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2023-06-06 08:03:10


Walrus moustache八字胡;海象嘴边的毛确实像人的八字胡;(a pair of moustache也可表示八字胡)

Goatee山羊胡(也可用pointed beard)

Handle-bar beard表示像赛车把一样的大八字胡,

Vandyke beard表示下巴颏上的短尖胡须;(Vandyke是佛兰得斯画家)

The Henri Quatre beard表示一种短式山羊胡;(Henri是法国国王)

Squared/trimmed beard表示一种方形胡子,类似马克思的胡子;

Full beard指大胡子;

Moses beard指的是飘在胸前的大胡子;

Toothbrush moustache指的是唇上修剪得整整齐齐的胡子,简直像牙刷,(也称clipped moustache)

Pencil-like moustache指的是唇上修剪得两头尖式样的胡子;

Becoming moustache指的是年轻人刚刚长出来的胡子;

Side-whiskers/ side-beard把角比较短的连胡子;

Stubbly beard/ bristles指下巴颏上的胡子茬儿;

Spade beard指长方形胡须;

Voluminous whiskers表示脸上有一大把颊须;


artificial whiskers表示中国京剧演员的胡子;

此外,beaver也可用来形容大胡子的人,至于圣诞老人的大胡子则用cascading white beard表示

形容胡子生长的情况,可用heavy bearded, high bearded这样的短语;

形容胡须浓密,可用bushy, dense, heavy, rough, shaggy, thick等;

形容胡须稀疏,可用light, scanty, sparse等;

形容胡须杂乱,可用matted, straggling等。

mustache 上嘴唇的胡须,像卓别林那种

whisker 络腮胡,男人脸颊及下巴上的毛发

beard :男人下颚、两颊及喉头的毛发,比whisker还要向下 一点



bushy 英[bʊʃɪ] 美[ˈbʊʃi] adj. (毛发或毛皮)浓密的;(植物)茂密的;灌木似的 最高级:bushiest;比较级:bushier[例句]Like the ambassador , popal wore a black turban , and he had a huge bushy beard.与大使一样,博帕尔也是头缠黑色头巾,并蓄着浓密的络腮胡。
2023-06-05 11:06:183

bushy怎么读 bushy的意思

1、bushy的读音:英[u02c8bu028au0283i],美[u02c8bu028au0283i]。 2、adj.浓密的;茂密的;多叶的。 3、比较级:bushier 最高级:bushiest 4、例句:Most accounts describe him as tall and strong with a flowing mane of hair and a long, bushy beard.大多认为他人高马大,长着一头浓密的头发,畜着长长的络腮胡。
2023-06-05 11:06:351


bushy 英[bu028au0283i] 美[u02c8bu028au0283i] adj. (毛发或毛皮) 浓密的; (植物) 茂密的; 灌木似的; [例句]Pinch out the tips of the young growths to make for compact, bushy plants.掐掉幼株的芽尖以便让它们长得紧凑浓密,呈丛生状。[其他] 比较级:bushier 最高级:bushiest
2023-06-05 11:07:041


2023-06-05 11:07:304


beard/facial hair第一个较常用
2023-06-05 11:07:566

英语They have long bushy tails怎么翻译?

They have long bushy tails他们有长长的浓密的尾巴
2023-06-05 11:08:114


猎豹的英语怎么说?? 英文原文: leopard 英式音标: [u02c8lepu0259d]美式音标: [u02c8lu025bpu025ad] 猎豹用英文怎么说怎么写 猎豹(学名:Acinonyxjubatus),又称印度豹,是猫科动物的一种,也是猎豹属下唯一的物种。猎豹是陆地上跑的最快的动物,奔跑时速可达120公里。猎豹全身都有黑色的斑点。从嘴角到眼角有一道黑色的条纹,尾巴末端的三分之一部位有黑色的环纹;后颈部的毛比较长,好像很短的鬃毛一样,体型纤细,腿长、头小。Cheetah(scientifiame:Acinonyxjubatus),alsoknownasthecheetahs,isoneofthecats,istheonlyspeciestocheetah"s.Thecheetahisthefastestlandanimal,runningupto120kilometersperhour.Thecheetahha *** lackspotsalloverhi *** ody.Fromherlipstothecornerwithablackstripes,tailattheendofthethirdparthaveblackring;Hairislonger,thebackofhisnecklikeashortmane,slenderbody,longlegs, *** allhead. 猎豹的英文是什么? 答案是 Leopard “猎豹”用英语怎么说??? 这个字的英文读leopard、cheetah是印度豹。 豹在四种大型猫科动物(其余三种为狮、虎及美洲豹)中体积最小,平均体长2米左右,平均体重80千克。体呈黄或橙黄色,全身布满大小不同的黑斑或古钱状的黑环。豹可以说是敏捷的猎手,身材矫健,动作灵活,奔跑速度快。既会游泳,又会爬树。性情机敏,嗅觉听觉视觉都很好,智力超常,隐蔽性强,长长的尾巴在奔跑时可以帮助豹保持平衡。它亦是少数可适应不同环境的猫科动物。金钱豹多指亚洲的亚种,非洲的亚种多称花豹。 体长1.1-1.5米,尾长0.7-1.0米,平均体重80公斤左右,最重可达130公斤。躯体细长,四肢粗短有力,爪强锐。头圆较大,颈稍短,四肢强壮,前肢较后肢略宽大,前足5趾,后足4趾,趾上均具灰白色锐爪。趾间、趾掌垫间长有浓密的短毛。头部毛短,鼻端 *** 呈肉色。鼻部毛极短,为黄色,上无黑斑点。嘴的侧上方各有5排斜形白色胡须。额部、眼间、眼下及颊部均布满小黑斑点。耳背黑色,耳尖黄色,耳的基部也为黄色,并具稀疏的小黑点。颈背部黄色稍深,上具黑斑点和黑环圈,常常在颈背中央有毛旋。颈下为浅黄色,有数块不成形的黑斑,毛略长。前肢外侧棕黄、内侧乳白,肩部有黑环圈,腿部内外均有黑斑点。上部斑点较大而疏,下部斑点较小而密。背部黄色最深,背脊中央黑环不清晰,长形的黑斑排列似纵线状,背脊两侧的黑环圈多为椭圆形,胸侧、腹侧的黑圈似圆形和梅花状。胸腹部毛长,色乳白或淡黄,上具少量的、较大的黑块斑。后肢外侧黄色,内侧淡黄,股部黑环圈和黑色斑相间,胫部内侧为黑褐色。尾背部毛色深黄,靠近基部的黑斑成条状,中部黑斑较大,有的黑斑形成圈状,端部为黑色,上有2~4道窄白环。尾下乳白色,具黑斑。尾顶端为白色。眼上有十余根白色眉须。眼虹膜呈黄色。强光照射下瞳孔缩为圆形。夜晚眼睛可有磷光闪耀。舌表面长有许多角质化小刺,倒生。腹下有3对 *** 。 *** 褶皱部有一对腺体孔。头骨:颅形略长。吻部短。鼻骨较长,鼻骨额突与上颌骨额突几等长。额骨面较平,眶后突比颧骨眶突钝、眼窝似圆形。成兽的人字嵴、矢状嵴发达。上枕骨中央有一较明显的枕突。枕部呈一等边三角形。听泡长而高,翼骨的突起向后伸出如钩状。下颌下缘略呈弧形。门齿横列,最中央的一对门齿较小,第二门齿稍大,最外侧的门齿大而尖。犬齿发达、锋锐,呈圆锥状。上颌第一前臼齿缺如,第二前臼齿最小,个别的缺如。第三前臼齿呈“山”字形,中央齿尖高大,前后各有一小齿尖。第四前臼齿(上裂齿)最大,具5个齿尖,其中4个齿尖纵列一线,第二齿尖高大,靠近内侧还有一较低齿尖。臼齿较小,仅一枚,位置横列。下颌前臼齿仅2枚,均呈“山”字形,3个齿尖,中间齿尖最大。臼齿一枚形大,呈“凹”字形,前后各有一几乎等大的齿尖。 eo这个字母组合在英文中使用频率较低,它发短元音/u025b/的音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部擡高,舌位适中,牙床介于半合半开之间,唇形扁平,这个音出现在字首、字中位置,如: leopard 豹子 jeopardy 危险境地,威胁 希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。 意思是猎豹的英文名 猎豹 Cheetah 猎豹的奔跑速度每小时可达97公里。 The cheetah can attain speeds of up to97 kph. 鲨鱼就好比海洋中的猎豹和狮子; Sharks are the cheetahs and lions of the ocean; 用英语写一篇关于猎豹的作文60词 The cheetah"s chest is deep and its waist is narrow.The coarse,short fur of the cheetah is tan with round black spots measuring from 2 to 3 cm (0.79 to 1.2 in) across,affording it some camouflage while hunting.There are no spots on its white underside,but the tail has spots,which merge to form four to six dark rings at the end.The tail usually ends in a bushy white tuft.The cheetah has a *** all head with high-set eyes.Black "tear marks" run from the corner of its eyes down the sides of the nose to its mouth to keep sunlight out of its eyes and to aid in hunting and seeing long distances.The *** cheetah weighs from 40 to 65 kg (88 to 140 lb).Its total body length is from 115 to 135 cm (45 to 53 in),while the tail can measure up to 84 cm
2023-06-05 11:08:241


