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2023-06-04 09:54:46
TAG: lea leade ders

On Leadership

What is leadership?Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to identify.

Leaders don "t force other people to go along with them. They bring them along. Leaders get commitment from others by giving it

themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness.

Good leaders aren" t"lone rangers. "They recognize that an organization" s strategies for success require the combined talents

and efforts of many people. Leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into results.

Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future--not wedded to the past. They have a hunger to take

responsibility, to innovate, andto initiate. They are not content with merely taking care of what" s already there. They want to move

forward to create something new. Leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication, and speak from

experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the peopie they work with.

Leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic. They believe in unity rather than yielding. And they strive to achieve agreements out of


Leadership is all about getting people consistently to give their best, helping them to grow to their fullest potential, and motivating

them to work toward a common good. Leaders make the right things happen when they"re supposed to.

A good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. Respect is something you have to have in order to get.A leader who

has respect for other people at all levels of an organization, for the work they do, and for their abilities, desires and needs, will find that

respect is returned. And all concerned will be motivated to work together.






领导人给予指导和解答,拥有力量和献身精神,他们从经验及对所面对的问题的理解和对合作者的了解来说话。 领导处事灵活,不因循守旧。他们相信统一而不是顺从。他们力图在冲突中达成共识。




Leadership is a complex process and we have serious reservations over the extent to which a set of standards, qualities or competencies can ever fully capture the nature of what makes some leaders/organisations successful and others unsuccessful.

Interest in leadership increased during the early part of the twentieth century. Early leadership theories focused on what qualities distinguished between leaders and followers, while subsequent theories looked at other variables such as situational factors and skill level.

Leadership has a formal aspect (as in most political or business leadership) or an informal one (as in most friendships). Speaking of "leadership" (the abstract term) rather than of "leading" (the action) usually it implies that the entities doing the leading have some "leadership skills" .

Types of leadership styles

The bureaucratic leader (Weber, 1905)[1] is very structured and follows the procedures as they have been established. This type of leadership has no space to explore new ways to solve problems and is usually slow paced to ensure adherence to the ladders stated by the company. Leaders ensure that all the steps have been followed prior to sending it to the next level of authority. Universities, hospitals, banks and government usually require this type of leader in their organizations to ensure quality, increase security and decrease corruption. Leaders that try to speed up the process will experience frustration and anxiety.

The charismatic leader (Weber, 1905)[1] leads by infusing energy and eagerness into their team members. This type of leader has to be committed to the organization for the long run. If the success of the division or project is attributed to the leader and not the team, charismatic leaders may become a risk for the company by deciding to resign for advanced opportunities. It takes the company time and hard work to gain the employees" confidence back with other type of leadership after they have committed themselves to the magnetism of a charismatic leader.

The autocratic leader (Lewin, Lippitt, & White, 1939)[2] is given the power to make decisions alone, having total authority. This leadership style is good for employees that need close supervision to perform certain tasks. Creative employees and team players resent this type of leadership, since they are unable to enhance processes or decision making, resulting in job dissatisfaction.

The democratic leader (Lewin, Lippitt, & White, 1939)[2] listens to the team"s ideas and studies them, but will make the final decision. Team players contribute to the final decision thus increasing employee satisfaction and ownership, feeling their input was considered when the final decision was taken. When changes arises, this type of leadership helps the team assimilate the changes better and more rapidly than other styles, knowing they were consulted and contributed to the decision making process, minimizing resistance and intolerance. A shortcoming of this leadership style is that it has difficulty when decisions are needed in a short period of time or at the moment.

The laissez-faire ("let do") leader (Lewin, Lippitt, & White, 1939)[2] gives no continuous feedback or supervision because the employees are highly experienced and need little supervision to obtain the expected outcome. On the other hand, this type of style is also associated with leaders that don"t lead at all, failing in supervising team members, resulting in lack of control and higher costs, bad service or failure to meet deadlines.

The people-oriented leader (Fiedler, 1967)[3] is the one who, in order to comply with effectiveness and efficiency, supports, trains and develops his personnel, increasing job satisfaction and genuine interest to do a good job.

The task-oriented leader (Fiedler, 1967)[3] focuses on the job, and concentrates on the specific tasks assigned to each employee to reach goal accomplishment. This leadership style suffers the same motivation issues as autocratic leadership, showing no involvement in the teams needs. It requires close supervision and control to achieve expected results. Another name for this is deal maker (Rowley & Roevens, 1999)[4] and is linked to a first phase in managing Change, enhance, according to the Organize with Chaos approach.

The servant leader (Greenleaf, 1977)[5] facilitates goal accomplishment by giving its team members what they need in order to be productive. This leader is an instrument employees use to reach the goal rather than an commanding voice that moves to change. This leadership style, in a manner similar to democratic leadership, tends to achieve the results in a slower time frame than other styles, although employee engagement is higher.

The transaction leader (Burns, 1978)[6] is given power to perform certain tasks and reward or punish for the team"s performance. It gives the opportunity to the manager to lead the group and the group agrees to follow his lead to accomplish a predetermined goal in exchange for something else. Power is given to the leader to evaluate, correct and train subordinates when productivity is not up to the desired level and reward effectiveness when expected outcome is reached.

The transformation leader (Burns, 1978)[6] motivates its team to be effective and efficient. Communication is the base for goal achievement focusing the group in the final desired outcome or goal attainment. This leader is highly visible and uses chain of command to get the job done. Transformational leaders focus on the big picture, needing to be surrounded by people who take care of the details. The leader is always looking for ideas that move the organization to reach the company"s vision.

The environment leader ( Carmazzi, 2005)[7] is the one who nurtures group or organizational environment to affect the emotional and psychological perception of an individual"s place in that group or organization. An understanding and application of group psychology and dynamics is essential for this style to be effective. The leader uses organizational culture to inspire individuals and develop leaders at all levels. This leadership style relies on creating an education matrix where groups interactively learn the fundamental psychology of group dynamics and culture from each other. The leader uses this psychology, and complementary language, to influence direction through the members of the inspired group to do what is required for the benefit of all.

When we talk about leadership we have to talk about Teamwork,open communication and leadership behaviour and values as well.

Let"s see what is Teamwork:

Teamwork is the concept of people working together cooperatively as a team in order to accomplish the same goals/objectives.

A general dictionary defines teamwork as a "Cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group (sociology) of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause, unison for a higher cause, people working together for a selfless purpose, and so on."

Teamwork was first applied to the art of coconut gathering when the monkeys from the forest of Peru would climb on each other to reach the top of the tree. Therefore reaching the coconuts. It was applied first in AD 1400.

Applied to workplaces teamwork is a method that aligns employee mindsets in a cooperative and usually selfless manner, towards a specific business purpose. Today there is no business or organization that does not talk about the need and value of teamwork in the workplace. While the concept of teamwork and its benefits are well known and talked about, it is very rare to see it being practiced truly in reality. And you may have often noticed what appears outwardly as teamwork is not really teamwork internally. Some things cannot be accomplished by people working individually. Larger, more ambitious goals usually require that people work together with other people. Because of this, teamwork is a desired goal of many businesses and organizations today. Projects often require that people work together in order to accomplish a common goal. Although critics often argue that in the corporate world teamwork has become an empty buzzword, or a form of corporate-speak. Effective collaborative skills (knowledge) are necessary to work well in a team environment. As businesses and organizations become larger or more sophisticated. Many employers attempt to enhance their employees" collaborative efforts through training, cross-training, and workshops in order to help people effectively work together in a cohesive group and accomplish shared goals.

Human beings are fiercely independent animals and we will always have our own opinions and independent methods of doing something. This is the way our minds are hardwired by nature. Except for a very small percentage of us, sharing and collaboration with others is not exactly programmed inside each and every one of us. This is because each person is mainly concerned about his or her rewards, appreciation, need for power over others, and so on. But teamwork is a different ballgame that aligns mindsets in a cooperative, and usually selfless manner towards a specific business purpose. And it involves sacrifices, sharing of rewards, sharing the blame and punishments, true uniformity, suppression of personal opinions, etc., which is not very palatable to many. It is always, "What is in it for me" rather than "What is in it for us.

In order for teamwork to succeed one must be a teamplayer. A Teamplayer is one who subordinates personal aspirations and works in a coordinated effort with other members of a group, or team, in striving for a common goal. Businesses and other organizations often go to the effort of coordinating team building events in an attempt to get people to work as a team rather than as individuals.

A 2003 national representative survey, HOW-FAIR [1], revealed that Americans think that "being a team player" was the most important factor in getting ahead in the workplace. This was ranked higher than several factors, including "merit and performance", "leadership skills", "intelligence", "making money for the organization" and "long hours".

“The old structures are being reformed. As organizations seek to become more flexible in the face of rapid environmental change and more responsive to the needs of customers, they are experimenting with new, team-based structures” (Jackson & Ruderman, 1996).

With good leadership we also need leadership in a certain high level. But what is leadership and how does it work?

