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始祖鸟 kitsilano backpack 背包怎么样

2023-05-19 14:22:47

始祖鸟 kitsilano backpack的背包,做工一直都很精致的!





背包英文是backpack。具体信息如下:backpack ["bækpæk] 意思是背包,尤其指户外运动中所用的那类背包.英汉翻译n.远足用的背包;双肩背包,背包vt.挑运;把…放入背包vi.背负简便行李旅行;挑运I like go to travel,using backpack more than suitcase.我喜欢旅游,背个背包胜于拎行李箱.背包的其他英文是(行军或外出时背在背上的衣服包裹) knapsack; rucksack; infantry pack; field pack blanket roll; backpack ; 这些都是哦。比较常用的就是bag。
2023-01-01 01:57:401


backpack,作名词,意思双肩包、背包。作动词,意思是背包旅行。读音:英[ˈbækpæk],美[ˈbækpæk]。释义:n. (指登山者、步行者使用或背小孩时使用的)背包,(有轻金属框的)箱形背包。vi. 背包旅行。例句:Why should she wait to backpack across Europe with you?她为什么要等着和你一起去欧洲背包旅行?变形:复数backpacks。短语:backpack camera背负式电视摄像机backpack transmitter便携式发射机backpack pump背负式喷雾器rucksack帆布背包backpack的近义词rucksack读音:英[ˈrʌksæk],美[ˈrʌksæk]。释义:n. (尤指登山者或远足者使用的)背包,旅行包。例句:My rucksack was too big for the luggage rack.我的背包太大了,行李架上放不下。变形:复数rucksacks。短语:Rucksack Insurance背包保险Your Rucksack你的背包Rucksack Hostel背包旅馆ecological rucksack生态包袱Rucksack Inn背包客栈
2023-01-01 01:58:051

backpack怎么读音 backpack英文解释

1、backpack,读音:美/ˈbækpæk/;英/ˈbækpæk/。 2、释义:n.双肩背包,背包;远足用的背包。vt.挑运;把…放入背包。vi.背负简便行李旅行;挑运。 3、例句:My mother bought a backpack for me in America.我妈妈在美国给我买了一个背包。
2023-01-01 01:58:331


BackPack主要是指双肩包、背包的意思有关例句:1.I sat down a tatable and opened my backpack.我坐在一张桌子旁,打开我的背包。2.I will keep it in my backpack.我将会把它装在背包中。3.I will bring them in my backpack.我会把它们装在我的背包里。4.Her backpack was the same colour!她的背包也是同样的颜色!5.It looks like a modelaircraft.When disassembled it fits into a backpack.它看上去就像模型飞机,拆卸以后正好可以放进军用背包。
2023-01-01 01:58:381


BackPack主要是指双肩包、背包的意思,指登山者、步行者使用或背小孩时使用的)背包,(有轻金属框的)箱形背包,另外还有个很重要的意思是背着背包徒步旅行。例句。1.I sat down a tatable and opened my backpack.我坐在一张桌子旁,打开我的背包。2.I will keep it in my backpack.我将会把它装在背包中。3.I will bring them in my backpack.我会把它们装在我的背包里。
2023-01-01 01:58:561


backpack的意思是背包。例句:1.She hoisted her backpack on to her shoulder.她把背包提拉到自己的肩上。2.Go through the backpack daily and remove any items that add unnecessary weight.每天检查背包,拿掉增加额外重量的任何多余物品。3.And, well, the only thing Kay wears, the only thing, is her backpack.凯带着的唯一一件东西,唯一的装备,就是她的背包。4.Click on ALFY"s backpack, so he won"t forget to take it to school.在阿飞的背包上按一下,叫他不要忘记带到学校。5.This significantly reduces backpack weight and excess food packaging taken into the backcountry.这将极大减少带到野外的背包重量和过多的食物包装。双语例句:1.Throw your clothes in a backpack and do it up Army Ranger style.把你的衣服整理成突击队员那种风格背着回家。2.SEIL backpack by Lee Myung Su uses LED lights to display traffic signals.韩国设计师设计的SEIL背包利用LED灯来显示交通信号。3.What should I carry with me -- a purse, a briefcase, a backpack?我应该带钱包,公文包,还是背包?4.Hike a mile with a backpack full of cold fried chicken and biscuits.背一大包油煎鸡块和饼干步行一英里。5.A backpack is a Viking helmet - neither should be a crowed train.背包像维京海盗的头盔一样,不应该带上拥挤的火车。
2023-01-01 01:59:121


