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Backstreet Boys(后街男孩)-Get Another Boyfriend歌词翻译

2023-05-19 14:23:52




















这种事情我见得多了(继续 NICK!)
















Hey Yeah ah~


















backstreet boys是什么意思?

2023-01-01 02:33:5313


2023-01-01 02:34:393


2023-01-01 02:34:501


We"ve Got It Goin" On 我们要出发了 Anywhere For You 为你去任何地方 Get Down (You"re The One For Me)开始 I"ll Never Break Your Heart 我不会伤你的心 Quit Playin" Games (With My Heart) 别耍我了 Boys Will Be Boys 男孩终将是男孩 Just To Be Close To You 仅仅为了靠近你 I Wanna Be With You 我要和你在一起 Everytime I Close My Eyes 每一次闭上眼…… Darlin" 亲爱的 Let"s Have A Party 让我们开个PARTY Roll With It 跟着它摇摆! Nobody But You 不是别人就是你 Lay Down Beside Me 躺在我身边 Everybody 每个人 As Long As You Love Me 只要你爱我就好 Missing You 想念你 That"s The Way I Like It 那是我喜欢的方式! 10,000 Promises 1万个誓言 Like A Child 像个孩子 Hey,Mr.DJ 你好,DJ先生 That"s What She Said 那是她说的 If You Want It To Be Good Girl 如果你想要好女孩 All I Have To Give 奉献一切 If I Don"t Have You 如果我没有你 Larger Than Life 比生命更伟大 I Want It That Way 我就是爱你 Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely 告诉我孤独的含义 It"s Gotta Be You 一定是你 I Need You Tonight 今晚,我需要你 Don"t Want You Back 不要你回来 Don"t Wanna Lose You Now 不想失去你 The One 那个人 Back To Your Heart 回到你心中 Spanish Eyes 西班牙的眼神 No One Else Comes Close 没有别人靠近 Perfect Fan 完美歌迷 I"ll Be There For You 伴你左右 The Call 电话 Shape Of My Heart 心的形状 Get Another Boyfriend 再找个男朋友 Shining Star 闪烁星辰 I Promise You 我向你承诺 Answer To Our Life 生命的回报 Everyone 每个人 More Than That 爱你更多 Time 时间 Not For Me 不是为了我 Yes I Will 是的,我会 It"s True 是真的 What Makes You Different 你的不同之处 How Did I Fall In Love With You 我怎么与你坠入爱河 Drowning 沉醉 Incomplete 不完整 Just Want You To Know 只要你知道 Crawling Back To You 回到你身边 Weird World 奇怪的世界 I Still … 我仍然…… Poster Girl 写真女郎 Lose It All 完全丧失 Climbing The Walls 烦躁 My Beautiful Woman 我的美丽女人 Safest Place To Hide 最安全的藏身之地 Siberia 西伯利亚 Never Gone 永不离去 Song For The Unloved 为不爱的人写一首歌 Rush Over Me 冲向我 Movin"On 摇摆
2023-01-01 02:34:562

backstreet boy成员AJ简介

后街男孩英文名: BackStreet Boys简介: :由Nick,AJ,Brian,Kevin,Howie组成的Backstreet Boys1994年一出道,就受到了世人的瞩目,首支单曲“We"ve go it goin" on”出台后成绩不俗,在部分国家都打进Top 10以内。Backstreet Boys能歌善舞和灿烂的笑容,马上就赢得了人们的心,接下来的几首单曲“I"ll never break your heart”,“Get Down”更是翻新了他们的知名度。Backstreet Boys前两张专辑的总销量突破了3,000万张的大关;另外一张同名专辑仅仅在美国就有超过1,000万张的销售量,在去年整个美国市场仅次于泰坦尼克号原声带和席琳狄温位居年度季军;Backstreet Boys并于96年获得欧洲的MTV大奖“全欧最佳团体大奖”。Backstreet Boys是幸运的,但他们的成功决非一朝一夕凭空得来的,当中他们也经历了颓废低调的时期,他们的成功得益于他们过人的努力。
2023-01-01 02:35:051

Backstreet Boys 哪几首歌最好听?

介绍一下,This is us 很好听
2023-01-01 02:35:113


2023-01-01 02:35:234

backstreet boys的有代表性的经典的歌有哪些

As long as you love me,the call.inconsolable等,都挺好的
2023-01-01 02:35:383


后街男孩 (英文:Backstreet Boys,缩写:BSB)是一支美国流行乐组合,1993年于美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市成立,其成员分别为:尼克·卡特(Nickolas Gene Carter)、霍伊·多罗夫(Howie Dorough)、布莱恩·利特尔(Brian Littrell)、Alexander James McLean(亚历山大·詹姆斯·迈克林)和成立之初五位(凯文·理查德森已退出)成员都不过十几岁。至今为止他们已经在美国销售了3800万张唱片,全球销量近9000万张,是自1990年代中期来最受欢迎的男生组合。由于他们在美国当时是较早的一个男孩团体,所以被誉为“男孩团体皇上皇”。每一个图片都拿过来说是在的挺不好弄,你可以跟百度百科里搜《后街男孩》,然后应该就有你想要的了。他们比较出名的歌曲:1.   everybody 2.   straight through my... 3.   as long as you love... 4.   larger than life 5.   incomplete 6.   unmistakable 7.   inconsolable 8.   i want it that way 9.   panic 另外, 西城男孩(westlife)的歌也不错,他们总是被放倒一起被人谈到。歌手:Backstreet Boys     专辑:As Long As You Love Me 1  Although loneliness has always been a friend of mineI"m leaving my life in your handsPeople say I"m crazy and that I am blindRisking it all in a glanceHow you got me blind is still a mysteryI can"t get you out of my headDon"t care what is written in you historyAs long as you"re here with meI don"t care who you areWhere you"re fromWhat you didAs long as you love meWho you areWhere you"re fromDon"t care what you didAs long as you love meEvery little thing that you have said and doneFeels like it"s deep within meDoesn"t really matter if you"re on the runIt seems like we"re meant to beI"ve tried to hide it so that no one knowsBut I guess it showsWhen you look in to my eyesWhat you did and where you"re comin fromI don"t care, as long as you love me, baby.I Don"t Care
2023-01-01 02:35:506

