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2023-05-19 14:18:20
TAG: 英语 翻译

Bombshell(电影的名字)!就像 鸣鼓动轰隆声,步枪枪栓的扳机,最后一根香烟和。。。是对这个故事破碎性的冲击。。也许是25年以来最爆炸性的电影!


现在即将上映的故事就是一位上校带着他的部队从地狱中往返 - 同时等待着他们的是怒气冲天的将军将要惩罚他们!





现在屏幕上爆炸开了一个重磅炸弹上校率领的故事谁入地狱,并对他的团 - 而他们的疯狂一般为他们等待 - 一个行刑队!



  blast英 [blɑ:st] 美 [blæst]  n.爆炸; 一阵(疾风等) (吹奏乐器、哨子、汽车喇叭等突然发出的) 响声; 突如其来的强劲气流;  vt.击毁,摧毁; 尖响; 裁判高声吹哨; 枯萎:使枯萎;  vi.爆炸; 吼叫; 枯萎:枯萎; 攻击:严厉批评或猛烈攻击;  [例句]The blast caused extensive damage to the house.  爆炸给这所房子造成了大面积的损坏。  [其他]第三人称单数:blasts 复数:blasts 现在分词:blasting 过去式:blasted 过去分词:blasted
2023-01-01 00:45:591


blast英[blɑ:st]美[blæst]  n.爆炸;一阵(疾风等);(吹奏乐器、哨子、汽车喇叭等突然发出的)响声;突如其来的强劲气流  vt.击毁,摧毁;尖响;裁判高声吹哨;枯萎:使枯萎  vi.爆炸;吼叫;枯萎:枯萎;攻击:严厉批评或猛烈攻击  例句:  250peoplewerekilledintheblast.  250人在这次爆炸中丧生。
2023-01-01 00:46:052


blast英 [blɑ:st] 美 [blæst] n. 爆炸;一阵(疾风等);(吹奏乐器、哨子、汽车喇叭等突然发出的)响声;突如其来的强劲气流 vt. 击毁,摧毁;尖响;裁判高声吹哨;枯萎:使枯萎 vi. 爆炸;吼叫;枯萎:枯萎;攻击:严厉批评或猛烈攻击 爆炸; 鼓风; 管乐器的声音; 送风 复数:blasts 过去式:blasted 过去分词:blasted 现在分词:blasting 第三人称单数:blasts (1)爆炸;炸毁;炸出;炸开There is a risk that toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere. 爆炸后有毒化学物质可能会进入大气层。a terrible accident in which his left arm was blasted off by some kind of a bomb.他的左臂被某种炸弹炸飞的可怕事故Earlier two holes were blasted into the ship"s hull to let water out and stabilise the ferry 之前在船体上炸出了两个洞,以便把水排出,使船平稳下来。The explosion which followed blasted out the external supporting wall of her flat. 接下来的爆炸毁坏了她公寓的外支撑墙。(2)炸(石);爆破Their work was taken up with boring and blasting rock with gelignite.他们的工作是用葛里炸药炸石头,非常枯燥。They"re using dynamite to blast away rocks to put a road in. 他们用炸药炸石筑路。(3)枪击;开枪射击a son who blasted his father to death after a lifetime of bullying.因从小到大一直被父亲虐待而开枪弑父的男子Alan Barnett, 28, was blasted with a sawn-off shotgun in Oldham on Thursday. 28岁的艾伦·巴尼特于星期四在奥德姆被人用短管猎枪射杀。(4)(通过枪击) 冲出(道路);轰开,炸开(通路)The police were reported to have blasted their way into the house using explosives 据报道,警方借助爆破冲进了房子。One armoured column attempted to blast a path through a barricade of buses and trucks. 一个武装纵队试图从公交车和卡车组成的路障中间炸出一条通道来。(5)喷射(水流、气流等)Blasting cold air over it makes the water evaporate. 向它喷射冷空气可以使水蒸发。A blizzard was blasting great drifts of snow across the lake. 暴风雪夹着大团的积雪吹过湖面。(6)(使)(汽车喇叭等)突然发出响亮的声音;(使)(音乐)轰响drivers who do not blast their horns.不按喇叭的司机The sound of western music blasted as she entered. 她一进门便听到西部音乐震天的响声。(7)(体育运动中)用力踢,猛击Ramsay blasted the ball into the back of the net.拉姆齐劲射入网。He may try to blast his way out of trouble, playing attacking shots to balls he would not normally contemplate hitting. 他可能是想努力摆脱困境,平时不会考虑击打的球也打起了进攻(8)炮轰;抨击Football: Taylor blasts Beck足球:泰勒炮轰贝克。The Department of Health and a top immunologist have blasted a report in last week"s Sunday Times. 卫生部和一位知名免疫学家严词抨击了上周《星期日泰晤士报》的一篇报道。(9)感叹语(表示厌恶)真讨厌,真该死Blast! I can"t do anything with this. 真该死!我拿这个一点办法也没有(10)有趣的事;开心的事;乐趣Making the album was a real blast. 做这个专辑真是一种乐趣。(11)短语以最大音量;以最大功率In many of those homes the television is on full blast 24 hours a day.那些家庭有很多一天24小时把电视开到最大音量。You are unlikely to run the heater at full blast for long periods. 你不太可能长时间把加热器开到最大挡位。动词炸, 炸掉 The road is closed because of blasting.这条道路由于有爆破作业而被关闭。The village was blasted by enemy bombs.村子被敌人的炸弹毁掉了。名词 n.1.爆炸;(爆炸引起的)气浪,冲击波 Police said that the blast occurred at 9 a.m.警方说这次爆炸发生在上午九点。250 people were killed in the blast. 250人在这次爆炸中丧生。2.一阵(疾风等), 一股(强烈的气流) A blast of hot air came from the furnace.一股热风从火炉里吹出来。
2023-01-01 00:46:141


blastn.一阵(风), 一股(气流), 爆炸, 冲击波vt.爆炸, ,毁灭, 使枯萎, 损害
2023-01-01 00:46:202

毒 英文怎么拼

2023-01-01 00:46:293

blasts of?

2023-01-01 00:46:402


  学习英语时我们都学过大声地的英文,大声地的英文不止一个。那么你知道大声地的英文有哪些吗?下面是我为你整理的大声地的英文,希望大家喜欢!   大声地的英文   1.loudly   2.loud   3.aloud a loud voice the top of one"s lungs   loud常见用法   用作形容词   I gave a loud yawn, but he just kept on talking.   我大声打了个呵欠,可他还是不停地讲下去。   He cleared his nose with a loud sniff.   他大声吸气清了清鼻子。   All of this loud music is driving me up the wall.   这吵闹的音乐快令我发疯了。   He put plug in his ear because the noise was too loud.   因为太吵闹了,他用耳塞堵住了耳朵。   His manner is too loud.   他那样子太招摇。   用作副词   Don"t talk so loud.   别那么大声地说话。   He blew several loud blasts on his whistle.   他响亮地吹了几声哨子。   aloud的常见句型   用作副词   用作状语   No sensible person will read aloud in the library.   识大体的人是不会在图书馆里出声读书的。   She has very good pronunciation when she reads aloud.   她朗读的时候发音很好。   It is far better to read aloud than to read in silence.   朗读比默读好。   He practises reading aloud every morning.   他每天早晨练习朗读。   Please read the story aloud.   请诵读这个故事。   He read his stories aloud to her.   他向她朗读自己写的小说。   I was thinking aloud.   我把想的事说出来了。   He was in the habit of thinking aloud.   他有个习惯,心里想,嘴里就不知不觉说出来。   “What did you say?”“Oh, nothing. I was just thinking aloud.”   “你说什么了?”“噢,没什么,我不过是自言自语。”   A man has the right to think aloud to his wife.   一个人总该有权和自己的妻子谈谈心吧。   He wondered aloud how to get it out.   他小声嘀咕,不知道怎样才能把它弄出来。   The ancients were in the habit of reading aloud even when alone.   古代的人即使只有一个人也习惯大声朗读。   Reading aloud is very important in learning a foreign language.   在学习外语中,大声朗读是很重要的。   I don"t dare to speak aloud.   我不敢大声讲话。   Please speak aloud,I cannot hear what you said.
2023-01-01 00:46:521


2023-01-01 00:47:008

地震知识 英文

2023-01-01 00:47:403


越狱里也有这句台词Yo,I call shotgun!偶要坐副驾位!【shotgun是指司机旁的那个座位副驾驶座位,因为空间比较大,视野也宽广,很多人都喜欢抢着前排位置坐。但是要遵守一个不成文的规定,就是要先下手为强call shotgun,才能算你抢到前座。这个词的来历可能是出自美国西部,因为副驾驶座很容易成为被袭击的目标而得名。真不吉利,不过某七觉得这个位置坐起来的确很爽就是了,尤其在小巴飞驰的山路上……哗~~~】含义类似,就看想抢什么样的座位了。。嘻嘻
2023-01-01 00:47:513


去游民星空看看吧 有详细的介绍
2023-01-01 00:48:062


间叶组织为一种疏松如海棉状的组织,充满於胚胎各发生中的器官之间。间叶组织具有多重的分化潜能而可发展成多种不同组织,除可分化成纤维母细胞 ( fibroblasts ),软骨母细胞 ( chondroblasts ) ,硬骨母细胞 ( osteoblasts )与脂肪细胞 ( adipocytes ) 等结缔组织外。另外亦可形成平滑肌细胞,横纹肌母细胞 ( myoblasts ),造血母细胞 ( haemopoietic cells ) 以及血管的内皮细胞 ( endothelial cells ),周细胞 ( pericytes ) 等细胞。良性间叶组织肿瘤:这类肿瘤的分化成熟程度高、其组织结构、细胞形态、硬高及颜色等均与其发源的正常组织相似。肿瘤生长慢,呈膨胀性长长,一般都具有包膜。包括:.纤维瘤(fibroma) 、脂肪瘤(lipoma) 、脉管瘤 可分为血管瘤(hemangioma)及淋巴管瘤(lymphangioma)两类、平滑肌瘤(leiomyoma)、骨瘤(osteoma) 、软骨瘤(chondroma) 自软骨膜发生者,称外生性软骨瘤。恶性间叶组织肿瘤:恶性间叶组织肿瘤统称为肉瘤。肉瘤比癌少见,多发生于青少年。内眼观呈结节状或分叶状。由于其发生较快,除浸润生长外,也可挤压周围组织形成假包膜。肉瘤体积常较大,质软,切面多呈灰红色,均质性,湿润,外观多呈鱼肉状,故称为肉瘤。
2023-01-01 00:48:171

