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2023-05-31 16:59:51
TAG: ar ear








用具, 设备, 衣服

They put the hunting gear into the boat.


齿轮; 传动装置; (排)挡

This large gear turns the small one.




You have to gear down when you drive uphill.



使兴奋起来; 使准备好

The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign.


vt. & vi.

(使)搭配; (使)适合

The cogs gear smoothly.






u"ve got some nice gears




gearbox的汉语意思如下:n.变速箱;齿轮箱。复数: gearboxes。gearbox的读音是:英 [ˈɡɪəbɒks]   美 [ˈɡɪrbɑːks] 。gearbox的造句如下:1、Not suitable for synchro mesh gearbox use, as the extreme slipperiness can cause gear clash.同步器变速箱不适合用作极端滑溜,可能会导致齿轮冲突。2、They have more oomph, and no need of a gearbox to deliver it.更有动力,还不需要变速箱传动。3、Main products: bearing bracket, principal axis, gearbox and Generator etc.主要产品:轴承座、主轴、齿轮箱、发电机等。4、Universal gearbox allows inch, metric, diametral, and module pitch threads without changing gears.通用变速箱允许英寸,公制,直径,螺距螺纹和模块不改变齿轮。5、You can pull the gearbox apart in case of an emergency.你可以把变速箱拆开,以备急用。
2023-05-31 12:57:441


gearbox是变速箱 ; 齿轮箱 ; 速箱 ; 变速器 ; 变速机制 ; 减速箱。变速箱,别称变速器,是用来改变来自发动机的转速和转矩,并能固定或分档改变输出轴和输入轴传动比的汽车配件。变速箱由变速传动机构和操纵机构组成,1、有些汽车还有动力输出机构,可分为有级式、无级式和综合式变速器,具有实现倒车行驶、中断动力传递、改变传动比等功能。由于汽车自动变速箱的种类繁多,还包括ATD、CT、CVT等。双语例句:A four-cylinder engine mated to a five-speed gearbox.配有5速齿轮箱的4缸发动机。A bid to trace and cure the gearbox problems.找到并解决变速箱问题的努力。The dual - clutch gearbox contains two wet clutches with two drive shafts.双离合器变速箱包含带两根驱动轴的两个湿式离合器。This releases pressure on the driven plate disconnecting the gearbox from the engine.从动盘上释放的压力使变速箱与发动机脱离开。Therefor, this paper is of much importance to closed harmonic - planetary gearbox.因此, 本文对于同类型的封闭谐波 - 行星齿轮减速器的设计工作具有较重要的指导意义。Analysis on Vibration Source and Fault Diagnosis of the Elevator Traction .电梯曳引机减速箱振源分析及故障诊断。They have more oomph, and no need of a gearbox to deliver it.更有动力, 还不需要变速箱传动。Measurement of the acting forces during the shifting of a manual gearbox.手动变速箱换档期间作用力测量。The driver can operate the DSG manually or let the gearbox change gear automatically.司机能手动操作DSG或让变速箱自动换挡。Transients in the gearbox with simultaneous presence of transient loads and defects.瞬变的变速箱与同时在场的瞬态载荷和缺陷。
2023-05-31 12:58:051


无主之地2最新DLC4中加入了大量的新武器,而且有些武器非常强大,最近有玩家刷出了gearbox这把武器,从武器的详细数据中可以了解到这把武器可以给角色增加BUFF。新武器gearbox详解此枪是小吵闹收集胡子任务的任务枪械,只要不交任务就可以持有。每次进入游戏此枪就会变配件和acc。GN的一大亮点就是高回血率,约等于65%。固B管。射出的子弹有粉红色方块的轨迹,在空中爆出三次紫渣然后消失。重点来了,这枪还有一个特点,将此枪拿在手中会有“醉酒”效果,此时屏幕会摇晃,准心变大,且有时所控制的人物会发出声音。(比如蛋总会娇喘)此时开枪会同时射出多发子弹,且效果可以叠加。出“醉酒”效果后射击,射速减慢,散布扩大,可以说是伪混乱,此效果尤其适合筒子,比如诺氟利特,HIVE等等。具体的方法就是手持三把GN,不停的切换,会发现准心慢慢的放大,放大。然后切出你想要射的武器开火即可,醉酒持续的时间约为4S,叠加的效果很可怕。gearbox的节操在天上闪耀。用NF的话球的个数和效果层数的关系是1 8,2 12(13),3 17。数据略有浮动,用其他武器数据就不同了,很复杂的样子。总之这是个非常节操的方法,显卡不好的就算了,玩的时候把音响关小点。
2023-05-31 12:58:371