谁介绍一下backstreet boys 的成员 我分不清

成员包括:James McLean(中排左)、Nick Carter(前排左)、Brian Littrell(后排)、Kevin Richardson(前排右)、Howard Dorough(中排右) 成员介绍:全名:Alexander James McLean 绰号:A.J.,Mr. Cool,Bone(因为他很瘦并且佩带了许多各式各样的饰物) 生日:1978.1.9 星座:山羊座 出生地:Western Palm Beach,U.S.A 现居地:Kissimee,Florida,U.S.A 头发颜色:棕色. 他似乎是在拿他的头发做试验,常染不同颜色 瞳孔颜色:棕褐色 身高:178cm 体重:56.8kg 饰物:两耳戴一对银耳环,几乎每个手指上都有戒指,有各式项链,手链和太阳镜 纹身:背部:个十字架右肩:"Da Bone",这是他第2个纹身,手臂:代表a.j的一个图腾,也是他第一个纹身. 一条蛇(他的生肖),一个夸张的面具,一条龙,"Laugh Now"(并打算在另一手臂上纹上"Cry Later") ,一颗燃烧的心,中文繁体字“危达熊”家庭:他的父母在他四岁时离婚. 他的祖父母是德国人. 母亲Denise在最近的欧洲和东南亚巡演中都陪伴在A.J.身旁. A.J.是独生子 宠物:一只叫Toby的德国猎犬 擅长的乐器:萨克斯风,贝司 爱好:舞蹈,篮球,排球,高尔夫,保龄球,桌球,购物,写诗 最喜欢的颜色:黄色 最喜欢的食物:麦当劳 最喜欢的地方:巴黎 最喜欢的歌手:Boyz II Men,Silk及蓝调音乐 最喜欢的电影:Pulp Fiction 最喜欢的电视节目:Seinfeld 最喜欢的影星:达斯丁·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman) &吉娜·戴维斯(Geena Davis) AJ McLean生于1978年1月9日,出生地是美国佛罗里达州的西棕榈滩。他熬过了一个十分痛苦的童年,因为他的父母在AJ很小的时候就离了婚。这次父母的离婚对他打击很深,导致他很困惑以及充满挫败感。当令他最伤心的事情都过去后,年幼的AJ找到了自己的最爱,演出以及追求表演、舞蹈和唱歌的事业。 AJ同时也是一个动物爱好者,他十分自豪自己拥有三只狗:Tank, Daisy和Serenity。“人们认为我是一个大笨人,但我不是,”AJ坦承,“我与我的小狗们玩耍,我还是一个不可质疑的动物爱好者。” 全名:Brian Thomas Littrell 绰号:B-Rok(来自于Brian对一篮球术语"shoot some rocs"的称呼),Mr. Joker,Seaver,Frick(来自I"ll Never Break Your Heart单曲) 生日:1975.2.20 星座:双鱼座 出生地:Lexington,Kentucky,U.S.A 头发颜色:金色 瞳孔颜色:蓝色 身高:173cm 体重:63.5kg 饰物:一条金项链,垂饰上刻有"B-rok".Brian说他非常喜欢这条项链 家庭:父亲Harold为IBM工作,母亲Jackie是一牙科医生的秘书.有一个哥哥Harold.与Kevin是表兄弟 罗曼史:已婚 妻子Leighanne 并有了个3岁的小Brian 宠物:一只叫Missy的猫 擅长的乐器:吉他 爱好:举重,篮球,滑水,听音乐 最喜欢的颜色:Midnight Blue 最喜欢的食物:通心粉,奶酪 最喜欢的电影:星球大战(Star Wars) 最喜欢的影星:汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks) & 桑德拉·布洛克(Sandra Bullock) 最喜欢的组合:Boyz II Men & Bobby Brown 最害怕的事:高度 坏习惯:咬指甲 全名:Kevin Scott Richardson 绰号:Mr.Body Beautiful,Kev,Kevy-Kev,Train 生日:1972.10.3 星座:天枰座 出生地:Lexington,Kentucky,U.S.A 头发颜色:黑色或深棕色 瞳孔颜色:绿色 身高:187cm 体重:79kg 家庭:母亲Ann,父亲Gerald两兄弟Gerald和Tim.父亲于1991年死于癌症 罗曼史:已婚 妻子Kristin 他们在迪斯尼工作时经常见到对方,在他们约会之八年后,即2000年6月17日,在勒克星敦他们决定结婚。他们在意大利的CAPRI度了他们的蜜月。 宠物:一只叫Quincy的黑猫 擅长的乐器:钢琴.Kevin在巡演时总带在身边 爱好:弹钢琴,写歌,健身,舞蹈 最喜欢的颜色:蓝色 最喜欢的食物:墨西哥和亚洲菜 最喜欢的地方:瑞典 最喜欢的电影:壮志凌云(Top Gun) & The Shawshank Redemption 最喜欢的电视节目:Roseanne and Martin 最喜欢的影星:汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise) & 妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman,Tom Cruise"s wife) 最喜欢的音乐:R. Kelly,Babyface, Teddy Riley,Elton John,Prince(TAFKAP),Billy Joel,the Eagles,Brian McKnight,classic and soul music 最喜欢的书:Interview With The Vampire 给人的印象:严肃,神秘的完美主义者.自信,成熟,敬业.对歌迷非常友好 坏习惯:睡得太晚 最有可能做的事:力劝你追求自己的梦想.他相信只要你有梦想,你必能找到实现它的方法全名:Nickolas Gene Carter 绰号:较喜欢Nick,但也被称为Nicky,Chaos(因为他很顽皮,爱开玩笑),Mr. Hyper Man,Messy Marvin 生日:1980.1.28 星座:水瓶座 出生地:Jamestown,New York,U.S.A 头发颜色:金色 瞳孔颜色:蓝色 身高:185cm 体重:63.5kg 家庭:母亲Jane,父亲Bob,三个妹妹Bobbie Jean(B.J.),Leslie和Angel.弟弟Aaron. Angel和Aaron时双胞胎.Aaron Carter已成为流行歌坛的一位童星 罗曼史:最有名的绯闻就是PARIS谈了一场维持7个月的恋爱,最后不欢而散 宠物:Boo Boo等六只狗(其中四只狮子狗),Pinky等三只猫和一些鱼 擅长的乐器:爵士鼓 爱好:篮球,橄榄球,潜水,划船,钓鱼,绘画,打电游,购买旅游鞋和金首饰,收集橄榄球明星卡,笑话书和beanie娃娃 最喜欢的颜色:绿色 最喜欢的食物:麦当劳,脆皮批萨 最喜欢的电影:异形(Aliens) 最喜欢的电视节目:Mad About You and Beavis and Butt-head 最喜欢的音乐:Nirvana,Jodeci,Journey,Boyz II Men和Michael Jackson.在演唱会上,Nick常唱他最喜欢的Journey Songs,如 "Open Arms" Nick在十岁的时候(1990)就在“Edward Scissorthands”里出演过。在那之后,Nick也在”The Hollow”,”Brew” 等电影片断中出现过。之后,他就决定在那年之后放松一下自己了。 Nick在纽约北部有潜水的执照哦。那还不是他不为人知才能的全部,他还会打鼓和弹奏吉他,这项才能你可以在他2002年的个人CD”NOW OR NEVER”中看到。 全名:Howard Dwaine Dorough 绰号:Howie D, Latin Lover, Sweet-D 生日:1973.8.22 星座:狮子座 出生地:Orlando,Florida,U.S.A 头发颜色:棕色 瞳孔颜色:褐色 身高:170cm 体重:60kg 家庭:父亲Hoke,母亲Paula哥哥John,姐姐Polly Anna,Caroline和 Angie.Caroline于1998年9死于狼疮 宠物:叫Missy和Oscar的猫,叫Christopher的狗 擅长的乐器:吉他 爱好:举重,滑水,壁球,舞蹈,看电影 最喜欢的颜色:紫色 最喜欢的食物:亚洲菜 最喜欢的电影:Outsiders,Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 最喜欢的组合:Jon Secada and Bobby Brown 最喜欢的音乐:Soul和R&B" 最有可能做的事:邀请你在月光下的沙滩上散步.Howie是个浪漫主义者 昵称“甜蜜的D”来自于他玫瑰般另人喜爱的性情,在1989年的一部叫“Parenthood”里担任过临时演员。作为一个目关锐利的歌迷,你可以在Harley Jane Kozak 的演员教室看到Howie那时作为学生来表演的情况。
2023-01-01 02:36:256

重温经典 Backstreetboys 有哪些好听的歌?

2023-01-01 02:36:511


lexander James McLeanAlexander James McLean    乐队后街男孩(backstreet boys)的一员  全名:Alexander James McLean  绰号:A.J.,Mr. Cool,Bone(因为他很瘦并且佩带了许多各式各样的饰物)  生日:1978.1.9  星座:山羊座  出生地:Western Palm Beach,U.S.A  现居地:Kissimee,Florida,U.S.A  头发颜色:棕色. 他似乎是在拿他的头发做试验,常染不同颜色  瞳孔颜色:褐色  身高:177cm  体重:57kg  饰物:两耳戴一对银耳环,几乎每个手指上都有戒指,有各式项链,手链和太阳镜  纹身:背部--一个十字架,右肩--"Da Bone",手臂--一条蛇(他的生肖),一个夸张的面具,一条龙,"Laugh Now"(并打算在另一手臂上纹上"Cry Later")  家庭:他的父母在他四岁时离婚. 他的祖父母是德国人. 母亲Denise在最近的欧洲和东南亚巡演中都陪伴在A.J.身旁. A.J.是独生子 Brian Littrell:后街的主唱。拥有着被称为“天籁之音”的美妙音色的男人。   出生于:1975年2月20日凌晨1点37分,美国肯塔基州莱克星顿市   他的爱情:1998年,在拍摄“As Long As You Love Me”mv的现场,Brian遇到了他生命中最重要的存在:女演员Leighanne。Brian形容到,当他第一眼看到Leighanne的时候,就知道她将在自己的生命中拥有非同一般的地位。于是他主动向Leighanne提出了约会的邀请。之后这一对情侣进展顺利,Leighanne更是在Brian心脏手术的时候一直陪在他的身边,跟Brian走过了他最艰难的时刻。他们目前已经结婚,并育有一子Baylee Thomas Wylee Littrell。   绰号:B-Rok、Mr. Joker、Seaver、Frick   身高:1.70米   发色:泛棕的金色   眼睛:蓝色   家庭:父亲Harold Baker Littrell II,母亲Jackie Littrell,兄长Harold Baker Littrell III,妻子Leighanne Littrell,儿子:Baylee Thomas Wylee Littrell Howard Dwaine Dorough  全名:Howard Dwaine Dorough  绰号:Howie D, Latin Lover, Sweet-D  生日:1973.8.22  星座:狮子座  出生地:Orlando,Florida,U.S.A美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市  现居地:Orlando,Florida,U.S.A.美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市  不巡演时与Kevin,Brian同住在Universal Studios(环球电影公司)附近的公寓里  身份:BACKSTREET BOYS演唱组的经理  头发颜色:棕色  瞳孔颜色:褐色  身高:170cm  体重:60kg  家庭:父亲Hoke,母亲Paula哥哥John,姐姐Polly Anna,Caroline、Angie.Caroline于1998年9死于狼疮儿子James妻子Leigh Kevin Scott Richardson   绰号:Mr.Body Beautiful,Kev,Kevy-Kev,Train  生日:1972.10.3  星座:天秤座  出生地:Lexington,Kentucky,U.S.A  现居地:Orlando,Florida,U.S.A.  不巡演时与Brian,Howie同住在Universal Studios(环球电影公司)附近的公寓里  头发颜色:黑色或深棕色  瞳孔颜色:绿色  身高:187cm  体重:79kg  饰物:两手都带有银戒指,右手带有银手镯和两个黑色的皮手镯  家庭:母亲Ann,父亲Gerald两兄弟Gerald和Tim.父亲于1991年死于癌症儿子Mason Nickolas Gene Carter  绰号:较喜欢Nick,但也被称为Nicky,Chaos(因为他很顽皮,爱开玩笑),Mr. Hyper Man,Messy Marvin  生日:1980.1.28  星座:水瓶座  出生地:Jamestown,New York,U.S.A  现居地:Tampa,Florida,U.S.A  头发颜色:纯金色  瞳孔颜色:蓝色  身高:185cm  体重:63.5kg  饰物:,在一些Video中他戴有金项链.右手中指戴有戒指。他曾带耳钉,他说他佩带的饰物基本是fans送给他的。  家庭:母亲Jane,父亲Bob,三个妹妹Bobbie Jean(B.J.),Leslie和Angel.弟弟Aaron. Angel和Aaron时双胞胎.Aaron Carter已成为流行歌坛的一位新星(就是亚伦卡特)
2023-01-01 02:36:561