Nuclear Arms Development of India and Pakistan Brought to Light这篇新闻的全文翻译

印度核试验,却提供了完美的借口,巴基斯坦的核试验主张。在这里,宗教极端主义主张的炸弹。与此同时,军方寻求核武器来对付印度的军队。这游说,部分抵消了美国和中国之后,印度的试验外交。此外,一些分析家和活动家列举的不良影响,将产生于那些一定要按照任何考验的经济制裁。他们建议说,巴基斯坦不会仿效印度的领导,离开印度独自面对国际愤怒,但无济于事。三年后,印度的爆炸事件星期,巴基斯坦也开始实施自己的测试。高调尽管如此,从两国的地震信号测试体积小,令人对申报的爆炸当量怀疑。印度的武器,建立公布的数据,以支持其索赔的严重不足:例如,图说的产量受到放射性副产品已对轴无单位。独立科学家一直无法核实,有关国家建立尽可能多的设备关闭,因为他们信奉。 说实话,我是在线翻译的,不过自己改了一下,你应该可以大概看懂的吧
2023-01-01 00:48:233


Just before World War Ⅱ,Newmark became associated with the work of Division 2 of the National Defense Research Committee and with the Committee on Passive Protection against Bombing of the National Research Council.In his early studies of the effects of bombs on structures, he applied basic procedures involving numerical methods of stress analysis and developed design techniques for resistance to bomb blasts and other types of impulsive load that have been in general use ever since. 第二次世界大战前夕,Newwark与国防研究委员会二处的工作,以及与针对国家研究理事会的轰炸的被动防护发生了关系。在他对于炸弹对结构的影响的早期研究中,他采用了涉及应力分析数值方法的基本程序,并开发了用于耐受炸弹爆炸和其他类型冲击负载的设计技术,这些技术自那以后一直在广泛应用着。His work naturally extended to effects of nuclear bombs and to the development of procedures for effective protection against nuclear blasts and shock forces.In developing the principles governing structural design to resist high-intensity blast forces,he was associated with all the major nuclear weapons effects tests,and he was able to verify the bases of the procedures that he developed by experiments under actual conditions.At the same time,he became interested in the problem of developing design procedures to ensure earthquake resistance of structures and of dams.In 1949 he was engaged as a consultant on the design of the Latino Americana Tower in Mexico City.This structure successfully resisted several major earthquakes,demonstrating the validity of the principles used in its construction. 他的研究工作自然而然扩展到了核弹的效应,以及对核爆炸及冲击力有效保护程序的开发上。在开发支配结构设计而耐受高强度爆炸力的原理中,他参与了所有主要的核武器效应试验,而且他能验证他通过实际条件下进行的实验所开发的程序的基础。同时,他对开发设计程序来确保结构和大坝的抗地震能力的问题也产生了兴趣。在1949年,他作为一名顾问参加了墨西哥城拉丁美洲塔的设计。这一建筑结构成功耐受了好几次大地震,表明了其建造中所采用的原理的有效性。
2023-01-01 00:48:347


 手机党不容易。点个采纳吧^ - ^要是要WORD版的过两天发你啊,现在在外面〜(Albus Dumbledore)——阿不思·邓布利多,现霍格沃茨学校校长,最伟大的校长。(Armando Dippet)埃曼多·迪佩特,邓布里多的前人。(Arthur Weasley)——亚瑟·韦斯莱。(Bartemius (Barty) Crouch)——(巴特缪斯)巴蒂·克劳奇。(Bill Weasley)比尔·韦斯莱(Bloody Baron)——血人巴罗,斯莱特林的幽灵。(Charlie Weasley)查理·韦斯莱(Cornelius Fudge)康奈利·福吉。(Dobby)——多比,男性家养小精灵。(Dolores Jane Umbrigde)多洛雷斯·乌姆里奇(Draco Malfoy)——德拉科·马尔福。(Dudley)达力(Fat Lady)——胖夫人。(Filch)——费尔奇,霍格沃茨的看门人(Fleur Delacour)——芙蓉·德拉库尔,布斯巴顿(Beauxbatons)在三强争霸赛中的勇士。(Fred & George)弗雷德,乔治(Gilderoy Lockhart)——吉德罗·洛哈特教授(Ginny)金妮(Gregory Doyle)——格利高里·高尔。(Harry Potter)——哈利·波特(Hermione Granger)——赫敏·格兰杰。(Horace Slughorn)霍拉斯·斯拉格霍恩(Igor Karkaroff)——伊格尔·卡卡洛夫(Lord Voldemort)——伏地魔。(Lucius Malfoy)——卢修斯·马尔福。(Ludo Bagman)——卢多·巴格曼,魔法部体育运动司司长。(Luna Lovegood)卢娜·丽夫古德(Madam Pinse)——平斯夫人,霍格沃茨图书管理员。(Madam Pomfrey)——庞弗雷夫人,霍格沃茨校医院护士。(Mad-Eye (Alastor) Moody)——疯眼汉(阿拉斯托)穆迪。(Minerva McGonagall)——米勒娃·麦格教授,格兰芬多院院长。(Moaning Myrtle)——哭泣的桃金娘。(Molly Weasley)莫丽·韦斯莱(Nearly Headless Nick)——差点没头的尼克,格兰芬多院的幽灵。(Neville Longbottom)——纳威·隆巴顿。(Olympe Maxime)奥利姆·马克西姆,布斯巴顿魔法学校校长。(Peeves)——皮皮鬼,闹恶作剧的鬼魂(poltergeist)。(Percy Weasley)帕西·韦斯莱(Peter Pettigrew)——小矮星彼特,被朋友称作“虫尾巴”(Wormtail)。(Petunia)佩尼姨妈(Phineas Nigellus)菲尼亚斯·奈结勒斯,曾经的校长。(Pig)——小猪,罗恩·韦斯莱的猫头鹰,Pigwidgean是全名。(Potter, James and Lily)——詹姆和莉莉·波特,哈利的父母。詹姆的外号是尖头叉子(Prongs)。(Professor Bins)——宾斯教授,教授魔法史的鬼魂。(Professor Flitwick)——弗利维教授,魔咒课教师。(Professor Sinistra)辛尼斯塔教授,教授天文学(Astronomy)。(Professor Sprout)——斯普劳特教授,草药学(Herbology)教师。(Rita Skeeter)——丽塔·斯基特,《预言家日报》记者。(Remus J. Lupin)——莱姆斯J.卢平。(Ron Weasley)罗恩·韦斯莱,哈利·波特最好的男性朋友。(Rubeus Hagrid)——海格,霍格沃茨场地看守。(Severus Snape)西弗勒斯·斯内普(Sibyll Trelawney)——西比尔·特里劳尼教授,教授占卜课(Divination)。(Sir Cadogan)(画像里的)卡多根爵士(Sirius Black)——小天狼星布莱克,外号大脚板(Padfoot)(Tom Marvolo Riddle)——汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔(Vernon)弗农姨父(Viktor Krum)——威克多尔·克鲁姆,保加利亚魁地奇国家队球员;德姆斯特朗勇士。(Vincent Crabbe)——文森特·格拉布。(Wierd Sisters)——古怪姐妹,著名的歌唱组合。(Winky)——闪闪,女性家养小精灵。(You-Know-Who)神秘人四个学院(Gryffindor)格兰芬多,以Godric Gryffinder命名,红色(Scarlet)为院色,象征勇敢的美德。(Ravenclaw)拉文克劳,以Rowena Ravenclaw命名,蓝色为其院色,象征智慧的美德。(Slytherin)斯莱特林,以Salazar Slytherin命名,绿色为其院色,蛇是斯莱特林学院的象征。(Hufflepuff)赫奇帕奇,以Helga Hufflepuff命名,淡黄是该院的院色,拥有勤劳的美德。(the House Cup)学院杯地点(4 Privot Drive)女贞路4号(Azkaban)——阿兹卡班,魔法监狱(Beauxbatons)——布斯巴顿,魔法学校。(Boirgin and Burkes)博金·博克商店(Diagon Alley)——对角巷(Durmstrang)——德姆斯特朗,魔法学校,注重黑魔法(Eeylops Owl Emporium)咿啦猫头鹰商店(Flourish and Botts)丽痕书店(Gringotts Wizarding Bank)——古灵阁,巫师银行(Hogsmeade)——霍格莫德村(Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry)霍格沃茨魔法学校(Honey Dukes)蜂蜜公爵糖店(Knockturn Alley)翻倒巷(Leaky Cauldron)破釜酒吧(Little Hangleton)——小汉格拉顿,里德尔府所在小镇(Ollivanders)奥利凡德魔杖商店(St. Mungo"s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries)圣芒戈魔法伤病医院(The Burrow)陋居(the Hog"s Head)猪头酒吧(the Room of Requirement)有求必应屋(The Shrieking Shack)尖叫棚屋(Three Broomsticks)三把扫帚酒吧(Weasleys"Wizard Wheezes)韦斯莱魔法把戏坊魔法部(Ministry of Magic)(Auror Headquarters)傲罗指挥部(Department of Internetional Magical Coorperation)国际魔法合作部(Department of Magical Games and Sports)魔法体育运动司(Improper Use of Magic Office)禁止滥用魔法司(Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office)禁止滥用麻瓜物品司(the Fountain of Magical Brethren)魔法兄弟喷泉(Wizengamot Administration Services)威森加摩管理机构动物(Acromantula)——巨型蜘蛛(Aragog)阿拉戈克,禁林里的巨蛛。(Basilisk)——巴希里克,蛇怪之王,通过注视盯着它眼睛看的人杀人。(Centaur)人马(Chinese Fireball)中国火球龙(Comman Welsh Green)威尔士绿龙(Crookshanks)——克鲁克山,赫敏的姜黄色猫(Dementors)——摄魂怪,阿兹卡班监狱的守卫。(Demiguise)隐性兽(Doxy)狐媚子(Errol)埃罗尔,罗恩的老猫头鹰。(Fang)——牙牙,海格的猎狗(Fairy)仙子(Fawkes)——福克斯,阿不思·邓布利多的凤凰(Flobberworm)弗洛伯毛虫(Ghoul)食尸鬼(Giants)——巨人(Gnome)地精(Goblins)——妖精,古灵阁地下保险库(vaults)看守(Grimm)——巨狗,死亡的预示(Grindylow)——格林迪洛,喇叭状水下小恶魔(Growp)格洛普(Hedwig)——海德薇,哈利·波特的猫头鹰。(Hippogriff)鹰头马身有翼兽(House elfs)——家养小精灵(Hungerian Horntail)匈牙利树峰(Kapa)卡巴,日本水怪。(Kelpie)马形水怪(Leprechaun)小矮妖(Manticore)人头狮身蝎尾兽(Nagini)纳吉尼,一条蛇(Nifflers):嗅嗅,喜掘金子(Phoenix)——凤凰(Pixie)小精灵(Puffskein)蒲绒绒(Red Cap)红帽子(Salamander)火蜥蜴(Scabbers)斑斑,罗恩的小老鼠(Slug)鼻涕虫(Sphinx)斯芬克斯(Swedish Short Snout)瑞典短鼻龙(Thestral)夜骐(Troll)巨怪(Unicorns)——独角兽(Veela)——媚娃(Werewolf)狼人植物(Bowtruckle)护树罗锅(Bubotuber)——巴波块茎,可以治疗痤疮(acne)的植物(Gillyweed)——腮囊草用于水下呼吸(Whomping illow)——打人柳魔法物件(Boggarts)——博格特,像一个封闭的空间,形状会变。它会变成你最害怕的东西。(Broomstick)扫帚(Cauldron)大釜(Cleansweep 7)——横扫7,慢型号的扫帚(Cloak/cape)斗篷、披风(Curse/spell/charm)魔咒(Daily Prophet)——预言家日报,魔法世界的报纸(Firebolt)——火弩箭,最新款的扫帚(Floo Powder)——飞路粉,用来迅速旅行(Horcrux)魂器(Hogwarts Express)霍格沃茨特快列车(Howler)——吼叫信(Invisibility cloak)隐身衣(Knight Bus)——骑士公共汽车(Magic Wands)魔杖(Marauder"s Map)——活点地图(Nimbus 2000)光轮2000,较新款的飞天扫帚(Omniocular)魁地奇望远镜(Parchment)羊皮纸(Pensieve)——冥想盆(Phial)(装液体的)药瓶(Philosopher"s Stone)魔法石(Pocket Sneakoscope)窥镜,有不可信任的人接近,它会发光打转。(Portkey)门钥匙(Quill)羽毛笔(Robe)长袍(Scales)天平(Silver Arrow)银箭,早些款式的飞天扫帚(Sorting hat)——分院帽(the Hand of Glory)光荣之手(the Mirror of Erised)厄里斯魔镜(the Quibbler)唱唱反调(Ton-Tongue Toffees)肥舌太妃糖(Time Turner)时间转换器(Vanishing Cabinet)消失柜,把人从一个地方传送到另一个地方(Wizarding Wireless Network)魔法(alchemy)炼金术(Animagi)——阿尼玛格,变形为动物的魔法(Apparating)——幻影移/显形(Avada Kedavra)——阿瓦达索命,非法的黑魔咒。(Cruciatus Curse)——钻心咒,非法的黑魔咒。(Currency)——钻心咒(Dark Magic)——黑魔法(Dark Mark)——黑魔标记,空中的骷髅头,在某人被杀时使用(Disapparate)幻影移形(Divination)占卜(Fidelius Charm)赤胆忠心魔咒(Four Point Spell)——定向咒,使得魔杖尖端指北(Impediment Curse)——障碍咒,减缓阻止侵犯者。(Imperious Curse)——夺魂咒(Leprechaun Gold)——消失数小时(Occlumency)大脑封闭术(Parseltongue)蛇佬腔(Patronus)守护神,打击摄魂怪。(Polyjuice Potion)复方汤剂,可以把一个人变为另一个人模样的汤剂(Reductor Curse)粉碎咒,为开路,击碎固体。(Shield Charm)铁甲咒,暂时的隔墙使小魔咒偏向(Side-Along-Apparition)随从显形(Splinched)分体,巫师在幻影移形时,留了一半身子在后。(Transfiguration)变形术(Unbreakable Vow)牢不可破的誓言(Wolfsbane potion)狼毒试剂咒语Accio**飞来!Aguamenti清水如泉!Alohomora阿拉霍洞开!Aparecium急急现形!Avada Kedavra阿瓦达索命!Avis飞鸟群群!Colloportus快快禁锢!Crucio钻心剜骨!Deletrius消隐无踪!Densaugeo门牙赛大棒!Diffindo四分五裂!Disillusionment幻身咒!Dissendium左右为难!Enervate快快复苏!Engorgio速速变大!Evanesco消影无踪!Expecto Patronum呼神护卫!Expelliarmus除你武器!Ferula阿魏啦!Finite终了结束!Finite incantatem咒立停!Flagrate标记显现!Furnunculus火烤热辣辣!Impedimenta障碍重重!Imperio魂魄出窍!Impervius防水防湿!Incarcerous速速禁锢!Incendio火焰熊熊!Legilimens摄神取念!Levicorpus倒挂金钟Locomotor ....!Locomotor Mortis腿立僵停死!Lumos荧光闪烁!Mobiliarbus移形幻影!Mobilicorpus移形幻影Morsmordre尸骨再现!Nox诺克斯!荧光闪烁的反咒Obliviate一忘皆空!Orchideus兰花盛开!Pack收拾!Peskipiksi Pesternomi佩斯奇皮克西佩斯特诺米!Petrificus totalus统统石化!Point Me给我指路Portus门托斯Prior Incantato闪回前咒!Protego盔甲护身!Quietus悄声细语!Reducio速速缩小!Reducto粉身碎骨!Relashio力松劲泄!Reparo恢复如初!Rictusempra咧嘴呼啦啦!Riddikulus滑稽滑稽!Scourgify清理一新!Sectumsempra神锋无影Serpensortia乌龙出洞!Silencio无声无息!Sonorus声音洪亮!Stupefy昏昏到地!Tarantallegra塔郎泰拉舞!Unplottable不可标绘Waddiwasi瓦迪瓦西!Wingardium Leviosa羽加迪姆勒维奥萨!药剂(potions)(Amortentia)迷情剂(Felix Felicis)福灵剂(Mandrake Restorative)曼德拉草恢复剂(Polyjuice Potion)复方汤剂(Veritaserum)吐真剂称谓(Aurors)——傲罗(Bonder)见证人(Champions)——勇士,代表学校参加三强争霸赛(Death Eaters)——食死徒(Mudblood)泥巴种,对出生麻瓜家庭(非纯血统)巫师的蔑称(Muggles)麻瓜,非魔法界的人们(Squib)哑炮,出生在巫师家庭,不过没有魔法能力。钱币(Galleons)——加隆,金币(Sickles)——西可,银币,17银西可=1金加隆(Knutes)——纳特,铜币,29铜纳特=1银西可游戏(Gobstones)——类似弹子球的魔法游戏,石头会喷出液体溅到输者脸上。(Quidditch)魁地奇,有四个球,三个圈,类似于足球的运动。其中,鬼飞球(Quaffle):红球,追求手(chaser)把它投过圈即得10分;守门员(keeper)负责挡对方射来的球;游走球(Bludges):两个黑球,击球手(beater)会打击对方球员;金色飞贼(Golden Snitch):金色小球,找球手(seeker)拿到此球,比赛结束。(Triwizard Tournament)三强争霸赛(Yule Ball)——圣诞舞会
2023-01-01 00:49:006