The behaviour associated with the exercise of authority. Effective leadership behaviour is characterized by the ability of the leader to influence the activities of a group, by initiating structures (such as goal setting), which enable the group to successfully overcome mutual problems and to achieve their group goals. The leadership behaviour exhibited by leaders may or may not reflect their personalities.

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!



2023-06-03 21:10:341


2023-06-03 21:11:005


buzzword指时下流行的词汇(特别在某一领域或者媒体)强意词??Emphatic words??不清楚
2023-06-03 21:11:143


2023-06-03 21:11:211


这些不是什么潮词。= =这只是单纯的形容词。我就是腐女。宅女其实很少。宅男比较多。 这类词的话。多是从日本流传来的。LUCKY STAR的宅方就是典型。 类似的,同人女。泛指创作与欣赏一切(而不仅限于同人)耽美文学与美术作品的女性。 其实和腐女差不多。 以下形容词。天然呆。这类代表YUI。天然无敌。腹黑。鲁鲁修类的。聪明、有点表里不一。伪娘。多指男扮女装。= =强攻和弱受。不想解释。好孩子还是不要知道。三无。无口。无心。无表情。傲娇。外冷内热。表里不一。钉宫四娇最有名 这类词太多了。 还有什么高飞车。乌铁炮。元气。 再就是萌战的用词。黑和蜜。就是不喜欢和喜欢。 最近的上柿大神也流行了一阵子。那美丽的笑容。= = 总之。解释起来蛮麻烦的。打这么多字也不容易啊。
2023-06-03 21:11:541


意难平的英文缩写:ihtcd。全拼是It"s hard to calm down,直译是很难平静下来,翻译成意难平比较多,毕竟中文博大精深。例句:一、It"s hard to calm down. I still miss her.意难平。我还是想她。二、"It"s hard to calm down" is an Internet buzzword.“意难平”是一个网络流行语。三、"It"s hard to calm down" refers to the feeling of being unable to let go, unwilling and unwilling.“意难平”指不能释怀、放不下,不甘心的感觉。四、The world knows that It"s hard to calm down.世人皆知意难平。五、"It"s hard to calm down" heart binding copy.“意难平”扎心文案。
2023-06-03 21:12:001

BEC热词:海外抢购潮 “奢侈品”英语怎么说

article of luxury
2023-06-03 21:12:154


不知道有没有人也在看 BBC America 的 Killing Eve?这么暴力和重口味的戏当然不是我的菜,我是去看 Sandra Oh 的,以及她被夸上天的演技。 先说两句跟剧有关的句子,今天的关键词就呼之欲出了: Sandra Oh is no killer on looks. Killing Eve is already killing it on the awards circuit. 这两句话是什么意思呢?Sandra Oh 看起来不像杀手?Killing Eve 越来越不行了? 我们还是先来讲关键词 kill 吧。Kill Kill 的动作对象有很多。 比如 kill time, “杀时间”当然就是“消磨时间、打发时间”了。例: I watched a movie to kill the two hours on the flight. 再比如 kill the noise, kill the smell, kill the pain, 你采取了一定手段来隔音、去味和镇痛。 再再比如 Kill your dinner and we"ll leave for the show. 吃完晚饭就去看演出。 看完演出,也许你还会说 That performer killed me. 这并不是说“你被杀了”, 而是表演者魅力四射,让你着迷。 说到这儿,也许你会想起一首歌 Killing me softly with his song (歌名翻译《轻歌销魂》,销魂吧~):Killing 这首老歌当年老厉害了,在各种奖项评比中表现超级棒,完全可以说 It was killing it on the awards circuit. 再如: 这种 killing it 的情况多多益善哈。 BTW, make a killing 也是每个人民币爱好者所梦寐以求的,make a killing in the stock market 就是在股市上赚大发了。 当然我们还经常听到 My back is killing me 之类的话,那么就是腰酸背疼得要命。这时就需要一种 killer。Killer 这就是 painkiller, “杀死”疼痛的当然就是止痛药了。 还有一种 killer 就很令人讨厌了,那就是 buzzkiller。首先我们得知道 buzz 的意思,它是指类似于蜜蜂发出的持续的“嗡嗡”声。本来大家都叽叽喳喳高高兴兴的,结果这个人一来,这些 buzz 就都没有了,所以 buzzkiller 是指一个“扫兴的人”!(既然讲到 buzz 这儿了,就顺便猜一下 buzzword 是什么意思~) 那么当我们说 Sb./Sth. is a killer 的时候,我们是什么意思呢? That song is a killer. 歌好听死了。 He is a killer on the looks. 他帅死了。 好啦,开头那两句话的谜底已解开。I"m killing it.
2023-06-03 21:13:031

最近流行的说法“给力” 英文是怎么翻译的?

2023-06-03 21:13:115


  成语是中国汉字语言词汇中一部分定型的片语或短句。成语是汉文化的一大特色,有固定的结构形式和固定的说法,表示一定的意义,在语句中是作为一个整体来应用的。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    成语英语释义:   idiom;   phrase    成语英语例句:   在我们家这条成语都被用滥了。   The idiom was overworn by my family.   我们使用成语是要表达其它词语无法如此清晰或如此巧妙表达的东西。   We use idioms to express something that other words do not express asclearly or as cleverly.   许多读者认为它是一个优秀的译本,用于个人的阅读和研究,虽然它的英国成语,使其在美国较少流行。   Many readers find it to be an excellent translation for personal reading andstudy, though its British idioms make it less popular in the U.S.   因此,尽管在我们身边没有任何一个有真枪的人,我们还是使用这个成语来形容任何工作者顶着必须快速、高效的极大压力工作的情形。   Thus, although no one we can see nearby may have an actual gun, we usethis idiom in any work situation where the workers are put under strongpressure to perform. quickly and efficiently.   它用英语代替中文解释。渐渐地,读者就会习惯用英语来解释词和短语,甚至是英语成语。   Little by little, he will be able to explain the words and phrases or evenEnglish idioms in English.   我说,“如果我可以借用美国的成语,那么,我要说他说得恰到好处。”   "If," I said,"I might use the American idiom I would say that he has said a mouthful.   一本正式的词典仅此而已,当你需要一条标语,行话,成语,俚语词或者头文字的定义的时候,通常都点到即止。   A formal dictionary will only take you so far—and will usually stop shortwhen you need the definition of a catchphrase, buzzword, idiom, slangword, or acronym.   有很多的成语都反映了这一理念,比如:躬行已说、言出必行,说到做到。   There are various phrases to reflect this message such as “practise what you preach” and “walk the talk”.   《布留沃成语和寓言词典》把我们的视线拉回到拉丁语世界,它写道,古罗马作家普林尼认为,鬣狗的眼睛里有某种石头,若把它压在舌头下,你就能预知未来。   Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable steers us back to Latin in explaining that Pliny thought hyenas had a kind of stone in their eye, that if you putunder your tongue gave the gift of prophecy.   这对于学习成语、表达、及动词时态也很有用。   It is also great for learning idioms, expressions, and verb tenses.   学习一个语言和文化中的成语可能相当困难,但是也不要「让脚发寒了」恐惧、受挫,只要在用的时候小心一点就是了。   Learning about idioms in a language and culture can be difficult, but don"tget cold feet. Just be careful when using these expressions.   后来人们就用“画饼充饥”这个成语比喻用空想安慰自己,不能解决实际问题。   Later, this idiom came to be used to mean forting oneself withunrealistic thoughts, without solving practical problems.   这个成语的出典见《论语》。   This idiom is an allusion to the *** ects.   你的文学午餐,是他暗喻她不忠诚的成语。   "Your literary lunches"is his phrase for her infidelities.   我是在报纸上看到这个成语的。   I came upon this idiom in the newspaper.   有少在它的希伯来文的成语。   There is less in it of the Hebrew idiom.   用这句成语来形容大卫在日常生活中碰到的一些事情,真是再恰当不过了。   It couldn"t be more appropriate to use the idiom to describe some daily situations that David ran into.
2023-06-03 21:13:241


2023-06-03 21:13:301


2023-06-03 21:13:402


使用的概念和范围的后现代主义” “后现代主义”是否被看作是一个非常关键的概念或仅仅是一个热门话题,你不能否认它的范围。迪克Hebdige,在他的“藏在光的说明这个:当它变成一个人来形容为“后现代”的房间装饰设计的建筑,diegesis电影,建设一个记录,或者一个“抓”视频,一个电视广告,或者是艺术的纪录片,或“互文性的关系,布局的一个页面在一个时尚杂志或期刊,一个anti-teleological趋势至关重要,在认识论的进攻的形而上学的存在的普遍衰减的感觉,集体愠怒和病态的一个战后婴儿潮一代的破灭,面临困境的中年人,一群修辞的reflexitivity比兴、泛滥成灾的表面,一个新的阶段,对商品拜物教、图像、代码和样式的文化、政治或存在分裂和/或危机,de-centring”的主题,是吗?“人们争论的,对更换单一的力量由多个轴功率/话语结构,“内爆”的含义,倒塌的文化层次,产生恐惧的威胁,核毁灭的衰落的功能和作用,对新微型化技术、广阔的社会和经济的转变成一个媒体”、“消费者”或“跨国的阶段,你读的人(取决于placelessness "或")放弃的placelessness”(批判性地域主义)或(甚至)广义坐标空间为世俗的替代的:当它成为可能的描述所有这些东西作为“后现代”(或者更简单的使用电流简称“贴”或“非常贴”),那么很明显我们的时髦
2023-06-03 21:13:482


