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2023-06-05 08:43:59
TAG: nt

into 表面意思是进入的意思


比方说He is just not that into you.



take into account/take into consideration 顾及

take fully into account 充分考虑到

take into consideration 考虑

take into account 重视; 考虑在内; 考虑到; &n....

take into care (把没人管教的孩子)送进教养院

take into consideration 考虑到

take into her head 决定

take into one"s confidence 信任

take into one"s head 突然想到要; 决定

take into partnership 请...为合伙人

take into partnership with 请...为合伙人; 请...为合伙人

take into serious consideration 仔细考虑

take sb into confidence 信任某人

take sb into custody 将某人拘捕

take sb. into custody 拘留某人

take sth into consideration 把某物考虑进去

take sth into account 考虑某事

refuse to take into consideration 拒绝予以考虑

take a headlong dive into 潜入

take sb. into one"s service 雇用某人

take sth into more consideration 特别考虑某事

take the aircraft into flight 使飞机升空

(arrest and) take into custody 拘押

take one"s destiny into one"s own hands 掌握自己的命运

take sth/sb into one"s head 相信某事(或某人)

take the law into one"s own hands 擅自处理

take the whole situation into account 统筹全局

to take effect/to go into effect 生效

(saying) take the big picture into consideration 顾全大局

to put in place/put into practice/take effect 施行

look after/take into consideration/to attend to 照顾



custodial 与名词 custody 的派生形容词,对应的动词是 detain (羁押) 或 ward (监护)
2023-06-05 06:59:211


u2666consideration 约因 合约是订约方自愿建立的法律关系,是一方以有价值的代价或者承诺以换取对方的承诺或代价,这些合约中的承诺或代价称为约因,缺乏有效的约因,合约便不能成立。u2666contempt of court 藐视法庭 是一种严重的罪行,可以被判罚款或监禁。藐视法庭包括不遵守法庭命令、违反对法庭作出的承诺,妨碍司法公正等行为。 u2666contributory negligence 分担疏忽 意外中的伤者对意外的造成及他自己的受伤程度,需要分担部份疏忽的责任,他所获得的赔偿额也会相对地减少。 u2666copyright u2666counterclaim 反申索 在民事诉讼中,被告对原告作出申索,而该申索的事实和理据与原告的申索是有关连的,反申索是一项独立的申索,所以原告必须对反申索作出适当的响应,例如进行抗辩等。 u2666custody 保管,监护,拘留 一般而言,custody这个名词是指对对象的保管或拥有,但在家事法中,custody of children 是指对未成年子女的监护权;而在刑事案件中,则指对被告的拘留。
2023-06-05 06:59:271


