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2023-05-19 14:13:23
TAG: 翻译 法语


Que L"amour Est Violent - GAROU


Et juste au moment ou j"etais bien tout seul

Tu m"arrives comme un coup d"poing sur la gueule

L"autoroute de ma vie filait tout droit devant

Notre rencontre est un accident

J"ai envie de crier comme un nouveau-ne

De hurler comme un animal traque







Que l"amour est violent

Mais violent par dedans

L"amour est violent

Violent comme un volcan

Violent par dedans

L"amour est violent

Que l"amour est violent

Violent par dedans









J"ai erre sur les routes et au coeur des villes

Connu des madones et des filles faciles

Devant toi tout a coup je tombe a genoux

Du coup tu me passes la corde au cou


认识了一些随便的女孩 (这句不是很确定,des madones和随便的女孩意思联系不起来,)

我立刻臣服在你脚下 (跪倒在石榴裙下的感觉)

当你把绳子挂在我脖子上时 (诱惑的感觉)

L"amour ne vient jamais la ou on l"attendait

Je l"ai cherche mais sans le trouver

Quand ca vous surprend comme un coup de sang

On redevient adolescent

爱情总是在不经意时出现 (原句:爱情从来不出现在我们等待的地方)



就仿佛回到了青少年的时候 (青涩和冲动的象征啊,这是自己感想,可以无视。)

T"aimer me rend violent

Me rend violent

Me rend violent




Parc" que la verite ne ressemble a rien

Tu me ferais marcher sur les mains

Si tu me demandais de croire a demain

Je me retournerais contre mon destin

Tu me ferais planter des fleurs dans ton jardin

Et m"endormir dans des draps de satin


你让我倒立 (囧,我也不理解这里,你让我用手走路。。)





Que l"amour est violent

Mais violent par dedans

L"amour est violent

Violent comme un volcan

Violent par dedans

L"amour est violent

Que l"amour est violent

Violent par dedans


Tu me rends jaloux, me rend fou

Je tire sur le premier qui bouge

Prends garde a moi quand je vois rouge

Meme si je suis doux comme un loup


我会毙了第一个背叛的人 (他们之前第一个背叛的人)



Et si tu me fais la vie dure

Au lieu de frapper dans les murs

J"irai vers d"autres aventures

Chercher l"homme libre que j"etais

Avant de tomber devant ta beaute






Et juste au moment ou j"etais bien tout seul

Tu m"arrives comme un coup d"poing sur la gueule

L"autoroute de ma vie filait tout droit devant

Notre rencontre est un accident

J"ai envie de crier comme un nouveau-ne

De hurler comme un animal traque

Que l"amour est violent

Mais violent par dedans

L"amour est violent

Violent comme un volcan

Violent par dedans

L"amour est violent

Que l"amour est violent

Violent par dedans


Mais quand tu te rends a mes caresses

Ma violence se change en tendresse

Que l"amour est violent

Violent par dedans






什么爱是暴力的-的GAROU 和直行,当时我刚好在其自己的,当您到达我面对的拳头在我生命中的高速公路加快我们的会议是一个意外我想哭作为一个新生由内而外的爱是暴力的尖叫像一个动物跟踪,爱是暴力,但暴力暴力暴力与暴力的爱像火山内的爱是暴力的暴力通过在我漫步在公路上和城市中心已知的圣母像和容易的女孩在你面前,突然间,我就跪下来,所以你通过我的绞索爱永远不会到来,我们等待着我试图找到,但是当你CA的惊喜中风是青少年成为暴力了我的就只会令我更猛烈的暴力,让我公园"的道理是一样没有你,我走我的手,我爱你,如果你我相信明天我回去对我的命运,你我在你的花园里种花,去睡觉的绸缎床单,爱是由内而外的爱像火山一样暴力暴力暴力暴力,但暴力由内而外的爱是暴力的,暴力由内而外你让我嫉妒,爱是暴力,让我疯狂我拍的第一人,谁的动作小心的我,当我看到一个红色的,即使我像狼一样甜,如果你我是一个勤奋,而不是击中墙壁,我是你的美丽秋天之前之前,当时我刚好在我自己的,你让我到达,我会去其他冒险搜索自由人作为一个快速拳打在脸上我生命中的高速公路加速直行我们的会议是一个意外,我想尖叫像一个新生的尖叫像一个动物的跟踪,爱是暴力,但暴力的里面爱情是暴力与暴力的爱像火山内的暴力是暴力的爱是暴力的暴力由内而外的,但是当你去我的爱抚我的暴力变成柔情的爱是暴力的暴力通过在真的非常喜欢这首歌,先谢谢了!