2023-05-31 12:58:473


  变速箱主要指的是汽车的变速箱,它分为手动、自动两种。那么你知道变速箱用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   变速箱的英语说法1:   Transmission box   变速箱的英语说法2:   gear case   变速箱相关英语表达:   变速箱外壳 Transmission Case   电子控制变速箱 electronic control transmission   辅助变速箱 auxiliary gear box   变速箱盖 gearbox cover   变速箱头 gearbox head   半自动变速箱 Semi-automatic transmission   变速箱的英语例句:   1. Acceleration is accompanied by a resonating growl from the gearbox.   变速箱随着加速传来一阵轰鸣。   2. Its engine is coupled to a semiautomatic gearbox.   它的发动机与一个半自动变速箱相连接。   3. We have to take the engine down to get to the gearbox.   我们必须拆下引擎,才能接触到变速箱.   4. The 7 - speed dual - clutch gearbox allows Volkswagen to present two world firsts.   7档双离合器变速箱认可大众现时的两个世界第一.   5. Other companies grumble about a lack of gearboxes and bearings.   其他公司也因为变速箱和轴承缺货而怨声不断.   6. Gear oil for all different gearbox and final gear.   齿轮油为各种变速箱和最终齿.   7. Description : Ruizhou Fuel filter, air filter, transmission filter, oil filter.   内燃发动机滤油器 、 空气滤清器 、 变速箱网滤 、 机油滤清器.   8. In manual designs, the driver shifts the gears to deliver different torques.   手排变速箱设计由驾驶人变换档位, 提供大小不同的扭力.   9. Wiring or connector problems in the transmission temperature sensor signal circuit.   变速箱温度感知器信号电路中的电线或接头问题.   10. Involves to gear box"s transmission ratio and differential device"s transmission ratio.   就牵扯到变速箱的速比和差速器的速比.   11. The manual gear box has five forward gear and one reverse gear.   手动变速箱有五个前进档和一个倒车档.   12. Transmission fluid filter improperly installed ( Bolts loose or O & ndash ; ring missing )   传动液过滤器安装不当 ( 变速箱带松或 O 形环丢失 )   13. Major producers: large trucks gearbox bearings, Steyr non - standard bearings and bearing harvesters.   主要生产: 大型货车变速箱轴承 、 斯太尔 非 标轴承以及收割机轴承.   14. Next let us look at engine and gearbox parts.   接下来我们再来看看发动机和变速箱部分.   15. The dual - clutch gearbox contains two wet clutches with two drive shafts.   双离合器变速箱包含带两根驱动轴的两个湿式离合器.
2023-05-31 12:59:021


变速箱中译英Transmission case
2023-05-31 12:59:163


明锐gearboxerror提示需要及时处理,是挡操纵装置总成造成的故障。gearboxerror报警,我两年前也偶尔出现过,有时候自动消除,有时候重新启动又好了,就没有太在意。现在经常出现就重视起来了,网上查的有很多用户该型号的车辆都出现这种问题,是该型号车辆的通病。挡操纵装置的动作是否灵活、操纵是否准确将直接影响汽车的操纵稳定性和使用性能, 同时也关系到行车安全。所以,一定要及时进行维修和更换。明锐:明锐作为上海大众斯柯达品牌的第一款轿车,是与欧洲同步的先进车型,不仅秉承了斯柯达百年悠久造车历史以及德国大众集团领先的造车技术,也根据国内车主实际需求进行了大量的本土化、人性化设计改良,于2007年6月6日在国内成功上市,并迅速成为国内高端A级车领域最具竞争力的轿车之一。在过去七年里,Octavia明锐已经赢得了超过70万车主的信赖,荣膺各类奖项超过130项,从制造工艺到性能配置,都在同级别车型中口碑出众,广受赞誉。
2023-05-31 12:59:231


transmission boxgear box
2023-05-31 12:59:392


2023-05-31 12:59:461

明锐出现gearbox error故障?

出保了 先换电瓶(瓦尔塔蓝标60AH),试试 。不行 再TB搜换挡机构 700左右 找靠谱的维修站换了。
2023-05-31 12:59:531


在国内,DCT与DSG都被称作双离合变速箱,那么二者究竟有没有区别呢?为什么同样类型的变速箱会有不同的名字呢?大家知道,在中国一直有一个惯例,就是用英文缩写来表示 汽车 上的某些技术或零部件,比如ABS、ESP、AT、CVT,等等,DCT与DSG同样也不例外,它们也是英文的缩写,下面我们把它们详细的分解开来,看看究竟是什么意思。 DCT是英文Dual Clutch Transmission的缩写,其中“Dual”的意思是双的、双重的; “Clutch”的意思是离合器,“Transmission”的意思是传动装置、 变速器。连起来直译就是“双重离合器的变速器”,换成更通顺的中国话就是“双离合变速器”。 DSG是英文Direct Shift Gearbox的缩写,其中的“Direct”的意思是直接的;“Shift”的意思是移动、变换;“Gearbox”的意思是变速箱、齿轮箱。连起来直译就是“直接变换的变速箱”,换成更通顺的中国话就是“直接换档变速箱”。这样一比较,就看出二者的区别了。DCT才是标准的“双离合变速器”,并且在英文中,“Transmission”是指整个变速传动系统,它的范围更广泛;而DSG只是一个能够直接换档的变速箱,应该是专指齿轮箱部分,压根就没有提到离合器的事,只是它的变速箱和离合器合二为一了,并且也有两个离合器,所以大众也把它称作双离合变速箱。相对来说,DSG是一个范围更小的名词,现在基本就是大众专用了,其它的大多数厂家都是把自己的双离合变速箱称作DCT。其实双离合变速箱不仅仅有这两个称谓,其它厂家也有不同的叫法,比如应用在保时捷上的称为“PDK”,应用在福特上的称为“Powershift”,应用在宝马M3上的称为“M-DCT”,应用在三菱EVO上的称为“TC-SST”,等等。当然,还有中国特产的,DSG被称作“大傻瓜(da sa gua)”,PDK被称作“跑得快(pao de kuai)”等等,这些虽然有一些调侃的味道,却也道出了车友的无奈,当年的DSG真的是狂虐中国车主,也让中国车主彻底对这个双离合伤透了心,至今说起双离合还心有余悸。不过随着技术的进步,双离合变速箱越来越成熟了,抖动、顿挫、过热等故障越来越少了,相反,它的动力强、换档快等优势逐渐体现出来了,所以也有越来越多的车企在使用它。
2023-05-31 13:00:121

