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2023-05-30 16:42:04
TAG: lan an


2006年推出的水桶包Premiere Flirt系列当年非常火,一度卖到脱销,巴黎的时髦女孩儿都以拥有这这款水桶包为傲。




flirt的翻译是:调情。名词是调情;卖弄风情;轻快地扇动;摆动;浅尝;粗浅涉猎;故意使自己遭受;轻快来回摇晃。惯于调情的人;经常卖弄风骚者。双语例句The need of some individuals to flirt with death。一些人对故意玩儿命的需要。It amused him to flirt with her。和她调情让他感到有趣。After a few years,she may be ready to flirt with new partners。多年之后,她或许已准备好与新伙伴眉来眼去了。So I smile and flirt and he flirts back and it feels good。于是我笑了笑,跟他调情,他也跟我来了个投桃报李,感觉真好。I can"t believe that Dave and Sandra flirt so much in the office。我真的不敢相信戴夫和桑德拉怎么会在办公室打情骂俏!
2023-05-30 11:19:091


flirt [flə:t]vi. 调情;玩弄;轻率地对待;摆动vt. 挥动;忽然弹出n. 急扔;调情的人;卖弄风骚的人
2023-05-30 11:19:361


flirt[英][flɜ:t] [美][flɜ:rt] 生词本简明释义vi.调情,打情骂俏;玩弄;轻率地对待;摆动vt.挥动;忽然弹出n.急投;摆动;调情的人,卖弄风情者;急扔
2023-05-30 11:19:441

infinitive; flirt ;parole ;myth 这英语怎么读?

infinitive 由 in-fi-nit-ive 四个音节组成,倒数第三个音节是重音,可参照音标谐音为“因费内替物”。 flirt 是单音节,字母组合 ir 属于 -r 音节,读作“鹅”,可参照音标谐音为“复勒(儿)特”。parole 是双音节,role 是重音,可参照音标谐音为“泊入欧勒”。myth 是单音节,属于闭音节,元音字母 y 发短元音,可参照音标谐音为“美丝”,不过“丝”要咬着舌尖发音。
2023-05-30 11:19:511


多写多读。flirt英 [flɜːt] 美 [flɝt] vi. 调情;玩弄;轻率地对待;摆动vt. 挥动;忽然弹出n. 急扔;调情的人;卖弄风骚的人
2023-05-30 11:19:591


2023-05-30 11:20:062


flirt 英[flɜ:t]美[flɜ:rt]vi. 调情,打情骂俏; 玩弄; 轻率地对待; 摆动;vt. 挥动; 忽然弹出;n. 急投; 摆动; 调情的人,卖弄风情者; 急扔;[例句]You flirt with him , touching him while talking or making playful comments .你会和他调情,在谈一些有趣的事情时触摸到他。
2023-05-30 11:20:151


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2023-05-30 11:20:343


“调情”这个词现在大家最常见到的是在娱乐八卦的新闻中,当然都是负面报道了,什么某某男星/某某女星夜店和谁谁调情之类的,给这个词赋予了相当多的联想。   Flirt(调情)这个词出现在19世纪中叶,最早使用于中产阶级(Bourgeois)中。当时所谓的“调情”只不过是一种轻颤、一种难以诉诸语言的心灵悸动。后来调情发展为两性之间的一种暧昧游戏,调情的方式也变得多种多样:眉目传情,嫣然一笑,身体靠近,用温柔优美的声音讲话……而献殷勤、纯情爱慕、逢场作戏、打情骂俏或卖弄风情,都是调情的种种化身。   让我们来看看下面表示调情和打情骂俏的例子:   1、flirt 调情   It"s embarrassing when they flirt like that in public. 他们在大庭广众之中那样调情,真让人难堪。   My husband never flirts with other women. 我丈夫从不跟其他女人调情。   2、dally 打情骂俏   Sylvester dallied about Lena until he began to make mistakes in his work. 直到在工作中开始出错,西尔威斯特和莉娜才不调情了。   Yet it does not follow that because the President dallied with Ms. Lewinsky he should have been impeached and tossed out. 总统和莱温斯基发生桃色事件,他本应被弹劾和罢黜,但是事情的发展并不是这样。   3、chat up 多用于表示用甜言蜜语与异性搭讪   The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries. 这些家伙老是好色地搭讪新来的秘书。   Tom always chats Mary up to leave a good impression on her. 汤姆时常用甜言蜜语与玛丽搭讪,为了给她留下一个美好的印象。
2023-05-30 11:20:481


