夷犹。安得羿善射,一箭落旄头。扩展资料:此诗流传最广的是“清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”两句。意思是,像那刚出清水的芙蓉花,质朴明媚,毫无雕琢装饰,喻指文学作品要像芙蓉出水那样自然清新。这两句诗赞美韦太守的文章自然清新,也表示了李白自己对诗歌的见解,主张纯美自然——这是李白推崇追求的文章风格,反对装饰雕琢。
2023-06-06 02:41:0110


复仇文雀神探铁三角大事件机动部队PTU全职杀手黑社会1:龙城岁月黑社会2:以和为贵暗花 暗战1-2真心英雄全力推荐 放逐 几乎枪火 原班人马演的影片名称: 放逐外文名称: Exiled出品公司: 寰亚电影有限公司制片地区: 香港导演: 杜琪峰编剧: 叶天成,司徒锦源制片人: 庄澄类型: 惊悚,犯罪主演: 林雪,张耀扬,吴镇宇,黄秋生片长: 108分钟上映时间: 2006年色彩: 彩色对白语言: 粤语幅面: 35毫米遮幅宽银幕系统混音: 杜比数码环绕声级别: Hong Kong:III词语释义黑帮帮规:放逐。意指犯了帮会相应帮规的人,会被永远驱逐出帮会所在地,没有帮会的批准,决不能回来! 词目:放逐拼音:fàngzhú基本解释[banish;exile;deport;be sent into exile]∶古时候把被判罪的人流放到边远地方这位大臣在被放逐之后,活得比他的大仇敌还长详细解释流放。放逐电影海报(3张) 《战国策·魏策一》:“昔者,三 苗 之居……恃此险也,为政不善,而 禹 放逐之。”《汉书·淮南厉王刘长传》:“昔 尧 舜 放逐骨肉, 周公杀 管 蔡 ,天下称圣,不以私害公。” 金 王若虚《文辨二》:“ 柳子厚 放逐既久,憔悴无聊,不胜愤激,故触物遇事辄弄翰以自托。” 韩北屏《非洲夜会·酋长的故事》:“﹝酋王﹞过了四年囚禁生活,最后被放逐到 塞舌尔群岛。”亦泛指驱赶。 鲁迅《三闲集·在钟楼上》:“我抱着梦幻而来,一遇实际,便被从梦境放逐了,不过剩下些索漠。”
2023-06-06 02:43:131


exile[英]["eksau026al][美][u02c8u025bɡu02cczau026al, u02c8u025bku02ccsau026al]vt.放逐,流放; 使背井离乡; n.流放,放逐,流亡; 长期离家[出国]; 被流放者,背井离乡者; 第三人称单数:exiles过去分词:exiled复数:exiles现在进行时:exiling过去式:exiled
2023-06-06 02:43:321


2023-06-06 02:43:392

屈原介绍 英文版

屈原虽事楚怀王,却屡遭排挤,怀王死后又因顷襄王听信谗言而被流放,最终投汨罗江而死。屈原是中国最伟大的浪漫主义诗人之一,也是我国已知最早的著名诗人,世界文化名人。代表作品有《离骚》《九歌》等。Qu Yuan things grandson, has been repeatedly excluded, because after the death of the King of Chu King Xiang listen to calumny and are exiled, and ultimately die cast Miluo River. Qu Yuan is China"s greatest Romantic poet, is one of China"s earliest known poet, Shijiewenhua celebrities.Representative works are "Lament," "Nine Songs" and so on.
2023-06-06 02:43:475


电影 [编辑本段] 2008 《我老婆是赌圣》 2007 《红河》Red River(饰:阿夏) 《出埃及记》The Exodus(饰:关炳文) 《寄生人》Sweet Revenge(饰:张小春) 2006 《提防老千 / 罪有应得》Wise Guys Never Die(饰:王志恒) 《放.逐》Exiled(饰:和) 《黑白道》On The Edge(饰:单海生) 《黑社会以和为贵》Election 2(饰:飞机) 2005 《黑社会》Election(饰:飞机) 2004 《这个女友真爆炸 / 我的电脑会说话》Love Is Love 《大事件》Breaking News 2003 《心寒》Shiver 《赌侠之人定胜天》Fate Fighter(饰:罗四两) 2002 《赌侠2002》The Conman 2002(饰:李加乘) 《风流家族》Happy Family 《二人三足》Time 4 Hope 2001 《完美情人》Every Dog Has His Date 《走投有路》Runaway 《杀手假期》Day Off 2000 《救姜刑警》Clean My Name, Mr. Coroner 《缘份有Take 2》Love Correction 《流氓师表》The Teacher Without Chalk (饰:张英) 《中华赌侠》Conman In Tokyo 《赌圣3无名小子》My Name Is Nobody 《决战紫禁之巅》The Duel (饰:龙龙九) 《宝莲灯》(配音) Lotus Lantern 1999 《娱乐之王》The Lord Of Amusement (饰:阿灿) 《化骨龙与千年虫》He Is My Enemy, Partner & Father-In-Law 《千王之王2000》The Tricky Master (饰:梁宽) 《赌侠大战拉斯维加斯》The Conman In Vegas 《黑道风云之收数王》The King Of Debt Collection Agent (饰:阿细) 《黑马王子》Prince Charming 《强奸终极篇之最后羔羊》Raped By An Angel 4: The Raper"s Union 1998 《赌侠1999》The Conman 1999 1996 《夜之女》(电视电影) Moonlight Sonata 《阿金》Ah Kam 1995 《特警急先锋》Asian Connection 《重案实录污点证人》(电视电影) Informer 《香港奇案八大毒枭》(电视电影) Hong Kong Criminal Archives Eight Drug Dealers 1994 《重案实录惊天械劫案》(电视电影) Shoot To Kill 《伤城记》Wounded Tracks 1993 《香港奇案之强奸》Raped By An Angel 《赌神秘笈》(电视电影) To Be A Gamble King 《纸上英雄》(电视电影) The Comic Book Hero 1992 《花货》The Unleaded Love 《哗!英雄》What A Hero! 《飞哥正传》Slice Of Life 《招财进宝》The Lucky Family 1991 《雷霆扫穴》Red Shield 1990 《弑兄奇案》Born Innocent 《朋党》Against All 1989 《壮志雄心》Thank You, Sir
2023-06-06 02:44:132


郑中基1997年   小倩(配音)1999年   缘份无边界   2000年   十二夜 (Twelve Nights)   2001年   月满抱西环 (Blue Moon) 饰Sam   不死情迷 (Bullets of Love)   爱君如梦 (Dance of a Dream)   折扇探花 饰 林九龠   锦绣良缘 饰 程智勇   2002年   终极暗流 (Interactive Murders)   我老婆唔够秤 饰 Bruce(客串)   我爱一碌葛 (Market"s Romance)   我要Fit 一Fit饰 苏炳文(So Man)   百分百感觉(第一、二辑)饰 祥根   三更之困·车立   2003年   行运超人 (My Lucky Star) 饰 断蟹   给他们一个机会 (Give Them A Chance)   龙咁威 (Dragon Loaded 2003) 饰 龙威   金鸡 2 (Golden Chicken 2) 饰 陈沙士  2004年   我要做Model (Super Model) 饰 Mandom   追击八月十五 (Hidden Heroes) 饰 何若智   甜丝丝 (My Sweetie)   熊之历险(配音)   狗狗震多震(配音)   超人特工队(配音)   皆大欢喜 (时装电视剧)(287-293)(客串)饰 招财   2005年   喜马拉雅星 (Himalaya Singh)饰 阿星   龙咁威2之皇母娘娘呢?(Dragon Reloade) 饰 龙威   2006年   春田花花同学会 (McDull, the Alumni )   至尊无赖 (Undercover Hidden Dragon) 饰 孙子兵   黑拳 (Fatal Contact) 饰 队长   三分钟先生 (Mr. 3 Minutes) 饰 钟世杰   五星级大鼠(Ratatouille) 饰 味王(配音)   2007年   心想事成 (It"s A Wonderful Life) 饰 雷震子   老港正传 (Mr Cinema) 饰 左忠   醒狮 饰 打火基   2008年   内衣少女 饰 Lucas   狼牙 饰 强叔(冯志强)   2009年   家有喜事2009 饰 余宝   机器侠 饰 江柏文(小江老师)   2010年   越光宝盒 饰 山贼清一色   花田喜事2010 饰 麦炳荣将军   天仙奇缘 饰 西门庆   2011年   最强囍事 饰 外卖伙计   无价之宝   东成西就2011   四大名捕 饰 追命   嫁个100分男人张家辉2009 《红河》Red River(饰:阿夏)张静初 李丽珍 李修贤 2008 《证人》(饰:洪荆) 谢霆锋 张静初 苗圃 廖启智 代表作《证人》《保持通话》(饰:余振辉) 古天乐 徐熙媛 刘烨 《我老婆是赌圣》(饰: 阿轮) 孟瑶 2007 《出埃及记》The Exodus(饰:关炳文)任达华 刘心悠 温碧霞 《寄生人》Sweet Revenge(饰:张小春)范冰冰 黄秋生 2006 《提防老千 / 罪有应得》Wise Guys Never Die(饰:王志恒)王晶 陈炜 《放.逐》Exiled(饰:和)黄秋生 吴镇宇 何超仪 张耀扬 林雪 任达华 林家栋 张兆辉 《黑白道》On The Edge(饰:单海生)黄秋生 吴镇宇 《黑社会以和为贵》Election 2(饰:飞机)古天乐 任达华 张兆辉 林家栋 林雪 王天林 郑浩南 2005 《黑社会》Election(饰:飞机)梁家辉 任达华 古天乐 林家栋 林雪 张兆辉 王天林 姜大卫 2004 《这个女友真爆炸 / 我的电脑会说话》Love Is Love 《大事件》Breaking News(饰:张志恒)陈慧琳 任贤齐 尤勇 丁海峰 张兆辉 任达华 邵美琪 2003 《心寒》Shiver 吴镇宇 朱茵 《赌侠之人定胜天》Fate Fighter(饰:罗四两)杜德伟 杨恭如 李灿森 2002 《赌侠2002》The Conman 2002(饰:李加乘)冯德伦 《风流家族》Happy Family 《二人三足》Time 4 Hope 朱茵 2001 《完美情人》Every Dog Has His Date 李嘉欣 吴启华 《走投有路》Runaway 《杀手假期》Day Off 2000 《救姜刑警》Clean My Name, Mr. Coroner 狄龙 吴镇宇 马德钟 《缘份有Take 2》Love Correction 朱茵 陈法蓉 《流氓师表》The Teacher Without Chalk (饰:张英)杜汶泽 《中华赌侠》Conman In Tokyo 古天乐 朱茵 钟丽缇 《赌圣3无名小子》My Name Is Nobody 王晶 舒淇 陈法蓉 《决战紫禁之巅》The Duel (饰:龙龙九)刘德华 郑伊健 赵薇 杨恭如 天心 谭耀文 徐锦江 徐少强 刘威 《宝莲灯》(配音) Lotus Lantern 1999 《娱乐之王》The Lord Of Amusement (饰:阿灿)吴镇宇 吴孟达 《化骨龙与千年虫》He Is My Enemy, Partner & Father-In-Law 李修贤 《千王之王2000》The Tricky Master (饰:梁宽)周星驰 王晶 林熙蕾 吴君如 关秀媚 《赌侠大战拉斯维加斯》The Conman In Vegas 刘德华 陈百祥 林熙蕾 万梓良 《黑道风云之收数王》The King Of Debt Collection Agent (饰:阿细) 《黑马王子》Prince Charming 刘德华 叶德娴 李嘉欣 《强奸终极篇之最后羔羊》Raped By An Angel 4: The Raper"s Union 关秀媚 朱茵 吴毅将 1998 《赌侠1999》The Conman 1999 刘德华 朱茵 李子雄 高捷 1996 《夜之女》(电视电影) Moonlight Sonata 《阿金》Ah Kam 杨紫琼 洪金宝 1995 《特警急先锋》Asian Connection 《重案实录污点证人》(电视电影) Informer 《香港奇案八大毒枭》(电视电影) Hong Kong Criminal Archives Eight Drug Dealers 1994 《弑兄奇案》Born Innocent 《重案实录惊天械劫案》(电视电影) Shoot To Kill 《伤城记》Wounded Tracks 1993 《香港奇案之强奸》Raped By An Angel 《赌神秘笈》(电视电影) To Be A Gamble King 《纸上英雄》(电视电影) The Comic Book Hero 1992 《花货》The Unleaded Love 《哗!