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2023-05-29 21:47:33
TAG: out






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out:英[aʊt],美[aʊt]。out,英文单词,作为形容词时表示外面的,下台的,出局的。另外,out也是现代的一种常用的网络语言,意思为“淘汰”、“出局”或者“落伍”。表示跟不上时代了,你被淘汰了。比如“你out了”,表示“你落伍了”。同近义词:outside,在…外面,向…外面,离开。读音:英 [ˌaʊtˈsaɪd , ˈaʊtsaɪd],美 [ˌaʊtˈsaɪd , ˈaʊtsaɪd]。短语:1、Outside money,外钱,外在货币。2、outside calipers,外卡尺。例句:Cook over a fairly high heat until the outsides are browned. 翻译:用大火烹调至表面焦黄。
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out是一个英语单词,可作形容词、副词、介词、动词。意思有“出局、在外、在外部、完全、使熄灭、揭露”等。 在我们学习英语的过程中,out这个词经常会遇到,这个词让很多刚开始接触英语的人感到很棘手,现在就请跟着我一起来学习这个单词吧。 详细内容 01 out的词性有很多,不同的词性意思不同。它作为副词的意思是“出来、外出”;作为名词的意思是“回避的方法、出路”。 02 作为动词的意思是“公布、揭露”等,造句:She ran out into the corridor.(她跑出来,冲进走廊)。 03 out用作副词最基本的意思是“出,在外”,在此基础上引申出多种意思,并可与许多动词搭配使用,构成习语;在句中可用作状语、表语;与of连用可构成复合介词。 04 用法例句:1.Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy"s aloof sophistication.(露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快)。 05 2、He did not like to be caught out on details. 他不喜欢在细节上被人抓住把柄。
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out,网络流行词,原为“out of time”时间之外,即不合时间也就是落伍,网络中意指“淘汰”或者“落伍”。out的造句如下:A home without love is no more a home than a body without a sound mind is a man没有爱的家不算家,就像没有心志的躯体不算人一样A home without love is no more a home than a body without a sound mind is a man.没有爱得家不算家,就像没有心志得躯体不算人一样A life without a purpose is a ship without s rudder.人生无目的, 犹如船失舵。A jug usually has a spout or a narrow neck, and a handle.细口罐通常都有壶嘴或是细颈及手柄。a fielding and throwing of a baseball in such a way that enables a teammate to put out a runner能使同队伙伴击败另一击球者将垒球掷于地或抛出
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       out作为副词使用的时候意思是:“出现;向外;在室外;出狱;作介词使用的时候意思是:“从里面出去,离开”,作形容词使用的时候意思是:“熄灭的;盛开的;作动词使用的时候意思是:“击倒,击晕。nbsp;     out这个英文单词,相信很多人都清楚大概意思,可是out这个英文单词的多种用法,也许很多人就不是很了解了,下面让我们共同去了解out这个英文单词的多种用法吧。详细内容      01      单词发音:      英[aʊt]美[aʊt] 。      02      carry out完成 ; 实现 ; 贯彻 ; 执行;      try out试验 ; 尝试 ; 实验;      drop out退学 ; 退出 ; 辍学 ; 掉落。      03      work out算出 ; 解决 ; 想出 ; 弄懂;      hold out坚持 ; 维持 ; 伸出 ; 支持;      pass out失去知觉 ; 分发 ; 昏倒 ; 醉到了。      04      Send out发货 ; 发出 ; 放出 ; 发出请柬;      fall out争吵 ; 脱落 ; 闹翻 ; 长胖;      wear out穿破 ; 耗尽 ; 疲乏 ; 磨损。      05      He must either be up or 他一定不是起来了就是出去了。      He warned me not to go out with 他告诫过我不要同她一起出去。      Yes, she knocked me 是的,她把我打倒了。
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2023-05-29 19:07:358

out的用法, 绝对尽快采纳答案, 非常感谢!

