barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-29 17:37:19




1.The television announcer read the news calmly;电视播音员平静地念了这则新闻。

2.Cliche is a feature of bad journalism;使用套语是拙劣的新闻体的特点。

3.The news was flashed to Washington and then to New York;这消息被火速发往华盛顿,然后发往纽约。











cliche的意思:陈词滥调。基本释义:n.陈词滥调,adj.陈腐的。陈腐的其他单词:1、mouldy:adj.发霉的;陈腐的;过时的;乏味的;令人沮丧的。2、stale:adj.不新鲜的;走味的;变硬的;发霉的;干的;陈旧的;不再有趣的;不再有激情的;疲软的;失去创造力的。3、fusty:adj.发霉味的;守旧的;过时的。4、hackneyed:adj.陈腐的;老一套的。5、mossy:adj.布满苔藓的;苔藓状的;老派的;极端保守的。6、trite:adj.陈腐的;老一套的;缺乏新意的。双语例句:1、It"s become cliche to mock Fox News as Trump TV or state propaganda.把《福克斯新闻》戏称为特朗普的电视台或是特朗普政府的官方宣传工具早就不新鲜了。2、I don"t like Valentine"s Day - it has become too cliche and commercial.我不喜欢情人节-它已经变得太老土、太商业化了。3、Ryan: This might sound cliche, but Prasara Yoga really is for anyone.说起来似乎有点陈词滥调,但是,每个人都可以训练Prasara 瑜伽。4、It may sound cliche when someone tells you learning new skills is important. But it"s true.虽然“学习很重要”听起来是陈词滥调,但它的确是事实。5、Anyways, as cliche as this sounds, it does seem to be a real phenomenon.不管怎么说,尽管这听起来很老套,但却似乎是个真实存在的现象。
2023-05-29 13:37:371


cliche :(法语)本意是指“电铸版,铅版”,引申为“ 陈词滥调,陈腐思想; 陈腐的”铅版cliche 来自于法语,可以写做 cliché,是名词,指某个词语或者表达被过度使用后已经失去了本来的意思。可译做老生常谈或者陈词滥调。因为中文的“俗”也有此.你好!clicle 是陈词滥调的意思 属于名词cliche love song 的意思就是 陈词滥调的情歌cliche上e加一撇cliche这个单词来源于法语,与法语单词书写相同,一撇是法语中的闭音符,出现在字母e上,比如:café。从诺曼征服开始,大量的法语就涌入英语词汇中,而且法语一般为贵族使用。很多英语词汇都来源于法语,有的保留了法语的书写和发音,有的做了改变。
2023-05-29 13:38:061


cliche是法语里借来的词,法语写作cliché。陈词滥调的意思。参考“英文中的法语词”如果说构词法,应该是loan word.
2023-05-29 13:38:271


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2023-05-29 13:38:561

看美剧听到一个词,翻译是“平凡”,不知道怎么拼写,发音很像“cliciate ” 求是什么单词

2023-05-29 13:39:045

Bobby Robinson的《Cliche》 歌词

歌名:Cliche作词:Christina Grimmie歌手:Bobby RobinsonI believed in all your candy hearts, babyYou said our castle in the sky would never fall apartBaby I thought that you could never do wrongYou talk like you"re straight out of a love songI don"t buy a word that you say"Cause your love is cliche"Cause your love is clicheYou said yout life would suck without meYou used to say my name so proudlySaid I was the only girl in the whole worldAnd every other girl they got nothing on meSo stereoSo stereoHey!Such stereotypical linesSo typicalSo typicalHey!So predictable I know it"s a lieI believed in all your candy hearts, babyYou said our castle in the sky would never fall apartBaby I thought that you could never do wrongYou talk like you"re straight out of a love songI don"t buy a word that you say"Cause your love is cliche"Cause your love is clicheYou said as long as I love you I"d never be aloneYou used to whisper sweet nothing through a payphoneSaid if I listen close I can hear that bass goI can hear that heartbeat boom like a stereoSo stereoSo stereoHey!Such stereotypical linesSo typicalSo typicalHey!So predictable I know it"s a lieI believed in all your candy hearts, babyYou said our castle in the sky would never fall apartBaby I thought that you could never do wrongYou talk like you"re straight out of a love songI don"t buy a word that you say"Cause your love is cliche"Cause your love is clicheI believed in all your candy hearts, babyYou said our castle in the sky would never fall apartBaby I thought that you could never do wrongYou talk like you"re straight out of a love songI don"t buy a word that you say"Cause your love is cliche
2023-05-29 13:39:161