『壹』 关于地震知识的英语作文 Knowledge to escape the earthquake 地震造成的损失要比大火、洪水大得多,往往会使整座城市处于瘫痪,大地震可使整个城市顷刻之间化为废墟;因此,一旦发生了强烈地震,很难立刻得到救援。地震时的伤亡,主要是地震引起的火灾和房屋崩塌造成的。 Earthquake damage than fires, floods are much larger, often cause the whole city is paralyzed, earthquake can be the whole city into ruins instantly; therefore, when the earthquake occurred, it is difficult to get immediate relief. Earthquake casualties, is mainly caused by the earthquake and fire caused by the collapse of housing. 地震的预防 Earthquake prevention ·要避免地震的灾害,最有效的办法是依靠自己,以自己的力量做好预防灾害的准备。一般家庭常备的东西有粮食和饮水,以每人平均保存5天的份量为佳。另外再准备一些防灾用品,如防灾头巾、手电筒、急救药品、蜡烛、半导体收音机等以及一些逃生用具,如毛毯、便携式炊具、固体燃料等。 To avoid the disaster, the most effective way is to rely on their own, to prevent disasters prepared to own strength. General household things with food and water, with a per capita amount is better preserved for 5 days. In addition to prepare some disaster prevention activities, such as disaster prevention turban, flashlight, emergency medicine, candles, semiconctor radio and some escape appliance, such as blankets, portable cooking utensils, such as solid fuel. ·由于住宅不宽裕,人们总是最大限度地利用空间(如棚、架、搁板)。不过,由于地震的震动,搁板上放置的重物是很容易掉下来的。因此,平时放置东西要多加考虑。 And because the house was not good, people always maximize the use of space (such as tents, rack, shelf). However, since the earthquake, the weight placed on the shelf is very easy to fall down. Therefore, usually placed much more consideration. ·人们对黑暗很难适应,这不仅仅是看不见,还在心理上增加了压力。因地震而停电是不奇怪的,黑暗中就是在自己的房间也很难分辨东西南北,所以手电筒随时带在身边,就不会有太多的恐惧了。 · it is difficult to adapt to the dark, this is not only invisible psychological pressure, also increased. Because of the earthquake and the outage is not strange, dark in my room is also difficult to distinguish the four corners of the world, so the flashlight at any time with me, won"t have too much fear. ·地震发生后,电视中断,电话不通,报纸停刊,信息来源完全被断绝。此时,只有小型的收音机可以获得源源不断的重要情报,从而可以更好地应付不断变化的情况。 And after the earthquake, television relay, telephone impassability, newspaper publication, information sources are pletely cut off. At this time, only a *** all radio can obtain important information Everfount, which can better cope with changing circumstances. ·当大地震平息后,首先感到困惑的是饮用水的问题。这种场合,水道断水是经常的事,城市中井水很少,所以在不知道什么时候发生地震的情况下,有必要每晚睡前准备一些应急的饮用水。 · when earthquake subsided, first puzzled by the problem of drinking water. This kind of situation, water water is often the case, city in the water is very few, so don"t know what time the case of an earthquake, it is necessary to every night before bed emergency drinking water. 『贰』 关于地震的英语作文 May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,itis in this day that shocking earthquake happened in Sichuan province,China.The earthquake destroyed nearly everything in Wenchan county Sichuan province. It was terrible.We can"t describle the scene what we saw with any words.thousands of people were injured even died. And thousands of children became such unlucky ones who lost fathers or mothers , they longed to have families to continue their lives .I am sympathetic to their fate ! But I believed that we can fight against the fate and change it .For example ,there many people keeping living without food or water for about 100 hours ring the earthquake! What an unbelievable thing it is !their great spirits showed the powerful life vitality of humans!However,they must keep fighting against the death .Many schools were destroyed and there were many students and teachers who left us forever.Sadness,hoplessness and different kinds of danger spreaded out here and there ! But ,fortunately ,love is around us :the Communist party helps us ,the army helps us ,the people all over the world help us .They offer us with money ,goods ,love and so on !For example ,li lian ji, a warm-hearted man ,offered us with 20 million yuan ! With the help of the such a large love ,we will over e the damage of the earthquake and face our beautiful future ! 『叁』 一篇关于地震的英语作文带翻译 地震是一种自然危害,时时威胁着人们的生命,所以每个人都害怕地震,但你知道如何在地震中保护好你自己吗? 在学校。 第一:保持镇定。 第二:在操场或室外时,可原地不动蹲下,双手保护头部,注意避开高大建筑物或危险物。 第三:不要回到教室去。 地震后应当有组织地撤离。 第四:千万不要跳楼!不要站在窗外! Earthquake is a natural hazard, always threatening the life of people, so everyone is afraid of earthquakes, but do you know how to protect yourself in an earthquake? In the school. First, keep calm. Second: in the playground, or outdoor, can not move down, to protect the head with your hands, and pay attention to avoid tall buildings or danger. Third: don"t go back to the classroom. Should be anized to evacuate after the earthquake. Fourth: don"t jump off a building! Don"t stand in the window! 『肆』 求一篇关于地震的英语作文 What is earthquake? An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth"s crust that creates sei *** ic waves(地震波). Earthquakes are recorded with a sei *** ometer(地震检波器), also known as a sei *** ograph(地震仪). The moment magnitude of an earthquake is conventionally reported, or the related and mostly obsolete Richter magnitude(里氏量级), with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible 感觉不到的 and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas. Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale(麦加利震级, 麦氏震级). At the Earth"s surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by a shaking and sometimes displacement (位移)of the ground. When a large earthquake epicenter (震中)is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami(海啸). The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity. In its most generic sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any sei *** ic event—whether a natural phenomenon or an event caused by humans—that generates sei *** ic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture(破裂, 裂开) of geological faults(断层), but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments. An earthquake"s point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The term epicenter means the point at ground level directly above this. 『伍』 关于地震感人故事的英语短文 1 谭千秋,男, 2008年5月12日,四川绵竹发生强烈地震。在地震中,东汽中学一栋教学楼顷刻坍塌。当时,谭千秋校友正在这栋教学楼的教室里上课。危急时刻,他用双臂将四名高二一班的学生紧紧地掩护在身下。 13日晚上,当人们从废墟中将他扒出来时,他的双臂还张开着,趴在课桌上,手臂上伤痕累累,后脑袋被楼板砸得凹了下去,献出了年仅51岁的生命,而四名学生则在他的保护下成功获救。英文: Tan qiangiu, male, May 12, 2008, a powerful earthquake in sichuan mianzhu. During the earthquake, DongQi secondary schools a teaching building collapsed instantly. At the time, tan qiangiu alumni are the teaching building"s classroom. A crisis, he used his arms will four senior middle class in the student tightly under cover. 13 at night, when people from the ruins will he grilled came out, his arms still open on the desk, lie prone, on the arm of scars, head by a floor after crush concave down gave years, at the age of 51, only life, while the four students are under the protection of his successful rescue. 2 救人员发现她的时候,她已经死了,是被垮塌下来的房子压死的,透过那一堆废墟的的间隙可以看到她死亡的姿势,双膝跪着,整个上身向前匍匐着,双手扶着地支撑着身体,有些象古人行跪拜礼,只是身体被压的变形了,看上去有些诡异。救援人员从废墟的空隙伸手进去确认了她已经死亡,又在冲着废墟喊了几声,用撬棍在在砖头上敲了几下,里面没有任何回应。当人群走到下一个建筑物的时候,救援队长忽然往回跑,边跑变喊“快过来”。他又来到她的尸体前,费力的把手伸进女人的身子底下摸索,他摸了几下高声的喊“有人,有个孩子 ,还活着”。 经过一番努力,人们小心的把挡着她的废墟清理开,在她的身体下面躺着她的孩子,包在一个红色带黄花的小被子里,大概有3、4个月大,因为母亲身体庇护着,他毫发未伤,抱出来的时候,他还安静的睡着,他熟睡的脸让所有在场的人感到很温暖。 随行的医生过来解开被子准备做些检查,发现有一部手机塞在被子里,医生下意识的看了下手机屏幕,发现屏幕上是一条已经写好的短信“亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活着,一定要记住我爱你”,看惯了生离死别的医生却在这一刻落泪了,手机传递着,每个看到短信的人都落泪了。 英文:Rescue workers found her, she had already died, are crushed down house collapsed, through that a heap of ruin the clearance can see the posture, her death on his knees, the whole body, hands raised creeping forward on supporting the body, some like the ancients prostrate themselves are crushed, just the body of deformation and looked somewhat eerie. Rescue workers from the ruins of the gap stuck in his confirmed her death, and in a few loud Shouting at ruins, with tapped on the brick tapped, inside no response. When the crowd went to the next building, the rescue captain suddently ran back, ran variable Shouting "e here". And he came to her body, arous dived into the woman"s body, he touched groping under a loud shout "someone, a child, still alive". After some hard, people careful put blocking her ruins in her clear open, below the body lay her children, wrapped in a red belt chrysanthemum little quilt, about 3, 4 months old, because shielded by his mother"s body, he totally unharmed, time, he still sleeping peacefully sleeping, his face let all the people present feel very warm. Acpanying doctor unlock going to do some tests, quilt find there is a mobile phone tucked in the quilt, doctor subconsciously looking at the phone screen, found that the screen is a has written message "dear baby, if you can live, must remember I love you", see be used to the doctor but bereavement in this moment tears, mobile phone convey, each see messages are tears 『陆』 地震的关于地震的英文小短文120字 Earthquake Wenchuan,a *** all city,was destroyed by the earthquake.Many people were buried underground.Many houses were collapsed. The army es to help people save some people who were buried underground.People said thanks to them. The force of the earthquake is very big.But people don"t afraid it.People around the world contributed money to Wenchuan.We wish Wenchuan will bee more and more beautiful. 『柒』 关于地震的英文短文 地震是地球内部介质局部发生急剧的破裂,产生地震波,从而在一定范围内引起地面内振动的现象。地震容开始发生的地点称为震源,震源正上方的地面称为震中。破坏性地震的地面振动最烈处称为极震区,极震区往往也就是震中所在的地区。 The interior of the earth quake is medium rupture occurred locally proced sharply, sei *** ic inside certain limits, thus causes the ground vibration phenomenon. Earthquakes occur began as source, just above the ground source as the epicentre. The most devastating earthquake ground vibration fierce place called huozhou huozhou and often is the epicenter area. 『捌』 求有关地震的英文作文 A strongest earthquake, 8-magnitude, hit Wenchuan County, Southwest China"s Sichuan Province at exactly 2 : 28 p. m. on May 12. Immediately our government sent the PLA soldiers to rescue the injured from under the collapsed buildings. Meanwhile, the whole nation took action sending tents, food, drinking water and other life necessities to the quake-hit areas. Medical teams arrived in time to treat the villagers and pupils who got hurt. All Chinese are in deep sorrow. As middle school students, we should also do our best to offer the help. I"ll donate more money and I want to be a volunteer to help the students there with their lessons. I"m sure they will get over kinds of difficulties and rebuild their homes soon. 『玖』 关于地震英语小短文 On May 12th ,a powerful earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter Scale has attacked the village which was called Wenchuan in Sichuan Province. I surfed the Inter from morning till night to see what were happening in that place. I fell very distressed that when I saw the pictures .The whole villages were wiped out by the terrible earthquake. Hundreds of people lost their lives or were rendered homeless. But fortunately, millions of people home or broad have given freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake. I hope all of us can try our best to help the victims out of this terrible disaster as soon as possible. China is a great nation ! Chinese are all great people ! Great Chinese must defeat all the difficulties they meet at last ! I believe and bless you———— my great motherland! 『拾』 关于地震的英文作文 地震灾区的朋友们: 你们好! 在5月12日,这个不幸的日子里,你们失去了亲人,失去了朋版友,同为华夏儿女权的我心情非常悲痛! 朋友们!苦难已经过去了,在 *** 的帮助下,在全国人民的挂怀下,我相信你们的生活讲会变得更加的美好!让我们一起振作起来吧,因为心若在,梦就在,我们至少还有未来! 最后 祝你们 幸福快乐! 华夏儿女 XXX 08年X月X日
2023-01-01 00:49:471

