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2023-06-03 14:38:18
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硬核说唱(Hardcore Rap)Hip-Hop之一种,说唱中一种更具有力量感的音乐形式,打破以往说唱及舞曲的形式,具有更强的破坏力和煽动力,其背景总是伴以不断弱化的鼓点,而歌词也大都反映与社会背道而驰或与一般人相异的思维方式。






1、埃米纳姆(Eminem),原名马歇尔·布鲁斯·马瑟斯三世(Marshall Bruce Mathers III),1972年10月17日出生于美国密苏里州堪萨斯城,美国说唱歌手。

代表作有sing for the moment,won`t back down, fast lane, no love, you don`t know,drop the world。

2、Public Enemy是一支来自美国,纽约,长岛的嘻哈乐队。由Chuck D,Flavor Flav,Professor Griff及其团队S1W,DJ Lord(于1999年前成员Terminator X离开后代替其)和音乐总监Khari Wynn。Public Enemy以其充满政治色彩的歌词和批判而闻名,同时还在美国黑人社区中受到广泛关注。

代表作有Fight The Power,Harder Than You ,Son Of A Bush。

3、Tracy Marrow,以艺名Ice-T著称。是最早的匪帮说唱(Gangsta Rap)艺人之一。早年便丧失双亲的他,凭借一首6"N the Mornin"而在美国家喻户晓,成为匪帮说唱的传奇人物,西海岸的教父级人物之一。同时Ice-T也在电影事业上很有成就,出演了许多的电影。

代表作有6"N the Mornin",Colors,99 Problems,Depths Of Hell。








这种形式来源之一是过去电台节目主持人在介绍唱片时所用的一种快速的、押韵的行话性的语言。斥责或说唱音乐的节奏,布鲁斯音乐风格包括vocals 等巧妙地和音乐融合。陪同一般包括电子鼓敲打与样品(数字式地被隔绝的酣然的叮咬) 被结合从其它音乐录音。



硬核说唱(Hardcore Rap)Hip-Hop之一种,说唱中一种更具有力量感的音乐形式,打破以往说唱及舞曲的形式,具有更强的破坏力和煽动力,其背景总是伴以不断弱化的鼓点,而歌词也大都反映与社会背道而驰或与一般人相异的思维方式。

在90年代初期,硬核说唱与西海岸的匪帮说唱本质上是同义的,直到1993年Wu-Tang Clan的出现,他们极少的、降到最低限的鼓点和萦绕着弦声与钢琴的小样成为被广泛效仿的风格。以它充满冲撞与猛力击打的唱片和城市街头恶棍坚毅不屈的精神,硬核说唱在90年代后半期成为说唱音乐里最受欢迎的混和音乐风格,现在它的主题混合了派对颂歌,匪盗们对金钱、性、暴力的执迷,以及偶尔的社会评论。像the Notorious B.I.G., EMINEM,DMX, 和Jay-Z这样的艺人们已经成为了白金销量的超级明星,而Master P也打着“源自匪帮的南方硬核”的牌子成为一支有利可图的商业力量,尽管他并没有制作出同样水平的混合热门单曲。



gangsta ["ɡæŋstə] n. 黑帮;歹徒成员.一、网络释义 1 猥琐 B-BOY搞笑个人网名大全 ... 猥琐Gangsta 囙魂Layoom 灵魂mate█ ...2非常棒 涂鸦_百度百科 ... Gang:帮派,团队,或者共享意见和资源,拥有共同目的的群体 Gangsta:非常棒 Going ower: 当一个涂鸦者将自己的图像覆盖过另一个人的时候 ...3黑帮(gangsta), 此释义来源于网络辞典。4血帮(Gangsta)美国匪帮纯棉头巾户外驴友骑行嘻哈头巾街舞头巾淘宝价:¥二、短语GANGSTA BOP 街头呛声 ; 商城界面 ; 各位帮忙找找 BT Gangsta 黑帮时代 Gangsta speek 社会方言
2023-06-01 10:02:072


冈斯特说唱乐 音乐里主要讲暴力和犯罪 黄色 等等 也可以翻译成匪帮 由dr.dre发明的一种说唱形式
2023-06-01 10:02:153

gangster 是什么意思啊

2023-06-01 10:02:298


2023-06-01 10:02:542


疯子 地痞流氓
2023-06-01 10:03:032


无疑是一部不错的作品。黑街讲述的是耶尔卡斯特姆是一座由黑帮支配的城镇,沃里克与尼古拉斯在这里从事「杂务工」,愿意为钱包办所有肮脏的工作。在接受某次委托之后,原本以卖身为生的女子.爱蕾克丝加入他们的行列,并逐渐对他们2人的关系与来历感到好奇。黑街、谜般的药剂、拥有特异能力的人种──「黄昏种」…种种匪夷所思的要素交织而成的黑帮奇幻剧场,开幕!就动画来说,从作画精致度,人设,配乐,声优,节奏,还有良心的手语来说没啥可挑剔的,而且就题材来说清新脱俗,脱离了高中生主角的中二设定和强行黑暗的吃人系少年漫,和我预料一样吸引了一大票人气。 但是,从第三集往后,许多缺点就逐渐暴露出来。首先是作画崩坏,这也是网友吐槽最多的,动画崩就算了不暂停还能玩,这尼玛大特写静止好几秒的也能崩,而且不是一点点的崩,这就让人怀疑到底制作组是没钱到什么地步还是纯粹就没走心。最后两集作画倒是回归了正常水准。第二个是节奏。说实话一开始因为看过漫画没太注意到这个问题,不过很多人说了之后的确注意到动画的节奏有问题。前三话交代人物,背景,顺便渲染一下这条“黑街”的氛围,第四话开始进主线,但之后的回忆杀却拆得碎得一片一片,导演或许是想用这种手法来表示对比,不过漫画整整两话的剧情被拆得一段段分散到主线里,很容易让人忽略主线在说什么更会让人觉得节奏变慢。中间尼克对道格算是小高潮,但之后又进入了让观众云里雾里的节奏,结尾根本没有讲完,剧情才刚刚进入漫画中故事的高潮。这种节奏无疑会给观众一种坑爹的感受。说了一堆缺点,作为真爱粉,优点也必须说说。一个是剧情。没有高中生,中二台词,嘴炮,开挂,强行黑暗,就冲这个就可以一看。讲的是这条街的故事,两个大叔作主角,也没有主角光环,每个人背后的故事也都值得一说,两个大叔的人格魅力更是爆表。不得不说动画对这条街的氛围塑造得还不错,有点黑礁或者CB的感觉。二是声优和配乐。声优绝对选得一百个赞,诹少的声音让我觉得动画再崩也值得追下去,津田叔配尼克说话的模糊不清更是赞爆了。配乐用了大量电音,带感,抖腿,赞。总的来说,gangsta还是一部很不错的动画。
2023-06-01 10:03:101


硬核是一种大于风格的东西,往深了说是一种态度。很直接,不掩饰。但是不一定就必须是匪帮。可以是励志的,也可以是消极的。硬核有固定的唱腔,比较粗狂,比较疯狂,比较嘈杂,充满力量。硬核说唱的爆点比较结实。但也很讲究技巧。gangsta是风格。一首说唱,如何界定是不是gangsta很容易。看词就知道了,匪帮风格一目了然。暴力,金钱,女人,兄弟。但是,不是有骂人的词就是匪帮。可以是diss,也可以是自己的style。而且匪帮就不一定要用硬核唱腔。你也可以选择痞一点。 其实你要找到属于自己的flow。就不要局限于这些规规矩矩的东西。毕竟 HIP HOP 是没有局限的。
2023-06-01 10:03:252