2023-05-29 13:39:255

Telex的《Cliché》 歌词

歌曲名:Cliché歌手:Telex专辑:Ultimate Best OfPaper AeroplanesThe Day We Ran Into the SeaOnce upon a timeAll your thoughts were the same as mineWe were good as gold together and the stars would alineBut lightening might never strike twiceAnd sparks might never flyBut it"s a cliche and that"s all i haveTry to get over you but I can"tCliche not anything moreBut that"s what I loved you forAnd though the songs have been sung beforeI sing alongTo everyoneIn those autumn dayWe"s hide away in the same cafesWatching the colours burn and simmer and get blown awayBut rain pours down over this townAnd life gets in the way.But it"s a cliche and that"s all i haveTry to get over you but I can"tCliche not anything moreBut that"s what I loved you forAnd though the songs have been sung beforeI still long for youMy first tatooMy right and wrongYou are my favourite songCoz lightening might never strike twiceAnd sparks might never flyBut rain pours down over this townAnd life just passes byAnd it"s a cliche but that"s all i amTry to get over you but I can"tCliche not anything moreBut that"s what I loved you forAnd it"s a cliche but that"s all i amTry to get over you but I can"tCliche not anything moreBut that"s what I loved you forAnd though the songs have been sung beforeI sing alongTo everyone
2023-05-29 13:39:511


说的是 cliche 吗?表示所谓“套话”的
2023-05-29 13:40:015


每一种语言都有一些成语警句心灵鸡汤常用语,深入民心而植根于民间。不过,有些句子被滥用过度以后,便蜕化成“老生常谈”(cliche)了,如:One in a million: 万里挑一(另一种意思则是:一百万人中的一员) 如何盘活这些老生常谈呢?请看例句: My wife, she told me I was one in a million. I found out that she was right. 我老婆说一百万人里才有一个我。我发现她说得对极了! 另一个老生常谈是“the one”(独一无二的那一位)。可以利用“one”的意思来做文章:I was lucky I married “the one.” On a scale of one to ten, he was the one. 我很幸运与“那一位”结了婚。从一到十范围内,他是那“一”位。再看下面这一句:I slept like a log last night. I woke up in the fireplace. 昨晚我熟睡得像根木头。醒来时我是在壁炉里的! Sleep like a log是一个老生常谈,指熟睡不醒。句子巧妙地还原了log的原意(木头),想像壁炉里的木头怎么睡觉的?肯定是在壁炉里面嘛!哇!光阴似箭!该下班啦!How time flies like an arrow(又是老生常谈)!下班之前,怎么盘活这个老生常谈?Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. 光阴似箭,果蝇喜欢香蕉。
2023-05-29 13:40:171


2023-05-29 13:40:241


vapidity英 [və"pɪdətɪ] 美 [və"pɪdətɪ] n.乏味;无趣;无生气;无滋味
2023-05-29 13:40:392


2023-05-29 13:40:551

英语单词Cliché 的e上面为什么有一撇?这种拼写的来源是什么?还有哪些词汇如此拼写?