2023-06-05 11:08:313

hide on bush翻译中文 是什么意思

1、hide on bush翻译中文,是什么意思?hide on bush是LCK赛区SKT中单选手Faker在韩服的小号,中文意思是:潜行在草丛里。hide on 翻译为隐藏。bush 翻译为灌木;灌木状的东西。这个是lol韩国选手faker的id从游戏的层面出发就是躲在草丛里bush是灌木的意思。 2、Trees and bushes grew down to the waters edge. 树和灌木丛一直长到了水边。 3、这是faker韩服小号的ID hide on bush 这个就是把"I"改成了1(很多人喜欢这么打) 英文意思就是隐匿在草丛里 4、faker在韩服的小号叫Hide onBush.大号现在叫T1FAKER。Faker的这个ID我们都知道是虚伪的意思,但是他的另一个ID Hide on Bush的意思是藏在草丛里,Faker的这个ID的正确读法应该是Hide on Bus H,意思是躲在巴士上H”,比较黄暴。LOL第一人Faker李相赫。 5、作为全联盟最古老的英雄之一,Q技能的沉默与大招的斩杀,极易上手的操作让他成为了许多新手接触这款游戏时的最爱,不论是输出装还是坦克装,玩起来都非常有乐趣。不论你身处什么分段,极高的出场率都会让你碰到他。前段时间在准备msi的瓜皮居然还在玩盖伦哥,可见这个英雄的可玩性之高。 那在职业比赛的赛场上,盖伦为什么只出现过一次呢。在2015年3月22日的LPL春季赛上,当时AmazingJ还身处EP战队,对阵的时老牌强队Snake。 在选英雄的过程中可谓是跌宕起伏,先是EP中单亮出中单皎月,晃一晃,全场呐喊锁定,选手便随即锁下皎月这名英雄,主持人说,这下有看头啦,此时AJ还在晃他的盖伦,另一名男主持说,晃一晃还是挺好玩的,AJ随即锁下德玛西亚之力。全场沸腾! 进入游戏后,AmazingJ还为现场的观众们表演了一下盖伦舞,作为最具有喜感的舞蹈之一,在职业赛场上看到这一面确实很搞笑。 后来呢这个盖伦竟然还拿过双杀!!! 虽然比赛输是输了,但是这着实打出了大宝剑的气势。何况只是一名普通的选手来使用盖伦,那让李哥这种强力的瓜皮选手来用。岂不是中单霸主??? 答案是根本不可能的!!!也什么??? 一来是李哥要尊重对手,二来是教练肯定也不会同意的。虽然只有两句话的原因,但我觉得已经够了。李哥玩这个英雄很明显不是练英雄,而是纯粹的玩这个英雄。对他这种英雄海的玩家来说,所有英雄对他而言是差不多的。他会根据实际的情况来挑选英雄,已经完全跳出了选英雄的这个环节。看过他直播的人都知道,他在直播的时候不叫faker。叫hide on bush。翻译过来就是瓜皮李,一进去也没有好好BP的意思。什么乱七八糟的英雄都出来了,看过最优秀的就是他的中单薇恩了。瓜里瓜气的。 但是一到了赛场上那就不一祥了,有人问那里不一样???最明显的就是ID的变化。这个时候他是众人熟知的faker了。一会儿他是为了团队的功能型中单,一会儿他又是刺客之王。一会儿他又会变成中路法王。这就是faker。
2023-06-05 11:08:381

It was really bushy为什么要用was?

2023-06-05 11:09:401


2023-06-05 11:09:471


2023-06-05 11:09:565


浓眉大眼什么意思?浓眉大眼怎么读? 参考答案: 拼音:nóng méi dà yǎn,简 拼:nmdy 成语解释:又黑又密的眉毛,大大的眼睛。形容眉目有神的人。 成语出处:清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三十三回:“只见里面一个浓眉大眼的黑面肥胖妇人,穿着一件黑夏布小衣,两袖勒得高高的,膊肘子也露了出来。” 成语例句:那和尚生得浓眉大眼。★清·文康《儿女英雄传》第五回 繁体写法:浓眉大眼 注音:ㄋㄨㄙˊ ㄇㄟˊ ㄉㄚˋ ㄧㄢˇ 成语语法:作宾语、定语、状语;指人的外表 常用程度:常用成语 感情*色彩:中性成语 成语结构:联合式成语 产生年代:古代成语 英语翻译:bushy eyebrows and big eyes <heavy features>
2023-06-05 11:10:101


roll with the punches逆来顺受 You have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business.如果你想在这一行生存下去的话,就得逆来顺受。blockhead笨蛋 Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one.阿诺德是我见过的最笨的人。 pop one"s cork大发脾气 I"ve never seen Teresa pop her cork before. I always thought she was a verylaid-back person.我从来没见过Teresa发脾气。我原来一直以为她是个好好小姐。down and out穷困潦倒Sarah was down and out after losing her job and her apartment.萨拉丢掉工作和房子后变得穷困潦倒。kooky古怪的 That man is really kooky. He has fifty-three cats!那个人真怪。他养了53只猫!clean up one"s act信心革面,重新做人You"d better clean up your act if you want to go to a good school.如果你想金好学校就要洗心革面,奋发图强know-it-all万事通Grace is always correcting other people. She thinks she"s a know-it-all.格雷斯总是在纠正别人,她觉得自己是万事通。on the up and up 光明正大,诚实无欺 I checked out his story, he"s on the up and up. 我核实过他所讲的事情,他诚实可靠。uppity 自命不凡 Don"t be so uppity. You don"t think we"re good enough for you? 不要那么自以为了不起。你难道认为我们配不上你吗? on cloud line 飘飘然(原以为在九重天上) Daphne was on cloud nine for days after Chip asked her to the prom. 棋谱邀请戴夫妮参加学校班级舞会,她兴奋了好几天。 cough it up(不情愿地)付钱 Cough it up. I know you have the twenty dollars. 付钱吧。我知道你有这二十美金的。 half-baked 肤浅的,半吊子 How do you come up with all these half-baked ideas? You should think them out more carefully. 你怎么会想出这些肤浅的主意的?你应该仔细的考虑考虑。apple-polisher 马屁精 例如:She is a real apple-polisher for the way she s crawling around the boss and making eyes at him. 她是一个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。 airbrain / airhead 呆 子 Joyce can"t understand anything. She"s such an airbrain. 乔伊斯什么都不懂,她是个呆子。 all ears 全 神 贯 注 Whenever you tell Johnny some gossip, he"s all ears. 每 当 你 说 闲 话 给 乔 尼 听 时, 他 总 是 全 神 贯 注。 all-out 尽 力, 全 力 以 赴 The team made an all-out effort to win the game.这 支 队 伍 全 力 以 赴 赢 得 比 赛。ntsy 焦 躁 不安 After waiting around for so long, Paul started to get antsy.等 了 这 么 久,保 罗 开 始 焦 躁 不 安。ad news 讨 厌 鬼 Marcy is nothing but bad news around here.玛 郗 真 是 这 一 带 的 讨 厌 鬼。big shot 大 人 物, 大 头 You can tell John is a big shot; he rides in a limousine wherever he goes.你 可 以 看 出 约 翰 是 个 大 人 物, 无 论 去 那 里 他 都 坐 豪 华 轿 车。 birdbrain 白 痴 Joy is a real birdbrain in some ways.乔 依 在 某 方 面 是 不 折 不 扣 的 白 痴。blabbermouth 大 嘴 巴; 爱 说 闲 话 的 人 I don"t like Don because he"s a blabbermouth.我 不 喜 欢 唐,因 为 他 爱 说 人 闲 话。lockhead 笨 蛋 Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one.阿 诺 德 是 我 见 过 最 笨 的 人。bogue 假 惺 惺 Craig really bogue at times. I wish he"d stop telling those disgusting stories. 克 莱 克有 时 真 是 假 惺 惺,我 希 望 他 不 要 再 说 那 些 恶 心 的 故 事 了。bright-eyed and bushy-tailed 精 神 奕 奕 Joanna always shows up at work bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.乔 安 娜 工 作 时 总 是 精 神 奕 奕。cool 帅; 潇 洒 He"s so cool. All the girls want to go out with him.他 真 帅,所 有 的 女 生 都 想 跟 他 出 去。softie 善 良 的 人 Samantha is such a softie. She doesn"t have a mean bone in her.撒 玛 莎 真 善 良, 她 心 里 没 有 一 丝 恶 意。stick in the mud 保 守 的 人 Ginny is such a stick in the mud. She never wants to try anything new. 詹 妮 真 保 守, 她 从 不 想 尝 试 新 的 东 西。keep one"s shirt on保持冷静 shape up表现良好,You‘d better shape up if you want to stay on.如果你还想留下来的话最好乖一点儿。hit it off投缘,一见如故 They hit it off instantly and have been good friends ever since.他们一见面就很投缘,从此成了好朋友。 go whole hog全力以赴 She went whole hog in planning he New Year"s Eve party.她全心全力筹办新年晚会。hung over宿醉未醒Don‘t disturb him. He"s still hung over from last night.别吵醒他,他宿醉仍未醒。uppity自命不凡Don‘t be so uppity。 You don‘t think we"re good enough for you?不要那么自以为了不起。你难道认为我们配不上你吗? bleeding heart老好人The liberal candidate was accused by his conservation opponent of being a bleeding heart on welfareissues.自由派候选人在福利问题上被保守派对手斥为老好人。Keep your shirt on. He didn"t mean to offend you. That"s just the way he talks.保持冷静。那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。bad news讨厌鬼Marcy is nothing but bad news around here.马西珍视这一带的讨厌鬼。High and mighty(趾高气扬,神气活现), through thick and thin(不 顾艰难险阻)out of sorts(不 舒服的,不高兴的),up in the air(十分激动,气愤,悬 而未决),as stiff as a poker(生硬,刻板),as cool as a cucumber(泰然自若,即为冷静),as slippery as an eel(油 滑的) ,tooth and nail(接近全 力的),hammer and tongs(全力以赴的),in a breeze(轻而易举地),
2023-06-05 11:10:181

latex pillow中文翻译

Kymdan latex pillows Kymdan乳胶卧枕 Kymdan latex pillow Kymdan乳胶枕头 I am a patient of losing my hair because of greasiness , since i use the pure natural latex multfunctional mites - resistant anti - bacteria integration pillow , those annoying mites haven " t attacked me and eaten my hair root any longer , now my hair is bushy , with the pure natural latex pillow , i feel very good 我是一个油性脱发患者,自从有了防螨除菌全天然的乳胶多功能组合枕,那些讨厌的螨虫没有机会再袭击我,不再吃我的发根,现在我的头发又厚又密,用了这个全天然乳胶枕,感觉真是好!
2023-06-05 11:10:261


目前的记忆里只跳出来一个 鸟 还有 迷魂记
2023-06-05 11:11:093

So from that day on all squirrels‘s tais were bushy什么意思

So from that day on all squirrels‘s tails were bushy【翻译】所以从那天起,所有松鼠的尾巴都是蓬松的。
2023-06-05 11:11:161

beard, moustache 有什么区别???

beard,moustache均可表示“胡子”,并均为一般用词。 beard指下巴上长的胡须或络腮胡子,可用作可数名词和不可数名词。 He always looks as if he has three days" growth of beard.他总像三天没刮胡子。 moustache指上唇的胡子,俗称小胡子,是可数名词。 He has a black, bushy moustache.他长着又黑又密的小胡子。
2023-06-05 11:11:361