E.out of preposition phrase①(outwards from)从…里出来 to go out of the house走出房子 to come out of hospital/prison出院/出狱 to look out of the window向窗外看 I"m out of here!colloquial 我走了! get out of my/the way!让开! ②(removed from)从…里拿出来 to tear a page out of a book从书上撕下一页 to take money out of the bank从银行取钱 ③(obtained from, part of)出自 to drink beer out of the bottle对着瓶口喝啤酒 to pay for [something] out ofone"s savings用积蓄支付某物 what do I get out of it?colloquial 我从中能得到什么? one chapter out of a novel小说中的一章 like something out of a nightmare犹如一场噩梦 ④(beyond limit of)超出 out of reach/sight在手够不到的地方/在视线范围之外 several miles out of London离伦敦几英里远 to live out of town住在城外 ⑤(sheltering from)避开 ‹weather, heat›to come in out of the rain/sun进来躲雨/躲阴凉 ⑥(not in condition of)不在…状态 to be out of control/danger失去控制/脱离危险 it"s out of the question这不可能 to be out of itcolloquial (unconscious)不省人事(muddled)昏头昏脑 to feel/look out of itcolloquial 感到格格不入/看上去像局外人 to grow out of it慢慢放弃习惯 get out (of it)!colloquial 胡说! ⑦(made from)to be made out of [something]由…制成‹wood, metal›a statue made out of bronze青铜雕像⑧(due to)由于 ‹malice, respect›⑨(lacking)缺乏 to be out of work/luck失业/不走运 ⑩(excluded from)to be out of [something]被排除在…之外‹market, organization›⑪(expressing ratio)one out of (every) five students(每)五个学生中的一个意思是:别把我当傻子【to make [something] (out) of [somebody]/[something]使某人/某物成为某种人/某物】
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补充keep out不让。。。进入run out of用完
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out和out of的用法的区别

Out of的基本用法和注意点一、out of的基本用法Ⅰ.表示“在……外”之意:1. The chemical plant is out of town. 该化工厂在城外。2. Our factory is 4 miles out of the city. 我厂离城4英里。(指在城外,离城4英里。)Ⅱ.表示“从……里”、“从……当中”之意:1. We should remove the machine out of the room.我们应该把这台记起从室内搬出去。2. Pump as much air as possible out of the container. 尽可能地把容器内的空气都抽走。3. You many choose one out of them. 你可以从中选择一个。4. This is only one instance out of many.这只不过是许多例子中的一例而已。Ⅲ.表示“接触”、“脱离”、“没有”、“缺乏”之意:1. They have got out of many difficulties.他们已摆脱了许多困难。2. The instrument went out of order.这个仪表发生故障。3. That machine is out of repair.那台机器失修了(或损坏了)。4. Those devices are out of date.那些装置过时了。5. They were often out of spare parts before liberation.解放前他们常缺少备件。6. It is out of comparison.这是无可比拟的。7. A new method was introduced are old one naturally.采用了新方法,旧方法自然就淘汰了。8. Their workshop has run out of oxygen.他们的车间已用完氧气。Ⅳ.表示来源、原因和动机之意:1. He copied something new out of this book.他从这本书里摘抄了些新的内容。2. They helped you out of pity.他们基于同情而帮助了你。3. He went only out of curiosity.他仅仅是由于好奇心才去的。4. He made this table out of an old box.他用一个旧木箱做成了这张桌子。5. We did this out of necessary.我们出于需要做了这件事。Ⅴ.表示“使……不……”和“使……取消……”之意:1. We talked him out of his wrong plan.我们劝说他放弃他的错误计划。2. They argued her out of violating the operating rules.他们说服她别违反操作规程。二、带out of的一些常用词组举例out of balance 不平衡,失去平衡to go out of control 失去控制out of doubt 无疑out of focus 散聚out of gear 混乱,发生故障out of operation 不运转out of fashion 过时,陈旧out of joint 脱节out of step 不同步,不一致out of stock 脱销out of touch 不接触out of practice 荒疏out of work 失业The axle is out of true. 轴的部位不正了三、out of用法的注意点Ⅰ.正确理解“from+out of+名词”的意义:1. We should remove the device from out of the room at once.我们应该立即搬到室外的那个装置。这里,介词短语“out of+名词”又作介词from的宾语。上句原意是:我们应该立即把这个装置从室外搬走。遇到这种“from+out of+名词”的词组,首先把“out of+名词”理解为“……外”,并作为一个整体概念来看待,然后早套上from(从)的意思即行。再如:2. He is from out of town. 他是城外人。先把out of town理解为一个整体概念,即“城外”,然后套上from(从……)含义 ,故全句也可译为:他住在城外。Ⅱ.根据有无其反义词in,into的搭配关系来选择和判断out of的含义。例如:1. This plant is in town.这个工厂在城里。That plant is out of town.那个工厂在城外。2. They are in danger.他们处境危险。He is out of danger.他已脱险。3. This kind machine comes into fashion.这种机器正风行一时。That kind of machine came out of fashion.那种记起不风行了(或“过时了”)。4. We talked him into making these experiments.我们劝说他做这些实验。They talked him out of making these experiments.他们劝说他别做这些实验。注:这种方法只能帮助我们选择out of 在句中的具体意义,而不能认为任何out of用法都有 in,into作其反义词。Ⅲ.注意out of question和out of the question词义差别很大:1. This is out of question an example of an important principle that applies to all machines.(作状语)这毫无疑问是适用于一切机械的一个重要原理的举例。2. In the first instance, increasing the temperature is out of the question.(起形容词作用,作表语)在第一种情况下,提高温度是不可能的。out副词 ad. 1.出外;在外;向外Let"s go out for a walk. 我们出去散散步吧。2.在外;不在家(办公室);在室外All yesterday he was out. 昨天他整天在外。3.离岸;离开城市;离开国家4.(发)出;(借)出;(挑)出;(突)出5.出现;问世;显露His secret got out. 他的秘密泄漏了。6.出声地;大声地The bells rang out. 钟声响起。7.完全;彻底8.去掉The dirty marks will wash out. 污渍可以洗去。9.(用)完;熄灭;(机器)停转He blew out the candle. 他把蜡烛吹灭了。10.无知觉,昏迷The little girl passed out at the sight of the snake. 小女孩一看到那条蛇就昏过去了。11.在野;不在台上12.不流行,不时髦13.完全不可能14.出局;出界形容词 a. [B]1.外的;外侧的;向外的She lives in the out room. 她住在外间。2.离开中心的,偏僻的3.【口】(尺寸等)特大的4.在野的;下台的He is a member of the out party. 他是在野党的一员。介词 prep. 1.【口】通过...而出He jumped out the window. 他从窗口跳了出去。2.沿着...而去I saw him drive out the driveway. 我看到他沿着住宅通向大路的车道开去。名词 n. 1.在野党(人)[P1]That"s a matter of outs versus ins. 那是在野党人与执政党人的对抗。2.借口,托辞3.(棒球等)出局及物动词 vt. 1.揭露(某人)为同性恋者out-前缀 pref. 1.表示"外","超过","出","向外"
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out,out of ,outside有什么区别?