英雄》What A Hero! 刘德华 张曼玉 黄秋生 秦沛 张耀扬 《飞哥正传》(电视电影)Slice Of Life 《招财进宝》(电视电影)The Lucky Family 1991 《雷霆扫穴》Red Shield 1990 《朋党》Against All 罗美薇 吴大维 1989 《壮志雄心》Thank You, Sir 李修贤 陈国邦[编辑本段]演出电视剧 2009 《天与地》Sky or land 主演:张家辉、陈豪、林保怡、佘诗曼、邵美琪等) 2006 《新醉打金枝》Xin Zui Da Jin Zhi 饰:郭嗳(蔡琳、乔振宇、蒙嘉慧) 2004 《天涯侠医》The Last Breakthrough 饰:王甫芬(林峰、郭羡妮、唐宁、陈敏之、商天娥) 2003 《醉无敌 / 醉拳》Zui Quan 2002 《十万吨情缘》Ups And Downs In The Sun Of Love 饰:田伟晨(张可颐 滕丽名 欧锦棠) 《天空下的缘份之日光浴》Sky Lover: Sunbath 2001 《勇探实录》Law Enforcers 饰:周家荣(郭晋安 袁洁莹) 2000 《金牌四大才子》The Legendary Four Aces 饰:唐伯虎(关咏荷、欧阳震华、翁虹、林家栋、陈松伶、魏俊杰、文颂娴) 《冲上人间》A Smiling Ghost Story 1999 《骗中传奇》Game Of Deceit 饰:余中正(钱嘉乐 宣萱) 《外父唔怕做》Moments Of Endearment 《美味天王》A Recipe From The Heart 客串 (欧阳震华 关咏荷 古天乐 张可颐 宣萱 沈殿霞 秦沛 薛家燕 杨千桦 陈法蓉 林保怡 罗嘉良 罗家英 陈锦鸿 林家栋)亚洲电视 1989年:《赤子雄风》No Way Out1989年:《天若有情》The Witness Of Time 1991年:《冲出校园》 1991年:《死顶一族 / 自尊无上》 1992年:《李小龙传 / 龙在江湖》饰 唐发 1992年:《摩登七十二家房客》All In One Family 1992年:《胜者为王》Who"s The Winner 1993年:《马场风云》Race-Course Fever 1993年:《赌神秘笈》Gamblers" Dream饰:何星龙(江华 万绮雯) 1993年:《九命奇冤梁天来》Liang Tian Lai 1993年:《胜者为王Ⅱ·天下无敌》饰 刘家才 1993年:《银狐》Silver Tycoon 1994年:《少林义士洪熙官》饰 方世玉 1994年:《凤凰传说》Beauty Pageant饰:郭启文(文颂娴 张家辉 刘玉婷 邓浩光 潘志文) 1995年:《有房出租之安魂曲》House of Horror: Siren Song 1995年:《性本善之游戏规则》Sex Education无线电视 1996年:《迷离档案》Mystery Files饰:卓男 1997年:《真命天师》Triumph Over Evil饰:张震天 1998年:《天地豪情》Secret Of The Heart饰:甘量宏(Kelvin) 1998年:《妙手仁心》Healing Hands 饰:张创业(Peter)[编辑本段]舞台剧 2000 《拾梦新城》 1987 《家》[编辑本段]电台广播剧 2001 《男人,你要争气!》(新城电台) 2000 《脸儿甜如糖》(香港电台) 2000 《决战紫禁之巅》 1998 《三十三结婚唔结婚》(香港电台) 《香港屠夫为我俩作见证》(香港电台) 《他的女人》(香港电台)周星驰《少林足球》最佳影片/最佳导演/最佳男主角等七项大奖 1997年凭《大话西游之大圣娶亲》获香港回归后第一个政府电影奖:香港电影学会之金紫荆奖最佳男主角奖 1992年凭《审死官》获得亚太电影展最佳男主角 1989年凭《霹雳先锋》获得香港金像奖最佳男配角 周星驰作品列表1988 《霹雳先锋》 《捕风汉子》《最佳女婿》 1989 《龙在天涯》《义胆群英》《流氓差婆》1990 《望夫成龙》《一本漫画闯天涯》《龙凤茶楼》《风雨同路》 《咖喱辣椒》 《小偷阿星》《师兄撞鬼》 《赌圣》《无敌幸运星》《江湖最后一个大佬》《赌侠》 1991 《整蛊专家》《龙的传人》《新精武门1991》《逃学威龙》《赌侠2上海滩赌圣》《情圣》《豪门夜宴》客串 1992 《漫画威龙》《家有喜事》《逃学威龙2》《审死官》《鹿鼎记》《鹿鼎记2神龙教》《武状元苏乞儿》1993 《逃学威龙3:龙过鸡年》《唐伯虎点秋香》《济公》 1994 《破坏之王》 《九品芝麻官之白面包青天》 《国产凌凌漆》 1995 《西游记之101回月光宝盒》《西游记完结篇之仙履奇缘》《回魂夜》《百变星君》 1996 《大内密探零零发》《食神》 1997 《1997家有喜事》《算死草》1998 《行运一条龙》1999 《喜剧之王》《千王之王2000》2001《少林足球》2004 《功夫》
2023-06-06 02:44:201


  我刚看完 开始看第二遍 你看了几季?  我看的是五季 似乎是100集  主角的威廉姆·皮特森,曾主演过经典影片《暗潮》。  名影星玛格.海尔金伯格任女主角曾经主演《异种》  保罗·盖尔福勒 Paul Guilfoyle  保罗·盖尔福勒 Paul Guilfoyle  发表评论  报告错误信息  推荐给好友  作品列表:  Tempesta  2004  剧情 惊秫 美国  CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Dark Motives  2004  神秘 美国  Coyote Waits  2003  神秘 美国  CSI美国犯罪现场鉴证 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  2003  犯罪 神秘 美国  巴格达C篇 Live From Baghdad  2002  剧情 战争 美国  Pharaoh"s Heart  2002  剧情 短片 美国  第九部分 Session 9  2001  剧情 恐怖 美国  Hemingway, the Hunter of Death  2001  剧情 冒险 美国  "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation"  2000  犯罪 剧情 美国  Blessed Art Thou  2000  美国  反智特务 Company Man  2000  喜剧 美国  "Secret Agent Man"  2000  惊秫 动作 美国  芳心天涯 Anywhere But Here  1999  剧情 美国  胆战心惊 Random Hearts  1999  剧情 爱情 美国  在梦中 In Dreams  1999  恐怖 惊秫 美国  Entropy  1999  爱情 美国  风起云涌 Primary Colors  1998  剧情 喜剧 美国  恶棍警察 One Tough Cop  1998  犯罪 动作 美国  王牌对王牌 Negotiator, The  1998  剧情 惊秫 美国  Exiled  1998  犯罪 剧情 美国  断锁怒潮 Amistad  1997  剧情 美国  幕后嫌疑犯 L.A. Confidential  1997  犯罪 剧情 美国  空军一号 Air Force One  1997  剧情 惊秫 美国  夜落曼哈顿 Night Falls on Manhattan  1997  犯罪 剧情 美国  世纪爆炸案 Path to Paradise: The Untold Story of the World Trade Center Bombing  1997  剧情 美国  赎金风暴 Ransom  1996  剧情 惊秫 美国  非常手段 Extreme Measures  1996  惊秫 美国  脱衣舞娘 Striptease  1996  犯罪 剧情 美国  阿达球迷闹篮坛 Celtic Pride  1996  喜剧 美国  猎杀大行动 Heaven"s Prisoners  1996  惊秫 神秘 美国  曼妮姐妹 Manny & Lo  1996  剧情 美国  深秋的九月 September  1996  剧情 德国  寻找理查 Looking for Richard  1996  剧情 纪录片 美国  巴黎情人,纽约沙发 Un divan à New York  1996  喜剧 爱情 法国  Cafe Society  1995  剧情 美国  小奥德萨 Little Odessa  1994  剧情 惊秫 美国  机智问答 Quiz Show  1994  剧情 美国  最后的飞行 Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight  1994  剧情 美国  血染的摇篮 Mother"s Boys  1994  惊秫 美国  纽约夜月情 Night We Never Met, The  1993  喜剧 爱情 美国  Class of "61  1993  剧情 冒险 美国  窈窕奶爸 Mrs. Doubtfire  1993  剧情 喜剧 美国  纽约夜未眠 Naked in New York  1993  喜剧 爱情 美国  Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster  1992  剧情 美国  最后巨人 Hoffa  1992  犯罪 剧情 美国  致命恋人 Final Analysis  1992  剧情 爱情 美国  Darrow  1991  美国  True Colors  1991  剧情 美国  杀手住隔壁 Curiosity Kills  1990  惊秫 美国  名嘴大丈夫 Cadillac Man  1990  犯罪 喜剧 美国  Dealers  1989  剧情 英国  蛇与彩虹 Serpent and the Rainbow, The  1988  恐怖 美国  三个奶爸一个娃 Three Men and a Baby  1987  喜剧 家庭 美国  轰天雷 Beverly Hills Cop II  1987  喜剧 动作 美国  华尔街 Wall Street  1987  犯罪 剧情 美国  天降神兵 Howard the Duck  马格·海根伯格 Marg Helgenberger  发表评论  报告错误信息  推荐给好友  作品列表:  Conan: Red Nails  2006  剧情 冒险 美国  The 31st Annual People"s Choice Awards  2005  家庭 美国  优势合作 In Good Company  2004  剧情 喜剧 美国  The 46th Annual Grammy Awards  2004  音乐 美国  "TV Land Moguls"  2004  纪录片 美国  CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Dark Motives  2004  神秘 美国  The 55th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards  2003  美国  CSI美国犯罪现场鉴证 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  2003  犯罪 神秘 美国  The 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards  2002  喜剧 纪录片 美国  The 3rd Annual Women Rock! Girls and Guitars  2002  音乐 美国  100 Sexiest Artists  2002  纪录片 音乐 美国  8th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards  2002  家庭 纪录片 美国  绝不妥协 Erin Brockovich  2000  剧情 美国  "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation"  2000  犯罪 剧情 美国  2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards  2000  家庭 纪录片 美国  Perfect Murder, Perfect Town: JonBenét and the City of Boulder  2000  犯罪 剧情 美国  骨灰密码 Lethal Vows  1999  剧情 美国  笑面杀手 Happy Face Murders  1999  犯罪  "Partners"  1999  美国  异种2:肝胆俱裂 Species II  1998  科幻 恐怖 美国  Thanks of a Grateful Nation  1998  剧情 美国  枪口朝下 Fire Down Below  1997  剧情 惊秫 美国  桃色杀机 Gold Coast  1997  剧情 美国  夺命脱口秀 Murder Live!  1997  剧情 美国  意气风发 Last Time I Committed Suicide, The  1997  剧情 美国  三个总统一团糟 My Fellow Americans  1996  喜剧 美国  迷情追踪 Conundrum  1996  犯罪 剧情 美国  异种 Species  1995  剧情 科幻 美国  坏小子 Bad Boys  1995  犯罪 喜剧 美国  乡巴佬征服纽约 Cowboy Way, The  1994  喜剧 动作 美国  暗礁 Keys  1994  剧情 美国  万里寻儿记 Where Are My Children?  1994  剧情 美国  红鹰战士 Lie Down with Lions  1994  爱情 惊秫 英国  燃烧森林 Tommyknockers, The  1993  科幻 惊秫 美国  Through the Eyes of a Killer  1992  惊秫 美国  冤魂不散 Death Dreams  1991  惊秫 美国  偷腥家族 Crooked Hearts  1991  剧情 美国  无限杀气 Blind Vengeance  1990  美国  直到永远 Always  1989  剧情 爱情 美国  午夜迷离 After Midnight  1989  恐怖 美国  China Beach  1988  剧情 战争 美国  威廉·皮特森 William L. Petersen  This Old Cub (2004)  CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Dark Motives (2004)  "TV Land Moguls" (2004)  Blue Neon Night: Michael Connelly"s Los Angeles (2004)  CSI美国犯罪现场鉴证 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2003)  The GQ Men of the Year Awards (2003)  The 55th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2003)  CBS at 75 (2003)  Counterfeit World: Making "To Live and Die in L.A." (2003)  The 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2002)  浩劫天堂 Haven (2001)  Wrigley Field: Beyond the Ivy (2001)  政界风云 The Contender (2000)  头骨俱乐部 The Skulls (2000)  "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" (2000)  天吻 Kiss the Sky (1999)  龙虎悍将 Gunshy (1998)  不论好坏 Rat Pack, The (1998)  Staircase, The (1998)  十二怒汉 12 Angry Men (1997)  CIA惊世大行动 Mulholland Falls (1996)  致命的危机 Fear (1996)  In the Kingdom of the Blind, the Man with One Eye Is King (1995)  义胆双雄 Curacao (1993)  冤家斗冤家 Passed Away (1992)  Hard Promises (1991)  年轻枪手 2 Young Guns II (1990)  亲亲表妹 Cousins (1989)  无声的抗议 Amazing Grace and Chuck (1987)  Long Gone (1987)  1987大悬案 Manhunter (1986)  威猛奇兵 To Live and Die in L.A. (1985)  小偷 Thief (1981)  乔治·福克斯 Jorja Fox  发表评论  报告错误信息  推荐给好友  作品列表:  11th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards  2005  美国  Next Exit  2005  剧情 美国  CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Dark Motives  2004  神秘 美国  "I Love the "70s"  2003  喜剧 纪录片 美国  Down with the Joneses  2003  美国  CSI美国犯罪现场鉴证 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  2003  犯罪 神秘 美国  记忆碎片 Memento  2000  剧情 惊秫 美国  Forever Fabulous  2000  剧情 喜剧 美国  "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation"  2000  犯罪 剧情 美国  The Hungry Bachelors Club  1999  剧情 喜剧 美国  "The West Wing"  1999  剧情 美国  星际暴劫 Velocity Trap  1997  科幻 动作 美国  捣蛋双宝 Jerky Boys, The  1995  犯罪 喜剧 美国  仁心仁术 "ER"  1994  剧情 美国  Dead Funny  1994  剧情 美国
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张家辉电影 2008 《我老婆是赌圣》 2007 《红河》Red River(饰:阿夏) 《出埃及记》The Exodus(饰:关炳文) 《寄生人》Sweet Revenge(饰:张小春) 2006 《提防老千 / 罪有应得》Wise Guys Never Die(饰:王志恒) 《放.逐》Exiled(饰:和) 《黑白道》On The Edge(饰:单海生) 《黑社会以和为贵》Election 2(饰:飞机) 2005 《黑社会》Election(饰:飞机) 2004 《这个女友真爆炸 / 我的电脑会说话》Love Is Love 《大事件》Breaking News 2003 《心寒》Shiver 《赌侠之人定胜天》Fate Fighter(饰:罗四两) 2002 《赌侠2002》The Conman 2002(饰:李加乘) 《风流家族》Happy Family 《二人三足》Time 4 Hope 2001 《完美情人》Every Dog Has His Date 《走投有路》Runaway 《杀手假期》Day Off 2000 《救姜刑警》Clean My Name, Mr. Coroner 《缘份有Take 2》Love Correction 《流氓师表》The Teacher Without Chalk (饰:张英) 《中华赌侠》Conman In Tokyo 《赌圣3无名小子》My Name Is Nobody 《决战紫禁之巅》The Duel (饰:龙龙九) 《宝莲灯》(配音) Lotus Lantern 1999 《娱乐之王》The Lord Of Amusement (饰:阿灿) 《化骨龙与千年虫》He Is My Enemy, Partner & Father-In-Law 《千王之王2000》The Tricky Master (饰:梁宽) 《赌侠大战拉斯维加斯》The Conman In Vegas 《黑道风云之收数王》The King Of Debt Collection Agent (饰:阿细) 《黑马王子》Prince Charming 《强奸终极篇之最后羔羊》Raped By An Angel 4: The Raper"s Union 1998 《赌侠1999》The Conman 1999 1996 《夜之女》(电视电影) Moonlight Sonata 《阿金》Ah Kam 1995 《特警急先锋》Asian Connection 《重案实录污点证人》(电视电影) Informer 《香港奇案八大毒枭》(电视电影) Hong Kong Criminal Archives Eight Drug Dealers 1994 《重案实录惊天械劫案》(电视电影) Shoot To Kill 《伤城记》Wounded Tracks 1993 《香港奇案之强奸》Raped By An Angel 《赌神秘笈》(电视电影) To Be A Gamble King 《纸上英雄》(电视电影) The Comic Book Hero 1992 《花货》The Unleaded Love 《哗!英雄》What A Hero! 《飞哥正传》Slice Of Life 《招财进宝》The Lucky Family 郑中基电影 2001年 月满抱西环 Blue Moon 不死情迷 Bullets of Love 爱君如梦 Dance of a Dream 折扇探花 锦绣良缘饰 程智勇 2002年 互动杀人事件 Interactive Murders 我老婆唔够秤 My Wife is 18 我爱一碌葛 Market"s Romance 我要Fit 一Fit 饰 苏炳文(So Man) 百分百感觉(第一、二辑) 三更之困"车立" 2003年 行运超人 My Lucky Star 给他们一个机会 Give Them A Chance 龙咁威 Dragon Loaded 2003 金鸡2 Golden Chicken 2 2004年 我要做Model Super Model 追击八月十五 Hidden Heroes 甜丝丝 My Sweetie 熊之历险(配音) 狗狗震多震(配音) 超人特工队(配音) 皆大欢喜 (时装电视剧)(客串)饰 招财 2005年 喜马拉雅星 Himalaya Singh 龙咁威2之皇母娘娘呢?Dragon Reloaded 2006年 春田花花同学会 McDull, the Alumni 至尊无赖 Undercover Hidden Dragon 黑拳Fatal Contact 三分钟先生 Mr. 3 Minutes 2007年 心想事成 It"s A Wonderful Life 老港正传 Mr Cinema记得采纳啊