1、感叹句常用what和how引导的两种类型,what常用来修饰名词,how常用来修饰形容词﹑副词或动词。what是用来修饰复数可数名词和不可数名词。但有些不可数名词,如rain, surprise, breakfast, lunch 等,当前面有形容词修饰,使抽象名词具体化时,则要用what a / an。2、感叹句在表示激动强烈的感情时,口语中常常采用省略句,其后面的主语和谓语往往略去。What a fine day!多么晴朗的天呀。3、what引导的感叹句是可以转化成为how引导的感叹句的。只不过需要注意的是how后面只能加形容词,那么像bushy hair或是amazing moves当中的名词: hair和moves就得剥离出来,放在主语的位置。
2023-06-05 11:12:112


i thought i don"t know
2023-06-05 11:12:445


问题一:粗的用英语怎么说 vulger 问题二:10级的牛头酋长VS10山丘之王。谁会赢? 各位,你们了这么说,我觉得都没说到点子上! 无论是谁厉害,最主要不取决于技能,也不取决于打法! 因为这些都很简单!技能与打法谁不会呢??? 那么,最主要的是Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!!!! 只要有钱,我一样可以用任何一方胜另一方! 问题三:粗的用英语怎么说? thick 英[θ?k] 美[θu026ak] adj. 浓的,茂密的; 厚的,粗大的; 稠密的; 不透明的; adv. 密集地; 不清晰地; 〈口〉太过分; 频频地,时常; n. 最厚的部分; 最活跃或最激烈的部分; 〈口〉笨蛋; 〈俚〉可可粉; [例句]For breakfast I had a thick slice of bread and syrup 早餐我吃了一片厚厚的涂了糖浆的面包。 [其他] 比较级:thicker 最高级:thickest 问题四:“粗”的英文怎么写? vulgar unfinished thick rude rough coarse crude 都是...不知道你要的是什么状态下的 或者形容什么的? 形容词 1. (长条东西直径大的) wide (in diameter); thick: 例句: a thick rod;粗竿 a thick rope;粗绳 2. (长条东西两长边的距离宽的) wide (in breadth); thick: 例句: bushy eyebrows and big eyes;粗眉大眼 thick lines粗线条 3. (颗粒大; 毛糙) coarse; crude; rough: 例句: coarse cloth;粗布 rough, work-soiled hands;粗黑的手 4. (声音大而低) gruff; husky: 例句: a husky voice;粗嗓子 a deep, gruff voice粗声大气 5. (疏忽; 不周密) careless; negligent: 例句: usually careless, but quite sharp at times; crude in most matters, but subtle in some粗中有细 6. (鲁莽; 粗野) rude; unrefined; vulgar: 例句: speak rudely; use coarse language说话很粗 副词 (略微; 稍微) roughly; slightly: 例句: be roughly in shape;粗具规模 can read and write a little粗通文字 问题五:这么长,这么粗, 用英语怎么说啊 正确的翻译:“So long, so coarse” 问题六:形容东西很粗用英文怎么说 粗糙用rough 粗大用thick 问题七:粗的,细的,用英文怎么说? fat thin 问题八:粗和细用英文怎么读? 粗:thick 细:thin 问题九:“粗的”,英语用什么单词怎么表达 粗的 [词典] [医] coarse; sross; [例句]他认识的一位女孩对他越来越粗的腰身说三道四,这让他心里很不痛快。 A girl he knew had upset him by menting on his increasing girth. 问题十:"细"用英语怎么说" thick and thin (直径粗大、细小的粗细)thick为粗,thin为细 rough and fine (皮纹粗糙、细嫩的粗细)rough为粗,fine为细 coarse and delicate (仪态粗野、细嫩的粗细)coarse为粗,delicate为细
2023-06-05 11:12:571


  黄金大胡子喂养方法:  ①"饲料的选择会间接影响鱼的健康,夏天西瓜皮、冬天黄瓜,黄金大胡子和绝大多数的异形一样原本是偏素食主义者,所以大家在喂食人工饲料时可以偏素食的;  ②养黄金大胡子是一种健康、好养的鱼种,对水质并无特别的要求,值得注意的是病鱼的处理和新鱼进缸时的水质、温度骤变。 通常健康的鱼只PH值在6.0~7.5大致上都没有问题,而硬度也在一般即可,温度在22-30之间。  黄金大胡子,英文名:Yellow ancistrus, Bushy Nose Plecostomus,学名:Ancistrus sp. temmincki,原产于南美洲。
2023-06-05 11:13:056

有一首英文歌开头几句是“I am I,you are you,we are we"

我帮你找到了 请详细看下歌词 下载地址再后面 === 词曲作者找了很久才找到,大部分网页是用的various,中文就是集体创作。google很久以后才发现原作词是Bruce Woodley和Dobe Newton,作曲是Bruce Woodley。他们两个是60年代一帮年轻人在墨尔本专门发展澳洲民谣歌曲的组织the seekers的成员。The Seekers成立后不断在澳洲有所成就而且在美国和英国各地的排行榜上也大红大紫,其中最著名的成员是歌手Judith Durham。1964年11月发行的I"ll never find another you同时在英国澳洲排行第一在美国排第4,卖掉一百7十5万张唱片,成为澳洲历史上第一个在3个国家同时上榜前5名的乐队。1967年这个乐队还被授予当年的最佳澳大利亚人奖(Australians of the year),同年在墨尔本的演唱会吸引了20万人参加,又创造了当时的澳大利亚最多人参加演唱会纪录。 I Am/We are Australian这首歌集合了澳洲历史的很多经典时刻,名人和文化,融合澳大利亚的特定背景,使它也成为澳洲著名的爱国歌曲之一。由于喜爱它的歌迷人数巨大,也有一批人要求把它替换成国歌(为什么好歌都要做国歌才行呢?)。虽然不是国歌,它还是在无数次澳大利亚国庆日被无数澳大利亚人同声歌唱。 澳大利亚最大的电讯公司Telstra(相当于中国电信)从2003年橄榄球世界杯在澳洲举行开始用这首歌作为公司的广告歌。 第一段介绍土著人是澳洲最早的居民在红土海岸上生活了4000年;第2段开始外来移民开始进入澳洲,不同职业带着不同梦想;第3段做过了澳大利亚的文化精华,提到Albert Namatjira(澳洲土著艺术家,第一位土著澳大利亚国籍授予者),Ned Kelly(澳大利亚铁衣义侠最终被绞死),Clancy on the horse是指澳大利亚著名作家A B (Benjo) Paterson的名诗clancy of the overflow。 I Am/We are Australian I came from the dream time, from the dusty red soil plains, I am the ancient heart - the keeper of the flame, I stood upon the rocky shore, I watched the tall ships come, For forty thousand years I"d been the first Australian. We are one but we are many And from all the lands on earth we come, we share a dream, And sing with one voice, I am, you are, we are Australian. I came upon the prison ship bound down by iron chains I cleared the land, endured the lash and waited for the rains. I"m a settler, I"m a farmer"s wife on a dry and barren run A convict then a free man, I became Australian. I"m the daughter of a digger who sought the mother lode The girl became a woman on the long and dusty road I"m a child of the depression, I saw the good times come I"m a bushy, I"m a battler, I am Australian. We are one but we are many And from all the lands on earth we come, we share a dream, And sing with one voice, I am, you are, we are Australian. I"m a teller of stories, I"m a singer of songs I am Albert Namatjira, and I paint the ghostly gums I am Clancy on his horse, I"m Ned Kelly on the run I"m the one who waltzed Matilda, I am Australian. I"m the hot wind from the desert, I"m the black soil of the plains I"m the mountains and the valleys, I"m the drought and flooding rains I am the rock, I am the sky, the rivers when they run The spirit of this great land, I am Australian. We are one but we are many And from all the lands on earth we come, we share a dream, And sing with one voice, I am, you are, we are Australian.
2023-06-05 11:13:331


2023-06-05 11:14:0011


2023-06-05 11:14:278


健康还是不健康?健康的食物能给你带来丰富的营养。水果和蔬菜也属于食物。不健康的食物与健康的食物是对立的,尽管味道不错,但它会给你带来很多脂肪和糖分,一下几种食品,它们是不是健康的食品呢?爆米花爆米花是玉米制成的。它的纤维含量很高,热量却很低。但味道却不怎样。因此人们喜欢给爆米花加上糖,盐和黄油,使得爆米花更美味。但这种美味的食品真的健康吗?油炸鱼条鱼条的内部是非常有营养的。但它油炸过的表皮却完全有害。它含有大约20种有害的成分。当你在一家快餐店吃油炸鱼条时,这对你完全没有好处。比萨比萨很美味。但一些人使用便宜和油腻的配料代替健康和新鲜的配料来制作比萨。这种比萨含有大量的防腐剂。现在你觉得比萨怎样?愚人节玩得愉快 闹钟在房里某个角落响起来的时候,我醒了。问题是:我根本找不到它。房间里到处都找遍了,最后发现它在我的床底。时钟上面显示的是凌晨三点。我完全没必要提前四个小时起来。 我往镜子里一看,发现我很快长出了恐怖的眉毛和浓密的胡子。接着,我听到了房间外传来咯咯的笑声。我的弟弟坐在地板上笑着。他手里拿着我妈妈的化妆笔。他居然在我的脸上画了眉毛和胡子! “愚人节快乐!”他大喊着并像只兔子一样跑了。 4月1日,世界上很多国家都会庆祝愚人节。人们不知道这个奇怪的节日诞生的原因和时间,但却尝试着用一些有趣的玩笑捉弄他们的朋友和家人。 愚人节最重要的一件事情就是快乐!别把玩笑开得太大也别追究别人的责任。提前做好准备,明年一定要把今年整过你的人整回来!
2023-06-05 11:14:465


粗野的比赛的英文:rough playrough是什么意思:adj. 粗糙的;未经加工的;粗鲁的;狂暴的;粗略的;艰苦的n. 高低不平的地面;艰苦;未经加工的材料v. 使粗糙;粗暴对待;草拟adv. 粗暴地;艰苦地trees with rough bark; rough ground; a rough ride; rough skin; rough blankets; his unsmooth face; unsmooth writing.有着粗糙树皮的树;粗糙的地面;粗野的驾驶;粗糙的皮肤;粗毛毯子;不光滑的脸;不流畅的作品。 Rough Bushy eyebrows浓密的粗眉Take the rough with the smoothThe boys on that street are a rough crew. 那条街上的男孩是一群粗野的孩子。The roughness of his chin.他下巴的粗糙不光滑。play是什么意思:v. 装扮;戏弄;参加;同…比赛;玩;打出;发挥作用;演奏;播放;扮演n. 戏剧,剧本;比赛;玩耍,游戏represent a play再上演某剧 play around with在一起厮混|玩弄|戏弄 Play havoc with搅乱,破坏He played a small part in the play. 他在这出戏里演一个小角色。 If you are playing cards, you are playing a game using cards.纸牌游戏就是用纸牌来玩的一种游戏。
2023-06-05 11:15:021

bright-eyed and bushy-tailed 是什么意思?

