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Katy Perry(凯蒂·佩里)E·T的中文翻译

2023-05-19 14:22:20


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Artist:Katy Perry

Song:E.T.You"re so hypnotising

could u be the devil, could you be an angel

your touch magnetizing

feels like going floating, leave my body glowingThey say be afraid

you"re not like the others, futuristic lovers

different DNA, they dont understand uYou"re from a whole other/another world

a different dimention

you open my eyes

and im ready to go, lead me into the lightKiss me, k-k-kiss me

infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison

take me, t-t-take me

wanna be your victim, ready for abduction

boy, you"re an alien, your touch so far away

its supernatural, extraterrestrialYou"re so super sonic

wanna feel your powers, stumb me with your lasers

your kiss is cosmic, every move is magicYou"re from a whole other/another world

a different dimension

you open my eyes

and im ready to go, lead me into the lightKiss me, k-k-kiss me

infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison

take me, t-t-take me

wanna be your victim, ready for abduction

boy, you"re an alien, your touch so far away

its supernatural, extraterrestrialThere is this transcendental, on another level

boy, you"re my lucky star

i wanna walk on your wave length

and be there when you vibrate

for you i risk it allKiss me, k-k-kiss me

infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison

take me, t-t-take me

wanna be your victim, ready for abduction

boy, you"re an alien, your touch so far away

its supernatural, extraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy, you"re an alien, your touch so far away

its supernatural, extraterrestrial



道德绑架英文翻译Moral abduction
2023-01-01 01:48:132


溯因法或溯因推理,是推理到最佳解释的过程。换句话说,它是开始于事实的集合并推导出它们的最合适的解释的推理过程。有时使用术语溯因(abduction)意味生成假设来解释观察或结论,但是前者定义在哲学和计算二者中更常见。孟德尔的豌豆杂交实验。 2,摩尔根证明基因在染色体上 3、 DNA复制方式的提出与证实,以及整个中心法则的提出与证实,都是\“假说一演绎法”的案例。 4、遗传密码的破译是继DNA双螺旋结构模型提出后,现代遗传学发展中的又一个重大事件。概念的历史哲学家查尔斯·桑德斯·皮尔士把溯因法引入至现代逻辑。在他1900年前的工作中,他主要使用这个术语来意味使用规则来解释观察,比如“如果下雨则草地是湿的”是用来解释草地是湿的的已知规则。他后来使用这个术语来意味建立解释新观察的新规则,强调溯因法是实际上建立任何新东西的唯一逻辑过程。也就是,他把科学的过程描述为溯因、演绎和蕴涵的组合,强调新知识只能通过溯因建立。
2023-01-01 01:48:221

Shoulder Abduction是什么意思

shoulder abduction肩外展;肩关节外展;肩关节外展动作例句筛选1.Compact size allows for use in limited space environments, andreduces shoulder abduction when reaching for mice and otherperipherals.紧凑的尺寸让用户在有限的空间环境中使用,并减少了伸手触及鼠标和其他外围设备时肩膀外展。2.Reduction of anterior dislocation of shoulder joint with compressionof knee for traction, abduction and post-extension of shoulder外展后伸膝压牵引法整复肩关节前脱位
2023-01-01 01:48:321

child abduction什么意思

child abduction网 络儿童诱拐;诱拐儿童;儿童拐骗;儿童绑架双语例句1. Detectives are questioning a woman about the child"s abduction. 侦探们正在盘问一个妇女关于孩子被拐骗的事.
2023-01-01 01:48:411


1、v.劫持(交通工具,尤指飞机),操纵(会议等,以推销自己的意图)。2、n.劫持,敲诈,威逼。读音:英 [ˈhaɪdʒæk]   美 [ˈhaɪdʒæk]  语法:第三人称单数hijacks、复数hijacks、现在分词hijacking、过去式hijacked、过去分词hijacked。seizure of a vehicle in transit either to rob it or divert it to an alternate destination扣押过境车辆,以抢劫或转移到另一目的地。扩展资料近义词:abduction1、读音:英 [æbˈdʌkʃ(ə)n]   美 [æbˈdʌkʃən]  2、释义:诱拐;劫持;绑架。3、语法:the criminal act of capturing and carrying away by force a family member强行抓走家庭成员的犯罪行为,复数abductions。4、同根词组:abduct诱拐、horizontal abduction水平外展(肩关节)、abduction splint外展夹板
2023-01-01 01:48:471


2023-01-01 01:48:576


关节的主要结构包括关节面、关节腔和关节囊三部分,是滑膜关节的最基本结构运动方式:1.屈和伸 是关节滑冠状轴进行的运动。运动时,两骨之间的角度发生变化,角度变小称为屈(flexion);相反,角度增大称为伸(extension)。一般来说,关节的屈指的是向腹侧面成角,而膝关节则相反,小腿向后贴近大腿的运动叫做膝关节的屈,反之则称为伸。在足部,足上抬,足背向小腿前面靠拢为踝关节的伸,亦称背屈;足尖下垂为踝关节的屈,亦称跖屈。2.外展和内收 外展是关节沿矢轴轴进行的运动。运动时,骨向正中矢状面靠拢,称收 或内收(adduction),反之,远离身体正中矢状面,称展或外展(abduction)。但手指的收展是以中指为准的靠拢、散开运动,足趾的收展是以第二趾为准的靠拢、散开运动。3.旋内和旋外 是关节沿垂直轴进行的运动,统称旋转(rotation)。骨向前内侧旋转, 称旋内(medial rotation),反之,向后外侧旋转,称旋外(lateral rotation)。在前臂,桡骨是围绕通过烧骨头和尺骨头的轴线旋转,将手背转向前方的运动,称旋前(pronation),将手 掌恢复到向前而手背转向后方的运动,称旋后(supination)。此外,有些关节还可进行环转运动(circumduction),即关节头在原位转动,骨(肢 体)的远侧端做圆周运动,运动时全骨(肢体)描绘出一圆锥形的轨迹。能沿二轴以上 运动的关节均可做环转运动,实际为屈、外展、伸和内收的依次连续运动,如肩、髋、桡 腕关节等。
2023-01-01 01:49:291


人体运动学是一种根据人体的肌肉群与内脏、腺体和循环系统的相关性来诊断疾病的方法。人体运动学家相信,肌肉和反射作用对柔和的压力作出反应的方式能精确地诊断出身体功能和能量的不平衡。  比如,人体运动学家能通过对口腔肌肉在特定食物顶住下颔或置于舌下时产生的对抗力的评估来诊断食物过敏症。  而对压痛点进行指尖按摩能刺激体内循环和调节功能失调。人体运动学家认为通过他们的简单检查,能在诊断那些与毒素有关的健康问题时将猜测成分排除出去,因为我们的身体会显示需要做些什么以避免出现各种症状。  诊断结束后,临床医生会给你提一些营养方面的建议,比如告诉你体内缺乏哪种矿物质和维生素,他们还会建议你改变某些生活习惯,这些改变能使你获益良多。  为了获得最佳的健康状态,你需要对以下4个具体项目进行评估。  心理和情绪的平衡。生化和营养的平衡。形态和姿态的平衡。精力和生命力的平衡。在排毒过程中,人体运动学的平衡治疗能起到逐渐消除能量阻塞、释放你对生活的原始热情的作用。
2023-01-01 01:49:386


2023-01-01 01:50:113


it is said that another bike was stolen last week. recently, many bike-stolen cases has been reported, the police is trying to catch the thieves.
2023-01-01 01:50:334


2011年电影《在劫难逃》的主题曲是《Abduction》词作者:I AM ABOMINATION歌手: I AM ABOMINATION所属专辑:《Passion of the Heist》歌词:A sea of eyes beneath me.They"re watching me as I increase in altitude.Though my future is tainted, what a beautiful view.Scared to death, on the edge of distress.My blood is pumping, heart is racing as I enter the nest.Well I bid you all farewell, and I hope that you"ll remember my face.I"m leaving this world I know behind.Goodbye to all the filth that is mankind.It won"t be long until your punishment has dawned And everything you"ve ever known is gone.Nothing left for me to love, and it buries me.Oh please heaven help me.The earth has left me.I"ve arrived in side my tomb.This must be a sign of my imminent doom.There are figures surrounding me, haunting me.They"re inside my head.This is the passion yet I never claimed to be a king So let me down and cut this string.This is the walk with a cross.A crown of thorns on my head.So swing the hammer, watch the nails embed.I"ll pay the price for all of you to live a little more free, But I"m the only one who doesn"t need a cleansing.Praise me, for I am washing away your sins.This is my body that"s been given for you.
2023-01-01 01:50:546