out 副词 一般是指向外 比如 look out 有向外看的意思(当然这个词组还有个小心的意思)out of 后面加名词 表示在...的外面outside 副词 一般是在外 比如 I play outside. 我在外面玩还有 介词 后面加名词 outside his house 在他家外面形容词 外面的 outside tree 户外的树名词 在外面 outside is so hot 外面很热希望能帮助你
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释义:(1)adv. 出;在外;完(2)prep. 向外;在外面(3)v. 出来;暴露;驱逐;熄灭;伸出;公开…的同性恋身份1、读音:英 [aʊt]     美 [aʊt]2、语法:用作副词最基本的意思是“出,在外”,在此基础上引申出多种意思,并可与许多动词搭配使用,构成习语;在句中可用作状语、表语;与of连用可构成复合介词。近义词:away1、读音:英 [ə"weɪ]     美 [ə"weɪ] 2、释义:adv. 离开;远离;在远处;一直;朝另一个方向;消失adj. 不在的;遥远的;[棒]出局的;客场的3、语法:(1)away是表示方位的副词,其基本意思是“离开”。用在动词或短语动词之后表示与“离开”有关的各种不同的意思。可以表示“离开”的状态,也可表示“离开”的动作。(2)除用于动词之后组成短语动词的情况之外, away在句中主要用作状语、表语或补语。偶尔也可用作定语,这时必须前置而不可后置。
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adv(副词).(从…里)出来; 不在家; 不在工作地点; 外出; 出去; 离开(某地)边缘; n(名词).回避的方法; 托词; 出路; 
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out是现代的一种常用的网络语言,意思为“淘汰”或者“落伍”。跟不上时代了,你被淘汰了。引用示例1、你out了=你落伍了。2、跟不上潮流了!3、out是简写,原为“out of time”时间之外,即不合时间也就是落伍。4、外面的。5、你out了=你淘汰了。扩展资料out,英文单词,副词、介词、形容词、动词、名词,1、作副词时意为“出现;向外;在室外;出狱;遥远地;出海;退潮;指离球门线或终点线的距离;在公共娱乐场所;公开;出声地;殆尽;直至完成;完全;熄灭;除去;出局”,2、作介词时意为“从……里面出去,离开”,3、作形容词时意为“熄灭的;盛开的;面市的;出局的;不能被接受的;过时的;不准确的;打算做……的;被公开的”,4、作动词时意为“击倒,击晕;揭露(某人)是同性恋;熄灭;驱逐;拒绝;解除”,5、作名词时意为“出路,脱身办法;(棒球)使球员出局的办法;在野党”。双语例句He must either be up or out.他一定不是起来了就是出去了。He warned me not to go out with her.他告诫过我不要同她一起出去。Yes, she knocked me out.是的,她把我打倒了。
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out读英[at],美 [at]。out,英文单词,副词、介词、形容词、动词、名词,作副词时意为“出现;向外;在室外;出狱;遥远地;出海;退潮;指离球门线或终点线的距离;在公共娱乐场所;公开;出声地;殆尽;直至完成;完全;熄灭;除去;出局”,作介词时意为“从……里面出去,离开”。作形容词时意为“熄灭的;盛开的;面市的;出局的;不能被接受的;过时的;不准确的;打算做……的;被公开的”,作动词时意为“击倒,击晕;揭露(某人)是同性恋;熄灭;驱逐;拒绝;解除”,作名词时意为“出路,脱身办法;(棒球)使球员出局的办法;在野党”。例句:1、These animals only come out at night. 这些动物只在夜晚出来。2、If you"ve got something to say, spit it out! 有什么话,你尽管说出来!3、I need to have it out with her once and for all. 我有必要跟她公开彻底地把话说清楚。
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译文:出现;向外。英 [aʊt]释义:adv 出现;向外;在室外;出狱;遥远地;出海;退潮;指离球门线或终点线的距离;在公共娱乐场所;公开;出声地;殆尽;直至完成;完全;熄灭;除去;出局prep 从……里面出去,离开adj 熄灭的;盛开的;面市的;出局的;不能被接受的;过时的;不准确的;打算做……的;被公开的v 击倒,击晕;揭露(某人)是同性恋;熄灭;驱逐;拒绝;解除n 出路,脱身办法;(棒球)使球员出局的办法;在野党短语:out of date 过时的 ; 过期的 ; 不用的 ; 陈旧的扩展资料:词语辨析:out of, outside1、这两个介词都可表示“在……外面”。outside仅表示“在某一位置或处所之外”; out of往往强调由于外向的动作而产生的结果或者在某一区域或范围之外。2、这两个介词还均可表示动作的方向, outside往往表示超出某一地域、范围或限度的运动; out of则指由内向外的运动。
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  out,英文单词,作为形容词时表示外面的,下台的,出局的。另外,out也是现代的一种常用的网络语言,意思为“淘汰”、“出局”或者“落伍”。表示跟不上时代了,你被淘汰了。比如“你out了”,表示“你落伍了”。    英文单词   out,英文单词,副词、介词、形容词、动词、名词,作副词时意为“出现;向外;在室外;出狱;遥远地;出海;退潮;指离球门线或终点线的距离;在公共娱乐场所;公开;出声地;殆尽;直至完成;完全;熄灭;除去;出局”,作介词时意为“从……里面出去,离开”,作形容词时意为“熄灭的;盛开的;出局的;不能被接受的;过时的;不准确的;打算做……的;被公开的”,作动词时意为“击倒,击晕;揭露(某人)是同性恋;熄灭;驱逐;拒绝;解除”,作名词时意为“出路,脱身办法;(棒球)使球员出局的办法;在野党”。    举例   1、He must either be up or out.   他一定不是起来了就是出去了。   2、He warned me not to go out with her.   他告诫过我不要同她一起出去。   3、Yes, she knocked me out.   是的,她把我打倒了。    网络用语   out是现代的一种常用的网络语言,意思为“淘汰”或者“落伍”。跟不上时代了,你被淘汰了。out是简写,原为“out of time”,意思是时间之外,即不合时间,也就是落伍。
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1、out,英文单词,副词、介词、形容词、动词、名词,作副词时意为“出现;向外;在室外;出狱;遥远地;出海;退潮;指离球门线或终点线的距离;在公共娱乐场所;公开;出声地;殆尽;直至完成;完全;熄灭;除去;出局”,作介词时意为“从??里面出去,离开”,作形容词时意为“熄灭的;盛开的;面市的;出局的;不能被接受的;过时的;不准确的;打算做??的;被公开的”,作动词时意为“击倒,击晕;揭露(某人)是同性恋;熄灭;驱逐;拒绝;解除”,作名词时意为“出路,脱身办法;(棒球)使球员出局的办法;在野党”。2、双语例句:He must either be up or out.他一定不是起来了就是出去了。