custom的读音是:英["k_st_m]。custom的读音是:英["k_st_m]。custom的词语用法是n.(名词)custom的基本意思是“风俗,习惯,惯例”,指一个团体或社会长期以来形成的传统,也可指个人的习惯,有单复数形式,用于泛指时多用单数; 表示某种习俗时可加不定冠词a,指各种风俗习惯时也可用复数。custom的意思是n.习惯;风俗;惯例;adj.(复)Customs: 海关;关税。一、详尽释义点此查看custom的详细内容n.(名词)(个人)习惯,惯常行为海关风俗,习俗,惯例,常规,习惯做法关税惠顾,光顾,主顾顾客习性【律】习惯法【史】经常赋役adj.(形容词)订做的,订制的,定做的,定制的承接定做活的,专做定制的adv.(副词)定做地,定制地v.(动词)定制二、英英释义Noun:accepted or habitual practicea specific practice of long standingmoney collected under a tariffhabitual patronage;"I have given this tailor my custom for many years"Adjective:made according to the specifications of an individual三、网络解释1. 常规:个高级的编程环境(Visual Basic for Application)和对自动化的支持(以前的OLE自动化).数据Access对象(DAO)和ODBC Direct . DAO是一个开发者可用来建立数据获取方案的常规(custom)环境.2. 海关:(空柜还场也叫返空柜的话要交纳返空费,船公司(company)不同费用不同)7、报关:拖车一过闸, 海关(Custom) 的系统上有显示过闸,就可以开始报关了. 快的话半天就可以报出来,慢的话要等上一天. 如果运气不好碰到查柜,货没问题查的快点,四、例句The custom has now become a rule.那种习惯现已变为成规。It is my custom to go for a walk before breakfast.早餐前出去散散步是我的习惯。Custom rules the law.[谚]风俗左右法律。The custom prevails over the whole area.这风俗存在于这整个地区。This custom was abrogated years ago.这一惯例多年前业已废除。It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs.我们的海关检查只花了几分钟时间。Exit does not need to meet custom duty.出口不需要交关税。I pay $20 in custom on the $100 swiss watch.我为一百美元的瑞士表付了二十美元的关税。Please enter a name for the custom controller.请输入自定义控制器的名称。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)Social customs are greatly different from country to country.各个国家的社会风俗很不相同。Custom has a great influence on his behaviour.习俗对他的行为举止影响很大。The celebration of Christmas is a custom.庆祝圣诞节是一种习俗。You must conform yourself to the custom of the land.你必须遵从这个国家的习俗。The work glances at the customs of ancient cultures.该著作述及古代文化的习俗。I think these interesting old customs should be preserved.我认为这些有趣的旧习俗应该保留下来。It was Tom"s custom to get up early and go for a walk before breakfast.汤姆习惯早起床,并在早餐前散步。Eating hot dogs is an American custom.吃热狗是美国人的一种习惯。It is my custom to go to France for my holiday.我习惯于到法国度假。It is the custom of foreigners to do so.这样做法是外国人的习惯。The custom has now become a rule.那种习惯现已变为常规。Low prices draw custom.低价格吸引顾客。We"ve lost a lot of custom since our prices went up.自从提价以后,我们失去了许多顾客。It took us only four minutes to get through the Customs.我们用4分钟的时间通过了海关。She is seeing her baggage through customs at the airport.她正在机场办理行李过关的手续。We had to pay customs on the camera equipment we bought abroad.我们在国外买的摄影器材要付关税。I followed her into the Customs Building.我跟着她进了海关大楼。The Customs formalities are simple.海关检查手续很简单。The Customs have found heroin hidden in freight.海关查出了隐藏在货物中的海洛因。六、经典引文The English custom which keeps the men in the dining-room after dinner.出自:N. MitfordIndividuals..who are not paid but by custom are supplied with drinks.出自:R. HoggartIt was his custom, when unpleasant things had to be said, to sweeten his breath.出自:I. FlemingThe eyes of a nightbird customed to the splash of the sea.出自:E. Smither七、词义辨析n.(名词)custom, convention, tradition这组词都可表示“惯例,传统”。tradition强调历史上的意义,因长久奉行而几乎具有法律效力的习惯方式; convention主要指公认的社会规则和得体的礼仪; custom指某社会或民族的惯常行为规范。custom, habit这两个词都有“习惯,习俗,风俗”的意思。其区别是:1.custom指群体经过一段时期不断沿用而变成的习惯或惯例; habit指某个人反复地做某种动作,久而久之形成的自然习惯或习性,行动时不用思索。例如:This custom is on the decline.这种风俗渐渐消失。He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals.他有边吃饭边抽烟那让人讨厌的习惯。2.custom有时也指个人习惯,这时与habit的区别是:habit常指不好的习惯,而custom则常指良好的习惯。例如:It is his custom to take a cold bath every morning.他每天早晨有洗冷水澡的习惯。He has a habit of biting his lips when he is puzzled.他感到困惑时有咬嘴唇的习惯。habit,practice,custom,convention这组名词一般含义为“习惯”。habit指个人的“习惯”,通常用于表示做事、思考问题或行为举止的不自觉的方式方法。practice既可表示个人的也可表示社会的“习惯”,这种“习惯”从性质上看是一种反复不断的或是有选择性的行为或者方法。custom具有 habit 和 practice 的一切含义,此外,custom 还包含这样一层意思:长期而广泛采用的行为或方法,即风俗习惯,按照某地区人们共同生活及其行为的准则或规范,它不仅有指导意义,而且具有必须遵循的意义。convention其实是其他3个词的近义词,它的含义为:固定的或公众一致承认的行事或表达思想的方法。custom的相关近义词convention、habit、practicecustom的相关临近词customary、custody、custom ic、customise、Custom IP、custommade、Custom Tag、customable、CustomDict、custom car、custom law、custom list点此查看更多关于custom的详细信息
2023-06-05 06:59:341


2023-06-05 06:59:435

英语was taken into custody怎么翻译?

