barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-05 08:49:14


一般切片软件都有这个设置,比如Cura里,“基本”页面有“开启回抽”选项;Simplify 3D中,点击参数设置(FFFsetting)——挤出机( Extruder)里的Retraction。



2023-06-05 08:23:196

extruder matrixes 求解这个短语的意思 求高手帮忙

2023-06-05 08:23:532


2023-06-05 08:24:026


2023-06-05 08:24:152


Manufacture tires machine 制造轮胎机器Wire machines钢丝成型机 Capsule vulcanizing press 胶囊硫化机我就只知道这几个了
2023-06-05 08:24:254


Plastic gusset plate, specular printing, crystal panel, turn the board
2023-06-05 08:24:324


shang wang cha 吃泥啊,和一些小的水生物
2023-06-05 08:24:412


2023-06-05 08:24:494


简化流理论为螺杆挤压 流动行为的粘稠液体在英吉利海峡的一个双螺杆挤出机螺杆中显示 类似的粘性液体的流动性能之间的平行板、无限 是静止不动的和其他运动。假设牛顿的行为 液体,一个微分方程推导双螺杆挤出机的速度的关系及 死的压力而死的几何和螺丝的操作变量。综合 给出了公式的特殊情况的粘度液体是不变的 在双螺杆挤出机螺杆通道(温热。给出了方程 在对案例的尺寸通道功能的螺钉位置 沿长度的螺丝。
2023-06-05 08:24:594


too long
2023-06-05 08:25:184


HF在今年7月就追加出了大枪45技能X-1引力炮  X-1Extruder    (前置技能:远古炮弹5级,蓄力激光1级,阳子弹3级)需要SP:35  需消耗无色碎片2个  需要等级:45级以上  即时施展  MP:130  CD时间:45秒  快捷键:←→→+Z  使用快捷键MP-4.0%,CD时间-2.0%  物理攻击力:6592~9888  最大蓄力时间:1秒  最大蓄力后自动发射时间:3秒  凝缩能够扭曲空间的强力能量后并发射出去最敌人造成极大的无属性物理伤害.  按上下方向键能够操纵引力炮发射方向.  引力炮蓄力时间越长拉进来的敌人越多攻击力则越强.最大蓄力的话拉拉敌人并爆炸.  最大蓄力持续一定时间后,则自动发射
2023-06-05 08:25:321


2023-06-05 08:25:405


2023-06-05 08:25:553


1、得分最高的是弘瑞Z300,这款于2015年中期上市的机型目前是弘瑞的主力机型之一。在安装操控、设计结构上都有很好的设计和实现,提供良好的使用和维护体验。成型质量的综合得分最高也是弘瑞Z300,并且它有最大的成型体积和最高的体积效率,在打印大尺寸模型、或者一次打印多个小模型的应用中有独到的优势,新款Z300增加了断电续打功能,断电之后还能继续打印,避免了断电造成的重复打印,符合产品稳定性放在第一位的设计思路。弘瑞Z300 3D打印机2、闪铸Finder则出乎我们意料地得分第二高,它最早于2015年在CES展会上出现的时候我们当时对它还知之甚少。这款小机器打印效率高,在成型质量、安装操控上都有不错的表现,使用简单、简化了很多安装和操作步骤。而且它的价格2999元、130元/千克耗材非常亲民,对家庭用户来说并不是一笔大开支,这是闪铸给青少年群体一份诚意十足的礼物。闪铸Finder 3D打印机3、MakerBot Replicator五代是2014年初上市的机型,MakerBot根据用户反馈持续地做着改进和优化,包括在2015年末面对“质量风波”推出新挤出头Smart Extruder+的应对,有了今天我们看到的结果——在成型质量上给出了很好的答卷。安装操控一改前几代产品的设计,彩色显示屏、模型预览、智能挤出头都开了业界的先河,要知道它到2016年已经上市了两年多时间。不过MakerBot在亚太区设立代表处的消息并未落实,桌面机的销量集中在北美地区、少量在欧洲地区,目前来看短期内中国市场仍然不是MakerBot的重心,国内用户要依靠供应商、服务商提供服务和支持。这与原厂服务有差距,例如界面的中文语言支持短期内还不能实现。MakerBot Replicator五代 3D打印机4、闪铸Dreamer是一款双挤出头机型,它最早在2013年面向海外市场推出,后来同步在国内销售,并且闪铸一直为它提供着持续的更新和修复。触控屏在操作上体验很好;在成型质量上,闪铸Dreamer的表现甚至优于同样是双头的MakerBot Replicator 2X,我们认为这可以解释闪铸Dreamer在海外市场比较受欢迎的原因。当然包括这两款在内,所有的双头机型挤出组件移动空间都要受到多出来一个头的影响,体积效率较低,换来的好处是可以双色或双材料打印。闪铸Dreamer 3D打印机5、三纬da Vinci 1.0Pro则是2015年末上市,是测试机型中唯一具备激光雕刻功能的3D打印机,体现了三纬对专业用户、创客群体需求的一种探索。各方面比较均衡,而打印效率则稍低,操控体验一般,这两方面让它的亮点打了折扣。而从企业实力来讲,三纬是目前行业实力最强的品牌,背后依托的是金仁宝这样的代工巨无霸。三纬da Vinci 1.0 Pro3D打印机6、Tinkerine Ditto Pro最早于2014年在加拿大市场上市,这款面向青少年群体教育市场的机型外形讨笔者喜欢,打印质量和效率都做得不错。结构设计巧妙,打印和去除模型也都比较方便。不过这款产品并未正式面向中国市场销售,来自加拿大的品牌在面对新兴市场的进入仍然保有较多的顾虑。Tinkerine Ditto Pro 3D打印机7、ICEMAN3D D150是一款2014年上市的机型,它的优缺点表现的非常明显——打印方式多,支持手机打印、微信打印;3D打印机上操作体验好,软件、固件更新及时,在软件、操控、娱乐性上做得非常好。而它在模型细节塑造上并不好,设计上出现了限位器松动、材料堵头的情况,这又是硬伤。ICEMAN3D D150 3D打印机 我们拿到的是白色款8、三绿SL-D008是三绿实业在2015年三季度推出的机型,在安装、操控上的体验不好,打印质量、打印效率上表现的中规中矩。我们认为,机器的打印体验仍然是使用的基础,然后才是玩FDM材料的多样性。这款机型适合入门玩家,且对价格比较敏感。三绿SL-D008 3D打印机9、MakeBot Replicator 2X属于第四代机型,早在2013年上市的时候包括加热的打印平台、可封闭的打印仓都是为优化ABS材料的打印效果,使用PLA材料打印效果则要逊色不少。它比最早双喷头版的MakerBot Replicator有了较大改动,诠释了如何更好地打印双色/双材质模型,上市之初有着较高的人气。仅仅三年后的今天,PLA材料由于更环保、打印中异味更少而在桌面3D打印机上得到更广泛的使用,加上它比较高的价格,MakerBot Replicator 2X不再像过去那样独撑半边天——Replicator 2X没有变,变的是有竞争力的机型不断涌现出来。MakerBot Replicator 2X 3D打印机总结:前后历时约五个月的测试、整理、写文章,到这里基本上结束了。笔者在最后,还是想写一点这次测试中小小的感受。一些笔者闻名已久的机型,我们并没有获得测试的机会,比如Ultimaker、3D System Cube系列、太尔时代的UP系列,笔者期待未来为大家奉上更多的新机型的解析和介绍。近两年,桌面的FDM 3D打印机变化非常大,从同事、朋友、展会现场得到很多的信息,这个品类每三个月到半年时间就有一批新品推出,迭代非常快。噱头、亮点层出不穷,而笔者认为它的核心竞争力还是在于个人/工作室可以承受的价格和稳定的性能品质。逐渐褪去3D打印光环,应用价值开始显露,不稳定的FDM机型很快会被淘汰,例如堵头、机械结构故障、固件错误、传感器失灵这类致命错误,非常影响使用者的心情。另外一点,就是关于中国用户的使用习惯,大部分人在第一次接触3D打印机时,一段时间之内非常需要技术支持、售后维护,在这方面国内的一些厂商正在或者已经提供了良好的服务;而在短短半年之前笔者在两次拨打3D打印机售后支持电话时,并没有获得解决问题的办法。这方面海外厂商在国内的工作主要由代理商、经销商做,国内厂商则是直接在售后上有了地理、时效、语言上的优势。另外,桌面FDM 3D打印机也面临着“用来做什么”的核心问题,这也是很多潜在消费者的疑问。我们认为,半年之后这个品类还会有一个巨变,那个时候这个问题会有一个答案。不变的,则是“应用为王”,也就是这个品类价值的体现。
2023-06-05 08:26:044