2023-06-03 21:14:139


  里约热内卢简称“里约”,曾经是巴西的首都,是巴西乃至南美的重要门户,同时也是巴西及南美经济最发达的地区之一。那么你知道里约热内卢用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来里约热内卢的英语说法,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。   里约热内卢的英语说法:   Rio de Janeiro   英 [ˈri(:)əudədʒəˈniərəu]   美 [ˈriodeʒəˈnɛro, di-, ˈriʊdɪʒɪˈnerʊ]   里约热内卢相关英语表达:   里约热内卢人 cariocas   里约热内卢港 Port of Rio De Janeiro   里约热内卢的英语例句:   1. He went to Rio after the CIA had debriefed him.   他向中央情报局汇报完任务执行情况后就去了里约热内卢。   2. In Rio, nearly forty people have been held to ransom this year alone.   在里约热内卢,仅今年一年就有近40人被绑票。   3. What clothes do I need for Rio in February?   在里约热内卢的二月份,我需要穿什么衣服?   4. Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit.   生物多样性是里约热内卢地球峰会上的时髦词儿。   5. Milton, are you in Rio de Janeiro today?   米尔顿, 你今天在里约热内卢 吗 ?   6. RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, Dec. 22 ( AP )   美联社巴西里约热内卢12月22日电 ( 朱方译 )   7. Ronaldo grew up in Bento Ribeiro, a suburb of Rio.   罗纳尔多在里约热内卢的一个叫本托.利贝罗的郊区长大的.   8. Typically many of the birds are sent to local zoos.   每年冬季,它们都在里约热内卢的海滩边玩水,许多企鹅因此被送往当地的动物园.   9. I will draw Tracy a map of Rio now.   我现在就给特蕾西化一幅里约热内卢的地图.   10. Rio"s police force is also part of the problem.   同时,里约热内卢的警察部门也难辞其咎.   11. Chicago is among the contenders , along with Madrid, Tokyo and Janeiro.   芝加哥将同马德里, 东京,里约热内卢展开竞争.   12. The architect lives in an apartment in Rio"s posh Ipanema district.   尼迈耶现居住在里约热内卢市内,依帕内玛高级地段的一间公寓.   13. National Team at the 2007 Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro.   但是2007年里约热内卢的泛美运动会她将代表美国队参赛.   14. Even within Brazil, cariocas are known as fun, sensual, and easy - going .   甚至在巴西, 里约热内卢人也是以快乐, 性感和 随和 出名.   15. Rio de Janeiro is a big natural harbour.   里约热内卢是一个天然大海港.
2023-06-03 21:14:361


有两个角度一、 喜之郎有款果冻叫 CC,跟那个是一个意思;二、 很娘的那种人
2023-06-03 21:14:512


2023-06-03 21:15:092


2023-06-03 21:15:188


网络用语,睡着了。或者打错了。网络流行语(network buzzword)是在网络上流行的语言,是网民们约定俗成的表达方式。它拥有年轻化、有文化两大特征,其词组类型包括字母型、数字型、词意变异型、口语型网络、词汇演变型等。词组类型字母型字体输入作为网络聊天最基本的形式,需要通过键盘或触屏将字符输送到对方显示屏上,打字速度肯定难与思维同步,也远非直接对话那样方便,故以简约高效的字母替代汉字就成为网民聊天首选,它的内涵的丰富程度已经超过正规文字表达模式。
2023-06-03 21:15:321


2023-06-03 21:15:461


2023-06-03 21:15:563


这就是网络上面流行起来的一句话,没有出处意思是:一个人生日的时候会这样说,生活明朗 万物可爱 我按时长大。拓展:网络流行语(network buzzword)是在网络上流行的语言,是网民们约定俗成的表达方式。[1]它拥有年轻化、有文化两大特征,其词组类型包括字母型、数字型、词意变异型、口语型网络、词汇演变型等。
2023-06-03 21:16:431


2023-06-03 21:16:501


恒河边上嗑瓜子是无耻的意思,属于网络流行语。原句为:恒河边上嗑瓜子,你怎么张的开嘴啊。网络流行语(network buzzword)是在网络上流行的语言,是网民们约定俗成的表达方式。
2023-06-03 21:17:031


  moment表 瞬间,片刻; 时刻的意思,那么你知道moment的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了moment的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   moment的同义词辨析:   moment, minute, instant   这些名词均含"瞬间,片刻"之意。   moment较minute所表示的时间短,指一刹那或一段很短时间。有时也含持续的意味。   minute : 指极短的时间,但可觉察到时间的持续。   instant常与moment换用,指一瞬间,但更侧重时间短促,多用于表示紧迫、瞬变等情况。   词组习语:   any moment (或 at any moment)   1. 马上,任何一刻,随时   at the (或 this) moment   for the moment   1. 暂时;目前   have one"s (或 its) moments   1. 也有走红(或得意、出风头、显赫等)的时刻   我也曾在赛场上名噪一时。   I had my moments in the game.   in a moment   1. 不久,一会儿   我一会儿就回来。   I"ll be back in a moment.   2. 立即,马上   逃亡者马上就被抓住了。   the fugitive was captured in a moment.   live for the moment   1. 得过且过,过一天算一天   the moment ——   1. 一…(å°±…)   我们一离开家就下起倾盆大雨。   the heavens opened the moment we left the house.   moment of truth   1. 严峻考验时刻;紧要关头   not a moment too soon   1. 几乎为时已晚   not for a (或 one) moment   1. 决不,从来没有   of the moment   1. 当前流行(或出名、重要)的   现时的时髦词。   the buzzword of the moment.   one moment (或 just a moment)   1. 稍等片刻,稍候   moment的例句:   1. I"ll report back the moment I have located him.   我一找到他就马上汇报。   2. He"s touring South America at this moment in time.   他此刻正在南美旅游观光。   3. Gail was silent for a moment, regarding Harry with his steady gaze.   盖尔镇定地注视着哈里,沉默了片刻。   4. It was an unbelievable moment when Chris won the gold medal.   克里斯赢得金牌的那一刻令人不可思议。   5. He"ll be here to see you any moment now.   他马上就会来这儿看你。   6. At that moment, there was a rattling at the door.   那时,突然出现咚咚的敲门声。   7. His face, at the moment, was peeling from sunburn.   那时他的脸因为晒伤而脱皮。   8. She concealed her pregnancy right up to the moment of birth.   她隐瞒了自己怀孕的事,直到孩子出世。   9. In that moment a surge of hatred flowed through my blood.   那一刻,一股仇恨在我的血液中翻涌。   10. He is unpredictable, weeping one moment, laughing the next.   他喜怒无常,一会儿哭,一会儿笑。   11. Could I speak to you in private a moment, padre.   可否私下跟您谈谈,牧师。   12. A moment later, Cohen picked up the phone. "Hello?"   过了一会儿,科恩接起电话。“喂?”   13. It took a moment for Mark to recover his poise.   马克过了一会儿才恢复镇静。   14. I remember now. He arrived just at the moment it happened.   现在我想起来了,他恰恰在事情发生的时候到了。   15. At the moment there"s no hard and fast timetable.   目前还没有明确的时间表。
2023-06-03 21:17:211


你好,译文大意:在英国,“过劳死”在近期还没有成为一个流行词汇,但是那并不是说长时间工作和工作压力不会对我们造成损伤。take one toll on sb.:对 sb.造成损伤。希望可以帮到你。
2023-06-03 21:17:422