2023-06-05 07:00:044

监禁 英文怎么翻译?

put inprison;imprison
2023-06-05 07:00:192


常用法律英语词汇详解   法律,是国家的产物,是指统治阶级(统治集团,就是政党, 包括国王、君主),为了实现统治并管理国家的目的,经过一定立法程序,所颁布的基本法律和普通法律。下面是常用的法律英语词汇,希望扩大法律相关词汇的童鞋不妨看看!   Concurrent Sentence 合并判决   刑事案中的被告犯了两项或以上的罪名同时成立,但各项罪名的判刑同时执行,例如第一项罪的判刑是一年监禁,而第二项罪的判刑是监禁两年,两项罪合并判决,被告只需要被服刑两年。   Consecutive Sentence 连续判决   刑事案中的被告所犯的不同罪行,是以连续判决执行,则被告需要分别服刑,例如一项罪被判了两年,另一项罪则被判了三年,被告便需要连续服刑五年,才会被释放。   Consideration 约因   合约是订约方自愿建立的法律关系,是一方以有价值的代价或者承诺以换取对方的承诺或代价,这些合约中的承诺或代价称为约因,缺乏有效的约因,合约便不能成立。   Contributory Negligence 分担疏忽   意外中的伤者对意外的造成及他自己的受伤程度,需要分担部份疏忽的责任,他所获得的`赔偿额也会相对地减少。   Copyright 版权   是作者对他所创作的作品的发表、翻印、复制等专有权利,版权在作品完成后便自动产生及受法律保护,毋须经过任何注册程序,但必须为原创作品才拥有版权。   Counterclaim 反申索   在民事诉讼中,被告对原告作出申索,而该申索的事实和理据与原告的申索是有关连的,反申索是一项独立的申索,所以原告必须对反申索作出适当的响应,例如进行抗辩等。   Custody 保管,监护,拘留   一般而言,Custody这个名词是指对对象的保管或拥有,但在家事法中,Custody of Children 是指对未成年子女的监护权;而在刑事案件中,则指对被告的拘留。   Decree 法庭判令   法庭聆讯后所作出的判令,可以分成暂时性判令“decree nisi” 和永久性判令 “decree absolute”,常见于离婚呈请的程序。一般而言,法庭颁出decree nisi后,在指定的期限过后,除非收到反对,否则都会颁出永久判令。   Deed 契约   是一种特别的合约,须要经过当事人签署、盖章并送交对方才算有效,契约上的盖章在法律上被视为一种有效的约因。   Defamation 诽谤   非法破坏他人名誉的行为,口头的毁谤和以书面的永久形式诽谤都可以构成民事索偿的理据或者刑事罪行。   Defence 抗辩   刑事或民事案件中的被告,否认有关的指控或申索,同时提出反对的支持事实。   Dependant 受养人   是指某人的某些家庭成员,需要依靠这个人提供的经济来支持生活,如果这个人因意外死亡,他的受养人因而遭受损失,是有权追究责任,要求赔偿有关的损失。   Disclaimer 弃权,否认   是指某人愿意放弃法律上的某项权益,如果这项权益是以书面确认,则这份文件称为Disclaimer。此外,也可以是指对某个声称或指控作出否认的行为。   Discovery of documents 披露文件   在民事诉讼的程序中,原告和被告都需要向法庭及对方披露其所持有关于该案件的所有文件,基于公平、公开和公正的法律原则,是“所有与案有关的文件”都需要披露,而不是只披露对自己有利的文件。   Distraint 封租   租客拖欠租金,业主可以根据租约条文向法庭请求封租令,将租客留在物业中的物品充公拍卖,偿还所拖欠的租金和封租的费用。   Domicile 居藉   是一个人定居的地方,居藉与居所不同,每一个人只可以有一个居藉,但却可以多于一个居所,居藉可以是以出生地为居藉,也可以自行选择移居的居藉,也可以是法律界定的居藉,一个人的法律地位受其居藉影响。   Estoppel 不可反言   是“Stop”的意思,法律上不容许否认经已作出的行为,或者不容许引申某项违反公平原则的争辩。   Ex Parte 单方   在公平的原则下,诉讼的程序一般都是以双方“Inter Parte”形式进行,即是与讼双方同时有机会向法庭作出申辩。但在某些特殊的情况下,例如对申请人有人身或财物安全的迫胁,或者不让对方有机会毁灭证据等,是可以容许以单方形式进行。例如以单方传票向法庭申请禁制令,禁止对方将子女擅自携离香港。   Fiduciary Duty 诚信责任   公司董事和受托人等,因为其身处位置,对委托人或有关的受益人都负有诚信的责任,基本上,诚信责任就是不能以位或权而谋私,凡事均以委托人的利益为前题。   Forthwith 立即   法律书信经常用的副词,是立即的意思,例:The outstanding sum should be settled forthwith. 应该立即清还所欠的款项。其实,所谓立即,可以理解为最短的合理时间。 ;
2023-06-05 07:00:251