2023-06-06 02:45:071


汉谟拉比法典(code of Hammurabi)简介极其内容摘要。。 汉谟拉比法典(code of Hammurabi),一七○○年出于巴比伦;它刻在一根高225米,上周长165米,底部周长190米的黑色玄武岩柱上,共3500行,正文有282条内容,用阿卡德语写成。它是世界上最古老、最完整的法典。是汉谟拉比为了向神明显示自己的功绩而纂集的。我认为每一部法典都是映射同时期人类所犯罪孽的镜子。正是因为这部法典最古老,所以它所映射的人类本性中所潜藏的原始欲望才最透彻。(6. If any one steal the property of a temple or of the court, he shall be put to death, and also the one who receives the stolen thing from him shall be put to death. 6 .任何一个人窃取寺庙或者皇宫的财产, 他将被处以死刑, 而从他那里获得到赃物的人也一并处以死刑。7. If any one buy from the son or the slave of another man, without witnesses or a contract, silver or gold, a male or female slave, an ox or a sheep, an ass or anything, or if he take it in charge, he is considered a thief and shall be put to death. 7 .任何一个人购买别人的儿子或者是奴隶, 却没有见证人或者合约, 白银或者黄金, 男性或者女性的奴隶, 公牛或者羊, 如果他做出了这些举动, 他将被当作扒手看待并处以死刑。8. If any one steal cattle or sheep, or an ass, or a pig or a goat, if it belong to a god or to the court, the thief shall pay thirtyfold therefor; if they belonged to a freed man of the king he shall pay tenfold; if the thief has nothing with which to pay he shall be put to death. 8 .任何一个去偷牛、绵羊、猪、山羊的人, 如果它属於神或者属於皇宫, 这个扒手将为此付赔上三十倍的代价; 如果他们属於国王的自由民, 他只需付十倍的代价 ; 如果这个扒手没有任何东西可以付款,他将被处以死刑。14. If any one steal the minor son of another, he shall be put to death. 14 .任何一个偷走另一人的儿子, 他将被处以死刑。15. If any one take a male or female slave of the court, or a male or female slave of a freed man, outside the city gates, he shall be put to death. 15 .如果任何一个人将皇宫男性或女性的奴隶, 或者自由民男性或者女性的奴隶带到城市大门外面, 他将被处以死刑。18. If the slave will not give the name of the master, the finder shall bring him to the palace; a further investigation must follow, and the slave shall be returned to his master. 18 .如果这个奴隶不给主人的名字, 这个发现者必须把他带到宫殿;做进一步的调查, 并且这个奴隶将被遣返给他的主人。 19. If he hold the slaves in his house, and they are caught there, he shall be put to death. 19 .如果他把这些奴隶留在他的房子里, 并且囚禁他们, 他将被处以死刑。20. If the slave that he caught run away from him, then shall he swear to the owners of the slave, and he is free of all blame. 20 .如果那些被他捉住的奴隶从他那里逃跑了, 而他坚持说他是奴隶的所有者, 他就能够摆脱所有责备。21. If any one break a hole into a house (break in to steal), he shall be put to death before that hole and be buried. 21 .如果打破房子利用裂缝强行进入住宅偷窃, 他必须在那个洞前处以死刑和埋葬。22. If any one is committing a robbery and is caught, then he shall be put to death. 22 .如果任何人成了抢劫者并且被人抓住, 则他将被处以死刑。29. If his son is still young, and can not take possession, a third of the field and garden shall be given to his mother, and she shall bring him up. 29 .如果他的儿子仍然年轻, 无法拥有任何物品, 他的母亲可以得到田地和花园的三分之一, 而且她并须将他扶养成人。51. If he have no money to repay, then he shall pay in corn or sesame in place of the money as rent for what he received from the merchant, according to the royal tariff. 51 . 根据皇家关税,如果他没有钱偿还, 则他必须利用玉米或者芝麻来代替从商人那里得到的作租金的钱。 54. If he be not able to replace the corn, then he and his possessions shall be divided among the farmers whose corn he has flooded. 54 .如果他不能偿还这些玉米, 就将他和他的财产都分发给遭受水灾之苦的其他农民。55. If any one open his ditches to water his crop, but is careless, and the water flood the field of his neighbor, then he shall pay his neighbor corn for his loss. 55 .如果任何一个人利用开挖沟渠以浇灌他的收成, 但是不小心淹没了他邻居的田地, 则他将赔偿邻居玉米作为损失。 61. If the gardener has not completed the planting of the field, leaving one part unused, this shall be assigned to him as his. 61 .如果一个园丁没能完成这个田地的播种栽种, 全都归因为他的所作所为。109. If conspirators meet in the house of a tavern-keeper, and these conspirators are not captured and delivered to the court, the tavern-keeper shall be put to death. 109 .如果在客栈管理人的房子中碰到阴谋者, 而这些阴谋者没有被捕获和送到皇宫, 客栈管理人将被处以死刑。110. If a "sister of a god" open a tavern, or enter a tavern to drink, then shall this woman be burned to death. 110 .如果"神" 的姊妹开酒店, 或者进入酒店喝酒, 则这个女人将被烧死。130. If a man violate the wife (betrothed or child-wife) of another man, who has never known a man, and still lives in her father"s house, and sleep with her and be surprised, this man shall be put to death, but the wife is blameless. 130 .如果男人亵渎另一个男人的这个妻子, 而他从未认识这男人, 且仍然居住在她父亲的房子,也和她一起睡, 被逮捕后, 这个男人将被处以死刑,但是, 这个妻子可以全然没有责备。135. If a man be taken prisoner in war and there be no sustenance in his house and his wife go to another house and bear children; and if later her husband return and come to his home: then this wife shall return to her husband, but the children follow their father. 135 .如果男人在战争中被囚禁而他的房子中没有食物,而他的妻子改嫁并生下小孩; 过了不久,当她的丈夫回来到他的家,这个妻子将回到她原来的丈夫身边, 但是, 孩子们跟随他们的亲生父亲。142. If a woman quarrel with her husband, and say: "You are not congenial to me," the reasons for her prejudice must be presented. If she is guiltless, and there is no fault on her part, but he leaves and neglects her, then no guilt attaches to this woman, she shall take her dowry and go back to her father"s house. 142 .如果一个女人与她的丈夫争吵, 并且说: " 你跟我是不同类的, " 必须提供她的偏见原因。 如果她是没有犯罪的,而在她的部分上没有错误, 但是他离开和忽视她, 则这女人没有任何罪则, 她将拿回她的嫁妆和回到她父亲的家族。143. If she is not innocent, but leaves her husband, and ruins her house, neglecting her husband, this woman shall be cast into the water. 143 .如果她不清白, 但是, 离开她的丈夫, 毁灭她的家,忽视她的丈夫, 她将被丢到水里面。144. If a man take a wife and this woman give her husband a maid-servant, and she bear him children, but this man wishes to take another wife, this shall not be permitted to him; he shall not take a second wife. 144 .如果男人娶个妻子,且这个女人为她的丈夫做牛做马像个女仆,扶养他的孩子们, 但是这个男人却想要娶另一个妻子, 这是不允许的; 他无法娶第二个妻子。145. If a man take a wife, and she bear him no children, and he intend to take another wife: if he take this second wife, and bring her into the house, this second wife shall not be allowed equality with his wife. 145 .