Tatanka & Zatox的《Gangsta》 歌词

歌名:Gangsta歌手:AkonAlert, alert this is an upfront street bulletinComing live from FAIf you are a gangster and you confessing you kill a nigger on recordYou a stupid matcher fuckerThis goes out to you fake gangstersI see you niggerNigger we all se youWe working you mother fuckarYo don"t make me oohhNigger don"t make me have to step up in the clubWhit my dogs show all you mater fuckers how we ball (yeah)Nigger don"t make me show how I can violet the lawGet your woman go up in the bar (oh)Dog how love meWhy don"t you show meAnd that how she beBut niggers wanna hand of l.o.v.e (yeah)Steady claming like the are pimpBut will never go free (se you)Say that ain"t gangster (Na nigger)Niggers fronting like they hardBut I know their pussy from the startMan that ain"t gangster (Na)Still in the projectsBut I spend hundred tausuend a car (yeah)I rather have a crib in Miami whit a boat (whit a boat nigger)Full of all mi niggers on so we don"t go brokeYeah show them the ropesSticking together niggers try to copeAny one steep in the way will get chock(Soo)You gangstas, you playas, you hustlas you pimpsYou gangstas, you playas, you hustlas you pimpsDon"t make meeBring out the other side in meeSo I her you think your gangster (heeh)Don"t you wane beGangster, gangster, gangsterYeah fuck niggerI see you peeking eyes when I strolleI see you just by flashingPulling them hoe"s (yeah man)Cuss I"m a player like I"m suppose to beHoe"s on a nigger like it"s suppose to be (yeah)You a sucker so you hate like hoe"s to meAnd next change get your head crackt to the white man (oohh) (Aha)I try to keep it fly but this pussy nigger tempt me (don"t tempt me)Breaking the sweetSwear this brother ain"t classy (no)Noo that"s really killing my pimping (yeah nigger)I mean really, really killing my pimping (really, really)Look what you gone made Iceberg doCall my boys and start down crew (ooh)And we will kick that ass nigger (yeah we will)And we will I say kick that ass nigger (o yeah we will)And tell you hore she can come to my place (yeah)After she burn it up fore fucking up you faceNow it"s a got dame shame PickelhWhat you did too that man (watch out)I guess that pussy nigger though I was playing (yeah)I try to tell him but he like fuck what you say (fuck you man)Watch you mouth, you understandingHe like fuck what you say (fuck you man)Oh this pussy nigger flicks me in front this hoe"s and shit (kick his ass nigger)So I spun on this nigger they notis it (Ooh) (kick his ass nigger)Oh you think I give a fuck what your focus is (Step up nigger)So I look at the next man like step up bitchCuss if it"s going downIt"s been aroundSpiting from my chamber (POW)Like David Banner you don"t like me when I"m anger (whaah)Destruct to your whole ville don"t make me have to change you (ahe)In too a stranger and damage your soulYeah I see you gangsters,All you fake ass gangstersYou don"t have the hart niggerSurvive in the streetsAsk my nigger down in Right Street niggersAsk my niggers in Re villeAsk my niggers down at wilksAsk my nigger at Hart feel niggerAsk my nigger in AltoesAll my reel niggers AhaLiving life fore this shitAnd you just want scream it out on a record niggerYou want respect you got too urn respect niggerWork hard for what you get in life niggerFuck you punk niggerEat a dick and die slowNow get the fuck out of my house
2023-06-01 10:03:311

Akon的《Gangsta》 歌词

歌名:Gangsta歌手:AkonAlert, alert this is an upfront street bulletinComing live from FAIf you are a gangster and you confessing you kill a nigger on recordYou a stupid matcher fuckerThis goes out to you fake gangstersI see you niggerNigger we all se youWe working you mother fuckarYo don"t make me oohhNigger don"t make me have to step up in the clubWhit my dogs show all you mater fuckers how we ball (yeah)Nigger don"t make me show how I can violet the lawGet your woman go up in the bar (oh)Dog how love meWhy don"t you show meAnd that how she beBut niggers wanna hand of l.o.v.e (yeah)Steady claming like the are pimpBut will never go free (se you)Say that ain"t gangster (Na nigger)Niggers fronting like they hardBut I know their pussy from the startMan that ain"t gangster (Na)Still in the projectsBut I spend hundred tausuend a car (yeah)I rather have a crib in Miami whit a boat (whit a boat nigger)Full of all mi niggers on so we don"t go brokeYeah show them the ropesSticking together niggers try to copeAny one steep in the way will get chock(Soo)You gangstas, you playas, you hustlas you pimpsYou gangstas, you playas, you hustlas you pimpsDon"t make meeBring out the other side in meeSo I her you think your gangster (heeh)Don"t you wane beGangster, gangster, gangsterYeah fuck niggerI see you peeking eyes when I strolleI see you just by flashingPulling them hoe"s (yeah man)Cuss I"m a player like I"m suppose to beHoe"s on a nigger like it"s suppose to be (yeah)You a sucker so you hate like hoe"s to meAnd next change get your head crackt to the white man (oohh) (Aha)I try to keep it fly but this pussy nigger tempt me (don"t tempt me)Breaking the sweetSwear this brother ain"t classy (no)Noo that"s really killing my pimping (yeah nigger)I mean really, really killing my pimping (really, really)Look what you gone made Iceberg doCall my boys and start down crew (ooh)And we will kick that ass nigger (yeah we will)And we will I say kick that ass nigger (o yeah we will)And tell you hore she can come to my place (yeah)After she burn it up fore fucking up you faceNow it"s a got dame shame PickelhWhat you did too that man (watch out)I guess that pussy nigger though I was playing (yeah)I try to tell him but he like fuck what you say (fuck you man)Watch you mouth, you understandingHe like fuck what you say (fuck you man)Oh this pussy nigger flicks me in front this hoe"s and shit (kick his ass nigger)So I spun on this nigger they notis it (Ooh) (kick his ass nigger)Oh you think I give a fuck what your focus is (Step up nigger)So I look at the next man like step up bitchCuss if it"s going downIt"s been aroundSpiting from my chamber (POW)Like David Banner you don"t like me when I"m anger (whaah)Destruct to your whole ville don"t make me have to change you (ahe)In too a stranger and damage your soulYeah I see you gangsters,All you fake ass gangstersYou don"t have the hart niggerSurvive in the streetsAsk my nigger down in Right Street niggersAsk my niggers in Re villeAsk my niggers down at wilksAsk my nigger at Hart feel niggerAsk my nigger in AltoesAll my reel niggers AhaLiving life fore this shitAnd you just want scream it out on a record niggerYou want respect you got too urn respect niggerWork hard for what you get in life niggerFuck you punk niggerEat a dick and die slowNow get the fuck out of my house
2023-06-01 10:03:381


2023-06-01 10:03:582

gangsta 啥意思?

2023-06-01 10:04:065


《夜之国》我在这个被遗忘的满是灰尘的街道寻找着遗失了的东西红着眼睛的你用微弱的声音祈祷着我却只当作什么都没有听见与其伸出手去还不如把自己隐藏起来手指着那破碎的天空 我们如同孩子般一起欢笑着沐浴着从夜晚的缝隙间透出的光芒 就在这里沉睡吧在那个任谁都找不到的地方在平平淡淡度过的每一天里渐渐也就变得污浊起来 知道了什么是狡诈仅仅是接近了记忆的深处我们便被囚禁在这里如同扎根于此般生活下去若是将手掌重叠在一起是否就能改变什么?睁大眼睛 凝视着那破碎的天空在这个黎明不会降临的国度 寻找着那孤独的光芒在这样怪声作响的夜晚之中痛苦不断袭来这份早已干涸的焦躁虽然我无法正视但你那纯真无垢的言语却动摇了我的内心像是要让我淡忘一切般将我已经冷却的内心溶化了手指着那破碎的天空 我们如同孩子般一起欢笑着沐浴着从夜晚的缝隙间透出的光芒 就在这里沉睡吧我和你 只我们两个人一起
2023-06-01 10:04:211


2023-06-01 10:04:296


2023-06-01 10:04:432


gangsta因为销量不好,虽然在大陆和米国比较受欢迎,总的来说还是赔了···而且公司破产了(已确定),所以应该不会有第二季了,就算是有制作组也会换,而且动漫的进度快追上漫画了,所以近期估计是不会出第二季了,建议你去看漫画来的快一点。 总之这加上了个人的猜测,望采纳:-D
2023-06-01 10:04:511