2023-01-01 01:52:102


安珀(Anber)是源自香港的时尚女装品牌。在美国和加拿大,安珀警戒(AMBER Alert)是当国内确认发生儿童绑架案时,透过各种媒体向社会大众传播的一种警戒告知。“AMBER”是“America"s Missing: Broadcasting Emergency Response”(直译为:美国失踪人口:广播紧急回应)的缩写,也是以一名于1996年在美国德州阿灵顿(Arlington)被绑架并杀害的九岁女童安珀·海格曼(Amber Hagerman)命名。在佐治亚州则称为“Levi"s Call”[1]在某些州这样的计划是以在当地失踪的儿童命名的。安珀警戒是使用美国紧急警报系统(EAS)透过商业广播电台、卫星电台、电视台,以及有线电视向全国发布,并同时会利用电子邮件、电子交通状况号志,以及无线装置的短信发布。安珀警戒的发布是由负责调查该绑架案的警察机构决定。对大众发布的安珀警戒内容通常包含了被绑架者的描述、绑架嫌犯的描述,以及绑匪车辆的描述和车牌号码。为了避免发出错误警报而让这个系统被当作“狼嚎”而忽略,发布警戒的标准相当严格。每一个州或郡都有自己的安珀警戒发布标准。而美国司法部发行了以下的“指引”,大部分的州都表示将“严格遵守”:司法机构必须确认绑架实际发生儿童必须有受到重伤或死亡的危险必须要有被绑架儿童、绑架嫌犯、或绑架嫌犯的车辆详细描述资料来发布警报被绑架者必须是17岁以下(包含17岁)的儿童指引中建议将安珀警戒的即时资料通报联邦调查局(FBI)的国家犯罪资料中心(National Crime Information Center)。关于儿童绑架情况的文字描述必须输入通报中,并将案件标示为儿童绑架(child abduction)。
2023-01-01 01:52:191


Katy Perry - E.T.You"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devil?Could you be an angel?You"re touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeave my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYou"re from a whole "nother worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me" k-k-kiss meInfect me with your loveAnd fill me with your poisonTake me" t-t-take meWanna be your victimReady for abductionBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalextraterrestrialYou"re so supersonicWanna feel your powerStun me with your laserYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicYou"re from a whole "nother worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me" k-k-kiss meInfect me with your loveAnd fill me with your poisonTake me" t-t-take meWanna be your victimReady for abductionBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalextraterrestrialThis is transcendentalOn another levelBoy" you"re my lucky starI wanna walk on your wavelengthand be there when you vibrateFor you I"ll risk it allKiss me" k-k-kiss meInfect me with your loveAnd fill me with your poisonTake me" t-t-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrial
2023-01-01 01:52:251


往往的英文表达有:frequently 经常地,频繁地;often 常常,时常;在许多情况下;in most cases 大部分情况下;与往往相关的短语表达:经常 Often;frequently;regular;constantly从不 Never;at no time;seldom很少 Seldom;hardly ever;rarely;few and far between例句:任何决策的效果往往利弊互见。The good and bad effects of any decision will usually balance out. 每年这个时节,生意往往比较清淡。Business is usually quieter at this time of year. 人往往对自己不懂的东西感到恐惧。People are often afraid of things they don"t understand. 
2023-01-01 01:52:312


Katy perry - E.TYou"re so hypnotizing你令人神魂颠倒Could you be the devil, could you be an angel.你可能变成魔鬼,你可以变成天使Your touch magnetizing你的触摸很有磁性Feels like going floating, leave my body glowing就像在漂流,我的身体通红They say be afraid他们说害怕你You"re not like the others, futuristic lovers你和别人不一样,我的未来情人Different DNA, they don"t understand U不一样的基因,他们都不懂你You"re from a whole other world你来自一个完全不同的世界A different dimension不同的维度You open my eyes你让我大开眼界And I"m ready to go我准备走了Lead me into the light把我带进 光 里吧Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我可以被你杀死Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural(英文)它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的You are so supersonic你是超声波的Wanna feel your powers想感受你的力量Stun me with your lasers用你的激光吓我Your kiss is cosmic你的吻是宇宙的Every move is magic每个动作都是神奇的You"re from a whole other world你来自一个完全不同的世界A different dimension不同的维度You open my eyes你让我大开眼界And I"m ready to go我准备走了Lead me into the light把我带进 光 里吧Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我愿意做你的牺牲品Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural(英文)它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的There is transcendental这是超乎经验的On another level在另一个层面上Boy, you"re my lucky star男孩,你是我的幸运星I wanna walk on your wave length我想要与你合拍And be there when you vibrate当你摇摆不定的时候我会在那儿For you I risk it all为你我不惧怕任何危险Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我愿意做你的牺牲品Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural(英文)它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural(英文)它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Katy perry - FireworkDo you ever feel like a plastic bag,你可曾想过自己像个垃圾袋,drifting through the wind在风中飘来飘去,wanting to start again?想要重新开始?Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin你可曾感觉到,自己跟纸一样薄like a house of cards,就像一屋子的卡,one blow from caving in?风一吹就会倒下?Do you ever feel already buried deep?你可曾想过,自己被埋得很深?6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing在六尺下喊呀喊但谁都听不见Do you know that there"s still a chance for you你知不知道其实你还有希望?"Cause there"s a spark in you因为你心里还是有火花You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮Just own the night like the 4th of July把晚上当作自己的就像七月四日"Cause baby you"re a firework因为宝贝你是个烟花Come on, show "em what you"re worth来吧,让他们看你值多少Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》As you shoot across the sky-y-y当你闪过天空-空-空Baby, you"re a firework宝贝,你是个烟花Come on, let your colors burst来吧,让你的颜色爆发Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒You don"t have to feel like a waste of space你不用觉得你再浪费位置You"re original, cannot be replaced你是独一无二的,不能被取代If you only knew what the future holds要是你知道未来掌握着什么After a hurricane comes a rainbow飓风后的彩虹Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed可能你是所有门都关上的理由So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road所以你就能开一扇让你到达完美路途的门Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow就像闪电,你的心会爆发And when it"s time, you"ll know到了对的时间,你就会知道You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮Just own the night like the 4th of July把晚上当作自己的就像七月四日"Cause baby you"re a firework因为宝贝你是个烟花Come on, show "em what you"re worth来吧,让他们看你值多少Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》As you shoot across the sky-y-y当你闪过天空-空-空Baby, you"re a firework宝贝,你是个烟花Come on, let your colors burst来吧,让你的颜色爆发Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒Boom, boom, boom叭,叭,叭Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon比月亮还亮It"s always been inside of you, you, you从以前都一直在你内心里And now it"s time to let it through-ough-ough现在是该放开的时间"Cause baby you"re a firework因为宝贝你是个烟花Come on, show "em what you"re worth来吧,让他们看你值多少Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》As you shoot across the sky-y-y当你闪过天空-空-空Baby, you"re a firework宝贝,你是个烟花Come on, let your colors burst来吧,让你的颜色爆发Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒Boom, boom, boom叭,叭,叭Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon比月亮还亮Boom, boom, boom叭,叭,叭Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon比月亮还亮
2023-01-01 01:52:524

求好心人给Hogtied - The Limo A Hogtied Feature Movie. A fantasy BDSM abduction movie starring Prin

2023-01-01 01:53:071

Katty perry的 《E.T》 的歌词

I got a dirty mindI got filthy waysI"m tryna Bathe my Ape in your Milky WayI"m a legend, I"m irreverentI be reverandI be so fa-a-ar up, we don"t give a f-f-f-f-ckWelcome to the danger zoneStep into the fantasyYou are not invited to the otherside of sanityThey calling me an alienA big headed astronautMaybe it"s because your boy Yeezy get ass a lotYou"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devilCould you be an angelYour touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeaves my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialYour so supersonicWanna feel your powersStun me with your lasersYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialI know a bar out in MarsWhere they driving spaceships instead of carsCop a Prada spacesuit about the starsGetting stupid ass straight out the jarPockets on Shrek, Rockets on deckTell me what"s next, alien sexI"ma disrobe you, than I"mma probe youSee I abducted you, so I tell ya what to doI tell ya what to do, what to do, what to doKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy, you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrial
2023-01-01 01:53:132


歌名:ET 原唱:Katy Perry You"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devilCould you be an angelYour touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeaves my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialYour so supersonicWanna feel your powersStun me with your lasersYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialThere is this transcendentalOn another levelBoy, you"re my lucky starI wanna walk on your wave lengthAnd be there when you vibrateFor you I"ll risk it allAllKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrial
2023-01-01 01:53:221

一首男声快歌歌词里有when you got me

katy perry 的ET 这是这首歌所有的歌词,里面有标注rap歌词的时候是Kanye West 唱的:[Kanye West - Verse 1] RAP的部分I got a dirty mind I got filthy waysI"m tryna bathe my eyy in your milky wayI"m a legend I"m irreverent I"ll be reverendI"ll be so faaaaa-ar upWe dont give a fuuuh-uh-uckWelcome to the danger zoneStep into the fantasyYou are not invited to the other side of sanityThey callin me an alien a big headed astronautMaybe its because yo boy Yeezy get ass a lot[Katy Perry]You"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devilCould you be an angelYour touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeaves my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialYour so supersonicWanna feel your powersStun me with your lasersYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrial[Kanye West - Verse 2] RAP的部分I know a bar out in marsWhere they driving spaceships instead of carsCop a prada space suit about the starsGetting stupid hah straight up out the jarsPockets on shrek, rockets on deckTell me whats next? Alien sex.Imma disrobe youThen Imma probe youSee I abducted youSo I tell you what to do[Katy Perry]Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrial
2023-01-01 01:53:271


