barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-31 16:59:13



talk about 关于…谈话
information about 关于…知识,消息
concern about 关怀
opinion about 对…意见
complain about 对…有怨言
doubt about 对…怀疑
anxious about 担忧…,关怀…
nervous about 担心…
cautious about 对…谨慎
careful about 对…注意
concerned about 关心
doubtful about 对…怀疑
enthusiastic about 热心于…
excited about 对…激动
sure about (of) 对…有把握
particular about 对…讲究
crazy about 对…着迷
keen about 喜爱…,对…着迷
hopeful about(of)希望…,期待…
careless about 对…不留心
certain about (of ) 对…确有把握
uneasy about 对…担忧,对…感到不安
curious about 对…感到好奇
optimistic about 对…感到乐观
think about 考 虑
boast about(of) 对…确有把握
see about 办理,安排
set about 开始,着手
tell sb. about sth. 告诉别人某事
confuse sb. about sth. 使某人对某事感到混乱
bother sb. about sth. 为某事打扰某人
caution against 警惕…
prejudice against 对…的偏见
complaint against 控诉…
declaration against 反对…的声明或宣言
hostility against 对…敌意
battle against 反对…的斗争
inform against(on ) 告发,检举
side against 与别人站在一方反对…人
argue against 为反对…而辩论
protest against 抗议,反对…
come up against 偶然遇到
fight against 与…相争
guard against 防止,防范
angry at(about) 对…是发怒
good at 擅长于
amazed at 对…吃惊
annoyed at 因…而烦恼
astonished at 因…而惊异
delighted at 因…而愉快
disgusted at 因…而厌恶
frightened at 因…而惊吓
moved at 因…而感动
pleased at (with) 因…而高兴
surprised at 因…而惊奇
alarmed at 因…惊恐
impatient at 对…事感到不耐烦
quick at 敏捷、伶俐的
clever at 擅长于
slow at 对…迟钝
efficient at 对…效率高的
apt at 善于…
mad at 对某人或某是恼火
direct at (to) 把…对准,针对
get at 够得着…,意指,意思是
laugh at 因…发笑,嘲笑
look at 看,朝…看,看待
wonder at 对…感到惊讶
work at 从事于,致力于
shoot at 朝…射击
fire at 向…开火
glance at 瞥见
peer at 凝视
call at(family, office) 访问
stare at 凝视
aim at 瞄准
marvel at 对…感到惊叹
profit by(from) 从…得利益
go by 遵循,遵守
abide by 遵守,坚持
stand by 支持,帮助,坚持(决议等)
catch sb. by the coat, hair,etc. 抓…人的外衣、头发的等
hold sth. by the handle 握…东西的把柄
take sb. by the hand 拉某人的手
talent for 有…的天才
reputation for 以…闻名
sympathy for 对…同情
substitute for 替代…
hatred for(of)对…憎恨
taste for 对…的趣味
blame…for 因…而受责
affection for 喜爱…
preference for 偏爱…
appreciation for 为…而致谢
excuse for …借口
desire for希望…
occasion for 有…理由(必要)
opportunity for 有…机会
love for 爱…
hungry for 渴望…的
thirsty for 渴望…的,渴求…的
appropriate for 适合于…
eager for 渴求…
famous for 因…而著名
fit for 适宜于
good for 对…有益
responsible for 对…负有责任
suitable for 适宜于…
ready for 准备…
competent for 胜任…
qualified for 合格
convenient for 对…方便
adequate for 适当,合乎
greedy for 对…渴望
favourable for 有利于+动作名词
account for 说明…的原因
allow for 考虑到
answer for 对…负有责任的
ask for 要,要求
call for 邀约,要求,需要
care for 照顾,照料,喜欢
go for 选择,袭击,适用于
head for 移向…方向,往…去
look for 寻找,寻求,惹起,招来
make for 走向,导致,促成
send for 派人去请,召唤,函索
stand for 代表,意味着,主张,支持,容忍,接受
substitute for 代替,取代
wait for 等,等待
depart for 向…出发
enter for 参加
go in for 从事,参加
search for 寻找
long for 渴望
make up for 补偿,弥补
stand up for 支持,维护
watch out for 密切注意,提防
excuse for 原谅
praise…for 因…而表扬
forgive…for 原谅
thank…for 因…而感谢
mistake…for 错把…当成
relief from 解除,免除
absence from 离开
shelter from 躲避
difference from 与…不同
freedom from 免除
distinct from 与…不同的
free from (of)无…的
safe from 没受到…危险的
different from 与…不同
remote from 离…远
distant from 离…远
separate from与…分离
recovery from 从…中复原
secure from 没…危险
isolated from 与…隔离
arise from 由…引起,起源于
hear from 收到…的
result from 起因于,因…而造成
tell from 辨别,认出
restrain…from 抑制
exclude…from 把…除去
keep…from 阻止…做
release…from 解除,免除
distinguish…from 区分
die from(wound, overwork, carelessness) (因受伤,劳累,粗心)死亡
suffer from 患有…,遭受…
infer from 从…推论
discourage sb. from 劝…不做…
protect…from 保护…不受
confidence in 信任…
faith in 对…有信念
trust in 相信…
interest in 对…有兴趣
pleasure in 喜欢…
delight in 喜欢…
skill in 有…技能
pride in 对…自豪
belief in 相信
absorber in 专心于…
confident in 对…有信心
engaged in 从事于…
interested in 对…感兴趣
rich in 富于…,盛产…
expert in 专长于…
concerned in 与…有牵连
experienced in 对…有经验
deficient in 缺乏…
successful in 在…方面取得成功
prompt in 敏捷的
weak in 在…差的
poor in 在…差的
diligent in 在…勤奋的
engage oneself in 正做着
believe in 相信
persist in 坚持
result in 产生…结果
give in 让步
succeed in 在…方面成功
specialize in 专攻…,专门研究
excel in 善于…
consist in 在于…
deal in 经营
interfere in 干涉,干预
share in 分担,分享
take (a)delight in 以…为乐
example of 例证
possibility of 可能性
distrust of 不相信
intention of 打算
evidence of 证据
prevention of 预防
grasp of 把握住,理解
description of 描述
habit of 成习惯
consideration of 体谅
care of 注意,小心
correction of 改正,批改
way of 方法
consequence of 是…结果
dislike of 厌恶
impression of 有…印象
advocate of 提倡者
expectation of 预期
quality of 品质
neglect of 疏忽
choice of 任选
sample of 样品
attack of 侵袭
pleasure of 幸得
cause of 原因
doubt of 怀疑
equivalent of 同等物
lack of 缺乏
capable of 有…能力(或技能)的,能…的,可…的
fond of 喜爱…,喜欢…
ignorant of 不知道…
innocent of 清白的,无罪的
proud of 由于…而自豪
representative of 典型的,有代表性的
short of 缺乏
worthy of 值得…
afraid of 害怕…
ashamed of 因…而感到害羞
characteristic of 表现…特征的
conscious of 意识到…
hopeful of 怀…希望的
considerate of 体贴…
independent of 独立于…之外的
sick of 对…厌倦
typical of 是…的典型
tired of 对…厌倦
aware of 知道…
jealous of 妒忌…
guilty of 有…罪的
cautious of 小心…
critical of 对…感到不满的
despair of 对…绝望
exclusive of 除去…
suspicious of 对…有怀疑
weary of 对…厌烦
nervous of 害怕…
contemptuous of 对…蔑视
forgetful of 忘却…
empty of 无…,缺…
sure(certain)of 确信…
thoughtful of 体贴…
impatient of 不耐烦…
avail oneself of 利用
consist of 由…组成,构成
hear of 听到
read of 读到
speak of 讲到
dream of 渴望,向往,梦想
think of 想到
talk of 谈到
approve of 同意,准许
dispose of 处置,收拾
learn of 获悉,得知
taste of 有…味道
run out of 用完,耗尽
accuse…of 谴责,控告
rob…of 抢夺
relieve…of 解除
cheat…of 欺骗
remind…of 提醒
deprive…of 剥夺
expect…of 期望
warn…of 警告
convince…of 使信服
inform…of 通知
tell…of 告知
persuade…of 说服
suspect…of 怀疑
cure…of 治愈
attack on 攻击…
dependence on 依靠
lecture on 讲授
pity on 怜悯
effect on 对…有影响
pressure on 对…的压力
impact on 对…有影响
opinion on 对…意见
influence on 对…影响,感化
outlook on 对…看法
comment on sth. 评论谋事
judgement on 对…判断
intent on 专心致志的
keen on 喜爱,渴望
call on 访问,拜访
depend on(upon)依靠,依赖,信赖,相信,决定于,视…而定
