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erupt with 什么意思

2023-05-29 09:51:54
TAG: up er it eru erupt

erupt with 伴随一起爆发


● erupt 突然发生;爆发

Violence erupted outside the embassy gates.


● with 和…在一起;和;同;跟

a nice steak with a bottle of red wine






2023-05-29 08:45:553


erupt中文读音(yi rua po te )一挼泼特erupt_百度翻译常见释义爆发英:[ɪˈrʌpt]美:[ɪˈrʌpt]v.(火山)爆发; (岩浆、烟等)喷出; 突然发生; 爆发; 突然发出(尤指叫喊);例句:He avers that chaos will erupt if he loses他断言,如果他失败将会爆发动乱。助记提示1、破壳而出,这个成语很形象地形容了这个单词由词根词缀所构成的字面含义。2、e- "out" + rupt-.3、字面意思为:break out, burst.中文词源erupt 爆发e-, 向外。-rupt, 断裂,爆发。英文词源erupterupt: [17] Etymologically, erupt means simply ‘break out". It comes from the past participle of Latin ērumpere, a compound verb formed from the prefix ex- ‘out, from" and rumpere ‘break" (source of English rout, route, routine, and rupture, and related to bereave, rob, and robe). English actually acquired the derived noun eruption [15] before the verb.=> bereave, corrupt, disrupt, rob, rout, route, routine, ruptureerupt (v.)1650s, of diseases, etc., from Latin eruptus, past participle of erumpere "to break out, burst," from assimilated form of ex- "out" (see ex-) + rumpere "to break, rupture" (see rupture (n.)). Of volcanoes, from 1770 (the Latin word was used in reference to Mount Etna). Related: Erupted; erupting.双语例句
2023-05-29 08:46:021


erupt 英[ɪˈrʌpt] 美[ɪˈrʌpt] vi. 爆发; 喷发; 突然发生; 出疹; vt. 爆发; [例句]Heavy fighting erupted there today after a two-day ceasefire在停火两天后,今天那里爆发了激烈的战斗。[其他] 第三人称单数:erupts 现在分词:erupting 过去式:erupted过去分词:erupted
2023-05-29 08:46:191


2023-05-29 08:46:251


1.eruption。 2.erupt的名词形式是eruption,意为:爆发,喷发。 3.火山灰。 4.出疹。 5.例句:Afewdayslater,Vesuviuswasinviolenteruption.几天以后,维苏威火山猛烈爆发了。
2023-05-29 08:46:371


2023-05-29 08:46:441


erupt的名词形式:eruption。n. 爆发,喷发;火山灰;出疹例句:1. The temple was destroyed in the violent eruption of 1470 BC.庙宇在公元前1470年猛烈的火山爆发中摧毁了.2. The extinct volcano"s eruption would mean a cataclysm for the city.死火山又重新喷发,对这座城市来说意味着大难临头.
2023-05-29 08:47:011


Erupt,英文单词,主要用作为及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“爆发;喷出”,作不及物动词时意为“ 爆发;喷出;发疹;长牙”。
2023-05-29 08:47:351


2023-05-29 08:47:421

erupt 的形容词和名词形式?

eruption eruptive
2023-05-29 08:47:492

erupt和break out区别

2023-05-29 08:48:461


它的名词形式为 eruption, tion是一个后缀,加上它就变成名词。这样的词还有suggest--suggestion等。
2023-05-29 08:48:531


2023-05-29 08:49:012


eruption的动词为:erupt.行业词典人体组织学:出牙。   化工:喷发。   医学:长出,萌出:如牙的长出。疹:由于疾病而出现的可以目击的皮疹性损害,特别是出疹性疾病时的潮红、隆起。地理学:喷发。相似词语:n.喷发Belching、surge、squirt、ejection、ebullition、outpouring、expulsion、gushing、spouting、emission、discharge、spurt.n.爆发,迸发Blast、fulmination、outbreak、cataclysm、tremor、upheaval、quake、earthquake、temblor、outburst、blowup、explosion、detonation.造句:1、Volcanic ash showered down on the town after the eruption.火山喷发后,小城落了一层火山灰。2、Suppose Mount Etna erupted everyday,or imagine that each eruption there kills thousands of people.假设一下,埃特纳火山每天都在喷发,或者那里的每次喷发都导致数千人死亡。3、The 1980 volcanic eruption of Mount Saint Helens,for example,sent mud and debris into several tributaries of the Columbia River.例如,1980年圣海伦斯火山爆发,导致哥伦比亚河的几条支流产生泥石流现象。4、Dermatitis herpetiformis presents with intense pruritus and a vesicular eruption.疱疹样皮炎表现为剧烈瘙痒和水疱。5、The last recorded eruption took place in 1846.史载最后一次喷发发生于1846年。
2023-05-29 08:49:081


是的,可以使用 "disaster"(灾难)或 "catastrophe"(灾难)这个词来表达疾病、战争和火山爆发。
2023-05-29 08:49:435


2023-05-29 08:49:574


2023-05-29 08:50:041

eruption (火山爆发)怎么记更好?不要用音标

2023-05-29 08:50:132


2023-05-29 08:50:217


  explode表爆[突]发,发怒; 激增的意思,那么你知道explode的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了explode的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   explode的短语:   explode with(v.+prep.)   发作express one"s feelings noisily and often suddenly, because of (a strong feeling such as anger)   Jim exploded with anger when he heard how Mary had been treated.吉姆听到玛丽的遭遇时,勃然大怒。   同义词辨析:   explode, burst, erupt   这些动词均有"爆炸,爆发"之意。   explode : 指物体爆炸而释放大量热能的一刹那。   burst : 强调爆炸能量的突然释放和力量的突然迸发。   erupt : 主要指火山的爆发,也可用作引申意义。   explode的短语例句:   1. Catherine was ready to explode. "I think you"re contemptible!"   凯瑟琳气得快要炸了。“我觉得你真是可鄙!”   2. The car was juddering and vibrating as if it would explode.   汽车剧烈地摇晃着、颤动着,就像要爆炸似的。   3. The bomb must explode within less than a millionth of a second.   炸弹必须在不到百万分之一秒的时间内爆炸。   4. These are the facts that explode their so-called economic miracle.   这些就是用来粉碎他们所谓的经济奇迹的事实。   5. She heard laughter explode, then die.   她听到有人爆笑了一阵,后来就没声音了。   6. Many boys explode firecrackers on the Fourth of July.   许多男孩子在7月4日那天放爆竹.   7. Do you fear that you"ll burst into tears or explode with anger in front of her?   你担心会在她面前放声大哭或是勃然大怒吗?   8. He has a short fuse , and they poke and prod to see if he will explode.   他易于激动, 因此他们故意拨弄他,看看他是否会发火.   9. Columbus helped to explode the theory that the earth is flat.   哥仑布促使打破地球是平的的理论.   10. Andrew , who was short - tempered from a sleepless night, was ready toexplode.   安德鲁因彻夜难眠而变得暴躁, 快要发作了.   11. If the hydrogen is ignited it is likely to explode.   如果氢被点燃,它就可能爆炸.   12. For a moment it looked if Lilian Hawthorne would explode.   一时间,莉莲·霍索恩似乎要大发雷霆了.   13. For a moment it looked as if Lilian Hawthorne would explode.   一时间,莉莲?霍索恩似乎要大发雷霆了.   14. Modern consciousness has this great need to explode its own postures.   现代意识很有这种摧毁本身姿态的需要.   15. Many boys explode firecrackers on the Lantern Festival.   许多男孩在元霄灯节燃放鞭炮.
2023-05-29 08:50:541