歌曲:《E.T.》作曲:马克斯·马丁和约书亚·科尔曼作词:Dr. Luke演唱:凯蒂·佩里歌词:You"re so hypnotizing你是如此摄人心魄Could you be the devil?你可会是那魔鬼?Could you be an angel?你可会是个天使?You"re touch magnetizing你抚摸着犹如磁石Feels like I am floating我感到飘飘欲仙Leave my body glowing我遍体炙热通红They say be afraid他们说要当心You"re not like the others你不同于别人Futuristic lover未来式的情人Different DNA有着不同的基因They don"t understand you是他们不懂你You"re from a whole "nother world你来自一个迥然不同的世界A different dimension一个异次元You open my eyes你大开我的眼界And I"m ready to go我已准备好Lead me into the light将我带进这道光吧Kiss me, k-k-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love以你之爱侵染我And fill me with your poison以你之毒灌满我Take me, t-t-take me带我走,带-带-带我走Wanna be your victim甘心做你的猎物Ready for abduction情愿被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alien男孩,你是外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸如此陌生It"s supernatural那是超自然的extraterrestrial如天外来客You"re so supersonic你如此电光火石Wanna feel your power愿感受你的力量Stun me with your laser以你的光芒震慑我Your kiss is cosmic你的吻好像宇宙Every move is magic举手投足皆是魔力You"re from a whole "nother world你来自一个迥然不同的世界A different dimension一个异次元You open my eyes你大开我眼界And I"m ready to go我已准备好Lead me into the light将我带进这道光吧Kiss me, k-k-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love以你之爱侵染我And fill me with your poison以你之毒灌满我Take me, t-t-take me带我走,带-带-带我走Wanna be your victim甘心做你的猎物Ready for abduction情愿被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alien男孩,你是外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸如此陌生It"s supernatural那是超自然的extraterrestrial如天外来客This is transcendental这是超凡脱俗的On another level在一层新境界Boy, you"re my lucky star男孩,你是我的幸运星I wanna walk on your wavelength我愿与你琴瑟和鸣and be there when you vibrate与你一起摇摆For you I"ll risk it all为你我甘冒一切风险Kiss me, k-k-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love以你之爱侵染我And fill me with your poison以你之毒灌满我Take me, t-t-take me带我走,带-带-带我走Wanna be a victim甘心做你的猎物Ready for abduction情愿被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alien男孩,你是外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸如此陌生It"s supernatural那是超自然的Extraterrestrial如天外来客Extraterrestrial如天外来客Extraterrestrial如天外来客Boy, you"re an alien男孩,你是外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸如此陌生It"s supernatural那是超自然的Extraterrestrial如天外来客扩展资料:《E.T.》是美国女歌手凯蒂·佩里演唱的一首流行舞曲,歌词、曲谱由凯蒂·佩里本人联合Dr. Luke、马克斯·马丁和约书亚·科尔曼创作,后三位制作人兼任制作,坎耶·维斯特配合说唱。该歌曲收录在凯蒂·佩里的第三张录音室专辑《Teenage Dream》,并作为推广专辑的第三支单曲,于2011年2月18日通过国会唱片公司发布。《E.T.》拿下加拿大、新西兰、波兰、澳大利亚等国家的音乐排行榜冠军,在美国公告牌百强单曲榜拿下五周冠军,全球拥有超过640万份的音乐销量,(为“世界高销量数码单曲”之一)。2011年,歌曲MV获得MTV音乐录影带大奖所颁发的“最佳合作”、“最佳特效”肯定。2012年,歌曲获得第38届人民选择奖“最受欢迎歌曲”奖项。参考资料来源:百度百科-E.T.
2023-01-01 01:53:374

《Thiaoouba Prophecy海奥华预言》阅记

此书首版名:《九层级星球的劫持》Thiaoouba 这些字母怎么能拼出来“海奥华”呢?顶多用【霞瓯芭】好些。现书名出现了Prophecy,可见出版商已经将此书看成是天神们的警世、提戒了! 从这个汉译书名,也可以看到我们华人的内心多么希望我们的【华】能跟“宇宙顶级生命”联系上!不过,现在的欧美大多称这次事件为【Abduction to the 9th Plane】——第九层级星球的劫持,在我们看来 这么说注定不是一次友情邀约的星际旅行。不过,在欧美人眼里劫持也可以是一种有礼貌的互动。这就是文化的差异! 一翻开书,我先注意到的是这个做过星际旅行作者Michel 的出生年——1931。 这个年份太熟悉了,那是我父母的出生时候,也是溥仪应日本皇军邀请去东北建立满洲国的时候(11.10.)。 不过,看着作者的简历实在觉得普通—— 没上过大学,二战结束后在法国军队服役,之後去了非洲的法国殖民地的种植园参与管理,八年。再回法国做买卖。1972年全家移民澳大利亚。 Michel那次星际旅行应该是1988年的夏天,他跟家人失联了九天,不过邀他旅行的外星人告诉他,如果不是采取了Airlock 的技术,他回来的时间就是25年后的2014了!唉!  只能感叹我们人类对于时空的认识有多粗浅。 脱稿几年后的1993 年该书出版,2012年Michel在【由管】上加载了两个小时的视频介绍那次旅行。而中文版直到2018年才问世九州(不过现在已经重印了六次)。 阅读此书我自然会想到发生在1994年黑龙江红旗林场的那个著名的【孟照国傍夹案】,显然那次要残酷很多,不过目击者也很多。一开篇,Michel就描述了他是怎样“自投罗网”去见外星宇航员的: 相比较各种UFO外星人的接触事件,Michel的这个事件就很安静——没有目击者,也没有给他造成心理阴影,相反,米歇一直在期待他们再来。由此也可以推断出“海奥华”这个地外文明实在是高等级了。 (阅记待续…)
2023-01-01 01:53:561


  抢劫,指行为人对公私财物的所有人、保管人、看护人或者持有人当场使用暴力、胁迫或者其他 方法 ,迫使其立即交出财物或者立即将财物抢走的行为。那么你知道抢劫用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   抢劫的英语说法1:   rob   抢劫的英语说法2:   heist   抢劫的英语说法3:   plunder   抢劫的相关 短语 :   plunder everything valuable;   抢劫财物   rob the bank;   抢劫银行   rob the shop of ten bikes;   抢劫那家商店10辆自行车   live by plunder   靠抢劫为生   抢劫的英语例句:   1. We usually think of a victim of mugging as being someone elderly.   我们通常以为被拦路抢劫的受害者是老年人。   2. My boyfriend and I robbed a store and were caught red-handed.   我和男朋友去抢劫一家商店,被当场逮到了。   3. Bank robberies, burglaries and muggings are reported almost daily in the press.   报纸上几乎每天都有抢劫银行、入室行窃和拦路抢劫的报道。   4. The kids who are joyriding and ram-raiding are unemployed.   那些开偷来的车狂飙和驾车抢劫的年轻人都是无业游民。   5. Armed robbers broke into a jeweller"s through a hole in the wall.   持械抢劫者通过墙上的一个洞闯进了一家珠宝店。   6. Marauding gangs of armed men have been looting food relief supplies.   持械抢劫团伙一直在四处抢劫救济食品。   7. In the country"s largest cities there has been rioting and looting.   该国的大城市有暴乱和抢劫发生。   8. Police said Stefanovski had robbed a man just hours earlier.   警察说斯泰凡诺夫斯基就在几个小时前抢劫了一名男子。   9. Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the killing.   警方已排除因抢劫而杀人的可能。   10. Last year there was a plague of robbery and housebreaking.   去年抢劫和入室行窃成灾。   11. Armed robbery and abduction have been on the increase countrywide.   持械抢劫和诱拐案的案发率在全国范围内都有所上升。   12. A tourist was robbed after being given a drugged orange.   一名旅游者在喝了一杯被动了手脚的橙汁饮料后遭到了抢劫。   13. The trouble began when gangs began breaking windows and looting shops.   一些团伙开始破窗抢劫商店时发生了骚乱。   14. I can"t turn a blind eye when someone is being robbed.   当有人遭到抢劫时,我不能视而不见。   15. He carried out a series of bank raids.   他实施了一系列的银行抢劫。
2023-01-01 01:54:021


道德绑架Moral abduction
2023-01-01 01:54:332


酷刑的英文单词是cruelty   torture参考例句:War crimes were widespread: torture, pillage, destruction, gang rape, abduction and murder of women, men and children.战争犯罪很广泛:酷刑、掠夺、破坏、轮奸、劫持和杀害妇女、男人与儿童。The cruel penalty of boiling a criminal in a caldron鼎镬酷刑His body was covered with wounds after savage torture.酷刑之后,他遍体鳞伤。He would rather die than surrender under the enemy"s cruel torture.在敌人的酷刑之下,他宁死不屈。They have alleged that acts of genocide and torture were carried out.他们声称实施了大屠杀和酷刑。
2023-01-01 01:54:411

hip abduction什么意思

hip abduction髋关节外展
2023-01-01 01:54:521


《After the Abduction》(Sabrina Jeffries)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 密码:7gx3    书名:After the Abduction作者:Sabrina Jeffries出版社:Avon出版年份:2002-6-1页数:384内容简介:Bored with her London seasons and the current crop of boring society suitors, Juliet Laverick still finds herself yearning for the Morgan Pryce, the notorious scoundrel who had abducted her two hears earlier, despite her fierce desire to bring him to justice. Original.
2023-01-01 01:54:571