draw on(upon) 动用,利用,吸、抽(烟)
get on 骑上(马、自行车等),登上(车、产、飞机等)
improve on(upon) 改进,超过
insist on(upon) 坚持,强调,坚决主张,坚决要求
live on 靠(某人或某事物)生活,靠(吃某物)维持生命
look on 观看,旁观
pull on 穿,戴
rely on(upon) 依靠,依赖,信赖,对…有信心
touch on 谈及,提及
wait on 服侍,侍候
fall back on 求助于,转而依靠
go back on 违背
look down on(upon) 看不起,轻视
concentrate…on 集中
congratulate…on 对…祝贺
base…on 以…为基础
focus…on 把…集中在…上
operate on 对…动手术
impose…on 把…强加在
carry on 继续进行,坚持下去
hit on 碰见,忽然想出
frown on(at) 皱眉,不赞许
priority over 比…优先
precedence over 在…之上
power over 支配,领导
superiority of 比…优越
get over 从(疾病、失望、震惊等)中恢复过来,克服(困难),解决(问题)
range over 论及,涉及
talk over 商议,讨论
look over 检查,阅
think over 仔细考虑
assent to 同意…,赞成…
attention to 注意…
exception to …例外
answer to …的答案
obstacle to …的障碍
opposition to反对…
key to …的答案,…的关键
limit to …的限度
reaction to 对…的反应
reference to …的参照,与…有关联
solution to …的解决方法
access to 接近…,…入口
admission to 允许进入…
exposure to 暴露于…
appeal to 呼吁某人
approach to 对…的解决途径
disgrace to 对…耻辱
preface to …的序言
contrary to 与…相反,违反…
equal to 与…相等
essential to 对…必不可少
proportional to 与…成比例
resistant to 抵抗…的
sensitive to 易遭…的,受…支配的
used to 习惯于…的
similar to 与…相似]
parallel to与…平行
next to 与…相邻
indifferent to 对…漠不关心
strange to 对…生疏
relevant to 对…有关系
opposite to 与…相对
familiar to 为…所精通,为…所熟悉
related to 与…有关
accustomed to 习惯于
blind to 对…视而不见
entitled to 有…资格的
foreign to 与…无关
hostile to 对…报敌意
inferior to 低于…
superior to 比…好,优于
liable to 易于…,有…倾向
loyal to 忠于…
obedient to 对…顺从的
prior to 优先于…的
vital to 对…极端重要
comparable to 比作…的
beneficial to 对…有利的
applicable to 可是用于…的
close to 接近…的
deaf to 拒绝听取…的
amount to 合计,共计,等同,接近
appeal to 诉诸、求助…
correspond to 与…相当
keep to 遵守,信守,坚持
lead to 导致,通向
object to 反对
remember to 代…问候
resort to 求助,凭借,诉诸
see to 注意,负责,照料,修理
stick to 粘贴在…上,紧跟,坚持,信守
surrender to 屈服于,让步
take to 开始喜欢,开始从事,形成…的习惯
turn to 变成,求助于,借助于
yield to 屈服于
attach…to 把…附到…上
respond to 反应,响应
attend to 注意,照顾,出席
conform to 遵守
attribute…to 把…归因于
add up to 合计达
come up to 等于,比得上
face up to 大胆面向
get down to 开始,着手
hang on to 紧紧抓住
live up to 遵守,实践(诺言、原则等),符合,不顾福(期望)
stand up to 勇敢地面对,抵抗,经得起,顶得住
compare…to 把…比作
devote…to 把…奉献给…
entitle…to 给…权利(资格)
acquaintance with 与…相识,了解…
connection with 与…有关系
consultation with 与…协商
conversation with 与…交谈
chat with 与…闲谈
agreement with 与…达成协议
contact with 与…交换意见、接触
harmony with 与…和谐、融洽
busy with 忙于…
consistent with 与…一致
familiar with 对…熟悉
popular with 受…欢迎
sympathetic with 对…同情
strict with 对…严格
identical with 与…相同
acquainted with 与…相识
confronted with 面临…
content with 以…感到满足
satisfied with 对…满意
frank with 对…坦率
generous with 对…慷慨
patient with 对…耐心
bored with 厌烦
pleased with 对…满意
associate with 与…交往
cope with 对付,应付
correspond with 与…相符合
deal with 处理,论述,涉及
disagree with 不同意…,与…不一致
reason with 说服,劝幅
side with 支持,站在…的一边
catch up with 赶上
come up with 提出,提供
do away with 废除,去掉
fall in with 同意,依从
get on with 与…友好相处,继续干
get along with 赞同,支持]
keep up with 跟上
put up with 容忍,忍受
run away with (感情等)战胜,不受…约束
cooperate with 与…合作
start with 着手…
vary with 随着…改变
acquaint …with 使…与…认识
sympathize with 同情…
communicate with 与…交往
match with 与…较量
coincide with 与…一致
collide with 与…冲突
present…with 赠送
supply…with 供应
furnish…with 装备
charge…with 指控
provide…with 供应
combine…with 结合
fill…with 充满,装满
equip…with 用…装备
trouble…with 以…打扰
compare…with 与…比较
insight into 看透…
break into 强行闯入
get into 对…发生兴趣,卷入
go into 叙述,调查,研究,从事,(钱、实践、金钱等)被用于
look into 调查,观察
run into 遇到(困难等),偶然碰见,共计
ask after 探问,问候
go after 追求
look after 照料,照顾,着管,注意,关心
take after 长得像(年长的亲人)
break through 突围,突破
go through 遭受,经受,经历(苦难等),审查,检查,搜查
live through 度过,经受住
look through (从头至尾)浏览,详尽检查
run through 贯穿,普遍存在于, 浏览
see through 看穿,识破
cut across 超近路穿过,对直通过
get onto 转入(另一话题或活动),同…联系
go without 不享受,没有…而将就对付
according to 按照,根据
above all 首先,尤其是
after all 毕竟,终究
in all 总共,合计
apart from 除…外(别无),除…外(尚有)
on(the/an)average 平均,通常
because of 由于,因为
for the better 好转,向好的方向发展
but for 倘没有,要不是
in any case 无论如何,不管怎样
in no case 无论如何不,决不
under the circumstances 在这种情况下
at all costs 不惜任何代价,无论如何
at sb,"s disposal 任…处理,供…使用
out of doors 在户外
due to 由于,因为
at all events/in any event 不管怎样,无论如何
for ever 永远
except for 除了…外
by far 最,…得多
far from 远非,远离
on the grounds of 根据,以…为理由
on one"s guard 警惕,提防
instead of 代替,而不是
at intervals 不时,每隔…时间(或距离)
by itself 自动地,独子地
in itself 本质上,就其本身而言
at least 至少
in the least 丝毫,一点儿
before long 不久以后
by all means 尽一切办法,务必
by means of 用,依靠
by no means 决不,并没有
on occasion(s) 有时,间或
owing to 由于
on one"s own 独立,独自地
in particular 特别,尤其
in the first place 第一,首先
at any rate 无论如何,至少
at this rate照此速度,照这样下去
as regards 关于,至于
regardless of 不顾,不惜
on a large scale 大规模地
on a small scale 小规模地
at first sight 乍一看,初看起来
in spite of 不顾,不管
in tears 流着泪,在哭着
for one thing 首先,一则
at all times 随时,总是
at no time 从不,决不
at one time 曾经,一度,同时
in no time 立即,马上
in no way 决不
as well as 除…之外(也),即…又
in other words 换句话说,也就是说
all the year round 一年到头
by the way 在途中,顺便说
for the time being 暂时
in the distance 在远处
in the end 最后
on the spot 当场,立即,在现场
on the whole 总的看来,大体上
on the contrary 正相反
at the cost of 以…为代价
in the course of 在…期间,在…过程中
in the event of 如果…发生,万一
with the exception of 除…以外
in the face of 不顾,及时,在…前面
in the future 在将来
in the light of 鉴于,由于
at the mercy of 任凭…地摆布,完全受…支配
at the moment 此刻,目前
for the moment 暂时,目前
on the point of 即将…的时候
to the point 切中要害,切题
for the present 目前,暂时
on the road 在旅途中,(to)在…过程中
for the sake of 为了,为了…的利益
on the side 作为兼职,作为副业,正事以外
at the same tine 同时,然而,不过
in the way 挡道的,妨碍人的
in the world 究竟,到底
to be in the habit of 有…习惯
on the other hand 另一方面
out of the question 不可能的,办不到的
in the morning(afternoo

介词是很多中国学生不太会使用的一种词性,因为介词非常万能,和不同的词汇搭配会产生不同的意思。更重要的是,介词在雅思口语考试和雅思写作考试中非常重要,尤其是介词词组,这也是雅思的词汇评分标准之一。学为贵老师精选总结了英语中最地道最实用最自然的99个词汇词组,学会后你的英语将more natural, native, and authentic.