介绍几个gangsta rap歌手

2023-06-01 10:04:584

gangsta怎么读 是读作干死他还是跟死他

2023-06-01 10:05:052


Act.01 Naughty Boys被黑手党支配的街道艾尔盖斯托姆,经营着“便利屋”的沃里克与尼古拉斯二人接受着从“清理”到护卫等各种各样的委托。有一天,他们受警察的委托,为了维护街道秩序而去毁灭新兴的黑帮组织,期间与1名妓女相遇。满意望采纳,谢谢
2023-06-01 10:05:131


2023-06-01 10:05:331

帮我解释歌词Gangsta Bop

Aye aye aye aye aye go gangstaAye aye aye aye aye go gangstaKeep boppin""""Rock wit meLet""""s get this bitch poppin""""Up front!Go gangstaKeep boppin""""Like back when a nigga was clockin""""See nowadays seems like everybody wanna be killasGorillaz gettin"""" high off their weed and liquorYou die quickerParamedics drive back slow to the hospitalYou get pronounced dead before the hospitalStop frontin"""" when you know you won""""t pull nothin""""First nigga to retreat when the tools bustPlayin"""" with it is bad for your healthAll your homeboys are goneYou the last one left nowThey heart""""s beatin"""" but these niggas be scaredThe real ones are all locked up or deadNowadays you can""""t find a good connectBut if you do you might be the feds soI don""""t know youYou don""""t know meYou don""""t know the history I got on these streetsOnly when you see what my eyes have seenThen you""""ll understand why I""""m surrounded by G""""sIf you owe me and we got beefI recommend you reach for your heat and don""""t freezePause for a minute guaranteed you gonna bleedCause that""""s how we was raisedGrowin"""" up in these streetsGo gangstaKeep boppinRock wit meLet""""s get this bitch boppin""""Go gangstaKeep boppin""""Like back when a nigga was clockin""""See it""""s hard gettin"""" goodEasy to do evilAnd I ain""""t really into meetin"""" wit new peopleJust put the money in the bag and I""""ll leave youThen we cop evesilYou make a hundred dollarsTo the streets you made a GWhen you coppin"""" hoesThey swearin"""" you move keysFeds gettin"""" closeAnd the rats in the g""""sAnd they tryin"""" to find those birdsNot the ones that sleep in treesWe got that birdWe got that blueYou want short skirts?We got that tooWhatever ya need my niggaShow me the cheeseAnd baby you can believeThat we can make that trueI don""""t know youYou don""""t know meYou don""""t know the history I got on these streetsOnly when you see what my eyes have seenThen you""""ll understand why I""""m surrounded by G""""sIf you owe me and we got beefI recommend you reach for your heat and don""""t freezePause for a minute guaranteed you gonna bleedCause that""""s how we was raisedGrowin"""" up in these streetsAye aye... [in the background]Go gangstaKeep boppinRock wit meLet""""s get this bitch boppin""""Go gangstaKeep boppin""""Like back when a nigga was clockin""""Streets been watchinAnd they don""""t blinkSidewalk got earsThe pavement don""""t sleepThe fittest will surviveThe weak just don""""t eatEverybody in between just gettin"""" a rap sheetThe streets been watchinAnd they don""""t blinkSidewalk got earsThe pavement don""""t sleepThe fittest will surviveThe weak just don""""t eatEverybody in between just gettin"""" a rap sheetI don""""t know youYou don""""t know meYou don""""t know the history I got on these streetsOnly when you see what my eyes have seenThen you""""ll understand why I""""m surrounded by G""""sIf you owe me and we got beefI recommend you reach for your heat and don""""t freezePause for a minute guaranteed you gonna bleedCause that""""s how we was raisedGrowin"""" up in these streetsAye aye... [in the background]Go gangstaKeep boppinRock wit meLet""""s get this bitch boppin""""Go gangstaKeep boppin""""Like back when a nigga was clockin""""See it""""s hard gettin"""" goodEasy to do evilAnd I ain""""t really into meetin"""" wit new peopleSee it""""s hard gettin"""" goodEasy to do evilAnd I ain""""t really into meetin"""" wit new people
2023-06-01 10:05:522

blue gangsta中文歌词

Midnight rush with a pen in my hand 凌晨我的手中握着一支笔Inkin Lincoln, sand-script with a fan墨色林肯(常常的轿车),沙草书和一扇风扇Remembering me before we began 我们开始前记得我Sometime I felt so deaf in the jam有时在果酱里感觉非常聋哑 But the ones who loved me told me to stop可是爱我的告诉我要停止 Like homegirl cant get jitter for drop像家女不能得到抖动的点滴(指的是性啦、、、)A superwoman chick you know that I am 你知道我是一个女超人Some shit don"t fly by me in a man 一些狗屎(骂人的)不跟着我飞Cuz I do not accept any less than someone因为(cuz->because)我不接受任何低于某人(指的某认识她喜欢的一个人)Just as real as fabulous 像那么真那么神话般的Don"t want no paper gangsta不想要paper gangsta(你知道什么意思啦)Won"t sign away my life to 不会签(约定)我的生活去Someone who"s got the flavor 有味道的某人But don"t know how follow through 但是不知道怎么贯彻 Don"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaWon"t sign no monkey papers 不签人和猴子纸(很多不通的都为了押韵)I don"t do funny business 我不做滑稽的生意Not interested in fakers 对假惺惺的人不敢兴趣Don"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaOh ohhhh 哦 哦~~~Don"t want no paper gangsta Oh ohhhh哦 哦~~~ Don"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaDon"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaGot something really shiny to start找到了真正闪亮的启动Want me to sign there on your range rover heart想让我签在你的揽胜心上I"ve heard it before yeah the dinners were nice 我以前听过 是啊 晚餐很豪华Till you diamond words melted into some ice 直到你钻石般的话在冰里融化You should have been around to the beat of my song 你应该出现在我歌里的节拍Mr. california 加利福利亚先生paper gansta I"m looking for love not an empty page 我在寻找爱情 不是白纸Full of stuff that means nothing满满的又没有价值but you pimp a lady 可是你射(是那个、、)一个女人Cuz I do not accept any less than someone 因为我不接受任何低于某人Just as real as fabulous 像那么真那么神话般的Won"t sign away my life to 不会签(约定)我的生活去Someone who"s got the flavor 有味道的某人But don"t know how follow through 但是不知道怎么贯彻 Don"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaWon"t sign no monkey papers 不签人和猴子纸(很多不通的都为了押韵)I don"t do funny business 我不做滑稽的生意Not interested in fakers 对假惺惺的人不敢兴趣Don"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaOh ohhhh 额 哦~~~ Don"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaOh ohhhh 额 哦~~~ Don"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaDon"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaWon"t sign away my life to 不会签(约定)我的生活去Someone who"s got the flavor 有味道的某人But don"t know how follow through 但是不知道怎么贯彻 Don"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaWon"t sign no monkey papers 不签人和猴子纸I don"t do funny business 我不做滑稽的生意Not interested in fakers 对假惺惺的人不敢兴趣Don"t want no paper gangsta Won"t sign away my life to 不会签(约定)我的生活去Someone who"s got the flavor 有味道的某人But don"t know how follow through 但是不知道怎么贯彻 Don"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaWon"t sign no monkey papers 不签人和猴子纸I don"t do funny business 我不做滑稽的生意Not interested in fakers 对假惺惺的人不敢兴趣Don"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaOh ohhhh 额 哦~~~ Don"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaOh ohhhh 额 哦~~~ Don"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaDon"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaDon"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangstaDon"t want no paper gangsta 不想要paper gangsta
2023-06-01 10:05:591

