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2023-06-06 08:16:32







A hairstylist is more likely to be experienced if: they have well maintained curlsthemselves, they have been cutting all types of hair curls for a long time, or they have beenspecially trained to cut curls.








curl中文意思是卷曲。v.卷曲;成螺旋形;参加冰壶运动;蜷曲着肢体坐;盘绕;弯弯曲曲移动;撇;举起;n.鬈发;旋度;旋量;卷曲;盘绕;螺旋状物;卷曲物;拳曲;仅用双手、手腕和前臂的举重练习。变形:过去式curled;过去分词curled;现在分词curling;第三人称单数curls复数curls;短语搭配:curl up卷起Curl Bending卷边弯曲加工;绕弯机abdominal curl仰卧起坐;收腹在Linux中curl是一个利用URL标准在cmd下工作中的文件传送工具,能够算是一款很强悍的httpcmd工具。它支持文档的发送和下载,是综合性传送工具,但按传统式,习惯性称Curl为下载工具。1、curl指令是一个网络工具,其关键功能是根据http、ftp等方法下载文档,也可以文件上传,作为一个功能齐全的网络工具。curl指令与此同时支持HTTPS等诸多协议书,还支持POSTcookies验证从特定偏位处下载一部分文档,客户代理商字符串数组、速度限制、图片大小、时间轴等特点。2、CURL是一个利用URL英语的语法在cmd下工作中的文件传送工具,1997年初次发售。它支持上传文件和下载,因此是综合性传送工具,但按传统式,习惯性称CURL为下载工具。3、CURL还涵盖了用以软件开发的libcurl。cURL支持的通讯协议有FTP、FTPS、HTTP、HTTPS、TFTP、SFTP、Gopher、SCP、Telnet、DICT、FILE、LDAP、LDAPS、IMAP、POP3、SMTP和RTSP。
2023-06-05 13:22:041


①从英文来讲,curl 英[ku025c:l] 美[ku025c:rl] n. 一绺鬈发; 卷曲物; 螺旋状物; (指头发) 拳曲; vt. (使) 弯曲; (使) 卷曲; 盘旋; 缠绕; vt. 撅起嘴唇; 撇(嘴); (使) 呈螺旋(或卷曲)状移动; (使) 旋绕; [例句]A curl of black hair fell loosely across his forehead.他的额头上垂着一绺散开的黑色卷发。[其他] 第三人称单数:curls 复数:curls 现在分词:curling 过去式:curled过去分词:curled ②从计算机方面来讲,curl是利用URL语法在命令行方式下工作的开源文件传输工具。它被广泛应用在Unix、多种Linux发行版中,并且有DOS和Win32、Win64下的移植版本。
2023-06-05 13:22:332

curl怎么读 curl如何读

1、curl英[ku025cu02d0l]、美[ku025cu02d0rl] 2、v.卷曲; 蜷缩; 鬈曲; (使)成拳曲状; (使)呈螺旋(或卷曲)状移动; (使)旋绕; 缭绕; 3、n.(一绺)鬈发; (指头发)拳曲; 卷状物; 螺旋状物; 4、[其他]第三人称单数:curls 复数:curls 现在分词:curling 过去式:curled 过去分词:curled
2023-06-05 13:22:541


curl中文意思是卷曲。v.卷曲 ; 成螺旋形 ; 参加冰壶运动 ; 蜷曲着肢体坐 ; 盘绕 ; 弯弯曲曲移动 ; 撇 ; 举起n.鬈发 ; 旋度 ; 旋量 ; 卷曲 ; 盘绕 ; 螺旋状物 ; 卷曲物 ; 拳曲 ; 仅用双手、手腕和前臂的举重练习变形过去式curled过去分词curled现在分词curling第三人称单数curls复数curls短语搭配curl up 卷起Curl Bending 卷边弯曲加工 ; 绕弯机abdominal curl 仰卧起坐 ; 收腹例句If you eat stale bread, your hair will curl.如果你吃不新鲜的面包,你的头发会卷曲。
2023-06-05 13:23:021

curls dll丢失怎么办?

一,打开电脑安全软件找到“工具箱”然后“电脑诊所”在搜索栏中搜(dll组件)然后找到遇到的问题选择立即修复就可以了。二,上网下载cyrls dll。三,还可以下载一个dx修复工具3.0增强版,去修复一下。系统文件丢失原因:
2023-06-05 13:23:211

curls dll丢失怎么办?

2023-06-05 13:23:443

curl up 英英释义?

英英释义verb1shape one"s body into a curl She curled farther down under the coversShe fell and drew inSynonym:curl draw in
2023-06-05 13:23:527

windows curl工具怎么用

根据自己的操作系统位数和是否需要SSL下载相应的版本。这里下载,下载完成之后解压到需要使用curl命令的目录。这里为了方便我先直接解压到当前目录。为了测试curl命令,我已经发布了一个带应用的本地服务器,并且可以在浏览器中访问:打开命令窗口并定位到curl命令所在的目录,你可以使用cd命令也可以像下图这样快速进入:测试curl命令当然,可以给Windows增加curl命令的环境变量,增加CURL_HOME环境变量,给PATH环境变量加上%CURL_HOME%; 这样就可以在命令窗口的任意目录下使用curl命令了。
2023-06-05 13:24:071


各种发型英语词汇1. hair 头发; 2.baldheaded 光头; 3.bald 秃顶; 4.flattop 平头; 5.Afro 圆蓬式发型; 6.bangs 齐刘海; 7.bob 短发; 8.plait 辫子; 9.knot 发髻; 10.curls 小卷发; 11. waves 波浪; 12.ponytail 马尾辫。
2023-06-05 13:24:271

curl 是可数名词吗

2023-06-05 13:24:353

英语选词填空 请根据以下词以正当形式填入

2023-06-05 13:24:454


curl的意思是卷发或鬟发,读作/ku025crl/。没有wget的说法。常见例句如下:the little girl with blonde curls... 长着金色卷发的小女孩A curl of black hair fell loosely across his forehead. 他的额头上垂着一绺散开的黑色卷发。Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine. 让卷发自然变干,才能使头发卷最多,最有光泽。curl也可以做动词,意思是卷起来。She has hair that refuses to curl. 她头发不易出卷。Maria had curled her hair for the event. 玛丽亚为出席那次活动烫了头发。
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2023-06-05 13:25:282