Que l"amour est violent 爱情多么猛烈

Et juste au moment où j"étais bien tout seul就在我孑然一身的时刻

Tu m"arrives comme un coup d"poing sur la gueule你来了,像是嘴上挨了一拳

L"autoroute de ma vie filait tout droit devant生活的路在我眼前笔直地展开

Notre rencontre est un accident我们的相遇是场灾难

J"ai envie de crier comme un nouveau-né我想如新生儿一样哭喊

De hurler comme un animal traqué像被捕的野兽一样嚎叫

Que l"amour est violent爱情是多么凶猛

Mais violent par dedans是隐性的暴力

L"amour est violent爱情凶猛

Violent comme un volcan猛烈的如同火山

Violent par dedans爆发在内里

J"ai erré sur les routes et au cœur des villes我在市中心的街道上游荡

Connu des madones et des filles faciles著名的圣母像和纯洁的姑娘

Devant toi tout à coup je tombe à genoux出现在我面前,我立即双膝跪地

Du coup tu me passes la corde au cou就这一下子,你将绳索套上了我的脖颈

L"amour ne vient jamais là où on l"attendait爱情不会去我们等待的地方

Je l"ai cherché mais sans le trouver踏破铁鞋无觅处

Quand ça vous surprend comme un coup de sang得来全不废功夫,像似被输了血

On redevient adolescent重新回到少年时代

T"aimer me rend violent爱你把我整疯了

Me rend violent让我凶猛

Me rend violent令我痴狂

Parc" que la vérité ne ressemble à rien因为真理什么也不像

Tu me ferais marcher sur les mains你让我走在你的掌心上

Si tu me demandais de croire à demain如果你让我相信明天

Je me retournerais contre mon destin我就会鼓起勇气与命运抗挣

Tu me ferais planter des fleurs dans ton jardin你让我在你的花园里种花

Et m"endormir dans des draps de satin让我蜷缩在你缎子做的床单里

Que l"amour est violent爱情是多么凶猛

Mais violent par dedans这隐性的暴力

L"amour est violent危险至极

Violent comme un volcan是休眠的火山

Violent par dedans爆发在内里

Tu me rends jaloux, me rend fou你让我嫉妒,令我疯狂

Je tire sur le premier qui bouge我会射向第一个移动的物体

Prends garde à moi quand je vois rouge看守我吧,当我的双眼发红

Même si je suis doux comme un loup尽管我如同狼一般温顺

Et si tu me fais la vie dure宁愿你让我的生命艰辛

Au lieu de frapper dans les murs也不愿拳头直打墙

J"irai vers d"autres aventures我会去冒更多的险

Chercher l"homme libre que j"étais寻找那个曾经自由的我

Avant de tomber devant ta beauté在拜倒于你的美丽之前


Mais quand tu te rends à mes caresses当你投入我的怀抱

Ma violence se change en tendresse我的暴力就变成温柔

Que l"amour est violent爱情多么猛烈

Violent par dedans隐性暴力






2022-12-31 22:17:132


violent[英][ˈvaɪələnt][美][ˈvaɪələnt]adj.暴力引起的; 剧烈的,(风,爆炸等)猛烈的,狂暴的; 感情强烈的; 颜色强烈的; 最高级:most violent比较级:more violent例句:1.This year"s furor has occasionally reached violent levels. 今年的冲突则不时升级为暴力活动
2022-12-31 22:17:221