如果男人娶妻, 她却没为他生孩子, 而他想娶第二个妻子, 当他打算娶另一个妻子,并带她回家, 这第二个妻子将不被承认具有与第一个妻子的平等性。147. If she have not borne him children, then her mistress may sell her for money. 147 .如果她没为他生育孩子们, 则她的女主人可以用钱卖掉她。149. If this woman does not wish to remain in her husband"s house, then he shall compensate her for the dowry that she brought with her from her father"s house, and she may go. 149 .如果这个女人不想要留在她丈夫的房子中, 则他必须补偿她从父亲的家族那里带来的嫁妆给她, 而她可以回去。 150. If a man give his wife a field, garden, and house and a deed therefor, if then after the death of her husband the sons raise no claim, then the mother may bequeath all to one of her sons whom she prefers, and need leave nothing to his brothers. 150 .如果男人给予她的妻子田地, 花园, 和房子,则当她的丈夫死后, 儿子若不提出要求, 则母亲可以遗留她比较喜欢其中的一部分, 且不需要留下任何东西给他的兄弟。 153. If the wife of one man on account of another man has their mates (her husband and the other man"s wife) murdered, both of them shall be impaled. 153 .如果由於一个男人的另一个男人的妻子合作共同谋杀他们的另一半 (她的丈夫和另一个男人的妻子) , 他们两个人将被刺穿。154. If a man be guilty of incest with his daughter, he shall be driven from the place (exiled). 154 .如果一个男人对他的女儿犯了乱伦罪, 他将从这个地方被流放 。55. If a man betroth a girl to his son, and his son have intercourse with her, but he (the father) afterward defile her, and be surprised, then he shall be bound and cast into the water (drowned). 155 .如果男人对他的儿子订婚女友, 且他的儿子已经与她发生关系, 但是, 他 这个父亲却染指她, 在被捕之后, 则他会被五花大绑并扔进水中淹死 。157. If any one be guilty of incest with his mother after his father, both shall be burned. 157 .如果任何人在他的父亲之后与他的母亲乱伦, 二人将被烧死。186. If a man adopt a son, and if after he has taken him he injure his foster father and mother, then this adopted son shall return to his father"s house. 186 .如果一个男人领养一个儿子, 当他使他的养父和养母, 则这个养子将回到他的原来的家庭。 192. If a son of a paramour or a prostitute say to his adoptive father or mother: "You are not my father, or my mother," his tongue shall be cut off. 192 .如果情妇或者妓女的儿子对他养父或者养母说: " 你(们)不是我的父亲, 或者我的母亲, " 将割掉他的舌头。193. If the son of a paramour or a prostitute desire his father"s house, and desert his adoptive father and adoptive mother, and goes to his father"s house, then shall his eye be put out. 193 . 如果情妇或者妓女的儿子希望回到原来的家庭, 并且抛弃他的养父亲和养母, 则将挖出他的眼睛。195. If a son strike his father, his hands shall be hewn off. 195 .如果一个儿子胆敢袭击他的父亲, 他的手将被砍断 。196. If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out. 196 .如果一个人挖出了另一个人的眼睛, 他的眼睛也该被挖出来。197. If he break another man"s bone, his bone shall be broken. 197 .如果他打碎另一个人的骨头, 将打碎他的骨头。199. If he put out the eye of a man"s slave, or break the bone of a man"s slave, he shall pay one-half of its value. 199 .如果他挖出了奴隶的眼睛, 或者打碎奴隶的骨头, 他将付它价值的二分之一。200. If a man knock out the teeth of his equal, his teeth shall be knocked out. 200 .如果一个人击落他的牙齿, 他的牙齿也该被同等的打掉。218. If a physician make a large incision with the operating knife, and kill him, or open a tumor with the operating knife, and cut out the eye, his hands shall be cut off. 218 .如果内科医生用刀子进行大切割手术, 使病人因此致死, 或者利用手术刀开肿瘤, 就要被挖眼睛, 和砍断他的手。219. If a physician make a large incision in the slave of a freed man, and kill him, he shall replace the slave with another slave. 219 。 如果内科医生在自由人的奴隶的身体里动切割手术, 并令其致死, 他将必须用另一个奴隶代替这个奴隶。220. If he had opened a tumor with the operating knife, and put out his eye, he shall pay half his value. 220 .如果他用手术刀开了肿瘤, 并且挖出了他的眼睛, 他将付他的一半价值。244. If any one hire an ox or an ass, and a lion kill it in the field, the loss is upon its owner. 244 .如果任何一个人租借公牛或者驴子, 然而狮子却在这个田地杀死它们, 损失负担在它们的所有者身上。245. If any one hire oxen, and kill them by bad treatment or blows, he shall compensate the owner, oxen for oxen. 245 .如果任何一个租用牛, 利用极差的手段使这些牛致, 他将补偿这个所有者的牛。 246. If a man hire an ox, and he break its leg or cut the ligament of its neck, he shall compensate the owner with ox for ox. 246 .如果有人租借公牛, 并且折断它的腿或者切它脖子的韧带 , 他将用公牛赔偿这个所有者。247. If any one hire an ox, and put out its eye, he shall pay the owner one-half of its value. 247 。 如果任何一个人租借公牛, 并且挖出了它的眼睛, 他将付这个所有者牛眼价值的二分之一。249. If any one hire an ox, and God strike it that it die, the man who hired it shall swear by God and be considered guiltless. 249 .如果任何一个租借公牛, 并且说是上帝造成它死亡, 租借公牛的人将对上帝发誓他没有犯罪。 282. If a slave say to his master: "You are not my master," if they convict him his master shall cut off his ear. 282 .如果奴隶对他的主人说: " 你们不是我的主人, "他们的主人将将可以挖去他的耳朵。
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我想知道张家辉拍的所有电影 谢谢了

  2008  《证人》谢霆锋  《保持通话》古天乐 徐熙媛 刘烨  《我老婆是赌圣》  2007  《红河》Red River(饰:阿夏)  《出埃及记》The Exodus(饰:关炳文)任达华 刘心悠 温碧霞  《寄生人》Sweet Revenge(饰:张小春)范冰冰 黄秋生  2006  《提防老千 / 罪有应得》Wise Guys Never Die(饰:王志恒)王晶  《放.逐》Exiled(饰:和)黄秋生 吴镇宇 何超仪 张耀扬 林雪 任达华 林家栋 张兆辉  《黑白道》On The Edge(饰:单海生)黄秋生 吴镇宇  《黑社会以和为贵》Election 2(饰:飞机)古天乐 任达华 张兆辉 林家栋 林雪 王天林 郑浩南  2005  《黑社会》Election(饰:飞机)梁家辉 任达华 古天乐 林家栋 林雪 张兆辉 王天林 姜大卫  2004  《这个女友真爆炸 / 我的电脑会说话》Love Is Love  《大事件》Breaking News(饰:张志恒)陈慧琳 任贤齐 尤勇 丁海峰 张兆辉 任达华 邵美琪  2003  《心寒》Shiver 吴镇宇 朱茵  《赌侠之人定胜天》Fate Fighter(饰:罗四两)杜德伟 杨恭如 李灿森  2002  《赌侠2002》The Conman 2002(饰:李加乘)冯德伦  《风流家族》Happy Family  《二人三足》Time 4 Hope 朱茵  2001  《完美情人》Every Dog Has His Date 李嘉欣 吴启华  《走投有路》Runaway  《杀手假期》Day Off  2000  《救姜刑警》Clean My Name, Mr. Coroner 黄秋生 吴镇宇  《缘份有Take 2》Love Correction 朱茵 陈法蓉  《流氓师表》The Teacher Without Chalk (饰:张英)杜汶泽  《中华赌侠》Conman In Tokyo 古天乐 朱茵 钟丽缇  《赌圣3无名小子》My Name Is Nobody 王晶 舒淇 陈法蓉  《决战紫禁之巅》The Duel (饰:龙龙九)刘德华 郑伊健 赵薇 杨恭如 天心 谭耀文 徐锦江 徐少强 刘威  《宝莲灯》(配音) Lotus Lantern  1999  《娱乐之王》The Lord Of Amusement (饰:阿灿)吴镇宇 吴孟达  《化骨龙与千年虫》He Is My Enemy, Partner & Father-In-Law 李修贤  《千王之王2000》The Tricky Master (饰:梁宽)周星驰 王晶 林熙蕾 吴君如 关秀媚  《赌侠大战拉斯维加斯》The Conman In Vegas 刘德华 陈百祥 林熙蕾 万梓良  《黑道风云之收数王》The King Of Debt Collection Agent (饰:阿细)  《黑马王子》Prince Charming 刘德华 叶德娴 李嘉欣  《强奸终极篇之最后羔羊》Raped By An Angel 4: The Raper"s Union 关秀媚 朱茵 吴毅将  1998  《赌侠1999》The Conman 1999 刘德华 朱茵 李子雄 高捷  1996  《夜之女》(电视电影) Moonlight Sonata  《阿金》Ah Kam 杨紫琼 洪金宝  1995  《特警急先锋》Asian Connection  《重案实录污点证人》(电视电影) Informer  《香港奇案八大毒枭》(电视电影) Hong Kong Criminal Archives Eight Drug Dealers  1994  《重案实录惊天械劫案》(电视电影) Shoot To Kill  《伤城记》Wounded Tracks  1993  《香港奇案之强奸》Raped By An Angel  《赌神秘笈》(电视电影) To Be A Gamble King  《纸上英雄》(电视电影) The Comic Book Hero  1992  《花货》The Unleaded Love  《哗!