2023-05-29 13:41:045


2023-05-29 13:41:222

请教platitude 和 cliche 的区别用法,要例句

2023-05-29 13:41:293


2023-05-29 13:41:386


问题一:拟人的英语翻译 拟人用英语怎么说 拟人 [词典] anthropomorphic; [语] personification; impersonate; [例句]神界是拟人化的,是模仿我们人类世界的一个投影。 The world of the gods is anthropomorphic, an imitative projection of ours. 问题二:比喻、拟人……那些修辞 英语怎么说 不大懂你意丁 修辞叫technique 比喻叫simile或者metaphor,拟人叫personification... 还有些其他修辞的比如aliteration,rhyme,cliche等 问题三:关于拟人的英语短句。 拟人句: The wind stood up and gave a shout. 风站了起来 大声叫了一声。 My puter hates me。 电脑不喜欢我。 Necklace is a friend。 项链是我的朋友。 The sun kissed the flowers 太阳亲了花一下。 隐喻句: This time, her words were swords that pierced his heart. His love was a dollar, easily spent yet never invested. Life is but a vapor in the wind. The great billowing clouds that sai浮 upon it are shadows. 问题四:英语如何翻译“运用了比喻/拟人/排比/夸张的修辞手法,描写了…,表达... Use of metaphor and personification / paralleli *** / exaggerated rhetoric, describes ... , the author expressed her love for the motherland and the longing for home. 问题五:英语中的拟人手法 Rose stood ashamed, the moon hide in the clouds玫瑰羞红了脸,月亮躲进云霄Thirsty soil drank in the rain.饥渴的土壤在雨中畅饮。 Did you see the anger of the tempest?你看到暴风雨的愤怒吗? The flowers nodded in the breeze.花儿在微风中点头。
2023-05-29 13:42:021


2023-05-29 13:42:102

托福 cliche 怎么打e

cliche 英["kli:ʃeɪ] 美[kli:"ʃeɪ] n. 陈词滥调;
2023-05-29 13:42:182

英语怎么说 新闻记者

2023-05-29 13:42:252


翻译如下一则新闻a piece of news例句今天,我读了《中国日报》的一则新闻。Today, I read a piece of news in China Daily.
2023-05-29 13:42:354


2023-05-29 13:42:453


Rotten Street
2023-05-29 13:42:523


新闻媒体 [词典] news media; [例句]他说新闻媒体把他歪曲成了一个傲慢而又霸道的人。He said that the press had misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying
2023-05-29 13:43:022


all the same
2023-05-29 13:43:234


2023-05-29 13:43:433


这是一个过于简单化地说脂肪可以一样简单“一,二,三” (更不用提这是一个可怕的陈词滥调) 。但有可能是至少一点点真相它3-2-1计划-一个新的战略,取得发生。交替三段心两个阶层的体能训练和一个部分的核心在一个单一的解决,您可以加快你的新陈代谢和燃烧的热量甚至比你更会通过以下定期例行。 3-2-1锻炼 开始10分钟的心脏(上机) 。热身两分钟,然后工作的速度,让您在75 %的最大心率(找到它减去您的年龄从220 )为7分钟。花的最后一分钟工作打火机步伐。 现在赛道的三个演习, 20代表每个。举例来说,做蹲下其次是替补压力机和肩膀压力机。然后休息30秒。重复两次。 做间隔心。例如,温暖了一分钟的跑步机,然后短跑为30-45秒,然后是45 - 60次打火机步伐。重复4到5倍,然后冷静下来一分钟的散步。 做20代表的三种不同的演习,如斜哑铃flyes ,其次是分裂蹲下,然后间接肱三头肌扩展。休息30秒。 重复间隔心。 最后,四到五年的核心工作完成了约30名代表每个。休息30-60秒,重复两次以上电路。瑞士球紧缩,充分坐在窗口,或骑自行车企业都很好。
2023-05-29 13:44:003