Gangsta Bop 歌词

歌名:Gangsta Bop歌手:Akon时长:4分6秒专辑:《Konvicted》发行时间:2006-11-14所属公司:环球唱片歌词:heh heh hehKonvict Konvict eh eh eh eh eh ehGo gangsta eh eh eh eh eh ehGo gangsta keep boppin block all yallRock wit me lets get this bitch poppin UpfrontGo gangsta keep boppin geahLike back when the nigga was glockinSee now a days seems like erbody wanna be killasGorillas getting high off they weed and liquor you die quickerParamedics drive back slow to the hospitalYou get pronounced dead at 4 to the hospitalSo stop frontin when you know you won"t pull none pull noneFirst nigga to retreat when the tools bust tools bustPlayin with death is bad for your healthAll your homeboys gone you da last one left nowThey hearts beatin but these nigga"s be scared scaredThe real ones are all locked up or dead deadNow a days you can"t find a good connectBut if you do you might be the feds soI don"t know youYou don"t know meYou don"t know the history I got on these streetsOnly if you seen what my eyes have seenThen you"ll understand why I"m surrounded by G"sIf you owe me or we got beef I recommend you reach for your heat and don"t freezePause for a minute guarantee you gon" bleedCuz that"s how we was raised growin" up in these streetsGo gangsta keep boppinrock wit me lets get this bitch poppinGo gangsta keep boppinlike back when the nigga was glockinSee its hardehto be good easy to do evil and I ain"t really into meetin wit new peopleJus" put the money in the bag and I"ll leave you with the weed, coke, lambo, or visaYou make a hundred dollars to the streets you made a G uhhuhWhen you coppin O"s they swearin you move keys uhhuhFeds getting close in the rats seen cheese and they tryin find em bears not the one that sleep in trees We got the purp We got that blue chikaa!You want short skirtsWe got that tooWhatever you needMy nigga show me the cheese and baby you could believe that we can make that brewI don"t know youYou don"t know meYou don"t know the history I got on these streetsOnly if you seen what my eyes have seenThen you"ll understand why I"m surrounded by G"sIf you owe me or we got beef I recommend you reach for your heat and don"t freezepause for a minute guarantee you gon" bleedCuz that"s how we was raised growin" up in these streetsGo gangsta keep boppin eh eh ehrock wit me lets get this bitch poppin eh eh ehGo gangsta keep boppin eh eh ehlike back when the nigga was glockin eh eh ehStreets been watchin and they don"t blinkSidewalk get ears the pavement don"t sleepThe fittest will survive the weak just don"t eatEverybody in between just getting the rap sheetThe streets been watchin and they don"t blinkSidewalk get ears the pavement don"t sleepThe fittest will survive the weak just don"t eatEverybody in between just getting the rap sheet and Everyone in between gettin the rap sheetI don"t know youYou don"t know meYou don"t know the history I got on these streets OH oh ooohhOnly if you seen what my eyes have seen seen what my eyes have seenThen you"ll understand why I"m surrounded by G"s oh yeahIf you owe me or we got beef I recommend you reach for your heat and don"t freeze we got beefpause for a minute guarantee you gon bleed Don"t pause for a minuteCuz that"s how we was raised growin up in these streets We was raised in the streets now yeahGo gangsta keep boppinrock wit me lets get this bitch poppinGo gangsta keep boppinlike back when the nigga was glockinGo gangsta keep boppin eh eh ehrock wit me lets get this bitch poppin eh eh ehGo gangsta keep boppin eh eh ehlike back when the nigga was glockin eh eh ehSee its hard to be good easy to do evil and I ain"t really into meetin wit new peopleGo gangsta
2023-06-01 10:06:072


可能由于制作商出了些问题。GANGSTA匪徒全集アニメ原作のコミックコースケ著漫画『GANGSTA强盗》、物语は条とアルを斯托姆の街は、これらの人のところに巢く う。ここでは、一见チャラは优しい性格の射手沃里克と耳が锐い刀客ニコラス难聴を一绪に店を営んで便利屋」、どちら がどのような身分の势力、人に 委托し、人を助ける処理各种「汚いこと」… TV动画《GANGSTA匪徒》已经确定在2015年的7月份开播了。这个消息是在前不久举办的“广播也剧CD《GANGSTA匪徒》发售纪念活动 ~便利屋@新宿”上宣布。目前官网也正式上线了,同时也公布主要制作团队和声优阵容名单。 在制作阵容方面,导演将由初见浩一担任,猪爪慎一担任系列构成,植田羊一担任角色设定。TSUTCHIE负责音乐,动画制作Manglobe负责。声优阵容方面,将有诹访部顺一出演左眼失明的枪手大叔沃里克·阿尔坎杰罗,津田健次郎出演以武士刀为武器的黄昏人种尼古拉斯·布朗,能登麻美子出演母亲被黄昏人种杀害的爱丽克斯·贝尼迪特,榊原良子出演黄昏人种帕可丽公会长官吉娜·帕可丽,吉野裕行出演达达,小松未可子出演姬嘉。除了这些还有金尾哲夫、石川界人、三上哲、悠木碧、宝龟克寿、小山刚志、前野智昭、桥诘知久、桐本琢也、植田佳奈、樱井孝宏和稻田彻。
2023-06-01 10:06:141

Gangsta Rap的著名艺人

2pac又名图派克,2pac是一名美国已故说唱巨星、演员和诗人。在《吉尼斯世界纪录》中他是最高销量的说唱歌手,在全球共卖出超过七千五百万张专辑,包括美国本土的逾五百万的销量。2pac的歌曲围绕暴力、黑人贫民区、种族主义、社会问题及与其他说唱歌手间争吵。Shakur的作品提倡反映出的政治上、经济上、社会上及种族上的平等,并且充满激进的革命反抗意识而闻名。他也同时被众多的歌迷、评论者和业内人士看作有史以来最伟大的一位说唱艺人。于1996年9月13日遭杀害。生前创建了Outlawz,代表歌曲有 Hit Em Up,California Love,life gose on,Dear mama。The Notorious B.I.G或称Biggie smalls,原名Christopher Wallace,生于1972年5月21日。在1997年3月9日早上,the Notorious B.I.G.参加过“灵魂列车奖”晚会之后回酒店的路上也遭到不明身份枪手的袭击,被保镖送往医院的途中身亡,而此时距2PAC的死仅有半年。这次的枪杀事件再次震惊了整个美国音乐界。 生前曾是pac的挚友,后因东西rap战争而决裂。与pac堪称最伟大的Gangsta rap歌手。Dr.Dre原名b. Andre Young,生于1965年2月18日,说唱歌星。作为西海岸匪帮说唱领军者,滚石杂志尤其推崇Dr.Dre。后加入N.W.A。虽在乐队中不是最起眼的角色,但单飞后的第一张专辑《慢性》(The Chronic)却被公认为所谓“西海岸之声”的最佳代表。这种节奏较慢,语气平和(相对于东海岸)的Rap自《慢性》开始渐渐走红,并捧红了诸如Snoop Dogg等一批新明星。缺点在于经常在歌曲中扯上为自己正名的事,一手捧红了艾米纳姆。Snoop Doggy Dogg或称Snoop Dogg,本名 Calvin Broadus 1972年10月20号在Long Beach, California出生,身高192cm。92 年与Dr.Dre创立品牌-- Death Row, Snoop Doggy Dogg以他西岸帮派式的gangsta rap,掀起了一股新兴的G-Funk 风潮, 也正式让东/西岸音乐开始有了分歧。Snoop Doggy Dogg的歌则用了他特有淫荡的西海岸鼻音,来吹嘘着自己放荡的生活方式,为涉世不深的孩子描绘着新的美利坚之梦。 90s的重要人物之一Ice-THip-Hop历史上最重要的歌手与创作人之一,Ice-T作为加州西海岸Hip Hop的领袖之一,却是出生在新泽西的。他在父母因为意外死亡后才移居到加州。Ice-T生于1959年的情人节,曾经有过真实的帮派背景,在1987年以一首“6 N The Morning”和《Rhyme Pays》出道,后来发行过数张被后人认为是经典的专辑如《Power》、《The Iceberg/Freedom of Speech...Just Watch What You Say》和《O.G. Original Gangster》等,他还组建了团体Rhyme Syndicate和金属乐队Body Count,并提携了黄金年代Hip-Hop界数名有才华的后辈,如Lord Finesse、Everlast(来自House Of Pain)等,同时他还对西岸的后辈如Ice Cube、Snoop Dogg有着很大的影响,被奉为传奇人物。Eazy-E原名Eric Lynn Wright (1963年9月7日–1995年3月26日),来自于LA的郊区Compton, California,上个世纪90年代的说唱界大佬、制作人、唱片监制。生于中产阶级家庭,Richard与Kathie Wrigh的儿子。早年放弃学业,从事毒品生意,靠贩卖毒品的钱创建了自己的唱片公司Ruthless。Eazy-E身高仅仅一米六五,同身边高大魁梧的同伴相比,他的身形显得单薄了许多,但是他却是N.W.A.的核心人物,Eazy-E凭借他年轻有力的高音调的声音,加上高度关注那些街头生活的歌词,涵盖了枪支、毒品、居民与警察、不正常的性行为等内容,形成了自己独特的风格。Ice CubeIce Cube原名O"Shea Jackson,生于美国加州的洛杉矶,生日为1969年的6月15日。作为美国洛杉矶著名说唱组合N.W.A的核心成员之一,Ice Cube也是该组合中最早宣布单飞而谋求个人发展的成员。在离开N.W.A组合之后,Ice Cube逐渐成长为美国Hip-Hop音乐界最优秀同时也是最具争议的歌手之一。同时还被称为“犯罪语音之父”。 N.W.A由Ice cube,MC Ren,Dr.Dre,Eazy-E,Dj Yella,包括参与的还有The D.O.C,Arabian Prince。N.W.A.乐队的一群人不仅改变了西海岸说唱音乐的面貌,也改变了hip-hop帝国本身的样子。他们完全摒弃了西海岸流行音乐的元素,改而采用了一种更为缓慢、沉重的音乐节奏,甚至连同西海岸相对的东海岸风格也未能与之相比。他们的音乐中充满了暴力、内幕、毒品交易等内容。开创了Gangsta Rap的狂潮,代表专辑有:Straight Outta Compton ,100 miles and Running 代表歌曲:Fuck Tha Police,Gangsta Gangsta。N.W.A.来自Compton,Compton被称为是Gangsta Rap的重要基地,诞生了Dr.Dre,Eazy-E,Mc Ren,DJ Quik,Chill MC,The Game,Coolio,MC Eiht等著名歌手,还有DJ Yella这样的重要制作人。Compton的横空出世打破了东西海岸的说唱不平衡。其中诞生的著名专辑就是N.W.A的Straight Outta Compton。这张专辑一下子让Compton闻名于世。
2023-06-01 10:06:211