2023-06-05 08:26:142


2023-06-05 08:26:254


2023-06-05 08:26:431


A higher supply capacity Right vacuum extruder, because the raw materials needed to enter the vacuum chamber Self-sealing, so superior are designed uniaxial or biaxial screw feeding, And raw materials into the vacuum chamber before the compression of raw materials in order to achieve sealing role, indeed Paul vacuum chamber of the vacuum, because the set compression seal segment, the higher the Supply capacity can not be like a single-stage extruder, as do any of feeding, in order to This must be designed for superior supply capacity to meet the junior high The need for forming the main factors to consider are: the length of the compression seal and the cone Degrees, higher speed, higher screw diameter, lead, and axial length. As long as to achieve the desired sealing effect on the line, unreasonably increase the resistance, Not only increase the power consumption, but also to increased wear and tear. A number of manufacturers from the domestic system of Devices made of point of view, regardless of where the equipment was sold, and regardless of what the raw materials, the Shu-size-fits-mentioned parameters, which of them would cause great waste; for Plasticity index higher, raw materials, better sealing of raw materials, should be sealed at "Burden reduction", Hefei Leroy Machinery Company set up two sets of parameters here, as far as pushing Counted in high-ripening effect of raw material of plastic, or a better use of raw materials, can squeeze A machine to reduce the total load of 2% to 3% (compact type). 2 lower spiral lead Lower extrusion screw lead is an important parameter, which is the original Material in the cylinder in the transmission, compression molding can smooth the key element of the Affect the efficiency of an important factor in extruder. There are other lower helical pitch (lead), variable pitch, diameter, adjustable, etc. A single form or a combination of pitch and composition using the form of how crowded The efficiency of a machine a very great impact. From raw materials transportation, compression, molding process Point of view, pressure to gradually increase in focus on the nose when the greatest pressure. Theoretically Talk about this process should be designed in descending pitch to pitch, or the In the bore on the design of descending to Reducing, more in line with the pressure distribution And raw materials during compression. So that the whole process smooth, all in one, to mention High extrusion efficiency. As for the present situation by conveying compressed into the molding process In the situation of small to large pitch, the authors suspect that there is reduced efficiency, And in forming large pitch-side option, so that the rotating weeks intensified to reduce The stability of the molding. The range of choices pitch cylinder diameter and raw materials according to the characteristics OK, to overcome the frictional resistance and resistance to mud flow case of reflux, As far as possible out of the election so as to enhance the efficiency of large pitch. Spiral lead a reasonable choice, to improve the efficiency extruder is crucial, Depends primarily on material characteristics and needs of the molding pressure. A factory JZR45 / 40 extrusion machinery and 132 kW motors, current production to reach 330 ~ 360A, other conditions remain unchanged, improved by spiral lead, the current reduced to 220 ~ 250A, can be seen on the lead screw extruder efficiency impact is enormous. 3 Day Spiral Forming terminal helix, which we call the first section of spiral, generally use the two-lane Spiral, mainly to increase the stability of molding. The first section of screw-lead and production side Type the impact of the efficiency of the extruder can not be neglected. As the screw is inserted in the main Into a vice screw, so that the original mud flow blocked and traffic could be diverted, mud flows Road changes Too narrow and not dealt with properly here extruder load will increase, the impact extrusion Efficiency. As the vice screw inserted to reduce the mud flow of Tao half, and then Coupled with spiral thickness, making the channel resistance to surge here. In order to understand Must mudslides blocked the issue here, it is recommended to take two steps: ① The first section of Helical pitch apart from the thickness of the inserted outside the Vice-helix, and then compared with sub-section spiral Pitch to increase 5%, with the main vice screw pitch helical pitch fairly; ② in the first section of Spiral Lord, Vice-leaf compared to external than internal forward 5% ~ 8%. The first section of spiral Design and manufacture of inappropriate and often neglected, practice that, according to the above method Processing, will generally out of production increased by 10% and the current decreased by 10%. 4 spiral seal length Seal was also affect the length of the screw extruder efficiency of a factor. Spiral seal is too long, increase the resistance of mud flow and to increase the transmission distance, making Exercise in futility; spiral seal is too short, can not be achieved effectively prevent soil material back, Extruder can not work effectively in a state, the efficiency of the same will be reduced. Extruder to meet the case of a normal working state should try to shrink The short length of spiral seal. According to the specific length of the molding pressure, lead, cylinder Trail and the material properties determined. The use of a unit of production JZR45/40 clay Hollow brick, Hough-cylinder length of 665 mm, replace the cylinder into a 450 Hough After the 8% increase in production, the current decreased by 10%.我是化学高手哦~
2023-06-05 08:26:503


造粒生产线询盘 我们正在HDPE管挤出机,注塑机、吹膜机,我们需要买造球机线 我们的目标:为循环、造粒产品, 低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)高密度聚乙烯(HDPE),页 我们的产品。 管,配件和电影 资料来源: 我们和其他工厂生产、塑料材料,拒绝对垃圾收集到的区域。 我们需要最通用型造球机机器。 我们不打算买机为每个提出,我们需要电影或硬材料成为颗粒。 线规格 以75万千瓦Sj 120逆变器, 生产所需 3吨/ 22个小时 参考 特别是如果他们是旧的。 航运大小 不要忽视了船舶的机器和聚在一起了。 请报一个阶段,使这两个阶段的选择。螺杆压缩机刀、也引用agglomerator压缩机、饲料、料斗、磁铁束最大的尺码圆为料斗筛、颜色、振动和其他所有东西混合减少劳动力。 问候, 如果你没有什么需要,请不要把你的时间浪费在发送介绍信函
2023-06-05 08:27:093


兰斯洛特(ランスロット, Lancelot) 型式编号:Z-01 全高/战斗重量:4.49m/6890kg 别名:向导兵器兰斯洛特 驾驶员:枢木朱雀 由洛伊德等所制作的最新型的第7代Knightmare,以传说中亚瑟王手下最强的圆桌骑士兰斯洛特为名。兰斯洛特具有远远超过一般Knightmare机架的性能,曾被鲁路修在激动之下呼为「怪物」。其武装是有高周波振动的震动剑MVS,和双手上的能源光盾(Blaze Luminous)及燕爪牙在手臂与脚股著装,机枪为(VARIS)-可変弾薬反発冲撃炮。 目前搭载了FLOAT SYSTEM(悬浮飞行系统)的喷射飞行背包,具有强大的空战能力,现在是朱雀专用的Knightmare Frame。在第二季,被EU的士兵称呼作不列颠的「白色死神」。 文森特(ヴィンセント, Vincent) 型式编号:RPI-212 全高/基本重量:4.44m/6.99t 驾驶员:罗洛99兰佩洛基、基尔伯特99G99P99基尔福特、女武神队、皇帝护卫队 不列颠尼亚帝国军以兰斯洛特为蓝本开发的最新型Knightmare Frame,在大规模量产之前开发的试作量产型机体,也可以说是兰斯洛特的量产型初号。试作型以金色途装为主,配有MVS-震动剑其可主装成棍剑、手肘设有电磁脉冲装置能击轰敌机,燕爪牙配置在双脚,机动性能比兰斯洛特差一些、但比桑德兰高出一截。 已确认存在紫罗兰色涂装型号,为吉尔福德的後续专用机,在第6话被「辐射波动」击落。 R2-18话中,女武神队所用的机体为粉红色涂装;R2-20话中,皇帝直属的护卫队专用的机体为深绿色途装。 兰斯洛特99Albion(Lancelot Albion) 驾驶员:枢木朱雀 特派为枢木朱雀度身订造的机体,洛伊德把朱雀的身体能力、反应力、精神力和「活下去」的Geass都作过考虑,并将这些数据植入Albion中。洛伊德原打算以原型的兰斯洛特改造成本机,但原型机於18话中被红莲圣天八极式严重破坏,只剩下身体,故只有重新开发本机。 其背部拥有与红莲一样的能量翼,能发射大量的能量箭,双手各持一把VARIS。本机速度极为迅速,22话中,第四和第十二骑士的机体均被Albion以惊人的速度击破,又以惊人的力量把崔斯坦严重破坏。由於本机是为枢木朱雀的专用机,所以朱雀能把其性能发挥至极限,其能力甚至能把帝国最强骑士-俾斯麦·瓦尔德施泰因的Galahad一分为二。 红莲贰式(ぐれん にしき) 型式编号:Guren Type-02 全高/战斗重量:4.51m/7510kg 京都提供给黑色骑士团的机体,之後零(ZERO)交给了卡莲,成为卡莲的专用机体。 完全由日本独自开发的Knightmare机体(但实际上只是京都六家委托外国技术人员开发的机体),由於设计理念与不列颠帝国制Knightmare机架极不相同,导致外观也有很大差异。 特徵是其巨大银色像鬼爪的右手(右手部件可替换 拥有多种发展衍生型号,第一季中出现的红莲贰式装备了标准型右手部件。第二季中登场的则是装备了甲一型右手部件)及其一身鲜红的颜色。运动性能是Sutherland的1.6倍,机体等级同属於第七世代的Knightmare,拥有极高的性能。其驾驶座的形状有如摩托车,因此驾驶员是以跨坐并向前屈的方式搭乘与操纵。在可伸缩的右手上搭载了武器「辐射波动」,这是以高周波进行短周期照射,「从内部」破坏敌人的武器。破坏力之强,也令零(ZERO)感到惊讶。另外还搭载了从机体後部喷出干扰片烟雾的装置,在第17话可见到於藤堂下令後一齐喷出干扰片烟雾的壮观情景。 第二季中的最新型号是红莲圣天八极式。 红莲可翔式(ぐれん かしょうしき) 型式编号:Guren Flight-enabled Version 全高/战斗重量:4.51m/7510kg R2第6话开始登场,是红莲贰式的强化型态,装备了拉克夏塔新开发的各种装备,首先是可以进行空中战斗的可翔翼。右手则换了新型的穿甲炮击右手部件(红色和黑色涂装),可进行广范围或中距离,远距离的辐射波动攻击。另外还增加了辐射障壁系统,可翔翼亦备有导弹发射器以及用来瘫痪敌方机体的葛冯网发射装置。头部也增加了2支大机翼。 红莲圣天八极式(ぐれん せいてんはっきょくしき) 第九世代Knightmare,R2第18话开始登场,被特派部俘获并加以改良後,增加了红莲的空中移动能力,强化了辐射障壁系统及攻击能力。强化右手的辐射波动装置,可发射作远距操控,同时於两肩增设巨型的「飞燕爪牙」以及由塞西露所开发的新技术能量翼装备。「圣天八极式」的名称,来自起动画面中显示的「Superlative Extruder Interlocked Technology Exclusive Nexus」最头一个英文字〈S.E.I.T.E.N.〉的日文音译及「EIGHT ELEMENTS」。 蜃气楼(しんきろう) 型式编号:?全高/战斗重量:4.67m/8.06t 驾驶员为Zero 拉克夏塔为黑色骑士团开发的新型机体本机是零(zero/ゼロ)专用机,搭载结合德鲁伊系统的绝对守护领域系统,因而拥有能与要塞相比的防御力,可变形为潜水形,零(zero/ゼロ)专用型涂上了高文的配色(黑+金)。搭载飞行装置。操作方式包括了键盤与操纵杆。主要武器有扩散构造相转移炮。
2023-06-05 08:27:231


