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2023-05-28 14:33:33





Foods of the World

1.Chinese Food

Chinese food varies by region. In northern China, Mongolian influences are evident especially in the use of the fire pot. Rice is not grown in the north, so noodles, soybeans and breads are used more often. In the mountainous regions to the west, spicy foods are more prevalent. These forms are Szechuan and Hunan. In the south, Cantonese styles prevail. Fresh fruit and seafood are popular. Steamed rice is an important part of Chinese food.

The Chinese believe that food can affect one"s health. Eating the proper food can help prevent disease as well as heal. In Cantonese cooking, it is important that yin and yang foods and cooking methods are used in balance. By taking into consideration factors such as the individual"s age, digestive system, absorbing power, and metabolism, optimal health is achieved. Foods also symbolize different things. For example, clams represent wealth and prosperity.

2..German Food


Schmierkuchen is a German-Bohemian cottage cheese cake. Using sugar, flour, shortening, and yeast, a pie crust is created and allowed to rise. The dough is then rolled flat and placed inside a pie plate, again being left to rise. When the crust is double in size, a mixture of cottage cheese and butter is placed in the crust and a garnish of fruit is smeared on top. Most often the fruit of choice is prunes that have been pitted, mashed, and sweetened to taste. The cheesecake is then baked until it is golden brown and served with many summer meals.


A dish known as "sour cabbage" probably does not sound appetizing, but many Germans and German-Americans find it rather enjoyable. To make sauerkraut, one thinly shreds cabbage which is then mixed with salt and placed into a large container (barrels were used originally). The container is covered with cheesecloth or muslin, then with a heavy lid to ensure that the cabbage is not exposed to the air. The cabbage should be left to ferment in its own juices for 3 to 6 weeks, although brine may need to be added if it is starting to dry out.

After it has fermented for several weeks, the sauerkraut is then ready to be eaten. It is simmered on the stove and is often prepared with sausage or pork and accompanied by dumplings.

3..Indian Food

Spices are an important part of cooking in India. Common spices are turmeric, cardamon, ginger, coriander, nutmeg and poppy seed, which are blended together. Vegetable dishes are more common in India than in Europe. Part of the reason for this is the influence of Hinduism. Hindus are traditionally vegetarian. Muslims have influenced the meat dishes of India. Typical meats are "Mughlai food, kabobs, rich Kormas (curries) and nargisi koftas (meat-balls), the biryani (a layered rice and meat preparation), rogan josh, and preparations from the clay oven or tandoor like tandoori rotis and andoori chicken" 2

Differences exist between the south and north parts of India. Vegetable dishes are more common in the south, and rice is the staple food. In the north, rice is often substituted by breads.

4..Japanese Food

Japanese food emphasizes pure, clean flavors, and spices are used rarely. Due to influences from Buddhism, meals are made up of foods with five different colors and flavors. The five flavors included are sweet, spicy, salty, bitter and sour. The five colors included are yellow, black, white, green, and red. Meals are also meant to balance and create harmony between the artistic presentation of the food, the selection of the serving piece, and the taste of the food itself. Meals are to be eaten slowly. Noodles in soups and salads are common for lunch. Hashi, or chopsticks are used to eat food in Japan.

Some traditional Japanese foods are, sushi, steamed vegetables, rice and green tea. Fugu is a poisonous puffer fish that is a delicacy. When properly prepared, the toxins in fugu create a tingling effect after being eaten. Foods are also prepared seasonally. In winter, mandarin oranges are common. Cherry-blossom rice is prepared during spring and in September, abalone, cucumbers, and bamboo shoots are made.

5.Italian Food

Typical foods vary by region in Italy. There are geographical and climatic differences throughout Italy that result in different products being available to cook with. Italy has mountainous regions and plains. Temperature also varies greatly, some regions are among the coldest in Italy while others have mild climates along the Mediterranean. Pasta is typical in both areas, but the way the pasta is prepared varies. In the north, eggs are used when making the pasta, while in the south they are not. Also, including meats in the meal is more common in the north as the plains allow for farming and keeping animals. The temperature in the south allows for the production of olives and tomatoes and these items are more common in the south. Cheese is also very important to Italian cooking. Parmesan cheese has a long history of popularity in Italy.

6.Mexican Food

Mexican Food originated from the combination of the foods of indigenous Mexican people with Spanish foods. Chiles and tortillas are important to Mexican food. Chiles are used for seasoning and numerous varieties exist. Chiles come in a variety of forms: red, black, green and yellow, and fresh, dried or tinned. Tortillas are made from corn or wheat and are often used as eating utensils. Food is scooped onto the tortillas and then eaten. Most of the dishes that people think of as Mexican are antojitos. Antojitos include enchiladas, tacos, tamales, quesadillas, chalupas, and tostadas that evolved directly from the original Indian cooking.

7..Islamic Food

Muslims follow dietary laws that are similar to Jewish kosher regulations. Foods that Muslims can eat are called Halal. Prohibited foods are called Haram and questionable foods are called Mashbooh. Swine and pork products, as well as meat not properly slaughtered or slaughtered in any name other than Allah are Haram. Carnivorous animals and birds or prey are also Haram. Haram animals include pig, dog, donkey, carnivores, monkeys, cats, lions, frogs, crocodiles, turtles, worms, flies, cockroaches, owls, and eagles. Alcohol, coffee, tea and other drugs are Haram. Halal foods that have become contaminated by contact with prohibited foods are also Haram.