是in the bus还是on the bus

如果指在公交车内,用 in the bus,如 There are few passengers in the bus this morning(公交车上今天早晨几乎没几个乘客)。如果指乘坐公交车,则用 on the bus,如 I go to school on the bus every day(我每天乘公交车上学),这种情况也可以用 by bus,或者改用 I take the bus to go to school every the bus1、I met him many a time in the bus. 我在公共汽车上见过他多次。2、She waited in the bus queue 她排队等公共汽车。3、He fell asleep in the bus and was taken on to the terminus. 他在公共汽车里睡着了,错过了站,一直乘到了终点。4、Have a good read in the bus. 在公共汽车上读了好一会。5、I had the purse stolen in the bus. 我在巴士上钱包被偷了。on the bus1、I never go on the bus into the town 我从不坐公共汽车去城里。2、Every time she travels on the bus it"s delayed by at least three hours 每次她乘公车出行都至少耽搁3个小时。3、The sign on the bus read "Private: Not In Service". 巴士的标牌上写着“私家车:不对外出租”。4、On the bus I always glance through the paper. 在公共汽车上,我经常浏览报纸。5、There was a lot of pushing and shoving to get on the bus. 人们推挤着上了公共汽车。
2023-01-01 00:49:5211


你竟然在这里提工作的上的问题 还想做好无奈中。。。
2023-01-01 00:50:332


2023-01-01 00:50:414

求一首英文歌,王室第二季第一集最后放的歌,歌词为i will march down an empty street,

扯你吗的蛋,这是start a riot
2023-01-01 00:50:545

24 nine什么意思?

... 有点难啊是24个9?????????????????
2023-01-01 00:51:135

莎士比亚的《李尔王》第四幕第一场中 “被你刮得狼狈不堪的可怜虫并不少欠你丝毫情分”是什么意思?

  原文: Edg. Yet better thus, and known to be contemned,  Than still contemn"d and flatter"d. To be worst,  The lowest and most dejected thing of fortune,  Stands still in esperance, lives not in fear.  The lamentable change is from the best;  The worst returns to laughter. Welcome then,  Thou unsubstantial air that I embrace!  The wretch that thou hast blown unto the worst  Owes nothing to thy blasts.  朱生豪译文:  爱德伽 与其被人在表面上恭维而背地里鄙弃,那么还是像这样自己知道为举世所不容的好。一个最困苦、最微贱、最为命运所屈辱的人,可以永远抱着希冀而无所恐惧;从最高的地位上跌下来,那变化是可悲的,对于穷困的人,命运的转机却能使他欢笑!那么欢迎你——跟我拥抱的空虚的气流;被你刮得狼狈不堪的可怜虫并不少欠你丝毫情分。可是谁来啦?  最后两句“welcome ... thy blast ”表现逆境中的爱德伽的问心无愧的心态。勇敢接受逆境的考验。一个人,只要做事对得起天良,哪怕面临爱德伽所遇到的艰难困苦的考验,也能勇敢地挺过这一关。但是,如果一个人是因为作恶多端,恶贯满盈,最后落得多行不义必自毙,那麽这个人就叫做该死。owe nothing to thy blast的反义就是owe much to thy blast. 常言道,人在做,天在看。举头三尺有神明。这个thy blast就想是上帝耶和华对亚伯拉罕Abraham的考验,要亚伯拉罕献出自己心爱的独子以撒Issac,最终因为Abraham是个义人,经受住了上帝的考验。在《李尔王》的故事中,爱德伽最终也经受住考验。  有莎士比亚的其它问题直接hi我。
2023-01-01 00:51:321