Kevin Richardson因个人原因决定暂时离队,Backstreet Boys将在2007年第一次以四人组合的形式出现在乐迷面前,Nick Carter,Howie Dorough,Brian Littrell,AJ McLean他们并没有为Kevin寻找一位替代者,而是将永远保留这个位置,虚位以待Kevin的回归。
2023-01-01 02:37:022


专辑介绍: 五个能歌善舞的新好男孩,组成了当今最棒的组合——『后街男孩』。『后街男孩』的五个成员中,Kevin和Brian是生长在肯德基的表兄弟,来自深受音乐及宗教影响的家庭,从小即在教堂圣乐和唱诗班的熏陶下长大,因此练就了一流的灵魂乐合音式唱腔。之后Kevin决定离开家乡出外打拼,先在迪士尼乐园当导游,同时剩余的时间都致力于成为专业的词曲作家。 另外的三名成员,A.J、Howie、Nick则来自奥兰多。这三个人原本分别活跃 于演艺界,演过音乐剧;拍过电影、电视、广告。有一天,这三个人凑在一起准备替一个新案子试音时,突然发现他们气味相投,于是一拍即合;加上离开家乡出来打天下的Kevin、Brian,五个满怀理想的少年组成一个以优美合音见长的乐团,并以奥兰多最出名的地标为名,『后街男孩』于是诞生! 首支单曲“We"ve go it goin" on”是由Ace of Base的制作人Denniz Pop操刀制作,这首舞曲展现了男孩们活力四射的青春气息,在欧陆方面成绩不俗,在奥地利、瑞士、荷兰、法国等均有打入十名内的嘉绩。接下来的“I"ll never break your heart”是首抒情曲,成功地为他们打开了欧洲的知名度。成绩最好的一首单曲则是“Get Down(You are the one for me)”,在国内也由杜德伟翻唱为“发烧”一曲,其惊人的魅力由此可见一斑。 这五个能歌善舞的新好男孩,带着阳光般的笑容,征服全球。首张专辑已获得了四白金,更在舞曲王国的德国、瑞士蝉联冠军;现在他们即将带给你全新的偶像体验! 专辑曲目: 1. We"ve Got It Goin" On 2. Anywhere For You 3. Get Down (You"re The One For Me) 4. I"ll Never Break Your Heart 5. Boys Will Be Boys 6. Just To Be Close To You 7. Quit Playin" Games With My Heart 8. I Wanna Be With You 9. Every Time I Close My Eyes 10. Darlin" 11. Let"s Have A Party 12. Roll With It 13. Nobody But You QUOTE: 中文名称:Backstreet"s Back 资源类型:APE 发行时间:1999年 专辑歌手:Backstreet Boys 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介: 专辑介绍: 这支乐队在1997年推出的《Backstreet"s Back》同样获得成功。这张唱片收录了P.M. Dawn的《Set Adrift On Memory Bliss》,但其中收录的主要是针对年轻人的爱情歌曲和民谣。歌曲《Everybody(Backstreet"s Back)》成了另一支风糜一时的歌曲,并帮助乐队打开了在美国的市场,这首歌1998年6月在排行榜中达到了第4名的好成绩。接下了获得极大成功的歌曲还有《Quit Playing Games 》和《As Long As You Love Me》。他们在美国发行的首张以乐队名称命名的专辑收录了在欧洲发行的一些专辑中的单曲,这张专辑在美国成为1998年第三大畅销唱片。 专辑曲目: 1. Everybody(Backstreet"s Back) 2. As Long As You Love Me 3. All I Have To Give 4. That;s The Way I Like It 5. "10,000 Promises 6. Like A Child 7. "Hey, Mr. DJ(Keep Playin" That Song) 8. Set Adrift On Memory Bliss 9. That"s What She Said 10. If You Want To Be A Girl(Get Yourself A Bad Boy) 11. If I Don"t Have You QUOTE: 中文名称:Millenium 资源类型:APE 发行时间:1999年 专辑歌手:Backstreet Boys 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介: 专辑介绍: 在即将迈入千禧年的前夕,Backstreet Boys在1999年夏天发行了「千禧年(Millennium)」专辑,果不出所料,专辑一推出就于首周夺得全美专辑榜冠军,并且首周销售量就突破一百万大关,使得Backstreet Boys成为Billboard杂志采用SoundScan系统以来第一组首周专辑销售量破百万的艺人。专辑里的几首单曲:""I Want It That Way"、"Larger Than Life"、"Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely"以及"The One"因为居高不下的电台播放率而相继打入全美热门单曲榜,专辑本身也在发行后没多久就创下单在美国就有一千两百多万张的傲人销售成绩。 专辑曲目: 1. Larger Than Life 2. I Want It That Way 3. Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely 4. It"s Gotta Be You 5. I Need You Tonight 6. Don"t Want You Back 7. Don"t Wanna Lose You Now 8. The One 9. Back To Your Heart 10. Spanish Eyes 11. No One Else Comes Close 12. The Perfect Fan QUOTE: 中文名称:Black & Blue 资源类型:APE 发行时间:2000年 专辑歌手:Backstreet Boys 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介: 专辑介绍: Backstreet Boys (后街男孩)终于在千禧年底推出了全新专辑《Black & Blue (蓝与黑)》,距离他们上一张专辑《Millennium (千禧情)》已经时隔一年多了。在这张收录14首作品的新碟中,Backstreet Boys亲自参与了词曲写作和制作的部分,他们想要证明BSB对音乐的用心,而过往的努力所累积的经验也都在这张新专辑中显露无遗。 这张《Black & Blue》的制作人阵容十分有看头,除了老搭档Max Martin (也曾制作"N Sync的新专辑)外,还邀来金牌制作人Babyface以及知名R&B制作人Rodney Jerkins联手打造,因此呈现出多元化的曲风,包括流行、快节奏舞曲、慢板抒情、节奏蓝调风...等等。开场曲“The Call”从一串电话铃声以及强拍的拉丁旋律开始,BSB唱出了男人使坏的心态,和曲目三“Get Another Boyfriend”一样都是属于节奏强烈的Max Martin式作品;接着来到首打单曲“Shape Of My Heart”,副歌部分朗朗上口,不做单曲发售光靠着电台播歌率就让这首歌站上Billboard Hot 100的Top 10;而洋溢Babyface风格的节奏蓝调抒情曲“Time”、Timmy Allan制作的“I Promise You”以及“Yes I Will”则是深情款款的情歌佳作。 专辑曲目: 1. Call 2. Shape of My Heart 3. Get Another Boyfriend 4. Shining Star 5. I Promise You (With Everything I Am) 6. Answer to Our Life 7. Everyone 8. More Than That 9. Time 10. Not for Me 11. Yes I Will 12. It"s True 13. How Did I Fall in Love With You QUOTE: 中文名称:Never Gone 资源类型:APE 版本:Zomba原版 发行时间:2005年 专辑歌手:Backstreet boys 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介: 专辑介绍: Backstreet Boys继出Black&Blue之后的五年,专辑Never Gone终于问世 等了好久,终于还是等到他们回来 虽然风格与已往有些不同,但依旧是很成功的一张专辑 从Quit Playing Games开始,BSB就一直陪伴在我身边 AJ,Brain,Howie-D,Nick,Kevin 他们无懈可击的和声,他们天衣无缝的配合,他们的团队精神,他们的一切都在都是歌迷疯狂的理由 ★他们的曾经 Backstreet Boys曾写下七千五百万张全球销售,他们是史上最畅销的流行团体,也曾写下许多男孩团体纪录,先前还创下美国连续两张销售千万的钻石唱片认证纪录。Backstreet Boys的第四张专辑《Never Gone》将在6月14日发行,这是继2000年的《Black and Blue》之后,期待已久的新发行。 ★关于专集创作 《Never Gone》的创作与制作阵容坚强,有Five For Fighting的John Ondrasik以及Savage Garden的Darren Hayes,还有在今年二月刚以Sheryl Crow专辑获得葛莱美奖的制作人John Shanks。新专辑收录了11首作品。与早期Backstreet Boys的动感舞曲路线已有了较大的区别。从前相对比较出色的R&B唱腔也成熟了更多。出色的体现在Love Is,Over Her这两首作品之中。作为R&B当道的年代,Backstreet Boys的唱功是绝对出色的。Love Is类似Craig David的演绎。并加上乐队其他成员的和声出现更加使得歌曲显得性感。呈现出了Backstreet Boys的成熟男人魅力。Over Her中的清新自然让我们找回了Backstreet Boys最迷人的和声,让所有的后街迷们仿佛找回了当年那五个令人着迷的大男孩。 ★关于专集 Backstreet Boys的第四张专辑《Never Gone》将在6月14日发行,这是继2000年的《Black and Blue》之后,期待已久的新发行《Never Gone》的创作与制作阵容坚强,有Five For Fighting的John Ondrasik以及Savage Garden的Darren Hayes,还有在今年二月刚以Sheryl Crow专辑获得葛莱美奖的制作人John Shanks。 专辑的首支单曲Incomplete已经开始在美国各大点台播放,并且在Billboard单曲榜登上55名,相信将会以极快的速度上升。Backstreet Boys从三月底展开的小型近距离演唱会已经即将结束,但是已经决定将在六月中旬安排大型的巡回演唱,另外为了宣传新专辑,也会陆续的出现在各电视上的节目中。 ★BSB情结 爱过后街的人都有过这样一个年代,只属于我们。 那个时侯,是如此深刻地爱这样五个人,和他们的声音。这些歌声,陪伴我走过寂寞的少年时期。在那些一个人看云的日子,那些漫长的无人陪伴的下午,一遍一遍听brian唱tell me why I cannot be there where you are.更多的时候,在寂静的黑夜,听nick的声音,直到流泪。快乐亦或崩溃。那些远方的声音。 之后我长大,新的环境新的际遇,我爱过很多音乐,jazz,nu-metal,哥特,brit-pop.也有很多可以很喜欢的乐队,linkinpark,coldplay,suede,radiohead,mazzy star,nightwish~~~然而再也找不到当初只要听到一个男孩的声音就会混身颤抖的感觉了。 去年九月,因为后街要来,把曾经的专辑都翻了出来,重听。Nick唱着athough loneness always be a friend of mine时,忽然觉得,曾经热爱的音乐,还是那么好。 终于等到后街的新专辑了。在chanel[V]看到incomplete的MV,看着看着眼泪就流下来了。那几张熟悉的脸,那熟悉的声音。想起是多久,没有发自内心的感动过,是多久,没有再和朋友提起过这几个我最熟悉的英文名字,可是现在的我,依然会对着电视屏幕,泪流满面。是不是爱过后街的人,注定在心中,会保留那一点,温情并脆弱的角落? 所以我依旧会带着耳机听后街的歌,在人群中穿行,坚忍又疼痛。 因为爱过后街,还会一直爱他们,永远爱他们。 只希望他们可以一直陪我们走下去,到老。 专辑曲目: 01 Incomplete 02 Just Want You To Know 03 Crawling Back To You 04 Weird World 05 I Still … 06 Poster Girl 07 Lose It All 08 Climbing The Walls 09 My Beautiful Woman 10 Safest Place To Hide 11 Siberia 12 Never Gone QUOTE: 中文名称:Greatest hits- Chapter One 资源类型:APE 版本:BMG原版 发行时间:2003年 专辑歌手:BackStreet Boys 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介: 专辑介绍: 超值收录4个代表专辑经典单曲。全球创下超过七千五百万张销售量,傲人的成绩无人能敌的男孩团体皇上皇中国演唱会唯一指定畅销单曲全收录精选专辑。 有男孩团体皇上皇之称的新好男孩,93年成立至今发行过4张专辑96年“新好男孩同名专辑”、97年“大家好!新好男孩回来了”、99年“千禧情”以及2000年“蓝与黑”,在全世界创下超过七千五百万张的总销售量,之后推出首张精选集,新好男孩最优精选”集结了新好男孩历年来的最佳排行单曲,更是在亚洲创下半日周300万张的佳绩,傲人的成绩无人能敌,是成绩最好也是在全球拥有最多歌迷的男孩乐团,也被美国滚石音乐杂志誉为是继披头四后最具影响力的乐团之一。 专辑曲目: 01-I Want It That Way 02-Everybody (Backstreet"s Back) 03-As Long As You Love Me 04-Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely 05-Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) 06-We"ve Got it Going On 07-All I Have To Give 08-Larger Than Life 09-I"ll Never Break Your Heart 10-The Call 11-Shape Of My Heart 12-Get Down 13-Anywhere For You 14-The One 15-More Than That 16-The Perfect Fan(Bonus Track)
2023-01-01 02:37:112