Fasting is also important. Fasting is a way to earn the approval of Allah, wipe out previous sins and understand the suffering of the poor. Fasting is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan and voluntary fasting on Mondays and Thursdays is also common. Muslims are encouraged to only eat to two thirds of capacity.

8.Ethiopian Food

Ethiopia is a mountainous country. This has helped keep it isolated. The food of Ethiopia is therefore uniquely Ethiopian. Ethiopian food is characterized by the spices used. However, grains such as sorghum, millet, teff, and wheat grow well in the temperate climate, and honey is commonly used. Berbere is an essential ingredient in Ethiopian cooking. It is a red paste made of spices and herbs. Flavored butter called niter kebbeh is also important. Niter kebbeh is flavored with onions, garlic, ginger and spices. Wat, or stew is an important traditional Ethiopian food. It can be made with chicken, beef, fish, or be vegetarian. It contains paprika and is very spicy. Wat is eaten with injera, an Ethiopian flatbread made from teff. Coffee is also important in Ethiopia. Ethiopians say it originated in the highlands of Kaffa in southwestern Ethiopia



斋月节。斋月,写作ramadhan或ramazan,是穆斯林历中的第九个月。Ramadan,中文叫做“斋月”,是伊斯兰教的节日。每年伊斯兰教日历的九月即为“斋月”,在这个月里,穆斯林每天从清晨日出到日落都不能吃任何食物,不能饮水,不能抽烟,也不能进行任何的性行为。他们称这个行为为“fasting”,即斋戒的、禁食的。斋月期间注意事项:斋月(RAMADAN )被穆斯林视为一年中最神圣和尊贵的月份。根据伊斯兰教义,斋月期间穆斯林如无特殊豁免原因,须在黎明至日落期间戒饮食、戒丑行、戒秽语、戒邪念等。非穆斯林在斋戒时间内不得在公共场所或穆斯林面前饮水、进食或吸烟,不向穆斯林提供可现场消费的食品饮料。驻卡塔尔使馆提醒所有在卡常驻和临时赴卡的中国公民,斋月期间请严格遵守当地法律法规,尊重当地宗教习俗,切勿于斋戒时间内在公共场合饮水、进食或吸烟。以上内容参考:百度百科-斋月
2023-05-28 14:02:361


ramadan的意思是:斋月;拉马丹;赖买丹月。1.Muslims fast during Ramadan.伊斯兰教徒在斋月期间斋戒。2.Ramadan is the most important holiday in the Middle East.斋月是中东地区最重要的节日。3.Jack: what"s the most important thing about ramadan?杰克:斋月最重要的是甚麽?4.This means the date of Ramadan will vary slightly each year.这就意味着斋月的日期每年将会有略微的变化。5.How many good deeds will you have at the end of this Ramadan?在这个斋月结束的时候,你会有多少善功呢?6.Jamile Ramadan moved to America from Lebanon 14 years ago.Jamile Ramadan于14年前从黎巴嫩移居美国。
2023-05-28 14:02:531


2023-05-28 14:03:162


2023年ramadan时间从3月22/23日到4月21/22日ramadan作名词时译为“斋月(伊斯兰教历的九月,等于Ramazan)”。拓展资料:斋月,佛教用语,伊斯兰教借用佛教词汇。佛教中的斋月是指的阴历正月、五月、九月等三个月份。伊斯兰斋月(英语:Ramadan,阿拉伯语:رمضان‎),又译莱麦丹月,是伊斯兰历第九个月,该月名字意为“禁月”,是穆斯林封斋的一个月,是真主安拉Allah将古兰经Quran下降给穆罕默德圣人的月份。来源[斋月] 又作三长斋月、善月。指阴历正月、五月、九月等三个月份。于此三月,宜持斋食法,慎言行,勤修善业,杜绝恶事,故称为斋月或善月。据四天王经、释氏要览卷下等所载,因天帝释及四天王等,于正月、五月、九月察人善恶,人当持斋以修善福。此亦如来之随机摄化善巧方便。梵网经卷下(大二四·一○○七中):“于六斋日、年三长斋月,作杀生、劫盗,破斋犯戒者,犯轻垢罪。”
2023-05-28 14:03:221


RAM指的是随机存取存储器。RAM是与CPU直接交换数据的内部存储器,也叫主存(内存)。它可以随时读写,而且速度很快,通常作为操作系统或其他正在运行中的程序的临时数据存储媒介。在手机上,当运行程序时,会产生图片、文字、网址等缓存信息数据,这些数据会被临时存放在RAM中,因为RAM的响应速度十分之快,不会妨碍手机的正常运行。在所有的存储介质里面,RAM的访问素的是最快的,也就是说,对临时数据进行存储和写入之时,RAM可以很快的完成指令,几乎不需要响应的时间。RAM的读取与写入基本上不会涉及到机械方面的运作,这是它的优势。RAM的缺点RAM只能适合用来存储临时数据,因为它的运作需要设备通电,一旦断电,RAM就会停止运作,临时存储数据也会消失,因此像音乐、视频、文档等需要长时间保存的数据只能存储在ROM之中。RAM的容量也不支持这些数据的存储。ramen[英][rɑmən][美][rɑmən]n.(方便)拉面,拉面;双语例句It goes literally with everything, ramen, dumplings, noodles, rice dishes, and tons of other stuff.它简直可以和任何一种食品搭配:拉面、饺子、面条、米饭,还有成百上千种其他食品。
2023-05-28 14:03:441