"spew ";或 flowing; 例句:1.去年,我发现制造出跳跃性喷涌的方法。Last year, I found a way to produce jumping spouts.article.yeeyan.org2.我们可以通过收集和分析市场喷涌而出的实时数据来实现这一目标。We can do this by collecting and analysing the tick-by-tick data that markets spew out.3.这座乌克兰的反应堆于1986年爆炸后连续10天喷涌大量辐射粒子。The ukrainian reactor blew up and spewed huge amounts of radiation for 10 days in 1986.article.yeeyan.org4.在该政权表面的宣传之内,是喷涌而出的深深不满。Scratch the surface of the regime"s propaganda, and profound discontent wells up.5.当英国石油最早封堵油井的计划失败、任石油继续喷涌时,他的命运就已注定。His fate was sealed when bp"s early plans to cap its well failed, leaving oil still spewing.
2023-05-29 08:51:122


explosion1、读音:英 [ɪkˈspləʊʒn]   美 [ɪkˈsploʊʒn]  2、释义:爆炸,爆破。3、语法:基本含义是“爆炸”,主要指炸弹、锅炉、油箱等内部能量突然释放,强调爆炸时的状态,引申可表示“迅速扩大”“激增”,用于人时则可表示“勃然大怒”“破除,推翻…”等。4、相关短语:population explosion人口激增。扩展资料同根词组:wage explosion1、读音:英 [weɪdʒ ɪkˈspləʊʒn]   美 [weɪdʒ ɪkˈsploʊʒn]  2、释义:工资大增。3、语法:wage的意思是“工资,工钱”,指相对短的时间内,以小时为单位,每周或每两周付给蓝领工人或非技术工人一次报酬,常用于复数形式。4、用法例句:now being accelerated by overheated investment in capital and property and threatened further by a possible wage explosion. 5、白话译文:资本和资产投资过热已经在推波助澜,而如果工资猛增,则令这个问题雪上加霜。
2023-05-29 08:51:203


2023-05-29 08:51:552


破的意思,长做后缀》详见, 百度 rupt大耳朵英语
2023-05-29 08:52:033


火山喷发的英文是volcanic eruption。虽然erupt和explode都有“爆炸,爆发”的意思,但是erupt指“(火山)爆发,(岩浆,烟等)喷出“,而explode指突然爆发,且声音巨大,指”爆炸,爆破,爆裂“。因此火山爆发动词应该用erupt。双语例句如下:1、这座活火山可能在今晚喷发。This active volcano may erupt tonight.2、arthquakes happened pretty frequently there and so do volcanic eruptions.地震发生相当频繁,所以经常会有火山喷。3、金川泥炭沉积中火山喷发物的发现及其意义。Discovery of volcanic EXPLOSION-DERIVED materials in Jinchuan peat and its significance4、那座火山在喷发熔岩。The volcano was spouting lava.5、Over 200 people have been killed by volcanic eruptions.火山喷发已导致200多人丧生。6、火山爆发在高层大气中留下了一层薄薄的尘土。The eruption has left a thin veil of dust in the upper atmosphere.7、That night, I watched him rappel into the area near a molten volcano on the island of Hawaii.那天晚上,我看着他顺着绳索下到夏威夷岛上一个熔化的火山附近地区。
2023-05-29 08:52:151

you prick burst是什么意思?求解

2023-05-29 08:52:535


这个单词很典型,适用词根词缀记忆: 前缀(e)+词根(labor)+后缀(ate) 先简要了解下词义: 做形容词表示 : 详尽的,复杂的; 精心制作的做动词表示: 详尽阐述/说明;精心制作 “e”做前缀,主要有两种意思: ①加强 ,如especially(adv.特别,专门)、establish(v.建立;证实) ②出,外 ,如erupt(词义:喷出;“rupt”词根表示“裂,破”,bankrupt破产;interrupt打断)、elect(词义:选出;“lect”词根表示“收集,选择”,像collect,select)。 后缀“ate”常为动词后缀,也做形容词后缀 : motivate(v.刺激,使有动机) liquidate(v.清算) considerate(adj.考虑周到的) moderate(adj.适度的) “labor” 基本意思是“劳动,辛勤劳作 ;劳动力”;但它还有一个生僻的意思,表示: “过于详尽地阐述”: 例:There"s no need for the manager to labour the point. 经理没必要对这一点啰唆。 回到“elaborate”,词源上如此解释的 我觉得这样笼统地解释不好理解记忆。 我拆分成两种解释,分别对应它的两种意思 1.e理解成“外,出”;labor理解为“辛勤劳动 ”,所以就是“辛勤劳动出成果”——“精心制作”。形容词与动词词义是对应的,即表示“精心制作的” A.动词举例 : to elaborate his plans for a new engine精心设计一种新机器 B.形容词举例: The women have elaborate necklaces of turquoise and pink coral. 那些女人戴着由绿松石和粉色珊瑚制成的精美项链。 2.e理解为“加强”,labor理解为它的那层生僻意思“过于详尽地阐述 ”,所以还是与原意相同,只是没有贬义的感情色彩了,表示“详尽阐述”。形容词同样对应,表示“详尽的”。 A.动词举例 : He said he had new evidence, but refused to elaborate any further. 他声称有新证据,但拒绝进一步详细说明。 常与介词on搭配 ,如: McDonald refused to elaborate on his reasons for resigning. 麦克唐纳拒绝细说他辞职的原因。 B.形容词举例 : He doesn"t have to go through this elaborate display for my benefit!他不必为了我作这么详细的展示! 拓展单词:collaborate 因为两者很相似,它由以下三部分组成: 前缀“col”+词根“labor”+后缀“ate” 词源上讲,col在同辅音单词前表示“共”,比如常见单词:collective(集体的,共有的;lect词根有“收集”之意)、colleague(同事,同僚;league本身是“结盟”的意思)。所以这里就是“共同劳动”,这个单词的主要意思就是“合作”。 实际,collaborate的意思是“合作,协作;通敌,勾结”,即还有一层意思是贬义的“合作” 例: 1.合作〔尤指在科学或艺术方面〕 A.接物,常与on(sth)和with(sb)搭配 The two nations are collaborating on several satellite projects. 两国在几个人造卫星项目上展开合作。 During the late seventies, he collaborated with the legendary Muddy Waters.70年代后期,他和大名鼎鼎的马迪•沃特斯合作过。 B.接动词,常有collaborate to do /in doing Elephants collaborate in looking after their young. 象群相互协作照顾幼象。2.通敌,勾结Vigilantes began combing the city for anyone known to have collaborated with the enemy.治安维持会成员开始在城里仔细搜索通敌分子。 总结: 今天利用词根词缀法学习了“elaborate”,“辛勤劳动,出成果”-精心制作;“强化地详尽阐述”-详尽阐述,“ate”同时做了形容词和动词意义的后缀。同时由这个单词的两层意思可深刻记忆前缀“e”的含义,用于以后其他单词的记忆。 以l为词首的单词或词根,前面缀以col表“同”
2023-05-29 08:53:511