英雄》What A Hero! 刘德华 张曼玉 黄秋生 秦沛 张耀扬  《飞哥正传》Slice Of Life  《招财进宝》The Lucky Family  1991  《雷霆扫穴》Red Shield  1990  《弑兄奇案》Born Innocent  《朋党》Against All  1989  《壮志雄心》Thank You, Sir
2023-06-06 02:45:331

求一篇屈原的英语作文 带翻译

  There are many legends about the evolution of the festival, the most popular of which is in commemoration of Qu Yuan (340-278 BC). Qu Yuan was minister of the State of Chu and one of China"s earliest poets. In face of great pressure from the powerful Qin State, he advocated enriching the country and strengthening its military forces so as to fight against the Qin. However, he was opposed by aristocrats headed by Zi Lan, and later deposed and exiled by King Huai. In his exiled days, he still cared much for his country and people and composed immortal poems including Li Sao (The Lament), Tian Wen (Heavenly Questions) and Jiu Ge (Nine Songs), which had far-reaching influences. In 278 BC, he heard the news that Qin troops had finally conquered Chu"s capital, so he finished his last piece Huai Sha (Embracing Sand) and plunged himself into the Miluo River, clasping his arms to a large stone. The day happened to be the 5th of the 5th month in the Chinese lunar calendar.  After his death, the people of Chu crowded to the bank of the river to pay their respects to him. The fishermen sailed their boats up and down the river to look for his body. People threw into the water zongzi (pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves) and eggs to divert possible fish or shrimp from attacking his body. An old doctor poured a jug of reaglar wine (Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar) into the water, hoping to turn all aquatic beasts drunk. That"s why people later followed the customs such as dragon boat racing, eating zongzi and drinking realgar wine on that day.  据《史记》“屈原贾生列传”记载,屈原,是春秋时期楚怀王的大臣。他倡导举贤授能,富国强兵,力主联齐抗秦,遭到贵族子兰等人的强烈反对,屈原遭馋去职,被赶出都城,流放到沅、湘流域。他在流放中,写下了忧国忧民的《离骚》、《天问》、《九歌》等不朽诗篇,独具风貌,影响深远(因而,端午节也称诗人节)。公元前278年,秦军攻破楚国京都。屈原眼看自己的祖国被侵略,心如刀割,但是始终不忍舍弃自己的祖国,于五月五日,在写下了绝笔作《怀沙》之后,抱石投汨罗江身死,以自己的生命谱写了一曲壮丽的爱国主义乐章。  传说屈原死后,楚国百姓哀痛异常,纷纷涌到汨罗江边去凭吊屈原。渔夫们划起船只,在江上来回打捞他的真身。有位渔夫拿出为屈原准备的饭团、鸡蛋等食物,“扑通、扑通”地丢进江里,说是让鱼龙虾蟹吃饱了,就不会去咬屈大夫的身体了。人们见后纷纷仿效。一位老医师则拿来一坛雄黄酒倒进江里,说是要药晕蛟龙水兽,以免伤害屈大夫。后来为怕饭团为蛟龙所食,人们想出用楝树叶包饭,外缠彩丝,发展成棕子。
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2009 《红河》Red River(饰:阿夏)张静初 李丽珍 李修贤 2008 《证人》(饰:洪荆) 谢霆锋 张静初 苗圃 廖启智 代表作《证人》《保持通话》(饰:余振辉) 古天乐 徐熙媛 刘烨 《我老婆是赌圣》(饰: 阿轮) 孟瑶 2007 《出埃及记》The Exodus(饰:关炳文)任达华 刘心悠 温碧霞 《寄生人》Sweet Revenge(饰:张小春)范冰冰 黄秋生 2006 《提防老千 / 罪有应得》Wise Guys Never Die(饰:王志恒)王晶 陈炜 《放.逐》Exiled(饰:和)黄秋生 吴镇宇 何超仪 张耀扬 林雪 任达华 林家栋 张兆辉 《黑白道》On The Edge(饰:单海生)黄秋生 吴镇宇 《黑社会以和为贵》Election 2(饰:飞机)古天乐 任达华 张兆辉 林家栋 林雪 王天林 郑浩南 2005 《黑社会》Election(饰:飞机)梁家辉 任达华 古天乐 林家栋 林雪 张兆辉 王天林 姜大卫 2004 《这个女友真爆炸 / 我的电脑会说话》Love Is Love 《大事件》Breaking News(饰:张志恒)陈慧琳 任贤齐 尤勇 丁海峰 张兆辉 任达华 邵美琪 2003 《心寒》Shiver 吴镇宇 朱茵 《赌侠之人定胜天》Fate Fighter(饰:罗四两)杜德伟 杨恭如 李灿森 2002 《赌侠2002》The Conman 2002(饰:李加乘)冯德伦 《风流家族》Happy Family 《二人三足》Time 4 Hope 朱茵 2001 《完美情人》Every Dog Has His Date 李嘉欣 吴启华 《走投有路》Runaway 《杀手假期》Day Off 2000 《救姜刑警》Clean My Name, Mr. Coroner 狄龙 吴镇宇 马德钟 《缘份有Take 2》Love Correction 朱茵 陈法蓉 《流氓师表》The Teacher Without Chalk (饰:张英)杜汶泽 《中华赌侠》Conman In Tokyo 古天乐 朱茵 钟丽缇 《赌圣3无名小子》My Name Is Nobody 王晶 舒淇 陈法蓉 《决战紫禁之巅》The Duel (饰:龙龙九)刘德华 郑伊健 赵薇 杨恭如 天心 谭耀文 徐锦江 徐少强 刘威 《宝莲灯》(配音) Lotus Lantern 1999 《娱乐之王》The Lord Of Amusement (饰:阿灿)吴镇宇 吴孟达 《化骨龙与千年虫》He Is My Enemy, Partner & Father-In-Law 李修贤 《千王之王2000》The Tricky Master (饰:梁宽)周星驰 王晶 林熙蕾 吴君如 关秀媚 《赌侠大战拉斯维加斯》The Conman In Vegas 刘德华 陈百祥 林熙蕾 万梓良 《黑道风云之收数王》The King Of Debt Collection Agent (饰:阿细) 《黑马王子》Prince Charming 刘德华 叶德娴 李嘉欣 《强奸终极篇之最后羔羊》Raped By An Angel 4: The Raper"s Union 关秀媚 朱茵 吴毅将 1998 《赌侠1999》The Conman 1999 刘德华 朱茵 李子雄 高捷 1996 《夜之女》(电视电影) Moonlight Sonata 《阿金》Ah Kam 杨紫琼 洪金宝 1995 《特警急先锋》Asian Connection 《重案实录污点证人》(电视电影) Informer 《香港奇案八大毒枭》(电视电影) Hong Kong Criminal Archives Eight Drug Dealers 1994 《弑兄奇案》Born Innocent 《重案实录惊天械劫案》(电视电影) Shoot To Kill 《伤城记》Wounded Tracks 1993 《香港奇案之强奸》Raped By An Angel 《赌神秘笈》(电视电影) To Be A Gamble King 《纸上英雄》(电视电影) The Comic Book Hero 1992 《花货》The Unleaded Love 《哗!英雄》What A Hero! 刘德华 张曼玉 黄秋生 秦沛 张耀扬 《飞哥正传》(电视电影)Slice Of Life 《招财进宝》(电视电影)The Lucky Family 1991 《雷霆扫穴》Red Shield 1990 《朋党》Against All 罗美薇 吴大维 1989 《壮志雄心》Thank You, Sir 李修贤 陈国邦
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A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat festival is tzung tzu. This tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk, or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves. The tradition of tzung tzu is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scattering rice across the water of the Mi Low river in order to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour Chu Yuan.