i was released into your custody的into用法

custody有抚养权,监护权的意思 be released into 应该还是原来的意思 整句翻译是 我被放进了你的监护权内 意译过来 你就是我的监管人
2023-06-05 07:00:491


1, exhibitors from the date of signing the contract within 1 week to deliver a full or 50% of the Participation Fee and the balance shall, not later than April 2009 25 paid, if not timely payments, the original stand is not retained, and has paid the cost rebate; Third, duration of the agreement From the date of this contract by signing the end of this event and all cleared. Fourth, burden-sharing 1, A and B both have a conformity with the law in ensuring the qualifications of the signing of this contract and provide the services under this contract. 2, Party A ensure that the services provided by Party B does not violate existing laws and regulations, does not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of any party. 3, booth allocation of the implementation of "first come, first pay, first the allocation of" principle, special circumstances, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to adjust the part of the booth; 4, Booth B of this event according to their needs and facility planning circumstances, in public, by drawing lots to decide on the specific Orientation. B The end result should be fully recognized, and continue to carry out the appropriate co-operation. 5 In case of force majeure (the rainy season, disasters, and political constraints, etc.) factors, Party A and Party B consultations in the negotiations, the right according to law Show changes to time, the power of interpretation owned by Party A for all. 6, the Party within the framework of a cooperation agreement only to lease space and promotional activities, exhibition structures within the B site and the materials are B themselves. 7, the right to request Party B to build the required advertising requirements and time frame of construction. 8, lease expiration, Party B shall be immediately removed from B facilities, goods or other movable property; and the provisions of this contract should be the withdrawal date will be the venue rental venue of restitution, as well as all the items immediately to the Party Rental return the Party, and to keep leasing the former situation. 9, lease period, the two sides should maintain the leased premises and common areas are clean and smooth. Party B is responsible for its own property Custody. 10, Party B shall be required before the signing of this contract to Party A to provide a list of exhibits as an annex to the contract, the attachment is an integral part of this contract. 11, the organizing committee will send the "Exhibitor Manual", "Exhibitor Manual" as the designated official documents issued by the Organizing Committee with the participation contract with the same binding effect; 5, a signature and commencement This contract shall come into effect the day the two sides sealed, both sides armed with one.
2023-06-05 07:00:561


拘留的英语是detain、hold in custody、intern、detention、take in to custody、arrest、custody。拘留的短语词组:拘留查讯 detention for questioning拘留处罚punishment of detention拘留方式 form of detention拘留国detaining power拘留令order of detention拘留期间duration of detention拘留权right of detention拘留债务人arrest of debtor例句:1、In June, the Supreme Court struck down parts of the Arizona law SB 1070, but upheld a more controversial requirement that officers with "reasonable suspicion" check the immigration status of people they detain.而在今年6月,最高法院推翻了亚利桑那州SB1070法律的一部分,但仍然维持更具争议的警官们“合理怀疑”检查他们拘留人员的移民身份这项条款。2、We"re going to detain the suspect pending further investigation.在做进一步深进调查期间我们要拘留这个嫌疑犯。3、They interceded with the authorities on behalf of the detainees.他们为被拘留者向当局求情。4、He was sentenced to two years" youth custody.他被判处在少年犯拘留所拘禁两年。5、After the riot, 32 people were taken into police custody.那场暴乱后,有32人被警方拘留。
2023-06-05 07:01:031