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out的读音是:英[a?t]。out的读音是:英[a?t]。out的意思是adv.出;在外;完;prep.向外;在外面;v.出来;暴露;驱逐;熄灭;伸出;公开…的同性恋身份。out过去式:outed;过去分词:outed;现在分词:outing;第三人称单数:outs。一、详尽释义点此查看out的详细内容adv.(副词)出,出外,向外在外,在室外,不在家离开正常位置(或状态等)彻底,完全大声地,出声地离岸,向公海出现,显露,问世熄灭【棒球】出局无知觉,昏迷着;熟睡着出界在罢工中处于在野(非执政)状态(花)盛开着prep.(介词)沿着...而去通过...而出,从...出,向外除掉,清除用…制作离开因为,出于v.(动词)逐出,赶出,驱逐【拳击】打倒,击昏【体】使退场,使出局伸出败露,破露,显露,暴露把(火)弄熄揭发出(某人)为同性恋者,使(同性恋者)曝光,揭露,公布(同性恋者)击败成为人所共知表示使某物从集体中单独出来adj.(形容词)在野的,下台的,不执政的特大的,特号的外面的,外头的,外围的,外侧的,外的离开中心的,偏僻的远的向外(去)的不平常的过时的,落伍的不在家的,不在办公室的,缺席的(棒球、垒球等中)出局的(球赛等)出界的,界外的错误的,不精确的生疏的,不熟练的没有的,缺乏的(经济上)损失的(花)盛开的;(植物)开花的;(雏鸡等)孵出的int.(感叹词)表示"愤慨""谴责"等,滚,走开报文完,不必回话n.(名词)外部,外头,外观【棒球】出局失去了地位的人,在野党远足,郊游;外出【运】守方【印】漏排缺点,弱点借口,藉口,托辞;逃脱的手段二、双解释义adv.(副词)离开某地,不在里面 away from or not inside a place不在家,不在工作地点; (书等)已借出 not at home or at a place of work; not in the library远离(陆地、祖国、城镇等) indicating distance away from land, one"s country, a town, etc.显露,暴露; 问世 so as to be clearly seen, shown, understood, etc.过时,不再流行 no longer fashionable大声地,出声地 in a loud voice; aloud到尽头,全部,彻底 to the end; completely无知觉 unconscious(火或灯)熄灭 (of a fire or light)no longer burning下台,在野 no longer in a position of power三、词典解释副词用法(ADVERB USES)Out is often used with verbs of movement, such as ‘walk" and ‘pull", and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘give out" and ‘run out".out 常与walk, pull等动作动词连用,亦用于 give out, run out 等短语动词中。1.(拿)出;(取)出When something is in a particular place and you take itout, you remove it from that place.e.g. Carefully pullout the centre pages...小心翼翼地抽出中间的几页。e.g. He tookout his notebook and flipped the pages...他掏出笔记本,飞快地翻着。2.在外;在室外You can useout to indicate that you are talking about the situation outside, rather than inside buildings.e.g. It"s hotout — very hot, very humid.外面很热——非常炎热而且非常潮湿。3.不在家;不在工作地点If you areout, you are not at home or not at your usual place of work.e.g. I tried to get in touch with you yesterday evening, but I think you wereout...我昨晚想要和你联系,但好像你不在家里。e.g. She had to goout.她得出趟门。4.在他处;(通常指)在远处If you say that someone isout in a particular place, you mean that they are in a different place, usually one far away.e.g. The police tell me they"ve finished their investigationsout there...警方告诉我他们已完成了在那儿的调查工作。e.g. Rosie"s husband was nowout East.罗茜的丈夫现在远在东部。5.(海水或潮水)离岸When the sea or tide goesout, the sea moves away from the shore.e.g. The tide wasout and they walked among the rock pools.潮水已经退去,他们走过岩石区的潮水潭。6.缺少,不足,损失(某一数量的钱)If you areout a particular amount of money, you have that amount less than you should or than you did.e.g. Me and my friends areout ten thousand dollars, with nothing to show for it!我和朋友亏了1万美金,还一无所得!形容词和副词用法(ADJECTIVE AND ADVERB USES)1.(灯、火)熄灭的If a light or fire isout or goesout, it is no longer shining or burning.out的翻译e.g. All the lights wereout in the house...屋里的灯全都灭了。e.g. Several of the lights wentout, one after another.其中几盏灯一个接一个地熄灭了。2.(花)盛开的,吐蕊的If flowers areout, their petals have opened.e.g. Well, the daffodils areout in the gardens and they"re always a beautiful show.哎呀,花园里的黄水仙开了,它们永远都是一道亮丽的风景。3.