2023-05-29 13:44:087

Lemme Go歌词中文

2023-05-29 13:44:221


2023-05-29 13:44:308


口头语的解释[cant;cliche;pet phrase] 说话时经常不 自觉 地说出来的词句 瞧着办三个字 几乎 成了他的口头语 详细解释 (1). 群众 的口头语言。 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲上·音律》 :“‘东边日出西边雨,道是 无情 却有情。"口头语也。” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·白香山诗》 :“眼前景,口头语,自能 沁人心脾 ,耐人 咀嚼 。” (2).在说话时常常不自觉地说出来的话;口头惯用语。 曹禺 《日出》 第二幕:“ 陈 小姐 顶聪明了,专门会学人的口头语。” 马烽 《三年早知道》 :“ 慢慢 地,‘早就知道"这句话,变成他的口头语了。” 王蒙 《 组织 部新来的年轻人》 :“ 刘世吾 有一句口头语:就那么回事。” 词语分解 口的解释 口 ǒ 人和 动物 吃 东西 和发声的器官(亦称“嘴”):口腔。口才。口齿。 口若悬河 。 容器通外面的地方:瓶子口。 出入通过的地方:门口。 港口 。 特指 中国 长城的某些关口(多用作地名):古北口。喜峰口。 破裂 的
2023-05-29 13:44:441


2023-05-29 13:44:535


2023-05-29 13:45:093

碧昂斯 part 2 on the run的歌词中文翻译

Who wants that perfect love story anyway, anyway?到底谁想要完美的爱情故事啊 Cliche, cliche, cliche, clicheWho wants that hero love that saves the day, anyway?究竟谁想要超级英雄拯救世界 Cliche, cliche, cliche, clicheWhat about the bad guy goes good, yeah?坏人变好了呢,啊?And the missing love that"s misunderstood, yeah?错过的爱是误会吗?Black hour glass, hour glass黑色沙漏沙漏 Toast to cliches in the dark past向过去的陈词滥调干杯Toast to cliches in the dark past[Verse 1: Jay-Z]Boy meets girl, girl perfect woman男孩遇见女孩,女孩变成完美女人Girl get the bustin" before the cops come runningChucking deuces, chugging D"USSEFuck what you say, boys in blue say这部分带脏字不翻译[Beyonce]I don"t care if we on the run我不介意我们是不是私奔Baby as long I"m next to you宝贝只要我在你身边And if loving you is a crime就算爱你是犯罪Tell me why do I bring out the best in you告诉我为什么我看见了你最美好的地方[Bridge: Beyonce]I hear sirens while we make loveLoud as hell, but they don"t knowThey"re nowhere near usI will hold your heart and your gunI don"t care if they come, nooooI know it"s crazy but[Hook: Beyonce]They can take meNow that I found the places that you take meWithout you I got nothing to lose[Verse 3: Jay-Z]I"m an outlaw, got an outlaw chickBumping 2Pac, on my outlaw shitMatching tatts, this Ink don"t come offEven if rings come off, if things ring offMy nails get dirty, my past ain"t prettyMy lady is, my Mercedes isMy baby momma harder than a lot of you niggasKeep it 100, hit the lottery niggasYou ain"t about that life ain"t gotta lie to me, niggaYou know it"s "til the death, I hope it obvi to niggasCross the line, speak about mineI"mma wave this Tec, I"m a geek about mineTouch a nigga where his rib at, I click clatPush your mothafucka wig back, I did thatI been wilding since a juvi, she was a good girl"til she knew me, now she is in the drop bustin" U"s, screaming[Hook][Verse 3: Jay-Z]Deeper then words, beyond rightDie for your love, beyond lifeSweet as a Jesus piece, beyond iceBlind me baby with your neon lightsRay Bans on, police in sightOh, what a beautiful death, let"s both wear whiteIf you go to heaven and they bring me to hellJust sneak out and meet me, bring a box of L"sShe fell in love with the bad guy, the bad guyWhat you doing with them rap guys, them rap guysThey ain"t see potential in me girl, but you see itIf it"s me and you against the world, then so be it[Beyonce]I don"t care if they give me lifeI get all of my life from youAnd if loving you had a priceI would pay my life for you[Bridge][Outro: Beyonce]I don"t care I"ll never give it upGive it up, give it up, give it all awayNo I swear I"ll never give it upGive it up, give it up, give it all awayI don"t care I"ll never give it upGive it up, give it up, give it all awayNo I swear I"ll never give it upGive it up, give it up, give it all away(Without you I got nothing to lose)不能翻译了,这都得算含有不良内容,该被屏蔽了,对不住Read more: Jay-Z - Part II (On The Run) Lyrics | MetroLyrics
2023-05-29 13:45:171