2023-01-01 01:59:584

backpack这个词用汉语怎么说 英文

strictly, and instructed in the truths of heaven and
2023-01-01 02:00:113


名词 n. 1、登山、远足用的背包 2、双肩背包 3、背包动词 v. 1、把...放入背包(vt.) 2、背负简便行李旅行(vi.) 3、挑运
2023-01-01 02:00:222


一个是背后面 的.....一个是提手里的....
2023-01-01 02:00:305


2023-01-01 02:00:517


Backpack名词:1.背包,多指登山者、步行者使用或背小孩时使用的背包;2.(有轻金属框的)箱形背包; vi.不及物动词, 背着背包徒步旅行;
2023-01-01 02:01:141


其实backpack最大既size系唔只75L既 有啲会去到80-100L都有 gregorypacks/prod?ID=2 gregorypacks/ 但喺中国香港因为唔系咁多人买 所以佢地未必会入货 同埋就算有都系好少铺头会有 如果你要既可以要求佢地帮你订 个人觉得 最紧要系「咩」
2023-01-01 02:01:191


2023-01-01 02:01:256


backpack : 背包
2023-01-01 02:01:453


n. 1. 登山、远足用的背包 vt. 1. 把...放入背包 vi. 1. 背负简便行李旅行
2023-01-01 02:01:553


n. 双肩背包,背包;远足用的背包vt. 挑运;把…放入背包vi. 背负简便行李旅行;挑运
2023-01-01 02:02:066


2023-01-01 02:02:3015


英音 [ "bækpæk ] ; 美音 [ "bækpæk ] 名词1.(指登山者、步行者使用或背小孩时使用的)背包,(有轻金属框的)箱形背包不及物动词:1.背着背包徒步旅行词形变化:名词:backpacking;时态:backpacked,backpacking,backpacks。同义词:pack;haversack,knapsack,back pack,packsack,rucksack。
2023-01-01 02:03:181