2023-05-30 11:21:084


调情 [tiáo qíng] [词典] flirt; philander; romp; court (a lady); dalliance; [例句]别把她太当真,她只不过是在和你调情罢了。Don"t take her too seriously; she"s only flirting with you.挑逗 [tiǎo dòu] [词典] tease; flirtation; provoke; make out; tantalize; [例句]不要挑逗动物,它会咬你的。Don"t provoke the animal by teasing. It may bite you.
2023-05-30 11:21:151

flirts first,什么意思

flirts first, 全部释义和例句>>调情第一,flirts v. 调情,打情骂俏( flirt的第三人称单数 ); [例句]Does he intend marriage or only flirts with her?他是打算和她结婚还是只想调戏她?[其他] 形近词: flirty
2023-05-30 11:21:211

新概念英语中flirt with fame的解释

词语flirt with fameflirt with disaster是成语,这两个成语借用形容男女之间的调情、耍弄和挑逗的单词 flirt来表示一个人和 fame(名誉)或 disaster (灾祸)的似近似远,暧昧的、不明确的关系。例:People who indulge in dangerous sports like car racing know they are flirting with disaster.我倒觉得把 flirt with fame 译为 沽名钓誉 很不错。
2023-05-30 11:21:301


挥动 wave brandish
2023-05-30 11:21:371


stripper- those girls who strip for a livingflirt- to hang around people from the opposite sex
2023-05-30 11:21:452

嗨歌(女声),歌词:“你让我以为,你对我特别” 什么歌?

yellow fever-vivienne lu
2023-05-30 11:21:537

im just a natural flirt 什么意思

i am just a natural flirt 我只是一个自然的调情flirt 英[flɜ:t] 美[flɜ:rt] vi. 调情,打情骂俏; 玩弄; 轻率地对待; 摆动; vt. 挥动; 忽然弹出; n. 急投; 摆动; 调情的人,卖弄风情者; 急扔; [例句]Dad"s flirting with all the ladies, or they"re all flirting with him, as usual和平常一样,爸爸在和所有的女士调情,或者说所有的女士都在和他调情。[其他] 第三人称单数:flirts 现在分词:flirting 过去式:flirted 过去分词:flirted
2023-05-30 11:22:071

调情的英语怎么写 ??

2023-05-30 11:22:155


dvd"s 磁头
2023-05-30 11:22:302


解决了吗?我们的Flir E75也出现这种情况,同求指教!
2023-05-30 11:22:502


2023-05-30 11:22:583


2023-05-30 11:23:052


2023-05-30 11:23:2312

Is Flirt better than Stipper?这句话什么意思

Is Flirt better than Stipper;调戏比Stipper好吗?句子很简单。A比B好吗?的句型。看开还是Stipper这个词不对。是stripper?不好确定,你看看上下文找依据
2023-05-30 11:23:481

Vivienne Lu-Yellow Fever 的歌词

请对照歌词:Vivienne Lu - Yellow FeverYou are a habitual flirt 得了 Yellow Fever 难道不知道这样我很 hurt.You are a habitual flirt 成天一副很饿 每个美眉都看成dessert.你 你让我以为 你对我特别 原来每个亚洲妹你都 OK. 蓄黑色长发 胸部有C Cup 不上前搭讪你的心会很痒.眼中的 Yellow Fever 偏爱亚洲 lover 你 明明已经有我了 还 打算干什麼?最最受不了你露出 闪亮笑容 和 白白牙齿自以为帅气很贵绅 执手说 " I don"t believe we"ve met?"You are a habitual flirt 得了 Yellow Fever 难道不知道这样我很 hurt.You are a habitual flirt 成天一副很饿 每个美眉都看成dessert.你你让我以为你对我特别原来每个亚洲妹你都OK.看到 Asian girl像被下魔咒眼睛流出金色光芒的电流.你这个爱情惯犯到处伺机犯案.你 自以为是万人迷嘴 像涂了层蜂蜜.Oh oh here it comes 正前方你当地点就锁定目标用你那破烂的中文 对美眉说 "你好美我爱你"You are a habitual flirt 得了 Yellow Fever 难道不知道这样我很 hurt.You are a habitual flirt 成天一副很饿 每个美眉都看成dessert.(instrumental)You are a habitual flirt 成天一副很饿 每个美眉都看成dessert.You are a habitual flirt希望每天超热路上妹妹都穿 mini skirt.You are a habitual flirt再不收敛一点赶你出门 我们 Game Over.You are a habitual flirt再不收敛一点赶你出门 我们 Game Over.
2023-05-30 11:24:461


