barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-06 08:01:16


The company is a collection development, design, production, sales, trading and processing for the integration of industrial corporation, production technology, first-class product specifications, abundant funds thousands of species.


The remote control an annual output of over ten million, products exported to Europe, South America, Middle East, southeast Asia market.


Our company is a industrial corporation which integrated with development, design, production, sales, trading and processing,with classic production technology, solid financial strenth and products model number up to thousands. The remote control annual output over ten million, products exported to Europe, South America, Middle East, southeast Asia


Our corporation provides end to end product flow from research, design, development, marketing, sales and re-process. Our technology in production is surpreme, with strong financial background, our spectrum of products are more than thousands. A typical product such as the remote controller reaches more than 10 million per year, and it is well known in Eupore, South America, Middle East and South East Asia.


This company is a collection development, the design, the production, the sale, the business and the processing is a body"s Industrial corporation, Production technology first, abundant funds, product specifications to thousands of species. The remote control an annual output of over ten million, products exported to Europe, South America, Middle East, southeast Asia market.


The company is a development, design, production, sales, trading and processing as one of the Industrial Company, first-class production technology, financial strength, product specification thousands of species. Remote control of up to 10 million annual production, the products are exported to Europe, South America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and other markets.



2023-06-05 10:46:011

这里可以用are exported吗?

Percent of +名词+谓语动词谓语动词单复数看名词形式再加上things 和export 之间是被动关系,所以用are exported
2023-06-05 10:46:092


1. That their products have exported to the United Kingdom, Italy, but had not exported to France. 2. Volume over 5000, customers can free replacement pawn of color, if less than 5000, will have 500 of each color.
2023-06-05 10:46:304

如何利用endnote导入online references

2023-06-05 10:46:501


  输出是媒介由内部到外部的传递过程,从内部送到外部。如:血液从心脏输出,经血管分布到全身组织。商品或资本从某一国销售或投放到国外。科学技术上指能量、讯号等从某种机构或装置发出。那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    输出英语单词1:   export    输出英语单词2:   output    输出的英语例句:   它有时会输出通货膨胀。   It has exported inflation at times.   旅游业是英国最大的一项无形输出。   Touri *** is Britain"s single biggest invisible export.   波札那的主要输出品是什么?   What are the chief exports of Botswana?   禁止煤炭输出。   Prohibition was laid on the export of coal.   给出一种新的高压输出电路,它同时有较大输出电流。   Present a new kind of high voltage output circuit.   可以模拟输出显示输出效果。   Analog output can display output results.   集数一源输出格式档案的输出。   Set several output formats for one source file to output.   英语写作是语言的输出。输出水平体现著输入质量的高低。   Writing is the output of language that reflects the input level.   从输出列表中选择输出型别。   Choose the type of output from the outputs list.   图形输出也包括以某种指定的或标准的格式输出资料档案。   Graphical output also includes a specified output format or standard data file.   该命令将结果输出到标准输出。   This mand writes the results to standard output.   对于石油输出国组织的产能的质疑主要集中沙乌地 *** 身上。   The questions about OPEC "s capacity center on the world" s biggest oil exporter, Saudi Arabia.   自1993年以来,由沙乌地 *** 主导的石油输出国组织欧佩克就一直将石油产量控制在每天2,500万桶左右。   Since 1993 OPEC, the oil cartel dominated by Saudi Arabia, has kept its output constant at around 25m barrels a day.   接下来,业务活动发出plete以确定输出结果,从而确定哪些业务任务已经成功。   The Business Activity then determines which Business Tasks have been successful by issuing a plete to determine the oute.   MIKE MULLEN:“通过将暴力向外输出,他们的国内安全和他们在该地区的地位都会受到腐蚀。   MIKE MULLEN: “ By exporting violence, they " ve eroded their internal security and their position in the region.   然后,中介开发人员可以推迟输出的讯息的解析,只在Mediation Flow元件中在需要时才完成解析。   Mediation developers can then defer the parsing of the message past the export and plete it only if required within the Mediation Flow ponent.   一些国家的出口量占著其国家输出的大头,中国,新加坡,马来西亚,泰国和柬埔寨都在此列。   China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia are some of the countries where exports account for a large proportion of national output.   第一,降低实际汇率可通过更大的经常专案盈余,增加日本输出过度储蓄的能力。   First, by lowering the real exchange rate, it could increase Japan " s ability to export excess savings via a larger current account surplus.
2023-06-05 10:46:571


受益人必须通过传真把装船明细发给传真号为77658900的C/U.ROYAL AND SULTANATE OF UAE公司,并引用编号3/2/010/0000086,相关的传真发送报告必须同议付单据一同提交给银行。你就做一个装船明细,给他发过去就行,并把传真调到可以有发送报告的模式,等发完后,连同发送报告一同交银行即可,装船明细你如果没有,可以向我要,我QQ43664297.2.固定格式有,你可以上网搜,或向我要,呵呵,内容照他们照搬即可。
2023-06-05 10:47:052