语法标注解释 ramadan英音:[,ræmə"dɑ:n]美音:[,ræmə"dɑn] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释ramadan名词 n. 1.伊斯兰教历的九月,斋月(在此月间教徒白天禁食)2.斋月的斋戒
2023-05-28 14:04:111


2023-05-28 14:04:201


happy ramadan
2023-05-28 14:04:302

能说happy ramadam吗

2023-05-28 14:04:361


2023-05-28 14:04:453


塔哈·亚辛·拉马丹 (Taha Yassin Ramadan) 于1938年出生在伊拉克原名塔哈·杰兹拉维(Taha Jazzrawi),1958年伊拉克军事学院毕业。三次连任国家副总理,2003年8月被美军抓获。伊拉克当地时间2007年3月20日黎明前(北京时间20日上午),拉马丹被执行绞刑。
2023-05-28 14:05:031

ramadan kareem 什么意思

是一种 祝词,祝福你好吉祥如意的意思。
2023-05-28 14:05:162


2023-05-28 14:05:232


你好, RAMACHANDRAN,Arcot阿尔科特?拉马钱德朗...ramadam回历九月;斋月...Ramadan回历九月;斋月 - 相关搜索 2. 拉马丹 拉马丹(ramadam)就这么拖拖拉拉、马马虎虎、... - 相关搜索 3. 开斋节 今天来说说阿联酋的节日:ramadam(开斋节)和 Eid Mubarak. 8月21日开始的斋月对第一次来热带国家的我来说有点恐怖,中午户外最高能达到46-49度,... - 相关搜索 4. 斋戒节
2023-05-28 14:05:311

ramdan city是哪个城市

ramdan city是埃及的城市瑞莫丹。10th of Ramadan (Egyptian Arabic: العاشر من رمضان‎ El ʿAsher Men Ramadan) is a city located in the Sharqia Governorate,Egypt. It is a first generation new urban community, and one of the most industrialized. It enjoys close proximity to the city of Cairo, and is considered part of Greater Cairo.
2023-05-28 14:05:371


  我们都知道我国是一个宗教文化丰富的国家,在我国各地存在着各种各样不同的宗教崇拜。伊斯兰教也是我国常见宗教之一,在伊斯兰教有着很多特殊的风俗习惯,譬如开斋节等等。那么,大家知道伊斯兰教在斋月的时候都吃一些什么吗?下面的 伊斯兰教文化 告诉你答案,赶紧来看看吧。  斋月(Ramadan)是伊斯兰教历九月。系阿拉伯语“莱麦丹”(Ramadan)的意译。因教义规定,穆斯林在该月履行五大天命之一的斋戒功课,故名。《古兰经》‘云:“莱麦丹月中开始降示《古兰经》,指导世人,昭示明证,以便遵循正道,分别真伪,故在此月中,你们当斋戒。”据载,斋月系穆罕默德由麦加迁徙到麦地那的第二年作为履行斋戒功课的月份。   圣训中也有“你们要见新月而封斋,见新月而开斋”的话。因此莱麦丹月斋戒最多是30天。伊斯兰教法规定:全体穆斯林,除病人、孕妇、喂奶的妇女、幼儿以及在日出前踏上旅途的人之外,均应全月斋戒。封斋从黎明至日落,戒饮食,戒房事,戒绝丑行和秽语,并认为其意义除完成宗教义务外,还在于陶冶性格,克制私欲,体会穷人饥饿之苦,萌发恻隐之心,以资济贫、行善。   通常,人们在天晓前吃“封斋饭”(suhoor),在日落时以食物或饮料开斋,即“开斋小吃”(iftar)。   穆斯林通常把封斋叫“闭斋”或“把斋”,把斋人每天凌晨3至16时闭斋(不吃不喝),日落星现后,才能饮茶进餐。斋月里常念“普尔干”(《古兰经》的别称)以履“念功”。历时一个多月的斋戒完成后,要在清真寺里举行盛大隆重的开斋节庆祝仪式。   “开斋节”既是对圆满完成“拉马丹”(Ramadan)月斋功的庆祝,又是穆斯林家庭合家团贺,聚会相见的良宵美辰。在这天穆斯林男女要淋浴、燃香、更新衣,前往清真寺参加会礼,听阿訇讲“瓦尔孜”(讲经)。做完礼拜后,家家都要煎炸油香、馓子、麻花,有的还要宰鸡、宰羊,烹制本民族本地区独具风味的菜肴。   如宁夏回民的清炖羊肉、粉汤饺子、手抓羊肉、糖醋鲤鱼;新疆的抓饭、烤全羊;兰州的牛肉拉面、清蒸鸡;西安的羊肉泡馍等。亲友相见,互道“色俩目”问好祝安。有的请阿訇到亡故亲友坟墓边诵读《古兰经》,悼念亡故的亲人,以寄托哀思,祈求真主慈悯亡人早日进入天堂。
2023-05-28 14:05:461


2023-05-28 14:05:543


Ramadan [ˌræməˈdæn] n. 斋月(该月内伊斯兰教徒每日从黎明到日落禁食) Ramadani应该是Ramadan的形容词。
2023-05-28 14:06:074

Mardi Gras, Ramadan and Easter.