眼睛明亮的 尾巴松软的
2023-06-05 11:15:114


The biggest mammal is blue whale.-------------The blue whale is the largest animal that ever lived on Earth. It is also the loudest animal on Earth. These enormous mammals eat tiny organisms, like plankton and krill, which they sieve through baleen. They live in pods (small groups). These gray-blue whales have 2 blowholes and a 2-14 inch (5-30 cm) thick layer of blubber.Blue whales are rorqual whales, whales that have pleated throat grooves that allow their throat to expand during the huge intake of water during filter feeding. Blue whales have 50-70 throat grooves that run from the throat to mid-body.SIZEBlue whales grow to be about 80 feet (25 m) long on average, weighing about 120 tons (109 tonnes). The largest specimen found was a female 94 feet (29 m) long weighing more 174 tons (158 tonnes). The females are larger than males, as with all baleen whales. The largest of the blue whales (150 tons) has a heart that weighs about 1,000 pounds (450 kg) and has 14,000 pounds (6,400 kg) of blood circulating in its body. The heart is about the size of a Volkswagon bug car. A human could crawl through the aorta (a major blood vessel).LOUDNESSBlue whales are the loudest animals on Earth! Their call reaches levels up to 188 decibels. This low-frequency whistle can be heard for hundreds of miles. The blue whale is louder than a jet, which reaches only 140 decibels! Human shouting is 70 decibels; sounds over 120 decibels are painful to human ears. SKIN, SHAPE AND FINSThe blue whale"s skin is usually blue-gray with white-gray spots. The underbelly has brown, yellow, or gray specks. During the winter in cold waters, diatoms stick to the underbelly, giving it a yellow to silver- to sulfur-colored sheen; they are sometimes called "sulfur bottom."They have a very small, falcate (sickle-shaped) dorsal fin that is located near the flukes (tail). Blue whales have long, thin flippers 8 feet long (2.4 m) and flukes that are 25 feet (7.6 m) wide. DIET AND BALEENBlue whales (like all baleen whales) are seasonal feeders and carnivores that filter feed tiny crustaceans (krill, copepods, etc.), plankton, and small fish from the water. They are gulpers, filter feeders that alternatively swim then gulp a mouthful of plankton or fish - they lunge into dense groups of small sea organisms (krill or tiny fish) with an open mouth. 50 to 70 throat pleats allow the throat to expand a great deal, forming a gular pouch. The water is then forced through the baleen plates hanging from the upper jaw. The baleen catches the food, acting like a sieve.The blue whale has about 320 pairs of black baleen plates with dark gray bristles in the blue whale"s jaws. They are about 39 inches long (1 m), 21 inches wide (53 cm), and weigh 200 pounds (90 kg). The tongue weighs 4 tons (3.8 tonnes).An average-sized blue whale will eat 2,000-9,000 pounds (900-4100 kg) of plankton each day during the summer feeding season in cold, arctic waters ( about 120 days). SOCIAL GROUPSBlue whales live individually or in very small pods (groups). They frequently swim in pairs.DIVINGBlue whales can dive for up to an hour, going to a depth of 350 feet (105 m).这个够长么?再长写不下了The most foul-smelling mammal is skunk.The tallest mammal is giraffe.The smallest mammal is shrew.The fastest mammal is panther. (The fastest dashing mammal is panther while the fastest runner is ariel species.)
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Squirrel (松鼠)IntroductionA squirrel is one of the many small or medium-sized rodents in the family Sciuridae. In the English-speaking world, "squirrel" commonly refers to members of this family"s genera Sciurus and Tamiasciurus, which are tree squirrels with large bushy tails, indigenous to Asia, the Americas and Europe. Similar genera are found in Africa. The Sciuridae family also include flying squirrels, as well as ground squirrels such as the chipmunks, prairie dogs, and woodchucks. Members of the family Anomaluridae are sometimes misleadingly referred to as "scaly-tailed flying squirrels" although they are not closely related to the true squirrels.1)Any of various arboreal rodents of the genus Sciurus and related genera of the family Sciuridae, having a long flexible bushy tail and including the fox squirrel, gray squirrel, and red squirrel. Also called tree squirrel 松鼠:一种松鼠 属森林啮齿目动物和与松鼠科有亲缘关系的种属,有一条长长的灵活的刷子式尾巴,包括狸鼠、灰松鼠和红松鼠 也作 tree squirrel2)Any of various other rodents of the family Sciuridae, as the ground squirrel or the flying squirrel.松鼠科动物:属于松鼠科的其它种类的啮齿目动物,如地鼠或飞鼠
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1. apple-polisher 马屁精. 例如she is a real apple-polisher for the way she"s crawling around the boss and making eyes at him. (她是一个马屁精整天围着老板眉来眼去的) 2. as busy as a bee 象蜜蜂忙忙碌碌的 3. as graceful as a swan 象天鹅姿态优雅的 4. as gentle as a lamb 象羊羔性情温顺的 5. as cunning as a fox 象狐狸一样狡猾的6. as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 7. i"m beat. 我非常疲乏 8. beat gums 空洞无物用处不大!连篇的讲话 9. bell the cat 为众人的利益承担风险 10. black sheep 害群之马 11. buddy, where is john 要上厕所? 12. bungee jumping 蹦极跳 13. stop bugging me, man! 喂别烦我了 14. blue collar 蓝领 15. white collar 白领 16. pink collar 粉领族指和蓝领体力工人相当的女性工人 17. gold-collar workers 金领族 18. dog-eared books 读得卷了边的书 19. dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠 20. dog-tired 像狗一样的累 21. dog watch 夜班 22. old dog 上了岁数的人老手 23. a sly dog 偷鸡摸狗者 24. a yellow dog 杂种狗卑鄙可耻的小人 25. a big dog 看门狗保镖要人 26. you"re a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿 27. hot dog 热狗 28. dog nose 啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒 29. a dog in a blanket 葡萄卷饼或卷布丁 30. as faithful as a dog 像狗一般的忠诚在西方文化中狗是"忠实卖力辛劳"的化身 31. he that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea. 近朱者赤近墨者黑 32. a good dog deserves a good bone. 西方人论功行赏时常说"好狗应有好骨头" 33. a dog in the manger 占着马槽不拉屎 34. honey, i forget to duck. 亲爱的我忘记闪开了 35. eat crow 由于夸大其词或过分自信最后不得不承认错误 36. eat his words 食言 37. out at elbows 捉襟见肘 38. elbow one"s way 用胳膊肘挤来挤去为自己开道 39. get a black eye 被别人打青了眼睛 40. mind your eye 叫别人当心 41. blink our eyes 眨眼睛 42. flash our eyes at sth. 瞟一眼 43. make eyes 抛媚眼 44. cast sheep"s eye 暗送秋波 45. you have an eye for something. 有眼光有见解 46. finely arched eyebrows 纤细的弓形眉 47. pencil the eyebrows 描眉 48. eyebrow pencil 眉笔 49. rough bushy eyebrows 浓密的粗眉 50. eyelash grower 睫毛膏 51. eyelash curler 卷睫毛器 52. without turning an eyelash 泰然自若不动声色 53. not bat an eyelid 没合眼睡觉 54. not bat an eyelid 对事情泰然自若 55. hang on by the eyelids 事情危在旦夕 56. face the music 不得不接受惩罚承担后果必须承受出现的局面 57. a matter of face 面子攸关的事情 58. lose face 丢面子 例如he knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it for fear of losing face. (他知道自己错了但却不肯承认错误因为怕失去面子) 59. save one"s face 挽回面子 60. pull a long face 拉长了脸 61. make a face at you 对你做个鬼脸 62. have the face 厚颜无耻. 例如i"m so surprised that you have the face to do so! 你怎么有脸做出这样的事 63. cold fish 态度冷冰冰没有热情的人 64. drink like a fish 牛饮 65. flats 平跟鞋 66. footfall 客流量 例如we strive to show booksellers what we are doing to support them and drive footfall into their stores. (我们要努力向图书商展示我们将如何支持他们并使更多的客人进入他们的商店) 68. green eyed 嫉妒 69. green finger thumb ?把大伙干不好的活都干得漂漂亮亮. 例如a person with green finger has a magic touch that makes plants grow well and quickly. (长着绿手指的人是有魔法的只要他一碰植物就长的又快又好) 70. green hand 生手. 例如i"m still green at my job. (我依然是个新手) 71. green light 允许许可. 例如i"m only waiting for the green light from you. 我在等您的允许 72. green revolution 绿色革命. 例如these developing countries produced enough food to serve their people after (绿色革命后这些发展中国家就生产出足够的粮食来满足国民的需要) 74. the green years 青春年华 75. he is ripe in years but green in heart. 形容某人是老当益壮 76. lose your heart to someone 和某人谈恋爱 77. lack heart 缺乏勇气 78. win your heart 赢得你的心 79. broken heart 破碎的心 80. heart of stone 石头心肠 81. pour out your heart 倾吐你的心事 82. have a heart 可怜可怜你 83. his heart in the right place 他的心肠是很好的 84. not to wear your heart on your sleeve 不要太情绪化 85. don"t take the failure to your heart. 