双离合变速箱使用指南 DSG controlsThe direct-shift gearbox uses a floor-mounted  transmission shift lever , very similar to that of a conventional automatic transmission. [10] The lever is operated in a straight "fore and aft" plane (without any " dog-leg " offset movements), and uses an additional button to help prevent an inadvertent selection of an inappropriate shift lever position. 双离合变速箱不使用单独的离合踏板进行档位切换,非常类似于AT变速箱。只需要通过下压油门踏板或者刹车踏板即可实现换档,并且在换档杆上有一额外的按钮,用以帮助防止无意的操作在不适合的档位之间切换(按下才可推动档杆,反之不行)。 P P  position of the floor-mounted gear shift lever means that the transmission is set in  park . Both  clutch  packs are fully disengaged, all  gear-sets  are disengaged, and a solid mechanical transmission lock is applied to the crown wheel of the DSG"s internal  differential . This position must only be used when the  motor vehicle  is  stationary . Furthermore, this is the position which must be set on the shift lever before the vehicle  ignition key  can be removed. P档代表停车档。两个离合器都处于完全分开,所有的变速齿轮也处于没有啮合的状态,并且会有一个传动锁应用于变数箱。该档位只能而且必须在车辆停稳时使用。而且只有档位处于P档时才能移走点火钥匙。 N N  position of the floor-mounted shift lever means that the transmission is in  neutral . Similar to  P  above, both clutch packs and all gear-sets are fully disengaged; however, the parking lock is also disengaged. N档代表空档。和P档一样,此时两个离合器皆出于完全分离,所有的的齿轮都没有啮合。但是和P档不一样的是,此时变速箱的传动锁也是打开的。 D mode Whilst the motor vehicle is stationary and in neutral ( N ), the  driver  can select  D  for drive (after first pressing the foot  brake pedal ). The transmission"s reverse gear is selected on the first shaft K1, [3] and the outer clutch K2 engages at the  start  of the bite point. At the same time, on the alternate gear shaft, the reverse gear clutch K1 is also selected [2] [3] (pre-selected), as the gearbox doesn"t know whether the driver wants to go forward or reverse. The clutch pack for second gear (K2) gets ready to engage. When the driver releases the brake pedal, the K2 clutch pack increases the clamping force, allowing the second gear to take up the drive through an increase of the bite point, and thereby transferring the torque from the engine through the transmission to the drive shafts and road wheels, causing the vehicle to move forward. Depressing the  accelerator  pedal engages the clutch and causes an increase of forward vehicle speed. Pressing the throttle pedal to the floor (hard acceleration) will cause the gearbox to "kick down" to first gear to provide the acceleration associated with first, although there will be a slight hesitation while the gearbox deselects second gear and selects first gear. As the vehicle accelerates, the transmission"s computer determines when the second gear (which is connected to the second clutch) should be fully used. Depending on the vehicle speed and amount of engine power being requested by the driver (determined by the position of the throttle pedal), [4] the DSG then up-shifts. During this sequence, the DSG disengages the first outer clutch whilst simultaneously engaging the second inner clutch [2] [3] [4] (all power from the engine is now going through the second shaft), thus completing the shift sequence. This sequence happens in 8 milliseconds (aided by pre-selection), [3] [4] and can happen even with full throttle opening, and as a result, there is virtually no power loss. [2] [4] Once the vehicle has completed the shift to second gear, the first gear is immediately de-selected, and third gear (being on the same shaft as 1st and 5th) is pre-selected, [2] [3] [4] and is pending. Once the time comes to shift into 3rd, the second clutch disengages and the first clutch re-engages. [2] This method of operation continues in the same manner for the remaining forward gears. Downshifting is similar to up-shifting but in reverse order, and is slower, at 600 milliseconds, due to the engine"s  Electronic Control Unit , or ECU, needing to "blip" the throttle so that the engine  crankshaft  speed can match the appropriate gear shaft speed. [2] [4] The car"s computer senses the car slowing down, or more power required (during acceleration), and thus engages a lower gear on the shaft not in use, and then completes the downshift. The actual shift points are determined by the DSG"s transmission ECU, which commands a hydro-mechanical unit. [2] The transmission ECU, combined with the hydro-mechanical unit, are collectively called a mechatronics [2] unit or module. Because the DSG"s ECU uses fuzzy logic , the operation of the DSG is said to be adaptive ;[ dubious – discuss ]that is, the DSG will "learn" how the user drives the car, and will progressively tailor the shift points accordingly to suit the habits of the driver.[ citation needed ] In the vehicle instrument display, between the speedometer and tachometer , the available shift-lever positions are shown, the current position of the shift-lever is highlighted (emboldened), and the current gear ratio in use is also displayed as a number. Under "normal", progressive and linear acceleration and deceleration, the DSG shifts in a sequential manner; i.e., under acceleration: 1st → 2nd → 3rd → 4th → 5th → 6th, and the same sequence reversed for deceleration. However, the DSG can also skip the normal sequential method, by missing gears, and shift two or more gears. [3] This is most apparent if the car is being driven at sedate speeds in one of the higher gears with a light throttle opening, and the accelerator pedal is then pressed down, engaging the kick-down function. During kick-down, the DSG will skip gears, [10] shifting directly to the most appropriate gear depending on speed and throttle opening. This kick-down may be engaged by any increased accelerator pedal opening, and is completely independent of the additional resistance to be found when the pedal is pressed fully to the floor, which will activate a similar kick-down function when in Manual operation mode. The seven-speed unit in the 2007 Audi variants will not automatically shift to 6th gear; rather, it stays at 5th to keep power available at a high RPM while cruising.[ citation needed ] When the floor-mounted gear selector lever is in position  D , the DSG works in fully automatic mode, [3] [5] with emphasis placed on gear shifts programmed to deliver maximum  fuel economy . [3] [10] That means that shifts will change up and down very early in the rev-range. As an example, on the Volkswagen Golf Mk5 GTI , sixth gear will be engaged around 52 km/h (32 mph), when initially using the DSG transmission with the default ECU adaptation; although with an "aggressive" or "sporty" driving style, the adaptive shift pattern will increase the vehicle speed at which sixth gear engages. S mode The floor selector lever also has an  S  position. [2] When  S  is selected, sport mode [2] is activated in the DSG. Sport mode still functions as a fully automatic mode, [3] identical in operation to  D  mode, but up shifts and downshifts are made much higher up the engine rev-range. [2] [3] [10] This aids a more sporty driving manner, [2] by utilising considerably more of the available  engine power , and also maximising  engine braking . However, this mode does have a detrimental effect on the vehicle  fuel consumption , when compared to  D  mode. This mode may not be ideal to use when wanting to drive in a sedate manner; nor when road conditions are very slippery, due to ice, snow or torrential rain — because loss of tire traction may be experienced (wheel spin during acceleration, and may also result in road wheel locking during downshifts at high engine rpms under closed throttle). On 4 motion or quattro-equipped vehicles this may be partially offset by the drivetrain maintaining full-time engagement of the rear differential in S mode, so power distribution under loss of front-wheel traction may be marginally improved. S  is highlighted in the instrument display, and like  D  mode, the currently used gear ratio is also displayed as a number. R R  position of the floor-mounted shift lever means that the transmission is in reverse. This functions in a similar way to  D , but there is just one reverse gear. When selected, R  is highlighted in the instrument display. Manual mode Additionally, the floor shift lever also has another plane of operation, for manual [3] [5] mode, with spring-loaded + and − positions. This plane is selected by moving the stick away from the driver (in vehicles with the driver"s seat on the right, the lever is pushed to the left, and in left-hand drive cars, the stick is pushed to the right) when in D mode only. When this plane is selected, the DSG can now be controlled like a manual gearbox , albeit only under a sequential shift pattern . In most (VW) applications, the readout in the instrument display changes to 6 5 4 3 2 1 , and just like the automatic modes, the currently used gear ratio is highlighted or emboldened. In other versions (e.g., on the Audi TT) the display shows just M followed by the gear currently selected; e.g., M1 , M2 , etc. To change up a gear, the lever is pushed forward (against a spring pressure) towards the + , and to change down, the lever is pulled rearward towards the − . The DSG transmission can now be operated with the gear changes being (primarily) determined by the driver. This method of operation is commonly called tiptronic . [2] In the interests of engine preservation, when accelerating in Manual/tiptronic mode, the DSG will still automatically change up just before the redline , and when decelerating, it will change down automatically at very low revs, just before the engine idle speed (tickover). Furthermore, if the driver calls for a gear when it is not appropriate (e.g., requesting a downshift when engine speed is near the redline) the DSG will not change to the driver"s requested gear. [3] Current variants of the DSG will still downshift to the lowest possible gear ratio when the kick-down button is activated during full throttle whilst in manual mode. In Manual mode this kick-down is only activated by an additional button at the bottom of the accelerator pedal travel; unless this is pressed the DSG will not downshift, and will simply perform a full-throttle acceleration in whatever gear was previously being utilised.
2023-05-31 13:00:211


