barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-30 22:43:47



  1.Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?


  2.I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,but if you wish the wish the witch wishes,I won"t wish the wish you wish to wish.


  3.I scream, you scream,we all scream for ice-cream!


  4.How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies?A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.


  5.The driver was drunk and drove the doctor"s car directly into the deep ditch.



  1. A bigblack bear sat on a big black bug (虫子).

  2. A bigblack bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.

  3. A bigblack bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

  4. A loyalwarrior will rarely worry why we rule.

  5. A noiseannoys an oyster (牡蛎), but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more!

  6. Ann andAndy"s anniversary(周年纪念)is in April.

  7. Bake bigbatches(一炉,一批) of bitter brown bread.

  8. Big blackbugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue blood.

  9. Blackbackground, brown background.

  10. Blake"sblack bike"s back brake (后闸)bracket block (托架垫块)broke.

  11. Blue gluegun, green glue gun.

  12. Caution:Wide Right Turns

  13. EachEaster(复活节) Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

  14. Elizabethhas eleven elves (elf的复数,小精灵,调皮孩子) inher elm tree(榆树).

  15.Elizabeth"s birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.

  16. Freshfried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried fresh.

  17. Freshlyfried fresh flesh(肉).

  18. Greenglass globes (球体)glow (发光发热)greenly.

  19. He threwthree balls.

  20. He threwthree free throws.

  21. Here"s aneasy game to play. Here"s an easy thing to say:

  22. How manycookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cookcould cook as many cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.

  23. How manysaws(锯) could a see-saw(跷跷板) saw if a see-saw could saw saws?

  24. How muchoil boil can a gum boil(牙龈脓肿)boil if a gum boil canboil oil?

  25. I thoughta thought. But the thought I thought wasn"t the thought I thought I thought. Ifthe thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn"t havethought so much.

  26. I wish Iwere what I was when I wished I were what I am.

  27. I wish towish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, Iwon"t wish the wish you wish to wish.

  28. I wishyou were a fish in my dish

  29. If twowitches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

  30. If younotice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.   31. It"s notthe cough that carries you off(夺去生命), it"s the coffin(棺材) they carry you off !

  32. Littlered lorry

  33. MissSmith"s fish-sauce shop seldom sells shellfish.

  34. Nevertrouble about trouble until trouble troubles you!

  35. Nothingis worth thousands of deaths.

  36. Picky (挑剔的)people pick Peter Pan Peanut Butter. Peter Pan Peanut isthe peanut picky people pick.

  37. Ripewhite wheat reapers reap(收割) ripe white wheat right.

  38. She saidshe should sit.

  39. She sellssea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.

  40. Shut upthe shutters(百叶窗) and sit in the shop.



picky是贬义词。picky意为“挑剔的,吹毛求疵的,过分讲究的”,明显是贬义意思。变形: 比较级pickier、最高级pickiest短语:picky-eater 挑食者a picky eater 吃饭挑剔之人Picky Nicky 挑食的;送音频Picky customer 好挑剔的客户;潜在客户例句:Early adopter buyers tend to be picky consumers.早期的购买者倾向于是吹毛求疵的消费者。近义词:particular释义:adj.特定的,某一的;格外的,特别的;讲究的,挑剔的;特殊的,独特的;详细的,详尽的短语:in particular 尤其,特别particular case 特例;特定情况particular about 过分讲究的;难以取悦的例句:He"s so particular.他太挑剔了。
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picky意思是:挑剔的。双语例句:1、It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success. 普遍认为,成功催人奋进。2、The plan is designed to motivate employees to work more efficiently. 这个计划旨在促使员工更加卓有成效地工作。3、Please motivate your answer to question 5. 请解释你对第5题所作的回答。4、His actions were motivated by greed. 他的作为是贪婪之心所驱使的。5、He is motivated entirely by self-interest. 他做事完全出于私利。6、She was motivated solely by self-interest. 她完全是出于私利。
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2023-05-30 19:01:553