Edit—editionEject—ejection Elect—electionErect—erectionErupt—eruptionExcept—exception—exceptionalExhaust—exhaustion—exhaustiveExhibit—exhibition Extract—extractionExpress—expression—expressiveEducate—education—educatedElaborate—elaborationElevate—elevation Eliminate—elimination Emancipate—emancipation Eradicate—eradication Estimate—estimationEvaluate—evaluation Evaporate—evaporation Exaggerate—exaggeration—exaggeratedExasperate—exasperationExecute—execution—executiveExonerate—exoneration Examine—examinationExpire—expirationExplore—explorationExclaim—exclamationExplain—explanation—explanatoryExperiment—experimentation—experimentalExport—exportationExpect—expectation Exploit—exploitation Erode—erosion Exclude—exclusion—exclusiveExplode—explosion—explosiveExpand—expansion Extend—extension—extensiveExpose—exposition Evolve—evolution
2023-05-29 08:53:581

people erupt in cheers这是什么意思?

2023-05-29 08:54:053


2023-05-29 08:54:171


/pokespawn (神奇宝贝名称) [参数] [参数] - 这是召唤出神奇宝贝。/pokegive (玩家) (神奇宝贝名称) [参数] [参数] - 某玩家直接获得一只神奇宝贝。/pokeheal (玩家) - 治疗某玩家的所有神奇宝贝。/pokebattle (玩家1) (玩家2) - 让两个玩家进行战斗。/pokebattle2 (玩家) [玩家]/[神奇宝贝名称] [玩家]/[神奇宝贝名称] [玩家]/[神奇宝贝名称] - 让多个玩家进行战斗,但是是一起战斗。/pokestats (玩家) - 查看某玩家的对战记录。/resetpokestats (玩家) - 清除某玩家的战斗纪录。/freeze - 让整个世界的神奇宝贝都不动。(但还可战斗)/struc - 建造神奇宝贝中心。(不可重迭,要相隔很远才能放)/getbiomedata - 不知道干什么的/ tpbat 不知道干什么的精灵名字(注:有些精灵可能召唤不了)001 妙蛙种子 Bulbasaur - Bulb(植物的球茎) + Saurian(蜥蜴) 002 妙蛙草 Ivysaur - Ivy(常春藤) + Saurian(蜥蜴) 003 妙蛙草花 Venusaur - Venus(维纳斯) + Saurian(蜥蜴) 004 小火龙 Charmander - Char(烧焦) + Salamander(火蜥蜴) 005 火恐龙 Charmeleon - Char(烧焦) + Chameleon(变色龙) 006 喷火龙 Charizard - Char(烧焦) + Lizard(蜥蜴) 007 杰尼龟 Squirtle - Squirt(喷射) + Turtle(海龟) 008 卡咪龟 Wartortle - War(战斗) + Turtle(海龟) 009 水箭龟 Blastoise - Blast(疾风) + Tortoise(龟) 010 绿毛虫 Caterpie - Caterpillar(毛虫) 011 铁甲蛹 Metapod - Metamorphism(变形) + Pod(豆荚) 012 巴大蝴 Butterfree - Butterfly(蝴蝶) + Free(自由) 013 独角虫 Weedle - Worm(蠕虫) + Needle(针) 014 铁壳虫 Kakuna - Cocoon(茧) 015 大针蜂 Beedrill - Bee(蜜蜂) + Drill(钻) 016 波波 Pidgey - Pigeon(鸽子) 017 比比鸟 Pidgeotto - Pigeon(鸽子) 018 比雕 Pidgeot - Pigeon(鸽子) 019 小拉达 Rattata - Rat(老鼠)-a-tat-tat 020 拉达 Raticate - Rat(老鼠) + Eradicate(根除) 021 烈雀 Spearow - Sparrow(麻雀) + Spear(矛,枪) 022 大嘴雀 Fearow - Fear(畏惧) + Sparrow(麻雀) 023 阿柏蛇 Ekans - Snake(蛇)(**Sanke从右往左为Eknas) 024 阿柏怪 Arbok - Cobra(眼镜蛇)(**Cobra从右往左为Arboc) 025 皮卡丘 Pikachu - Spark(火花,闪烁)(**日语) + Chu(**老鼠发出的声响) 026 雷丘 Raichu - Thunder(打雷)(**日语) + Chu(**老鼠发出的声响) 027 穿山鼠 Sandshrew - Sand(沙子) + Shrew(地鼠) 028 穿山王 Sandslash - Sand(沙子) + Slash(猛砍) 029 尼多兰 Nidoran (F) - (**尼多力诺的变化型) 030 尼多娜 Nidorina - (**参见尼多力诺) 031 尼多后 Nidoqueen - Nidorina(尼多娜) + Queen(女王) 032 尼多朗 Nidoran (M) - (**尼多力诺的变化型) 033 尼多力诺 Nidorino - Rhino(犀牛) 034 尼多王 Nidoking - Nidorino(尼多力诺) + King(国王) 035 皮皮 Clefairy - Clef(音部记号) + Fairy(仙女,精灵) 036 皮可西 Clefable - Clef(音部记号) + Fable(神话) 037 六尾 Vulpix - Vulpine(狐狸的) + Six(六) 038 九尾 Ninetales - Nine(九) + Tails(尾巴) 039 胖丁 Jigglypuff - Jiggly(摇晃的) + Puff(喷,膨胀) 040 胖可丁 Wigglytuff - Wiggly(左右摇摆的) + Tough(坚强的) 041 超音蝠 Zubat - Bat(蝙蝠) 042 大嘴蝠 Golbat - Gold(金的) + Bat(蝙蝠) 043 走路草 Oddish - Odd(单只的) + Radish(小萝卜) 044 臭臭花 Gloom - Gloom(阴沉,忧郁) 045 霸王花 Vileplume - Vile(卑鄙的,可耻的) + Plume (云) 046 派拉斯 Paras - (**参见派拉斯特) 047 派拉斯特 Parasect - Parasite(寄生植物) + Insect(昆虫) 048 毛球 Venonat - Venom(毒液) + Gnat(小昆虫) 049 末入蛾 Venomoth - Venom(毒液) + Moth(蛾) 050 地鼠 Diglett - Dig(挖洞) + -Let (小的东西)(**后缀) 051 三地鼠 Dugtrio - Dug(挖洞) + Trio(三个一组) 052 喵喵 Meowth - Meow(猫叫) 053 猫老大 Persian - Persian cat(波斯猫) 054 可达鸭 Psyduck - Psychic(精神的,超自然的) + Duck(鸭) 055 哥达鸭 Golduck - Gold(金的) + Duck(鸭) 111 铁甲犀牛 Rhyhorn - Rhino(犀牛) + Horn(角) 112 铁甲暴龙 Rhydon - Rhino(犀牛) + Don(**指物体) 113 吉利蛋 Chansey - Chancey(运气的) 114 蔓藤怪 Tangela - Tangle(缠结) 115 袋龙 Kangaskhan - Kangaroo(袋鼠) + Kahn(可汗)(**蒙古族对君主的称呼) 116 墨海马 Horsea - Horse(马) + Sea(海) 117 海刺龙 Seadra - Sea(海) + Dragon(龙) 118 角金鱼 Goldeen - Goldfish(金鱼) + Queen(女王) 119 金鱼王 Seaking - Sea(海) + King(国王) 120 海星星 Staryu - Star(星星) + You(你) 121 宝石海星 Starmie - Star(星星) + Me(我) 122 吸盘魔偶 Mr. Mime - Mister(先生) + Mime(模仿,滑稽哑剧) 123 飞天螳螂 Scyther - Scythe(长柄镰刀) 124 迷唇姐 Jynx - Jinx(不详物) 125 电击兽 Electabuzz - Electric(电的) + Buzz(嗡嗡声) 126 鸭嘴火龙 Magmar - Magma(岩浆) 127 大甲 Pinsir - Pincer(铁钳,钳子) 128 肯泰罗 Tauros - Taurus(金牛座) 129 鲤鱼王 Magikarp - Magic(魔力的) + Carp(鲤鱼) 130 暴鲤龙 Gyarados - Gyre(旋回) 131 乘龙 Lapras - (**即乘龙的日文名称ラプラス) 132 百变怪 Ditto - Ditto(相同) 133 伊布 Eevee - E.V.