violent的名词是violence,没有动词。violent发音:英["vaɪələnt] 美["vaɪələnt]                          adj. 猛烈的;强烈的;暴力的;极端的例句:1、The soldiers launched into a violent attack.士兵们展开猛烈的攻击。2、The violent blow sent him down on his knees.那猛烈的一击使他跪倒在地。扩展资料:turbulent,stormy,violent,wild,fierce这些形容词均含“剧烈的,凶猛的,狂暴的”之意。turbulent正式用词,多用描写风和水,也可指心神不定或控制不住的感情波动。stormy指风雨大作,也指人很激动的感情。violent普通用词,指人时侧重极为不安,异常激,暗含有达或暴力行为;也指破坏性的或不可控制的自然力量。wild普通用词,既可指自然界的荒芜,未被驯化状态,又指人的无法无天,不文明的野蛮行为。fierce普通用词,指人或兽的凶猛残酷。
2022-12-31 22:17:271


2022-12-31 22:17:364


“凶猛“用英语说:fierceness发音:英 [fɪəsnəs] 美 [fɪrsnəs] 具体释义:n. 凶猛;强烈例句:1、A partridge, indeed, with a brood of ten behind her, ran forward threatingly, but soon repented of her fierceness, and clucked to her young ones not to be afraid. 一只身后随着十只雏鸟的雌鹧鸪,确曾冲上前来威吓她,但很快就后悔那么凶,还咯咯叫着她的孩子不必害怕。2、He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them. 他使猛烈的怒气,和忿怒,恼恨,苦难,成了一群降灾的使者,临到他们。
2022-12-31 22:17:544


violence英:[ˈvaɪələns]美:[ˈvaɪələns]词典:violenceforcerough workstrong armthe mailed fist例句:我呼吁每个人都放弃使用暴力和武装斗争。I call on everyone to renounce the use of violence and armed struggle
2022-12-31 22:18:103


2022-12-31 22:18:227


2022-12-31 22:18:481


迅猛的英文:quick and violent。参考例句:1、The hunters were buffaloed by these powerful,speedy,ornery creatures who were so hard to control。这些强壮、迅猛、暴躁的动物如此难以制服,猎人束手无策。2、The population was still exploding。人口仍在迅猛增长。3、The current sets strongly eastwards。急流迅猛东去。4、Global trade in manufactured goods has increased dramatically。全球制造业贸易增长迅猛。5、The furious advance of the allies suddenly subsided。盟军的迅猛挺进突然停了下来。6、The policy tried to check the exponential growth of public expenditure。该政策试图控制公共开支的迅猛增长。7、In spite of the recession,profits have galloped ahead。尽管还处于萧条期,利润却迅猛增长。8、In the meantime,cellphone use worldwide surges。与此同时,便携式电话在全球的使用量迅猛飙升。9、With a swift kick,he sent the pistol flying。他迅猛一脚把手枪踢飞了。10、The storm burst upon us in all its fury。暴风雨突然向我们迅猛袭来。词组分开解析。一、Quick作为形容词跟副词的不同意义。形容词:快的;迅速的;灵活的;灵敏的;伶俐的。副词:快地;迅速地。参考例句:1、Quick at meal,quick at work。吃得快,做得快。2、Quick decision is characteristic of him。快速决定是他的特征。3、He runs as quick as a deer。他跑得跟鹿一样快。4、Be slow to promise and quick to perform。不轻诺,诺必果5、A quick survey or glance。快速的浏览或瞥视。二、violent作为形容词的意义。形容词:暴力的,感情强烈的,猛烈的,强烈的。参考例句:1、Violently advattack,disagree,react violently。攻击、反对、反应十分强烈。2、To break or smash by striking violently;To strike violently;smash。猛烈地撞击;击碎。3、He was as violent as Nick underneath。在内心深处,他和尼克一样暴躁不安。4、The medicine produced a violent reaction。这药物引起了剧烈的反应。
2022-12-31 22:18:541


暴力的 [ "vaiələnt ]
2022-12-31 22:19:223

violent 、、 diamond这英语怎么读?