2023-05-28 14:06:153


2023-05-28 14:06:271


2023-05-28 14:06:451

have a blessed ramadan and may allah accept all

have a blessed ramadan and may allah accept all our good deeds有一个神圣的斋月和阿拉会接受我们所有好的行为。blessed 有福的,神圣的ramadan 伊斯兰斋月allah 阿拉,真主
2023-05-28 14:06:522


Month of fasting
2023-05-28 14:06:592


2023-05-28 14:07:082


开斋节(Ramzan Eid/Eid Al-Fitr) 在德里有很多穆斯林信徒,而开斋节则是他们最盛大的节日。开斋节是斋月的最后一天,而在此之前,穆斯林需要进行长达30天的“封斋”——即在黎明到日落期间不饮不食、不娱乐。
2023-05-28 14:07:151


Built on a natural harbor, Dubai is a former fishing/pearling town, founded (when the ruling Al Maktoum family settled at this point) in 1833. While it"s always drawn expatriates, Dubai – and the Al Maktoum family struck it lucky and struck it rich with 1966"s oil"s discovery. Frantic development and influxes upon influxes of foreign workers and tourists followed. After Arabic and Persian, English is now the third most widely spoken language in the city. The Shopping Capital of the Middle East, as its known, has a proliferation of enormous hotels, mind bogglingly big malls and, for now at least, similar sizes of construction sites. The surrounding Arabian desert, city"s architecture and monuments are awesome. Enticed by these and the city"s fabulous shopping and beaches more and more tourists are discovering Dubai, including vacationing GIs, visitors from neighboring Arab states and countries, Europeans and many cruise stopover visitors. Dubai offers great dining and trendy nightclubs are plentiful, whether you want to socialize Asian, American or European-style. While Dubai does display an impressively modern image, there are still some important dos and don"ts. Public displays of affection should be avoided. The same goes for public consumption of alcohol (or ay kind of consumption or smoking in public during Ramadan - Don"t photograph Muslim women and don"t sit in such a way that the soles of your feet point at anyone. --------------***----------------------Background Dubai is one of the seven Emirates (states) that joined together in 1971 to form the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The other members are Abu Dhabi (the capital), Ajman, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm Al Quwain (each Emirate is named after its main city). Favourable business conditions and shrewd investment decisions have led to Dubai becoming one of the Gulf"s most successful and rapidly expanding economic environments and Dubai is now firmly established as the business, financial and commercial hub of the region. It is a prosperous and diverse market and the employment growth required to match its expansion provides excellent opportunities for both clients and candidates. Indeed, Dubai has the fastest growing population in the world and is home to an exciting, diverse, multi-cultural blend of young, dynamic, professional people all enjoying the unrivalled quality of life the Emirate has to offer. People are drawn to the City as much for lifestyle reasons as for the outstanding employment prospects on offer. As with the other Gulf states, oil and gas underpin the Emirates" economy. However, across the Gulf economic diversification has been encouraged, to the extent that non-oil business now accounts for over half of gross domestic product. Major projects include petrochemicals, downstream oil refining, telecommunications, aviation and tourism. The UAE as a whole has the highest per capita income in the Arab world. Current recruitment environment Currently, all of the Emirates are developing their economies rapidly, in particular the capital of the UAE, Abu Dhabi. However, Dubai continues to take the spotlight through its bold plans for growth and the scale of its construction projects. Their plans, promoted by the ruling Al-Maktoum family and supported by enormous oil revenues, are to turn Dubai into a global commercial hub to rival other major financial and trading centres in the world. Whilst in recent years much publicity has been focused on the world class hotels and dazzling residential complexes that are shooting up, the government has also made significant moves to attract foreign businesses to base themselves in Dubai. Key to this is the development of a multitude of free trade zones covering every industry. These allow 100% foreign ownership and tax free earnings, along with state of the art offices and technological infrastructure, offering an extremely tempting business environment. Perhaps most important of these free trade zones is the Dubai International Financial Centre which, with more open rules of entry, is now attracting investment banks, insurers, fund managers and private equity firms to the region. The centre aims to be home to 250 international financial firms by 2009. In addition the free trade zones, Dubai businesses are rapidly diversifying and becoming more international in their focus. Regional banks are expanding due to the boom in consumer and corporate banking, and numerous companies are taking advantage of the property, leisure and retail explosion. In these fast-moving times the government is mindful of the need for the region to be considered a transparent, well regulated and safe place to do business. To this end, local regulation has been closely based on and US models and there have been major initiatives in recent years including