重症监护室能不能直译成Severe illness custody ward?

if you are referring to children care ward then custody ward might be ok.
2023-06-05 07:01:422

custody account是什么意思

custody account保管账户双语对照词典结果:custody account[英][u02c8ku028cstu0259di u0259u02c8kaunt][美][u02c8ku028cstu0259di u0259u02c8kau028ant]委托保管账户;
2023-06-05 07:01:491

brought up by 有抚养权的意思吗

2023-06-05 07:01:572


in custody,被拘留。remained,是过去式。是句子谓语。
2023-06-05 07:02:063

detain;take into custody;arrest是什么意思

detain 英[du026au02c8teu026an] 美[du026au02c8ten] vt. 耽搁; 留住,阻住; 拘留,扣留; take into custody 英[teik u02c8u026antuu02d0 u02c8ku028cstu0259di] 美[tek u02c8u026antu u02c8ku028cstu0259di] [释义] 收押; 收监; 监禁; [法] 逮捕,羁押,拘留; arrest 英[u0259u02c8rest] 美[u0259u02c8ru025bst] vt. 逮捕,拘捕; 止住,阻止,抑制; 吸引(注意); vi. 心跳停止; n. 拘留; 停止,阻止; 制动(装置);
2023-06-05 07:02:151


问题一:"看守所"的英文怎么写? detention house 参考 看守所形象塑造初探 On Modelling a Detention House-作者:方增明.. 问题二:拘留所的英语翻译 拘留所用英语怎么说 detention house house of detention lockup 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thx! 问题三:管教的英文是什么看守所的管教 看守所是对罪犯和犯罪嫌疑分子临时羁押的场所,狱警英文prison police 问题四:这句话用英语如何翻译? 看守所就是派出所的内部拘留场所,不是监狱。 不要翻译机,我自己有。有高手 Lock-up is the local police station"s inside watching palace,not the prison. 问题五:监狱英语怎么说 prison ["pr?z(?)n] n. 监狱;监禁;拘留所 问题六:羁押的英语翻译 羁押用英语怎么说 羁押 detain;take into custody更多释义>> [网络短语] 羁押 Custody;Detention of a suspect;remand 羁押期限 term in custody;Takes into custody the deadline;custody period 合法羁押 legal custody;lawful custody
2023-06-05 07:02:221

chain of custody是什么意思

chain of custody [词典] 物证连续保管; [网络] 产销监管链; 监管链; 保管链; [例句]The sample sheets may also contain chain of custody information.样品单上还可包含监护链信息。
2023-06-05 07:02:411


长春理工大学 卡斯特cust. 缩写词 abbr. 1.=custard 乳蛋糕2.=custodian 管理人,监护人3.=custody 监护,监禁,羁押4.=custom(er) 海关,习俗,买主
2023-06-05 07:02:504

chain of custody是什么意思

chain of custody监管链网络释义1. 接受监管的次序例句:1.Chain of Custody protocols are used for the tracking of sample shipments.
2023-06-05 07:02:594

chain of custody是什么意思

2023-06-05 07:03:094

chain of custody standard 是什么意思

chain of custody standard保管链标准例句:1.Chain of custody is all wrong. 监管链是完全错误的。
2023-06-05 07:03:182


是accountbook 的custody 有损坏导致的。解决方法,复制custody(数据和结构),然后清空custody内的所有记录。 然后将复制出来的表除id这个字段外的所有字段追加到custody 即可. 有关技术操作问题,我建议您这边直接联系精诚软件的技术部,以免影响您的业务精诚软件官网: www.jemsn.com技术支持部电话:020-38870129、38870319、86002930
2023-06-05 07:03:241

财产分割的英语翻译 财产分割用英语怎么说

财产分割 [词典] [法] dismemberment of property; [例句]离婚案件属于复合型诉讼,即包含了离婚、子女抚育和财产分割内容。As a complex litigation, this divorce case includes contents of divorce, custody, and properties division.
2023-06-05 07:03:321

joint custody是什么意思?