歪额轮扯 呆猛的
2022-12-31 22:19:382

violent 的名词是什么

violence n. 暴力
2022-12-31 22:20:053


disviolent。violent的否定形式是加前缀dis。英语中 常见的否定前缀有:un-、non-、in-、dis-、a-、de-、under-、anti-、counter-。根据其语义功能的不同分为四类:non-、in-、a-的意义相当not;de-属于逆转前缀,它把词干所表示的动作进颠倒;under-是表示“不充分”、“不完全”的程度前缀;anti-和 counter-表示一种反对的态度。例如:atypically: not typically,decode: to discover the meaning of something written in a code,undermanned: not having enough workers,counterattack: an attack made to stop, oppose, or return an enemy attack,Un-和 dis-各有两种语义功能。以 un-为例,如处于形容词、-ed 分词、-ing 分词三类词干前,其意义相当于 not;处于动词和名词词干前,则属于逆转前缀。
2022-12-31 22:20:161

violent 与brutal的用法区别

violent[英][ˈvaɪələnt][美][ˈvaɪələnt]adj.暴力引起的; 剧烈的,(风,爆炸等)猛烈的,狂暴的; 感情强烈的; 颜色强烈的; 例句:A violent explosion seemed to jolt the whole ground.剧烈的爆炸好像要把整个地面都掀起来。brutal[英][ˈbru:tl][美][ˈbrutl]adj.残忍的; 野蛮的; 无情的; 不讲理的; 例句:The 20th century brought brutal change to some countries.20世纪一些国家发生了无情的变化。
2022-12-31 22:20:221


凶猛 [xiōng měng] [释义] ferocious; ferocity; violent; terrible; 全部释义>>[例句]一只凶猛的熊就要来了!There"s a fierce bear coming!
2022-12-31 22:20:292


凶猛[xiōng měng]ferocious; ferocity ; violent; terrible; 例句:一只凶猛的熊就要来了!There"s a fierce bear coming!
2022-12-31 22:20:388


2022-12-31 22:21:081

violent content是什么意思

violent content暴力成分
2022-12-31 22:21:133


violent- is already an adjshe is very violent.
2022-12-31 22:21:251

these violent delights have violent ends是什么意思

这场残暴的欢愉,终将以残暴终结,出自莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》第二幕 第六场。
2022-12-31 22:21:304


烈烈的去死Violent death to deathviolent 英[ˈvaɪələnt] 美[ˈvaɪələnt] [例句]A quarter of current inmates have committed violent crimes.[其他] 比较级:more violent 最高级:most violent
2022-12-31 22:21:541


It"s said that a violent snowstorm will hit South-eastern areas.
2022-12-31 22:22:001