莫扎特传中 出现的曲子

专辑曲目: Amadeus:The Director"s Cut Soundtrack Disc: 1 01.Symphony No. 25 in G Minor, K. 183: 1st movement02.Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Serenade), K. 525: 1st movement03.Stabat Mater: Quando Corpus Morietur and Amen04.Salieri"s March turned into Non piu andrai (from Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492) 05.Serenade for Winds, K. 361: 3rd movement06.Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail (The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384) 07.Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail (The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384)08.Mass in C Minor, K. 427: Kyrie09.Concerto for Flute and Harp, K. 299: 2nd movement 10.Symphony No. 29 in A, K. 201: 1st movement, allegro moderato11.Adagio in C minor for Glass Armonica, K. 61712.Concerto for Two Pianos, K. 365: 3rd Movement13.Symphonie Concertante, K. 364: 1st movementDisc: 201.Zaide:Aria, Ruhe Sanft02.Caro Mio Ben 03.Piano Concerto in E flat, K. 482: 3rd movement04.Le Nozze Di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro, K. 492), Act III, Ecco la Marcia 05.Le Nnozze Di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro, K. 492), Act IV, Ah Tutti Contenti 06.Early 18th Century Gypsy Music: Bubak and Hungaricus 07.Axur, Finale 08.Don Giovanni, K. 527: Act II, Commendatore Scene09.Piano Concerto in D Minor, K. 466: 1st Mmovement10.Die Zauberflote, Overture, K. 62011.Die Zauberflote, No.14 Aria, (Queen of the Night) "Der Holle Rache Kocht" 12.Requiem, K. 626: Introitus13.Requiem, K. 626: Dies Irae 14.Requiem, K. 626: Rex Tremendae Majestatis 15.Requiem, K. 626: Confutatis 16.Requiem, K. 626: Lacrimosa 17.Piano Concerto in D minor, K. 466: 2nd Movement (Romanza)Amadeus: The Complete Original Soundtrack RecordingDisc: 101.Symphony No. 25 In G Minor,K. 183: 1st Movement 02.Stabat Mater: Quando Corpus Morietur And Amen 03.Bubak And Hungaricus 04.Serenade For Winds,K. 361: 3rd Movement 05.The Abduction From The Seraglio,K. 384: Turkish Finale 06.The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384: Chorus of the Janissaries (arr.) / Ich Mochte Wohl (Ein Deutsches Kriegslied), K. 539 (arr.) 07.Caro Mio Bene 08.Mass In C Minor,K. 427: Kyrie 09.Concerto For Flute And Harp,K. 299: 2nd Movement 10.Concerto For Two Pianos,K. 365: 3rd Movement Disc: 201.Symphony No. 29 In A,K. 201: 1st Movemnet, Allegro Moderato 02.Piano Concerto In E Flat,K. 482: 3rd Movement 03.The Marriage Of Figaro, Act III, Ecco La Marcia 04.The Marriage Of Figaro, Act IV, Ah Tutti Contenti 05.Axur, Finale 06.Piano Concerto In D Minor,K. 466: 1st Movement 07.Zaide: Aria, Ruhe Sanft 08.Don Giovanni,K. 527: Act II, Commendatore Scene 09.Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Serenade),K. 525: 1st Movement Disc: 3 01.Symphonie Concertante,K. 364: 1st Movement 02.Masonic Funeral Music,K. 477 03.The Magic Flute, Overture,K. 620 04.The Magic Flute, Aria (No. 14), "Queen Of The Night" 05.Six German Dances (Nos.1-3), K. 509 06.Introitus (Orchestral Introduction) 07.Dies Irae 08.Rex Tremendae Majestatis 09.Confutatis 10.Lacrymosa 11.Piano Concerto In D Minor,K. 466: 2nd Movement (Romanza) Amadeus:Original Soundtrack RecordingDisc: 1 01.Symphony No.25 In G Minor, K.183: 1st Movemen 02.Stabat Mater: Quando Corpus Morietur And Amen 03.Bubak and Hungaricus 04.Serenade For Winds, K.361: 3rd Movement 05.The Abduction From The Seraglio: Turkish Finale 06.Symphony No.29 In A Major, K.201: 1st Movement: Allegro Moderato 07.Concerto For Two Pianos, K.365: 3rd Movement 08.Mass In C Minor, K.427: Kyrie 09.Symphonie Concertante, K.364: 1st Movement Disc: 2 01.Piano Concerto In E Flat Major, K.482: 3rd Movement 02.The Marriage Of Figaro: Act III: Ecco La Marcia 03.The Marriage Of Figaro: Act IV: Ah Tutti Contenti 04.Don Giovanni: Act II: Commendatore Scene 05.Zaide: Aria: Ruhe Sanft 06.Requiem, K.626: Introitus (Eternal Rest Give To Them, O Lord)07.Requiem, K.626: Dies Irae (Day Of Wrath) 08.Requiem, K.626: Rex Tremendae Majestatis (Awe-Inspiring King) 09.Requiem, K.626: Confutatis (When Those Cursed Enter Flames) 10.Requiem, K.626: Lacrymosa (Mournful Day) 11.Piano Concerto In D Minor, K.466: 2nd Movement (Romanza) Amadeus: More Music From The Original Soundtrack Of The Film Amadeus01.The Magic Flute, Overture, K. 620 02.The Magic Flute, Aria (No. 14),(Queen Of The Night) "Der Holle Rache Kocht" 03.Masonic Funeral Music, K. 477 04.Piano Concerto in D Minor, K. 466: 1st Movement 05.Axur, Finale 06.Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Serenade), K. 525: 1st Movement 07.Concerto for Flute and Harp, K. 299: 2nd Movement 08.Six German Dances (Nos.1-3), K.509 09.Caro Mio Ben 10.The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384: Chorus of the Janissaries (arr.) / Ich Mochte Wohl (Ein Deutsches Kriegslied), K. 539 (arr.)
2023-01-01 01:55:051


Katy Perry - E.T.You"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devil?Could you be an angel?You"re touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeave my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYou"re from a whole "nother worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me" k-k-kiss meInfect me with your loveAnd fill me with your poisonTake me" t-t-take meWanna be your victimReady for abductionBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalextraterrestrialYou"re so supersonicWanna feel your powerStun me with your laserYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicYou"re from a whole "nother worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me" k-k-kiss meInfect me with your loveAnd fill me with your poisonTake me" t-t-take meWanna be your victimReady for abductionBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalextraterrestrialKiss me" k-k-kiss meInfect me with your loveAnd fill me with your poisonTake me" t-t-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrial
2023-01-01 01:55:111


[ti:E.T.][ar:Katy Perry(中英对照)][al:][by:噩梦之魇][00:02.00]Katy Perry - E.T.[00:03.00]制作:噩梦之魇 翻译:天玥&陶赫[00:05.00][00:06.26]You"re so hypnotizing你用爱,将我催眠[00:09.68]Could you be the devil你是恶魔转世[00:11.45]Could you be an angel亦或天使降临[00:13.15]You"re touch magnetizing被你的抚摸强烈吸引[00:16.21]Feels like I am floating我已飘飘欲仙[00:17.90]Leave my body glowing爱火熊熊燃烧[00:19.50]They say be afraid他们都说要小心[00:22.43]You"re not like the others你不同于芸芸众生[00:24.36]Futuristic lover是来自未来的恋人[00:25.71]Different DNA不一样的DNA[00:28.90]They don"t understand you他们觉得你不可理喻[00:31.10]You"re from a whole "nother world你来自一个完全不同的星球[00:34.92]A different dimension一个多维的神秘空间[00:38.17]You open my eyes你的到来让我睁开双眼[00:41.23]And I"m ready to go我已准备就绪[00:43.06]Lead me into the light请带我走进这道光芒[00:45.07]Kiss me, k-k-kiss me吻我,亲吻我[00:48.14]Infect me with your love用你的爱将我感染[00:49.66]And fill me with your poison饮下你诱惑的毒酒[00:51.26]Take me, t-t-take me带我,带我走[00:54.51]Wanna be your victim甘愿做你的俘虏[00:56.30]Ready for abduction期待你的侵略[00:57.97]Boy, you"re an alien男孩,你是一个天外来客[01:01.72]Your touch so foreign你的触碰如此特别[01:04.80]It"s supernatural是超自然的感应[01:08.15]extraterrestrial是外星球的呼唤[01:12.09][01:13.56]You"re so supersonic你的速度无人能及[01:16.82]Wanna feel your power想要感受你的力量[01:18.61]Stun me with your laser快用镭射将我昏迷[01:20.29]Your kiss is cosmic你的吻将我融化[01:23.19]Every move is magic一举一动都充满魔力[01:25.11]You"re from a whole "nother world你来自一个完全不同的星球[01:29.48]A different dimension一个多维的神秘空间[01:32.64]You open my eyes你的到来让我睁开双眼[01:35.49]And I"m ready to go我已准备就绪[01:37.39]Lead me into the light请带我走进这道光芒[01:39.54]Kiss me, k-k-kiss me吻我,亲吻我[01:42.34]Infect me with your love用你的爱将我感染[01:44.05]And fill me with your poison饮下你诱惑的毒酒[01:45.66]Take me, t-t-take me带我,带我走[01:48.84]Wanna be your victim甘愿做你的俘虏[01:50.58]Ready for abduction期待你的侵略[01:52.28]Boy, you"re an alien男孩,你是一个天外来客[01:56.05]Your touch so foreign你的触碰如此特别[01:59.36]It"s supernatural是超自然的感应[02:02.42]extraterrestrial是外星球的呼唤[02:04.69][02:05.64]This is transcendental这是另一种境界的超越[02:08.73]On another level[02:11.94]Boy, you"re my lucky star男孩,你是我的幸运星[02:16.34][02:18.47]I wanna walk on your wavelength我要穿梭于你的波长[02:21.84]and be there when you vibrate和你一起徜徉宇宙[02:25.41]For you I"ll risk it all为了你,我甘愿冒一切风险[02:31.64][02:33.73]Kiss me, k-k-kiss me吻我,亲吻我[02:36.84]Infect me with your love用你的爱将我感染[02:38.53]And fill me with your poison饮下你诱惑的毒酒[02:40.24]Take me, t-t-take me带我,带我走[02:43.23]Wanna be a victim甘愿做俘虏[02:44.86]Ready for abduction期待你的侵略[02:46.77]Boy, you"re an alien男孩,你是一个天外来客[02:50.51]Your touch so foreign你的触碰如此特别[02:53.57]It"s supernatural是超自然的感应[02:56.90]Extraterrestrial是外星球的呼唤[03:03.30]Extraterrestrial是外星球的呼唤[03:09.52]Extraterrestrial是外星球的呼唤[03:12.59]Boy, you"re an alien男孩,你是一个天外来客[03:16.13]Your touch so foreign你的触碰如此特别[03:19.30]It"s supernatural是超自然的感应[03:22.60]Extraterrestrial是外星球的呼唤[03:25.00]鸣谢纯冲字幕组[03:26.58]
2023-01-01 01:55:162