今天客户在imp导入数据的时候遇到了下面的报错信息 IMP-00051: Direct path exported dump file contains illegal column length IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file 这个报错的原因与解决方法见如下官方文档 ALERT: Direct Path Export (EXP) Corrupts The Dump If An Empty Table Partition Exists (文档 ID 1604983.1) 修改时间:2013-12-19 类型:ALERT In this Document Description Occurrence Symptoms Workaround History References APPLIES TO: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform. DESCRIPTION You performed a direct path export (table, schema or full) using the traditional export utility (EXP). If the exported objects include an empty table partition, then the export dump is corrupt and cannot be imported. OCCURRENCE Only exp versions >= are affected. The traditional export utility is de-supported beginning with the version 11g and is no more maintained. SYMPTOMS During import you may see one of the following issues: IMP-00009: abnormal end of export file Or: IMP-00051: Direct path exported dump file contains illegal column length IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file Or: Import silently skips a part of the dump, tables are missing and later constraints cannot be created. This is below demonstrated with a simple test: connect test create table part001 ( col001 number, col002 varchar2(100) ) partition by range (col001) ( partition p001 values less than (10), partition p002 values less than (100), partition p003 values less than (1000) ); insert into part001 values (5, "Text 5"); insert into part001 values (500, "Text 500"); commit; #> exp test/password file=part001.dmp tables=part001 direct=y This will show: About to export specified tables via Direct Path ... . . exporting table PART001 . . exporting partition P001 1 rows exported . . exporting partition P002 0 rows exported . . exporting partition P003 1 rows exported Export terminated successfully without warnings. but the import breaks with error: . importing TEST"s objects into TEST . . importing partition "PART001":"P001" 1 rows imported . . importing partition "PART001":"P002" IMP-00009: abnormal end of export file Import terminated successfully with warnings. WORKAROUND If you perform direct path exports using a version greater or equal and you see the messages: About to export specified tables via Direct Path ... ... . . exporting partition <partition_name> 0 rows exported ... in the export output (or log file), then you obtain a corrupt dump. You can verify the dump with the commands:
2023-06-05 10:47:231


2023-06-05 10:47:333

simulink模块为什么不能生成exported global

2023-06-05 10:47:501


避免在多个文件中重复import相同的Module swift中由于有命名空间的存在,在同一个target创建的文件,都可以不引用直接就可以拿来使用,但是不同target之间必须要import 之后才能使用,在不同的文件中使用都要重复的import这个模块 //随便在一个文件中添加自己想要的类库 ///MARK:TODO 定义常用的类库信息, 使用@_exported关键字,就可以全局引入对应的包 @_exported import HandyJSON @_exported import Kingfisher @_exported import SnapKit //在其他的文件中就不用再import对应的类库就可以直接使用了 大千世界,求同存异;相遇是缘,相识是份,相知便是“猿粪”(缘分) From MZou
2023-06-05 10:48:041

新建 java项目的时候Java Setting的Order and Export 干什么用的?

2023-06-05 10:48:132


2023-06-05 10:48:321


2023-06-05 10:48:391


export: [ "ekspu0254:t ] 输出,出口 词形变化: 形容词:exportable 名词:exportability 动词过去式:exported 过去分词:exported 现在分词:exporting 第三人称单数:exports 例句与用法: 1. What are the chief expo...,2,
2023-06-05 10:48:461


Export的读音为:英[u026aku02c8spu0254u02d0t,u02c8ekspu0254u02d0t];美[u026aku02c8spu0254u02d0rt,u02c8ekspu0254u02d0rt]。一、含义:1、【v.】:输出;出口;向国外输出;导出。2、【n.】:出口物品;输出服务;出口;输出;出口量;出口收入;适合出口的;符合出口标准的。3、复数:exports。4、第三人称单数:exports。5、现在分词:exporting。6、过去式:exported。7、过去分词:exported。8、网络释义:导出;输出;出口;输出其它格式文件;汇出。二、短语搭配:1、export surplus:出超;外贸顺差。2、export to:出口。3、export subsidies:出口补贴。4、export commodities:出口商品。三、双语例句:1、This is the first UK field to export gas to mainland Europe.这是英国第一个向欧洲大陆出口天然气的油气田。2、More and more land was needed to grow crops for export.需要越来越多的土地种植作物以供出口。3、Increased export business kept our production plants at full stretch.增长的出口贸易使我们的生产厂家一直在全速运转。
2023-06-05 10:48:531


2023-06-05 10:49:101


2023-06-05 10:49:171


2023-06-05 10:49:241


export是一个英语单词,意思是出口,输出。 释义,例句, 释义 export 英 [u02c8ekspu0254:t] 美 [u02c8ekspu0254:rt] vt.& vi.出口,输出 vt.传播,输出(思想或活动) 例句 1 The nation also exports beef. 该国也出口牛肉。 2 He did this to promote American exports. 他这么做是为了推广美国出口产品。 3 It has exported inflation at times. 它有时会输出通货膨胀。 4 Files can be exported in ASCII or PCX formats. 档案可以以ASCII或者PCX格式导出。 5 They expect the antibiotic products to be exported to Southeast Asia and Africa. 他们希望向东南亚和非洲出口抗生素产品。
2023-06-05 10:49:321