  英语演讲稿首先开头要开门见山,既要一下子抓住听众又要提出你的观点,中间要用各种方法和所准备的材料说明、支持你的论点,感染听众。下面是我为大家整理了关于团队的英语演讲稿范文3篇,欢迎大家阅读。  关于团队的英语演讲稿范文篇1   A general dictionary defines teamwork as a "Cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause unison for a higher cause people working together for a selfless purpose and so on."Applied to workplaces teamwork is a method that aligns employee mindsets in a cooperative and usually selfless manner towards a specific business purpose.   Today there is no business or organization that does not talk about the need and value of teamwork in the workplace. While the concept of teamwork and its benefits are well known and talked about it is very rare to see it being practiced truly in reality. And you may have often noticed what appears outwardly as teamwork is not really teamwork internally. Some things cannot be accomplished by people working individually. Larger more ambitious goals usually require that people work together with other people. Because of this teamwork is a desired goal of many businesses and organizations today. Projects often require that people work together in order to accomplish a common goal. Although critics often argue that in the corporate world teamwork has become an empty buzzword or a form of corporate-speak. Effective collaborative skills are necessary to work well in a team environment. As businesses and organizations become larger or more sophisticated. Many employers attempt to enhance their employees" collaborative efforts through training cross-training and workshops in order to help people effectively work together in a cohesive group and accomplish shared goals.   Human beings are fiercely independent animals and we will always have our own opinions and independent methods of doing something. This is the way our minds are hardwired by nature. Except for a very small percentage of us sharing and collaboration with others is not exactly programmed inside each and every one of us. This is because each person is mainly concerned about his or her rewards appreciation need for power over others and so on. But teamwork is a different ballgame that aligns mindsets in a cooperative and usually selfless manner towards a specific business purpose. And it involves sacrifices sharing of rewards sharing the blame and punishments true uniformity suppression of personal opinions etc. which is not very palatable to many. It is always "What is in it for me" rather than "What is in it for us.   In order for teamwork to succeed one must be a teamplayer. A Teamplayer is one who subordinates personal aspirations and works in a coordinated effort with other members of a group or team in striving for a common goal. Businesses and other organizations often go to the effort of coordinating team building events in an attempt to get people to work as a team rather than as individuals.   A 20XX national representative survey HOW-FAIR revealed that Americans think that "being a team player" was the most important factor in getting ahead in the workplace. This was ranked higher than several factors including "merit and performance" "leadership skills" "intelligence" "making money for the organization" and "long hours".   “The old structures are being reformed. As organizations seek to become more flexible in the face of rapid environmental change and more responsive to the needs of customers they are experimenting with new team-based structures”.   关于团队的英语演讲稿范文篇2   The judges dear colleagues:   Everybody is good!   I believe that not long ago the unit of organization training to everyone left a deep impression that are in high altitude timid to conquer yourself after the joy of encouragement and warm embrace together to complete the project after the excited tears dribs and drabs are so vivid and real stayed in our memory forever. Flow through the sweat and tears we can understand the what?   From the beginning my team is faced with many difficulties: older on average physical quality is bad the heart not neat team such as fragmented... Therefore we wryly his team named "sunset". Still we devote and participation in gradually found that team"s weakness overcome difficulties strengthen communication and cooperation at the same time of brave to challenge themselves a concerted effort to complete each project.   In big bully game our feet together formed the containment the players have different walking speed bad grasp rhythm we walked so hard. Any error the team cannot be further. Us against each other from the original suspicion eventually realized that to complete the project the heart want to go to one place time to go to one place. We try to roll up the arm to form a whole we shouted rhythm slowly have the tacit understanding try to be consistent pace although difficult but insist on comes to an end. In our understanding expand training for first as long as everyone in the team to be able to devote to complete each project has been a great success!   And escape the walls of the project is completed let me see the potential of everyone in the group of excitation and a collective work need the tacit understanding and sacrifice. Initially for all 70 individuals in the case of can"t talk to climb over 4 meters high wall of escape 2 I was skeptical I think even a person to climb this wall is impossible. When have I the idea of people may not be in the minority. In the hesitation we according to the coach teaching method into action but because the teams who violated the rules not only to stop by the coach also let the chief generation we are being punished. The drizzle our mood become very heavy involuntarily shed a tear. Second everyone seemed to have the tacit understanding pull up a ladder and protective wall and do you remember the rules no longer talk clapping laughing concentrate on what we want to do together act quickly. First up 10 best efforts of the colleagues below build a ladder with colleagues endured the pain of shoulder and legs everyone in the mind only one idea: we took a ship to sink must help all players within the given time climb walls to escape!   This process the prism is sacrifice and cooperate. A team must be someone in silently sacrifice but the pay all the players look in the eyes in mind. Individual"s success is not the success of the team only a smooth over all is the real victory so we must put our heads together in the most efficient the most appropriate way to the end of the day a colleague over the past to this end everyone to his own effort. After the completion of the project the coach announced we took only a quarter of the time at that moment everybody finally tasted the joy of victory.   From training I also realized that each person all the time since birth not grow in the team oneself is a member of the collective the first thing to give full play to their potential trying to do their work to strengthen coordination play to their ability to innovate. Second the development of the team is the real development. Encounter a problem must focus on the wisdom of the whole team to form a unified plan then according to the plan implementation adjustment method and strategy in time to be the best. Third will not give up speaking out of turn strengthen the courage and perseverance believe you can do it. The fourth is to learn the perspective-taking standing in the other person"s point of view for others change an Angle to think more understanding and more caring.   In our successful challenge behind each project from beginning to end is the common effort of all our players. We are a whole only trust each other support each other make oneself should do a good job in every step of the way can our collective into a rich combat effectiveness the execution of the team.   Through this training activities let I to team consciousness and personal role in the team feeling to the deep. If from the activities of the comprehension to the reasonable use of in the future work we believe that our tomorrow will be better our team will be more powerful and perfect!   关于团队的英语演讲稿范文篇3   There is no perfect individual only perfect team. A philosopher once asked "how can a drop of water does not dry?" And the philosopher answered saying "put it in the sea." This short dialogue also reveals a profound truth: between individuals and others to support each other the only support from the team or others will have infinite strength. If without the support of others to you there is no group of policy strength of each member of the team we will not be able to overcome the heavy obstacles through behing XianGuan. Left the team even though you pulled out all the stops in front of difficulties will eventually be exhausted one day.   One day I on the way home suddenly the heavy rain. People ran forward a look at a hut we rush in under the heavy rain everyone very happy: "wow lucky today just looking for a house heavy rain is coming!" You also don"t concern house do not clean as long as there is like a shelter. But the house in the wind and rain to fall suddenly everyone try their best to hold it don"t let it fall. I have a lot of regrets is that we need a house or a house needs us? I see more is that we need to the house.   We identify center like this hut "such" for everyone. But at the same time also need to each of us has done his duty gave his strength she could only stand in the storm of the fierce market competition become a one hundred - year - old built to last.   Finally let"s went up from the structure of the "people" word comprehension with a grateful heart to treat people and things around so the world will be because every one of us and wonderful every one of us will become successful because the support of others. Our testing center although also gone through a journey of more than 10 years of wind and rain in the middle across a number of obstacles can go today because no matter how much difficulty the leadership of the center and we are together forever! We as young people should be more so choose one for their own development team to find a sense of belonging put their own value their mission their future combined with social trends national interests on this basis take root and grow in the team become the social people the backbone of the country.   Believe you strategic vision believe your choice. In the provincial professional skill appraisal center this family you will get a personal development space and the most warm harbor. Is because of you to join professional appraisal will go to tomorrow"s brilliant career let us all together!   Thank you all!   看完“关于团队的英语演讲稿范文”的人还看: 1. 关于团队凝聚力的励志演讲稿 2. 演讲稿范文大全 3. 关于梦想的英语演讲 4. 关于梦想的励志英文演讲稿 5. 大学生励志英语演讲稿范文带翻译
2023-06-03 21:17:491


2023-06-03 21:17:589

get cross with sb什么意思?

get cross with sb生某人的气Don"t get cross with me, it wasn"t my fault.不要对我生气, 那不是我的错。
2023-06-03 21:18:151


过气的网络流行语如下:1、网抑云因某音乐平台的评论区中存在大量抑郁情绪的评论而得名。这些用户的常用关键词有:失恋、考研、大海、酒精、52赫兹的鲸鱼。有网友调侃道:凌晨12:00,又到了网抑云的时间了。2、不会吧不会吧还有人不知道通过三连问来突出强调问题的普遍性与重要性,或是以复读机式的重复来影响反方的心态,可以视为“重要的事情说三遍”的进化版本。3、给力给力,一般表示有帮助、有作用、给面子的意思。因日本搞笑动画《西游记:旅程的终点》汉语配音版中,悟空的一句台词:这就是天竺吗?不给力啊,老师而流行。网络流行语网络流行语(network buzzword)是在网络上流行的语言,是网民们约定俗成的表达方式。它拥有年轻化、有文化两大特征,其词组类型包括字母型、数字型、词意变异型、口语型网络、词汇演变型等。山寨一词源于广东话。是一种由民间力量发起的产业现象。其主要特点主要表现为仿造性、快速化、平民化。主要表现形式为通过小作坊起步,快速模仿成名品牌,涉及手机、数码产品、游戏机等不同领域。
2023-06-03 21:18:231