一. 名词+介词

1. a demand for 需求

The company closed down because there wasn"t enough demand for its product.

2. a need for 需要

There"s no excuse for behaviour like that. There"s no need for it.

3. a reason for ...的原因

The train was late, but nobody knew the reason for the delay.

4. an advantage/disadvantage of ...的优缺点

The advantage of living alone is that you can do what you like.

5. a cause of ...的原因

The cause of the explosion is unknown.

6. a picture/a photo/a map/a plan/a drawing of 一张...的照片/地图/计划/绘画

Rachel showed me some pictures of her family.

I had a map of the town, so I was able to find my way around.

7. an increase/ a decrease / a rise / a fall in ...的上升/下降

There has been an increase in the number of road accidents recently.

Last year was a bad one for the company. There was a big fall in sales.

8. an invitation to ...的邀请

I got an invitation to the party.

9. a solution to ...的解决方案

I hope to find a solution to the problem.

10. a reaction to 对...的反应

I was surprised at her reaction to my suggestion.

11. an answer to 对...的答案

I was satisfied with her answer to the question.

12. an attitude to 对...的态度

His attitude to his job is quite positive.

13. a relationship with 和...的关系

I have a good relationship with my parents.

14. a difference between ...之间的区别

There are some differences between British and American English.

二. 形容词+介词

15. be nice/kind/good/generous/polite/stupid/silly of someone 形容一个人

It was very kind of him to help me.

16. be nice/kind/good/generous/polite/rude/cruel to someone 对某人...

They have always been very nice to me.

17. be angry/annoyed/furious/upset about something 对某事生气

There"s not point in getting angry about things that don"t matter.

List is upset about not being invited to the party.

18. be angry/annoyed/furious/upset with someone for doing something 因为某人的...而生气

She was annoyed with me for being late.

19. be excited/worried/nervous/happy about 对...感到...(情绪)

Are you nervous about the exam?

20. be pleased/satisfied/happy/delighted/disappointed with 对收到的东西或某事的结果具有某种情感或态度

She was delighted with the present I gave her.

I was happy with my exam results.

21. be surprised/shocked/amazed/astonished/upset at/by something 为某事感到...

Everyone was surprised at/by the news.

I hope you weren"t shocked at/by what I said.

22. be impressed with/by someone/something 佩服

I"m very impressed with/by her English.

23. be fed up/bored with something 对某事感到无聊

I"m fed up with it. /I"m bored with it.

24. be tired/sick of 讨厌

I"m tired of waiting.

25. be sorry about/for 为..感到抱歉

I"m sorry for the mess.

26. be sorry for 为...感到内疚

Alex is sorry for what he said.

27. be afraid/frighted/terrified/scared of 对...感到害怕

I"m afraid of spiders.

28. be fond/proud/ashamed/jealous/envious of 对...感到喜欢/骄傲/羞耻/嫉妒

I am so proud of you.

29. be suspicious/critical/tolerant of 对...感到怀疑/批判/容忍

He didn"t trust me. He was suspicious of my motives.

30. be aware/conscious of 知道...

Did you know he was married? No, I wasn"t aware of that.

31. be capable/incapable of 有...能力

I"m sure you are capable of passing the examination.

32. be full of 充满

Amy is an active girl who"s always full of energy.

33. be short of 缺少

I"m short of experience.

34. be typical of 一贯的

He"s late again. It"s typical of him to keep everybody waiting.

35. be certain/sure of/about 确定

I think she"s arriving this evening, but I"m not sure of that.

36. be good/better/ace/brilliant at 擅长

She"s ace at cooking.

37. be married/engaged to someone 和某人结婚/订婚

She"s married to an American.

38. be similar to 和...很相似

Your writing is similar to mine.

39. be different from/to 和...不同

The film was different from what I"d expected.

40. be interested in 对...感兴趣

I"m interested in art.

41. be keen on 喜欢

I am keen on hanging out with my friends.

42. dependent on 依靠

I don"t want to be dependent on anybody.

43. be crowded with 到处都是

The streets were crowded with tourists.

44. be famous for 已...而闻名

The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures.

45. be responsible for 为...而负责

I am fully responsible for it.

三. 动词+介词

46. talk/speak to someone 和某人说话

Who was that man you were talking to?

47. listen to 听

I have a genuine liking for listening to classical music.

48. apologise to someone 对某人道歉

They apologised to me for what happened.

49. explain something to someone 对某人接受

I explained to them why I was worried.

50. describe to someone 对某人描述

I"m going to describe my experience to you.

51. look/gaze/stare/glance at + have a look/take a look at 看

I"d like to gaze at stars at night.

52. laugh at 笑

Every time I sing in public, people will laugh at me.

53. shout at 生气对某人喊叫

He got very angry and started shouting at me.

54. shout to 大声喊叫

He shouted to me from the other side of the street.

55. throw at 朝...扔东西

He threw a stone at the lake.

56. throw to 扔东西给某人

Lisa shouted "catch"! and threw the keys to me from the window.

57. talk/know/read about 讨论/知道/阅读

We talked about a lot of things at the meeting.

58. do something about something 想办法改善某种不好的情况

If you"re worried about the problem, you should do something about it.

59. ask for 寻求

I sent an email to the company asking them for more information about the job.

60. apply for 申请

I"m going to apply for the job.

61. wait for 等待

I"m waiting for the rain to stop.

62. search for 寻找

I"ve searched the house for my keys, but I still can"t find them.

63. leave for 离开去某地

I haven"t seen her since she left for the office this morning.

64. care about 在乎

My parents really care about me.

65. care for 喜欢

I don"t care for every hot weather.

66. take care of 照顾

I find it difficult to take care of houseplants.

67. look for 寻找

I"ve lost my keys. Can you help me to look for them?

68. look after 照顾/看护

You can borrow this book, but you must promise to look after it.

69. think about something 考虑/思考

I"ve thought about what you said and I"ve decided to take your advice.

70. think of something 想起

It was my idea, I though of it first.

71. dream about 梦见

I dreamt about you last night.

73. dream of 梦想

I dream of being rich and famous.

74. complain about 投诉

We complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food.

75. remind someone about 提醒

I"m glad you reminded me about the meeting.

76. remind someone of 想起

This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child.

77. consist of 由...组成

We had an enormous meal. It consisted of seven courses.

78. pay for 支付

I didn"t have enough money to pay for the meal.

79. thank someone for 感谢

I really thank you for what you did.

80. blame someone for 责备

He blamed me for it.

81. suffer from 遭受...的痛苦

Sometimes, she suffers from insomnia.

82. protect someone from 保护

Sun block protects the skin form the sun.

83. depend on/rely on 依赖

Students shouldn"t rely too much on their teachers.

84. live on 维持生计

Michael"s salary is low. It isn"t enough to live on.

85. believe in 相信

I believe in saying what I think.

86. specialise in 在...专长

She specialises in company law.

87. succeed in 成功

I hope you succeed in finding the job you want.

88. bump into 偶遇

I bumped into her in a cafe yesterday.