the development of the Dubai Financial Services Authority and the Securities and Commodities Authority. This has been reflected in the ongoing requirement for compliance specialists where there is major shortage of experienced professionals. In other areas of corporate governance, internal audit is going through something of a transition. Although generally well established in the region, many organisations now recognise the need to become more sophisticated in their approach with a greater operational and risk based coverage. In many cases this requires re-staffing with more appropriately experienced professionals. Whilst, to a certain extent, the local market, particularly Big 4 firms, can offer these resources, recruitment from outside the region is also a necessity. Risk Management in all its forms is also a discipline that is understaffed. The rapid expansion of the banking and financial industry requires credit risk analysts and managers to deal with new business, whilst growing investment banking and capital markets activities have prompted the need for market risk specialists. Operational and enterprise wide risk management are also relatively undeveloped in the region and are now being addressed by many organisations. With the current economic growth in Dubai expected to continue until at least 2010 and the ongoing progression of corporate governance in both the Dubai and wider Middle East markets unlikely to slow, there will continue to be some exceptional opportunities. For many the lifestyle in Dubai alone would make it an attractive location, but it is fair to say that this is now complementary to a challenging and really positive career move. Salaries in Dubai One of the most immediate and attractive aspects of working in Dubai is that fact that there are no personal taxes levied against income from employment. This is not as an incentive to attract foreign investment, it is simply a result of a long established policy, as direct taxation is against the traditions of the entire United Arab Emirates. This means that if you work in Dubai you will enjoy and benefit from your entire salary; you will have considerably more disposable income than you are used to, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of the offshore financial world; and you will be able to afford an affluent lifestyle. Without taking the tax benefit into account, salaries in Dubai are usually similar to or greater than those paid in western countries. In the past, remuneration packages were split into various elements: basic salary, car provision or allowance, housing provision or allowance, medical cover, education for children and air tickets for home visits. Today, employers tend just to pay a salary that covers all these expenses, although in some cases there are performance-related or other bonuses. Working hours & overtime The working week in Dubai tends to vary between 40 and 48 hours, depending on the particular company"s policy. Office hours are usually from 8.30 or 9.00am to 5.30 or 6.00pm. There are no differences in time keeping between summer and winter, however, in the month of Ramadan, the working day is reduced to six hours. Legally this should apply to all staff, but many companies only apply it to Muslims, who fast during daylight hours. Friday is the Muslim rest day and, if your company has a five-day working week, the other day off is usually either Thursday or Saturday. Saturday is the more popular choice for international companies, as taking Thursday off would mean a reduction in the number of operational days in common with much of the rest of the world. Conversely, other companies insist on Thursday, as the school ‘weekend" is Thursday and Friday. Employment permits / visas For a foreign national to work in the UAE, an employment visa or permit is required. These are issued by the Immigration Department, following approval from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Employment permits / visas allow the holder to enter the UAE once for a period of 30 days and are valid for a period of 2 months. When the employee enters the country on the basis of secured employment, the sponsoring company should then arrange to complete the formalities of residence stamping.-----------------***----------------- Geography:The second largest of the seven emirates which made up the United Arab Emirates, Dubai is located on the southern shore of the Arabian Gulf. It has an area of some 3,900 square kilometers. Outside the city itself, the emirate is sparsely inhabited and characterised by desert vegetation. The other emirates are Sharjah,. Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah and Fujairah. Economy: Oil contributes just 20 per cent of economic production. Trading, manufacturing and services - including tourism - now dominate the economy.Key Attractions: A taste of Arabia with cosmopolitan lifestyle Year-round sunshine Uncrowded, clean, sandy beaches Crime-free environment Tolerant and welcoming society. Getting There: Dubai is less than eight hours from Europe and the Far East Some 80 airlines provide direct links to more than 120 cities world wide Efficient immigration, baggage handling and customs formalities London is seven hours away, Frankfurt six, Hongkong eight and Nairobi four.
2023-05-28 14:07:242