(进化)(**Evolution的缩写) 134 水精灵 Vaporeon - Vapor(水蒸气) + Eon(进化)(**Evolution) 135 雷精灵 Jolteon - Jolt(震摆) + Eon(进化)(**Evolution) 136 火精灵 Flareon - Flare(闪耀) + Eon(进化)(**Evolution) 137 3D龙 Porygon - Polygon(多边形) 138 菊石兽 Omanyte - Ammonite(菊石) 139 多刺菊石兽 Omastar - Ammonite(菊石) + Star(星) 140 化石盔 Kabuto - Kabuto(头盔)(**日语) 141 镰刀盔 Kabutops - Kabuto(头盔)(**日语) 142 化石翼龙 Aerodactyl - Aero(飞行的) + Pterodactyl(翼龙) 143 卡比兽 Snorlax - Snore(打鼾) + Relax(休息) 144 急冻鸟 Articuno - Artic(艺术品) + Uno(一)(**西班牙语) 145 闪电鸟 Zapdos - Zap(攻击) + Dos(二)(**西班牙语) 146 火焰鸟 Moltres - Molten(融化) + Tres(三)(**西班牙语) 147 迷你龙 Dratini - Dragon(龙) + Tiny(微小的) 148 哈克龙 Dragonair - Dragon(龙) + Air(空中) 149 快龙 Dragonite - Dragon(龙) + -Ite(成员,后代)(**后缀) 150 超梦 Mewtwo - Mew(喵)(**猫叫声) + Two(二) 151 梦幻 Mew - Mew(喵)(**猫叫声) 152 菊草叶 Chikorita - Chicory(菊苣)(**一种植物) 153 月桂叶 Bayleef - Bay Leaf(月桂树叶) 154 大菊花 Maganium - Mega(大) + Geranium(天竺葵)(**一种植物) 155 火球鼠 Cyndaquil - Cinder(熔渣) + Quill(刚毛) 156 火岩鼠 Quilava - Quill(刚毛) + Lava(熔岩) 157 火暴兽 Typhlosion - Typhoon(台风) + Explosion(爆发,爆炸) 158 小锯鳄 Totodile - Tot(小孩) + Crocodile(鳄鱼) 159 蓝鳄 Croconaw - Crocodile(鳄鱼) + Gnaw(咬,啃) 160 大力鳄 Feraligatr - Feral(凶猛的) + Alligator(短吻鳄)(**产于美洲的鳄鱼) 161 尾立 Sentret - Sentry(哨兵) + Ferret(雪貂) 162 大尾立 Furret - Fur(软毛) + Ferret(雪貂) 163 咕咕 HootHoot - Hoot(**猫头鹰的叫声) 164 猫头夜鹰 Noctowl - Nocturnal(夜的) + Owl(猫头鹰) 165 芭瓢虫 Ledyba - Ladybird/Ladybug(瓢虫) + Baby(婴孩) 166 安瓢虫 Ledian - Ladybird/Ladybug(瓢虫) 167 线球 Spinarak - Spinneret(吐丝器) + Arachnid(蛛形纲) 168 阿力多斯 Ariados - Ariadne(阿里阿德涅)(**[希腊]一个变成蜘蛛的人) + Osmosis(渗透) 169 叉字蝠 Crobat - Crow(啼叫) + Bat(蝙蝠) 170 灯笼鱼 Chinchou - (?Chinchou)(**中国一个以纸灯闻名的地方) 171 电灯怪 Lanturn - Lantern(灯笼) 172 皮丘 Pichu - Pikachu(皮卡丘) 173 皮宝宝 Cleffa - Clef(音部记号) + Fairy(仙女,精灵) 174 宝宝丁 Igglybuff - Jiggly(摇晃的) + Buff(软皮) 175 波克比 Togepi - (**日语) 176 波克基古 Togetic - Togepi(波克比) + Tick(滴答声) 177 天然雀 Natu - Natural(自然的) 178 天然鸟 Xatu - Exotic(奇异的) 179 咩力羊 Mareep - Mary(玛丽) + Sheep(绵羊) 180 绵绵 Flaafy - Fluffy(绒毛似的) + Baa(羊叫声) 181 电龙 Ampharos - Amp(安培) + Pharaoh(法老) 182 美丽花 Bellossom - Bell(铃) + Blossom(花) 183 玛利露 Marill - Marine(海的) + Rill(小溪) 184 玛利露丽 Azumarill - Azure(碧空) + Marine(海的) + Rill(小溪) 185 胡说树 Sudowoodo - Pseudo(冒充的) + Wood(树) 186 牛蛙君 Politoed - Polliwog(蝌蚪) + Toed(有趾的) 187 毽子草 Hoppip - Hop(跳跃) + Pip(种子) 188 毽子花 Skiploom - Skip(跳跃) + Bloom(花) 189 毽子棉 Jumpluff - Jump(跳跃) + Fluff(绒毛) 190 长尾怪手 Aipom - Ape(猿) + Palm(手掌) 191 向日种子 Sunkern - Sun(太阳) + Kernel(谷粒) 192 向日花怪 Sunflora - Sun(太阳) + Flora(植物) 193 阳阳玛 Yanma - (**日语Yanyanma) 194 乌波 Wooper - Whoop(叫喊) 195 沼王 Quagsire - Quagmire(沼泽) + Sire(陛下) 196 太阳精灵 Espeon - ESP(超感觉的知觉)(**Extrasensory Perception的缩写) + Eon(进化)(**Evolution) 197 月精灵 Umbreon - Umbra(阴影) + Eon(进化)(**Evolution) 198 黑暗鸦 Murkrow - Murky(黑暗的) + Crow(乌鸦) 199 河马王 Slowking - Slow(迟钝的) + King(国王) 200 梦妖 Misdreavus - Mischievous(有害的) 201 未知图腾 Unown - Unknown(未知的)202 果然翁 Wobbuffet - Wobble(摇晃) + Buffet(打击) 203 麒麟其 Girafarig - Giraffe(长颈鹿) 204 榛果球 Pineco - Pine Cone(松果) 205 佛烈托斯 Forretress - Forest(森林) + Fortress(堡垒) 206 土龙弟弟 Dunsparce - Dun(微暗的) + Sparse(稀少的) 207 天蝎 Gligar - Glider(滑翔机) 208 大钢蛇 Steelix - Steel(钢铁) + Onix(大岩蛇) 209 布卢 Snubbull - Snub(斥责) + Bulldog(牛头犬) 210 布卢皇 Granbull - Grand(重要的) + Bulldog(牛头犬) 211 千针鱼 Qwilfish - Quill(刚毛) + Fish(鱼) 212 巨钳螳螂 Scizor - Scissors(剪刀) 213 壶壶 Shuckle - Shuck(壳) 214 赫拉克罗斯 Heracross - Heracles(大力英雄)(**希腊一位强壮的力士) + Cross(交叉) 215 狃拉 Sneasel - Sneaky(鬼祟的) + Weasel(鼬鼠) 216 熊宝宝 Teddiursa - Teddy