2023-05-30 11:24:546

“调情” 这个单词用英文怎么写 是不是f l i r t 我只需要知道 是或不是就行了

是flirt flirting with flirting around
2023-05-30 11:25:584


2023-05-30 11:26:061


问题一:泡妞用英语怎么说? date a girl(约会某个女孩) 或者 pursue a girl(追求某个女孩) 问题二:你很会泡妞用英语怎么说 You"re such a ladies" man. lady"s man also ladies" man n. A man who enjoys and attracts the pany of women 问题三:请问泡妞的英文怎么写 chase after/pursue a girl 追女生 pick up a girl 也可以是随意结交女生 woo a girl 追/求爱 flirt with a girl 与女生调情~ 看你的语境如何了~ 正式的chase after/ pursue是可以的 ~ pick up比较随意 flirt就有贬义在里面了~ 问题四:泡妞用英文怎么说 Flirting with girls. 含轻佻的意思 chasing 是追 dating 是约会 问题五:泡妞的泡用英语怎么说啊!!! pursue a girl(追求某个女孩) cheat(新东方老师说) 问题六:今天我和姚岚两个人说,你去泡妞了。 用英文怎么说? Both Yao Lan and I said today that you have gone to flirt with the girls.
2023-05-30 11:26:121


问题一:泡妞用英语怎么说? date a girl(约会某个女孩) 或者 pursue a girl(追求某个女孩) 问题二:泡妞用英文怎么说 Flirting with girls. 含轻佻的意思 chasing 是追 dating 是约会 问题三:请问泡妞的英文怎么写 chase after/pursue a girl 追女生 pick up a girl 也可以是随意结交女生 woo a girl 追/求爱 flirt with a girl 与女生调情~ 看你的语境如何了~ 正式的chase after/ pursue是可以的 ~ pick up比较随意 flirt就有贬义在里面了~ 问题四:你很会泡妞用英语怎么说 You"re such a ladies" man. lady"s man also ladies" man n. A man who enjoys and attracts the pany of women 问题五:泡妞的泡用英语怎么说啊!!! pursue a girl(追求某个女孩) cheat(新东方老师说) 问题六:今天我和姚岚两个人说,你去泡妞了。 用英文怎么说? Both Yao Lan and I said today that you have gone to flirt with the girls.
2023-05-30 11:26:191


《Flirt》(Laurell K. Hamilton)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:u1f8书名:Flirt作者:Laurell K. Hamilton出版社:Berkley Hardcover出版年份:2010-2-2页数:192内容简介:New in the #1 New York Times bestselling seriesWhen Anita Blake meets with prospective client Tony Bennington, who is desperate to have her reanimate his recently deceased wife, she is full of sympathy for his loss. Anita knows something about love, and she knows everything there is to know about loss. But what she also knows, though Tony Bennington seems unwilling to be convinced, is that the thing she can do as a necromancer isn"t the miracle he thinks he needs. The creature that Anita could coerce to step out of the late Mrs. Bennington"s grave would not be the lovely Mrs. Bennington. Not really. And not for long.
2023-05-30 11:26:251