2023-06-05 10:49:391


2023-06-05 10:49:582


或许我们都知微观的英文是micro,而宏观则是macro 调控其实是控制的意思,所以是:control 所以,宏观调控的英文是:macro control 以下是一则新闻: Fast growth and macro-control in 2006 图片参考:english.people/images/3zoom 图片参考:english.people/images/minus In 2006 the first year of the 11th Five Year Plan fast growth and macro-control have bee the o key concepts in national economic development. In the first three quarters of this year China has witnessed a growth rate of 10.7 percent. China had a bumper harvest in summer and has improved efficiency in enterprises. This has led to a growth in financial revenue stable prices and a steady increase in the ines of both urban and rural residents. The slowdown of the real estate market has shown the effectiveness of macro-control policies. In the first three quarters of this year real estate investment increased at a rate of 24.2 percent 7.7 percentage points lower than in the same period of last year. By the end of the third quarter both currency supply and growth of lo had slowed. Some industries including coal copper *** elting aluminum and cement had made progress in restructuring and orientation. Some positive changes have also been seen in the real estate market. The housing supply structure has been readjusted and housing prices in some areas have been falling. Many provinces have put an emphasis on medium and lower price housing medium and *** all-sized mercial housing and economical housing. The mix of exported products continues to be optimized. In the first ten months of this year China"s high value-added machinery products have been exported for US$439.7 billion a 29.7 percent increase accounting for 56.4 percent of total exports. Export of crude oil has fallen 5.09 million tons representing a 12.5 percent decrease while export of refined oil has fallen to 9.99 million tons 17.6 percent less than the same period last year. ... By People"s Daily Online
2023-06-05 10:50:051

expdp include多种table怎么写

[oracle@dw-151-57 ~]$cat par.parexclude=table:" in(select table_name from tabs where table_name in("EMP","DEPT"))"[oracle@dw-151-57 ~]$expdp scott/a DUMPFILE=DATA_PUMP_DIR:exp_tab.dmp LOGFILE=exp_tab.log parfile=par.parExport: Release - Production on Saturday, 05 January, 2013 13:01:14Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsFLASHBACK automatically enabled to preserve database integrity.Starting "SCOTT"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01": scott/******** DUMPFILE=DATA_PUMP_DIR:exp_tab.dmp LOGFILE=exp_tab.log parfile=par.parEstimate in progress using BLOCKS method...Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATATotal estimation using BLOCKS method: 62.56 MBProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/USERProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/SYSTEM_GRANTProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/ROLE_GRANTProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/DEFAULT_ROLEProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/PRE_SCHEMA/PROCACT_SCHEMAProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLEProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/INDEXProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/CONSTRAINT/CONSTRAINTProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/STATISTICS/INDEX_STATISTICSProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/COMMENTProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/FUNCTIONAL_AND_BITMAP/INDEXProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/STATISTICS/FUNCTIONAL_AND_BITMAP/INDEX_STATISTICSProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/STATISTICS/TABLE_STATISTICSProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/MATERIALIZED_VIEWexported "SCOTT"."T0101" 14.92 MB 141812 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T03" 14.92 MB 141787 rowsexported "SCOTT"."X02" 14.92 MB 141793 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T" 3.951 MB 141785 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T01" 1.876 MB 141791 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T001" 8.304 KB 28 rowsexported "SCOTT"."EMP2" 7.773 KB 14 rowsexported "SCOTT"."SALGRADE" 5.585 KB 5 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T02" 5.890 KB 40 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T1" 5.226 KB 2 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T2" 5.234 KB 3 rowsexported "SCOTT"."TT01" 22.33 KB 15 rowsexported "SCOTT"."X01" 10.08 KB 9 rowsexported "SCOTT"."BONUS" 0 KB 0 rowsMaster table "SCOTT"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01" successfully loaded/unloadedDump file set for SCOTT.SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01 is: /export/home/oracle/app/products/10.2.0/rdbms/log/exp_tab.dmpJob "SCOTT"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01" successfully completed at 13:01:19[oracle@dw-151-57 ~]$
2023-06-05 10:50:121