应该写成picky,估计你是按读音写的吧picky, adj.挑剔的;吹毛求疵的
2023-05-30 19:02:021

英语 picky 和 pick 有什么区别

picky是形容人挑剔的,形容词pick 动词,本意是 挑,拣vt.& vi.挑选,挑拣;挖,采,摘,剔,扒;挑剔n.选择;收获;精华例如Here is an actress who could have her pick of any part 这是一个角色任她挑选的女演员。Mr Nowell had picked ten people to interview for six sales jobs in London 诺埃尔先生为伦敦的6个销售职位选出了10人进行面试。pick的应用比picky广泛很多
2023-05-30 19:02:102


picky后面加什么介词be picky about 对......挑剔
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pike [paik] n. 【史】长矛, 镖枪
2023-05-30 19:03:264


picky or nitpicky
2023-05-30 19:03:345


挑剔的人Picky person
2023-05-30 19:03:483

挑剔 英文怎么说

2023-05-30 19:03:586


pick英文发音英[pɪk],美[pɪk]。pick是一个英语单词,可以作名词、动词。作名词时意思是选择;鹤嘴锄;挖;掩护。作及物动词时意思是拾取;精选;采摘;掘。作不及物动词时意思是挑选;采摘;挖。词根是pick,同根词有picky挑剔的;吹毛求疵的。picking采摘;掘,撬开;采得物;赃物。picker采摘者;采摘机;啄者;挖掘者。pick是一个网络流行用语,意思是指挑选、选择,该用语起源于偶像男团竞演养成类真人秀节目《偶像练习生》。该词走红于偶像男团竞演养成类真人秀节目《偶像练习生》。该节目的基本模式是由各大经纪公司、练习生公司推荐的100名练习生当中,由全民票选出最终优胜9人组成全新偶像男团出道,打造全新的中国制造全民男团。双语例句:1、As domestic demand starts to flag, foreign demand will help pick up the slack.由于国内需求开始萎缩,外贸需求将有助扭转市场的不景气。2、The company should buy the whole airline and not just cherry-pick its best assets.公司应该买下整个航空公司,而不仅仅是挑选其最佳资产。3、He went into the communicating room to pick up the phone.他走进相连的房间拿起电话。4、My company will pick up the tab for all moving expenses.我公司将承担搬迁的所有费用。5、Americans are free to pick and choose from a promiscuous array of values and behaviour.美国人可以随意选择形形色色的价值观和行为方式。6、She began to pick out a rough melody on the guitar.她开始在吉他上弹奏出不成调的曲调。
2023-05-30 19:04:121

be a picky about ? 什么意思?

2023-05-30 19:05:101


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2023-05-30 19:05:433

be a picky about ? 什么意思?