问题一:烫发用英文怎么说 permanent 问题二:烫头发用英语怎么说 to crimp 或 to perm 问题三:烫发 的英语怎么说 烫发 have a permanent wave ; perm 烫发, 电烫发 parmanent 化学烫发 chemowaves 去理发馆烫发 go to the hairdresser"s for a perm 问题四:请问:烫发和染发用英语怎么说 烫发:perm hair;wave one"s hair. 阀发:dye hair 问题五:卷发 直发 英语怎么说 卷发 1. elflock 2. ringlet 3. tress 4. curl 这个可爱的小男孩长着漂亮的金黄色卷发。 The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls. 她的一头卷发被剪得精光。 All her curls have been shorn off. 直发 straight hair her nat海rally straight hair hung long and silky. 她那天然的直头发长长的垂下,像丝一样。 I don"t like my hair straight so I"m having it curled. 我不喜欢直头发,所以要去烫发 问题六:烫发的英文名怎么说? 烫发:丁arcel My mother will take me to marcel today. 问题七:烫头发的药水,英语怎么说啊? 你试试搜索Perm water Permanent Wave Solution permanent wave叫法比较多,你可以不要搜短语,搜一个单词,他就都出来了就搜烫发perm或permanent 谢谢~ 问题八:烫头发的夹板用英语怎么说 hair curler 问题九:直发和卷发的英语单词是什么 卷发 1. elflock 2. ringlet 3. tress 4. curl 这个可爱的小男孩长着漂亮的金黄色卷发。 The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls. 她的一头卷发被剪得精光。 All her curls have been shorn off. 直发 straight hair her naturally straight hair hung long and silky. 她那天然的直头发长长的垂下,像丝一样。 I don"t like my hair straight so I"m having it curled. 我不喜欢直头发,所以要去烫发
2023-06-05 13:25:351


问题一:这很漂亮的英文怎么说? It"s beautiful, 问题二:好看吗?英语怎么说。 你是想表达什么好看吗?举几个例子: Is it good?这个可以用到除了人以外基本所有的东西。。。 Is it beautiful?比如说你问朋友他去旅行的地方美吗或者是问朋友你今天穿的衣服好看吗 Is she/he good-looking?就表示问某个人长的怎么样。。。 其实有好多表达方式的,英文中文不是一对一的,我这里只是列举几个情况,要看你具体情况有不同的表达方式 问题三:这张照片很好看用英语怎么说 this photo looks so beautiful! 问题四:这个女孩很漂亮的英语怎么说 This girl is pretty beautiful.! 问题五:英语漂亮怎么说 漂亮的 : 1. pretty 2. saucy 3. *** art 4. beautiful 5. handsome 6. brilliant 7. remarkable 8. splendid Relative explainations: 胆personable> Examples: 1. 她可说是我见过的最漂亮的姑娘。 She is, as it were, the most beautiful girl I"ve ever seen. 2. 这个可爱的小男孩长着漂亮的金黄色卷发。 The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls. 3. 他偷偷地看了一眼桌子对面那个漂亮的女孩。 He stole a glance at the pretty girl across the table. 4. 他无法抵抗漂亮的女招待的引诱。 He can"t resist the allure of the pretty waitress. 5. 多么漂亮的小花园! What a pretty little garden! 6. 她有漂亮的舞鞋和舒适的卧室拖鞋。 She has pretty dancing slippers and fortable bedroom slippers. 7. 那位漂亮的女孩是一位时装模特儿。 That beautiful girl is a fashion model. 8. 对一个这样漂亮的女孩来说,化妆有些画蛇添足。 For such a beautiful girl, to use make-up would be to gild the lily. 说得漂亮 speak prettily 漂亮的建筑物 sightly building 漂亮的词句 a well turned phrase 漂亮的画卷 a pretty picture 漂亮的少女 a pretty little trick 漂亮的女孩 a pretty girl 一个漂亮女人 a nice bit of skirt 漂亮的帽子 a cute hat 漂亮的小姐 a bonny lass 漂亮的女孩 a beautiful girl 问题六:这电视剧真好看用英文怎么说 This TV show is great 问题七:这本书很好看 用英语怎么说 This book is very interesting These books are very interesting. 问题八:这是那里好漂亮哟,英文怎么说 这是哪里? 好漂亮哟。 翻译成英文是: Where is this? It"s so beautiful.
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2023-06-05 13:26:054