随着云时代的来临,大数据(Big data)也吸引了越来越多的关注。《著云台》的分析师团队认为,大数据(Big data)通常用来形容一个公司创造的大量非结构化和半结构化数据,这些数据在下载到关系型数据库用于分析时会花费过多时间和金钱。大数据分析常和云计算联系到一起,因为实时的大型数据集分析需要像MapReduce一样的框架来向数十、数百或甚至数千的电脑分配工作。  简言之,从各种各样类型的数据中,快速获得有价值信息的能力,就是大数据技术。明白这一点至关重要,也正是这一点促使该技术具备走向众多企业的潜力。   大数据的4个“V”,或者说特点有四个层面:第一,数据体量巨大。从TB级别,跃升到PB级别;第二,数据类型繁多。前文提到的网络日志、视频、图片、地理位置信息等等。第三,价值密度低。以视频为例,连续不间断监控过程中,可能有用的数据仅仅有一两秒。第四,处理速度快。1秒定律。最后这一点也是和传统的数据挖掘技术有着本质  的不同。业界将其归纳为4个“V”——Volume,Variety,Value,Velocity。   物联网、云计算、移动互联网、车联网、手机、平板电脑、PC以及遍布地球各个角落的各种各样的传感器,无一不是数据来源或者承载的方式 著云台  例子包括网络日志,RFID,传感器网络,社会网络,社会数据(由于数据革命的社会),互联网文本和文件;互联网搜索索引;呼叫详细记录,天文学,大气科学,基因组学,生物地球化学,生物,和其他复杂和/或跨学科的科研,军事侦察,医疗记录;摄影档案馆视频档案;和大规模的电子商务。  大的数据需要特殊的技术,以有效地处理大量的容忍经过时间内的数据。适用于大数据的技术,包括大规模并行处理(MPP)数据库,数据挖掘电网,分布式文件系统,分布式数据库,云计算平台,互联网,和可扩展的存储系统。  一些但不是所有的MPP的关系数据库的PB的数据存储和管理的能力。隐含的负载,监控,备份和优化大型数据表的使用在RDBMS的。  斯隆数字巡天收集在其最初的几个星期,比在天文学的历史,早在2000年的整个数据收集更多的数据。自那时以来,它已经积累了140兆兆 字节的信息。这个望远镜的继任者,大天气巡天望远镜,将于2016年在网上和将获得的数据,每5天沃尔玛处理超过100万客户的交易每隔一小时,反过来进口量数据库估计超过2.5 PB的是相当于167次,在美国国会图书馆的书籍 。  FACEBOOK处理400亿张照片,从它的用户群。解码最初的人类基因组花了10年来处理时,现在可以在一个星期内实现。  “大数据”的影响,增加了对信息管理专家的需求,甲骨文,IBM,微软和SAP花了超过15亿美元的在软件智能数据管理和分析的专业公司。这个行业自身价值超过1000亿美元,增长近10%,每年两次,这大概是作为一个整体的软件业务的快速。   大数据已经出现,因为我们生活在一个社会中有更多的东西。有46亿全球移动电话用户有1亿美元和20亿人访问互联网。  基本上,人们比以往任何时候都与数据或信息交互。 1990年至2005年,全球超过1亿人进入中产阶级,这意味着越来越多的人,谁收益的这笔钱将成为反过来导致更多的识字信息的增长。思科公司预计,到2013年,在互联网上流动的交通量将达到每年667艾字节。  最早提出“大数据”时代已经到来的机构是全球知名咨询公司麦肯锡。麦肯锡在研究报告中指出,数据已经渗透到每一个行业和业务职能领域,逐渐成为重要的生产因素;而人们对于海量数据的运用将预示着新一波生产率增长和消费者盈余浪潮的到来。  “麦肯锡的报告发布后,大数据迅速成为了计算机行业争相传诵的热门概念,也引起了金融界的高度关注。”随着互联网技术的不断发展,数据本身是资产,这一点在业界已经形成共识。“如果说云计算为数据资产提供了保管、访问的场所和渠道,那么如何盘活数据资产,使其为国家治理、企业决策乃至个人生活服务,则是大数据的核心议题,也是云计算内在的灵魂和必然的升级方向。”  事实上,全球互联网巨头都已意识到了“大数据”时代,数据的重要意义。包括EMC、惠普(微博)、IBM、微软(微博)在内的全球IT 巨头纷纷通过收购“大数据”相关厂商来实现技术整合,亦可见其对“大数据”的重视。  “大数据”作为一个较新的概念,目前尚未直接以专有名词被我国政府提出来给予政策支持。不过,在12月8日工信部发布的物联网“十二五”规划上,把信息处理技术作为4项关键技术创新工程之一被提出来,其中包括了海量数据存储、数据挖掘、图像视频智能分析,这都是大数据的重要组成部分。而另外3项关键技术创新工程,包括信息感知技术、信息传输技术、信息安全技术,也都与“大数据”密切相关。
2023-06-03 21:18:517

寻求一首歌,欧美的应该,节奏比较像张蔷的《affection in your eyes》。

应该是AffectionAlice Nineshooting starAlice Nine - Affection作词:将作曲:Hiroto爱憎混じり 飞び交う buzzword画面の中で溢れるアリキタリナ心情3.2.1.0でスタート切ってもゴールも见えない世の中スリキレルヨウナ感情C"mon, C"mon, C"mon, C"monC"mon, C"mon, C"mon, C"monC"mon, C"mon, C"mon, C"monC"mon, C"mon, C"mon, C"mon暧昧な言の叶で语るのはデザートの後でしょう望むなら 今すぐに乗り込めよ 求めるままネガティヴさえ ポジに変えりゃいい海を起えて 溢れるツキササッタ热情C"mon, C"mon, C"mon, C"monC"mon, C"mon, C"mon, C"monC"mon, C"mon, C"mon, C"monC"mon, C"mon, C"mon, C"mon宛も无く缀る声 言语さえ、距离すらも越えていく繋がった点を今线にして描くAffectionC"mon, C"mon, C"mon, C"monC"mon, C"mon, C"mon, C"monC"mon, C"mon, C"mon, C"monC"mon, C"mon, C"mon, C"mon同じ音、集う色 碧き星涂り替えて宛も无く缀る声 言语さえ、距离すらも越えていく繋がった点を今线にして描くAffectionLrc By van (C) www.22lrc.comおわり
2023-06-03 21:19:326


很牛Very cattle
2023-06-03 21:20:051


2023-06-03 21:20:121


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2023-06-03 21:20:331


2023-06-03 21:20:511


  里约热内卢简称“里约”,曾经是巴西的首都,是巴西乃至南美的重要门户,同时也是巴西及南美经济最发达的地区之一。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来里约热内卢的英语说法,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。   里约热内卢的英语说法:   Rio de Janeiro   英 [ˈri:əudədʒəˈniərəu]   美 [ˈriodeʒəˈnɛro, di-, ˈriʊdɪʒɪˈnerʊ]   里约热内卢相关英语表达:   里约热内卢人 cariocas   里约热内卢港 Port of Rio De Janeiro   里约热内卢的英语例句:   1. He went to Rio after the CIA had debriefed him.   他向中央情报局汇报完任务执行情况后就去了里约热内卢。   2. In Rio, nearly forty people have been held to ransom this year alone.   在里约热内卢,仅今年一年就有近40人被绑票。   3. What clothes do I need for Rio in February?   在里约热内卢的二月份,我需要穿什么衣服?   4. Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit.   生物多样性是里约热内卢地球峰会上的时髦词儿。   5. Milton, are you in Rio de Janeiro today?   米尔顿, 你今天在里约热内卢 吗 ?   6. RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, Dec. 22 AP   美联社巴西里约热内卢12月22日电 朱方译   7. Ronaldo grew up in Bento Ribeiro, a suburb of Rio.   罗纳尔多在里约热内卢的一个叫本托.利贝罗的郊区长大的.   8. Typically many of the birds are sent to local zoos.   每年冬季,它们都在里约热内卢的海滩边玩水,许多企鹅因此被送往当地的动物园.   9. I will draw Tracy a map of Rio now.   我现在就给特蕾西化一幅里约热内卢的地图.   10. Rio"s police force is also part of the problem.   同时,里约热内卢的警察部门也难辞其咎.   11. Chicago is among the contenders , along with Madrid, Tokyo and Janeiro.   芝加哥将同马德里, 东京,里约热内卢展开竞争.   12. The architect lives in an apartment in Rio"s posh Ipanema district.   尼迈耶现居住在里约热内卢市内,依帕内玛高阶地段的一间公寓.   13. National Team at the 2007 Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro.   但是2007年里约热内卢的泛美运动会她将代表美国队参赛.   14. Even within Brazil, cariocas are known as fun, sensual, and easy - going .   甚至在巴西, 里约热内卢人也是以快乐, 性感和 随和 出名.   15. Rio de Janeiro is a big natural harbour.   里约热内卢是一个天然大海港.
2023-06-03 21:21:041