伊斯兰教历法采用两个版本,一个是希吉来历,是纯阴历,一年分12个月,一月大 穆哈兰姆(Muharram) ,二月小 色法尔(Saphar),三月大 赖比儿·敖外鲁(Rabia-al-awwel),四月小 赖比儿·阿赫尔(Rabia-al-accher),五月大 主马达·敖外鲁(Jomada-al-awwel) ,六月小 主马达·阿赫尔(Jomada-al-accher) ,七月大 赖哲卜(Rajab) ,八月小 舍尔邦(Shaaban) ,九月大 赖买丹(Ramadan) ,十月小 闪瓦鲁(Shawwal),十一月大 都尔喀尔得(Dulkaada) ,十二月小 都尔黑哲(Dulheggia),斋月是九月赖买丹;另一种是以伊嗣侯(Yazdegerd)为纪元的波斯历,每月的叫法不同,但中国回历不采用波斯历法,从略;另外,回历每年只有一个月是斋月,怎么会有十二个月的斋月,一整年太阳一出来就不吃不喝,岂不早就饿渴而死了;
2023-05-28 14:07:311


  而英国有两个“官方的”教会:即英格兰教会(英国圣公教会)和苏格兰教会(长老教派),除此之外,各种不同的宗教和数不清的教派在英国都可以找到自己的代表。   表示,绝大多数英国人都信奉基督教,另外还有部分居民信奉天主教、伊斯兰教、犹太教和佛教。尽管如今去教堂做礼拜的信徒人数并不多,每周大约只有110万人。   穆斯林是英国国内最大的非基督教团体(超过150万人),此外,印度教、锡克教和犹太教也拥有大量的信徒,而且数量还在不断增长。   英国大学排名介绍说,英国悠长而多元化的宗教历史的另一个产物就是遍布英国各地令人叹为观止的教堂、寺院和修道院建筑。   教餐:   Hindu 印度教餐   食用菜单:不含牛肉,牛肉制品,小牛肉 veal或猪肉,但并非无肉膳食。   印度教非素食者只会避免食用牛肉和/或猪肉。    Muslim 清真教餐   食用菜单:不含猪肉、猪肉制品、肉食性动物或酒精的食品。   所有肉食都来自按宗教仪式宰杀的动物。   另外,斋戒月Ramadan 是伊斯兰日历的第九个月。每年的这个月,世界各地的穆斯林教徒都会去参加在斋戒月期间的活动,健康成人这些天要强制性禁止进食和饮水,从黎明到黄昏。   Jain 耆那教餐(印度)   食用菜单:膳食是严格的素食,食物以印度风味烹饪,膳食中不含洋葱、马铃薯、大蒜或块根类蔬菜。   食用根茎类蔬菜(薯仔,胡萝卜,白萝卜)是被禁止的,因为拔起它的根部时,会伤害到一些生物。   Kosher 犹太教洁食餐   食用菜单:不含猪肉、肉食性动物、软体动物和甲壳类动物。   具体而言,牛、羊、鹿、鸡、鸭、鹅为可食的肉食类。此类膳食系按照犹太教膳食戒律进行烹饪,旧约圣经中称,凡走兽中有蹄、有趾及反刍的都可以吃。凡是水中有鳍、有鳞的,不论是海里的或河里的,都可以吃。   习惯和禁忌:   送礼   在英国,送礼时最好送较轻的礼品。由于花费不多就不会被误认为是一种贿赂。英国人也象其他大多数欧洲人一样,喜欢高级巧克力、名酒和鲜花。对于有公司标志的礼品,他们大多并不欣赏。   饮茶   茶几乎可以称为英国的民族饮料,特别是妇女,嗜茶成癖。英国人爱好现煮的浓茶,放一、二块糖或加少许凉牛奶。在乡间,盛行喝下午茶,也称为荤茶、或饱茶。   喝茶时附带吃鱼、肉等菜肴,代替正餐。英国还有五时茶,是有钱阶级妇女的社交活动,与其说饮茶,不如说约朋友下午五时茶叙,见见面、谈谈心,相当于欧洲大陆妇女们的咖啡招待会。   拜年   英格兰人新年到别人家拜访时,必须携带一块煤,并且亲手把煤放进人家的炉子里,作为敬贺新年的礼品。同时还说一句祝福的话:“祝你家的煤炭,长燃不息”。   衣着   英国人在穿戴上比较讲究,因此在会客、拜访或参加酒会、宴会、晚会时仍要穿西服打领带。在夏天,可以不穿西服,只穿短袖衬衫,但也得打领带。不过,他们很忌讳有纹的领带,因为带纹的领带可能被认为是军队或学生校服领带的仿制品。   不能加塞   英国人有排队的习惯。同学们可以看到他们一个挨一个地排队上公共汽车、火车或买报纸。加塞是一种令人不齿的行为。   不能问女士的年龄   英国人非常不喜欢谈论男人的工资和女人的年龄,甚至家里的家具值多少钱,也是不该问的。如果你问了一位女士的年龄,也是很不合适的,因为她认为这是她自己的秘密,而且每个人都想永葆青春,没有比对中年妇女说一声“你看上去好年轻”更好的恭维了。   不能砍价   在英国购物,最忌讳的就是砍价。英国人不喜欢讨价还价,认为这是很丢面子的事情。如果你购买的是一件贵重的艺术品或数量很大的商品时,你也需要小心地与卖方商定一个全部的价钱。英国人很少讨价还价,如果他们认为一件商品的价钱合适就买下,不合适就走开。   盥洗室与去“100号”   盥洗室一词的本意是洗手或洗脸的地方,但其实际含义则是厕所,英国人上厕所时不会直截了当地说“去上厕所”,在提醒别人时也是如此,都不直接提到“厕所”二字。   如果你想要上厕所,可以说去“Man"s Room”,或“Lady"s Room”,也可以说“请原谅几分钟”或“我想洗手”等等。小孩子们想要大小便时便说“我要去那个地方”。在朋友之间和家庭内部,“100号”则是最常用的说法。   其他忌讳   英国人认为数字13和星期五是不吉利的,尤其是13日与星期五相遇更忌讳,这个时候,许多人宁愿呆在家里不出门。在英国,忌讳谈论男人的工资,女人的年龄,政治倾向等。他们忌讳四人交叉式握手,还忌点烟连点三人。
2023-05-28 14:07:381