Backstreet Boys的《The Call》 歌词

歌曲名:The Call歌手:Backstreet Boys专辑:Black & BlueThe callBackstreet BoysLet me tell you the story bout the call that changed my destiny .Me and my boys went out just to end up in misery.Was about to go home when there.she was standing in front of me I said hi.I got a little place nearby, wanna go?I should"ve said no, someone"s waiting for me.But I called my girl up and said…Listen baby I"m sorry.Just wanna tell you don"t worry I will be late.don"t stay up and wait for me.Say again… you"re dropping out…my battery is low Just so you know.we"re going to a place nearby.Gotta go!Now two years gone,nothing gets won I can"t take it back.what"s done is done.One of her friends found out that she wasn"t my only one.And it eats me from inside that she"s not by my side.Just because I made that call and lied.Listen baby I"m sorry.Just wanna tell you don"t worry I will be late,don"t stay up and wait for me.Say again… you"re dropping out…my battery is low Just so you know.we"re going to a place nearby.Gotta go!Listen baby I"m sorry!Listen baby I"m sorry !Let me tell you the story bout the call that changed my destiny.Me and my boys went out just to end up in misery.Was about to go home when there.she was standing in front of me I said hi.I got a little place nearby… gotta go!Listen baby I"m sorry.Just wanna tell you don"t worry I will be late.don"t stay up and wait for me.Say again… you"re dropping out…my battery is low Just so you know.we"re going to a place nearby.Gotta go!Listen baby I"m sorry.Just wanna tell you don"t worry I will be late,don"t stay up and wait for me.Say again… you"re dropping out…my battery is low Just so you know.we"re going to a place nearby.Gotta go!we"re going to a place nearby.we"re going to a place nearby.Gotta go!we"re going to a place nearby.we"re going to a place nearby.Gotta go!
2023-01-01 02:37:202


I"ll never break your heart --- [Backstreet boys]As long as you love me --- [Backstreet"s back]Show me the meaning of being lonely --- [Millenium]Larger than life --- [Millenium]Shape of my heart --- [Blank and blue]Drowning --- [单曲]Incomplete --- [Never gone]I still --- [Never gone]Just want you to know --- [Never gone]Inconsolable --- [Unbreakable]
2023-01-01 02:37:294


2023-01-01 02:37:458


叫、后街男孩, 在、他家生德, 岁、参加演唱, 专集、就叫专集, 呵,
2023-01-01 02:38:213


《Backstreet Boys》1995 1.We"ve Got It Goin" On 2.Anywhere For You 3.Get Down (You"re the One for Me) 4.I"ll Never Break Your Heart 5.Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) 6.Boys Will Be Boys 7.Just To Be Close To You 8.I Wanna Be With You 9.Every Time I Close My Eyes 10.Darlin" 11.Let"s Have a Party 12.Roll With It 13.Nobody But You 《Backstreet"s Back》1997 1.Everybody(Backstreet"s Back) 2.As Long As You Love Me 3.All I Have To Give 4.Missing You 5.That"s The Way I Like It 6.10,000 Promises 7.Like a child 8.Hey, Mr. D.J. (Keep Playin" This Song) 9.Set Adrift On Memory Bliss 10.That"s What She Said 11.If You Want It To Be Good Girl (Get Yourself A Bad Boy ) 12.If I Don"t Have You《Millennium》1999-5-18 1.Larger Than Life 2.I Want It That Way 3.Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely 4.It"s Gotta Be You 5.I Need You Tonight 6.Don"t Want You Back 7.Don"t Wanna Lose You Now 8.The One 9.Back To Your Heart 10.Spanish Eyes 11.No One Else Comes Close 12.Perfect Fan 13.I"ll Be There For You 《Black & Blue》2000-11-21 1.The Call 2.Shape Of My Heart 3.Get Another Boyfriend 4.Shining Star 5.I Promise You 6.The Answer To Our Life 7.Everyone 8.More Than That 9.Time 10.Not For Me 11.Yes I Will 12.It"s True 13.What Makes You Different 14.How Did I Fall In Love With You 《The Hits: Chapter One》 (精选集) 2001-10-1 后街男孩之前的音乐精选一级单曲Drowning,以及参与众明星合唱歌曲"What"s Going On"的录制。 《Never Gone》2005-6-14 1.Incomplete 2.Just Want You To Know 3.Crawling Back To You 4.Weird World 5.I Still... 6.Poster Girl 7.Lose It All 8.Climbing The Walls 9.My Beautiful Woman 10.Safest Place To Hide 11.Siberia 12.Never Gone 13.Song For The Unloved 14.Rush Over Me 15.Movin" On 《Unbreakable》2007-10-30 1.Intro 2.Everything But Mine 3.Inconsolable 4.Something That I Already Know 5.Helpless When She Smiles 6.Any Other Way 7.One in a Million 8.Panic 9.You Can Let Go 10.Trouble Is 11.Treat Me Right 12.Love Will Keep You Up All Night 13.Unmistakable 14.Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon Bonus: 15.Downpour 16.In Pieces 17.Nowhere to Go 18.There"s Us 《This Is Us》2009-10-6 1.Straight Through My Heart 2.Bigger 3.Bye Bye Love 4.All Of Your Life (You Need Love) 5.If I Knew Then 6.This Is Us 7.PDA 8.Masquerade 9.She"s A Dream 10.Shattered 11.Undone 12.Helpless Featuring Pitbull 13.on without you 《Playlist; The Very Best Of Backstreet Boys》2010-1-26 1. Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) 2. As Long As You Love Me 3. Everybody (Backstreet"s Back) (Extended Version) 4. I"ll Never Break Your Heart 5. All I Have To Give 6. I Want It That Way 7. Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely 8. Shape Of My Heart 9. More Than That 10. Drowning 11. Larger Than Life 12. Incomplete 13. Just Want You To Know 14. Inconsolable (Main Version) 单曲: happy never after let"s do it for love children need a helping hand who do you love I"ll be there for you you wrote the book on love finger you out best that I can same old bland new you trouble free from within you are Last night you saved my life welcome to my heart funny face International Fallen Angel Evergreen Satallite Close My Eyes 与Human Nature的合唱——Last Christmas 圣诞单曲——Christmas Time 西班牙语I"ll Never Break Your Heart——Spanish Version(Nunca Te Hare Lloror) LP Version 《Millennium》专辑预告——Announce In Advance 1999差不多都在这了
2023-01-01 02:38:323