if you could build a bridge,what people or place you want to connect? 英语演讲

How to build a global brandBranding is more than just a business buzzword. It has become the crux of selling in the new economy. If the old marketing mantra was," Nothing happens until somebody sells something," the new philosophy could be" Nothing happens until somebody brands something." In its simplest form, a brand is a noun. It is the name attached to a product or service. However, upon close inspection, a brand represents many more intangible aspects of a product or service: a collection of feelings and perceptions about quality, image, lifestyle and status. It creates in the mind of customers and prospects the perception that there is no product or service on the market that is quite like yours. In short, a brand offers the customer a guarantee and then delivers on it. You might infer, then, that if you build a powerful brand, you will in turn be able to create a powerful marketing program. However, if you can"t convince customers that your product is worthy of purchasing, no amount of advertising dollars, fancy packaging or public relations will help you achieve your sales goals. Therefore, successful branding programs begin with superior products and services, backed by excellent customer service that permeates an entire organization. Forty years ago, there were only a handful of truly global brands and they were made up of only the biggest corporations — Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Colgate-Palmolive, IBM, Shell. Then a rash of upstarts came along, such as Nike, Microsoft, Apple, and Honda, and pushed their brand reputation further than their actual sales footprint. But now that barriers to international trade have come down and the Internet has helped small and mid-sized companies compete on the global stage, building an international brand is a realistic goal for more and more businesses.Only in the last 10 years has global business become the benchmark for how you do business these days, says Hayes Roth, chief marketing officer for Landor Associates, a strategic brand and design consultancy that has worked on international branding with such companies as BP, Panasonic, and KFC. Thanks to the Internet it"s hard to keep your brand just localized. Once you"re on the Web, you"re accessible pretty much anywhere in the world. It doesn"t necessarily make you a global brand but you have to be mindful of the implications.The following pages will detail what an international brand is, how to build a brand internationally, and how to build brand awareness in new international markets.How to Build a Brand Internationally: What a Global Brand IsIn starting a new business or seeking to increase growth at your current business by expanding into international markets, establishing and building a brand identity becomes essential.Branding involves what people think about your business and your products. Think of a brand as a reputation, says Paul Williams, founder of the international marketing firm Idea Sandbox, which helps companies build their brands. Building a reputation in any new market, including overseas, involves a first impression, which comes from the initial interactions someone has with your company, products, and services.Businesses can attempt to shape or form the branding of their company or products in many ways, including advertising, media, word-of-mouth, and contact with your products or services. A lot of thought and effort goes into branding, including naming products, designing logos, and ensuring that service is uniform throughout the business. Through continued exposure over time, your brand — or your reputation — is formed with potential and existing customers. A brand is essentially a short cut, it is a way for a customer to get an instant recognition on what the promise is of a product or service and how that will benefit them, Roth says.The reason businesses spent time and money developing brand recognition is so that they can charge a premium for a product or service. People will pay more for a brand name product or service if it is recognized as a leader and a trusted brand and they know what they will get. Apple, for example, can charge more for its computers than some other companies because of its brand reputation for offering innovative design and quality electronics. The same can be said about Mercedes or BMW automobiles.How to Build a Brand Internationally: What You Need to ExpandWhen businesses try to expand their brand globally, those goals don"t change. But there are several steps you should take to make sure that your products or services will have a market overseas, that you can maintain quality in delivering and/or distributing your goods or services, and that your business or product branding meets cultural expectations — and doesn"t insult anyone — in different parts of the world.The secret is doing your homework, Williams says. Like any long distance relationship, it"s got to be managed and needs more work than something you can see and physically touch, but it"s not impossible.The following steps may help you in building an international brand:Make sure you have a market. Proven success with your current target audience doesn"t automatically mean that your new target will connect in the same way with your products or services, Williams says. Ask your new market the questions you used to build your initial business plan. First and most important, he says, you"ll want to determine if a market exists for your product. If so, make sure the want or need isn"t already being well met by someone else. If there are existing competitors, what (in the perspective of your potential customers) makes you remarkably different? If there is a market and there are no competitors, make sure you find out why — are there laws against distributing your products or can consumers buy them through other means? Make sure you can deliver. Make sure you can get your product to, or manufactured within, the new market. Import and manufacturing laws vary from country to country, Williams says. Ensure you can make your products reliably and consistently available to your new target markets. Investigate the local laws. You need to make sure your products meet the local standards for construction of components, use of chemicals, disposal of goods, proper labeling of products, etc. Re-examine your business and/or product names. In choosing a name for your business or product, you need to be culturally sensitive if you intend to sell in foreign markets. Make sure product names make sense to customers in your new markets, both in English and in the local translation. Williams, who has done international branding work with Starbucks, recalls how a holiday favorite in the U.S., the Gingerbread Latte, didn"t sell well in Germany even though gingerbread was a favorite holiday cookie in that country. Sales of the drink increased dramatically when Starbucks began using the German word for gingerbread and rebranded the drink, the Lebkuchen Latte. If you are considering translating names, don"t rely on computer translation. You don"t want what you think is an effective name to mean something opposite or offend potential customers, Williams says. Work with someone locally who can help make sure you communicate what you intend. Give your logo another look. Similarly, review your logo to make sure that you don"t use any wording or symbols that would offend in a foreign market. Ensure that any logos or symbols you use make sense and don"t offend, Williams says. Do an international search to make sure your logo isn"t similar to that of another international company. For example, if you are selling products in some Middle Eastern markets, a logo featuring the face of a woman might not be appropriate. The best way to understand these cultural sensitivities is to consult a branding or design firm — either a local one or an international firm that can research cultural sensitivities. Understand packaging requirements. If you"re selling a product, you need to consider the laws and customs and packaging requirements in your new markets before deciding on packaging for your products. Your packaging may use a clear plastic shell that hangs from a rod, but your competition may package their product in a box that can go on a shelf, Williams says. This may put you at a disadvantage. If you"re selling a packaged product around the world there are incredible hurdles, Roth adds. Shipping food across borders may require you to provide more nutritional information on packaging, in more languages, and there may be laws prohibiting the use of certain products in some markets — even New York City has a ban on trans fatty acids, for example. Learn the local standards and ensure your packaging includes any necessary regulatory information and meets transportation standards. Register trademarks and domain names. Follow the process in your new market to ensure you preserve patent and trademarks. Thanks to the NAFTA Treaty your marks should already be protected in Mexico and Canada, Williams says. If you"re doing business in the European Union filing for a Community Trade Mark (CTM) will protect you. Another consideration is making sure the Internet domain name for your company and product are available. You still want to register a dot-com, which is the most popular domain worldwide for businesses. But you may also consider registering domains using specific country codes — .nl for the Netherlands or .br for Brazil — if you are targeting only one or two local markets and plan on providing up-to-date translations of your websites into the local languages. In taking these steps to building a brand internationally, it almost always helps to find local resources to help you understand and enter new foreign markets. You might consider entering into business with a local distributor or retailer in this new market. It is nearly impossible to understand local culture simply by visiting a country, Williams says. Find local customers, local translators. Just because you took two years of French in high school doesn"t make you qualified to understand the French market nor do French translations. Just as consumers" needs are different in Rhode Island from those in Florida and California, so are the needs of consumers in Paris different from those in Marseille.
2023-06-03 21:21:111


broadsword n. 阔刀,腰刀; buzzword n.流行词; byword n. 谚语,格言,笑柄; crossword n. 纵横字迷; keyword n. 关键字(词),等。    扩展资料   password n. 密码,口令   sword n.剑,刀   watchword n. 口令,标语,口号   word n.词,单词
2023-06-03 21:21:181


2023-06-03 21:21:265


以word做后缀的单词只有9个单词。 broadsword n. 阔刀,腰刀; buzzword n.流行词; byword n. 谚语,格言,笑柄; crossword n. 纵横字迷; keyword n. 关键字(词); password n. 密码,口令; sword n.剑,刀; watchword n. 口令,标语,口号 扩展资料   Caution is likely to remain the byword for some time to come.   未来一段时期,谨慎可能仍将是市场中的座右铭。   The general"s name had become a byword for cruelty in war.   那位将军的名字成为了战争中残酷行为的`代号。   Her name has become a byword for integrity.   她的名字已成为正直的代号。   Their shops are byword for good value.   他们的商店以商品质量好为特点。   Twenty months later it had became a byword for weakness of will.   二十个月之后,它却成了意志软弱的绰号。
2023-06-03 21:21:501


rio[英]["ri:əʊ][美]["ri:oʊ][医][=rehabilitation institute of ohio]俄亥俄康复研究所双语例句1.I went on a photo shoot to Rio with him.我和他一起去里约拍照了。2.After dwelling in Rio for ten years, she moved to Lisbon.她在里约居住了10年之后迁居到里斯本去了。3.What clothes do I need for Rio in February?在里约热内卢的二月份,我需要穿什么衣服?4.Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit.生物多样性是里约热内卢地球峰会上的时髦词儿。5.Milton, are you in Rio de Janeiro today?米尔顿,你今天在里约热内卢吗?
2023-06-03 21:21:581


2023-06-03 21:22:1814


cpdd,网络流行词,"CP滴滴"的首字母缩写,意为"找个人组CP,有意请联系我"。CP DD 要诠释 代表什么意思 必须 分2段 来说 ,第一 是CP ,CP 很多人就晓得 代表什么意思 ,英语 是“couple ”,通常 是 叫做 “是一对儿 、是两口子 、是组合 等”,而DD 便是 “滴滴 ”的字母缩写了,通常 打卡签到 时会发生滴滴的声响 ,因此 许多 网民 描述 DD 便是 打卡签到 ,报道的意思,言下之意 便是 联系我。网络流行语(network buzzword)是在网络上流行的语言,是网民们约定俗成的表达方式。它拥有年轻化、有文化两大特征,其词组类型包括字母型、数字型、词意变异型、口语型网络、词汇演变型等。流行词语:网络流行语思想有多远,你就给我滚多远———名言改编,思想有多远,我们就能走多远。路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求人———屈原《离骚》中的原句是“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”。此流行语仅改一字,便透出了人生的无奈。烧香的不一定是人,也可能是熊猫———2007年初,“熊猫烧香”病毒肆虐网络,短短两个月内,这只举着三根香的熊猫和它的700多个变种病毒让数百万电脑用户深受其害,数据的安全荡然无存。我不是随便的人,我随便起来不是人———最初的网络签名,表达“人不犯我我不犯人”的初级愿望,人人本性中都有阴暗的一面,因环境而定。
2023-06-03 21:23:051