17年5月GANGSTA已经复更了,但是因为作者身体不好经常断,一直处于不定期更新的状态,现在好像是56话可能将近60。(之前断更就是因为作者身体原因,做了很多手术)没有资源是因为有些平台没有更新,我自己倒是没怎么追GANGSTA的原漫,原来有说可以在 “动漫之家”看的网页链接,但是现在好像下架了已经,然后大家都是互相扶贫一话一话找资源,在微博,贴吧可以找到一些自产熟肉,还有很多生肉,总之很零散,你要是想看的话或许要有点耐心找粮哈哈这是作者的推特账号望采纳 谢谢
2023-06-01 10:06:371


  因为其后期和六花一个毛病就是前面几集画面精湛,后面几集崩的哭死,可能有这个原因。另外黑道题材并不多,受众也就那样,唯一想到的是好几年前的黑礁。   本剧主要讲述了两个有着悲惨身世和躯体残疾的热心青年不畏强暴,惩恶扬善,维护一方和平的故事。下到帮助孤苦无依的便利店阿婆,上到协助警察捣毁走私淀粉和番茄酱的非法组织,并成功营救失足少妇一名。故事积极向上,发人深省,充满正能量,是日本为数不多的优秀公益宣传动画。
2023-06-01 10:06:501


链接: 提取码: ndm5 《GANGSTA匪徒 2015》导演: 村濑修功 、 初见浩一 、 小野田雄亮 、 铃木薰 、 佐藤阳 、 朝木幸彦 、 永居慎平 、 安彦英二编剧: 猪爪慎一 、 木村畅主演: 诹访部顺一 、 津田健次郎 、 能登麻美子 、 金尾哲夫 、 石川界人 、 三上哲 、 悠木碧 、 宝龟克寿 、 小山刚志 、 桥诘知久 、 前野智昭 、 桐本拓哉 、 上田耀司 、 榊原良子 、 小松未可子 、 吉野裕行 、 植田佳奈 、 稻田彻 、 樱井孝宏 、 岛村侑 、 种崎敦美 、 梅津秀行 、 关智一 、 大原沙耶香 、 井泽诗织 、 间岛淳司 、 粕谷雄太 、 小清水亚美 、 矶边万沙子 、 大畑伸太郎 、 游佐浩二 、 村中知 、 明坂聪美 、 花江夏树 、 村瀬步更多...类型: 剧情 、 动作 、 动画 、 犯罪官方网站: gangsta-project.com制片国家、地区: 日本语言: 日语首播: 2015-07-02(日本)集数: 12单集片长: 24分钟又名: 黑街 、 ギャングスタGANGSTA匪徒全集アニメ原作のコミックコースケ著漫画『GANGSTA强盗》、物语は条とアルを斯托姆の街は、これらの人のところに巢く う。ここでは、一见チャラは优しい性格の射手沃里克と耳が锐い刀客ニコラス难聴を一绪に店を営んで便利屋」、どちら がどのような身分の势力、人に 委托し、人を助ける処理各种「汚いこと」…TV动画《GANGSTA匪徒》已经确定在2015年的7月份开播了。这个消息是在前不久举办的“广播也剧CD《GANGSTA匪徒》发售纪念活动 ~便利屋@新宿”上宣布。目前官网也正式上线了,同时也公布主要制作团队和声优阵容名单。在制作阵容方面,导演将由初见浩一担任,猪爪慎一担任系列构成,植田羊一担任角色设定。TSUTCHIE负责音乐,动画制作Manglobe负责。声优阵容方面,将有诹访部顺一出演左眼失明的枪手大叔沃...
2023-06-01 10:07:271


2023-06-01 10:07:351


 gangsta黑街里驱逐队 ギャングスタ(gya n gu su ta) 黑街/匪徒フタロイ・エスミーニツ(fu ta ro i ・ e su mi- ni chu) 驱逐队*日语汉字表示为:「第二逐队」 
2023-06-01 10:07:441

求动画《黑街GANGSTA》的无损op ed

「GANGSTA./黑街」ED专辑「夜の国」/Annabel【收录曲目】01. 夜の国作词 : Annabel / 作曲・编曲 : R・O・N02. ターミナル作词 : Annabel / 作曲・编曲 : R・O・N03. 夜の国 (Instrumental)04. ターミナル (Instrumental)「GANGSTA./黑街」 OP专辑「Renegade」/STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION【收录曲目】[アーティスト盤]01. Renegade02. Fabiana03. Dropping melodies -feat. Annabel-[アニメ盤]01. Renegade02.Dropping melodies -feat. Annabel-03.Renegade (instrumental)04.Dropping melodies (instrumental)无损op+ed下载地址:
2023-06-01 10:07:521


2023-06-01 10:08:011

gangsta动漫结局 这样就结局了吗?b站的第12集是结局吗?还是我漏看了 沃里克死了吗

因为公司破产了 最后是硬着头皮做完的 看漫画吧
2023-06-01 10:08:102

Jay-Z的音乐风格是否属于Gangsta Rap

不是 他属于东海岸说唱Gangsta Rap 是西海岸说唱里的一种 Snoop Dogg 就属于Gangsta Rap
2023-06-01 10:08:191


gangsta ["ɡæŋstə] n. 黑帮;歹徒成员.一、网络释义 1 猥琐 B-BOY搞笑个人网名大全 ... 猥琐Gangsta 囙魂Layoom 灵魂mate█ ...2非常棒 涂鸦_百度百科 ... Gang:帮派,团队,或者共享意见和资源,拥有共同目的的群体 Gangsta:非常棒 Going ower: 当一个涂鸦者将自己的图像覆盖过另一个人的时候 ...3黑帮(gangsta), 此释义来源于网络辞典。4血帮(Gangsta)美国匪帮纯棉头巾户外驴友骑行嘻哈头巾街舞头巾淘宝价:¥二、短语GANGSTA BOP 街头呛声 ; 商城界面 ; 各位帮忙找找 BT Gangsta 黑帮时代 Gangsta speek 社会方言
2023-06-01 10:08:382


gangsta ["ɡæŋstə] n. 黑帮;歹徒成员.一、网络释义 1 猥琐 B-BOY搞笑个人网名大全 ... 猥琐Gangsta 囙魂Layoom 灵魂mate█ ...2非常棒 涂鸦_百度百科 ... Gang:帮派,团队,或者共享意见和资源,拥有共同目的的群体 Gangsta:非常棒 Going ower: 当一个涂鸦者将自己的图像覆盖过另一个人的时候 ...3黑帮(gangsta), 此释义来源于网络辞典。4血帮(Gangsta)美国匪帮纯棉头巾户外驴友骑行嘻哈头巾街舞头巾淘宝价:¥二、短语GANGSTA BOP 街头呛声 ; 商城界面 ; 各位帮忙找找 BT Gangsta 黑帮时代 Gangsta speek 社会方言
2023-06-01 10:08:451