be picky about 应该是“对......挑剔”的意思你确定有冠词“a”么?。应该错了吧
2023-05-30 19:05:532

我吃东西很挑剔 翻译成英语

i m picky about what i eat
2023-05-30 19:06:015


箱子中的钱德勒 剧情:钱德勒跟乔伊道歉乔伊不接受,钱德勒为了乔伊能原谅自己把自己锁在柜子里面;莫妮卡眼睛受伤又不想去见理查德,候诊医生是理查德的儿子提姆,两人一见钟情,谁知吻过之后双方都觉得恶心;感恩节菲比提议抽签决定送礼物,瑞秋喜欢把别人送的礼物拿去换钱的事情被发现,罗斯觉得很生气。 1 Rachel: You could probably use a plug-in telephone headset. 你可能用的是入耳式耳机。 (钱德勒说自己给乔伊打了好久的电话乔都不理他,瑞秋震惊于打电话的时间) 2 Briefcase: 公文包,皮包 Initial: 首字母,缩写,姓名中的大写字母 Chandler: This sucks, becauseI already got her this briefcase   and I had “R·G”put on it .Her initials . 真讨厌,因为我已经给她买了包,而且还烫了RG在上面,她的缩写。 (菲比想和钱德勒换送礼物的人,因为瑞秋总是拿别人送的东西去换) 3 Picky: 挑剔的,吹毛求疵的 Chandler: He"s really picky about his patients. 他对病人真挑剔。 (莫妮卡眼睛被冰砸到了,说自己还没有男朋友不敢去见理查德,钱嘲讽) 4 Sentence: 判决,审判 Ross: You"ve sentenced him? 你还给他判刑了? (罗斯问乔伊啥时候能原谅钱,乔伊说五年) 5 Jamming: 塞进,果酱,拥挤 Rachel: So cute that I"m thinking about jamming this pen in my eye. (候诊医生)帅到我想把笔插进我的眼睛了。 (瑞秋陪莫妮卡看眼科,医生太帅) 6 Monica:  The on-call doctor will see me now. 候诊医生要帮我看眼睛了。 7 Scratch: 擦伤,刮伤乱写,碰巧的 Cornea: 眼角膜 Patch: 眼罩,斑点,碎片 Tim: You"ve got alittle  scratch  on your  cornea . You"re gonna have to wear a  patch . 你的眼角膜刮伤了,需要戴眼罩。 8 Twist: 扭曲的 Phoebe: I think it"s twisted . 我认为这很变态。 (莫妮卡说自己要邀请理查德的儿子提姆来参加聚会)9 Sentiment: 感情,情操 Ross: I"m not completelydevoid of sentiment . 我不是个麻木不仁的人。 (罗斯指责瑞秋把自己送的东西卖了,瑞秋翻出自己和他的很多第一次纪念品)
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partA第一遍放视频的时候,不要跟读,仔细听,注意生词和每一句的语速,等一下根据语速适当调整自己的节奏快慢。第二遍快速通读全篇之后,在读几遍生词所在的句子,注意连贯性。第三遍,自信大声地读,不要被旁人干扰到。这次我就是因为机子比别人慢两三秒有点慌导致发挥失常了。anyway,大声!自信!不要慌!partB一开始那段导读出来的时候,先快速记下。然后思考一些有关问题。比如这次2017我考的那份卷,导读提纲是:我是校记者,和Dr Brown谈论儿童挑食的问题。关键词:picky eater(挑食者),preschool(学龄前)。你就要想了,他等一下会问什么呢?儿童挑食,那么挑什么食呢?为什么挑食不好呢?应该怎么做呢?没错,就是“是什么”“为什么”“怎么做”。先想一下,等一下再听心里有个底。第一段视频只读一遍,视频是绝壁不能看的,这个视频除了干扰之外无他作用。要快速记下关键词。一般是两人对话,主客问答,尤其要注意记回答者的话。因为只听一遍,如果有个别词听不清楚,跳过,继续记下去,切忌在某个词上想太久。答题技巧: 1、题目有语境,吃透语境,把握题干的全部信息,并从词法、语法、惯用法、词的搭配等多方面考虑。 2、对话构成题干,更生活化,更灵活,要根据实际情况来断定答案。 3、注意综合性的知识,切记“语不离句,句不离文,语法不离语境”。
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2023-05-30 19:06:504


tight, picky, cheap, selfish, stingy,
2023-05-30 19:07:215

英文词组 挑剔 怎么说?用particular

be particular about
2023-05-30 19:07:364

19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (上)