89. fill something with 填满

Take this saucepan and fill it with water.

90. provide someone with 提供

The school provides all its students with books.

91. prefer one thing to another 偏爱

I prefer tea to coffee.

92. concentrate on 专注

I tried to concentrate on my work, but I kept thinking about other things.

93. fix my mind on 专心致志做某事

It"s a peaceful place where I can fix my mind on reading.

94. be appealing to someone 吸引某人

Live music is always appealing to me.

95. spend on 花时间/钱在...

I spend much time on doing exercise in my spare time.

96. translate from one language into another 翻译

She"s a famous writer. Her books have been translated into many languages.

97. have a liking for 喜欢

I have a liking for English literature.

98. keep on 一直做某事

I will keep on learning English with 波波老师。

99. insist on 坚持

I have to insist on practicing my spoken English.




acquainted英-[ə"kweɪntɪd]美-[ə"kwentɪd]释义v. 使了解(acquaint的过去分词)adj. 熟识的;知晓的;有知识的
2023-05-31 12:39:212

acquaint 搭配用法 1。用反身代词oneself做宾语;2用被动形式 给能帮我解释下哇?

acquaint 使了解(to make famliar)释义: 1.acquaint是正式用词,基本意思是“让某人获知”,指向某人介绍某事的经过或传递有关全过程的信息,使其知晓。 2 .acquaint是及物动词,以“告知”的对象为间接宾语(名词、人称代词或反身代词),而直接宾语即告知的内容则由with引起的介词短语或名词性从句充当。 3.acquaint的过去分词acquainted常用作形容词,用于系表结构中,强调熟悉或知晓的状态。回答你的问题: 1. acquaint onself with sth 使某人了解某事 You must acquaint yourself with your new job. 你必须熟悉你的新工作。 He acquaints himself with the training of the units.他经常了解部队的训练情况。2. 此词用于被动语态中, 过去分词acquainted已经失去动作意义, 相当于一个形容词。 例如: “我是去年认识他的。”不能译作: I acquainted him last year. 或 I was acquainted with him last year. 第一句是语态错误, 第二句混淆了“状态”和“动作”, 只能译成: I got [became] acquainted with him last year. 或 I made his acquaintance last year.
2023-05-31 12:40:021

acquaint with or acquaint to

习惯用法 固定搭配
2023-05-31 12:40:255

acquaint 和acknowledge有什莫区别

都不常用 用prove和confess就行了
2023-05-31 12:40:423


2023-05-31 12:41:551


2023-05-31 12:42:222


acquaint美 [əˈkweɪnt]英 [ə"kweɪnt]v.使熟悉;使了解网络认识;使认识;相识第三人称单数:acquaints  现在分词:acquainting  过去式:acquainted  更多例句筛选1.Backlit silicone buttons allow you to acquaint yourself with the system status in a darkroom, easy to operate.采用背光硅胶按钮,让您在暗室里也可随时告知您的系统使用状态,操作方便。2.but I can never forgive myself if I did not acquaint you with Mr Elliot"s real character.但我若没能告诉你埃利奥特先生的真面目那我永远都原谅不了自己3.There is the reading of the Scriptures, that we may by them acquaint ourselves with God as He has revealed Himself in His Word.读经使我们熟识神,与神成为至交,因为神在圣经中显露,启示他的自己。4.So they just don"t wish to knot a close opinion of Yin to acquaint this to Joe Zhong reach and give him to turn to tell.所以他们才将这不愿结阴亲的意见告诉给了乔仲达,托他转告。
2023-05-31 12:43:261


释义:使熟悉,使了解,认识,使认识,相识1.Backlit silicone buttons allow you to acquaint yourself with the system status in a dark room, easy to operate.采用背光硅胶按钮,让您在暗室里也可随时告知您的系统使用状态,操作方便。2.but I can never forgive myself if I did not acquaint you with Mr Elliot"s real character.但我若没能告诉你埃利奥特先生的真面目那我永远都原谅不了自己3.There is the reading of the Scriptures, that we may by them acquaint ourselves with God as He has revealed Himself in His Word.读经使我们熟识神,与神成为至交,因为神在圣经中显露,启示他的自己。4.So they just don"t wish to knot a close opinion of Yin to acquaint this to Joe Zhong reach and give him to turn to tell.所以他们才将这不愿结阴亲的意见告诉给了乔仲达,托他转告。5.Let me acquaint you with what has happened up until this point.让我通知你到这一刻为止已经发生了什么事情。
2023-05-31 12:43:451


tell sb sth告诉某人某事:向某人传达或提供关于某事的信息。Don"t ever let sb. tell you you can"t do sth. not even me. 永远不要让别人告诉你你做不到,即使是我。Tell (ask) sb to do STH. 要求(吩咐)某人做某事。B tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事物。
2023-05-31 12:44:032

acquaint 这单词要怎么记忆啊? 如何通过特殊方法记忆? 求大神帮忙 比如: 词根记忆:ex

quaint 少见的,古色古香的,acquaint 使熟悉(ac看为前缀,有强调的意思,强调少见的,就是使他们不少见,就是使熟悉),联想到一起即acquaintance 熟悉的人 (后缀加上ance,变为名词,熟悉的人)。
2023-05-31 12:44:182


“告诉某人某事”英语表达方式:1、tell sb sth2、inform sb of sthinform读音:英 [ɪn"fɔːm],美 [ɪn"fɔːrm]释义:v. 通知;告诉;使熟悉;告发;赋特征于词汇搭配:inform police 通知警察inform authoritatively 官方通知inform about 告诉…扩展资料近义词acquaint读音:英 [ə"kweɪnt],美 [ə"kweɪnt]释义:vt. 使了解;使熟知;告知词汇搭配:acquaint information about sth 介绍; 使认识; 使了解acquaint sb with 使某人熟悉,把…告知某人acquaint fully 十分熟悉
2023-05-31 12:44:251


acquaint with 1. 告诉,告知,通知;使知道,使认识,使了解:to acquaint oneself with the facts 使自己了解实情2. 使熟悉;使相识,与…结识,介绍:例: Are you acquainted with my brother? 你跟我兄弟熟吗?I"ll acquaint you with my daughter when she arrives. 我女儿来后我将介绍你们认识。
2023-05-31 12:44:391


“告诉某人某事”英语表达方式:1、tell sb sth2、inform sb of sthinform读音:英 [ɪn"fɔːm],美 [ɪn"fɔːrm]释义:v. 通知;告诉;使熟悉;告发;赋特征于词汇搭配:inform police 通知警察inform authoritatively 官方通知inform about 告诉…扩展资料近义词acquaint读音:英 [ə"kweɪnt],美 [ə"kweɪnt]释义:vt. 使了解;使熟知;告知词汇搭配:acquaint information about sth 介绍; 使认识; 使了解acquaint sb with 使某人熟悉,把…告知某人acquaint fully 十分熟悉
2023-05-31 12:44:461


可以通过下面办法记忆:首先记住quaint 少见的,古色古香的,acquaint 使熟悉(ac看为前缀,否定的意思,就是使他们不少见,就是使熟悉),联想到一起即acquaintance 熟悉的人 (后缀加上ance,变为名词,熟悉的人)。科学好记,而且一下记3个单词。1.联想记忆法:利用事物间的联系通过联想进行记忆的方法。联想是由当前感知或思考的事物想起有关的另一事物,或者由头脑中想起的一件事物,又引起想到另一件事物。由于客观事物是相互联系的,各种知识也是相互联系的,因而在思维中,联想是一种基本的思维形式,是记忆的一种方法。2.注意要点:(1)要选择好联想的中介物(即选择好联想的通道)。因为这是记忆的关键,选择得好,会“豁然开朗”,一下子联想到某种材料或解题的方法,问题就得到解决;选择得不好,有时十分简单的也会“卡壳”,久思不得其解。(2)要注意知识的积累。因为联想是新旧知识建立联系的产物,先学的知识应成为后学的知识的基础,旧知识积累得越多,新知识联系得越广泛,就越容易产生联想,也就越容易理解和记忆新知识。
2023-05-31 12:44:581

acquainted with是几年级的词汇?