您好! 是“变速箱故障”的意思希望能帮助您
2023-05-31 13:00:283

gear box error 闪一下消失了

2023-05-31 13:00:371


变速器的英语transmissionderailleurchangergearboxchange-speed gearboxspeed-variatorspeed change geargear boxdrivebox例句1.变速器,换档装置在一传送过程中从一个齿轮变到另一个齿轮的一种机械装置A mechanism for changing from one gear to another in a transmission. 2.而变速器油则用来润滑变速器中的零部件。Transmission oil is used to lubricate the components in a gearbox. 3.你的汽车用的是手动变速器还是自动变速器?Does your car have a manual or an automatic gearbox? 4.从底板变速器-传动轴盖板中拆去底板支柱。Remove the floor console from the floor pan transmission tunnel. 5.大多数机械传动器的功能都作为转速变速器。Most mechanical transmissions function as rotary speed changers. 6.离合器设在发动机和变速器或变速驱动桥之间。It is between the engine and the transmission or transaxle. 7.你可以倒在右侧的自行车,没有对变速器损坏。You could dump the bike on the right side with no damage to the derailleur.
2023-05-31 13:00:441


欧克利 oakley男式 手表
2023-05-31 13:00:501

阀门标准BS EN 1074-1:2000中 gearbox是指什么?

2023-05-31 13:00:592


速手动变速箱_有道翻译翻译结果:Speed manual gearboxgearbox_有道词典gearbox英 ["gɪəbɒks]美 ["ɡɪrbɑks]n. 变速箱;齿轮箱更多释义>>[网络短语]gearbox 变速箱,齿轮箱,变速器Pandoras Gearbox 潘多拉魔盒,潘朵拉魔盒
2023-05-31 13:01:092


2023-05-31 13:01:161

变速箱 英语是gearbox 还是transmission

机械行业 称为 transmission
2023-05-31 13:01:232

汽车中的hub gearbox时什么意思?

hub [] 解释 同义词/反义词 添加到单词本 n. (轮)毂;(推进器的)旋翼叶毂 (兴趣、活动的)中心 同义词 n.中心;中央 center middle nucleus core 同义参见 seat navel heart centre Hub [] 解释 n. 集线器(集中多条通讯线缆的装置) 应该是主变速箱吧
2023-05-31 13:02:131