Employer country : 10th of Ramadan city, Egypt咋翻译

2023-05-28 14:07:574


2023-05-28 14:08:053


2023-05-28 14:08:352


迪拜的周末与众不同,迪拜的休息日为周五和周六,一般公共政府部门,企事业单位全部休息。商场里人也较多。  迪拜传统的节日要看月亮的变化,每年日期不能确定。先知默哈默德生日(2月),先知默哈默德升天日(7月),斋月(8月中至9月中),开斋节(斋月最后一天),宰牲节(11月),伊斯兰新年(12月)迪拜阳历节日,日期固定。1月1日元旦 12月2日国庆节。节日期间各大商场均有表演庆祝活动,各个商店也有不同幅度的打折活动。开斋节期间还会有当地人在机场或商场内发放小礼物和巧克力,阿拉伯枣和阿拉伯茶。  斋月(英文:Ramadan):伊斯兰历第九个月,在这一月中,穆斯林改变以往的饮食习惯,日出之前进餐,日落之后进餐,而中间的时间则不再进食,喝水,不再有性行为,但日落后开斋以后则一切又恢复正常,以此坚持一个月。  开斋节(英文:Eid al-Fitr):亦称"尔德节",该教规定穆斯林在伊斯兰教教历九月斋戒一月。在斋月的最后一天寻看新月(月牙),见月的次日即行开斋为开斋节,并举行会礼和庆祝活动。如未见月,则继续斋戒一天,第二天开斋。  宰牲节(英文:Eid al-Adha):亦称"古尔邦节",在伊斯兰教历12月10日举行,也是朝觐者在麦加活动的最后一天.相传易卜拉欣圣人受安拉的启示,命他宰杀儿子易司马仪献祭,以考验他对安拉的忠诚。当易卜拉欣遵命执行时,安拉又命以羊代替,伊斯兰教继承古阿拉伯人这一习俗,规定该日为"宰牲节"。穆斯林每逢此日沐浴盛装,举行会礼,互相拜会,宰牛羊互相馈赠以示纪念。
2023-05-28 14:08:431

ramzan festival是什么节日

Ramzan 就是Ramadan 拉马丹月 ,就斋月。斋月的节日就是开斋节,Eid Al-Fitr
2023-05-28 14:08:512


2023-05-28 14:08:585


2023-05-28 14:09:121


1 回族用阿拉伯文写作右字2 因为回族信仰伊斯兰教,而阿拉伯文是伊斯兰教的官方语言之一,所以回族使用阿拉伯文作为书写语言。3 常见的回族用阿拉伯文书写的词语包括“上帝”(阿拉伯文:الله‎‎,音译:Allāh)、“清真寺”(阿拉伯文:مسجد‎‎,音译:masjid)等等。
2023-05-28 14:09:2115


孟加拉人的风俗传统丰富多彩,其中包括以下几个方面:1. 宗教信仰:孟加拉国的宗教信仰非常多样化,主要以伊斯兰教、印度教、佛教和基督教为主。每种宗教都有自己独特的信仰、仪式和节日。2. 婚礼:孟加拉国的婚礼通常是一场盛大的仪式,包括迎亲、结婚仪式和拜访亲戚等多个环节。在婚礼上,新郎新娘会穿上传统的孟加拉服装,并接受家长的祝福。3. 节日:孟加拉国有许多传统的节日,其中最重要的是印度教和伊斯兰教的节日。比如,Ramadan节日是伊斯兰教最重要的节日之一,其中包括了月食和回教节等。4. 礼仪:孟加拉国人非常重视礼仪,在与长辈、亲友和陌生人交往时都非常注重礼貌和尊重。他们通常会通过问候、鞠躬和礼物等方式表达自己的敬意和感谢。5. 饮食:孟加拉国的饮食非常丰富多样,以米饭、面条和香料为主要特色。当地美食包括了沙瓦姆(肉卷面包)、毛吉(咖喱菜肴)和拉希塔(甜饼)等。同时,孟加拉国人也非常喜欢咖啡和茶,这也成为了重要的社交活动。
2023-05-28 14:09:432

Ramadan? 是什么意思?

2023-05-28 14:10:093


开斋节快乐 Eid Mubarak苏丹的开斋节 用英语怎么说Eid al-Fitr in Sudan, Monday, 26 June 2017.Eid ul-Fitr 开斋节 or Id-ul-Fitr, often abbreviated to Eid, is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting.Ramadan will begin on Friday, 26 May 2017.Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) starts on Monday, 26 June 2017开斋节祝福语 英文May ALLAH flood your life with happiness on this occasion. Wish you and your family very happy. Eid Mubarak.读:ei yi du l fai tao li如果想说开斋节快乐سعيد عيد الفطر读:sai a yi du ei yi di l fai tao li
2023-05-28 14:10:162


开斋节用英语怎么说 开斋节: 1.Balram 2.Id al Fitr 3.Lasser Bairam开斋节英语怎么说 Happy Balram /Id al Fitr/Lasser Bairam ! 开斋节: 1.Balram 2.Id al Fitr 3.Lasser Bairam 开斋节快乐用英语怎么说 开斋节快乐 Eid Mubarak!;Have a blessed Eid!;Happy Eid!更多释义>> [网络短语] 开斋节快乐 Eid Mubarak 苏丹的开斋节 用英语怎么说 Eid al-Fitr in Sudan, Monday, 26 June 2017. Eid ul-Fitr 开斋节 or Id-ul-Fitr, often abbreviated to Eid, is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Ramadan will begin on Friday, 26 May 2017. Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) starts on Monday, 26 June 2017 开斋节祝福语 英文 May ALLAH flood your life with happiness on this occasion. Wish you and your family very happy. Eid Mubarak. 开斋节用 *** 语怎么说? 10分 عيد الفط&储1585; 读:ei yi du l fai tao li 如果想说开斋节快乐 سعيد عيد الفطر 读:sai a yi du ei yi di l fai tao li
2023-05-28 14:10:491