Bear(玩具熊) + Ursa(熊,小熊星座)(**拉丁文) 217 圈圈熊 Ursaring - Ursa(熊,大熊星座)(**拉丁文) + Ring(环状物) 218 熔岩虫 Slugma - Slug(鼻涕虫) + Magma(岩浆) 219 熔岩蜗牛 Magcargo - Magma(岩浆) + Escargot(食用蜗牛)(**法语) 220 小山猪 Swinub - Swine(猪) + Nub(块) 221 长毛猪 Piloswine - Pilo(多毛的)(**拉丁文) + Swine(猪) 222 太阳珊瑚 Corsola - Coral(珊瑚) 223 铁炮鱼 Remoraid - Remora(297 超力王 Hariteyama - Hariteyama(**日本相扑中的一个等级:张り手) 298 露力丽 Azurill - Azure(蔚蓝的) + Rill(小溪) 299 朝北鼻 Nosepass - Nose(鼻) + Compass(指南针) 300 向尾猫 Skitty - Skittish(易激动的) + Kitty(小猫) 301 优雅猫 Delcatty - Delicate(灵敏的) + Cat(猫) + Kitty(小猫) 302 勾魂眼 Sableye - Sable(黑貂的) + Eye(眼睛) 303 大嘴娃 Mawile - Maw(胃) + Wile(阴谋) 304 可可多拉 Aron - Armor(装甲) + Iron(铁) 305 可多拉 Lairon - Lair(巢穴) + Iron(铁) 306 波士可多拉 Aggron - Aggression(进攻) + Iron(铁) 307 玛沙那 Meditite - Meditate(沉思,冥想) 308 恰雷姆 Medicham - Meditate(沉思,冥想) + Champ(焦急) 309 落雷兽 Electrike - Electric(电的) + Tyke(野狗) 310 雷电兽 Manectric - Mane(鬃毛) + Electric(电的) 311 正电拍拍 Plusle - Plus(正) 312 负电拍拍 Minun - Minus(负) 313 电荧虫 Volbeat - Volt(伏特) + Beetle(甲虫) 314 甜甜萤 Illumise - Illumination(照明) 315 毒蔷薇 Roselia - Rose(蔷薇,玫瑰) + Azalea(杜鹃花) 316 溶食兽 Gulpin - Gulp(吞咽) + In(进入) 317 吞食兽 Swalot - Swallow(吞咽) + A lot(许多) 318 利牙鱼 Carvanha - Carnivore(食肉动物) + Piranha(食人鱼,水虎鱼)(**产于南美的一种鱼类) 319 巨牙鲨 Sharpedo - Shark(鲨鱼) + Torpedo(鱼雷) 320 吼吼鲸 Wailmer - Whale(鲸) + Wilmer(威尔默) 321 吼鲸王 Wailord - Whale(鲸) + Lord(地主) 322 呆火驼 Numel - New(新的) + Camel(骆驼) 323 喷火驼 Camerupt - Camel(骆驼) + Erupt(爆发,喷出) 324 煤炭龟 Torkoal - Tortoise(龟) + Charcoal(木炭) 325 跳跳猪 Spoink - Spring(跳跃,弹力) + Oink(呼噜声)(**猪发出的声响) 326 噗噗猪 Grumpig - Grump(坏脾气) + Pig(猪) 327 晃晃斑 Spinda - Spin(旋转) + Panda(熊猫) 328 大鄂蚁 Trapinch - Trap(诡计) + Pinch(收缩) 329 超音波幼虫 Vibrava - Vibrate(震动,摇摆) 330 沙漠蜻蜓 Flygon - Fly(飞翔) + Dragon(龙) 331 沙漠奈亚 Cacnea - Cactus(仙人掌) + Sabonea(**沙漠奈亚的日文名称) 332 梦歌奈亚 Cacturne - Cactus(仙人掌) + Nocturnal(夜的) 333 青眠鸟 Swablu - Swan(天鹅) + Blue(蓝色的) 334 七夕青鸟 Altaria - Altitude(高处) + Air(空中) 335 猫鼬斩 Zangoose - Mongoose(猫鼬) 336 饭匙蛇 Seviper - Sever(切断) + Viper(毒蛇) 337 月石 Lunatone - Lunar(月亮的) + Stone(石) 338 太阳岩 Solrock - Solar(太阳的) + Rock(岩石) 339 泥泥鳅 Barboatch - Barbette(炮塔) + Poach(把…踏成泥浆) 340 鲶鱼王 Whiscash - Whisker(腮须) + Catfish(鲶鱼) 341 龙虾小兵 Corphish - Corpse(尸体) + Fish(鱼) 342 铁螯龙虾 Crawdaunt - Crawfish(小龙虾) + Daunt(沮丧) 343 天平偶 Baltoy - Balance(天平) + Toy(玩具) 344 念力土偶 Claydol - Clay(粘土) + Doll(玩偶) 345 触手百合 Lileep - Lily(百合) + Sleep(睡眠) 346 摇篮百合 Cradily - Cradle(摇篮) + Sleep(睡眠) 347 太古羽虫 Anorith - Anamalocaris + Rith 348 太古盔甲 Armaldo - Armor(装甲) 349 笨笨鱼 Feebas - Feeble(虚弱的,无力的) + Bass(鲈鱼) 350 美纳斯 Miltotic - Melodic(有旋律的,调子美妙的) 351 飘浮泡泡 Castform - Forecast(预测,预兆) + Transform(转换,改变) 352 变隐龙 Kecleon - Chameleon(变色龙) 353 怨影娃娃 Shuppet - Sheet(薄片) + Puppet(木偶) 354 诅咒娃娃 Banette - Bane(祸害) + Marionette(牵线木偶) 355 夜骷颅 Duskull - Dusk(黄昏) + Skull(头骨) 356 夜巨人 Dusclops - Dusk(黄昏) + Cyclops(独眼巨人)(**希腊神话人物) 357 热带龙 Tropius - Tropical(热带的) + Citrus(柑橘类的植物) 358 风铃铃 Chimecho - Chime(和谐的声音) + Echo(回音) 359 阿勃梭鲁 Absol - Absolute(绝对的) 360 小果然 Wynaut - "Why Not?"(为什么不呢?) 361 雪童子 Snorunt - Snow(雪) + Runt(矮小的动物) 362 冰鬼护 Glalie - Glacier(冰河) 363 海豹球 Spheal - Sphere(球体) + Seal(海豹) 364 海魔狮 Sealeo - Seal(海豹) + Leo(狮子,狮子座) 365 帝牙海狮 Walrein - Walrus(海象) + Reign(统治) 366 珍珠贝 Clamperl - Clamp(夹子,夹紧) + Pearl(珍珠) 367 猎斑鱼 Huntail - Hunt(打猎) + Tail(尾部) 368 樱花鱼 Gorebyss - Gore(血块) + Abyss(深渊) 369 古空棘鱼 Relicanth - Relic(遗物,废墟) + Cealocanth(**鱼的一种) 370 爱心鱼 Luvdisc - Love(爱情) + Discus Fish(铁饼鱼) 371 宝贝龙 Bagon - Baby(婴孩) + Dragon(龙) 372 甲壳龙 Shelgon - Shell(贝壳) + Dragon(龙) 373 暴蝾螈 Salamence - Salamander(火蜥蜴) + Menace(威胁) 374 铁哑铃 Beldum - Dumbbell(哑铃) 375 金属怪 Metang - Metal(金属) + Angstrom(埃) 376 巨金怪 Metagross - Metal(金属) + Gross(全部的,粗野的) 377 雷吉洛克 Regirock - Rock(岩石) 378 雷吉艾斯 Regice - Ice(冰) 379 雷吉斯奇鲁 Registeel - Steel(钢铁) 380 拉帝亚斯 Latias - Lateo(隐藏的)(**Lateo为拉丁文) 381 拉帝欧斯 Latios - Lateo(隐藏的)(**Lateo为拉丁文) 382 盖欧卡 Kyogre - Kai(水) + Orca(虎鲸,逆戟鲸) 383 固拉多 Groudon - Ground(地面) 384 烈空坐
2023-05-29 08:54:241