后街男孩 Backstreet boys所有的歌曲,求百度网盘下载资源

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!后街男孩 Backstreet boys歌曲大全在线听免费,百度网盘下载资源:链接:https://pan.b***.com/s/1q2Q7BzRJvy1NxFkD-z30JQ 提取码:xibp资源介绍:后街男孩 Backstreet boys 
2023-01-01 02:38:441


2023-01-01 02:38:588

backstreet boys-The Answer To Our Life中文歌词

是的,你能看见我坐在这儿笑容展现在脸上时间过得很快,但你知道一切都不算太晚我们有一起看过许多东西假如我们开始相信彼此应该不会太难我们不要带走任何让我们试着忘记所有的伤痛所以请给我一个理由,给我一个提示告诉我逃离现实的方式是在今天或是今晚我们将发现,其实答案就在生活中告诉我为什么我们不得不哭泣我尽量做我 能做的事情为了帮助世界获得重生我需要 一个理由我需要一个提示告诉我逃离现实的方式是在今天或是今晚我们将发现,其实答案就在于生活中yeah You see me sitting here a smile upon my face The time has.e but you know that it"s not too late There"s been too many things together we have seen It"s not too hard if we start to believe And we"re not gonna take anymore Can we try to erase all the pain So please Show me a reason, give me a sign Tell me the way we fall out of line Is it today or is it tonight? We"ll find, the answer to our life This world is not at ease we seem to hide the truth Thinking there"s only so much we really can do It"s up to you and me to face our destiny The journey"s here so let"s take the stand And we"re not gonna take anymore Can we try to erase all the pain So please Show me a reason, give me a sign Tell me the way we fall out of line Is it today or is it tonight? We"ll find, the answer to our life Tell me why we have to cry And I try When there"s so many things we can do To help this troubled world start a new I need a reason I need a sign There"s no turning back I"m here by your side Is it today or maybe tonight? We"ll find The answer to our life Show me the way give me the sign Tell me the way we fall out of line Is it today, is it tonight The answer to our life Show me a reason, give me a sign Tell me the way we fall out of line Is it today or is it tonight? We"ll find, the answer to our life Show me a reason, give me a sign Tell me the way we fall out of line Is it today or is it tonight? We"ll find, the answer to our life
2023-01-01 02:39:276

Backstreet boy的成员
2023-01-01 02:40:183

Backstreet Boys的《Everyone》 歌词

歌曲名:Everyone歌手:Backstreet Boys专辑:Black & BlueEveryoneBackstreet BoysWe"ve been through days of thunderSome people say they don"t belongThey try to put us underBut can we stand together and a million strongLet"s get on with the show (Let"s get started)Turn the lights down low (Turn the lights down low)You were there from the start (You were there)We know who you areand this one goes out to youEveryone everyone everyoneSaid this one goes out to youEveryone wish they had showed us what you doneand this one goes out to youWe"ve been inside the circus We take the pleasure with the painI guess there"s something about usWhatever comes around we"ll always stay the sameOh yeahLet"s get on with the show (Oh Let"s get started)Turn the lights down low (Turn the lights down low)You were there from the start (You were there)We know who you areWe know who you areEveryone everyone everyonethis one goes out to youEveryone wish they had showed us what you doneand this one goes out to youNow we"re minutes awayTill it"s time to playOur heart beats are risingthey"re letting you inTime for the show to beginWe, wish they had showed us what you donethis one goes out to you you youYou make us feel like we"ve just begunAnd this one goes out to youEveryone everyone everyoneSaid this one goes out to youEveryone wish they had showed us what you doneand this one goes out to youEveryone everyone everyone(yeah)Said this one goes out to youEveryone wish they had showed us what you doneand this one goes out to you
2023-01-01 02:40:291

backstreet boys英文介绍

Backstreet Boys A quintet of hunkalicious singing vocalists, the Backstreet Boys is, probobaly the most popluar vocal group outside the United States. If we are the fans for western pop songs and are interested in B-Boys, let"s take a look at their growing path from the very beginning. The B-Boys gelled in 1993, in Orlando, where high school students A.J. McLean and Howie Dorough, and junior high student Nick Carter frequently ran into each other[1] at acting auditions. They began hanging out[2], started singing, and eventually Kevin Richardson and his Kentucky cousin, Brian Littrell joined in. Though their eponymous debut album[3] has by now sold more than 10 million copies in the U.S. The quintet"s 1995 single, "We"ve Got It Goin" On" fizzled after climbing to No. 69 on Billboard"s Hot 100. But of course, it"s always lonely at the top, and none of the five currently has a serious girlfriend. Here are the favorites of the Boys: When Nick goes shopping, relates one, he loves to buy sneakers and gold jewelry; Brian"s favorite food is macaroni and cheese, and his favorite cologne is Safari by Ralph Lauren; A.J. likes girls with nice eyes and long hair; Howie is most likely to "invite you for a moonlight walk along the beach"; and Kevin "spent eight years of his life living in a log cabin, and he"s also a qualified ballroom-dancer[4] instructor!" In 1999, Millennium"s first week out of the gate[5], the disc amassed 1,133,505 in sales, making it the most albums sold in a week - ever - since SoundScan began recording sales figures, handily trouncing the record set by Garth Brooks the previous December.
2023-01-01 02:40:342

backstreet boys 的所有歌

2023-01-01 02:40:424


《Backstreet Boys》1995  1.We"ve Got It Goin" On  2.Anywhere For You  3.Get Down (You"re the One for Me)  4.I"ll Never Break Your Heart  5.Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)  6.Boys Will Be Boys  7.Just To Be Close To You  8.I Wanna Be With You  9.Every Time I Close My Eyes  10.Darlin"  11.Let"s Have a Party  12.Roll With It  13.Nobody But You    backstreet"s back《Backstreet"s Back》1997  1.Everybody(Backstreet"s Back)  2.As Long As You Love Me  3.All I Have To Give  4.Missing You  5.That"s The Way I Like It  6.10,000 Promises  7.Like a child   8.Hey, Mr. D.J. (Keep Playin" This Song)  9.Set Adrift On Memory Bliss  10.That"s What She Said  11.If You Want It To Be Good Girl (Get Yourself A Bad Boy )  12.If I Don"t Have You   《Millennium》《Millennium》1999-5-18  1.Larger Than Life   2.I Want It That Way   3.Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely   4.It"s Gotta Be You   5.I Need You Tonight   6.Don"t Want You Back   7.Don"t Wanna Lose You Now   8.The One   9.Back To Your Heart   10.Spanish Eyes   11.No One Else Comes Close   12.Perfect Fan   13.I"ll Be There For You   《Black & Blue》2000-11-21  1.The Call   2.Shape Of My Heart   3.Get Another Boyfriend   4.Shining Star   5.I Promise You  6.The Answer To Our Life  7.Everyone   8.More Than That   9.Time   10.Not For Me   11.Yes I Will   12.It"s True   13.What Makes You Different  14.How Did I Fall In Love With You   《The Hits: Chapter One》 (精选集) 2001-10-1  后街男孩之前的音乐精选一级单曲Drowning,以及参与众明星合唱歌曲"What"s Going On"的录制。  《Never Gone》2005-6-14  1.Incomplete   2.Just Want You To Know   3.Crawling Back To You   4.Weird World   5.I Still...  6.Poster Girl   7.Lose It All   8.Climbing The Walls   9.My Beautiful Woman   10.Safest Place To Hide   11.Siberia   12.Never Gone   13.Song For The Unloved   14.Rush Over Me   15.Movin" On  《Unbreakable》2007-10-30  1.Intro  2.Everything But Mine  3.Inconsolable  4.Something That I Already Know  5.Helpless When She Smiles  6.Any Other Way  7.One in a Million  8.Panic  9.You Can Let Go  10.Trouble Is  11.Treat Me Right  12.Love Will Keep You Up All Night  13.Unmistakable  14.Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon  Bonus:  15.Downpour  16.In Pieces  17.Nowhere to Go  18.There"s Us  《This Is Us》2009-10-6   1.Straight Through My Heart  2.Bigger  3.Bye Bye Love  4.All Of Your Life (You Need Love)  5.If I Knew Then  6.This Is Us  7.PDA  8.Masquerade  9.She"s A Dream  10.Shattered  11.Undone  12.Helpless Featuring Pitbull  13.on without you  《Playlist; The Very Best Of Backstreet Boys》2010-1-26  1. Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)  2. As Long As You Love Me  3. Everybody (Backstreet"s Back) (Extended Version)  4. I"ll Never Break Your Heart  5. All I Have To Give  6. I Want It That Way  7. Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely  8. Shape Of My Heart  9. More Than That  10. Drowning  11. Larger Than Life  12. Incomplete  13. Just Want You To Know  14. Inconsolable (Main Version)   单曲:   happy never after  let"s do it for love  children need a helping hand  who do you love  I"ll be there for you  you wrote the book on love  finger you out  best that I can  same old bland new you  trouble  free from within  you are  Last night you saved my life  welcome to my heart  funny face  International  Fallen Angel  Evergreen  Satallite  Close My Eyes  与Human Nature的合唱——Last Christmas  圣诞单曲——Christmas Time   西班牙语I"ll Never Break Your Heart——Spanish Version(Nunca Te Hare Lloror)   LP Version   《Millennium》专辑预告——Announce In Advance 1999
2023-01-01 02:40:551