EXPDP 的QUERY参数,有谁用过的

文档里有错误,不需要前后单引号。parfile内容是:QUERY=emp:"WHERE rownum<4"NOLOGFILE=y DIRECTORY=DATA_PUMP_DIR DUMPFILE=exp1.dmp D:Temp>expdp scott/tiger parfile=emp_query.par reuse_dumpfiles=yExport: Release - Production on Thursday, 26 February, 2009 18:16:59Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - ProductionWith the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP, Oracle Database Vaultand Real Application Testing optionsStarting "SCOTT"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01": scott/******** parfile=emp_query.par reuse_dumpfiles=yEstimate in progress using BLOCKS method...Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATATotal estimation using BLOCKS method: 192 KBProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/PRE_SCHEMA/PROCACT_SCHEMAProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLEProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/INDEXProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/CONSTRAINT/CONSTRAINTProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/STATISTICS/INDEX_STATISTICSProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/COMMENTProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/CONSTRAINT/REF_CONSTRAINTProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/POST_SCHEMA/PROCACT_SCHEMA. . exported "SCOTT"."DEPT" 5.937 KB 4 rows. . exported "SCOTT"."EMP" 8.125 KB 3 rows. . exported "SCOTT"."SALGRADE" 5.867 KB 5 rows. . exported "SCOTT"."BONUS" 0 KB 0 rowsMaster table "SCOTT"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01" successfully loaded/unloaded******************************************************************************Dump file set for SCOTT.SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01 is: D:ORACLEADMINORCL11GDPDUMPEXP1.DMPJob "SCOTT"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01" successfully completed at 18:17:32
2023-06-05 10:50:191

会计术语 翻译,急急急!!!

待处理财产损溢 Wait deal assets loss or income 这是我们SAP系统的翻译。
2023-06-05 10:50:453

各位大仙们外贸上的Country of origin/ proceed/ acquisition,分别是什么意思啊?

2023-06-05 10:51:003


S payment is not already exported, sure, thank you~
2023-06-05 10:51:073


1. Our quotes are FOB Fuzhou price. 2. The MOQ (minium order quantity) is 100 units per each model ,and total quantity should be able to fit a 20" container. 3. If you have interest on the products shown in our website, please contact us via E-mail or MSN. 4. Most of our products are exported to Europe and U.S., and really popular in the markets.
2023-06-05 10:51:154


2023-06-05 10:51:483


注意如下主配置文件:注意配置文件中AndroidManifest.xmldemo里中有这写配置,似乎对微信支付的调起及回调都有影响,还是按照demo里的,加上这部分配置<activityandroid:name= ".wxapi.WXEntryActivity"android:label= "@string/app_name"android:exported= "true"android:launchMode= "singleTop">......<intent-filter ><action android:name ="android.intent.action.VIEW"/><category android:name= "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /><data android:scheme ="wxd930ea5d5a258f4f"/><!-- 注意这里,似乎对程序有影响,要加上--></intent-filter ></activity ><receiverandroid:name= ".AppRegister"><intent-filter ><action android:name= "" /></intent-filter ></receiver >
2023-06-05 10:52:021


2023-06-05 10:52:111


产地证一正一副就可以了,可以在产地证货物前描述那里显示goods are of Chinese Origen ,盖上商会章产地证Exporter栏要显示生产或加工货物的工厂的完整名称和地址,并且货物描述栏还要加上the goods exported to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia are of the origin as mentioned above,可以显示在货物后描述里另外,信用证描述栏还要加上the country of origen of goods shipped has been mentioned on each and every item of the product,可以显示在货物后描述里
2023-06-05 10:52:202


2023-06-05 10:52:273


使用java程序语言导出私钥的方式,下载kestore-export.工具:Java Runtime的目录,指包含Java.exe和keytool.exe的目录,如:c:progra~1Javajre1.5.0_06in例如:Cmd代码 JKS2PFX server.jks 123456 tomcat exportfile c:progra~1Javajre1.5.0_06in
2023-06-05 10:52:342