2023-05-31 12:45:101


2023-05-31 12:45:202

acquaint oneself with怎么造句

It takes time to acquaint oneself with a new place. 认识一个新的环境需要时间。 acquaint oneself with开始知道
2023-05-31 12:45:441


1.我方不能接受你方的条件,因为我方的报盘是很合理的.(accept,offer) 1.we can"t accept your demands,because our quotation(offer)is reasonable. 2.我们的产品质量符合国际水平(be up to ) 2.Our products quality are up to the international level. 3.价格要依据你们打算订购的数量而定(subject to,purchase) 3.The price is subject to your purchasing quantity. 4.在你方订购之前,我们很乐意提供样本以便你们熟悉产品的质地和工艺(be prepared to.acquaint..with) It"s our pleasure to prepare the sample for you to make you acquaint with the quality and handcraft. 5.鉴于你我之间友好的业务关系,我们这次就让步了,给你们5%的折扣.(in view of,make concessions,allow a discount of) 5.In view of our good business relationship,we are willing to make the concession and give you a 5% discount.
2023-05-31 12:45:501

“你的邮件我已经看到”“如有任何进展我会及时通知你” 请帮忙翻译成英文???

2023-05-31 12:45:598


2023-05-31 12:46:337


2023-05-31 12:46:471

没有提前通知您我很抱歉 英语怎么说

I "m sorry i didn"t tell you in advance.
2023-05-31 12:46:554


通过以下官方网站均能查询到自己的四六级准考证号查询成绩:中国教育考试网,中国高等教育学生信息网,99宿舍网。同时四川教育发布的官方微博和微信号上查询自己的成绩。1、通过99宿舍网找回准考证号。2、推算法推出英语四级准考证号。前5位是学校代码,第6位是学校的校区代码。3、可以通过进入自己的学校网站。一般院校都会有自己的官网,可以通过进入自己的学校网站,来查询自己的成绩,学校会核对成绩,将成绩输入到自己的官网,你可以在那里寻找自己的成绩。英语四六级常考单词acquaint,词性为vt,意思是使认识,使了解。1、You must acquaint with your new duties.你必须熟悉你的新职责。2、Each of the next four sections will acquaint you with one of our classes, as well as the RDBMS feature onto which it maps.下面的四节中,每一节都会帮助您熟悉我们的一个类,还有这些类映射到的 RDBMS 功能。3、In this section, we will acquaint ourselves with the practical details of the platform through development of a real-world application on a phone interface.在这一部分中,我们将通过开发一个现实的电话界面应用程序来熟悉这个平台的实践细节。4、Additionally, the lodge offers enlightening experiences outside the lodge to help acquaint travelers with the local culture.5、It should be a consideration if you choose to invest in mutual funds and may be wise to consult a tax advisor to fully acquaint with these ramifications.
2023-05-31 12:47:141


单词拼写有误,应是:acquaintance.acquaintance英式发音:[ə"kweɪnt(ə)ns]  美式发音:[ə"kwentəns] 中文谐音:呃奎特恩丝n. 熟人;相识;了解;知道双语例句:One of the escaped, Luo Guangbing, was an acquaintance of my parents. 逃生的人里面有一个叫罗广斌的是我父母的熟人。
2023-05-31 12:47:392


了解的英文短语有:promote understanding ; enhance mutual understanding.Conducting dialogue deepens understanding.(仅供参考) 扩展资料   了解中国:the “Understanding China” program.   了解你的客户:know your customer.   如果你想了解:SODA;TOBO;EES;MEIMEI.   不了解:Understand ; be blind to;incomprehension;make nothing of.   很了解你:read you loud and clear;read you loud and explicit;peruse you loud and explicit.   使了解:acquaint;to throw light on;tahorw light on;get across.
2023-05-31 12:47:501


Understand 安得斯但得
2023-05-31 12:48:078


2023-05-31 12:48:323

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2023-05-31 12:48:593


英语四级词汇(2014) abbreviation n.节略,缩写,缩短 abide vt.遵守 vt.忍受 abolish vt.废除,取消 absent a.不在意的 absorption n.吸收;专注 abstract a.理论上的 n.抽象 absurd a.不合理的,荒唐的 abundance n.丰富,充裕 accessory n.同谋 a.附属的 accord n.调和,符合;协议 acknowledge vt.承认;告知收到 acquaint vt.使认识,使了解 action n.作用;情节 adhere vi.粘附;追随;坚持 adjacent a.毗连的;紧接着的 adjoin vt.贴近,毗连;靠近 adjustable a.可调整的,可校准的 administration n.局(或署、处等) admiration n.钦佩;赞美,羡慕 adoption n.收养;采纳,采取 adore vt.崇拜;很喜欢 advantageous a.有利的,有助的 advertise vt.通知 vi.登广告 advocate n.辩护者 vt.拥护 aerial a.空气的;航空的 aerospace n.航空和宇宙航行空间 affirm vt.断言,批准;证实 agitation n.鼓动,煸动;搅动 agreeable a.惬意的;同意的 alas int.唉,哎呀 album n.粘贴簿;相册;文选 alert a.警惕的;活跃的 algebra n.代数学 alien a.外国的 n.外国人 alignment n.队列;结盟,联合 allied a.联合的;联姻的 allowance n津贴,补助费 alongside prep.在…旁边 ally n.盟国,同盟者,伙伴 alteration n.变更,改变;蚀变 alternate vt.使交替 a.交替的 amateur a.业余的n.业余爱好者 ambassador n.大使,使节 ambient a.周围的,包围着的 ambiguous a.模棱两可的;分歧的 ambitious a.有雄心的;热望的 ample a.足够的;宽敞的 amplitude n.广大;充足;振幅 amusement,消遣,乐趣 analogue n.类似物;同源语 analogy n.相似,类似;比拟 analytic(al) a.分析的;分解的 anniversary n.周年纪念日 announce vt.报告…的来到 annually ad.年年,每年 anode n.阳极,正极,板极 answer vi.符合,适合 antarctic a.南极的 n.南极区 antenna n.触角;天线 antique a.古代的 n.古物 anybody n.重要人物 apparent a.显然的 appendix n.附录,附属物;阑尾 applaud vt.喝彩;欢呼vi.欢呼 applause n.喝彩;夸奖,称赞 appreciable a.可估价的;可察觉的 appreciation n.欣赏;鉴别;感激 apt a.恰当的;聪明的 arc n.弧,弓形物;弧光 arch n.拱门 vt.用拱连接 architect n.建筑师;创造者 arctic a.北极的 n.北极 array vt.装扮 n.队列;排列 ascend vi.攀登,登高;追溯 ascertain vt.查明,确定,弄清 ascribe vt.把…归于 ashore ad.在岸上,上岸 ass n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 assassinate vt.暗杀,行刺;中伤 assault vt.袭击;殴打 n.攻击 assert vt.断言,宣称;维护 assessment n.估定;查定;估计数 assumption n.采取;假定;傲慢 assurance n.保证;财产转让书 astonishment n.惊奇,惊讶 astronomy n.天文学 atom n.微粒;微量 attachment n.连接物,附件;爱慕 attendance n.到场;出席人数 attendant n.侍者;护理人员 attorney n.代理人;辩护律师 audience n.正式会见;拜会 author n.创造者,创始人 automate vt.使自动化 avail vt.有益于 n.效用 availability n.有效(性);可得性 aviation n.飞行 awake vi.认识到 awful a.威严的;令人崇敬的 awkward a.不雅观的 axial a.轴的;轴向的 axis n.轴,轴线;第二颈椎 axle n.(轮)轴,车轴,心棒 baby n.一家中年龄最小的人 bachelor n.未婚男子;学士 bacon n.咸猪肉,熏猪肉 bacterium n.细菌;拳击迷 badge n.徽章,像章;标志 baffle vt.使挫折 n.迷惑 bait n.饵;引诱物 balcony n.阳台;楼厅,楼座 bald a.秃头的;无毛的 ballet n.芭蕾舞;舞剧 bamboo n.竹;竹杆,竹棍 bandage n.绷带,包带 bandit n.土匪,盗匪,歹徒 bank vi.把钱存入银行 banker n.银行家 bankrupt a.破产的 vt.使破产 banquet n.宴会,盛会,酒席 barely ad.仅仅,勉强 barge n.驳船;大型游船 barley n.大麦 barometer n.气压计,睛雨表 baron n.男爵;贵族;巨商 barren a.贫瘠的;不妊的 baseball n.棒球;棒球运动 basement n.地下室;地窖;底层 basin n.内海;盆地,流域 battery n.炮兵连;兵器群 battle vi.战斗 vt.与…作战 bazaar n.集市,廉价商店 bead n.有孔小珠;露珠 beam vi.发光,发热;微笑 bearing n.支承;忍受;方位 bed n.河床,(湖)底,矿床 beetle n.甲虫;近视眼的人 beforehand ad.预先;提前地 bend vt.使屈从 vi.屈从 bestow vt.把…赠与 between ad.当中,中间 beware vt.&vi.谨防,当心 bewilder vt.迷惑,把…弄糊涂 bid vt.命令 vi.报价 bishop n.(基督教的)主教 bitterness n.苦味,辛酸,苦难 blacksmith n.铁匠,锻工 blast n.管乐器的声音 blaze vt.使燃烧 vi.燃烧 bleach vt.漂白 vi.变白 blind n.百叶窗;窗帘;遮帘 block n.阻塞;障碍物;炮闩 blond n.白肤金发碧眼的人 blouse n.女衬衫;童衫;罩衫 blue a.伤心的;下流的 blunder vi.犯大错 n.大错 blush vi.脸红,害臊 n.脸红 board vt.(收费)供…膳食 body n.物体;(液)体;实质 boiler n.锅炉;热水贮槽 bore n.讨厌的人;麻烦事 bound a.应当的;必定的 bourgeois a.资产阶级的;平庸的 box n.专席 boycott vt.&n.联合抵制 brace n.支柱 vt.拉紧,撑牢 brand vt.在…上打烙印 breakdown n.崩溃,倒塌;失败 breakfast vi.吃早餐 breed n.(动物)品种 bribe n.贿赂 vt.向…行贿 bridegroom n.新郎 bridge vt.架桥于,用桥连接 bridle n.笼子;束缚 vt.抑制 brightness n.明亮,辉煌,聪明 broaden vt.&vi.放宽,变阔 bronze n.青铜色 brood vt.沉思vi.郁闭地沉思 Buddhism n.佛教,释教 budget n.预算,预算案 buffalo n.水牛;水陆坦克 bug n.虫子;臭虫 bugle n.军号,喇叭 bull n.买空的证券投机商 bulletin 告示,公告,公报 bump vt.撞击 vi.撞 n.肿块 bureaucracy n.官僚主义;官僚机构 burglar n.夜盗,窃贼 burial n.安葬,埋葬,埋藏 burner n.灯头,煤气头 bushel n.蒲式耳(容量单位) butt n.大酒桶,桶 buzz vi.(蜂等)嗡嗡叫 bypass n.旁通管 vt.绕过 by-product n.副产品 cable n.海底电报 calculus n.微积分;结石 calibration n.校准;标定,刻度 can vt.装罐头 cane n.(藤等)茎;手杖 cancel vt.删去,勾销,取消 capability n.能力,才能;性能 capacitance n.电容,电容量 capacitor n.电容器 cape n.披肩,斗篷;海角 captive a.被俘虏的;被迷住的 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画,动画片 cartridge n.弹药筒,子弹;软片 catalogue vt.为…编目录 catalyst n.催化剂;刺激因素 category n.种类,类目;范畴 cater vi.迎合,投合 Catholic a.天主教的n.天主教徒 caution n.小心;告诫 vt.警告 cautious a.小心的,谨慎的 cavity n.洞,穴,空腔 cement vt.粘结 vi.粘紧因为空间有限制能发这么多给你,如果要全部请告诉你的QQ号码,满意,请立即采纳,谢谢!
2023-05-31 12:49:061