DSG 和CVT变速箱 是什么意思哪?小白求教

2023-05-31 13:02:212


就在今天, 《无主之地》系列开发商GearBox官推今日公布了一张神秘图片,图片上日期显示是3月28日。之前开发商GearBox表示,将于3月28日下午2点在PAX East 2019电玩展举行展出活动,现在看来可能是为它做铺垫。这里 公布的图片正是《无主之地》系列游戏的动漫渲染风格,在荒野的巨大广告牌上,有日期3月28日、Boston、MA的字眼,广告牌上方还可以看出“Exit 3”的字样。如此分析看来,《无主之地3》恐怕即将与我们见面了。《无主之地》系列一直是许多玩家非常喜爱的一部游戏,自上一部正统作《无主之地2》于2012年发售以来,已经快7年了。然而就从上个月开始,Gearbox的官方推特及工作室CEO Randy Pitchford的个人账号就开始疯狂暗示Gearbox下一部作品即将公布,在本月初甚至还透露将在3月底的PAX East展会上公布前所未见的新消息。据悉,《无主之地3》的本地化工作已经进行数月。基本上游戏的本地化工作都在开发工作的最后阶段进行,换句话来说,《无主之地3》的开发很可能已经接近尾声。
2023-05-31 13:02:281


几周之前,《无主之地2》的电子版说明手册曾突然出现在Steam平台上,不过几小时后便被删除。后来有人发现,说明书中隐约提到了“Gearbox Shift”和“Shift Codes”这两个词组,相信这与游戏的正式发售有着密切的关系。Gearbox Software Shift被称作是一种网络账户服务,通过它玩家可以“兑换Shift Codes以解锁《无主之地2》中的独占内容。”手册中进一步暗示说,只有激活了“Shift Code”之后,才可以在游戏中找到黄金宝箱。此外,值得注意的是这项服务被称作是“Gearbox Software Shift Codes”,而不是“《无主之地2》codes”,因此可以预料到Gearbox推出的其他游戏也会受益于这项服务。目前来看,仍没有出现与之相关的网站供玩家注册,也没有太多的具体信息放出。关于这项服务,最新的消息是由2K Games的发言人公布的,他介绍说Gearbox Shift的功能类似于Rockstar的Social Club功能,允许玩家获得游戏内资源并且与其他玩家进行交换。
2023-05-31 13:02:341

小缇娜的奇幻之地网络错误解决办法 gearbox software shift如何解决

有两个方案可以参考:关闭或设置防火墙、升级宽带或更换网络设备。1.关闭或设置防火墙 玩家连接服务器失败,出现网络错误的提示,有可能和玩家的防火墙错误拦截有关,玩家可以尝试关闭电脑防火墙,或者是将游戏软件设置为防火墙允许运行的软件之后,再尝试连接服务器,就可以有效解决这类问题的发生。2.升级宽带或更换网络设备 网络原因也是造成玩家连接服务器失败的重要原因,可以从两个方面进行查看,第一是查看宽带的版本,如果宽带版本过低就会导致网速过慢,第二是查看网络设备,例如路由器是否出现老化,路由器连接是否正常。
2023-05-31 13:02:411


《无主之地2》金钥匙只适用于首发俱乐部会员哦(预购数字发行版或订购某实体零售版或参加活动得到Gearbox发放的代码),则可在游戏首发之日获得一枚金钥匙(Golden Key),这枚钥匙对应于庇护所(Sanctuary)中的金色道具箱:此时你面临两种选择:是尽快打开宝箱以获取开荒装备(一件非常稀有的紫色装备),还是攒着等人物级别达到50级后再使用这枚钥匙以获取尽可能强力的武器——你所获战利品的等级与人物等级相关!Gearbox特别指出,这枚金钥匙只供一次性使用且无法变卖或交易,每个帐号只能使用一次金钥匙。此外,Gearbox还确认该作首部DLC"Mechromancer"将于10月16号发布。该DLC将为游戏新增一个可扮演角色Mechromancer:首发俱乐部会员届时可免费获得这款DLC,额外购买需花费800微软点数或10美元。目前Steam平台可为游戏评测者提供该作的下载服务,至本周末可向预购玩家开放预载服务。游戏截图欣赏:
2023-05-31 13:02:471


2023-05-31 13:02:553


安装过程:1:下载软件和注册机2:安装软件原始程序3:到安装目录下 X:Program FilesPegasys IncTMPGEnc 4.0 XPress 如果有TMPGEnc4XP.exe.bak和TMPGEnc4XPBatch.exe.bak则删除,没有就不用管。4:将破解文件“eygen.and.Patch.exe”复制粘贴到安装目录下。(同上)5:双击运行“Keygen.and.Patch.exe” 更改“输出”、“名字”(根据你安装时出现的用户名,不能填错)、“邮箱”、“版本”四项信息 点击“generate”,生成许可文件“**.lic” (例如: Output:C:Program FilesPegasys IncTMPGEnc 4.0 XPressTMPGEnc.lic Name: 三少(根据你安装时出现的用户名,不能填错) Email: Version: )6: 点击注册机上的patch。此时,除了生成许可文件, 第三步删除的两个文件也会重新生成! 注册成功! 为防万一,建议将许可文件路径指向软件的安装路径下!7:汉化
2023-05-31 13:03:021


DSG(Direct Shift Gearbox)中文表面意思为“直接换挡变速器”,DSG有别于一般的半自动变速箱系统,它是基于手动变速箱而不是自动变速箱,因此,它也是AMT(机械式自动变速器)的一员。 DSG变速器是目前世界上很先进的变速器系统,DSG变速箱最大的特点在于它采用了双离合器。DSG变速器与一般的变速系统不同,它是基于手动变速箱,而不是自动。手动要比自动的效率高很多,而DSG除了同时拥有 元件手动的灵活和自动的舒适外,更能够提供无间断的动力输出。传统的手动变速器在踩下离合的时候,动力的输出就出现了间断,而普通的自动变速箱也不是没有离合,而是离合改由电脑控制,在换挡的时候也会出现动力中断的问题。
2023-05-31 13:03:419