牛津高中英语 模块3 第三单元的单词

牛津高中英语 模块3 第三单元的单词Civilization 文明lecture讲座Roman罗马的,罗马人take over夺取,接管volcano火山erupt(火山)爆发lava 火山岩,熔岩ash灰烬,灰rock岩石unfortunately不幸地bury埋葬stone石头archaeologist考古学家director主管,负责人,主任mud泥浆,烂泥mosaic马赛克body尸体binoculars双筒望远镜destroy毁坏,摧毁house收藏wealthy富有的,富裕的commercial商业的,贸易的gradually逐渐地sandstorm沙尘暴cultural文化的institute学院,机构,研究所Swedish瑞典的,瑞典语ruin废墟,遗迹remains遗址,遗迹,残留物paint (用颜料)画,油漆pot壶,罐material材料document文件,文献temple寺庙workshop作坊,车间enormous巨大的,庞大的archaeological考古的,考古学的wise明智的,英明的heat n 热,vt加热drive迫使(某人发疯、生气)passage通道,过道burialn埋葬chamber(用作特定用途的)室,房间burial chamber墓室bone骨头wooden木制的,木头的condition状况,条件,状态in good condition处于良好的状态uncover发现,揭开feed为……提供食物,喂,养活solution解决方法faithfully忠实地,忠诚地Yours faithfully您忠实的(正式书信末尾的套语)concerned担心的,关心的,有关的citizen市民major主要的military军事的,武装的carry out执行,实施airfield机场bombvt轰炸 n 炸弹explodeVi 爆炸board木板,甲板on board登机/船, 在甲板上sink下沉,使下沉airplane飞机president总统declare宣布,宣告,宣称in memory of纪念memorialn纪念馆 adj 纪念的battleship战舰republic共和国empire帝国confusion混乱,混淆fighting战斗,战争influenceVt/n 影响emperor皇帝unite统一,联合,团结overthrow推翻poetry诗歌philosophy哲学similarity相似点,相似likewiseAdv 同样地route路线trade贸易,交易in use在使用中china瓷器in return作为回报spice香料,调味品wool羊毛goods商品,货物no more不复存在formation不再reunite重新统一,再联合
2023-05-29 08:54:331


environment English England eye electricity ear each estimate ...
2023-05-29 08:54:423


2023-05-29 08:54:501


erupt近义词 explode, burst, erupt erupt近义词辨析 这些动词均有"爆炸,爆发"之意。 explode 指物体爆炸而释放大量热能的一刹那。 burst 强调爆炸能量的突然释放和力量的突然迸发。 erupt 主要指火山的爆发,也可用作引申意义。 扩展资料   erupt的英语例句   1. He says it"s like a volcano ready to erupt.   他说这就像一座即将喷发的火山。   2. The volcano could erupt at any time.   这座火山随时可能爆发。   3. An active volcano may erupt at any time.   活火山会随时喷发。   4. A regional conflict would erupt into violent warfare.   地区性冲突会演变成一场大战.   5. Volcanoes and geysers erupt.   火山和间歇喷泉均能喷发.
2023-05-29 08:55:091


erupt意思 爆发谐音 依热破造句 The volcano erupted.火山爆发了望采纳
2023-05-29 08:55:223


英音 [ i"rʌptiv ] ; 美音 [ i"rʌptiv ]副词 暴发的,喷火的词形变化:形容词:eruptive;副词:eruptively;时态:erupted,erupting,erupts。同义词:igneous。反义词:aqueous,sedimentary。英语句子The volcano is in eruption.火山正在喷发。volcanic eruption火山爆发The hostilities will be on eruption.战事即将爆发。To erupt or explode.迸发,爆炸。The volcano erupted molten lava.火山喷出了熔岩。The eruption has left a thin veil o fdust in the upper atmosphere火山爆发在高层大气中留下了一层薄薄的尘土。The eruption of a volcano is spontaneous.火山的爆发是自发的。Mimics the cooling effects of a volcanic eruption by spraying shiny sulphur compounds into the high atmosphere.这种方法通过对高层大气喷洒闪光的硫化物模仿火山爆发的降温效果。The eruption of a volcano is awesome.火山爆发的景象令人敬畏 
2023-05-29 08:55:292