2023-01-01 01:55:233

求 AS Nightcore 的kotodama tsumugu mirai的 原曲和 歌词

歌名:ET 原唱:Katy Perry You"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devilCould you be an angelYour touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeaves my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialYour so supersonicWanna feel your powersStun me with your lasersYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialThere is this transcendentalOn another levelBoy, you"re my lucky starI wanna walk on your wave lengthAnd be there when you vibrateFor you I"ll risk it allAllKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrial
2023-01-01 01:55:341

katy perry e.t. 中文歌词

You"re so hypnotizing   你令人神魂颠倒   Could you be the devil, could you be an angel   你可能变成魔鬼,你可以变成天使   Your touch magnetizing   你的触摸很有磁性   Feels like going floating, leave my body glowing   就像在漂流,我的身体通红   They say be afraid   他们说害怕你   You"re not like the others, futuristic lovers   你和别人不一样,我的未来情人   Different DNA, they don"t understand U   不一样的基因,他们都不懂你   You"re from a whole other world   你来自一个完全不同的世界   A different dimension   不同的维度   You open my eyes   你让我大开眼界   And I"m ready to go   我准备走了   Lead me into the light   把我带进 光 里吧   Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me   吻我,吻-吻-吻我   Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison   用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我   Take me, ta-ta-take me   带上我,带-带-带上我   Wanna be your victim   想变成你的牺牲品   Ready for abduction   准备好被你绑架   Boy, you"re an alien   Boy,你就是个外星人   Your touch so foreign   你的触摸很陌生   It"s supernatural   它是神奇的   Extraterrestrial   来自外星的   You are so supersonic   你是超声波的   Wanna feel your powers   想感受你的力量   Stun me with your lasers   用你的激光吓我   Your kiss is cosmic   你的吻是宇宙的   Every move is magic   每个动作都是神奇的   You"re from a whole other world   你来自一个完全不同的世界   A different dimension   不同的维度   You open my eyes   你让我大开眼界   And I"m ready to go   我准备走了   Lead me into the light   把我带进 光 里吧   Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me   吻我,吻-吻-吻我   Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison   用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我   Take me, ta-ta-take me   带上我,带-带-带上我   Wanna be your victim   我愿意做你的牺牲品   Ready for abduction   准备好被你诱惑   Boy, you"re an alien   Boy,你就是个外星人   Your touch so foreign   你的触摸很陌生   It"s supernatural   它是神奇的   Extraterrestrial   来自外星的   There is transcendental   这是超乎经验的   On another level   在另一个层面上   Boy, you"re my lucky star   男孩,你是我的幸运星   I wanna walk on your wave length   我想要与你合拍   And be there when you vibrate   当你摇摆不定的时候我会在那儿   For you I risk it all   为你我不惧怕任何危险   Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me   吻我,吻-吻-吻我   Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison   用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我   Take me, ta-ta-take me   带上我,带-带-带上我   Wanna be your victim   我愿意做你的牺牲品   Ready for abduction   准备好被你诱惑   Boy, you"re an alien   Boy,你就是个外星人   Your touch so foreign   你的触摸很陌生   It"s supernatural   它是神奇的   Extraterrestrial   来自外星的   Extraterrestrial   来自外星的   Extraterrestrial   来自外星的   Boy, you"re an alien   Boy,你就是个外星人   Your touch so foreign   你的触摸很陌生   It"s supernatural   它是神奇的   Extraterrestrial   来自外星的
2023-01-01 01:55:392

Katy Perry ET lrc歌词

You"re so hypnotisingcould u be the devil could you be an angelyour touch magnetizingfeels like going floating leave my body glowingThey say be afraidyou"re not like the others futuristic loversdifferent DNA they dont understand uYou"re from a whole other/another worlda different dimensionyou open my eyesand im ready to go lead me into the lightKiss me k-k-kiss meinfect me with your love and fill me with your poisontake me t-t-take mewanna be your victim ready for abductionboy you"re an alien your touch so far awayits supernatural extraterrestrialYou"re so super sonicwanna feel your powers stumb me with your lasersyour kiss is cosmic every move is magicYou"re from a whole other/another worlda different dimensionyou open my eyesand im ready to go lead me into the lightKiss me k-k-kiss meinfect me with your love and fill me with your poisontake me t-t-take mewanna be your victim ready for abductionboy you"re an alien your touch so far awayits supernatural extraterrestrialThere is this transcendental on another levelboy you"re my lucky stari wanna walk on your wave lengthand be there when you vibratefor you i risk it allallKiss me k-k-kiss meinfect me with your love and fill me with your poisontake me t-t-take mewanna be your victim ready for abductionboy you"re an alien your touch so far awayits supernatural extraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy you"re an alien your touch so far awayits supernatural extraterrestrial
2023-01-01 01:55:503

katy perry et中英文 歌词,还要有RAP部分的

2023-01-01 01:56:014


You"re so hypnotizing你令人神魂颠倒Could you be the devil, could you be an angel.你可能变成魔鬼,你可以变成天使Your touch magnetizing你的触摸很有磁性Feels like going floating, leave my body glowing就像在漂流,我的身体通红They say be afraid他们说害怕你You"re not like the others, futuristic lovers你和别人不一样,我的未来情人Different DNA, they don"t understand U不一样的基因,他们都不懂你You"re from a whole other world你来自一个完全不同的世界A different dimension不同的维度You open my eyes你让我大开眼界And I"m ready to go我准备走了Lead me into the light把我带进 光 里吧Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我可以被你杀死Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的You are so supersonic你是超声波的Wanna feel your powers想感受你的力量Stun me with your lasers用你的激光吓我Your kiss is cosmic你的吻是宇宙的Every move is magic每个动作都是神奇的You"re from a whole other world你来自一个完全不同的世界A different dimension不同的维度You open my eyes你让我大开眼界And I"m ready to go我准备走了Lead me into the light把我带进 光 里吧Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我愿意做你的牺牲品Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的There is transcendental这是超乎经验的On another level在另一个层面上Boy, you"re my lucky star男孩,你是我的幸运星I wanna walk on your wave length我想要与你合拍And be there when you vibrate当你摇摆不定的时候我会在那儿For you I risk it all为你我不惧怕任何危险Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我愿意做你的牺牲品Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的
2023-01-01 01:56:142

one hell or another的歌词

这首歌是几首单曲混合的,具体如下:What the Hell Avril LavigneE.T. Katy PerryBlondie & moreA-HA,THE KANCK TONI BASILTING TINGS
2023-01-01 01:56:223


Katy Perry - E.T. (Ft. Kanye West)I got a dirty mind I got filthy waysI"m tryna bathe my eyy in your milky wayI"m a legend I"m irreverent I"ll be reverendI"ll be so faaaaa-ar upWe dont give a fuuuh-uh-uckWelcome to the danger zoneStep into the fantasyYou are not invited to the other side of sanityThey callin me an alien a big headed astronautMaybe its because yo boy Yeezy get ass a lotYou"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devilCould you be an angelYour touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeaves my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialYour so supersonicWanna feel your powersStun me with your lasersYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialI know a bar out in marsWhere they driving spaceships instead of carsCop a prada space suit about the starsGetting stupid hah straight up out the jarsPockets on shrek, rockets on deckTell me whats next? Alien ***.Imma disrobe youThen Imma probe youSee I abducted youSo I tell you what to doKiss me, ki-ki-kiss me, Infect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialYouku page please search: "JonathonTTTTT"
2023-01-01 01:56:321