别为失败而难过 86. lose heart 失去信心 87. your heart of gold 金子般的心美好心灵 88. write a letter to her and declared your heart. 写信表达爱慕之情 89. don"t let your heart get cold. 不要让你的热情冷却下来 90. a man after her own heart 正和她心意的人 91. put your heart at rest 放下心来 92. straight from the horse"s mouth 来自权威和可靠的消息 93. i was welcomed with open arms. 我被热烈欢迎 94. jargon 行话 95. keep a good house 招待周到. 例如i haven"t got a good house, but i"ll keep a good house. (我没有好的房子但我会招待周到的) 96. kill someone with kindness 热情的让人受不了 97. know sth. like the palm of one"s hand 了如指掌 98. lashes 睫毛 99. lead a cat-and-dog life 过着不和睦的敌对的生活 100. lead a double life 婚外恋婚外情 101. leather boots 皮靴 102. love at first sight 一见钟情 103. lummox 傻大个儿. 例如the lummox has loused up their company"s whole business. (那个傻大个儿把公司买卖搞的一团糟.) 104. lean meat 瘦肉 105. fat meat 肥肉 106. salted meat 咸肉 107. fresh meat 鲜肉 108. smoked meat (bacon) 熏肉 109. strong meat 难以消化的食品难理解的事物 110. grill the meat 在烤架上把肉烤得滋滋冒油 111. fry the meat 把肉炒一下 112. a meaty book 一本有实际内容的好书 113. you young monkey 小淘气鬼 114. stop monkeying with my camera! 别摆弄我的相机 115. make a mokey (out) of 愚弄耍弄. 例如you suddenly realized that you had been made a monkey (out) of by your opponents. (你就会突然发现自己被对手给耍了) 116. monkey business 耍些骗人的把戏捣鬼. 例如you suspected monkey business at the polls. (你怀疑选举投票中有鬼) 117. monkey 代表500 美元. 例如he won a monkey at the horse races. (他在跑马中赢了500 美元) 118. nature calls 要上厕所 119. pain in the neck 讨厌恶心. 例如you gave me an awful pain in the neck. (你真让我觉得讨厌) 120. up to one"s neck 忙的不可开交 121. break one"s neck 努力地拼命地做事. 例如i"m really up to my neck in my work today, i couldn"t get away from the office till 6:30. so i had to break my neck to get to my sister"s engagement party at 7 o"clock. (我今天忙得不可开交因为我不能6 30 下班所以我必须拼命地做事才能参加我妹妹7 00 的订 婚宴会) 123. save one"s neck 免受苦难或惩罚. 例如the fighter planes saved our necks. (空军的战斗机保全了我们的生命) 124. crane one"s neck to see sth. 伸长脖子看什么东西 125. never say uncle 嘴硬不肯服输不肯承认 例如i refused to say uncle no matter how they threatened me. (无论他们怎样吓唬我我都不肯服输) 126. tom never says uncle. 例如he wouldn"t admit he"s wrong for the life of him. (汤姆的嘴特硬打死都不肯承认错误) 127. nitpicker 爱吹毛求疵的人 nitpicker means a kind of person who always criticizes. 128. others by noticing small and unimportant differences 129. one track-minded 单轨思维大脑不灵活缺乏灵活的思维能力. 例如if you are a track-minded person, you will not understand what i intend. (如果你是一根筋的人你就无法领会我的意图了) 130. one"s cup of tea 某人喜欢的事情. 例如that"s not my cup of tea. (那不是我喜欢的事) 131. i hope you"ll soon be in the pink again. 我希望你早点恢复健康 132. play the woman 撒娇 133. pupil 瞳孔 134. his right man 他的得力助手 135. the last rose of summer 夏天的最后一朵玫瑰 136. the way-side rose 路边的玫瑰 137. the rose of the party 晚会上最美丽最引人注目的女孩 138. everything is comimg up roses. 自己经历的每件事都非常顺利圆满. 139. life is not all roses. 人生并不是十全十美 140. no rose without a thorn. 没有不带刺的玫瑰 141. rosy view 乐观看法 142. rosy prospect 美好前景 143. have roses in your cheeks 面色红润 144. sandals 凉鞋 145. set the world on fire 一些震撼世界的杰出成就 146. platform shoes 厚底鞋 147. lace up your shoes 系鞋带 148. common as an old shoe 不摆架子平易近人 149. be in another"s shoes 处于别人的位置 150. die in shoes 暴死街头 151. my shoes bite (me). 鞋子穿了脚疼 152. hiking shoes 旅游鞋 153. sports shoes (sneakers) 运动鞋 154. for a song 很便宜. 例如i bought this house for a song. (我以很便宜的价格卖了这座房子) 155. soul mate 性情相同的人精神上的伙伴性情相同. 例如i wouldn"t marry anyone until i run into a soul mate of mine. (碰不到性情相同的人决不结婚) 156. it"s a steal! 真便宜 157. stew 用小火慢慢地炖 158. sticky business 让人左右为难的事情 159. two-faced 两面派. 例如how could he be so two-faced? (他怎么能这么阴一套阳一套的) 160. in hot water 处在困境之中 161. in smooth water 进入顺境 162. spend money like water 花钱大手大脚 163. pour cold water on your idea 向你的这个想法浇点冷水 164. wedge heel 坡跟鞋 165. wolf down his food 狼吞虎咽地吃东西 166. cry wolf 谎言欺人. 例如that politician cries wolf in every speech he makes. (那个政治家在他的每篇演说中都发出的警报) 167. from the word go 立刻马上. 例如when mary and i met, i was dazzled. but i learned right away we had nothing in common. i knew from the word go it wouldn"t work no matter how beautiful she was (当我和玛丽初次见面时我被她迷住了但很快我知道我们没有任何共同之处 我马上意识到不管她有多么漂亮我们之间都不会有结果)
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bushy 英[bu028au0283i] 美[u02c8bu028au0283i] adj. (毛发或毛皮) 浓密的; (植物) 茂密的; 灌木似的; [例句]Pinch out the tips of the young growths to make for compact, bushy plants.掐掉幼株的芽尖以便让它们长得紧凑浓密,呈丛生状。[其他] 比较级:bushier 最高级:bushiest
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Moses beard指的是飘在胸前的大胡子; Toothbrush moustache指的是唇上修剪得整整齐齐的胡子(也称clipped moustache) Pencil-like moustache指的是唇上修剪得两头尖式样的胡子; Becoming moustache指的是年轻人刚刚长出来的胡子; Side-whiskers/ side-beard把角比较短的连胡子; Stubbly beard/ bristles指下巴颏上的胡子茬儿; Spade beard指长方形胡须; Voluminous whiskers表示脸上有一大把颊须; Imperial指帝髯,即蓄于唇上的一小缕胡须 Birse表示几根胡子茬; falsie表示假胡须; artificial whiskers表示中国京剧演员的胡子; 此外,beaver也可用来形容大胡子的人,至于圣诞老人的大胡子则用cascading white beard表示 形容胡子生长的情况,可用heavy bearded, high bearded这样的短语; 形容胡须浓密,可用bushy, dense, heavy, rough, shaggy, thick等; 形容胡须稀疏,可用light, scanty, sparse等; 形容胡须杂乱,可用matted, straggling等
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beard 络腮胡子; moustache 八字须
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dark/fair skin--黑/白皮肤脸型:round/square/oval face眉毛:bushy浓/pale 淡丹凤眼:slimed eyes, 长睫毛: long eyelashessingle/double eyelids--单/双眼皮鼻子:straight / pug / pointeed / sharp nosecherry lips 樱桃小嘴, thin/ full lips--薄/厚嘴唇
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An AlphabetEdward LearAA was once an apple pie,PidyWidyTidyPidyNice insidyApple Pie!BB was once a little bear,Beary!Wary!Hairy!Beary!Taky cary!Little Bear!CC was once a little cake,CakyBakyMakyCakyTaky Caky,Little Cake!DD was once a little doll,DollyMollyPollyNollyNursy DollyLittle Doll!EE was once a little eel,Eely,WeelyPeelyEelyTwirly, TweedyLittle Eel!FF was once a little fish,FishyWishySquishyFishyIn a DishyLittle Fish!GG was once a little goose,GoosyMoosyBoosyGooseyWaddly-woosyLittle Goose!HH was once a little hen,HennyChennyTennyHennyEggsy-anyLittle Hen?II was once a bottle of ink,InkyDinkyThinkyInkyBlack MinkyBottle of Ink!JJ was once a jar of jam,JammyMammyClammyJammySweety-SwammyJar of Jam!KK was once a little kite,KityWhityFlightyKityOut of sighty-Little Kite!LL was once a little lark,Larky!Marky!Harky!Larky!In the Parky,Little Lark!MM was once a little mouse,MouseyBouseySousyMousyIn the HousyLittle Mouse!NN was once a little needle,NeedlyTweedlyThreedlyNeedlyWisky-wheedlyLittle Needle!OO was once a little owl,OwlyProwlyHowlyOwlyBrowny fowlyLittle Owl!PP was once a little pump,PumpySlumpyFlumpyPumpyDumpy, ThumpyLittle Pump!QQ was once a little quail,QuailyFailyDailyQuailyStumpy-tailyLittle Quail!RR was once a little rose,RosyPosyNosyRosyBows-y - grows-yLittle Rose!SS was once a little shrimp,ShrimpyNimpyFlimpyShrimpyJumpy-jimpyLittle Shrimp!TT was once a little thrush,Thrushy!Hushy!Bushy!Thrushy!Flitty-FlushyLittle Thrush!UU was once a little urn,UrnyBurnyTurnyUrnyBubbly-burnyLittle Urn!VV was once a little vine,VinyWinyTwinyVinyTwisty-twinyLittle Vine!WW was once a whale,WhalyScalyShalyWhalyTumbly-tailyMighty Whale!XX was once a great king Xerxes,XerxyPerxyTurxyXerxyLinxy LurxyGreat King Xerxes!YY was once a little yew,YewdyFewdyCrudyYewdyGrowdy, grewdy,Little Yew!ZZ was once a piece of zinc,TinkyWinkyBlinkyTinkyTinkly MinkyPiece of Zinc!
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tail,读音:英 [teu026al],美 [teu026al]。释义:sn. 后部;尾巴;尾部;辫子;跟随者。vt. 跟踪;盯... 的梢;为... 装尾巴。vi. 尾随;附于其后;逐渐减少。例句:Lizards have four legs and a long tail.蜥蜴有四条腿和一条长尾巴。短语:put a tail on sb 派人暗中跟踪某人。turn tail 转身逃跑。bushy tail 蓬松的尾巴。tail wisely 明智地跟踪。tail的近义词trail读音:英 [treu026al],美 [treu026al]。释义:n. 踪迹;小径;尾;一系列。vi. 拖;落后于。vt. 追踪;拖拽;尾随。例句:The dogs found the trail of the rabbit.猎狗发现了兔子的踪迹。短语:make a trail 开拓道路。steep trail 陡径。winding trail 蜿蜒的小径。mountain trails 山路。
2023-06-05 11:18:391