2023-06-05 08:27:315


2023-06-05 08:28:062


1、漫游:空中截击:Bounce up!死亡左轮:Shoot Kill!爆头一击:Got it! I god it复仇反击:Counter Shot!多重爆头:释放技能时:Full loading!结束:My pleasure2、枪炮师:大枪buff:Miracle vision能量炮:Buster!狙击:Styer!激光炮:LaserBazooka!蓄力时:Charge粗火细火:Let‘s burn原子弹:Incoming fire!45大招:Extruder。。。Lock you!觉醒:All right Baby!3、机械师:小机器人:RunnerEZ-8:Count引爆:Fire!瞄准引爆:Fall down!机械buff:Robotics毒蛇炮:viper高达:Fly tempeter!飞机场:Sparrow nest!觉醒:Gaeborg Punch!4、弹药:银弹,冰弹,火弹:Silver,Ice,Flame shot loaded毛雷,冰雷,电雷:Buster,Freeze,Flasher ready!硬直弹:Metal jacket,Needle shot loaded交叉射击:Cross!闪击地雷:In trapping!大火盆:Burning shot!C4:Crack down!5、剑魂:破极兵刃:Overdrive!破军砸:Crush!幻影剑舞:illusion struck!出剑气的时候:accent6、鬼泣:月光斩:Luna slash!卡赞:Summonarea Khazan绿阵:Summonarea Bremen冰阵:Summonarea Saya紫阵:Summonarea Rhasa墓碑:Stone Shower卡洛:Kalla!
2023-06-05 08:28:151


2023-06-05 08:28:342


老板发工钱给你让你翻译 你发分给网民。。强大
2023-06-05 08:28:543


A new method to improve pressure sensor precision based on rbf neural work 神经网络 提高压力 传感器精度的新方法 The results show that the vessel loading capcacity can be improved by selecting the appropriate process parameters 结果表明:适合的工艺参数能够 提高压力 容器的承载能力。 Increasing the temperature in the zones of the final half of the extruder will generally result in lower viscosity and pressure 提高压出机后半部分区域的温度一般可以增大粘度和 提高压力 。 Moreover , the tio2 film particles distribute more uniform and join tightly with the increasing of power , but the surfaces of films bee closer and *** oother when pressure increased or the ratio of oxygen decreased 提高功率可提高膜的覆盖度,使溅射膜颗粒分布均匀,结合更加紧密。 提高压力 或减小氧氩比,可使溅射膜的颗粒更加密集。 In this paper , fluorocarbon films are deposited on polyetylene terephalate ( pet ) substrate by radio frequency magron sputtering polytetrefluoroethylene ( ptfe ) targets to examine the effect of discharge condition on the properties and mechani *** of deposited films . the effect of the power , pressure and treating time on morphology is observed by means of scanning electron microscopy ( sem ) and atom force microscopy ( afm ) . it is found that the fluorocarbon film particles distribute more uniform and join tightly with increasing power , the surfaces of films bee closer and denser as pressure increases 利用扫描电镜( sem )和原子力显微镜( afm )研究了成膜机理以及cf膜的表面形貌,观察了不同功率、压力和时间下对氟碳膜表面形貌的影响,系统研究了氟碳膜表面结构随功率和压力的变化规律,发现功率提高使得氟碳膜颗粒分布均匀,结合更加紧密,而 提高压力 ,氟碳膜的颗粒更加密集,并且溅射条件不同,粒子的形态、粒子间构成的介观结构也不相同。
2023-06-05 08:29:121

DNF男枪喷火器和聚焦喷火器,量子爆弹 补丁文件是哪个啊?

2023-06-05 08:29:191

Maya 常用多边形建模命令

maya提供了三种强大的建模工具,多边型,细分,NURBS,其中Nurbs建模比较强大用途广,但对于初学者难于上手,无缝建模,贴图问题都难于解决。相比之下,多边型建模易于上手,不会有无缝问题,uv贴图坐标易于解决。加之可以转为细分,无疑是初学者的最佳选择,下面我把多边型常用的建模命令简单介绍一下,在介绍之前先了解一些多边型常识。一个多边型,包含了三种原素,即点,线,(也称为边)面,点与点之间的连接形成了线,而线与线之间形成了面,所以多边型之中最小的原素为点,次之为线,再次为面。面与面之间有规律的衔接形成模型。多边型顾名思义,即允许n边的存在,最小边数为三边型,也就是三角型面。既然多边型包含了这三种原素,说白了,所有多边型建模命令也就是围绕这三种原素进行操作。创建一个多边型立方体:CreatePolygons PrimitivesCube创建多边型工具: polygonscreate polygon tools 选中此工具,在视图中依次点击四次完成后回车创建一个四边型面。扩展多边型命令:选中刚才创建的四边型,选择,polygonsAppend To Polygon Tool点击四边型中任何一个边进括展边的操作。多边型合并:两个多边型物体合并为一个物体 polygoncombine多边型布尔运算:多边型建模工具提供了三种布尔运算方式,polygonbooleansunion,difference,intersection合集,交集,差集。多边型镜向:选择任意模型然后选polygonmirror进行镜向,镜向同时可以指定是否合并边。光滑模型:选择任意多边型模然后选择,polygonssmooth进行光滑模型,可指定光滑等级。光滑代理方式:选择任意模型,然后选择,polygonsSmooth Proxy或使用快捷键Ctrl+`。平均点命令:选中模型或其中任意的顶点,然后选择polygonsAverage Vertices进行平滑模型。三边型转换命令:选中任意模型,然后选择polygonsTriangulate可将四边型模型转换为三边型模型。四边型转换命令:选中任意模型,然后选择polygonsQuadrangulate 可将三边型模型转换为四边型模型。多边型工具设定:keep faces together 这项工具用于设定挤出的边是否合并,此项设定上非常重要。细分表面:在多边型表面方式下选择任意面,然后选择edit polygonsSubdivise切线命令:选中多边型模然后选择edit polygonssplit polygon tool 在模型边上任意点击回车完成切线。挤出表面命令:在多边型面方式下,选择任意表面,然后选择edit polygonsextruder face挤出边命令:在多边型边方式下,选择任意边,然后选择edit polygonsextruder edge挤出点命令:在多边型点方式下,选择任意点,然后选择edit polygonsextruder vertex按路径挤出:在多边型面模式下,或边模式下,选中面或边,在选择曲线然后选择editpolygonsextruder face或edit polygonsextruder edge 然后在Channel box中进行参数调整。斜面命令:可以产生导脚效果,在点模式下选择任意点,然后选择edit polygonsChamfer vertex剪切表面工具:选择任意模型然后选择,edit polygonscut faces tools 工具参数设置可以参看maya风云手册。伸展面命令:在面方式下选择任意面,然后选择 edit polygonspoke faces挤入表面工具:首在在面模式下选择一个表面,之后切换到边模模式下选择一个条边,然后选择edit polygonsWedge face融合顶点工具:在点模式下选择两个点,然后选择edit polygonsMerges Vertices融合多个边:在边模式下选择多个边然后选择edit polygonsMerge Multiples Edges融合边工具:在边模式下选择两条边,然后选择edit polygonsMerge EdgeTools分裂点命令:在点模式下,选择一个点然后选择edit polygonsSplit Vertex反转三角型边:在多边型边模式下选择一条边,然后选择edit polygonsFlip Triangle Edge塌陷命令:在多边型边模式下,选择一条边或几条边,然后选择edit polygonsCollaps删除多边型边和点:太简单了,我不用多说了吧,选中点或边,按键盘上的Delete复制面:在面模式下选择面,然后选择edit polygonsDuplicate Face然后移动表面提取面:在多边型面模式下,选择面,然后选择edit polygonsExtract Vertex分离面:用于将提取的面分离,与提取面命令配合使用,在多边型面模式下选择刚刚提取的面,然后选择edit polygonsSeparate打洞命令:首远创建一个立方体用选面讲过的复制面命令复制出一个表面,记住将复制面工具中的分离面选项去掉,(separate Duplicated Faces)然后选择edit polygonsMake hole tool先选中与复制出来的面相邻的面,在选择复制出来的面,最后回车完伞?补洞命令:在边模式下选择洞的一条边,然后选择edit polygonsFil Hole雕刻多边型工具:选择多边型,然后选择edit polygonsSculpt Polygon Tools多边型建模总体思路有两种,一种是由整体到局部建模,另一种是由局部到整体。就我个人经验来讲,我更倾向于,由整体到局部建模方式,即先建立整体型像,在进行局部加工。
2023-06-05 08:29:251

各位仁兄,帮帮忙吧!!括号里的这几个单词用日语如何翻译啊?以上网址有你要的部分关于电梯的单词。上面几位有点直译吧。曳引机 巻上げ机货梯 货物用(荷物用)エレ电梯(一般指客梯) 乗用エレ■其他的齿轮磨床 歯车研削盘(Gear Grinding Machine)塑料挤出机 プラスチック押出成形机(Plastic Extruder )
2023-06-05 08:29:323


国内3d打印机品牌有:1:依迪姆3d打印机品牌;2.Sevsix3D打印机3:普伦特3d打印机品牌;4:极光尔沃3d打印机品牌;5: 创想三维3d打印机品牌;6:弘瑞3d打印机品牌;6:闪铸科技3d打印机品牌;首先小厂家就先不要考虑了,毕竟保障起来有点问题,以后出问题,也不知道行不行,所以还是找一个有的规模的档案密集生产厂家比较好,大厂家一般都是经过市场和时间洗礼存活下来的,所以不管质量还是售后,都还是挺有保障的。
2023-06-05 08:29:438