2023-06-05 10:53:092


最近项目中有个需求,在iOS设备上使用iOS系统提供的内容分享功能,从第三方App应用直接分享实体内容到我们的应用中。其大概的原理是这样的,首先为我们的iOS应用注册可以打开document types(文档类型),然后在第三方应用中,如果它们使用了iOS提供的分享功能,那么就会看到我们的应用程序,点击进行分享。 而关于需求的设计和实现的具体思路,我会在下一篇博客中详细讲解。这篇文章是来讲一下在iOS系统中为了更好的进行类型标识,而提供的一套共用的规范,也就是标题中提到的“Uniform Type Identifier(UTI)”,我把它翻译成“统一类型标识符”,下面统一简称为“UTI”。 网上关于UTI的使用教程少之又少,所以我只是参考了苹果官方文档提供的讲解,这篇博客权当是我对于官方文档的一个理解吧!!自认为很重要的部分,我会贴出来官方文档原文,以便于大家学习理解,不至于被我的歪词所误导,同时也推荐大家从开发者中心上搜一些文档来看,这里推荐几篇: 1. Cocoa Core Competencies -- Uniform Type Identifieru200d 这篇文档提供了一个视图来说明UTI是什么,怎么工作和被谁使用,是个非常好的新手指南。 2. Uniform Type Identifier介绍和使用u200d 这篇文档详细得描述了UTI的基础概念和属性,还有它们的使用方法,内容非常丰富,本文主要参考的就是这篇 3. System-Declared Uniform Type Identifiersu200d 这篇文档提供了在OS X系统中定义的一个UTI的列表,我们可以查看每一种官方提供的UTI的定义和涵义。 4. UTType Referenceu200d 这篇文档提供了对UTI字符串直接操作的函数方法 5. 一步一步为iOS应用添加自定义的document type和新的UTIu200d 顾名思义,这篇文档,讲解的是如何在iOS应用中导入新的UTI和添加自定义的document type。 为什么会有UTI,打个比方,它就像是如今世界各国作为官方语言统讲得英文。为什么这么比喻呢,因为中国人讲母语汉语,法国人讲母语法语,但是如果一个中国人到了法国,而又不懂法语,碰到的法国人不懂汉语,那么他们如何交流沟通呢,这就是英文的用武之地了。而相对而言,苹果操作系统相当于整个世界,各个不同的程序或者服务相当于各个国家,俩个不同的程序想要互通交流,就比如互相发送文件,可是一个使用文件扩展名,一个使用MIME类型,俩者的数据类型不同,无法解析,都互相不认识,那么怎么交流沟通呢?在这样的情景下,UTI就有了用武之地啦,它就充当的是现实世界的英文这个角色。 Uniform type identifiers(UTIs)提供了在整个系统里面标识数据的一个统一的方式,比如documents(文档)、pasteboard data(剪贴板数据)和bundles(包)。 大多数情况下,一个UTI提供的是系统中所有程序和服务都能够识别并且依赖的一个唯一的标识,这么讲可能有些太抽象,我们使用一下官方文档中给出的例子,比如一个JPEG类型的图片文件,在不同的环境下,可以有下面几种不同的标识方法: 而UTI则是用‘public.jpeg"这个字符串标识,完全代替了这些不一致的标签,这个字符串和其他任何一个旧标签都是完全兼容的,而且他们之间可以相互转换。由于UTI可以标识任何类型的实体,所以他们相对于旧标签来说灵活性更强了;使用UTI我们可以表示下面这些实体: Apple给我们提供了在iOS和Mac应用中通用的UTI字符串集合,比如,""、"public.item"、"public.image"等,这些我们都可以在官方文档中进行查阅他们的涵义。除此之外,我们也可以在应用程序中自定义自己的UTI字符串,比如我们可以定义一个标识特殊文档格式的UTI字符串叫"cc.icoc.shaobozheng",如果其他的应用程序想要支持我们这种格式的文档,他们就可以用"cc.icoc.shaobozheng"来标识我们的文档。 看到我们上边的举例了,那么我们来说一下定义UTI字符串时所用到的字符集。通常一个UTI字符串是一个包含ASCII字符的Unicode字符串,同时也可以加入罗马字母和阿拉伯数字,如(A-Z),(a-z),(0-9)还有点号(".")和连接符("-")。而任何包含非法字符的字符串,如包含下划线"_",都无法作为UTI来标识内容,而且Apple不会有任何错误反馈。 就像我上面的例子一样,UTI的定义和我们开发iOS程序时填写organization时一样,采取的是反域名规则。如下面这几种: 而UTI中的域名,如‘com"、‘public"这些,仅仅是用来表示这个UTI字符串在域名层级中的位置,它不会影响任何相似类型的分组。比如,‘public"域名就是大部分应用程序用来标识标准类型的,而目前仅仅只有Apple可以创建‘public"域名的UTI。 另外,我们可能会碰到的是一种‘dyn"域名,是动态域名,意思就是我们使用中,不会指定这种类型的UTI为某一个字符串,然后系统运行过程中,会自动识别帮我们处理。针对这种动态标识,我们是看不到的,但是我们可以通过UTI字符串的操作方式转换成我们的常用类型,比如OSType,MIME类型等。 最后一种就是可以自定义的域名,代表性的就是‘com"域名,Apple也给我们提供了一些他们定义的"com"域名的UTI。 UTI相对于其他那些旧标签的一个关键优势就是在于,它可以在一个顺应结构中声明。而用我们面向对象的方式说,UTI就是可继承的,而且是多继承方式。先上图: 如上图所示,‘public.html"这个UTI就是继承于‘public.text"这个UTI,因为‘public.html"标识的是HTML文本格式,也属于是文本格式的一种,而文本、图片等等这些内容又都属于是数据的一种,所以他们继承于""这个UTI。 上面这个UTI继承结构图,指的是UTI中的内容形式的继承结构,此外,原则上来说,指定UTI层次的时候,即可以指定它的功能结构,也可以指定它的物理结构,上图是就是一个内容形式的功能结构图.物理结构指的就是这个UTI的物理实质,比如它标识一个目录,一个文件等,而功能结构指的就是这个UTI的用图,比如同样是文件,它标识的可以是图片、视频等等。 而官方文档也给出了一般指定UTI层次结构的规则: 然而,指定UTI的功能层次并不是强制的,但是这样做是考虑到可以更好地将UTI集成到系统一些特性中,就比如Spotlight应用,就可以把我们指定的功能性UTI和命名属性联系起来。下面是一个UTI功能顺应结构和物理顺应结构图: 这个顺应性使得我们的UTI在决定类型上拥有更高的灵活性,不仅避免了大量的条件判断的使用,而且还可以关联你想不到的一些类型。 在Mac OS中我们开发应用时我们可以经常使用到UTI,但是在开发iOS应用程序时,我们应用到UTI的场景不是很多,这也是现在网上教程偏少得原因。而在iOS开发中,一般我们使用UTI来标识剪贴板的类型。而在具体使用到Apple给我们提供的UTI字符串的时候,我们必须使用在UTCoreTypes.h文件中定义的常量来代替直接使用字符串。关于UIPasteboard的详细使用,大家可以去这篇博客中详细学习一下: 精通UIPasteboard粘贴板 。 现在我们来看一下苹果提供的一些直接操作UTI的函数方法,简单列举几个。我们可以在MobileCoreServices这个framework中的UIType.h文件中找到,我们也可以仔细的看一下这个framework中的其他文件,都是对UTI的一些定义和声明。 苹果允许Mac开发者为他们的Mac App中独有的数据格式自定义新的UTI。它们一般被声明在下面几个文件中 使用官方给我们的一个UTI声明的例子,Public.jpeg声明: 一个UTI声明的属性列表: <section> <div style="margin-top:1.667em;margin-bottom:1.667em;"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="col" style="font-weight:400;background-color:#93A5BB;padding:0.3em 0.667em;font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF;border-bottom-width:1px;border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-color:#9BB3CD;border-right-width:1px;border-right-style:solid;border-right-color:#9BB3CD;"> <p style="font-weight:700;line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;margin-bottom:0.33em;"> Key </p> </th> <th scope="col" style="font-weight:400;background-color:#93A5BB;padding:0.3em 0.667em;font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF;border-bottom-width:1px;border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-color:#9BB3CD;border-right-width:1px;border-right-style:solid;border-right-color:#9BB3CD;"> <p style="font-weight:700;line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;margin-bottom:0.33em;"> Value type </p> </th> <th scope="col" style="font-weight:400;background-color:#93A5BB;padding:0.3em 