2023-05-30 11:26:453

I M A Flirt (Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:I M A Flirt (Remix)歌手:R. Kelly专辑:Double UpI"m A Flirt (Remix)R.Kelly feat. T.I. & T-PainChorus: R.KellyI"m A, I"m A, I"m A, I"m A FlirtSoon As I See Her Walk Up In The Club (I"m A Flirt)Winkin Her Eyes At Me, When I Roll Up On Them Dubs (I"m A Flirt)Sometimes When I"m With My Chick On The Low (I"m A Flirt)And When She"s Wit Her Man Lookin At Me, Damn Right (I"m A Flirt)So Homie Don"t Bring Your Girl To Meet Me "cause (I"m A Flirt)And Baby Don"t Bring Your Girlfriend To Eat "cause (I"m A Flirt)Please Believe It, Unless Your Game Is Tight And U Trust HerThen Don"t Bring Her Around Me "cause (I"m A Flirt)Verse 1: KellsNow Swear To Tell The TruthAnd The Whole TruthWhen It Comes To Hoes I Be Pimpin Like I Supposed ToRollin LIke I Supposed ToShinin Like I Supposed ToIn The Club, Fuckin Wit Honeys Like I Supposed ToI Don"t Understand When A Nigga Bring His Girlfriend To ClubFreakin All On The Floor Wit His Girlfriend In The ClubAnd Wonder Why All These Playas Tryin To Holla At HerJust Soon As She Go To The Bathroom, Nigga I"m Goin Holla At HerA Dog On The Prowl When I"m Walkin Through The MallIf I Could Man I Probably Would Flirt Wit All Of YallYeah, Yeah Homie U Say She Yo GirlfriendBut When I Step Up To Her I"m Be Like CousinBelieve Me Man, This Is How Them Playas Do It In The ChiAnd Plus We Got Them Playette Flirters In The ChiNow The Moral Of The Story Is Cuff Yo Bitch"cause Hey I"m Black, Handsome, I Sing Plus I"m Rich And (I"m A Flirt)TI Speaking:Hey Homie, If U Ain"t Gettin No MoneyU Better Keep Her Away From Me Ya Dig.Verse 2: TIWell If U Love Ya GirlAnd Wanna Keep Ya GIrlDon"t Be Walkin Up And Askin Me To Meet Ya Girl"cause I"m Well Enough A Flirt When I Speak To GirlShe Winked Her Eyes On The SlideI Seent U GirlBetter Treat Your Girl Right"cause Another Man WillBetter Eat Ya Girl LIke Another Man Will"cause U Leave Your WifeAnd I See Ya WifeThat Be For RealHow Long U Think That"s Finna Be Ya WifeWell I"m Livin The LifeYou Just Gettin It RightYour Old Lady Look At Me"cause U Ain"t Hittin It RightShe Probably Used To Like U"cause U That Business TypeThat"s Until I Came AlongAnd Put Some Dick In Her LifeWanna See How It IsMake Her Thick In Her LifeI Noticed She Was Checkin MeAnd Diggin The IceAnd If I Get That TonightBetter Hit That TwiceI Can Even Make Her MineIf I HIt That RightYou Know Smack That ThangSit That RightUp On That DresserYeah That"s RightPullin On Her HairLike We Gettin In A FightYeah I Know It"s Kinda TightBut It"ll Score Just RightSo If Yo Girl SexyAnd She Test MeDon"t Be Upset G"cause U Might Catch MeTryin To Catch A Glance Up Her SkirtPut My Glan In ReverseThen If I See Her And I Like Her Then I"m A FlirtVerse 3: T-PainWhen I Pull Up To ClubAll The Shawties Be Like (Damn 28"s)Then I Be LIke Girl U Know Just Who I Am (Don"t Hate)Say I Done Fell In Love Wit A Stripper YallAll I Do Is Flirt With Her, And I Get Them DrawsAnd I Don"t Need No Help, I Got It Down PactTeddy Paine Was Born To Flirt Now U Can"t Down ThatNow I"m Flirt With Her Whether I"m In Or Out Of TownThat"s Why They Call Me Teddy Bend Her Ass DownI be likeComo te llama lil mommaMe llama PainWhat Is Yo NameI"m Feelin Yo VibeAnd I"m Hopin U Feel The SameI"m A Wink My Eye And Let U Know I Got The GameWhen I Pass By I Know Exactly What U SayHe"s So FlyAnd He"s So CoolHey Shawty(Hey Shawty)What It DoHe Mad "cause I"m Lookin But I Already Fucked HerI Got These Niggas Mad "cause (I"m A Flirt)ChorusVerse 4: KellsIt"s The RemixNow If U Walk Up In The ClubWit A Bad ChickAnd She Lookin At MeThen I"m Gon HitMan Jackin For ChicksI Tried To QuitBut I"m Playa HomieSo I Had To HitWhile U Buyin Her Drinks (In The Club)Actin Like U (In Love) Stunnin Like U (All Thug)We Was (Switch Numbers)She Lookin At U When I Walk ByU Turn Yo Head, She Wink Her EyeI Can"t Help If She Checkin For A Platinum Type Of GuyShe Be Callin Me Daddy, And I Be Callin Her MommyShe Be Callin U Kelly, When Yo Name Is TommyI Don"t Know What Yall Be ThinkinWhen U Bring Em Round MeLet Me Remind U That I Am The King Of R&BDo U Know What That MeansThat Means If U Love Yo ChickDon"t Bring Her To The VIP"cause I Might Leave Wit Yo ChickJust Keepin It Real (My Nigga)It"s A Playa"s Field (My Nigga)Don"t Take No Chick To The Club When U Just Met Her"cause I"m Flirt Wit Her (Right)He Gon Flirt Wit Her (Right)And If She Lookin Dat Good ShytShe Gon Flirt Wit HerChorus: Til Song Fades
2023-05-30 11:26:521