这时一则最新的英文新闻稿 关于新西兰地震的 你可以参考看看Rescue work is continuing in New Zealand to find dozens of people feared trapped under collapsed buildings after a powerful earthquake struck the city of Christchurch. The civil defence ministry said 32 people had been confirmed dead so far. Initially the government put the number of fatalities at 65. The ministry said 11 people had been found alive. New Zealand"s Prime Minister John Key described the centre of Christchurch as “a scene of devastation”.新西兰城市克赖斯特彻奇遭遇强震袭击,搜救工作仍在继续,试图寻找可能被埋在废墟下的几十人。民防部表示,目前为止已经证实32人死亡。最初,政府公布的死亡数字为65人。民防部表示,他们后来发现仍有11人幸存。新西兰总理约翰·基(John Key)称克赖斯特彻奇中心完全是一片“荒废的景象”。
2023-01-01 00:51:383


咒语:      辅助系      阿拉霍洞开Alohomora   幻身咒Disillusionment   闪回前咒Prior Incantato   羽加迪姆勒维奥萨Wingardium Leviosa   急急现形Apareciym   无声无息Quietus   ###飞来Accio   滑稽滑稽Ridikuius   速速变大Enforgio   速速缩小Reducio   摄神取念Legilimens         日常系      荧光闪烁Lumos   诺克斯Nox   声音洪亮Sonorus   悄声细语Puierus   恢复如初Reparo   箱子移动Iocomotor trunk   给我指路Poine me   收拾Pack   清理一新Scourgify   火焰熊熊Incendio   防水防湿Imperuious   阿魏拉Ferula   飞来飞去Mobiliarbus   移形幻影Disapparation   驱逐麻瓜咒Muggle-Repelling Charm   左右为难Dissendium   兰花盛开Orchideous   飞鸟群群Avis   标记显现Flagrate      攻击系      统统石化Petrificus Totalus   门牙赛大棒Densaugeo   火烤热辣辣Furnunculus   一忘皆空Obliviate   塔朗泰拉舞Tarantollegra   乌龙出洞Serpensortia   咧嘴呼啦啦Rictusempra   软腿咒Jelly-Legs Jinx   腿立僵停死Locomotoe Mortis   瓦迪瓦西Waddiwasi   粉身碎骨Reducto   昏昏倒地Stupefy   力松劲泻Relashio   四分五裂Diffindo   防御系   障碍重重Impedimento   呼神护卫Expecto Patronum   咒立停Fubute Ubcabtaten   快快复苏Enervate   快快禁锢Colloportus   盔甲护身Protego      不明系      佩斯奇皮克西佩斯诺米   (洛哈特曾用它来驱逐小精灵 但没见到任何效果……)   雏黄 甜奶油和阳光 把这只傻呼呼的肥老鼠变黄   (罗恩说的第一个咒语 可惜没成功)      黑魔法      不可饶恕咒Unforgivable Curses   魂魄出窍Lmperio   钻心剜骨Crucio   阿瓦达索命Avada Kedavra   尸骨再现Morsmordre   对我说话吧 斯莱特林——霍格沃茨四巨头中最伟大的一个   Speak to me Slytherin--Greatest of the Hogwarts Four   (汤姆·里德尔召唤蛇怪的咒语)      伏地魔复生黑魔法      父亲的骨 无意中捐出 可使你的儿子再生   Bone of the father unknowingly given you will renew your son   仆人的肉 自愿捐出 可使你的主人重生   Flesh of the servan willingly given you will revive your master   仇敌的血 被迫献出 可使你的敌人复活   Blood of the enemy forcibly taken you will resurrect your foe                     Spell: Accio   Effect: summoning spell   Spell: Alohomora   Effect: door-unlocking spell   Spell: Aparecium   Effect: makes invisible ink visible   Spell: Avada Kedavra   Effect: killing curse-one of the Unforgivable Curses   Spell: Avis   Effect: Produced birds   Spell: Cruciatus curse   Effect: inflicts torture- one of the Unforgivable Curses   Spell: Deletrius   Effect: disintegrating spell   Spell: Densaugeo   Effect: causes teeth to grow rapidly   Spell: Diffindo   Effect: makes something split apart   Spell: Disapparate   Effect: Allows caster to disappear at will   Spell: Dissendium   Effect: opens entrance to secret passage to Hogsmeade   Spell: Enervate   Effect: reviving spell   Spell: Engorgio   Effect: swelling charm   Spell: Expecto Patronum   Effect: guards spell-caster from Dementors   Spell: Expelliarmus   Effect: disarming spell   Spell: Ferula   Effect: makes a sling for a broken arm   Spell: Fidelius Charm   Effect: charm that keeps a secret within a person   Spell: Finite Incantateum   Effect: charm stopper   Spell: Furnunculus   Effect: causes boils   Spell: Flamora   Effect: starts fire   Spell: Imperius Curse   Effect: can control another person completely - one of the Unforgivable Curses   Spell: Impervius   Effect: A water repelling charm   Spell: Incarcerous   Effect: causes ropes to bind around something   Spell: Incendio   Effect: fire-lighting curse   Spell: Inpedimenta   Effect: Slow down and obstruct attackers   Spell: Locomortor Mortus   Effect: Leg-locker curse   Spell: Lumos   Effect: Sends Sparks of light fomr your wand   Spell: Mobilarbus   Effect: spell to move objects   Spell: Mobilicorpus   Effect: spell to move someone who can"t walk   Spell: Morsmordre   Effect: makes the Dark Mark   Spell: Nox   Effect: spell to extinguish light on your wand   Spell: Obliviate   Effect: memory spell that makes the subject forget   Spell: Orchideous   Effect: Produced the flowers of an orchid   Spell: Petrificus Totalus   Effect: binds whole body, incapable of moving   Spell: Point Me   Effect: Four Point Spell, makes wand a compass, due North   Spell: Prior Incantato   Effect: reveals a wand"s last spell used   Spell: Quietus   Effect: reverses the charm Sonorus, makes voice lower   Spell: Reducio   Effect: Shrinking Charm   Spell: Reducto   Effect: Reductor Curse, blasts apart a solid object   Spell: Relashio   Effect: makes someone let go of something   Spell: Reparo   Effect: repairing charm   Spell: Rictusempra   Effect: tickling spell   Spell: Riddickulus   Effect: spell to make boggart change its appearance   Spell: Serpensortia   Effect: Produced a snake   Spell: Sonorus   Effect: charm to magnify one"s voice   Spell: Stupefy   Effect: stunning spell   Spell: Tarantallegra   Effect: dancing spell   Spell: Waddiwasi   Effect: shoots object at fast speed   Spell: Wingardium Leviosa   Effect: spell to make things fly
2023-01-01 00:51:491

神舟七号 英语

中国太空人的太空行走准备在轨道舱两名中国太空人已经从返回舱的神舟七号飞船的轨道舱,开始筹备中国第一个太空行走。 在长征二号F运载火箭运载神舟七号飞船爆炸脱离发射台在酒泉卫星发射中心中国西北的甘肃省,在21:10时, 2008年9月25日。 中国三员谁升空的神舟七号飞船向地面控制中心,他们认为“肢体健全”在最初几分钟的飞行。 太空旅行者起飞在下午9点一十日从酒泉卫星发射中心的领导人,包括国家主席胡锦涛出席送行的太空人-翟志刚,刘般螟和荆嗨朋。 “太阳能电池板的展开,我们感觉很好, ”一个船员说,北京控制中心。 在神舟七号任务,具有太空行走,是中国的第三次载人航天飞行。 在总工程师神舟七号飞船发射的地面说,工作任务已经完成,球队有信心成功剥离。主要是你不给分
2023-01-01 00:51:551


2023-01-01 00:52:006

Be thou a spirite of health or goblin damn"d请达人翻译,出自莎士比亚哈姆雷特

2023-01-01 00:52:243

blasts off 什么意思

blasts off 爆炸blasts n. 爆炸( blast的名词复数 ); 一阵(疾风等); (吹奏乐器、哨子、汽车喇叭等突然发出的) 响声; 突如其来的强劲气流;v. (用炸药) 炸毁( blast的第三人称单数 ); 狠打; 发出刺耳的高音; 向…猛吹,(用水)向…喷射;[例句]The blasts were caused by pockets of methane gas that ignited.爆炸是由甲烷气囊被引燃造成的。
2023-01-01 00:53:101


blast 英[blɑ:st] 美[blæst] n. 爆炸; 一阵(疾风等); (吹奏乐器、哨子、汽车喇叭等突然发出的) 响声; 突如其来的强劲气流; vt. 击毁,摧毁; 尖响; 裁判高声吹哨; 枯萎:使枯萎; vi. 爆炸; 吼叫; 枯萎:枯萎; 攻击:严厉批评或猛烈攻击; [例句]There is a risk that toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere.爆炸后有毒化学物质可能会进入大气层。[其他] 第三人称单数:blasts 复数:blasts 现在分词:blasting 过去式:blasted过去分词:blasted
2023-01-01 00:53:151


2023-01-01 00:53:211


以下是英语教网的解释。Explosion is when the bomb goes off and blast is the next reaction.所以explode 是爆炸的前段 blast 是爆炸後下一段的反应。
2023-01-01 00:53:261


blasts; young cells;
2023-01-01 00:53:321

I think she"s a blast是什么意思

我认为她是(一阵)疾风。blast[blB:st; U.S. blAst]n.(一阵)疾风;强气流an icy blast of wind一阵冰冷的风A blast of wind blew the window and the door agape一阵风把门和窗子都吹开了。(爆炸所引起的)冲击波The blast from the bomb blew out all the windows in the area.炸弹爆炸的冲击波震破了这个地区的所有窗户。管乐器等的声音The driver gave a blast on his horn.汽车司机按了一下喇叭。He blew several loud blasts on his whistle.他响亮地吹了几声哨子。at full blast(工作、活动)达到高潮He was working at full blast in order to complete the order before the holidays.他正在全力以赴地工作,以期在假期前把定单上的事情处理完。blastvt.炸开(岩石)They"ve blasted away the rock to build the new road.他们已炸掉这块岩石以便修一条新的路。They"re trying to blast away the hill to pave the way for the new highway.他们试图炸掉这座小山丘为新公路通过。用炸药炸使枯萎而死The icy wind had blasted the new spring growth.寒冷的风摧毁了春天才生长出来的东西。咒骂Blast it!活该!;该死!Blast him!活该!;该死!应该是这样吧~
2023-01-01 00:53:416

e-blasts 是什么东西

网络爆炸?网络拥挤 崩溃等等。就是你的系统出现了问题
2023-01-01 00:54:022

blast seeds什么意思

2023-01-01 00:54:112


2023-01-01 00:54:193

primary human aml blasts 是什么细胞

2023-01-01 00:54:301


  《The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower》The force that through the green fuse drives the flowerDrives my green age; that blasts the roots of treesIs my destroyer.And I am dumb to tell the crooked roseMy youth is bent by the same wintry fever.The force that drives the water through the rocksDrives my red blood; that dries the mouthing streamsTurns mine to wax.And I am dumb to mouth unto my veinsHow at the mountain spring the same mouth sucks.The hand that whirls the water in the poolStirs the quicksand; that ropes the blowing windHauls my shroud sail.And I am dumb to tell the hanging manHow of my clay is made the hangman"s lime.The lips of time leech to the fountain head;Love drips and gathers, but the fallen bloodShall calm her sores.And I am dumb to tell a weather"s windHow time has ticked a heaven round the stars.And I am dumb to tell the lover"s tombHow at my sheet goes the same crooked worm.
2023-01-01 00:54:401