部分内容参考,感谢  立里   肉丸子 素心 ~ 2019.9.9 (Page1-20): phrasal verb重音在后 wimpy:怂的,懦弱的,窝囊的 sissy diary娘炮 journal jerk傻瓜moron It comes in handy/useful.用得上,值得学,派上用场 hit/reach their growth spurt青春期二次发育...,not age. while away=pass the time/kill time消磨打发时间 Miss Bennett whiled away the hours playing old films on her video-recorder. plunk your stuff down pat on sb"s back=encourage sit to my right Is this seat taken? -Are"you taken?名花有主 -I"m taken. dork呆子 scratching their heads wondering what the heck happened一脸懵逼 stink=smell bad,disgust/泄愤表示时间的小词: back in elementary school A couple of days into summer vacation,...... before put sb on the spot :让sb难堪/下不来台/为难/尴尬 Thanks for putting me on the spot. braces牙套(支架,托架) contact lenses(contacts)隐形眼镜,美瞳; 熟人=acquaintance Phys Ed It just goes in one ear and out the other with him. 连读a couple of days pass it on to someone else hoop篮筐    play hoops Let"s keep our fingers crossed. 那我们就一直交叉手指祈祷吧。=pray My summer did not exactly get off to a great start,thanks to sb. 拜sb所赐,我的夏天开始得不是很顺利。 shoot=shit我去 I was pretty dumb for falling for(轻信) that. set alarm clock ahead had a good talking-to/dressing down挨批  scold、chew him out臭骂 tagalong跟屁虫=follower(tagged along) covered up his tracks got a screw loose or sth. 脑子进水/短路了/缺根弦 be tight with sb.  老铁,关系/密切要好, You need to sit tight with that.你得淡定些。 apply oneself(to it)全身投入,努力学习 practically,actually,basicly,literally technically理论上,算得上definitely subject to change sleep in/late 睡过头、睡懒觉、晚起 real+a. : not really/ real considerate of不关心 head up to=go to hang out<--play(打球,玩音乐,性暗示) noogie(s):the act of rubbing one"s knuckles on a person"s head so as to produce a mildly painful sensation image形象 Having sb around is not helping. (marketing)gimmick花招,套路 thermos保温杯 be-->there must be(谐音) I"ll take her under my wing.我罩着她 a billion/bazillion times(夸张)无数次 作业: I don"t know what is up with her. 我不知道她怎么了。 a whole lot simpler 立里 2019.9.10 (Page21-40): 核心关键动词、实词、元音要念长些,明显些 eg:beat anyone,see,school 弱读going to learn to... because,if common sense重音在后 重音在前underwear,realize,headphone,im"midiately "parenting,pa"rentallose[z],loose[s] L音 【美音:l、j分开】 :billion 美音/"bɪljən/ ,william 美音/ˈwɪljəm/ ,volume 美音/"vɑljum/ play pranks/jokes on him He got away with(doing)it.免受惩罚 You"re not gonna get away with this.你们逃不掉的。 bug v. 1. hassle /worry/annoy sb. I only did it to bug my parents.我这么做只是为了让我父母心烦。 close call: a narrow escape 好悬/险,差点(九死一生;千钧一发;险遭意外;死里逃生;幸免于难)...的事 You were just in time. What a close call. uber -/super非常 good、near:bathroom,restroom 厕所 toilet flaky不靠谱的 solid靠谱的 flake:薄片/碎片 flakes of snow v.剥落/脱落 They can see how its colours have faded and where paint has flaked. 他们能看到颜色消退的情况以及油漆剥落的地方。 flake out: (疲倦得)倒下,睡下,完全放松If you flake out , you collapse, go to sleep, or totally relax because you are very tired. If he flakes out before I get back, just cover him with a blanket. 