高文(鲁路修)文森特(罗洛) 兰斯洛特(朱雀) 红莲二式(卡莲)藤堂(斩月)晓(朝比奈)托利斯坦(吉诺) 摩尔德雷德(阿尼尔) 格洛斯特(柯内莉亚) 月下(四圣剑)桑德兰(杰瑞米亚) 神虎(黎星刻)无赖(黑色骑士团)潘萨法梅鲁(EU)波特曼II(布里塔利亚)
2023-06-05 08:30:062


急求一篇5000字的模具专业英语文章(带中文翻译),哪位大神给力啊! Extrusion molding process Thermoplastic plastic extrusion molding process is divided into four stages lesson. Plasticizing stage Through dry processing plastic raw materials by extruder hopper to join a nitrogen-treated barrel nitrogen-treated barrel, after the heating and screw rotation, paction and the mixing action below, by solid powder or aggregates into uniform melt with some liquidity for the process plastication. Extrusion stage Even with the plastic melt plastication screw rotation was sent to a nitrogen-treated barrel in front, screw rotation extrusion action by extrusion die, on a certain shape mouth mode and get section and mouth model shape continuous profiles consistent. Finalizes the design phase Thermoplastic plastics in leave immediately after mouth mode, extruded plastic continuous profiles for cooling and finalize the design, or plastic in self-respect under the action of will deformation, appear sag or distortion phenomenon. In most cases, qualitative and cooling is finish at the same time, only in extrusion various bar stock and pipe, just have a separate qualitative process, and the extrusion film, finalize the design process, no single etc, if only by cooling can be. Extrusion plank and sheet, sometimes by a pair of roller planish, while rise to finalize the design and cooling effect. Cooling generally USES air cooling or water cooling, cooling speed on the plastic parts surface roughness, size shape auracy etc performance has very big effect. Hard plastics (such as polystyrene, low density polyethylene and rigid PVC etc.) can"t cooling too fast, otherwise easy to cause the residual stress, and affect the appearance of plastic parts quality; Soft or crystallization type requires plastic parts in time, lest plastics deformation cooling. Traction plastic parts. Coiling and cutting Plastics extruding the mouth mode since, usually because of pressure from mold and happen suddenly lifted after inflation phenomenon, and cooling shrinks will happen again, thus make the size and shape of the plastic parts changes. In addition, because plastics was continuous extrusion, self-respect is more and more big, if not guidance, can cause plastics stagnation, make plastic thing cannot be *** ooth extrusion. Therefore, in the cooling at the same time, we should continuously will plastics derivation, this is traction. Traction process one by extruder auxiliary device to plete. Traction Traction with extrusion 人教版新目标初二下英语同步辅导(一)初中二年级下un...初中二年级下Un... speed speed will adapt to, general traction speed slightly higher than the extrusion speed, so as to eliminate the plastics dimension change, at the same time for plastics proper stretching can improve the molding quality. Different plastics traction at different speeds. Usually film and monofilament traction speed can be quicker, its reason is drawing speed, the plastic parts decreased diameter and thickness, longitudinal strength increases, elongation fracture resistance reduction. For extrusion hard plastic parts, traction speed cannot big, usually takes will drag speed regulation within a certain range, and to be very evenly, otherwise it will affect its size uniformity and mechanical properties. Through the plastics class traction in cutting device aording to use requirement on cutting (such as rods, tubes, plate, sheet etc), or in coiling device made around a roll (such as film, monofilament, cables, etc). In addition, some plastic parts such as films etc, sometimes need to undertake post-processing, in order to improve dimensional stability. 急求有关橡胶模具的英语文章.并附带中文翻译 很少有这样的,你还不如写一篇论文出来找个翻译帮你搞定,这样不是更好,找个老外也就一顿饭的钱 求模具专业英语翻译软件? 这里很多有模具专业词汇 急求一篇毕业用的化工类英语文献,带中文翻译 三八九七六一二零七 QQ? 文献已发入你的QQ。 一篇英语服饰文章,带中文翻译的 少数名族——蒙古族 蒙古族的传统饮食离不开肉和奶。肉以牛羊肉为主,奶以鲜牛奶为主。蒙古人还爱吃携带方便、耐饿的炒米。奶茶是他们终日离不了的饮料。 蒙古族的传统居室是蒙古包。蒙古包呈圆形尖顶,由圆形围壁和伞状顶架组成,外面覆以羊毛毡,再用毛绳固定。围壁、伞架均用木杆钉成。蒙古包可以拆卸搬运,极适于游牧生活的需要。 蒙古族的传统服饰是蒙古袍,右衽,镶边,身长宽大,高领长袖,带腰带,配皮靴。夏袍是棉丝质的单夹袍,多红、黄、深蓝色。冬袍是毛料面的羊皮袍。红、绿绸缎做腰带。 蒙古族实行一夫一妻制,讲求伦常,严格辈分。讲究由父母作主的聘婚制度,男到女家娶亲。结婚仪式过程讲究对歌、祝词。 这就是我国少数名族之一——蒙古族。 Minority of clans-Mongolia clan Mongolia the traditional food of clan cans not get away from meat and milk.The meat regards cow mutton as principle, the milk regards fresh milk as principle.Still the mongols love eats to take convenience, bear to hungrily stir-fry a rice.Milk tea is the beverage that they all day long can not leave. Mongolia the traditional living quarters of clan is a yurt.The yurt presents a circular point crest, is rounded wall and umbrella-like in shape crest by the circular to constitute, outside reply with the sheep felt, use a hair rope again to fix.Round a wall, umbrella to all nail with the wood pole.The yurt cans di *** antle to unload a porterage and is suitable for the demand of nomad"s way of life life very much. Mongolia the traditional dress of clan is Mongolia a tunic, right Ren, trim border, the height is generous, Gao Ling"s long sleeve, take belt, go together with skin Xue.The summer tunic is the list of cotton silk quality to clip tunic, much red, yellow, navy blue color.The winter tunic is the sheepskin tunic of woolen material noodles.The red and green silk ans stain does belt. Mongolia the clan practices monogamy and stresses Lun often, strict status of a generation.Pay attention to is hired by what parents made the decision to marry system, the male arrives female the house marry.Get married rites process to pay attention to to the song and wish a phrase. This is one of minority of our country clans-Mongolia clan. 模具专业英语 platens & tie bars 怎么翻译? 模板 和 拉杆 伤感的英语文章(带中文翻译) 我发一首歌词翻译行吗? 是我自己翻译的,觉得挺伤感。 As follows: 我依然没有忘记你I"m Still Not Over You 发生什么了?怎么了?What"s up? 我知道我们有段时间没有联系了I know we haven"t spoken for a while 但是我一直都在想你But I was thinkin bout you 至少这样能让我微笑And it kinda made me *** ile 要说的太多了So many things to say 我把它们写进信纸里And I"ll put em in a letter 这样对我来说可能容易一些And it might be easier 这样的话语也可能好听一些The words might e out better 你的妈妈身体还好吗?还有你的弟弟?How"s your mother, how"s your little brother? 他是不是还和你长得很像啊?Does he still look just like you? 好多事情我都想知道它们的答案So many things I wanna know the answers to 希望我能让时光倒流Wish I could press rewind 希望我能从头开始再写一遍And rewrite every line 写你和我之间的所有的故事To the story of me and you 你知道吗我一遍一遍的尝试Don"t you know I"ve tried and I"ve tried 想擦掉你在我脑海中的痕迹To get you out my mind 但是我始终做不到But it don"t get no better 日子一天一天的过去As each day goes by 我迷失了自我、不知所措And I"m lost and confused 我已经一无所有了I"ve got nothin to lose 希望你能很快收到我的来信Hope to hear from you soon 我依然没有忘记你 I"m still not over you 依然没有忘记你Still not over you 对不起,我真的不是想故意纠缠你Excuse me, I really didn"t mean to ramble on 但是在你离开我之后我百感交集But there"s a lot of feelings that still remain after you were gone 我猜想你认为我能将这些感觉置之脑后I guess you thought that I would put it all behind me 就像对待一个可笑的笑话或者是电视上的故事一样Like a silly joke, or somethin on the t.v. 男孩 对我来说却是如此的不容易Boy it aint easy 每当我听到我们的歌曲When I hear our song 我能感受到以前的那种感觉I get that same old feeling 真希望我能让时间倒流Wish I could press rewind 让时光回到从前Turn back the hands of time 我不该告诉你这些And I shouldn"t be telling you 你知道吗我一遍一遍的尝试Don"t you know I"ve tried and I"ve tried 想擦掉你在我脑海中的痕迹To get you out my mind 但是我做不到But it don"t get no better 日子一天一天的过去As each day goes by 我迷失了自我、不知所措And I"m lost and confused 我已经一无所有了I"ve got nothin to lose 希望能很快收到你的回信Hope to hear from you soon 我依然没有忘记你P.S. I"m still not over you 依然没有忘记你Still not over you 你知道吗 我保留着所有你的照片Did you know I kept all of your pictures 一直都没有鼓起勇气将照片丢弃Don"t have the strength to part with them yet 哦,不…Oh no.... 努力忘掉你的吻残留的感觉Tried to erase the way your kisses taste 但是有些事情是一个女孩永远都无法释怀的But some things a girl can never fet 想擦掉你在我脑海中的痕迹Don"t you know I"ve tried and I"ve tried 但是我始终做不到But it don"t get no better 日子一天一天的过去As each day goes by 我迷失了自我、不知所措And I"m lost and confused 我已经一无所有了I"ve got nothin to lose 希望能很快收到你的回信Hope to hear from you soon 我依然没有忘记你I"m still not over you 依然没有忘记你Still not over you 求两片英语文章及中文翻译 Beijing National Stadium (Bird"s Nest/Olympic Stadium) The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the bird"s nest will be the main track and field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and will be host to the Opening and Closing ceremonies. In 2002 Government officials engaged architects worldwide in a design petition. Pritzker Prize-winning architects Herzog & de Meuron collaborated with ArupSport and China Architecture Design & Research Group to win the petition. The stadium will seat as many as 100,000 spectators during the Olympics, but this will be reduced to 80,000 after the games. It has replaced the original intended venue of the Guangdong Olympic Stadium. The stadium is 330 metres long by 220 metres wide, and is 69.2 metres tall. The 250,000 square metre (gross floor area) stadium is to be built with 36 km of unwrapped steel, with a bined weight of 45,000 tonnes. The stadium will cost up to 3.5 billion yuan (422,873,850 USD/ 325,395,593 EUR). The ground was broken in December 2003, and construction started in March 2004, but was halted by the high construction cost in August 2004. In the new design, the roof of the stadium had been omitted from the design. Experts say that this will make the stadium safer, whilst reducing construction costs. The construction of the Olympic buildings will continue once again in the beginning of 2005. In depth The stadium"s appearance is one of synergy, with no distinction made beeen the facade and the superstructure. The structural elements mutually support each other and converge into a grid-like formation - almost like a bird"s nest with its interwoven igs. The spatial effect of the stadium is novel and radical, yet simple and of an almost archaic immediacy, thus creating a unique historical landmark for the Olympics of 2008. The stadium was conceived as a large collective vessel, which makes a distinctive and unmistakable impression both from a distance and when seen from up close. It meets all the functional and technical requirements of an Olympic National Stadium, but without municating the insistent sameness of technocratic architecture dominated by large spans and digital screens. Visitors walk through this formation and enter the spacious ambulatory that runs full circle around the stands. From there, one can survey the circulation of the entire area including the stairs that aess the three tiers of the stands. Functioning like an arcade or a concourse, the lobby is a covered urban space with restaurants and stores that invite visitors to stroll around. Just as birds stuff the spaces beeen the woven igs of their nests with a soft filler, the spaces in the structure of the stadium will be filled with inflated ETFE cushions. Originally, on the roof, the cushions were to be mounted on the outside of the structure to make the roof pletely weatherproof, but the roof has been omitted from the design in 2004. While the rain was to be collected for rainwater recuperation, the sunlight was to filter through the translucent roof, providing the lawn with essential ultraviolet radiation. On the facade, the inflated cushions will be mounted on the inside of the structure where necessary, e.g. to provide wind protection. Since all of the facilities -- restaurants, suites, shops and restrooms -- are all self-contained units, it is possible to do largely without a solid, enclosed facade. This allows for natural ventilation of the stadium, which is the most important aspect of the stadium"s sustainable design. The sliding roof was an integral part of the stadium structure. When it was to be closed, it would have converted the stadium into a covered arena; however, the sliding roof was eliminated in an effort to cut costs and increase overall safety of the radical new structure. Beijing National Stadium Bird"s Nest/Olympic Stadium Facility statistics Location Beijing Broke ground Dec 2003 Opened Unknown Closed N/A Demolished N/A Owner Surface Grass Construction cost 3.5 billion yuan Architect Herzog & de Meuron ArupSport CAG Tenants Seating capacity 91,000 (80,000 Post Olympics) 水立方 National Swimming Center--Exquisite and Exciting "Water Cube" A semi-transparent "cube", with "bubbles" spread out all over its surface, is a shape very similar to the structure of "H2O", the outlook for the National Swimming Center at the 2008 Olympic Games. After the games, it will bee a recreational water park open to the public. In Chinese culture, water is an important natural element. It creates a calming atmosphere and inspires happiness. Taking full consideration of the functions of water in recreation and bodybuilding, designers have explored many ways for people of different age groups to appreciate its function. The design is called "Water Cube". Many creative designs have been employed in the creation of the swimming pools at the swimming center. Other high-tech facilities including optical devices used to define positions of athletes, and multiple-angle, three-dimensional screening systems are provided to help spectators enjoy petitions. The National Swimming Center, one of the three landmark buildings for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, is located inside the Beijing Olympic Park. Covering a tota
2023-06-05 08:30:131