Akon的《Gangsta》 歌词

歌名:Gangsta歌手:AkonAlert, alert this is an upfront street bulletinComing live from FAIf you are a gangster and you confessing you kill a nigger on recordYou a stupid matcher fuckerThis goes out to you fake gangstersI see you niggerNigger we all se youWe working you mother fuckarYo don"t make me oohhNigger don"t make me have to step up in the clubWhit my dogs show all you mater fuckers how we ball (yeah)Nigger don"t make me show how I can violet the lawGet your woman go up in the bar (oh)Dog how love meWhy don"t you show meAnd that how she beBut niggers wanna hand of l.o.v.e (yeah)Steady claming like the are pimpBut will never go free (se you)Say that ain"t gangster (Na nigger)Niggers fronting like they hardBut I know their pussy from the startMan that ain"t gangster (Na)Still in the projectsBut I spend hundred tausuend a car (yeah)I rather have a crib in Miami whit a boat (whit a boat nigger)Full of all mi niggers on so we don"t go brokeYeah show them the ropesSticking together niggers try to copeAny one steep in the way will get chock(Soo)You gangstas, you playas, you hustlas you pimpsYou gangstas, you playas, you hustlas you pimpsDon"t make meeBring out the other side in meeSo I her you think your gangster (heeh)Don"t you wane beGangster, gangster, gangsterYeah fuck niggerI see you peeking eyes when I strolleI see you just by flashingPulling them hoe"s (yeah man)Cuss I"m a player like I"m suppose to beHoe"s on a nigger like it"s suppose to be (yeah)You a sucker so you hate like hoe"s to meAnd next change get your head crackt to the white man (oohh) (Aha)I try to keep it fly but this pussy nigger tempt me (don"t tempt me)Breaking the sweetSwear this brother ain"t classy (no)Noo that"s really killing my pimping (yeah nigger)I mean really, really killing my pimping (really, really)Look what you gone made Iceberg doCall my boys and start down crew (ooh)And we will kick that ass nigger (yeah we will)And we will I say kick that ass nigger (o yeah we will)And tell you hore she can come to my place (yeah)After she burn it up fore fucking up you faceNow it"s a got dame shame PickelhWhat you did too that man (watch out)I guess that pussy nigger though I was playing (yeah)I try to tell him but he like fuck what you say (fuck you man)Watch you mouth, you understandingHe like fuck what you say (fuck you man)Oh this pussy nigger flicks me in front this hoe"s and shit (kick his ass nigger)So I spun on this nigger they notis it (Ooh) (kick his ass nigger)Oh you think I give a fuck what your focus is (Step up nigger)So I look at the next man like step up bitchCuss if it"s going downIt"s been aroundSpiting from my chamber (POW)Like David Banner you don"t like me when I"m anger (whaah)Destruct to your whole ville don"t make me have to change you (ahe)In too a stranger and damage your soulYeah I see you gangsters,All you fake ass gangstersYou don"t have the hart niggerSurvive in the streetsAsk my nigger down in Right Street niggersAsk my niggers in Re villeAsk my niggers down at wilksAsk my nigger at Hart feel niggerAsk my nigger in AltoesAll my reel niggers AhaLiving life fore this shitAnd you just want scream it out on a record niggerYou want respect you got too urn respect niggerWork hard for what you get in life niggerFuck you punk niggerEat a dick and die slowNow get the fuck out of my house
2023-06-01 10:08:521

Alina的《Gangsta》 歌词

歌名:Gangsta歌手:AkonAlert, alert this is an upfront street bulletinComing live from FAIf you are a gangster and you confessing you kill a nigger on recordYou a stupid matcher fuckerThis goes out to you fake gangstersI see you niggerNigger we all se youWe working you mother fuckarYo don"t make me oohhNigger don"t make me have to step up in the clubWhit my dogs show all you mater fuckers how we ball (yeah)Nigger don"t make me show how I can violet the lawGet your woman go up in the bar (oh)Dog how love meWhy don"t you show meAnd that how she beBut niggers wanna hand of l.o.v.e (yeah)Steady claming like the are pimpBut will never go free (se you)Say that ain"t gangster (Na nigger)Niggers fronting like they hardBut I know their pussy from the startMan that ain"t gangster (Na)Still in the projectsBut I spend hundred tausuend a car (yeah)I rather have a crib in Miami whit a boat (whit a boat nigger)Full of all mi niggers on so we don"t go brokeYeah show them the ropesSticking together niggers try to copeAny one steep in the way will get chock(Soo)You gangstas, you playas, you hustlas you pimpsYou gangstas, you playas, you hustlas you pimpsDon"t make meeBring out the other side in meeSo I her you think your gangster (heeh)Don"t you wane beGangster, gangster, gangsterYeah fuck niggerI see you peeking eyes when I strolleI see you just by flashingPulling them hoe"s (yeah man)Cuss I"m a player like I"m suppose to beHoe"s on a nigger like it"s suppose to be (yeah)You a sucker so you hate like hoe"s to meAnd next change get your head crackt to the white man (oohh) (Aha)I try to keep it fly but this pussy nigger tempt me (don"t tempt me)Breaking the sweetSwear this brother ain"t classy (no)Noo that"s really killing my pimping (yeah nigger)I mean really, really killing my pimping (really, really)Look what you gone made Iceberg doCall my boys and start down crew (ooh)And we will kick that ass nigger (yeah we will)And we will I say kick that ass nigger (o yeah we will)And tell you hore she can come to my place (yeah)After she burn it up fore fucking up you faceNow it"s a got dame shame PickelhWhat you did too that man (watch out)I guess that pussy nigger though I was playing (yeah)I try to tell him but he like fuck what you say (fuck you man)Watch you mouth, you understandingHe like fuck what you say (fuck you man)Oh this pussy nigger flicks me in front this hoe"s and shit (kick his ass nigger)So I spun on this nigger they notis it (Ooh) (kick his ass nigger)Oh you think I give a fuck what your focus is (Step up nigger)So I look at the next man like step up bitchCuss if it"s going downIt"s been aroundSpiting from my chamber (POW)Like David Banner you don"t like me when I"m anger (whaah)Destruct to your whole ville don"t make me have to change you (ahe)In too a stranger and damage your soulYeah I see you gangsters,All you fake ass gangstersYou don"t have the hart niggerSurvive in the streetsAsk my nigger down in Right Street niggersAsk my niggers in Re villeAsk my niggers down at wilksAsk my nigger at Hart feel niggerAsk my nigger in AltoesAll my reel niggers AhaLiving life fore this shitAnd you just want scream it out on a record niggerYou want respect you got too urn respect niggerWork hard for what you get in life niggerFuck you punk niggerEat a dick and die slowNow get the fuck out of my house
2023-06-01 10:08:591