Violent Pornography 歌词

歌曲名:《Violent Pornography》歌手:System Of A Down专辑:《Mezmerize》发行时间:2005-06-09 流派:流行 发行公司:SONY MUSIC歌词:Everybody, everybody, everybody livin now,Everybody, everybody, everybody f*cks,Everybody, everybody, everybody livin now,Everybody, everybody, everybody sucks,Everybody, everybody, everybody livin now,Everybody, everybody, everybody cries,Everybody, everybody, everybody livin now,Everybody, everybody, everybody dies,It"s a non-stop discoBet you it"s NabiscoBetcha didn"t know, WOO HOONon-stop discoBet you it"s NabiscoBetcha didn"t know, WOO HOONon-stop discoBetcha didn"t knowBetcha didn"t knowNon-stop discoBetcha didn"t knowBetcha didn"t knowBetcha didn"t knowEverybody, everybody, everybody livin now,Everybody, everybody, everybody f*cks,Everybody, everybody, everybody livin now,Everybody, everybody, everybody sucks,Everybody, everybody, everybody livin now,Everybody, everybody, everybody dies,Everybody, everybody, everybody livin now,Everybody, everybody, everybody cries,It"s a non-stop discoBet you it"s NabiscoBetcha didn"t know, WOO HOONon-stop discoBet you it"s NabiscoBetcha didn"t know,WOO HOONon-stop discoBetcha didn"t knowBetcha didn"t knowNon-stop discoBetcha didn"t knowBetcha didn"t knowBetcha didn"t knowIt"s a violent pornography,Choking chicks and sodomy,The kinda shit you get on your TV.It"s a violent pornography,Choking chicks and sodomy,The kinda shit you get on your TV,Everybody, everybody, everybody livin now,Everybody, everybody, everybody sucks,Everybody, everybody, everybody livin now,Everybody, everybody, everybody f*cks,Everybody, everybody, everybody livin now,Everybody, everybody, everybody dies,Everybody, everybody, everybody livin now,Everybody, everybody, everybody cries,It"s a non-stop discoBet you it"s NabiscoBetcha didn"t know, WOO HOONon-stop discoBet you it"s NabiscoBetcha didn"t know, WOO HOONon-stop discoBetcha didn"t knowBetcha didn"t knowNon-stop discoBetcha didn"t knowBetcha didn"t knowBetcha didn"t knowIt"s a violent pornography,Choking chicks and sodomy,The kinda shit you get on your TV,It"s a violent pornography,Choking chicks and sodomy,The kinda shit that"s on your TV,It"s a violent pornography,Choking chicks and sodomy,The kinda shit that"s on your TV,It"s on the TVF*ckTurn off your TV,Can you say "brainwashing"B, b, b, brainwashingIt"s a non-stop disco试听:
2022-12-31 22:22:062


violentadj. 暴力的;猛烈的 是形容词
2022-12-31 22:22:142


猛烈基本翻译violentfiercevigorous猛烈地基本翻译fiercelyhardviolentlywith a vengeancelike the devil网络释义猛烈地:fiercely ad | Violentemente | heavily
2022-12-31 22:22:237

most violent是什么意思

most violent的含义:violent(暴力引起的)的最高级形式。violent 英[ˈvaɪələnt]美[ˈvaɪələnt]adj. 暴力引起的; 剧烈的,(风,爆炸等)猛烈的,狂暴的; 感情强烈的; 颜色强烈的;例句:He lived a life of the most violent action.他过的就是这种行为最最粗暴的生活。例句:But they are the most violent.但这种是最具暴力倾向的。
2022-12-31 22:22:496

1.什么是重读音节和非重读音节? 2.violent英音:["vaiələnt] 第二个e 是重读音节吗?

2022-12-31 22:23:122


激烈fierce; intense; violent; sharp; fury
2022-12-31 22:23:202


furious–adjective 1. full of fury, violent passion, or rage; extremely angry; enraged: He was furious about the accident. 2. intensely violent, as wind or storms. 3. of unrestrained energy, speed, etc.: furious activity. rage  /reɪdʒ/ –noun 1. angry fury; violent anger. 2. a fit of violent anger. 3. fury or violence of wind, waves, fire, disease, etc. 4. violence of feeling, desire, or appetite: the rage of thirst. 5. a violent desire or passion. 6. ardor; fervor; enthusiasm: poetic rage. 7. the object of widespread enthusiasm, as for being popular or fashionable: Raccoon coats were the rage on campus. 8. Archaic. insanity. –verb (used without object) 9. to act or speak with fury; show or feel violent anger; fulminate. 10. to move, rush, dash, or surge furiously. 11. to proceed, continue, or prevail with great violence: The battle raged ten days. 12. (of feelings, opinions, etc.) to hold sway with unabated violence. —Idiom13. all the rage, widely popular or in style. Related forms:rageful, adjective ragingly, adverb
2022-12-31 22:23:296