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  姓名:张家辉  性别:男  英文名:Nick Cheung ( Cheung Ka Fai, Nick)  出生日期:1967年12月2日  身高:177cm  体重:130lbs(60Kg)  星座:射手座  生肖:羊  籍贯:广东番禺  出生地:香港  所在地:香港  学历:高中(中五毕业+中英文通过)  婚姻状况:已婚  家庭成员:妻子关咏荷及女儿  职业:歌影视三栖  语言:粤语、英语、普通话  嗜好:跑步,打拳,睡觉  所属电视机构:无线电视有限公司  所属唱片公司:英皇娱乐有限公司  所属电影公司:王晶创作室  最喜爱动物:金毛寻回犬,雪撬犬  最喜爱食物:中、日、韩美食  最喜爱颜色:除了紫色外任何颜色  最喜爱季节:秋天  最喜爱音乐:R&B  最喜爱歌手:Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston  最喜欢演员:Gary Oldman, Al Pacino, Christian Slater, Robert De Niro  最喜欢的节日:与关咏荷的纪念日  备注:曾参加创作歌曲大赛演绎歌曲"过去现在与将来"取得季军  张家辉,广东番禺人,十七岁考入警队当军装警察,五年后因要求转任便衣探员不果,离开警队,加入李修贤的电影公司当幕后人员。八九年,张家辉在李修贤电影《壮志雄心》演出,因而入行。九一年,张在李修贤介绍下加入亚洲电视,五年后转投无线,星运日隆,参予不少大制作如《天地豪情》和《金装四大才子》等。  九九年,张家辉凭《赌侠1999》获提名香港电影金像奖‘最佳男配角",其后拍摄多部电影,如《千王之王2000》、《决战紫禁之巅》等。于2009年凭《证人》获得第28届香港电影金像奖最佳男主角。99年,张家辉签约英皇唱片公司,正式成为旗下歌手,英皇重组后,张转入Music Plus成为旗下歌手。张家辉当歌手以来,成绩不俗,2001年,他分别在无线电视‘十大劲歌金曲总选",获‘最受欢迎男新人铜奖",以及商业电台的‘叱咤乐坛生力军男歌手奖"。  同年三月,一直被外界视为‘廉价小生"的张家辉离开无线,专心作歌影双线发展,一个月后,即被无线邀请回巢开演唱会,证明他和无线关系依然良好。  恩爱夫妻感情方面,1993年,张家辉和关咏荷传出恋情。1996年,二人感情出现问题,张出走南非半年,回来后不久即复合,后来共赋同居,至今依然恩爱。  [编辑本段]入行经历  张家辉(1967年12月2日-),祖籍广东番禺,香港著名艺人。在超过80套电影及电视剧集的演出中,无论是硬汉、好男人、奸角或是幽默角色,都是张家辉的拿手好戏。张家辉在1994年的电视电影《重案实录惊天械劫案》中所饰演的狂徒角色时,就向观众展示了他的演艺才华。其后,张家辉影、视领域同时发展,拍摄了不少有口皆碑的剧集和电影。担纲主演剧集《天地豪情》、《妙手仁心》、《金牌四大才子》令张家辉人气急升,并步入其演艺事业的巅峰,亦令张家辉成为非常受香港观众欢迎的艺员。张家辉在影坛的亦有不俗的成就,出道以来曾出演过逾50部电影;张家辉在担纲主演的《赌侠1999》、《赌圣3无名小子》、《赌侠2002》、《中华赌侠》及《赌侠之人定胜天》等一系列电影中,充分展露了其出色的演技。此外,张家辉在乐坛方面亦有过不俗的成绩,曾夺得《2000年叱吒乐坛生力军男歌手金奖》等多个奖项。张家辉曾多次获得香港电影金像奖及金紫荆奖颁奖典礼提名,在2006年更凭《新醉打金枝》里面精湛的演技荣获《2006南方盛典最受欢迎粤语喜剧明星》一奖,2007年亦凭《天涯侠医》获得《Astro华丽台电视剧大奖2006我的至爱角色》一奖。张家辉与同是演员的妻子关咏荷于2003年12月8日在澳洲注册结婚,女儿Brittany于2006年1月24日出生。  [编辑本段]个人演绎历程  张家辉,广东番禺人,十七岁考入警队当军装police,五年后因要求转任便衣探员不果,离开警队,加入李修贤的电影公司当幕后人员。八九年,张家辉在李修贤电影《壮志雄心》演出,因而入行。九一年,张在李修贤介绍下加入亚洲电视,五年后转投无线,星运日隆,参予不少大制作如《天地豪情》和《金牌四大才子》等。  九九年,张家辉凭《赌侠1999》获提名香港电影金像奖‘最佳男配角",其后拍摄多部电影,如《千王之王2000》、《决战紫禁之巅》等。同年,张家辉签约英皇唱片公司,正式成为旗下歌手,英皇重组后,张转入Music Plus成为旗下歌手。张家辉当歌手以来,成绩不俗,2001年,他分别在无线电视‘十大劲歌金曲总选",获‘最受欢迎男新人铜奖",以及商业电台的‘叱垞乐坛生力军男歌手奖"。  同年三月,一直被外界视为‘廉价小生"的张家辉离开无线,专心作歌影双线发展,一个月后,即被无线邀请回巢开演唱会,证明他和无线关系依然良好。  军装警察 无业游民 影视演员  从小张家辉就有一个梦想:惩恶扬善、除暴安良,当一名光荣的警察。  17岁,他终于考入警队,成为一名军装警员。工作4年后,他申请做一名便衣。因为只有便衣才能办案,才有开枪的权利,他认为这才是真正的警察。但是上司以人手不足为由,不放他调走,年轻气盛的张家辉一怒辞职,当起无业游民。  回想起这段往事,张家辉将其归为天生的冲动。"我冲动的表现不是大发脾气,不是去打人用来发泄,反倒比较安静。比如我说10块,你非要给我5块,我觉得你已经很不尊重我了。其实是还有的谈,但是我不会给你这份耐心。"  "无业青年"张家辉从没想过会进娱乐圈。但是给他介绍工作的恰恰是一个在李修贤电影公司做副导演的老同学。张家辉就跟着去做幕后,没想到做了还不到两个月,公司就要拍一部关于警察的片子《壮志雄心》,因为张家辉有当警察的经历,就让他出镜。  1991年,张家辉在李修贤的介绍下加入亚视,拍摄了《朋党》、《赤子雄风》等多部影视作品。在为亚视效力的第五个年头,张家辉感觉自己的身心处于空荡状态,常常一个人回到家独自落泪。  此时,无线向他发出邀请,开出的优厚条件也羡煞旁人。张家辉情绪依然非常低落。在"像个机械人一样"与无线签约之后两个月,他请假去南非,而且一待就是8个月。  客走南非 餐馆跑堂 再做演员  在南非张家辉完全开始了另外一种生活,每天在朋友的餐馆里帮忙,端盘子、收账,到厨房偷东西吃,开心得不亦乐乎。他甚至想一辈子生活在南非,但是后来因为姐姐病危而不得不回到香港。姐姐去世后,张家辉突然发现自己又可以面对以前拍戏的生活,而且那么迷恋,他渐渐明白,正是这8个月,让他在完全放下自己之后重新恢复了能量,才会觉得所有的事情都变得美好了。在这种状态下,他拍摄了后来成为他代表作之一的《天地豪情》。  张家辉近年的演技处于上位阶段,这一分水岭应该是从与杜琪峰的一系列合作开始。张家辉认为在人物刻画方面最牛的导演就是杜琪峰,"拍《黑社会》的时候,他每天就坐在片场,抽着大雪茄,看着我们,想到就拍,想不出就收工。因为没有剧本,我们也不知道发生什么事情,也不敢去问他,如果不理解就让自己尽量做到让他满意。"任达华曾说过杜琪峰有一种能让过气的演员"起死回生"的本事。这句话张家辉也认同,"他会把你最突出的性格无限放大,把你的能量发挥并且提升到一个高的层面。"  不过不能否认的是,张家辉也拍过很多烂片。这一点他也坦诚承认:"我承认我拍过很多烂片,但是我没有拍过烂角色,我始终对得起自己。"  模范丈夫 绝无绯闻 首当影帝  张家辉追求关咏荷的时候自己还是个"廉价小生",而关咏荷已经是当家花旦,张家辉又不是帅哥一类,关咏荷为何会爱上他?张家辉说自己也问过太太这个问题,而关咏荷当时给他的答案是:你现在没有,但是将来会有。这句话足以让他爱她一生一世。  张家辉在一次接受好友采访的时候,被问及是否想过偷情。他当时毫不犹豫地回答,想啊!而他在实际面对诱惑时,便以"既然有些事情是你左右不了的,那么至少你可以左右你自己"来约束。"娱乐圈有那么多美女,每个人都有吸引别人的地方,但是作为一个丈夫和父亲,我必须背负责任。我不能阻止事情发生,但是我还是尽量把控好我自己,不想给自己找麻烦。"  张家辉最新上映的新片是《红河》,这也是他首次参演一部内地的文艺片。张家辉说,自己看过很多内地的文艺片,这些电影是很多香港演员一辈子都没机会去尝试的,因此他一接到邀请就欣然答应了。  在年初揭晓的香港电影评论学会大奖上,在演艺界打拼20年的张家辉终于拿到表演生涯上的首个影帝(电影《证人》)。这个奖对张家辉的重要性是别人无法感受的,给他带来的鼓励是没有任何事情能够替代的。张家辉曾偷偷很仔细地观察奖杯的每一处设计,"坦白讲我能有今天一直都是靠我的坚持。我不否认我可能是属于‘被忽略的一群",但是我有一颗爱电影的心。我凭借的是自己的实力,而不是幸运。"  [编辑本段]电影  2008  《证人》谢霆锋  《保持通话》古天乐 徐熙媛 刘烨  《我老婆是赌圣》  2007  《红河》Red River(饰:阿夏)  《出埃及记》The Exodus(饰:关炳文)任达华 刘心悠 温碧霞  《寄生人》Sweet Revenge(饰:张小春)范冰冰 黄秋生  2006  《提防老千 / 罪有应得》Wise Guys Never Die(饰:王志恒)王晶 陈炜  《放.逐》Exiled(饰:和)黄秋生 吴镇宇 何超仪 张耀扬 林雪 任达华 林家栋 张兆辉  《黑白道》On The Edge(饰:单海生)黄秋生 吴镇宇  《黑社会以和为贵》Election 2(饰:飞机)古天乐 任达华 张兆辉 林家栋 林雪 王天林 郑浩南  2005  《黑社会》Election(饰:飞机)梁家辉 任达华 古天乐 林家栋 林雪 张兆辉 王天林 姜大卫  2004  《这个女友真爆炸 / 我的电脑会说话》Love Is Love  《大事件》Breaking News(饰:张志恒)陈慧琳 任贤齐 尤勇 丁海峰 张兆辉 任达华 邵美琪  2003  《心寒》Shiver 吴镇宇 朱茵  《赌侠之人定胜天》Fate Fighter(饰:罗四两)杜德伟 杨恭如 李灿森  2002  《赌侠2002》The Conman 2002(饰:李加乘)冯德伦  《风流家族》Happy Family  《二人三足》Time 4 Hope 朱茵  2001  《完美情人》Every Dog Has His Date 李嘉欣 吴启华  《走投有路》Runaway  《杀手假期》Day Off  2000  《救姜刑警》Clean My Name, Mr. Coroner 狄龙 吴镇宇 马德钟  《缘份有Take 2》Love Correction 朱茵 陈法蓉  《流氓师表》The Teacher Without Chalk (饰:张英)杜汶泽  《中华赌侠》Conman In Tokyo 古天乐 朱茵 钟丽缇  《赌圣3无名小子》My Name Is Nobody 王晶 舒淇 陈法蓉  《决战紫禁之巅》The Duel (饰:龙龙九)刘德华 郑伊健 赵薇 杨恭如 天心 谭耀文 徐锦江 徐少强 刘威  《宝莲灯》(配音) Lotus Lantern  1999  《娱乐之王》The Lord Of Amusement (饰:阿灿)吴镇宇 吴孟达  《化骨龙与千年虫》He Is My Enemy, Partner & Father-In-Law 李修贤  《千王之王2000》The Tricky Master (饰:梁宽)周星驰 王晶 林熙蕾 吴君如 关秀媚  《赌侠大战拉斯维加斯》The Conman In Vegas 刘德华 陈百祥 林熙蕾 万梓良  《黑道风云之收数王》The King Of Debt Collection Agent (饰:阿细)  《黑马王子》Prince Charming 刘德华 叶德娴 李嘉欣  《强奸终极篇之最后羔羊》Raped By An Angel 4: The Raper"s Union 关秀媚 朱茵 吴毅将  1998  《赌侠1999》The Conman 1999 刘德华 朱茵 李子雄 高捷  1996  《夜之女》(电视电影) Moonlight Sonata  《阿金》Ah Kam 杨紫琼 洪金宝  1995  《特警急先锋》Asian Connection  《重案实录污点证人》(电视电影) Informer  《香港奇案八大毒枭》(电视电影) Hong Kong Criminal Archives Eight Drug Dealers  1994  《弑兄奇案》Born Innocent  《重案实录惊天械劫案》(电视电影) Shoot To Kill  《伤城记》Wounded Tracks  1993  《香港奇案之强奸》Raped By An Angel  《赌神秘笈》(电视电影) To Be A Gamble King  《纸上英雄》(电视电影) The Comic Book Hero  1992  《花货》The Unleaded Love  《哗!