如果我回来之前他就困得睡着了,给他盖条毯子就行了。He is always getting on me about going out and doing sth "active".他总是 对我说/让我 多出去运动运动。didn"t see my logic(n.) parent-proof do sth. sporty运动运动 类似的词:brainy, pricy贵的, speedy, roomy=spacious, handy有用/方便/附近的, beefy=strong, bulky笨重的, fussy繁饰的,挑剔的be/got done with/doing 搞定了/做完了... do the trick 管用/奏效/行得通 = come in handy / It works.= pan out 挑刺,吹毛求疵(v.) nitpick ,carp, cavil, criticize, peck,pick apart(a.)picky,critical,fussy backfire事与愿违,适得其反=counterproductive It all backfired on me!一切都与我的愿望背道而驰! Rowley"s    xx家 不正确但地道的口语:Us kid Me and my brother/buddy/bro/homie, I don"t know nothing.I kind of let my guard down. like,well... only不过 be all for it同意,支持,举双手赞成 Speak for yourself. I"m all for it.随你怎么说 我没意见。 sneak(snuck) in/out 潜入/溜出抓了个现行(抓到sb做坏事): be caught on the spot given/with the smoking gun确凿的证据(枪还冒着烟呢...) be caught with your hand in the cookie jar偷吃 be caught with one"s pants down捉奸在床 catch sb red-handed(杀了人手上还有血...) 男主以为自己女朋友和心理咨询师出轨,一路tag along with her,心理独白里有一句:I guess I"m bad at picking good people, but I"m good at catching bad people red-handed.我也经历过: I"ve been there and done it. I"ve gone and done it.crank up the AC(turn on)开空调 lay sth on you:(尤指慷慨或盛情地)提供(食物、娱乐或服务) Every facility was laid on to ease their homecoming. 我们动用了一切设施以缓解他们的回乡之困。 作业: 立里 2019.9.11 (Page41-63): To be a storyteller,not a reader. 连读: that I /that he full effect,visual effect,Apple Arcade an apple bringing in or,in our see if 避免二声!a whole lot tougher in deep trouble/ water/shit be in hot water with Mom day care托儿所 show-and-tell展示和讲述 =make a presentation做陈述和介绍 play-by-play现场解说,赛事实况报道 eg: Games are all about the glory, the pain and the play-by-play. grounded头脑清醒的;理智的;脚踏实地的 is like torture That"s all it takes./?只需要这样就行了够了(吗?);至于吗? jock /dʒɑk/ 运动员,球迷 someone sporty get worked up (over sth.)暴跳如雷,动怒,闹不愉快 eg: Steve shouted at her. He was really worked up now. for the taking稳了,稳操胜券,如探囊取物般十拿九稳(就在那,等着你随便拿)=in the bag excel at/have a knack for/be brainy at擅长... when I was your age Know-how指南 =guide,handbook lollipop棒棒糖 popsicle 冰棍"pawpsicle" head lice头屑 go trick-or-treating I got drenched. 弄/淋湿了 spoil his fun扫兴 have second thoughts about going in 犹豫,不情愿,再想想,后悔 chainsaw肢解 take chances冒险,碰运气 bail/help sb out (of trouble)救出,出逃,出资帮助,解围 full-out haunted compensation工资,优点 or: 我不是吹,... I don"t mean to brag or anything ,but sugar or milk credit or debit信用卡还是借记卡 believe it or nota whole out/way/far better than get the word out转发,宣传=spread the word(info)/forward promote宣传 (褒) hype炒作 (贬) 书先生讲词汇(3)| “炒作”用英文怎么说? stretch/twist the truth扭曲事实 You"re going to find a job that stretch you.充分发挥你的能力 stretch your money and paycheck 薪水(省着用钱=save money) =stretch a dollar make a killing/mint 发大财,挣大钱 budge:改变主意;让步 I told you a bazillion times,but you just don"t budge.