2023-05-29 08:56:001


1、explode的名词如下: explosion爆炸;爆发;激增; explosive炸药;爆炸物; exploding爆炸,爆发;水热炸裂等等。 扩展资料   2、explode释义:   vi.爆炸,爆发;激增   vt.使爆炸;爆炸;推翻   [过去式exploded,过去分词exploded,现在分词exploding,第三人称单数explodes]   一、近义词:   vi.blowapart,burstup爆炸,爆发;激增   vt.shoot,spring,blast使爆炸;爆炸;推翻   二、explode,erupt,burst这组词都有“爆炸、爆发”的意思,其区别是:   1、explode指物体爆炸而释放大量热能的一刹那。   2、erupt主要指火山的"爆发,也可用作引申意义。   3、burst强调爆炸能量的突然释放和力量的突然迸发。
2023-05-29 08:56:071


英音 [ɪ"rʌpʃn] eruption 记忆方法eruption相关的词根或词缀是: rupteruption爆发n.e 出 + rupt 破,断裂 + ion 表名词 → 爆发eruption 变化形式复数: eruptions所属分类:TOEFL使用频率:星级词汇:中文词源eruption 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释A subsequent minor climax eruption occurred 160000 years ago .接下来一次较小的重要的喷发发生在16万年前。The last eruption started on march 25 , 2006 .最近的一次爆发是在2006年2月25日。This is what happened in the eruption of vesuvius which buried pompeii .这就是当年埋葬了庞培古城的维苏威火山爆发时所发生的事情。Neither eruption was unusually powerful .两次喷发均异常强烈。Most of the ash is from the powerful early eruption .大部分灰烬都是火山开始时强烈喷发造成的。我觉得拆开来记是很好的方法。erupt,动词,爆发。t后+ion成tion就是名词化。跟据读音,e/rup/tion/
2023-05-29 08:56:191


2023-05-29 08:56:351

there can be 是什么意思呀,这是个什么句型呀,从没见过?

there can be = there be 有
2023-05-29 08:56:443


2023-05-29 08:56:511

Keep A Secret 歌词

歌曲名:Keep A Secret歌手:The Whitest Boy Alive专辑:RulesCan you keep a secret?Honestly, no?If I know a good story,that bubbles out of me,like weeds from the ground.Can you keep a secret?Ok I will try.But sooner or later,the vulcanus crater,will erupt again.Erupt, erupt, erupt again.Erupt, erupt, erupt again.I can"t keep it inside.Can you keep a secret?What choice do I have?The door that you"ve opened,the seal that you"ve broken,you cannot shut now.Can you keep a secret?Well, why do you ask?It"s clear from the gallery,you"re dying to tell me,what"s been going on.You can"t keep it inside.You can"t keep it inside.You can"t keep it inside.
2023-05-29 08:56:591


: if you have these three zodiac signs at home, you must get rid of adversity, turn the tide and turn the salted fish around in 2022.Zodiac chickens tend to pay more attention to their inner life. They care more about each other"s talents than their ostentatious appearance. Therefore, when starting a business or cooperating with others, they often care more about their inner beauty, so they are often accompanied by good luck. At the same time, it will be recognized by more people because of its own efforts. More importantly, the zodiac chicken has a strong sense of hardship. Although it also likes a plain life, it is also very poor. They are also willing to go on. If there is a turnaround in life, even if there are scars, even if he forgets to eat and sleep, the rooster should cherish the opportunity and contribute his greatest value.Many people say that the life of the zodiac monkey is full of happiness and good luck. They not only have a successful career, but also seek wealth and success in life. At the same time, they are brave and cautious, and may be more introverted in their daily life. But when they do things, they are not vague at all. If they can seize the opportunity, even the smallest probability will pry the greatest wealth. Zodiac monkeys are smart and know that their career depends on both hands. Days will naturally prosper and good luck. Therefore, the harder you work, the smoother the future will be. When good luck continues to erupt, after January 28, you will get your wish and turn over the salted fish.Zodiac character is firm, free and easy, independent and not easy to give up. In the face of career bottlenecks, dog owners tend to be modest and cautious, and the pace of progress may be slower, but Zodiac dogs will never give up. Among the twelve zodiac animals, the dog is not a smart type. Compared with ability, they are more prominent in social communication, that is, dog owners like to take care of others very much, and they can communicate with each other. Well, that"s the end of today"s sharing. Friends who like me can click to follow and leave messages. thank you. See you next time.
2023-05-29 08:57:171


2023-05-29 08:57:471


2023-05-29 08:57:541

1.special 3.goodtempered 4.softly 5.timid 6.suppose 7.caring 8.patiently 11.nodded 12.supp