1975 Stephen (Hawking) issued a shocking conclusion : if the quantum theory entry into black hole as if not quite black! Instead, they will issue a minor to "Stephen radiation," the Holy Ghost. (including the radiation) photon, neutron and a variety of quality particles. This observation has never been visited. Because we have evidence that the black hole is a celestial being might have been the heat Mission buildings. The heat radiation would be completely submerged this weak (radiation) effects. If a black hole is a quality M (a solar quality, often as celestial quality measurement units translator), that it will only send 6 x blasts 10-8 Kelvin "temperature." Therefore, only a small black hole radiation will be more prominent. In particular, this effect is very interesting in theory, committed scholars have spent a lot of experience to understand how the quantum theory of gravitational combined with the consequences of what. Most dramatic : an isolated, the black hole will not absorb any material slowly radiation quality; Start slow, but growing fast. Finally, in the moment of its demise will be eye-catching as the atomic explosion, shed light. But one of the black hole M as a quality of life for all 1071M 3 seconds. Therefore, customers Diving into ghost (it has already begun looking for big explosions in the universe, generated by the demise of small black holes, but unsuccessfully). Why is this so? Well, you will find the origins of radiation, in many "popular" books, this explanation : And in any other places, but particles in the black hole of the evolving field of vision. They usually with particle-in the form of anti-particles formed and rapidly destroying each other. But in the vicinity of black holes field of vision, the possibility of destroying one of the former occurred on the black hole fell mortally wounded. Take another such blasts of radiation in the form of escape from. In fact this argument does not clearly consistent with the actual calculations. At least I have never seen the standard calculation on the way to explain how deformation particles slip profile. For this issue, I would like to stress that no one derive a "narrow" in the field of vision such as radiation blasts occurred near the interpretation. If any experts can conduct a correction, I would be happy to accept. Note : If this idea is precisely to the quiz, I will not be surprised. But I do not think that the calculations derive from the usual answer. The usual calculations involving cluster seemed husband (Bogoliubov) deformation. The idea is this : When you quantum of electromagnetic fields when you have to use classical physics equation (Maxwell Maxwell equation) and are frequently seen as two parts of the frequency and negative linear additive. Roughly speaking, a given particle, and another giving anti-particles; More accurate to say that such separation implies that the definition of the theory of quantum vacuum. In other words, if you use a method of separation, and I used another approach division, we view on the vacuum will not! This need not be too panic-stricken, this is somewhat disturbing. After all, the vacuum can be considered to be the lowest energy state. If we adopt a fundamentally different coordinate system, we will be completely different concept of time, which would have a totally different outlook on energy -- energy in the quantum theory as being defined as parameters H, the time to write out a prescription on exp (-itH) given. So on the one hand say that we have every reason to believe that in classical market theory, the basis of our different positive and negative frequency divided by different Xie -- time dependent on exp (-i breast t) linear combination Xie, known as being / negative frequency dependent on symbols omega-- Of course, this choice depends on the choice of time coordinates t. On the other hand, we can be sure that there will be different views on the minimum energy state. Now we return to the theory of relativity as a special case of that may Petrovsky (Minkowski) flat space. There is a significant under Curve (Lorentz) deformation zones separate "inertial framework," which gives a different time coordinate system. However, you may discover that a different coordinate system gives a different frequency plus or minus the Maxwell equation Xie does not distinguish between the concept totally. It is also not because they have different coordinates of the minimum energy position for the discrepancy. So all Guanxingxi observer for what is the particle, what is and what is anti-particle vacuum views are consistent. But in bending time and space, no such "best" coordinate system. So even very reasonable different coordinate system will be chosen in particle and anti-particle, or what have vacuum inconsistent. These inconsistencies does not mean that "anything is relative (theory)," because the existence of sound in different coordinate system to describe a system of "translation" formula, which is the cluster completely change her formula. So if black holes exist * On the one hand, we can solve the Maxwell equation in the most clear manner is divided into frequency, which is divided even in the distant future and away from the black hole also can do * On the other hand, we can solve the Maxwell equation in the most clear manner is divided into frequency, Even in this division (stars) Tansu into black holes (of) occurred in the distant past before the people can do. I gave above is the closest to the ordinary interpretation of the idea. On the distant future and away from the black hole where people do not see any black holes. The fact that there are other things to say : He was not entirely for this state of information, he saw a belt entropy state, in fact, a thermal state (here I assume that black holes are not eternal, So no black hole for the future return of discussion. Obviously the original calculation is legendary deal with such situations. But then the people to simplify the calculation by assuming that the eternal nature of black holes and "expansion" he explained. This is what the discussion of such issues : I saw a Shanshui version! ) In fact, when you make a cluster seemed husband deformation of the vacuum, you are a particle and anti-particle state. This may explain that mathematics and enlightening links. This is likely to make the usual enlightening explanation for such links are better understood than me.
2023-01-01 00:54:491

希望永远存在(English Version)克里斯汀

Yeah get up and move your feetSo close that you can taste itFeel the punch of your heartbeatIt"s time toget this doneYou know just what you"reriskingWon"t stop" til this battle"s wonWho are youWhen blasts of thundercrash and rageLike you"ve never seenYou"ll find my glory is downHead onlikeyoudoCause no one else is like youFrom the darkest night you know thatSoon hope will shine throughCause no one else is likeyouDanger rears it"s headBut in the endYour heart was meant to ring trueWhat lies ahead is grimIt"s tough but you can take itGrit your teethAndyou"ll push throughYeah no one else is like youThere isnothing you can"t doCause no one else is like youYeah sometimes you"ll find it"s hardLonely to be a heroLift your head and don"t look backIf they blame it all on youStand up and be their heroTrust in what you know is trueWho are youWhen blasts of thunder carsh and rageLike you"ve never seenYou"ll find my glory is downHead on like you doCause no one else islike youFrom the darkest night you knowthatSoon hope will shine throughCause no one else is like youDanger rears it"s head but inthe endYour heart was meantto ring trueWhat lies ahead is grimIt"s tough but you can take itGrit your teeth andyou"ll push throughYeah no one else is like youThere is nothing you can"t doCause no one else is like youThere"s nothing you can"t doThere"s no one else like youWho are youWhen blasts of thunder crash and rageLike you"ve never seenYou"ll find my glory is downHead on like you doCause no one else is likeyouFrom the darkest night you know thatSoon hope will shine throughCause no one else is likeyouDanger rears it"s head but in the endYour heart was meant to ring trueWhat lies ahead is grimIt"s tough but you can take itGrit your teeth andyou"ll push throughYeah no one else is like youThere isnothing you can"t doCause no one else is like you
2023-01-01 00:54:541

是in the bus还是on the bus

in the bus是强调在公车里,比如公车里有什么东西, on thebus是强调坐公车这个概念,表示出行的交通方式。一、in the bus词汇分析音标:[ɪn  ðə  bʌs]释义:在公共汽车上;在公共汽车里;在公交车上短语just in the bus 不过这是在车上的效果THE WHEELS IN THE BUS 公共汽车上a thief in the bus 公交车上的小偷in front of the bus 在公共汽车的前面拓展双语例句1、Police in Kunming have launched a manhunt for a suspect in the bus bomb blasts case. 昆明警方已开始对公交车爆炸案的犯罪嫌疑人实施大追捕行动。2、Didn"t you find the baggage left in the bus? 你在巴士上有没有发现遗失的行李?3、So, the driver had played a big joke on everybody in the bus. 时,全体乘客轰然大笑,原来司机对全车乘客开了一个大玩笑。4、The passengers all laughed when the driver cried,“April fool!” So,the driver had played a big joke on everybody in the bus. 当司机大声说“四月傻瓜!” 时,全体乘客轰然大笑,原来司机对全车乘客开了一个大玩笑。5、A bike is in the bus. 一辆自行车在这辆公共汽车里面。二、on the bus词汇分析音标:[ɒn  ðə  bʌs]释义:在公车上;在公交车上;乘公交车短语Bully On The Bus 校车上的小霸王 ; 校车上的小霸主ride on the bus 乘搭巴士 ; 乘坐巴士getting on the bus 上公共汽车Sitting on the bus 坐公交车上班拓展双语例句1、I made room for a woman with child on the bus. 我在公共汽车上为一位带着孩子的妇女让座。2、Sources publish event messages on the bus and event consumers subscribe to those messages. 源将事件消息发布到总线上,事件使用者订阅这些消息。3、You can see people using this thing on the bus, when they are walking or at home. 你可以看到人们在公共汽车上使用,当他们步行或在家这个东西。4、On the bus the busy businessman did a business with the buyer. 在公共汽车上,忙碌的商人与买主做了一笔生意.5、Talk to that cute girl on the bus. 与在车站的那个可爱女孩谈话。
2023-01-01 00:55:002

Astro-tourism Blasts off in Space Race II 这个标题怎么理解?

Astro-tourism Blasts off in Space Race II天文旅游爆炸在太空竞赛
2023-01-01 00:55:081

《In Cold Blood》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《In Cold Blood》(Truman Capote)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: h2ph书名:《In Cold Blood》作者:Truman Capote豆瓣评分:8.7出版社:Vintage出版年份:1994-02-01页数:368内容简介:On November 15, 1959, in the small town of Holcomb, Kansas, four members of the Clutter  family were savagely murdered by blasts from a shotgun held a few inches from their  faces. There was no apparent motive for the crime, and there were almost no clues.  As Truman Capote reconstructs the murder and the investigation that led to the capture,  trial, and execution of the killers, he generates both mesmerizing suspense and astonishing  empathy.  In Cold Blood  is a work that transcends its moment, yielding poignant insights  into the nature of American violence.作者简介:Truman Capote was an American writer whose non-fiction, stories, novels and plays are recognised literary classics, including the novella Breakfast at Tiffany"s (1958) and In Cold Blood (1965), which he labeled a "non-fiction novel." At least 20 films and TV dramas have been produced from Capote novels, stories and screenplays.
2023-01-01 00:55:141