什么叫大数据?大数据-百度百科  大数据(big data,mega data),或称巨量资料,指的是需要新处理模式才能具有更强的决策力、洞察力和流程优化能力的海量、高增长率和多样化的信息资产。  在维克托·迈尔-舍恩伯格及肯尼斯·库克耶编写的《大数据时代》 中大数据指不用随机分析法(抽样调查)这样的捷径,而采用所有数据进行分析处理。大数据的4V特点:Volume(大量)、Velocity(高速)、Variety(多样)、Value(价值)。  对于“大数据”(Big data)研究机构Gartner给出了这样的定义。“大数据”是需要新处理模式才能具有更强的决策力、洞察发现力和流程优化能力的海量、高增长率和多样化的信息资产。  大数据技术的战略意义不在于掌握庞大的数据信息,而在于对这些含有意义的数据进行专业化处理。换言之,如果把大数据比作一种产业,那么这种产业实现盈利的关键,在于提高对数据的“加工能力”,通过“加工”实现数据的“增值”。  从技术上看,大数据与云计算的关系就像一枚硬币的正反面一样密不可分。大数据必然无法用单台的计算机进行处理,必须采用分布式架构。它的特色在于对海量数据进行分布式数据挖掘,但它必须依托云计算的分布式处理、分布式数据库和云存储、虚拟化技术。  随着云时代的来临,大数据(Big data)也吸引了越来越多的关注。《著云台》的分析师团队认为,大数据(Big data)通常用来形容一个公司创造的大量非结构化数据和半结构化数据,这些数据在下载到关系型数据库用于分析时会花费过多时间和金钱。大数据分析常和云计算联系到一起,因为实时的大型数据集分析需要像MapReduce一样的框架来向数十、数百或甚至数千的电脑分配工作。  大数据需要特殊的技术,以有效地处理大量的容忍经过时间内的数据。适用于大数据的技术,包括大规模并行处理(MPP)数据库、数据挖掘电网、分布式文件系统、分布式数据库、云计算平台、互联网和可扩展的存储系统。  大数据-维基百科  大数据(英语:Big data或Megadata),或称巨量数据、海量数据、大资料,指的是所涉及的数据量规模巨大到无法通过人工,在合理时间内达到截取、管理、处理、并整理成为人类所能解读的信息[3][4]。在总数据量相同的情况下,与个别分析独立的小型数据集(data set)相比,将各个小型数据集合并后进行分析可得出许多额外的信息和数据关系性,可用来察觉商业趋势、判定研究质量、避免疾病扩散、打击犯罪或测定实时交通路况等;这样的用途正是大型数据集盛行的原因。  截至2012年,技术上可在合理时间内分析处理的数据集大小单位为艾字节(exabytes)。在许多领域,由于数据集过度庞大,科学家经常在分析处理上遭遇限制和阻碍;这些领域包括气象学、基因组学[9]、神经网络体学、复杂的物理模拟,以及生物和环境研究。这样的限制也对网络搜索、金融与经济信息学造成影响。数据集大小增长的部分原因来自于信息持续从各种来源被广泛收集,这些来源包括搭载感测设备的移动设备、高空感测科技(遥感)、软件记录、相机、麦克风、无线射频辨识(RFID)和无线感测网络。自1980年代起,现代科技可存储数据的容量每40个月即增加一倍;截至2012年,全世界每天产生2.5艾字节(2.5×1018)的数据。  大数据几乎无法使用大多数的数据库管理系统处理,而必须使用“在数十、数百甚至数千台服务器上同时平行运行的软件”。大数据的定义取决于持有数据组的机构之能力,以及其平常用来处理分析数据的软件之能力。“对某些组织来说,第一次面对数百GB的数据集可能让他们需要重新思考数据管理的选项。对于其他组织来说,数据集可能需要达到数十或数百兆字节才会对他们造成困扰。”  随着大数据被越来越多的提及,有些人惊呼大数据时代已经到来了,2012年《纽约时报》的一篇专栏中写到,“大数据”时代已经降临,在商业、经济及其他领域中,决策将日益基于数据和分析而作出,而并非基于经验和直觉。但是并不是所有人都对big data感兴趣,有些人甚至认为这是商学院或咨询公司用来哗众取宠的buzzword,看起来很新颖,但只是把传统重新包装,之前在学术研究或者政策决策中也有海量数据的支撑,大数据并不是一件新兴事物。  大数据时代的来临带来无数的机遇,但是与此同时个人或机构的隐私权也极有可能受到冲击,大数据包含了各种个人信息数据,现有的隐私保护法律或政策无力解决这些新出现的问题。有人提出,大数据时代,个人是否拥有“被遗忘权”,被遗忘权即是否有权利要求数据商不保留自己的某些信息,大数据时代信息为某些互联网巨头所控制,但是数据商收集任何数据未必都获得用户的许可,其对数据的控制权不具有合法性。2014年5月13日欧盟法院就“被遗忘权”(right to be forgotten)一案作出裁定,判决Google应根据用户请求删除不完整的、无关紧要的、不相关的数据以保证数据不出现在搜索结果中。这说明在大数据时代,加强对用户个人权利的尊重才是时势所趋的潮流。
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近来台股市场“元宇宙”题材大热,也让王雪红的宏达电股价飙涨近3倍;不少股民也有期待,希望HTC藉由VR重返荣耀,能再次沐浴昔日“股王”之恩泽,跟着赚大钱。 王雪红阿姨,VR是重返荣耀,还是一场幻梦 王雪红在宏达电股东会上 昔日的“台湾女首富”、台塑创办人王永庆之女、宏达电(宏达国际电子)董事长暨执行长王雪红,将再次受大会邀请担任专题演讲嘉宾,这也是她第三度出席世界通讯大会专题演说与圆桌会议。据了解,她今年的专题演讲题目是《Delivering a New World(开创一个新世界)》。 MWC(世界通讯展),每年二、三月固定在西班牙巴塞罗那举办,与会者及参展商主要有全球手机厂商、电信业者、软硬件供应商、创新运用团队及无线电通讯产业专家、学者等,透过各大厂商展示的新产品及服务,是观察全球通讯行业产品趋势与技术潮流的最佳窗口。 为了参加全球通讯业界这个年度盛会,王雪红的宏达电不仅租下摊位,还将宏达电的VR(虚拟实境)产品精锐尽出,全系列展示;其中包括宏达电的无线VR体验、VIVE Focus 3与VIVE Flow相关应用内容也会同步展示。 前一段时间,宏达电在台股市场因“元宇宙”题材爆红,股价飙涨近3倍。但近来涨多回档,股价有所滑落,不少老股民希望,宏达电此次能藉VR大放异彩,重返昔日“股王”荣耀。 hTC店 王雪红的hTC宏达电,曾是全球市值第三大的手机制造商,其股价曾在2011年冲上1300元新台币的天价,跃居台股“股王”宝座。 与昔日辉煌相比,宏达电即便近期受“元宇宙”题材推升股价,也就每股97元新台币,股价和市值落差之大,真是天壤之别。 王雪红,一度登顶台湾女首富之宝座,其财富甚至超过了她的父亲、前“台湾首富”王永庆。彼时,不少人赞叹:“生女当如王雪红!” 2011年,苹果以28.3%的市占率,为全球手机第一品牌;王雪红的宏达电,以20.3%市占率屈居第二,但单就安卓系统而言,宏达电大大领先当时的三星和摩托罗拉。时过境迁,hTC手机手机业务,且不说追不上苹果、三星,与华为、小米、OPPO等品牌相比,更是远远落后了。 2021福布斯中国台湾富豪榜上,已经看不到王雪红的名字了。 王雪红的丈夫、威盛暨威锋公司董事长陈文琦 5G时代来临后,即便手机业务竞争优势失落了,王雪红也希望在新蓝海有所进取,这几年专注于VR的她,在VR领域做得有声有色,希望能通过VR带她重返“股王”荣耀。 2016年5月,王雪红召开宏达电员工大会,并宣布成立VR新公司。当时,在两天时间分别在新店和桃园总部举办的员工大会上,王雪红在宏达电员工面前,宣示了她的VR梦:“在2020年让自有品牌Vive成为全球VR市场翘楚,10年内成为中国VR第一品牌。” 恍然间,梦未圆,但王雪红对VR依旧痴心不改。在去年7月年度股东会上,王雪红还是形象喊话,她表示宏达电VR生态系统在VR逐渐普及的契机中准备就绪,取得先机,能在不久的将来,创造出更好的营运绩效成果。 王雪红说,全球 科技 一直在进步,不论在VR、AR、AI、5G与Blockchain上,相信它将会是未来最好的工作和沟通平台;人文、加上 科技 ,释放人类的想象力,这是我们追求的目标。 