问题一:粗的用英语怎么说 vulger 问题二:这么长,这么粗, 用英语怎么说啊 正确的翻译:“So long, so coarse” 问题三:10级的牛头酋长VS10山丘之王。谁会赢? 各位,你们了这么说,我觉得都没说到点子上! 无论是谁厉害,最主要不取决于技能,也不取决于打法! 因为这些都很简单!技能与打法谁不会呢??? 那么,最主要的是Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!!!! 只要有钱,我一样可以用任何一方胜另一方! 问题四:“粗”的英文怎么写? vulgar unfinished thick rude rough coarse crude 都是...不知道你要的是什么状态下的 或者形容什么的? 形容词 1. (长条东西直径大的) wide (in diameter); thick: 例句: a thick rod;粗竿 a thick rope;粗绳 2. (长条东西两长边的距离宽的) wide (in breadth); thick: 例句: bushy eyebrows and big eyes;粗眉大眼 thick lines粗线条 3. (颗粒大; 毛糙) coarse; crude; rough: 例句: coarse cloth;粗布 rough, work-soiled hands;粗黑的手 4. (声音大而低) gruff; husky: 例句: a husky voice;粗嗓子 a deep, gruff voice粗声大气 5. (疏忽; 不周密) careless; negligent: 例句: usually careless, but quite sharp at times; crude in most matters, but subtle in some粗中有细 6. (鲁莽; 粗野) rude; unrefined; vulgar: 例句: speak rudely; use coarse language说话很粗 副词 (略微; 稍微) roughly; slightly: 例句: be roughly in shape;粗具规模 can read and write a little粗通文字 问题五:形容东西很粗用英文怎么说 粗糙用rough 粗大用thick 问题六:粗的用英语怎么说? thick 英[θ?k] 美[θu026ak] adj. 浓的,茂密的; 厚的,粗大的; 稠密的; 不透明的; adv. 密集地; 不清晰地; 〈口〉太过分; 频频地,时常; n. 最厚的部分; 最活跃或最激烈的部分; 〈口〉笨蛋; 〈俚〉可可粉; [例句]For breakfast I had a thick slice of bread and syrup 早餐我吃了一片厚厚的涂了糖浆的面包。 [其他] 比较级:thicker 最高级:thickest 问题七:粗和细用英文怎么读? 粗:thick 细:thin 问题八:我将会有一双粗壮有力的手臂的英文 我将会有一双粗壮有力的手臂 英文: I will have a pair of powerful arms. 问题九:‘粗"用英语怎么说 粗糙用rough 粗大用thick 没有 字典么? 问题十:加粗 英语怎么说 Bold
2023-06-05 11:18:531


  学英语, 最有趣的大概就是可以讲到很多俚语。你们知道有哪些简单的英语俚语呢?接下来就请跟随我一起来学习一下吧。   简单经典的英语俚语   I have the ball at my feet.我成功的机会就在眼前.有指望了.   All for the best.想开点,往好的方面想.   We are on the roll.我们正鸿图大展.   Get set for the final.期终考已准备好了.   Every minute counts.分秒必争.   Make the best of a bad bargain.在逆境中求胜.   A go-getter.全力以赴,以求成功的人.   Actions speak louder than words.做比说更好.   Afrai of one"s own shadow.最大的敌人---自己;对自己没有信心.   Hope against all hope.绝望中的希望   Buck up振作起来   简单的英语俚语精选   eat crow 由于夸大其词或过分自信,最后不得不承认错误。   eat his words 食言   out at elbows 捉襟见肘   elbow one"s way 用胳膊肘挤来挤去为自己开道   get a black eye 被别人打青了眼睛   mind your eye 叫别人当心   blink our eyes 眨眼睛   flash our eyes at sth. 瞟一眼   make eyes 抛媚眼   cast sheep"s eye 暗送秋波   You have an eye for something. 有眼光有见解   finely arched eyebrows 纤细的弓形眉   pencil the eyebrows 描眉   eyebrow pencil 眉笔   rough bushy eyebrows 浓密的粗眉   eyelash grower 睫毛膏   eyelash curler 卷睫毛器   without turning an eyelash 泰然自若,不动声色   not bat an eyelid 没合眼睡觉   not bat an eyelid 对事情泰然自若   hang on by the eyelids 事情危在旦夕
2023-06-05 11:19:001


问题一:松树这个英语单词怎么写 pine; pine tree; pinaster 都是松树的意思 问题二:松树用英文怎么拼 pine/ pine tree 问题三:请写一篇关于松树的英文介绍 Pine trees (the genus Pinus) are distinguished from all other tr海es by: (a) having uncovered seeds borne in pairs on the bracts of (female) cones (as do other genera of the Pinaceae family) and (b) narrow leaves (needles) arranged in bundles of 2 to 5 and with a permanent or deciduous sheath at their bases. Such bundles of needles are called fascicles (after the bundle of sticks around the axe which represented the power of the Roman senate). Pines are mostly large trees with a straight trunk with whorls of *** aller lateral branches, but they have a wide range of habits varying from tall narrow trees to *** all bushy trees to prostrate shrubs. They are generally long-lived, usually over 100 years in suitable environments. The longest living individuals of any kind are the fabled intermountain bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) which currently has living trees at least 4,800 years old. (The root systems of the creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) may be even older). All pine species are evergreen, i.e., they keep their leaves for at least two growing seasons (and up to about 30 years in the case of P. longaeva) 问题四:松字的英语单词是什么 松字的英语单词是 pine 英 [pa?n] 美 [pa?n] n. 松树;松木;凤梨,菠萝 vi. 憔悴;痛苦;渴望 vt. 为…悲哀;哀悼;消瘦;渴望,渴慕 adj. 似松的;松木的 He collided with a pine tree near the North Gate. 他撞到了北门旁边的一棵松树上。 问题五:求大量英语动植物词组,比如:pine tree(松树),arrow bamboo(箭竹),tree frog(树蛙)这类。 golden monkey金丝猴; varving hare 雪兔 【精】(锐)
2023-06-05 11:19:231

"浓眉毛" 用英文怎么说吗?

bushy eyebrowsthick eyebrows thick bushy eyebrows浓 thick, bushy
2023-06-05 11:19:443


One night Wu Gang was lying in bed. Then suddenly a loud cry for help woke him up. He looked out of the window and found his neighbour"s house was on fire.Wu Gang hurried to telephone 119 for help. Then he ran out at once. He saw many people trying t。 pu
2023-06-05 11:20:002


Her pfe closed in a gentle dream . 她的生命是在一个温柔的梦里终止的。 These were gentle and cleansing tears . 这是温柔而净化心灵的泪。 She gave my hand a gentle squeeze . 她握著我的手,轻轻捏了捏。 He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder . 他觉得有人用手轻轻按了按自己的肩。 It was the gentlest kind of chiding . 这是一种最最温和的申斥。 The natives were kind and gentle . 当地的人很和善,也很斯文。 Warm winds blow and gentle rains fall . 和风送爽,小雨缤纷。 There came a gentle tap on the door . 门上有了轻微的敲门声。 He had a bony gentle face with bushy eyebrows . 他的脸憔悴,温和,眉毛很浓。 She had a gentle voice and pensive expression . 她有柔和的声音和深思的表情。 But he had a gentle disposition . 但他的性情却很温柔。 A gentle breeze stirred the leaves . 微风吹动了树叶。 Being gentle and cultivated is just a scholar "s attitude . 温文尔雅正是学者的态度。 Possession is a gentle term . 占有是一个委婉的名词。 The wind is gentle and the sun radiant . 风和日丽。 He"s quiet and gentle . 他举止高雅,待人很有礼貌。 The foothills began as gentle rolls in the plain . 大平原上起初地势偶尔有些平缓的起伏。 Marx was a loving, gentle and considerate father . 马克思是一位温和、慈祥、宽厚的父亲。 He felt clean and gentle . 他心里感到清楚平静了。 Marx was a loving, gentle and considerate father . 马克思是一位温和,慈祥,宽厚的父亲。 The gentle rolpng motion of the ship made me feel sleepy . 船身的轻微摇动使我昏昏欲睡。 He was a thoughtful fellow, gentle and encouraging . 他是个思想丰富的人,文雅而又鼓舞人。 His reign was a gentle one . 他在位时期很太平。 A weary gentle repef was spreading through his body . 周身在疲惫之中微微有一种松快之感。 A quiet and gentle man, had been so shabbily treated . 一个温文尔雅的人,竟受到这样怠慢。 Lena"s good looks and gentle manners appealed to him . 他对莉娜的美貌和文雅风度很有好感。 Ethel is cheerful and adaptable, as well as gentle . 埃蒂尔不光是性情温柔,而且爽朗随和。 Engpsh bees are gentle and inoffensive creatures . 英国蜜蜂是一种温顺的、不伤害人的生物。 His voice was gentle . 他说话的声音和蔼可亲。 She was gentle with her hands . 她双手轻巧。 Retraction will be required and should be as gentle as possible . 还需要牵引,要尽可能轻柔。 The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly . 该艺术家把她那温柔的笑容表现得惟妙惟肖。 She was a gentle person with some talent for acting . 她是一个温文尔雅的人,有一定的表演才能。 There was an appeal in his voice, soft and gentle . 他的语音里含著恳求的意味,又温柔,又亲切。 Therefore, he shook his head in the most gentle negative . 因此,他以最柔和的态度摇头表示否定。 In the gentle condition of blood, you should so know me . 你即是出身高贵的人,也该同样的认识我。 You have gentle hands . 你有双柔和的手。 The fair and gentle eulape has bee my blushing bride . 美丽温柔的尤拉丽亚成了我羞答答的新娘。 A very low and gentle rap received no answer from within . 一个很低很轻的剥琢没有得到里面的答复。 A gentle breeze is blowing . 微风习习。
2023-06-05 11:20:071