joint custody共同监护joint custody[英][dʒɔint ˈkʌstədi][美][dʒɔɪnt ˈkʌstədi]联名保管(户); 双语例句1How would you feel about joint custody?你觉得共同监护怎么样?
2023-06-05 07:03:391

be in the custody of sb是什么意思

2023-06-05 07:03:461

澳大利亚留学签证500中提交的custody,evidence of是什么文件

2023-06-05 07:03:561


拘留的英文解释如下:1、detain拘留;扣押;吸引…注意力以羁绊;使(病人;伤员)留院治疗。2、Intern v.拘留;扣押;做实习医生n.实习医生;实习生。3、take into custody拘留。4、detain(as a form of administrative punishment)拘留(作为一种行政处罚)。5、in custody在羁押中;拘留中;在押。6、Internment拘留;收容。7、detention拘留;课后留校。8、custody监护;保管;拘留;关押;监护权。短语搭配:1、拘留证。detention warrant.2、拘留所。house of detention;guardhouse;lockup.3、行政拘留。disciplinary detention;administrative attachment/detention.4、酒驾拘留。drink-drive arrest.5、拘留国。detaining power.双语例句:1、那场暴乱后,有32人被警方拘留。After the riot,32 people were taken into police custody.2、他显然没有因十三天的拘留而悔过。He has clearly not been chastened by his thirteen days in detention.3、警方拘留了32个人进行审问。The police have detained thirty-two people for questioning.4、那个小伙子被判少年拘留9个月。The youngster got nine months"youth custody.5、他被判处在少年犯拘留所拘禁两年。He was sentenced to two years"youth custody.6、他们为被拘留者向当局求情。They interceded with the authorities on behalf of the detainees.7、他说在拘留期间没有遭到拷问和虐待。He said that he was not tortured or maltreated during his detention.8、对逃亡者的拘留是合法的。The detention of the fugitive was lawful.9、他第二天被从拘留中释放。He was released from custody the next day.10、15岁的丹尼从少年犯拘留所逃了出来。Fifteen-year-old Danny is on the run from a juvenile detention centre.
2023-06-05 07:04:161


2023-06-05 07:05:203


您好,领学网为您解答:抚养权 Custody;sole custody;joint custody例句:法官裁决她拥有对孩子的抚养权。The judge ruled that she should have custody of the children. 望采纳!
2023-06-05 07:05:281

sole custody是什么意思

sole custodyn.单独监护权[英][su0259ul u02c8ku028cstu0259di][美][sol u02c8ku028cstu0259di]
2023-06-05 07:05:422

羁押的英语翻译 羁押用英语怎么说

羁押detain;take into custody更多释义>>[网络短语]羁押 Custody;Detention of a suspect;remand羁押期限 term in custody;Takes into custody the deadline;custody period合法羁押 legal custody;lawful custody
2023-06-05 07:05:491


  更多的知识你可以去仓库社区看下,仓库社区--仓库管理人员必上的网站,百度一下,第一个就是的。仓储作业专业术语及其含义  1、物品 article  经济活动中涉及到实体流动的物质资料。  2、储存 storing  保护、管理、贮藏物品。  3、保管storage  对物品进行保存及对其数量、质量进行管理控制的活动。  4、物品储存article reserves  储存起来以备急需的物品。  5、库存inventory  处于储存状态的物品。  6、货垛goods stack  为了便于保管和装卸、运输,按一定要求分门别类堆放在一起的一批物品。  7、堆码stacking  将物品整齐、规则地摆放成货垛的作业。  8、仓库warehouse  保管、储存物品的建筑物和场所的总称。  9、库房storehouse  有屋顶和围护结构,供储存各种物品的封闭式建筑物。  10、自动化仓库automatic warehouse  由电子计算机进行管理和控制,不需人工搬运作业,而实现收发作业的仓库。  11、立体仓库stereoscopic warehouse  采用高层货架配以货箱或托盘储存货物,用巷道堆垛起重机及其他机械进行作业的仓库。  12、虚拟仓库virtual warehouse  建立在计算机和网络通讯技术基础上,进行物品储存、保管和远程控制的物流设施。可实现不同状态、空间、时间、货主的有效调度和统一管理。  13、保税仓库boned warehouse  经海关批准,在海关监管下,专供存放未办理关税手续而入境或过境货物的场所。  14、出口监管仓库export supervised warehouse  经海关批准,在海关监管下,存放已按规定领取了出口货物许可证或批件,已对外买断结汇并向海关办完全部出口海关手续的货物的专用仓库。  15、料棚goods shed  供储存某些物品的简易建筑物,一般没有或只有部分围壁。  16、货场goods yard  用于存放某些物品的露天场地。  17、货架goods shelf  用支架、隔板或托架组成的立体储存货物的设施。  18、托盘 pallet  用于集装、堆放、搬运和运输的放置作为单元负荷的货物和制品的水平平台装置。  19、仓库管理warehouse management  对库存物品和仓库设施及其布局等进行规划、控制的活动。  20、仓库布局 warehouse layout  在一定区域内或库区内,对仓库的数量、规模、地理位置和仓库设施,道路等各要素进行科学规划和总体设计。  21、库存控制 inventory control  在保障供应的前提下,使库存物品的数量最少所进行的有效管理的技术经济措施。  物品:items,储存:storage 保管: custody物品储存:goods storage库存:inventory货垛:anduo 、 goods堆码:  仓库:warehouse 库房:warehouse 自动化仓库:Automated warehouse  立体仓库:Three-dimensional storehouse 虚拟仓库 :Virtual warehouse 保税仓库: Bonded warehouse  出口监管仓库 :Export supervised warehouse 料棚:Material tent  货场 :Freight yard 货架 :shelves 托盘 :tray  仓库管理 :Warehouse management 仓库布局 :Warehouse layout  库存控制:Inventory control
2023-06-05 07:06:161