Backstreet Boys[后街男孩] That"s What She Said翻译

2023-01-01 02:41:001


2023-01-01 02:41:051

求backstreet boys所有 专辑 和 单曲 歌名

backstreet boys《Backstreet Boys》1995 1.We"ve Got It Goin" On 2.Anywhere For You 3.Get Down (You"re the One for Me) 4.I"ll Never Break Your Heart 5.Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) 6.Boys Will Be Boys 7.Just To Be Close To You 8.I Wanna Be With You 9.Every Time I Close My Eyes 10.Darlin" 11.Let"s Have a Party 12.Roll With It 13.Nobody But You backstreet"s back《Backstreet"s Back》1997 1.Everybody(Backstreet"s Back) 2.As Long As You Love Me 3.All I Have To Give 4.Missing You 5.That"s The Way I Like It 6.10,000 Promises 7.Like a child 8.Hey, Mr. D.J. (Keep Playin" This Song) 9.Set Adrift On Memory Bliss 10.That"s What She Said 11.If You Want It To Be Good Girl (Get Yourself A Bad Boy ) 12.If I Don"t Have You 《Millennium》《Millennium》1999-5-18 1.Larger Than Life 2.I Want It That Way 3.Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely 4.It"s Gotta Be You 5.I Need You Tonight 6.Don"t Want You Back 7.Don"t Wanna Lose You Now 8.The One 9.Back To Your Heart 10.Spanish Eyes 11.No One Else Comes Close 12.Perfect Fan 13.I"ll Be There For You 《Black & Blue》2000-11-21 1.The Call 2.Shape Of My Heart 3.Get Another Boyfriend 4.Shining Star 5.I Promise You 6.The Answer To Our Life 7.Everyone 8.More Than That 9.Time 10.Not For Me 11.Yes I Will 12.It"s True 13.What Makes You Different 14.How Did I Fall In Love With You 《The Hits: Chapter One》 (精选集) 2001-10-1 后街男孩之前的音乐精选一级单曲Drowning,以及参与众明星合唱歌曲"What"s Going On"的录制。 《Never Gone》2005-6-14 1.Incomplete 2.Just Want You To Know 3.Crawling Back To You 4.Weird World 5.I Still... 6.Poster Girl 7.Lose It All 8.Climbing The Walls 9.My Beautiful Woman 10.Safest Place To Hide 11.Siberia 12.Never Gone 13.Song For The Unloved 14.Rush Over Me 15.Movin" On 《Unbreakable》2007-10-30 1.Intro 2.Everything But Mine 3.Inconsolable 4.Something That I Already Know 5.Helpless When She Smiles 6.Any Other Way 7.One in a Million 8.Panic 9.You Can Let Go 10.Trouble Is 11.Treat Me Right 12.Love Will Keep You Up All Night 13.Unmistakable 14.Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon Bonus: 15.Downpour 16.In Pieces 17.Nowhere to Go 18.There"s Us 《This Is Us》2009-10-6 1.Straight Through My Heart 2.Bigger 3.Bye Bye Love 4.All Of Your Life (You Need Love) 5.If I Knew Then 6.This Is Us 7.PDA 8.Masquerade 9.She"s A Dream 10.Shattered 11.Undone 12.Helpless Featuring Pitbull 13.on without you 《Playlist: The Very Best Of Backstreet Boys》2010-1-26 1. Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) 2. As Long As You Love Me 3. Everybody (Backstreet"s Back) (Extended Version) 4. I"ll Never Break Your Heart 5. All I Have To Give 6. I Want It That Way 7. Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely 8. Shape Of My Heart 9. More Than That 10. Drowning 11. Larger Than Life 12. Incomplete 13. Just Want You To Know 14. Inconsolable (Main Version) 单曲: happy never after let"s do it for love children need a helping hand who do you love I"ll be there for you you wrote the book on love finger you out best that I can same old bland new you trouble free from within you are Last night you saved my life welcome to my heart funny face International Fallen Angel Evergreen Satallite Close My Eyes 与Human Nature的合唱——Last Christmas 圣诞单曲——Christmas Time 西班牙语I"ll Never Break Your Heart——Spanish Version(Nunca Te Hare Lloror) LP Version 《Millennium》专辑预告——Announce In Advance 1999
2023-01-01 02:41:111

backstreet boys spanish eyes中英歌词

Spanish Eyes (深情的双眼)[Verse 1:]Here we are in the arms of one another你我互相紧紧地拥抱 And we still go on searching for each other彼此探索内心的世界Knowing that hate is wrong and love is right for us tonight今晚消除怨恨只留爱意 When I look into your Spanish eyes当我看著你深情的双眼I know the reason why I am alive看到我存在的意义 And the world is so beautiful tonight世界变得如此美好 [Chorus:]It"s a place l"ve never been就像进入一个未知的境界And it comes from deep within来自深邃的远处And it"s telling me that I"m about to win first prize告诉我快要得到你的爱 Knowing all I have to do现在的我只要作一件事Is reach out my hand to you就是伸出我的手Anytime I want to look into your Spanish eyes当我看著你深情的双眼[Verse 2:]Let it be if we"re nothing more than dreamers随它去吧,就算我们只是作梦的小孩Who believe that we see no wall between us有谁会相信我们俩心灵相通 How can they be in my heart and in my mind,你的心思是如何进入到我的心when all I could find只要我想要看到 When I look into your Spanish eyes当我看著你深情的双眼 I know the reason why I am alive我知道生存的意义 And the world is so beautiful tonight世界变得如此美好 [Chorus: ]I loved you from a distance我爱你远超过你的想像Thought I couldn"t reach that far虽然无法达到极境真不敢相信I can"t believe how close that we are我俩如此相近When I look into your Spanish eyes当我看著你深情的双眼And the world is so beautiful tonight世界变得如此美好[Chorus: ]
2023-01-01 02:41:162


2023-01-01 02:41:297

Everybody(Backstreet"s Back) 后街男孩 的歌词

这首歌的歌词为:everybodyrock ur body.rock ur body right.backstreet"s back alright.alright! oh my god we"re back again.brothers,sisters,everybody sing.we"re gonna bring the flavor show u how.i"ve gotta question for u.better answer i original? i the only one?am i sexual?am i everything u need?u better rock u body throw ur hands up in the air.and wave"em around like u just don"t care.if you wanna party let me hear u yell."cause we"ve got it goin" on everybody,everywhere.don"t be afraid,don"t have no fear.gonna tell the world, make it long as there"ll be music we"ll be coming back again.
2023-01-01 02:41:553