其实如果楼主经常需要英英释义的话比较推荐使用韦氏词典,是一份初阶的英英词典,解释用的词都是比较基础的,不管是英语入门还是高手都很适合。下面就是我利用韦氏词典查的,希望对楼主有帮助。一、specialNoun1. a special offering (usually temporary and at a reduced price) that is featured in advertising; "they are having a special on pork chops"(hypernym) offer , offering 2. a dish or meal given prominence in e.g. a restaurant(hypernym) dish 3. a television production that features a particular person or work or topic; "the last of a series of BBC specials on Iran is being shown tonight"(hypernym) television program , TV program , television show , TV show Adjective1. unique or specific to a person or thing or category; "the particular demands of the job"; "has a paraticular preference for Chinese art"; "a peculiar bond of sympathy between them"; "an expression peculiar to Canadians"; "rights peculiar to the rich"; "the special features of a computer"; "my own special chair"(synonym) particular(a) , peculiar(a) , special(a) (similar) specific 2. for a special service or occasion; "a special correspondent"; "a special adviser to the committee"; "had to get special permission for the event"(similar) extraordinary 3. surpassing what is common or usual or expected; "he paid especial attention to her"; "exceptional kindness"; "a matter of particular and unusual importance"; "a special occasion"; "a special reason to confide in her"; "what"s so special about the year 2000?"(synonym) especial(a) , exceptional , particular(a) (similar) uncommon 4. adapted to or reserved for a particular purpose; "a special kind of paint"; "a special medication for arthritis"(similar) specialized , specialised 5. having a specific function or scope; "a special (or specific) role in the mission"(synonym) limited (similar) specific 6. first and most important; "his special interest is music"; "she gets special (or particular) satisfaction from her volunteer work"(synonym) particular (similar) primary 7. added to a regular schedule; "a special holiday flight"; "put on special buses for the big game"(synonym) extra (similar) unscheduled 二、activeAdjective1. tending to become more severe or wider in scope; "active tuberculosis"(antonym) inactive (similar) progressive (classification) pathology 2. engaged in or ready for military or naval operations; "on active duty"; "the platoon is combat-ready"; "review the fighting forces"(synonym) combat-ready , fighting(a) (similar) operational (classification) military , armed forces , armed services , military machine , war machine 3. disposed to take action or effectuate change; "a director who takes an active interest in corporate operations"; "an active antagonism"; "he was active in drawing attention to their grievances"(antonym) passive , inactive (similar) activist , activistic (attribute) activeness , activity 4. taking part in an activity; "an active member of the club"; "he was politically active"; "the participating organizations"(synonym) participating (similar) involved 5. characterized by energetic activity; "an active toddler"; "active as a gazelle"; "an active man is a man of action"(antonym) inactive (similar) about(p) , astir(p) (see-also) energetic (attribute) activeness , activity 6. exerting influence or producing an effect; "an active ingredient"(antonym) inactive (similar) activated 7. full of activity or engaged in continuous activity; "an active seaport"; "an active bond market"; "an active account"(antonym) inactive (similar) brisk (attribute) action , activity , activeness 8. in operation; "keep hope alive"; "the tradition was still alive"; "an active tradition"(synonym) alive(p) (similar) existent , existing 9. of the sun; characterized by a high level activity in sunspots and flares and radio emissions(antonym) quiet (classification) astronomy , uranology 10. expressing that the subject of the sentence has the semantic function of actor: "Hemingway favors active constructions"(antonym) passive (classification) grammar 11. expressing action rather than a state of being; used of verbs (e.g. `to run") and participial adjectives (e.g. `running" in `running water")(synonym) dynamic (antonym) stative (classification) grammar 12. (of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt; "active volcanos"(antonym) dormant , inactive (similar) alive(p) , live(a) (attribute) action , activity , activeness (classification) vent , volcano 13. producing activity or change(antonym) counteractive , antagonistic (similar) surface-active 14. engaged in full-time work; "active duty"; "though past retirement age he is still active in his profession"(antonym) inactive (similar) activated (classification) military , armed forces , armed services , military machine , war machine 15. being in physical motion; "active fish in the aquarium"(similar) moving 16. characterized by energetic bodily activity; "tennis is an active sport"; "a very physical dance performance"(synonym) physical (similar) energetic 三、goodtemperedAdjective1. not easily irritated; "an equable temper"; "not everyone shared his placid temperament"; "remained placid despite the repeated delays"(synonym) equable , even-tempered , placid (similar) good-natured 四、softlyAdverb1. with low volume; "speak softly but carry a big stick"; "she spoke quietly to the child"; "the radio was playing softly"(synonym) quietly (antonym) loudly , loud , aloud (pertainym) soft 2. in a manner that is pleasing to the senses; "she smiled softly"3. with little weight or force; "she kissed him lightly on the forehead"(synonym) lightly , gently 4. used as a direction in music; to be played relatively softly(synonym) piano五、timidNoun1. people who are fearful and cautious; "whitewater rafting is not for the timid"(synonym) cautious (antonym) brave (hypernym) people Adjective1. showing fear and lack of confidence(antonym) bold (similar) bashful (see-also) afraid(p) (attribute) timidity , timorousness 2. contemptibly timid(similar) unmanly , unmanful , unmanlike 3. lacking self-confidence; "stood in the doorway diffident and abashed"; "problems that call for bold not timid responses"; "a very unsure young man"(synonym) diffident , shy , unsure (similar) unconfident 4. lacking conviction or boldness or courage; "faint heart ne"er won fair lady"(synonym) faint , fainthearted (similar) cowardly , fearful 六、supposeVerb1. express a supposition; "Let us say that he did not tell the truth"; "Let"s say you had a lot of money--what would you do?"(synonym) say (hypernym) speculate (derivation) guess , conjecture , supposition , surmise , surmisal , speculation , hypothesis 2. expect, believe, or suppose; "I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel"; "I thought to find her in a bad state"; "he didn"t think to find her in the kitchen"; "I guess she is angry at me for standing her up"(synonym) think , opine , imagine , reckon , guess (hypernym) expect , anticipate (hyponym) suspect (derivation) supposition , supposal 3. to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds; "Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps"(synonym) speculate , theorize , theorise , conjecture , hypothesize , hypothesise , hypothecate (hypernym) expect , anticipate (hyponym) reconstruct , construct , retrace (derivation) supposition , supposal 4. take for granted or as a given; suppose beforehand; "I presuppose that you have done your work"(synonym) presuppose (hypernym) assume , presume , take for granted (hyponym) postulate , posit 5. require as a necessary antecedent or precondition; "This step presupposes two prior ones"(synonym) presuppose (hypernym) imply (classification) logic 七、caringNoun1. a loving feeling(synonym) lovingness (hypernym) love (hyponym) warmheartedness , warmth (derivation) care Adjective1. showing a care; "a caring mother"(synonym) protective (similar) tender 2. having or displaying warmth or affection; "affectionate children"; "caring parents"; "a fond embrace"; "fond of his nephew"; "a tender glance"; "a warm embrace"(synonym) affectionate , fond , lovesome , tender , warm (similar) loving 3. feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others; "caring friends"(similar) compassionate 八、patientlyAdverb1. in a patient manner; "he patiently played with the child"(synonym) with patience (antonym) impatiently , with impatience (pertainym) patient 九、nodded(动词nod过去式)Noun1. a sign of assent or salutation or command(hypernym) gesture , motion 2. the act of nodding the head(hypernym) inclination , inclining (hyponym) nutation Verb1. express or signify by nodding; "He nodded his approval"(hypernym) gesticulate , gesture , motion 2. lower and raise the head, as to indicate assent or agreement or confirmation; "The teacher nodded when the student gave the right answer"(hypernym) communicate , intercommunicate 3. let the head fall forward through drowsiness; "The old man was nodding in his chair"4. sway gently back and forth, as is in a nodding motion; "the flowers were nodding in the breeze"(hypernym) move 5. be almost asleep; "The old man sat nodding by the fireplace"(hypernym) drowse
2023-05-29 08:58:001

单片机中timer0 inteerupt 1 中的0什么意思?timer后面的数字什么意思?

timer0 interrupt 1是计数器0的中断函数,timer0就是函数名,表示是计数器0的意思函数名事实上可以随便起,你可以用timer1,timer2都可以,但为了直观方便,就用timer0了啊interrupt 1是不能改变的,表示1号中断,即计数器0的中断!
2023-05-29 08:58:101


2023-05-29 08:58:171