面世;问世;发行If something such as a book or CD isout, it is available for people to buy.out在线翻译e.g. ...cover versions of 40 British Number Ones —out now.40首英国头榜歌曲的翻唱版现在上市4.罢工的If workers areout, they are on strike.e.g. We"ve beenout for two and a half months and we"re not going back until we get what we"re asking for.我们已经罢工两个半月了,除非要求得到满足,否则我们不会复工。5.无法参赛的;淘汰的In a game or sport, if someone isout, they can no longer take part either because they are unable to or because they have been defeated.out的解释6.(棒球比赛中选手)出局的In baseball, a player isout if they do not reach a base safely. When three players in a team are out in an inning, then the team isout.out在线翻译7.(提议或建议)不能接受的,不值得考虑的If you say that a proposal or suggestion isout, you mean that it is unacceptable.e.g. That"s rightout, I"m afraid.那恐怕根本行不通。8.不时髦的;不流行的;过时的If you say that a particular thing isout, you mean that it is no longer fashionable at the present time.e.g. Romance is making a comeback. Reality isout.浪漫主义正重新流行起来,而现实主义过时了。9.(计算或测量)不准确的,错误的If you say that a calculation or measurement isout, you mean that it is incorrect.e.g. When the two ends of the tunnel met in the middle they were only a few inchesout.隧道两端在中间相接时,仅有几英寸的误差。10.打算的;试图的If someone isout to do something, they intend to do it.e.g. Most companies these days are justout to make a quick profit.如今,大多数公司只想能迅速获利。动词用法(VERB USE)1.公开揭露(公众人物、名人等)的同性恋身份If a group of peopleout a public figure or famous person, they reveal that person"s homosexuality against their wishes.e.g. The New York gay action group "Queer Nation" recently outed an American Congressman.纽约的同性恋行动组织“酷儿国度”最近揭露一位美国国会议员为同性恋。outingThe gay and lesbian rights group, Stonewall, sees outing as completely unhelpful.男女同性恋权益组织“石墙”认为公开揭露同性恋者身份毫无益处。介词用法(PREPOSITION USES)Out of is used with verbs of movement, such as ‘walk" and ‘pull", and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘do out of" and ‘grow out of". In American English and informal British English,out is often used instead ofout of.out of 与 walk, pull 等动作动词连用,亦用于 do out of , grow out of 等短语动词中。在美国英语和非正式的英国英语中,out 常用于代替 out of。1.从(某处)离开If you goout of a place, you leave it.e.g. She let himout of the house.她让他出了屋子。2.从…里面(拿、取)出来If you take somethingout of the container or place where it has been, you remove it so that it is no longer there.e.g. I always took my keyout of my bag and put it in my pocket.我总是将钥匙从包里取出来放进口袋。3.向(窗)外If you look or shoutout of a window, you look or shout away from the room where you are towards the outside.e.g. He went on staringout of the window...他继续凝视着窗外。e.g. He lookedout the window at the car on the street below.他望着窗下街头的那辆汽车。4.避开,未暴露于(太阳、雨或风)If you areout of the sun, the rain, or the wind, you are sheltered from it.e.g. People can keepout of the sun to avoid skin cancer.人们可以通过避免阳光照射来预防皮肤癌。5.摆脱,脱离(尤指令人不快的事)If someone or something getsout of a situation, especially an unpleasant one, they are then no longer in it. If they keepout of it, they do not start being in it.e.g. In the past army troops have relied heavily on air support to get themout of trouble...过去,陆军部队在很大程度上依赖空中支援来摆脱困境。e.g. The economy is starting to climbout of recession...经济开始走出衰退。6.离开(机构)You can useout of to say that someone leaves an institution.e.g. You comeout of university and find there are no jobs available...