beach boys的Surfing USA的歌词。

Beach Boys - Surfin" Usa If everybody had an oceanAcross the U.S.A.Then everybody"d be surfin"Like Californ-i-aYou"d seem "em wearing their baggiesHuarachi sandals tooA bushy bushy blonde hairdoSurfin" U.S.A.You"d catch "em surfin" at Del Mar(Inside outside U.S.A.)Ventura County line(Inside outside U.S.A.)Santa Cruz and Trestles(Inside outside U.S.A.)Australia"s Narrabeen(Inside outside U.S.A.)All over Manhattan(Inside outside U.S.A.)And down Doheny way(Inside outside)Everybody"s gone surfin"Surfin" U.S.A.We"ll all be planning out a routeWe"re gonna take real soonWe"re waxing down our surfboardsWe can"t wait for JuneWe"ll all be gone for the summerWe"re on safari to stayTell the teacher we"re surfin"Surfin" U.S.A.Haggerty"s and Swami"s(Inside outside U.S.A)Pacific Palisades(Inside outside U.S.A)San Onofre and Sunset(Inside outside U.S.A)Redondo Beach L.A.(Inside outside U.S.A.)All over La Jolla(Inside outside U.S.A.)At Waimea Bay(Inside outside)Everybody"s gone surfin"Surfin" U.S.A.Everybody"s gone surfin" Surfin U.S.AEverybody"s gone surfin"Surfin U.S.A.Everybody"s gone surfin"Surfin" U.S.A.Yeah,Everybody"s gone surfin"Surfin" U.S.A.
2023-06-05 11:20:131