问题一:开斋节用英语怎么说 开斋节: 1.Balram 2.Id al Fitr 3.Lasser Bairam 问题二:开斋节英语怎么说 Happy Balram /Id al Fitr/Lasser Bairam ! 开斋节: 1.Balram 2.Id al Fitr 3.Lasser Bairam 问题三:苏丹的开斋节 用英语怎么说 Eid al-Fitr in Sudan, Monday, 26 June 2017. Eid ul-Fitr 开斋节 or Id-ul-Fitr, often abbreviated to Eid, is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Ramadan will begin on Friday, 26 May 2017. Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) starts on Monday, 26 June 2017 问题四:开斋节快乐用英语怎么说 开斋节快乐 Eid Mubarak!;Have a blessed Eid!;Happy Eid!更多释义>> [网络短语] 开斋节快乐 Eid Mubarak 问题五:开斋节祝福语 英文 May ALLAH flood your life with happiness on this occasion. Wish you and your family very happy. Eid Mubarak. 问题六:开斋节用 *** 语怎么说? 10分 ??? ????&储1585; 读:ei yi du l fai tao li 如果想说开斋节快乐 ???? ??? ????? 读:sai a yi du ei yi di l fai tao li 问题七:开斋节人们都做什么的英语作文(如果可以请用过去进行时)谢谢喽!(#∩_∩#) when I stay at home,I often read some interesting books to learn a lot.Sometimes I will draw some pictures when I am free.I like talking with my friends,I think it can help me learn lots of vaulable experience to my studies,work and life.
2023-05-28 14:10:561

ramadan kareem什么意思

ramadan kareem卡里姆斋月Ramadan[英][ˈræmədæn][美][ˌræməˈdɑn, ˈræməˌdɑn]n.斋月(该月内伊斯兰教徒每日从黎明到日落禁食); 复数:Ramadans 例句:1.And I still found my wayto bulawayo before ramadan. 我还是在斋月来到之前到达布拉瓦亚. .-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-05-28 14:11:031


2023-05-28 14:11:101

有谁知道Ramadan festival这个是什么节日吗

穆斯林的 斋月
2023-05-28 14:11:191

有谁知道Ramadan festival这个是什么节日吗

2023-05-28 14:11:271

ramadan kareem什么意思

全称Tenth of Ramadan city (10th of Ramadan City ) 距开罗55公里 的沙漠中 中文名:瑞莫丹
2023-05-28 14:11:352

EMERGENCY: Fasting of the Muslims

In Islam fasting for a month is an obligatory practice during the holy month of Ramadan from fajr (dawn) until maghrib (sunset). Muslims are prohibited from eating drinking *** oking and engaging in sexual intercourse while fasting. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the Pillars of Islam and thus one of the most important acts of Islamic worship. By fasting whether during Ramadan or other times a Muslim draws closer to their Lord by abandoning the things they enjoy such as food and drink. This makes the sincerity of their faith and their devotion to God (Arabic:Allah) all the more evident. God informs Muslims in the Qur"an that fasting was prescribed for those before them (i.e. the Jews and Christi) and that by fasting Muslim gains "taqwa" which can be described as the care taken by a person to do everything God has manded and to keep away from everything that He has forbidden. Fasting helps prevent many sins and is a shield with which the Muslim protects him/herself from jahannam (hell). Muslims believe that fasting is more than abstaining from food and drink. It also me to abstain from any falsehood in speech and action from any ignorant and indecent speech and from arguing and fighting and lustful thoughts. Therefore fasting helps to develop good behavior. Fasting also inculcates a sense of fraternity and solidarity as Muslims feel and experience what their needy and hungry brothers and sisters feel. However even the poor needy and hungry participate in the fast. Moreover Ramadan is a month of giving charity and sharing meals to break the fast together. While fasting in the month of Ramadan is considered fard (obligatory) Islam also prescribed certain days for non-obligatory voluntary fasting such as: * each Monday and Thursday of a week * the 13th 14th and 15th day of each lunar month * six days in the month of Shawwal (the month following Ramadan) * the Day of Arafat (9th of Dhu al-Hijjah in the Islamic (Hijri) calendar) * the Day of Ashuraa (10th of Muharram in the Islamic (Hijri) calendar) with one more day of fasting before or after it 参考: en. *** /wiki/Fasting Fasting for the muli *** (the islam religious) take place on the ninth month of the islamic calendar and is named as "Ramadan". Following are the main objective of Ramanda 1. to put extra effect into following the teaching of Islam 2. Refraining from anger envy greed lust sarcastic retorts backstabbing and gossip In addition to fasting drinking sexual intercourse *** oking are not allow beeen dawn and sunset.
2023-05-28 14:11:521

开斋的英语翻译 开斋用英语怎么说

开斋resume a meat diet;break the fast;discontinue vegetarian diet;come to the end of Ramadan更多释义>>[网络短语]开斋  resume a meat diet;das Fastenbrechen;Iftar开斋晚宴  Iftar;iftar dinner开斋小吃  Iftar   
2023-05-28 14:11:591

ramadan month是什么意思

ramadan month 斋戒月
2023-05-28 14:12:061

10th of Ramadan City,Egypt 是哪里

2023-05-28 14:12:132