BACKPACK  You said I come in peace so I took you home  你说你是友好的所以我把你带回家  I gave you food and I gave you clothes  我给你食物和衣服  I taught you how to move your feet when the rhythms on  教你如何在节奏中迈开舞步  Still you wanna leave cause you feel alone  但你依旧想要离开,因为你感到孤独  You don"t know what they"re like  你不了解他们是什么样的人  If they know that you"re alive  如果他们知道你的存在  They"re gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet"s life  他们会毫不留情把关于你们星球生命的秘密公之于众  I know you must be upset you lost your family in a wreck  我知道在失事中失去亲人一定使你十分沮丧  But you gotta listen  但请听我说  Don"t try to find your spaceship  不要去找你的飞船了  It might be out there waiting  或许它正在外面等你  Stay in my backpack forever  永远和我在一起吧(永远在我的背包里吧)  Stay in my backpack forever  永远和我在一起吧(永远在我的背包里吧)  You know I can"t find my spaceship  你知道我找不到我的飞船了  My planet"s outside waiting  我的亲人还在等我  I can"t stay in your backpack forever  我不能永远和你在一起(我不能永远在你的背包里)  Stay in your backpack forever  我不能永远和你在一起(我不能永远在你的背包里)  Before you came around I was In a rut  你出现在我的身边前我正深陷于冲动中  Didn"t have a friend didn"t know what it was  身边没有任何朋友,也不懂什么是对什么是错  You taught how to dream and how to love  是你教会我如何追逐梦想如何去爱  You"re my best friend please listen to me  我最好的朋友请听我说  You don"t know what they"re like  你不了解他们是什么样的人  If they know that you"re alive  如果他们知道你的存在  They"re gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet"s life  他们会毫不留情把关于你们星球生命的秘密公之于众  I know you must be upset you lost your family in a wreck  我知道在失事中失去亲人一定使你十分沮丧  But you gotta listen但请听我说  Don"t try to find your spaceship  不要去找你的飞船了  It might be out there waiting  或许它正在外面等你  Stay in my backpack forever永远和我在一起吧(永远在我的背包里吧)  Stay in my backpack forever  永远和我在一起吧(永远在我的背包里吧)  You know I can"t find my spaceship  你知道我找不到我的飞船了  My planet"s outside waiting  我的亲人还在等我  I can"t stay in your backpack forever  我不能永远和你在一起(我不能永远在你的背包里)  Stay in your backpack forever  我不能永远和你在一起(我不能永远在你的背包里)  Greetings, I fell from the sky  你们好,我来自遥远的太空  I"m from a different world I use Lil Wayne as a disguise  来自另一个世界,我用Lil Wayne当作自己的名字  And my flying saucer crushed, I"m the only one who survived  我的飞碟坠毁失事,我是唯一的幸存者  I"m only taking over this planet since I arrived  我来这里接管这个星球(这几句翻译的可能不准确,是我的理解)  I"m in a backpack, I"m ducking Men in Black  现在我在背包里,躲避黑衣人的追踪  Yeah, I"m an alien, my swag is gotta this world  是的没错我是个外星人,我的收获是来到了这个世界  Different galaxy, they try to capture me  这个不同的星球,他们想要俘虏我  When I die they gonna name this planet after me  等我死后他们会以我的名字命名这个星球Wayne"s worldWayne星(Wayne的世界)  Don"t try to find your spaceship  不要去找你的飞船了  It might be out there waiting  或许它正在外面等你  Stay in my backpack forever  永远和我在一起吧(永远在我的背包里吧)  Stay in my backpack forever  永远和我在一起吧(永远在我的背包里吧)  You know I can"t find my spaceship  你知道我找不到我的飞船了  My planet"s outside waiting  我的亲人还在等我  I can"t stay in your backpack forever  我不能永远和你在一起(我不能永远在你的背包里)  Stay in your backpack forever  我不能永远和你在一起(我不能永远在你的背包里)  In our planet we don"t kill one another  我们的世界从来不会互相残杀  We don"t take love for granted  我们从不把别人的爱视作理所应当  It"s a gift from the mother  而是把它当作上天(母亲)赐予的礼物  In your planet you"re filled with greed  你们的世界到处充斥着贪婪  And false belief  和错误的信仰  We came here to bring you peace  我们带来了和平
2023-01-01 02:03:231


《Backpack1》是Justin bieber与Lil Wayne合作的歌曲,收录在Justin Bieber 在2013年12月23日发行的专辑《Journals》里。
2023-01-01 02:03:321


2023-01-01 02:03:416


You said, I come in peace, so I took you home  I gave you food and I gave you clothes  I taught you how to move your feet when the rhythm"s on  Still you wanna leave cause you feel alone  You don"t know what they"re like if they know that you"re alive  They"re gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet"s life  I know you must be upset, you lost your family in a wreck  But you gotta listen (listen, listen)  Don"t try to find your spaceship  They might be out there waiting  Stay in my backpack forever  Stay in my backpack forever  You know I gotta find my spaceship  My planet"s outside there waiting  I can"t stay in your backpack forever  Stay in your backpack, backpack, backpack  Before you came around I was in a rut  Didn"t have a friend, didn"t know what it was  You taught me how to dream and how to love  You"re my best friend, please listen to me  You don"t know what they"re like if they know that you"re alive  They"re gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet"s life  I know you must be upset, you lost your family in a wreck  But you gotta listen (listen, listen)  Don"t try to find your spaceship  They might be out there waiting  Stay in my backpack forever  Stay in my backpack forever  You know I gotta find my spaceship  My planet"s outside there waiting  I can"t stay in your backpack forever  Stay in your backpack, backpack, backpack  [Lil Wayne:]  Uh, greetings, I fell from the sky  I"m from a different world, I use Lil Wayne as a disguise  And my flying saucer crashed, I"m the only one that survived  I"ve only taken over this planet since I"ve arrived  I"m in the backpack, I"m ducking Men In Black  Yeah, I"m an alien, my swag is outta this world  Different galaxy, they try to capture me  When I die they gon" name this planet after me  Wayne"s world (Wayne"s world, Wayne"s world)   [Justin Bieber:]  Don"t try to find your spaceship  They might be out there waiting  Stay in my backpack forever  Stay in my backpack forever  You know I gotta find my spaceship  My planet"s outside there waiting  I can"t stay in your backpack forever  Stay in your backpack, backpack, backpack  In our planet we don"t kill one another  We don"t take love for granted, it"s a gift from the mother land,  In your planet you are filled with greed and false belief  We came here to bring you peace
2023-01-01 02:04:021