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2023-06-05 08:30:354


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2023-06-05 08:30:562


HF在今年7月就追加出了大枪45技能X-1引力炮  X-1Extruder    (前置技能:远古炮弹5级,蓄力激光1级,阳子弹3级)需要SP:35  需消耗无色碎片2个  需要等级:45级以上  即时施展  MP:130  CD时间:45秒  快捷键:←→→+Z  使用快捷键MP-4.0%,CD时间-2.0%  物理攻击力:6592~9888  最大蓄力时间:1秒  最大蓄力后自动发射时间:3秒  凝缩能够扭曲空间的强力能量后并发射出去最敌人造成极大的无属性物理伤害.  按上下方向键能够操纵引力炮发射方向.  引力炮蓄力时间越长拉进来的敌人越多攻击力则越强.最大蓄力的话拉拉敌人并爆炸.  最大蓄力持续一定时间后,则自动发射
2023-06-05 08:31:021


HF在今年7月就追加出了大枪45技能X-1 引力炮 X-1 Extruder (前置技能:远古炮弹5级,蓄力激光1级,阳子弹3级) 需要SP:35 需消耗无色碎片2个 需要等级:45级以上 即时施展 MP:130 CD时间:45秒 快捷键:←→→+Z 使用快捷键 MP-4.0% , CD时间-2.0% 物理 攻击力:6592~9888 最大蓄力时间:1秒 最大蓄力后 自动发射时间:3秒 凝缩 能够扭曲空间的强力能量 后 并发射出去最敌人造成极大的无属性物理伤害. 按上下方向键能够操纵引力炮发射方向. 引力炮蓄力时间越长拉进来的敌人越多 攻击力则越强.最大蓄力的话拉拉敌人并爆炸. 最大蓄力持续一定时间后,则自动发射 大枪45J是没有新技能的只有再觉醒之后才有2个技能是卫星射线和卫星定位系统 采纳谢谢~~~```满意请采纳
2023-06-05 08:31:091


第七世代Knightmare Frame 兰斯洛特(ランスロット, Lancelot) 型式编号:Z-01 全高/战斗重量:4.49m/6890kg 别名:向导兵器兰斯洛特 驾驶员:枢木朱雀 由洛伊德等所制作的最新型的第7代Knightmare,以传说中亚瑟王手下最强的圆桌骑士兰斯洛特为名。兰斯洛特具有远远超过一般Knightmare机架的性能,曾被鲁路修在激动之下呼为“怪物”。其武装是有高周波振动的震动剑MVS,和双手上的能源光盾(Blaze Luminous)及燕爪牙在手臂与脚股着装,机枪为(VARIS)-可変弾薬反発冲击炮。 目前搭载了FLOAT SYSTEM(悬浮飞行系统)的喷射飞行背包,具有强大的空战能力,现在是朱雀专用的Knightmare Frame。在第二季,被EU的士兵称呼作不列颠的“白色死神”。 兰斯洛特99Club(ランスロット99クラプ, Lancelot Club) 型式编号:Z-01b 全高/战斗重量:4.49m/6890kg 别名:向导兵器兰斯洛特99Club 驾驶员:莱(主角) 只在PS2和PSP游戏"Lost Colors"中登场。洛伊德在收集了兰斯洛特、以及主角和模碍战、实战的战斗数据后,以兰斯洛特剩下的配件为基础,再度开发的另一部兰斯洛特,亦即是兰斯洛特的兄弟机。 由于机体内置的Sakuradite比兰斯洛特少,故Club的性能比兰斯洛特稍为下降,但同样配有光束盾。而性能仍力压桑德兰。作为代替,本机配有可变VARIS,枪身能够切换至狙击模式,但狙击模式所用的能源为通常模式的15倍;而Club的MVS是跟文森特一样的长枪型(当然也可以连接起来),在对付复数敌人时有极大功用。故在不少人认为Club是文森特“先行试作量产机”。 在玩家选择“特派”篇的情况下,Club会在九州战役中追加喷射飞行背包,基本能力与兰斯洛特一样。 兰斯洛特99Frontier(ランスロット99フロンティア, Lancelot Frontier) 型式编号:?全高/战斗重量:?/? 驾驶员:C.C. 洛伊德与塞希尔以兰斯洛特的备用零件为基础,所组装的机体。驾驶员为C.C.,机体也因而漆成了粉红色。 整体性能较兰斯洛特略逊一筹。除了兰斯洛特的武器之外,还配备了帕西瓦尔的盾牌。 与没有逃生装置的兰斯洛特不同,此机体特别设置了逃生舱。 高文(ガウェイン, Gawain) 型式编号:IFX-V301 全高/战斗重量:6.57m/14570kg 驾驶员:鲁路修99兰佩洛基、C.C 不列颠尼亚帝国开发的第七代大型Knightmare Frame,以传说中亚瑟王的圆桌骑士中与兰斯洛特齐名的高文爵士为名。背上有像蝴蝶一样可以张开翅膀的FLOAT SYSTEM(悬浮飞行系统),因此能在空中飞行。搭载了名叫德鲁伊系统的情报分析装置。两肩搭载有强子炮(ハドロン炮)可将眼前的敌机轰毁一切。手指可借由内藏钢索射出捕捉敌机,且钢索之锐利可切割敌机机体。设计上可以让两人搭乘,但也可以单人操作,在第二季回收后因严重损坏而放弃修理,强子炮与德鲁伊系统被转移到浮游航空舰斑鸠上。 文森特(ヴィンセント, Vincent) 型式编号:RPI-212 全高/基本重量:4.44m/6.99t 驾驶员:罗洛99兰佩洛基、基尔伯特99G99P99基尔福特、女武神队、皇帝护卫队 不列颠尼亚帝国军以兰斯洛特为蓝本开发的最新型Knightmare Frame,在大规模量产之前开发的试作量产型机体,也可以说是兰斯洛特的量产型初号。试作型以金色途装为主,配有MVS-震动剑其可主装成棍剑、手肘设有电磁脉冲装置能击轰敌机,燕爪牙配置在双脚,机动性能比兰斯洛特差一些、但比桑德兰高出一截。 已确认存在紫罗兰色涂装型号,为吉尔福德的后续专用机,在第6话被“辐射波动”击落。 R2-18话中,女武神队所用的机体为粉红色涂装;R2-20话中,皇帝直属的护卫队专用的机体为深绿色途装。 红莲贰式(ぐれん にしき) 型式编号:Guren Type-02 全高/战斗重量:4.51m/7510kg 京都提供给黑色骑士团的机体,之后零(ZERO)交给了华莲,成为华莲的专用机体。 完全由日本独自开发的Knightmare机体(但实际上只是京都六家委托外国技术人员开发的机体),由于设计理念与不列颠帝国制Knightmare机架极不相同,导致外观也有很大差异。 特征是其巨大银色像鬼爪的右手(右手部件可替换 拥有多种发展衍生型号,第一季中出现的红莲贰式装备了标准型右手部件。第二季中登场的则是装备了甲一型右手部件)及其一身鲜红的颜色。运动性能是Sutherland的1.6倍,机体等级同属于第七世代的Knightmare,拥有极高的性能。其驾驶座的形状有如摩托车,因此驾驶员是以跨坐并向前屈的方式搭乘与操纵。在可伸缩的右手上搭载了武器“辐射波动”,这是以高周波进行短周期照射,“从内部”破坏敌人的武器。破坏力之强,也令零(ZERO)感到惊讶。另外还搭载了从机体后部喷出干扰片烟雾的装置,在第17话可见到于藤堂下令后一齐喷出干扰片烟雾的壮观情景。 第二季中的最新型号是红莲圣天八极式。 红莲可翔式(ぐれん かしょうしき) 型式编号:Guren Flight-enabled Version 全高/战斗重量:4.51m/7510kg R2第6话开始登场,是红莲贰式的强化型态,装备了拉克夏塔新开发的各种装备,首先是可以进行空中战斗的可翔翼。右手则换了新型的穿甲炮击右手部件(红色和黑色涂装),可进行广范围或中距离,远距离的辐射波动攻击。另外还增加了辐射障壁系统,可翔翼亦备有导弹发射器以及用来瘫痪敌方机体的葛冯网发射装置。头部也增加了2支大机翼。 红莲圣天八极式(ぐれん せいてんはっきょくしき) 第九世代Knightmare,R2第18话开始登场,被特派部俘获并加以改良后,增加了红莲的空中移动能力,强化了辐射障壁系统及攻击能力。强化右手的辐射波动装置,可发射作远距操控,同时于两肩增设巨型的“飞燕爪牙”以及由塞西露所开发的新技术能量翼装备。“圣天八极式”的名称,来自起动画面中显示的“Superlative Extruder Interlocked Technology Exclusive Nexus”最头一个英文字《S.E.I.T.E.N.》的日文音译及“EIGHT ELEMENTS”。
2023-06-05 08:31:171