变速器的英语transmissionderailleurchangergearboxchange-speed gearboxspeed-variatorspeed change geargear boxdrivebox例句1.变速器,换档装置在一传送过程中从一个齿轮变到另一个齿轮的一种机械装置A mechanism for changing from one gear to another in a transmission. 2.而变速器油则用来润滑变速器中的零部件。Transmission oil is used to lubricate the components in a gearbox. 3.你的汽车用的是手动变速器还是自动变速器?Does your car have a manual or an automatic gearbox? 4.从底板变速器-传动轴盖板中拆去底板支柱。Remove the floor console from the floor pan transmission tunnel. 5.大多数机械传动器的功能都作为转速变速器。Most mechanical transmissions function as rotary speed changers. 6.离合器设在发动机和变速器或变速驱动桥之间。It is between the engine and the transmission or transaxle. 7.你可以倒在右侧的自行车,没有对变速器损坏。You could dump the bike on the right side with no damage to the derailleur.
2023-05-31 13:04:332

gearbox software shift怎么注册?为什么一直说我密码错误

2023-05-31 13:04:431


2023-05-31 13:05:1210


TSI是Turbo FSI的缩写,T即涡轮增压、S指机械增压、I代表分层直喷。简单来说,TSI是带涡轮增压的FSI。从技术上讲TSI与FSI是同一家族,缸内直喷的工作原理相同,由于加入了增压技术,TSI比FSI更先进,属于大功率、低转速大扭矩的发动机。DSG(Direct Shift Gearbox)中文表面意思为“直接换挡变速器”,DSG有别于一般的半自动变速箱系统,它是基于手动变速箱而不是自动变速箱,DSG除了同时拥有手动的灵活和自动的舒适外,更能够提供无间断的动力输出。DSG双离合自动变速器充分满足了消费者对驾驶乐趣和节油的双重要求。
2023-05-31 13:06:119

汽车2-speed gearbox是什么意思

2023-05-31 13:06:432


每一个自走式公路版汽车需要某种形式的传输采取的产量从火电机组给驱动wheels.the绝大多数车辆是由内燃机,而大部份的任务传输,在这些车辆,以补偿其固有的缺点是发动机-特别是其要保持运行时,车辆平稳,以及有限范围内的速度,它的发展有足够的扭矩来驱动车轮。要克服的第一个问题,有的种手抱安排是necessary.to克服第二,电力传输的需求,以包括变速箱提供一系列不同比例的投入产出速度,使发动机的速度,以保持内部的有用范围扭矩输出到一个更加或多或少广泛的汽车speeds.so重要,有这些解决方案成为"传输"已在许多头脑来的意思是说,部分系统之间的发动机输出功率与变速箱putput ,而忽略了许多complexinties存在与变速箱输出和驱动车轮
2023-05-31 13:06:512

flappy paddle gearbox 是什么意思?双离合器变速器?

2023-05-31 13:06:591


据官方消息,巴特勒2的具体发布日期尚未公布。不过根据官方介绍,巴特勒2将会在多方面进行改进,包括对话流畅性、知识库与搜索技术等方面的升级。此外, 巴特勒2将推出更多领域的知识库,为用户提供更加全面的支持和帮助。虽然目前巴特勒2的发布日期尚未确定,但相信巴特勒2的上线将会为用户带来更好的体验和服务。
2023-05-31 13:07:0815


游玩无主之地3的玩家可以在Shift.GearboxSoftware.com网站上输入25位长代码来获得各种物品和奖励,那么无主之地3shift代码怎么获得呢?还不知道的玩家快来看深空高玩带来的领取方法说明吧。领取方法说明大多数Shift Code都会授予金钥匙,这些钥匙会在Sanctuary中释放特殊的箱子,并为您赠送Borderlands 3十亿左右的枪支之一。如果幸运的话,您会得到一些稀有而闪亮的东西。就像战利品盒一样,除了钥匙是免费的。您只需要睁开眼睛,然后检查此页面即可找到它们。Gearbox会定期发布新的Borderlands 3 Shift代码,但您必须保持警惕-大多数代码在发布后几天就会过期。我们正在用所有的Borderlands 3 Shift代码更新此页面,如我们所见。有一部分专门介绍了不会过期的棚屋,还有一份短期代码的运行清单。请留意该部分并在它们消失之前使用它们。永不过期:ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H - 3把金钥匙HXKBT-XJ6FR-WBRKJ-J3TTB-RSBHR - 1把金钥匙ZFKJ3-TT6FF-KTFKT-T3JJT-JWX36 - 1把金钥匙9XCBT-WBXFR-5TRWJ-JJJ33-TX53Z - 1把金钥匙ZRWBJ-ST6XR-CBFKT-JT3J3-FRXJ5 - 1把金钥匙Z65B3-JCXX6-5JXW3-3B33J-9SWT6 - 1把金钥匙限期:CB53B-WJTTJ-HJCZC-HBK3T-F3RX5 - 3把金钥匙 - 将于6月5日到期5SKTJ-3CSKZ-WFCF9-6BJ3T-WC96W - Conference Call Shotgun - 将于5月31日到期金钥匙会解锁一个特殊的箱子,保证可以给您一件稀有的物品(通常是枪支)。但是无论如何,兑换过程都是相同的,而且非常简单-最简单的方法是在您使用Shift.GearboxSoftware.com网站后已关联您的Epic Games Store(或控制台)帐户。通过菜单进行游戏内。您将复制25位的Shift码,在游戏中使用Tab键并将其粘贴到游戏中。就能获得奖励了。兑现Shift码的方法如下:通过Shift.GearboxSoftware.com在线。创建一个帐户或登录名,并确保已链接您的Epic帐户,以便可以兑换PC的代码。从菜单中,单击“奖励”,然后粘贴您的代码,然后单击“检查”进行注册。重要说明:如果您使用的是跨平台代码,则无法使用,请在放弃之前尝试在游戏中兑换。如何使用金钥匙在游戏中,您的金钥匙应通过Borderlands邮件发送给您。前往快速旅行点附近的Sanctuary中的金色大箱子。将钥匙弹入胸部,交叉手指,然后向枪神索要传奇。
2023-05-31 13:07:321