Talking about the cultural differences between the English translation of a business Introduction 2. The origin of the performance differences between Chinese and Western cultures 1. 2 geographical differences. three different practices. Three different concepts. cultural differences in international business culture and information in English, such as the wrong one. The alleged targets of the original language in the target language culture is basically non-existent. 2 rare or neglected. Language in the original concept of a clear cultural entity, not literal language and translated into three. the original language and translated into the language with one of the alleged targets may be alleged by the literal meaning of the four words, International Business English translation of cultural information Adjustments (1) the phrase (2) English translation (c) sounds (d) Combining the sounds and try to 5 Summary of conclusions : cultural differences between the original English translation of international business invariably lead to the loss of culture and information, distortions occur. In this paper, the cultural differences between the English translation of international business and cultural information, such as the wrong situations. Cultural differences and translation adjustment of exploring such issues. Key words : cultural differences; Origin and performance; On the whole business of culture and information in English Language and Translation Abstract : In view of Business English language features of the strategy to improve the accuracy of Business English translation, that is familiar with the relevant expertise. accurate choice of words, the term should be consistent with the translation business practices, understanding of cultural differences. Keywords : Business English; Language; Translation 1 Introduction 2. Business English Language Features 1. Meaning strong professional 2. Three more sets of typical language. Abbreviations and minimalism of more than four words. With the constant changes three times. Translation 1. 2 familiar with the relevant expertise in business English. adhere to the principle of accuracy. Translation to ensure the accuracy of three. 4 Terminology translation should be consistent with commercial practice. understand the cultural differences. is sensitive olfactory 5. Business English translation to follow four principles, 1985 这是在google里找的直接的翻译
2023-05-31 12:49:133


2023-05-31 12:49:222


2023-05-31 12:54:103


1. named 国际奥委会已提名北京承办2008年奥运会。2. left 城市新面貌给外国游客留下了深刻印象。3. prefer to 我更喜欢通过电子邮件与朋友联系。4. personal 当然我们的私人关系很好,但是买卖就是买卖。5. accept 这个系的教授只接受打印的论文。6. means 对于他来说,成功通过这个面试意味着有机会到这家著名的软件公司工作。7, Speaking of 说到打招呼,你能给我举个用英语问候的例子吗?8. get to know 当你了解这个严肃的教授时,你就会喜欢他的。9. acquainted with 我们不是很了解这些事实。
2023-05-31 12:54:361

了解哪些药 英语翻译

acquaint what kind of medicine
2023-05-31 12:54:444


I"m the type of person who acquaint things slowly, you will know me after some time这里慢热型的人用 the type of person who acquaint things slowly
2023-05-31 12:54:514


2023-05-31 12:54:593

尚友   [shàng yǒu]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?

尚友   [shàng yǒu] [尚友]基本解释 1.上与古人为友。 2.指与高于己者交游。 [尚友]详细解释 上与古人为友。 《孟子·万章下》:“以友天下之善士为未足,又尚论古之人;颂其诗,读其书,不知其人,可乎?是以论其世也,是尚友也。” 宋 朱熹 《陶公醉石归去来馆》诗:“予生千载后,尚友千载前。” 清 昭梿 《啸亭杂录·满洲二理学之士》:“近日士大夫皆不尚友 宋 儒,虽 江 浙 文士之薮,其仕朝者无一人以理学着。” 指与高于己者交游。 明 李贽 《覆耿中丞书》:“仆尚友四方,愿欲生死于友朋之手而不可得。” [尚友]百科解释 [清]字有朋,号渔庄,江苏兴化人。 更多→ 尚友 [尚友]英文翻译 acquaint oneself with people of the past [尚友]相关词语 摩挲 徜徉 破坏 冷漠 挫折 绸缪 诚恳 砥砺 敏捷 角色 慢慢 仔细
2023-05-31 12:55:051


The first development cooperation Cooperation established a new company to develop a brand apparel retail market, the products can be targeted in further cooperation of mutual identified. We expect the short-term goal is success in the next two years operating 100 stores. The second partner requirements 1. Mature marketing planning experience and improve logistics management, professional design team 2. A good management team 3. Corresponding financial support and self-designed clothing brand Third, I yours 1."s Outstanding technical support, the effective cost and quality control, the majority of the plant resources 2. Corresponding financial support and a mature management team 3. China"s taxation, business and investment environment of the familiar, 4. The native culture of China can effectively control the localization market access to products Summary For this, I hope that the Secretary for the investment, costs and benefits on both sides are each 50 percent, and in cooperation with the premise of intent, the two sides provide a sound cooperation plan, further positioning the product, market development co-operation details Their ideas and open to question after the two sides finalized an effective and workable plan book. We believe that by virtue of both the strengths and resources, will create an excellent management team and brand, a place in the Chinese market.
2023-05-31 12:55:122