不买账,冥顽不灵 legit=legitimate奉公守法,守规矩的,合情合理=make sense I checked him out, he"s legit.我查过他了,他身家清白。 clear净赚 make money ketchup番茄酱 ended up getting grounded for ...禁足 house /haʊs/   horse /hɔrs/ sword/sɔrd/   plumber tomb lamb 委婉语not be the smartest choice/man cranky古怪的,怪异的;坏脾气的 lame(借口、论点、评论等)站不住脚的;蹩脚的;拙劣的 作业: 元音不够长,发音不准:advert"isement,the end of,refund,least,cleared  语音语调! long story short 立里 2019.9.12 (Page61-81): (l/n/r)连读 football or sth, a big wave of water, laid out, clean up 注意发音 meant /mɛnt/ , row ,when,"demonstrate, toss /tɔs/   me around without straining himself wrest/x/ling, bath /bæθ/, bathe /beɪð/ , bathing/"beiðiŋ/ suit泳装 dove 鸽子 /dʌv/ /dov/,(dive) found 建立, (find) back-to-back wins/victories连胜、in a row、consecutively,on end接二连三的,连续的 squirm/wriggle out of 蠕动,扭动,逃避... spooky恐怖的 pickup truck皮卡 came roaring down give him credit给他表扬 keep s her key slam on the brakes急刹车 make a U-turn,turn around调头 wait us out cocky狂妄自大的 and whatnot (and so on/forth,etc)等等 draw us out, hunt you down, hop over a truckload of teenagers 一整车... dove (dive) into the bushes all the way home一直(表强调=way,far,a whole lot) pay the price for it 付出代价 salvage挽/抢/营救,打捞+situation,pride,reputation,career 挽尊salvage the pride=save face cellophane玻璃纸 see/present.. .in a positive /negative light (optimistic=look on the bright side of...) into sth.参与 If there"s one thing most boys in my school are into,it"s ... madhouse乱哄哄的地方,疯人院 You had better look out.I could be a real threat. single me out the next thing you know 很快/转眼间,...=immediately right that instant, in a heartbeat 立刻 be paired up/partnered with sb 作业: feel a 连读 肉丸子 2019.9.13 (Page82-100): 读音:cl"assroom ,plan,need,grand fi"nale,says,said 代词、连词弱读,不要断开 hit(hit,hit)  sword:w不发音   turn...upside down shirts and skins I want to gain my weight in MUSCLE,not fat. mark my words 你听着,记住我的话 That"s what you"ll end up with, you mark my words. 那就是将来你的下场,记住我的话。 load up on junk food rethink=second thoughts get in shape <-->out of shapebulk up=to be stronger pack on some muscle get six packs 6块腹肌 get ripped有型(肌肉像被撕成一条一条那种)  易误读rape,类似还有timesheet down the road,in the future,later on 日后,今后,未来 jumping jack开合跳 hold me back拖后腿,阻碍进步 lifting spotting partner I need your spot. reps=repetitions 次数 I...Then I...,And I had myself a pretty decent barbell像样的杠铃 had it all set把它做完 had this one in the bag胜券在握 赢定了 flunk/fail the exam/quiz 在(考试)中不及格;未通过(某一课程) getup行头,装束 well-rounded全面发展的 take my side Dad was no match for Mom.不是...的对手  =B outmatch A audition(sign up) for 办卡,报名 It"s not what I sign up for. soprano女高音,男童声高音 bean sb. with sth. (bean  v.击中sb.头部) play a bit part跑龙套 have a bone to pick with sb. 对sb有意见,看sb不顺眼(挑骨头)
2023-05-30 19:07:421