无主之地2最新DLC4中加入了大量的新武器,而且有些武器非常强大,最近有玩家刷出了gearbox这把武器,从武器的详细数据中可以了解到这把武器可以给角色增加BUFF。新武器gearbox详解此枪是小吵闹收集胡子任务的任务枪械,只要不交任务就可以持有。每次进入游戏此枪就会变配件和acc。GN的一大亮点就是高回血率,约等于65%。固B管。射出的子弹有粉红色方块的轨迹,在空中爆出三次紫渣然后消失。重点来了,这枪还有一个特点,将此枪拿在手中会有“醉酒”效果,此时屏幕会摇晃,准心变大,且有时所控制的人物会发出声音。(比如蛋总会娇喘)此时开枪会同时射出多发子弹,且效果可以叠加。出“醉酒”效果后射击,射速减慢,散布扩大,可以说是伪混乱,此效果尤其适合筒子,比如诺氟利特,HIVE等等。具体的方法就是手持三把GN,不停的切换,会发现准心慢慢的放大,放大。然后切出你想要射的武器开火即可,醉酒持续的时间约为4S,叠加的效果很可怕。gearbox的节操在天上闪耀。用NF的话球的个数和效果层数的关系是18,2 12(13),317。数据略有浮动,用其他武器数据就不同了,很复杂的样子。总之这是个非常节操的方法,显卡不好的就算了,玩的时候把音响关小点。
2023-05-31 13:07:511


明锐gearboxerror提示需要及时处理,是挡操纵装置总成造成的故障。gearboxerror报警,我两年前也偶尔出现过,有时候自动消除,有时候重新启动又好了,就没有太在意。现在经常出现就重视起来了,网上查的有很多用户该型号的车辆都出现这种问题,是该型号车辆的通病。挡操纵装置的动作是否灵活、操纵是否准确将直接影响汽车的操纵稳定性和使用性能, 同时也关系到行车安全。所以,一定要及时进行维修和更换。明锐:明锐作为上海大众斯柯达品牌的第一款轿车,是与欧洲同步的先进车型,不仅秉承了斯柯达百年悠久造车历史以及德国大众集团领先的造车技术,也根据国内车主实际需求进行了大量的本土化、人性化设计改良,于2007年6月6日在国内成功上市,并迅速成为国内高端A级车领域最具竞争力的轿车之一。在过去七年里,Octavia明锐已经赢得了超过70万车主的信赖,荣膺各类奖项超过130项,从制造工艺到性能配置,都在同级别车型中口碑出众,广受赞誉。
2023-05-31 13:08:111


DSG(Direct Shift Gearbox)中文表面意思为“直接换挡变速器 DSG变速器是目前世界上很先进的变速器系统,DSG变速箱最大的特点在于它采用了 双离合器 。直接换档变速器(Direct Shift Gearbox)也称为S-Tronic变速器或者 双离合变速器 (Double-clutch Gearbox),它特殊的地方在于它比别的变速器换档更快,传递的扭矩更大而且效率更高。DSG变速器是目前世界上最先进的、具有革命性的变速器系统,在于德国沃尔夫斯堡首次向世界展示了这一技术创新。DSG可以手动换档也可以自动换档,它比传统的 自动变速器 易于控制也能传递更多功率但又比 手动变速器 反应更快。 DSG是从连续手动档变速器SMT(Sequential Manual Transmission)发展而来的,从本质上来说SMT是一款全自动电控离合的 手动变速器 。
2023-05-31 13:08:252


2023-05-31 13:08:322


2023-05-31 13:08:411


automobile gearbox [词典] 汽车变速器; [例句]Fracture accidents occurred on the second shaft of automobile gearbox during operation.摘要汽车变速箱二轴在工作中发生多起断裂事故。
2023-05-31 13:08:501