get custody of him是什么意思

谁知快话知啦. 我要向什么方法让他回头,毕竟,明天是新的一天。(不知道是什么情镜?)
2023-06-05 07:06:243

custodial parent是什么意思

Custody 监护权Custodial parent 有监护权的一方父/母
2023-06-05 07:06:345


你好!保安security staff
2023-06-05 07:06:517


The name of the president or other presiding member ; and 主席或 临时主席 之姓名;及 In the absence of the chairman , the mittee shall elect one of its members to act as temporary chairman 如主席不能出席会议,则由另一委员担任 临时主席 。 The secretary of the mittee shall maintain and have custody of full and correct records of all action taken by the mittee 监察委员会议由该会主席主持。如主席不能出席会议,则由另一委员担任 临时主席 。
2023-06-05 07:07:191

翻译几句 you seek to enter the united states to engage in export control violations,subversive or terrorist activities,or any other unlawful purpose? are you a member or representative of a terrorist organization as currently designated by the u.s. secretary of state?have you ever participated in persecutions directed by the nazi govemment of germany;or have you ever participated in genocide? 2.have you ever violated the terms of a u.s. visa, or been unlawfully present in , or deported from ,the united states? 3.have you ever withheld custody of a u.s. citizen child outside the united states from a person granted legal custody by a u.s. court,voted in the united states in violation of any law or regulation , or renounced u.s. citizenship for the purpose of avoiding taxation? 4.have you ever been afflicted with a communicable disease of public health significance or a dangerous physical or mental disorder,or ever been drug abuser or addict?
2023-06-05 07:07:261