Backstreet boys所有歌曲名

<<Backstreet Boys>> 1.We"ve Got It Goin" On 2.Anywhere For You 3.Get Down (You"re The One For Me) 4.I"ll Never Break Your Heart 5.Quit Playin" Games (With My Heart) 6.Boys Will Be Boys 7.Just To Be Close To You 8.I Wanna Be With You 9.Everytime I Close My Eyes 10.Darlin" 11.Let"s Have A Party 12.Roll With It 13.Nobody But You 14.Lay Down Beside Me <<Backstreet" Back >> 1.Everybody (Backstreet" Back ) 2.As Long As You Love Me 3.All I Have To Give 4.Missing You 5.That"s The Way I Like It 6.10,000 Promises 7.Like A Child 8.Hey,Mr.DJ(Keep Playin"This Song) 9.Set Adriff On Memory Bliss 10.That"s What She Said 11.If You Want It To Be Good Girl(Get Yourself A Bad Boy) 12.All I Have To Give(Part II-The Conversation Mix) 13.If I Don"t Have You <<Millennium>> 1.Larger Than Life 2.I Want It That Way 3.Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely 4.It"s Gotta Be You 5.I Need You Tonight 6.Don"t Want You Back 7.Don"t Wanna Lose You Now 8.The One 9.Back To Your Heart 10.Spanish Eyes 11.No One Else Comes Close 12.Perfect Fan 13.I"ll Be There For You 14.I"ll Be There For You <<Black and Blue>> 1.The Call 2.Shape Of My Heart 3.Get Another Boyfriend 4.Shining Star 5.I Promise You 6.Answer To Our Life 7.Everyone 8.More Than That 9.Time 10.Not For Me 11.Yes I Will 12.It"s True 13.What Makes You Different 14.How Did I Fall In Love With You 15.All I Have To Give (Acappella) <<The Greatest Hits: Chapter One>> 1.I Want It That Way 2.Everybody (Backstreet"s Back) 3.As Long As You Love Me 4.Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely 5.Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) 6.We"ve Got It Going On 7.All I Have To Give 8.Larger Than Life 9.I"ll Never Break Your Heart 10.The Call 11.Shape Of My Heart 12.Get Down (You"re The One For Me) 13.Anywhere For You 14.The One 15.More Than That 16.Drowning <<Never Gone>> (2005最新) 1.Incomplete 2.Just Want You To Know 3.Crawling Back To You 4.Weird World 5.I Still … 6.Poster Girl 7.Lose It All 8.Climbing The Walls 9.My Beautiful Woman 10.Safest Place To Hide 11.Siberia 12.Never Gone 13.Song For The Unloved 14.Rush Over Me 15.Movin"On
2023-01-01 02:42:071


2023-01-01 02:42:136


2023-01-01 02:42:369

Backstreet Boys英文简介

最简洁而全面的介绍Backstreet BoysBiographyName : Backstreet BoysFoundation : 1992 Band Members : Nick Carter, Kevin Richardson, Howie Dorough, Brian Littrell, A.J. McLean First released record : Quit Playing Games With My Heart - 1997 Breakthrough : Quit Playing Games With My Heart - 1997 Labels : Jive, BMG, Zomba, Mushroom, Chrome Dreams, Import Music styles : Pop, Dance Introduction:The Backstreet Boys: Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, Brian Littrell, A.J. McLean and Kevin Richardson have become a hit in Europe and are growing to star status in the United States. Their singles, “Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)” and “As Long As You Love Me”are topping the charts. “As Long As you Love Me” won MTV Europe"s Select Award.Select is MTV Europe"s jukebox show allowing viewers the opportunity to request favorite videos from a menu on the screen. The Boys have been close friends for over five years.They are five solo acts who joined together and love what they do. Kevin and Brian are cousins who come from musical families. They sang in church choirs and did a lot of family harmonizing growing up in Kentucky.A. J., Nick and Howie, all solo singers, met at auditions in Orlando. To pass the time, while waiting to audition, they would harmonize. Their singing had a sound of its own. They met up with Brian and Kevin and that was the beginning of the Backstreet Boys. In the future the Boys are looking into the possibility of a TV series about the day to day lives of a popular singing group. It would incorporate the work and the fun. Nothing is set, just in the planning stages.
2023-01-01 02:43:084

Backstreet Boys的《Pda》 歌词

歌曲名:Pda歌手:Backstreet Boys专辑:This Is UsBackstreet Boys - PDABackstreet , your fans want your PDA forever!Intimacy"sFresh from my dreamsA triple X movie sceneI could care less about being seenA higher self esteem if you on me?(Ain"t that the way it"s supposed to be?)I say baby do you thinkSugar so sweet should rot my teethBut instead it just rottens meSpoiled crazyI saidPublic display of affection(Gotta make em)Pointing in my direction(Watch em, watch em)Public display of affectionMakes them wish they had it this wayMeet me at the club, the restaurant, the grocery store or the movieKissin" and touchin" with my hands all over your bootyWherever it is, we is, I love it trulyYour PDA, hey hey(I want your PDA)Your PDA, hey hey(I want your PDA)Your PDA, hey hey(I want your PDA)Remember at the beach we brought the sheets "til we were harassed by policeGood thing we didn"t go too deepEverywhere we be the passion in me just screamsI just need you in my reachBaby your suspense can be intenseIt"s got me convinced (oh yeah)You"re the fingers to my instrumentPublic display of affection(Gotta make em)Pointing in my direction(Watch em, watch em)Public display of affectionMakes them wish they had it this wayMeet me at the club, the restaurant, the grocery store or the movieKissin" and touchin" with my hands all over your bootyWherever it is, we is, I love it trulyYour PDA, hey hey(I want your PDA)Your PDA, hey hey(I want your PDA)Your PDA, hey hey(I want your PDA)Your PDA, hey heyYour PDA, hey hey(I want your PDA)From the lobby to the patio(Boy you so crazy)And we so compatibleThe Starbucks to the Navajo(Hmm, nasty)And we so compatibleMeet me at the club, the restaurant, the grocery store or the movieKissin" and touchin" with my hands all over your bootyWherever it is, we is, I love it trulyYour PDA, hey hey(I want your PDA)Your PDA, hey hey(I want your PDA)Your PDA, hey hey(I want your PDA)Your PDA, hey heyYour PDA, hey hey(I want your PDA)I wanna roll (I want your PDA) all over your body(I,I,I want your PDA)I wanna roll (I want your PDA) all over your body(I want your PDA)I want your PDA (that"s right)Public display of affection (so that"s what it"s coming)I want your PDA
2023-01-01 02:43:221


叫、后街男孩, 在、他家生德, 岁、参加演唱, 专集、就叫专集, 呵,
2023-01-01 02:43:283


2023-01-01 02:43:394

Backstreet Boys 歌词

歌曲名:Backstreet Boys歌手:John Valby专辑:Butt Seriously Folks送给我永远的小懒猫----王文婷虽然和你在一起只有短短的四十几天但是和你在一起的日子真的好开心真的好爱你~~~~~不想失去你~~~~但是只有你能让我笑的最开心天天想你,念你,爱你,不离开你~~~~ @绵绵@when we turn off the lightsthe two of us alone togethersomethings just not rightbut girl you know that i"d never everlet another"s touth come between the twoof uscause no one else could never take your placeno one else comes close to youno one makes me feel the way you doyou"re so special girl to meand you"ll always be eternallyeverytime i hold you nearyou always say the words i love to heargirl with just a touth you can do so muchoh girl no one else comes closeoh......and when i wake up tothe touth of your head on my shoulderyou"re my dream come tureoh girl you know i"ll always theasureevery kiss everyday love you girl in everywayand i always will cause in my eyes(oh baby)no one else comes close to youno one makes me feel the way you doyou"re so special girl to meand you"ll always be eternallyeverytime i hold you nearyou always say the words i love to heargirl with just a touth you can do so muchoh girl no one else comes closeno one else comes close to youno one makes me feel the way you doyou"re so special girl to meand you"ll always be eternallyeverytime i hold you nearyou always say the words i love to heargirl with just a touth you can do so much
2023-01-01 02:43:541


Backstreet Boys 是个由几个帅气的男歌手组成的五重奏歌唱组合,他们也几乎成为了美国以外地区最受欢迎的声乐团体。如果你是西方流行音乐的忠实歌迷而且也对 Backstreet Boys 深感兴趣的,那么就来看看下面有关其成长道路的介绍吧。 Backstreet Boys 于1993年初始 Orlando,当时的高中生A.J. McLean ,Howie Dorough和初中生 Nick Carter 经常在试演的时候碰面。从此他们开始经常一起,并唱歌,最后Kevin Richardson 和 Kentucky 他的表弟 Brian Littrell 也加入了他们的行列。 尽管他们的首张唱片到目前为止已经在美国销售超过了1千万张,这个五重奏1995的单曲"We"ve Got It Goin" On"在达到Billboard 100大热点的第69位之后就没再有任何突出的成绩。 当然,高高在上的感觉总是很孤独的,下面是BSB成员所喜欢的东西:Nick喜爱运动鞋和金饰;Brian最喜欢的食物是通心粉和起士,他最喜欢Ralph Lauren的Safari古龙香水;A.J.喜欢有长发和美丽眼睛的女孩子;Howie是会"邀请你在月光下到海边散步"的人;Kevin"曾在小木屋居住了八年,他还是一个合格的交际舞教练!" 1999年,Millennium第一个星期的销售量为1,133,505张,创下了SoundScan的历史, 击败了 Garth Brooks于去年12月创造的记录
2023-01-01 02:44:043