2023-05-29 13:45:361


这个单词来源于法语,与法语单词书写相同,一撇是法语中的闭音符,出现在字母e上,比如:café。从诺曼征服开始,大量的法语就涌入英语词汇中,而且法语一般为贵族使用。很多英语词汇都来源于法语,有的保留了法语的书写和发音,有的做了改变。比如:fiance,fiancee ,法语写法fiancé,fiancée;pork 源自法语中的porc ;beef 源自法语中的boeuf 。
2023-05-29 13:45:431


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2023-05-29 13:46:021


2023-05-29 13:46:181

french cliche啥意思?酒?

French adj. 法国的,法国人的;法语的 n. 法语;法国人 cliche n.陈词滥调cliche这个词源自法语
2023-05-29 13:46:421


/bl/ blue蓝色; bluster咆哮; bless保佑; blend混合 /pl/ play玩耍; please请,使高兴 ; plant植物,种植; plan计划 /cl/ clue线索; close关闭; clever聪明的; cliche陈词滥调 /gl/ glance/glampse一瞥; glass玻璃,眼镜; glue胶水 /fl/ fly飞; floor地板; flood洪水; fleet快速的,飞驰
2023-05-29 13:46:491


啊却啊却英文什么歌?Cliche - Christina GrimmieI believed in all your candy hearts, babyYou said our castle in the sky would never fall apartBaby I thought that you could never do wrongYou talk like you"re straight out of a love songI don"t buy a word that you say"Cause your love is cliche"Cause your love is clicheYou said yout life would suck without meYou used to say my name so proudlySaid I was the only girl in the whole worldAnd every other girl they got nothing on meSo stereoSo stereoHeySuch stereo typical linesSo typicalSo typicalHeySo predictable I know it"s a lieI believed in all your candy hearts, babyYou said our castle in the sky would never fall apartBaby I thought that you could never do wrongYou talk like you"re straight out of a love songI don"t buy a word that you say"Cause your love is cliche"Cause your love is clicheYou said as long as I love you I"d never be aloneYou used to whisper sweet nothing through a payphoneSaid if I listen close I can hear that bass goI can hear that heartbeat boom like a stereoSo stereoSo stereoHeySuch stereo typical linesSo typicalSo typicalHeySo predictable I know it"s a lieI believed in all your candy hearts, babyYou said our castle in the sky would never fall apartBaby I thought that you could never do wrongYou talk like you"re straight out of a love songI don"t buy a word that you say"Cause your love is cliche"Cause your love is clicheI believed in all your candy hearts, babyYou said our castle in the sky would never fall apartBaby I thought that you could never do wrongYou talk like you"re straight out of a love songI don"t buy a word that you say"Cause your love is cliche
2023-05-29 13:46:561


news。news,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“新闻,消息;新闻报导”。news在英文中的使用也十分的广泛。1.The television announcer read the news calmly;电视播音员平静地念了这则新闻。2.Cliche is a feature of bad journalism;使用套语是拙劣的新闻体的特点。3.The news was flashed to Washington and then to New York;这消息被火速发往华盛顿,然后发往纽约。
2023-05-29 13:47:051


2023-05-29 13:47:322

麦当娜的Die Another Day的歌词(翻译)

2023-05-29 13:47:381


Morning News,你好,本题已解答,如果满意请点右下角“采纳答案”。
2023-05-29 13:47:462


news focus 新闻聚焦; 新闻焦点; [例句]In a fox news focus group most viewers said Mr Obama had emerged the winner.在福克斯新闻(fox news)的焦点小组中,多数观众认为奥巴马是这场辩论的胜者。
2023-05-29 13:47:552