love actually英文影评

good film!
2023-06-05 11:20:322


美国俚语集锦   A   apple-polisher 马*精   例如:She is a real apple-polisher for the way she"s crawling around the boss   and making eyes at him.   她是一个马*精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。   as busy as a bee  (象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的   as graceful as a swan  (象天鹅)姿态优雅的   as gentle as a lamb  (象羊羔)性情温顺的   as cunning as a fox  (象狐狸)一样狡猾的   as poor as a church mouse  一贫如洗   B   I"m beat.  我非常疲乏。   beat gums  空洞无物、废话连篇的讲话   bell the cat  为众人的利益承担风险   black sheep  害群之马   Buddy, where is john?  要上厕所?   Bungee jumping  蹦极跳   Stop bugging me, man!   喂,别烦我了。   C   blue collar  蓝领   white collar  白领   pink collar  粉领族(指和蓝领体力工人相当的女性工人)   gold-collar workers 金领族(一般都有一技之长,对公司工作的方方面面都十分了解,甚至对公司   的利润大小和收益都有直接的重要影响。他们的工作环境优雅,职业体面,   有着丰厚的收入和稳固的经济地位)   D   dog-eared books  读得卷了边的书   dog sleep  不时惊醒的睡眠   dog-tired  像狗一样的累   dog watch  夜班   old dog  上了岁数的人、老手   a sly dog  偷鸡摸狗者   a yellow dog  杂种狗、卑鄙可耻的小人   a big dog  看门狗、保镖;要人   You"re a lucky dog!  你真是个幸运儿!   hot dog  热狗   dog nose  啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒   a dog in a blanket  葡萄卷饼或卷布丁   as faithful as a dog  像狗一般的忠诚,在西方文化中,狗是"忠实、卖力、辛劳"的化身,   He that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea.   近朱者赤,近墨者黑   A good dog deserves a good bone.   西方人论功行赏时常说"好狗应有好骨头" a   a dog in the manger  占着马槽(不拉屎)   Honey, I forget to duck.  亲爱的,我忘记闪开了。   E   eat crow  由于夸大其词或过分自信,最后不得不承认错误。   eat his words  食言   out at elbows  捉襟见肘   elbow one"s way  用胳膊肘挤来挤去为自己开道   get a black eye  被别人打青了眼睛   mind your eye  叫别人当心   blink our eyes  眨眼睛   flash our eyes at sth.  瞟一眼   make eyes  抛媚眼   cast sheep"s eye  暗送秋波   You have an eye for something.  有眼光有见解   finely arched eyebrows  纤细的弓形眉   pencil the eyebrows  描眉   eyebrow pencil  眉笔   rough bushy eyebrows  浓密的粗眉   eyelash grower  睫毛膏   eyelash curler  卷睫毛器   without turning an eyelash  泰然自若,不动声色   not bat an eyelid  没合眼睡觉   not bat an eyelid  对事情泰然自若   hang on by the eyelids  事情危在旦夕   F   face the music  不得不接受惩罚、承担后果,必须承受出现的局面   a matter of face  面子攸关的事情   lose face  丢面子   例如:He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it for fear of losing face.   他知道自己错了,但却不肯承认错误,因为怕失去面子。   save one"s face  挽回面子   pull a long face  拉长了脸   make a face at you  对你做个鬼脸   have the face  厚颜无耻   例如:I"m so surprised that you have the face to do so!   你怎么有脸做出这样的事!   cold fish  态度冷冰冰,没有热情的人。   drink like a fish  牛饮   flats  平跟鞋   footfall  客流量   例如:We strive to show booksellers what we are doing to support them and   drive footfall into their stores.   我们要努力向图书商展示我们将如何支持他们,并使更多的客人进入他们的商店。   G   green eyed  嫉妒   green finger(thumb)?把大伙干不好的活都干得漂漂亮亮   例如:A person with green finger has a magic touch that makes plants grow well and quickly.   长着绿手指的人是有魔法的,只要他一碰,植物就长的又快又好。   green hand  生手   例如: I"m still green at my job.   我依然是个新手。   green light 允许、许可   例如: I"m only waiting for the green light from you.   我在等您的允许。   green revolution  绿色革命   例如:These developing countries produced enough food to serve their people after   green revolution.   绿色革命后,这些发展中国家就生产出足够的粮食来满足国民的需要。   the green years  青春年华   H   He is ripe in years but green in heart.  形容某人是老当益壮   lose your heart to someone  和某人谈恋爱   lack heart  缺乏勇气   win your heart  赢得你的心   broken heart  破碎的心   heart of stone  石头心肠   pour out your heart  倾吐你的心事   have a heart  可怜可怜你   his heart in the right place  他的心肠是很好的   not to wear your heart on your sleeve  不要太情绪化   Don"t take the failure to your heart.  别为失败而难过   lose heart  失去信心   your heart of gold  金子般的心,美好心灵   write a letter to her and declared your heart.  写信表达爱慕之情   Don"t let your heart get cold.  不要让你的热情冷却下来   a man after her own heart  正和她心意的人   put your heart at rest  放下心来   straight from the horse"s mouth  来自权威和可靠的消息。   I   I was welcomed with open arms.  我被热烈欢迎。   J   Jargon  行话   K   keep a good house  招待周到   例如:I haven"t got a good house, but I"ll keep a good house.   我没有好的房子,但我会招待周到的。   kill someone with kindness  热情的让人受不了   know sth. like the palm of one"s hand  了如指掌   L   lashes  睫毛   lead a cat-and-dog life  过着不和睦的、敌对的生活。   lead a double life  婚外恋、婚外情   leather boots  皮靴   love at first sight  一见钟情   lummox  傻大个儿   例如:The lummox has loused up their company"s whole business.   那个傻大个儿把公司的买卖搞的一团糟.   M   lean meat  瘦肉   fat meat  肥肉   salted meat  咸肉   fresh meat  鲜肉   smoked meat (bacon)  熏肉   strong meat  难以消化的食品,难理解的事物   grill the meat  在烤架上把肉烤得滋滋冒油   fry the meat  把肉炒一下   a meaty book  一本有实际内容的好书   you young monkey  小淘气鬼   Stop monkeying with my camera!   别摆弄我的相机!   make a mokey (out) of  愚弄、耍弄   例如:You suddenly realized that you had been made a monkey (out) of by your opponents.   你就会突然发现自己被对手给耍了。   monkey business  耍些骗人的把戏、捣鬼   例如:You suspected monkey business at the polls.   你怀疑选举投票中有鬼。   Monkey  代表500美元   例如:He won a monkey at the horse races.   他在跑马中赢了500美元。   N   Nature calls  要上厕所。   pain in the neck  讨厌、恶心   例如:You gave me an awful pain in the neck.   你真让我觉得讨厌。   up to one"s neck  忙的不可开交   break one"s neck  努力地、拼命地做事   例如:I"m really up to my neck in my work today, I couldn"t get away from the office   till 6:30. So I had to break my neck to get to my sister"s engagement party at 7 o"clock.   我今天忙得不可开交,因为我不能6:30下班,所以我必须拼命地做事才能参加我妹妹   7:00的订婚宴会。   save one"s neck  免受苦难或惩罚   例如:The fighter planes saved our necks.   空军的战斗机保全了我们的生命。   crane one"s neck to see sth.  伸长脖子看什么东西   never say uncle  嘴硬,不肯服输、不肯承认。   例如:I refused to say uncle no matter how they threatened me.   无论他们怎样吓唬我,我都不肯服输。   Tom never says uncle. He wouldn"t admit he"s wrong for the life of him.   汤姆的嘴特硬,打死都不肯承认错误。   nitpicker  爱吹毛求疵的人(nitpicker means a kind of person who always criticizes   others by noticing small and unimportant differences)   O   one track-minded  单轨思维,大脑不灵活,缺乏灵活的思维能力   例如:If you are a track-minded person, you will not understand what I intend.   如果你是一根筋的人,你就无法领会我的意图了。   one"s cup of tea  某人喜欢的事情   例如:That"s not my cup of tea.   那不是我喜欢的事。   P   I hope you"ll soon be in the pink again.  我希望你早点恢复健康。   play the woman  撒娇   pupil  瞳孔   Q   R   his right man  他的得力助手   The Last Rose of Summer  夏天的最后一朵玫瑰   The Way-Side Rose  路边的玫瑰   the rose of the party  晚会上最美丽、最引人注目的女孩   Everything is comimg up roses.  自己经历的每件事都非常顺利、圆满.   Life is not all roses.  人生并不是十全十美。   No rose without a thorn.  没有不带刺的玫瑰;   rosy view  乐观看法   rosy prospect  美好前景   have roses in your cheeks  面色红润   S   sandals  凉鞋   set the world on fire  一些震撼世界的杰出成就   platform shoes  厚底鞋   lace up your shoes  系鞋带   common as an old shoe  不摆架子,平易近人   be in another"s shoes  处于别人的位置   die in shoes  暴死街头   My shoes bite (me).  鞋子穿了脚疼   hiking shoes  旅游鞋   sports shoes (sneakers)  运动鞋   for a song  很便宜   例如:I bought this house for a song.   我以很便宜的价格卖了这座房子。   soul mate 性情相同的人、精神上的伙伴、性情相同   例如:I wouldn"t marry anyone until I run into a soul mate of mine.   碰不到性情相同的人决不结婚。   It"s a steal!  真便宜   stew  用小火慢慢地炖   sticky business  让人左右为难的事情   T   two-faced  两面派   例如:How could he be so two-faced? 他怎么能这么阴一套阳一套的?   U   V   W   in hot water  处在困境之中   in smooth water  进入顺境   spend money like water  花钱大手大脚   pour cold water on your idea  向你的这个想法浇点冷水   wedge heel  坡跟鞋   wolf down his food  狼吞虎咽地吃东西   cry wolf  谎言欺人   例如:That politician cries wolf in every speech he makes.   那个政治家在他的每篇演说中都发出的警报。   from the word go  立刻,马上   例如:When Mary and I met, I was dazzled. But I learned right away we   had nothing in common. I knew from the word go it wouldn"t work no matter   how beautiful she was。   当我和玛丽初次见面时,我被她迷住了。但很快我知道我们没有任何共同之处。   我马上意识到不管她有多么漂亮,我们之间都不会有结果。   X   Y   Z
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  真正经常和老外打交道后,你会发现英语 俚语 还是非常有用,你可以不会用或者用不好,但如果看到了或听到了,不明白它的意思,那同样影响交流的,因为有些英语俚语太常见了,每个词都认识,但就是不知道是什么意思。你们知道有哪些常见英文俚语呢?接下来就请跟随我一起来学习一下吧。  常见英文俚语精选   A   apple-polisher 马屁精   例如:She is a real apple-polisher for the way she"s crawling around   the boss   and making eyes at him.   她是一个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。   as busy as a bee (象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的   as graceful as a swan (象天鹅)姿态优雅的   as gentle as a lamb (象羊羔)性情温顺的   as cunning as a fox (象狐狸)一样狡猾的   as poor as a church mouse   一贫如洗   B   I"m beat. 我非常疲乏。   beat gums 空洞无物、废话连篇的讲话   bell the cat 为众人的利益承担风险   black sheep 害群之马   Buddy, where is john? 要上厕所?   Bungee jumping 蹦极跳   Stop bugging me, man!   喂,别烦我了。   C   blue collar 蓝领   white collar 白领   pink collar 粉领族(指和蓝领体力工人相当的女性工人)   gold-collar workers 金领族(一般都有一技之长,对公司工作的方方面面都十分了解,甚至对公司   的利润大小和收益都有直接的重要影响。他们的工作环境优雅,职业体面,   有着丰厚的收入和稳固的经济地位)   D   dog-eared books 读得卷了边的书   dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠   dog-tired 像狗一样的累   dog watch 夜班   old dog 上了岁数的人、老手   a sly dog 偷鸡摸狗者   a yellow dog 杂种狗、卑鄙可耻的小人   a big dog 看门狗、保镖;要人   You"re a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿!   hot dog 热狗   dog nose 啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒   a dog in a blanket 葡萄卷饼或卷布丁   as faithful as a dog 像狗一般的忠诚,在西方 文化 中,狗是"忠实、卖力、辛劳"的化身,   He that lies down with dogs must rise   up with flea.   近朱者赤,近墨者黑   A good dog deserves a good bone.   西方人论功行赏时常说"好狗应有好骨头" a   a dog in the manger 占着马槽(不拉屎)   Honey, I forget to duck. 亲爱的,我忘记闪开了。   常见英文俚语拓展   E   eat crow 由于夸大其词或过分自信,最后不得不承认错误。   eat his words 食言   out at elbows 捉襟见肘   elbow one"s way 用胳膊肘挤来挤去为自己开道   get a black eye 被别人打青了眼睛   mind your eye 叫别人当心   blink our eyes 眨眼睛   flash our eyes at sth. 瞟一眼   make eyes 抛媚眼   cast sheep"s eye 暗送秋波   You have an eye for something.   有眼光有见解   finely arched eyebrows 纤细的弓形眉   pencil the eyebrows 描眉   eyebrow pencil 眉笔   rough bushy eyebrows 浓密的粗眉   eyelash grower 睫毛膏   eyelash curler 卷睫毛器   without turning an eyelash   泰然自若,不动声色   not bat an eyelid 没合眼睡觉   not bat an eyelid 对事情泰然自若   hang on by the eyelids 事情危在旦夕   F   face the music 不得不接受惩罚、承担后果,必须承受出现的局面   a matter of face 面子攸关的事情   lose face 丢面子   例如:He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it for fear of   losing face.   他知道自己错了,但却不肯承认错误,因为怕失去面子。   save one"s face 挽回面子   pull a long face 拉长了脸   make a face at you 对你做个鬼脸   have the face 厚颜无耻   例如:I"m so surprised that you have the face to do so!   你怎么有脸做出这样的事!   cold fish 态度冷冰冰,没有热情的人。   drink like a fish 牛饮   flats 平跟鞋   footfall 客流量   例如:We strive to show booksellers what we are doing to support   them and   drive footfall into their stores.   我们要努力向图书商展示我们将如何支持他们,并使更多的客人进入他们的商店。   G   green eyed 嫉妒   green finger(thumb)?把大伙干不好的活都干得漂漂亮亮   例如:A person with green finger has a magic touch that makes plants   grow well and quickly.   长着绿手指的人是有魔法的,只要他一碰,植物就长的又快又好。   green hand 生手   例如: I"m still green at my job.   我依然是个新手。   green light 允许、许可   例如: I"m only waiting for the green light from you.   我在等您的允许。   green revolution 绿色革命   例如:These developing countries produced enough food to serve their   people after   green revolution.   绿色革命后,这些发展中国家就生产出足够的粮食来满足国民的需要。   the green years 青春年华   H   He is ripe in years but green in heart.   形容某人是老当益壮   lose your heart to someone   和某人谈恋爱   lack heart 缺乏勇气   win your heart 赢得你的心   broken heart 破碎的心   heart of stone 石头心肠   pour out your heart 倾吐你的心事   have a heart 可怜可怜你   his heart in the right place 他的心肠是很好的   not to wear your heart on your sleeve   不要太情绪化   Don"t take the failure to your heart.   别为失败而难过   lose heart 失去信心   your heart of gold 金子般的心,美好心灵   write a letter to her and declare your   heart. 写信表达爱慕之情   Don"t let your heart get cold. 不要让你的热情冷却下来   a man after her own heart 正和她心意的人   put your heart at rest 放下心来   straight from the horse"s mouth   来自权威和可靠的消息。
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  英文俚语使得语言更加丰富多彩。下面我为大家整理了英文俚语大全,感兴趣的,过来看看吧。   英文俚语摘抄   blue clollar   蓝领   white clollar  白领   pink clollar gold  粉领族(指和蓝领体力工人相当的女性工人)   gold-clollar workers 金领族(一般都有一技之长,对公司工作的方方面面都十分了解,甚至对公司的利润大小和收益都有直接的重要影响。他们的工作环境优雅,职业体面,有着丰厚的收入和稳固的经济地位)   dog-eared books   读得卷了边的书   dog sleep  不时惊醒的睡眠   dog tired  像狗一样的累   dog watch   夜班   old dog  上了岁数的人、老手   a sly dog   偷鸡摸狗者   a yellow dog  杂种狗、卑鄙可耻的小人   a big dog   看门狗、保镖;要人   you are a lucky dog!  你真是个幸运儿!   dog nose  啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒   a dog in a blanket   葡萄卷饼或卷布丁   as faithful as a dog 像狗一般的忠诚,在西方文化中,狗是 忠实、卖力、辛劳 的化身。   He, who lies down with dogs must rise up with flea   近朱者赤,近墨者黑   a good dog devers a good bone .   西方人论功行赏时常说 好狗应有好骨头 a   a dog in the manger  占着马槽(不拉屎)   Honey,i forgot to duck  亲爱的,我忘记闪开了。   eat crow   由于夸大其词或过分自信,最后不得不承认错误。   eat his words  食言   out at elbows elbow one"s way  捉襟见肘   elbow one"s way 用胳膊肘挤来挤去为自己开道   get a black eye   被别人打青了眼睛   mind your eye   叫别人当心   blink our eyes   眨眼睛   flash our eyes at sth   瞟一眼   make eyes cast sheep"s eye 抛媚眼   cast sheep"s eye  暗送秋波   You have an eye for sth有眼光有见解   finely arched eyebrows   纤细的弓形眉   pencil the eyebrows 描眉   rough bushy eyebrows    浓密的粗眉   eyelash grower   睫毛膏   eyelash curler  卷睫毛器   without turning an eyelash  泰然自若,不动声色   not bat an eyelid  没合眼睡觉 ,对事情泰然自若   hang on by the eyelids  事情危在旦夕   英文俚语推荐   drink like a fish   牛饮   flats   平跟鞋   footfall  客流量   green eyed   嫉妒   green finger(thumb)? 把大伙干不好的活都干得漂漂亮亮   例如:A person with green finger has a magic touch that makes plants grow well and quickly.   长着绿手指的人是有魔法的,只要他一碰,植物就长的又快又好。   green hand   生手   例如: I m still green at my job.   我依然是个新手。   green light  允许、许可   例如: I m only waiting for the green light from you.   我在等您的允许。   green revolution   绿色革命   例如:These developing countries produced enough food to serve their people after   the green years  青春年华   he is ripe in years but green in heart .  形容某人是老当益壮   lose your heart to someone  和某人谈恋爱   lack heart  缺乏勇气   win your heart  赢得你的心   broken heart  破碎的心   heart of stone   石头心肠   英文俚语精选   face the music   不得不接受惩罚、承担后果,必须承受出现的局面   a matter of face 面子攸关的事情   lose face   丢面子   例如:He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it for fear of losing face.   他知道自己错了,但却不肯承认错误,因为怕失去面子。   save one"s face  挽回面子   pull a long face  拉长了脸
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