0.667em;font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF;border-bottom-width:1px;border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-color:#9BB3CD;border-right-width:1px;border-right-style:solid;border-right-color:#9BB3CD;"> <p style="font-weight:700;line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;margin-bottom:0.33em;"> Description </p> </th> </tr> <tr> <td scope="row"> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> <code style="font-family:Courier, Consolas, monospace;color:#666666;">UTExportedTypeDeclarations</code> </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> array of dictionaries </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> An array of exported UTI declarations (that is, identifiers owned by the bundle"s publisher). </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td scope="row"> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> <code style="font-family:Courier, Consolas, monospace;color:#666666;">UTImportedTypeDeclarations</code> </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> array of dictionaries </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> An array of imported UTI declarations (that is, identifiers owned by another company or organization). </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td scope="row"> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> <code style="font-family:Courier, Consolas, monospace;color:#666666;">UTTypeIdentifier</code> </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> string </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> The UTI for the declared type. This key is required for UTI declarations. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td scope="row"> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> <code style="font-family:Courier, Consolas, monospace;color:#666666;">UTTypeTagSpecification</code> </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> dictionary </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> A dictionary defining one or more equivalent type identifiers. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td scope="row"> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> <code style="font-family:Courier, Consolas, monospace;color:#666666;">UTTypeConformsTo</code> </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> array of strings </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> The UTIs to which this identifier conforms. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td scope="row"> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> <code style="font-family:Courier, Consolas, monospace;color:#666666;">UTTypeIconFile</code> </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> string </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> The name of the bundle icon resource to associate with this UTI. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td scope="row"> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> <code style="font-family:Courier, Consolas, monospace;color:#666666;">UTTypeDescription</code> </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> string </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> A user-visible description of this type. You can localize this string by including it in an <code style="font-family:Courier, Consolas, monospace;color:#666666;">InfoPlist.strings</code> file. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td scope="row"> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> <code style="font-family:Courier, Consolas, monospace;color:#666666;">UTTypeReferenceURL</code> </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> string </p> </td> <td> <p style="line-height:normal;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> The URL of a reference document describing this type. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br /> </div> </section> <section> <a name="//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001319-CH204-SW4" title="Recommendations for Declaring new Uniform Type Identifiers" style="color:#3366CC;font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;"></a> </section> <p> <br /> </p> 而且自定义的UTI必须指定UTExportedTypeDeclarations或者UTImportedTypeDeclarations,这样如果是你定义的UTI,第三方应用程序和服务都可以使用,而如果是其他人定义的UTI,那么加入到你的项目中后,你就可以看到这种类型的数据。 原文地址: 郑少博的技术博客---详解苹果提供的UTI(统一类型标识符)
2023-06-05 10:53:461