Everybody (Backstreet"S Back) 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody (Backstreet"S Back)歌手:Backstreet Boys专辑:The Very Best OfEverybody.每一个人Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了Oh my god we"re back again.哇我们终于回来了Brothers,sisters,everybody sing.大家快跟我们一起唱We"re gonna bring the flavor show U how.我们会教你们如何去唱I"ve gotta question for U.不过得你们得先回答一些问题Better answer now.最好就现在Am I original?我们是不是最经典的团体Yeah...当然Am I the only one?我们不是你们的唯一Yeah...当然Am I sexual?我们是不是最性感的团体Yeah...当然Am I everything U need?我们不是你们最期待的团体U better rock U body now.你们最好跟着摆动你们的身体Everybody.每一个人Yeah...当然Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Yeah...当然Everybody.每一个人Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了Alright!Now throw Ur hands up in the air.现在把你的手向上举And wave"em around like U just don"t care.不要在乎其他人只要自在地摆动If you wanna party let me hear U yell.把梦尽情玩乐就让我听到你们吆喝"Cause we"ve got it goin" on again.因为我们又要再次造成震撼Am I original?我们是不是最经典的团体Yeah...当然Am I the only one?我们不是你们的唯一Yeah...当然Am I sexual?我们是不是最性感的团体Yeah...当然Am I everything U need?我们不是你们最期待的团体U better rock U body now.你们最好跟着摆动你们的身体Everybody.每一个人Yeah...当然Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Yeah...当然Everybody.每一个人Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了Alright!So everybody,everywhere.就是现在,每一个人,无论你在哪一个方位Don"t be afraid,don"t have no fear.不要害怕,无须恐惧Gonna tell the world, make it understand.大声告诉全世界,让全世界知道As long as there"ll be music we"ll be coming back again.有音乐的地方,新好男孩又回来了Everybody.每一个人Yeah...当然Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Yeah...当然Everybody.每一个人Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back.后街男孩又回来了Everybody.每一个人Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Yeah...当然Everybody.每一个人Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了
2023-01-01 02:44:151

backstreet boy的成名曲是啥?

show me the meaning
2023-01-01 02:44:214


2023-01-01 02:44:3512

Backstreet Boys总共出过几张专辑?分别是什么?年份是多少?

1996 Backstreet Boys1997 Backstreet"s Back1999 Millennium2000 Black And Blue2001 Greatest Hits-Chapter One 精选2005 Never Gone
2023-01-01 02:45:192


摇滚的,linkin park,我偶像啊 。会错意了,不好意思
2023-01-01 02:45:284


后街男孩应该是歌坛叫成功的团体,因为他们出道较早,至今为止他们已经在美国销售了3800万张唱片,全球销量近9000万张,是自1990年代中期来最受欢迎的男生组合。由于他们在美国当时是较早的一个男孩团体,所以被誉为“男孩团体皇上皇”。 后街男孩的团名“Backstreet”原是奥兰多市的一个著名跳蚤市场(Backstreet Market)的名字,“Backstreet”这个词的直译是“后街”。在大陆地区对他们的译名是“后街男孩”。 1993年,来自Florida州的初中生HowieD,A.J.,Nick和来自Kentucty州Lexington市的表兄弟Kevin , Brain (高中生)在一间录音室相遇。他们之前均有过表演经验,其中Nick曾演过肥皂剧。大家一见如故,遂 进行了长谈,结果他决定组建一个乐队--Backstreet Boys。他们开始录制单曲,但推出后在美国本土销量不佳。在这段乐队历史上最困难的 时期他们互相安慰,互相鼓励.他们开始往英国发展(因为英国当时是偶像乐队的发源地,许多偶像乐队都产生在那里)。 五个才华洋溢的少年,不仅舞跳得好、长相俊美、更重要的是他们个个是充满音乐天分的奇才。1994年初成军时仍只是初生之犊不畏虎的小毛头,一年之后,他们推出了第一盘同名专辑,迅速在英国窜红,勇夺英国各大排行榜首位,他们以令人耳目一新的歌和优美的和声,成为无数少男少女的偶像。他们乘胜追击, 终于在歌坛高手云集的祖国红了起来,成为众所瞩目的新偶像,他们就是——“后街男孩”! “后街男孩”的五个成员中,Kevin和Brian来自深受音乐及宗教影响的家庭,从小即在教堂圣乐和唱诗班的熏陶下长大,因此练就了一流的灵魂乐合音式唱腔。之后Kevin决定离开家乡出外打拼,先在迪士尼乐园当导游,同时剩余的时间都致力于成为专业的词曲作家。 另外的三名成员,A.J.、Howie、Nick则来自奥兰多。这三个人原本分别活跃 于演艺界,演过音乐剧;拍过电影、电视、广告。有一天,这三个人凑在一起准备替一个新案子试音时,突然发现他们气味相投,于是一拍即合;加上离开家乡出来打天下的Kevin、Brian,五个满怀理想的少年组成一个以优美合音见长的乐团,并以奥兰多最出名的地标为名,“后街男孩”于是诞生! 首支单曲“We"ve go it goin" on”是由Ace of Base的制作人Denniz Pop操刀制作,这首舞曲展现了男孩们活力四射的青春气息,在欧陆方面成绩不俗,在奥地利、瑞士、荷兰、法国等均有打入十名内的嘉绩。接下来的“I"ll never break your heart”是首抒情曲,成功地为他们打开了欧洲的知名度。成绩最好的一首单曲则是“Get Down(You are the one for me)”,在国内也由杜德伟翻唱为“发烧”一曲,其惊人的魅力由此可见一斑。 这五个能歌善舞的后街男孩,带着阳光般的笑容,征服全球。首张专辑已获得了四白金,更在舞曲王国的德国、瑞士蝉联冠军. 就在接下来的几年中,Backstreet boys以他们的实力征服了全世界。 1996年发行了他们的第一张专辑"Backstreet boys" 1997年发行了他们的第二张专辑-----"Backstreet"s Back" 1999年,他们最成功的一张专辑"Millennium"发行了。 2000年11月21日,第四张专辑"Black & Blue"全球同步发行。 2001年11月,后街男孩发行了自从他们出道以来的第一张精选辑-- "the Greatest Hits - Chapter One" 2005年6月14日,发行了新专辑"Never Gone" 2007年11月,发行了首张4人组合新专辑"Unbreakable" 2009年9月30日,发行了第二张4人组合的专辑"This Is Us" 这些都是他们的辉煌战绩,在中国也很火。
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至今为止他们已经在美国销售了3800万张唱片,全球销量近9000万张,是自1990年代中期来最受欢迎的男生组合。由于他们在美国当时是较早的一个男孩团体,所以被誉为“男孩团体皇上皇”。  后街男孩的团名“Backstreet”原是奥兰多市的一个著名跳蚤市场(Backstreet Market)的名字,“Backstreet”这个词的直译是“后街”。在大陆地区对他们的译名是“后街男孩”。  1993年,来自Florida州的初中生HowieD,A.J.,Nick和来自Kentucty州Lexington市的表兄弟Kevin , Brain (高中生)在一间录音室相遇。他们之前均有过表演经验,其中Nick曾演过肥皂剧。大家一见如故,遂 进行了长谈,结果他决定组建一个乐队--Backstreet Boys。他们开始录制单曲,但推出后在美国本土销量不佳。在这段乐队历史上最困难的 时期他们互相安慰,互相鼓励.他们开始往英国发展(因为英国当时是偶像乐队的发 源地,许多偶像乐队都产生在那里)。  五个才华洋溢的少年,不仅舞跳得好、长相俊美、更重要的是他们个个是充满音乐天分的奇才。1994年初成军时仍只是初生之犊不畏虎的小毛头,一年之后,他们推出了第一盘同名专辑,迅速在英国窜红,勇夺英国各大排行榜首位,他们以令人耳目一新的歌和优美的和声,成为无数少男少女的偶像。他们乘胜追击, 终于在歌坛高手云集的祖国红了起来,成为众所瞩目的新偶像,他们就是——“后街男孩”! “后街男孩”的五个成员中,Kevin和Brian来自深受音乐及宗教影响的家庭,从小即在教堂圣乐和唱诗班的熏陶下长大,因此练就了一流的灵魂乐合音式唱腔。之后Kevin决定离开家乡出外打拼,先在迪士尼乐园当导游,同时剩余的时间都致力于成为专业的词曲作家。 另外的三名成员,A.J.、Howie、Nick则来自奥兰多。这三个人原本分别活跃 于演艺界,演过音乐剧;拍过电影、电视、广告。有一天,这三个人凑在一起准备替一个新案子试音时,突然发现他们气味相投,于是一拍即合;加上离开家乡出来打天下的Kevin、Brian,五个满怀理想的少年组成一个以优美合音见长的乐团,并以奥兰多最出名的地标为名,“新好男孩”于是诞生! 首支单曲“We"ve go it goin" on”是由Ace of Base的制作人Denniz Pop操刀制作,这首舞曲展现了男孩们活力四射的青春气息,在欧陆方面成绩不俗,在奥地利、瑞士、荷兰、法国等均有打入十名内的嘉绩。接下来的“I"ll never break your heart”是首抒情曲,成功地为他们打开了欧洲的知名度。成绩最好的一首单曲则是“Get Down(You are the one for me)”,在国内也由杜德伟翻唱为“发烧”一曲,其惊人的魅力由此可见一斑。 这五个能歌善舞的后街男孩,带着阳光般的笑容,征服全球。首张专辑已获得了四白金,更在舞曲王国的德国、瑞士蝉联冠军.
2023-01-01 02:46:261