排成(某种队形)stand a child on his feet使孩子站立stand a ladder against a wall把梯子竖在墙边stand sb. in the corner by way of punishment罚某人站墙角stand facts on their heads颠倒事实stand the test of time经受时间的考验stand sb. a dinner (=stand a dinner for sb.)请某人吃饭stand a bottle to the company为作伴的人们买一瓶酒stand treat付帐He stands his ground.他坚持己见。I cannot stand waiting [to wait] any longer.再等下去我可受不了啦。The bus stands 30 people.这辆公共汽车内可站三十人。make sb."s hair stand on end使某人毛发悚然stand as a sponsor for a person为某人赞助人stand well with sb.同某人相处很好stand for the harbour驶向海港stand in for the shore驶向海岸as things stand按照现状来看Stand still!站住, 不许动!S-easy![英]稍息!The thermometer stood at 26℃. 温度计读数是摄氏26度。Tears stood in her eyes.她两眼含着泪。Truth stands in opposition to falsehood.真理同谬误是对立的。The matter stands thus.事情就是这样。How does he stand on this matter?他对这问题抱什么态度?The same remark stands good.这句话同样有效。He stands one metre and eighty.他身高一米八十。standn.固定的立场stand-inn.替换者, 代替者, (电影中)替身有利地位[美俚]照顾, 偏袒, 门路, 线索stand-messengern.[美](服装等的)活人广告stand-offn.远离, 隔开, 孤立, 避开; 驶离岸边[口] 旁观; 冷淡支付延期[英]闲散, 停工平衡, 抵销, 中和, 平局, 不分胜负传输线固定器, 拉线钉adj.远距离的, 投射的有支座的, 有托脚的stand-offishadj.疏远的, 冷淡的, 傲慢的standout[`stAndaJt]adj.,n.杰出的(人物)优秀的选手[口]坚持己见的人, 孤立主义者, 不随大流者standpat[`stAndpAt]adj.[美]不要求换牌的; 主张维持现状的n.固执保守分子; 顽固地反对变革的人stand-pattern.[美]顽固分子, 保守派standpipe[5stAndpaIp]n.配水塔, 竖管, 房屋内消防用水管standpoint[5stAndpCInt]n.立场, 论点, 观点stand-to[`stAndtU:]n.[英]【军】战斗准备stand-upadj.站立的, 直立的光明正大的, 堂堂正正的, 不耍手段的, 凭真功夫的戏剧里丑角在舞台上诙谐独白的 it stands按照现在情况, 事实是这样be at a stand停 顿, 僵持, 不知所措be brought to a stand (=come to a stand)停顿, 弄僵It stands to reason (that)合乎情理, 理所当然let sth. stand暂且不理, 暂时搁起来不加讨论make a stand站住; 阻击(at)make [take] a stand against坚决抵抗; 坚持反对make a stand for捍卫..., 为...辩护one-night stand(旅行剧团在一城镇)一夜的停留演出一夜夫妻, 露水姻缘一夜夫妻的任一方put [bring] ... to a stand使停顿, 使为难, 阻止take a (firm) stand on [over]对...采取坚定的立场take one"s stand(与on, upon连用) 站在...位置[岗位]; 站在...立场; 以...为根据take the stand[美]出庭作证; 为...担保witness stand证人席stand abashed感到羞愧, 感到拘促不安stand against抵抗, 反抗; 靠在...上; 经受住stand alone孤立; 卓越; (与in连用)无与伦比stand along排成一列stand aloof [apart]避开; 不参加Stand and deliver![古][拦路强盗用语]站住, 留下值钱的东西! 留下买路钱!stand as作(侯选人)竞选stand aside站开; 袖手旁观stand at犹豫不决, 踌躇stand away不接近, 离开stand back退后, 靠后站stand behind后援, 做后盾stand by袖手旁观待机;【无】准备发送信号; 等待下次收听站在一起, 帮助维持, 遵守【军】[口令](Stand by)就位!stand [come] between sb. and sth.妨碍某人做某事; 阻碍某人获得某物stand clear of [from] sth.避开某物(以免危险)stand corrected接受指正, 承认有错stand down【律】退出证人席位暂时辞退【军】不在值勤中【军】解散, 遣散(使)解除戒备顺潮流[风向]航行stand fast [firm]固守, 坚持不变, 坚定不移stand firmly on确信, 深信stand for代表, 象征, 意味着支持, 主张, 赞成参加...的竞选[口]容忍【航海】向...航行做(初生儿的)教父[母]stand for nothing毫无用处stand good依然真实, 仍然有效stand in(for)加入, 参加[口]使花费代替, 做替身stand in with[美俚]帮助, 左袒, 和...共同行动, 分担stand off远离[美]疏开, 避开; 延期暂时; 解雇【航海】离岸驶行stand off and on【航海】一忽儿接近海岸, 一忽儿远离海岸航行stand on [upon]坚持, 拘泥【航海】向一个方向笔直航行决定于, 依赖于坐落于Stand on me (for that)![俚]相信我的话, 不骗你!stand or fall [with, together, by]共命运, 共浮沉stand out突出; 出色; 显著抵抗到底【航海】离岸向海中航行stand out against顽强抵抗...; 坚决反对...stand out as是一个杰出的stand out for坚持...; 坚决要求stand over延期, 展望密切注意, 监督stand sb. up[美俚](失约)使人失望stand to守(约, 条件等); 继续做下去; 准备行动; 坚决主张; 坚持; 进入阵地stand to lose [win]一定[可能]会输[赢]stand treat(to)作东, 请客stand under忍受stand up站起来持久露头角[美俚]背约stand up against抵抗, 反对, 同...对抗stand up and be counted[美]采取坚定立场, 公开表示态度stand up for拥护, 辩护stand up to勇敢地抵抗, 经得住stand up with双双站起, 和.... 跳舞(结婚时)陪伴(新郎新娘), 充当...的傧相stand upon依靠, 视...如何而定, 坚持, 主张, 拘泥(礼貌)stand well with得某人好感[好评]stand with同...一致; 和...站在一起accumulator stand蓄电池架anvil stand砧座arc-spark stand电极架assembling stand装配座[台, 夹具]axle stand车轴修理台, (放)车轴座axle assembling stand轮轴装合器balancing stand平衡架, 平衡(试验)台bearing stand轴承座[台]bell stand警钟座bench drill stand台式钴架binnacle stand罗经柜柱block testing stand发动机试验台breakdown stand粗轧机座broadside stand宽展机座cable stand电缆架calibration stand校验台camera stand摄象机支架[位置]caption stand字幕架cloth roll stands布卷架compensator stand调整器架complete stand完全林分, 郁闭林condenser stand冷凝器架[座]control stand控制台corrugating stand压瓦垅[板] 机座creel stand排线架, 工字轮架(合绳机部件)crucible stand(坩埚)炉底, 坩埚垫cycle stand脚踏车架desk stand桌上话筒; 桌机dial ga(u)ge stand指数[千分]表架die stand拉模板座; (模具的)模座disassembly and assembly stand装(合拆)卸座display stand修理台dressing stand平整机座drill stand(安装)手摇钻台架, 钻台[架]dummy stand小压下量轧制机座; 空轧机座edging stand立辊机床elite stand原种林(选种用)emery stand砂轮机engine governor testing stand柴油机调速器试验台engine test stand柴油机试验台extruder stand压出机机座filter stand滤架; 漏斗架fitting stand装配架fixed contact stand定接点 座floor stand地轴架forearm stand前膊倒立forest stand林分, 林段funnel stand漏斗架ga(u)ge stand表座, 规座gear stand齿轮支架generator stand发电机座gin stand轧花机机座hang stand站立悬垂headlight casing stand头灯壳座high stand高隐棚high jump stand跳高架high water stand【海】高潮停潮horizontal stand水平台horizontal roll stand水平(轧)辊机座housingless stand无牌坊[无机架]机座idle stand空转机座inclined (test) stand倾斜试验台index stand指标林individually driven stand单独传动机座inferior stand次等林分inspecting stand检查台instrument stand仪表架insulating stand绝缘台[支柱]intermediate stand中间机座jiffy stand停车架judges" stand司令台jumping stand跳高架jumping three-high stand跳式三辊机座knee stand跪立leader stand横列式交替二辊型钢轧机的预精轧机座(成品前)let-off stand导出装置lock bar operating lever stand锁闭杆操纵握柄架low straddle stand低[大]分腿站立lubricator stand润滑座magazine reel stand【刷】卷筒纸臂架magnet stand磁性表架mature stand成熟林分micrometer stand测微计座, 千分尺座microphone stand传声器架mike stand送话器支架mill stand轧机机座mobile high-pressure air stand移动式高压空气供应台movablestand移动架, 小车式架neck-and-shoulderstand肩臂倒立neck-and-shoulderstand with elbow support肩肘倒立no-twist finished stand无扭(转)精轧机座nozzle testing stand喷嘴试验器oil drum stand油桶架overhaul stand检修台parallelogram stand平行四边形试验台(测推力)pinion stand齿轮机架(轧钢机上), 齿轮座; 小齿轮箱pipe carrier stand导管导轮架pipe-mill rolling stand钢管轧机机座planishing stand精轧[精整, 平整]机座plate mill stand钢板轧机机座plunger stand插入杆座pneumatic teststand气压试验台ponystand预精轧机座pony-roughing stand of rolls预轧机座, 第二架粗轧机座pressurizing stand增压检验台prestressed stand预应力机架propeller balancing stand螺旋桨平衡架propulsion control stand推进装置操纵台pull-out and reducing stand拉轧机(组)(连铸)rack stand架子radiator stand散热器架realign-up stand绕线机rear and front axle stand前后车轴架rear axle stand后桥架remote stand遥控台repair stand修理台reversing rolling stand可逆式轧机座reversing roughing stand可逆式粗轧机座ring stand(铁)环架ripe stand成熟林分roller stand滚柱架roll-over stand翻转架, 回转架running axle stand车轴座sextant stand六分仪座single stand单机座sliding stand滑动台soft stand有减震设备的试验台spare stand备用机座spectators" stand看台spool stand筒管架, 卷线架spreading stand宽展机座squat stand蹲立steam ga(u)ge stand汽压计座steering stand操舵台straightaway stands串列式盘条轧机机组structural stand建筑型钢[钢(轨)梁]轧机机座supporting stand支架target stand靶架teardown stand拆卸台架test stand试验台thrust stand发动机试验台架, 推力试验台tidal stand【海】停潮, 平潮tilting stand转台timekeepers" stand计时台tool stand工具台[架]torque-reaction stand扭矩装置[测量台]truck fill stand装车台underarm stand前膊倒立universal stand万能台, 万能[通用]材料架universal finishing stand万能式精轧机座unmixed stand非混交林vascular stand维管丛vibration test stand振动试验台water crane stand水鹤柱wheel stand导轮座whirling stand回转架whirling test stand旋转试验台wooden stand木架working stand工作台[机座, 梯]
2023-06-05 08:31:241