2023-05-31 12:55:205


第四部分 翻译你是要划线部分还是后面的答案??
2023-05-31 12:55:545


It"s a shame to confess that I"m not a true football fan. I do not know football very well. Now I finally summed up my courage to write you this letter, just for a boy I"ve had a crush on. I want to try my best to do something to make him happy.Barcelona is his favorite football club. He often wears his jersey with No. X running on the field. I could only watch him afar, sharing his joy. I never had the courage to approach him, to tell him how I feel about him. But I think I understand his passion for football, and his love for Barcelona, just the same as my love for him.I start to get acquaint myself with football because of him, to feel the inspiring movement. Football is a fascinating movement. The more I know about football, I more I see youth, vigor, bravery and stamina in it. One day, I wish I could join them and play one game on the field, to enjoy real football even if for just once.My hometown is in Yunan Province, China. It"s like spring all year round here. It boasts the beautiful cities of Kunming, Dali, Lijian, Shangri-la, etc. People with 26 nationality backgrounds live here harmoniously. So you can say this is a mysterious land that many love and wish to set foot on. I carefully selected from my hometown handmade artwork as a gift to you, a painting. This is a girl, maybe she has a big dream, with great hopes, just like me. The main colors are red and blue. That"s why I picked this one, just like Barcelona"s jerseys. You are always welcome to visit my hometown and feel the charm of China, so different from other countries.My sincere best wishes for Barcelona and bless football!
2023-05-31 12:56:083


问题一:“了解”英语短语怎么说? find out to kno龚 about acquaint oneself with 问题二:对……有更好的了解 的英语短语怎么翻译 30分 a better understanding of… 1. I hope i shall soon get to know you better and that we shall bee great friends . 我希望不久就会更好地了解您,我们将成为真正的朋友。 2. By quantifying these causes the population dynamics of the insect would be better understood . 通过对这些原因进行定量,可以更好地了解昆虫的种群动态。 3. A better acquaintance with the world is what i look forward to as her greatest possible advantage . 我希望,更好地了解世事以后,她能够获得很大的长进。 4. A fair amount of theoretical and experimental work has been devoted at this agency to a better understanding of nonstationary aerodynamics . 在这方面已经有了大量的理论计算和实验工作可以更好地了解正常空气动力学。 5. Are there certain people whom i should get to know better 是否我应该更好地了解某些人 问题三:英语“学习,了解”的短语 learn about e to understand find out know about 问题四:词组搭配 用英语怎么说?? 5分 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:词组搭配 翻译:phrases & collocations 搭配是指常用的词组搭配到一起。 Collocations are groups of words that are monly used together 本文的研究结论为:词汇错误,特别是名词错误和词组搭配错误是高三学生写作中的主要错误,作为基本技能的单词拼写错误也相当严重; Analysis results show that in terms of ontological errors, vocabulary errors, especially errors of nouns and phrases, account for the major part of the errors in all 在我们开始之前,我们来谈下搭配。搭配是指常用的词组搭配到一起。当地人很习惯于用这些,他们知道什么的搭配听起来是对的,什么是错的。 collocations. Collocations are groups of words that are monly used together. Native speakers are so used to using them, they know what sounds right and what sounds wrong. 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。 问题五:英语中,下面一词组怎么翻译比较合适? 意思为:寻找一张相似的脸。 问题六:英语中,下面一个短语怎么翻译比较合适? 这个翻译为:宗教的神秘 问题七:英语中,下面一个短语怎么翻译比较合适? pat *** on the back 是习语! 表扬,称赞某人 问题八:这些短语怎么翻译? 有通气辅助旅行 在水族馆里 看电视中的自然节目 乘轮船旅行 在互联网中 仅供参考 问题九:英语与......一样怎么说短语 the same as: 与...同样的 例句与用法: 1. The imperial gallon is not the same as the US gallon. 英制的加仑和与美制的容量不同。 2. Double- clicking a control- menu box is the same as choose the close mand. 双击一个控制菜单框与选择关闭命令具有相同作用。 3. Gambling is not the same as investing in the stock market. It"s a horse of a different colour. 赌博与把资金投入股市并不一样,它完全是另外一码事。 4. Twins look the same as each other. 双胞胎看上去长得一样。 5. Just the same as always. 就跟往常一样。 6. She felt just the same as he did. 她和他的感受相同。 7. This answer must be a crib: it"s exactly the same as Jones"s. 这个答案可能是抄袭来的, 跟琼斯的答案一模一样.
2023-05-31 12:56:271