从大学毕业后却找不到工作。e.g. Doctors should be able to decide who they can safely letout of hospital early.医生应该有权决定谁可以安全地提早出院。7.在…之外;超过…界限If you areout of range of something, you are beyond the limits of that range.e.g. Shaun was in the bedroom,out of earshot, watching television...肖恩在卧室里看电视,听不见。e.g. He turned to look back, but by then she wasout of sight.他转头看去,但那时她已经不见了。8.出于;由于You useout of to say what feeling or reason causes someone to do something. For example, if you do somethingout of pity, you do it because you pity someone.e.g. He took up officeout of a sense of duty...他就任公职是出于一种责任感。e.g. Some people have leftout of embarrassment at what"s happened to them.一些人已经由于为发生在自己身上的事感到难堪而离开了。9.(通常指在对方不情愿的情况下)从(某人)身上(获得信息或工作成果)If you get something such as information or workout of someone, you manage to make them give it to you, usually when they are unwilling to give it.e.g. "Where is she being held prisoner?" I asked. "Did you get itout of him?"...“她被囚禁在什么地方?”我问道,“你从他口里套出来没有?”e.g. We knew we could get better workout of them.我们知道他们可以做得更漂亮。10.由…(引起);从…中(得到)If you get pleasure or an advantageout of something, you get it as a result of being involved with that thing or making use of it.e.g. We all had a lot of funout of him...他给我们带来很多快乐。e.g. To get the mostout of your money, you have to invest.要想把钱的收益最大化,就必须投资。11.缺乏;没有If you areout of something, you no longer have any of it.out的翻译e.g. I can"t find the sugar — and we"reout of milk.我找不到糖——而且我们也没牛奶了。12.用…(制成);由…(建成)If something is madeout of a particular material, it consists of that material because it has been formed or constructed from it.out的意思e.g. Would you advise people to make a buildingout of wood or stone?你会建议人们用木材还是石头建房子呢?13.(表示比例)每…中You useout of to indicate what proportion of a group of things something is true of. For example, if something is true of oneout of five things, it is true of one fifth of all things of that kind.e.g. Twoout of five thought the business would be sold privately on their retirement or death...五个人之中有两个认为公司会在他们退休或去世时被私下卖掉。e.g. In 99 casesout of a hundred this will be done more effectively by the army.这件事让军队来做十之八九会更有效。四、例句His book came out last month.他的书上个月出版了。He took out a book from the case.他从箱子里拿出一本书。Students may not stay out after midnight.学生午夜后不得在外逗留。I went out into the cold and got a chill.我走到户外的冷空气里打了个寒颤。The fire has gone out.火已熄灭。The fuel was rapidly running out.燃料很快就要用完了。They heard a yap and ran out of the house.他们听见了一声狂吠就跑出了屋外。He stared vacantly out of the window.他茫然若失地从窗子往外看。
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out,网络流行词,原为“out of time”时间之外,即不合时间也就是落伍,网络中意指“淘汰”或者“落伍”。out的造句如下:A home without love is no more a home than a body without a sound mind is a man没有爱的家不算家,就像没有心志的躯体不算人一样A home without love is no more a home than a body without a sound mind is a man.没有爱得家不算家,就像没有心志得躯体不算人一样A life without a purpose is a ship without s rudder.人生无目的, 犹如船失舵。A jug usually has a spout or a narrow neck, and a handle.细口罐通常都有壶嘴或是细颈及手柄。a fielding and throwing of a baseball in such a way that enables a teammate to put out a runner能使同队伙伴击败另一击球者将垒球掷于地或抛出
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out怎么读 out的意思