【英文观影感】求《碟中谍4》的观后感想 英语的 大概300字!!!!!寒假作业 今天最后一天

2023-01-01 00:55:222

小学生 英语诗

2023-01-01 00:55:312


日期:2006年8月29日专辑曲目: 1.Deja Vu (Feat. Jay-Z) 2.Get Me Bodied 3.Suga Mama 4.Upgrade U (Feat. Jay-Z) 5.Ring The Alarm 6.Kitty Kat 7.Freakum Dress 8.Green Light 9.Irreplaceable 10.Resentment 11.Check On It (Feat. Bun B & Slim Thug) + Hidden Track 英文介绍:History may prove Beyonce"s B"Day to be a rare double-whammy of an achievement. Not only is it destined to hold up as one of the thumpingest, most polished-sounding discs of 2006, it"s also bound to loose a new phrase into the popular lexicon: a "freekum dress" (n.), as described on a same-named track halfway through this excellent CD, is a "right-fittin"" garment owned by every woman; "when they act wrong, that"s when you put it on." Linguistic hijinks aside, here is Beyonce as the public rarely sees her: fully liberated and artistically fearless. "Ring the Alarm," a big-banging, fire-alarm-clanging wake-up call to a cheating man, finds her seething; "Kitty Kat," a feline-like size-up of a stale relationship helped along by the still innovative Neptunes, shows her spurned; the womanly, fire-in-the-belly come-on "Suga Mama" gets her way, way worked up; and the crackling, vocally volcanic "Resentment" steeps her in Aretha-caliber soul. For all the disc"s solo trailblazing, though, where it really soars is on one of two duets with Jay-Z: While "Up Grade U" chugs along entertainingly enough about the good life ("I"m talkin" spa bags and fly pads and rooms at the Bloomberg"), opener "Deja Vu" blasts out a bomp-bomp beat nobody with a head to nod could resist. Cake, candles, and Cristal or no, B"Days rarely get this good. History may prove Beyonce"s B"Day to be a rare double-whammy of an achievement. Not only is it destined to hold up as one of the thumpingest, most polished-sounding discs of 2006, it"s also bound to loose a new phrase into the popular lexicon: a "freekum dress" (n.), as described on a same-named track halfway through this excellent CD, is a "right-fittin"" garment owned by every woman; "when they act wrong, that"s when you put it on." Linguistic hijinks aside, here is Beyonce as the public rarely sees her: fully liberated and artistically fearless. "Ring the Alarm," a big-banging, fire-alarm-clanging wake-up call to a cheating man, finds her seething; "Kitty Kat," a feline-like size-up of a stale relationship helped along by the still innovative Neptunes, shows her spurned; the womanly, fire-in-the-belly come-on "Suga Mama" gets her way, way worked up; and the crackling, vocally volcanic "Resentment" steeps her in Aretha-caliber soul. For all the disc"s solo trailblazing, though, where it really soars is on one of two duets with Jay-Z: While "Up Grade U" chugs along entertainingly enough about the good life ("I"m talkin" spa bags and fly pads and rooms at the Bloomberg"), opener "Deja Vu" blasts out a bomp-bomp beat nobody with a head to nod could resist. Cake, candles, and Cristal or no, B"Days rarely get this good9月5日,前天命真女组合(Destiny"s Child)主唱碧昂斯(Beyonce)的第二张个人专辑《B"Day》由Sony BMG发行。而在9月4日,也就是在她25岁生日这天,《B"Day》将提前一天在世界其他地区首先发行。 在这张专辑中,Beyonce亲自创作并联合制作了其中的所有歌曲。联合制作这张专辑的其他制作人还包括:里奇-哈里森(Rich Harrison),the Neptunes组合和Swizz Beatz,而首支单曲是一首由罗德尼-詹金斯(Rodney Jerkins)联合制作,与Jay-Z合唱的《Deja vu》。 12月22日,由Beyonce主演的电影《Dreamgirls》将在北美公映。这部电影主要讲述了老牌流行女子组合the Supremes的故事,而其他参加拍摄的明星还包括吉米-福克斯(Jamie Foxx),艾迪-墨菲(Eddie Murphy)和丹尼-格罗佛(Danny Glover)。今年一月,Beyonce在接受采访时曾说:“在完成这部电影拍摄之前我是不会着手创作新专辑的。我从来都没有为一部电影而这么激动过。我要把我的全部都献给这部电影,因为我知道这个角色就是为我设计的。”另外,Beyonce演唱的歌曲也被收录到了《Dreamgirls》的原声大碟当中。 在《B"Day》之前,Beyonce的首张个人专辑是2003年的《Dangerously In Love》。《Dangerously In Love》不仅在当年的Billboard 200专辑榜中成功夺冠,而且在美国至今的总销量已经达到430万张。另外,Beyonce还凭借《Dangerously In Love》获得2004年格莱美奖五项大奖,追平了女歌手在一届格莱美中获奖最多的纪录。 2005年,Destiny"s Child发行了该组合的最后一张专辑《Destiny Fulfilled》。这张专辑至今已在美国的总销量已经超过300万张,而其中的单曲《Check On It》更是在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中实现五连冠。另据此前报道,Beyonce的前队友,Destiny"s Child另一位成员凯丽-罗兰德(Kelly Rowland)的第二张个人专辑已经推迟到了2007年发行。 2007年2月12日,《B"Day》获得第49届格莱美最佳当代R&B专辑。精装版:CD1 Deluxe Edition01. Beautiful Liar (feat. Shakira) 02. Irreplaceable 03. Greenlight 04. Kitty Kat 05. Welcome To Hollywood 06. Upgrade U (feat. Jay-Z) 07. Flaws & All 08. Still In Love (Kissing You) 09. Get Me Bodied (Extended Mix) 10. Freakum Dress 11. Suga Mama 12. Deja Vu (feat. Jay-Z) 13. Ring The Alarm CD2 Spanish Disc16. Amor Gitano (feat. Alejandro Fernandez) 17. Listen (Oye) 18. Irreplaceable (Irreemplazable) 19. Beautiful Liar (Bello Embustero) 20. Beautiful Liar (Remix) 21. Beautiful Liar (Spanglish) 22. Irreplaceable (Irreemplazable - Nortena Remix) 更多图片和介绍:http://music.omynews.cn歌曲试听地址:
2023-01-01 00:55:402


William Blake - London I wander through each chartered street, Near where the chartered Thames does flow, And mark in every face I meet Marks of weakness, marks of woe. In every cry of every man, In every infant"s cry of fear, In every voice, in every ban, The mind-forged manacles I hear. How the chimney-sweeper"s cry Every blackening church appals; And the hapless soldier"s sigh Runs in blood down palace walls. But most through midnight streets I hear How the youthful harlot"s curse Blasts the new-born infant"s tear, And blights with plagues the marriage hearse. William Blake"s poem “London”, first published in 1974, deals with the difficult and hard life in London at that time. He describes how dirty the streets and the Thames is and how the poor people suffer hopelessly and how they are in dire need of money.. He has created a dark atmosphere, that"s dull and tiring. In the poem the speaker wanders through the streets of London and comments on his observations. He sees despair in the faces of the people he meets and hears fear and repression in their voices. The woeful cry of the chimney-sweeper stands as a chastisement to the Church, and the blood of a soldier stains the outer walls of the monarch"s residence. The nighttime holds nothing more promising: the cursing of prostitutes corrupts the newborn infant and sullies the "Marriage hearse." The main ideas in ‘London" that Blake is trying to put across are that London is a horrible, grotty place. He also suggests that the people in London live in fear and misery. The poem has four quatrains, with alternate lines rhyming. Repetition is the most striking formal feature of the poem, and it serves to emphasize the prevalence of the horrors the speaker describes. For example ‘every cry of every man". This suggests that everyone is upset and as a result of this they are crying and also the repetition of ‘every" really emphasises everyone of London. He also uses repetition of ‘every" to emphasise the idea that every man of London is suffering. The repetition may also symbolize the way in which things can be enforced into peoples minds, repeatedly doing things may cause them to become a habit. The language Blake has used in ‘London" is mainly negative, because he uses dark, gloomy adjectives, such as, ‘blackening". This suggests a dark, evil and corrupt scene. He does this to create a negative picture of London. Blake shows his disgust and hatred of the London he lived in. for example, he mentions the idea ‘Plague" for example, "Blights With Plagues the marriage-hearse". This suggests that even the happiest things, such as marriage are tarnished with disease. Blake also uses dark imagery to create a dark tone of the poem. There is also an example of juxtaposition in ‘London" when Blake put ‘marriage" and ‘hearse" together, suggesting marriage then death. The effect of placing a symbol of death next to marriage – a happy event is saying basically that happiest things in life are tarnished by disease, such as the plague, causing death. The poem ‘London" is written in four stanzas. The poem uses an ‘A, B,A,B" rhyming pattern, which is restricted to that beat. Blake also uses assonance for example ‘flow" and ‘woe". It has 14 lines and is written in iambic pentameter. Blake uses his rhetorical skills of alliteration, imagery, and word choice to create his poem, but more importantly to express the emotional significance that is implied. the central metaphor of this poem, the "mind-forg"d manacles" of the second stanza. Once more a vivid symbol explains a deep human truth. The image of the forge appears in The Tyger (stanza 4). Here Blake imagines the mind as a forge where "manacles" are made. Blake writes ironically of "the chartered Thames". The "weakness" and the "woe" (a strong word in 1794; =misery) of every person is plain to see "in every face", as in their cries, whether of adults or babies (stanza 2). the "hapless" (unfortunate) soldier is topical: the poem was written shortly after the start of the French Revolution: this was so bloody an uprising that the figure of speech called hyperbole (=exaggeration) was often used, as blood was said to be running down the walls. William Blake"s poem, "London", is obviously a sorrowful poem. In the first two stanzas point out to us that London is restricted by rules and regulations. Blake utilizes alliteration and word choice to set the sad atmosphere. Blake introduces his reader to the narrator as he "wanders" through the "chartered" society. A society in which every person he sees has "marks of weakness, marks of woe." Blake repeatedly uses the word "every" and "cry" in the second stanza to symbolize the depression that circle around the entire society. The "mind-forged manacles" the narrator hears suggests that he is not mentally stable. In the third stanza, shows us who are restricting the people of London, i.e the Church The Soldiers and the Palace/Monarch.Blake utilizes imagery of destruction and religion. This imagery is a paradox, which implies some religious destruction like the apocalypse. The "chimney-sweeper"s cry" symbolizes the society trying to clean the ashes that causes their state of depression. Blake uses the religious imagery of the "black"ning church" to represent the loss of innocence, and the society"s abandonment of religion. The use of the soldiers creates an imagery of war. The "hapless soldier"s sigh" symbolize how men are drafted into war and have no choice but to serve their country. As these soldiers unwilling march to the beat of the country"s forceful drum, they know their lives will be taken, as their "sigh runs in blood down palace walls." Blake uses this sense of destruction to explain how people are forced to repair the "weakness" and "woe" of their society. The fourth stanza of "London" unravels the complex meaning of the poem. The "youthful harlot"s curse" symbolizes how the youth"s sinful deeds will effect the next generation. Their "curse" causes the "newborn infant"s tear" which exemplifies how the new generation will have to correct the mistakes of the previous generation. The "plagues" also symbolizes this curse, and the "marriage hearse" creates a paradox, which confuses eternity and death. The poem climaxes at the moment when the cycle of misery recommences, in the form of a new human being starting life: a baby is born into poverty, to a cursing, prostitute mother. Sexual and marital union--the place of possible regeneration and rebirth--are tainted by the blight of venereal disease. Thus Blake"s final image is the "Marriage hearse," a vehicle in which love and desire combine with death and destruction. William Blake"s "London" is a poem about a society that is troubled by the mistakes of the generation before. Blake uses the rhetorical components of imagery, alliteration, and word choice to illustrate the meaning of the poem. What exactly does this poem mean? Blake creates complexity by using his rhetorical skills, which in turn opens up the poem for personal interpretation.
2023-01-01 00:55:522