[学酥学语法]  及物动词

动词动词/ Verb(v.):表示动作或状态。1. 动词的种类 1.1 动词的种类动词主要分作下面几类:及物动词 (Transitive Verbs)不及物动词 (Intransitive Verbs)兼做及物动词和不及物动词 (Ergative Verbs)双宾动词 (Ditransitive Verbs)成语动词 (Phrasal Verbs)系动词 (Link-Verbs)助动词和情态动词 (Auxiliary Verbs and Modal Verbs)1.2 及物动词1) 这类动词通常都跟有宾语(宾语表示句子中动作的承受者,也可表示动作的结果): She committed a serious error. 她犯了一个严重的错误。2) 有些及物动词以表示人的名词或代词作宾语: Her words comforted the sobbing child. 她的话给了那哭泣的孩子以安慰。3) 还有些及物动词和一个介词短语或副词连用: I couldn"t rid myself of this melancholy mood. 我无法摆脱这种忧郁的情绪。常见的这类短语有:accustom sb to sthto make sb familiar with sth or become used to it 使习惯于acquaint sb with sthto make sb familiar with or aware of sth 使熟悉;使了解attribute sth to sthto say or believe that sth is the result of a particular thing 把······归因于······base sth on/upon sthto use an idea, a fact, a situation, etc. as the point from which sth can be developed 以…为基础(或根据)cram sth into sthto push or force sb/sth into a small space; to move into a small space with the result that it is full 把······塞进;挤满compare A to B to show or state that sb/sth is similar to sb/sth else 表明…与…相似;将…比作condemn sb to sthto force sb to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation 迫使······接受困境(或不愉快的情况)confine sb/sth to sthto keep sb/sth inside the limits of a particular activity, subject, area, etc. 限定;限制convey sth to sbto make ideas, feelings, etc. known to sb 表达,传递(思想、感情等)dedicate yourself/sth to sth/to doing sthto give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity or purpose because you think it is important 把…奉献给deprive sb/sth of sthto prevent sb from having or doing sth, especially sth important 剥夺;使丧失;使不能享有direct sth to/towards sth/sbto aim sth in a particular direction or at a particular person 把…对准(某方向或某人)divide sth into sthto separate or make sth separate into parts (使)分开,分散,分割,分成…engrave A with Bto cut words or designs on wood, stone, metal, etc. 在…上雕刻(字或图案)entrust A to Bto make sb responsible for doing sth or taking care of sb 委托;交托;托付incorporate sth into sthto include sth so that it forms a par of sth 将…包括在内;包含;吸收;使并入jot sth downto write sth quickly 草草记下;匆匆记下lavish sth on sb/sthto give a lot of sth, often too much to sb/sth 过分给予,滥施liken sth/sb to sth/sb( formal ) to compare one thing or person to another and say they are similar 把…比作…mistake sth/sb to sth/sbto think wrongly that sb/sth is sb/sth else 把…错当成owe sth to sb/sthto exist or be successful because of the help or influence of sb/sth归因于;归功于;起源于present sb with sth /~ sth to sbto give sth to sb, especially formally at a ceremony 把…交给;颁发;授予prevent sb/sth from doing sthto stop sb from doing sth; to stop sth from happening阻止;阻碍;阻挠regard sb/sth as sthto think about sb/sth in a particular way 将…认为;把…视为;看待remind sb about/of sth to help sb remember sth, especially sth important that they must do 提醒;使想起rid sb/sth of sb/sth( formal ) to remove sth that is causing a problem from a place, group, etc. 去除;清除rob sb/sth of sth[often passive] to prevent sb having sth that they need or deserve 剥夺(某人所需或应得之物)subject sb/sth to sth[often passive] to make sb/sth experience, suffer or be affected by sth, usually sth unpleasant使经受;使遭受supply sb/sth with sthto provide sb/sth with sth that they need or want, especially in large quantities (尤指大量)供应,供给,提供treat sb to sthto entertain sb with sth special 用…招待;以…款待trust sb with sth/sbto give sth/sb to a person to take care of because you believe they would be very careful with it/them 托付;托交;把…委托给某人照管view sb/sth as/with sth to think about sb/sth in a particular way 把…视为;以…看待4) 有几个及物动词可以和许多名词一道表示动作,这类动词称作虚意动词(Delexical Verbs),最常见的是下面几个:have、give、take、make。相关用法可以查询词典。5) 动词do可以跟许多名词作宾语,意思随后面的名词而变化。
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  我们都以为我们熟悉了各自的角色,可当戏刚一开始,我们便把所有的一切都搞乱了。下面我为大家带来熟悉的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   熟悉的英语意思   be familiar   熟悉的相关英语例句   1. Their ears were still attuned to the sounds of the London suburb.   他们依然很熟悉伦敦市郊的喧闹声。   2. Professor Baker is unacquainted with the idea of representative democracy.   贝克教授并不熟悉“代议制民主”这一思想。   3. Rose heard the familiar voice, but tuned out the words.   罗斯听到了熟悉的声音,但没注意听说的是什么。   4. On her own ground she knows exactly what she"s doing.   她在自己熟悉的领域里对自己的行为有十足的把握。   5. The first duty of a director is to recce his location.   主管的第一项任务是熟悉所在地区的情况。   6. In the cosy consulting room the children are surrounded by familiar objects.   在温馨的诊疗室里,孩子们周围摆满了亲切熟悉的东西。   7. It is a part of Britain as yet largely unaccustomed to tourists.   英国的这一块地方还很不为游客所熟悉。   8. Those familiar with Sanders call him a consummate politician.   那些熟悉桑德斯的人都称他为手段高明的政治家。   9. His mother"s voice was one he knew; ice cold and deadly.   母亲的声音是他很熟悉的:冰冷、无情。   10. They prefer, in the end, to stick with what they know.   他们最终选择了继续做自己熟悉的事。   11. She grew many wonderful plants that were unfamiliar to me.   她种了很多我不熟悉的奇妙植物。   12. Everyone must be familiar with the old favourite among roses, Crystal Palace.   大家一定都很熟悉玫瑰中的老牌名品“水晶宫殿”。   13. The Observer found the play "a feeble rehash of familiar Miller themes"   《观察家报》认为这部剧“是大家熟悉的米勒式主题的拙劣翻版”。   14. More familiar landscapes have been sculpted by surface erosion.   还有更多熟悉的地貌是因地表侵蚀形成的。   15. Everyone is familiar with the TV screen"s hypnotic power.   大家都很熟悉电视屏幕的吸引力。   熟悉的英文例句   我们不会走错路的,因为我对这儿的街道非常熟悉。   We won"t go wrong, because I"m quite familiar with the streets here.   他熟悉这一学科。   He is at home with this subject.   你必须熟悉自己的新职务。   You must acquaint yourself with your new duties.   你熟悉关于侵入私人领地的法律吗?   Are you familiar with the laws relating to trespass?   这些印度客人对这本书很熟悉。   These Indian guest are familiar with this book.   他对出口程序很熟悉。   He is familiar with export procedure.   我熟悉这里的小路,就像熟悉我的手掌。   I knew the pathway like the back of my hand.   我熟悉这片树林就像熟悉我背上的龟壳一样。   I know the woods like the back of my shell.   熟悉的双语例句   你的名字我是熟悉的。   Your name is familiar to me.   我喜欢闲逛穿过熟悉的街道。   I liked to meander through familiar streets.   这山谷里的一草一木我无不熟悉。   There is not in the valley a tree or a stone I don"t know.   我们都以为我们熟悉了各自的角色,可当戏刚一开始,我们便把所有的一切都搞乱了。   We thought we knew our parts, but when the play began we hashed the whole thing.   那么你是熟悉巴黎近郊的罗?   You know the environs of Paris, then?   我并不太熟悉你。   I hardly know you.   在完成本教程的学习之后,您应该熟悉所有的这些主题,并且能够在您的编辑会话中使用它们。   After working through this tutorial, you should be familiar with all these topics and be able to usethem in your editing sessions.   您熟悉这个城市吗?   You know this city well?   我们都熟悉那个关于一棵树在森林里倒下的古老的难题*。   We all know that old riddle about a tree that falls in the forest.   这本身就是跟过去的一次邂逅,就像回到曾经熟悉的、但却已经改变了其外貌的一个地方一样。   This in itself was an encounter with the past, like retuning to a place that once was familiar buthas changed its appearance.   他们全部来自我的感受,或者说是我生活中熟悉的一些东西。   They are all from my experiences or something I feel familiar in my life.   您拥有大量可利用的熟悉的工具。   You have all of the familiar tools available to you.   他说:“这些部落熟悉这些区域和地点的具体细节,他们还把激进分子的房屋做了标记。   These tribes, since they know these areas and locations in detail, they have also earmarked thehouses of the militants.
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介词of用法归纳 1:表示剥夺,除去 一:deprive sb. of his right denude sb. of his possession (hope) divest the baby of his clothes rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet defraud sb. of gold ring cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer purify the nation clean the jar of crust clarify the river of flowing rubbish --get rid of, rid of, dispose of 2:of接直接宾语 -告诉-tell sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth warn sb. of fire remind sb. of his duties acquaint sb. of sth. notify of.. -其他,劝服-persuade sb. of honesty assure sb. of the best seats convince sb. of sth. -法律词汇-accuse sb. of burglary convict sb. of murder; suspect sb. of a theft -reassure his wife of his safe arrival 3:of接间接宾语 request sth. of sb. expect sth. of sb. require sth. of sb. ask a question of sb. be fearful of mistakes be jealous of wealthy persons be reminiscent of his past be patient of the enormous noise be guilty of robbery be innocent of robbery 4:of表示人物的特性,籍贯,特性或出生等 He is of Irish descend (ascent) People of obscure origin (humble /noble) Man of keen perception a man of moral integrity 5:固定词组 -say of, tale of, hear of, think of, learn of, savor of The room smells of stale cabbage. -brag of his achievements. Boast of his children beware of pickpockets approve of the program doubt of success complain of poor management -be sure of be suspicious of be aware of be confident of be proud of be ashamed of be afraid of be capable of be lack of be critical of be shortly of be conscious of be ignorant of be wary of be cautious og be appreciative of your advice -regardless of , irrespective of ,不管….无视 in favor of decide on three most popular leisure activities irrespective of age 介词Under 表示处于…状态之下,接受… preparations are under way. a road under repair books under the care of librarian a patient under emergency treatment a matter under consideration a program under discussion plants under attack of insects a curiosity under the escort of police a country under threat of terrorists a curiosity under the escort of police a land under cultivation a murderer under arrest unequal treaties made under duress a maiden under the control of the mechanic a statesman under illusion about sth. a principle under stress (pressure) an employee under a constant emotional strain plans under the conduct of teacher embark on the scheme under compulsion under the stimulus of the hope under for the match under false name
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英语 词义辨析。responsibility 和 duty 在意义和用法上有什么区别。

responsibility名词 n.1.责任 He has no responsibility for that accident.他对那个事故没有责任。2.责任感, 可信赖性 The father of a family should have more sense of responsibility.一家之父应有更多的责任感。3.职责, 所负责任的事 Do you know the responsibilities of the government workers?你知道政府工作人员的职责吗?4.义务;负担5.责任心,可靠性duty名词 n.1.职责 The committee carried out the duties entrusted to it.委员会履行了赋予它的职责。2.义务, 本分 I have a duty to perform.我有一种义务要尽。3.税收 New duties will be imposed on wines and spirits.酒类要征收新税。【我觉得responsibility和duty的说明对象有一定区别】
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