求女英文歌。歌词高潮中有几句kiss mi的女英文歌

《Baby》 可能是 自己看看吧
2023-01-01 01:56:384

E.T katy 歌词翻译

You"re so hypnotizing 你让人神魂颠倒 Could you be the devil, could you be an angel. 分不清你究竟是圣洁的天使还是诱惑众生的魔鬼 Your touch magnetizing 你不经意的触碰带来的是无尽的吸引 Feels like going floating, leave my body glowing 像是在漂流一般不真实,让我身躯绯红 They say be afraid 人们总是惧怕著你,不敢靠近You"re not like the others, futuristic lovers 但我明白你和别人完全不同,你是我科幻的未来恋人 Different DNA, they don"t understand U 你有著完全不同的基因,他们所有人都不懂你You"re from a whole other world 因为你来自一个与普通人完全不同的世界 A different dimension 生存在不同的次元 You open my eyes 你让我大开眼界 And I"m ready to go 我已经做好准备 Lead me into the light 把我带到光线中,带我走吧 Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me 以炽热的温度吻我 Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison 将你的爱注射入我的身体,用你的毒液浸满我 Take me, ta-ta-take me 带我离开这个世界 Wanna be your victim 我甘愿做你的牺牲品 Ready for abduction 已经准备好迎接你的诱惑 Boy, you"re an alien 亲爱的,你是来自外星的生物 Your touch so foreign 你带来的触感如此特别,如此未知 It"s supernatural 它是超自然的 Extraterrestrial 来自遥远宇宙中 You are so supersonic 你由超声波交织而成 Wanna feel your powers 无比想感受到你磅礴的力量 Stun me with your lasers 所以用你的镭射刺激我吧 Your kiss is cosmic 你的吻就是宇宙 Every move is magic 每个动作都魔力非凡 You"re from a whole other world 因为你来自一个与普通人完全不同的世界 A different dimension 生存在不同的次元 You open my eyes 你让我大开眼界 And I"m ready to go 我已经做好准备 Lead me into the light 把我带到光线中,带我走吧 Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me 以炽热的温度吻我 Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison 将你的爱注射入我的身体,用你的毒液浸满我 Take me, ta-ta-take me 带我离开这个世界 Wanna be your victim 我甘愿做你的牺牲品 Ready for abduction 已经准备好迎接你的诱惑 Boy, you"re an alien 亲爱的,你是来自外星的生物 Your touch so foreign 你带来的触感如此特别,如此未知 It"s supernatural 它是超自然的 Extraterrestrial 来自遥远宇宙中 There is transcendental 我还从未体会过 On another level 这种在全新高度上的感觉 Boy, you"re my lucky star 宝贝你是我的幸运星 I wanna walk on your wave length 我希望合上你的波长 And be there when you vibrate 当你艰难摇晃时及时出现 For you I risk it all 为了你我无所畏惧,付出一切 Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me 以炽热的温度吻我 Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison 将你的爱注射入我的身体,用你的毒液浸满我 Take me, ta-ta-take me 带我离开这个世界 Wanna be your victim 我甘愿做你的牺牲品 Ready for abduction 已经准备好迎接你的诱惑 Boy, you"re an alien 亲爱的,你是来自外星的生物 Your touch so foreign 你带来的触感如此特别,如此未知 It"s supernatural 它是超自然的 Extraterrestrial 来自遥远宇宙中 Extraterrestrial 来自遥远宇宙中 Extraterrestrial 来自遥远宇宙中 Boy, you"re an alien 亲爱的,你是来自外星的生物 Your touch so foreign 你带来的触感如此特别,如此未知 It"s supernatural 它是超自然的 Extraterrestrial 来自遥远宇宙中
2023-01-01 01:56:512

katy perry ET的 歌词??、

You"re so hypnotizing你令人神魂颠倒Could you be the devil, could you be an angel.你可能变成魔鬼,你可以变成天使Your touch magnetizing你的触摸很有磁性Feels like going floating, leave my body glowing就像在漂流,我的身体通红They say be afraid他们说害怕你You"re not like the others, futuristic lovers你和别人不一样,我的未来情人Different DNA, they don"t understand U不一样的基因,他们都不懂你You"re from a whole other world你来自一个完全不同的世界A different dimension不同的维度You open my eyes你让我大开眼界And I"m ready to go我准备走了Lead me into the light把我带进 光 里吧Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我可以被你杀死Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的You are so supersonic你是超声波的Wanna feel your powers想感受你的力量Stun me with your lasers用你的激光吓我Your kiss is cosmic你的吻是宇宙的Every move is magic每个动作都是神奇的You"re from a whole other world你来自一个完全不同的世界A different dimension不同的维度You open my eyes你让我大开眼界And I"m ready to go我准备走了Lead me into the light把我带进 光 里吧Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我愿意做你的牺牲品Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的There is transcendental这是超乎经验的On another level在另一个层面上Boy, you"re my lucky star男孩,你是我的幸运星I wanna walk on your wave length我想要与你合拍And be there when you vibrate当你摇摆不定的时候我会在那儿For you I risk it all为你我不惧怕任何危险Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我愿意做你的牺牲品Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的
2023-01-01 01:56:591

Katy perry E.T LRC歌词

Katy Perry - E.T. (Ft. Kanye West)I got a dirty mind I got filthy waysI"m tryna bathe my eyy in your milky wayI"m a legend I"m irreverent I"ll be reverendI"ll be so faaaaa-ar upWe dont give a fuuuh-uh-uckWelcome to the danger zoneStep into the fantasyYou are not invited to the other side of sanityThey callin me an alien a big headed astronautMaybe its because yo boy Yeezy get ass a lotYou"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devilCould you be an angelYour touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeaves my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialYour so supersonicWanna feel your powersStun me with your lasersYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialI know a bar out in marsWhere they driving spaceships instead of carsCop a prada space suit about the starsGetting stupid hah straight up out the jarsPockets on shrek, rockets on deckTell me whats next? Alien ***.Imma disrobe youThen Imma probe youSee I abducted youSo I tell you what to doKiss me, ki-ki-kiss me, Infect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialYouku page please search: "JonathonTTTTT"
2023-01-01 01:57:043

E.T. (feat. Kanye West) 歌词

歌曲名:E.T. (feat. Kanye West)歌手:Katy Perry专辑:Katy Perry - Teenage Dream: The Complete ConfectionE.T.Katy Perry、Kanye WestI got a dirty mind I got filthy waysI"m tryna bathe my eyy in your milky wayI"m a legend I"m irreverent I"ll be reverendI"ll be so faaaaa-ar upWe dont give a fuuuh-uh-uckWelcome to the danger zoneStep into the fantasyYou are not invited to the other side of sanityThey callin me an alien a big headed astronautMaybe its because yo boy Yeezy get ass a lotYou"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devilCould you be an angelYour touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeaves my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialYour so supersonicWanna feel your powersStun me with your lasersYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialI know a bar out in marsWhere they driving spaceships instead of carsCop a prada space suit about the starsGetting stupid hah straight up out the jarsPockets on shrek, rockets on deckTell me whats next? AlienImma disrobe youThen Imma probe youSee I abducted youSo I tell you what to do...Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me, Infect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrial
2023-01-01 01:57:181