元宇宙最近大热,特斯拉老板马斯克却泼冷水,他认为只是一种“行销流行语”(marketing buzzword),是嘘头而非现实。对此,去年与丈夫陈文琦出席威盛圣诞活动时,王雪红回应称:“相信世界上很多东西都是需要每个人梦想。” 新光金控掌门人吴东进 除了宏达电,目前王雪红旗下已经有威盛、威锋共三只股票上市。其中,宏达电与1999年上市的威盛,曾是台股市场“股王”;被称为对标英特尔的威盛,一度受到投资者疯狂追捧,2000年股价飙升至新台币629元。 王雪红一手打造的两只“股王”,后来都惨跌,其中威盛从股价最高的新台币629元跌至4.3元新台币,令不少投资者欲哭无泪,也大大挫伤了王雪红的口碑。有的投资者哀叹:“ 听王雪红的话,现在睡天桥下! ” 且不说普通投资者吃亏,连金控大佬、新光金控董事长吴东进也因为“一场饭局”,一下子赔掉了两栋大楼的钱。 有一天,新光金控董座吴东进参加一场饭局,席间听到“王雪红发展自有品牌,宏达电一股赚72元”,回去后他立即指示投资部门,进场力捧宏达电,苦撑三年后,结果以惨赔近60亿新台币出场。有人调侃,这要多卖两栋楼的钱才能补回来! 宏达电于2013年首度出现亏损后,跌落神坛的王雪红后来投入VR领域,虽做得有声有色,但很难“一杆见影”,导致营收、股价一落千丈,令不少投资者赔了不少钱。 九个子女大和解,王永庆1.1亿遗产分配官司落幕 台塑创办人王永庆(右)、王永在兄弟 昔日的“台湾首富”、有“经营之神”称誉的台塑集团创办人王永庆,已经离世14年。哲人日已远,典型在夙昔!因“细节为王”、止于至善的永续经营理念,以及善尽 社会 责任的慈善公益,在全球华人企业界,王永庆的地位是很高的。 生于1917年的王永庆,祖籍福建省安溪县长坑乡,出生于台湾新北市新店区直潭;白手起家的王永庆,与胞弟王永在联手缔造了台塑传奇。2008年10月,台塑创办人王永庆病逝于美国新泽西。 王永庆,幼年时家境贫寒,长大后到嘉义先是做送米工人,两年后从父亲王长庚借得200元,开设米店。1945年前后,日本殖民者设置的“总督府”在台湾岛内实施稻米配给,王永庆也就没有办法卖大米了,只好改做砖瓦。1954年,他申请贷款生产PVC粉,创立了台塑公司之前身——福懋公司。 王永庆曾说:“天下没有简单的事,也没有不可能的事。要求得一分的收获,必先有一分的耕耘。”这一句话,道尽了王永庆创业之不平凡,也凸显了其卓越的人格特质。 生于1922年的王永在,是王永庆之胞弟,也是台塑人心目中的“二董”,他年幼时就跟随大哥王永庆前往嘉义,一边完成学业,一边与兄长经营米店。在20岁不到时,王永在只身前往新竹山崎(现在的新丰乡)承揽碉堡工程,直到1954年应兄长征招前往高雄共同经营台塑公司。1991年的“六轻计划”是台塑成长的转折点,年近70岁的王永在担负起全面推动六轻的重担,筹划全局,他也被人称为“六轻总工程师”,2014年,92岁的王永在逝世。 1942年王永庆胞弟王永在结婚合影 福耀玻璃创办人曹德旺一向热心慈善,曹德旺最佩服的企业家就是台塑创办人王永庆。立足斯土,展臂两岸,开创双赢境界,今天,我们除了钦佩王永庆先生之智慧前瞻,也仰慕他“不忘所本”之襟怀。 王永庆生前曾说:“ 人生在世,有始必有终,贫寒富贵,悲喜哀乐,都将成为过眼云烟,了无可得。唯有尽其所能,为善助人,才能遗爱人间,充实生命内涵。 ” 王永庆经营企业的同时,即兴办教育、创办长庚医院,行实践利益众生之理念。汶川地震时,支援四川灾区,王永庆是台湾捐款最多的人。 厦门的海沧投资区,就是缘于昔日王永庆先生的石化投资案,受“戒急用忍”逆流受阻,投资案无法推动,王永庆仍在海沧创办厦门长庚医院、华亚塑胶,并将余款捐建厦门眼科中心。在祖籍地福建,他创办了漳州电厂、泉州洛阳观光饭店等。 台塑公司创办人王永庆 王永庆说:“从勤俭要转变成为奢侈很容易,但是要奢侈转回勤俭就困难了。”王永庆生前,虽为“台湾首富”,但他仍很节俭,一条毛巾用了27年。一次宴会,看到别人取菜时不小心将菜掉落在餐桌转盘上,他用筷子夹起来,放到自己餐盘上吃得干净。 在王永庆辞世之前,就布局财产信托。2004年5月,他写信给子女们:“ 透视财富的本质,它终究只是上天托付作妥善管理和支配之用,没有人可以真正拥有。 ” 不过,王永庆再睿智,也没有想到他过世后,在渣打银行存的一笔新台币1亿1485万多元遗产,会引发子女们打了一场争产官司,直到去年8月底9个子女们达成和解,这笔1亿多遗产才获分割,至于海外资产部分,迄今仍看不到官司何时到尽头。 王永庆2008年过世后,在渣打银行有一笔1.1485亿元新台币存款尚未分配,后来,王永庆大房妻子王月兰死后的遗嘱执行人、前大法官戴东雄等人提告,请求分割遗产,仅一审败诉后上诉,在2021年8月底王永庆的继承人、也就是其9个子女达成和解,撤回起诉,官司落幕。不过,这起官司的和解,仅是这笔1.1亿多元的遗产,至于王永庆海外资产,目前属于海外法院,尚无法确认王永庆的遗产范围及金额。 王永庆外孙女、女儿王端华之女杨元宁 王永庆过世后,王家所有继承人在2010年时共缴纳高达119.7668亿元新台币的遗产税,在2012年时渣打银行通知台塑集团,告知要归还王永庆生前存入的1.1485亿元新台币备偿保证金,因此衍生了这场官司。 后来,前大法官戴东雄、律师许东进、施中川三人,被法院指定为王永庆大房妻子王月兰的遗嘱执行人,他们以王永庆的儿子王文洋、王文祥、以及女儿王贵云、王端华、王雪红、王瑞瑜、王瑞慧等9名子女为被告,请求遗产分割诉讼。 台北法院在2019年审理时,曾以王永庆海外还有遗产,而本案仅将1.1亿多元新台币遗产作为分割对象,且未经全体继承人同意为由,驳回上诉。后来,戴东雄等不服再提上诉,高院审理后,经多次协调,9名子女戏剧性达成和解,戴等人于去年7月底撤诉,法院最后终结此案。 顺带提及,王永庆之三房妻子,人称“台塑三娘”的李宝珠,也委请律师强调她是王永庆合法配偶。由于本案所有继承人均签订保密协议,并负有永久保密之义务,故而王家9子女是如何达成和解,这1.1亿多元新台币在渣打银行的遗产又是如何分配的,外人无从知晓 。
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有以下意思:1、一k是一千的意思。2、QQ空间:kkkkkk也可说是快快快快快快。3、QQ空间:kkkkkk也表示“扩”,也就是扩散的意思。4、韩文中的网络用语的发音 韩文字母发k,相当于 呵呵呵呵呵。5、快开始的意思,要把一些坑货踢掉的意思。QQ空间(Qzone)是腾讯公司于2005年开发出来的一个具有个性空间,具有博客(blog)的功能,自问世以来受到众多人的喜爱。在QQ空间上可以书写日志、写说说,上传用户个人的图片,听音乐,写心情,.通过多种方式展现自己。除此之外,用户还可以根据个人的喜爱设定空间的背景、小挂件等,从而使每个空间都有自己的特色。当然,QQ空间还为精通网页的用户还提供了高级的功能:可以通过编写各种各样的代码来打造个人主页。网络流行语(network buzzword)是在网络上流行的语言,是网民们约定俗成的表达方式。它拥有年轻化、有文化两大特征,其词组类型包括字母型、数字型、词意变异型、口语型网络、词汇演变型等。
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大数据(big data),IT行业术语,是指无法在一定时间范围内用常规软件工具进行捕捉、管理和处理的数据集合,是需要新处理模式才能具有更强的决策力、洞察发现力和流程优化能力的海量、高增长率和多样化的信息资产。在维克托·迈尔-舍恩伯格及肯尼斯·库克耶编写的《大数据时代》 [1] 中大数据指不用随机分析法(抽样调查)这样捷径,而采用所有数据进行分析处理。大数据的5V特点(IBM提出):Volume(大量)、Velocity(高速)、Variety(多样)、Value(低价值密度)、Veracity(真实性)。
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