请问,“占便宜”和“沾光”用英语怎么说?谢谢! 标准翻译:benefit from association with *** . or sth. 虽然有点长! Rain希望帮到你! 占小便宜吃大亏用英语怎么说 占小便宜吃大亏。 If you gain pettey advantages, you"ll suffer a great deal. 请问 如何用英语表达 男生占女生便宜的意思??? 正规一点的说法:This guy is trying to molest me. 其他不那么正规的说法(按严重性顺序): This guy is trying to take advantage on me. This guy is trying to go hanky panky on me. This guy is trying to fool around with me. 够用没? 占……便宜(特指女性)用英语怎么说? 最常用的是: e on to 这是俚语 意思是占女人便宜,性骚扰.英语的解释是:find sexual satisfaction in touching women apart from one"s wife 可以用:take liberties with a woman 来表达 有调戏的意思 类似表达有: make a pass at 意思是调情 故意接近 He enjoys flirting with the girls in the classroom.(有打情骂俏之意) 英语怎么说"吃亏"“占便宜了” Suffered a loss 吃亏 Take profits 占便宜 英语怎么说占便宜没够吃亏难受 个人翻译,勿喷 “吃某人的豆腐”用英语怎么说? profit at others" expense Take advantage of 这些都有一点“利用”的感觉。。。或者直接用flirt“调情”……这样又过了点。。 啊哈!找到个外语网这么说 e on to 轻薄某人,吃某人的豆腐 He kept trying to e on to me all night, until finally I just had to leave. 他整晚都想和我亲近,直到最后我不得不离开。 take 处dvantage of 占便宜,吃豆腐 Men take advantage of women when kissing. 男人在接吻时占女人的便宜。 flirt with 调情 I had not expected that this shameful woman should flirt with her best friend"s hu *** and. 我没料到这个 *** 的女人居然同她好友的丈夫调情。 chat up 搭讪 The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries. 这些家伙老是与新来“的”秘书搭讪。 英文翻译谢谢。他总是爱占小便宜。 He is keen on getting petty advantages.
2023-05-30 11:26:591


问题一:豆腐脑用英文怎么说啊? 1.Bean curd brain 2.Tofu brain 问题二:豆腐花用英语怎么说 是豆花吧?? 那就是Tofu pudding 问题三:豆腐用英语怎么说… 孩子,有道就可以帮你的 bean curd ["bi:nk?:d] toufu Yudofu Dow foo 问题四:豆腐用英语怎么说 tofe 问题五:豆腐的英文怎么说? 单说豆腐的时候:bean curd 放到菜名里面的时候念:Tofu ,比如Mapotufu. 问题六:“吃某人的豆腐”用英语怎么说? profit at others" expense Take advantage of 这些都有一点“利用”的感觉。。。或者直接用flirt“调情”……这样又过了点。。 啊哈!找到个外语网这么说 e on to 轻薄某人,吃某人的豆腐 He kept trying to e on to me all night, until finally I just had to leave. 他整晚都想和我亲近,直到最后我不得不离开。 take 处dvantage of 占便宜,吃豆腐 Men take advantage of women when kissing. 男人在接吻时占女人的便宜。 flirt with 调情 I had not expected that this shameful woman should flirt with her best friend"s hu *** and. 我没料到这个 *** 的女人居然同她好友的丈夫调情。 chat up 搭讪 The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries. 这些家伙老是与新来“的”秘书搭讪。 问题七:"卤水点豆腐"用英语怎么说? 10分 卤水点豆腐 Brine point tofu 卤水点豆腐 Brine point tofu 问题八:豆腐的英文怎么写 bean curd 问题九:豆腐的英文翻译 tofu一般用的 bean culd豆腐、豆腐类、耗油豆腐 问题十:豆腐花用英语怎么说 是豆花吧?? 那就是Tofu pudding
2023-05-30 11:27:051