健身器械哑铃的正确使用方法   健身器材,可以说是健身人士的最爱了,没有了它们的帮助,身材不会如此快的呈现出效果来。不过,对于健身新手来说,当你初次到健身房内,看见一排排器械,真的是毫无头绪。下面是我为大家带来的健身器械哑铃的正确使用方法,欢迎阅读。   一、俯身臂屈伸   哑铃俯身臂屈伸(Dumbbell Triceps Kickback)这个动作无法用杠铃来替代,一般是单臂做效果最好,可以站立俯身,但最好单膝支撑长凳更稳定。   1.哑铃俯身臂屈伸(Dumbbell Triceps Kickback),俯身单臂屈伸   哑铃俯身臂屈伸(Dumbbell Triceps Kickback)这个动作无法用杠铃来替代,一般是单臂做效果最好,可以站立俯身,但最好单膝支撑长凳更稳定。   目标锻炼部位:刻画三头肌线条   动作要领:   1.起始姿势:向前屈体,单手握哑铃,另一手撑开或一手扶膝后腿上,让握铃的上臂贴靠身侧,与上体平行。屈肘,让前臂自然下垂。   2.动作过程:上体和上臂保持不动,收缩三头肌,把前臂向后上方挺伸,直到臂部完全伸直,同时彻底收缩三头肌。静止一秒钟,再屈肘,让前臂徐徐下垂到开始位置。   3.呼吸方法挺伸前臂时吸气,下垂时呼气。   注意事项:   1.挺伸前臂时尽可能勿使上臂上下摆动。   2.臂部完全挺直后,还要把手腕往上抬,使三头肌达到顶峰收缩   二、俯身单臂划船:   主要练背部外侧和下背。俯身划船是增加背阔肌厚度的最佳方法,主要锻炼的是中部背阔肌。几种俯身划船中,单臂哑铃划船(One Arm Dumbbell Bent-over Row)能将两侧背阔肌独立分开来,对于抱怨自己背部不对称的锻炼者来说是个补偿的好机会。另外允许你将重量拉到更高,高度的加大让肌肉得到更加完整的收缩。   1.俯身划船:增加背阔肌厚度的最佳方法(图片详细动作)   俯身划船是增加背阔肌厚度的最佳方法,主要锻炼的是中部背阔肌。几种俯身划船中,单臂哑铃划船(One Arm Dumbbell Bent-over Row)能将两侧背阔肌独立分开来,对于抱怨自己背部不对称的锻炼者来说是个补偿的好机会。另外允许你将重量拉到更高,高度的加大让肌肉得到更加完整的收缩。   正握引体向上(Chin-up)动作大全,反握宽距、窄握引体向上   卧姿直腿侧平举(Lying Hip Abduction)   目标锻炼部位:背阔肌中部(即内侧)   动作要领:   1.屈体用正握法抓住哑铃,另一只手扶在长凳上支住身体,另一只膝盖也弯曲支在长凳上,身体几乎与地面平行,抬头挺胸。   背阔肌(03):单臂哑铃划船   2.把重量放到尽量地低,掌向身体将重量拉起;尽量保持身体静止,用背而不是用手臂将哑铃拉到体侧;缓慢地放下,保持对重量的控制,一侧练完再练另一边。   史密斯机俯身划船(Smith Bent-over Row),增加背阔肌厚度   耸肩,锻炼斜方肌、及颈肌、上背肌群动作   注意事项:   1.初始不使用大重量,技术稳定后在逐步增重   2.训练时腰背不够平直会损害脊椎,放在平凳上的手臂要保持肘关节微屈,放在地面上的腿保持膝关节微屈,动作太快会降低训练效果,幅度过大会增加身体扭动,增加受伤的可能性。   三、哑铃上斜推举   目标锻炼部位:胸大肌   基本雷同平板哑铃卧推,但需注意斜板的角度控制在30-45度之间,角度太大对三角肌前束的压力也越大,会影响到胸大肌的发力。   动作要领:   基本雷同平板哑铃卧推,但需注意斜板的角度控制在30-45度之间,角度太大对三角肌前束的压力也越大,会影响到胸大肌的发力。   注意事项:(所有三种姿势)   1.哑铃卧推是自由器械进行的卧推,手臂力量不够无法控制哑铃稳定性是容易造成受伤的,为了安全起见,初级健身者不推荐哑铃卧推,最好采用史密斯机进行杠铃卧推。   2.卧推过程中不要把背和臀部拱起或憋气,这样会使肌肉失去控制,是危险的。   3.确保哑铃正确的运动轴线很重要:平板哑铃卧推应将其置于乳头上方;上斜卧推则应将其置于上胸部;下斜卧推应将其置于下胸部。这样才能有效锻炼相应的胸大肌部位,否则锻炼没有效果。   4.一定要注意将两肘展开,做卧推时双臂在体侧张开,因而能基本上只靠胸大肌用力来完成动作。下放时,掌心逐渐向前至肩两侧,这时,要两臂自然下垂,成手、肘面与地面垂直,上推时肱三头肌不要主动用力。   5.注意宽间距卧推主要锻炼胸大肌,窄间距卧推主要锻炼三头肌。当然如果肱三头肌力量不够,也不能卧推大重量,也就不能练出发达的胸大肌,所以哑铃卧推需要强大的三头肌做基本保障。   6.为了平衡发展胸大肌,在一次胸肌训练中,平板、上斜、下斜应该各安排几组哑铃卧推。   7.哑铃卧推是个有风险的动作,必须配备较好的训练手套和护腕来保护手部,冲击大重量时,如果自我保护意识差的一定要有人保护   四、平卧推举:   目标锻炼部位:胸大肌中部 (即增加胸肌厚度和围度)   上推时用鼻子呼气,还原时用口吸气。   1.平板哑铃卧推(推举)-胸肌训练动作4a   哑铃卧推是锻炼胸大肌最经典的动作,但要求很高。自由卧推中,哑铃卧推比杠铃卧推好处就是没有横杠限制,可以充分拉伸胸大肌。但这一动作难度比较大,如果不正确,很容易伤到肩膀,因此锻炼胸大肌时,哑铃卧推应放在前面做。   哑铃握推(dumbbell press)主要分平板、上斜、下斜三种情形,分别锻炼胸大肌不同部位,其他锻炼部位涉及肱三头肌、三角肌。   目标锻炼部位:胸大肌中部 (即增加胸肌厚度和围度)   动作要领:   1.仰卧在平凳上,两脚平踏在地上;两肘弯曲,握住哑铃,拳眼相对,手心朝腿部的方向,哑铃的轴线位于乳头上方(胸肌中部),抵住胸部。   2.向上推起,两肘内收,夹肘的同时夹胸。哑铃向上的同时略向前偏,呈抛物线的运动轨迹。两臂伸直时,哑铃重心接近处于肩关节的支撑点上。但不要正好位于肩关节的支撑点上,这样会使骨骼支撑住哑铃的重量(这种由骨骼而不是肌肉支撑重量的情况称为“锁定”),使得胸肌放松,影响锻炼效果。然后,使两直臂向两侧张开,两臂慢慢弯屈,哑铃垂直落下,下降至最低处时,即做上推动作。重复。   3.呼吸方法:上推时用鼻子呼气,还原时用口吸气。   注意事项:(所有三种姿势)   1.哑铃卧推是自由器械进行的卧推,手臂力量不够无法控制哑铃稳定性是容易造成受伤的,为了安全起见,初级健身者不推荐哑铃卧推,最好采用史密斯机进行杠铃卧推。   2.卧推过程中不要把背和臀部拱起或憋气,这样会使肌肉失去控制,是危险的。   3.确保哑铃正确的运动轴线很重要:平板哑铃卧推应将其置于乳头上方;上斜卧推则应将其置于上胸部;下斜卧推应将其置于下胸部。这样才能有效锻炼相应的胸大肌部位,否则锻炼没有效果。   4.一定要注意将两肘展开,做卧推时双臂在体侧张开,因而能基本上只靠胸大肌用力来完成动作。下放时,掌心逐渐向前至肩两侧,这时,要两臂自然下垂,成手、肘面与地面垂直,上推时肱三头肌不要主动用力。   5.注意宽间距卧推主要锻炼胸大肌,窄间距卧推主要锻炼三头肌。当然如果肱三头肌力量不够,也不能卧推大重量,也就不能练出发达的胸大肌,所以哑铃卧推需要强大的三头肌做基本保障。   6.为了平衡发展胸大肌,在一次胸肌训练中,平板、上斜、下斜应该各安排几组哑铃卧推。   7.哑铃卧推是个有风险的动作,必须配备较好的训练手套和护腕来保护手部,冲击大重量时,如果自我保护意识差的一定要有人保护,哑铃上法也要注意安全   五、平卧哑铃飞鸟(平卧哑铃飞鸟的呼吸方法)   重点锻炼部位:胸大肌和三角肌{是锻炼胸大肌中部和中缝的}。   仰卧在平的卧推凳上,两手各持哑铃,掌心相对,推起至两臂伸直,支撑在胸部上方。动作过程:两手持哑铃平行地向两侧落下,手肘稍微弯屈,哑铃落下至感到胸部两侧肌肉有充分的拉伸感,并使上臂落下至低于肩部水平线。当哑铃落下时,要深深吸气。持铃循原路举起回原位时呼气。   1.平卧哑铃飞鸟   A.重点锻炼部位:胸大肌和三角肌{是锻炼胸大肌中部和中缝的}。   B.开始位置:仰卧在平的卧推凳上,两手各持哑铃,掌心相对,推起至两臂伸直,支撑在胸部上方。   C.动作过程:两手持哑铃平行地向两侧落下,手肘稍微弯屈,哑铃落下至感到胸部两侧肌肉有充分的拉伸感,并使上臂落下至低于肩部水平线。当哑铃落下时,要深深吸气。持铃循原路举起回原位时呼气。   D.训练要点:如果哑铃向两侧落下时,两臂如呈伸直状态,胸部肌肉便很难得到拉伸和肌肉收缩的感觉。   2.呼吸方法   ①中、小重量:扩胸时吸气,还原时呼气。   ②大重量:动作开始前,先做几次深呼吸,最后一口憋住不吐,直到连续扩胸动作完成后再吐气;也可采用开始前先吸半口(不吸足)气,当扩胸至最大部位(向外)时,迅速呼(吐)气,并立即再吸半口气,待动作还原时再换气。   详细步骤   仰卧窄凳(宽20~25厘米)上,双手持铃,小臂与大臂呈135度左右的夹角,动作过程中不要为了助力而勾起颈部使头离开凳面。   下放哑铃时注意力集中在胸缝处,靠胸肌的张力控制住哑铃缓慢下放,同时充分吸气、挺胸,幅度要完全到位。上举时要靠胸肌的收缩带动双臂向上环抱,直至哑铃相触,这样可避免肩背过分参与用力。为了使动作更加准确,可想像去抱一个大的啤酒桶,职业明星麦尔文·安东尼在做此动作时就不断在心里念叨着“抱住它!抱住它!”   该动作除了小臂与大臂之间保持135度的夹角外,整个臂形应撑圆,手腕略内收,形若环抱。如果仅以手臂紧张僵硬地勾住哑铃,发力就很容易以肩部为起动点,虽然看起来是在努力做飞鸟动作,其实是“貌合神离",主要锻炼的是肩部三角肌前束,对胸肌中缝部的作用很小。   为了充分牵拉胸肌纤维,采用的重量也要适度,以8~15次/组为宜。第一组应为15次左右,然后做3组10~12次,最后一组可降至8次,一共完成5组左右。飞鸟练习有别于卧推,卧推可在多组训练后将次数降至1~3次,效果仍很好。飞鸟则需要以一定的.次数来累积刺激中缝肌肉,过重的负荷既影响动作幅度、拉伸的效果,又容易对肩肘部造成伤害(6次以内职业运动员也很少采用,而且支撑困难,有一定的危险)。   训练中有人喜欢勾住颈部,将头抬离凳面助力。这是一种很不好的习惯。抬头必然窝肩做动作,不利于充分吸气、挺胸。窝肩发力主要是肩背部,对胸部几乎没什么锻炼作用。为了纠正这一错误,可先降低重量,将次数定在12次左右,刻意体验一下正确的发力方式,待动作定型后再逐渐增重。   六、交替弯举   相比杠铃弯举,哑铃弯举(Dumbbell Curl)一般采用交替上举,这是其独有的优势。哑铃交替弯举(Alternating Dumbbell Curl)可减少借力,使注意力更集中在目标肌上。   1.哑铃交替弯举(坐姿、站立、上斜仰卧)动作图解   相比杠铃弯举,哑铃弯举(Dumbbell Curl)一般采用交替上举,这是其独有的优势。哑铃交替弯举(Alternating Dumbbell Curl)可减少借力,使注意力更集中在目标肌上。   哑铃弯举可以坐姿、站立,也可上斜仰卧。   目标锻炼部位:肱二头肌、肱肌   雕塑和分离肱二头肌,增加肱二头肌的围度、突出肌峰。   动作要领:   (1)直立哑铃弯举(Standing Dumbbell Curl)和坐立哑铃弯举(Seated Dumbbell Curl):   身体直立(也可坐在凳端或垂直靠背凳上),双手持哑铃垂于体侧,掌心相对,两肘贴靠身体两侧。   以肘关节为支点,向上弯举,同时前臂外旋掌心朝上,举至最高点收紧肱二头肌,稍停。   然后控制性还原。接着另一臂做相同动作。前臂和腕外旋是为了充分收缩肱二头肌和锻炼肱二头肌内侧头,更好地分离肱二头肌。   类似器械上的练习:   (2)上斜仰卧哑铃弯举(Incline Dumbbell Curl):   仰卧在斜凳上,双手持哑铃垂于体侧,两膝弯曲,双脚放地上,上臂紧贴身体两侧。   弯举哑铃,收缩肱二头肌至极限,然后缓慢还原。   可双手同时练习,也可单手交替练习。   类似器械上的练习:   注意事项:   向上弯举时,前臂外旋掌心朝上,否则就变成主要锻炼二头肌外侧的哑铃侧弯举这个动作了(如下图),注意两者的区别。   七、单臂哑铃弯举   哑铃单臂弯举注意事项:   1.身体不能摇晃,下放哑铃时上臂不能完全放松,整个过程保持紧张。   2.动作过程中,意念集中-专注肱二头肌的发力过程。   1.哑铃单臂弯举,强化锻炼肱二头肌   哑铃单臂弯举动作:坐于长凳上,低手持哑铃,肘部靠在大腿内侧。   吸气弯举哑铃,完成动作呼气。   哑铃单臂弯举借助托臂,既可让肱二头肌得到更针对的刺激,还可以举起更大的重量。此动作主要锻炼肱二头肌、肱肌和肱桡肌。   哑铃单臂弯举注意事项:1.身体不能摇晃,下放哑铃时上臂不能完全放松,整个过程保持紧张。   2.动作过程中,意念集中-专注肱二头肌的发力过程。   八、哑铃深蹲   哑铃深蹲过程中,人体内分泌的生长激素最多,因此大重量深蹲不仅能促进腿部肌肉增长,还能带动全身肌肉的增长。   1.深蹲的好处,怎么做杠铃、哑铃深蹲更有效   练腿之道在于练肺活量,提高心脏功能。可以说大腿肌肉的发达程度与肺活量和心脏功能成正比。   众所周知,深蹲是练大腿的王牌动作。而深蹲恰好是最需要大肺活量和强健心脏的动作。蹲得越深,需要的肺活量越大,心脏功能越强。显然,下半蹲的肺活量大于上半蹲。   肩负重的垂直深蹲比其他深蹲(硬拉式杠哑铃深蹲、手托杠铃深蹲和斜蹲)所需肺活量更大,心脏功能更强。因为杠铃是垂直压在心脏上方的。   蹬举比蹲举举量大的主要原因就是蹬举所需的肺活量小,大约是蹲举的1/2,心脏承受的压力也小,所以蹬举量是蹲举量的2倍。但蹬举时膝关节移动距离较大,影响大腿的受力。卧推举时肘关节移动距离也较大,影响上臂的受力。所以蹬举类似于卧推举。   九、哑铃箭步蹲   哑铃箭步蹲   2.一脚向前迈出一步下蹲使膝关节与踝关节在同一垂线上,另一腿向后伸直,重量均匀分布在两腿上。沉髋、后腿屈膝下蹲至膝关节接近地面,稍顿循原路还原。   注意事项:   1. 上身要始终保持正直,让重心垂直向下。身体不能后仰或前倾。垂直下蹲时,前腿小腿垂直地面,膝盖不要超过脚尖。   箭步蹲Lunget:哑铃、杠铃锻炼股四头肌   箭步蹲(Lunget)和分腿蹲有些类似,但稍微复杂一些,多了一个跨步动作,锻炼效果基本类似,也是一项综合锻炼动作。箭步蹲可用杠铃也可用哑铃。   杠铃箭步蹲   哑铃箭步蹲   目标锻炼部位:以股四头肌为主,对臀大肌、股二头肌及小腿肌群也有锻炼效果。   动作要领:   1.双手各持一哑铃自然直臂垂于体侧或肩负杠铃,双手持哑铃屈肘置于肩上,两脚开立与髋同宽,眼视前方,挺胸收腹紧腰   哑铃箭步蹲   2.一脚向前迈出一步下蹲使膝关节与踝关节在同一垂线上,另一腿向后伸直,重量均匀分布在两腿上。沉髋、后腿屈膝下蹲至膝关节接近地面,稍顿循原路还原。   注意事项:   1. 上身要始终保持正直,让重心垂直向下。身体不能后仰或前倾。垂直下蹲时,前腿小腿垂直地面,膝盖不要超过脚尖。   2.箭步蹲的作用还体现在用于维持做此动作时身体平衡的肌肉锻炼上。因此,初始时身体的不平衡属于锻炼的切入点,应加以关注。   3.跨距不可太小以免重心不稳,腿部动作受限而得不到锻炼;跨距大时,下蹲过程中后腿应尽量保持绷直;跨距小时,前腿的膝盖可向前冲出。   4.箭步蹲动作过程中,双腿不同跨距锻炼的肌肉侧重有所区别,跨距越大越偏重于股四头肌、股二头肌和臀大肌的同时锻炼,跨距越小越集中锻炼股四头肌。   5.其他类似动作:   (1)跨步箭步蹲(农夫行走):负重或不负重,做两脚交替向前迈进的箭步蹲动作。每迈一步都要完成一次完整的箭步蹲过程,一般须待双腿蹬直后方可移重心迈腿进入下步练习,这个练习实际上是连续的箭步蹲。 ;
2023-01-01 01:57:231