mei nong guo
2023-06-05 08:31:332


『壹』 模具专业英语翻译 In this passage, a reliable and practical sample moulding is introced. Firstly calculate the overall dimension of workpiece acc workpice drawing, then locate the center pressure point. Draw the layout in consideration of material utilization. Analyse workpiece profile and specific dimensions and punch with pound moulding. It"s high of efficiency and simple in proction. With all parameters done, *** ysis on the assembling of the moulds and requirement of main parts design and assembling was made. Besides guide book on designwork, assembling drw. of mouldings, nonstandard parts drawings, machining charts, processing cards and nonstandard parts machining cards are also included. 『贰』 模具专业方面英语 大概意思就可以 材料:gd-al Si 12铁en46100(标准UNI一5076) 起草角度 1° 未注半径R0.5。 孔去毛刺 表面清洁、无毛刺 不要在密封版区注入点 -金刚石权工具或与碳化钨硬质合金刀具加工 体积:46.56cm3(压铸) :43.99cm3(加工) 『叁』 模具专业英语中译英 Hardness is the wearability of the influence factors. Normally, mould parts of higher hardness, wear resistance, the better. In addition, abrasion resistance and carbide materials species, quantity, morphology and size and distribution. 『肆』 模具专业英语 Mold consists of three basic ponents, namely, dynamic simulation part of the floating cavity plate and fixed template. Push plate aperture to be pared with cores of large-diameter slightly larger number of threads to prevent thread appears scratches. Assembly anizations from push plate, push the semi-fixed panels and ejector rod posed of injection molding machines. Floating cavity plate distance from the maximum movement limit control of nails or similar devices. Principles of injection molding and casting are very similar. Resin material into a rotating screw, you should enter off three zones: the feeding area, paction area and the plasticizing zone. Gate is the entrance of molten plastic into the cavity shunt wall must be *** ooth, in order to prevent melt flow generated parting surface of the shape of the resistance depends entirely on the shape of the shrinking role of the plastic to make plastic parts ejection difficulties. Injection cooling, the contraction depends on the plastic parts melt molding processes. 『伍』 急求一篇5000字的模具专业英语文章(带中文翻译),哪位大神给力啊! Extrusion molding process Thermoplastic plastic extrusion molding process is divided into four stages lesson. Plasticizing stage Through dry processing plastic raw materials by extruder hopper to join a nitrogen-treated barrel nitrogen-treated barrel, after the heating and screw rotation, paction and the mixing action below, by solid powder or aggregates into uniform melt with some liquidity for the process plastication. Extrusion stage Even with the plastic melt plastication screw rotation was sent to a nitrogen-treated barrel in front, screw rotation extrusion action by extrusion die, on a certain shape mouth mode and get section and mouth model shape continuous profiles consistent. Finalizes the design phase Thermoplastic plastics in leave immediately after mouth mode, extruded plastic continuous profiles for cooling and finalize the design, or plastic in self-respect under the action of will deformation, appear sag or distortion phenomenon. In most cases, qualitative and cooling is finish at the same time, only in extrusion various bar stock and pipe, just have a separate qualitative process, and the extrusion film, finalize the design process, no single etc, if only by cooling can be. Extrusion plank and sheet, sometimes by a pair of roller planish, while rise to finalize the design and cooling effect. Cooling generally USES air cooling or water cooling, cooling speed on the plastic parts surface roughness, size shape accuracy etc performance has very big effect. Hard plastics (such as polystyrene, low density polyethylene and rigid PVC etc.) can"t cooling too fast, otherwise easy to cause the resial stress, and affect the appearance of plastic parts quality; Soft or crystallization type requires plastic parts in time, lest plastics deformation cooling. Traction plastic parts. Coiling and cutting Plastics extruding the mouth mode since, usually because of pressure from mold and happen suddenly lifted after inflation phenomenon, and cooling shrinks will happen again, thus make the size and shape of the plastic parts changes. In addition, because plastics was continuous extrusion, self-respect is more and more big, if not guidance, can cause plastics stagnation, make plastic thing cannot be *** ooth extrusion. Therefore, in the cooling at the same time, we should continuously will plastics derivation, this is traction. Traction process one by extruder auxiliary device to plete. Traction Traction with extrusion 人教版新目标初二下英语同步辅导(一)初中二年级下un...初中二年级下Un... speed speed will adapt to, general traction speed slightly higher than the extrusion speed, so as to eliminate the plastics dimension change, at the same time for plastics proper stretching can improve the molding quality. Different plastics traction at different speeds. Usually film and monofilament traction speed can be quicker, its reason is drawing speed, the plastic parts decreased diameter and thickness, longitudinal strength increases, elongation fracture resistance rection. For extrusion hard plastic parts, traction speed cannot big, usually takes will drag speed regulation within a certain range, and to be very evenly, otherwise it will affect its size uniformity and mechanical properties. Through the plastics class traction in cutting device according to use requirement on cutting (such as rods, tubes, plate, sheet etc), or in coiling device made around a roll (such as film, monofilament, cables, etc). In addition, some plastic parts such as films etc, sometimes need to undertake post-processing, in order to improve dimensional stability. 『陆』 模具专业英语学习感想(英文+汉语) 感想很深,就是什么都不懂啊~~~ 『柒』 模具专业英语的内容简介 本书是为了配合高等抄院校、高等职业院校模具设计与制造专业的专业英语教学需要而编写的,从模具技术特点出发,针对现代模具制造新技术,主要内容涵盖了模具设计与制造的相关知识,共有9个单元,包括:冲压成形、弯曲成形、拉伸成形、挤压成形、注塑成型、模具加工与制造、模具制造设备与系统、模具的报价与合同等。本书可作为高等院校、高等职业院校模具设计与制造、机电、机制、数控、材料加工等专业的教学用书或参考材料,也可作为从事模具设计与制造的工程技术人员和模具外贸人员的学习参考书。 『捌』 模具专业英语的介绍 模具专业英语,一本培养高职高专的专业技术人员的书。可以了解更多的外语与模具之间的翻译,技术人员也可以作相应参考。 『玖』 模具技术专业英语 kankan 『拾』 模具专业英语课程学习有感 这个还真不好找 这个还真不好找这个还真不好找 这个还真不好找 这个还真不好找 这个还真不好找 这个还真不好找
2023-06-05 08:31:391