求Kat Dahlia Gangsta 中文歌词

虽然看似文静却很懂得玩乐的女人 时机到了 发束也会放开的女人 虽然遮掩但比起裸露还要更性感的女人有那种性感魅力的女人 我是男子汉 虽然看似稳重却很懂得玩乐的男子汉 时机到了 会完全失控的男子汉 思想比肌肉更加发达的男子汉 是那样的男子汉 美丽的 可爱的 没错 是你 Hey 没错就是你 Hey 美丽的 可爱的 没错 是你 Hey 没错就是你 Hey 现在开始到冲破极限之前 一起走吧 江南STYLE 哥哥是江南STYLE 江南STYLE 哥哥是江南STYLE Eh Sexy Lady 哥哥是江南STYLE Eh Sexy Lady OH OH OH OH 虽然看似文静却很懂得玩乐的女人 时机到了 发束也会放开的女人 虽然遮掩但比起裸露还要更性感的女人 有那种性感魅力的女人 我是男子汉 虽然看似稳重却很懂得玩乐的男子汉 时机到了 会完全失控的男子汉 思想比肌肉更加发达的男子汉 是那样的男子汉 美丽的 可爱的 没错 是你 Hey 没错就是你 Hey 美丽的 可爱的 没错 是你 Hey 没错就是你 Hey 现在开始到冲破极限之前 一起走吧 哥哥是江南STYLE 江南STYLE 哥哥是江南STYLE 江南STYLE 哥哥是江南STYLE Eh Sexy Lady 哥哥是江南STYLE Eh Sexy Lady OH OH OH OH 一山还有一山高 baby baby 我是知道一些什麼的人 一山还有一山高 baby baby 我是知道一些什麼的人 哥哥是江南STYLE Eh Sexy Lady 哥哥是江南STYLE Eh Sexy Lady OH OH OH OH 哥哥是江南STYLE
2023-06-01 10:09:072

Gangsta Rap (Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Gangsta Rap (Remix)歌手:Fettes Brot专辑:Fettes Brot Für Die WeltGangsta!(Refugees, baby. Uh.)(It"s Tempa)(Yeah.)(Tell "em what it is.)Gangsta!(Smokehitty Entertainment! Come on.)(Tell "em what it is.)Gangsta!You not my girl, not my wife.Got a couple tips from Mike.I"m moonwalking out"ch your life.I close my eyes you outta sight.Gangsta!"Less you wanna call me, concede it."Cause I"m a smooth criminal I told her to beat it.When a lil" love was all I needed, you talkin".I call it how I see it, and now I mean it.I"m out for good,like a lot of you women moving out the hood.But if I told you "take me back" you would.Too late (...???...)Had you in the (cars?) when I met you,with a couple superstars from the ghetto.Now you feelin" so soft and you let go--with a T-E-M-P-A-Mental.Gangsta!(Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.Look what you put me through.I"m the new gangsta!Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.I can never fall in love.The foo", gangsta!)(Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.Look what you put me through.I"m the new gangsta!Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.I can never fall in love.The foo", gangsta!)You ain"t a friend,a friend you"ll never be.Obviously you"ve never been with a real O-G.From the H-I-T, rollin" B-I-G.Pass it through V-I-P, it"s the refugee.Gangsta!We come spread some love, like the gold rush.It was the things you did, that used to mean so much.With every touch the way you used to blush,Now I made you (brush?)? Don"t believe in such.Nonsense, lovers don"t promote violence.Nonsense, just like the dollar, no cents no good--I can feel it through my sixth sense.What"s this, wanna suck my existence?But still I believe in you and me.Quite frankly that"s how it"s supposed to be.That kind of love that can end any poverty.So I keep (...???...)Gangsta!Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.Look what you put me through.I"m the new gangsta!Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.I can never fall in love.The foo", gangsta!What ya gonna do, cause I"m gonna confute.No where to run, no where to hide.All the things you said and the things you done to me.You can no longer make me cry.Look whatcha done to me, baby.I can no longer smile, baby.And I"ve, waited so long, just to carry on.I"m the new gangsta!Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.(You ain"t no friend of mine!)Look what you"ve put me through.I"m the new gangsta!(You ain"t no friend of mine!)Whatcha gonna do? (Ooh, oh no.)You ain"t no friend of mine.I"m never gonna fall in love.The foo", gangsta!Whatcha gonna do? (Whatcha gonna do?! Gonna do?!)You ain"t no friend of mine. (You"re tempamental!)Look what you"ve put me through.(What are you gonna (do)?!)I"m the new gangsta! (Whatcha gonna do?!)Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.I"m never gonna fall in love.The foo"-- gangsta!
2023-06-01 10:09:141

gangsta bop-akon中文翻译

嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿 摇呀 帮棍们  嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿 摇呀 帮棍们  继续 摆 跟我摇 让我们来把这个帮会开起来 到前面!  摇呀 帮棍们 继续 摆 在黑鬼掐时时转回来 看看  现在好像每个人都希望是杀人犯  地头蛇因酗酒和吸毒而飘飘然  你死的快点 救护车慢慢开回医院  你在到医院之前被宣判死亡  别到前面 当你知道你不会有贡献  当工具报废时  黑鬼第一先退 玩火烧身对你的健康有害  你所有的同伙都没了 现在你是剩下的最后一个  他们 心在跳 但这些黑鬼胆小 真正的帮棍都被关押或死亡  现在你不能找到一个好联络 但是如果你找到  你可能联邦(FBI)人 我不知道你 你不知道我  你不知道我在这些街道上的作为  只有当你看到我眼睛所看到的  你就能明白为什么我为帮派所围  如果你欠我 我们要打架 我建议你拿出你的武器  别一动不动 稍停一分钟 保证你要流血 因为 我们就是那样教养大的 在这些街道上成长  动呀 帮棍们 继续 摆 跟我摇  让我们来把这个帮会开起来  动呀 帮棍们 继续 摆 在黑鬼掐时时转回来  看看 做好事难 干恶事易  我不是真的要见到新人  只要把钱丢进包袋,  我就放开你 那时 我们警察恶毒 你挣得一百元 在街上  你就成了一个帮棍 当你挥砍着锄头  他们恐吓你转移重点 联邦在逼进  叛徒在帮棍之中 他们试图找到那些报信的  不是那些睡在树上的 我们抓到那个报信的  我们拿到那个警察 您想要那爆光的?  我们也拿到了 无论你需要我黑鬼干什么  给我看到报酬 宝贝 你可以相信 我们能把它实现  嘿嘿... [背景声音] 动呀 帮棍们 继续 摆 跟我摇  让我们来把这个帮会开起来  动呀 帮棍们 继续 摆 在黑鬼掐时时转回来  街道被监视 他们不眨眼 行道有耳朵  道路不睡觉 适者能生存 弱者就没得吃  这两者之间的就得一张犯罪录  街道被监视 他们不眨眼 行道有耳朵  道路不睡觉 适者能生存  弱者就没得吃 这两者之间的就得一张犯罪录
2023-06-01 10:09:224


2023-06-01 10:09:312

Gangsta Rap 歌词

歌曲名:Gangsta Rap歌手:冰体专辑:Gangsta RapGangsta!(Refugees, baby. Uh.)(It"s Tempa)(Yeah.)(Tell "em what it is.)Gangsta!(Smokehitty Entertainment! Come on.)(Tell "em what it is.)Gangsta!You not my girl, not my wife.Got a couple tips from Mike.I"m moonwalking out"ch your life.I close my eyes you outta sight.Gangsta!"Less you wanna call me, concede it."Cause I"m a smooth criminal I told her to beat it.When a lil" love was all I needed, you talkin".I call it how I see it, and now I mean it.I"m out for good,like a lot of you women moving out the hood.But if I told you "take me back" you would.Too late (...???...)Had you in the (cars?) when I met you,with a couple superstars from the ghetto.Now you feelin" so soft and you let go--with a T-E-M-P-A-Mental.Gangsta!(Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.Look what you put me through.I"m the new gangsta!Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.I can never fall in love.The foo", gangsta!)(Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.Look what you put me through.I"m the new gangsta!Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.I can never fall in love.The foo", gangsta!)You ain"t a friend,a friend you"ll never be.Obviously you"ve never been with a real O-G.From the H-I-T, rollin" B-I-G.Pass it through V-I-P, it"s the refugee.Gangsta!We come spread some love, like the gold rush.It was the things you did, that used to mean so much.With every touch the way you used to blush,Now I made you (brush?)? Don"t believe in such.Nonsense, lovers don"t promote violence.Nonsense, just like the dollar, no cents no good--I can feel it through my sixth sense.What"s this, wanna suck my existence?But still I believe in you and me.Quite frankly that"s how it"s supposed to be.That kind of love that can end any poverty.So I keep (...???...)Gangsta!Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.Look what you put me through.I"m the new gangsta!Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.I can never fall in love.The foo", gangsta!What ya gonna do, cause I"m gonna confute.No where to run, no where to hide.All the things you said and the things you done to me.You can no longer make me cry.Look whatcha done to me, baby.I can no longer smile, baby.And I"ve, waited so long, just to carry on.I"m the new gangsta!Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.(You ain"t no friend of mine!)Look what you"ve put me through.I"m the new gangsta!(You ain"t no friend of mine!)Whatcha gonna do? (Ooh, oh no.)You ain"t no friend of mine.I"m never gonna fall in love.The foo", gangsta!Whatcha gonna do? (Whatcha gonna do?! Gonna do?!)You ain"t no friend of mine. (You"re tempamental!)Look what you"ve put me through.(What are you gonna (do)?!)I"m the new gangsta! (Whatcha gonna do?!)Whatcha gonna do?You ain"t no friend of mine.I"m never gonna fall in love.The foo"-- gangsta!
2023-06-01 10:09:501