Kate Perry - E.T.mv歌词

MY love 好听
2023-01-01 01:57:312


Katy Perry - E.T.You"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devil?Could you be an angel?You"re touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeave my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYou"re from a whole "nother worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me" k-k-kiss meInfect me with your loveAnd fill me with your poisonTake me" t-t-take meWanna be your victimReady for abductionBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalextraterrestrialYou"re so supersonicWanna feel your powerStun me with your laserYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicYou"re from a whole "nother worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me" k-k-kiss meInfect me with your loveAnd fill me with your poisonTake me" t-t-take meWanna be your victimReady for abductionBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalextraterrestrialThis is transcendentalOn another levelBoy" you"re my lucky starI wanna walk on your wavelengthand be there when you vibrateFor you I"ll risk it allKiss me" k-k-kiss meInfect me with your loveAnd fill me with your poisonTake me" t-t-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrial
2023-01-01 01:57:391

E.T的歌词 Katy Perry的

Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我愿意做你的牺牲品Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的赞同8| 评论
2023-01-01 01:57:443

求一首英文歌,男女对唱,抒情慢节奏,开头第一句“I LOVE YOU"

Katy Perry - E.T.You"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devil?Could you be an angel?You"re touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeave my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYou"re from a whole "nother worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me" k-k-kiss meInfect me with your loveAnd fill me with your poisonTake me" t-t-take meWanna be your victimReady for abductionBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalextraterrestrialYou"re so supersonicWanna feel your powerStun me with your laserYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicYou"re from a whole "nother worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me" k-k-kiss meInfect me with your loveAnd fill me with your poisonTake me" t-t-take meWanna be your victimReady for abductionBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalextraterrestrialThis is transcendentalOn another levelBoy" you"re my lucky starI wanna walk on your wavelengthand be there when you vibrateFor you I"ll risk it allKiss me" k-k-kiss meInfect me with your loveAnd fill me with your poisonTake me" t-t-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy" you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrial
2023-01-01 01:57:546

罗马假日剧情介绍 要英文的!!!

Princess Anne embarks on a highly publicized tour of Europian capitals. When she and her royal entourage arrive in Rome, she begins to rebel against her restricted, regimented schedule. One night Anne sneaks out of her room, hops into the back of a delivery truck and escapes her luxurious confinement. However, a sedative she was forced to take earlier starts to take effect, and the princess is soon fast asleep on a public bench. She is found by Joe Bradley, an American newspaper reporter stationed in Rome. He takes her back to his apartment. The next morning Joe dashes off to cover the Princess Anne press conference, unaware that she is sleeping on his couch! Once he realizes his good fortune, Joe promises his editor an exclusive interview with the princess.
2023-01-01 01:58:153


deltoids-三角肌rhomboids -菱形pectoralis group-胸肌小组biceps -二头肌triceps -三头肌 quadriceps-四头肌 hamstrings -腿筋 hip flexion -最大限度的弯曲hip extension -最大限度的拉伸hip adduction -熟悉内情的引用
2023-01-01 01:58:261