才给30分 哎!!!!!
2023-06-05 08:31:484


压胶辊dandy roll压胶块机volumetric rubber press
2023-06-05 08:32:142


SINOEXTRUDER 中装科技的挤出机产量扭矩稳定性目前与全球最高水平同步,可以了解一下,据说SABIC ,FOXCONN都用他们的
2023-06-05 08:32:248


辅机 [词典] auxiliary engine; donkey; [例句]介绍了密炼机上辅机和双螺杆挤出压片机的检修、试车与验收的各项工作。Introduced the test and examination and repairing works of the machine and extruder.
2023-06-05 08:32:431


Still, i thought it best to keep up pressure . 然而,我仍然认为最好继续 保持压力 。 Early pressure maintenance scheme 早期 保持压力 方案 1cap is for hose end thread protection only . not to be used for pressure containing purposes 1盖子仅仅用于软管连接端的螺纹保护。不用于 保持压力 。 Seat the post into the c *** gently and maintain firm pressure once the post is seated 轻轻的使桩在根管内就位,一旦桩就位,应 保持压力 使之牢固稳定。 " it " s important to keep the pressure up . christmas is a difficult period and united have got tough games ing up “ 保持压力 很重要。圣诞节期间是个艰难的时期,曼联将面对艰难的对手。 ” A gear pump is installed on the production pne , the pressure is stabipzed by varying the speed of extruder through the help of puter according to the accurately measured pre - pump pressure , resulting optimized material feeding process 在挤出生产线上安装一台齿轮泵,通过在泵前准确的测压,通过微机处理调节挤出机速度, 保持压力 稳定,有序提供料流来优化供料过程。 We kept the pressure on to plete the remaining difficult issues , most notably insurance but also trq s and audio - visual product distribution , even during the traumatic week of september 11 at the final geneva working party 即使是在9月11日那样一个非常的星期,我们继续在日内瓦工作组的最后会议上 保持压力 ,从而解决了余下的难题,其中最令人注目的是保险问题,但也包括关税率配额和音像制品的销售问题。
2023-06-05 08:33:081

高分悬赏 关于齿轮泵或者液压元件的英文文献及中文翻译,5000字的,谢谢了

齿轮泵的概念是很简单的,即它的最基本形式就是两个尺寸相同的齿轮在一个紧密配合的壳体内相互啮合旋转,这个壳体的内部类似“8”字形,两个齿轮装在里面,齿轮的外径及两侧与壳体紧密配合。来自于挤出机的物料在吸入口进入两个齿轮中间,并充满这一空间,随着齿的旋转沿壳体运动,最后在两齿啮合时排出。 在术语上讲,齿轮泵也叫正排量装置,即像一个缸筒内的活塞,当一个齿进入另一个齿的流体空间时,液体就被机械性地挤排出来。因为液体是不可压缩的,所以液体和齿就不能在同一时间占据同一空间,这样,液体就被排除了。由于齿的不断啮合,这一现象就连续在发生,因而也就在泵的出口提供了一个连续排除量,泵每转一转,排出的量是一样的。随着驱动轴的不间断地旋转,泵也就不间断地排出流体。泵的流量直接与泵的转速有关。 实际上,在泵内有很少量的流体损失,这使泵的运行效率不能达到100%,因为这些流体被用来润滑轴承及齿轮两侧,而泵体也绝不可能无间隙配合,故不能使流体100%地从出口排出,所以少量的流体损失是必然的。然而泵还是可以良好地运行,对大多数挤出物料来说,仍可以达到93%~98%的效率。 对于粘度或密度在工艺中有变化的流体,这种泵不会受到太多影响。如果有一个阻尼器,比如在排出口侧放一个滤网或一个限制器,泵则会推动流体通过它们。如果这个阻尼器在工作中变化,亦即如果滤网变脏、堵塞了,或限制器的背压升高了,则泵仍将保持恒定的流量,直至达到装置中最弱的部件的机械极限(通常装有一个扭矩限制器)。 对于一台泵的转速,实际上是有限制的,这主要取决于工艺流体,如果传送的是油类,泵则能以很高的速度转动,但当流体是一种高粘度的聚合物熔体时,这种限制就会大幅度降低。 推动高粘流体进入吸入口一侧的两齿空间是非常重要的,如果这一空间没有填充满,则泵就不能排出准确的流量,所以PV值(压力×流速)也是另外一个限制因素,而且是一个工艺变量。由于这些限制,齿轮泵制造商将提供一系列产品,即不同的规格及排量(每转一周所排出的量)。这些泵将与具体的应用工艺相配合,以使系统能力及价格达到最优。 PEP-II泵的齿轮与轴共为一体,采用通体淬硬工艺,可获得更长的工作寿命。“D”型轴承结合了强制润滑机理,使聚合物经轴承表面,并返回到泵的进口侧,以确保旋转轴的有效润滑。这一特性减少了聚合物滞留并降解的可能性。精密加工的泵体可使“D”型轴承与齿轮轴精确配合,确保齿轮轴不偏心,以防齿轮磨损。Parkool密封结构与聚四氟唇型密封共同构成水冷密封。这种密封实际上并不接触轴的表面,它的密封原理是将聚合物冷却到半熔融状态而形成自密封。也可以采用Rheoseal密封,它在轴封内表上加工有反向螺旋槽,可使聚合物被反压回到进口。为便于安装,制造商设计了一个环形螺栓安装面,以使与其它设备的法兰安装相配合,这使得筒形法兰的制造更容易。 PEP-II齿轮泵带有与泵的规格相匹配的加热元件,可供用户选配,这可保证快速加温和热量控制。与泵体内加热方式不同,这些元件的损坏只限于一个板子上,与整个泵无关。 齿轮泵由一个独立的电机驱动,可有效地阻断上游的压力脉动及流量波动。在齿轮泵出口处的压力脉动可以控制在1%以内。在挤出生产线上采用一台齿轮泵,可以提高流量输出速度,减少物料在挤出机内的剪切及驻留时间,降低挤塑温度及压力脉动以提高生产率及产品质量The concept of the gear pump is very simple, it is the most basic form two the same size of gear in a close coordination of casing mutual engagement, the shell of internal similar "8" glyph, two gear, gear inside diameter and bilateral and shell. From the extruder materials in the suction into two gears, and full of a space, with the rotation of the tooth in the shell movement, finally two teeth mesh when eduction.In the term, the gear pump is also called positive displacement device, like a cylinder piston, when a within another gear teeth into the fluid space, liquid was discharged pushing machinery. Because of the liquid is incompressible fluids and tooth, so can occupy the same space at the same time, so that you have been excluded. Because of this phenomenon, constantly mesh is continuous, thereby in pump export provides a continuous, pump out each, the amount of exhaust. With the drive shaft rotation, uninterruptedly pump is uninterrupted eduction fluid. Pump flow directly with the speed of the pump.In fact, there are small amounts of fluid pumps, the loss of the pump efficiency can reach 100%, because these fluid used lubricating bearings and gear pump body side, but also could never non-clearane, cannot make fluid with 100% exported from a fluid, so the loss is inevitable. However pump can still operating well, for most of the extruder, still can achieve materials of efficiency.For viscosity or density in the process of fluid, the change is not much effect on pump. If there is a damper on line, for example, put a screen or export side a limit, pump will promote the fluid through them. If the damper in work change, i.e., if the mesh become dirty, blocked, or limitation of back pressure is increased, the pump will remain constant flow, until it reaches the weakest part of device of mechanical limit (usually contains a torque limiter).For a pump, the speed limit is actually, it mainly depends on technology transfer, if the fluid is oil pump can at high speed rotating, but when the fluid is a kind of high viscosity polymer melt, the restrictions will be greatly reduced.Promote sticky fluid into the suction side of the two tooth space is very important, if the space without fills, the pump can discharge the flow, so precise velocity (PV) is another pressure (a limiting factor, and it is a process variables. Due to the limit, the gear pump manufacturers will provide a series of products of different specifications, and emissions per week turned out (of the). The pump and the concrete application process, in order to make system capacity and achieve optimal price.PEP - II of the gear pump shaft, and the body USES hardening craft, can obtain more long working life. "D" type bearings with the lubrication mechanism of polymer, make the bearing surface, and return to the pump inlet side, in order to ensure the effective axis. This reduces the possibility of degradation of polymer and detained. Precision machining pump body can make "D" type bearings and gear axle, ensure accurate gear axis gear eccentric wear, not to. Parkool seal structure and ptfe lip seal constitute water seal. This fact does not contact the shaft seal surface, it is the sealing principle of polymer cooled to half molten state and forming the seal. Also, it can be used in Rheoseal seal shaft sealing in a table, can make the reverse spiral groove back by the import of polymer. For ease of installation, the manufacturer designs a circular bolts, to install the equipment installation of flange with other match, which makes the cylindrical flange manufacture more easily.PEP - II gear pump and specification of pump matching element, which can ensure the user"s choice, fast heating and heat control. The pump body with different heating, these elements damaged, with only a landmark on the pump.By an independent gear pump motor drive, and can effectively block upstream pressure pulsation and flow volatility. In the gear pump outlet pressure pulsation can control in 1%. On the production line adopts a gear pump, can increase the output speed, reduce material flow in the shear and within the extruder, reduce time-resident, extrusion temperature and pressure pulsation in order to improve productivity and quality
2023-06-05 08:33:192


the margin of the material
2023-06-05 08:33:264

塑料是怎么做成的 英文

How is the plastic made?
2023-06-05 08:33:493


55555555 哥们 我也不知道呀 就知道弹药的招是一个狙击枪(韩服有)
2023-06-05 08:34:073