微信 android 分享 错误 -6

  1、注册微信开放平台、微信开发平台资源管理地址   a.填写你的应用名称(注意一定要与你的应用名称一致,我由于把一个字母大小写写错害得我为这个问题纠结了5个月,大家一定要注意)  b.在应用签名上填写在步骤1中得到的签名  c.包名一定要与你的应用包名完全一致  d.信息填写完整 提交审核 其实这个时候你已经得到你的AppID把这个加入到你的项目中去 就可以了  f.等待微信审核通过、你就可以调试你的应用了  2、修改ShareSDK.xml、换成自己的AppId  <Wechat Id="4" SortId="4" AppId="微信AppId" AppSecret="微信AppSecret" BypassApproval="false" Enable="true" /><WechatMoments Id="5" SortId="5" AppId="微信AppId" AppSecret="微信AppSecret" BypassApproval="false" Enable="true" />  3、添加微信的回调activity、然后再manifest中注册  <activity android:name="项目包名.wxapi.WXEntryActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize" android:exported="true" />  4、分享的参数可以参考Sample项目中、WechatPage这个类、由于不同的分享类型、对参数要求不一样、一定要严格对比、否则调用不了微信客户端  如、SHARE_TEXT、要求要title和text、SHARE_WEBPAGE、要求要title、text、url、thumbPath、等等很多分享类型、基本title和text是必须的  5、测试时、要打包、用在微信平台注册时的签名(keystore)去打包、打包要注意的是、如果你加了代码混淆、要把libs下面jar加到proguard-project.txt里面、如果发现打包之后分享的图标出不来的话、那就把以下代码也加到proguard-project.txt里面  -keep class class android.webkit.**{*;}-keep class cn.sharesdk.**{*;}-keep class**{*;}-keep class m.framework.**{*;}  6、测试是否可以打开微信客户端、可以的话、说明代码基本没有问题、如果要多次测试微信分享、可以清除微信客户端的缓存、不然只能调用一次
2023-06-05 10:53:552

如何利用endnote导入online references

你在Endnote中点击插入文献。不过在这一步之前,需要在wor中把鼠标放在文献导入位置。你需要首先将找到的文献拷贝到本地文献库,如下图的copy to local library。然后再点第一个,像RAR压缩文件一样的图标那个,然后再选中要插入的文献,进行引用
2023-06-05 10:54:052


the United States has about so-and-so materials to a spot dozens, but it belongs to the regulated materials, no specific license cannot export to other countries. We are now over Europe only just 70, and this is the European feedback to me yesterday. I have done my best, but unfortunately, unable to provide more information for your company. This material factory ordering cycle is about 7-8 weeks, Suggestions or seek other orders.我我我我我
2023-06-05 10:54:144


2023-06-05 10:54:212


STM32里面EXTI0 – EXTI4这5个外部中断有着自己的单独的中断就表示哪个中断被触发。
2023-06-05 10:54:402


2023-06-05 10:54:491


(#): 100% - 15& - 2AM - 2NE1 - 2PM - 4Ladies - 4Men - 4Minute - 5Dolls(A): A.Cian - Ajax - APink - After School - Ailee - Andamiro - AOA - April Kiss - Aziatix(B): B1A4 - Badkiz - Baek Ayeon - BBde - B Dolls - Baby Soul - Baby Vox - BAP - Beast- BESTie - Big Bang - Big Star - Bikiny - Billion - Block B - BoA - Boyfriend - Boys Republic - BPPop - Brave Girls - Brown Eyed Girls - BtoB - BTS - Busker Busker - BY2 (C): Chad Future - Chi Chi - C Clown - Chocolat - Clinah - CN Blue - Crayon Pop - C Real(D): Dal Shabet - Davichi - DBSK - Delight - Demion - DMTN - Double JC - Dream Girls- D Unit - Dynamic Duo (E): EvoL - Exid - Exo K - Exo M - Fat Cat (F): Fiestar - Flashe - FT Island - f(X) (G): Gangkiz - G Dragon - Gavy NJ - G.NA - GI - Girls Day - Girls Generation - Girls2School - Glam - Goddess - GOT7 - GP Basic - GPK - Gray(H): Ham - Harisu - Heart Rabbit Girls - Hello Venus - Henry Lau - History - Hyorin - HyunA (I): Infinite - IU(J): Jay Park - Jewelry - JJCC - JQT - Juniel - JY Park (K): Kan Mi Youn - Kara - Kim Hyun Joong - Kim Sori - Kim Wan Sun - Kitty Pretty - K Will - Kiss & Cry (L): Ladies Code - LC9 - Led Apple - Lee Hi - Lee Hyori - Lim Kim - Lip Service - LPG - Lucky J - Lunafly (M): MBLAQ - Megan Lee - Miss A - Moon Ji Eun - M Signal - MyName - (N): Navi - New FO - NC.A - Nine Muses - NS Yoon Ji - Nuest - Nylon Pink (O): Ocean Girls - Off Road - Orange Carmel - OV Diary - Overstep (P): Pascol - Phantom - PSY (Q): Qu Wanting(R): Rania - Rainbow - Raychell - Rino Nakasone - Rose Queen - Rottyful Sky - Royal Pirates (S): StheOne - Secret - Seo In Young - Sera Ryu - SE7EN - Seventh Grade Class 1 - Shez - SHINee - Shin Goeun - Shinwa - Skarf - Sistar - SNSD - Son Dam Bi - SOS - Spica - SR14G - Stellar - Sunny Days - Sunny Hill - Sunmi - Super Junior - Swing Girls (T): Tahiti - Tara - Teen Top - The Gloss - The Grace - Trax - Trouble Maker - TVXQ - Tablo(U): UKiss (V): Venus Flytrap - Vetty L - Vivid - Vixx - VNT (W): Wassup - Waveya - Woman Power - Wonder Girls - Xia (Y): Younique (Z): Zea - Zion
2023-06-05 10:53:311