2023-06-05 07:07:331


Being accused
2023-06-05 07:08:077


2023-06-05 07:08:211


2023-06-05 07:09:015


Of course he was a plain pro-nazi . 当然,他是个不折不扣的亲纳粹派。 Of course i knew them both directly . 我当然一下子就认出了他们两个。 Of course it concerns neither of them . 双方自然都没有把自己摆进去。 It was , of course , within my right to do so . 我当然有权利这样做。 Lassitude occurs early in the course of the disease . 病初出现疲倦。 Each course created only a partial man . 每种道路产生的只是片面的人。 Our course must thwart those designs . 我们的方针是必须挫败那种企图。 The ship is holding a southeasterly course . 船只继续朝东南方向航行。 This is of course still the essential method . 这当然仍是本质的方法。 Can i sign up for this course in advance ? 我能事先申请上这一课程吗? What is the best course of action we can take ? 我们采取什么办法最好? It was pke a course in bull-fighting . 好象是一场斗牛的示范教程。 The checks are all good, of course . 当然,这些支票是完全有效的。 The continental drama ran its course . 欧洲大陆的形势继续演变著。 The garden neighbors on a golf course . 那花园与高尔夫球场相邻。 Gasopne , of course , must be saved in consumption . 汽油还是省著用吧。 Berenice had taken a nurse"s course . 白丽莱茜参加了一个护士班。 We have three courses of action to take . 我们从三方面著手行动。 What would be mr. carson"s course ? 卡逊先生会要采取什么行动呢? Winterborne pursued his own course homeward . 维恩特波恩踏上了回家的路。 What is the future course of the earth ? 地球将来的去向是什么? Regular procedures would take their course . 程序将按常规进行。 The best course is to let them alone . 最好的办法就是让他们一意孤行去吧。 Of course he chanted with the rest . 当然,他也和大家一起高喊。 They train technical cardres in short course . 他们办短训班培养技术干部。 The courses and topsails are set . 下桁大横帆和中桅帆均已扬起。 This is a normal course of exit out of the lung . 这是排出肺外的正常过程。 Of course his parents became terribly worried . 不用说,他的双亲万分忧虑。 The fever must run its course . 这种热病要经过一定过程才会好。 "of course the man"s a pedant. " “没错,他是个迂腐的家伙。” Of course she"ll fprt with anybody . 当然,她对谁都卖弄风情。 We of course wanted to recapture burma . 我们当然想收复缅甸。 The course of true love never did run *** ooth . 真正的爱情总不是一帆风顺的。 The fleet began to fill away on a northerly course . 船队开始顺风向北航行。 I"m as old as the hills, of course . 当然啦,我早已老态龙钟。 He shaved every day, of course . 他每天都刮胡子,这毫无疑问。 It is designed as a textbook for a one-term course . 它可用作一学期的教材。 The college offers courses in a variety of trades . 该学院开设多种职业课程。 No doubt nature took its course . 毫无疑问,事情就按照自然发展的规律发生了。 Course 1 makes heavy use of quantum mechanics . 第一种课程大量应用量子力学。 The destroyer was turning to a colpsion course . 驱逐舰改为迎面开来的航向。 Of course cepa will have custody of the children . 当然茜莉娅会照管孩子们。 Of course i contradict the tale everywhere . 我当然到处都把这番谣言加以否认。 Such was the course adapted by him . 他采取的就是这种策略。 "of course not," apce repped very readily . “当然不,”阿丽思立即回答道。 Of course , it is very agreeable to me . 当然行,我很喜欢。 The new railway is still in the course of construction . 新的铁路尚在修筑中。 The course of true love never did run *** ooth . 恋爱无坦途。 The ship kept to a steady course . 那艘船一直沿原航线航行。 The course of events can be foreseen . 事态的发展不难预料。
2023-06-05 07:09:261


2023-06-05 07:09:343


cust water-水
2023-06-05 07:09:412


detention[英][du026au02c8tenu0283n][美][du026au02c8tu025bnu0283u0259n]n.拘留,扣押; 阻留; 放学后留校; (非法)占有; 复数:detentions双语例句1He gave you detention?他让你留堂?2Give it back, or else we go to detention.还给我,不然我们会被关禁闭的。
2023-06-05 07:09:502


mth是month的缩写吧,意思是每月管理费用; safety custody 是保管费用,应该是基金保管费用,或者6个月内买卖基金的服务收费
2023-06-05 07:09:591

variovorax paradoxus是什么菌

2023-06-05 07:10:201


2023-06-05 07:10:411


2023-06-05 07:10:481


因为你没有看到,这个标识在盒装下面。FSC森林认证,又叫木材认证,是一种运用市场机制来促进森林可持续经营,实现生态、社会和经济目标的工具。FSC森林认证包括森林经营认证(Forest Management,FM)和产销监管链认证(Chain of Custody,COC)。森林经营的认证,也称森林可持续经营认证或简称FSC森林认证,它是针对森林经营单位,由独立的第三方FSC森林认证机构根据所制定的森林经营标准,按照公认的原则和标准,对森林经营绩效进行审核,以证明其达到可持续经营的要求的过程。产销监管链认证是对木材加工企业的各个生产环节,包括从原木的运输、加工到流通整个链条进行鉴定,以确保最终产品源自于经过认证的经营良好的森林。通过认证后,企业有权在其产品上标明认证体系的名称和商标,即森林产品认证的标签。
2023-06-05 07:10:589