2023-01-01 00:56:0016


To Shaxian, in addition to mountain worship Wofo addition, you must must must not miss Shaxian snacks. Shaxian snack has a long history, it belongs to the South as a snack cuisine, beautiful natural mention exquisite workmanship, it is worth mentioning that Shaxian snacks from the original folk people lug pole to choose, traveling salesman selling now developed into shops everywhere, walking in the large-scale industrialization of the track of development of the employment hot spots. Today, the flower has opened Shaxian snacks all over the motherland, river north and south, because it"s "small", both delicate and delicious, but too small inexpensive but unique flavor, so Shaxian customers a wide range of snacks. And its operating costs are lower, which is why stimulating economic growth, increasing people"s income Shaxian play an important role. Shaxian snack on a lot of wonderful legends and realistic story of human history, the following I will give tell you a "Peng dinner with the officers and men of Shaxian snacks" story.Early in January 1934, Third Army Corps issued a long attack on the enemy garrison Luxing Bang sa command. Xiamao troops stationed in the vicinity of that time, Barry march on the road, in order to boost morale, commanders and soldiers to teach soldiers to sing "playing Shaxian" the battle song: "Red Army eastbound, play sand county, and actively attacking the enemy! Shaxian have Luxing Bang The two groups Canbing Shou isolate them, hey hey yo! ... ... "But the siege was not successful, the night of January 8 launched the first attack, continuous series of attacks on several occasions, has been hit on the 9th, have not won. 11, re-attack, due to high and thick walls, and no adds. 22, the afternoon of the third siege, remains frustrated. The early morning of January 25, Third Army Corps in the Army long-Peng, Yang Shangkun Army political commissar of the Third Army Corps Forces Command, once again attacked the enemy garrison Luxing Bang Shaxian forces. Third Army Corps troops were clearing the wall first in the west gate of more than a 20-meter-wide gap, and then scored the city, the occupation Shaxi shore gun turret. Third Army Corps forces and the Ministry of Lu in the city engaged in a fierce fighting in the streets, to 8 am, they completely annihilated the enemy garrison the city, outside the water south and all of the enemy inside the fort surrendered, the Red Army captured Shaxian. At that time the Kuomintang Shaxian Magistrate Liu Qiming Third Army Corps was also captured and became prisoners.After the capture of Shaxian Third Army Corps, Army headquarters in rejuvenating Temple, Army chief Peng, Army political commissar Yang Shangkun live in Xingguo Temple. Peng, Yang hosted a banquet inside the mosque, in the siege of the deal in a neutral engineering company of Liu Geng, deputy company commander and other 67 officers and men. Peng on the sergeant said, this time we attack Saudi town is not easy, half a month, we have to attack several times before capture. Heard Shaxian famous snack, I have the honor of hero siege, they are asked to eat sa snack. Mess in the city invited Shaxian Chef Chang Chang. Army chief Peng Zhang Changan heard please siege hero, they may take the help cook, come and quartermaster discuss discharge of Shaxian snack menu: Mixed Pacific first egg, the second is his favorite white pieces of chicken soup, the first 3 is a yam stewed ribs, 4th Road xiamao Niu Fen Chang, 5th Avenue for the Hongwu tofu, 6th Road, for the sand Yang Bian Shi, 7th Road, Lake preserved duck for Cheng, 8th Avenue for the pearl balls, 9th Avenue to xiamao Man-stewed beef, 10th Road, South Xia loach powder dry, 11th Road, for xiamao beef jerky, 12th Road, for xiamao sweet dumpling. This wine dinner celebration, everyone was interested, the two drank wine altar xiamao winter. Peng tilt refers to the Great Mother, said: Shaxian snacks really wereChuan is true!
2023-01-01 00:56:547

天然气 轻烃储运的资料

Natural gas is a gaseous fossil fuel consisting primarily of methane but including significant quantities of ethane, propane, butane, and pentane—heavier hydrocarbons removed prior to use as a consumer fuel —as well as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, helium and hydrogen sulfide. It is found in oil fields (associated) either dissolved or isolated in natural gas fields (non associated), and in coal beds (as coalbed methane). When methane-rich gases are produced by the anaerobic decay of non-fossil organic material, these are referred to as biogas. Sources of biogas include swamps, marshes, and landfills (see landfill gas), as well as sewage sludge and manure by way of anaerobic digesters, in addition to enteric fermentation particularly in cattle.Since natural gas is not a pure product, when non associated gas is extracted from a field under supercritical (pressure/temperature) conditions, it may partially condense upon isothermic depressurizing--an effect called retrograde condensation. The liquids thus formed may get trapped by depositing in the pores of the gas reservoir. One method to deal with this problem is to reinject dried gas free of condensate to maintain the underground pressure and to allow reevaporation and extraction of condensates.Natural gas is often informally referred to as simply gas, especially when compared to other energy sources such as electricity. Before natural gas can be used as a fuel, it must undergo extensive processing to remove almost all materials other than methane. The by-products of that processing include ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes and higher molecular weight hydrocarbons, elemental sulfur, and sometimes helium and nitrogen.Chemical compositionThe primary component of natural gas is methane (CH4), the shortest and lightest hydrocarbon molecule. It often also contains heavier gaseous hydrocarbons such as ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10), as well as other sulfur containing gases, in varying amounts, see also natural gas condensate. Natural gas that contains hydrocarbons other than methane is called wet natural gas. Natural gas consisting only of methane is called dry natural gas.Nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide and trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide, water and odorants can also be present [2]. Natural gas also contains and is the primary market source of helium. Mercury is also present in small amounts in natural gas extracted from some fields[3]. The exact composition of natural gas varies between gas fields.Organosulfur compounds and hydrogen sulfide are common contaminants which must be removed prior to most uses. Gas with a significant amount of sulfur impurities, such as hydrogen sulfide, is termed sour gas; gas with sulfur or carbon dioxide impurities is acid gas. Processed natural gas that is available to end-users is tasteless and odorless, however, before gas is distributed to end-users, it is odorized by adding small amounts of odorants (mixtures of t-butyl mercaptan, isopropyl mercaptanthiol, tetrahydrothiophene, dimethyl sulfide and other sulfur compounds), to assist in leak detection. Processed natural gas is, in itself, harmless to the human body, however, natural gas is a simple asphyxiant and can kill if it displaces air to the point where the oxygen content will not support life.Natural gas can also be hazardous to life and property through an explosion. Natural gas is lighter than air, and so tends to escape into the atmosphere. But when natural gas is confined, such as within a house, gas concentrations can reach explosive mixtures and, if ignited, result in blasts that could destroy buildings. Methane has a lower explosive limit of 5% in air, and an upper explosive limit of 15%. Explosive concerns with compressed natural gas used in vehicles are almost non-existent, due to the escaping nature of the gas, and the need to maintain concentrations between 5% and 15% to trigger explosions.Energy content, statistics and pricingQuantities of natural gas are measured in normal cubic meters (corresponding to 0°C at 101.325 kPaA) or in standard cubic feet (corresponding to 60 °F (16 °C) and 14.73 PSIA). The gross heat of combustion of one normal cubic meter of commercial quality natural gas is around 39 megajoules (≈10.8 kWh), but this can vary by several percent. In US units, one standard cubic foot of natural gas produces around 1,030 British Thermal Units (BTUs). The actual heating value when the water formed does not condense is the net heat of combustion and can be as much as 10% less.The price of natural gas varies greatly depending on location and type of consumer. In 2007, a price of $7 per 1,000 cubic feet (28 m³) was typical in the United States. The typical caloric value of natural gas is roughly 1,000 BTU per cubic foot, depending on gas composition. This corresponds to around $7 per million BTU"s, or around $7 per gigajoule. In April 2008, the wholesale price was $10 per 1,000 cubic feet (28 m³) ($10/MBTU) [5]. The residential price varies from 50% to 300% more than the wholesale price. At the end of 2007, this was $12-$16 per 1000 ft3 (or MBTU) [6]. Natural gas in the United States is traded as a futures contract on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Each contract is for 10,000 MMBTU (gigajoules), or 10 billion BTU"s. Thus, if the price of gas is $10 per million BTU"s on the NYMEX, the contract is worth $100,000.In the United States, retail sales are often in units of therms (th); 1 therm = 100,000 BTU. Gas meters measure the volume of gas used, and this is converted to therms by multiplying the volume by the energy content of the gas used during that period, which varies slightly over time. Wholesale transactions are generally done in decatherms (Dth), or in thousand decatherms (MDth), or in million decatherms (MMDth). A million decatherms is roughly a billion cubic feet of natural gas.Natural gas is also traded as a commodity in Europe, principally at the United Kingdom NBP and related European hubs, such as the TTF in the Netherlands.In the rest of the world, LNG (liquified natural gas) and LPG (liquified petroleum gas) is traded in metric tons or mmBTU as spot deliveries. Long term contracts are signed in metric tons. The LNG and LPG is transported by specialized transport ships, as the gas is liquified at cryogenic temperatures. The specification of each LNG/LPG cargo will usually contain the energy content, but this information is in general not available to the public.Natural gas processingThe image below is a schematic block flow diagram of a typical natural gas processing plant. It shows the various unit processes used to convert raw natural gas into sales gas pipelined to the end user markets.The block flow diagram also shows how processing of the raw natural gas yields byproduct sulfur, byproduct ethane, and natural gas liquids (NGL) propane, butanes and natural gasoline (denoted as pentanes +).Storage and transportThe major difficulty in the use of natural gas is transportation and storage because of its low density. Natural gas pipelines are economical, but are impractical across oceans. Many existing pipelines in North America are close to reaching their capacity, prompting some politicians representing colder areas to speak publicly of potential shortages.LNG carriers can be used to transport liquefied natural gas (LNG) across oceans, while tank trucks can carry liquefied or compressed natural gas (CNG) over shorter distances. They may transport natural gas directly to end-users, or to distribution points such as pipelines for further transport. These may have a higher cost, requiring additional facilities for liquefaction or compression at the production point, and then gasification or decompression at end-use facilities or into a pipeline.In the past, the natural gas which was recovered in the course of recovering petroleum could not be profitably sold, and was simply burned at the oil field (known as flaring). This wasteful practice is now illegal in many countries. Additionally, companies now recognize that value for the gas may be achieved with LNG, CNG, or other transportation methods to end-users in the future. The gas is now re-injected back into the formation for later recovery. This also assists oil pumping by keeping underground pressures higher. In Saudi Arabia, in the late 1970s, a "Master Gas System" was created, ending the need for flaring. Satellite observation unfortunately shows that some large gas-producing countries still use flaring[12] and venting[13] routinely. The natural gas is used to generate electricity and heat for desalination. Similarly, some landfills that also discharge methane gases have been set up to capture the methane and generate electricity.Natural gas is often stored in underground caverns formed inside depleted gas reservoirs from previous gas wells, salt domes, or in tanks as liquefied natural gas. The gas is injected during periods of low demand and extracted during periods of higher demand. Storage near the ultimate end-users helps to best meet volatile demands, but this may not always be practicable.With 15 nations accounting for 84% of the world-wide production, access to natural gas has become a significant factor in international economics and politics. In this respect, control over the pipelines is a major strategic factor.....
2023-01-01 00:57:192