1、可能是你的版本和mod冲突。2、这个mod与其他mod冲突。3、游戏问题,你可以去换个版本或者投诉。(你的游戏是正版,才可以投诉的)4、你修改出问题了。最后 我劝你还是别安mod 我会修改游戏程序 保证你收集还是采摘 还是收获(包括肉架和锅)快速给予,快速吃食物,快速挖掘,快速建造,施肥。烹调都没问题,对了 还有一个远程捡道具 鼠标点一下就到背包里了,不用跑路。
2023-05-30 19:07:492


pick pink pip
2023-05-30 19:07:574


2023-05-30 19:08:1314


picky eater
2023-05-30 19:08:372


picky的读法是:【pɪki】。1、She had been a picky eater as a child.她小时候是个非常挑食的孩子。2、She was very picky and remained single at the age of 40.她高不成,低不就,40岁仍然未婚。3、She"s been picky about her food since her childhood,rejecting many sorts of food.她从小就嘴刁,总是这不吃那不吃的。4、She is always very choosy/picky about work assignments.她对分派的工作总是挑肥拣瘦。5、I know you"re not picky. You"re easy to please. You"re an easy-going person.我不挑剔。我知道你不挑剔,你很容易取悦。你是个随和的人。
2023-05-30 19:08:551


How picky the girl is!
2023-05-30 19:09:204

捡起 用have 还是 pick

捡起pick。v. 采,摘(花、果);(用手指)弄掉;找茬;捡,抱起;选择;弹,拨(弦);撬开(锁),扒窃……中的东西n. 精华(the pick of);选择,选择权;被选中的人(或事物);鹤嘴锄;(吉他的)拨子;(尖状的)挖撬工具;(篮球)掩护【名】 (Pick)(英、法、德、捷、匈、瑞典)皮克(人名)同根词词根: pickadj.picky 挑剔的;吹毛求疵的n.picking 采摘;掘,撬开;采得物;赃物picker 采摘者;采摘机;啄者;挖掘者v.picking 采摘,挑选,挑惕(pike的ing形式)
2023-05-30 19:09:271


Picky person挑剔的人
2023-05-30 19:09:412


picky insistence挑剔的坚持过分讲究的坚持.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-05-30 19:09:481


2023-05-30 19:09:563

含pyk 单词

Your search for *pyk* matched 5 words in this word listpyknicadj.矮胖的n.矮胖子pyknicspyknosesn. 固缩;细胞致密变化 (pyknosis的变形)pyknosisn.[生化]固缩(现象);细胞致密变化pyknoticadj.固缩的;致密的Your search for p*k*y matched 42 words in this word listpackability密封性packlypacklypainstakingly苦panicky恐慌的parkway公园大道passkey万能钥匙pawkily狡猾地pawky狡诈的peacocky炫耀的peaky憔悴的pecky霉斑perkily活泼的perky活泼的pernickety爱挑剔的persnickety挑剔的peskily讨厌的pesky讨厌的pickaninny小孩子picky挑剔的picnicky行乐pinkey冰肌pinkly配pinky小指plasticky塑料制的pliskypliskypluckily大胆地plucky勇敢的pockilypockilypocky巧克力棒pokeberry商陆pokey狭小的pokily狭小的poky狭小的porky猪肉prankishly恶作剧的prickly多刺的pricky多刺的provokingly挑衅puckery涩puckishly淘气的punkey庞克punky松软的
2023-05-30 19:10:021


2023-05-30 19:10:091

哪个英文单词包含cky 急, 在线等

wacky 怪癖的,古怪的
2023-05-30 19:10:173

求一歌名 英文女声 歌词里带crazy 不是布兰妮,碧昂斯

2023-05-30 19:10:351


fussy的意思是“难伺候的,挑剔的,大惊小怪的”。读音:英[ˈfʌsi],美[ˈfʌsi]。释义:adj.过分装饰的;谨慎的;挑剔的;唠叨的,抱怨的。例句:I am very fussy about food.我很挑食。变形:比较级fussier,最高级fussiest,副词fussily,名词fussiness。短语:Fussy Control模糊控制cockamamie fussy繁琐的fussy eater挑食的人be fussy about挑剔的fussy logic模糊逻辑On being fussy爱折腾fussy的近义词picky读音:英[ˈpɪki],美[ˈpɪki]。adj. 挑剔的;难伺候的。例句:The housekeeper is a very picky woman.这个家庭主妇是位特别爱挑剔的人。变形:比较级pickier,最高级pickiest。短语:picky-eater挑食者a picky eater吃饭挑剔之人Picky customer好挑剔的客户She"s too picky吹毛求疵Picky Boys高傲的公仔Picky eater挑
2023-05-30 19:10:431


趣味英文绕口令 . very well, very well, very well ... . what noise annoys an oyster most? a noisy noise annoys an oyster most. . i wish i were what i was when i wished i were what i am. . i wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, i won"t wish the wish you wish to wish. . i wish you were a fish in my dish . if two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch? . if you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. . it"s not the cough that carries you off, it"s the coffin they carry you off in! . little red lorry . miss smith"s fish-sauce shop seldom sells shellfish. . never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you! . nothing is worth thousands of deaths. . picky people pick peter pan peanut butter. peter pan peanut is the peanut picky people pick. . ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right. . she said she should sit. . she sells sea shells on the seashore. the seashells she sells are seashells she is sure. . shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. . silly sheep weep and sleep. . six shining cities, six shining cities, six shining cities. . six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas. . six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards . stupid superstition!
2023-05-30 19:10:591