2013 Mnet亚洲音乐颁奖典礼11月22日晚,韩国《2013 Mnet亚洲音乐颁奖典礼(MAMA)
2023-06-05 10:53:383


2023-06-05 10:53:455


罗温·艾金森 Rowan Atkinson .....Mr. Bean威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe .....Carson Clay让·雷谢夫 Jean Rochefort凯勒·罗登 Karel Roden马克思·鲍德里 Max Baldry .....Stepan艾玛·德考尼斯 Emma de CaunesStéphane Debac .....Traffic Controller #2Clint Dyer .....LutherSteve CamposPierre-Benoist Varoclier .....(uncredited)
2023-06-05 10:53:512


奶瓶品牌十大排名为:贝亲(Pigeon)奶瓶、新安怡(AVENT)奶瓶、爱得利(IVORY)奶瓶、NUK奶瓶、babycare奶瓶、世喜奶瓶、可么多么(como tomo)奶瓶、小土豆(potato)奶瓶、布朗博士奶瓶。第一名:贝亲(Pigeon)奶瓶奶瓶做工很好,包装也很好,把手可以取下,但是也不会掉落,能直接拿着把手接水,很方便。瓶身设计很好,是扁形的,容易拿握。刻度清晰,每30毫升有标一个刻度,方便冲奶粉!第二名:新安怡(AVENT)奶瓶这个品牌的产品通用性很强,从吸奶器到奶瓶,宽口径的都可以通用,奶瓶的材质非常好,玻璃通透性很强,采用高纯净的高硼硅玻璃,耐冷热冲击,安全耐用。第三名:爱得利(IVORY)奶瓶耐热,材料品质安全有保障,宽口径,流线型外观,非常容易清洗。第四名:NUK奶瓶质量都非常好,相比较而言,nuk的颜值更高一些。大牌子奶瓶质量有保证,等宝宝稍微大一些再给她用。趁着搞活动先备着,玻璃奶瓶相对安全一些但是易碎。第五名:babycare奶瓶这款bbc的奶瓶很好看,吸管也很好,宝宝吸得不费劲,产品是ppsu材质,安全耐热,清洗也很方便,几乎无死角。第六名:世喜奶瓶世喜(thyseed),是北京申创世纪信息技术有限公司旗下的母婴品牌,致力于宝宝断奶期的产品研发与销售,秉承着“轻松断奶”的核心价值观和“设计源于爱”的研发理念,坚持自主原创设计。第七名:可么多么(como tomo)奶瓶COMOTOMO是一个实感奶瓶,创始人Mr.kim是一位韩裔美国人,曾经为诺基亚,苹果,三星等顶级跨国企业设计过许多脍炙人口的经典产品。第八名:好孩子(gb)奶瓶好孩子国际控股有限公司,是全球领先的儿童用品公司及中国最大的母婴产品品牌商、分销和零售平台,于1989年由宋郑还在昆山创立,专业从事儿童及母婴产品的研发、制造及全渠道分销和零售。第九名:小土豆(potato)奶瓶为了使产品的多元化,2002年,公司参考美国、日本等的塑料台布关键生产过程,应用计算机自动化控制技术,自主研制生产工艺和配方、自己制造生产模具和设备,开发出PVC缕空烫金台垫系列,产品远销世界各地。第十名:布朗博士奶瓶布朗博士(Dr.Brown"s)是美国医学博士Craig Brown/科蕾吉·布朗设计的第一个功能性奶瓶,1997年获得国际专利。布朗博士的品牌是为促进婴儿的身体健康和最佳营养创造最好的喂哺产品。
2023-06-05 10:53:281


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2023-06-05 10:53:243


樱花结局 - busker busker
2023-06-05 10:53:171


有BIG BANG EXO 李孝利 等等 记不清了
2023-06-05 10:52:533