问题一:非常漂亮用英语怎么说 非常漂亮 1.very beautiful *** art as a new pin 问题二:漂亮用英文怎么说? beautiful 是最普通用词, 可用于人、物、景色等, 指“形式或颜色的美”, 或“给人以愉快或美感事物”, 侧重 “阴柔的优美”, 一般用于形容女人和儿童;handsome 一般指男人, 指“相貌英俊、温文尔雅”; 用于女性时, 指“身材匀称, 仪表端正”; 用于儿童时, 指“外貌俊秀”; 用于其他事物时, 指“悦目或大方”;lovely 往往用于女性、儿童、景色、物品等, 指“在外貌上能使人感到美好动人、漂亮可爱”, 带有“亲切”之意;pretty 语气较beautifal 弱, 侧重“娇小的”, 一般用于小孩或青年女子, 指女性“适度的美”, 含有“温柔、纤巧, 从而使人产生美感”之意; 用于小孩时, 指“漂亮可爱的”; 用于事物时, 指“精致美好的”;good-looking 指“外貌美的”; 问题三:漂亮的英文怎么写 1)是想知道意思吗? beautiful - 美丽 pretty - 漂亮 handsome - 英俊 畅orgeous - 华丽 brilliant- 杰出 good-looking - 好看 2)还是想问要怎么写出好看的英文字体? 只有一个诀窍,多写多练习! 问题四:漂亮"用英语怎么翻译? 漂亮piàoliang 形容词 ①(美)beautiful外表/衣着漂亮be *** art in appearance/dress 她打扮得漂漂亮亮去参加舞会。She dressed herself up for the dance. 她长得很漂亮。She is very pretty. ②(出色)remarkable 打了一个漂亮仗win a brilliant victory 干得漂亮well done 她的英语说得很漂亮。She speaks beautiful English. 望采纳!谢谢! 问题五:英语漂亮怎么说 漂亮的 : 1. pretty 2. saucy 3. *** art 4. beautiful 5. handsome 6. brilliant 7. remarkable 8. splendid Relative explainations: 胆personable> Examples: 1. 她可说是我见过的最漂亮的姑娘。 She is, as it were, the most beautiful girl I"ve ever seen. 2. 这个可爱的小男孩长着漂亮的金黄色卷发。 The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls. 3. 他偷偷地看了一眼桌子对面那个漂亮的女孩。 He stole a glance at the pretty girl across the table. 4. 他无法抵抗漂亮的女招待的引诱。 He can"t resist the allure of the pretty waitress. 5. 多么漂亮的小花园! What a pretty little garden! 6. 她有漂亮的舞鞋和舒适的卧室拖鞋。 She has pretty dancing slippers and fortable bedroom slippers. 7. 那位漂亮的女孩是一位时装模特儿。 That beautiful girl is a fashion model. 8. 对一个这样漂亮的女孩来说,化妆有些画蛇添足。 For such a beautiful girl, to use make-up would be to gild the lily. 说得漂亮 speak prettily 漂亮的建筑物 sightly building 漂亮的词句 a well turned phrase 漂亮的画卷 a pretty picture 漂亮的少女 a pretty little trick 漂亮的女孩 a pretty girl 一个漂亮女人 a nice bit of skirt 漂亮的帽子 a cute hat 漂亮的小姐 a bonny lass 漂亮的女孩 a beautiful girl 问题六:好漂亮英文怎么说 好漂亮: very nice how nice very beautiful how beautiful 问题七:你很漂亮英文怎么说 eres muy hermosa; you are very beautiful; your very beautiful; You"re beautiful 问题八:非常漂亮英文怎么写 very beautiful ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步! 问题九:非常漂亮的英语怎么翻译 那必须是gorgeous啊 意为华丽的 艳丽的 极好的 光彩夺目的 全是全身上下都美得意思 是你要的么?
2023-06-05 13:27:081