violent形容词 a. 1.激烈的;猛烈的;强烈的The boat sank in a violent storm at sea. 船在海上强烈的风暴中沉没。 2.由暴力引起的;暴力的[Z]She died a violent death. 她惨遭横祸。 3.极端的,极度的A violent impatience overcame him. 他变得极不耐烦。 4.狂暴的,凶暴的The madman was violent and had to be locked up. 这疯子十分凶暴,只好把他锁起来。 fierce形容词 a. 1.凶猛的;残酷的;好斗的My grandfather became fierce when he lost his temper. 我的祖父发脾气时变得很粗暴。 2.狂热的;强烈的;极度的After he got well Bob made a fierce effort to catch up with his classmates. 鲍伯痊愈后拼命用功,以期赶上班里的同学。 3.猛烈的,激烈的After a fierce battle the enemy was forced to retreat. 激战之后,敌人被迫撤退了。 4.【口】讨厌的;极糟的The weather is really fierce. 天气确实遭透。
2022-12-31 22:23:523

"violent and disturbing scenes"与"violence and disturbing scenes"意思一样不一样?

2022-12-31 22:24:082

violent crime has increased by 10 percent since last year.为什么violent前不加the?

2022-12-31 22:24:176


2022-12-31 22:24:391

in the (violent)什么意思

在美国每三十一秒就发生一起暴力型犯罪. p.s.好恐怖阿.
2022-12-31 22:24:441


violent的名词是violence,没有动词。violent发音:英["vaɪələnt] 美["vaɪələnt]                          adj. 猛烈的;强烈的;暴力的;极端的例句:1、The soldiers launched into a violent attack.士兵们展开猛烈的攻击。2、The violent blow sent him down on his knees.那猛烈的一击使他跪倒在地。扩展资料:turbulent,stormy,violent,wild,fierce这些形容词均含“剧烈的,凶猛的,狂暴的”之意。turbulent正式用词,多用描写风和水,也可指心神不定或控制不住的感情波动。stormy指风雨大作,也指人很激动的感情。violent普通用词,指人时侧重极为不安,异常激,暗含有达或暴力行为;也指破坏性的或不可控制的自然力量。wild普通用词,既可指自然界的荒芜,未被驯化状态,又指人的无法无天,不文明的野蛮行为。fierce普通用词,指人或兽的凶猛残酷。
2022-12-31 22:25:141


violent英 [ˈvaɪələnt] 美 [ˈvaɪələnt] adj.暴力引起的;剧烈的,(风,爆炸等)猛烈的,狂暴的;感情强烈的;颜色强烈的比较级: more violent 最高级: most violent例句A violent impact hurtled her forward 一股强大的冲击波把她向前抛去。
2022-12-31 22:25:221


violence n.暴力,强暴,暴虐; 猛烈,激烈; 歪曲(事实),曲解(意义); 冒渎,不敬; 扩展资料   They have called for an end to violence.   他们呼吁停止暴力。   What"s the point of all this violence?   这些暴行的意图何在?   The level of violence in the film really disgusted me.   影片中的暴力程度实在让我反感。   The incident brought the problem of violence in schools into sharp focus.   这次事件使校园暴力成为焦点问题。   Domestic violence is a regular occurrence in some families.   在某些家庭中,家庭暴力是常事。
2022-12-31 22:25:271


violent英 [ˈvaɪələnt] 美 [ˈvaɪələnt] adj. 暴力引起的; 剧烈的,(风,爆炸等)猛烈的,狂暴的; 感情强烈的; 颜色强烈的你多看两遍就记住了,记忆法什么的还真不告谱。
2022-12-31 22:25:331

英语中fierce和violent有什么区别?能用a fierce earthquake 吗?

2022-12-31 22:25:383


violent 英[ˈvaɪələnt] 美[ˈvaɪələnt] adj. 暴力的; 强暴的; 感情强烈的; 激情的; 由激情引起的; 猛烈的; 剧烈的; 强烈的;
2022-12-31 22:25:491