英雄》What A Hero! 刘德华 张曼玉 黄秋生 秦沛 张耀扬  《飞哥正传》(电视电影)Slice Of Life  《招财进宝》(电视电影)The Lucky Family  1991  《雷霆扫穴》Red Shield  1990  《朋党》Against All 罗美薇 吴大维  1989  《壮志雄心》Thank You, Sir 李修贤 陈国邦  [编辑本段]演出电视剧  2006  《新醉打金枝》Xin Zui Da Jin Zhi  饰:郭嗳(蔡琳、乔振宇、蒙嘉慧)  2004  《天涯侠医》The Last Breakthrough  饰:王甫芬(林峰、郭羡妮、唐宁、陈敏之、商天娥)  2003  《醉无敌 / 醉拳》Zui Quan  2002  《十万吨情缘》Ups And Downs In The Sun Of Love  饰:田伟晨(张可颐 滕丽名 欧锦棠)  《天空下的缘份之日光浴》Sky Lover: Sunbath  2001  《勇探实录》Law Enforcers  饰:周家荣(郭晋安 袁洁莹)  2000  《金牌四大才子》The Legendary Four Aces  饰:唐伯虎(关咏荷、祝枝山、翁虹、林家栋、陈松伶、魏俊杰、文颂娴)  《冲上人间》A Smiling Ghost Story  1999  《骗中传奇》Game Of Deceit  饰:余中正(钱嘉乐 宣萱)  《外父唔怕做》Moments Of Endearment  《美味天王》A Recipe From The Heart  客串 (欧阳震华 关咏荷 古天乐 张可颐 宣萱 沈殿霞 秦沛 薛家燕 杨千桦 陈法蓉 林保怡 罗嘉良 罗家英 陈锦鸿 林家栋)  亚洲电视  1989年:《赤子雄风》No Way Out1989年:《天若有情》The Witness Of Time  1991年:《冲出校园》  1991年:《死顶一族 / 自尊无上》  1992年:《李小龙传 / 龙在江湖》Spirit Of The Dragon  1992年:《摩登七十二家房客》All In One Family  1992年:《胜者为王》Who"s The Winner  1993年:《马场风云》Race-Course Fever  1993年:《赌神秘笈》Gamblers" Dream饰:何星龙(江华 万绮雯)  1993年:《九命奇冤梁天来》Liang Tian Lai  1993年:《胜者为王之天下无敌》Who"s The Winner II  1993年:《银狐》Silver Tycoon  1994年:《少林义士洪熙官》饰 方世玉  1994年:《凤凰传说》Beauty Pageant饰:郭启文(文颂娴 张家辉 刘玉婷 邓浩光 潘志文)  1995年:《有房出租之安魂曲》House of Horror: Siren Song  1995年:《性本善之游戏规则》Sex Education  无线电视  1996年:《迷离档案》Mystery Files饰:卓男  1997年:《真命天师》Triumph Over Evil饰:张震天  1998年:《天地豪情》Secret Of The Heart饰:甘量宏(Kelvin)  1998年:《妙手仁心》Healing Hands 饰:张创业(Peter)  [编辑本段]舞台剧  2000 《拾梦新城》  1987 《家》  [编辑本段]电台广播剧  2001 《男人,你要争气!》(新城电台)  2000 《脸儿甜如糖》(香港电台)  2000 《决战紫禁之巅》  1998 《三十三结婚唔结婚》(香港电台)  《香港屠夫为我俩作见证》(香港电台)  《他的女人》(香港电台)  [编辑本段]演唱会  2001 《903张家辉贴身拉阔音乐会》  [编辑本段]唱片  2001 《对你倾诉》LP  1. 宁愿最伤心的给我自己  2. 真至有你之后  3. 如何对你倾诉  4. 顾家辉  5. 有爱易办事  6. 体温  7. 刺伤我  8. 无常  9. 学会忘记  10. 循环线  11. 别把伤心回忆放进行李(国语)  2000 《爱得起》EP  1. 爱得起  2. 假的希望(电影《赌圣3无名小子》主题曲)  3. 下意识  4. 让我走  5. 离不开  6. 爱没太多理由(张家辉 / 关咏荷合唱《金装四大才子》电视剧插曲)  [编辑本段]广告  奥林巴斯相机(香港)  肩并肩运动休闲服装(中国)  得意龙运动鞋(中国)  东方红休闲服(中国)  铁狮丹顿内衣(中国)  蒙娜丽莎婚纱(香港)  意尔康皮鞋(中国)  爱丽斯婚纱(香港)  东莞荔景山庄广告  碧桂园楼盘广告  生力啤 San Miguel  [编辑本段]奖项及提名  2009  香港电影金像奖最佳男主角  最佳男主角《证人》张家辉电影:《证人》角色:洪荆  2009  香港电影金像奖最佳男主角提名  电影:《证人》角色:洪荆  2008  香港电影评论学会最佳男主角  电影:《证人》角色:洪荆  2007  《明报周刊演艺动力大奖2007》「最突出男演员」提名  电影:《放.逐》角色:和  《第十二届金紫荆奖颁奖典礼》「最佳男配角」提名  电影:《出埃及记》角色:关炳文  《第二十六届香港电影金像奖》「最佳男配角」提名  电影:《黑社会以和为贵》角色:飞机  《Astro华丽台电视剧大奖2006我的至爱角色》  剧集:《天涯侠医》角色:王甫芬  《2006年度第十三届香港电影评论学会大奖》「最佳男演员」提名  电影:《黑白道》角色:单海生  2006  《2006南方盛典最受欢迎粤语喜剧明星》  剧集:《新醉打金枝》角色:郭暧  《第十一届金紫荆奖颁奖典礼》「最佳男配角」提名  电影:《黑社会以和为贵》角色:飞机  2001  《第六届金紫荆奖颁奖典礼》「最佳男配角」提名  电影:《救姜刑警》角色:辉  2000  《壹传媒2000壹电视大奖第十位》  《2000年第二十三届十大中文金曲最有前途新人奖铜奖》  《2000年度十大劲歌金曲最度欢迎男新人铜奖》  《2000年叱吒乐坛生力军男歌手金奖》  《TVB万千星辉贺台庆2000本年度我最喜爱的电视角色》  剧集:《金装四大才子》角色:唐伯虎  1999  《香港电台影迷至爱大赏十大影迷至爱》  《壹传媒2000壹电视大奖第四位》  《TVB周刊十大至爱封面人物》  《快周刊千禧快上位之星》  《香港电台最合衬情侣亚军》  《第十八届香港电影金像奖》「最佳男配角」提名  电影:《赌侠1999》角色:化骨龙  《商业电台1999人气高星预选》  《第十届Cash流行曲创作比赛季军》  演唱:《过去现在与将来》  1998  《商业电台1998人气高星预选》  《TVB万千星辉贺台庆1998荧幕大跃进奖(戏剧组)》  《壹传媒1998壹电视大奖第二位》
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Byron-hero: Byron in the "Oriental narrative poems", a group of Xiagurouchang the Yinghan, they are pirates, infidels, was exiled, these are mostly Gaoao, lonely, stubborn traitor, and evil Social irreconcilable, alone and the fate of protest, the pursuit of freedom, the end always end in failure. Byron through their struggle to show the community does not compromise the spirit of resistance, and reflect their depression, loneliness and loss of boredom. As the image of the author"s ideological character traits I, known as the "Byron-hero." "Byron-hero" refers to the 19th century English Romantic poet Byron works in a class of characters. They Gaoao stubborn, both dissatisfied with the reality, to resist the request, a rebellious character, but also is depression, loneliness, pessimistic, divorced from the masses, go its own way, always find the right way. Such figures of thinking and personality of contradictions: On the one hand, they love life, the pursuit of happiness, a fiery passion, a strong love, extraordinary character; now dare to despise the system, and social evil irreconcilable blood feud, determined to revenge Therefore, they are social evils and the insurgents Avenger. On the other hand, they Aoshi independence, the whereabouts of surreptitious, good extremes, their thinking is based on individualism and liberalism, in the struggle alone, away from the masses, and no clear objectives, thus, he ended in failure. "Byron-Heroes" is the individual and society against the product, is also the author thinking of the characteristics and weaknesses of the arts reflect. Such figures have been seen in the image of Byron"s Works and it was Britain"s feudal and bourgeois philistine social order in the fierce impact, is a sense of progress. But their individualism, anarchy and pessimistic mood Yanshi, the reader will often have a negative effect. Russian literary critic Belinsky and others have pointed out that the poet Pushkin, "Byron-hero" of the danger of thinking and its weaknesses.
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