1、out,英[aʊt],美[aʊt]。 2、out,英文单词,副词、介词、形容词、动词、名词。 3、作副词时意为“出现;向外;在室外;出狱;遥远地;出海;退潮;指离球门线或终点线的距离;在公共娱乐场所;公开;出声地;殆尽;直至完成;完全;熄灭;除去;出局”。 4、作介词时意为“从……里面出去,离开”,作形容词时意为“熄灭的;盛开的;面市的;出局的;不能被接受的;过时的;不准确的;打算做……的;被公开的”。 5、作动词时意为“击倒,击晕;揭露(某人)是同性恋;熄灭;驱逐;拒绝;解除”。 6、作名词时意为“出路,脱身办法;(棒球)使球员出局的办法;在野党”。
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out的意思adv. 出局,在外,在外部,完全,彻底,出版prep. (表示来源)从,(从…里)出来,(表示不在原状态)脱离,离去vt. 使熄灭,揭露,驱逐adj. 外面的,出局的,下台的,外围的n. 不流行,出局变形:过去式: outed; 现在分词:outing; 过去分词:outed;out用法out可以用作副词out用作副词最基本的意思是“出,在外”,在此基础上引申出多种意思,并可与许多动词搭配使用,构成习语; 在句中可用作状语、表语; 与of连用可构成复合介词。out用作副词的用法例句His book came out last month.他的书上个月出版了。He took out a book from the case.他从箱子里拿出一本书。Students may not stay out after midnight.学生午夜后不得在外逗留。out用法例句1、Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy"s aloof sophistication.露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快。2、He did not like to be caught out on details.他不喜欢在细节上被人抓住把柄。3、Don"t worry. We"ll have you out of here double-quick.别担心,我们会很快把你从这儿弄出去的。
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adv.(日、月、星辰)出现, 未被云遮住;(从…里)出来;出, 向外;在外, 在室外, 不在家, 不在办公室;离开(某地)边缘, 远离(某地或陆地);在退潮期, 退潮;公开, 发行;大声地;殆尽, 至灭绝;迄今为止, 存在着;完全地, 彻底地;熄灭;除掉, 清除;出局;(表示来源)从, 用…制作;没有, 缺少 ;脱离, 离开;因为, 出于;从(某个数目或集)中;不在图书馆, 已借出;出界;在罢工中;<非正式>已公开同性恋身份adj.不在家的, 缺席的;(灯等)熄灭的;(花)盛开的;出局的, 界外的;不可能的, 不能接受的, 不值得考虑的;不允许的, 不准的;不时髦的, 过时的;错误的, 不准确的;不执政的, 在野的;损失的, 亏蚀的;罢工的;昏迷的;<美口>公开同性恋身份的n.在野派, 在野者;<主美>脱身之计, 出路;回避的方法;没有地位的人, 无权的人;瑕疵, 缺点;外面, 外部;<英>付出款(尤指税款);出局;界外球v.驱逐, 赶出;使熄灭;<英俚>(拳击中)击倒, 击昏;<口>揭露(名人等)的同性恋身份;使(击球员)出局, 淘汰;打球出界prep.从…里面;从…中出来;<口>沿着…的路线int.走开, 滚蛋 ;通话完毕;<古>(表示愤怒、斥责、厌恶等)呸,可耻
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汉语读音:奥特,意思是出,比如出去get out,输出output.
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out可以用作副词。 out用作副词最基本的意思是“出,在外”,在此基础上引申出多种意思,并可与许多动词搭配使用,构成习语; 在句中可用作状语、表语; 与of连用可构成复合介词。 例句: Lets get out of here. 我们离开这里吧。 Im frozen out here. 我在这儿要冻僵了。 扩展资料   Protesters turned out in force。   有很多抗议者出席。   I copied out several poems。   我抄录了几首诗歌。   She stretched her arms out。   她伸开了双臂。
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out的短语有get out of、point out等。get out of逃避, 摆脱;出去。carry out完成;执行;开展;进行;履行。point out指出。out of control失控。send out发出;寄出;送出。adv.离开;出;显露;向外;遥远的;远离的;不在家;在外面;公开;殆尽;到头;熄灭;出局。prep.出来(同out of)。adj.不在家的;不在工作单位的;揭示了的;向外界公开的;熄灭的;结束的;终了的;不可能的;不值得考虑的;昏迷的;失去知觉的;错误的;界外的;出局的;盛开的;开的。n.出路;脱身办法;使球员出局的招数;在野派;在野党。v.击倒;击昏;公开的同性恋身份;熄灭;驱逐;赶出;拒绝;解除。双语例句:1、About 1,500 runners are expected to sweat it out in this year"s run.预计大约会有1,500名赛跑者将在今年的比赛中艰苦拼搏。2、We must raise the level of research and weed out the poorest work.我们必须提高研究水平,把质量最差的工作剔除。3、If called out at the weekend they are paid time and a half.如果周末被叫去加班,他们会得到一倍半的报酬。4、No one had been there for months — everything was out of trim.有好几个月没人去过那里了—— 一切都是乱糟糟的。5、He was too restless to sleep, so he went out for a walk.他心绪不定,难以入睡,所以出去散步。
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1、简单释义:输出;输出端;出局;在...之外 。2、读音:[aut] 3、OUT的不同词性以及具体释义:①adv. 出现;在外;出局;出声地;不流行地。②adj. 外面的;出局的;下台的③n. 出局④prep. 向;离去⑤vi. 出来;暴露⑥vt. 使熄灭;驱逐扩展资料:与“out”有关的短语及例句:1、break out (战争等)爆发;使逃脱,使逃走。He was 29 when war broke out.战争爆发时,他29岁。2、bring out 使……显示出来。Surround yourself with people who love and respect you. Choose to be with the people whobring out the best in you. 和那些爱你尊重你的人在一起,选择那些可以让你最好一面展示出来的人在一起。3、carry out 执行,贯彻;进行(到底)You must carry out my orders. 你必须执行我的命令。4、check out 结帐后离开,办妥手续离开They packed and checked out of the hotel.他们收拾好行李退了旅馆的房。5、come out 出版,发表;显现,出现;结果是The book comes out this week.该书将于本周上市。