金属切削 metal cutting 机床 machine tool 金属工艺学 technology of metals 刀具 cutter 摩擦 friction 联结 link 传动 drive/transmission 轴 shaft 弹性 elasticity 频率特性 frequency characteristic 误差 error 响应 response 定位 allocation 机床夹具 jig 动力学 dynamic 运动学 kinematic 静力学 static 分析力学 analyse mechanics 拉伸 pulling 压缩 hitting 剪切 shear 扭转 twist 弯曲应力 bending stress 强度 intensity 三相交流电 three-phase ac 磁路 magnetic circles 变压器 transformer 异步电动机 asynchronous motor 几何形状 geometrical 精度 precision 正弦形的 sinusoid 交流电路 ac circuit 机械加工余量 machining allowance 变形力 deforming force 变形 deformation 应力 stress 硬度 rigidity 热处理 heat treatment 退火 anneal 正火 normalizing 脱碳 decarburization 渗碳 carburization 电路 circuit 半导体元件 semiconductor element 反馈 feedback 发生器 generator 直流电源 dc electrical source 门电路 gate circuit 逻辑代数 logic algebra 外圆磨削 external grinding 内圆磨削 internal grinding 面磨削 plane grinding 变速箱 gearbox 离合器 clutch 绞孔 fraising 绞刀 reamer 螺纹加工 thread processing 螺钉 screw 铣削 mill 铣刀 milling cutter 功率 power 工件 workpiece 齿轮加工 gear mechining 齿轮 gear 主运动 main movement 主运动方向 direction of main movement 进给方向 direction of feed 进给运动 feed movement 合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed 合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting 合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度 cutting depth 前刀面 rake face 刀尖 nose of tool 前角 rake angle 后角 clearance angle 龙门刨削 planing 主轴 spindle 主轴箱 headstock 卡盘 chuck 加工中心 machining center 车刀 lathe tool 车床 lathe 钻削 镗削 bore 车削 turning 磨床 grinder 基准 benchmark 钳工 locksmith 锻 forge 压模 stamping 焊 weld 拉床 broaching machine 拉孔 broaching 装配 assembling 铸造 found 流体动力学 fluid dynamics 流体力学 fluid mechanics 加工 machining 液压 hydraulic pressure 切线 tangent 气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure 机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration稳定性 stability 介质 medium 液压驱动泵 fluid clutch 液压泵 hydraulic pump 阀门 valve 失效 invalidation 强度 intensity 载荷 load 应力 stress 安全系数 safty factor 可靠性 reliability 螺纹 thread 螺旋 helix 键 spline 销 pin 滚动轴承 rolling bearing 滑动轴承 sliding bearing 弹簧 spring 制动器 arrester brake 十字结联轴节 crosshead 联轴器 coupling 链 chain 皮带 strap 精加工 finish machining 粗加工 rough machining 变速箱体 gearbox casing 腐蚀 rust 氧化 oxidation 磨损 wear 耐用度 durability 随机信号 random signal 离散信号 discrete signal 超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor 集成电路 integrate circuit 挡板 orifice plate 残余应力 residual stress 套筒 sleeve 扭力 torsion 冷加工 cold machining 电动机 electromotor 汽缸 cylinder 过盈配合 interference fit 热加工 hotwork 摄像头 ccd camera 倒角 rounding chamfer 优化设计 optimal design 工业造型设计 industrial moulding design 有限元 finite element 滚齿 hobbing 插齿 gear shaping 伺服电机 actuating motor 铣床 milling machine 钻床 drill machine 镗床 boring machine 步进电机 stepper motor 丝杠 screw rod 导轨 lead rail 组件 subassembly 可编程序逻辑控制器 programmable logic controller plc 电火花加工 electric spark machining 电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting 相图 phase diagram 热处理 heat treatment 固态相变 solid state phase changes 有色金属 nonferrous metal 陶瓷 ceramics 合成纤维 synthetic fibre 电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion 车架 automotive chassis 悬架 suspension 转向器 redirector 变速器 speed changer 板料冲压 sheet metal parts 孔加工 spot facing machining 车间 workshop 工程技术人员 engineer 气动夹紧 pneuma lock 数学模型 mathematical model 画法几何 descriptive geometry 机械制图 mechanical drawing 投影 projection 视图 view 剖视图 profile chart 标准件 standard component 零件图 part drawing 装配图 assembly drawing 尺寸标注 size marking 技术要求 technical requirements 刚度 rigidity 内力 internal force 位移 displacement 截面 section 疲劳极限 fatigue limit 断裂 fracture 塑性变形 plastic distortion 脆性材料 brittleness material 刚度准则 rigidity criterion 垫圈 washer 垫片 spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear 运动简图 kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条 pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear 虚约束 passive constraint 曲柄 crank 摇杆 racker 凸轮 cams 共轭曲线 conjugate curve 范成法 generation method 定义域 definitional domain 值域 range 导数\微分 differential coefficient 求导 derivation 定积分 definite integral 不定积分 indefinite integral 曲率 curvature 偏微分 partial differential 毛坯 rough 游标卡尺 slide caliper 千分尺 micrometer calipers 攻丝 tap 二阶行列式 second order determinant 逆矩阵 inverse matrix 线性方程组 linear equations 概率 probability 随机变量 random variable 排列组合 permutation and combination 气体状态方程 equation of state of gas 动能 kinetic energy 势能 potential energy 机械能守恒 conservation of mechanical energyn 动量 momentum 桁架 truss 轴线 axes 余子式 cofactor 逻辑电路 logic circuit 触发器 flip-flop 脉冲波形 pulse shape 数模 digital analogy 液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism 机械零件 mechanical parts 淬火冷却 quench 淬火 hardening 回火 tempering 调质 hardening and tempering 磨粒 abrasive grain 结合剂 bonding agent 砂轮 grinding wheel
2023-05-31 13:08:571


DSG(Direct Shift Gearbox)中文表面意思为“直接换挡变速器”,DSG有别于一般的半自动变速箱系统,它是基于手动变速箱而不是自动变速箱,因此,它也是AMT(机械式自动变速器)的一员。
2023-05-31 13:09:0610


变速器 [biàn sù qì]n. transmission ; derailleur ; variator ; shiftmisc. speed changer短语无级变速器 CVT ; contiuously variable transmission ; infinitely variable transmission ; non-stage transmission汤米的变速器 Tommy Tronic ; Tommy变速器主轴 transmission main shaft ; tra mi ion main shaft双语例句1.如果你用的是自动变速器,那就幸福喽。If you have an auto transmission, you"re lucky. 2.本田拒绝透露有关解决变速器生产厂工人罢工的具体情况,包括解决措施中是否包含员工的晋升制度。Honda has declined to talk about specifics of its settlement with workers at the transmission plant, including whether it involved any changes in its promotion policies. 3.十天前,本田公司设在中国佛山的变速器厂工人罢工了。Workers struck Honda"s transmission factory in Foshan, China, ten days ago.
2023-05-31 13:09:452


dsf g
2023-05-31 13:09:568

有谁能知道 gearbox 3.0减速器设计系统的注册码?

2023-05-31 13:11:011


the engine was not only worn out, but also the gearbox was full of sawdust as well.
2023-05-31 13:11:102