问题一:豆腐的英文是什么? 豆腐的英文是tofu。 问题二:豆腐用英语怎么说… 孩子,有道就可以帮你的 bean curd ["bi:nk?:d] toufu Yudofu Dow foo 问题三:豆腐的英文怎么说? 单说豆腐的时候:bean curd 放到菜名里面的时候念:Tofu ,比如Mapotufu. 问题四:豆腐的英文 tofu 问题五:豆腐用英语怎么说 tofe 问题六:“吃某人的豆腐”用英语怎么说? profit at others" expense Take advantage of 这些都有一点“利用”的感觉。。。或者直接用flirt“调情”……这样又过了点。。 啊哈!找到个外语网这么说 e on to 轻薄某人,吃某人的豆腐 He kept trying to e on to me all night, until finally I just had to leave. 他整晚都想和我亲近,直到最后我不得不离开。 take 处dvantage of 占便宜,吃豆腐 Men take advantage of women when kissing. 男人在接吻时占女人的便宜。 flirt with 调情 I had not expected that this shameful woman should flirt with her best friend"s hu *** and. 我没料到这个 *** 的女人居然同她好友的丈夫调情。 chat up 搭讪 The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries. 这些家伙老是与新来“的”秘书搭讪。 问题七:豆腐的英文翻译 tofu一般用的 bean culd豆腐、豆腐类、耗油豆腐
2023-05-30 11:27:241


问题一:豆腐用英语怎么说… 孩子,有道就可以帮你的 bean curd ["bi:nk?:d] toufu Yudofu Dow foo 问题二:豆腐的英文是什么? 豆腐的英文是tofu。 问题三:豆腐的英文怎么写 bean curd 问题四:“吃某人的豆腐”用英语怎么说? profit at others" expense Take advantage of 这些都有一点“利用”的感觉。。。或者直接用flirt“调情”……这样又过了点。。 啊哈!找到个外语网这么说 e on to 轻薄某人,吃某人的豆腐 He kept trying to e on to me all night, until finally I just had to leave. 他整晚都想和我亲近,直到最后我不得不离开。 take 处dvantage of 占便宜,吃豆腐 Men take advantage of women when kissing. 男人在接吻时占女人的便宜。 flirt with 调情 I had not expected that this shameful woman should flirt with her best friend"s hu *** and. 我没料到这个 *** 的女人居然同她好友的丈夫调情。 chat up 搭讪 The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries. 这些家伙老是与新来“的”秘书搭讪。 问题五:豆腐用英语怎么说 tofe 问题六:豆腐的英文怎么说? 单说豆腐的时候:bean curd 放到菜名里面的时候念:Tofu ,比如Mapotufu. 问题七:豆腐用英语怎么说 最好能答音标 toufu /t??"fu:/ 豆腐 问题八:"卤水点豆腐"用英语怎么说? 10分 卤水点豆腐 Brine point tofu 卤水点豆腐 Brine point tofu
2023-05-30 11:27:381

嗨歌(女声),一部分歌词:你让我以为,你对我特别 什么歌?

yellow fever-vivienne lu You are a habitual flirt
2023-05-30 11:27:464

the flirt in the skirt怎么理解

the flirt in the skirt裙子上的调情重点词汇flirt 调情 ; 与多人调情的人skirt 女裙 ; 下摆 ; 挡板,裙板 ; 环绕…的四周 ; 位于…的边缘 ; 沿…的边缘走 ;
2023-05-30 11:28:021


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Take profits 占便宜
2023-05-30 11:28:214

To flirt with hot chicks 什么意思

To flirt with hot chicks泡妞
2023-05-30 11:28:302

flirt with fame 什么意思?

2023-05-30 11:28:401


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2023-05-30 11:29:052

F开头的香水,不知道叫什么。不是Ferragamo 佛莱格默

FABIFaconnableFaith HillFCUKFendiFlirt!FlorisFollia di AquaRamaFragonardFragrance of IrelandFrank OliverFrapinFrednHaymanFrederic FekkaiFrederic MalleFresh大概就是这些香水牌子以F开头,希望里面有你要找的牌子
2023-05-30 11:29:132

玫瑰金项链im just anatural furt是什么意思

应该是natural flirt,印刷的误会,小情调
2023-05-30 11:29:292


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2023-05-30 11:29:473