成步堂龙一(成歩堂龙一、Phoenix Wright)  游戏主角,2016年5月当上律师。特征是刺猬头的发型。“成步堂(Naruhodo)”于日文的读音同“原来如此(naruhodo)”。当他陷入困境时总能在一些微妙的地方上找出真相,加上众人的帮忙把情势逆转。2016年8月第一次上法庭。绫里千寻去世后接下了事务所所长的位置。得到了绫里 真宵给的勾玉,可以破解人的(精神枷锁)。律师徽章编号:26381。 御剑怜侍(御剣怜侍、Miles Edgeworth)成步堂的儿时好友,小学同学。20岁就当上检察官,人称“天才检察官”,但仍有传闻指他为了胜利不择手段,甚至不惜伪造证据和操控证人的供词。御剑 怜侍当时也在场,事件后来成为悬案,代号DL6号事件;由于此次事件造成心灵创伤,非常惧怕地震。在和成步堂交手之前从未败诉。第一次出庭的对手是绫里 千寻,在这次案件因被告当庭自杀而承受着强烈的心灵打击。小学时期因为学级裁判的关系与成步堂和矢张成为死党。因DL6号事件,害怕地震。1992年生。 绫里 真宵(绫里真宵、Maya Fey)绫里千寻的妹妹,原仓院流灵媒道掌门绫里 舞子的女儿,但由于绫里 舞子死亡,成为了正式掌门。在其姐过世后留在事务所帮助成步堂。曾多次陷入危机当中。在成步堂遇上困难时,会以灵力召唤已死去的死者帮助破案。「真宵」于日文的读音同「迷糊」。   绫里 春美(绫里春美、Pearl Fey)绫里纪美子的三女儿,真宵和千寻的表妹,留有怪异的环形发型,十分可爱。见习灵媒师,赋予勾玉破解“心灵枷锁(精神枷锁)”的能力。 糸锯 圭介(糸锯圭介、Dick Gumshoe)所属警署的刑警,常常负责杀人案的初步调查。工资被御剑 怜侍和狩魔 冥扣到吓人的个位。没有什么推理头脑,有点健忘,但“调查”案件时却又很有干劲,是个对于搜查很有热诚的人物。曾经被狩魔 冥装上追踪器,但仍然懵然不知。说话习惯在句尾加上“的说”。1986年生。 狩魔 冥(狩魔冥、Franziska von Karma)13岁就在美国当上检察官。狩魔豪的女儿,受父亲影响对“完美”二字也是非常执着。爱戴皮鞭上庭,无论审判官、证人或是律师,一言不合就拿皮鞭乱抽(但是攻击对象通常是自己熟悉的男性,如成步堂、御剑、糸锯)。她认为成步堂把御剑和她的父亲“杀害”而声言要向成步堂报复,在法庭上把他打败。最后因不敌成步堂而出国,回美国继续她的“完美不败纪录”。逆转三最终章中回国,在最后的案件(华丽的逆转)中担任第一天的检察官。 失落的逆转(失われた逆転,The Lost Turnabout) 须须木真子(须々木 マコ(すずき まこ),Maggey Byrde)22岁,本案被告。女警。 町尾守(町尾 守(まちお まもる),Dustin Prince)30岁,本案受害人。与须须木 真子为情侣,是派出所工作的警察官。 诸平野贵雅(诸平野 贵雅(もろへいや たかまさ),Richard Wellington)22岁,目击者。 再会,然后逆转(再会、そして逆転,Reunion, and Turnabout) 雾崎哲郎(雾きりさき てつろう),Turner Grey)35岁,本案受害人。“雾崎外科医院”的院长。 绫里纪美子(绫里 キミ子(あやさと きみこ),Morgan Fey)年龄不详。春美的母亲,绫里舞子的姐姐。    叶中长闲(叶中 のどか(はなか のどか),Ini Miney)21岁,研究超心理学的大学生,也是叶中未实的妹妹,但真实身份是毁容后的叶中未实。 大泽木夏实(大沢木 ナツミ(おおさわぎ なつみ),Lotta Hart)目击者。 叶中未实(叶中 未実(はなか みみ),Mimi Miney)“雾崎外科医院”工作的护士。在发生重大医疗事故,导致14名患者死亡的,然而在数日后发生交通事故死亡。 堀田院长(堀田院长(ほったいんちょう),Director Hotti)自称“堀田クリニック院长”,实际上是穿着白衣,戴着听诊器的患者。 绫里供子(绫里供子,Ami Fey)仓院流灵媒道的创始人,据说灵魂被封在“仓院之罐”中。 逆转的马戏团(逆転サーカス,Turnabout Big Top) 马克思(マキシミリアンu30fbギャラクティカ,Maximillion Galactica)21岁,被告,魔术师。本名“山田耕平(山田 耕平(やまだ こうへい),Billy Bob Johns)” 勉(ベン,Benjamin Woodman)31岁,腹语师,本名“木住 勉(木住 勉(きずみ べん))” 利路(リロ,Trilo Quist)勉所持有的腹语木偶。 米莉卡(ミリカ)16岁,马戏团的驯兽师。本名“立见 里香(立见里香(たちみ りか),Regina Berry)”,是团长的女儿。 立见七百人(立见 七百人(たちみ なおと),Russel Berry)52岁,本案的受害人。タチミサーカス的团长。 托米(トミー,Moe)46岁,目击者,马戏团的小丑。于马戏团创建就开始就任。本名“富田松夫(富田 松夫(とみた まつお),Lawrence Curls)”后来成为马戏团的团长。(见于《逆转检事2》) 阿库罗(アクロ,Acro)26岁,空中飞人。团长的外甥,巴特的哥哥。本名“木下大作(木下 大作(きのした だいさく),Ken Dingling)”。在半年前的事故后半身麻痹,需坐轮椅生活。 巴特(バット,Bat)22岁,空中飞人。本名“木下 一平(木下 一平(きのした いっぺい),Sean Dingling)”。在半年前的事故后重伤昏迷。 再见,逆转(さらば、逆転,Farewell My Turnabout) 王都楼 真悟(王都楼 真悟(おうとろう しんご),Matt Engarde)饰演大江户战士大将军u2027丙(大江戸戦士トノサマン丙!)的大将军丙(トノサマン丙,Tonosaman)。 藤见野勋(藤见野 イサオ,Juan Corrida)饰演忍者南迦(忍者ナンジャ)的忍者南迦(忍者ナンジャ),本案被害者。 华宫雾绪(华宫 雾绪(かみや きりお),Adrian Andrews)王都楼 真悟的秘书,本次案件之嫌疑人,对人有依赖性。 荷星三郎(荷星 三郎(にぼし さぶろう),Will Powers)前作大江户战士大将军制作团队英都摄影所的演员,本次宴会与会人员。 大场香(大场 カオル(おおば かおる),Wendy Oldbag)前作大江户战士大将军制作团队英都摄影所的警卫,本次饭店警卫。 大泽木夏实(大沢木 ナツミ(おおさわぎ なつみ),Lotta Hart)于本作第二话登场,近似于狗仔的偷拍行径常拍到很奇异的照片。 天野由利惠(天野 由利恵(あまの ゆりえ),Celeste Inpax)故人。与藤见野 勋相恋并已定婚,但由于被毁婚而自杀,遗书被隐藏起来。 田中太郎(田中 太郎(たなか たろう),John Doe)王都楼 真悟的管家,实际上是...?? 虎狼死家左左右卫门(虎狼死家 左々右エ门(ころしや さざえもん),Shelly de Killer)职业杀手,重视与顾客之间的信赖关系,关系如被破坏,则顾客将成为下一位追杀对象。
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Women !What can you say ? Who made "em ? God must have been a fuckin" genius. The hair --They say the hair is everything, you know. Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls... and just wanted to go to sleep forever ? Or lips -- and when they touched, yours were like...that first swallow of wine... after you just crossed the desert. Tits ! Whoo-ah ! Big ones, little ones, nipples staring right out at ya... Iike secret searchlights.Mmm. And legs -- I don"t care if they"re Greek columns... or secondhand Steinways. What"s between "em ------passport to heaven. I need a drink. Yes, Mr. Simms, Cover"s better. Okay, Sofia, suit "im up ! Make him pretty ! Careful.
2023-06-05 13:28:294

实况2009中straighten out的歌词

Straighten Out (1996 Digital Remast 歌手:The Stranglers The break of day has come, I see the cracks have just begunTo line the walls, line the wallsI want to see the little girls and boys destroy their toysAnd line the walls, line the wallsWhat a fate for little girlsBritish boys minds in a whirlTell you things that"ll make your curlsStraighten out, straighten outStraighten out, straighten outI"m twenty years or more, just tell me what we"re living forSo tell me now, tell me nowFrustrated intellect, the government capitulationFollows now, follows nowWhat a fate for little girlsBritish boys minds in a whirlTell you things that"ll make your curlsStraighten out, straighten outStraighten out, straighten outThe break of day has come, I see the cracks have just begunTo line the walls, line the wallsI want to see the little girls and boys destroy their toysAnd line the walls, line the wallsWhat a fate for little girlsBritish boys minds in a whirlTell you things that"ll make your curlsStrai
2023-06-05 13:28:485

mean girls的中文歌词

heavy Wild wild west coast These are the girls I love the most I mean the ones, I mean like she"s the one Kiss her, touch her, squeeze
2023-06-05 13:29:024

Who had a little curl.是什么意思?