  52. very well, very well, very well ...   53. what noise annoys an oyster most? a noisy noise annoys an oyster most.   26. i wish i were what i was when i wished i were what i am.   27. i wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, i won"t wish the wish you wish to wish.   28. i wish you were a fish in my dish   29. if two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?   30. if you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.   31. it"s not the cough that carries you off, it"s the coffin they carry you off in!   32. little red lorry   33. miss smith"s fish-sauce shop seldom sells shellfish.   34. never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you!   35. nothing is worth thousands of deaths.   36. picky people pick peter pan peanut butter. peter pan peanut is the peanut picky people pick.   37. ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right.   38. she said she should sit.   39. she sells sea shells on the seashore. the seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.   40. shut up the shutters and sit in the shop.   41. silly sheep weep and sleep.   42. six shining cities, six shining cities, six shining cities.   43. six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas.   44. six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards   45. stupid superstition!
2023-05-30 19:11:061


Raheem DeVaughn"Customer"[Speaking:]Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Welcome to Love"s can I take your order?You can have it your way[Verse 1:]Welcome, can I help youTake a minute to read the menuIf you"re looking for a manIf you"re looking for a friendIf you"re looking for someone to talk toTake your time bout taking your orderI can appetize ya or main course ya(caution, caution)Cause the plate is hot (hot)[Pre-Chorus:]I"m the catch of the day (ay ay ay ay ay)Your dessert, your meal, your drink (ay ay ay ay ay)You can find it all in meI"ll fill you up for freeIf your heart is hungryYou can place your order here with me[Chorus:]Let me serve you upLemme lemme serve you upSee you can have it your wayYou"re the costumerIf you want me supersized with some loving on the sideJust ask for what you want cause your the costumerLemme lemme serve you upLemme lemme serve you upSee you can have it your wayYou"re the costumerYou can have me supersized with some lovin on the sideJust ask for what you want cause you"re the one, you"re the costumer[Verse 2:]If you got special needsPicky, you"re hard to pleaseYou"re particular bout what you likeYou"re the costumer, it"s always rightSatisfaction is gauranteedHead to toe girl I"m qualitySee the window"s full of meI got a real love policy[Pre-Chorus][Chorus][Bridge:]I"m gonna whip it upWhip it up nice and slowYou can even call your in orderI"ll deliver to your homeAnd I"ll be there in a matter of secondsAnd there"s more if you want secondsYou can be greedy as you likeMorning, noon and nightAnd I"m open 24/7And cause I like you it"s on meGot a whole lot of sugar and honeyAnd a plate full of ecstacySo make your reservationsAnd make your way to meAnd I"ve got the world for you babyTell me where I need to beLet me serve you upLemme lemme serve you upSee you can have it your wayYou"re the costumerIf you want me supersized with some loving on the sideJust ask for what you want cause your the costumerLemme lemme serve you upLemme lemme serve you upSee you can have it your wayYou"re the costumerYou can have me supersized with some lovin on the sideJust ask for what you want cause you"re the one, you"re the costumer[x2]迫不及待想要实现 I really wanna say
2023-05-30 19:11:151

英语里经常说if they are such,什么意思

2023-05-30 19:11:233

英语短语整理 the pulling 意为伸懒腰吧 3这样的拉动 5不认为这是不够
2023-05-30 19:11:314

anna. was. very. pickty. about. food

楼主应该打错了是不是Anna was very picky about food那此句意思是:安娜对食物十分挑剔(安娜很挑食)
2023-05-30 19:11:384


miss smith"s fish-sauce shop seldom sells shellfish. never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you! nothing is worth thousands of deaths. picky people pick peter pan peanut butter. peter pan peanut is the peanut picky people pick. ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right. she said she should sit. she sells sea shells on the seashore. the seashells she sells are seashells she is sure. shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. silly sheep weep and sleep. six shining cities, six shining cities, six shining cities. six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas. six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards stupid superstition! the batter with the butter is the batter that is better! the great greek grape growers grow great greek grapes. the soldier"s shoulder surely hurts! there those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.
2023-05-30 19:11:441