你好!backpack 英[ˈbækpæk] 美[ˈbækˌpæk] n. (指登山者、步行者使用或背小孩时使用的) 背包, (有轻金属框的)箱形背包; vi. 背着背包徒步旅行; [例句]He squirmed out of the straps of his backpack.他扭动身体,挣开背包的肩带。
2023-01-01 02:04:531


2023-01-01 02:04:593


2023-01-01 02:05:103


2023-01-01 02:05:253


2023-01-01 02:05:361


backpack ["bækpæk] 意思是背包,尤其指户外运动中所用的那类背包. 英汉翻译 n.远足用的背包;双肩背包,背包 vt.挑运;把…放入背包 vi.背负简便行李旅行;挑运 I like go to travel,using backpack more than suitcase. 我喜欢旅游,背个背包胜于拎行李箱.
2023-01-01 02:05:411


2023-01-01 02:05:474


backpack 英["bækpæk] 美[ˈbækˌpæk] n.(指登山者、步行者使用或背小孩时使用的)背包,(有轻金属框的... vi.背着背包徒步旅行 名词复数:backpacks [例句]Her backpack was the same colour! 她的背包也是同样的颜色!
2023-01-01 02:06:011


n. (指登山者、步行者使用或背小孩时使用的)背包, (有轻金属框的... vi. 背着背包徒步旅行 名词复数:backpacks [例句]I sat down at a table and opened my backpack.我坐在一张桌子旁,打开我的背包。答题不易,望采纳,祝学习进步
2023-01-01 02:06:062


2023-01-01 02:06:184


Backpack的读音:[英][ˈbækpæk];[美][ˈbækˌpæk]。Backpack的释义:n.背包;(内有氧气瓶等必需装备的)太空背包;vi.背包旅行;vt.背运(食物、装备等)。同义词:travel;transport。backpack和schoolbag的不同:Backpack[英]"bækpæk,[美]ˈbækˌpæk。(指登山者、步行者使用或背小孩时使用的)背包,(有轻金属框的)。vi.背着背包徒步旅行。schoolbag[英]"sku:lbæg,[美]ˈskulˌbæɡ。意思为书包。双语例句:They went backpacking in Spain last year.他们去年背着背包在西班牙旅行。I need a backpack because I have to carry my sleeping bag and camping stove.我需要一个背,因为我要背着我的睡袋和露营炉。Cosmetic Bags,Backpack School Bags,Travel Bag,Sports Bags,Suit Case,Luggage Set Bags and Cases.采购产品化妆品袋子,背包,学校袋子,旅游袋,运动袋。Sure. Just a minute. Let me take my camera out of my backpack.没问题。稍等一下。让我把相机从我的背包里拿出来。My hiking sticks telescope and can be put into the backpack.我的徒步旅行手杖能伸缩,可以把他放到背包里。
2023-01-01 02:06:321