2023-06-05 13:30:022


curl up的动作是:蜷缩起来。重点词汇:curl。英[ku025c:l]释义:v.(使)弯曲,卷曲;(使)盘绕,(使)弯弯曲曲移动;边缘翘起;撇(嘴);参加冰壶运动。n.鬈发,卷发;(头发的)卷曲;卷曲物,螺旋状物;(锻炼肌肉的)弯曲运动。【名】(Curl)(英)柯尔(人名)。[复数:curls;第三人称单数:curls;现在分词:curling;过去式:curled;过去分词:curled]短语:American Curl美国反耳猫;美国卷耳猫;卷耳猫;美国弯耳猫。词语辨析:curl,coil,entwine,twine,twist,wind这组词都可表示“绕或弯曲前进”。1、wind指在轴或像轴一样的东西上转动、环绕或将其粘住,引申可指通过环绕而紧固、拉紧、抬起,也指逶迤前进;2、coil指弯曲以形成螺旋状;3、curl指天然地形成或人工地使头发形成大卷或小卷,引申指形成卷或圈的东西;4、entwine常指扭在一起,有交织、交错、缠住的意思,有时仅指绕;5、twine原指将长丝绕成线或纱锭,现在只强调将一灵活的东西绕在另一物上;6、twist则指两股长丝相互缠绕,形成线或纱锭,引申指这样或那样地转,或突然地转,或扭转,或歪转。
2023-06-05 13:30:091


2023-06-05 13:30:392


2023-06-05 13:30:451

Rachel Crow的《Mean Girls》 歌词

歌曲名:Mean Girls歌手:Rachel Crow专辑:Rachel CrowRachel Crow - Mean GirlsSplendidyangDo you ever go to lunch with no one by your sideCause the moment you arrive they leave the tableCalling me everything but my nameNeed I remind you again just call me RachelHow would you feel if you running home cryingLock yourself in your room, don"t want anyone to see yaWhile everyone"s having fun outside, and you"re telling yourselfI won"t let it get to me no moreI don"t wanna feel this wayI can"t believe I let it go so farNo no, it"s not okayWhat do you know about me?Do you wanna know what I think?Mean girls, mean girlsI"m a just comb you outta my curlsMean girls, mean girlsYou no longer run my worldMean girls, mean girlsI"m a just comb you outta my curlsHow would you feel every time you go to schoolSomeone"s looking at you weird calling you a loserAll these girls wearing bubble-gum pinkGuess I didn"t get the memoCause they"re laughing at my blue shirtWell I hope you feeling good about you treating someone you know like a perfect strangerCause it"s easier than standing by my sideI won"t let it get to me no moreI don"t wanna feel this wayI can"t believe I let it go so farNo no, it"s not okayWhat do you know about me?Do you wanna know what I think?Mean girls, mean girlsI"m a just comb you outta my curlsMean girls, mean girlsYou no longer run my worldWho do you think you areLoud mouth, cafeteria starMaybe somebody was cruel to youSo you think that"s what you"re supposed to doOne day, it might be youWhen you need a friend, but you no longer coolWhen everyone leaves when you walk in the roomI just hope they forgive youI won"t let it get to me no moreI don"t wanna feel this wayI can"t believe I let it go so farNo no, it"s not okayWhat do you know about me?Do you wanna know what I think?Mean girls, mean girlsI"m a just comb you outta my curlsMean girls, mean girlsYou no longer run my worldMean girls, mean girlsI"m a just comb you outta my curlsMean girls, mean girlsYou no longer run my world
2023-06-05 13:30:521


2023-06-05 13:31:101


如何炼成性感马达翘臀 如何炼成性感马达翘臀,很多男生都喜欢有蜜桃臀、苹果臀等翘臀的女生,因为这样可以让她们看起来特别性感,女生当然也特别希望自己可以拥有这种类型的翘臀,那么如何炼成性感马达翘臀? 如何炼成性感马达翘臀1 在某些人看来,为美而健身过于肤浅,但是爱美之心,人皆有之。女性追求丰满挺翘的臀部,通过一系列的运动来达到目的同时还锻炼自己的耐力和毅力,健身的结果是不局限于美。 现实生活中,也有人由于学习或是工作过于劳累,往往会忽略对身材的打理,比如不注重饮食,时常食用高热量的甜点或着油炸食物,或是喜欢跷着腿坐一整天,也会阻碍腿部血液和淋巴循环,导致下半身浮肿,就会造成脂肪囤积于臀部的问题。如果平时缺乏锻炼的时间,上下班的路上可以采取自行车、步行或是跑步的方式,这也是臀部运动的一种方式。 第一个动作:臀桥Glute bridge 做12下,做2组。膝关节直角对准脚尖方向,双脚间距和髋部等宽,不可以内扣或是外展,臀大肌内收加紧,逐渐抬至顶峰,保持肌肉的收紧,同时逐渐将肩胛骨抬离地面,胸椎段也要参与运动,颈椎肩膀尽量放松。 第二个动作:单腿髋屈伸Unilateral glute bridge 左右两边各做12下,做2组。颈椎肩部放松,下巴收紧,膝盖和地面呈直角,膝盖方向朝向脚尖,收紧腰腹,单腿抬起,尽量抬至垂直地面,肩部颈椎腰腹和臀部呈直线。整个过程中,肩部不要离地。 第三个动作:卧地单腿臀桥Single leg glute bridge 左右两边各做12下,做2组。颈椎肩部放松,下巴收紧,膝盖和地面呈90度角,膝盖方向朝向脚尖,单腿叠起来与另一膝盖呈90度角,肩部颈椎腰腹和臀部尽量呈直线。 第四个动作:俯卧弯腿Hamstring curls 左右两边各做12下,做2组。俯趴在垫子上,小腿和大腿呈直角,收腹并且尝试让髋部紧贴地面,腰背保持平坦,向上向后抬腿,感受臀部肌肉的运作,肩部颈椎放松,肘部打开贴地面。 第五个动作:蛙式臀桥Glute frog bridge 做12下,做2组。双脚并拢打开髋关节(即外旋以及外展),臀肌收缩向上伸展髋部。 如何炼成性感马达翘臀2 小动作: 1、尝试一下用笔来提臀吧!首先是站直、把脚合并起来,同时要放松肩膀,把笔放在臀部中间夹好,用臀部适合的力度夹住笔,不要然笔掉下来。这是快速提臀的最有效方法。 2、电视剧插播广告时候的等待很无聊?试着来提臀吧!你可以在沙发上适当的挪动屁股,选择在比较宽大的沙发是最好的。比如说放在沙发旁边得手机,突然响的时候,尽可能用挪动屁股的方法去拿手机,是一项减肥的运动,最重要的还是起到提臀的作用。 3、站直身体,然后慢慢鞠躬,脚尽量站直,上半身要与地面保持平行线,屁股要翘起来,接着站直身体,再鞠躬,做50次就可以。如果坚持每天都做这些运动,就一定可以达到提臀美臀的作用,也是运动减肥中最有效的减肥方法之一。 4、把烦人的家务时间也用来提臀吧!比如说我们在洗碗、刷牙洗脸时,可以适当的摆动一下臀部和扭腰。如果是一边哼着小曲就更加好了。所以为了我们的臀部也能翘起来,我们也要好好把握机会哦。 5、高跟鞋也能提臀?没错!美国人体健康普查协会指出,尽管高跟鞋的设计并不符合人体工学,但它的`确能让女性在行走的时候不自觉地收紧臀部,达到向上牵引塑出翘臀线条的目的。不过建议喜欢穿高跟鞋的女性们,每天只要穿着高跟鞋连续慢走30分钟就已经能起到提臀的效果,为了足部骨骼的健康,生活中最好不要天天高跟鞋不离脚。 6、无聊的时候就学习桑巴舞的摆动动作吧!通过下身快速摆动动作、对于摆臀的幅度和频率严格要求,能使臀部得到充分的运动,打造迷人的电动马达臀绝对不是没有可能哦! 7、平时多吃些含丰富蛋白质和维生素c的食物吧!前者有助于丰臀,后者有定型作用,如利用花生、杏仁、番茄、花椰菜等材料自制出的蔬菜沙拉,热量低又对臀部曲线有好处。 8、椅子也能翘臀!把平时常坐的皮质软椅换成硬木椅吧,硬一点的椅子会给予臀部相应的反作用力,间接促进肌肉紧实哦。 9、短跑运动员臀部都很翘,因此多短跑可以翘臀—明智的选择,但绝不要在跑步机上完成,因为跑步机的跑带是自动向后移的,因此往后蹬的动作其实是被动完成的,而正是这一动作能运动到你的臀部,但是只有靠你主动发力才有效。 10、走路的时候也可以进行提臀运动哦!尽量让落在后面的一条腿伸直了再提步向前迈,这样能更多地运动到臀部肌肉,而不是大腿前侧肌肉。 11、睡觉的时候也能提臀?没错!如果心脏没问题,可以趴着睡觉,让白天坐着工作、晚上坐着应酬时一直被压迫的臀部充分放松休息。
2023-06-05 13:31:171