2022-12-31 22:25:542


2022-12-31 22:26:023

violent youth怎么读

violent 核心词汇 英 ["vaɪələnt]     美 ["vaɪələnt]    adj.猛烈的;强烈的;暴力的;极端的youth 常用词汇 英 [juːθ]     美 [juːθ]    n.青年时期;青春;青年
2022-12-31 22:26:131


vacant a.空的;未被占用的vacation n.假期,休假vacuum n.真空;真空吸尘器vague a.模糊的,含糊的vain a.徒劳的;自负的valid a.有效的;正当的valley n.(山)谷,溪谷;流域valuable a.值钱的;有价值的value n.价值;价格 vt.评价van n.大篷车,运货车vanish vi.突然不见,消失vanity n.虚荣心,虚夸vapour n.汽,蒸气variable a.易变的 n.变量variation n.变化,变动;变异variety n.多样化;种类;变种various a.各种各样的,不同的vary vt.改变;使多样化vase n.瓶,花瓶vast a.巨大的;大量的vegetable n.植物;蔬菜vehicle n.车辆,机动车veil n.面纱,面罩;遮蔽物velocity n.速度,速率velvet n.丝绒,天鹅绒venture n.&vi.冒险 vt.敢于verb n.动词verify vt.证实,查证;证明version n.译文;说法;改写本vertical a.垂直的,竖式的very ad.很;完全 a.真的vessel n.容器;船,飞船;管vest n.汗衫;背心;内衣veteran n.老兵,老手vex vt.使烦恼,使恼火via prep.经过;通过vibrate vt.使颤动 vi.颤动vibration n.颤动,振动;摆动vice n.罪恶;恶习;缺点vice n.(老)虎钳victim n.牺牲者,受害者victorious a.胜利的,得胜的victory n.胜利,战胜video a.电视的 n.电视view n.看;视力;风景viewpoint n.观点,看法,见解vigorous a.朝气蓬勃的village n.乡村,村庄vine n.葡萄树vinegar n.醋violence n.猛烈,激烈;暴力violent a.猛烈的;狂暴的violet n.紫罗兰violin n.小提琴virtually ad.实际上,事实上virtue n.善;美德;优点visible a.可见的,看得见的vision n.视;想象力;梦幻visit vt.&n.访问,参观visitor n.访问者;游客visual a.看的;看得见的vital a.生命的;有生命力的vitamin n.维生素,维他命vivid a.鲜艳的;生动的vocabulary n.词汇表;词汇,语汇voice n.说话声;意见;语态volcano n.火山volleyball n.排球,排球运动volt n.伏特,伏voltage n.电压volume n.卷,册;容积;音量voluntary a.自愿的,志愿的vote n.选举,投票,表决 比较全的在下面,但没有解释vacancyvacantvacatevacationvaccinatevaccinationvaccinevacillatevacillationvacuityvacuousvacuumvagabondvagaryvagrancyvagrantvaguevaguelyvaguenessvaivailvainvaingloriousvainlyvaisvaJvaJtFvalancevalevaledictionvaledictoryvalenceValenciaValentinevaletvaletudinarianvaliantvaliantlyvalidvalidatevalidationvalidityvalleyvalorvalorizationvalorousvalourvaluablevaluationvaluatorvaluevaluedvaluesvAlvvalvevAmpvampirevAnVancouvervandalvandalisevandalismvandalizevanguardvanillavanishvanishedvanityvanquishvantagevapidvaporvaporizationvaporizevapourvaqueroVARVargasvariabilityvariablevariable-lengthvariancevariantvariationvaricosevariedvariegatedvariegationvarietyvariousvariouslyvarnishvarsityvaryvaryingvascularvasevassalvastvastlyvastnessVATvaudevillevaultvaultedvaultervauntvauntedvauntingVboxVCDvCidvCisVCRvealvectorveerveganvegetablevegetablesvegetarianvegetarianismvegetatevegetationvegetativevehemencevehementvehiclevehiclesveilveinveiningvEJtveksVelcrovellumvelocityvelourvelvetvenalvenalityvendvendervendettavendorveneervenerableveneratevenerationvenerealVenetianVenezuelaVenezuelanvengeancevengefulvenialVenicevenisonvenomvenomousventventilateventilationventilatorventralventricleventricularventureventuresomeventurousvenueVenusVenusianVeraveraciousveracityverandaverandahverbverbalverballyverbatimverbiageverboseverbosityverbsverdantverdictverdigrisverdurevergeverifiabilityverifiableverificationverifiedverifierverifyverilyverisimilarverisimilitudeveritableverityvermicularverminvernacularvernalVerrazanoVersaillesversatileversatilityverseversedversemongerversionversusvertebratevertexverticalverticallyvertiginousvertigoverveveryVESAvesselvestVestavestigevestigialvestmentvestureVesurviusVesuviusvetveteranveterinarianveterinaryvetovEulvexvexationvexatiousVGAVHSviaviabilityviableviaductvialviandviandsvibevibrancyvibrantvibratevibrationvibratovibratorvicarvicaragevicariousvicariouslyvicevice-presidentvice-principalvicelikeviceroyVichyvicinityviciousviciouslyviciousnessvicissitudevicissitudesvicissitudinousvictimvictimizeVictorVictoriaVictorianvictoriousvictoryvictualvictualsvideovideo-CDvideo-recordervideodiscvideophonevideotapevideotexviEViennaVienneseVientianeVietnamVietnameseviewviewableviewdataviewerviewfinderviewpointvigilvigilancevigilantvignettevigorvigorousvigorouslyvigourVikingvilevilifyvillavillagevillagervillainvillainousvillainyvilleinvimVincevindicatevindicationvindictivevindictivelyvinevinegarvinegaredvinegaryvineyardvInsvintagevintnervinylviolaviolateviolationviolenceviolentviolentlyvioletviolinviolinistvioloncelloviosterolVIPviperviperineviragoviralvirginvirginalVirginiaVirgovirilevirilityvirtualvirtuallyvirtuevirtuosityvirtuosovirtuousvirulentvirusvis-a-visvisavisagevisceravisceralviscidviscosityviscountviscousvisibilityvisiblevisiblyvisionvisionaryvisionphonevisitvisitationvisitorvisorvistavisualvisualisevisualizationvisualizevisuallyvitalvitalityvitalizevitallyvitalsvitaminvitaminevitiatevitreousvitrifyvitriolicvitrovituperatevituperativevivavivacevivaciousvivacityVivianvividvividlyvividnessvivifyvixenvocabularyvocalvocalistvocalizationvocalizevocallyvocationvocationalvocativevociferatevociferousvocodervodkavogueVoicevoice-overvoicelessvoidvoidablevolatilevolatilityvolcanicvolcanismvolcanovolcanologistvolcanologyvolevolitionvolitionalvolleyvolley-ballvolleyballvoltvoltagevolubilityvolublevolumevoluminousvoluntarilyvoluntaryvolunteervoluptuaryvoluptuousVolvovomitvoraciousvoraciouslyvoracityvortexvotaryvotevotervotingvouchvouchervouchsafevowvowelvoyagevoyagervoyeurVRVRAMvulgarvulgarityvulnerabilityvulnerablevulpinevulturevying
2022-12-31 22:26:181

Let the storm comes more violent是否是:让暴风雨来的更猛烈些吧!的英文拼写?

2022-12-31 22:26:273


violent lens
2022-12-31 22:26:382

急求 描写灾难的英文词汇(名词与形容词)例如earthquake violent

heavy rain,strong wind,roar
2022-12-31 22:26:463

为什么激烈的讨论翻译为 heated discussion而不用violent 或者intense

Heated意为热烈的,通常与话题讨论等连用。如heated topics 热点话题violent意为猛烈的,侧重于凶猛的,暴力的意思 如violent issue 暴力事件intense意为强烈的,多用于人内心的感受 如 Aft seeing her ,I have intense feelings that she is my girl .看见她之后,我有强烈的感觉她就是我的菜。
2022-12-31 22:26:571


补充 动词 violate 侵犯,违反 造句:The bad driver violated the traffic rules
2022-12-31 22:27:023

请帮讲解一下以t和ce结尾的词的用法。 如Violence,violent【暴力的】

2022-12-31 22:27:131