Gangsta Walk 歌词

歌曲名:Gangsta Walk歌手:The Franchise专辑:The FranchiseYeah Yeah, what it do nephewIt"s crippin" cousin Big Snoop D O double GOh yeah west west y"allWe way over here in ItalyCuz you say man Italian manYou know what I"m talkin" boutMy nigga coolio out there doing real bigDoing some of the shitOh yeah Compton and Long Beach togetherKit kat, kick back homie don"t you sit backYou know we in troubleAnd hype when the sound startTo click like a click-clackOnly nigga trippin lil" homie where ya shit atYou rep don"t got no respectanceTime to go get thatSo lift that point that aim where"s his dome atShow these punk niggas how we do when we warm upRoll that, roll that TVs on theRoll back caddies start to capTwenty niggas in the throwbackGet back you can"t win thatDon"t pretend that, you ain"t got no chancePut these balls where ya chin atSpit heat, get cheeseThat"s how we move thatWho that move that nigga where ya crew atYou betta get ya money niggaStack some chipsWhere the time of days ain"t sunny niggaI hope ya mouth ain"t runny niggaIf it is, ya body gon" hop like bunny niggaWe got the gangsta walkGangsta talk, gangsta wayWe got the gangsta way gangsta seeWe got the gangsta walkGangsta talk, gangsta wayWe got the gangsta way gangsta seeWe got the gangsta walkGangsta talk, gangsta wayWe got the gangsta way gangsta seeWe got the gangsta walkGangsta talk, gangsta wayWe got the gangsta way gangsta seeWe got the gangsta walkGangsta talk, gangsta wayWe got the gangsta way gangsta seeWe got the gangsta walkGangsta talk, gangsta wayWe got the gangsta way gangsta see
2023-06-01 10:10:192


2023-06-01 10:10:271

Gangsta Rap 歌词

歌名:Gangsta Rap演唱:Tha Dogg Pound-Crooked I-Yo, it"s that untouchable gangsta Crooked in to I goI"m from a long lost tribe called Fuck a HoeCome through in a new Chevy, droppin game like it"s too heavyWell for you suckers that"s the ceilingA metaphor for over ya head, dumb dumbSpeak to ya double O.G., that"s where good game come fromDogg Pound it-Kill Blood-Six straight, six fo", L co"s, missed itCause that"s the Smith & West, nigga don"t touch itThe people of the side for the urbanI like to work for top, or make "em work it-Daz Dillinger-Whattup?! I see my niggaz all in the cutLayed back, actin a nut, waitin "to eruptNo remorse, as we bust, let you feel the dustLet us do what we gotta do, it"s fuckin it upLet it be known, Daz Dillinger rough to the boneAll alone roamin ya neighborhood at high exhaustHigh stylin and profilin, niggaz comin after me(fuck y"all) In actuality they face the technicality(whattup dawg?) Let "em feel the battle, it was a tragedy(hell yeah) On site a nigga die for the salary (boo-ya!)We the gang and we walk like we talk and we stalkand we do what we do after dark (yeah!)This is for the ballersGangsta rap!What all the hoes loveGangsta rap!What the hoppin six-fo"s doGangsta rap!You could do what you want toGangsta rap!Yeah, this is for the ballersGangsta rap!What all the hoes loveGangsta rap!What the hoppin six-fo"s doGangsta rap!You could do what you want toGangsta rap!-Crooked I-Nigga, I buy new blocks for warA few shots, a broad, that make you dropThen I"ma pop two cops or moreI"m too hot, come through wit two proper whoresPlayin Tupac Shakur, gettin "em blue socks the LawCrooked I"s the name, man that boy just hopped off the trainwearin a platinum chain strapped with thangIt"s the U gang, doin it bigYou don"t like it, you and yo" kid get you and the whip, shitNigga, I spray clips, shots flop quicker than space shipsThen shapeshift yo" facial Matrix like a faceliftSo face it, y"all ain"t nuttin to seeAin"t a nigga dead or alive who fuckin wit meKeep the Death Row chains outMy left blow connect so hard your head blowNow let"s blow brains out (uh-huh), just thought I had to warn yaDon"t come to Long Beach, Cali, take off on ya owner, niggaThis is for the ballersGangsta rap!What all the hoes loveGangsta rap!What the hoppin six-fo"s doGangsta rap!You could do what you want toGangsta rap!Yeah, this is for the ballersGangsta rap!What all the hoes loveGangsta rap!What the hoppin six-fo"s doGangsta rap!You could do what you want toGangsta rap!-Kurupt-Innie, minnie, mini, mo, pick the do" or the flo"Hoe you gotta go if you ain"t takin off ya clothesAll I really wanna do is stick a dick up in youSo fast, in a flash, then I gotta slash, whattup Daz? We the realist, kickin back, and feelin real chillinDon"t floss, ooh you get tossed, we dumb niggaIt ain"t nuttin to applaud (uh-huh)Never slippin dick nigga, to the West then took it straightThis kid"s a psycho gramma! Fuck a hoe cous"Took it, what it is, what it wasBlood, nigga what it is, what is wasMy niggaz, California nigga what it isFuck the rap game if you can"t pay mayneObsessed with the West (West coast!), rack "em shellsAnd we started off the motherfuckin multi-platinum salesBiatch!This is for the ballersGangsta rap!What all the hoes loveGangsta rap!What the hoppin six-fo"s doGangsta rap!You could do what you want toGangsta rap!Yeah, this is for the ballersGangsta rap!What all the hoes loveGangsta rap!What the hoppin six-fo"s doGangsta rap!You could do what you want toGangsta rap!This is for the ballersGangsta rap!What all the hoes loveGangsta rap!What the hoppin six-fo"s doGangsta rap!You could do what you want toGangsta rap!Yeah, this is for the ballersGangsta rap!What all the hoes loveGangsta rap!What the hoppin six-fo"s doGangsta rap!You could do what you want toGangsta rap!-Kurupt-Gangsta rap.. gangsta rapGangsta rap, gangsta rap, gangsta rap-Crooked I-Yeah, 2 gangsta 4 radioKurupt - kill Blood, Daz Dillinger, Crooked IYeah.. Biatch! Uhh!『Hip Hop LRC 专业制作团队』By:E.song
2023-06-01 10:10:341

GANGSTA(黑街)op和ed 还有第八集中间爱丽插曲

2023-06-01 10:10:412


2023-06-01 10:10:491


2023-06-01 10:11:492

动漫 匪徒gangsta 结局接漫画哪里?我有好多疑问哎!

2023-06-01 10:11:561

Gangsta Rap的词义解释

Gangsta:歹徒成员/黑帮成员,名词,是Gangster的变体,是gangster的非卷舌音(non-rhotic)读法Gangsta Rap一般译为黑帮说唱或匪帮说唱。
2023-06-01 10:12:041