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 1 可爱 2 可惜 3 可悲 4 可乐 5 可耻 解析: 可爱: [ kě ài ] 1. lovely 2. amiable3. cute 例句与用法: 1. 这个可爱的小男孩长着漂亮的金黄色卷发。 The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls. 2. 这幅画中的小天使非常可爱。 The cherub in the painting is very lovely. 3. 我姐姐的小婴儿非常可爱。 My sister"s infant is very lovely. 4. 我的小女儿像个小精灵一样可爱。 My little daughter is as lovely as an elf. 5. 这个小女孩太可爱了,我把她叫做小精灵。 The little girl is so lovely that I call her a sprite. 6. 那女孩玫瑰色的脸颊使她显得非常可爱。 The girl"s rosy cheeks made her look very lovely. 7. 让这么可爱的花园荒废是极不应该的。 It"s a crime to neglect such a lovely garden. 8. 我的小女儿像天使一样可爱。 My little daughter is as lovely as an angel. 可惜: [ kě xī ] pity 1. (it"s) too bad 2. it is a pity 3. what a pity 例句与用法: 1. 你不能来参加这次聚会,真可惜。 It"s a pity that you can"t e to the party. 2. 真可惜两个音乐会时间上有冲突,我本来想两个都去。 It"s a pity the o concerts clash; I wanted to go to both of them. 3. 你今晚不能和我们一起去看戏, 真可惜. What a pity that you can"t e to the theatre with us tonight. 4. 那麽多食物都浪费了, 看着觉得可惜. What a pity to see all that food go to waste. 可悲 : [ kě bēi ] 1. lamentable 例句与用法: 1. 倘若他意识不到自己行为的后果, 那我就觉得他很可悲了. If he doesn"t realize the consequences of his actions, I"m sorry for him. 可乐: 1. coke 例句与用法: 1. 您想喝杯可口可乐吗? Would you care for a coke? 2. 来杯可口可乐,怎么样? How about a coke? 3. 我拿了一瓶小吧柜中的可乐。 I have a coke in the mini-bar. 4. 我去“蓝狮”快餐店给你买一杯可乐和一个三明治。 Let me buy you a coke and a sandwich down at"the Blue Lion." 可耻: [ kě chǐ ] 1. shamefulness 2. shame on 3. vileness 例句与用法: 1. 他们投降是可耻的。 It was shameful of them to surrender. 2. 他们认为她为人势利, 行为可耻. They considered her behaviour a shameful piece of snobbery. 3. 这种可耻的伎俩都是为了能让他当选. These shameful manoeuvreswere aimed at securing his election. 4. 拿别人的钱使人家无以自立是十分可耻的. It"s a shame to take money from those who can"t afford it. 5. 你怎么能待她那麽坏? 真可耻! How could you treat her so badly? Shame on you!
2023-06-05 13:31:241


2023-06-05 13:31:311


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2023-06-05 13:31:404

hamstring curls 是什么健身动作

不清楚你说的室内是健身房内 还是自家家里介绍几个简单的 动作不会可以百度去找一找俯卧撑(膝支撑 脚支撑)窄距俯卧撑 仰卧卷腹 反向卷腹 仰卧举腿 俯身挺身 箭步蹲 徒手深蹲屈腿硬拉 站姿提踵
2023-06-05 13:31:472