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1.副词 ad.出外;在外;向外 Lets go out for a walk. 我们出去散散步吧。 2.在外;不在家(办公室);在室外 All yesterday he was out. 昨天他整天在外。 3.离岸;离开城市;离开国家 4.(发)出;(借)出;(挑)出;(突)出 扩展资料   用作介词:be out for sth/to do sth/to be trying to get or do sth试图得到(或做)   I"m not out for revenge.   我不是来寻报复的。   She"s out for what she can get (= trying to get something for herself) .   她力图得到自己能得的。   The company is out to capture the Canadian market.   这家公司竭尽全力抢滩加拿大市场。   用作名词:the ins and outs (of sth)   (尤指复杂或难的)全部细节,详情   all the details, especially the complicated or difficult ones   the ins and outs of the problem   问题的`来龙去脉   He quickly learned the ins and outs of the job.   他很快就掌握了工作的全部诀窍。
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电器中OUT是OUTPUT的缩写,是输出或输出端的意思,对应的是INPUT,有时也缩写为IN,是输入或输入端的意思。 英文中out的意思是:(从…里)出来;不在家;外出。 网络语言意思为“淘汰”、“出局”或者“落伍”,跟不上时代了,被淘汰了。 扩展资料   out   adv./prep.(从…里)出来;不在家;不在工作地点;外出;出去;离开(某地)边缘   n.回避的方法;托词;出路   v.揭露,公布(同性恋者)   第三人称单数: outs复数: outs现在分词: outing过去式: outed过去分词: outed   例句:   Two players are out of the team because of injury.   两名队员因伤退出了比赛。   She pointed out the salient features of the new design.   她指出新设计的几个显著特征。   You should look out for yourself from now on.   从现在起你应该多为自己着想。   No one could have foreseen things would turn out this way.   谁都没有预料到事情的结果会这样。
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外边 向外 出局
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break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生,爆发out of breath 上气不接下气find out 发现give out 分发go out 出去make out 理解,明白point out 指出run out 用完sell out 卖完send out 发出set out 动身,出发;开始,着手take out 取出,拿出turn out 证明是,结果是work out 算出;解决find out 查明,发现,了解give out 分发hand out 分发help out 帮助解决困难let out 放出,泄露。pick out 选出point out 指出send out 发出,派遣sell out 卖完set out 出发,开始try out 试验work out 算出,解决out of work 失业out of breath 上气不接下气
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流行意 落伍
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cut out 删掉,割去; drop out 退学,退出; fall out 脱落;争吵,闹翻; figure out 计算出;估计; find out 查明;找到;发现; give out 分发;发出(气味等); go out 熄灭;外出 扩展资料   break out (战争等)爆发;使逃脱,使逃走   bring out 使……显示出来;出版   carry out 执行,贯彻;进行(到底)   check out 结帐后离开,办妥手续离开   come out 出版,发表;显现,出现;结果是   hand out 分发,散发   die out 消失,灭绝   lay out 布置,安排,设计;摆出,展开   leave out 忽略,遗漏;省略   let out 放掉(水等),发出   look out 留神,注意   make out 写出,开列;看出,辨认出   pick out 选出;辨认出,分辨出   point out 指出,指明   pull out 拔出,抽出;(车、船等)驶出   put out 熄灭;关(灯);公布,出版   run out (of) 用完,耗尽   set out 动身,起程;开始   stand out 引人注目;杰出,出色   try out 试用,试验   turn out 关掉(收音机等);生产,制造;驱逐;结果是   wear out 穿破,用坏;(使)疲乏,(使)耗尽   wipe out 彻底摧毁,消灭   work out 算出;想出,制定出   out of 在……外;离开……,缺乏   out of breath 喘不过气来   out of control 失去控制   out of date 过时的,不用的   out of order 出障碍;秩序混乱   out of place 不再适当的位置;不相称的,格格不入的   out of practice 久不练习,荒疏   out of sight 看不见,在视野之外   out of the question 毫无可能   out of question (现在少用)无疑地
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