2023-01-01 02:07:071


backpack ["bækpæk] n.双肩背包 v.挑运, 背包徒步旅行
2023-01-01 02:07:131


英 ["bækpæk]n. 双肩背包,背包;远足用的背包vt. 挑运;把…放入背包vi. 背负简便行李旅行;挑运短语:The Peach Backpack 桃色背包The pink backpack I 那个粉色的双肩背包也是我的in the backpack 在书包里 ; 在背包里 ; 在双肩包里
2023-01-01 02:07:191


backpack 英["bækpæk] 美[ˈbækˌpæk] n. (指登山者、步行者使用或背小孩时使用的)背包, (有轻金属框的... vi. 背着背包徒步旅行 名词复数:backpacks [例句]Her backpack was the same colour!她的背包也是同样的颜色!
2023-01-01 02:07:241


2023-01-01 02:07:303


2023-01-01 02:07:412


You said, I come in peace, so I took you home  I gave you food and I gave you clothes  I taught you how to move your feet when the rhythm"s on  Still you wanna leave cause you feel alone  You don"t know what they"re like if they know that you"re alive  They"re gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet"s life  I know you must be upset, you lost your family in a wreck  But you gotta listen (listen, listen)  Don"t try to find your spaceship  They might be out there waiting  Stay in my backpack forever  Stay in my backpack forever  You know I gotta find my spaceship  My planet"s outside there waiting  I can"t stay in your backpack forever  Stay in your backpack, backpack, backpack  Before you came around I was in a rut  Didn"t have a friend, didn"t know what it was  You taught me how to dream and how to love  You"re my best friend, please listen to me  You don"t know what they"re like if they know that you"re alive  They"re gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet"s life  I know you must be upset, you lost your family in a wreck  But you gotta listen (listen, listen)  Don"t try to find your spaceship  They might be out there waiting  Stay in my backpack forever  Stay in my backpack forever  You know I gotta find my spaceship  My planet"s outside there waiting  I can"t stay in your backpack forever  Stay in your backpack, backpack, backpack  [Lil Wayne:]  Uh, greetings, I fell from the sky  I"m from a different world, I use Lil Wayne as a disguise  And my flying saucer crashed, I"m the only one that survived  I"ve only taken over this planet since I"ve arrived  I"m in the backpack, I"m ducking Men In Black  Yeah, I"m an alien, my swag is outta this world  Different galaxy, they try to capture me  When I die they gon" name this planet after me  Wayne"s world (Wayne"s world, Wayne"s world)   [Justin Bieber:]  Don"t try to find your spaceship  They might be out there waiting  Stay in my backpack forever  Stay in my backpack forever  You know I gotta find my spaceship  My planet"s outside there waiting  I can"t stay in your backpack forever  Stay in your backpack, backpack, backpack  In our planet we don"t kill one another  We don"t take love for granted, it"s a gift from the mother land,  In your planet you are filled with greed and false belief  We came here to bring you peace
2023-01-01 02:07:501


backpacksn.(指登山者、步行者使用或背小孩时使用的)背包, (有轻金属框的)箱形背包( backpack的名词复数 )双语例句 1They load all their equipment into backpacks. 他们把设备全装进背包里面。2We carry the tent, sleeping bags, clothes, food and water with us in our backpacks. 我们在背包里带了帐篷,睡袋,衣服,食物和水。
2023-01-01 02:07:591


2023-01-01 02:08:084

my backpack是什么意思吖?

我的书包(背包) backpack指双肩背包
2023-01-01 02:08:221


2023-01-01 02:08:281

It is an old backpack 复数形式

2023-01-01 02:08:331


backpack [英]"bækpæk [美]ˈbækˌpæk (指登山者、步行者使用或背小孩时使用的)背包,(有轻金属框的... vi.背着背包徒步旅行 schoolbag [英]"sku:lbæg [美]ˈskulˌbæɡ 书包
2023-01-01 02:08:391


不一样. 没有 bagback 这个词. backpack 是双肩背包
2023-01-01 02:08:452

leave my keys in the backpack是什么意思啊了

leave my keys in the backpack 把我的钥匙留在背包里leave 英[li:v] 美[liv] vt. 离开; 遗弃; 忘了带; 交托; vt. 离去; 出发; 舍弃; n. 准假; 假期; 辞别; 许可;
2023-01-01 02:08:536


2023-01-01 02:09:156