Brownsville Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Brownsville Girl歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:DylanBob Dylan - Brownsville GirlWell, there was this movie I seen one time,About a man riding "cross the desert and it starred Gregory Peck.He was shot down by a hungry kid trying to make a name for himself.The townspeople wanted to crush that kid down and string him up by the neck.Well, the marshal, now he beat that kid to a bloody pulpas the dying gunfighter lay in the sun and gasped for his last breath.Turn him loose, let him go, let him say he outdrew me fair and square,I want him to feel what it"s like to every moment face his death.Well, I keep seeing this stuff and it just comes a-rolling inAnd you know it blows right through me like a ball and chain.You know I can"t believe we"ve lived so long and are still so far apart.The memory of you keeps callin" after me like a rollin" train.I can still see the day that you came to me on the painted desertIn your busted down Ford and your platform heelsI could never figure out why you chose that particular place to meetAh, but you were right. It was perfect as I got in behind the wheel.Well, we drove that car all night into San Anton"And we slept near the Alamo, your skin was so tender and soft.Way down in Mexico you went out to find a doctor and you never came back.I would have gone on after you but I didn"t feel like letting my head get blown off.Well, we"re drivin" this car and the sun is comin" up over the Rockies,Now I know she ain"t you but she"s here and she"s got that dark rhythm in her soul.But I"m too over the edge and I ain"t in the mood anymore to remember the times when I was your only manAnd she don"t want to remind me. She knows this car would go out of control.Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls, teeth like pearls shining like the moon aboveBrownsville girl, show me all around the world, Brownsville girl, you"re my honey love.Well, we crossed the panhandle and then we headed towards AmarilloWe pulled up where Henry Porter used to live.He owned a wreckin" lot outside of town about a mile.Ruby was in the backyard hanging clothes, she had her red hair tied back.She saw us come rolling up in a trail of dust.She said, "Henry ain"t here but you can come on in, he"ll be back in a little while."Then she told us how times were tough and about how she was thinkin" of bummin" a ride back to where she started.But ya know, she changed the subject every time money came up.She said, "Welcome to the land of the living dead." You could tell she was so broken-hearted.She said, "Even the swap meets around here are getting pretty corrupt.""How far are y"all going?" Ruby asked us with a sigh."We"re going all the way "til the wheels fall off and burn,"Til the sun peels the paint and the seat covers fade and the water moccasin dies."Ruby just smiled and said, "Ah, you know some babies never learn."Something about that movie though, well I just can"t get it out of my headBut I can"t remember why I was in it or what part I was supposed to play.All I remember about it was Gregory Peck and the way people movedAnd a lot of them seemed to be lookin" my way.Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls, teeth like pearls shining like the moon aboveBrownsville girl, show me all around the world, Brownsville girl, you"re my honey love.Well, they were looking for somebody with a pompadour.I was crossin" the street when shots rang out.I didn"t know whether to duck or to run, so I ran."We got him cornered in the churchyard," I heard somebody shout.Well, you saw my picture in the Corpus Christi Tribune. Underneath it, it said, "A man with no alibi."You went out on a limb to testify for me, you said I was with you.Then when I saw you break down in front of the judge and cry real tears,It was the best acting I saw anybody do.Now I"ve always been the kind of person that doesn"t like to trespass but sometimes you just find yourself over the line.Oh if there"s an original thought out there, I could use it right now.You know, I feel pretty good, but that ain"t sayin" much. I could feel a whole lot better,If you were just here by my side to show me how.Well, I"m standin" in line in the rain to see a movie starring Gregory Peck,Yeah, but you know it"s not the one that I had in mind.He"s got a new one out now, I don"t even know what it"s aboutBut I"ll see him in anything so I"ll stand in line.Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls, teeth like pearls shining like the moon aboveBrownsville girl, show me all around the world, Brownsville girl, you"re my honey love.You know, it"s funny how things never turn out the way you had "em planned.The only thing we knew for sure about Henry Porter is that his name wasn"t Henry Porter.And you know there was somethin" about you baby that I liked that was always too good for this worldJust like you always said there was something about me you liked that I left behind in the French Quarter.Strange how people who suffer together have stronger connections than people who are most content.I don"t have any regrets, they can talk about me plenty when I"m gone.You always said people don"t do what they believe in, they just do what"s most convenient, then they repent.And I always said, "Hang on to me, baby, and let"s hope that the roof stays on."There was a movie I seen one time, I think I sat through it twice.I don"t remember who I was or where I was bound.All I remember about it was it starred Gregory Peck, he wore a gun and he was shot in the back.Seems like a long time ago, long before the stars were torn down.Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls, teeth like pearls shining like the moon aboveBrownsville girl, show me all around the world, Brownsville girl, you"re my honey love.Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls, teeth like pearls shining like the moon aboveBrownsville girl, show me all around the world, Brownsville girl, you"re my honey love.Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls, teeth like pearls shining like the moon aboveBrownsville girl, show me all around the world, Brownsville girl, you"re my honey love.
2023-06-05 13:31:541


可爱的: 1. cute 2. lovely 3. likable 4. mignon 5. adorable 6. endearing 7. cherubic 其它相关解释: <loveable> <lovable> <likeable> <prettyish> <taking> <twee> <pretty> <lovesome> <as nice as pie> <as good as pie> <winsome> <loveworthy> <foolish> <lekker> <cunning> <delightsome> 例句与用法: 1. 这个可爱的小男孩长着漂亮的金黄色卷发。 The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls. 2. 让这么可爱的花园荒废是极不应该的。 It"s a crime to neglect such a lovely garden. 3. 松鼠是一种可爱的小动物。 The squirrel is a lovely small animal. 4. 我可爱的小女儿走到她父亲那,要他抱抱她。 My lovely daughter came to her father for a cuddle. 5. 他的情人是一个可爱的女孩。 His sweetheart is a pretty girl. 6. 多可爱的孩子! What an adorable child! 7. 我从未见过这么可爱的猫。 Never have I seen such a pretty cat.
2023-06-05 13:32:262


莎士比亚十四行诗如下:1、Shakespeare Sonnet 12莎士比亚十四行诗When I do count the clock that tells the time,And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;When I behold the violet past prime,And sable curls all silver"d o"er with white:When lofty trees I see barren of leaves,Which erst from heat did canopy the herd,And summer"s green, all girded up in sheaves,Born on the bier with white and bristly beard;Then of thy beauty do I question make,That thou among the wastes of time must go,Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake,And die as fast as they see others grow;And nothing "gainst Time"s scythe can make defenceSave breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence.翻译:当我数着壁上报时的自鸣钟,见明媚的白昼坠入狰狞的夜,当我凝望着紫罗兰老了春容,青丝的卷发遍洒着皑皑白雪;当我看见参天的树枝叶尽脱,它不久前曾荫蔽喘息的牛羊;夏天的青翠一束一束地就缚,带着坚挺的白须被舁上殓床;于是我不禁为你的朱颜焦虑:终有天你要加入时光的废堆,既然美和芳菲都把自己抛弃,眼看着别人生长自己却枯萎;没什么抵挡得住时光的毒手 ,除了生育,当他来要把你拘走。2、Sonnet 18Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer"s lease hath all too short a date:Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimm"d;And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance or nature"s changing course untrimm"dBut thy eternal summer shall not fadeNor lose possession of that fair thou owest;Nor shall Death brag thou wander"st in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou growest:So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this and this gives life to thee.梁宗岱 译我怎么能够把你来比作夏天?你不独比它可爱也比它温婉:狂风把五月宠爱的嫩蕊作践,夏天出赁的期限又未免太短:天上的眼睛有时照得太酷烈,它那炳耀的金颜又常遭掩蔽:被机缘或无常的天道所摧折,没有芳艳不终于凋残或消毁。但是你的长夏永远不会凋落,也不会损失你这皎洁的红芳,或死神夸口你在他影里漂泊,当你在不朽的诗里与时同长。只要一天有人类,或人有眼睛,这诗将长存,并且赐给你生命
2023-06-05 13:32:421


前半部是 the first half part,后半部就是 the second half part,所以可以翻译为 in the the second half part of ...
2023-06-05 13:32:492

板簧 卷耳机 的专业英文翻译

板簧 Spring 卷耳机 Curls the earphone
2023-06-05 13:32:552


莎士比亚十四行诗如下:1、Shakespeare Sonnet 12莎士比亚十四行诗When I do count the clock that tells the time,And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;When I behold the violet past prime,And sable curls all silver"d o"er with white:When lofty trees I see barren of leaves,Which erst from heat did canopy the herd,And summer"s green, all girded up in sheaves,Born on the bier with white and bristly beard;Then of thy beauty do I question make,That thou among the wastes of time must go,Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake,And die as fast as they see others grow;And nothing "gainst Time"s scythe can make defenceSave breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence.翻译:当我数着壁上报时的自鸣钟,见明媚的白昼坠入狰狞的夜,当我凝望着紫罗兰老了春容,青丝的卷发遍洒着皑皑白雪;当我看见参天的树枝叶尽脱,它不久前曾荫蔽喘息的牛羊;夏天的青翠一束一束地就缚,带着坚挺的白须被舁上殓床;于是我不禁为你的朱颜焦虑:终有天你要加入时光的废堆,既然美和芳菲都把自己抛弃,眼看着别人生长自己却枯萎;没什么抵挡得住时光的毒手 ,除了生育,当他来要把你拘走。2、Sonnet 18Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling
2023-06-05 13:33:021


My mom has a round face and curly hair.
2023-06-05 13:33:123


hedgehog 英[u02c8hedu0292hu0252g] 美[u02c8hedu0292hu0254:g] n. 刺猬,〈美〉豪猪; 容易发怒的人,难对付的人; [军] 刺猬弹; [植] 野毛茛; [网络] 刺猬; 刺蝟; 猬; [例句]Hedgehog! Where have you been?小刺猬!你去哪了?[其他] 复数:hedgehogs 形近词: hedgehop
2023-06-05 13:33:191

英语高手来,来帮忙翻译诗句。。。求高手。- -

Who will be invited to Valentine HunterStrauberry color curls cute dollWho said memories of your sleepPleated skirt on the flowersHeroic fantasyPind LolitaI love the Lolita refuse to grow upDS eternal magicLolita sweet popcornContinue beautiful war plan
2023-06-05 13:33:434


2023-06-05 13:33:534

《吸血鬼日记第六季》插曲《Sweet Ophelia》试听

歌曲出现场景 :芭比在整理妈妈的书,萨琳娜走进来跟她说话 《Sweet Ophelia》完整试听: 《Sweet Ophelia》歌词介绍: Believe me now you"re too young girl Cherry pie with your gold curls Growin" up like a grapevine Wrapped around you in due time O-woah O-woah O-woah O-woah Sweet Ophelia, When young blood escapes Vows that break Go up, up away Sweet Ophelia, When young blood escapes Vows that break Go up, up away Up, up away Up, up away Singing like it"s a full moon (Singing like it"s a full moon) Careless now that he has you (Careless now that he has you) Turns you on to the right songs (Turns you on to the right songs) Promises that you"re hooked on (Promises that you"re hooked on) O-woah O-woah O-woah O-woah Sweet Ophelia, When young blood escapes Vows that break Go up, up away Sweet Ophelia, When young blood escapes Vows that break Go up, up away Up, up away Up, up away Sweet Ophelia, When young blood escapes Vows that break Go up, up away Sweet Ophelia, When young blood escapes Vows that break Go up, up away Sweet Ophelia, When young blood escapes Vows that break Go up, up away Up, up away Up, up away Up, up away Up, up away
2023-06-05 13:34:311


On first speaks the mat, the whole body of ministers draws back, theemperor keeps An Shi seat, said: "Has the desire and the ministercalmly discusses discussing." Because of word: "Emperor Taitsung ofTang must Wei draft, Liu Bei must Zhuge Liang, then be allowed to bepromising, two sub- honest worlds do not leave the person." An Shiyuethat, "Your majesty is honest can be Yao, Shun, then must have thehigh bank, 夔, the millet, □c; Honest can be the high ancestor, thenmust some teachers say. Other two sub- all being correct shame, HeZudao ah? Is big by the world, audiences of the people"s, hundred yearpeace, the scholar is not are not many. However often contracts nobodyto be allowed to help governing, to your majesty selects the techniquenot to be bright, does not treat with sincerity to, although has thehigh bank, 夔, the millet, □c, the teacher said virtuous, also willshade for the villain, curls the bosom to go to you." The emperor saidthat, "He Shiwu villain, although when Yao, Shun, cannot not have fouris ominous." An Shiyue that, "Only can distinguish ominously fourexecutes it, this its therefore for Yao, Shun. If four is ominous fourit to slander the evil, then high bank, 夔, millet, □c also AnKengou food its wealth by lifelong?"
2023-06-05 13:34:381


2023-06-05 13:35:222